Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings ... · 2 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center...


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Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 1

2 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 3

Table of Contents

Salatul Mahd ............................................................................................................... 5

The Victory Supplication ............................................................................................... 6

The Opening Supplication ............................................................................................. 7

IbadAllah RijalAllah .................................................................................................... 10

Madad (Seeking Support) ........................................................................................... 12

Part A ..................................................................................................................... 14

The Opening Qasida................................................................................................... 15

Ya Rasulullahi Salamun ‘Alayk ..................................................................................... 17

Ya Hannan Ya Mannan ............................................................................................... 19

Salatullahi Ma Laahat Kawakeb ................................................................................... 21

Ishfa’lana ................................................................................................................. 23

Allahu Rabbi, Rabbi Ta’ala .......................................................................................... 25

Ayyuhal Mushtaq ....................................................................................................... 26

Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi ............................................................................................. 28

Salawat ul Badriyah ................................................................................................... 30

Ahmad Ya Habibi ....................................................................................................... 32

AnNabi Sallu ‘alayh .................................................................................................... 33

Nahran min Laban ..................................................................................................... 35

Nadi Ali (as) ............................................................................................................. 36

Part B ..................................................................................................................... 38

Maa lanaa mawlan siwallah ......................................................................................... 39

Salawat Adnani ......................................................................................................... 41

Tala’al Badru ‘Alayna ................................................................................................. 42

Ya Gharami .............................................................................................................. 43

Noor ul Mustafa ......................................................................................................... 44

Ya Taybah ................................................................................................................ 45

Ahmad Ya Habibi ....................................................................................................... 46

Ya Abaz Zahra (saw) ................................................................................................. 47

Ya Shafi’ al Wara ....................................................................................................... 49

Ya Arhamar Rahimin .................................................................................................. 51

Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi ............................................................................................. 53

Ya Hanana ................................................................................................................ 55

4 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Part C ..................................................................................................................... 56

Ya Nabi Salam ‘Alayka ............................................................................................... 57

Ya Imamar Rusl ........................................................................................................ 59

Burdah Sharif ........................................................................................................... 60

Qul Ya ‘Azeem .......................................................................................................... 62

Ya Muhammad .......................................................................................................... 64

Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi ............................................................................................. 66

Mother of Supplications .............................................................................................. 68

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Salatul Mahd

صلة المهد

د اللهم صلي وسل م علي نبي نا . عليه السلم محم

صلة تدوم و تهدى إليه،

راليالي وطول دوام .مام

Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘ala

Nabiyina Muhammad ‘Alayhis Salaam.

Salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh,

Mammaral layali wa tula dawam.

Oh Allah, send blessings and greetings of peace upon

our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; Blessings

that repeat continuously and they are presented to him,

as long as the nights pass and for eternity.

6 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

The Victory Supplication

جيم الشيطان من بالل اعوذ الرحمن للا بسم حيم الر الر

A’uzu Billahi Min’ash Shaitanir Rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

بينا .إنا فتحنا لك فتحا مInnaa fatahna laka fatham mubina. (Surat Al Fath) Indeed, We granted you [O Muhammad (pbuh)] a manifest Victory. (The Victory 48:1)

ر ليغفر ه ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخ ستقيما ويتم نعمته عليك ويهديك صر لك اللـ .اطا م

Liyaghfira lakaallaahu maa taqaddama min dhanbika wa maa taakhkhara, wa yutimma ni'matahu 'alayka wa yahdiyaka siraathan

mustaqima. (Surat Al Fath) That Allah may forgive you your faults of the past and those to follow; and fulfill His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path (Holy Quran, the Victory 48:2)

ه وينصر .عزيزاا نصر ك اللـWA yansurakAllahu nasran 'aziza. (Surat Al Fath)

)48:3 (Holy Quran, the Victory you with a mighty victory support And [that] Allah may

ن أنفسكم عزيز عل لقد جاءكم ر .حيم ءوف ر يص عليكم بالمؤمنين ر يه ما عنتم حر سول م

Laqad jaa akum Rasulum min anfusikum, 'azizun 'alayhi maa 'anittum

harisun 'alaykum, bilmuminina raufun rahim. (Surat At Tawba)

There has certainly come to you a Messenger [Muhammad (saws)], among/within

yourselves; it grieves him that you should suffer/face difficulty; [he is] concerned over you, to the believers he is most affectionate and merciful. (The Repentance 9:128)

ه إل هو فإن تول ـ ه ل إل .ش العظيم ب العر وهو ر عليه توكلت وا فقل حسبي اللـ

Fa in tawallaw faqul hasbi yallahu la ilaha illa Huwa, 'alayhi tawakkaltu,

wa Huwa Rabbul 'Arshil 'azim. (Surat At Tawba) But if they (who keep denying the truth) turn away, [O Muhammad], say, "Allah is sufficient for me! There is no God except Him. In Him I have placed my trust and rely

on, and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne." (The Repentance 9:129)

يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسلي وملئكته يصلون على النبي إن للا . ماinnallaha wa malaaikatahu yusalluna 'alan Nabiyi yaa ayyuhal ladhina aamanu sallu 'alayhi wa sallimu taslimaa. (Surat AlAhzab) Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you that believe! Send your

blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (The Combined Forces, 33:56)

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The Opening Supplication

حم حيمبسم للا الر ن الر Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate

Al Fatihatu lanaa wa lakum ya hadirun الفاتحة لنا و لكم يا حاضرون

(Recite) the Opening (chapter of Quran) for us and for you, O’ attendees together.

,Wa li waledina wa waledikum .و لوالدينا و والديكم، و لهالينا و لولدنا

wa li ahlena wa li awladina

And for our parents and your parents and for our families and for our children.

Wa li Mashayekhina wa liman .خنا و لمن حضرنا و لمن غاب عناو لمشاي

hadarana wa liman ghaba ‘anna

And for our shaykhs and for whoever is attending (this gathering) with us and for

whoever is absent.

لمواظبين علىولحيائنا ول مواتنا و ل .هذالمجلس و لمن كان سببا في جمعنا

Wa li ahYaayena wa li amwatina,

wa lil muwazhibin ‘ala hadhal majlis,

wa liman kaana sababan fi jam’enaa.

And for our living ones and for our deceased ones and for those who have prepared

this gathering and for whoever was a cause for our coming.

ر القلوب، و يغفر الذنوب، بأن للا الكريم ينو كرو يحفظنا بما حفظ به ويسترالعيوب و الذ سل به نصر بماينصرنا .الر

Bi annAllahal Karim yunawwiral qulob,

wa yaghfiradh dhunub, wa yasturul

‘uyyub, wa yahfazuna bima hafizza bihidh dhikr, wa yansurana bima

nasara bihir rusul.

That Allah the Most generous enlighten the hearts and forgive the sins, and that He

protect us by means of whatever the remembrance protects and He supports and gives us victory by the same means He supported and gave victory to His prophets.

و أن للا الكريم يجعل مجلسنا هذا محاطا ات والنوار والبركات بالخيرات والمس .ر و يقضي لنا جميع الحاجات، .بجاه خير البريات

Wa annAllahal karima yaj’al

majlisanaa hadha muhaatan bil

khairat, wal masarraat, wal anwari wal barakaat, wa yaqdi lana jami’il hajaat,

bijahi khairil bariyyat.

And that Allah the Most Generous cause this gathering to be encompassed by

goodness and happiness and lights and blessings and that He takes care of all our needs for the sake of the Best of all creation.

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.Wa annAllaha yansural Muslimin .لمسلمين وأن للا ينصر ا

And that Allah will support and give victory to those who submit (to Him).

الكريم ينصر سلطان وعلى نية أن للا د مولنا شيخ الولياء ناظم عادل محم .بجاه خير النام ،سر للا قدس

Wa ‘ala niyyati annAllahal Karima

yansura Sultanal Awliya Mawlana

Shaykh Muhammaad Nazim ‘Adil, Qadas sallahu sirru, bi jahi khairil


And with the intention that Allah the Most Generous support our master the Sultan of Saints, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim ‘Adil, May Allah sanctify his

secret, for the sake of the Best of all creation.

وعلى كل نية صالحة مع حسن الخاتمة عندالموت بعد العمر المديد

في طاعة للا و إ .لي حضرة النبي

سورة !الفاتحة بسر

Wa ‘ala kulli niyyatin saalihatin ma’a

husnil khatimati ‘indal mawti b’adal

umril madid fi Ta’atillah wa ila hadratin Nabiyyi.

Bi siri Suratul Fatiha.

And on every pure intention with most perfect of endings at the time of passing

from this life, after a long life in service and obedience to Allah and to the ever-present Prophet. By the secrets of the chapter of Al Fatiha.

[Recite the first chapter of holy Quran, Al Fatiha (The Opener)].

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حمن للا بسم حيم الر الر

و تب علينا، وارحمناانت سلطاننا يا ربنا، إغفرلنا

لين والخرين حبيبك وزد سي د الو

)!سل م و عليه للا صلي)سي دنا محمد

و عزا يا رب ي زده و نورا و سرورا و شرفا .سلطانا و رضوانا

.ومن تابعه الشيطان رغما علي أنف

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

Anta Sultanuna ya Rabbana,

Ighfir lana, warhamna, wa tub ‘alayna,

wa zid habeebika, Sayyidul Awwaleen wal Akhireen,

Sayyidina Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘Alayhi Wa sallam).

Zidhu Ya Rabbi ‘Izzan wa sharafan, wa Nooran wa surooran,

wa Sultanan wa ridwaana.

Raghman ‘ala anfish Shaytan wa man tabi ‘ahu.

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate

O’ our Lord, you are our King!

Forgive us, and have mercy on us, and grant us repentance.

And Raise your Beloved one, the Master of the firsts and the lasts,

Our Master Muhammad (PBUH).

O my Lord, increase his superiority, his honour, his light and happiness,

his Kingdom and his Heaven, despite the devil and his followers.

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IbadAllah RijalAllah

للا رجال للا عباد

أغيثونا بأهل هللا هللا رجال هللا عباد عسی نحظی بفضل هللا هللا في وکونوا عوننا

Agheethuna bi ahlillah ‘Ibadallah Rijal Allah ‘Asa nahzha bi fadlilla Wa kunu ‘aunana fillah

O’ Allah’s servants, O’ men of Allah, Bring us relief, by the People of Allah And help us for the sake of Allah, so we may get the favours of Allah

وياأحباب سادات ويا وياأنجاب وياأقطاب

تعالوا وانصرولا وأنتم ياأولی اللباب

Wa ya sadat, wa ya ahbab Wa ya aqTab, wa ya anjab

Ta’alau wan suru lillah Wa antum ya uleel albab

O’ leaders, O’ generous men, O’ Masters, O’ loved ones, O’ leaders,

O’ Heavenly gate keepers, Come and give us Victory


رجوناکم وللزلفی سألناکم سألناکم ل کم فشدو أمر کم قصدنا أمر وفی

Wa lizzulfa rajau nakum Sa alnakum, sa alnakum

Fa shuddu amrakum lillah Wa fee amrin qasad nakum

We ask you, we entreat you, We set our hearts on your companionship, And for important matters we call on you; So, restrain yourself to answer

the command of Allah


تحقق لی إشارتی بساداتی ربی فيا أمرنا ل ويصفو شارتی ب تأتی عسی

Tahaqqaq li isharatee Faya rabbi, bi sadatee

Wa yasfu amruna lillah ‘Asa ta’tee bi sharatee

O’ Lord, by these Masters, Your signs have been confirmed,

Hoping to witness glad tidings, And that our faith be pure and firm


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 11

ورفع البين من بينى عينی عن بكشف الحجب بنور الوجه يآهلل و صرف القلب والعين

Wa raf’il baini min bainee Bi kashfil hujbi ‘an ‘ainee

BiNuril wajhi ya Allah Wa sarfil qalbi wal ‘ainee

Lift the veils covering my sight, And remove anything that is blocking me

from You, grant me the abode of your presence, which is the desire of my heart and eyes, By the light of the holy Face of (Prophet (saw)), O’ Allah


جاناعلی من بالهدا مولناصلة هللا شفيع الخلق عند هللا أولناومن بالحق

‘Ala man bil Huda jana Salatullahi Mawlana

Shafi’il khalqi ‘indallah Wa man bil haqqi aulana

May the blessings of our Lord, Be upon him (Muhammad (saws)) who

guided us to the right path; He who entrusted us with His true religion, The Intercessor for all human beings, in front of Allah


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل لهم ال

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Madad (Seeking Support)

مدد Seeking Support from the Shuyukh (Masters) of Naqshbandi Way

مدد مدد، مدد،

مدد سي دي يا للا رسول يا مدد

Madad, Madad, Madad Ya Sayyidi Madad

Madad, Ya Rasul Allah

2.Madad Ya Siddiqoon يقون مدد .٢ ياصد 3.Madad Ya Farsi افارسی ي مدد .٣ 4.Madad Ya Qaasimoo قاسمو يا مدد .٤ 5.Madad Ya Saadiqoo ياصادقو مدد .٥ 6.Madad Ya Bistami بسطامی يا مدد .٦ 7.Madad Ya Kharqani خرقانی يا مدد .٧

Chorus 8.Madad Ya Farmadi فارمادی يا مدد .٨ 9.Madad Ya Hamadani همدانی يا مدد .٩ 10.Madad Ya Khidroo خضرو يا مدد .٠١ 11.Madad Ya Ghuj dawani غجدوانی يا مدد .٠٠ 12.Madad Ya ‘Arifoon عارفون يا مدد .٠٢ 13.Madad Ya Faghnawi فغنوی يا مدد .٠٣


14.Madad Ya Ramitanee رميتانی يا مدد . ٠٤ 15.Madad Ya Samasi سماسی يا مدد .٠٥ 16.Madad Ya Amir Kulal ل کل امير يا مدد .٠٦ 17.Madad Ya Shah Naqhsband النقشبند شاه يا مدد . ٠٧ 18.Madad Ya ‘Attaru و عطار يا مدد .٠٨ 19.Madad Ya Charkhi چرخی يا مدد .٠٩


20.Madad Ya Ahrari حراري ا يا مدد . ٢١ 21.Madad Ya Zahidi ذاهدى يا مدد .٢٠ 22.Madad Ya Darwishoo درويشو يا مدد .٢٢ 23.Madad Ya Amkanaki امکنکی يا مدد .٢٣ 24.Madad Ya Baqi billah بالل باقی يا مدد .٢٤ 25.Madad Ya Sirhindi سرهندی يا مدد .٢٥


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26.Madad Ya M’asumi معصومي يا مدد .٢٦ 27.Madad Ya Saifuddin ين سيف يا مدد .٢٧ الد 28.Madad Ya Badwani ی بدوان يا مدد .٢٨ 29.Madad Ya Shamsuddin ين شمس يا مدد .٢٩ الد 30.Madad Ya Dahlawi يادهلوی مدد .٣١ 31.Madad Ya Baghdadi بغدادی يا مدد .٣٠


32.Madad Ya Isma’il اسماعيل يا مدد .٣٢ 33.Madad Ya Khas Muhammad د خاص يا مدد .٣٣ محم34.Madad Ya Yaraghi يرأغی يا مدد .٣٤ 35.Madad Ya Ghumuqi غموقی يا مدد .٣٥


36.Madad Ya Sughuri سغوری يا مدد .٣٦ 37.Madad Ya Madani مدنی يا مدد .٣٧ 38.Madad Ya Sharafuddin ين شرف يا مدد .٣٨ الد 39.Madad Ya ‘Abdullah عبدللا يا مدد .٣٩ Madad Ya Daghestani داغستاني يا مدد


40.Madad Ya Sultani سلطاني يا مدد .٤١ Madad Ya Shaykh Nazim ناظم شيخ يا مدد Madad Ya Haqqani حقاني يا د مد Madad Ya Shaykh Hisham هيشام شيخ يا مدد Madad Ya Shaykh ‘Adnan عدنان شيخ يا مدد Madad Ya Shaykh ‘Adil د شيخ يا مدد عادل محم


Madad Ya Sahib ul Waqt الوقت صاحب يا مدد 1. Madad Ya Fardani فردانی يا مدد .٠ 2. Madad Ya Siddiqoon يقون مدد .٢ ياصد 3. Madad Ya Yamani يمني يا مدد .٣ 4. Madad Ya Imam ul Arifeen العارفين امام يا مدد . ٤ 5. Madad Ya Sakhawi ي سخاو يا مدد . ٥ 6. Madad Ya M’aruf bi Mulhan بملحان معروف يا مدد . ٦ 7. Madad Ya Ghawth il Anam نام ال غوث يا مدد . ٧

د ٢ X للا خليفة المهدي محم للا صلوات عليه

Muhammadil Mahdi Khalifa tullahi X2

‘Alayhi Salawatullah

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Part A

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The Opening Qasida

فتتاح قصيدة ال

د على صل رب ي يا ٢) X سلم و عليه صل رب ي يا محم )

(Ya Rabbi salli ‘ala Muhammad

Ya Rabbi salli ‘alayhi wa sallim) X2

O’ Lord, bestow blessings upon Muhammad (pbuh), O’ Lord, bestow peace and blessings upon him (pbuh)

ه رب ي يا الوسيلة بل غه رب ي يا بالفضيلة خصحابة عن وارض رب ي يا لة السل عن وارض رب ي يا الص

Ya Rabbi ballighul wasilah Ya Rabbi khussahu bil fadilah

Ya Rabbi warda ‘anis Sahabah Ya Rabbi warda ‘anis Sulalah

O’ Lord, bestow upon him high station in Paradise, O’ Lord, grant him rank above all the creations,

O’ Lord, may You be pleased with his companions, O’ Lord, may You be pleased with his descendents


المشايخ عن وارض رب ي يا والدينا فارحم رب ي يا جميعا وارحمنا رب ي يا مسلم كل وارحم رب ي يا

Ya Rabbi warda anil mashayikh Ya Rabbi farham walidina

Ya Rabbi warhamna jami’an Ya Rabbi warham kulla Muslim

O’ Lord, be pleased with the masters,

O’ Lord, have mercy on our parents, O’ Lord, have mercy on all of us,

O’ Lord, have mercy on all Muslims


ذنب م لكل واغفر رب ي يا دعانا سامع يا رب ي يا رجانا تقطع ل رب ي يا نزوره بلغنا رب ي يا

Ya Rabbi waghfir li kulli mudhnib Ya Rabbi ya sami’ du’ana

Ya Rabbi la taqt’a rajana Ya Rabbi ballighna nazuruh

O’ Lord, forgive all sinners,

O’ Lord, O Hearer of our plea/prayer O’ Lord, do not shatter our hopes,

O’ Lord, grand us a visit to his (Muhammad (saws)) resting place


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بنوره تغشانا رب ي يا امانك و حفظانك رب ي يا جنانك واسكنا رب ي يا ك عذاب من اجرنا رب ي يا

Ya Rabbi taghshana bi nurih Ya Rabbi hifzanak wa amanak

Ya Rabbi waskina jinanak Ya Rabbi ajirna min ‘adhabik

O’ Lord, engulf/cover us with his (Muhammad (saws) light, O’ Lord, safeguard us and Protect us

O’ Lord, place us in Your heaven, O’ Lord, may You protect us from Your punishment


الشهاده وارزقنا رب ي يا بالسعاده حطنا رب ي يا مصلح كل لح واص رب ي يا مؤذي كل واكف رب ي يا

Ya Rabbi warzuqnash shahadah Ya Rabbi hutna bissa’adah

Ya Rabbi waslih kulla muslih Ya Rabbi wakfi kulla mudhi

O’ Lord, may You bless us with the station of the martyrs/(those who witness),

O’ Lord, may You envelope us with happiness, O’ Lord, may You reform those who wish to change (themselves),

O’ Lord, may You save us from all harm


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Ya Rasulullahi Salamun ‘Alayk يا رسول للا سلم عليك

ج يا رفيع الشان والدر

يا رسول للا سلم عليك عطفة ياجيرة العلم والكرم الجود يل ياه

Ya Rasulullahi Salamun ‘Alayk Ya Rafi ‘ash shani wad daraji ‘Atfatan ya jiratal ‘alami Ya uhaylal judi wal karami O Messenger of Allah, peace be upon you! O Possessor of the highest station and rank, Have sympathy for us, O’ distinguished neighbor, O’ the one who is giving & generous

نحن من قوم به سكنوا امنواوبه من خوفهم عنوا القرآن آيات وب الوهن أخا فينا فاتئد

Nahnu min qawmin bihi sakanu Wa bihi min khawfihim aminu

Wa bi aayatil Qurani ‘unu Fattayid fina akhal wahani We are from amongst the people, who through him reached tranquility, And through him we no longer fear, And who busied themselves with the verses of the holy Quran


وتعرفنا البطحا نعرف يألفنا والبيت والصفان منى وخيف المعلى ولنا ركن وكن هذا فاعلم

Na’riful batha wa ta’rifuna Was-safa wal-baytu ya’lafuna

Wa lanal ma’la wa khifu muna F’alaman hadha wa kun rakini We know the desert and it knows us, And Safa and the House (Ka’bah sharif) are

familiar with us, Al Ma’la and Khifu Munaa are for us, Know that and be clever


أب النام خير ولنا حسب المرتضى وعلى بطين وإلى دخن من مافيه نسبا ننتسب الس

Wa lana khayrul anami abu Wa ‘Ali ul Murtada hasabu

Wa ilas sibtayni nantasibu Nasaban mafi hi min dakhini The best of creation is our father (Muhammad (saws), And Imam ‘Ali (as) the Blessed

one is from us, And we are related to the two lions (Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as), There is no doubt about our lineage


خلفوا بعده إمام كم عرفوا بذا سادات منه من الدهر قديم من وصفوا قد الوصف وبهذا والز

Kam Imamin ba’dahu khalafu Minhu sadatun bidha ‘urifu Wa bi hadhal wasfi qad wusifu Min qadimi dahri wa-zamani How many imams have come from their progeny, Amongst them are well known masters, They were described in this manner, Since ancient time and previous eras


18 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

على العابدين زين مثل ولى خير الباقر وابنه ادق مام وال اليقين العل ذى علي و الحفل الص

Mithlu Zaynil ‘Aabidina ‘Ali Wabni hil Baqiri khayrul wali

Wal Imamis Sadiqil hafili Wa ‘Aliyin dhil ‘ulal yaqin Like Zaynul ‘Aabidin ‘Ali (as), And his son al Baqir (as) who is the best of saints, And

the famous Imam (Jafar) as Sadiq (as), And ‘Ali (as) of high station and certainty


هدوا الذين القوم فهم سعدوا قد للا وبفضل قصدوا ما للا ولغير القرن فى القرآن ومع

Fahumul qawmul ladhina hudu Wa bi fadlil lahi qad su’idu Wa li ghayril lahi ma qasadu Wa m’al Qurani fil qarani They are the people who were guided, And they were happy with Allah’s favours,

Their only goal was Allah, And their friend was the holy Quran


الطهر المصطفى بيت أهل فادكر الرض امان هم الزهر بالنجم شبهوا السنن في جآء قد مثلما

Ahlu baytil Mustafa t-tuhoori Hum amanul ardi f’addakiri Shubihu bil anjumi z-zuhuri Mithlama qad ja’a fi’s-sunani The pure family of the Chosen One, They are the gurantee for this earth’s safety so be

heedful, They were described as the shining stars, As it’s been related in the traditions


إذا لنجاة وسفين اذى كل طوفان من خفت كذا تكون ل افيه فانج واستعن بالل وعتصم

Wa safi nun li n-najati idha Khiftamin tufani kulli adha

Fanju-fiha la takunu kadha W’atasim billahi wasta’ini And as a ship of safety, If you were afraid of any storm of harm and difficulty

So ride this ship and do not be this way, And hold on to Allah and ask His support


ببركتهم فانفعنا رب ي بحرمتهم الحسنى واهدنا طريقتهم في وأمتنا الفتن من ومعافاة

Rabbi fanf’ana bi barkatihim Wahdinal husna bi hurmatihim

Wa amitna fi Tariqatihim Wa ma’aafatin minal fitani My Lord benefit us through their blessings, And guide us to goodness for their sake, And let us die on their path, And safe us from fitna and confusion

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 19

Ya Hannan Ya Mannan

يا حنان يا منان


خزيان سوء عبد

نسان لهذا جد ال

وحلن ذنوبه من ٢) Xغضبان إنك خائف ( Jud li azal insaan Abdu suin khazyan Min Dhunubihi wahlaan (Khayif innak ghadban) x2

Grant this human being, a disgraced evil doer servant (me), who is ashamed of his sins, Worried that You might be angry (with me)


نستعفيك ربنا نسترضيك ربنايمان رجاء يا( فيك ظن ولنا ٢) Xاهل ال

Rabbanna nasta’fik Rabbanna nastar zhik Wahlana zannu feek (Ya raja ahlal iman) x2

O’ our Lord, we are asking for Your pardon, We are seeking Your satisfaction. Our hopes are high, O’ hope of the believers


راجي تخي ب ل لجي بابك تحت جي الدا في يزل لم ٢) Xحنان يا قائل (

La took hayyib raji Tahta babik lahaji Lam yazal fiddaji (Qa ilan ya hannan) x2

Don’t deny us your mercy, I am a refugee waiting at Your door,

I am still lost in the darkness, Saying/calling O’ the Most Compassionate


ي وخديجة ي بالنبي أم الم الختمي والبتول ٢) Xالن سوان سي دات (

Bin Nabi il ummi Wa khadija ummi Wal batulil khatmi (Sayeed-da-tin niswaan) x2

By Prophet’s [Muhammad (s)] mother [Amina (ra)], And our mother Khadija (ra) [his first wife], And the sealing chaste [Fatima (ra) his daughter],

The leaders of all women


حسان يا قدي يا حنان يا منان م ال بحر جودك مليان ٢) Xجد لنا بالغفران (

Ya Hannan Ya Mannan Ya Qadi mal Ihsaan Bahra judik mal-Yan (Judlana bil ghufuran) x2 O’ Most Compassionate, O’ Giver, O’ ancient Excellence, Grant us forgiveness Felicity and contentment

20 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

الجم بالنبي ن آدم اأبين من حمن وخليل ( القدام بنوح و ٢) Xالر

Bin Nabi yin ajam Min abina Adam Wa bi Nohil aqdaam (Wa Khali lir Rahmaan) x2

By Most of the Prophets, from our father Prophet Adam (as), And by the couragous Prophet Noah (as), And by intimate friend of the Most Beneficent

(Prophet Ibrahim (as)


بشار تربة بأهل المشهار والفقيه بالبرار و بآل و ٢) Xزان حال بهم من (

Be Ahli Tur-bashar Wal faqihil mishhar Wabi a’li wa bil’ abarar (Man bihim hali zan) x2

By the people of the Bashar graveyard (place in Tarim, Yemen), and its

renowned jurist, and by his family and the purified ones, by whom my condition got well


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 21

Salatullahi Ma Laahat Kawakeb

ب كواكت حل ة الله ماصل

ب النجآئب كر خير من د على احمب كواكت حل ة الله ماصل

Salatullahi ma laahat Kawakeb

‘Ala Ahmad khari man rakeban najaayeb

Allah’s blessings appear as many as the stars in the sky,

Upon Ahmad (pbuh), the best (guide) in this excellent ride (journey)

كائب الف اط اعالسكر فهز م الحبآئب س باى سر ى الد ى حاد ح ر

Hada haadis sura bismil habaayeb

Fahazzas sukru a’Taffar rakaayeb

Swaying in hearing the person who sang the name of the beloved,

Touching the emotions of the travelers on the trail (journey)


ئب سحآمعها اد من ملت ساو اها ط خدت مد قو ها ر تـم ال

Alam tarhaa wa qad maddat khuTahaa

Wa saalat min madaami’yihaa sahaayeb

Did you not see how it (the camel in excitement) took wider steps,

And tears fell down from its eyes in happiness (when he got closer to Madina)


لو الغياهب جـه يور نـي بـن فيها لك القبة الخضراء و وت

Wa tilkal qubbatul khadra wa fihaa

Nabiyun nooruhu yajlul ghayaaheb

And that is the Green Dome (Qubbah), In it rests a Prophet whose light

brightened/illuminated the darkness


ب حاج اليوم الحبيب ون د فما لتمل ی او ك نو د لنفس فقل

Faqul lin nafsi donaka wat tamalli

Famaa donal Habibil yawma haajeb

Say to yourselves, don’t waste time, because in front of us is the Beloved,

today there is no veiling or barrier


22 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

ب اتأعلي المناصب والمر له ـميعا جر الخلق خينبي للا

Nabiyullaahi khayrul Khalqi jami’an

Lahu a’lal manaasibi wal marateb

This is the Prophet of Allah (pbuh), the best of all creation,

Who has the highest rank and most honourable position in divinely presence


ب اجن و كاد ا قد مولد حمم ل وــان ا عملنا كل يو لو

Wa lao annaa ‘amilnaa kulla yawmin

Li Ahmada mawlidan qad kaana waajeb

And if every day we do this deed of Mawlid celebration of him, it is our duty


کب اور الكو ا ند ة ما بت صل قو كل لمهيمن عليه من ا

‘Alayhi minal muhaimini kulla waqtin

Salaatun maa badaa noorul kawaakeb

May the blessings of Allah, the All Powerful be upon him (Muhammad (saws),

As much as the shining lights of the stars


ا جميعهم وعترته الل و ام تع يب الط الصحاب طر

Ta’ummul aala wal asHaaba Turran

Jami’ahum wa ‘itratahul aTaayeb

That embraced all of his family and his companions, Also his descendants that

were blessed


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (s)) and his family.

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 23


فع لنا اش

٢) Xحبيبنا يا - لنا لنا ،لنا اشفع (

للا رسول يا شفاعة، لك نبي يا نبي يا يا

(Ishafa’lana, lana na na, Ya Habib ana) x2

Laka shafa’at Ya Rasul Allah,

Ya Ya Nabi, Ya Nabi

Intercede for us, O’ our Beloved; you are gifted with Intercession, O’ Prophet, O’ Messenger of Allah, O’ Prophet


يا نبي يا يا نبي،

يا رسول للا

لك شفاعة ٢ Xيا نبي و هذا مطلبي،

Yaa Rasul Allah, Yaa Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi

Laka shafa’at Wa Haza Math labbi, Yaa Nabi x2 O’ Messenger of Allah, O’ Prophet, You are gifted with Intercession,

And this is what I seek, O’ Prophet (pbuh)

Antal murtajaa, Yaumaz zihaam حام يوم المرتجى، أنت الز

Ishfa’lana Yaa, Yaa Khairul Anam x2 النام خير يا، يا لنا اشفعX ٢

(Ishfa’lana, Lana na na, Ya Habibana) x2 ) فع ٢) Xحبي بنا يا ، لنا لنا ،لنا اش

Laka shafaa’at لك شفاعة

Yaa Rasul Allah ل هللا يا رسو

Yaa Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi ، يا نبي يا يا نبي

You are our only hope on the Day of Gathered Crowd (judgement Day),

Intercede for Us O’ best of Mankind, Intercede for us, O’ our Beloved, You are gifted with intercession, O’ Prophet, O’ Messenger of Allah


Ludhana Bika Yaa, Yaa Habibu حبيب يا يا، بك لذنا

Anta lil qalbi Yaa, Yaa Tabibu x2 طبيب يا يا، للقلب أنتX ٢

(Ishfa’lana, Lana na na, Ya Habibana)x2 ) فع ٢) Xحبي بنا يا ، لنا لنا ،لنا اش

Laka shafaa’at اعة لك شف

Yaa Rasul Allah ل هللا يا رسو

Yaa Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi ، يا نبي يا يا نبي You are the remedy, O’ beloved, you are the healer of our hearts, Intercede for us, O’ our Beloved you are gifted with intercession, O’ Prophet, O’ Messenger of Allah


24 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Jii’ta lil baraya, bishar’il mubeen بالشرع المبين ،جأت للبرايا

Tanshirul hidayah, bainal alamin x2 العالمين بين ،تنشر الهدايةX ٢

(Ishfa’lana, Lana na na, Ya Habibana)x2 ) فع بناح يا ،لنا لنا ،لنا اش ٢) Xبي

Laka shafaa’at لك شفاعة

Yaa Rasul Allah ل هللا يا رسو

Yaa Yaa Nabi, Yaa Nabi ، يا نبي يا يا نبي

You came to creation with a clear constitution, Spreading guidance between the worlds

Intercede for us, O’ our Beloved

You are gifted with Intercession,

O’ Prophet O’ Messenger of Allah


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 25

Allahu Rabbi, Rabbi Ta’ala

تعالى ي رب ي،رب للا

٢ Xطال فالعهد صلني حبيبي حبيبي يا ٢ Xتعالى رب ي ، ي رب للا

Allahu Rabbi, Rabbi Ta’ala x2 Ya Habibi silni habibi fal’ahdu Talaa x2

Allah is my Lord , my Lord rose above all, O my Beloved

connect me as it has been a long time (waiting for) this promise

ب ،رب ي دعوت ٢ Xالمقال يكفي بحالي حبيبي علمه ٢ X يعلم والرDaʿawtu Rabbi, war rabbu yaʿlam x2

ʿilmahu bihali Habibi yakfi maqala x2 I prayed to my Lord and my Lord knows, His knowledge of my condition, makes words unnecessary


٢ Xحال ساء قد صبري حبيبي والن ٢ Xجميل حلوا صبرا، صبرت Sabartu sabran, hulwan jamila x2

Wal aana sabri Habibi, qad saʹa hala x2 I have patiently endured and now I am running out of patience


٢ Xوقال حبيبي حال ومعنى حسا ٢ Xشأني واعلي زرني، حبيبي Habibi zarni, waʹali shani x2

Hissan wa maʿni Habibi halan wa qala x2 My Beloved one, visit me and raise my status Physically and morally, conditionally and verbally


ي وبعدي، قربي ٢ Xسال ودمعي فتن ي حبيبي حبك ٢ Xذل ي و عز Qurbi wa bu’di, ‘izzi wa dhulli x2

Hubbak fatanni Habibi wa dam’i sala x2 My nearness and my distance, my dignity and my humility,

Your love enchanted me and my tears were flowing


د حبيبي على ٢ Xب ي ر صلة جميعا، قولوا جال خير محم ٢ Xالر Qawlu jamiʿan, salatu rabbi x2

'Ala Habibi-Muhammad, khairi rijala x2 All of you say, O Lord bestow blessings upon my Beloved Muhammad (pbuh), the best of men!


26 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Ayyuhal Mushtaq

المشــتاق أيها

ســلم ذي أنـوار هذه تنم ل المشــتاق أيها

والعـجم الـخير عنـد الـــحرم في أنت قريب عن

Ayyuhal mushtaqu la tanami Hadhihi anwaru dhi Salami

‘An qaribin anta fil arami ‘Inda khayril 'urbi wal 'ajami

O you who is in love and longs (to see the beloved) , Do not sleep, Ahead are the

illuminated lights of Dhi Salam Valley, You are so close to the sacred sanctuary

(Madina), In the presence of the One who is the best of the Arabs and non-Arabs

تب أشرف في ثل ما أدب في الــقبر أمام قف الر

ضا والــقـرب الــقـرب مكان في والــكرم والـجود والر

Qif amamal qabri fi adabi Ma thilan fi ashrafir rutabi

Fi makanil qurbi wal qurabi War rida waljodi walkarami

Stand in reverence in front of his (Muhammad (s) holy grave, You are in the presence

of the one who has the Most honorable ranks (in divine presence), In his place is the

privilege of nearness to Him and accompanies pious acts, contentment and generosity


ســل أشرف يا قل ثم المل في للا حبيب يا الر

والــقـلم اللــوح سمير يا والــعـمل الــعلــم ياعظيم

Thuma qul ya ashrafur Rusli Ya Habibullahi fil amali

Ya ‘Azimul ‘ilmi wal ‘amali Ya Samirul lawhi wal qalami

Then say O honored Messenger, O Beloved of Allah who inspires hope,

O Magnificint in Knowledge and Action, O the one who speaks from the

Reserved Tablet and the holy Pen.


ولــبصر السمع ملئ فهو الــبشـر في كالــمختار ليس

ـــير التاريخ واحد ســل وإمام والس والمـم الر

Laysa kal Mukhtari fil bashari Fahuwa milus sam’yi wal basari

Wahidut tarikhi was siyari Wa Imamar Rusli wal Umami

No one from humanity can be compared to the Chosen One, He exists in

our hearing and sight, He is the unique one in the history and in his life conduct,

The leader of all the Messengers and all nations.


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 27

ســـراء ة لــيل مرقاه المعراج وعلى ترعاه ال

كالــــكلم ليس بكلم وناجاه أدنـاه حتى

Lailatul Isra yi tar ’aahu Wa ‘alal Mi’raju mar qahu

Hata Adna hu wa najahu Biklamin laysa kal kalimi

The Night of Journey safeguards him (Muhammad (s), And on his Ascension

is his high rank, When Allah brought him nearer (to Divine Presence) and they

conversed, With words unlike any other words


وقفـــوا الورى كل نهادو شــرف بعدها ما رتبة

القــمم إلى أدنى أو ثم طرف لها قوسين قاب

Rutbatun ma ba’daha sharafu Dunaha kullul wara wa qafu

Qaba qawsayni laha tarafu Summa aw adna ilal qimami

The most honorable rank, that no one in God’s creation could ever reach,

As one end seemed to be within the Two bows’ length or even closer (to the divine

presence), And the other even further than the Sky


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

28 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi

فأغفرلي ذنوبي رب ي

2x د الهادي ببركة للا يا ، محم

للا يا ذنوبي، فأغفرلي رب ي

Rabbi faghfir li dhunubi Ya Allah Bi barkatil Hadi Muhammad Ya Allah x2

O’ my Lord, forgive my sins, O Allah,

By the blessings of my guide Muhammad (pbuh), O Allah

للا يا مقعد، خير جواره في للا يا بجاهه، بلغنا رب ي

Rabbi balighna bi jahih, ya Allah Fi jiwari khayra maq’ad, ya Allah

O my Lord, let us reach (our goal), for the sake of his (Muhammad pbuh) high station (with You), In his proximity is the best place to stay


سل أشرف د، الر للا يا محم للا يا تغشى، للا وصلة

Wa salatullahi taghsha, Ya Allah

Ashrafar Rusli Muhammad, Ya Allah May Allah’s blessings shower him, The noblest of the Messengers, Muhammad (s)


يا حين كل للا يا تجدد، ، وسلم ر للا يا مستم

Wa salamun mustamirrun, Ya Allah Kulla hinin ya tajaddad, Ya Allah Peace be upon him (Muhammad (pbuh), Continuously and renewed at every moment


للا يا د،نسع بك إنا بك للا يا أهل، للا رسول يا Ya Rasulullahi ahlan, Ya Allah

Bika inna bika nus’ad, Ya Allah

O Prophet of Allah Welcome, For verily with you is our happiness


للا يا مقصد، كل بل غ و جد للا يا إلهي، يا بجاهه و

Wa bijahi, ya ilahi, Ya Allah

Jud wa balligh kulla maqsad, Ya Allah And by his (Muhammad (s) high honored station, O our Lord,

Give generously and fulfill all our intentions, O Allah


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 29

للا يا ونرشد، نسعد به كي للا يا سبيله، نهج واهدنا سبيله نهج واهدنا مرحبا

Wahdina nahja sabilih, Ya Allah Kay bihi nus’ad wa nurshad, Ya Allah

Guide us with his methods and directions, O Allah,

So that we receive happiness and guidance, O Allah


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

30 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Salawat ul Badriyah

لو البدرية ات الص

هللا سـلم هللا، ة صـل عـلى طـه رسـول هللاس حـبيـب هللا ـ هللا سـلم هللا، ة صـل عـلى ي

Salatullah salamullah ‘ala Taha Rasullillah

Salatullah salamullah ‘ala Yasin Habibillah Allah’s praise, Allah’s blessing Upon Taha, Messenger of Allah (PBUH)

Allah’s praise, Allah’s blessing Upon the Yasin, Beloved of Allah (PBUH)

تــوسـلـنا ببـسـم هللا و بالـهادى رسـول هللا ل مــجـاهـدين و كــل بأهل البدر يا للا

Tawassalna bi bismillah Wa bil Hadi Rasulillah Wa kulli mujahidin lillah Bi ahlil badri ya Allah

We sought by means of bismillah, And by the Guide Messenger of Allah,

And everyone who strive in Allah’s Way, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s), O Allah


ة سل م الهي والن قمة الفات من المه ومن هم ومن بأهل البدر يا للا غم

Ilahi sallimil umma Minal aafati wan niqmah

Wa min hammin wa min ghummah Bi ahlil badri ya Allah My God grant safety to the Nation, From diseases and retribution, And from worries and from sadness, By means of the family of the full moon (Muhammad (s), O Allah


ـنا واكـشـف وا صرف اذية جـميع الهى نجـف مـكائـد العـدا والط بأهل البدر يا للا

Ilahi najjina wakshif Jami’a adhiyyatin wasrif Makaaidal ‘idaa walTuf Bi ahlil badri ya Allah

My God save us and lift, All harm from us, and ward, Our enemies’ schemes from us, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s), O Allah


الهى نـفـس الكربا من العـاصيـن والعطـباة ووبـا بأهل البدر يا للا و كـل بـلـيـ

Ilahi naffisil kurbah Minal ‘aasina wal’aTba

Wa kulla baliyyatin wa wabaa Bi ahlil badri ya Allah My God relieve the distress, From the disobedient and corrupt, From every trial and

epidemic, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s), O Allah


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 31

ة فصلت حصلت فكم من رحمة وكم من ذلـ و كـم من نعمـة وصلـت بأهل البدر يا للا

Fakam min rahmatin hasalat Wa kam min dhillatin fasalat Wa kam min ni’matin wasalat Bi ahlil badri ya Allah

How many mercies have occurred! And how many humiliations were lifted! How many favours have been granted! By means of the family of the full moon

(Prophet Muhammad (s)), O Allah


ذآلفـقر اغنيت كم و وكم اوليـت ذالعـمر كـم عافـيـت ذا الـوزر و بأهل البدر يا للا

Wa kam aghnayta dhal faqri Wa kam awlayta dhal ‘umri Wa kam ‘afayta dhal wizri Bi ahlil badri ya Allah How many poor ones have You sustained! How many old ones have You cared for! How many burdened ones have you healed! By means of the family of the full moon

(Prophet Muhammad (s)), O Allah


فـق و جـل الخـير و الســعد اتيـنا طالـبى الرـع مـنحـة اليـدى بأهل البدر يا للا فـوس

Atayna talibir rafqi Wa julil khayri wassa’di Fawassa’ minhatal aydi Bi ahlil badri ya Allah

We came here asking for mercy, And abundance of goodness and joy,

So expand Your grants, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s), O Allah


فـل تردد مـع الخيـبة على الطيبـة بل اجعلـنا ايـا ذا العــز و الهــيـبـة بأهل البدر يا للا

Fala tardud ma’al khayba Balij’alna ‘alatTayba

Aya dhal ‘izza walhayba Bi ahlil badri ya Allah Don’t turn us back disheartened, Rather let us achieve goodness,

O’ Honored One full of Majesty, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s), O Allah


و ان تردد فـمن نأتـى بـنيـل جميـع حاجا تى ايـا جـالى المـــلـمـات بدر يا للابأهل ال

Wa in tardud faman nati Binayli jami’e hajati Aya jalil mulimmati Bi ahlil badri ya Allah If You rebuff us to whome shall we go, for all our needs? O the one who

washes away hardship, By means of the family of the full moon (Prophet Muhammad (s)), O Allah


32 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Ahmad Ya Habibi

احمد يا حبيبي

م عليك ,احمد يا حبيبي ٤ Xسل

Ahmad Ya Habibi, Salaam ‘Alayk x4 O’ my beloved Ahmad (Most praised), Peace be upon you

حمن م عليك ،من عند الر م بالقرآن، جئت سل عليك سلحمن بالقرآن، جئت م ،من عند الر عليك سل

Jita bil Qurani Salaam ‘Alayk Min ‘indir Rahmani Salaam ‘Alayk

Jita bil qurani, Min ‘indir Rahmani, Salaam ‘Alayk You came with holy Quran, From the Merciful one, Peace be upon You,


م عليك م عليك يا يا حبيب للا، سل رسول للا، سلم عليك يارسول للا، يا حبيب للا، سل

Ya RasulAllahi Salaam ‘Alayk Ya HabibAllahi Salaam ‘Alayk

Ya RasulAllahi, Ya HabibAllahi, Salaam ‘Alayk O’ Messenger of Allah, O’ Beloved of Allah, Peace be upon you


م عليك الذ نوبي ماحييا م عليك ، سل يا محيي القلوب، سلم عليك الذ نوبي ماحيا محيي القلوب، يا ي ، سل

Ya Muhyil qulubi Salaam ‘Alayk Ya Mahidh dhunubi Salaam ‘Alayk

Ya Muhyil qulubi Ya Mahidh dhunubi Salaam ‘Alayk

O the reviver of the hearts, O the eraser of the sins, Peace be upon you


م عليك م عليك يا جد الحسين ، سل يا جد الحسن ، سلم عليك يا جد الحسن، يا جد الحسين ، سل

Ya Jaddal Hassani Salaam ‘Alayk Ya Jaddal Hussaini Salaam ‘Alayk

Ya Jaddal Hassani, Ya Jaddal Hussaini, Salaam ‘Alayk O’ grandfather of Hussan (as), O’ grandfather of Hussain (as), Peace be upon you


هراء أبا يا م عليك الز م عليك ، سل يا أبا القاسم، سلهر أبا يايا أبا القاسم ، م عليك اء الز ، سل

Ya abul Qasemi Salaam ‘Alayk Ya abazZahraaye Salaam ‘Alayk Ya abul Qaseemi, Ya abazZahraahi, Salaam ‘Alayk O’ father of Qasim (as), O’ father of Zahra (as), Peace be upon you

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 33

AnNabi Sallu ‘alayh

ه علي النبي صلوا

صلوات للا عليه

النبي صلوا عليه وينال البركة من صلى عليه كل

AnNabi sallu ‘alayh Salawatullah ‘alayh Wa yanalul Baraka Kullu man salla ‘alayh

The Prophet (saw) praise Him! Allah bestowed blessings upon Him,

And everyone who praises Him, Will be granted blessings

النبي يا من حضر ٢ Xالنبي خير البشر القمر شق له من والغزال سلم عليه

(AnNabi ya man hadar A ‘n Nabi khayrul bashar) x 2 Man lahu shaqqal qamar Wal ghazal Sallam ‘alayh He is the Prophet (pbuh); O’attendees, The Prophet (Muhammad (s) is the

best of creation! Who split the moon, and the gazelle (deer) greeted Him


النبي ذاك العروس ٢ Xيحي النفوس ذكره النصارى والمجوس اسلموا على يديه

(AnNabi Dhakal ‘arus Dhikruhee yuhen nufus) x 2 A n-nasara wal Majus Aslamu ‘a la yaday The Prophet is the most beloved, His remembrance revives the souls,

The Christians and Magi (Zoroastrian priests), accepted Islam by his hands


النبي ذاك المليح ٢ Xقوله قول فصيح صحيح شيء والقرآن ل عليه الذي أنز

(AnNabi Dhakal malih Qawluhu qawlun fasih) x 2

Wal Qur’an shayun sahih Alladhi unzil ‘alayh The Prophet is the sweet One, His words are eloquent And Quran is an absolute truth, That was revealed to Him


النبي يا حاضرين ٢ Xاعلموا علم اليقين لة عليه رب العالمين أن افرض الص

(AnNabi ya hadirin A‘alamu ‘ilmal y’aqin) x 2 Ana rabbal ‘alamin Afradas salat ‘alay The Prophet O attendees, You should know with certainty,

That the Lord of both worlds, made praising him, an obligation


34 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

النبي المجتبي ٢ Xقباالذي نزل ين و الن اظهر صلو عليه كلكم باالد

(AnNabiyul Mujtaba Alladhi nazal quba ) x 2

Azharaddin wanNaba Kullukum sallu ‘alayh The Prophet, the chosen One, who passed by Quba (Qab Qawsayn, 2 bow arrows or nearer), He revealed the religion and the prophecy, You All praise Him


البتولزوج وامتدح ٢ Xالرسول عم ن اب في قبول احبهم من عليه ضىول له ير

(Wamtadih zawjal batul Ibnu ‘ammi li Rasul) x 2

Man ahabhum fi qabul Wal ilah yarda ‘alayh And praise husband of Fatima (Imam Ali (as)) the Prophet's cousin,

The one who loves them is accepted by Allah and He is pleased with him/her.


ة لنبي الحسن ثم الحسين ٢ Xعين قر كلكوكبيننورهم صلو عليه جدهم

(Al Hassan thumal Husayn Lin Nabi qurratu ‘ayn ) x 2

Nooruhum kal kawkabayn Jadduhum sallu ‘alayh Al-Hassan (as) then Al-Hussain (as), are the coolness to Prophet’s Eyes, Their lights are like two bright stars, praise their Grandfather (Muhammad (s)


كر و عمر ابوب ٢ Xنورهم يعل القمر من ابغدهم في سقر ول له يسخط عليه

(Abu Bakrin wa ‘Umar Nooruhum ya’lul qamar) x 2 Mana ab- ghad-hum fi saqar Wal ilah yas khat ‘alayh Abu Bakr (as) and Umar (as), their light surpasses the moon,

The one who hates them is in hell, And God is angry with him


ج قمرين و ترد عن ذ نورين ٢ Xمن تزو من ترد في خيرين عليه يرضيوالمول

(Wa tara du an ze-noorayn Mantaza waja qamarayn) x 2

Man tarada fi khay-rayn Wa Mawla yarda ‘alayh And [Allah] be pleased with the beholder of two lights (Othman (as),

who married the two moons (daughters of the Prophet (s), Who received two sources of lights and the Lord is pleased with him


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 35

Nahran min Laban

من لبن رانه

لبن من نهرا الجنة في إن ٢ Xحسن و حسين و لعلي Inna fil jannati nahran min laban Li ‘Aliyin wa Hussainin wa Hassan

Inna fil jannati nahran min laban Li ‘Aliyin wa Hussainin wa Hassan In heaven there is a river of Milk for Imam ‘Ali (as) and Hussain (as) and Hassan (as) In heaven there is a river of Milk for Imam ‘Ali (as) and Hussain (as) and Hassan (as)

من و فضل حبه ناحبا قد رسول يا ٢) X المنن منك نرتجي بالتجل ي، علينا جد (

Ya rasulan qad habana hubbuhu fadlan wa man

(Jud ‘alayna bittajali, nartaji minkal minan x2)

O Messenger, whose love has rewarded us with favours and grants,

Be generous to us with your manifestation, we seek from you all favours


) منه راجيا حسن قلبي هوا في وغراما شوقا جئت ٢) Xثمن روحي له من ابتساما

Jitu shawqan wa gharaaman, fi hawa qalbi Hassan (Rajiyan minhubi thaman man lahu ruhi thaman x2)

I came full of love and yearning, and my heart full of desire,

Hoping a smile from he, for whom my soul is the price


عن و قلبي وحنين وحنيني فؤادي من ٢) X وعن عطفا تبكي حنيني الطير ورأى(

Min fuaadi wa hanini wa hanin qalbi wa ‘an

(Wara a’ Tayru hanini tabki ‘atfan wa ‘an x2)

From the yearning of my heart and its moaning, The birds saw my yearning, and started crying in sympathy


) لتي و ٢) X والحسن حسين بال الختامي حسن راجيا سلمي و ص المؤتمن لنبي

WaSsalati wa salami linNabiyyil mutaman

(Rajiyan husnal khitami bil Hussaini wal Hassan x2)

Praising and blessings upon the trusted Prophet (Muhammad (saws),

Hoping to have a good ending by the means of Hussain (as) and Hassan (as)


36 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Nadi Ali (as)


ناد عليا مظهر العجائب ٢ Xتجده عونا لك في النوائب

يا علي ،علي علي علي علي

يا علي ،علي علي علي علي

Nadi Aliyan Muzharul ‘ajayeb

Tajidhu ‘awnallaka fin nawayeb x2

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali

سم، لك لصاغ ا رب ي سبحان علي يا منرسم، بالقلب إسمك علي يا علي يا هال

علي يا ؤكنوزالعلم، الجود منبع يا علي يا ، مبتسم بمولدك ثغرالمودة

علي يا نلتزم، بمنهجك آخرودنيا علي يا معتصم، بالعدل صادق قلب عن

٢ Xوالمناقب الفخر لواء أنت

ة ٢ Xوالمواهب وجوهرالعز

يا علي ،علي علي علي علي

ا عليي ،علي علي علي علي

Ya Ali Is’mak bilqalb min-risem,YA ALI

Subahan Rabbil sagh’lak hal isem,YA ALI

Ya Man-ba'al judu keno’zil ‘ilem, YA ALI

Thaghril maw’adat bemawlidak mibtisem, YA ALI

Akhiraw Dunya- menhajak ‘niltizem, YA ALI

An Qaleb Sadiq bil ‘adil- mi’etisem, YA ALI

Anta Liwaul Fakhri wal Manaqeb x2

Wa Jawharul ‘Izzati wal Mawaheb x2

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 37

مير فوق إسم أشرف علي يا الرتب، أعلى نال وفضلك أسمك علي يا إنكتب، الض

ين يا نورك يوم ما علي يا وهب، لوجودك بارينا هالفضل علي يا إنحجب، بوحس

بالشرايع فريضة حبك علي يا الذهب، وأنت ت راب الوجود كل علي يا وجب، و

٢ Xتب والمرا الشأن فوق شأنك

حسان بلغة يا ٢ Xوالمكاسب ال

٢ Xيا علي ،علي علي علي علي

Ashraf Isem fau’quz zamir inkitab YA ALI

Ismaku fadhlak naal a`alar rutab YA ALI

Ma yawm Nurak Ya Bu Hussin, inhajab, YA ALI

Hal fadel Barinal wojudak wahab, YA ALI

Kulil wojudit Tarab wa Antaz Zahab, YA ALI

Hubbuk Faridau wa bishraa`I wejab, YA ALI

Sha`anuka fauqash Sha`ani wal Maratib x2

Ya Bulghatal Ihsani wal Makasib x2

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali


ين بوجودك علي يا العمد، وإنت السور إنت للكون علي يا إنوجد، يف الحن الد

علي يا أسد، شبيهك ما غالب ياأسد علي يا شهد، حيدر يا الخالق وبزودك

علي يا حيدرسند، يا حبك بس ر بالحش علي يا ولد، ل أهل ل ينفع مال ل

٢ Xوالمثالب ظهورالفضل يوم

٢ Xالقارب من الدنى ينفع ل

٢ Xيا علي ،علي علي علي علي

Lilkaun intas soor wa Intal ‘Amad YA ALI

Bijudakid dinil hanifin wijad YA ALI Ya Assad Ghalib ma shabihak Assad, YA ALI

Wibzudak Khaliq Ya Haidar Shahad,YA ALI

Bilhashir bes Hubbak Ya Haider Sanad, YA ALI La maal yinfa la ahil la walad, YA ALI

Yawma Zuhoril Fadhli wal Mathalib x2

La yanfa'ul adna minal Aqarib x2

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali

Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ya Ali


38 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Part B

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 39

Maa lanaa mawlan siwallah

للا سوى مول مالنا

للا سوى مول مالنا للا للا,للا للا للا أنا ياعبدي قال ياهو ناديت كلما

Allah Allah, Allah Allah Maa lanaa mawlan siwallah Kulla maa naa daita yaa Hu Qala ya 'abdi anAllah

O Allah, O God, there is no God but Allah, Whenever I call out O my Lord “O Hu”

He says:”O my servant, I am Allah. ”

للا من النصر وأتى للا أطلع ربيع في

م وشريف عظيم شهر له يا للا كر

Fi Rabi’in, atla ’Allah Wa atan nasru minAllah

Ya lahu shahru ‘Azimu Wa sharifu karramAllah

In Rabi’ (al Awwal) Allah revealed; And He granted us victory,

What a great month! Allah conferred honour to his noble Servant


فزنا القصد وبنيل فرحنا قد جمعا فيه

للا أنعم وعلينا طبنا للا رسول يا

Fihi jam’an, qad farihna Wa benaylil qasdi fuzna

Ya RasulAllahi Tibna Wa ’alayna an’amAllah All of us take immense pleasure in this month, And we fulfilled our

intention/goals, O Messenger of Allah, we had the utmost delight,

Allah bestowed His blessing upon us


ين الم احمد الهادي بظهور ؤيد ظهر الد

د هنأ يا ذالك الفضل من للا بمحم

Zahara ddin ul mu’ayyad Bi zuhuril Hadi Ahmad

Ya hanaan bi Muhammad Dhalikal Fadhlu minAllah

The eternal religion came to light, With the arrival (birth) of our guide Ahmad

(Pbuh), Congratulations O Muhammad (Pbuh), That is Allah’s grace


40 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

الشفيع ميلد كان ربيع في عشر ثاني

فيع القدر صاحب للا أيد قد له من الر

Thani ’ashri fi Rabi’yin Kana Miladush Shafi’yi

Sahibul Qadrir Rafi’yin Man lahu qad ayadAllah

On the twelfth of Rabi’ ul Awwal, the intercessor (Muhammad (pbuh)

was born, The owner of supreme power and highest rank, He is

the one whom Allah supports


سل خاتم التهامي ميلد يوم الكرام الر

الل من النصر وأتى السلم دار زخرفت

Yawma miladut tihami Khatamir Ruslil kirami

zakhrifat darus salami Wa Atan nasru MinAllah

On the birthday of the Prophet from Tihama, The Seal of the Messengers,

The peaceful dwelling was decorated, and the Lord sent us Victory


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (s) and his family.

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 41

Salawat Adnani

نان صلوات عد

Qad saada fil Mahdi, ‘alal ghulmani على الغلمان ،قد ساد فى المهد

U`idhuhu bil’bayti dhil’arkani ذي الركان ،أعيذه بالبيت

Hatta ara hu balighal bunyani اه بالغ البنيان حتى أر

(Anta’lladhi summi ta’fil Quraani) x2 ) يت في القرآن ٢) X أنت الذي سم

I protect him by the House (Ka’aba) with the strong corners, Until I see him reach

manhood, You are the one whose name is mentioned in the Quran


Ahmad du’maktubu ‘alal jinani على الجنان ،أحمد مكتوب

Salla ’alayk Allah hu’ fil ahyani صلى عليك للا في الحيان

Ahmad’duhu fi’sirri wal burhani ر والبرهان أحمده في الس

(Haqa‘alal Islami wal Imani) x2

يمان ( سلم وال ٢) X حقا على ال

Ahmad (Muhammad (saws), whose name is written all over the walls of paradise,

May Allah shower His blessings upon you, Ahmad (saws) whom I praise loudly and

in private, Is Truthful in Islam (submission) and Iman (faith)


Ahmad’duhu fi’sirri wal burhani ر والبرهان أحمده في الس

Haqqal ‘alal Islami wal Imani يمان سلم وال حقا على ال

Ya rabbana bil Mustafal `Adnani يا ربنا بالمصطفى العدنان

(Igfir dhunub’ thumma aslih shani)x2 ) اغفر ذنوبي ثم أصلح شأنيX (٢

Ahmad (pbuh), whom I praise loudly and in private, Truthful in Islam and Iman

(faith), O’ Lord, by the Chosen One, the descendant of Adnan, Forgive my sins and reform my character


حمان يا مصطفى يا صفوة صلى عليك للا يا عدنان الر

الذي أعطاني ٢) X الردان الطيب هذا الغلم (الحمد لل

Salla ‘Alaik Alla’hu ya ‘Adnani

Ya Mustafa Ya saf-watar Rahmani Alhamdulilla’hil lazhi- ah’Tani

(Hazzaal ghulamat Thayy’ibal ardani) x2

May Allah’s blessings be upon you O’ descendant of Adnan, O Mustafa (chosen one), the choice of The Most Merciful, Thanks be to Allah for granting

us,This pure boy Who surpassed all his peers while still in the cradle

42 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Tala’al Badru ‘Alayna

طلع البدر علينا

طلع البدر علينا من ثنيات الوداع علينا الشكر وجب داع لل دعا ما

Tala’al badru ‘alayna Min thaniyatil wada’a

Wa jabash shukuru ‘alayna Ma da’aa lillahi da’a

O’ the full moon rose above us, From the valley of Wada’,

Gratitud is our obligation, as long as any caller calls to Allah

فينا المبعوث أيها المطاع بالمر جئت حبيبي يا شفيعا كن واجتماع حشر يوم

Ayyuhal mabuthu fina Jita bil amril muta’a

Kun shafiy‘an ya habibi Yawma hashrin wajtima’a O you who were sent among us, You came with the orders to be obeyed,

Be our intercessor O’ our beloved, On the Day of gathering and judgement


من علي صل ربنا البقاع خير في حل ل يا باع مجم جميعا اغوثن أنت الط

Rabbana salli ‘ala man Halla fi khayrul biqa’a Anta ghawthuna jami’an Ya mujammalat tiba’a

O our Lord, send Your blessings upon the one, Who appeared in the best of all

places, You are our saviour [Muhammad (s), O the one who has all the perfected character traits


عز ثوب ولبسنا الرقاع تلفيق بعد تر أسبل داع كل مجيبا يا علينا الس

Wa labisna thawba ‘izzin Ba’da talfiqi riqa’a

Asbili s’sitra ‘alayna Ya mujiban kulla da’a We were adorned with the robe of honor, after patches and tatters Cover our shortcomings, O Answerer of all requests


أحمد على للا وصلة الرقاع تحرير عد وصحب آل وكذا ساع لل سعا ما

Wa salatullah ‘ala Ahmad ‘adda tahriri riqa’a

Wa kadha aalin wa sahbin Ma sa’a lillahi sa’a And Allah’s blessing be upon Ahmad (pbuh), On the numbers of the freed lands,

Likewise upon his Family and his Companions, as long as the striving is for Allah


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 43

Ya Gharami


بالسلم الـمبين ، صلة

٢ X ياغرامى لنقطة الـتعيـين

(Salatun, bissalamil mubini Li nuqTatit ta’yini, Ya gharami) 2X

٢ X، أصل التكوين من عهد كن فيكون ياغرامى نبي كان

(Nabiyun kaana, aslat takweeni

Min ‘ahdi kun fayakon yaa gharami) 2X


شاد مسبل مغيثا نذير حقا، أيا من جآءنا ٢ X، سبل الر

(Aya manja-ana, haqqan nadhiri Mughithan musbilan, subular rashadi) 2X


x٤يا للا يا للا، يا للا، للا،

Allahhhh, Ya Allahhh, Ya Allahhh, Ya Allahhh (4X)

٢ Xالمبين بالـحق جآء ويامن الـجبين ضاوى يا، للا رسول

(Rosulullahi yaa, dawil jabini

Wayaa man ja’a bil haqqil mubini) 2X


٢ Xاليك تـهدى النسيم، كـمعطار عليك تـتلى تزل، لم صلة (Salatu lam tazal, tutla ‘alayka

kami’tarin nasimi, tuhdaa ilayka) 2X


44 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Noor ul Mustafa

نور المصطفي

نور المصطفي، نور المصطفي

Noorul Mustafaa, Noorul Mustafa

Mala alakwan, Mala alakwan مل الكوان، مل الكوان

د د محم ,Habibi Muhammad, Muhammad حبيبي محم

د Muhaaammad محم

Khayrul Mursaleen المرسلين خير

Light of Mustafa (chosen one) , Filled the universes, My Beloved, Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad (pbuh), Best of Messengers

٢) X، أعطاك الجمال ذوالجلل الل (

(Allah dhul Jalal, a’Takal Jamal) x2

Ya Shamsal qamal, Ya noorul ‘ayni يا شمس الكمال، يا نور العين

د د محم حبيبي محمد محم

Habibi Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhaaammad

Khayrul Mursaleen المرسلين خير

Allah the Lord of Majesty granted you beauty, O Sun of Perfection, O’ light of my eyes/vision, My Beloved, Muhammad (s), the Best of messengers.


x2(Nooru qal wadaah, Maalik’al arwah) ٢) Xنورك الوضاح، مالك الرواح (

Kam muhib bin rah, Il’al hara’mayni رمين كم محب راح إلي الح

د د محم حبيبي محمد محم

Habibi Muhammad, Muhammad,


Khayrul Mursaleen المرسلين خير

Your light is lulminous, You are the owner of the souls, Many lovers went to the two

holy places (Makah & Madinah), My Beloved, Muhammad (s), the Best of messengers


x2(’Ya’allah Ya Badi, Balighna Jamee) ٢) Xبلغنا جميع ،يا للا يا بديع (

Hadra tash’shafee, Khayrul tha’qalayni الثقلين خير حضرة الشفيع

د د محم حبيبي محمد محم

Habibi Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhaaammad

Khayrul Mursaleen المرسلين خير

O Allah the Incomparable Creator, grant us all, The presence of the Intercessor, Who is the best of two kinds (humans and jinn), My Beloved, Muhammad (saws),

the Best of messengers


Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 45

Ya Taybah

يا طيبة

Ya Ali ibna Abi Talib

ابي طالب إبن على يا

Minkumu masdarul mawaahib منكم مصدرالمواهب

Hal tura hal urali haajib حاجب لي ارا هل ترا هل

‘indakum عندكم Afda’lul ghilmaana افضل الغلمان Afda’lul ghilmaana افضل الغلمان

O’ Imam Ali (as) son of Abu Thalib, You are the source of the Divine gift,

What are the eyes seeing? By your side are two great young men (Imam Hassan (as) and Imam Hussain (as))


Asyadil Hassan wal Hussaini والحسين الحسن اسيادي

il’Nabi qurrato 'aini ة عينى الي النبي قر

Ya shabaa bal janna’taini ويا شباب الجنتين

Jaddukum جدكم saahibul qur'ana القرآن صاحب saahibul qur'ana القرآن صاحب Our Masters, Al Hassan (as) and Al Hussain (as), They are the coolness of

Prophet’s (saws) eyes, O’ the Youth of the Paradises,

Your Grandfather (Muhammad (saws) is the owner of the Holy Quran


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (s) and his family.

Ya Taybah, Ya Taybah يا طيبة، يا طيبة

Ya dawal 'ayana يا دوا العيانا

Istaqu-anna alayk لك استقنا

wal hawa nadaana والهوا نادانا wal hawa nadaana x2 والهوا ناداناX ٢

O’ Good one, O’ Good One, O’ the cure of my eyes,

We are longing for you, And the love keeps calling us to you

46 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Ahmad Ya Habibi

احمد يا حبيبي

احمد يا حبيبي احمد يا حبيبي

م عليك ، يا حبيبي م ،سل احمد يا حبيبي ليك ع سل

Ahmad ya Habibi, Ahmad ya Habibi

Ahmad ya Habibi Ya Habibi, Salam ‘Alayka, Salam ‘Alayka Ahmad, O my Beloved Ahmad, O my Beloved Ahmad, O my Beloved, O my Beloved, Peace be upon you

ياعون الغريب يا نور الظلم م عليك ، يا حبيبي م ،سل يا شفيع الخلق عليك سل

Ya awnal gharibi Ya noora zhalami

Ya Shafi’al khalqi Ya Habibi, Salam ‘Alayka, Salam ‘Alayka O the Supporter of the strangers, O the light in the darkness, O intercessor of the creation, O my Beloved, Greetings! Peace be upon you


هراء أبا يا يا أبا القاسم الز

م عليك ، بيبي يا ح م ،سل يا جد الحسين عليك سل Ya abal Qasemi Ya AbazZahrayee

Ya Jaddal Hussaini Y a Habibi, Salam ‘Alayka, Salam ‘Alayka O’ father of Qasim (as), O’ father of Zahra (as), O’ grandfather of Hussain (as),

O my Beloved, Peace be upon you


يا طه طبيبي يا محيي القلوبي

م عليك ، يا حبيبي م ،سل ة يا عليك سل العيني قر Ya Taha Thabibi Ya Muhyil qulubi

Ya Qurratul `aini Ya Habibi, Salam ‘Alayka, Salam ‘Alayka O’ my healer Taha, O’ reviver of hearts, O’ coolness to the eyes,

O’ my Beloved, peace be upon you


صفوة للا يا رسول للا يا

م عليك ، يا حبيبي م ،سل يا حبيب للا عليك سل Ya Sufwat Allahi Ya Rasul Allahi

Ya Habib Allahi Ya Habibi, Salam ‘Alayka, Salam ‘Alayka O’ Allah’s elite, O’ Messenger of Allah, O’ Beloved of Allah, O my Beloved, Peace be upon you!


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Ya Abaz Zahra (saw)

هراء ياابا )ص(الز

هراء ياابا ٢ Xبالذي صناك الز ل تخي بنا ياسيدي نحن جيراناك

ك ياسيدي نحن جيرانا

رب ي للا للا، للا للا عوني وحسبي ما لي سواه

Ya Abbaz Zahraa Billadhi Sanak x2

La Tukhayyibna Ya Sayyidi Nahnu jiranak

Ya Sayyidi Nahnu jiranak Allahu Allah Allah, Allahu Rabbi

‘Awnee wa Hasbi Mali Siwaoo

٢ Xالخلن بين ما ن وريحا روح حضرتنا في ياسيدي الرضوان جنة

للا للا حضراتنا، في ياسيدي Rohu wa Rayhan, Ma Baynal Khullaan x2

Jannatur Ridwan, Ya Sayyidi fi hadratina

Ya Sayyidi fi hadratina, Allah Allah

Rest and satisfaction, among intimate friends, Garden of Delights,

O’ My master is in your presence,


٢ Xالنفوس محيا القدوس حضرة الينا تحتج ياسيدي، الفردوس جنة

للا للا الينا، تحتج ياسيدي Hadratul Qudos, mahya lin nufus x2

Jannatel Firdausa Ya Sayyidi, Tahtajul Laina

Ya Sayyidi Tahtajul Laina Allah Allah The Holy Presence, the reviver of the souls,

Heaven of Ferdaws (7th Heaven), O’ My Master is in need of You


٢ Xان سقيناقذ العرفان خمر من ينا مخلد ياسيدي، الولدان يد من

للا للا ينا ، مخلد ياسيدي Min Khamril ‘Irfaan, suqyina Qizaan x2

Mey Yadil wildana Ya Sayyidi Mukhalladina

Ya Sayyidi Mukhalladina Allah Allah

The Wine of Gnosis, poured for us in clay mugs,

By the hands of youths of the ever-young, O my master, ever-young


48 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

٢ Xمتقابلين العارفين حال مستبشرنا ياسيدي، سرر على

للا للا مستبشرنا، ياسيدي

Haalul ‘Aarifeen, Mutaqabeleen x2 ‘Aala Sururi Ya Sayyidi Mustabshirina

Ya Sayyidi Mustabshirina, Allah Allah The Gnostics sit facing each other, Upon couches in good spirits,

O my master in good spirit


٢ Xالبشرى لهم الحضرة أبناء معززنا ياسيدي، الخرى قبل من

للا للا معززنا، ياسيديAbna ul Hadrah, lahumul Bushraa x2 Min Qablil ukhraa Ya Sayyidi Mu’azzazina

Ya Sayyidi Mu’azzazina, Allah Allah

The Children of the Presence (Ahlul Bayt), for them glad tiding,

Honored before the rest, O’ my master honored


٢ Xزمان كل في الرحمان، عباد مطمئنينا ياسيدي، المان لهم

للا للا مطمئنينا، ياسيدي‘Ibaadur Rahman,Fi Kulli Zamaan x2 Lahamul Amaan Ya Sayyidi Mutma inneena

Ya Sayyidi Mutma inneena, Allah Allah Servants of the Most Merciful at all time, Have safety and certainty, O’ my Master, they have certainty


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Ya Shafi’ al Wara

يا شفيع الورى

سلم عليك ،يا شفيع الورى سلم عليك ،يا نب ي الهدى سلم عليك ،سي د الصفياء سلم عليك ،تم النبياءخا

Ya Shafi' Al Wara, Salamun ‘Alayk Ya Nabiy al Huda, Salamun ‘Alayk Khatimul Anbiya, Salamun ‘Alayk Sayyidul AsfiYa, Salamun ‘Alayk

O Intercessor of mankind, peace be upon you; O Prophet of guidance,

peace be upon you; The Seal of the prophets, peace be upon you;

Master of the purified ones, peace be upon you

أحمد ليس مثلك أحد سلم عليك ،مرحبا مرحبا خلوق على الم ،واجب حبك سلم عليك ،يا حبيب العلى

Ahmadu’ Layssa Mithluka’hadun Marhaban Marhaba, Salamun ‘Alayk Wajibun Hubbuka Alal Makhlouq Ya Habibal ‘Ulaa, Salamun ‘Alayk

O’ Ahmad (Muhammad (saws), no one is like you, Greetings, peace be upon you

Your love is an obligation on the creation, O Beloved of the Sublime, peace be upon you


أعظم الخلق، أشرف الشرفاء سلم عليك ،أفضل النبياءهتداء مهبط الوحي منزل القران سلم عليك ،صاحب ال

Adhamul Khalqi, Ashrafu Ashurafaa Afdhalul Anbiya, Salamun ‘Alayk

Ma’batul Wahyi Manzalil Quran Sahibal Ih’tida, Salamun ‘Alayk

The Greatest of creation, the most Honourable, The best of prophets, peace be upon you The base of revelation, the home of Quran, The owner of guidance, peace be upon you


اشفع لي يا حبيبي يوم الجزاء سلم عليك ،أنت شافعنا كشفت منك ظلمة الظلماء سلم عليك ،أنت بدر الدجى

Ishfa’a Li Ya Habibi Yawmal Jazaa' Anta Shafi'una, Salamun ‘‘Alayk

Kushifat Minka Dhulmatul Dhulama' Anta Badrud Dujaa, Salamun ‘Alayk

Intercede for me O’ my Beloved one, on the day of judgement. You are our Intercessor, you are Purified from the oppressions and the oppressors, You are the full moon in a dark

night, peace be upon you


50 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

طلعت منك كوكب العرفان سلم عليك ،أنت شمس الضحى ليلة السراء قالت النبياء سلم عليك ،مرحبا مرحبا

Tala ‘at Minka Kawkabul Irfan Anta Shamsul Dhuha, Salamun ‘Alayk

Laylatul Isra qaalatil Anbiya Marhaban Marhaba, Salamun ‘Alayk

Emanating from you the source of all realities, You are the sun of a bright morning,

peace be upon you, In the Night of Ascension, all the prophets said; Greetings,

peace be upon you


يا حبيبي ليس سواك مقصدي سلم عليك ،أنت مقصودنا انك مقصدى و ملجئي انك مدعى، سلم عليك

Maqsudi Ya Habibi Layssa Siwak Anta Maqsuduna, Salamun ‘Alayk

Innaka Maksadi Wa Maljaa'ee Innaka Mudda'a, Salamun ‘Alayk

My aim is at no one but you, O’ My Beloved, You are our goal, peace be upon you,

You are my destination and my shelter, You are my aim, peace be upon you


على المصطفى ،صلوات للا أفضل النبياء، سلم عليك ل غلمك يا سي دي سلم عليك ،منهم يا مصطفى هذا أو

Salawatullahee Alal Mustafa Afdhalul Anbiya, Salamun ‘Alayk

Hadha Awwalu Ghulamuka Ya Sayyidi Minhum Ya Mustafa, Salamun ‘Alayk

May blessings of Allah be upon the Chosen One, Best of all prophets, peace be upon you

May I be the first of your servants, O my Master O’ Chosen One, peace be upon you


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Ya Arhamar Rahimin

احمين الر ألرحم يا

احمين، فــ رج على المسلمين ألرحم يا الر احمين، ألرحم يا احمين ألرحم ياالر الر

Ya Arhamar Rahimin, Ya Arhamar Rahimin

Ya Arhamar Rahimin, Farrij ‘alal Muslimin O’ Most Merciful of the merciful ones, Send salvation on to the Muslims

رحيــــــم يا ربنــا يا

كــريم يا ربنـــا يا الحليم الجواد أنت المـــــــعين نعم وأنت

Ya Rabbana Ya Karim Ya Rabbana Ya Rahim

Antal Jawadul Haleem Wa anta ni’mal Mu’yin O’ our Generous Lord, O’ our Merciful Lord! You are the One who gives,

and You are the One with Forbearance, And the best One who assists


ربنـــا ومالنا حسبنـــا يا ســـواك والغنــا العل ياذا متيــــن يا قـــوي ويا

Wa ma lana Rabbana Sewaka ya Hasbana Ya dhal ‘ula wal ghina Wa ya Qawi ya Mateen

Our Lord we have no one to rely on, except You O Sufficient for me, O Most High and Rich/Self-sufficient, O the Strong and Firm One!


سواك نرجو وليس دراك إلــــهي فادرك والهـــلك الفنا قبل وديــــن دنيـــــا يعم

Wa laysa narju siwak Fadrik ilahi darak

Qablal fana wal halak Ya ‘ummud duya wa din We seek none but You, reach to us and look after us, Before annihilation and destruction, Cover the material world and religion


ســـــول طه بجاه بالقـــبول ربنا جد الر ســـؤل كل لنا وهب أمــين لي استجب رب ي

Bi jahi Tahar rasul Jud rabbana bil qabul Wa hab lana kulla sul Rabbis tajib li amin

For the sake of Taha, the Messenger, Grant us the favour of our acceptance,

And grant us everything we asked for, My Lord answer my requests, Amin


52 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

الذنوب كل واغفرلي العـــيوب كل واسترلي الكروب كل لي واكشف المـؤذين أذى واكف

Waghfir li kullidh dhunub Wastur li kulli ‘uyub

Wakshif li kullil kurub Wa kfi’adha mu-dhin And forgive for me all my sins, and cover for me all my flaws, And lift from me all difficulties, and fend off from me the harm of the harmful


نصــرام دنا إذا ختام بأحسن واختم ال مام الح حين وحان الجبين رشــح وزاد

Wakhtim bi ahsan khitam Idha danal inSiram

Wa hana hinul himam Wa zada rashhul jab’een And seal my end with a good ending, when death approaches, And when the time for trials arrive, and the sweat of the brow increases


نــــام شفــيع على لة ثم ال والسلم الص الكـرام نعم والل والتابعــين والصحب

Thummas salat was salam ‘ala shafil inam

Wal aali ni’mal kiram Wa s-sahbi wa t-tabi’een Then praise and send blessings, upon the Intercessor of the masses

Along with his most honored family, his companions, and his followers


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi

رب ي فأغفرلي ذنوبي

2x د الهادي ببركة للا يا ، محم

للا يا ذنوبي، رلي فأغف رب ي

Rabbi faghfir li dhunubi Ya Allah

Bi barkatil Hadi Muhammad Ya Allah x2

O’ my Lord, forgive my sins, O Allah, By the blessings of my guide Muhammad (pbuh), O Allah

للا يا مقعد، خير جواره في للا يا بجاهه، بلغنا رب ي

Rabbi balighna bi jahih, ya Allah

Fi jiwari khayra maq’ad, ya Allah

O my Lord, let us reach (our goal), for the sake of his (Muhammad ‘s (pbuh)

high station (with You), In his proximity is the best place to stay


سل أشرف د، الر للا يا محم للا يا تغشى، للا وصلة

Wa salatullahi taghsha, Ya Allah

Ashrafar Rusli Muhammad, Ya Allah May Allah’s blessings shower him, The noblest of the Messengers, Muhammad (s)


يا حين كل للا يا تجدد، ، وسلم ر للا يا مستم

Wa salamun mustamirrun, Ya Allah

Kulla hinin ya tajaddad, Ya Allah Peace be upon him (Muhammad (pbuh), Continuously and renewed at every moment


للا يا نسعد، بك إنا بك للا يا أهل، للا ل رسو يا Ya Rasulullahi ahlan, Ya Allah

Bika inna bika nus’ad, Ya Allah

O Prophet of Allah Welcome, For verily with you is our happiness


للا يا مقصد، كل غ بل و جد للا يا إلهي، يا بجاهه و

Wa bijahi, ya ilahi, Ya Allah

Jud wa balligh kulla maqsad, Ya Allah And by his (Muhammad (s) high honored station, O our Lord, Give generously and fulfill all our intentions


54 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

للا يا ونرشد، نسعد به كي للا يا سبيله، نهج واهدنا سبيله نهج واهدنا مرحبا

Wahdina nahja sabilih, Ya Allah Kay bihi nus’ad wa nurshad, Ya Allah

Guide us with his methods and directions, O Allah,

So that we receive happiness and guidance, O Allah


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل لهم ال

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 55

Ya Hanana


المثاني بالسبع خص

Khus’sa bis sab ‘il mathani

Wahawa lutfal ma’ani المعاني لطف حواو

Malahu fil khalqi thani ثاني الخلق في له ما

Wa ‘alay hi anzal Alahhhh…ALLAH !للا …للا انزل وعليه

Ya Hanana, Ya hanana x4 ٤ X ياهنانا ٬ياهنانا

He was solely gifted with the seven holy versus of Surat AlFatiha, And he encompassed the finest qualities, There is no creature like him,

And Allah has bestowed upon him, O our joy, O our joy


ا مكة من Min Makatin lama zahaar ظهر لم

Li ajlihin shaqal qamar القمر انشق لجله

Waf’tak harat aalo mudhar مضر ال وافتخرت

!Bihi ‘ala kullil anammm...ALLAH !للا… النام كل على به

Ya Hanana, Ya hanana x4 ٤ X ياهنانا ٬ياهنانا

When he appeared from Makkah, For him the moon split, And he was the pride of Al-Mudar’s family, Over all human beings, O our joy,

(Mudar: One of the grandfathers of Prophet (pbuh)


Salu’ala khairul anami النام خير على صلوا

Al Mustafa badrit ta’maami بدرالتمام المصطفى

Salu‘alayhi wa salimun وسل موا عليه صلوا

حام يوم لنا يشفع …الز !للا

Yashfa’ lana yaw mazihammm… ALLAH!

Ya Hanana, Ya hanana x4 ٤ X ياهنانا ٬ياهنانا

Praise the best of people, Al-Mustafa the full moon, Praise him and greet him He will grant us intercession on the crowded day (judgement day), O our joy


ين المؤيد ظهر ا Zahara ad-dinul mu’ayyad لد

Bi zuhurin Nabi Ahmad x2 ٢ xبظهور النبي احمد

د Ya Hanana bi Muhammad ياهنانا بمحم

Dhalikal Fadhlu min Allahhhhh ..…ذالك الفضل من للا

!ALLAH !الل

Ya Hanana, Ya hanana x4 ٤ X اياهنان ٬ياهنانا

The eternal religion was revealed, With the arrival of the prophet Ahmad

(pbuh), O our bliss because of Muhammad (pbuh), That is the grace from Allah, O our joy, O our joy

56 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Part C حضرةHadra

(The Presence)

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 57

Ya Nabi Salam ‘Alayka

يا نبي سلم عليك

عليك سلم رسول يا

عليك سلم نبي ياعليك سلم حبيب يا عليك للا صلوات

Ya Nabi Salaam ‘Alayka Ya Rasul Salam ‘Alayka Ya Habib salam ‘Alayka Salawatullah ‘Alayka

O’ Prophet, peace be upon you, O’ Messenger, peace be upon you

O’ my beloved, peace be upon you, Praises of Allah be upon you

ابتهاجا الكون أشرق أحمد المصطفى بوجود أنس الكون لهل و تجدد قد سرور و

Ashraqal kawnu ibtihajan Bi wujudil Mustaf Ahmad

Wa li ahlil kawni unsung Wa sururun qad tajaddad

The world lit up shared brightly rejoicing, With the birth of the Chosen One Ahmad (pbuh), And members of the cosmos were at ease, And happy with this renewal

(glad tidings from God)


المثاني أهل يا فاطربوا غرد اليمن فهزار د الحسن في فاق بجمال واستضيؤا تفر

Fatrabu ya ahlal mathani Fa hazarul yumni gharrad (The nightingale is singing:) ‘Be delighted, O settler of the two places

(Heavens and earth) with this good fortune. And seek the light from a beauty, That is exceedingly superior and unique


ر بسعد البشرا لنا و ينفد ليس مستم المؤبد الفخر جمع عطاء أوتينا حيث

Wa lanal bushra bi sa’din Mustamirrin laysa yanfad

Haythu utina ‘ata an Jama’l fakhrul muabbad We received the good news, With continuous happiness never ending, As we were given a gift, That encompassed eternal glory (for this life and the hereafter)


ر و الـبد منه فاخـتفت الـبدرعـلينا أشـرق ر و السـر وجه يا قـط ينارأ ما حـسـنك ثل م

Ayroqol Badru 'Alaina Fakhtafat Minhul Budur

Mitsla Husnikma Roaina Qhottuya Wajhas Shururi A full moon rises over us, the other moon disappears,

We never saw like your beauty (Goodness), O Face of happiness


58 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

ور ن فـوق نور أنت در ب ت أن شـمـس أنت دور مصباح أنت وغالي إكسيـر أنت الص

Anta Syamsun Anta Badrun Anta Nurun Fauqo Nuuri Anta Iksiru Wagholi Anta Misbahush Shuduri

You are the Sun, You are the Moon, You are light upon lights, The (golden) door you open is even more priceless, You are the light of the hearts


د افـقين خ ا عـروس ال ي يا حـبيبي يا محـمـد د يا مـيا مؤي ن ي لـت م القـب اإم اي مج

Ya Habibi ya Muhammad Ya Arosal Khafiqayni

Ya muayyad ya Mumajad Ya Imamal Qiblatayni O my beloved, O Muhammad (saws), O star of the East and the West , O supporter, O`praised one, O`leader of both Qiblas (prayer direction)


حمد كل فلربي العد يحصره أن جل د الهادي المصطفي بوجود حبانا إذ محم

Fa li rabbi kullu hamdin Jalla an yahsuru hul’ad

Idh Habana bi wujudil Mustafal Hadi Muhammad All praises to my Lord and gratitude that is countless in number,

Since He bestowed upon us the presence (birth) of Muhammad (pbuh), the Chosen one, the Guide


آله علي و ه علي بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alihO’ Allah send peace

and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

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Ya Imamar Rusl

سل يا إمام الر

انت باب للا معتمدي

سل ي ا سندي يا إمام الربيدي خذ للا رسول يا آخرتي و فبدنياي

Ya imamar Rusli ya sanadi Anta babullahi mu’tamadi Fabi dunyaya wa akh/irate Ya Rasulallahi khud biyadi

O’ Leader of the messengers, O’ my support, You are the door to Allah, on whom I rely,

In my life and in my hearafter, O’ Messenger of Allah (Muhammad (s), Hold my hand

هـوى حيـن بالنجم قسما سـوى والسقيـم المعافى ما والعجـم العرب مولى حب

سوى عنك الكونين فاخلع

Qasaman bin najmi hina hawa Mal mu’afa waSsaqimu sawa

Fakhla’il kawnayni ‘anka siwa Hubbub mawlal ‘urbi wal ‘ajami I swear “by the star in descent” (Quran, 53:1), The healthy and the sick are not alike,

So renounce both worlds, For the Love of the Master of the Arabs and Non-Arabs


مضـر من السادات سي د والحضـر البدو أهل غوث كـم والح الحكـام منبـع

والسـور اليات صاحب

Sayyidus sadati min mudari Ghawthu ahlil badwi wal hadari Sahibul aayati wassuwari Manba’ul ahkami wal hikami Master of the masters of people of Mudar, The Saviour of people of the desert and

cities, The Owner of the verses & chapters [Quran], The Source of laws and wisdom


سريرتـه طابـت قمـر وسـيـرتـه وسجـايـاه والحـرم الحـل أهل عدل

وخيرتـه البـاري صفوة

Qamarun Tabat sariratuhu Wa sajayahu wa siratuhu Safwtul bari wa khiratuhu ‘Adlu ahlil hilli wal harami Like a moon, good and wholesome in his intension, his character & his way of life, The purest elect/ultimate choice of the Creator, the most trustworthy/a righteous

witness for of people of upright and wrongdoing


ترا وليس عين رأت ما بشرا الورا في طه مثل يم الخلق طاهر والش

ثرا الثراء فوق من خير

Mara at ‘aynun wa laysa tara Mithla Taha fil wara bashara

Khayru man fawqal thara athara Tahirul akhlaqe wal shiyami No eyes has seen or will ever see, A human being like Taha (Muhammad (s), He is the best of whomever left traces on earth, The purest in manners & nobel character


60 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Burdah Sharif

شريف برده

مولنا يا للا

للا للا للا

للا للا للا حالي أنظر يرب

Allah Allah Allah Allah Ya Mawlana

Allah Allah Allah Rabbi Unzur halee Allah, O Our Master, O My Lord gaze upon me and my condition

وسلــــم صلــــي يا مول كل هـم الخلق خيــر حبيبــــك علـــى أبــــدا دائمـــاMawla Ya Salli Wa Sallim Da’iman ’Abadan

’Ala Habibika Khayril Khalqi kulli himin O`my lord, send peace and blessings continously, repeatedly, eternally

Upon your Beloved (Muhammad (pbuh)), the best of all creation


بالمصطفى بلغ مقاصدنـا رب ييـا واغفر لنا ما مضى يا واسع الكرم Ya rabbi bil Mustafa baligh maqasidana Waghfir lana maa madha ya wasi`al karami O my Lord, By means of the Chosen One (Muhammad (pbuh), Forgive us our past, O All Comprehending, Generous one


ولـم يـدانـوه فـي علم ول كرم فـاق الـنبي ين في خلق وفي خلق

Faqal nabiyyina fi khalqin wa fi khuluqin

Wa lam yudanuhu fi ‘ilmin wa la karami He surpasses all Prophets in form and character

None of them approaches his knowledge or generosity


هـم من رسول للا ملتمس يم وكـلـ غرفا من البحر أو رشفا من الد

Wa kulluhum min Rasulillahi multamisun

Gharfan minal bahri wa rashfan minal diyami All of them come and take from Allah's Messenger,

A handful of his ocean or a sip of his continuous rains


بي جاهك للا رسول يضيق ولن منتقــم باسم تجلى الكريم إذا

Wa lan yadiqa RasulAllahi jahuka bi

Idhal karimu tajalla bismi muntaqimi And O’ Messenger of Allah, you exalted status will not diminish, From your

intercession for me, when the Most Bountiful manifests with the Name of Avenger


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نيا جودك من فإن والقلم اللوح علم علومك ومن تهـا الد وضر

Fa inna min judikad dunya wa darrataha

Wa min ‘ulumika ‘ilmal lawhi wal qalami For verily amongst your bounties is this world and the Next, And of your knowledge is knowledge of the Preserved Tablets and the Pen


عظمــت زلة من تقنطي ل نفس يا كاللمـم ران الغف في الكبائر إن

Ya nafsu la taqnati min zallatin ‘azumat

Innal kabayera fil ghufrani kallamami O my self do not despair due to your grave sins,

Truly even the greatest sins when pardoned are minor


يقســـمها حين رب ي رحمة لعل القسم في العصيان حسب على تأتي

L’alla rahmata Rabbi hina yaqsimuha

Tati ‘ala hasabil ‘isyani fil qisami Perhaps the mercy of my Lord when distributed

Would be distributed in proportion to the sins


لـه إن الدارين في بعبدك والطف ينهــزم الهوال تدعه متى صبرا

Waltuf bi’abdika fiddarayni inna lahu

Sabran mata tad’uhul ahwalu yanhazimi Be kind to Your servant in both worlds, for verily, His patience runs away, when called upon by hardships (calamities)

دائمـة منك صلة لسحب وائذن ومنسجم بمنهل النبي على

Wadhan lisuhbi Salatin minka daayematin

‘AlanNabiyi bi munhalin wa munsajimi And order clouds of blessings (salutations) from you continously

Upon the Prophet (Muhammad (pbuh) abudantly and gently


لهـم التابعين ثم والصحب والل والكـرم والحلم والنقا التقى أهل

Wal aali wassahbi thummat tabi’yena lahum

Ahlut tuqa wannuqa wal hilmi wal karami And upon his holy family and his companions, then upon those who follow them, The people of piety, knowledge, clemency, and genrosity


62 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Qul Ya ‘Azeem

عظيم يا قل

العظيم أنت عظيم يا قل عظيم هم همنا قد نا يهون باسمك يا عظيم وكل هم هم

Qul ya 'Azeem, antal 'Azeem Qad ham manaa hammun 'Azeem

Wa kullu ham'min hammana Ya hunu bismika ya ‘Azeem

Say O’ magnificent! You are the almighty One, We have been afflicted with a grave concern,

And every concern we are worried about becomes easy, With the mentioning of Your Name, O Great One

ـي لزل قديم ف ٬أنت القديم أنت اللطيف، لطيف لم تزل عنآ أزل ما قد نزل الشـديـدمن فادح الخطـب

Antal qadeem, qadeemun fil azal Antal lateef, lateefun lam tazal 'Anna azil maa qad nazal Min fadihil khatbish shaded

You are the ancient one, O’ preternal one, You are The Subtle, with everlasting

subtleness, Remove from us what has befallen us of grave and difficult afflictions


(للا) واجـد قــديـم قـديـم، حي (للا) مــاجـد غـنـي غـني، بـاقي واحـــد إلـــه إلــه، عــدل بالعـبيـــد وف رؤ رؤوف، بــــر

Hayyun Qadeem, Qadeemun Wajidu


Baqi Ghani, ghaniyun Majidu

(Allah!) Adlun Ilah, Ilahun Wahidu Barrun Rauf, Raufun bil ‘abeed

The Ancient Living One, Ancient and The Perceiver (Allah), The Generous One, The Rich and Most Glorious (Allah)The All-Just God, The One and Only God,

God is Tender, tender with the servant


ي منا صلة، مع سـلم بـ سـلم يـا صـل ي ولنـا نخاف ي يوم الجـزا امنحنـا سـلم ا مجـيــدمم

Wa linNabbi salli ya salaam minna salaatun ma’a salaam Yawmal jazaa nahnas salaam mimmaa nakhafu ya majeed

And upon the Prophet of Peace, send greetings and blessings from us, Grant us safety on Judgment Day from all things which we fear, O Glorious One


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حب السـود سـادوا بـه بيـضـا وســــود والل والص احي الـحـسـودل سـيما م الولـيـــــد إبـن للا سيف

Wal aali wassahbil usood saadu bihi bedan wa sood

laa siyama maahil hasood sayfu' ilaah, ibnil waleed

And the lions from the Family and Companions became Masters through him,

regardless of being white or black especially the one who wiped out great armies, the Sword of Allah, (Khalid) son of al-Waleed


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

64 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Ya Muhammad

د يا محم

د د ٢ x صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د، يا محم د يا محم يا محم

Ya Muhammad Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMAD x2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2 O`Muhammad, O`Muhammad, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad

د د الف صلي للا عليك يا صلوات للا عليك سي د محم محم

Alfi SalAllah ‘Alayka, YA MUHAMMAD x2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

Thousand of Allah’s blessings be upon you, O Muhammad (saws), Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad (saws)

د د صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د، يامحم يا رسول هللا يامحم

Ya Rasul Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2 Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Messenger of Allah, O’ Muhammad(saws), Praises of Allah be upon you, Master


د د صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د يا حبيب للا يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Habib Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Beloved of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad (saws)

د د صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د يا نبي للا يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Nabi Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Prophet of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master

Muhammad (saws)

د د يا خليل للا صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Khalil Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Intimate Friend of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master

Muhammad (saws)

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 65

د صلوات للا عليك سي د صفي يا د محم د للا يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Safi Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ true friend of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad (saws)

د ي يا صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د نج د للا يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Najji Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Confidant of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad (saws)

د د صلوات للا عليك سي د محم د يا شفيع للا يا محم ، يامحم

Ya Shafi’ Allah Ya Muhammad, YA MUHAMMADx2

Salawatullah ‘Alayka Sayyid Muhammad x2

O’ Intercessor of Allah, O’ Muhammad, Praises of Allah be upon you, Master Muhammad (saws)

آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

66 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Rabbi Faghfir li Dhunubi

رب ي فأغفرلي ذنوبي

2x د الهادي ببركة للا يا ، محم

للا يا ذنوبي، فأغفرلي رب ي

Rabbi faghfir li dhunubi Ya Allah

Bi barkatil Hadi Muhammad Ya Allah x2

O’ my Lord, forgive my sins, O Allah, By the blessings of my guide Muhammad (pbuh), O Allah

للا يا مقعد، خير جواره في للا يا بجاهه، بلغنا رب ي

Rabbi balighna bi jahih, ya Allah

Fi jiwari khayra maq’ad, ya Allah

O my Lord, let us reach (our goal), for the sake of his (Muhammad pbuh)

high station (with You), In his proximity is the best place to stay


سل أشرف للا يا د،محم الر للا يا تغشى، للا وصلة

Wa salatullahi taghsha, Ya Allah

Ashrafar Rusli Muhammad, Ya Allah May Allah’s blessings shower him, The noblest of the Messengers, Muhammad (s)


يا حين كل للا يا تجدد، ، وسلم ر للا يا مستم

Wa salamun mustamirrun, Ya Allah

Kulla hinin ya tajaddad, Ya Allah Peace be upon him (Muhammad (pbuh), Continuously and renewed at every moment


للا يا نسعد، بك إنا بك للا يا أهل، للا رسول يا Ya Rasulullahi ahlan, Ya Allah

Bika inna bika nus’ad, Ya Allah

O Prophet of Allah Welcome, For verily with you is our happiness


للا يا مقصد، كل بل غ و جد للا يا إلهي، يا بجاهه و

Wa bijahi, ya ilahi, Ya Allah

Jud wa balligh kulla maqsad, Ya Allah And by his (Muhammad (s) high honored station, O our Lord, Give generously and fulfill all our intentions

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 67


للا يا ونرشد، سعد ن به كي للا يا سبيله، نهج واهدنا سبيله نهج واهدنا مرحبا

Wahdina nahja sabilih, Ya Allah

Kay bihi nus’ad wa nurshad, Ya Allah Guide us with his methods and directions, O Allah, So that we receive happiness and guidance, O Allah


آله علي و عليه بارك و سل م و صل اللهم

Allahuma salli wa sallim wa barik ‘alayhi wa ‘ala alih

O’ Allah send peace and blessings upon him (Muhammad (pbuh)) and his family.

68 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

Mother of Supplications

الدعاء أم

عبدهللا الفائز الداغستاني الش يخ لنا لمو سيدي

Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah al Fa'iz ad Daghestani’s Supplication

By: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

ل مجلسنا هذا صلحا و أوسطه فلحا و آخره نجاحا له رحمة و أوسطه نعمة . اللهم أجعل أو اللهم أجعل أو

الذي تواضع كل شيء لعظمته . ومغفرة و آخره تكريمة ته وخضع كل شيء الحمد لل و ذل كل شيء لعز

الذي سكن كل شيء لهيبته وأ .لملكه وأستسلم كل شيء لقدرته ظهر كل شيء بحكمته وتصاغر و الحمد لل

الساعة إليك يا ودود يا. كل شيء لكبريائه هل .فعال لما يريد .ذو العرش المجيد ”اللهم أيقظنا في أحب

من ورائهم محيط . الذين كفروا في تكذيب بل .فرعون وثمود .أتاك حديث الجنود . بل هو قرآن مجيد .ولا

) ٢٢ـ٠٥: ٨٥سورة البروج “ (في لوح محفوظ

Allahuma aj’al awwala majlesina hadha salahan wa awsatahu falahan wa akhirahu najahan. Allahuma aj’al awwala hu rahmatan wa awsatahu

ni’matan wa akhirahu takrimatan wa maghfirah. Alhamdulila hiL ’ladhi

tawad’a kulli shayin li ’azamatihi wa dhalla kulli shayin li ‘izzatihi wa khad’a kulli shayin li mulkihi w’astaslama kulli shayin li qudratih.

Alhamdulila hiL ’ladhi sakana kulli shayin li haybatihi wa azhara kulli

shayin bi hikmatihi wa tasaghara kulli shayin li kibriyaihi. Allahuma ’ay qizna fi ahabbi sa’ati ilayka ya Wadud, ya “dhu’l ‘arsh il Majid. fa’alul

lima yurid. Hal ataka hadithul junud. Fir’awna wa Thamuda baliL ladhina

kafaru fi takdhibin. Wa Allahu min waraihim muhit. Bal huwa Quranun Majid. Fi lawhin mahfuz.” (Surat Al-Buruj, 85:15-22)

O our Lord! Make the beginning of this gathering goodness, its middle happiness, and its

end success. O our Lord! Make its beginning mercy, its middle bounty, and its ending

generosity and forgiveness. All praise be to Allah who humbled everything before His

Greatness, made all things subservient before His Honor, brought low all things before

His Kingship, and made all things submit to His Power. And all praise to Allah who made

all things tranquil before His Majesty, and made everything appear through His wisdom,

and humbled all things before His Pride. O our Lord! Wake us in the time most beloved

to Yourself, O Loving One, O “Lord of the Throne of Glory, Doer (without let) of all that

He intends. as the story reached thee, of the forces Of Pharaoh and the Thamud? And

yet the Unbelievers (persist) in rejecting (the Truth)! But Allah doth encompass them

from behind! Nay, this is a Glorious Qur'an, (Inscribed) in Preserved Tablet!” (The

mansions of Stars; Ch. 85:15-22)

Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455 69

والمسلمات، ياني صغيرا ولجميع المؤمنين والمؤمنات، والمسلمين رب ياللهم اغفرلي ذنوبي و لوالدي كما

يمان ول تجعل في قلوبنا غل للذين آمن "و الحياء منهم و الموات، خواننا الذين سبقونا بال وا، اغفرلنا ول

احمين )٠١:٥٩سورة الحشر( " .ربنا إنك رؤوف رحيم يا أرحم الر

Allahuma ’ghfirli dhunubi wa li walidayya kama rabbiyani saghiran wa li

jami’il muminina wal muminati, wal muslimina wal muslimati, al ah ya’ye

min hum wal amwat, wa”ghfir lana wa li ikhwaninaL ladhina sabaquna

bil imani, wa la taj’al fi qulubana ghillan liL ladhina amanu rabbana

innaka Ra’ufun Rahim ya arham ar rahimin.” (Surat AlHashr 59: 10)

O Allah forgive me my sins and my parents’ just as they raised me when I was small and

to all the believers, men and women, and all the Muslims, men and women, both the

living among them and the dead, “Our Lord! Forgive us, and our brethren who came

before us into the Faith, and leave not, in our hearts, rancour against those who have

believed. Our Lord! Thou art indeed Full of Kindness, Most Merciful.” (al-Hashr (The

Exile), Ch. 59:10) O Most Merciful of those who show mercy!

سلطان ه الفخام، وبجاه اللهم بجاه حبيبك المصطفى ورسولك المرتضى، وبجاه أوليائك الكرام وبجاه صحابت

د ناظ الو م عادل الحقاني، ليا سي دي مولنا الش يخ عبدللا الفائز الداغستاني وسي دي مولنا الش يخ محم

ه، ول دينا إل قضيته، ول مريضاإل أن ل تدع في مجلسنا هذا ذنبا إل غفرت ومولنا الش يخ هيشام القباني،

نيا والخرة إل قضيتها ويسرتها شفيته، ج اللهم يسر أمورنا. و ل حاجة من حوائج الد واقض ديوننا، وفر

ج كروبن .ا و ثب ت أقدامنا وانصرنا علي أنفسنا وعلي القوم الكافرين همومنا وفر

Allahuma bi jahi habibikal Mustafa wa rasulikal Murtada, wa bi jahi

awliya’ yekal kiram wa bi jahi sahabatihil fikham wa bi jahi sultan al

awliya sayyidi Mawlana ash Shaykh ‘Abdullah al Fa’izi ad Daghestani wa sayyidi Mawlana ash Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al Haqqani, wa

Mawlana ash Shaykh Hisham Qabbani, an la tad’a fi majlisina hadha

dhanban illa ghafartahu, wa la deenan illa qadaytahu, wa la maridan illa shafaytahu, wa la hajatan min hawayej ad dunya wal akhirat illa

qadaytaha wa yassartaha. Allahuma yassir umurana wa aqdi duyunina

wa farrij humumana wa farrij kurubana, wa thabbit aqdamana wan surna

‘ala anfusina wa ‘alal qawmil kafirin.

O Allah for the sake of Your Beloved Chosen Prophet and your Prophet with whom You are pleased, and for the sake of Your honoured saints and for the sake of the Prophet’s

inestimable companions and for the sake the Sultan of Saints our master Shaykh ‘Abdullah al Fa’iz ad Daghestani and my master Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani

do not leave anyone in this gathering whose sins have not been forgiven, and no debt that has not been forgiven, and no ill one who has not been cured and no need of this

life or the Hereafter except that You have judged it and made it easy. O Allah make our affairs easy, and pay off our debts and relieve our distress and allay our concerns and

make steadfast our feet and give victory over ourselves and on the unbelieving enemies within.

70 Naqshbandi Nazimiya Islamic Center 3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC 604-558-4455

ا واشف مرضانا و مرضى المسلمين، وعافنا و عاف مرضانا و مرضى المسلمين، وتقبل منا ي اللهم اشفنا

مان سي دنا مهدي عليه السلم، و سي د دراك صاحب الز ا عيسي عليه السلم،ن ربنا يا للا وأمدنا بعمرنا ل

لة والسلم، واجعلنا أن نراه في الد نيا و في الخرة وارزقنا شفاعة النبي المصطفى عليه أفضل الص

.عدها أبداواسقنا من حوضه شربة هنيئة مريئة ل نظمؤ ب

Allahum ma’shfina washfi mardana wa mardal muslimin, wa ‘afina wa ‘afi

mardana wa mardal muslimin, wa taqabbal minna ya rabbana ya Allah,

wa amidana bi ‘umrina li idrak Sahib az Zaman Sayyidina Muhammad al

Mahdi ‘alayhis salam, wa Sayyidinna ‘Isa ‘alayhis salam, warzuqna

shafa’a tAnNabi al Mustafa ‘alayhi afdalas salati was salam, waj’al lana

an narahu fiddunya wa fi’l akhirati w’asqina min hawdihi sharbatan

haniyattan mariyattan la nazmao b’ada ha abada.

د اللهم إنا نسألك من و نستعيذك من شر ما استعاذك منه سي دنا )ص( خير ما سألك منه سي دنا محم

د رب العالمين )ص(محم .حة عليه سر سورة الفات ربنا تقبل منا بحرمة من أنزلت . والحمد لل

Allahuma inna nas’aluka min khayri ma sa’alaka minhu sayyidina

Muhammadin (saw) wa nast’ayidhuka min sharri masta’adhaka minhu

sayyidina Muhammad (saw). w’al hamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin. Rabbana

taqabbal minna bi hurmati man anzalta ‘alayhi sirri suratu’l Fatihah.

(Recite first Chapter of Quran, Al Fatiha (The Opener))
