Music Magazine Contents page


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Storylines are justified to the side.

Title (Contents) – bold, largest text.

Page numbers – help navigate readers around the magazine.

Limited use of colours – normally around three (Here: white, red and black)

Issue number – helps keep a house style

Magazine Logo – creates a house style

Main articles of magazine – represented as images; more eye catching then text. Page numbers of these features are also larger than others to stand out.

Q logo/page number found at the bottom of the page – found on every page, creates a house style.


Names of artists are in bold – brings readers attention to this

Many photos of various stars attract more fans to read the magazine

A ‘Subscribe’ section – persuades the reader to keep buying every magazine, or subscribe they can easily

Freebies section e.g. downloads – attracts reader to magazine because they are getting something else out of it

Editor’s letter – creates direct address and make the reader feel this magazine is personally for them

Magazine’s website

QR Code


Magazine title/page number found at the bottom of the page – found on every page, creates a house style.

A ‘Subscribe’ section

Storylines are justified to the side.

Page numbers – help navigate readers around the magazine Main articles of magazine –

represented as images; more eye catching then text. Page numbers of these features are also larger than others to stand out.

Issue number – helps keep a house style

Title (Contents) – bold, largest text.

Limited use of colours – normally around three (Here: pink, orange and white)

Many photos of various stars attract more fans to read the magazine

Freebies section

Magazine’s website

QR Code