Nakita herring A211/27/12. In this power point I will be talking about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs....


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Bill Gates&

Steve jobs Nakita herring


In this power point I will be talking about Bill

Gates and Steve Jobs.


Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft and was

born October 28, 1955 he was chairman of Microsoft and CEO. of the world’s largest personal-computer software company which he co-founded with Paul Allen. He is ranked among the worlds wealthiest people. Microsoft is the company but windows and the products .

Bill gates

Steve was born Feb. 24 1955 job is best

known as the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of apple Inc. Steve wozniak also was co-founded and Steve jobs served as chief executive of Pixar animation studios he became a member of the board of directors of the Disney company in 2006, when Disney acquired Pixar.

Steve jobs

Bill and Steve were both are outstanding men

it stared at a young age for them both and from there it progress in to these big company's and products.

Bill & Steve