Narcotics, Psychotropics, And Addictive Substance


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A. Narcotics

Narcotics that has meaning of anesthetic Comes from three kinds of plant, that is:

1. Papaver Somniferum (opium) 2. Erythroxylkum coca (cocaine) 3. Cannabis Sativa (hashish)

Example of narcotics

Narcotics can be distinguished into four kinds, those are: 1. Depressant 2. Stimulant 3. Hallucinogen 4. Dependent Narcotics

Hashish (Canabis Sativa)

Can cause hashish users undergo symptoms as follows: They feel in fresh and more relaxed They feel in happy exaggeratedly They feel in violent They often undergo Their mouths and throats are dried Their eyes look redder Their heartbeats increase Their concentration ability decrease

Morphine, Heroin, and Codeine Morphine is a product of the raw opium

which is bitter. Heroin is a product of the raw opium

which is very easily in making some one to be addicted.



The Symptons Experienced By The Heroin Addicts.

a. They feel in comfort abnormally

b. They are uncouth

c. They feel strongly sleepy

d. Their appetites decrease

e. They relatively do not feel any sick and pain

f. They get a disorder in their tongue movement


Cocaine is included into the category of stimulant narcotics.

Cocaine can cause : The bodies felt fresh They are happy over The heartbeats increase The blood pressure increase They do not feel any pain and weak

The Use of Narcotics in Medical Field Cocaine to stun the certain parts of body

that will be done by surgery, particularly eyes, nose, and throat.

Cocaine is known as the local anesthetic substance.

Methadone as a medicine to overcome dependence to opioid.


B. Psychotropics

Psychotropics are a kind of narcotics which are synthetic substances or engineering product made by arranging the chemical structure of a certain substance.

Psychotropics included into the group of stimulant are barbiturate, benzodiazepine,and methaqualone.

The example of psychotropics are : Amphetamine Methamphetamine Barbiturate Benzodiazepine


Amphetamine is the group of stimulant psychotropic drugs.

The short effect caused by the use of amphetamine are: Stay in awake (do not feel sleepy). It causes an excessive happiness and

talking much. It increase the self confident. It causes many sweat, nausea, and vomit.


Basically, this kind of phychotropics can cause the similar effects to the amphetamine.


Included into the group of depressant.


Benzodiazepine is a phychotropic drug that included into the group of depressant.


Included into the group of depressant.

C. Addictive Substance

Addictive substance are substance which if they are consumed can effect the central nervous system and can cause addiction effect or dependence in a long time

The example of addictive substance are: Nicotine (in tobacco or cigarettes) Cafein (in coffee or tea) Alcohol (in alcoholic drinks)

Cigarettes (nicotine)

a. Disorders or Diseases caused by Cigarettes

The nose smell become sensitive less. The mouth, teeth, and tongue get any

dysfunction and in them it happens changes physically.

The throat can get infection. The lungs can surfer cancer. The hearth undergoes a disorder in the

form of coronary heart. The disorder in the stomach and uterus.

A lung that is suferred by cancer

comparison of lung smoking and not smoking

not smoking


b. The characteristic of Cigarettes Addicts

1) The lips of smoker is black.2) The teeth of a smoker usually is

brownish yellow.3) The eyes of smoker often look to be

redder and they water.4) Smokers often undergo coughs.5) Smokers have brownish yellow nails.6) The mouth of smokers is usually stinky

Coffee (caffeine)

Caffeine in coffee or tea can cause: Heartbeat increase Insomnia

Caffeine is stimulant substance.

Alcoholic Drinks

Drinks containing alcohol in given content.

Someone who drinks and alcoholic drink will get : Drunk (loss his consciousness) Speak slowly Gets dizzy Vomits Totter

Disorders or Diseases caused by Alcohol

The function of the brain are disturbed causing the loss of body coordination system, the disorder in vision, the difficulty in speaking.

The work function of the heart is not stable and the heartbeat increases.

The stomach acid increases causing the happening of the chronic stomach disease or stomach inflammation (gastritis).

Destroying the liver, that is by triggering the hardening of liver.

The Characteristics of Alcoholic-Drinks Addicts

His eyeballs are always in movement His consciousness decrease He tends to be alone He often feels happy irrationally His face becomes redder and looks pallid He speaks not clearly Smelled the alcoholic aroma in their

mouth His body become weak

D. Methods of Avoiding Ourselves from Narkoba

Understanding negative effects produced from using narkoba.

Finding informations relating to narkoba addict.

Understanding the punishment given to distributor (seller), dealers and users of narkoba.

Keeping ourselves away from ugly intercourse.

Reinforcing the faith to the god.

E. Treatment Efforts for Narkoba Addicts

That is an series of treatment processes to the addicts of narkoba consisting of some steps, medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation.

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