My Blue Peter Music Badge Reward! · My Blue Peter Music Badge Reward! By Iona I received a Blue...


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Learning and loving on our journey with Jesus. To the greater glory of God

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

3rd July 2020

Dear Parents, carers and children!

So now we have the Government Guidance for a return to school in September. The document is available in the

public domain – see the link below:


We have already started building upon the Risk Assessment for the phased re-opening that allowed more of our

children into school in June but the final plan will be subject to local conditions and the approval of the Frassati

Catholic Academy Trust, as it was last time, but it is our fervent wish that we will be able to welcome all children

back to school in September.

Thank you for your feedback on the success of the ‘Zooms’ – this has taken some planning to ensure safety. It was

lovely to see so many of our Year 5s into school recently for their transition visit and I look forward to seeing so

many other pupils in for a visit just before the end of term. I know it has been an emotional experience for both staff

and children alike.

We were pleased to discover last week that the school has been awarded another CIF (Condition Improvement

Fund) Bid for replacing lighting and suspended ceilings around the school. This is long overdue work and we were

surprised that it was not granted in the work completed last summer. However, at the moment we have no further

information about the timings but the contractors are aware of the time constraints of the summer holidays.

Now let’s look at the news and pictures that have found their way to my in-box this week!

I always wanted to be a Blue Peter presenter – never made it of course but I became the next best thing – a primary

school teacher. So I was overjoyed when Iona shared this information with me!

My Blue Peter Music Badge Reward! By Iona I received a Blue Peter music badge this week, I was shown on their music/badge wall, and my picture of me holding

my guitar was zoomed in on. I sent in a form with my information on and a sheet to fill in about my guitar playing

and favourite music. I said to my mum “They will call you if they want my picture on the show.” and she said “No they

won’t Iona don’t be silly!” Weeks later, my mum had a phone call around 19.15hrs; obviously you would not pick-up

an unknown number at that time of night. Left on her phone was a long voicemail explaining they urgently wanted

me on their show, the lady who left it said she thought I was amazing! At this point I was astounded! I went weeks

without telling anybody until that Saturday morning 27/06/2020.

My picture showed me and my guitar {and my dog, Olive in the background}!


Liliana e-mailed me this week to share:

‘We thought that we wanted to share with you and everyone at St Mary's this amazing story. Last week

there was this unusual brown/ginger colour looking pigeon on our drive way, we assessed that he/she

was only a young bird who was on his first attempt to fly or falling off of his nest or most probably he was

just pushed away because of his colour as some animals can't accept differences. Since then he's waiting

for us on the porch then he fly happily to us to be fed. We are hoping that he might find a group or

companion and go, because that's nature.’

Without a Sports day this year we have missed all that fun. However, I do understand there was an alternative

sports day on the Moor – here we have the socially distanced sack race!


Signing is a very current way of showing how we are all inclusive. I was very proud to hear that Summer has been

learning to sign - that is quite an achievement! Perhaps Summer will be able to teach us all some phrases when we

return to school?

On a different theme Nils has been very green-fingered during closure. He has been busy growing plants with, as he

says, a little help from his parents.

Nils says:

These plants are bell peppers. Peppers are

really sensitive to temperature,

sometimes I need to open the doors and



Milly and Lola have made a wildlife corner with a new frog and toad pond. They also have a bug house with their

new cat Cooper adopted under the new Covid procedures from the RSPCA. I am so pleased to hear that the St

Mary’s family are all thinking about animals over these strange times. Taking on a pet is a great responsibility.

This is an avocado that now has massive

roots and is ready to go into a pot. It took

a long time to grow this.

I enjoy my little garden.

Has anyone else been

busy growing?

Remember Chloe’s



And whilst we’re thinking about new skills, Danny has been very busy in the Kitchen. Being able to cook is a great

skills so I am pleased to show you some of Danny’s work. Scotch eggs? That is impressive – well done!

So with all that lovely food we need to make sure we exercise – I was really pleased to see the message from Mrs

Weller about the Virtual School Games that St Mary’s has been awarded an overall Berkshire Spirit of the Games

award. Well done to all of you who took part and sent in their scores – you see we are all team St Mary’s wherever

we are.

Thank you everyone for your hard work at home and at school, your kind messages, your good wishes and your love

for our St Mary’s family.

Love and best wishes to you all,

Sandra Barry
