N i n j a N i n j a T a ct i cs


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Ninja Ninja Tactics: Version 1.01

A Jumpchain based off of the story by Viva01 Credit to Nanon, Ninjanon, and the IRC for the Original Naruto Jumpchain from which I

borrowed a fair bit. Welcome to the world of Ninja Ninja Tactics or as you may know it, the world of Naruto. The series takes place in a group of countries known collectively as the Elemental Nations. The political climate is a dead ringer of feudal Japan although it curiously has various modern amenities alongside more archaic technologies, but what makes the Elemental Nations special is the existence of Hidden Villages, special settlements controlled by military dictatorships that house ninja. Ninja, or Shinobi, are specially trained soldiers that can harness the power of Chakra, a combination of spiritual and physical energy that allows normal people to pull off superhuman feats, including techniques known as Jutsu. Ninja are basically state sponsored mercenaries, and most will take any job that doesn’t oppose their home nation for the right price. Some will even then. Assassination, intelligence gathering, massacring thousands of innocents to cover something up, so long as the client has the money, rest assured that somewhere a ninja would accept the job. Unlike the canonical series you will be starting shortly before the Third Great Ninja War. Things aren’t going to go the same as the canon timeline you are likely familiar with however. With the addition of many new capable individuals the tides of history are changing and knowledge of the original series will only get you so far. You will be spending 10 years here and to help you forge your way in this dangerous world I'll give you some help. Have +1000 Chakra Points or CP. And this is where I leave you. You begin as a Genin (the lowest rank of ninja, equivalent to a rookie) or your background’s equivalent at the same time and age as the up and coming genius Karasu Hatake who graduated at 5 years old. You keep your current gender. You can pay 50 CP to choose either age or your gender.

Backgrounds: In general you are considered a member of the village you start in but individual origins may deviate from this. Choose one background. Drop-In (Free): Pretty self-explanatory. No extra memories, no friends, no family, no experience, no nothing but yourself. You start with an apartment, a week’s worth of food and local clothing. You are considered either a guest or a member of the village you start in, at your discretion, and have the documents to prove it. Alternatively you may choose to have no records of your existence and begin with only your companions knowing of your existence. Prodigy (100 CP): Some people are born for greatness, Jumper. You are one of such people. It doesn’t matter whether you are a clan-born or an orphan, nothing will deprive you of your destiny. It won’t be long before you rise above your contemporaries on your own merits and show everyone how it’s done. What is it you ask? Anything you want it to be. Heir (100 CP): You are a member of a clan, but not just any member, you are either the sole heir or one of the candidates for the position. Naturally you start with an apartment or house where you and your family live inside of your clan's compound. You own local clothing as well as clan-specific clothing. You are considered a member of the village you start in, though should you have a Bloodline from another village you situation may be precarious. Your family, immediate and extended, will likely help you hone your ninja skills. You may select one bloodline of any cost that you receive a 50% discount for. Any other blood lines you purchase are waved away as a throwback to a previous inter-clan marriage. Ascetic (100 CP): Not everyone wishes to be a killer for hire, some have aspirations for a higher calling. Whether it be searching for spiritual enlightenment as a Monk, or perhaps searching for a lord to serve as a Samurai. Either way you have a greater focus on more esoteric techniques than the commonly used jutsu of the shinobi around you. You are considered either a guest or a member of the village you start in, at your discretion.

Entrepreneur (100 CP): Born to a wealthy family, your parents encouraged your interest in a variety of fields. Though you won't necessarily be inheriting the business, they've still taught what they can of business. Depending on who your family is, you may also know how to cook a mean bowl of ramen. You live in an estate, own local clothing, and can expect your family's servants to take care of meals for you.

Location: You can roll 1d8 for your starting location, or choose it for 50 CP. 1. Konohagakure: The Hidden Village of Leaves, based in the Land of Fire, and led by the Hokage. With an unusually high amount of S-Ranked ninja Konoha is often considered one of if not the strongest village. The use of Fire jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninjas of Konohagakure. They pride themselves on the will of Fire, a philosophy emphasizing teamwork and self sacrifice. They are based in a great forest. 2. Iwagakure: The Hidden Village of Stone, based in the Land of Earth, led by the Tsuchikage. Well known for the rock-hard attitude of its ninjas; as soon as an order is given the Iwa-nin follow them, even to death. The use of Earth jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Iwagakure. They are based in a barren plain of stone. 3. Kumogakure: The Hidden Village of Cloud, based in the Land of Lightning, led by the Raikage. Kumogakure has a poor reputation for relentlessly trying to amass power and techniques among the other Hidden Villages. The use of Lightning jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Kumogakure, though many of their ninja also use a sword. In this village, Jinchuuriki, those who contain and use the power of one of the nine great demons, are seen as powerful ninja of the village instead of mentally unstable super weapons. They are based on a giant mountain. 4. Sunagakure: The Hidden Village of Sand, based in the Land of Wind, led by the Kazekage. Unable to support a more normal ninja curriculum, they rely on having superior individual ninja, as opposed to a large force. Though they are allies with Konoha, they hold a grudge against the White Fang for killing so many of their ninja in the past. The use of Wind

jutsu is prevalent amongst the ninja of Sunagakure. Their Jinchuuriki is insane, and listens to the commands of his demon. They are the only village to make wide use of the ninja puppeteer arts. They are based in a desert. 5. Kirigakure: The Hidden Village of Mist, based in the Land of Water, led by the Mizukage. It earned the nickname of “Village of the Bloody Mist” from having the classes of ninja students to fight amongst themselves to death before allowing the survivors to graduate. Said practice might or might not have had a hand in the large amount of missing-nin which have abandoned the village. Also home to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, consisting of the greatest blade wielding ninjas of their generation that Kirigakure produces. The swords of the Seven are passed down from generation to generation through death combat. 6. Land of Iron: It is an icy, snow-covered country that is politically unusual in that it remains neutral to all other nations. Largely employs samurai instead of ninja, who are generally expected to come out top in anything even resembling a fair fight against a ninja. Their metalworking is highly advanced in comparison to the other nations. 7. Minor Village: There is more to this world than just the Big Five Hidden Villages and the nation of the Samurai. From the Land of Hotsprings to the Land of Snow to the Land of Demons there are many interesting countries that perhaps don’t get enough focus. Maybe you will be the one to bring these locations into the limelight? Regardless you may choose one of the lesser villages to start in. 8. Free Choice: You may also choose any village whether or not it's listed here, or even to have no village at all. It's all up to you now.

Perks: For every background they may select one of their associated 100 cost perks for free and perks from the higher tiers are discounted for 50% of their cost.

General Perks: Chakra (Free): Everyone in this world has the wondrous energy known as Chakra and now you do too. You may or may not have any practice accessing this pool of energy and you only start with the amount of your average Genin but there is potential for growth here. It is up to you if you wish to harness this gift or not. Should you wish to skip to a higher tier you may spend 200 CP per tier. The tiers are: Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Elite Jonin, Kage, Tailless Tailed Beast, One Tail, Two Tails and so forth. Elemental Affinity (First is free, 200 CP for additional): Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, and Lightning, most ninjutsu rely upon manipulating the elements, and you’ve discovered what element you’re naturally inclined towards and have some basic training in using it. Further training will increase the power and efficiency of the techniques using your element. You can use techniques for affinities you aren't naturally inclined towards, but they'll be weaker, less efficient, and the most powerful techniques will require much more effort to attain. If you do not wish to make full purchases of this perk you may roll 1d5 in order to determine your secondary or tertiary affinities for half off but you can only do this twice, should you roll an affinity you already have reroll until you get a new one. Chosen Specialization (First is Free, 100 CP for Second, Every additional doubles in cost): Specialists are those that focus their time and effort into select fields in order to maximize their effectiveness in those fields. Even just among ninja disciplines there are many forms of specializations such as Nin/Tai/Gen/Buki/Ken/Fuin/Iryo Jutsu. Pick any field to specialize in, even those not listed including non-combat related fields, you will start at Intermediate skill for that field and advance twice as fast in it. Narrower fields of specialization will have faster growth rates capping out at five times growth speed.

Drop-In Perks: Just Another Background Character (100 CP): You are nobody and for once this is a good thing. So long as you don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself you are capable of being unnoticed to the casual eye. This won’t stop you being found in searches but you can freely walk around like you belong in the vast majority of places. A Humble Guest (100 CP): There is a role that you are very good at playing, the well meaning guest. Much like the country the Elemental Nations are largely based off of as long as you are polite and don’t bother anyone too much you will be able to receive help and information from the locals. Don’t know where to eat? Just ask the kind old man walking by. Want to know where an inn is? The lady running the counter of store you just bought food from will tell you. So long as you play the role you will receive good advice but don’t try and push this too far, information that isn’t common knowledge isn’t going to be covered by this perk. Not Ninjas, Punch Wizards (200 CP): Ever notice that even though the common significant individual is called a ninja they tend to act more like wizards instead? Well that is now enforced a bit more strongly for you. What this means is that you aren’t at risk of dying an ignoble death from being poisoned while eating or some other anti-climatic death. This won’t protect you from being killed before you can react or from infiltrators on the front line but you don’t have to worry about dying out of nowhere in the safety of your own home. You’re Who of What? (200 CP): There are alot of people in this world. There is no shame in admitting that it is hard to keep track of everything. Well that isn't an issue for you anymore. You now have an eidetic memory allowing you to perfectly remember everyone you come across and what the circumstances were. Jumper the Wandering Troubadour (400 CP): Being no one has given you a tremendous advantage, the ability to invent yourself. You have taken to this with great aplomb and discovered a hidden talent for it. You can create any number of personas that a have a speciality and actually be better at that speciality while immersing yourself in that persona. Beware the Jumper Corps (400 CP):

Reputation can be a very powerful thing and you know this well. If you so choose you can take advantage of the lack of information about you to great myth that quickly spreads throughout your enemies and makes them far more wary of crossing you. The First of Many Steps (600 CP): Perhaps it’s the result of Chakra being new to your being, maybe it’s from knowledge of having read the source material, who knows the reason why but you have through meditation discovered your own path to Senjutsu. While you may not have any techniques to make use of your new found power the ability to achieve Sage mode is a great achievement in of itself. Continue your path and you may be one day spoken of in the same breath as the great Sage himself. The Mind’s Eye (600 CP): Amongst the inhabitants of this world there are those who can sense Chakra, feel the energy flowing through everyone and everything. And then there is you, someone who came from a world where there was no such energy. As such you are exceedingly sensitive to the energies around you. This allows to you sense Chakra from miles away and with training you will be able to determine the depth of an individual’s pool, who they are, and whether or not they are a clone all from a long distance away.

Prodigy Perks: Sung Before You Spoke (100 CP): Maybe it was singing, maybe it wasn’t but there is some skill that you are naturally inclined to and can apply to nearly every aspect of your life. A Talent for the Basics (100 CP): How can one call themselves a prodigy if they don’t already have the basics mastered? With this perk you start out with a great deal of skill for bukijutsu, taijutsu, and the Academy Three already mastered. From Control Comes All (200 CP): Ever since you were young the importance of control has been hammered into your head. As such you have spent considerable effort in improving your Chakra Control and have attained B-Rank levels of control. Additionally, the time spent improving your control has made it easier to improve your control in the future. This will help you with everything Chakra related that you will do.

Karasu is Bad at Stealth (200 CP): Don’t worry Jumper you can’t be good at everything, is what some will say to you incorrectly. You are very good at giving others the impression that there is something that you are not good at, even if it is something you excel in. This impression while lasting isn’t immune to you actually showing competency in said skill so be careful of who you use this on and what skills you show in front of them. Prodigious Relations! (400 CP): You’re a prodigy, and everyone around wants to see you excel in your fields. You’ll always be blessed with good fortune in finding teachers to mentor you. Not only this but you also are provided with opportunities to display your abilities and make new friendships. Patronage of the Gods (400 CP): Sometimes people just have a good day, this seems to happen far more often for you however. It seems you are truly blessed by the gods as things just seem to go your way at times. Whether it be a stroke of inspiration or your enemies tripping on the battlefield it’s clear that the very gods themselves wish for you to succeed. Exploding Criticals (600 CP): When you succeed, you succeed big. Every time you successfully do something you have a chance to achieve an even greater success. This is most likely to be a small increase at first, making food taste a little better or learning a little faster. But as time goes on and you hit your stride you can eventually pull off absurd feats like accidentally inventing a new super move, discovering that you had a hidden bloodline, or purifying the possession of an evil god. A True Genius (600 CP): It's not that you are good at anything, it’s that you can be great at everything. Within you is boundless potential and a hunger to learn that leaves everyone around you in the dust. While you can catch up to true masters in time you are far more suited to becoming an Ace of All Trades. If you follow this path be prepared for your peers to outmatch you in their fields of specialty however.

Heir Perks: Jumper of the X Clan (100 CP): Brand recognition is a common concept, acknowledging the greater whole that the individual represents. You are very good at representing whatever group that you belong to, both making use of the weight of the group, and having your actions reflect upon that group. Even before you ascend to leader, make your clan flourish. Good Old Fashioned Nepotism (100 CP): You are someone who is in line to lead a clan one day and those around you know this. This means people who want to curry favor in hopes you will pay it back one day. It will always be small things for whoever is helping you out, and there is some expectation that you will actually repay it someday but you find life is made easier for you by those you meet. Picking Up Strays (200 CP): Family is more than just sharing blood, it’s home, where you belong. You are an expert at sharing your home with others, inviting them into your family and truly making them feel like they belong. The rest of your family will also help to integrate the new arrivals provided they aren’t too incompatible. Elders Smelders (200 CP): In this world there is a tendency to give more weight to seniority then good sense. Clan Elders who spent their lives to get their positions and wield their power with impunity, often causing more harm than good for their clan. This isn’t as much of an issue with you, as Elders and those like them are more willing to listen to what you say. This doesn’t mean they will agree but they will honestly consider it. So go ahead, tell those old fools why their current hair-brained scheme makes no sense. To be a Proper Heir(400 CP): Well what sort of Clan wouldn’t do their best to look after their Heir’s education? Whenever you are set to attain an important position you will find opportunities to learn how to accomplish said position’s responsibilities open up to you. As long as you are diligent, you will always be ready for whatever position you attain. Kage Charisma (400 CP): In order to lead there must be those willing to follow. This is a non-issue for you. Whether it’s awe of your might, fear of your reprisal, or earnest belief in you, there is an

unmistakable effect you have on others causing them to want to follow your lead. This isn’t perfect but you should be able to lead most groups and not worry about insubordination unless you prove yourself to be unreliable. Family First (600 CP): As the Head of the Clan you will have many responsibilities. The first and foremost is to take care of the Clan. But can one person really look after an entire Clan? With this you won’t have to. Any group you lead will naturally acclimate towards taking care of and looking after each other becoming a true family. These values will be ingrained into the group itself and will never degrade or be corrupted. In addition to this any actions taken for the sake of the family will be more likely to succeed. Under your watch any group will become a family that will thrive and be happy until the end of time. Fire Made Manifest (600 CP): The Will of Fire is well known concept within the walls of Konoha, the belief of putting yourself at risk to protect your fellows, but what is will, without the power to back it up? The more people you are responsible for the more powerful you become. Your reserves swell, your reactions quicken, your thoughts sharpen. You become a more capable protector in every way so long as you earnestly act in the name of protecting your charges.

Ascetic Perks: Hone Thyself (100 CP): There are many tools at your disposal, but you recognize the most potent. You have accordingly trained your mind and unlocked the secrets of Alar. Although you only have the ability to make a single partition for now you can take this ability much further. The Samurai Spirit (100 CP): Samurai are not like Shinobi, they have a strict code of honor that must be kept through every aspect of life. You now know how to live by that code as well as basic skills in sword fighting and equipment maintenance. Go forth and bring honor to your name. Debating Philosophy (200 CP): It is not enough to know, you need to not only understand but understand how you know. You manage to do all three with ease which makes you particularly adept dueling others with words and wit rather than weapons. While not unbeatable you dominate

your chosen field of battle and are unlikely to meet your match in anyone less than the worldliest of individuals. Chakra Channeling (200 CP): The common technique of the Samurai, channeling your Chakra through the weapon you wield. You are a natural at this technique. Not only can you perfectly execute the base version you have the ability to develop additional versions of it. Add elemental flavorings, sharpen and condense it for additional cutting power, thicken it for a more durable weapon, it is up to you what you make. An Eternal Student (400 CP): There are those who believe themselves wise, that they know the best paths and methods in life. You are one of the few who can recognize them for the fools they are. There is always another step, another lesson in life and you are an astute learner. No matter what events come your way you will be able to accept them for what they are and learn from the experience. While you may not have the absolute best methods to accomplish your goals, you are certain to have better ones than those around you. Body of Steel (400 CP): Shinobi are cunning foes with a seemingly endless array of tools to defeat you with. You only need two things, your blade and your body. Watch and laugh as your opponents techniques and tools fail to so much as scratch your body as you are unusually suited to techniques such as Vajra Body. You learn these body based techniques faster and can take them further than most. In Perfect Synch (600 CP): Many before you have tread the path to Enlightenment but there is one in particular most wish to emulate, the God of Shinobi, the Sage of Six Paths. You may or may not be a descendant of his but you have managed to take the first step on the path to becoming a great Sage regardless. You have unlocked the secrets of Ninshu and are a natural at synchronizing your Chakra with that of others. This has three main uses for you. The first is Chakra sharing, you have 100% efficiency when sharing Chakra, be it your own or using someone else as the source. The second is communication, through connecting to the Chakra of others you can communicate ideas and feelings in a manner far more potent than words could ever be without any chance of miscommunication. The last is the most difficult to pull off but should you manage it you can synchronize with the Chakra in your enemy's jutsu and absorb it effectively undoing the jutsu.

A Slash Made One Thousand Times (600 CP): Practice makes perfect, you know this more than anyone. Not only do you specialize in swordsmanship you specialize in a particular technique. What this technique is up to you but you have practiced this technique to the point where not only is it peerless in execution it has taken on some supernatural effect. A combo strike becoming truly simultaneous for example. Moreover, you gain the ability to apply this process to any skill with enough time and effort.

Entrepreneur Perks: Supply and Demand (100 CP): The basics of running a business, recognizing when there is a need not being met and what you have to match that need. You know have the ability to recognize theses gaps with only a short amount of investigation into whatever area you wish to set up shop in. An Inviting Atmosphere (100 CP): Much like a certain ramen stand people love to meet others at your store. Whether it be a casual meet up or de-stressing after a mission you will find customers frequenting your store and boosting business even when they don’t really need what you offer. Earned Media (200 CP): An earnest good review is worth its weight in gold. Luckily for you those who partake in your business feel compelled to tell others about it. This doesn’t necessarily make what they say a glowing review or even a good one, so try to make sure you offer quality services and products. But actually make good impressions on your customers and you will find your business boom. Bookkeeping is Key (200 CP): Anyone with any sense will tell you one of if not the most important person in a company is the accountant. They track who is spending how much on what and make sure to keep the company in the black. You now can track with the best of them, knowing exactly how the business’s money is being spent at any given moment. Pioneer (400 CP): There are many things that you may be used to from your old world but few of them are here. You can change this however. You are an expert at introducing new concepts to

societies and not only having them be accepted but thrive. So go ahead introduced Movies or Maid Cafes and watch your creations flourish. A ‘Legitimate’ Businessman (400 CP): Interested in another aspect of commerce? With this perk you know all the tells and proper language to break into the ‘legitimate’ industry. Not only that you will excel there as you can get away with more than most, just don’t mess with anyone too important and no one with bother your company. Why would they? You are a ‘legitimate’ businessman afterall. Benzaiten’s Blessing (600 CP): Some people are good with money, you are GREAT with money. With simple investments you could go from rags to riches within a few years. Games of chance almost always go your way. You also have an instinctual sense for what would be the most lucrative decision if you have a handful of choices to decide from. If you already had a good amount of money to work with then who knows how rich you could become. Made By Jumper (600 CP): In order to run a business you need a product or service to sell. Not only do you have the product to sell, you have the best around. Whatever it is you wish to sell you know how to procure the highest quality materials and make the highest quality results possible, all at a reasonable price. Your name is going to be very quickly going to be associated with quality. You want to sell swords? You will be known as the next coming of Muramasa or Masamune.

Bloodlines Limits / Special Techniques: If you choose a village based Bloodline-Limit then you may choose to start in that village for free. Should you start in the village where your Bloodline Limit resides you may decide whether or not you are a part of the clan proper. Be warned that belonging to a village that your Bloodline does not may lead to complications.

General Bloodlines: Oni (300 CP): Expect to get some weird looks no matter where you are. Taller and rippling with muscle you one of the strongest for your age around, you could probably even toss around adults as a child. Additionally you have an odd coloring of your skin causing you stand out wherever you go. In addition however, your chakra leans heavily towards Yang. This makes you very talented at jutsu that use it such as physical enhancements, but also makes it harder to use Yin jutsu and harder to control your chakra. Jimue (300 CP): A Clan specializing in Archery you too inherit their ranged prowess. With increased sensory perception and finesse you can land all sorts of absurd shots. With time and practice you too will reach the level that resulted in a 5 km killzone. Crystal Release (500 CP Requires Earth and Water Affinities): With great pressure even the simplest stone can become a jewel. You can now create crystals to be used in a wide variety of ways. From making defensive emplacements, to a razor sharp barrage of spikes, to turning your enemies into Chakra batteries should you manage to encase them alive. Rinnegan: (600 CP, requires the Uchiha and Senju Bloodline-Limits to be purchased): The lineage of the Sage of Six Paths has once again been reunited though you, and both of your bloodlines are enhanced. The gifts of the Senju are retained and increased with even larger chakra reserves, an entire tier higher, increased physical ability, and all of the basic elemental affinities though you haven't received training in any of them. Your Uchiha blood is enhanced by allowing you access to the Six Paths, though it will take you decades to master them all. When using any of these abilities your iris swallows your sclera, turns purple, and becomes divided by five thin black rings surrounding your pupil. The Deva Path will grant you the ability to manipulate gravity. The more powerful the gravity manipulation technique you use the longer you will have to wait to use another without destroying yourself. The Asura Path Grants you the ability

to create metal, summon any object that you've infused with your chakra, and temporarily give you two more sets of arms. By piercing something with your chakra infused metal, you can control it like a puppet. The living will likely be able to shrug this off. The Human Path allows you to read the minds of your defeated enemies by pulling their soul out of their body. This is always lethal. The Animal Path allows you to sign as many summoning contracts as you like and to use them without hand seals or blood, which normal summoners must use. It is also the only way to summon humans, though you'll still need some way of forming a summoning contract with them. The Preta Path allows you to create an invisible shield that absorbs chakra, including chakra already being used in techniques, and by touching someone you can directly drain their chakra as well. The Naraka path allows you call for the 'King of Hell' who has the ability to restore anything to a prior state, though it will take at least one day, and will preserve the memories of any living being that goes through the process. This ability can not be used to resurrect the dead. The 'King of Hell' also has the ability to force others to tell the answer your questions truthfully or die trying not to by grabbing their tongues. You may also force the 'King of Hell' to resurrect the dead- at the price of your life. You may only make use of one path at a time, though you can switch between them very rapidly. When you are summoning, you only count it as using the necessary path while you're summoning it, not while it's summoned. You must take the Hunted drawback for all villages save your starting location without receiving CP if you purchase this, reflecting the legendary status of your bloodline, the fact that everybody wants it, and the fact they can't stand the thought of their competitors having it. You get a free Mentor who will protect you to the best of their potent abilities though they won't automatically take you on as an apprentice. This reflects the fact that your village is aware of your Bloodline's status, is in fact very happy with the fact that you are a member of their village, and would like to keep it that way.

Konoha Bloodlines: Akimichi (300 CP): You have great physical strength and ability to convert calories into chakra. The main combat ability of the Akimichi clan is increasing the size of their body parts to greatly increase their strength. With enough training you might be able to increase your strength without changing your size. Your family makes three medicinal pills that convert fat into vast reserves of power at the expense of your health. Taking the third pill is generally considered to be suicide. You are going to be pretty hefty, but as a

bonus you'll know how to cook pretty well. They get along famously well with the Nara and Yamanaka clans. Inuzuka (300 CP): Expert trackers with enhanced senses, live and work with their nindogs and are able to use jutsu that affect both the human and nindog at the same time. You may also temporarily fuse with your nindog, creating a giant Cerberus like monster that you jointly control. Yes, that takes a lot of teamwork. Your nindog will join you on your travels as a follower that can be imported as a companion if you choose to move on. Yamanaka (400 CP): A clan renown for its prowess of invasive mental techniques. Joining this clan will at first merely give you the ability to possess a single enemy you manage to strike with a slow moving but invisible technique, while leaving your body unconscious and vulnerable. With time and effort though you'll be able to possess multiple people, read minds, and communicate telepathically with multiple people at once as if you were all in the same room. They get along famously well with Akimichi and Nara clans. Nara (400 CP): This clan is renown for it's lazy geniuses, and now you're one too. While your work ethic takes a serious hit, your intelligence is increased into the mensa genius range. In addition, you gain the ability to manipulate your own shadow. You start out only knowing how to force people to copy your movements by linking your shadows, but you will be able to learn how to strangle people with your shadow, stitch theirs to the ground so they can't move and more. They get along famously well with the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans. Uzumaki (400 CP): You are a member of the scattered and decimated Uzumaki clan, you are naturally inclined to fuinjutsu and sensory techniques and have an incredibly strong life force, giving you great endurance, longevity, and increased chakra reserves up to the next tier as well as possibly being addicted to ramen. With training, you might be able to create chakra chains from your body which you can manipulate at will. You may now change your hair color to red at no cost, reflecting your lineage. As this clan is nearly extinct, if you select this to be the clan you've been born into only your immediate family is alive and well.

Aburame (400 CP): You are a living nest of bugs called kikaichu. You can control the ones inside your body which can do many things like tracking other kikaichu using pheromones, consuming a target’s chakra, to poisoning others, destroying poisons with in yourself and others, and talk with different kind of bugs and insects. People are going to find you a little creepy, being that you have a bunch of beetles living inside of you. Kurama (400 CP): A clan that focuses on a more neglected focus, Genjutsu. Your Bloodline has a special property that allows you to cast Genjutsu so convincing that it causes physical effects to occur. This is mostly tricking a mind into reflecting events from the Genjutsu onto the physical body but perhaps with enough practice you can learn to trick reality itself. Hatake (500 CP): Your bloodline has been blessed by the Sage himself. As such you know possess special White Chakra that increases the effects of training the longer you train the same ability or skill. The longer you train any given skill the brighter you will glow and as this glow increases those who bask in it will find their progress improved as well. As this clan is nearly extinct, if you select this to be the clan you've been born into only your immediate family is alive and well. Hyuga (500 CP): You possess the Byakugan, an eye-based Bloodline-Limit which, when activated, gives you a 359 degree field of vision, the ability to see through solid objects, view the chakra as well as the chakra circulatory system, to expel chakra through any tenketsu point in your body, and makes you extremely resistant to genjutsu. If you focus on your sight you may also see things as if your eyes were telescopic. You can also learn the Gentle Fist combat style, which focuses on attacking an enemy’s tenketsu points to disable their use of chakra, directly damage their internal organs, and striking pressure points to disable limbs. Your irises are now a pale gray, almost indistinguishable from the sclera, and when you activate your byakugan the blood vessels leading to your eyes visibly bulge upon your face. If this is purchased with the Uchiha blood-line, then you have one sharingan and one byakugan, not some kind of hybrid. Senju (600 CP): You possess an almost supernatural life force, stamina and physical energy, and are a generally talented ninja. You gain a lesser form of specialization in each and every ninja discipline and increased chakra reserves up to the next tier. As a bonus, if you start in Konoha you are considered the next best thing to royalty.

Wood Release (600 CP, requires Water and Earth Affinities, 50% Discount for Senju): This allows you to create and manipulate well, wood. Your wood techniques combines all the strength and durability of earth with the fluidity of water. You can make wood tendrils to attack, bind, and even wield weapons for you. The greatest wielders of wood release can drain and restrain chakra, even that of the nine great demons with their wood based techniques. Uchiha (800 CP): You possess the Sharingan in it's beginning stage, an eye based Bloodline-Limit that allows you to see chakra, gives you a photographic memory of anything you see with them, and alters your perception of time making things seem like they are moving much more slowly. Once your sharingan has fully matured it will manifest to more abilities. The first is less well known around the elemental nations: the ability to cast your genjutsu through nothing more than eye contact. The second is the most famous: the ability to copy anything with somatic components you see the entirety of. Your copy ability will let you instantly learn whatever you see with your Sharingan, so long as it is a thing you could feasibly learn with training, but it will only be technical proficiency and you'll still need practice to truly master what you've seen. If this is purchased with the Hyuga blood-line, then you have one sharingan and one Byakugan, not some kind of hybrid. When your Sharingan is activated your irises turn blood red and your pupil is surrounded by three tomoe. The tomoe spin increasingly quickly as you grow agitated. It's said that there is a way to increase the sharingan's power, but it comes at a steep price… or perhaps you can avoid this tragic trade? Mangekyo Sharingan (400 CP, requires Uchiha bloodline-limit to be purchased): The hidden power of the Uchiha clan, a power born of true despair, this is the power you now hold. You have gained three abilities that are all very costly chakra wise, quickly exhausting your reserves. You will, of course, need to train them to use them effectively. The first is Tsukuyomi, an immensely powerful genjutsu that forces one person you have made eye contact with to experience a world of your design for three days over the course of a few seconds. The Second is Amterasu, a fire based technique of terrible power. You can bathe a target in chakra by glaring at them and ignite them in black flames of incredible temperature that will burn for seven days and nights. The third is Susanoo, a giant, durable, but also unmaneuverable suit of transparent armor that surrounds you. It has a powerful blade and nigh invulnerable shield. This technique is vulnerable from techniques originating below it though. Every time you use the three abilities of your Mangekyo Sharingan, your vision degrades. If you use them too frequently you will go blind, losing all the functions of the mangekyo sharingan and the normal sharingan both as you go blind. Your Magekyo Sharingan can evolve to the

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan by claiming a second set Mangekyou Sharingan eyes in jump, forever halting your eyes descent into darkness.

Iwa Bloodlines: Explosion Release (400 CP requires Earth and Lightning Affinities): Your chakra gains explosive properties. There aren't many fancy applications for these explosions, but it raw power shouldn't be underestimated. You can also store your chakra in items to make them explosive. Steel Release (400 CP Requires Earth and Fire Affinities): You are able to turn your body into steel. This naturally makes you much more durable. Laugh off your opponents feeble attempts to harm you before you crush them. Lava Release (400 CP, requires Earth and Fire Affinities): You gain the ability to create and manipulate molten stone. The transference of heat is much higher than those fire release techniques, so touching it for even a split second will cause horrible burns. It will also keep around a lot longer than a fire release technique. Making solid forms of lava is also possible for an advanced user, though they won't be quite as durable as an earth technique anything living touched by them will regret it. Briefly. Kamizuru (400 CP): A rival clan to the Aburame the Kamizuru clan has been in decline for some time. Rather than housing insects inside of them the Kamizuru specialize in summoning and focus on the Genus Vespa. As a member of the clan you will be able to summon insects like the rest of your clan. The Clan also has developed additional techniques due to their close relations with Hornets. Dust Release (600 CP requires Fire, Earth, and Wind Affinities): This release gives the ability to make small glowing three dimensional shapes. After launching the shapes they rapidly expand. Anything that enters the shapes can be disintegrated as you will.

Kumo Bloodlines: Arashi (300 CP): The results of Kumo’s less than illustrious programs involving the Uzumaki clan, you are naturally inclined to fuinjutsu and increased chakra reserves up to the next tier as well as possibly being addicted to udon, ya heretic. You may now change your hair color to red at no cost, reflecting your lineage. Due to how this clan came to be and its current state you are unlikely to see your parents but have several siblings to rely upon. Storm Release (400 CP requires Lightning and Water Affinities): You can shoot freaking lasers beams. Or more accurately, you can make electricity that flows like water, effectively making plasma that will dance to a skilled users whim. Swift Release (400 CP requires Lightning and Wind Affinities): You have a need for speed and the means to go fast. Most effective in bursts but when moving you are among the fastest in the world. Lava Release (400 CP, requires Earth and Fire Affinities): You gain the ability to create and manipulate molten stone. The transference of heat is much higher than those fire release techniques, so touching it for even a split second will cause horrible burns. It will also keep around a lot longer than a fire release technique. Making solid forms of lava is also possible for an advanced user, though they won't be quite as durable as an earth technique anything living touched by them will regret it. Briefly.

Suna Bloodlines: Magnet Release (400 CP requires Earth and Wind Affinities): You gain the ability to manipulate ferrous metals infused with your chakra. High level users will be able to create and manipulate magnetic energy for just about any use you can think of. Scorch Release (400 CP requires Fire and Wind Affinities): You gain the ability to increase the temperature of basically anything. A prominent use of this is to cause the water within an object to evaporate leaving behind desiccated husks and exploded objects.

Kiri Bloodlines: Hoshigaki (200 CP): Your skin turns gray and you have a small set of gills immediately below your eyes that allow you to breathe water. Ice Release (400 CP requires Wind and Water Affinities): This allows the user to create and manipulate ice with their chakra, forming it into various structures. Extremely resistant to fire-based attacks. Using it drops the surrounding temperature enough to cause snow to fall. Skilled users can jump inside of the ice they create. Lava Release (400 CP, requires Earth and Fire Affinities): You gain the ability to create and manipulate molten stone. The transference of heat is much higher than those fire release techniques, so touching it for even a split second will cause horrible burns. It will also keep around a lot longer than a fire release technique. Making solid forms of lava is also possible for an advanced user, though they won't be quite as durable as an earth technique anything living touched by them will regret it. Briefly. Boil Release (400 CP, requires Water and Fire Affinities): You gain the ability to create and manipulate deadly clouds of acid that looks like steam. It's difficult to control, but even the most durable of things will be quickly dissolved in a cloud of your acid. Hozuki (400 CP): You can turn your body into a liquid form, but requires you to be hydrated at all times. You can fuse with surrounding water, though it is extremely tiring. Though it quickly drains your water and chakra reserves, you can also temporarily strengthen yourself far beyond your normal physical abilities. You are extremely vulnerable to Lightning jutsu, and when passed out, your body turns into a jelly-like substance. Kaguya (600 CP): You possess an abnormal skeletal structure making medical treatment somewhat difficult, and can manipulate it at will. Infusing your calcium with chakra, you can manipulate the growth and properties to your liking. This can render you effectively immune to all damage from kinetic energy by growing an armor of bone immediately

beneath your skin. This also comes with some minor regenerating abilities. Selecting this allows you to turn your hair white. Bone white, at no cost.

Items: For every background their associated 100 cost items are free and further items are discounted for 50% of their cost.

General Items: The Basics (Free): General items that you would have from your origin. Prodigies and Heirs get a basic set of ninja tools. Ascetics receive either basic sutras as a Monk or a simple blade as a Samurai. Entrepreneurs get accounting books. Lastly Drop-Ins receive the equivalent of 100$ in local currency to spend as they please.

Drop-In Items: Cloak of the Stranger (100 CP): A simple tattered cloak with a simple effect, whoever wears this cloak becomes The Stranger, a nameless and faceless being who has done various deeds throughout history. This does not actually transform the wearer but instead obscures their appearance and voice. Using signature techniques can bypass this obscuring effect. Costume Closet (200 CP): This special closet can provide you with any clothes you desire. The clothes themselves will not be special except for how they help the wearer slip into a role. The change is voluntary and done through subtle nudges but it allows even novice infiltrators to play their roles wonderfully. A Penny For Your Thoughts? (400 CP): A curious penny has made its way into your hands. This penny has a peculiar effect when you hold it with the intention of asking someone a question. The penny transforms into the thing most likely to convince that individual to tell you said information. This cannot be gamed to result in you obtaining the item in question as it only works when you honestly intend to give the item to the recipient to keep. You will receive a new penny a week after giving away the previous one. A Special Place (600 CP): This isolated grove is a treasure of nature. Completely cutoff from the rest of the world that only you and those you allow can enter. In this special place it is much easier to reach inner peace and train skills that require fine Chakra control such as Senjutsu and

Chakra Sensing. This grove follows you to future Jumps and may be kept as a warehouse attachment or inserted into the setting.

Prodigy Items: Mysterious Half-Face Mask (100 CP): This Face Mask is a bit special. Not because it keeps your identity hidden but because you can wear it at all times without issue. You can eat and drink normally through it and it will never get dirty or smelly. You can even wash your face through the mask. Should the mask be damaged you will receive a new one the next morning. A Good Instrument (200 CP): Everyone needs a hobby, and you are no different. This instrument or perhaps something else if you already have a hobby makes itself useful not by making you perform better but rather helping you to enjoy the hobby more. Whenever you use this item in the pursuit of a hobby you will find yourself greatly enjoying the activity even if you somehow are performing horribly. Books, Scrolls, and Sutras (400 CP): There was a merchant caught selling much higher grade techniques than he should have been. Luckily enough you managed to buy a good selection guides from him before he was caught. These instructional materials contain a variety of abilities suited to you from all ranks but only 1 S-Rank technique. Jumper Labs (600 CP): Still not advancing fast enough? Well now you have a Research Laboratory dedicated to improving training and development of all kinds. Curiously, no matter the state of the facilities or staff research/training in these Labs will progress at double the rate they should. The Lab will only start with average resources and researchers but it will follow you to future Jumps and retain any changes you make to it, additionally the Lab may be kept as a warehouse attachment or inserted into the setting.

Heir Items: Clan Clothing (100 CP): If you want to represent you are going to need to be on brand. As such you receive all sorts of clothing and paraphernalia with your clan’s symbol on it. Better Basics (200 CP): You are an heir to a clan, that means you can’t be caught using standard gear. No that simply will not do. Whenever you wish to buy the standard level of anything you will find the cost to upgrade a single tier is mysteriously covered for you. Go on, live a little fancy. Family Summons (400 CP): Whether or not it was the case before your family now seems to have close ties to a Summons Clan. As such you have signed the summoning scroll at a young age and can perform the summoning jutsu. Your families close ties to the summons allows you to request more of them but be prepared to be asked favors in return. Clan Resources (600 CP): Congratulations, you have been given full access to the Clan’s resources early. You may freely go anywhere in the Clan Compound, access the Clan Library, and withdraw from the Clan Treasury. The exact size and scale of these resources will depend on what Clan you choose but since you are paying CP you are guaranteed to get at least resources equal to what your average established Clan should have. The Clan Compound and everything belonging within it will follow you to future Jumps as well as retain any changes you make to it, additionally the Compound may be kept as a warehouse attachment or inserted into the setting. Should Family First also be purchased your Clan’s Members will also follow to future Jumps.

Ascetic Items: Beginner Sutras (100 CP): Knowledge is power, and you have learned this well. These Sutras contain the basics for a wide variety of topics and skills. All of them will be useful to you in some way or another but none will advance you past Advanced status on their own.

Maintenance Kit (200 CP): This all-purpose kit can be used for the maintenance and repair of anything commonly found in the Elemental Nations. Whether it’s a chipped sword or a dilapidated shrine in need of fixing this kit will let you get the job done assuming you know what you are doing. The Perfect Tool (400 CP): No matter the road walked in life there are hardships faced. In response to this humanity forged tools to ease their burdens. Regardless of your main specialty you now have The Perfect Tool for you. This tool may not be the greatest of its kind but it is without a doubt the one most suited to you. The tool will grow alongside you but it will always have a main focus such as being a sword or a spiritual focus. Jumper’s Flock (600 CP): Life is full of many paths. And just as there are many paths there are those who walk those paths at different points of progress. Naturally those who excel advance faster and further than the rest. By treading these paths well others are inspired to follow. You now have your own followers on your path. The followers will pick up abilities similar but not the same as yours unless you take the time to teach them your abilities in particular. As they follow and not lead your Flock will range from being one to five ranks below you at all times, so if you were S-Rank the best of your flock would be A-Rank with various others would be B, C, D, and E rank. Your Flock’s size and strength will depend on your own influence and personal strength. Lastly your Flock has been inspired to follow you wherever you go and will follow you to future Jumps.

Entrepreneur Items: Starting Funds (100 CP): Enough money to live fairly comfortably for a year. That is what you begin with and how you use it is up to you. You will receive this amount of funds in local currency at the beginning of every Jump from now on. Dedicated Customers (200 CP): Much like the Uzumaki obsess over Ramen there is now some similarly small demographic near you that is obsessed with your business should you have one. This won’t make your business profitable by itself but it will keep it solvent during the slow months.

Shen Gong What? (400 CP): Scattered throughout the Elemental Nations are powerful artifacts named Shen Gong Wu and you have gotten your hands on one of them. Choose one Shen Gong Wu to have gotten your hands on. Note Wu that can affect world wide change like the Sands of Time are not viable for this choice. Jumper’s First Business (600 CP): Well you did it, you now own your own business. It can be any type of business you want and it is successful enough to be open to expanding to other areas. It has yet to do but is fully capable of expanding out into a franchise under your careful guidance. This business whether you expand it or not will follow you into future Jumps while retaining any changes to it.

Companions: Companions are individuals who follow you to future Jumps and may be imported to be locally empowered alongside you. Peers (200 CP): There are few who walk their path through life alone and you are not one of them. You may create or import two individuals to walk alongside you as your peers. These companions get a free origin and 800 CP to spend as they wish on any section besides the Companion section. This may only be bought once. Mentor (300/400/500 CP): No one starts knowing everything, that is why there are teachers, those who pass down their knowledge and help raise the next generation. While this option is not necessary to get a teacher in Jump this removes chance from the equation and allows your Mentor to follow you to future Jumps. Your teacher comes in one of two flavors. The first is a custom made teacher with a free origin and 1000/1200/1400 CP (based upon how much CP you spend on them) to spend as they wish on any section besides the Companion section, they have the advantage of years of training on top of whatever perks and items they pick. The second is to take a canon character as a mentor. You may select a canon and non-Kage character from your starting village with Rank limits based upon how much you spend, for 300 you may take B-Ranked or below, for 400 you may take A-Ranked and below, for 500 you may take anyone other than the current Kage or equivalent. Should the character you select already have a team they are mentoring you will replace a member of your choice from the team. Should you also purchase Peers you may replace the other two members of the team with your Peers. Wanderers on the Road of Life (200 CP): See someone you like? Don’t be ashamed, there are many great individuals who live throughout the Elemental Nations. By spending 200 CP per person you may take any individual found in NNT to be your companion. You will need to convince them of your otherworldly nature as well as convince them to come along with you however. They do not need to be alive at the end of the jump but you must convince them to join you while they are alive.

Jumper Clan (50/200 CP): Already have companions? You may either import a single companion for 50 CP or 8 for 200 CP. They receive a free origin and 600 CP to spend as they wish on any section besides the Companion section.

Drawbacks: You may take as many drawbacks as you can handle. Naruto the Next Generation (+100 CP): What do you mean that title isn’t right? Regardless, it seems that the forces that be wish to see how things would turn out for the canon main cast. As such your jump is being extended by 20 years. Good luck and watch out for butterflies. Shiny of the Week (+100 CP): Focus is a powerful thing, allowing individuals to overcome great challenges and improve themselves. You sadly lack this. Almost as if you have dozens of voices in your head each with their own desire you will be pulled to some new fascination on a regular basis. This will prevent you from focusing on any given subject for too long but the more important a subject is to you the longer you will be able to focus on it. Reviled (+100 CP): Your home village, by and large, hates you. Perhaps it's for your family, your personality, or maybe it's just a coincidence of your birth. Expect rising through the ranks and getting the good missions to be difficult if not impossible depending on how high you are aiming. It's possible to put an end of this, but you'll have to have a major Rudolph the red nosed reindeer moment. Saving the vast majority of the village, or destroying one of it's greatest enemies is the minimum to quell their ire. Hunted (+100 CP, additional 50 CP per Village, max +300 CP): Congratulations, a village hates you enough to place a bounty on your head! Decide which of the starting villages are actively hunting down with their spy networks and operatives. From the first one you get 100 CP, the next one an additional 50 CP, the third one another 50 and so on. This can only be purchased for the starting locations. The Food of the Gods (+100 CP): You have a new favorite food Jumper. It is up to you what it is but you are now hopelessly addicted to it. You feel the need to eat it at least once a day and now can be bribed with said food. Bribed to do what you ask? Depends on the quality of what you are being bribed with. Store bought good aren’t going to impact you much unless you have gone without for awhile. But something on the level of Karasu’s better work? There isn’t much you wouldn’t do for it.

Rolling 69s (+100 CP): Good news, it seems some benevolent god decided they wanted to get you into some spicy situations. You frequently have lewd situations happen to you and those around you. How is this a drawback you ask? Well said god also thinks its not ok for you to actually proceed through these situations until you are a teenager. Until then you are limited to kisses and handholding. Hope you like being blue-balled for years. This drawback cannot be taken if you adjust your age at the beginning of the Jump. Sealed Bloodline (+100 CP per Bloodline max +300 CP): You are supposed to have a Bloodline-Limit. For some reason it will never manifest during the jump. After the jump however, you will be able to activate it. This can’t be taken with No Chakra Coils or Malformed Chakra Coils. This requires at least one Bloodline-Limit to take. Asu-Who? (+100 CP): Much like a certain child of the Third Hokage people will have a lot of trouble remembering you, be it your name or that you even exist. The only people who don't seem to have this problem are your enemies. This won’t prevent you from interacting with others or making friends, but don’t expect them to approach you or do things without being asked anytime soon. Should you become a significant figure in the world, your accomplishments will be acknowledged with a title but people will have a hard time believing that you are the very same person. Low Priority (+200 CP) Your sensei, for whatever reason, has put your training on the back burner. Maybe another of your teammates needs it more, maybe your sensei just doesn't like you, or perhaps they're just lazy. Whatever the reason, they only train you in a halfhearted fashion and it will take you much longer to grow strong in the ninja arts than you would have with their help. This won't make them transfer their attention to your other teammates. Out Of Control (+200 CP): You have difficulty manipulating chakra both inside and outside your body. This can be improved somewhat, but you will never be a medic-nin. It will be more taxing to use your jutsu, more difficult to learn new jutsu, and more difficult to escape illusions. Some techniques requiring excellent control such as high level genjutsu are now beyond your reach.

Pinprick Reserves (+200 CP): Your reserves are tiny, and you'll quickly tire yourself out. This makes it more difficult to train, and using techniques more than a few times will leave you drained and exhausted. More power intensive ninjutsu will be completely impossible for you to use. Concussive Based Learning (+200 CP): Learning from theory? What’s that? Some kind of food? You are simply incapable of learning any way other than via hands on application. Complex concepts may need to be literally beaten into your skull. Dysfunction Junction (+200 CP): You and your team... don't really get along. Your teammates are in someway mentally damaged, whether it's from their older brother murdering their family, being molested, or just being ignored by the village at large there is something wrong with them. This negatively affects your teamwork, and may well end up getting you all killed. You can eventually overcome this but it's going to take a lot of work, even if you have relevant perks. Well Ain’t You a Kote (+200 CP): Pride cometh before the fall. Well get prepared to fall down the stairs over and over again. Regardless of your actual skill level you are insufferably proud. This leads to you disregarding the advice of others even if it could save your life. It is quite likely you won’t respect your superiors unless they sing your praises. My Rival! (+200 CP): You now have a rival. Not just any rival but a truly annoying one who not only bothers you all the time but can actually keep up with you. You will actually need to put forth effort in order to consistently win against this rival and will feel horrible any time your rival actually manages to beat you. Should you manage to get rid of this rival somehow a new one will appear with the traits that you found most annoying about the last one amplified even more. Karasu’s Weakness To Girls (+300 CP): Probably not the weakness you are expecting, nor is it limited to girls for you. You are simply incapable of resisting the urge to help others in need. This may result in you either becoming a legend with the absurd feats you end up pulling off or an early grave as you get in over your head.

The Kenpachi (+300 CP): Much like the man in question you have an insatiable appetite for combat. You often challenge mysterious strangers to duels and have a dangerous habit of overestimating yourself. Should you ever find someone who beats you, you shall obsess over them until you manage to achieve a victory. Kumo Wants You (+300 CP): The village of Kumo is infamous for how it goes about expanding its power. This ignoble institution has now taken notice of you. Deciding that you would be a perfect fit for one of its many programs Kumo has sent out Bolt teams with the purpose of taking you in. Should they manage to do so and you fail to escape before the program comes to fruition you will fail your chain. For everyone’s sake please do not choose this. Requires at least one active Bloodline Limit. Malformed Chakra Coils (+300 CP): You are unable to use chakra outside of your body. You can only use Bukijutsu and Taijutsu, and even some of those techniques will be beyond you. Comes with a free green jumpsuit and a pair of huge eyebrows. Don’t worry you won’t feel the need to shout about youth, yet. A Grim Portent (+300 CP): You encountered a mysterious fortune teller one day and what they showed you unsettled you deeply. Sometime in the next ten years something will happen, something that will bring you death or despair, perhaps both. The vision given to you is a hint but it is only a glimpse of this grim future. This is not inevitable however, with great effort and vigilance you can avert this “Fate”. Nemesis (+200/300/400 CP): Everyone has enemies, but now it’s personal. You have somehow offended someone of great influence, power, or maybe both. For 200 CP you have offended someone like Riven, an up and coming prodigy who has both great skill and potential. For 300 CP you offend someone like Chase Young, a genius who not only has the talent but has taken time to develop and has gained clout to make moves against you. For 400 CP you have offended someone like Jin or Illidan, someone who is at the top of their field and has considerable power or leverage to use against you. While it is possible to settle their grievances without having to kill them it will be a difficult and time consuming endeavor. You may take this multiple times but beware of making too many enemies, Nemesii are

more than willing to team up to kill you. After taking this drawback five times all future Nemesii must be of the 400 tier. No Chakra Coils (+600 CP): You are not able to use chakra or chakra based techniques. Taking this will render you completely unable to use any ninja technique or Bloodline-Limit. How did you even become a ninja in the first place? Expect your peers and enemies both to look down on you for your inability to use the ninja arts. This can’t be taken with Entrepreneur Origin, Sealed Bloodline, Malformed Chakra Coils, Pinprick Reserves, or Out of Control. Congrats, you pulled a Tobi (+ 1000): I don’t know how you did it Jumper but you managed to turn the entire world against you. Every nation will set aside their differences and do their best to hunt you down. While you may be able to survive do not expect to be able to win this combined force with just the contents of this jump.

Scenarios: Scenarios are optional objectives you can complete during your Jump. Failing to complete a scenario does not mean failing your chain, you simply do not receive the reward. Who Needs Ninja Jesus Anyways? There was a prophecy made by the Great Sage of the Toad Clan, that one of the students of the Sannin Jiraiya would cause a revolution that would either save the world or destroy it. This Child of Prophecy would eventually turn out to be one Naruto Uzumaki who managed to bring peace no matter how short or tenuous to the Elemental Nations. But who needs to rely on prophecies? The future can change and that is now your mission. You must create a lasting peace between the various major powers of the Elemental Nations. Should you manage to do this you will be rewarded with the Senjutsu of the Sage of Six Paths giving you access to the Truth Seeking Balls. Resurrection of Whirlpool (Requires Uzumaki Bloodline Limit) The nation of Whirlpool was a place of wonders and insanity, often both at the same time. Fuinjutsu was developed to heights never seen before and for this the Uzumaki received a feared reputation. This eventually resulted in three separate major villages teaming up to destroy the nation. Now Kushina Uzumaki is attempting to find the scattered remains of her family and bring them back with her to Konoha. This wasn’t good enough for you. Why should your family cower behind the walls of the village that failed to help in your time of need. No, you will reclaim and rebuild the nation of Whirlpool for your family. Should you manage to successfully restore the nation of Whirlpool to be a major power and have it last to the end of your Jump you will be able to take your nation with you to future Jumps. Those Who Seek Enlightenment Ninshu, the teachings of the Sage of Six Paths intending to bring peace to the world. Ultimately the inhabitants of the Elemental Nations corrupted the Sage’s teachings into weapons of war called Ninjutsu. This injustice will not stand. You must rediscover the secrets of Ninshu and then spread the true form of it throughout the Elemental Nations. If you manage to get 60% of the people in the Elemental Nations to make use of Ninshu for peaceful purposes you will have succeeded in this scenario. For your reward you are now able to imbue the inhabitants of future jumps with Chakra of their own allowing you to continue spreading the teachings of peace as long as you wish.

To Be The Best Like No One Ever Was: Is there something you want to be good at Jumper? No the BEST at? Well congrats there are now yearly tournaments for it. Much like the Sword Tournaments there are Junior and Adult divisions. To beat the scenario you must win the Adult division and the competition will be just as stiff as there is in the Sword Saint tournament. Should you win this scenario you will be able to declare yourself the X Saint wherever you go and be believed that you are indeed the best in the world. Protagonist Insert (Requires Prodigy/Clan Heir Origin and Hatake Bloodline Limit) There is a natural urge when participating in a Quest. To see yourself in the role of the protagonist that your votes are guiding. This is your chance to do so. You will replace young Karasu Hatake in the world of NNT. Should you not drastically change the situation you will shortly thereafter be placed on a team with Akami Uchiha and Sachi Senju under the Jonin Kushina Uzumaki. Should you manage to keep your team alive for the entirety of your Jump you will be able to take them along as companions for free.

End: Congratulations Jumper, you have survived your time in this world of killers and demons. Now you have one more choice to make. Stay: The bonds you have made here matter too much to simply throw away, you choose to end your chain and remain in this world to the end of your days. Have another 1000 CP to spend as a parting gift. Continue: Another adventure awaits. You have chosen to leave this world behind and continue your chain. Time in this world will pause until you have finished your chain. You may take with you anything that is noted to follow as well as anything you can stuff into your warehouse besides living beings. Farewell and good luck. Retire: Home and your lost life awaits. You have chosen to give up your chain and return back to the world you left behind to start this journey. You return to the moment you left with your powers, properties, and companions alongside you. Please use your power responsibly.

Notes: There are two main trackers for what level you are in the world of NNT the Shinobi system of letter ranks and the skilled based system of descriptors. The former is more used for how dangerous an individual is whereas the latter is primarily used for how proficient an individual is at a particular skill. The Shinobi System is E->D->C->B->A->S, and the skill system is Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Journeyman, Master and finally Grandmaster. A Genin is typically E-D ranked which corresponds with Beginner-Intermediate skill. A Chunin is typically C ranked which corresponds with Advanced skill. A Jonin is typically B ranked which corresponds to Journeyman skill. An Elite Jonin is typically A ranked which corresponds to Master skill. S-Rank is reserved for Kage and army killers for the most part and corresponds to Grandmaster skill. Note an individual can be more or less skilled or powerful than their rank implies. Those added to your family with the aid of the Picking Up Strays perk count for clan oriented perks and items such as Family First and Clan Resources. Created with the help of the NNT discord.
