NATIONAL ARCHIVES IRELAND - · TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the...


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Reference Code: 2005/7/607

Title: Memorandum on a meeting between

Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave and Prime

Minister Harold Wilson in London,

discussing the Northern Ireland situation.

Creation Date(s): 5 April, 1974

Level of description: Item

Extent and medium: 16 pages

Creator(s): Department of the Taoiseach

Access Conditions: Open

Copyright: National Archives, Ireland. May only be

reproduced with the written permission of the

Director of the National Archives.

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Irelandl

r. 11'>t..


UIIlIhir ................................ .


~....tL.L." Y' i ~ _1_(_":.:LI ___ ~..:.;,.-.: ____ _

1. '.l'he 'J'aoi ·:'C' c,tllc.d on l~r. i]. ~;on at: 11 c::.. Hl. (.' nd ·they

had a >~riv;:ltc ta11:. for \.1:-0tt ~J) ;ninutes.

priv~tc t lk is being rooctc c::~x"tJ~atcly .

i :r.ecord o[ this

'I.'hc T ' " anu.~S1:8,

!:r. Cor 1.::-11 I i:mc1 thr.> llii.n"i et-er for !i'orcigL Af:i=- irs t:',('f) jo insd

th0. H1.ccting. On tne Br ;U: ).:,,11 sid~ tIle rorcign ar.G COi,\ITlOl1;,.'ca] '-:h

Ccc:cuL:ilry , Itr. CiJ.llagl1cn, an the S~cr.ct;: r'l of st:lt.c fer

Nt :' '. ~crn Ire] and, 'b:. Hees, joincc1 r:r. ; i 1 SOl;'.

London ( J)"~ 0 I C"1 ] 1 l' v"n) _r,~;_-. J). "';:>J. J,y a p ,.::] M,''''''. • ~f1 . l",l;;.C Co nq h 'l i 1 . . • ..:J....... c.-.. , I' J. ". _ .. .J I - ,

(1·'L"'·""·l1-~- .... ,..,r'J· ()J: t'n'" T" - h) a 'J I'l' C ,11 ''''1/\ ... "- u\.J L \..,. . J- .. \.. 0 I. «:. Cc.tC l1C.~·' .-. . •

l oo""'.J.."l' c·l..:l ~";'~I ',~ D " r-"'., . ...,. 1 ("~O·,.-;-',1Cr.l) ~".-,~r.-'.\~11d O.t:"'.L..·r.l· _"'~) ::;,", •• r: 1". _ 0;.;; LI.U.n 1 ..... . r, . c-' =~"".,c;. \..0 _'-'" _ -- -,

Lcr~ Brirgcs (C~binet orrice) .

'J'hc L~ ',~ };)1!..Ol:Ccmc·n\:

y-t 1,' i 1 hin ~:1 u nc;.~t "I.:!" 1( '1' l. 1

'. 'f~ (I) le I' (

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

• -----


F. 2 . 1 N

Uinlhir. ............................... .


SOTll(. ~O or ~l pC'oplc Oui~. of: Cl t:ot::'ll of 31 in respcct of d1ich .'(

huc r ccivcd re _uCftS, t1 C J:cm in 'er l)cing ci"Iler in t'18 ':01:l:h

o~ i~rrisoned for othc offences.

of h1Urccr cl1a.rgcs une]cr ·th0 ] 861 ~.ct '.-.'hich 11" '1 T.cceni.:J.y been


0: police chiefs <. li.d their su1: orCli nc.l. t.CS d1ic11 'I::~re taJ<:L1'1'J

place fo:r.~.:ni9ht).y or '.:""e}~J· T j n s,' ",le .:"'!.scs.

3. ~~~

~r'_,(r 011~~'" of ('C,T"¥<)('\YH' i-l,c ~'Y",",u;(,\,,~ r1:.l.y c1l1Tjn? i-he ,-nrthcrr

re .. r~scntcd Govcrnm~nt 'Joli cv. -. ~ . Irela:1o Const-.itut.ion A-::t; tl e ."'S'1cl,'J,lu ,

:3 -u'l!a by all these. l\t the same t.':'rl'.c th-:y h~n to .... n1:c .' nt':'

account morale in t 1orthc"("n I:r.eland clfter the GE>neral El cctic'n.

The morale of .M.r. Fr, uJ kner IS sUppOr1:0rS should im:)rove f0110\·:-


..... - --:1 .... ) '1 • .r

_.1-'! __ ~ Wjl..l.~'1

n •• J ...... l.. • """',- , .. - . . " .... ,:,~ ~ ,""' - ~ """ _ .... :1_ ...... \."o4 ..... 4':j ....

":-1 ~ -:.,.., ,"., 1- ~.... : '., : C' ~ .. '" '"'! "l ,. ~ --- t- -_.

a trumr card Clgainst the cff:ort~ o{ thr> htlrd-J ine Unionis':'f"

to bring C!O\·.'l1 the i\!,,;scrnbl T •

. the lou~:::e OT CO lnnn·:.; fnr -i.he c()nti 1'\1~~1:ion 0 Gc'r.rrn:t'lcnl- :)olic'i

, ) J~ •

a tJ( W pl1f'11.

y thr

'1' c irr.)l'0. c ion 1 .. c1 inr:;ic..1 i o'l"J r b'('

-- - - -~'--- -~----

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

·..----') ,J.


Uill1hir ................................ .

no\' a question ("'If iTOV; i1g f:or\'ard to si gn Sl111niPC)clal •

and th~'.t oC t 12 Allin C8 too, f'Llrtl1cr .L·C(1",,!? rn. c in

ti.l urc,~ of security.

Llll.c11i.n 0 ')'= vi '.)1011C . , the L::t\'l Enforce K~nt Commission and

·:>hy;, 1. CO-O"J8rC" tion on the bo:cacr. Could "lC cnsu::::-; ti.~at

1: C TIP P"':. n t Jose lL10T(lcmtUlil b C2U. e

bl"~O'I:-c ERster? ,

W~ ifl tly 'I.: their info mcrtion ','as thIJ·t Cl e of t_I1C

Corm·lis. ion ~,'.'o1.~ld ;)c ncc·ting :i.n Tonaon on 8 anc' 9 'l:o:-=il a'~d Lt: t., b~

,,:(1 "") 1 0.:.., d t11a Jc thcy '}ouId )c prcj?c:::.rccJ to stay on ullti 1. '!'hur~3(3Zly

11 April in 0rdcr to si~n ~lC r~poTt. He \JOU lc1 further chcc'k

.. • J ,. t ... ..J._'-_ • •

1,.' I ';"I~ - •• _ ..... "- - -..... _. • _..... r· 1

iJ.\..1 \.0 J.l~ lJ.'_lt..!.

sic c pushing 0::t~ca(3i·tion as the soluti.on .

Jlall one c ),nn cnt:

f 71 (,(, I I Id ! I, I. 'i 'Utl q. ~ I ' I' 'C'n r' . ,. > ,"", 1 U I ) L:

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland


• Uimhir ................................ . / 4. ------------------------------------------------:1t. '\:l,is st.ugc <;.;ct ho,]SccJ c10vm in'co q1..1cs'd ons of ~')rcsent.<:ltion

but. c;hould concentrate on b.:L1'Jing ou·t (l posi tive rc'con rncn<1ation

in the '.rea in wh:i ch they eau le1 <.lgrce. Ilr. I' e .... s ~~a id Jcha·t the

COl1'!nissi')n ".'as independcnt :In''' "t:hc vie", s on 'che British sit'1e

th ir vie\·}:::: t,11at they ~;le.r.e independent. He referred co the

difficul'cy l'I.DOU'I: \,'j.tncsses in thE; extratcrr i to:!iaJ. solution. The

)rcscnta'cion of the reCOillfCl nded meU,oel \':~s in his vie'.) import.ant.

v:oulc1 be 1.cccss""ry to pro'Jic1c extrutcrritcrirll -juris(l::'ction on

h01.:h s:i.chs of the bor(1er . 'l'his \'as 2.grced .


I '1'h8re v:~s r:t pu1)lie re.J.ctj.on 'I:.'hi.c:'" SU<J'j'C:,-, l.'8(1 'j:}1;;11: U~G 1.oml),1 DJ

I h'le] 50iTlc'j:hinry :':0 cb \\'i i:11 ·the fact·c U p~'e \vas no,'] a L:;.bou:r.

th8 Border \·:oula bc grass-roo'cs C'o-,o'')cra'cion. He rc:CcY.':!!?d 'co

·t!~e shootinq inc ioont in the Lifforc1/St:r;:.l.banc 2.rea Game '\le(~h3 ago.

the !)olicl:. clLi efs anO had r;aid ·c.11at. thE:! Counci). f Irclana '\:ould

. :-; .. c.. (:'. 0 • •• - -; : ' , .. . ,. ... '-l., ; .,. ..... , __ ,, ~,,_.p'-p_

\J;: " ... - .... ...,~ ... :.. ....... ..

enquired :l.S tu the prospec>cs of 3. t·Tinisi.:c:i3.1 l-1(;ct:inJ ' .... hieb ha']

Lecn raised :i.n 'i:l1c lcttr-r of 20tr !lard') fraIl: ~lr. nCGS t.o D •

t1v:; N01'ch.

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland


--.HfU.l J j\N , ,

J )

Uill1hir ................................ .

'1'1 :i s ':uS L, :'1ort-.. nt for r,c>··o er~ ·tion.

communicC1.tions and tec 1nical H1.atL:ers I .' J:1CDC \:ere J.; ossib} e anc'

could be discussnd. .;...;...-=-... l-.~.;:;r>..;;e_~:;_ ;;)~id t:hat ' rccen·t incident

reg~rding the shooting ~f i:",'.'o solo'; ers by 'l:pc RUC 'i.'Jas due to llD

arministrativc accident and not, n oDeration~l nix-·p . Hc

rcfcl:'.r.ed llgain to susp' r.ion of t le ne,· J.J 1')our Government. in the

. Iort.h •

pm·;er-:Jharing. ____ ,_··_:i .... l .... :-2.!1. s2.i(l tl at this ';.'as to sor\'c c.~t:ent.

11:.11 the :ceal

t:rouhlc in J.11

Ju.P':-' 1.970.

,..,-c ~r-'l"~-v-"'\t~l'l" ..... -.- ~ I. -" r""" .I_'_~ h- .... -".\"t,,J C - ... -1_"' ....... _'- -. ~ -- ...... '-~~,_._ ...... ,)"""''''''''_ ~J.1. __ 1J._ c"'~-~I.':1 . ,.., --- -.'- ---- - .... "," V'\,J v '-;., .JJ,u--..J.L_ hu'(-

act:ion l1ad },CO::1 taker ... j. c . :r.'aJ.l;J R02C con[srcncc - \:hic:

rOi) le no~: l1av" h .. p~')cned h cl th0. Go'V Ci.:'nIl1ent. no·t chc....i.19 co . •


of S'..ll1!1 i ngci.2.J.(...

follo\·:cd by un <lllLOUnCCl1'cn·t of 10g ',slat:ion on both s.i.dcs on

" ., . .... . ... . . J. 1,'''; H.l.I1.L:; LUJ. .l.i.l..L i'l;:;~ •· . .i.n.l vI

S 'ch a l1'.cctinl] f;hcu lcJ be p . JJic re.. th<?X' th~:1

SCCJ7et., b~th because it i" S not listic to believe that full

i.. ." ca'Le J'O::: t:1 c foc1c..l sj cnj ne' • ;;> .-

,7\ ,. .....

(7 I M,l'I (d 1117. ~.Ol '. ') 71. 1.1'. (,'.:.

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

F 'I

()Ji ~N AN 'fl

U 1111 h iI'. ... , , .. , ........ , .............. . , ________________________ ~G~. ____________________________________ _ ~

s"i(~ 'i:h:=tt - 18 flinistcX" for Just.i '8

s10ulil renain "outsir:c the do r),: 11 alIa i.:bcir . , ~ prCC'0ncc :1no1.1', not

lIe publicizf"' .

rC,,")rcscn t;;: tj on.


Fan kner .

\·}culd bc <]o:i. i.1J forT.·:ard .

fur £nrth-:J"

Ire 1 .. "1ncl.

the o:f.ici.:'.l~; had ... j.rc",oy repo:c(:(c'1 on tIle :>roposeC1 functions.

\·.laS nm· .. illin ,., ·t~ "1~ 7 on" "'01' 0]' , A ~ "ner'" - t.' J -...... 1..: r .,\ ...I 1 _ '-' )' '... '." ng n ,-:.. .J <::: :. ( • .1 . .J L,. l.. ~ \

J:e;:1.' J i: . '·.h.n sho'J.h'l 'they nO\·.1 ,c' t';

... ---..-~~ 8.

r J i L. i'l '1 ('r

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

.. / . ,

F.2. H()INN AN

Uimhir. ....... .. ..................... . ~ 7. ~---------------------------------~-------

Council uf Ir01-nd as regards U~C Cou'cil1s functions and

fully dcsi0ncd Ftructure in~tially or ~fuat?

Thero had been

u:) subs·tQnt.i· 1 doubt. on strucb.l:C~ cxnressl::d at Fil1sboro~q l '- ( J •

Tf.'r: . '.~ilsrm said ·tlF'i: t110 est<'iI10n-r of.: -I.:h0 Council cC'ulc1 ... .. ----_.. _ ...

, Y's:::::rred to the ?c] ice Quthm:'il:y :1 ink ar; iX;1L)Oi:tanJc. ·

bcgLlning \·:itl) the Council of tlil1isters 111cet ' ng an(=~ their

decisions plblishca .

cxccutive fUlctions.

I'cll::nd Ol':Cicc said tl:at .J.t .-1:.110 i:.i.rrc of ·the formal signin l .1 i'l:

mu;.;-:-. he- Tnu.('!c i;)bsolutely clc:tr wl)ilt i..he functions U.rc to be.


TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

~~j i l.

I·. 2.

UlInhir ....... . . . . .................... .. o

----------------------------------~". -.1.£. ·.I"·1.1.1 i.l..-'-'r:r J,"",.- to '\0 e . al . \. ) p:·.cs!"'.C( -~o <vjrce 'co the iJ.nnour:cc~ncnL o.r~

C;~1tr.;, there must be a~p:crl7')Cnt on oche fnnr '-:.. ) 1'" 1"cfor.e the

2,:lnounce ncnt is made.

for the Irish Gove:r.nmen-t: to kce~) t.U lking -to P ~U lkncr and t.o

C.: lain t~ C :)osi tiorj on functions and ~;tructnrc(', incl 'c'in) !>':,.,c.t..,

matters as the meetin~:r pl2.ce ·cor. the Council. Thc Tao}~.;r" '~h

said "that. F<:lUl~mcr h:::td been :;Tloving fro II one tr:insr t.o anoth

to avoici fixinq the da'ce fo:c t 1 ~ form:l 1 :,,>~l_(JTd.nCJ ~ln(l che

112.:t re o "'lD()~ ;.n.l _ J

e.-c:cui:ivc fUl ctions a.lthO'-.l<]h he had a']l~C'cd at nilJ.sbo).oug1~

-tl'l<:\.t -t.he' si-ould con,'iCier ~ renort fron official s ] .,fin-li1g

fun tions [or 'I:he COUI cil .

',1'hcse incJ.uc cd lllat'tC':cs such as

\','0.:3 i-'. need to fireproof F::I.l .. l1kncr but \vC·t be able 'co r.10V':

fon· at the:: 'ame ,t:ime .

the hurdle. Hc has got .. ·to 'To on or othc:C\d.8C he is fini~-h'Zc.

Yen.: can I ·t fjo ,roun 1 l~inJcJ:"c0 1:\, .

jumps and i.r: necessu.ry \','01110 112veto b"" pushec1 . There "ler ""

a nUhlbcx' 0;' ;,1<:1.t:tCT.S that ,·]oule b2 useful fo: '::}lC Counei. or.

. ,T) clan( "'1 't.:Cl~:Q t? :j\1ch ai' .l-.r)uri~i'1 <::~.(l t110 de 'c. 0I.)!!"."··'l~: ~)f l:11(~


'rh(~ 1:.~.:~rb :::;c:.~ ic t~lt t 1- nnl]-ncr ,·;a:; n'')~

n:r.opo<.;jllCi :..1 Qi.: tl'cre ~h0111u "!)C di[f _j~C'nl_ sLrur:curcs fOl: tLe

Cou ell of T"""lan·.

, (,:!~ .

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

I _ I ,

• Mi!>l'.


Uil11hir. ... . ........................... .

---,--~-------------------------------- -----------_.-----------------------------

numbers of Fa.ulkn<:.r I ~3 :~UP')Ol ... i:e~r; ("lC' fect, po\vcr-s1m:r. in<:J

\' 1. 1 cor.1C clo\·m. C. C'2U l}~!1I..!:':- \Voull~ not hav8 no l:hcr ch~r~p.

If he falls :C"1:"1t. on tv'\:in.] t 11C jt'TllP, the r2"tce .is off.

no"- ta"e '1"'- I'" · ... -l· -~ _ .• - "/, ) l,.. J'\.. ~ l_ .L. J.._'_ ... C~.l~ ...

bc COVll1 to only onc a:-;; \.1.!l <.~::ctlll r major-it.:,.

o "her

\.'ou].r l~ i:my t.cU~(! DC VC!:y dJ.i:r: J.c:U.L t.

rcsll1.t of thr>,. Y'0C. C,"1t "t...rj'.·'I. · ·;_r~.(",! ,.," ,>1) .... J. ,..,.." ). .LV .,C •• lIL C '~;""." Hc had bee~ ~ubliclr

ana vu~_garly <:'b 180.0 in t11e strGC1:S 0:,: Bclf.J.s·c - honi: his

no DO\·,r>r -~1""')~ J.' n~ .L:; - J... ....... .. i.J ,

rvcnt one could n~t

10. .,... ~.; 1 r· ,"" ,..~ .: r~ --11- 1• 1 c -...-:_ ... :...._._ .. ..i..:..! ,.:(,.~..J _ I ... ...t. ••

If ~e TQ~used to Rign


0'"' i "I i or .j, .... ,-.. ----'.~.

~ . , ~.. . .. . -. - -- -

c"!irl not i:1.5 r:;, l.:.J,;xc <.lny :cc] 1.0.1), ::

'- : ..... c'er' c'l11( .,)~ c;',Unl0Q 1.1 ' )



TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

• --

F.l. ]{(

Uilllhir. .............................. .

"?Y"'l ... nd ~ 1 j' e]a·. "ere f 11 Y e. g~~C' 1 j 1 T' ~. ·c

Da 19~r ·'ou' cl a' ise if

P , G ':.r C' 1 E' ( c·<- ion •

"'fL.r') ·~ the last elect.ion '. it

put a s~:o to t'l," bu'-, he (lid not ~nov) ,'h::l.Jc C-rrington's

So fur as th':! :G- ')r.)ur Gnvc:cnm(!rrc "0re

. 'r .... -,. 1 C")·' r-'l i d tl'" .r. 'i'l ('~ 10· 1 .• 'V.. - J. !. ~, - " L \... _. • .L.

\'1 at: hope \'v'Qul" there bE' in fin- in""

.'."C \·.'CU.LC f;C0m that .:1.1.1 hO;;JC '( .. :ou l cl i:1 (" 11

'lclj : ""Ca ar. 0.'.Jf 1 1 t on stat .' rmt the c .. nestioI' nov,' beLlg

n hi" from 1), ; na 1)10'" .'

•. " '1 t: 'j' ne T'~ .!l.::..2.l.:_:.£. ~~"l 1 ( '.: 1 a _

~('cu:c i " 7 • ,,'" ,

1 .r "

1,,(. )f; ') ~. q JlJ. ')',:. r I'. ("!.

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

• :,,1 is!:.

F. 2 .

Uilllhir ................................ . 11. •

our act.tons \"j Jch a v ic', J to appe~ lj ng to P::-o·I".es-cn 'L senT..:i.l1ent .•

2'\.1 thoug. t.} "re \'.'u.f' no ~1uara 1trei:'.htl. t. Bor.der sccur.i. t y on o':r p- r·"

· ... Jou1c1 l1eJ.p to recluce violence j n 1.h0 ;~or-t:1~, the inoj vic1uCi.l 0'1

the Sbankh:i 11 Roar] "Joulc, f"'01 be·t·tr.

th"lt, i:1 :I- ci.:, the

,~ich ~as basicil y indigenous.

. CCll'l;:Jiliryn based upon an emotivE: r'3a.ctj on. 'rhc Gover nTncnt j n

D 'b1 in n. C flOt t.hought it c1esir:.:ule "co refu 'E! this C' i:r. (""i.:ly so

a.,> not: to c2.:.1 ~'au1kncr a Ij nr.

t:hc ·"-T.:-,J.Ct~.t2tion of a myth and ctlJ. conc(;;!I:ncd mllst (n'.'

this n yt'0.

'Jas b3.sic:l11y ir.(lige'lOllS but t:hc~t it


by or~faIlj za tions in t}1C.! S r)U th • ~hcn n0 askeO Unionist grou~~

\yho came to ·ta1.k to h illl -y, .. },at they '!ould do to solve t:l:e

problc~h all he got "las gut re.ction li:-ce "~:;hoot eve). yL()c1y on


used for t.he bombs :i.n 1:he :T01"th comes ['>:,o'lI t-118 "~I nt 1.

1., ! ~. \'

['aid that tl1(~~~e sort: of rCril<1rks anc

s -Sa l: cr..en·t s mu G t })e cl C~\ t ;.; i LlI •

to tl~c people in i.:he .J:JOX"dl.

t1 ey ;, on It.}y 1)(; 1 ~ ever] •

. ir. r ":'.2!l sa. .~ '.1" t :In l'J r ('~ 1 1 (! donc· .:' thi.n l' 1,i..·G vi l} ,

It .. ~ 4

• T , ,

t ••• t" r '"'re r •

T II " 1 it

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland17" r


F.2. {()L N AN l'A( ISl(;II

Uilllhir ............................. .. 1') ---------------------------------

f ,:,1.i -ically T'lo·tivat:cd me," - <:l f'; n:-t of: ,; rJ. ell :in rcvcrsC'

s:coup .

help .

donr~. to ( e' ,.J

F<:lll1"nC'r to ~i0n

r unn ingC1 .. 1 ~ bni: ,. 11 0:( er i:(,.J get him t.r> QO [ .... 0 r.11 l1! .i.. 11'::; (,'1"" ). must

be so, 11 to ~ave (l ;;ecur;i,'~ 1 bene:iit-. {rH: ,ti10 !yo th a'1' t.r,u·t "T'.C~.ns

dealing \ it'h t-},,... I'm:-ne.:.

1 it", e'or on' 'i "1 04 "'.1. .1... ..... J. ~;'; t11 inc'i9C:l.CUS "iolcnc:'~ must. )0 pl<.;..,cec1 0 '\

t1'e rcople in the ~ort:h.

C .1phasis on -1:110. D0rccr . 'U.l

<'cr:;n as he'ng (one by "yQur re :resP;ycu.t ' vcs". "'I'hey <1:C8 e:i t.hcr

your natjonals nr

comins from YGU ".

in tu"':'n, 'l:h nr·;,t.is11 Gcvernmen't r.l'.lf"t ,, -. \' t'n -, l' F, (\ J..;J.4 ..... 0 ~ ....

problc1i1 1.S not 3. Border issu-2.

1,'\"" T.,' 1 ......... - C'" ':(-:: t·l'j .... t f"'le, any,""'YO"" J. _. !. * o":"'~ tJ ....... \ 404 _1,. C ... ... -'''''',,1.. ... ...

::'e p'lhl:i Oi ·'-1.e Garl\C G.:J.\T . ,I '.:. ir:l:; '.:u.s not on thciL'

situat-iOL' ,."ill b~coI1e. ! r . 'j' ';on saic~t' at i.mpor·tant .. _-----qu('stj on \')ilS \:l'1ct·her. be could sj. gn ~,vil:hoL! i: t1-e b~·e;).k~'~. 0f the


.,<.."ic th~ t: ,---

"j nir-I.:c!:~ mcci:ing in Cl sym )01 ' c pla--: . ~.Ur.11 ,'S ... ~s ~ t

t J.' I i. : oP. ~ J ...

" '.

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

• F. 2 .

1 ., • Ulmhir ................................ .

It \.,' S vcry

co-O)Cr"lti0n '-:iJl tal'''' place. :

ainisterial TV20i:il (J Cl ,;ccnrit.y t~) be a l!lounceCl.

( ') , .<...)

:Eu lct.ions.

(3) 'r1-1C announcC\w~n·t of tllc ~'a"t<~ of ·:-.1;c fOTJ"i\3.1 confer ("\j"\'" •

(·i ····,'·t .. tll - -1 I •. lllv .f. .I..H1:::> .. y

'.'.'l-:e !':i n-i.c,-I-E''''' .".-". p("l~-. ;'('1'1 ff~i:rs r.2, 1.<3 t1:le :L+ \ -.'2 f, ----_. ------_ ..

!ire '\ ~lL~O _- cncnirC'ci 't,'hcthC'X' ._ .. _--- ~ .. , f ~ Ji C. . -~

E nforCCI~cnt Con !'1ir::;~:i on rcnort: <. rai 1 :\1 le at. Eu.~;' 817 to bp-. joint . Ip-l-~ng 0n A0Ctri~y


t (n IF rr :;- t d L 1

TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland


• --... ..., .. _-


F. 2.

111 • Uimhir .. . ...... .... ........... ........ .

that: lC'·d::,1ac..1'y on i.:l

(tw)y ':-')r. ';-:012 f"",:m~ c')n::'::c ' C:'lCC to ta1-:e 1)1"'C'C' in f"·"y .

to S0t. the L::nv E 1.:i:Or.cCm'2nt. rcpo'r:t an.:! t I 1,a T"'" j t i In:' ~u .

'l .... . ~.) .

'.l.'hcy rim;:'\:, fc d j nto -I-hc talks ~o ,...·_,, -- - J'l.' on 'Jl1a)' on \.; -.,j' .. J • ...lL. . " L.

·to r.ea] .ity rather t:l an t o wyths .

- ,- .~ ~ ... - ... ,.-- - . -.' ,. ~ .. --_A'_A.

pLlCC in fiore'er areas a l'l J ;> of these J 8 occur:r.cc1 in t[~'?

C:cos,..,r"(\~J J en area .

r. \~ ... S , re)ort ' he

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n .; 1 '''') r1,..,... t

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TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

• ---

1\1 ... ,

F. ::,

- r.: .I;) • Uimhir .. " .... " ...... , .............. ,

~,c c.:..nnot controJ. se ur.i'~y in 'r-11e F:)r'th.

allcl t'h'" '\:rT(',y cl. Id in t1.c area ).' ,~ I. question ~lC polic~ cnpnot

cn(f~S'e in pa er :I b~c3.use t:1iCy ~"onld ',11 be killed. T1.e

ptopping vchiclros :;i-[-hou'!: 1. ny ~ tion bein<] tClkcn by 'the

sccu~city forces c T2n b'o ho rs "'f'tcr tbcy nncl been not,ific( l)y

the Garda ~{ncl~n R

rO'l(l \','as b(. .i.n9 J.J( t.rolled b It j \: ':.'.J.b impossi.ble fr';1;' ';".1·G Ir is11

H~ • 1'1 ,'r.f ~",' a".t..} , tl t' co·ulc" ..... ,( .. a-r-.;"l,l·'l·. \-,'1' -I·'J'. ~··t "~l(} ~_ ""~l ;,,::....L .12.'.:.' 1esC! mC',' 'ce't7~':; ">-'_.....~ .. u. _.

~s a TeSl'~L\: of bot:h tLe proponccl millist:er:;.iJ.l hlC0'~i 119 ~no

. V:' . 'J~he T.!n"1~r";'r: a "',·I"c" • ... ,'t ... ~t +-1-10 ~",:",:_,-_,~ '..,~ __ l , •. ~ ~II

Council of Ireland unless 'Vc ' cOil1}?lei:cly 'i';a.tcr~d duvm.

!lCCO~hlt 'must be taken of tIp SDLI' :,o~:it.ion in sue}) 2..n eveni.:.

Furt:}v"rmorC' Sunningda le haa b - n !?,olcl to tht~ people ch'.;

re YCf"'[;;cntil!q a Council of t: eland ,·,rilh executive fl'r'tC t-icns.

~'CCllr it.y to

1 C -, (')'.1'1' t: r>y ':: • c' ,',' E: 1"1t1

Ollr'lrd ll,7 .. \OOIJ,<)7I,1 I' (,1",


TSCH/3: Central registry records Department of the Taoiseach

© National Archives, Ireland

F.2. , N T'A()IS (~l

• 16. Uimhir ................................ .

',,:akc. '.the "illiC""C'1~ f,)l' -r:'l')rr~i( n r:rn:iJ::f' <;aic'l that , L'O far' ro ----... ----- ,... ---~

we were concerne(l, the Police Authority Bill ,:ouJ ci be rec.d}

for in~roauctic, after ~a~te .

rtant to ge1- SOl c ;vi.lian ~oljcing in the ~l-:)rtr all<3 -0

"st 'cr c l'-7c.rthcrn IY'i :3[, to unc1erta):e s~cnrit:y respf)ndbili'::i 's

"I.j.. l')~'E' n·, c' "1'" " ra' +-; tuc'e '-.'" 'f'll(~ I':C i ... i: ", .'. .. ~ - .;'~ -, ,') .... '£ L. 1,-" J. (' ..... _ ..1 ''''' _ _ ,_

"y,)u get: on , .... i th j t . It. '\ as you dlO too"

m '2.Y 'i.:he J'UC" . The s"'ar.c lCS by the 1\r:my .}crc cont i .m.1ing but.

t.l'e; m r;t C?'C't b~c'~ ;-.0 3. si tuatir,;n of hanc in') secuY.." i ty 1 - c';: '-0

l e. ~ . SU(1'gcst:t?(~ tbat thex: l.,al:i:c:t:'s

c ).y .. t.'liC"<:~ C()i11.d drQ.ft. Cl. s' .... atemeni: :Cy: the Pr.ess . Th':

- lu.nch c.: id not'] out any furt.h::~r Ti~1':'S Jf

rnbst:anc::: . At: it.s conch sion the draft: rrc.Sf, .: tat.\::1 ,r-ll·t

,:as co~ si clcred emu ~menr~cC . 'The cr:sentiaJ c::uestion \·;}-Jich

vio cnC8 in the; North . 1.'l:c Br i tinh Govc"mn· nt r.cp!"oc cnt::l-i:.i.VC

t1 f' Press s i.:atem~r

r it if") , . de •

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