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Submitted to the National Science Foundation November 20, 2003

FLAMINGOS image from the KPNO 2.1-m telescope of the young star cluster IC

348, adjacent to the Perseus molecular cloud. The image is a JHK near-IR

composite, with extent of 20 arcminutes on a side equivalent to the coverage of a

single pointing. Image courtesy: A.A. Muench, University of Florida; from April,

2003, Astronomical Journal, © AAS



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................1

1 SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS .....................................................................3 NOAO Gemini Science Center, 3

The Origin of Fluorine, 3 Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS), 4

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO), 5 A Further Glimpse into Planetary Formation – via Neptune’s Trojans, 5 Stellar and Planetary Formation: Cocoons in a Harsh Environment, 5 Cosmology: IR Observations of Standard Candles – Type Ia Sne, 6

Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO), 7 A Young Star Cluster in Depth (and Breadth), 7 The Structure of Disk-Dominated Galaxies, 7

2 THE NATIONAL OBSERVING SYSTEM ..........................................................................9 Support of the Gemini Users and Proposers, 9

Providing U.S. Scientific Input to Gemini, 9 U.S. Gemini Instrumentation Program, 10

CTIO Telescopes, 11 Blanco 4-Meter Telescope, 11 CTIO Instrumentation, 12 The SMARTS Consortium and Other Small Telescopes, 13

Education and Public Outreach at NOAO South, 14 REU Site Program at CTIO, 14 Support of Local K-12 Science Education, 143 National-Level Outreach in Chile, 14 Ongoing Efforts to Control Light Pollution, 15

KPNO Telescopes, 17 Major Maintenance at the Mayall 4-M and 2.1-M Telescopes, 167 New Instrument and Maintenance at the 2.1-M Telescope, 17 WIYN Operations and Instrumentation, 17 New Major Tenant for KPNO, 18 Site Protection, 19

Increased Community Access to the Independent Observatories, 19 MMT Observatory and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope, 20 W. M. Keck Observatory, 20

Joint NOAO-NASA Time Allocation Programs, 20 NOAO Survey Programs, 20 NOAO Data Products Program, 21


3 MAJOR INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM......................................................................23 Gemini Instruments (T. Armandroff/designatory), 23

Gemini Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (GNIRS), 23 Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI), 22 Gemini Next-Generation Instrument Costing Studies, 23

NOAO Instruments, 24 NOAO Extremely Wide-Field IR Imager (NEWFIRM), 24 SOAR Adaptive Optics, 24 SOAR Optical Imager, 25 Monsoon Detector Controller, 24

4 IMPLEMENTING THE DECADAL SURVEY ....................................................................26 Site Characterization for New Large Facilities, 26 AURA New Initiatives Office, 27 Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), 32 National Virtual Observatory (NVO), 33 Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP), 34 Adaptive Optics Instrumentation Program (AODP), 35

5 PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND EDUCATIONAL OUTREACH .................................................36 Education Outreach (EO), 36

Teacher Leaders in Research-Based Science Education, 36 Project ASTRO-Tucson, 37 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), 37 Astronomy Education Review (AER), 38 Other Educational Outreach Highlights, 38

Public Outreach, 39 Kitt Peak Visitor Center, 39 Other Public Outreach, 40 Coordination with External Scientific Community, 41

Media and Public Information, 41 Press Releases and Image Releases, 41 Special Information Products, 43 Web-based Outreach, 43 Image Requests, 44 Public Information, 44


6 COMPUTER INFRASTRUCTURE AND NETWORK SERVICES..................................45 Tucson, 45 Kitt Peak, 45 NOAO South–La Serena, 46 NOAO South – CTIO: Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachón (Soar and Gemini Support), 47

APPENDICES A. Key Management Personnel B. New Organizational Partners in FY03 C. NOAO Scientific Staff FY03 Accomplishments and FY04 Plans D. NOAO Scientific Staff Publications FY03 E. FY03 Observing Programs F. Publications Using NOAO Telescopes G. Activities Encouraging Diversity H. Site Safety Report 4th Quarter FY03– Kitt Peak and Tucson



The startup of new partnerships is the unifying theme in NOAO’s annual report for FY 2003. Conceptual design work on the Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT) has led to the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) partnership with Canadian and California universities. The goal of this partnership is to progress detailed design and development of an extremely large telescope to the point of a preliminary design review.

A common interest in large surveys, large telescopes, and new modes of research in the physical sciences underpins the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) corporation, a partnership with the Universities of Arizona and Washington and Research Corporation. This partnership hired its project manager this year.

The Small and Medium Aperture Research Telescope System (SMARTS) made its debut at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) in 2003. In SMARTS, seven universities or research centers and NOAO formed a consortium to operate the 0.9, 1.3, and 1.5 meter telescopes at CTIO. The seven partners (now ten) have a coordinated research program which provides a focus to the collaboration; NOAO continues to provide general user access to this system. In its observing program, the consortium has built a plan around science drivers, such as opening the time domain and achieving full wavelength coverage. Time is also reserved for serendipitous proposal-driven observing by traditional NOAO users. Combining these two vital modes, SMARTS can be seen to be a building block of the “effective” national observatory.

Achieving the full scientific potential of the Gemini telescopes is a continuing theme. In 2003 the U.S. program delivered the T-ReCS mid-infrared instrument, and NOAO is on the point of delivering the facility near-infrared spectrograph. The Gemini Observatory and NOAO formed a team to develop software pipelines for what is fast becoming an armory of Gemini instruments, limited more by capability of reaching a fast experimental result than by hardware.

Our most recent thrust is the Adaptive Optics Development Program (AODP). Community consensus and congressional support for GSMT technology development combined this year to create a program of grants for advancing adaptive optics along a technology road map. This is expected to be an ongoing feature of the NOAO program, similar to the Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP). Progress in adaptive optics is essential to the success of the GSMT.

Infrared observations have provided a number of NOAO’s discoveries of high impact in 2003. The continuing investigation of the geometry of the Universe at CTIO has called for refinements to the supernova standard candle through infrared photometry. Variation in stellar mass functions is being seen in infrared imaging of young star clusters at KPNO. The redshift desert is being populated by Gemini, using infrared selected galaxy samples. And the 2 micron window, pioneered for high resolution spectroscopy by the national observatory thirty years ago, is yielding some of the secrets of stellar nucleosynthesis, thanks to the Phoenix spectrograph on Gemini South.

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Unlike most of its neighboring elements in the periodic table such as carbon, oxygen, or neon, the nucleosynthetic origins of fluorine have remained somewhat obscure. The only stable isotope of fluorine, 19F, is not easy to produce in stars as it is readily destroyed by either proton or α captures during many phases of stellar evolution. Attempts to account for the abundance of fluorine in the Galaxy have focused on three possible sources: 1) neutrino-induced spallation of a proton from 20Ne following the core-collapse phase of a massive-star supernova-—this is referred to as the ν-process, 2) synthesis during He-burning thermal pulses on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB), or 3) possible production of 19F in the cores of stars massive enough to be Wolf-Rayet stars at the beginning of their He-burning phase. From an observational point-of-view, fluorine is difficult to detect spectroscopically. The only practical way to probe fluorine in stars is to observe molecular lines from HF in cool stars in the infrared, near wavelengths of 2.3 µm. Until recently, fluorine abundances had been measured for only a small number of stars, concentrating on the chemically peculiar carbon rich AGB stars.

Cunha, Smith, Lambert, and Hinkle (2003, AJ, 126, 1305) have determined fluorine abundances for red giant members of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), as well as red giants in the Galactic globular cluster ω Cen. These red giants are significantly more metal-poor than the K and M giants analyzed previously and provide information, for the first time, on how the fluorine abundance varies as a function of the oxygen abundance that, in turn, provides information on the origins of fluorine. The new stellar spectra from which fluorine abundances are derived are high-resolution infrared spectra obtained on the Gemini South telescope with the NOAO-provided Phoenix infrared spectrograph. The Cunha et al. (2003) results are summarized in Figure 1, where the [F/O] ratio is plotted versus the logarithmic oxygen abundance. Note that there is a gradual decline in [F/O] as the O-abundance declines from the Galactic field stars to the LMC field stars; the magnitude of this gradual decline is what is predicted by the curves shown in the figure, which represent the results from chemical evolution models by Timmes et al. (1995, ApJS, 98, 617) and Alibes et al. (2001, A&A, 370, 1103). The chemical evolution model abundances assume that fluorine is produced via the ν-process and do a fair job of following the decline in [F/O] over the oxygen abundance range spanned by the Galactic and LMC stars. Although the model and observed abundances are offset slightly, this is primarily a normalization effect. Based on the Galactic and

FIGURE 1 Fluorine-to-oxygen abundance ratios, shown as

[F/O], vs. A(O), with the horizontal dashed line depicting a

solar F/O ratio.


LMC stars, the favored site of 19F nucleosynthesis is the ν-process during SN II core collapse. The ω Cen [F/O] values stand out, compared to the Galactic and LMC field, as being generally much lower. This difference can be understood in terms of both the ν-process and the star formation history in ω Cen. The ω Cen targets represent the metal-rich population of this cluster, and these stars formed from gas that was enriched by a more metal-poor population within ω Cen. The progenitor SN II that enriched the gas from which the more metal-rich ω Cen stars formed had A(O) ≈ 7.0, which should synthesize fluorine and oxygen such that [F/O] ≈ -0.8 (according to the chemical evolution models), and this is what is observed. Taken together, the stellar populations from the Galaxy, the LMC, and ω Cen suggest that neutrino-induced nucleosynthesis may be the primary source of fluorine.


Conventional spectroscopy of galaxies at 1<z<2 suffers from technical challenges and the lack of strong spectral features at visible wavelengths. In principle, redshifts and diagnostic spectra can be obtained over 1<z<2 via ultra-deep Poisson-limited spectroscopy on 8-m-class telescopes by targeting weak absorption features in the rest-frame UV spectra of galaxies. However, unless exposure times are short, MOS spectroscopy with 8-m-class telescopes is generally not photon-limited, being affected by imperfect sky subtraction and fringe removal. The product of these difficulties is the so-called “redshift desert,” a paucity of optical redshifts at 1<z<2. The position in redshift space of this redshift desert is a major problem for studies of galaxy evolution, since it seems to span the major epoch of galaxy building.

One way forward out of this dilemma is to use an innovative new approach to sky subtraction and multiplexing known as “Nod & Shuffle.” This technique synchronizes a small shift in the telescope’s pointing at the sky with a precise shuffling of the images on the CCD detector that results in a significant increase of the signal-to-noise ratio of the data by allowing a sky-subtraction precision of 0.1 percent. The GMOS multi-object spectrograph on the Gemini North telescope enables “Nod & Shuffle” spectroscopy. An international team that includes K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins U.) and P. McCarthy (OCIW ) is carrying out the Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS), the deepest redshift survey ever undertaken, using Gemini North and GMOS. The GDDS targets galaxies at 1<z<2, with four independent fields being observed for ∼100,000 seconds each to a limiting magnitude of I(AB)=24.7. The sample is taken from the Las Campanas Infrared Survey (LCIR) and is K-band selected to a limit of K=20.8. Photometric redshifts from the 8-color LCIR imaging survey allow rejection of the z < 1 foreground.

The first results of the GDDS were submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal during FY 2003. In this first paper, the GDDS Team presents their first results on the heavy element enrichment in the cold ISM of a subset of galaxies at 1.3 < z < 2.0, based on observations of their first two fields. The selected galaxies are the most massive in the sample (M > 1010 M⊙). They detected strong [O II] emission associated with H II regions, with absolute luminosities in the range 5—40×1041 erg s-1, and estimate a mean star-formation rate of 40 M⊙ yr-1. They estimate the column densities of Fe II, Mn II, and Mg II using the curve of growth analysis. This gives the best information to date on metal enrichment and dust depletion for galaxies at intermediate redshift; it will be improved further with the full results of the GDDS.



The following summarizes work on planetary and stellar formation and on cosmology as illustrations of the wide range of scientific research carried out at Cerro Tololo during FY03.


The discovery of the first Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) in 1993 by Jewitt and Luu confirmed the existence of the population of objects beyond Neptune’s orbit that had been hypothesized by Edgworth and Kuiper in 1949-1951. Since then, interest in discovering new KBOs has been high, as the Kuiper Belt is thought to contain the remnants of the planetesimal population that formed the outer planets. KBOs thus provide a unique opportunity to study the formation of the solar system.

The NOAO Deep Ecliptic Survey (DES; Millis et al. 2002), which started survey operations in 2001, has made a giant contribution to the study of KBOs. The DES uses NOAO facilities both in the northern and southern hemispheres: the Mayall 4-m/Mosaic camera at KPNO and the Blanco 4-m/ Mosaic2 camera at CTIO. The clear Chilean skies and fast readout of Mosaic 2 have made the CTIO observations particularly successful in discovering KBOs. Besides discovering in excess of 200 new KBOs (thus more than doubling the known number), the DES has been unique in finding three binary KBOs, the brightest known KBO, the most eccentric KBO orbit, and a number of objects that are in mean-motion resonance with Neptune.

The discovery of KBOs in resonant orbits with Neptune has produced valuable new insights into the formation of the outer solar system. In particular, Neptune’s first Trojan companion, found at CTIO in 2001, has provided a rare glimpse into planetary formation. 2001 QR322 leads Neptune in its orbit by ~60 degrees, where it experiences oscillations that are bound by the interplay of gravity and angular momentum. Numerical simulations (Chiang et al. 2003) show that 2001 QR322's orbit is stable over timescales longer than 1 Gyr, lending support to the idea that it has remained in its orbit since the formation of the solar system. Indeed, it appears that the only way for Neptune to have acquired a Trojan population is through the phase of accretion that formed Neptune itself; scattering of planetesimals into Trojan orbits at a later time would simply be too inefficient. The existence of 2001 QR322 also places strong limits on the degree to which Neptune may have migrated over the lifetime of the solar system; such planetary migration is thought to be responsible for the numerous examples of extrasolar giant planets in orbits very close to their parent stars.


Early images of the Orion nebula taken with the high spatial resolution of the Hubble Space telescope revealed the existence of many protoplanetary disk systems—“proplyds.” These dark disks and blobs have typical sizes up to about ten times the diameter of the solar system.

Recent images of the hostile environment of the Carina nebula have provided surprising evidence for large numbers of potential dark, stellar cocoons within giant regions of star-formation. The Carina nebula is five times further away from the Earth and so images of such clearly resolved objects, taken with the Blanco 4-m telescope on Cerro Tololo, are indicative of sizes ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 AU; smaller objects beyond the spatial resolution limits of the Blanco telescope may certainly exist.


In addition, while some of the objects observed in Carina closely resemble the proplyds in Orion, other dark, resolved objects in Carina have relatively large, spherical heads and thin tails, and at least one appears to have two tails, which may actually turn out to be bipolar jets once sharper images are obtained.

A better understanding of the objects found in Carina, such as those found close to some of the hottest and most massive stars known in our Galaxy should provide some clues about the prospects for survival of early planetary systems. Prior to this discovery, it had been thought likely that objects like the proplyds in Orion would soon be evaporated in such a harsh environment.

Once again, the wide field of view offered by the Mosaic camera on a 4-m telescope was a significant factor in this success.


Krisciunas, Phillips, and Suntzeff have established that Type Ia SNe are standard candles in the IR.

In order to understand the physics of cosmic objects it is important to know the observational properties at those wavelengths where the objects put out significant quantities of light. Since 1999, Krisciunas, Phillips, and Suntzeff have observed roughly two dozen, Type Ia supernovae (SNe) in the near-infrared JHK bands using telescopes at Cerro Tololo and Las Campanas. One of their goals has been to determine at which wavelengths the objects are standard (or “standardizable”) candles. Interstellar extinction by dust is considerably less serious at infrared wavelengths compared to optical wavelengths and so it should in principle be possible to obtain the intrinsic brightnesses of Type Ia SNe in the IR with fewer worries about systematic errors.

Krisciunas and his collaborators have recently accumulated sufficient data for Type Ia SNe observed near maximum brightness to derive light-curve templates covering a 13-day window centered on the IR maxima. This allowed them to derive the IR maxima for other objects which only have a small amount of data in this window of time. They then plotted Hubble diagrams (i.e. the extinction-corrected maxima vs. the redshifts) using the maxima for objects they observed, along with data from the literature. Krisciunas et al found that these relations are particularly tight for Type Ia SNe in the near-IR. Next, they derived the absolute magnitudes of the objects in their database. While Type Ia SNe have absolute B- and V-band magnitudes which are a function of the decline rate, making them standardizable candles in the optical bands, in the near-IR bands they appear to be even better behaved. That is to say, all the objects studied appear to have the same intrinsic brightness in the respective IR bands, independent of the optical decline rate. The scatter of the intrinsic brightness is on the order of +/- 0.18 mag or less, indicating that the distance to an individual object can be determined to better than 9 percent. More than ever, Type Ia SNe may be considered the most significant distance indicator for redshifts greater than 0.01.




The revolution in the size and coverage of near-infrared detectors is now paying off scientifically. A full population census of nearby young star clusters requires wide area coverage to faint flux limits. The 2048 square array deployed in the FLAMINGOS camera on the KPNO 2.1-m telescope gives a field of view of 20 arcminutes on a side, allowing such efficient deep surveying. One high priority target is the nearby young star cluster IC 348, adjacent to the Perseus molecular cloud. This partially embedded cluster affords the opportunity to probe the spatial distribution of the initial mass function down to 35 Jupiter masses in both the cluster core and halo.

A. Muench, E. Lada, C. Lada, R. Elston, and their U. Florida colleagues report in the April 2003, Astronomical Journal on their imaging and analysis of IC 348. This cluster is part of a systematic survey of nearby clusters granted time as part of the NOAO survey program. They found that the initial mass function rises steeply from the rare, highest mass objects with a Salpeter-like slope, then flattens off below 0.7 solar mass. This shape is nearly identical to that of the Trapezium cluster in Orion; within the modeling uncertainties the modal value of stellar mass is 0.1-0.2 solar mass. In both clusters, the substellar brown dwarfs constitute between 15% and 25% of the membership, and therefore do not dominate the distribution of objects. IC 348 seems to show a secondary peak in the mass function at 10 to 20 Jupiter masses. If the younger Trapezium cluster luminosity function is evolved to the 2 million-year age of IC 348, it shows a consistent feature. Either the substellar mass distribution has a real peak at that value, or there is a range of brown dwarf masses that produces a similar luminosity. Both interpretations await physical understanding.

The new wide-field data uncovered an additional surprise: the stellar mass function of the halo is skewed to lower masses than that of the core. A weaker version of this effect was observed in the Trapezium, but this is the first measurement of the halo of IC 348. This variation on a parsec scale is unlikely to be the result of mass segregation in the cluster’s gravitational potential, which would be likely to act only on the most massive stars in the short cluster lifetime. The substellar mass function has a slope that varies with position in the cluster, but the fractional representation of brown dwarfs is the same in the core and the halo. Therefore, a simple picture of dynamical segregation is in any case inadequate to explain the difference in the distribution of low-mass stars. The global similarities between the Trapezium and IC 348 clusters, with parsec scale variations in the uniformity of the initial mass function, will provide substantial grist for the modelers’ mills.


The dynamical history of disk galaxy formation and evolution is reflected in the detailed distribution of material within such galaxies. Traditionally, the spheroidal bulges were considered to be separate dynamical components, pressure supported, and formed by a different collapse process from that of the disk. In the last decade, the view has evolved for late-type systems with small bulges. Some of those bulges have stellar populations indistinguishable from those of the inner disks and show evidence for disk-like rotation. Dynamical heating of inner disk material by bar instabilities, perhaps amplified by tidal encounters, has been modeled to produce “pseudo-bulges” of the right relative dimensions. An important question is whether this scenario is relevant to the majority of late-type spiral galaxies.


L. MacArthur and S. Courteau (U. British Columbia) and J. Holtzman (New Mexico State University) reported in the Astrophysical Journal of January 10, 2003, on a large systematic study of late-type spiral galaxies. They observed a sample of 121 objects that were nearly face-on or only moderately inclined, in order to parameterize the intrinsic surface brightness properties. They obtained B,V,R optical profiles at Lowell Observatory, and near-IR H-band images at KPNO on the 4-m and 2.1-m telescopes. They found that the profiles could be divided into three classes: the traditional Freeman Type I (with bulge light contribution exceeding that of the disk extrapolated into the center); Freeman Type II (with a pronounced dip in the light profile at interface between disk and bulge); and a new intermediate type discovered through the IR observations, where the optical profile fits Type II, but the near-IR light looks completely consistent with Type I.

The investigators performed a variety of simulations and multiple decompositions to find the best fitting components and their level of reliability. Although the bulge shapes were not well determined because of their small sizes relative to the seeing profile, they were best characterized as exponentials (the same shape as the disks). The scale lengths (=sizes) of the exponential disks decrease with increasing wavelength, probably representing a tighter concentration of older stars, as well as an increase in dust toward the center. In Type I galaxies, the scale lengths of bulges and disks were found to be in a nearly constant ratio with only moderate dispersion over a very large range of surface brightness. The observed value of the ratio is consistent with numerical simulations of bar instabilities “heating” the inner disk material to form an apparent bulge. The Type II and transition objects remain a puzzle subject to multiple interpretations, and further observation.




The NOAO Gemini Science Center (NGSC) supports the U.S. community’s use of the state-of-the-art Gemini 8-meter telescopes. This support work includes informing the U.S. community of Gemini scientific observing opportunities, answering U.S. proposers’ and users’ queries, performing technical reviews of U.S. Gemini observing proposals, applying the NOAO TAC process to the U.S. Gemini observing proposals, interfacing with Gemini on the implementation of the selected U.S. Gemini proposals, and providing assistance with and checking of the U.S. Phase-II submissions.

NGSC provided observing support and maintenance for the NOAO-built Phoenix high-resolution infrared spectrograph on Gemini South. NGSC staff members K. Hinkle, R. Blum, S. Ridgway, and N. van der Bliek observed with Phoenix on Gemini South for community queue science programs during FY 2003. In addition, NOAO staff carried out maintenance of the Phoenix closed cycle coolers and blocking filter changes in June 2003. During FY 2003, NGSC staff members C. Smith and M. Bergmann provided GMOS-North observing assistance as part of Gemini North queue observing, as did L. Macri for NIRI. Bergmann and Smith also assisted with the commissioning of GMOS-South.

The NGSC saw a strong response from the U.S. community to the Gemini Call for Proposals for semester 2003B. On Gemini North for 2003B, 60 proposals were received: 28 for GMOS-North, 21 for NIRI, and 13 for Michelle (some proposals requested more than one instrument). Fifty-two U.S. proposals requested Gemini South: 18 for T-ReCS, 17 for GMOS-South, 15 for Phoenix, and 2 for the Acquisition Camera. In total, 107 U.S. Gemini proposals sought 215 nights on the two Gemini telescopes.

The U.S. community responded enthusiastically to the Gemini Call for Proposals for semester 2004A. Overall, U.S. proposers submitted 133 proposals for 2004A, which represents a 24% increase over the number submitted in 2003B. On Gemini North for 2004A, 77 proposals were received: 50 for GMOS-North, 19 for NIRI, and 10 for ALTAIR with NIRI (some proposals requested more than one instrument). Fifty-nine U.S. proposals requested Gemini South: 25 for T-ReCS, 23 for Phoenix, and 12 for GMOS-South. In total, 133 U.S. Gemini proposals sought 301 nights on the two Gemini telescopes for semester 2004A.

NGSC organized a booth for the Seattle AAS meeting in January 2003. The booth featured displays on how to propose for Gemini observing opportunities, brochures on available Gemini instruments, and tutorials on preparing Phase-II programs. Numerous community members visited the NGSC booth. NGSC conducted a Web cast for the U.S. community on September 17, 2003. The topic of the Web cast was Gemini scientific observing opportunities, in particular Gemini instrument capabilities and observing proposals for the 2004A semester. After the presentations, questions were entertained from the audience.


The U.S. Gemini Science Advisory Committee (SAC) met in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on September 25-26, 2003 (and also by video-conference and e-mail discussions on several occasions). T. Armandroff made presentations on the status of the Gemini telescopes and instruments, the U.S. instrumentation effort, and current scientific and technical issues. The U.S. Gemini SAC discussed the current state of observing capabilities on Gemini, future opportunities, and how the priorities of the U.S. Gemini community should be enunciated. Membership of the U.S. Gemini SAC is described at Earlier, six members from this group participated in the Gemini


Science Committee meeting in Sydney, Australia on October 14–15, 2002. T. Armandroff represented the United States at the Gemini Operations Working Group meetings on February 10, 2003 in Tucson (hosted by NGSC) and on August 11-12, 2003 in La Serena, Chile.

The International Gemini Observatory began a process in early 2002 to identify the key science drivers for Gemini in the period 2008-2010. These key science questions, to be identified by the Gemini partner communities, would lead to a set of required observations that would guide future instrument development at Gemini.

The NOAO Gemini Science Center organized a workshop for the U.S. community, “Future Instrumentation for the Gemini 8-m Telescopes: U.S. Perspective in 2003,” on May 30-31 in Tempe, Arizona. The goals of this U.S. meeting were to: (1) explore important science questions that will be addressed via Gemini next-generation instrumentation in the period 2008-2010, and (2) discuss the observing capabilities required to address these science questions

The 40 participants in the Tempe meeting conceived several high-impact scientific questions for Gemini to address in 2008-2010. These scientific investigations were justified and placed in context. The participants envisioned Gemini playing a substantial role in the key science questions of the coming decade. The report of the workshop “Future Instrumentation for the Gemini 8-m Telescopes: U.S. Perspective in 2003” is available at

Gemini held an international science and instrumentation planning meeting in Aspen, Colorado at the Aspen Meadows Conference Center on June 27-28, 2003. Fifty-seven delegates, selected by the international organizing committee, participated. Twenty-eight of the delegates were from the U.S. (with most of these having participated in the U.S. meeting in Tempe) and were supported by NGSC. In addition, the U.S. delegates to the international meeting participated in briefings and discussions organized by NGSC.


One component of the U.S. Gemini Instrumentation Program consists of instruments being built by NOAO for use on Gemini. GNIRS is such an NOAO-built instrument and is described below in the Major Instrumentation Program section of this annual report.

The other class of U.S. Gemini instruments consists of those being built at other U.S. institutions under an AURA contract awarded by NOAO, with NGSC technical and managerial oversight. Progress on three such instruments is described below.

T-ReCS, the Thermal Region Camera and Spectrograph, is a mid-infrared imager and spectrograph for the Gemini South telescope, developed at the University of Florida by Charlie Telesco and his team. In November 2002, T-ReCS passed the optical performance portion of its pre-shipment acceptance testing. Gemini, NGSC, and Florida personnel carried out the remaining electronic, mechanical, and software acceptance tests in February 2003. After a few adjustments and fixes, T-ReCS was judged to have achieved all of the pre-shipment performance requirements by late March. On April 9, 2003 T-ReCS was shipped from the University of Florida to Gemini South. It arrived at Cerro Pachón in good condition on April 12. T-ReCS achieved first light on the Gemini South Telescope on June 2, 2003. Subsequent testing revealed the instrument’s excellent


performance and sensitivity. By the end of FY 2003, T-ReCS had passed its Final Acceptance Test, and the only open issues were delivery of documentation.

NICI, the Near Infrared Coronagraphic Imager, will provide a 1-5 micron dual-beam coronagraphic imaging capability on the Gemini South telescope. Mauna Kea Infrared (MKIR) in Hilo is building NICI, under the leadership of Doug Toomey. The NICI Team spent FY 2003 in the fabrication/procurement phase of the project. At the close of FY 2003, most of the optical and mechanical parts had been fabricated and acceptance tested, and most of the electronics boards had undergone testing. By the end of FY 2003, 70% of the work to NICI final acceptance, which is planned for December 2004, had been completed.

FLAMINGOS-2 is a near-infrared multi-object spectrograph and imager for the Gemini South Telescope. It will cover a 6.1-arcminute-diameter field at Gemini’s standard f/16 focus in imaging mode, and will provide multi-object spectra over a 6.1x2-arcminute field. It will also provide a multi-object spectroscopic capability for Gemini South’s multi-conjugate adaptive optics system. FLAMINGOS-2 is being built by the University of Florida under the leadership of Project Scientist Richard Elston, Co-Project Scientist Steve Eikenberry, and Project Manager Roger Julian. Detailed design work on FLAMINGOS-2 occupied much of FY 2003. A Critical Design Review for FLAMINGOS-2 was held on August 20 and 21, 2003 in Gainesville, Florida.


As part of the run-up to commissioning the SOAR telescope on Cerro Pachón, CTIO has now achieved its complement of three stable major wide-field instruments on the Blanco telescope on Cerro Tololo: the Mosaic 2 Prime focus imager, the Hydra multi-fiber spectrometer system at Cassegrain, and the ISPI near-IR imager at bent Cassegrain. The OSIRIS infrared spectrometer provided by OSU has been removed from the Blanco telescope prior to being taken over to SOAR. Further simplifications in the suite of instruments can be introduced as corresponding narrower-field capabilities appear (and can be accessed by the general US observer community) on Gemini South and SOAR.


The Blanco telescope group kicked off the year with a major, two-week planned shutdown in which the primary was re-aluminized, four broken radial supports repaired, a passive system for the detection of future breaks installed, the primary raised 2.3mm to its nominal position in its cell, new mirror-cover actuators and guide camera installed, and various smaller work packages completed. While successful in itself, lessons learned during the shutdown indicate the need for further work to be done in tuning the mechanical system; this need has been underscored by the loss of two radial supports in the subsequent year.

On February 10, 2003, the Blanco upper dome shutter experienced a catastrophic failure in which both drive chains snapped and eight of the 20 hook rollers were pulled off. Although this event was serious, it proved possible to effect repairs in situ, identifying and resolving the original cause in the


process. The repair involved considerable collaboration between the teams at NOAO North and South and resulted in remarkably little loss of observing time.


MOSAIC 2: Mosaic continues to be the most popular instrument at the telescope and has performed well through the year. An apparently minor, intermittent problem with odd obscurations in the field was traced to a leaking gutter within the dewar which was repaired during a thorough maintenance period in April and May. Absolute exposure timing was also improved.

HYDRA–CTIO finished its fourth year of routine operations in 2003. Over this period, Hydra-CTIO downtime has decreased to a low level as a result of modifications to the mechanical assembly and control software carried out in-house, as well as the improvement of maintenance procedures. In 2003, mechanical tuning of the robot fiber positioner resulted in a ~25% speedup of field configuration, while a modification to the configuration software greatly improved overall efficiency and reliability. An automatic power-cutoff circuit substantially improved safe handling of the fiber positioner.

ISPI: The Infrared Side Port Imager ( instruments/ispi/) is the third in the trio of permanently-installed, relatively wide-field, facility instruments that optimally positions the Blanco 4-m telescope within the U.S. observing system of facilities. ISPI has a field of view in the near infrared of 11 arc minutes with 0.33 arc sec per pixel sampling at 1-2.4 microns. This complements the small-field, high angular resolution near-IR imaging capability of SOAR and the variety of instrumentation for IR spectroscopic follow-up observations soon to be available on Gemini South. ISPI saw first light at the very end of FY 2002. Commissioning of ISPI was completed during FY 2003, followed by two successful runs with visiting astronomers. A set of narrow band filters has been ordered, in addition to the broad-band J,H,Ks filters. The Graphical User Interface has been upgraded to a more versatile and stable version and will be tested during October 2003. The versatility of ISPI Science is illustrated by the programs carried out during the first ISPI runs, which included “A wide, deep NIR survey for Galaxies at 1 < z < 4”, “A NIR search for Quasars in the Deep Lens Survey”, a search of “Young Jupiter Mass Objects in Nearby Molecular Clouds” and a study of “Stellar populations in the Galactic Bulge.” The first paper using ISPI data has been accepted by the ApJ.

OSIRIS: The Ohio State Infrared Imager and Spectrometer finished up its run as the CTIO facility near-infrared imager and spectrometer on the Blanco 4m telescope in September. OSIRIS was originally built by Ohio State and brought to CTIO in the early 1990's; in 1999 it was fitted with a new 1k x 1k Rockwell HgCdTe array (which was purchased by CTIO) to be used with the newly commissioned f/14 tip-tilt system, providing a wider field and better spatial sampling than the existing CTIO imager, CIRIM. The OSIRIS collaboration with Ohio State has been very successful, providing a state of the art capability (in 1999) and an instrument which has been scientifically highly productive. OSIRIS will be deployed at SOAR in 2004 to continue providing modest-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy (up to R=3000) for the NOAO and SOAR community.


CTIO INFRARED IMAGER (CIRIM): The CTIO Infrared Imager was decommissioned in 1999 when OSIRIS replaced it at the Blanco 4-m. However, CIRIM will see light once more, beginning in 2004. The instrument will become the near-infrared channel for a gamma ray burst (GRB) quick response program called Super-LOTIS. Super-LOTIS will deploy a visual CCD channel as well on the U. Arizona 0.6 m Boller and Chivens telescope on Kitt Peak. Super-LOTIS is lead by PI Hye-Sook Park at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. CIRIM will be loaned for an initial period of three years to the Super-LOTIS group, with the possibility of extending the arrangement. The instrument is currently at CTIO being checked out and prepared for shipment to the U. Arizona.


In February 2003, the Small and Moderate Aperture Telescope Research System (SMARTS) consortium took over the operation of three of the smaller telescopes on Cerro Tololo: the 0.9-m, 1.5-m, and 1.3-m (ex-2MASS). SMARTS is led by Charles Bailyn of Yale, and includes SUNY Stony Brook, Space Telescope Science Institute, Georgia State University, Ohio State University, the American Museum of Natural History and NOAO. Northern Arizona University and U. Montreal are associate partners. In August, the U. Delaware, Fisk and Vanderbilt joined the consortium. See:

Under SMARTS, the 0.9-m is operated, as before, with an optical imager; the 1.5-m solely with the RC spectrograph; and the 1.3-m with the OSU-built ANDICAM, a simultaneous optical and IR imager, previously used on the YALO 1.0-m. The 1.3-m is given over completely to queue/service mode, while the other two telescopes combine classical (visiting-astronomer) and queue/service observing. NOAO users have one-third of the time, averaged over all telescopes. Scheduling (including construction of nightly queues) and routine operation of these telescopes is accomplished by (non-NOAO) consortium members. Unusual maintenance or repair efforts sometimes require CTIO personnel, whose time is charged to the consortium.

The transition from full NOAO operation to SMARTS operation went very smoothly. The fraction of useful time (time spent on the sky, observing) has remained unchanged, and visiting astronomers have noted that the level of observer support remains high.

With the addition of three new partners to SMARTS toward the end of FY 2003, the consortium now has the resources to add the ex-YALO 1.0-m to its operations. It is scheduled to begin observations about April 2004, after installation of a 4K optical imager now being built by OSU.

Also in the April time frame the 1.5-m is scheduled to receive a 2K infrared imager now under construction by the U. Montreal. This imager is planned to remain on the telescope during the winter, dedicated mostly to a Galactic Plane survey; during the summer it will return to Montreal to observe the other half of the Plane, while the RC spectrograph is used on the 1.5-m.

Two other telescopes on Cerro Tololo are operated by other guest institutions from the US. The 0.6/0.9-m Curtis Schmidt telescope is operated by the U. Michigan, now open part-time in a NASA-funded project to search for near-Earth asteroids. The 0.4-m Lowell telescope remains closed to general users (though is occasionally operated by the Lowell Observatory).

By agreement with the U. Chile, all telescopes in Chile operated by AURA have ten percent of their time made available, through the University, to the Chilean astronomical community.




CTIO continued its summer student programs, the NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program and the Práctica de Investigación en Astronomía (PIA), which is funded via CTIO operations. Six of the seven students in the 2002 program presented the results of their research as poster papers at the January 2003 American Astronomical Society meeting.(The seventh student was prevented from doing so by illness).

The seven students of the 2003 program were present at CTIO from January through March, during which time they were introduced to observing techniques on the 0.9-m and pursued individual research projects under the guidance of staff astronomers; they are scheduled to attend the January 2004 AAS meeting to present their research results.

Two members of the 2002 student group returned to CTIO in 2003, one to complete the práctica for his master’s degree, the other hired by a staff astronomer to help in data reduction. Other students were also present from time to time, as scientific and engineering staff found the opportunity to mentor them on an individual basis in connection with current projects. See: for more details on the REU program.


CTIO continues to be involved in local K-12 science education in Chile’s fourth region (where Cerro Pachón and Cerro Tololo are located) as part of a collaboration with Gemini, AURA, the U. La Serena, and other local groups, e.g., RedLaSer (, through Chile’s Explora-Conicyt project and the “Planetario Móvil” (Mobile Planetarium) program. The municipality of La Serena has recently announced a requirement to include astronomy education, for the first time, in the science curriculum of all schools under municipal control. The teachers who have been volunteering their time to work with NOAO South and others on this program over the last four years will now, at last, receive payment to teach astronomy in their schools. The U. La Serena is starting to respond to the training challenge that this move towards more astronomy education entails. Building on the experience gained through the operation of the first Gemini/STARLAB portable planetarium by RedLaSer (the planetaria are supplied by and run through GEMINI), a second planetarium will allow direct education outreach to increase to match the huge demand in the rural communities in areas closest to Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachón.


The recent success in involving large numbers of teachers and students in the Gemini/NOAO/RedLaSer planetarium program in Chile’s fifth region has attracted significant interest from other communities. This year, RedLaSer has been able to expand its La Serena-based program to include educators in Concepción (Region 8) and Talca (Region 7). This effort has included use of Chile’s REUNA2 videoconferencing network. It is possible that this effort will help to establish astronomy education in other parts of Chile.


ASTRO-CHILE As part of a developing effort to link the Chile-based education outreach activity into an

international context, CTIO has begun a new collaboration with NOAO Tucson designed to create a dialogue among teachers interested in expanding astronomy education. To this end, the collaboration has supported a series of video-linked workshops, dubbed “Astro-Chile,” between Spanish-speaking educators in Tucson and La Serena who have already been involved with either Project Astro (Tucson) or REDLASER (Chile). (One workshop also included visiting teachers from Concepcion and Talca.) The project has had three successful workshops involving discussions of teaching methods, creation of some Spanish-language materials, and examples of hands-on activities that can be done with students.

VIDEO LECTURES TO U.S. TEACHERS In April and May of 2002, two video lectures were given from the Blanco 4-m telescope control

room in Chile over video connections facilitated by NSF’s Internet II connection to Chile. These talks featured a view of the 4-m telescope, information about the Deep Lens Survey project being done with the telescope and how data from the survey are being used through “Hands-on-Universe” ( to bring scientific discovery to the classroom. The talks were presented to teacher participants in California at a Hands-on-Universe introductory workshop and to teachers participating in “The Collaboratory,” a Northwestern University program that helps Illinois K-12 teachers and students integrate network technologies into their curriculum. A web cast of the lecture is available from the LBLL web page at

OBSERVATORY TOURS Weekly tours of the telescopes on Cerro Tololo continue to be very popular with group sizes of

approximately 40 people and larger groups during holiday periods. Tour groups include organized class trips of students of all ages (elementary through university) and local families. Class groups often reserve space as much as six weeks in advance. To cope with the enormous demand, CTIO has been supporting a move towards developing a concept of self-financing “astro tourism” for the community, which started with the founding of the now-famous Mamalluca Municipal Observatory, now independently established as the leading amateur observatory in South America. Work is being carried out with other municipalities interested in participating in a “route to the stars” as part of a local-government effort to promote ecotourism in the area. Construction of the Andacollo Municipal Observatory (the next significant community closest to Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachon) is well advanced.


A detailed account was provided in last year’s annual report of much successful work in this area. Progress this year has been mixed. In spite of an energetic, decade-long campaign, lights from the four main surrounding communities provide an imminent threat to the currently dark skies over Cerro Pachón and Cerro Tololo. A more intense effort will be needed, particularly over the next two to three years, in order to achieve success.

LA SERENA: The mayor of La Serena led a delegation which visited Tucson in November 2002. This visit included her second visit to NOAO North. Shortly afterwards, the mayor announced in the


media her intention to replace all 13,000 non-compliant luminaires in La Serena with astronomy-friendly light sources by the end of 2003.

The resulting bid package was put together under her direction in the midst of some controversy and has failed to attract any bidders. The mayor is rethinking her options, but has still not accepted our offer of overall technical help. We have been successful in working with the middle levels of the municipality through the local Office for the Protection of the Skies of Chile (OPCC) to make smaller-scale improvements in a few areas of the city. The mayor did agree to allow alternate lights on the Avenida del Mar to be switched off during the winter (off-season) months.

COQUIMBO: The mayor of Coquimbo has yet to announce how he intends to bring the municipality into compliance with the requirements of the “norma luminica” (legislation requiring compliance with certain astronomy-friendly technical requirements for external illumination) by the expiration date of the “grace period” allowed by this law. The degree of compliance with the immediate curfew (switch-off) requirements of the law have been monitored from the AURA campus and reported to the local authorities and at the IAU General Assembly. Follow-up on this aspect has produced quite a high degree of compliance after some initial resistance.

VICUÑA AND ANDACOLLO: The smaller towns of Vicuña and Andacollo also pose a threat on the satellite maps we have been obtaining from Dr. Pierantonio Cinzano and his collaborators, based on Defence Meteorological Satellite Program images) of the spread of light pollution around the observatory. Both communities are heavily involved in municipal observatories and “astro-tourism.” These efforts to build and operate local municipal observatories have involved substantial Chilean investment, which will in turn generate a requirement to protect the dark skies over NOAO South.

FURTHER AFIELD: Wider-reaching education and outreach efforts are much easier and apparently much more successful. The IAU Commission 50 is tasked with the protection of existing and potential optical and radio-astronomical observatory sites world wide. Environmental threats include light pollution, radio-frequency interference, and space-based sources of artificial illumination. Commission 50 has defined Mauna Kea and the North of Chile as the highest priorities for this protection campaign. These priorities were reaffirmed at the IAU General Assembly in August 2003. NOAO works closely with the Commission and with the Inter-national Dark Sky Association; association with allies having concerns beyond astronomy is essential if astronomers are to achieve sufficient executive support from national, regional, and local authorities. There is a pressing need for the astronomical community to become more involved and take action, as even the future Extremely Large Telescope sites are potentially affected.



FY03 efforts at the Mayall 4-m telescope were concentrated on one of the most extensive summer shutdowns in memory. The 2.1-m telescope received a new instrument and some much-needed maintenance attention. WIYN saw progress on upgrades of the Hydra multi-fiber positioner, the bench spectrograph, on development of the One-Degree Imager, and on solution of a drive bearing problem. A major new tenant observatory will be locating on Kitt Peak.


The Mayall 4-m received a major overhaul, starting in mid-July. The technical challenge was a transmission lube and brake job for the declination drives. The symptom being addressed was a noticeable difficulty in getting the telescope to move after initial power-up in declination, particularly in cold weather. The culprit was one of the two brakes in the system, but it was not a routine maintenance issue. A well-kept secret of the KPNO 4-m is that the declination drive mechanism was added as a design “afterthought.” One of the gear boxes and brake assemblies is essentially inaccessible without disassembly. The weldment and gears comprise a six-ton unit, which has to be extracted sideways (and re-engaged with no line-of-sight access). Indeed, the inaccessible brake was gummed up with 20 years of dried lubricant. It now sports new pads, has been re-gapped, both gear boxes have been thoroughly cleaned, and the gears lubricated and re-engaged. New access panels have been cut in the horseshoe to ease future maintenance efforts.

During this challenging operation, several minor maintenance items were addressed. In particular, the Great White Spot was replaced. Its nautical cloth had begun to shred in the dry and windy conditions. Its replacement has metal panels with a highly reflective coating, rated at 99% from the UV through to the near IR. The gearbox and brake refurbishment went well according to the planned schedule, so that the primary mirror was removed and re-aluminized as well. That reinstallation required substantial effort for recollimation, realignment, and re-mapping of the force matrix for active support. Very cloudy weather at the end of August forced the extension of that activity into the observing semester.

Design work was undertaken in FY02 and continued in FY03 for the accommodation of the two major IR instruments coming to the Mayall 4-m in the near future. The first project was for the IR Multi-Object Spectrograph, being produced for KPNO by Space Telescope Science Institute and Goddard Space Flight Center. The instrument employs a commercial digital micro-mirror array as a cold, programmable multi-slit mask. KPNO fabricated the optical bench, and designed and fabricated the telescope mounting interfaces and handling cart. The first-light commissioning run is being scheduled for Spring, 2004. KPNO Engineering and Technical Services is also designing the telescope/guider interface for NEWFIRM, the wide-field mosaic IR imager. A description of the instrument concept and its design progress is found in the Major Instrumentation section of this Annual Report.


Jian Ge and his Penn State U. colleagues had a successful test run with a prototype precision radial velocity fiber-fed bench spectrograph. The optics project a fringe pattern from a Michelson interferometer at nearly right angles to the absorption features on the widened stellar spectrum. The


recorded phase of the interference fringes is then extremely sensitive to small velocity shifts. They were able to obtain 10 m/s repeatability, and are planning to return with an upgraded version that should approach 5 m/s. In addition, this technique affords very high throughput. The intention is to make the Exoplanet Tracker available to NOAO proposers sometime next year.

The 2.1-m also received a much-needed refurbishment. The long run of multi-conductor telescope control cabling had gotten snagged and damaged sometime in the last year, leading to multiple peculiar symptoms. The cabling was replaced, and a more reliable counter-weighting scheme was implemented to keep the cables from jumping their tracks. In addition, the right ascension oil bearings were flushed, the oil replaced, the pumps replaced, and the regulator valves re-tuned to restore reliable operation.


A unique capability of WIYN is fiber-fed spectroscopy covering the full one-degree field of view. The Hydra positioner is now over ten years old with obsolete parts. The successful Critical Design Review held in FY03 promises a replacement in the near future, with the prospect of faster field configurations. The new design is based on the Hydra/CTIO positioner. In order to capture fainter objects, the WIYN partners are pursuing an alternate design compromise between spectral purity and throughput for the bench spectrograph. A conceptual design has been developed for a field lens group and off-axis collimator. In addition, a VPH grating is being mounted for verification and use. The combination could offer throughput gains of a factor of 3, and will be pursued during FY04.

The centerpiece of the strategic plan developed by the WIYN Consortium during the year is a One-Degree Imager (ODI), which contains arrays of orthogonal-transfer CCDs for local fast guiding. A highly productive collaboration has been established between WIYN and the U. of Hawaii PanSTARRS project to pursue two parallel paths to developing the OTA CCD technology. WIYN’s commercial CCD developer has been collaborating closely with MIT Lincoln Labs, the PanSTARRS supplier, to develop two approaches to OTA foundry production. The advantage to WIYN is the sharing of experience of MITLL in the details of design approach; the advantage to PanSTARRS is a backup device supplier for their multiple large-format cameras. The successful Critical Design Review in FY03 recommended proceeding with the first foundry run. Results are expected early in 2004.

During the year, the WIYN telescope had begun to experience difficulties with its azimuth motion. Increased torques were recorded from the azimuth drive motors, and more frequent drive trips were encountered. Charles Corson led an effort of careful diagnosis; the culprit seemed to be a degradation of the four azimuth bearings, which are high precision, custom fitted parts. The manufacture, assembly, and interfacing of new bearings turned out to be very technically challenging. During discussion, we learned that the SDSS telescope was experiencing a similar performance degradation, and that its bearings were designed to be the same as WIYN’s. The full replacement for all 4 bearings will take place in stages during FY04.


Because of site approval difficulties near Mt. Hopkins, the VERITAS project chose a site on Kitt Peak for their development. This observatory is the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array


System. Its scientific goal is to detect and characterize the extremely high energy gamma rays that are produced by quasars, supernova explosions, and other compact objects by the optical flashes emitted when the gamma-ray photons smash into the Earth's atmosphere. This project received high priority in the astronomy decadal survey. It is led by Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, PI Trevor Weekes, and includes a Consortium of universities: Purdue, Iowa State, Washington - St. Louis, Chicago, Utah, UCLA, McGill, Dublin Ireland, and Leeds in the UK. The US partners are funded by the Smithsonian Institution, Department of Energy, and NSF.

The observatory will consist of seven 12-meter (36-foot) optical imaging telescopes, each with 315 mirror segments, and a 3.5-deg field of view. The array configuration is a filled hexagon with sides of 265 feet. The telescope array does not need access to the horizons but does need protection from ground-level lights. The project has identified a bowl area just above our "lake" suitable for placing the telescopes, support structures, and control building. They have received approval for sublease of a dedicated site of ~20 acres, and their project funding is secure. The VERITAS Observatory is on track to become the major tenant on Kitt Peak and will be a high visibility international scientific facility.


The devastating fire on Mt. Lemmon this year reinforced the urgency of lowering the fire load of dry brush on Kitt Peak. A special allocation of program funds supported contract work clearance of 30-foot perimeters around key structures, such as telescope domes and the power transformer. A systemic approach was successfully pursued at the same time. The Wildlands Fire Division of the Tohono O’odham Department of Public Safety received a grant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to Commission an environmental impact study for the entire reservation to characterize the wild land/“urban” interface. The completion of that study will allow them to proceed to trim back brush on the steep slopes and canyons on Kitt Peak that could act as chimneys in the event of a wildfire further down the mountainside. This is an outstanding example of cooperation between the Nation and the Observatory. INCREASED COMMUNITY ACCESS TO THE INDEPENDENT OBSERVATORIES

NOAO continues to run the time allocation process for telescope time that is made available to the broad community on the large, independent telescopes through the Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP), and its predecessor, the Facility Instrumentation Program.


In the late 1990s, NSF’s Facility Instrumentation Program granted instrument funds to groups associated with the MMT Observatory and the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). In return, the MMT Observatory agreed to schedule 162 nights at a nominal rate of 26 nights per year and the HET agreed to carry out observations equivalent to 101 clear nights at a nominal rate of 17 nights per year for telescope programs approved by NOAO’s Time Allocation Committee (TAC). NOAO’s role in this program is limited to the time allocation and community interface activities.


In the two 2003 semesters, NOAO received 15 proposals for time on the MMT, requesting a total of 37 nights. Overall, this amounts to an oversubscription rate of about 1.5, though the split between bright time and dark time requests is not even, with dark time exceeding bright time by about two to one. This is due in part to the suite of instrumentation available on the MMT, which is heavily weighted towards dark time instruments. Nine of these 15 proposals were granted time. At this point, approximately one third of the 162 nights have been scheduled. Because of a substantial backlog of accepted proposals that could not be scheduled, it was agreed to accept no more proposals for the 2004A semester, in order to try to accommodate some of the backlogged proposals.

In the two 2003 semesters, NOAO received 11 proposals for time on the HET, requesting a total of 15.5 nights. This amounts to an oversubscription rate of about 1.5 over the time that is being used for these observations, about five nights per semester. Eight of these proposals were granted time.


FY 2003 was the first year in which time from the Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP) awards became available to the community. NOAO’s role in TSIP includes not only the distribution of telescope time, but also the management of the annual TSIP proposal peer-review process, and oversight of the instrument development activities of successful proposers. Those parts of the program are discussed elsewhere in this annual report. In the initial year of TSIP, both sub-awards were granted to groups associated with the W. M. Keck Observatory, and as a result six nights per semester have been made available on each of the two Keck 10-m telescopes. This new opportunity for community access was very popular: in the two proposal semesters, a total of 64 proposals requesting 96.5 nights were received. The resulting oversubscription rate was slightly above 4. Sixteen observing proposals were granted time in these two semesters. JOINT NOAO-NASA TIME ALLOCATION PROGRAMS

NOAO has arranged several ad hoc programs to address the needs of projects that require time on ground-based telescopes associated with observations made on one of NASA’s Great Observatories, Chandra, HST, or SIRTF. The goal of these arrangements is to eliminate the double jeopardy of two peer-reviews for proposals that require both sets of observations to accomplish their objectives. During FY 2003, 11 HST proposals and three Chandra proposals were approved for NOAO observations. With the successful initiation of SIRTF operations, a similar arrangement will be negotiated with the SIRTF Science Center. However, there is interest in developing a more general scheme that will present proposers with a uniform process for getting data from multiple facilities. NOAO SURVEY PROGRAMS

The NOAO Survey Program has been very successful, with 15 surveys undertaken since its inception in 1999. The surveys tend to be multi-year projects, and often are aimed at generating complete data sets. In 2003, it was realized that NOAO should make an effort to adjust its allocation of telescope time to accommodate weather and instrumental problems that survey projects have


encountered, in order to improve the chances of success. Consequently, no new survey proposals were solicited in 2003. Instead, the annual meeting of survey PIs was held with the survey panel of the NOAO TAC as audience, and the PIs were asked to address the needs of their surveys for supplemental telescope time. Those projects that were within a year of completion were given the opportunity to request a specific additional allocation, and the survey panel then met to consider these requests.

The following survey projects were granted additional observing time in order to complete their originally proposed observations:

• “The Evolution of Galaxy Clustering at 1 < z < 2” (PI: R. Elston, U. Florida) was granted 38 additional nights on the KPNO 2.1m.

• “The Deep Lens Survey” (PI: A. Tyson, Lucent) was granted 12 additional nights on the CTIO 4m and 8.5 additional nights on the KPNO 4m.

• “Toward a Complete Near-Infrared Spectroscopic and Imaging Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds” (PI: E. Lada, U. Florida) was granted 26 additional nights on the KPNO 2.1-m and 17 additional nights on the KPNO 4-m.

• “Star Formation in HI-Selected Galaxies” (PI: G. Meurer, STScI) was granted 14 additional nights on the CTIO 0.9-m.

• “Southern Standard Stars for the u’g’r’i’z’ System” (PIs: A. Smith, LANL and D. Tucker, FNAL) was granted seven additional nights on the CTIO 0.9m.

• “The Deep Ecliptic Survey” (PI: R. Millis, Lowell Obs.) was granted eight additional nights on the CTIO 4m and 12 additional nights on the KPNO 4m.


Following the launch of the NOAO Science Archive (NSA) in mid-2002, the Data Products Program has focused on the development of an integrated data management and processing system that will provide efficient access to NOAO data and data products to the astronomical community. The short term goal of the program is to move from the current archive holdings—limited to data products provided by the survey teams—to the storage of all raw data from all NOAO facilities, together with the pipeline reduction of a substantial fraction of that data. The intent is to provide a new channel for access to data, by making data available to the community after a proprietary period, and also to assist observers by providing them a simple way to download raw or reduced data following their observing run. Thus, this system provides data transport, data safe store, and data access, and will be compatible with standards, interfaces, and tools that are being developed by the National Virtual Observatory effort. This is a large undertaking and the first pieces are not expected to be in place until the middle of FY 2004. However, much progress was made on design and development activities for the components of this system in the current year.


The second release of the NOAO Science Archive took place in January 2003. This new release featured more data and more functionality. Data are now available from the NSA for eight of the NOAO survey projects including two that are serving time domain data, “A Next Generation Microlensing Survey of the LMC” and “The W Project.” However, the majority of work on the archive concentrated on the eventual replacement of the current archive with a much better engineered effort, in which the full long term holdings and types of access are considered. Definition work on the new archive included the development of science requirements, functional and performance requirements, and design components such as the data model and the compute model. A review of this work is planned for early FY 2004.

Work on data reduction pipelines is also in relatively early stages. A prototype CCD Mosaic data reduction pipeline, running on a multi-processor system, is planned for release in early FY 2004. Development of this pipeline is being done in collaboration with the “SuperMACHO” survey team. Simultaneously, preliminary design work is proceeding on the data handling system, including reduction pipeline software for the NEWFIRM instrument.

The Data Products Program staff engaged in two other notable activities during FY 2003. First, an NOAO-Gemini collaboration has been initiated, with the goal of developing data reduction software for the Gemini instruments in the IRAF system. The responsibility of NOAO personnel in this effort is primarily system-level work, aimed at improving the scripting capabilities within IRAF and providing system support for the reduction package. This work is expected to take two years. Second, a substantial effort went into supporting the conceptual design work on the LSST data management system, resulting in a document that will serve as one of the appendices for the upcoming LSST proposal to NSF.





The major instrument under production is the Gemini Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (GNIRS). The largest instrument project ever undertaken by NOAO, GNIRS will provide long-slit capabilities with a range of dispersions through selectable gratings, covering the wavelength region from 0.9 micron to 5.5 microns at two pixel scales by means of interchangeable cameras that feed a single 1024 pixel square ALADDIN-type InSb detector. It also provides options for 0.9–2.4 micron cross-dispersion, polarization analysis, and an integral field unit.

The project team, under the leadership of Project Scientist J. Elias, spent FY 2003 integrating and testing the instrument as a whole. The fully assembled instrument was weighed and found to meet the very demanding Gemini weight specification, vindicating the substantial re-engineering done since the program re-start. Through several cycles of cold-testing and subsequent modification, a number of problems were identified and resolved including reduction of image motion due to flexure and vibration, adjustment of the center of gravity to meet Gemini requirements, improvement of the detector noise performance, correction of thermal problems to ensure proper cryogenic performance, and improvement of the detector temperature control. In August, 2003 the instrument underwent a pre-shipment acceptance test jointly conducted by NOAO and Gemini personnel. Test results were largely positive, but a handful of punch-list issues were identified that required correction prior to shipment to Cerro Pachon. At the close of FY2003 the NOAO staff was working hard on resolving the last punch-list items.


The Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI) will be used with the multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) system being built for the Gemini South telescope. The imager will cover wavelengths between 0.9 and 2.4 microns, and will be based on a 4K × 4K HgCdTe detector mosaic. GSAOI’s imaging area will cover the well-corrected field of view of the MCAO system, with a pixel scale matched to diffraction-limited images. Early in FY2003, NOAO submitted a revised proposal following Gemini’s request after the first round of proposals from the two finalists resulted in a tie. In the first quarter of FY 2003, Gemini announced that NOAO would not receive the contract for construction of GSAOI, and the project at NOAO was terminated.


Following completion of its workshop in Aspen, Gemini asked its national science centers to coordinate the development of rough order-of-magnitude estimates of the cost of building each of the instruments recommended by the Aspen working groups. Acting under the coordination of the NOAO Gemini Science Center, the Major Instrumentation Program prepared estimates for six of the instru-ment concepts discussed at Aspen: a high-resolution near infrared spectrograph; a multi-object option for the high-resolution NIR spectrograph; an f/6 Cassegrain UV-optimized wide-field multi-object spectro-graph; a prime-focus fiber-fed extremely wide-field multi-object spectrograph; and two versions (f/6 and f/16) of an imager to work with a ground-layer adaptive optics system. The NGSC also coordinated the


preparation by personnel at the U. California/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of a cost estimate for an extremely high-order adaptive optics system with a coronagraphic imager.



NEWFIRM, a world-class capability for wide-field imaging in the near infrared, is a key element in the U.S. system of facilities provided by NOAO. It has a 27 × 27 arcmin field of view with 0.4 arcsec per pixel at 1–2.4 microns and will operate at the R-C focus on either 4-meter telescope. The instrument per se will be complemented by a highly automated data reduction pipeline feeding the NOAO data archive. Neil Gaughan took over as Project Manager early in FY2003 as a consequence of the loss of the original project manager to illness. Under his organizational leadership, and following the scientific direction of Project Scientist Ron Probst, the project team completed work on the design changes in response to the concerns raised at the conceptual design review. The revised design was developed to a fairly detailed level and presented to a Preliminary Design Review panel of both internal and external reviewers on June 4 and 5, 2003. The review panel was extremely supportive of the new design and of the plan for accelerated construction needed to protect NEWFIRM’s scientific competitiveness. The panel was very impressed with the state of development of the design, and they approved the team’s proposal to enter directly into fabrication on most systems without further design reviews except for internal reviews on two subsystems (the filter wheel and the optical supports). Detailed design continued through Summer, 2003, and the first drawings were released to the instrument shop for fabrication on September 30, 2003. The goal for delivery of the instrument to the Mayall telescope is July, 2005.


The SOAR 4.2-meter telescope on Cerro Pachón will produce very high quality images over a field of view 10 arcminutes square (see The initial instruments are designed to exploit this performance, with the optical imager and Goodman Spectrograph emphasizing high throughput in the blue and UV. In 2001, SOAR solicited ideas from its partners for second-generation instrumentation. NOAO South (CTIO) subsequently presented concepts for an adaptive optics (AO) system; this project was approved to be developed through to conceptual design review. The conceptual design review was held April 7, 2003 in Tucson. The review panel was generally very enthusiastic about the proposed system and the science capabilities it would add to SOAR, and they recommended that SOAR accept this proposal as a second-generation instrument and that NOAO South proceed with the preliminary design phase. The panel cautioned that the design team should not set an arbitrary PDR date but instead lay out design milestones and call the PDR only when the milestones are reached. The panel also pointed out several areas of technical concern with the concept, most notably the integration of position angle of the alt-az SOAR telescope with the polarization-based laser range gating system proposed. Finally, the panel noted the critical need for a designated project manager and a careful assessment of the required resources as part of the preliminary design.


Since the CoDR, the design team has added Nicole van der Bliek as Project Manager, and work is progressing towards identifying the resources needed to develop a detailed design and begin fabrication. The team is also making good progress with selection of a deformable mirror technology and related opto-mechanical design issues. As FY2003 closed, the team was working towards a Preliminary Design Review sometime in the first quarter of calendar year 2004, although the availability of certain personnel and hence the schedule are somewhat dependent on the commissioning schedule for the SOAR telescope itself.


The SOAR optical imager, a facility-class instrument being built at NOAO South, will be the commissioning instrument for SOAR. Given its location at a bent-Cassegrain port, the instrument incorporates its own atmospheric dispersion corrector and rotator, in addition to an F/16:F/9 focal reducer and tip/tilt guider controlling M3 at up to 50 Hz.

The instrument is complete apart from a few minor details and is currently in integration and test phase. It is about to be delivered to SOAR for a month-long sojourn on the telescope, this will involve testing of interfaces, measuring flexure, and integration into the SOAR software system. The focal plane consists of a 4K × 4K mini-mosaic of E2V CCDs, purchased after the delivery of Lincoln Lab CCDs was unacceptably delayed. Work is continuing to optimize performance of these CCDs and provide extra modes of operation, but basic functionality has been demonstrated.


The Monsoon Image Acquisition system is the NOAO solution for scalable, multi-channel high-speed image acquisition systems required for next generation projects. Monsoon is designed to be flexible enough to support CCD, CMOS and IR diode imaging arrays in a wide variety of uses, including science instruments, acquisition and guide cameras, and wavefront sensors. It is under development jointly by staff at both NOAO-North in Tucson and NOAO-South in La Serena. FY2003 saw a number of milestones within the project. The three major hardware components—the master control board, the clock & bias board, and the data acquisition board (in both IR and CCD prototype versions)—were completed by the middle of FY2003. A software PDR was held on July 1, at which the panel approved the very design for the mid-level Pixel Acquisition Node (PAN) software but noted that the design for the top-level Supervisory layer was not yet mature. As the Supervisory layer is needed only for large implementations with multiple PANs, work on that layer is postponed while the remaining coding is completed for the first, single-PAN implementations. On August 8, 2003 the team successfully read out an image from an astronomical detector for the first time, using the first prototype Monsoon system assembled in Tucson. The “first-light” detector was an Aladdin 1024-pixel square IR detector with InSb diode pixels. A few weeks later, the second prototype system, assembled in La Serena, was successfully reading out a bare multiplexer from an Hawaii-2 2048-pixel array. Then, in September, the first CCD prototype controller was reading out a 2048 × 4096 pixel STIS-type CCD. Work continues on tuning the controllers for optimal noise performance. Delivery of the first production systems is expected in FY 2004.




A formal agreement between the California Institute of Technology and AURA to advance site testing activities for a 30-m telescope was signed at the beginning of the report period. Informal collaborations continued with Cornell, Carnegie, UNAM and INAOE (Mexico), and several other groups.

The California Extremely Large Telescope (CELT) consortium and the AURA New Initiatives Office (NIO) selected the initial site to be tested in Chile, and following negotiations on land conces-sion and mining rights, installed a weather station and carried out extensive simulations of wind flow using numerical modeling techniques. A robotic Differential Motion Monitor (DIMM) system was purchased by CELT and installed on Cerro Tololo for performance testing. Over a period of two months, comparison was made with measurements from the CTIO DIMM and the Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) instrument. Following these tests, this instrument will be installed on the first Chile site. Negotiation s were successfully concluded for access to a second Chile site.

Production of eight MASS/DIMM instruments was initiated. Each instrument when fitted to a small telescope and pointed to a bright star provides an integrated seeing for the whole atmosphere (DIMM), plus low-resolution turbulence profiles for the free atmosphere (above approximately 0.5 km., MASS). One of these instruments will be installed at Dome C, Antarctica, during the 2003-2004 southern summer, the others will be used for testing various sites as part of the site testing program, together with one instrument remaining at Cerro Tololo. A database with sophisticated query tools was built for handling MASS data, in a collaboration with Carnegie.

The weather station installed in FY 2001 on Cerro Honar, above the ALMA site, continued to operate and provide essential long-term data on this very high-altitude (5,400m) site. Operation of a similar Cornell-installed weather station on the nearby Cerro Negro was taken over by NIO, but failure of the data system has prevented much data being recorded. Replacement is planned. A weather station was re-installed on the “8-m site” on Cerro Pachón following storm damage, and a road was build to the site to permit easy access. The two DIMMs sent to Mauna Kea for use in differential comparison tests on and near the summit concluded their initial campaign. Work will be resumed after installation of a 6-m tower at the nominal large telescope site; the protracted procedure for getting permission to install the tower was initiated. The two DIMMs supplied for use by Carnegie at Las Campanas Observatory were given some initial testing. Characterization of several sites for the Magellan-20 telescope will begin in earnest following the erection of suitable towers.

Numerical modeling using computational fluid dynamics was carried out for several sites. The ability to model the wind and turbulence behavior on both micro-scales (a few meters) and meso-scales (a few hundred meters) is a critical part of site evaluation, and is also part of the day-to-day operation of any facility relying on adaptive optics. Modeling has concentrated on determining whether the candidate large telescope site on Mauna Kea is significantly inferior to the existing telescope sites, and on characterizing Chilean sites prior to on-ground testing.




Based in Tucson, the AURA New Initiatives Office (NIO) is charged with “ [ensuring]... broad astronomical community access to a 30-meter-class telescope [which will be] contemporaneous with ALMA and NGST, by playing a key role in scientific and technical studies leading to the creation of the Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope [GSMT].” As a collaboration between Gemini and NOAO, the NIO draws on the expertise of Gemini and NOAO staff in Tucson, Hilo, Hawaii, and La Serena, Chile.

In FY 2003, NIO efforts focused on developing a formal project to design the Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope. This effort has taken two forms: (1) discussions with other institutions leading to the signing of partnership agreements; and (2) preparation of a proposal to the National Science Foundation requesting federal support of the public component of the GSMT public-private partnership envisioned by the AASC decadal review panel. FY 03 funding for NIO has been at the $2.2M level, provided 10% by Gemini, 90% by NOAO.

Also in FY03, the NIO team invested considerable effort in developing the tools that will be needed to carry out key trade studies during the conceptual design phase of the project, and the group significantly advanced preparations for the upcoming site-testing program. The following hghlights additional accomplishments in specific areas:


The NIO team, staffed primarily by NOAO engineers and scientists, also includes senior Gemini staff members filling key positions in the NIO structure. This has enabled NIO to leverage Gemini’s telescope-building experience to guide the GSMT technical studies. At present, 15 FTEs support NIO efforts. New staff hires over the past year include: A. Serguson (software engineer), R. Upton (senior optical engineer), and B. Ellerbroek (principal adaptive optics engineer). Additional support has been provided by Dwain Jacobsen, a contract employee made available through an agreement with the U. Hawaii; Soon Jo Chung, an intern working with George Angeli, and Aron Ahmadia, an intern working with Brent Ellerbroek.


The NIO public web site at was expanded this year, and now includes reports on the many technical studies completed by NIO staff, collaborating institutions, and subcontractors. The Web site, which is updated periodically, also contains copies of presentations and links to the sites of other Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) groups, and it features a collection of studies describing a point design for the GSMT, called the “GSMT Book.”


NIO has created a community-wide GSMT Science Working Group in response to a request from the National Science Foundation. The charge of the SWG is to “advise the NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences on a strategy for guiding federal investment in a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT).”

Rolf-Peter Kudritski, Director of the Institute for Astronomy at the U. Hawaii is the chair of the GSMT SWG, with NOAO’s Steve Strom as vice-chair. In FY03, the science working group completed


its first major report, Frontier Science Enabled by the Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope, submitted to the Astronomical Sciences Division of the NSF. This report, which recommends vigorous NSF investment in the GSMT technology development program is available at: http://www.nsf-gsmt SWG_Report/SWG_Report_7.2.03.pdf. The investigations of the GSMT SWG were supported by NIO staff members, who carried out technical, performance simulation, and project planning studies.


Throughout FY03, the NIO Management Board engaged in discussions with potential partners interested in building a 30-m telescope. These discussions resulted in the signing of Letters of Intent by AURA, the California Institute of Technology, the U. California, and the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA) in May 2003. The four partners have agreed to refer to the joint effort as the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) project.

The Letters of Intent state that each party will solicit funding from appropriate agencies to support the Design and Development phase of the TMT project. In recent months, the California Institute of Technology and the U. California—which together have formed the California Extremely Large Telescope (CELT) Development Corporation—submitted a joint proposal to a private California foundation, and the Canadian partners in ACURA have submitted a proposal to the Canadian Fund for Innovation (CFI). The AURA-NIO proposal to the NSF, which was submitted in September 2003, is discussed in the next section.

The partners have set up an Interim Board of Directors, on which Jeremy Mould serves, an Interim Steering Group (ISG) chaired by Larry Stepp that provides project management, and a Science Advisory Committee (SAC), on which Steve Strom, Joan Najita, Buell Jannuzi, and Joe Jensen (Gemini) serve as AURA representatives. The SAC is charged with developing and updating a Science Requirements Document, while the ISG is serving as interim Project Manager for the TMT project.


Submitted to NSF in September 2003, the AURA-NIO proposal, “Design and Development of a Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT),” describes the scientific justification for the TMT project, the facility requirements that flow down from the science requirements, and the proposed design and technology development activities needed over the next five years. The proposal also requests funding for public education and outreach activities deriving from the TMT project.


AURA has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the California Extremely Large Telescope (CELT) group to collaborate on evaluation of candidate sites for TMT. The list of candidate sites has been narrowed by investigations of logistical issues such as land ownership, as well as by a series of remote sensing studies that have used satellite data to quantify the number of clear nights and the precipitable water vapor for each site. Each prime candidate site has also been modeled using computational fluid dynamics to investigate the boundary layer turbulence over the site under various wind speeds and directions.


In-situ site testing equipment has been developed, and multiple copies are being purchased and assembled. This equipment includes weather stations, differential image motion monitors (DIMMs), and multi-aperture scintillation sensors (MASS). Weather stations have already been deployed on several candidate sites, and deployment of DIMM and MASS units will begin in 4th quarter 2003.


NIO has supported studies at collaborating institutions and sub-contractors within the Gemini partner countries. Studies completed in FY03 include:

• “Feasibility Study for Large Format Detector Arrays,” a study of detectors to be used for very high order adaptive optics wavefront sensors by E2V Technologies, Inc.

• “Conceptual Design Study for an Echidna-Style Optical-Fiber Positioner for the GSMT Multi-Object Multi-Fiber Optical Spectrograph” by the Anglo-Australian Observatory

• “The UK Large Optical Manufacturing Study,” by the Astronomy Technology Center, Cranfield Precision, Zeeko Ltd., and the UK National Physical Laboratory

• “Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Airflow around the GSMT Primary Mirror,” by Tennessee State University;

• “Feasibility Studies for Large Format Volume Phase Holographic Gratings” by the Centre Spatial de Liège.


NIO is working in collaboration with a number of technical and astronomical organizations interested in helping develop technology for extremely large telescopes. These collaborations include:

• MIT Space Systems Laboratory. An MOU is in place to develop integrated modeling techniques to simulate the performance of segmented-mirror telescopes.

• Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). AFOSR has provided funding to port the parallel Gemini adaptive optics simulation code to the 260-Node Huinalu Linux cluster at the Maui High Performance Computing Center. This project will provide AFOSR with a simulation code for modeling the AEOS adaptive optics system, and provide NIO with a platform for more efficient modeling of AO systems for ELTs.

• Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO). An agreement is in place for CfAO to provide post-doc funding to study wavefront reconstruction algorithms for giant telescopes at NIO (Tucson) and Montana State University (Bozeman). CfAO will fund 50% of both positions, with the balance supported by NOAO and AFOSR, respectively.


• NSF Laser Development Proposal. Gemini, CfAO, Keck Observatory, and the USAF Star-fire Optical Range are continuing their collaboration to develop facility class sodium guide star laser systems for 8-m to 10-m telescopes. During the past year, the Starfire team demonstrated an 18-Watt laser system and generated a magnitude 7.5 guide star on the sky, and Coherent Technologies, Inc. held a successful preliminary design review for the Gemini-North laser system. Work on the RFP package has now started for a third laser system slated for the Keck I telescope.



Beowulf Cluster for Integrated Modeling and Computational Fluid Dynamics.

− Purchased, assembled and installed Beowulf cluster (an inexpensive supercomputer consisting of multiple linked PCs)

− Created integrated modeling software suitable for parallel processing, making use of commercial, off-the-shelf finite-element and optical ray tracing software, operating in a Matlab environment

− System successfully tested on integrated modeling applications

Manufacture of Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensors (MASS)

− MASS instrument provides dynamic measurements of CN2 profile over a site (the CN2 profile defines the altitudes of seeing disturbances, important for adaptive optics correction of atmospheric seeing)

− Manufactured components for six instruments

− Assembly and testing to be completed before end of calendar year 2003

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

− In addition to modeling wind flow over candidate observatory sites, CFD studies have been performed to quantify wind loading of telescopes in enclosures:

− Approach has been validated by modeling wind flow through the Gemini telescope and dome on Cerro Pachon; the results compare favorably with pressure and velocity measure-ments made in 2000.

− Modeling is being extended to enclosures for TMT, with first results produced for a 90-m diameter spherical dome.

Integrated Modeling

− Integrated modeling simulates the performance of a complex opto-mechanical system, including active compensation of disturbances through dynamic control systems. Integrated


models incorporate structural, optical, and control system simulations in a single computational environment.

− To develop the methodology, an integrated model of a hypothetical segmented Gemini telescope has been produced, and its performance has been calculated when subjected to measured dynamic wind profiles, both with and without active segment position control.

− An integrated model of the entire GSMT, with 618 segments, has now been produced, and the behavior of the system under dynamic wind loading has been simulated.



Refereed Journals

B. Ellerbroek, L. Gilles, and C. Vogel, 2003, “Numerical simulations of multi-conjugate adaptive optics wave-front reconstruction on giant telescopes,” Appl. Opt. 42, 4811-18.

L. Gilles, B. L. Ellerbroek, and C. R. Vogel, 2003, “Preconditioned conjugate gradient wavefront reconstructors for multi-conjugate adaptive optics,” Appl. Opt. 42, 5233-50.

Conference Papers

SPIE Conference on Optical Modeling and Performance Prediction, San Diego, California, August 2003:

G. Z. Angeli and B. Gregory, “Linear Optical Model for a Large Ground-Based Telescope.”

G. Angeli, A. Segurson, R. Upton, B. Gregory, M. Cho, “Integrated Modeling Tool for Large Ground-based Optical Telescopes.”

SPIE Conference on Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems and Applications, San Diego, California, August 2003

L. Gilles, B. Ellerbroek, and C. Vogel, "Efficient Matrix Techniques for Advanced Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics.”

B. Ellerbroek, “Simulations Of Closed-Loop Wavefront Reconstruction Algorithms for Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics On Giant Telescopes.”

A. Ahmadia and B. Ellerbroek, “Parallelized Simulation Code for Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics.” SPIE Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes, Backaskog, Sweden, September 2003

G. Angeli, R. Upton, B. Gregory, B. Ellerbroek and A. Segurson, “Active Optics for a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope.”

B. Ellerbroek, “Wavefront Reconstruction Algorithms and Simulation Results for Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics on Giant Telescopes.”

A. Tokovinin, “Sensing and Compensation of Ground-layer Turbulence at ELTs.”


K. Vogiatzis and D. S. De Young, “Numerical Simulations of Flow in Extremely Large Telescope Enclosures.”

K. Vogiatzis and D.S. DeYoung, “Site Characterization through the Use of Computational Fluid Dynamics.”

L. Stepp and S. Strom, "The Thirty-Meter Telescope Project: Design and Development Phase.” [Invited]

Optical Society of America Conference on Astronomical Optics, Tucson, Arizona, October 2003

Larry Stepp, “Cost-Effective Design Of A Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope.” [Invited]

Invited Presentations at Meetings and Conferences:

L. Stepp and S.E. Strom, “Design for the Giant Segmented-Mirror Telescope (GSMT) Based on Scientific Drivers.” Royal Astronomical Society Meeting on Optical and Infrared Telescopes, 30 to 100 Meters Diameter, London, England, December 13, 2002.

L. Stepp, “Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope”, Meeting of the Optical Society of Southern California, Pasadena, California, March 12, 2003.

L. Stepp, “Future Giant Telescope (FGT) Projects and Their Technological Challenges”, IAU Joint Discussion 8, July 17, 2003.


The Large-aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is one of three major new ground-based facilities recommended for construction during the coming decade by the AASC. It has also been recommended as a high priority by two other NRC decade surveys, one dealing with the interface between physics and astrophysics and the other with solar system exploration.

During FY03, NOAO joined with the Research Corporation (RC) and the Universities of Arizona and Washington to establish the LSST Corporation. There is a provision for adding contributors to the project to the Board either as institutional or at-large individual members. The President of the Board is John Schaefer from RC, the Interim Director is Tony Tyson, and the Board selected Don Sweeney from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to serve as project manager.

Several Department of Energy national laboratories have expressed interest in contributing to the LSST project. It appears likely at this time that the DOE labs will take on primary responsibility for the camera including the focal plane array; that Steward will take on casting of the primary and possibly the tertiary along with figuring of the large optics; that NOAO will lead the effort to build the telescope and associated support facilities; and that the development of the algorithms needed for the data system will be a distributed effort involving experts in the community. The overall development of the architecture for the data management system and integration of the software into robust, automated pipelines will be a central project office task.


The participants in the collaboration are in the process of developing a proposal for the design and development phase of the project. This proposal will be completed early in FY 2004 and will be submitted to various possible funding sources.

The NSF AST Division authorized NOAO to establish and maintain a Science Working Group (SWG) for the LSST. This group is the community-based body charged with developing the science case and justification for federal investment in LSST by NSF and other government agencies. The group is chaired by Michael Strauss of Princeton, and the report of the SWG is expected early in FY 2004. It will be used in establishing the quantitative science requirements for the LSST. The science priorities will include deep-imaging of large areas of the sky to constrain cosmological models through measurements of weak-lensing; the discovery of, and orbital determination for, near-earth objects down to sizes less than 200 m; astrometry of stars in the solar neighborhood; study of the assembly of our Galaxy through astrometry and photometry of stellar populations; and opening the time domain. There appears to be general agreement that the LSST survey should begin by characterizing the sky to deep limiting magnitudes (~26) in 4 to 6 color-bands, and then conduct rapid surveying of the sky with ~10 sec exposures in two, or at most a few, colors.

A baseline optical design developed by Lynn Seppala at LLNL was reviewed and endorsed by an external review committee. The design provides a flat focal plane over the 3 degree FOV. Optical tolerancing studies and studies of the impact of gravity deflections on the image quality of the camera have been completed. A top-down error budget for image quality has been developed along with concepts for maintaining the tight tolerances on alignment.

NOAO staff are participating in some science programs that can serve as test beds for the LSST and its data management system. The SuperMACHO project is in its second season. Work continued on the real-time pipeline difference-image analysis system, making it more robust and improving the astrometry and flat-fielding. An object-based pipeline system was developed that runs in parallel with the difference-image system. A PostgreSQL database was implemented. Light curves can now easily be extracted for any variable object given only RA and Dec. Five microlensing candidates have been identified. Team member Armin Rest (U. Washington/CTIO) defended his thesis on discriminating various models for the microlensing population.


The creation of a National Virtual Observatory (NVO) was the highest ranked priority item of the National Academy of Sciences decadal survey in the “small project” (less than $100 million) category. NOAO has been involved with the development of the NVO from its inception and has continued to play a significant role as this project has moved from the conceptual to the development stages. NOAO was host to the second NVO workshop, and NVO personnel (D. De Young, T. Boroson) were involved in the creation of the successful proposal to the NSF that provided $10 million in funding to establish the framework of the virtual observatory. NOAO is one of the lead participants in this NSF grant.

In FY 2003, the contributions from NOAO to the NVO continued at both the management and the programmatic levels. D. De Young continued as a member of the NVO Executive Committee and as the Project Scientist of the NSF/ITR NVO initiative. De Young was also named to the Executive Committee of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) and has in addition


become a member of the IVOA Scientific Working Group. A major effort for the NVO project in FY 2002 was the definition and development of scientific prototype demonstrations that were presented to the U.S. astronomical community during the January 2003 AAS meeting. The success of these demonstrations has led the NVO team to undertake development of a significantly more complex NVO demonstration for the January 2004 AAS meeting. This demonstration will couple theoretical and observational datasets for the first time through use of large-scale numerical simulations of the evolution of globular clusters together with several observational data sets. This effort, led by D. De Young, follows on to prior year activities at NOAO to maintain contact with, and participation by, the theoretical astrophysics in the development of the NVO.

In addition to these activities, the NOAO is continuing to ensure that large-scale new projects in which it is engaged, such as Pan-Starrs and LSST, will be compliant with NVO standards and compatible with NVO protocols when these projects become mature. The NOAO is also well along in developing is data archive and pipeline systems for ground-based optical/IR data that will provide an accessible interface with, and portal to, the NVO. A more complete description of these efforts is given in the Data Products Program portion of this report.


FY 2003 marked the second annual cycle of the Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP). TSIP has the goal of strengthening the system of public and private optical/IR facilities by funding the development of facility instruments for large private telescopes and thereby broadening community access to these telescopes. The program was established in FY 2002 as a $4M per year program administered and coordinated by NOAO for NSF. Following the first year of the program, the program solicitation was modified to allow proposals for instruments for smaller telescopes—though such proposal would be given a lower priority.

The solicitation for the FY 2003 cycle was issued in October 2002, and three Letters of Intent to propose were received in December 2002. Three proposals were received by the deadline at the end of February 2003. These proposals requested a total of $6.6M. A review panel, chaired by Thomas Greene (NASA/Ames) was assembled which included individuals with appropriate instrumental and scientific expertise. This panel reviewed and ranked the proposals in early April 2003. T. Boroson and T. Greene visited NSF/AST in late April to present the panel recommendations.

The recommendation of the panel, approved by the NSF, was to fund the completion of the preliminary design phase of the KIRMOS instrument, proposed by the California Association for Research in Astronomy (CARA), and to fully fund the design and fabrication of the MMIRS instrument, proposed by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO). The KIRMOS/CARA subaward ($1.14M) was negotiated and signed by the end of June, 2003. This will be essentially a continuation of the TSIP-funded work that began in FY 2002. The documents describing the MMIRS/SAO sub-award ($2.5M) are still in discussion.

During FY 2003, T. Boroson and M. Trueblood participated in management oversight activities for the instrumentation projects funded in the first TSIP cycle. These activities included monthly reports (both written and via teleconferences) from each of the two projects, KIRMOS and OSIRIS. In addition, Boroson and Trueblood attended the OSIRIS critical design review, OSIRIS data reduction pipeline review, and visited the KIRMOS personnel and facilities at Caltech.



Astronomy stands poised for a rapid advance in telescope performance, surpassing by a large margin the formerly fundamental limits set by atmospheric seeing. The key enabling technology is adaptive optics—the high-speed correction of real-world wavefront and mechanical disturbances, allowing telescopes to approach the ideal image quality of textbook and laboratory. The past decade has seen a series of remarkable successes, with astronomers achieving such near-ideal performance viewing relatively bright objects with 1.5-m to 10-m telescopes.

Astronomers are beginning to design still larger telescopes with diameters in the 30-m to 100-m range. Such telescopes will rely entirely on adaptive optics to achieve their designed diffraction-limited performance. However, the challenges to successful implementing AO on telescopes of this size are formidable since for comparable performance, the complexity of key systems elements scales as (diameter)4.

As noted in the McKee-Taylor decadal survey, achieving the enormous potential gains of adaptive optics requires a commitment to long-range planning and additional funding; they recommended funding of ~ $50M over the next decade. In order to provide guidance to the NSF regarding investments needed to advance adaptive optics in the U.S., the Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO) and NOAO convened a broadly-based group of scientists and engineers to develop an adaptive optics “road map.” The road map, published in mid-2000, was endorsed by ACCORD and the CAA.

Based on the recommendations of these groups, the NSF provided funds ($3M) in FY 2004 to initiate an Adaptive Optics Development Program (AODP); steady-state funding of $4M to 5M per year over the next decade is anticipated. The NSF also tasked NOAO with the responsibility of administering and coordinating the new program, including developing processes for soliciting and evaluating proposals and updating the AO road map.

A solicitation for proposals was issued in late spring 2003, resulting in the submission of 17 proposals from university and private sector groups requesting more than $10M to support systems and component developments. The proposals will be evaluated by a panel whose membership span scientists and engineers from the university and private sector; awards will be announced before the end of calendar 2003.

In spring 2004, NOAO will convene a broadly-based Adaptive Optics steering committee to update the road map, taking into account technical advances since 2000 as well as the results of the initial AODP award cycle.




NOAO’s Educational Outreach group is responsible for managing and developing the national observatory’s efforts in formal and informal science education. NOAO EO programs train teachers and astronomers to communicate scientific research principles and the latest discoveries in astronomy to pre-college students. The EO group also supports the Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs at Kitt Peak and Sacramento Peak, and helps facilitate graduate and post-graduate opportunities at KPNO and CTIO.

FY 2003 highlights in educational outreach include full maturation of the Family ASTRO effort, the addition of Dr. Steve Howell as a quarter-time staff member, and (in the last few days of the fiscal year) the selection of a team including NOAO for a $1.7 million NSF informal science grant for a new project called Hands-On Optics.

A detailed list of talks, workshops, publications, and service activities by PAEO staff is presented in the Appendices of this Annual Report.


The NSF Education and Human Resources (HER)-funded Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE) raised its performance level yet again in FY 2003, hosting its most complex and best-received summer workshop to date and offering a more effective Distance Learning course as preparation.

PAEO received 139 applications for the “Year 3” group of teachers in the fall of 2002, with exceptionally well-qualified applicants from all across the country, including Alaska and Puerto Rico. Eighteen teachers completed the challenging Distance Learning course conducted before the annual summer workshop. The course was markedly more participatory than the previous year, with online postings rising to 2,650 from 1,600 in FY 2002. It also featured “mini-projects” designed to get the teachers working as small teams. The summer workshop in early July was consolidated at Kitt Peak. It included five clear nights of observing time, two days of observing on the McMath-Pierce, and two new inquiry-based projects (variable stars and multi-wavelength solar imagery and spectroscopy) along with ongoing projects in searching for novae and active galactic nuclei.

The workshop and distance learning course were rated extremely highly by participants, thanks to the efforts of the NOAO in-house TLRBSE team (S. Croft, C. Walker, S. Howell, K. Coil, S. Pompea) as well as J. Lockwood (TERC), D. McCarthy (UA/Steward), T. Rector (NRAO), R. Accetta (consultant) and K. Stiles (WestEd).

NSO staff members C. Keller, F. Hill, C. Plymate, and C. Henney worked extensively with the TLRBSE Team on developing new solar research experiences for the teachers at the McMath-Pierce telescope facility, while WIYN staff member P. Knezek ably led nighttime observing.

At the end of the year, TLRBSE strategic planning turned toward a multi-pronged approach of providing on-going observing experiences for RBSE-trained teachers, including use of the Coudé Feed telescope under the guidance of S. Howell. This thrust is expected to mature greatly in FY 2004.



Project ASTRO continued strong into its seventh year at NOAO Tucson, having trained 330 teachers and astronomers in the best methods to bring hands-on, astronomy-oriented activities into science classrooms. More than 100 of these teacher/astronomer partnerships remain active today. Through them, Project ASTRO-Tucson has reached more than 18,000 students and counting.

Led by C. Walker, the main FY 2003 training workshop for Project ASTRO-Tucson occurred on 11-12 October 2002, with 25 teachers and 29 astronomers in this year’s program. Highlights of the workshop included a talk by David Levy and the participation of the group in 10 interactive activities. One set of activities, led by Mike Zawaski of the Space Science Institute in Boulder, was on “kinesthetic astronomy.” PAEO staff member K. Coil led activities on “Moon Journals.” The workshop participants also received certification from NASA to use Moon rocks in their classrooms. The annual follow-up spring workshop for Project ASTRO was held in February at the home and observatory of David and Wendee Levy, with 30 participants in this afternoon and evening workshop. Reporting on these events and more, the “ASTROgram” Newsletter went out to constituents in December 2002 and May 2003.

The ASTRO-Chile effort continued to expand its bilingual outreach program with great enthusiasm in La Serena at NOAO South and in Tucson at NOAO North. A second workshop took place on February 12, 2003 in which teachers from both countries discussed spectroscopy, followed by two workshops (April 10 and May 12) related to theme of light pollution, which will lead to shared activities in FY 2004. Long-term plans are to link the two groups with international light pollution education efforts in Austria and Greece. A talk and a poster describing the collaborative and individual efforts of NOAO North and South on light pollution were presented by C. Walker at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Sydney, Australia, on July 22, 2003.

The NOAO Family ASTRO effort completed its first full year with a multitude of successful workshops and events with students and parents from the Indian Oasis/Baboquivari Unified School District of the Tohono O’odham Indian Nation, the Hispanic community associated with the Sunnyside Unified School District, and families associated with the Sahuaro Girl Scout Council. Nine Family ASTRO events were held during spring 2003 with 72 families reached, including one event in Spanish. Additional Family ASTRO events for the Indian Oasis and Sunnyside school districts were held with special guest David Levy. The next set of workshops training event leaders will run from October 2003 to January 2004, and will focus on five kits, including two new ones: “Cosmic Decoder” and a Spanish version of “Night Sky Adventure.”


KPNO continued its long-standing participation in the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates program, preparing future generations of professionals who will sustain US preeminence in astronomy and contribute to a scientifically literate nation. Led by NOAO scientist K. Mighell, KPNO successfully proposed a fully-funded five-year award for its REU site program in FY2003.

Over the FY03 summer, the six undergraduate students in the KPNO REU program worked closely with NOAO Tucson staff for a 10-12 week period, developing skills as scientific researchers and furthering their professional development. CTIO hosted five U.S. REU students and two Chilean


undergraduates under the similar Prácticas de Investigacíon en Astronomía (PIA) program. (Six more REU students worked with staff of the National Solar Observatory, with direct logistical support from PAEO staff.)


The Astronomy Education Review (AER), a refereed online journal (, is now in its second year of operation. The goal of the journal, edited by S. Wolff, is to disseminate research about astronomy and space science education, along with innovative ideas for classroom use, resource lists, reviews, and commentary.

By every metric, the journal has been extremely successful. It has received a steady stream of papers from well known leaders in the field of astronomy and space science education, from undergraduates and graduate students who are conducting research, and also from instructors with innovative ideas who are working in a variety of institutional settings. The number of papers submitted is high enough that we do not need to solicit authors. The papers are being read, as indicated by the statistics for the Web site. During the school year, the journal receives on average 150,000 hits each month from more than 5,500 distinct IP addresses. Evidence that the papers are being used includes references in other papers to previous ones submitted to AER and citations in several of the talks at the education session at the Sydney IAU, along with an invited paper. The online articles cover a wide range of topics, from elementary to college-level education, including the teaching of students with disabilities, and therefore, as we hoped, the journal is serving a diverse audience.


NOAO Director Jeremy Mould presented an invited paper at the December 2002 American Geophysics Union meeting in San Francisco in December at the session titled “AGU Scientists' Participation in Support of K-14 Education and Public Outreach.” NOAO Manager of Science Education Stephen Pompea (co-author of the invited paper) also co-chaired an education session at the AGU meeting.

At the January 2003 AAS meeting in Seattle, S. Pompea organized and led (with Tim Slater, Katherine Garmany, and Jeff Adams) a three-hour workshop titled “Teaching Astronomy for the First Time: A Teaching Excellence Workshop for Graduate Students and Post-Docs.” The workshop was well-attended and introduced effective strategies for teaching astronomy including activities on leading class discussions, writing effective exams, time-saving approaches, and techniques for a learner-centered astronomy classroom.

S. Pompea, C. Walker, and A. Gould (Lawrence Hall of Science) led two successful workshops on teaching about the electromagnetic spectrum at the March 2003 National Science Teachers Association meeting in Philadelphia. Approximately 90 teachers attended each workshop, sponsored by the Optical Society of America, which furnished optics kits and teacher guides to each participant.

Development of the new NOAO Spanish Language Materials Center benefited from the thorough research work of Maria Peña, an undergraduate astronomy student at the U. Arizona. Peña has compiled an extensive listing of astronomy education materials from the UNAM, in Mexico City and is working with librarians in Tucson and Mexico to add to the list of materials. An annotated


bibliography describing the materials has been created in English and Spanish and will debut on the Web in early FY 04.

EO staff were active participants in a number of other local and national educational projects, including “Revealing the Invisible Universe: From Nanoscopes to Telescopes” with Flandrau Science Center; GK-12 Graduate Teaching Fellows: “Collaboration to Advance Teaching Technology and Science (CATTS)”; classroom outreach with a StarLab portable planetarium on long-term loan to NOAO from Flandrau; the Southern Arizona GEMS Center, and Science and Math Education Center Teacher Workshops, both joint with the U. Arizona; and, NSF Chautauqua courses in Tucson and Honolulu


NOAO’s Public Outreach group manages all activities at the Kitt Peak Visitor Center, including the center’s educational exhibits and retail operations, three daily tours of Kitt Peak observatories, the Kitt Peak docent program, and the increasingly popular fee-based nighttime observing experiences for both the general public and advanced amateurs.


A variety of efforts to revitalize the Visitor Center and its grounds continued in FY 2003. Some highlights include a more automated public programs reservation system, a complete upgrade to the Visitor Center computer network, refurbishments to the McMath-Pierce model and the coelostat, a new doorway attendance counter for more accurate attendance figures, a new darker ceiling to enhance the interior atmosphere, and landscaping for fire safety and for opening the views around the 2.1-m telescope.

The Kitt Peak Nightly Observing Program (NOP) for the public continued to operate at a nearly full capacity pace in FY 2003, bolstered by very successful expansion to a second site in the 16-inch dome near the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope. The NOP was the subject of very positive feature stories in Sky&Telescope magazine, the Arizona Republic travel section, Sunset magazine, Skywest magazine, Arizona Highways magazine, and Chevron magazine.

Tucson Mayor Robert Walkup, several middle school students from the Tohono O’odham Nation, and four dozen members of the Tucson tourist bureau and hotel communities were among the special guests on Kitt Peak on October 8. The group was there for a combined ribbon-cutting ceremony for the traveling NASA Space Weather Center Exhibit at the Visitor Center and a star-gazing session at the new second telescope for the NOP. A color photo of one of the Nation’s students looking through the 16-inch public telescope was featured in a page A1 cover story in the Arizona Daily Star newspaper. The expanded public program, and its potential to excite “hobby astronomers or young couples seeking a romantic evening under the stars” drew a mention on ABC Radio’s Paul Harvey Show.

The Space Weather Center’s hands-on demonstrations were a key part of NOAO’s contributions to a November workshop for science teachers on solar science, sponsored by Tucson’s Coronado Instruments, as well as a later overnight event with the Girl Scouts. Kitt Peak’s role in the Coronado workshop was featured in a KVOA NBC-TV Tucson news report on the workshop.


Kitt Peak Visitor Center sales of a poster series based on astronomical imagery taken at Kitt Peak were strong in FY 2003; other popular new sales items were meteor kits, and high-quality KPNO logo hats and polo shirts.

The Kitt Peak volunteer docent program continued to mature in FY 2003, with regular evening lectures by NOAO staff for docent training, special enrichment sessions with NSO staff doing solar observing, a new awards ceremony and new uniforms. Eleven docents graduated from the program.

Staff from the Visitor Center and WIYN hosted two separate groups of Yale alumni on Kitt Peak for evenings of star-gazing and talks about WIYN scientific research.

In September, David and Wendee Levy were the featured guests at a special sold-out evening lecture event at the Visitor Center for 50 people to celebrate the end of the Galileo mission to Jupiter. This event also provided a chance for the public to do both solar and nighttime viewing, and to interact and ask questions of the Levys.

With support from an NSF public outreach internship grant to NOAO, four teachers from three school districts—Sunnyside Unified, Tucson Unified, and Vail School District—spent the day and night of September 26 on Kitt Peak to experience the visitor center and its public programs, and to witness the operation of the 0.9-m Coudé feed telescope by two high school students under the direction of S. Howell. The teachers are now working to create pre- and post-visit materials for other teachers in their respective districts, and to assist in the development of visitor center exhibits that will integrate NOAO research with the science requirements of the districts.


With the new automated sensor in operation over most of FY 2003, the Kitt Peak Visitor Center is now in a position to report more accurate estimates of the number of visitors who profit from NOAO’s investment in science and public education. The number of individuals who visit Kitt Peak—whether to take a guided tour, participate in one of the popular observing programs, visit the Gift Shop, attend a special exhibition, or just to picnic on the mountaintop—is now conservatively estimated nearly 71,000 annually.


NOAO staff conducted numerous special tours and talks for schools, university groups, film and video production companies, and media reporters in FY 2003, including Biosphere 2 students, the U. Nebraska, the Tucson Elderhostel, Discovery Health Channel documentary filmmakers from Australia, the Audubon Society, the Tempe (Ariz.) Parks and Recreation Department, the American Association of Variable Star Observers, Sky & Telescope magazine, the U. Redlands in California, and the Smithsonian Institution.

Guided public tours* 10,546

Self-guided tours 11,229

School groups K-12 1,107

Special tours 421

Nightly Observing Program 7,017

Advance Observing Program 183

General tourists-est. 40,000

TOTAL (est.) 70,503

*Public tour data significantly understated due to database malfunction in 2nd quarter



NOAO Director J. Mould and PAEO Manager D. Isbell served on the executive committee and organizing committee, respectively, of a major community meeting titled “Communicating Astronomy to the Public” (held 1-3 October 2003 in Washington, DC.) PAEO also contributed the design and production of the meeting brochure.

Funded by the NSF and organized by C. Blue of NRAO Green Bank public affairs, this lively meeting was attended by more than 135 astronomy outreach professionals, including Isbell, NOAO Public Outreach Manager R. Fedele, and NOAO Manager of Science Education S. Pompea. PAEO staff presented a poster on coordinated dark skies outreach at NOAO North and South, and led several discussion sessions. Likely outcomes of the meeting include a new centralized Web site for all types of astronomy information, possible observing opportunities for teachers at Kitt Peak funded by the SIRTF project, and numerous other nascent joint activities.

This meeting was preceded by an extremely productive workshop at STScI on best practices in astronomical image processing, attended by M. Hanna and P. Marenfeld of the PAEO PhotoImaging Group, with additional travel support for T. Rector.

D. Isbell represented NOAO at the annual meeting of the International Gemini Observatory outreach working group in Hilo in August. This meeting was followed by a significant meeting of the STARTEC international astronomy outreach group, which decided at that meeting to extend their membership to any observatory with an active public education function, including NOAO.

PAEO staff continued to contribute strongly to the Southwestern Consortium of Observatories for Public Education (SCOPE) in FY 2003, including hosting the group’s April 2003 meeting at Kitt Peak. PAEO also led the redesign of the brochure rack poster for the group’s members:

KPNO, the National Solar Observatory, Apache Point Observatory, McDonald Observatory, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory/Very Large Array, and Whipple Observatory.


NOAO’s media and public information group coordinates news releases, media events and visits, fact sheets, posters, the NOAO Newsletter, and other visual products that explain NOAO’s latest research and organizational activities. It also coordinates NOAO’s public Web presence and external use of NOAO imagery, and serves as the primary response point for public inquiries and general e-mails.


In FY03, NOAO issued 10 formal press releases—including as the point of release for the major announcement of the formation of the LSST Corporation—many of which achieved national coverage. PAEO Manager D. Isbell also made significant contributions to several major news releases and “Web blasts” issued by the Gemini Observatory.



I.D No. Date Title Media Coverage

02-10 10/10/02 World’s Largest Optical Telescopes Open for Competitive Access Under New NSF Program

Physics Today, AAS Newsletter

02-11 10/15/02 Arc of Blue Stars a Lingering Sign of Shredded Dwarf Galaxy,,, Astronomy Picture of the Day (“APOD”),,,, JHU student newspaper

02-12 11/26/02 AURA Starts New Cooperative Agreement with NSF to Operate NOAO and NSO

03-01 1/08/03 Substantial Population of Stellar Cocoons Found in Surprisingly Harsh Environment

Reuters, AP, USA TODAY, CNN-TV Headline News,, Science, Sky&Telescope magazine April 2003 issue full color

03-02 1/08/03 First Neptune Trojan Discovered, Sky&,

03-03 02/04/03 NASA Should Lead More Focused Program to Reduce Threat from Hazardous Asteroids

[Sept. 2002 news release from NEO mitigation workshop widely covered; report news release suffered from timing with Space Shuttle Columbia accident]

03-04 03/05/03 Astronomers Peg Brightness of History’s Brightest Star

Nature, Sky&,, Australia Broadcasting, “APOD,”, Amer.Museum of Natural History video news feed

LSSTC 03-01

4/24/03 New Corporation Organized to Develop Ambitious Survey Telescope

AZ Daily Star (Tucson)

03-05 5/26/03 Astronomers Find Extremely Large Planet-Forming Disks Around Seven Young Stars

NY Times [NOTE: related AAS meeting news from Flamingos covered by Reuters, NY Times, AP, CNN-TV Headline News,, Sky&]

03-06 7/9/03 Raptor Evolution on a Cosmic Scale: Why the Owl Nebula Looks Like an Owl

03-07 8/6/03 Astronomers Identify Source of Major Class of Supernova Explosions

Physics Today, Pasadena Star-News, El Mercurio newspaper (Chile), Sky&,

The May 2003 press release (03-05) on results from the FLAMINGOS instrument was a featured

element at the major press conference of the day at the Nashville AAS meeting, aided by significant graphics and logistical support from NOAO PAEO.


NOAO also was an active participant on several joint news releases with the U. Arizona (for example, the new UA-NOAO astrobiology institute), STScI, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the U. Florida, Case Western Reserve University, and the Optical Society of America. In particular, a joint release in late May with STScI of a merged image of the Helix Nebula combining data from the Hubble ACS instrument and the WIYN 0.9-meter telescope (obtained and processed by T. Rector) led to worldwide attention for “Astronomy Day” via coverage by both the Associated Press and Reuters wires services, among many outlets.

A rare double media hit occurred in August, with identical live segments from the Kitt Peak Visitor Center observatory on NBC-TV’s “TODAY Show” and ABC-TV’s “Good Morning America” programs to discuss the close approach of planet Mars to Earth. Assisted by the enthusiastic participa-tion of Tucson amateur astronomer D. Levy as the interviewee and supportive cooperation from KPNO and NRAO management, these highly positive live shots were witnessed by approximately 9 million viewers total, despite rain clouds that blocked a live feed of the red planet both nights.


A new color logo for NOAO featuring a generic telescope dome and scientific spectra “swoosh” debuted in FY 2003 to wide support among the scientific staff and other employees, who were offered a chance to comment and vote on several options. This logo was then applied widely to the NOAO Web site, exterior building signage, letterhead and business cards, helping give a fresh, unified, more recognizable astronomical “brand” to the observatory.

Also in FY03, Public Affairs produced a variety of special posters, brochures and handouts, including products on the LSST, NGSC instrumentation, the TMT, the WIYN observatory, the One-Degree Imager, and NOAO PAEO programs.


The evolution of the re-designed NOAO presence on the Internet (initiated in FY 2001) continued during FY 2003 with consistent updates to the main home page image, including several impressive images taken by the public as part of the Kitt Peak Advanced Observing Program, a new IntraNet page, and major development work on the online NOAO Spanish Language Astronomy Materials Education Center.

NOAO Web pages received 3.75 million unique visits during FY 2003, producing more than 6.9 million page views. The NOAO Image Gallery received 975,000 unique visits (generating 1.5 million page views), and NOAO Educational Outreach Web pages had 108,021 unique visits (generating 157,513 page views).

Images from NOAO telescopes were highlighted 27 times on the popular “Astronomy Picture of the Day” Web page, twice the number in FY 2002. NOAO images also were featured seven times on the new “Image of the Day,” including the very first one. In support of such outreach, 77 images were added to the NOAO Image Gallery, and the main image on the NOAO home page was updated 22 times.


PAEO Web Designer Mark Newhouse was interviewed for a story in the online magazine Digital Web in advance of his talk on Web standards at the WebVisions 2003 conference. He also spoke at Web Design World 2002 in Boston and Web Design World 2003 in Seattle.

PAEO continued to test and refine its abilities to present Web-based press briefings in prepara-tion for future news from NOAO or Gemini, including a significant test of its technical capabilities via a successful event for NGSC on September 17, which presented guidance on the 2004A proposal process.


More than 1,225 individual requests to use NOAO images for commercial and non-commercial applications were reviewed and processed in FY 2003, including approved requests for use in calendars, amateur astronomy software packages, children’s educational magazines, textbooks, and popular books.


NOAO sent more than 7,280 mailings and individual responses to requests for information on astronomy and the public programs of NOAO, including telephone calls, e-mails, and walk-ins.





The downtown Tucson computing facilities continue to evolve as older systems are replaced by newer systems that are more cost-effective and easier to maintain. In particular, three new rack-mounted FreeBSD systems with external disk arrays were installed. The first two systems have replaced (providing email and DNS services) and (providing Web services) and the third system (called Taurus) will supplement the services provided by Gemini and Orion. In addition, a new dual-processor Xeon system running Red Hat Linux, called Crux, was purchased and partially installed during FY 2003; this system will eventually take over the scientific computing tasks currently performed by Ursa. Finally, the infrastructure in the Tucson computer room was upgraded to meet the demands of computer installations from NSO/GONG, NSO/SOLIS and NOAO/DPP.

Several older disk drives on various CIS systems failed during the year and were replaced by larger, more reliable disks. In particular, substantial disk space was added to the Sun system used for visitor support (Ursa). Similarly, older laser printers were replaced by newer, more capable ones. The proliferation of desktop workstations, PCs, and X-terminals to scientists’ and engineers’ offices has slowed as saturation is approached; however, many desktop systems were upgraded to faster systems over the course of the year.

The network infrastructure in the downtown Tucson office building continued to be upgraded during FY 2003 to increase performance and reliability. Several additional Ethernet switches were installed or upgraded to connect more systems to the backbone network. Several additional wireless access points were added to the network to ease the burden on itinerant astronomers.

Efforts to improve the security and robustness of our network continued in FY 2003. Connections to read email from outside our network must now be securely authenticated. A network monitoring system called “Snort” was installed and proved invaluable during worm outbreaks affecting Windows systems. Finally, our email system was upgraded to block Spam messages to supplement the existing facility that blocks viruses and worms. We are currently blocking about 400 virus messages per day and 2000 Spam messages per day.


Many upgrades were performed on the mountain computers. New disks were added to two systems at WIYN to create on-line bootable backups (navajo, vanilla). Several Linux systems were upgraded from RedHat 6.x to 7.x (mocha, teal, 4m-guider, 2.1m-guider). A Sparc-10 at WIYN was upgraded to a Sparc-20 (vanilla). The 4-meter PMTC software was upgraded and moved from an old SunOS system, which was retired (old-mocha). Other FY03 highlights:

• A new Linux system (thistle) was installed at WIYN to run the INFORMS software, which uses a database to archive telescope and instrument telemetry and observing information.

• A new Linux system (rose) was installed at the Admin. building as a general staff system (to eventually replace bordeaux and claret). The system will hold the KPNO logging database and perform as the KPNO WEB server. Testing of these two functions is ongoing.


• The network at the 4-meter was divided in two, one network for the control computers and the other for the science systems.

• A new version of the “service” problem reporting was implemented. This version uses a database and has a Web interface.

• A project to remove CAMAC from the 2.1-meter was started.

• A copy of the DIMM telescope was delivered from CTIO and is currently in testing.


The NOAO-South Computer Infrastructure Services computer group (CISS, or CIS/South) has continued to evolve to meet the growing challenges of the complex IT environment at our La Serena offices, supporting all NOAO programs in Chile and collaborating closely with Gemini on shared network infrastructure. The group was reorganized, with management given to our senior IT expert, and a new member was hired to add much needed web and database expertise.

The vast majority of our work stations are now high-performance Intel-based PCs running Linux. We are now entering a phase of upgrading the oldest workstations (400 to 800 MHz class machines) to newer 2 to 3 GHz class machines to meet the growing demands of the scientific and technical staff. Substantial disk space, adding up to several terabytes in total, has also been installed on the scientific work stations and servers. In FY2003, we completed a uniform operating system installation across all work stations (RedHat 7.3) and began preparing for the next major operating system upgrade (RedHat 9.x). A prototype database was developed for tracking all details (hardware and software) for computers throughout the network. This tool should be polished in FY2004 to provide significantly better computer tracking and maintenance.

The La Serena computing network has grown to the point of saturation, with high performance work stations in most offices demanding resources of local servers and external sources. To better serve these demands, a new central gigabit switch was purchased at the end of FY 2002. This unit was installed in FY 2003 to provide gigabit Ethernet connectivity to the desktop for scientific and engineering staff. This high performance interconnectivity makes it possible to consider using these work stations as a distributed cluster for extremely large, CPU intensive tasks. The Condor distributed computing utility is being built into our next uniform operating system installation to make our combined scientific and engineering work stations a “high-throughput” computing environment.

Significant effort was invested in optimizing the use of the 10Mbps international network link which NOAO-South shares with Gemini. Initial experience showed that we were not able to fully utilize the available bandwidth, due in part to software configurations and in part to hardware limitations of certain components of the network infrastructure. A limiting router was replaced and several operating system tweaks were introduced to optimize the usage of the bandwidth. Plans are being developed to upgrade the current 10Mbps link to between 14 and 16Mbps to support the growing needs of NOAO-South (especially the Data Products Program). A network collaboration with the Las Campanas Observatory is being considered to make this upgrade even more economical. We also have installed a fiber link to the U. La Serena to explore closer contacts both with the university and the Chilean academic network (REUNA).


Security has continued to be a high priority in NOAO-South computing planning, and development. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) installed in FY 2003 has faced a heavy load of attacks, rejecting both passive attacks (such as virus-laden e-mails) as well as aggressive attacks, such as port scans and other probes. New software to manage the heavy load is under consideration. To complement the IDS, a Cisco PIX firewall was installed in La Serena to replace the lower capacity WatchGuard firewall we had been using. This unit supports more concurrent connections as well as a fully configurable “DMZ”, providing an area of separate firewall configuration for our web server and other computers with which we provide public services. Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology also has been installed in our network security infrastructure, initially providing a VPN connection between our offices in Santiago and La Serena and soon expanded to provide VPN connections to home users who need secure access to the NOAO-South network.

The CISS group also began ramping up support for two very active IT intensive programs. The NOAO Data Products Program (DPP) has begun implementing plans to warehouse extremely large quantities of data, mirroring the data from La Serena to Tucson and vice versa. CISS personnel have provided support in the installation and configuration of the first wave of computers in La Serena, and are helping DPP develop a uniform installation, configuration, and maintenance plan which can scale to the large numbers of computers planned in the near future. The physical space of the computer room was remodeled and expanded, doubling the available space in anticipation of DPP needs. The second IT intensive program is the combined NSF-funded “ESSENCE” and SuperMACHO program, which operates its own 20 node cluster and associated servers. CISS has provided installation and upgrade support for these machines, as well as participating in extensive troubleshooting.


The computing infrastructure on Cerro Tololo has remained relatively stable as the focus of most change has been in La Serena. Changes to the mountain computing environment are also undertaken more carefully since the computers there are generally used in mission-critical applications (such as observing!). Nevertheless we have continued a slow and careful long-term change from the network of Sun workstations to newer Linux PCs where possible. Linux machines have been installed to support specific applications, such as the seeing monitor, environmental monitors, and the Tololo All-Sky Camera (“TASCA”). The newest instrument on the Blanco 4m telescope, the infrared imager ISPI, is also operated from a Linux workstation. Additional disk space (about 0.5 terabytes) was installed on the Linux workstation that supports the Mosaic camera.

The “backbone” mountain network now consists of resources on both Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachón, connected to our La Serena offices by an OC-3 (155 Mbps) microwave communications backbone shared between NOAO and Gemini. This local WAN has seen greater utilization with Gemini coming on line. To date, NOAO-South staff have provided the majority of the support and maintenance of this shared backbone system. Both NOAO and Gemini now routinely use the connection for remote support. Towards the end of FY 2003, work was initiated by NOAO-South staff to upgrade the mountain link to double its current bandwidth (2 x 155 Mbps) using existing backup equipment and with nominal additional hardware.


The network infrastructure on the mountain has also been upgraded. Cisco firewalls have been installed on both Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachon, providing both better service and uniformity across all NOAO-south installations, easing the support burden of maintaining the three firewalls and associated software. a backup antenna has been installed as a fall back route if and when the main network link to Cerro Pachon fails. network connections in the visiting dormitories have proven popular, and additional network connections to other dorms and houses in Cerro Tololo have been installed and others are being planned.




Jeremy R. Mould, Director, NOAO

Todd A. Boroson, Deputy Director, NOAO; Head of Data Products Program

Richard Green, Director, KPNO

Malcolm Smith, Director, CTIO; Head of AURA Observatory (AURA-O) in Chile

Alistair Walker, Deputy Director, CTIO

Taft Armandroff, Director, NOAO Gemini Science Center (NGSC)

Stephen E. Strom, Associate Director for Science

David Sprayberry, Associate Director, Major Instrumentation Program (MIP)

Doug Isbell, Manager, Public Affairs and Educational Outreach (PAEO)

Karen Wilson, Associate Director for Administration and Facilities



Date Name Position Location

10/25/02 Armin W. Rest Research Associate NOAO South

12/05/02 Marcel Bergmann Research Associate (NGSC Fellow) NOAO South

01/13/03 David Sprayberry Astronomer; Associate Director,Major Instrumentation Program

NOAO North

02/26/03 Frank Thim Research Associate NOAO North

07/01/03 Steve B. Howell Assistant Scientist NOAO North

9/03 Sean Points Research Associate NOAO South

09/01/03 Rachel E. Mason Research Associate (NGSC Fellow) NOAO N & S


Date Name Position Location

10/04/02 Kevin Krisciunas Research Associate NOAO South

05/27/03 Samuel C. Barden Senior Scientist NOAO North

07/30/03 Barton J. Pritzl Research Associate NOAO North


Date Name Position Location

11/11/02 Taft Armandroff Appointed Director, NOAO Gemini Science Center from Acting Director

NOAO North

12/01/02 Robert Blum Appointed Associate Astronomer from Assistant Astronomer

NOAO South

03/18/03 Kenneth Hinkle Promoted to Scientist from Associate Scientist NOAO North

12/01/02 R. Chris Smith Promoted to Associate Astronomer from Assistant Astronomer

NOAO South




The goal of this new partnership is to provide new capabilities for KPNO observers. Under this arrangement, the University of Maryland Astronomy Department will become fully integrated partners in the NOAO-based development program. The first major project suitable for this participation is the NEWFIRM camera and data system. University of Maryland will provide KPNO with funding—approximately half of which will consist of software and astronomical data analysis expertise, as well as local project management and collaboration expenses—the other half in cash. The NOAO Data Products Program thereby receives the full time effort of two new professional hires at Maryland, integrated into the NEWFIRM data pipeline development team, as well as one or more data support personnel. Their first effort is currently planned to be a prototype pipeline suitable for FLAMINGOS and ISPI data. Maryland’s cash contribution will initially be allocated by KPNO to the NEWFIRM team in the Major Instrumentation group. In exchange, the U. of Maryland astronomy department receives 20% of the nights on the Mayall 4-m for their own programs, which are integrated into the KPNO instrument block scheduling. Maryland may also exchange 4-m nights for WIYN nights at 1:1, and 2.1-m nights at 4:1. Oversight of the partnership, in terms of software project deliverables and scientific goals, will be provided by a Board with three members from each partner institution. The agreement is framed in three-year renewable terms, with the first term largely coinciding with FY04, subject to final approval. The intention is to establish long-term access to hardware and software upgrade resources for KPNO.


In April 2003, the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Corporation Inc. was formed among Research Corporation (, AURA, the University of Arizona, and the University of Washington, for the purpose of designing and constructing the LSST. As one of the two highest priorities for future ground-based telescope facilities in the recent decadal survey of astronomy conducted by the National Academy of Sciences, the “LSST will open a new frontier in addressing time variable phenomena in astronomy,” (Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium, [2000]). The immediate goal of the LSST Corporation is to prepare a detailed design for consideration by funding organizations and foundations, with the ultimate goal of telescope first light as early as 2011.


In late FY03, the AURA New Initiatives Office (a partnership between NOAO and the Gemini Observatory) and the California Extremely Large Telescope Consortium (a partnership between the University of California and the California Institute of Technology) Office agreed to collaborate on the design and development phase of a Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). A fourth collaborator on the TMT is the Association of Canadian Universities for Research in Astronomy (ACURA). ACURA is a not-for-profit group whose mission is to promote, propose, and manage the mutual interests of Canadian universities in astronomical facilities. ACURA complements the roles of the Herzberg Institutive of Astrophysics ( ) and the National Research Council in the operation and governance of Canadian astronomy.



= New appointment FY03 = New appointment beginning FY04

‡ = Emeritus = On leave or sabbatical

= Completed employment in FY03 = Non-NSF (external) funding


TIMOTHY ABBOTT, Associate Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS Late stages of binary stellar evolution; instrumentation; detectors

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTSManagement of September 2002 shutdown of V.M. Blanco telescope and February 2003 shutter repair. Improvement of Blanco operations. Participation in two surveys searching for Galactic CV populations

FY04 PLANS Continued improvement of Blanco operations. Identification and development of next-generation Blanco instrumentation. Continued searches for Galactic CV populations.

MARCEL BERGMANN, NGSC Post-doctoral Fellow (New appointment FY03)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Observational studies of galaxy formation and evolution; stellar populations; scaling relations; dark matter; field/ cluster environmental effects; LSB galaxies.

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS After completing his degree at the University of Texas, Austin, Bergmann began a postdoctoral appointment in La Serena in December 2002. In early 2003, he began working with Gemini Observatory staff to commission the new Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) at Gemini South. Commissioning continued through June. Bergmann spent the month of August 2003 working at Gemini North, observing with GMOS-N, and collaborating on both scientific research and software development with the Gemini staff. Data and system verification observations were obtained via the Gemini queue for three separate research projects. Bergmann presented the preliminary results of one of those projects at the IAU symposium “Dark matter in Galaxies” in Sydney, Australia, in July 2003.

FY04 PLANS Bergmann will continue to support the US community use of the Gemini telescopes, in particular the two GMOS spectrographs. He will provide direct support to Gemini Observatory by participating in six queue observing runs (4 at GMOS-S, 2 at GMOS-N). Additionally, he will help with the commissioning/system verification of the new IFU for GMOS-S. In addition to mentoring an REU student in the CTIO program next January, Bergmann intends to submit several research papers for publication.

ROBERT D. BLUM, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: The Galactic Center and the stellar content of galactic Giant HII regions

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTSFour papers published (or accepted for publication) in refereed journals including one as first author. This latter paper, “Really Cool Stars and the Star Formation History at the Galactic Center” with collaborators K. Olsen (CTIO), K. Sellgren (OSU), and S. Ramirez (SIRTF SC) reported the first detailed star formation history in the central few parsec of the Galaxy. As part of the AURA-New Initiatives Office/Thirty-Meter


Telescope (TMT) group, Blum is responsible for exploring, accessing, and characterizing new sites in Northern Chile. His work this year paved the way for deployment of a robotic telescope by the CELT partners on a prime candidate site, as well as new deployment and ongoing maintenance of remote meteorological equipment on three other peaks.

Blum served as co-chair of the Star Formation and ISM panel for the Gemini next generation instrumentation workshop in Aspen (June 2003). This included co-chairing the associated US pre-Aspen panel in Tempe, and a significant effort post-Aspen to summarize his scientific vision culminating in a document to the Gemini Science Committee and Gemini Board; this document will serve as the scientific basis for the ensuing suite of instrumentation which will carry Gemini into the next decade.

FY04 PLANS A high priority is to reduce, analyze, and publish Gemini Phoenix data in hand for a project aimed at inves-tigating the circumstellar environments of embedded massive stars. This is part of a large project with A. Damineli (IAG University of Sao Paulo) and Peter Conti (JILA, University of Colorado) and their students to investigate massive star formation and embedded clusters. Blum has taken the lead on much of this project, which is now branching out from the initial 4-m survey work into detailed studies using Gemini facilities like Phoenix and TReCS. As the next step in on site characterization for the TMT in Northern Chile, Blum hopes to deploy a second robotic seeing telescope on Cerro Negro in the Chajnantor region or Cerro Armazones near Paranal. He will also continue his support duties for the NGSC in FY04, and plans to stay involved in the ongoing scientific and technical development of next generation Gemini instrumentation.

PATRICE J. E. BOUCHET, Associate Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS: IR instrumentation; adaptive optics; Tip Tilt; dust in supernovae and SN-remnants, SN1987A

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Acquaintance with the new T-ReCS instrument at Gemini South. Organization of the scientific seminars at CTIO. Homogeneous data reductions of the near IR images of SN1987A (obtained at ESO and CTIO) from 1989 to 2003 are now reduced. The making of a movie showing in "real time" the evolution of the supernova is in progress. More reductions (on new data) have been performed on the FU Orion is object BBW76, and another paper is in preparation (with Bo Reipurth, from Hawaii University). Further analysis of ISO data has been continued to investigate the incidence and survival of remnant disks around main-sequence stars (with Marie de Muizon and H. Habing from Leiden University). The study of the interactions between the inner equatorial disk and the ejecta of SN1987A has been continued. New data obtained in the near IR bands and more specifically in the HeI (1.083um) line have been reduced and analyzed (work done with Nick Suntzeff and Arlin Crotts and collaborators from U. of Columbia). One paper has been published this year, another one has been submitted, and a 3rd. one is in preparation. Mid IR observations of SN 1987A could not be pursued this year because no instrument was available. However, see the discovery of the inner ring at 10um, with T-ReCS and Gemini, reported in a NOAO/GEMINI press release and an ApJ letter, both to appear in November 2003.

FY04 PLANS The collision between the ejecta of SN1987A and its circumstellar ring is now underway. Bouchet has already shown that new interactions between the nebula and ejecta, in the forms of "hot" spots are seen most easily in the HeI 1.083um line, and show variations on time scales of a few months. He intends to continue the monitoring of this dramatic event in the near IR. Using SN1987A as a template, he expects to derive the mass of radioactive 56 Cobalt produced in other supernovae, from the observations of the [Co II] 10.52um line, with T-ReCS at Gemini-S. We know that significant dust formed in the ejecta of SN1987A very early. The last 20um detection was nearly 10 years ago, and the last 10um was at day 4100 (about 6 years ago) until we could detect it with T-ReCS and resolve both the inner equatorial ring and the central source. He


wants now to (i) get better S/N images and (ii) to monitor the evolution of the emissions at both wavelengths (10 and 20um). Observing in the mid-IR with T-ReCS, he intends to infer the presence of dust in supernovae of various types, at dates varying between 200 and 800 days after outburst. He will also perform the same observations/interpretations for searching for dust in nearby Supernova Remnants. That study aims in determining the role of supernovae explosions in the dust production in galaxies and to analyze the interactions of the ejecta with the CSM and the ISM. He will continue to work on ISO data for determining the incidence and survival of remnant disks around main-sequence stars. The movie of the SN1987A behavior in the near IR bands has to be finished this year (see above).

JAMES M. DE BUIZER, Research Associate

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Maser emission in star-forming regions; massive star formation. hot molecular cores; circumstellar disks and outflow; Galactic HII and Ultra Compact HII regions

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS (De Buizer has been on leave of absence to work for Gemini South since February 2003; he will return to his postdoc position at CTIO in February 2004.) In the first four months of FY03, De Buizer’s research at CTIO led to the publication (or submission for publication) of six papers. During this time, he was also actively involved in the publication of the book of proceedings from a conference on star formation held in La Serena in March of 2002 and sponsored in part by CTIO. (This volume was released in May of 2003.) De Buizer was also responsible for the organization and coordination of the NOAO S. colloquia in La Serena. These talks are jointly held for CTIO, Gemini, SOAR, and U. of La Serena staff.

FY04 PLANS On his return to his postdoc position from Gemini in February 2004, De Buizer will have accumulated considerable data from his work in the commissioning and system verification of TReCS; he intends to write and publish this time-sensitive data as soon as practicable during the FY04 third quarter. He will also take on a large fraction of service work through USGP in his initial months back at Tololo to assist in TReCS queue work and help train Gemini staff in the use of TReCS. De Buizer is also working with some members of the CTIO infrared instrumentation group on the conceptual design of a new instrument for the Blanco 4-m that would be built with the help of U. Florida. This project is still in its infancy.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Infrared instrumentation; next-generation telescope design; adaptive optics

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Gregory continued his work on the task of the optical modeling of the dynamical performance of a GSMT telescope in his role as Systems Scientist for the NIO effort. He developed efficient code to handle raytracing a 618-segment primary mirror supporting segment deflections with 6 degrees of freedom. He participated in the development of a concept proposal for a Ground-Layer Adaptive Optics system for the SOAR 4.2-m telescope. He participated in a review of the NEWFIRM Project at NOAO and the GEMINI Active Optics performance review

FY04 PLANS Gregory will continue dividing his time between work on the SOAR AO project, the GSMT/TMT program to plan for a 30 m telescope, and management of the instrumentation engineering group of NOAO in La Serena.


KEVIN KRISCIUNAS, Research Associate (Completed employment in FY03)

DARA J. NORMAN, Research Associate (NSF Postdoctoral Fellow)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Gravitational lensing; large-scale structure; quasars; low-mass companions of MS stars; cool stars

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTSOver the last 12 months, Norman obtained data for her research project. These data have been reduced and will be presented at two upcoming meetings. She has also been successful in getting involved in collaborations which include NOAO-N staff, Gemini-S Staff and astronomers at Georgia State University. ASTRO–Chile workshops continue to flourish into a second academic year, with discussion topics and projects expanding to include light pollution.

FY04 PLANS Norman’s goals for next year are to write two papers on the data she obtained last year for her research project on the distributions of quasars and associated dark matter over-densities; to be actively involved in at least two other papers with the above mentioned collaborations, and to successfully obtain a new appointment in astronomy

KNUT A. OLSEN, Assistant Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stellar populations; star formation histories; formation; and evolution of dwarf galaxies; propagation of star formation; globular cluster properties; role of globular clusters in star formation histories of galaxies

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS As an NOAO supporting member of the GSMT Science Working Group, Olsen played a primary role in developing and writing the GSMT stellar populations science case. His work led to a new understanding of the effects of stellar crowding on photometry. He also led a panel to investigate the stellar populations science case for LSST; this report, which he edited, has been accepted by Michael Strauss, the chair of the LSST Science Working Group. Olsen also published two first-author papers, another as co-author, and had two more papers accepted for publication.

FY04 PLANS Involve Gemini N and NIRI/Altair in his science. Studies of the stellar populations in nearby galaxies are generally crowding-limited; Altair on Gemini will rival JWST in its performance for deriving deep observations of the M31 bulge and disk. Olsen intends to use these observations to develop improved photometric techniques for use with AO systems, in support of the GSMT science case. He also plans to publish ongoing work on the globular cluster systems of the Sculptor group; the kinematics of the Lucy’s young stellar population; the detailed abundances of the LMC globular cluster NGC 2019; and the shape of the LMC disk.

SEAN D. POINTS, Research Associate (New appointment FY04)

RESEARCH INTERESTS The physical structure and evolution of the multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies.

FY04 PLANS To better understand the interactions between massive stars and the ISM, Points has started several research projects for the coming year. His primary research goal involves working with Dr. Chris Smith (CTIO) on the analysis of the Magellanic Cloud Emission-Line Survey (MCELS). On small-scales (~10 - 100 pc) he will


examine the physical structures and conditions of two SNR candidates in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the optical MCELS data, XMM-Newton X-ray data (PI: C. Smith) and HI 21-cm emission-line data (in collaboration with L. Staveley-Smith). The combination of optical emission-line and X-ray data will allow us to determine such parameters as the hot and cool gas densities, which in turn will let us estimate the pressure balance between the two phases. When combined with velocity information from echelle spectrograph observations, the thermal and kinetic energies can likewise be calculated to first order.

On larger scales (~1000 pc), he will investigate the hot gas content of two Supergiant shells in the LMC: LMC-1 and LMC-2. He has obtained XMM-Newton X-ray data on both of these supergiant shells (LMC-2: PI Y.-H. Chu; LMC-1: PI - S. Points). He will use these data to analyze the spatial variation of physical conditions of the hot gas, such as temperature, density, and possibly abundances in addition to the foreground interstellar absorption. Furthermore, he will use these maps of the hot ISM (with comparable resolution to existing HI and optical nebular line images) to examine the relationship among the cold, warm, and hot phases of the ISM. For example, he can investigate whether pressure equilibrium is maintained among the phases.

Because of the proximity of the Large Magellanic Cloud to the Milky Way, it is difficult to obtain a global view of the multi-phase ISM. Thus, it is necessary to observe more distant galaxies to obtain a global picture. Therefore, he will also examine the global properties of the hot ISM in UGC 2302 (PI: P. Knezek). These data will be analyzed in conjunction with optical data obtained in the NOAO Survey Program “Star Formation in HI Selected Galaxies'' (Meurer et al.) on which both P. Knezek and C. Smith are Co-I's. He will make detailed comparisons between the hot gas properties and the underlying stellar population and cooler interstellar gas and compare the thermal energy of the hot gas and the energy injection rate expected from the underlying stellar population (e.g., stellar energy from massive stars in late-type galaxies).

ARMIN REST, Research Associate (New Appointment in FY03)

RESEARCH INTERESTS To better understand the interactions between massive stars and the ISM

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Rest worked on developing the software for the SuperMACHO/ESSENCE real-time difference imaging pipeline, e.g., transient lightcurve fitting tools and python-dB interface. He also has done extensive analysis, including efficiency and Monte-Carlo simulations, of the SuperMACHO and W projects data sets. Some results of this analysis will be published shortly (as “Event Rate Prediction for the SuperMACHO Project”)

FY04 PLANS Microlensing candidates and first results for the SuperMACHO project. Improving the transient database and its connection to the reduction pipeline.

HUGO E. SCHWARZ, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Fatally late stages of stellar evolution; PNe; symbiotics; polarimeter; astronomical site selection and protection

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Schwarz published the book: Light Pollution: The Global View (Kluwer).

FY04 PLANS Schwarz plans to continue his work on PNe; assist his Ph.D. student to submit and defend his thesis; publish 5 refereed papers, and make the SOAR Optical Imager a success.


In FY04, Schwarz will continue as chairman of the CIE TC4-21; help prepare the revision of the Chilean law on light pollution control DS686 for 2005, and support the program of public talks designed to convince the Chilean authorities of the importance of combating light pollution.

MALCOLM G. SMITH, Astronomer (Director, CTIO; Head of the AURA Observatory in Chile)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: The early Universe; quasars/active galactic nuclei; global environmental impact of light pollution

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Smith was responsible for the organization of a successful meeting in Sydney between astronomers and lighting engineers (see

FY04 PLANS Smith plans to accelerate development of AURA-O into a truly advantageous arrangement for its participating Program Units; take concrete steps towards securing effective compliance by municipalities in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th regions of Chile with DS686 (the Norma Luminica). He also intends to take concrete steps towards ensuring that astronomy appears on the compulsory teaching curriculum for at least some public-funded schools in Chile and to make significant progress towards securing a second satellite-based World Atlas of Artificial Illumination. Smith will also present a review paper at an international meeting in Santiago on current quasar research; and take at least one mini-sabbatical to launch return to research.

R. CHRIS SMITH, Assistant Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS Supernovae, SN remnants, the interstellar medium

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Smith played a leading role in the organization and management of a large international NOAO survey project ESSENCE. The first year produced more than 20 supernovae, the beginning of a sample which will be used to constrain the equation of the state of dark energy. Smith also oversaw the final data reduction for his Magellanic Cloud Emission-line Survey.

FY04 PLANS Smith intends to make significant progress in mining the Magellanic Cloud Emission-line Survey data set, extracting new samples of supernova remnants and planetary nebulae, and investigating the evolution of these objects. He also plans to publish the strategy of the ESSENCE survey. In addition. Smith plans to put the Data Products group in La Serena on firm footing with several additional hires, including a tenure-track astronomer, and work on providing advanced data products from the ESSENCE and SuperMACHO surveys, as well as facilitating remote observing and support from La Serena with a new remote observing facility.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Supernovae; cosmology; stellar populations; site characterization

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Suntzeff continued his scientific projects relating to supernovae, leading a small group (one postdoc and two RAs) devoted to SN research. He co-authored a successful 3-year NSF grant (M. Hamuy, PI) for the study of nearby Sne, and he will observe SNe at Campanas and CTIO to be used at the anchor in the cosmological studies involving Type Ia and core collapse SNe. He also continued a 5-year project to use the Mosaic Camera at CTIO, along with WIYN and 1.5m CFCCD time at NOAO, to study “dark energy” and microlensing. With Chris Smith, Rafael Hiriart, and Armin Rest, Suntzeff is working on a Mosaic pipeline


to take and reduce data to search for microlensing and supernova events. This is one of the most visible scientific projects in astronomy today. His survey will provide valuable experience and software for DPP and LSST efforts at NOAO.

Suntzeff made a major discovery in identifying, for the first time, the progenitor of a Type Ia supernova. He also discovered, via Gemini SV time, dust emission in the ring surrounding SN1987A. He advised and served on the exam committee for Sergio Vera, an undergraduate at the Pont. Univ. Catolica de Chile. He mentored 3 REU students and participated in the routine maintenance and upgrades of Hydra and the small telescope instrumentation. Suntzeff also built a filter testing system and CCD QE testing facility. He maintained a public Web site on nearby supernova, including images, which are re-posted around the world.

FY04 PLANS Suntzeff‘s goals in FY04 are to continue to pursue an active research program in SNe as described above. He intends to undertake significant work on one new project, with Chris Stubbs at Harvard, to develop an in situ way of measuring precise system quantum efficiencies of instruments using projected images of calibrated sources.

ANDREI TOKOVININ, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Statistics and formation of binary and multiple star; adaptive optics; site testing

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS MASS turbulence profiler: application, small series of MASS-DIMM.SOAR AO CoDR New results on multiple stars

FY04 PLANS SOAR AO: PDR, instrument design TMT site testing program Studies of the statistics and origins of multiple/binary stars Move SB9 orbit catalog to completeness

NICOLE S. VAN DER BLIEK, Assistant Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS: IR instrumentation; IR properties of late-type stars and young stars

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Together with R. Probst, van der Bliek has successfully completed the commissioning of ISPI and introduced ISPI to the regular operational complement of instruments at the Blanco 4-m telescope. Improvements are still being made for the user interface, but in general observers have been satisfied, taking on average 10 GB of data per night. A fully functioning GUI was being released and tested. A start has been made with the (Web-based) documentation, and it is foreseen that this will be finished by the end of the 2003 calendar year. In addition. van der Bliek participated in the support of Phoenix at Gemini and supported OSIRIS at the Blanco 4-m telescope.

FY04 PLANS Since the end of July van der Bliek has served as project manager for the SOAR-AO module. The goal is to prepare the SOAR-AO project for the PDR, planned for March 2004, and continue to direct the project thereafter. She also plans to complete the ISPI documentation. Van der Bliek will continue supervising a recent


graduate, Wladimir Lyra, working on a project on young clusters in collaboration with J. Alves from ESO. First analysis on 10 micron data (photometry and spectroscopy) of circumstellar disks around Brown Dwarfs.

ALISTAIR R. WALKER, Astronomer (Deputy Director, CTIO)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stellar populations; the Magellanic Clouds; the distance scale; astronomical instrumentation and CCDs

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS An HST project (Walker, P.I.) was completed with the preparation of two papers, one describing the cluster luminosity function, and the second a comparison of field and cluster distance indicators. A second pair of papers was written as part of a large project to study the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy; these papers discussed the stellar populations and the bright variable star populations.

FY04 PLANS Two major projects will be continued, with various collaborators. Observations of the Carina DSph galaxy to determine kinematics and abundances for the old and intermediate populations will be made, and the search for extra-tidal stars continued. Study of distance indicators in the Scultor Group galaxies will continue. Other projects underway include a study of the multiple populations of the globular cluster Omega Centauri, determination of RR Lyrae star masses directly by observation of the two eclipsing systems in the LMC discovered by OGLE, photometry of the Cepheids in NGC 1866, a stellar populations survey of the SMC, and continuation of a survey for hot evolved stars in the galactic bulge.

ALAN B. WHITING, Research Associate (CTIO Postdoctoral Fellow)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Nearby galaxy dynamics; dwarf galaxy surveys; local cosmology

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Whiting served as Site Director for the NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program at CTIO, as well as NOAO liaison for the initial semester of SMARTS operation. He also conducted a Local Volume kinematics investigation, He completed observing for the Local Group Dwarf Hunt.

FY04 PLANS Whiting will continue to serve as Site Director and mentor for REU Program, as well as NOAO liaison for continued and expanded SMARTS programs. He will see completion of the Local Group Dwarf Hunt and publication and completion of the Cosmic Peculiar Velocity investigation. He will also conduct Local Volume dynamics investigations.


‡ HELMUT A. ABT, Astronomer Emeritus

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Double stars; stellar rotation; stellar characteristics; publication practices in astronomy

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Many rapidly-rotating B and A dwarfs have nearby hot disks (not to be confused with the low-temperature distant disks as in beta Pic and Vega). In the past they were called “shell stars.” The disks come and go on time scales of years. Therefore they are not remnants of the stellar formation. Abt found that stars with disks occur only outside the local interstellar bubble, although similar stars without disks occur everywhere.


Apparently the disks are accreted in regions of high interstellar density and are blown away, presumably by stellar winds, in low-density regions.

FY04 PLANS Abt is studying the frequency and kinds of companions to solar-type stars, based on many radial velocities having an accuracy of ±100 m/sec. Preliminary results indicate that brown dwarfs are plentiful and that the exoplanets found to date are mostly the low-mass objects produced in multiple star systems, i.e., most were not produced in stellar disks like the solar system.

TAFT E. ARMANDROFF, Astronomer (Director, NOAO Gemini Science Center)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stellar populations in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies; dwarf spheroidal galaxies; globular clusters

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Armandroff has been studying the dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies of M31, in collaboration with Da Costa (RSAA/ANU), Caldwell (SAO), Pritzl (NOAO), and Jacoby (WIYN). This was motivated by the opportunity to increase the number of galaxies defining the properties of dwarf spheroidals, and by the fact that the somewhat different environment of the M31 dwarfs compared to those of the Galaxy allows a first look at how dwarf spheroidal properties change with environment. Recent work concentrated on photometry from HST-WFPC2 images that yield color-magnitude diagrams and variable-star properties. Andromeda I, II, III, and VI have been surveyed for variable stars. The properties of the RR Lyrae and anomalous Cepheids have been analyzed and compared with those of the Galactic dwarf spheroidal galaxies.

FY04 PLANS Armandroff plans to publish a paper on the variable stars in Andromeda I and III. New WFPC2-based color-magnitude diagrams for the stars in Andromeda V and VI will be constructed, analyzed, and prepared for publication.

SAMUEL C. BARDEN, Senior Scientist (Completed employment in FY03)

‡ MICHAEL BELTON, Astronomer EmeritusPlanetary science; comets; asteroids; Jupiter system

TODD A. BOROSON, Astronomer (Deputy Director, NOAO; Associate Director, Data Products Program)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: AGN spectra; AGN host galaxy properties

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTSBoroson continued his work on the statistical properties of QSO spectra and their physical interpretation. This subject has been revitalized by the exploration of black holes in galactic nuclei and the advent of very large data sets from large scale surveys. Programmatic accomplishments in FY 2003 include the successful completion of the second year of administering the Telescope System Instrumentation Program and the continuing development of NOAO's Data Products Program.

FY04 PLANS Boroson intends to continue his work on the SDSS QSO data, focusing on radio-loud QSOs by combining optical data with radio archives. The newly re-structured System Committee will provide guidance to TSIP and will organize a second community workshop to explore ideas about broadening the concept of the


system. In Data Products, FY04 will see the release of two important products: the next generation archive, with access to raw and reduced data from the NOAO telescopes, and the CCD Mosaic pipeline.

MICHAEL J. I. BROWN, Research Associate

RESEARCH INTERESTS Active galaxies; galaxy clustering and Kuiper Belt objects

CHARLES F. CLAVER, Associate Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS Stellar ages; White Dwarf structure and evolution; stellar photometry; optical instrumentation

STEVEN K. CROFT, Senior Science Education Specialist (Astronomer)

RESEARCH INTERESTS Inquiry- and research-based science education, planetary geology and geophysics, remote sensing

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Croft took over as program manager of the NSF Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE) project—a program designed to introduce experienced middle and high school science teachers to astronomical research and train them to mentor novice teachers. In addition to managing the project through its second full year of operation, Croft helped develop two new research projects for participants in solar magnetic fields and irregular variable stars, which also involved the introduction of new software for data reduction. Croft continued as Co-PI for the NSF “Journey to El Yunque” (JEY) multimedia educational project, participating in overall educational design, and development of the remote sensing section.

FY04 PLANS Croft will manage the TLRBSE program through its third year of operation and oversee its gradual transition to an internally funded NOAO program. The distance learning course in the program will be modified to increase its emphasis on science process skills and the new research projects will be further developed. He also plans to develop an observational program using Kitt Peak facilities for teams of TLRBSE teachers and students. Field testing and development of JEY project materials will continue in FY04.

DAVID S. DE YOUNG, Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Active galactic nuclei; non-linear phenomena

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completed phase one study and published paper on the reheating of cooling flows in galaxy clusters by radio source debris. Gave two invited review papers on cluster reheating. Provided invited review of numerical simulations of airflow in very large telescope enclosures. Continued leadership of the Aspen Center for Physics as its President. Continued responsibilities as Project Scientist for the US NVO and as member of the Executive Committee of the International VO Alliance. Carried out duties as Coordinating Chair of NOAO TAC process, Chair of NOAO Promotion and Tenure Committee, and member of the AAS Nominating Committee.

FY04 PLANS Continuing studies of the evolution of radio sources in galaxy clusters via use of 3D MHD numerical simulations. Continuing study of the stability of collimated outflows from young stellar objects and active


galactic nuclei. Continue leadership of the Aspen Center for Physics and scientific leadership of the US NVO project. Continue supervision of the NIO efforts in numerical simulation of site characteristics and telescope enclosures. Continue membership on AAS Nominating Committee.

ARJUN DEY, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS Galaxy evolution; high redshift galaxies; large-scale structure

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Dey is one of the two PIs of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey, a pioneering investigation of galaxy evolution and clustering over an unprecedented volume. This survey has spurred a huge investment in ground- and space-based resources (VLA, GALEX, SIRTF, Chandra), and the resulting unique multiwavelength database will allow a comprehensive study of galaxy evolution and structure formation in the 0<z<5 range. As he is a Co-I on most of the other multiwavelength studies of the NDWFS fields, NOAO will be one of the centers of this research.

Dey has continued his study of the z>5 universe, spectroscopically targeting narrow-band emission line and broad-band continuum selected objects. His group has the largest spectroscopically confirmed samples of high-z galaxies and is working on understanding the spectral properties of these objects.

Dey spearheaded a team which made the case for a new, highly multi-plexed, wide-field spectroscopic capability for Gemini. This proposed instrument, called KAOS (Kilo Aperture Optical Spectrograph), is designed to undertake the next generation of spectroscopic surveys of a scope impossible with current instrumentation. With KAOS, Gemini would be able to carry out unique science programs of unprecedented scope, including detailed archeological studies of our Galaxy and a Dark Energy survey to place unique constraints on the equation of state of the dark energy.

The MARS spectrograph is now completely operational at the KPNO 4m. It is the only instrument available in the northern hemisphere with an extremely red sensitive LBL high-resistivity CCD. The KPNO 4-m with MARS now routinely outperforms the 6.5m MMT in spectroscopy at red wavelengths.

FY04 PLANS During the upcoming year, much of the hard work that has gone into the NDWFS will bear fruit. Dey intends to carry out pilot studies of the clustering and evolution of the red envelope galaxy population and the high-z Lyman break galaxy population using the Bootes field NDWFS data complemented by SIRTF and GALEX observations.

ANDREW E. DOLPHIN, Research Associate (NASA) - (Completed Employment in FY03)


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star formation and evolution; Magellanic Clouds; supernovae

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Completion of Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph and of its pre-ship acceptance testing.

FY04 PLANS Completion of commissioning of the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph Participation in early science use of the instrument Investigation of near- and mid-infrared properties of evolved stars in the Local Group


JOHN W. GLASPEY, Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stellar spectroscopy; Horizontal Branch stars; Blue Stragglers; optical instrumentation

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Scheduling of the KPNO Telescopes observing time; Panel Member for the NEWFIRM PDR

FY04 PLANS Publish results of the research with REU student summer project

RICHARD F. GREEN, Astronomer (Director, KPNO)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Active galactic nuclei; quasar absorption line systems; galaxy nuclear dynamics

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Negotiation of instrumentation partnership between KPNO and U. of Maryland. Prompt agreement on tenant status for VERITAS observatory on Kitt Peak. Testifying for several state legislative committees and Tucson City Council on behalf of light pollution control legislation. Chair of Search Committee for next CTIO Director. Participant in proposal preparation for design and development of LSST. Progress on papers based on STIS, FUSE, and NOAO data.

FY04 PLANS Successful implementation of U. Maryland partnership. KPNO support of NEWFIRM, IRMOS, Exoplanet Tracker, WIYN Hydra/Bench upgrades, High-Res IR Camera, and One-Degree Imager. KPNO support of SOLIS installation, VERITAS project construction. Further success at the State and City of Tucson level on outdoor lighting code upgrades. Improved communication with the Tohono O'odham Nation and District. Progress on LSST performance requirements and site requirements definitions. Completion of STIS analysis paper, progress on FUSE SEDs, and NOAO Deep-Wide IR quasars.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Circumstellar and interstellar matter; molecular spectroscopy; peculiar stars; instrumentation

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Hinkle's major accomplishment in FY03 was the development of a concept for a cross-dispersed infrared high-resolution spectrograph. A scientific case was developed and this was well received at the Aspen meeting for next generation Gemini instrumentation. As the project scientist for the NOAO infrared spectrograph Phoenix, currently deployed at Gemini South, he is largely responsible for the success of Phoenix at Gemini South. A paper on the origin of fluorine by Cunha, Smith, Hinkle, and Lambert, based on Phoenix results, was discussed in a cover article in Sky and Telescope. In FY03 Hinkle was promoted to Scientist from Associate Scientist.

FY04 PLANS Hinkle is looking forward to working on proof-of-concept projects and proposals for next generation Gemini instrumentation. He also plans to continue as project scientist for Phoenix. His research on high-resolution infrared spectroscopy applied to circumstellar and interstellar matter, variable stars, and cool dwarfs will continue. He intends to complete papers on a number of symbiotic binary systems, on the high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of M to T dwarfs, and on spectroscopy of circumstellar shells of several evolved stars


STEVE B. HOWELL, Assistant Scientist (New Appointment July 03)

RESEARCH INTERESTS Observational studies of interacting binary stars; ultra-high precision photometry, and spectroscopy of odd variables plus CCD instrumentation and theoretical modeling of compact binary evolution.

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS IR spectroscopy of short-period binaries with Gemini and Keck has revealed molecular emission from their accretion disks. Very few astronomical objects have CO and hydrogen molecular emission, up until now, only YSOs and high luminosity B stars. Initial ground-based work for the NASA Kepler mission was begun. Photometric work with orthogonal transfer CCDs at the 3.5-m WIYN telescope provided extra-solar planet transit observations of HD209458 reaching precisions of 5e-4 from the ground.

FY04 PLANS Work on the new breed of orthogonal CCDs at WIYN and in collaboration with University of Hawaii (Pan-STARRS project), will continue. Optical work using high time resolution (seconds) and high photometric precision (1 mmag or better) will be applied to magnetic interacting binaries such as Polars and LMXBs. Additional short period binaries will be observed in the IR to survey the field to discover which contain molecular emission and the newly discovered ones with be observed in detail to understand the physics of their accretion disks. Kepler activities will increase in terms of observational support for the mission (launch in 2006-7) and detailed study of already known possible planetary transit candidates.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Radiative transfer; stellar atmospheres; accretion disks; active galactic nuclei

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Hubeny has further upgraded the variant of his computer program TLUSTY called COOLTLUSTY that calculates model atmospheres for brown dwarfs and extrasolar giant planets by improving the treatment of external irradiation, convection, and cloud formation, opacity, and scattering. In collaboration with the Steward Observatory group of A. Burrows, they have computed a large grid of models. Hubeny has continued in his collaborative projects with NASA/GSFC (O stars and other hot stars, analysis of HST/STIS and FUSE spectra); on computing model atmospheres of white dwarfs (Univ. of Leicester), and others.

FY04 PLANS Hubeny expects to significantly extend the physics of the COOLTLUSTY program (self-consistent cloud formation; anisotropic scattering); and the TLUSTY program for computing model atmospheres of hot, degenerate objects (neutron stars), active galactic nuclei, and accretion disks around solar-mass black holes.

BUELL JANNUZI, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Observational cosmology; quasar absorption line systems; active galaxies; instrumentation for surveys

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS In FY03, Jannuzi completed a sabbatical during which he was been working on studies of the formation and evolution of large-scale structure as traced by gaseous and luminous constituents of the Universe. These studies make use of HST/STIS and ground-based programs for which he is the PI, including the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS, Co-PI: A. Dey). The observational phase of the NDWFS was completed in 2003 and data reduction should be completed in 2004.


FY04 PLANS Januzzi’s major scientific goals for the next year include integrating the NDWFS with the complementary SIRTF (IRAC,MIPS,IRS), Chandra, and Galex data sets being obtained for the same survey region, in order to address the main goals of the NDWFS (LSS formation and evolution; galaxy formation and evolution; evolution of AGN properties). He will also continue his investigation of the properties of the IGM using a combination of space and ground-based data sets.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Late-type stars; mass loss; infrared detector and instrumentation development

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Joyce’s primary accomplishment, as co-project scientist on GNIRS, was the assembly, integration, and testing of this instrument, which is presently being readied for shipment to Gemini South. In addition, Joyce provided direct observing support for observers using the instruments SQIID and FLAMINGOS on Kitt Peak; he is also the scientific liaison for the collaborative (STScI, Goddard, KPNO) instrument IRMOS, a novel multi-object IR spectrograph utilizing digital multi-mirror technology. Joyce participated in the planning process within NGSC as a co-investigator on the “SuperPhoenix” concept for the next-generation Gemini instrumentation program. Also in FY03, he submitted or publications a study of highly-obscured evolved stars in the LMC carried out using CTIO observations and the 2MASS and MSX databases.

FY04 PLANS Joyce anticipates significant involvement in the commissioning and science verification exercises with GNIRS on Gemini South. This may evolve into one or more science programs (such as on the obscured LMC stars). If the “SuperPhoenix” concept (and its multi-object front end) is selected by Gemini as a next-generation instrument, he would be heavily committed to the NOAO proposal to build it. An additional goal is the successful commissioning of IRMOS on Kitt Peak, assuming it is delivered according to the present schedule.

‡ THOMAS KINMAN, Astronomer Emeritus

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Galactic structure; Galactic Halo; Horizontal Branch stars; RR Lyrae stars

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Kinman assembled data from his observations and the literature to test for streaming between North and South Galactic Poles, following suggestions that the Sagittarius stream goes through the solar neighborhood. Re-reduced earlier data by Pier and Saha and submitted for publication. Investigated whether the new Monoceros “Ring” structure shows up as overdensity in field RR Lyrae stars; negative result puts limit on type of halo population that could be present. RR Lyraes do show clustering in the field to a greater extent than has been found previously.

FY04 PLANS Kinman will continue preparing data (above) for publication. Also intends to organize data on RR Lyrae stars in Ten Lick fields for publication and make some new observations to enhance their value.

TOD R. LAUER, Associate Astronomer



Cosmology; large-scale structure of the Universe; evolution of the Universe; distance scale; structure of galaxies; dense stellar system; black holes in galactic nuclei; stellar populations

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Successful direction of the NOAO Science Archive development. Operation of the NOAO survey program and TAC. Operation of the NOAO TAC. Completion of research on microlensing in M87. Definition of the NOAO “Observing Dark Energy” workshop.

FY04 PLANS Planning of the NOAO Science Archive. Direction of the NOAO “Observing Dark Energy” workshop. Completion of research of characterization of AO PSFs and variable-PSF deconvolution. Completion of Nuker Team research on central galaxy structure.

C. ROGER LYNDS, Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star and galaxy formation; products of galaxy interaction in the recent and early Universe

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS A new type of CCD camera was tested at the WIYN and 4-m telescopes on Kitt Peak. The camera utilizes a new type of CCD incorporating a charge-carrier multiplication register and was determined to reach magnitude 21 in one second at the 4-m. Work has continued on Hubble and VLA radio frequency observations of a system of interacting galaxies exhibiting starburst activity (NGC 6745)—a consequence of the interaction. The HI 21-cm results have recently appeared in MNRAS. Also continuing is an extensive data analysis study of the metric properties of CryoCam (MARS) in association with Nod & Shuffle mode.

FY04 PLANS Testing of CCD cameras will continue, with the goal being the selection of a camera type that can supplant a significant subset of the acquisition and/or guide cameras on Kitt Peak. Analysis will continue on the metric properties of CryoCam in conjunction with a study of the velocity field of NGC 6745 for comparison with the 21-cm results.

LUCAS M. MACRI, Research Associate (NASA – Hubble Fellow)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Extragalactic distance scale: Cepheid variables, Tully-Fisher relation. Large Scale Structure: determination of Omega (matter) and non-linear biasing using peculiar velocities of galaxies in the 2MASS Redshift Survey

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Macri successfully carried out near-infrared observations of Cepheid variables in the central region of M33 using the Gemini N. telescope. The analysis of these observations yielded a P-L relation with close to 100 variables, which will serve to improve the accuracy of the Cepheid Distance Scale. He also carried out observations of Cepheids in M33 at optical wavelengths using the WIYN 3.5-m telescope, and set up a data processing pipeline to analyze the resulting data using the novel method of difference image analysis.

FY04 PLANS Macri expects to expand his near-infrared observations of Cepheids in M33 to variables located in the middle and outer regions of that galaxy. The expanded coverage will allow a study of variations in the Cepheid P-L relation zero point as a function of radial distance (proxy for metal abundance). He also expects to complete the optical observations of these variables using WIYN, adding valuable wavelength coverage that will also contribute to the study of the metallicity dependence of the Cepheid Distance Scale.


RACHEL E. MASON (NGSC Post-doctoral Fellow: 6 mo. in Tucson, 6 mo. in La Serena)

RESEARCH INTERESTS Using infrared imaging, spectroscopy and polarimetry to investigate the composition, formation and evolution of interstellar and circumnuclear dust in galaxies.

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mason has used observations and modeling of infrared spectra and polarization to examine the physical and chemical properties of interstellar and circumnuclear dust in active and ultraluminous galaxies. She has established that, while the chemical composition of the carbonaceous dust in these galaxies is remarkably similar to that in the Galactic diffuse ISM, the grains in at least one AGN are larger than those in most Galactic environments. Having received her PhD in August, she is now in the process of writing up these results for publication.

FY04 PLANS Mason intends to submit two papers based on her thesis work by the end of 2003. With collaborators in the US and the UK, she has submitted proposals for telescope time at Gemini and UKIRT to examine carbonaceous dust chemistry in more galaxies and in more detail. As well as being self-contained projects in their own right, these studies will form a basis for interpreting SIRTF observations of dust absorption features inaccessible from the ground, for which she will apply early in 2004. In addition, she will start interpreting spectra She has already obtained of silicate dust in AGN, in the first investigation of the mineralogy of silicate dust in extragalactic environments.

K. MICHAEL MERRILL, Associate Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star formation; young stellar objects; interstellar medium; circumstellar envelopes; late stellar evolution; infrared instrumentation; data acquisition and reduction

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Merrill was the responsible scientist for both the Orion 2K 2K Infrared Focal Plane Development Project at Raytheon Vision Systems and for the NOAO Monsoon Focal Plane Array controller. Both projects have been successful at meeting goals against the odds, despite the loss of key individuals to retirement and recruitment.

FY04 PLANS Merrill hopes to complete the Orion 2K 2K Infrared Array Project and test and deliver several Orion II infrared focal plane arrays for use with NEWFIRM using a Monsoon-based Array Controller in the IR Research and Development Lab. Should the NOAO initiative for GSMT development funds come into play, he anticipates playing the lead in IR Focal Plane Development. As KPNO 4-m Telescope Scientist, Merrill will continue to improve the efficiency of doing science at that facility. Through his role as Gemini NIRI “mirror” scientist within the NGSC, he will continue to promote this facility instrument and provide assistance to potential users.

KENNETH J. MIGHELL, Associate Scientist (NASA)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stellar populations in the Galaxy and nearby galaxies; formation and evolution of Local Group Galaxies; astrophysical applications of low-count statistics; dwarf; spheroidal galaxies; globular clusters; CCD stellar photometry


FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mighell has developed a new parallel-processing stellar photometry code called QLWFPC2 for NASA’s Office of Space Science as part of his Applied Information Systems Research Program (AISRP) work. QLWFPC2 is designed to do quick-look analysis of two entire WFPC2 observations from the HST in less than 5 seconds using a fast Beowulf cluster with a Gigabit Ethernet local network. QLWFPC2 was used to discover more than 50 new bright variable stars in the central region of M54, the bright massive globular cluster near the center of the nearby Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Most of the candidate variable stars are found on the PC1 images of the cluster center—a region where no variables have been reported by previous ground-based studies of variables in M54. This discovery is an example of how quick-look parallel-processing image analysis programs like QLWFPC2 can be used to explore the time domain of observations in the HST Data Archive.

FY04 PLANS Mighell plans to make significant progress in the development of parallel-processing astronomical image analysis tools for HST and SIRTF. Another successful KPNO REU program for 2004. He plans to get publication on both technical progress in software development and continuing scientific analysis of Local Group star cluster data using his new parallel-processing analysis techniques.

JEREMY R. MOULD, Astronomer (NOAO Director)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Observational cosmology and the extragalactic distance scale; large optical/infrared telescopes; the multi-band imaging photometer for SIRTF; stellar populations

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mould developed tools for photometry with SIRTF MIPS based on P. Stetson's ALLFRAME. MIPS is the long wavelength camera on SIRTF. As a member of the MIPS team, he is involved in the research on deep surveys, which are confusion-limited at 160 microns. ALLFRAME can be used to combine the processing of multiwavelength images, using multiwavelength PSFs, to yield excellent results on galaxy counts, based on simulations done by other team members.

FY04 PLANS Mould plans to publish infrared photometry of the Long Period Variables in M31 carried out on the 2.1-m telescope during 2001 and 2002. The LPVs were detected during a multyear campaign at Palomar Observatory ten years ago. He will also test the predictions of his published model for SIRTF galaxy counts using MIPS team survey data.

BEATRICE MUELLER, Research Associate (NASA)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Planetary science; comets; asteroids

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Co-author of the chapter about cometary rotation for the Comets II book. Collaboration with near-IR observers for a paper about simultaneous observations in visible and near-IR of comets and trans-Neptunian objects.

FY04 PLANS To find new source of funding to continue research in planetary science


JOAN R. NAJITA, Associate Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star and planet formation; substellar objects; wide-field surveys

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS In collaboration with John Carr and Bob Mathieu, Najita has explored the gas dissipation timescale in the terrestrial planet region of disks using the CO fundamental lines at 4.6 microns. Her preliminary results indicate that the gas dissipation timescale is rapid, suggesting that if gas giant planets are common, they form rapidly, possibly through scenarios that are unfavorable for the formation of terrestrial planets.

FY04 PLANS To place more reliable constraints on the gas dissipation timescale in the planet formation regions of disks, Najita intends to study the CO fundamental emission strength that is expected in the context of thermal-chemical models for inner disk atmospheres.

STEPHEN M. POMPEA, Manager, Science Education (Astronomer)

RESEARCH INTERESTSInquiry- and research-based science education; astronomical instrumentation

FY03 ACCOMPLISMENTS Pompea continued his work in both formal and informal science education as well as his work on stray light and the optical properties of surfaces, where current work focuses on single walled carbon nanotube surfaces. In science education, Pompea provides creative work and leadership for the NSF Teacher Leaders in Research Based Science Education (TLRBSE) project (PI), Project ASTRO (Co-Director), Southern Arizona GEMS Center (NOAO Lead), NSF Collaboration to Advance Teaching Technology and Science (CATTS) GK-12 (Co-PI), NSF Revealing the Invisible Universe: from Nanoscopes to Telescopes (Co-PI), NSF Hands-On Optics (HOO): Making an Impact with Light (Co-PI), and NSF Spanish Language Astronomy Education Materials Center (PI). Pompea is also a team member for an HST Cycle 12 team, the JWST NIRCam EPO team, UA Conceptual Astronomy and Physics Education Research (CAPER) Group, the TMT project, and the LSST project.

FY04 PLANS Pompea will continue his work on these projects as well as on the newly NSF-funded Native American Educational Materials Center. For example, in the Hands-On Optics project, he will develop and test new informal light and color activity modules for middle school students, for distribution nationwide, as well as help create professional development materials for teachers and industry volunteers. The Spanish Language Astronomy Education Materials Center will debut nationally and Pompea will work with student interns on the “Nanoscopes” project to develop programs for Flandrau Science Center on infrared astronomy. The TLRBSE project will significantly expand its observing and research opportunities for teachers and students and will organize sessions on teacher-scientist research partnerships at the Dec. AGU meeting. Pompea will also complete an invited review article on “optical black surfaces” for the Encyclopedia of Modern Optics(Academic Press).

BARTON J. PRITZL, Research Associate (Completed employment in FY03)

RONALD G. PROBST, Associate Scientist

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star-forming regions; low-mass stars; infrared imaging instrumentation


FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Working with the NEWFIRM team as both Project Scientist and Project Systems Engineer, Probst brought the NEWFIRM project successfully through a delta-Conceptual Design Review (October 2002) and Preliminary Design Review (June 2003). This included the transition to a new Project Manager and expansion of the project team. On the second track of his program to re-invigorate IR imaging capability within NOAO, he worked with the ISPI instrument team in Chile to commission, characterize, and support ISPI during its first semesters of scheduled science use.

FY04 PLANS Probst will be closely engaged in the build phase of NEWFIRM hardware and the definition phase of NEWFIRM data reduction pipeline software, keeping the project on schedule while maintaining ultimate scientific performance. Scientifically, he will continue working with Chilean collaborators on the characterization of star formation in the low metallicity environment of the LMC.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Stars; stellar evolution; high-resolution and infrared observing techniques; terrestrial exoplanets

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Ridgway continued working with Boeing Aerospace on a TPF design study through mid-2003. This led to development of a novel coronagraphic concept. Ridgway is PI (with Co-PI Olivier Guyon of Subaru) of two NOAO proposals to NASA (one accepted and one pending) to explore and develop this concept over the next three years.

FY04 PLANS Ridgway will begin working as Co-I with Alcatel Aerospace on a design study for GENIE, the ESO-ESA VLTI ground-based nulling interferometer for detection of exoplanets. He will also collaborate on a number of observing programs at the CHARA and VLTI interferometric arrays, and will contribute to the second-generation Gemini instrument design study for SuperPhoenix, a very high resolution infrared spectrometer.

ABHIJIT SAHA, Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Variable stars; stellar populations; cosmological distance scale; imaging and photometry

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Continued to provide scientific support for the operation of the WIYN telescope, serve as science advisory representative from NOAO to the WIYN consortium, and serve on the WIYN board of directors. Developed software to simulate LSST operation, which responds to constraints imposed by ephemerides and observing conditions, and is being used to study how best to operate such a telescope to produce the maximal science return. Completed data-acquisition for a program to establish faint photometric sequences (to 22 mag) in BVRI for use with large telescopes which have small fields of view. Data analysis is 70 percent complete. In collaboration with Thim and Dolphin, completed Cepheid discovery and distance measurement to two large nearby galaxies (M83 and NGC 4395). Collaborated with Dolphin to re-discover RR Lyrae stars in the halo of M31, to see why extant results are incongruous with deep HST CMDs of the M31 halo. Their results resolve the problem.

FY04 PLANS Saha will continue to refine the LSST simulator, and investigate operational scenarios. He will complete the faint standard sequence work and publish the results. He is planning a sabbatical leave to commence in May 2004, during which time he expects to a) complete research projects in progress at an accelerated pace, and


b) spend time studying recent developments in astronomy more widely, in order to put together a personal strategic plan for research for the next several years.

NALIN SAMARASINHA, Assistant Scientist (NASA)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Small bodies of the solar system, primarily comets

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Submitted a review paper on “Rotation of Cometary Nuclei” (first author) to be published in the University of Arizona Press Space Science Series book “COMETS II”. Submitted an invited paper to be published in “Advances in Space Research”. Based on Samarasinha’s research input, NASA Stardust mission is evaluating the safe flyby distance for comet Wild 2 encounter.

NIGEL A. SHARP, Associate Scientist (Leave of Absence)

RICHARD SHAW, Scientist (Manager, Data Products Program)

RESEARCH INTERESTS Late stages of stellar evolution; planetary nebulae; stellar populations; Magellanic Clouds; astronomical software; astronomy with large data sets

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Shaw, in collaboration with L. Stanghellini and Post-Doc E. Villaver (STScI), and B. Balick (U. Washington) has been investigating the co-evolution of Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae (PNs) and their central stars. These nebulae are excellent for studies of evolution, owing to their well-known distances and the modest selection biases in the discovery surveys. Prior studies by this group have shown a strong correlation between chemical composition and morphological type in the LMC and SMC nebulae, and further that the paucity of strongly asymmetric nebulae (i.e., bi-polar classes) in the SMC is consistent with the lower metallicity of the host galaxy. Recent work has also shown a lower relative intensity of [O III] 5007 emission in SMC nebulae compared to LMC nebulae, in spite of the lower average oxygen abundance in the SMC. The effect may be understood in terms of a combination of higher average electron temperatures coupled with a shift in the nebular cooling to other ions, such as [C IV]. We have also shown a power-law decline in nebular surface brightness with nebular radius; it is a surprisingly tight relation, considering the variety and timing of the relevant physical effects (e.g., luminosity and temperature evolution of the central star, and geometric dilution of the nebular gas) that apply. This relationship may have some applicability as a rough, but unbiased, distance indicator for Galactic PNs. We have also studied the evolution of the central stars, most of which can be detected in our HST images. The stars have a similar distribution in mass, luminosity, and temperature to Galactic planetary nebulae, except that the parameters for MCPNs are known to a much higher precision than that for their Galactic counterparts.

FY04 PLANS During the next year Shaw and his collaborators will publish the final phase of the HST survey of LMC PN images and spectra. In addition, Shaw will obtain ground-based spectra of many of these nebulae to support the derivation of the central star mass and evolutionary state, and to obtain accurate chemical abundances of the nebulae. We will supplement the observational data with evolutionary models of the post-AGB star plus nebular system in order to understand the origin of the nebular morphologies, and the influence of the chemical and star-formation histories of their host galaxy.


DAVID SPRAYBERRY, Astronomer (Associate Director, Major Instrumentation Program) New Appointment FY03

RESEARCH INTERESTS Instrumentation and observing techniques; galaxy formation and evolution; statistical analysis of galaxy populations, especially dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies.

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Taking up his NOAO appointment in January 2003, Sprayberry has directed the successful completion of: the Conceptual Design Review for the SOAR Adaptive Optics System; the Preliminary Design Review for NEWFIRM; 3 prototypes of the new Monsoon detector control system; the pre-shipment acceptance test of GNIRS; and delivery of six ROM cost estimates for future Gemini “Aspen workshop” instruments.Sprayberry also supported the instrumentation technology sections of the AURA-NIO TMT proposal (submitted September 2003).

FY04 PLANS Commissioning of GNIRS at Gemini-South; delivery of first production models of Monsoon Controller system; start of integration and testing phase for NEWFIRM; Preliminary Design Review of SOAR-AO system; responses to any Gemini calls for proposals or other activities regarding next-generation instruments.

STEPHEN E. STROM, Astronomer (Associate Director for Science)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star formation; large optical/IR telescopes

FY 03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Served as vice-chair of the GSMT Science Working Group and played a major role in preparing a report outlining the rationale for NSF investment in GSMT technology. Served as Project Scientist for AURA NIO and prepared a proposal to the NSF to provide public funding for a public-private partnership to design a thirty-meter telescope (TMT). Carried out studies of stellar angular momenta among young stars, which resulted in a deeper understanding of (a) angular momentum locking mechanisms; and (b) the effects of initial conditions on the distribution of stellar angular momenta.

FY04 PLANS Work with the TMT SWG to complete a Science Requirements Document for TMT. Work with the GSMT SAC to (a) develop a deeper understanding of the synergy between GSMT, JWST, and ALMA; and (b) establish working relationships with international efforts (Europe and Japan) to develop Extremely Large Telescopes. Establish a collaborative program to advance understanding of the relationship between initial conditions and observable parameters (IMFs; birth lines; rotational properties) for newly-formed clusters.

FRANK THIM, Research Associate (New Appointment in FY03)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Research on variable stars and the distance scale, the Cepheid P-L relation, H0, cosmology, photometry and calibration of faint photometric standards

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTSDetermination of a Cepheid distance to M83 with ground based data (ESO VLT) which shows that ground based telescopes can be used for work on Cepheids out to 5 Mpc. Comparison of photometry of M83 with different PSF fitting programs and calibrations performed by different collaborators. The agreement is excellent (besides very crowded regions). Findings of Cepheids and LPVs in NGC 4395 with data obtained


with the 2.-m and the WIYN telescopes at Kitt Peak. The distance to NGC 4395 is determined to be 4.4 Mpc. Excellent collaboration with A. Saha and A. Dolphin on variable stars and photometry.

FY04 PLANS With his 12-month appointment ending in late January 2004, Thim plans to finish work on the recalibration of Cepheid distances to the HSTSNC (HST Supernovae Consortium: Saha, Sandage, Tammann) galaxies and the comparison to the results of the Key Project (Freedman et al.). He will conduct a comparison of crowded-field photometry obtained with PSF fitting methods and image subtraction techniques. He will seek approval of an ACS HST proposal of Cepheids in I Zw 18 or two Virgo spirals on different sides of Virgo in order to prove the metallicity dependence of the Cepheid P-L relation or the distance to the Virgo cluster, respectively, or Cepheids in interacting galaxies. Thim also plans to take part and give talks at conferences.


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Cosmology; gravitational lensing; stellar spectroscopy; astronomical software

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS A talented team was assembled to create a high performance pipeline for processing NOAO mosaic camera data. The pipeline effort is well underway. A number of novel software techniques have been developed for this project. The final preparation of 7 years worth of high signal-to-noise stellar reference spectral data (over 5,000 observations) was completed and a paper has been written. These data will be provided to the community as the Indo-US Spectral Library.

FY04 PLANS High-performance pipeline will be put into observatory use for Mosaic data. New techniques and capabilities will be added to open up the time domain to discoveries with the NOAO Mosaic data through automatic pipeline processing. New pipelines for IR instruments will be developed from this new system. The Indo-US Spectral Library based on NOAO telescope observations will be available and in regular use by the community. This library will be an important contribution to archive and virtual observatory efforts.

CONSTANCE E. WALKER, Senior Science Education Specialist (Astronomer)

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Inquiry- and research-based science education; submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of star formation in galaxies at different epochs.

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Walker continued her work in both formal and informal science education on national, international, and local levels. On a national level, Walker created instructional materials for, coordinated, prepared for and implemented an educational outreach program, on-line course, and summer workshop in the areas of teacher professional development, teacher leadership, and research experiences for secondary school teachers. Similarly, on a local level, Walker (as director of Project ASTRO and Family ASTRO) continued her work on various educational outreach programs and workshops that trained and partnered K-12 teachers and community educators with professional and amateur astronomers who involve the students and (in one program) their families in hands-on, inquiry-based activities on astronomy and science. On an international level, Walker (as manager of ASTRO-Chile) designed a light pollution study complementary to the study done by students of the Chilean teachers and subsequently implemented by students of the Tucson teachers. In July 2003, Walker was invited to give a talk at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Sydney, Australia, on the topic of NOAO’s educational outreach efforts in light pollution.


FY04 PLANS Plans for this coming year include continuing and expanding the various outreach programs mentioned as well as starting new programs. Videoconferences on results from the expansion of the light pollution study to encompass more Arizona and Chilean schools will be the main focus of the ASTRO-Chile program. Family ASTRO will expand to include families of MESA students (a math, engineering, and science achievement program for under-represented youth). Project ASTRO is considering more thematic mini-workshops, conducive to the needs of the participants. In the Hands-On Optics project, Walker will develop and test new informal education-based light and color activity modules for middle school students, for distribution nationwide, as well as help create professional development materials for teachers and industry volunteers. Walker will be responsible for the expansion of the solar observing and solar research opportunities for TLRBSE teachers and students. Walker will organize two oral sessions and one poster session on teacher-scientist research partnerships at the Dec. AGU meeting.

SIDNEY C. WOLFF, Astronomer

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Star formation; stellar rotation

FY03 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Observations of angular momentum changes during pre-main sequence evolution in order to constrain models of star formation and early stellar evolution. Successful launch of Astronomy Education Review, an online peer-reviewed publication, which is becoming the preferred journal for publication of papers on astronomy education. (During the school year, the journal on average receives 150,000 hits/month from nearly 6000 different IP addresses.) Establishment of LSST Corporation, selection of LSST Project Manager, and substantial progress toward preparation of a detailed proposal for the design and development phase of the LSST.

FY04 PLANS Continue research relating angular momentum to initial conditions in star forming regions. Continue operation of AER, with emphasis on developing tools to track manuscripts through the publication process. Establish NOAO as lead for LSST telescope and facility construction and as major player in data management.

‡ LLOYD WALLACE, Astronomer Emeritus

RESEARCH INTERESTS Spectroscopy and atmospheric structure of cool stars; molecular spectroscopy.




1. Abt, H.A. 2003, Information Handling in Astronomy - Historical Vistas, ed. A. Heck (Kluwer Academic), 127, “Changes in Astronomical Publications During the 20th Century.”

2. Abt, H.A. 2003, ApJ, 582, 420, “Post-Main-Sequence Changes in Rotational Velocities.”

3. Abt, H.A. 2003, The Future of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium. Volume I - Perceptions, Productivities, and Policies, ed. T.D. Oswalt (Kluwer Academic), 55, “Scientific Impact of Small Telescopes.”

4. Abt, H.A. 2003, The Garrison Festschrift, ed. R.O. Gray, C.J. Corbally, and A.G.D. Philip (L. Davis Press), 123, “Spectra Comparators.”

5. Abt. H.A. 2003, Biographical Memoirs, 82, 352, “Olin Chaddock Wilson: A Biographical Memoir.”

6. Abt, H.A. 2003, BAAS, 35, 869, “What Factors Determine Astronomical Productivity?”

7. Abt, H.A. 2002, Progress in Astronomy, 20, 299, “How To Write a Good Astronomical Paper.”

8. Abt, H.A. and Garfield, E. 2002, JASIST, 53, 13, “Is the Relationship Between Numbers of References and Paper Lengths the Same for All Sciences?”

9. Allende, C., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ApJS, 147, 363, “Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars. I. A Collection of Data for Light Neutral and Singly Ionized Atoms.”

10. Allende, C., Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ApJ, 591, 1192, “Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars. II. Restricted Non-LTE Calculations for a Solar-Like Atmosphere.”

11. Alves, V.M., … Claver, C.F., et al. 2003, Baltic Astron., 12, 33, “The Pulsating DB White Dwarf PG 1351+489.”

12. Autry, R.G., Probst, R.G., … Shaw, R., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 525, “NEWFIRM: the Widefield IR Imager for NOAO 4-m Telescopes.”

13. Bagnuolo, W.G., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1061, “Well-Resolved Binary Astrometry With the CHARA Array.”

14. Barden, S.C. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 1760, “Wide-Field Optical Spectrograph Concept for a 30-meter Telescope.”

15. Barden, S.C., Camacho, A., and Yarborough, H. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4842, eds. E. Atad-Ettedgui and S. D’Odorico (SPIE), 39, “Post-Polishing VPH Gratings for Improved Wavefront Performance.”

16. Bartstow, M.A., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 344, 562, “A Comparison of DA White Dwarf Temperatures and Gravities From FUSE Lyman Line and Ground-Based Balmer Line Observations.”

17. Barstow, M.A., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 341, 870, “Heavy-Element Abundance Patterns in Hot DA White Dwarfs.”

18. Bennett, D.P., … Lauer, T.R., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4854, eds. J.C. Blades and O.H.W. Siegmund (SPIE), 141, “The Galactic Exoplanet Survey Telescope.”

19. Binzel, R.P., … Belton, M., et al. 2003, Planetary and Space Science, 51, 443, “Interiors of Small Bodies: Foundations and Perspectives.”


20. Bonanos, A.Z., … Macri, L.M., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 175, “DIRECT Distances to Nearby Galaxies Using Detached Eclipsing Binaries and Cepheids. IX. Variables in the Field M31Y Discovered with Image Subtraction.”

21. Boroson, T.A. 2003, ApJ, 585, 647, “Does the Narrow [O III] 5007 Line Reflect the Stellar Velocity Dispersion in Active Galactic Nuclei?”

22. Bunker, A., … Dey, A., et al. 2003, The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift, eds. A. Renzini and R. Bender, 262, “HST Imaging of a z=1.55 Old Galaxy Group.”

23. Claver, C.F., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4837, ed. J.M. Oschmann and L.M. Stepp (SPIE), 438, “WIYN Tip-Tilt Module Performance.”

24. Connolly, A. and Boroson, T.A. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4844, ed. P.J. Quinn (SPIE), 225, “Design Decisions for Data Management with the LSST.”

25. Coude Du Foresto, V., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 280, “FLUOR Fibered Beam Combiner at the CHARA Array.”

26. Crawford, D.L., et al. 2003, The Future of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium. Volume I - Perceptions, Productivities, and Policies, ed. T.D. Oswalt (Kluwer Academic), 189, “GNAT - A Global Network of Small Astronomical Telescopes.”

27. Cunha, K., … Hinkle, K.H., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 1305, “Fluorine Abundances in the Large Magellanic Cloud and Centauri: Evidence for Neutrino Nucleosynthesis?”

28. Decin, L., … Hinkle, K., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 400, 679, “ISO-SWS Calibration and the Accurate Modeling of Cool-Star Atmospheres. II. General Results.”

29. de Grijs, R., … Lynds, R., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 343, 1285, “Star Cluster Formation and Evolution in Nearby Starburst Galaxies - II. Initial Conditions.”

30. De Young, D.S. 2003, MNRAS, 343, 719, “Relic Radio ‘Bubbles’ and Cluster Cooling Flows.”

31. Dobrzycki, A., … Macri, L.M., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 734, “New X-Ray Quasars behind the Small Magellanic Cloud.”

32. Dobrzycki, A., Macri, L.M., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1330, “Variability-selected Quasars behind the Small Magellanic Cloud.”

33. Dolphin, A.E. 2002, ASP Conf. 274, eds. T. Lejeune and J. Fernandes (ASP), 450, “Numerical Techniques and Histories of the Galactic dSph Companions.”

34. Dolphin, A.E., Saha, A., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 187, “Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Sextans A. III. The Star Formation History.”

35. Dolphin, A.E., Saha, A., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1261, “Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Sextans A. II. Cepheids and Distance.”

36. Engleman, R., Hinkle, K.H., and Wallace, L. 2003, J. Quant. Spect. Rad. Trans., 78, 1, “The Near-Infrared Spectrum of a Th/Ar Hollow Cathode Lamp.”

37. Fernandez, Y.R., … Belton, M.J.S., et al. 2003, Icarus, 164, 481, “The Nucleus of Deep Impact Target Comet 9P/Tempel 1.”


38. Fortney, J.J., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ApJ, 589, 615, “On the Indirect Detection of Sodium in the Atmosphere of the Planetary Companion to HD 209458.”

39. Fowler, A.M., Merrill, M., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 853, “Orion: The Largest Infrared Hybrid Focal Plane in Production.”

40. Gänsicke, B.T., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2002, ApJ, 594, 443, “Anomalous Ultraviolet Line Flux Ratios in the Cataclysmic Variables 1RXS J232953.9+062814, CE 315, BZ Ursae Majoris, and EY Cygni, Observed with the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph.”

41. Garcia-Gil, A., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner (ASP), 145, “Comparisons between Observed and Computed Visible and Near-UV Spectra of Vega.”

42. Gebhardt, K., … Lauer, T.R., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, ApJ, 583, 92, “Axisymmetric Dynamical Models of the Central Regions of Galaxies.”

43. Gezari, D.Y., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4860, ed. A.B. Schultz (SPIE), 302, “ExPO: A Discovery-Class Apodized Square Aperture Exo-Planet Imaging Space Telescope Concept.”

44. Glaspey, J. 2003, Light Pollution, ed. H.E. Schwarz (Kluwer Academic), 215, “Sports Lighting that Protects the Dark Sky.”

45. Green, P.J., … Jannuzi, B., et al. 2003, Astronomische Nachrichten, 324, 93, “The Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project (ChaMP): Results and Prospects.”

46. Greisen, E.G., Valdes, F.G., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 295, eds. H.E. Payne, R.I. Jedrzejewski, and R. N. Hook (ASP), 403, “Representations of Spectral Coordinates in FITS.”

47. Guseva, N.G., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 407, 105, “Spectroscopic and Photometric Studies of Low-Metallicity Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies. III. SBS 1415+437.”

48. Guseva, N.G., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 407, 91, “Spectroscopic and Photometric Studies of Low-Metallicity Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies. II. HS 1442+4250.”

49. Guseva, N.G., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 407, 75, “Spectroscopic and Photometric Studies of Low-Metallicity Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies . I. SBS 1129+576.”

50. Harmer, C.F.W., Claver, C.F., and Jacoby, G.H. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4836, ed. J.A. Tyson and S. Wolff (SPIE), 260, “Optical Design of the WIYN One Degree Imager.”

51. Head, J., … Belton, M.J.S., et al. 2002, Geophys. Research Letters, 29, 4, “Evidence For Europa-Like Tectonic Resurfacing Styles on Ganymede.”

52. Hebrard, G., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 405, 1153, “Modeling of the Lyman Gamma Satellites in FUSE Spectra of DA White Dwarfs.”

53. Hebrard, G., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 394, 647, “Quasi-molecular lines in Lyman wings of cool DA white dwarfs. Application to FUSE observations of G 231-40.”

54. Hillier, D.J., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ApJ, 588, 1039, “A Tale of Two Stars: The Extreme O7 Iaf+ Supergiant AV 83 and the OC7.5 III((f)) Star AV 69.”

55. Hinkle, K.H., Blum, R.D., Joyce, R.R., Sharp, N., Ridgway, S.T., … Najita, J., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4834, ed. P. Guhathakurta (SPIE), 353, “The Phoenix Spectrograph at Gemini South.”


56. Holberg, J.B., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 291, eds. K. Sembach et al. (ASP), 383, “A Detailed View of the Photosphere of the Hot White Dwarf G191-B2B from STIS.”

57. Hubeny, I. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner, 17, “Accelerated Lambda Iteration: An Overview.”

58. Hubeny, I., and Lanz, T. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner, 51, “Model Photospheres with Accelerated Lambda Iteration.”

59. Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 1011, “A Possible Bifurcation in Atmospheres of Strongly Irradiated Stars and Planets.”

60. Hubeny, I., Mihalas, D., and Werner, K. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, Stellar Atmosphere Modeling (ASP).

61. Jacoby, G.H., … Claver, C.F., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 3340, “Confirmation of SBS 1150+599A as an Extremely Metal-poor Planetary Nebula.”

62. Jacoby, G.H., … Claver, C.F., … Saha, A., et al. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4836, ed. J.A. Tyson and S. Wolff (SPIE), 217, “WIYN One Degree Imager.”

63. Janik, J. … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 408, 611, “Search for Forced Oscillations in Binaries. IV. The Eclipsing Binary V436 Per Revisited.”

64. Karachentsev, I. D., … Dolphin, A.E., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 408, 111, “Distances to Nearby Galaxies Around IC 342.”

65. Karachentsev, I. D., … Dolphin, A.E., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 404, 93, “Distances To Nearby Galaxies in Sculptor.”

66. Karachentsev, I.D., Sharina, M.E., Dolphin, A.E., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 398, 467, “Galaxy Flow in the Canes Venatici I Cloud.”

67. Karachentsev, I.D., … Dolphin, A.E., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 398, 479, “Local Galaxy Flows Within 5 Mpc.”

68. Kastner, J.H., … Merrill, K.M., et al. 2002, ApJ, 581, 1225, “On the Asymmetries of Extended X-Ray Emission from Planetary Nebulae.”

69. Kilic, M., … Claver, C.F. 2003, White Dwarfs, eds. D. de Martino et al. (Kluwer Academic), p. 389, “Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the NOAO Deep Wide--Field Survey.”

70. Kinman, T.D. 2002, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, 5354, 1, “The Absolute Magnitude (M_v) of Type ab RR Lyrae Stars.”

71. Kriss, G.A., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 403, 473, “Multiwavelength Studies of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 7469 I. Far UV Observations With FUSE.”

72. Lai, O., Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub, 1296, “OHANA Phase III: Scientific Operation of an 800 meter Mauna Kea Interferometer.”

73. Lai, O., Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub, 1410, “OHANA: Representative Science Objectives.”


74. Laine, S., … Lauer, T.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 478, “Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Brightest Cluster Galaxies.”

75. Lanz, T., Hubeny, I. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner (ASP), 117, “Atomic Data in Non-LTE Model Stellar Atmospheres.”

76. Lanz, T., Hubeny, I. 2003, ApJS, 147, 225, “Erratum: `A Grid of Non-LTE Line-blanketed Model Atmospheres of O-Type Stars’.''

77. Lanz, T., Hubeny, I. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I. Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner, 157, “A Grid of Non-LTE Line-Blanketed Model Atmospheres of O Stars.”

78. Lanz, T., and Hubeny, I. 2003, ApJS, 146, 417, “A Grid of Non-LTE Line-Blanketed Model Atmospheres of O-Type Stars.”

79. Larkin, J.E., … Sprayberry, D., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 1600, “OSIRIS: Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph for the Keck Adaptive Optics System.”

80. Lauer, T.R., … Green, R., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 1975, “Galaxies with a Central Minimum in Stellar Luminosity Density.”

81. Lebzelter, T., Hinkle, K.H. 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 393, 563, “Velocity Variability of Semiregular and Irregular Variables.”

82. Le Mignant, D., … Sprayberry, D., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4834, ed. P. Guhathakurta (SPIE), 319, “Io, the Movie.”

83. Liu, M.C., Najita, J., Tokunaga, A.T. 2003, ApJ, 585, 372, “A Survey for Circumstellar Disks Around Young Substellar Objects.”

84. Livingston, W., Wallace, L. 2003, Solar Phys., 212, 227, “The Sun’s Immutable Basal Quiet Atmosphere.”

85. Lyon, R.G., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4860, ed. A.B. Schultz (SPIE), 45, “Extra-Solar Planetary Imager (ESPI) For Space-Based Jovian Planetary Detection.”

86. MacKenty, J.W., Greenhouse, M.A., Green, R.F., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 953, “IRMOS: An Infrared Multi-Object Spectrometer Using a MEMS Micro-Mirror Array.”

87. Makarova, L.N., … Dolphin, A.E., et al. 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 396, 473, “Tidal Dwarfs in the M81 Group: The Second Generation?”

88. McAlister, H.A., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 476, “Spectroscopic Binary Stars and the CHARA Array.”

89. McLean, I.S., and Sprayberry, D. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, ed. M.Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 1, “Instrumentation at the Keck Observatory.”

90. Mennesson, B., … Ridgway, S., et al. 2002, ApJ, 579, 446, “Evidence for Very Extended Gaseous Layers around O-rich Mira Variables and M Giants.”

91. Mighell, K.J. 2003, ASP Conf. 295, eds. H.E. Payne, R.I. Jedrzejewski, and R. N. Hook (ASP), 395, “A Theoretical Photometric and Astrometric Performance Model for Point Spread Function CCD Stellar Photometry.”


92. Mirabal, N., … Dey, A., et al. 2002, ApJ, 578, 818, “Time-dependent Optical Spectroscopy of GRB 010222: Clues to the Gamma-Ray Burst Environment.”

93. Monier, E.M., … Green, R.F., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 2971, “The BTC40 Survey for Quasars at 4.8<z<6.”

94. Mould, J. 2003, ASP Conf. 291, eds. K.R. Sembach, et al. (ASP), 309, “HST++ Summary.”

95. Mould, J. 2003, ApJ, 587, L93, “A Model for SIRTF Galaxy Counts.”

96. Mueller, B.E.A., and Samarasinha, N.H. 2002. EMP, 90, 463, "Visible Lightcurve Observations of Comet 19P/Borrelly."

97. Najita, J., et al. 2003, ApJ, 589, 931, “Gas in the Terrestrial Planet Region of Disks: CO Fundamental Emission from T Tauri Stars.”

98. Najita, J., Strom, S.E. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4835, ed. A.M. Dressler (SPIE), 1, “Science Enabled By a 30m Telescope.”

99. Nisenson, P., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. vol. 294, eds. D. Deming and S. Seager (ASP), 633, “The Extra-Solar Planet Imager (ESPI).”

100. Papaderos, P., … Green, R.F., et al. 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 393, 461, “The Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy I Zw 18: A Comparative Study of Its Low-Surface-Brightness Component.”

101. Perrin, G.S., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1290, “OHANA Phase II: a Prototype Demonstrator of Fiber Linked Interferometry Between Very Large Telescopes.”

102. Pompea, S.M., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4842, eds. E. Atad-Ettedgui and S. D’Odorico (SPIE), 128, “Stray Light Analysis of the Apache Point Observatory 3.5-meter Telescope System.”

103. Postman, M., Lauer, T.R., et al. 2002, ApJ, 579, 93, “The KPNO/Deeprange Distant Cluster Survey. I. The Catalog and the Space Density of Intermediate-Redshift Clusters.”

104. Probst, R.G., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, eds. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 411, “ISPI: the Infared Side Port Imager For the CITO 4-m Telescope.”

105. Reuland, M. … Dey, A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 592, 755, “Giant Ly Nebulae Associated with High-Redshift Radio Galaxies.”

106. Rhoads, J.E., Dey, A., … Jannuzi, B.T., Brown, M.J., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1006, “Spectroscopic Confirmation of Three Redshift z~5.7 Ly� Emitters from the Large-Area Lyman Alpha Survey.”

107. Ridgway, S.T. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4852, ed. M. Shao (SPIE), 210, “Filled Aperture Concepts for the Terrestrial Planet Finder.”

108. Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1080, “CHARA Angular Diameter Measurements with a 330 Meter Baseline.”

109. Ridgway, S.T., and McAlister, H.A. 2003, The Future of Small Telescopes in the New Millennium Volume II – The Telescopes We Use, ed. T.D. Oswalt (Kluwer Academic), 231, “The CHARA Visible/IR Array on Mt. Wilson: Small Telescopes with Large Baselines.”

110. Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1310, “Optical Delay for OHANA.”


111. Ryans, R.S.I., … Hubeny, I., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 401, 1119, “An Analysis of the Optical Spectra of the Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars LSIV -12 111 and HD 341617.”

112. Ryan-Weber, E., … Mould, J.R., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 1954, “The 1000 Brightest HIPASS Galaxies: Newly Cataloged Galaxies.”

113. Sabra, B.M., … Jannuzi, B.T., et al. 2003, ApJ, 590, 66, “The Nature of the Ultraviolet/X-Ray Absorber in PG 2302+029.”

114. Saha, A., Smith, C., and Boroson, T.A. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4844, ed. P.J. Quinn (SPIE), 180, “Operation Planning for the Large-Aperture Synoptic Survey Telescope.”

115. Samarasinha, N.H., and Mueller, B.E.A. 2002, EMP, 90, 473, "Spin Axis Direction of Comet 19P/Borrelly Based on Observations from 2000 and 2001."

116. Seaman, R., … Lauer, T., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 295, eds. H.E. Payne, I. Jedrzejewski, and R.N. Hook (ASP), 100, “The NOAO Science Archive, Version 2.0.”

117. Sharp, N., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, ed. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 445, “Abu Infrared Imager.”

118. Sharp, N.A., Claver, C.F., Green, R.F., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4837, ed. J.M. Oschmann and L.M. Stepp (SPIE), 56, “You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks: The Mayall 4-meter Telescope.”

119. Shaw, R.A., Boroson, T.A., and Smith, R. C. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4844, ed. P.J. Quinn (SPIE), 197, “NOAO Data Products Program.”

120. Smith, V.V., Hinkle, K.H., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 3241, “Chemical Abundances in 12 Red Giants of the Large Magellanic Cloud from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy.”

121. Smith, C., … Valdes, F.G., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4836, eds. J. Tyson and S. Wolff (SPIE), 395, “Real-Time Time-Variability Analysis of GB to TB Data Sets: Experience from SuperMACHO and Supernova projects at NOAO/CTIO.”

122. Starr, B.M., … Merrill, M., Claver, C.F., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4841, ed. M. Iye and A.F.M. Moorwood (SPIE), 600, “MONSOON: Image Acquisition System or ‘Pixel Server.’”

123. Starr, B.M., Claver, C.F., Wolff, S., et al. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4836, ed. J.A. Tyson and S. Wolff (SPIE), 228, “LSST Instrument Concept.”

124. Strom. S.E., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4840, ed. JR.P. Angel and R. Gilmozzi (SPIE), 116, “Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope: a Point Design Based on Science Drivers.”

125. Sturmann, J., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1208, “Infrared Beam Combination at the CHARA Array.”

126. Sturmann, L., Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 1201, “Testing the CHARA Telescopes.”

127. Sudarsky, D., Burrows, A., Hubeny, I. 2003, ApJ, 588, 1121, “Theoretical Spectra and Atmospheres of Extrasolar Giant Planets.”

128. ten Brummelaar, T.A., … Ridgway, S.T., et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4838, ed. W.A. Traub (SPIE), 69, “An Update of the CHARA Array.”


129. Thim, F., Tammann, G.A., Saha, A., Dolphin, A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 590, 256, “The Cepheid Distance to NGC 5236 (M83) with the ESO Very Large Telescope.”

130. Tripp, T.M., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 3122, “Complex C: A Low-Metallicity, High-Velocity Cloud Plunging into the Milky Way.”

131. Tyson, J.A., and Wolff, S. 2002, SPIE Proc. 4836, Survey and Other Telescope Technologies and Discoveries (SPIE).

132. van Breugel, W.J., … Dey, A. et al. 2003, SPIE Proc. 4834, ed. P. Guhathakurta (SPIE), 24, “Bright Lights, Big City: High Redshift Radio Galaxies, Giant Ly-a Halos, and Proto-Clusters.”

133. van Noort, M., Hubeny, I., and Lanz, T. 2003, ASP Conf. 288, eds. I Hubeny, D. Mihalas, and K. Werner, 445, “Multidimensional ALI Radiative Transfer in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Systems.”

134. Waddington, I., … Dey, A., et al. 2002, MNRAS, 336, 1342, “Old Elliptical Galaxies at z ~= 1.5 and the Kormendy Relation.”

135. Wakker, B.P., … Green, R.F., et al. 2003, ApJS, 146, 1, “The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of O VI Absorption In and Near the Galaxy.”

136. Wallace, L., Livingston, W.C. 2003, An Atlas of the Solar Spectrum In the Infrared From 1850 to 9000 cm-1 (1.1 to 5.4 microns), Revised (National Solar Observatory).

137. Wallace, L., Hinkle, K. 2002, AJ, 124, 3393, “Medium-Resolution Stellar Spectra in the L Band from 2400 to 3000 cm-1 (3.3 to 4.2 Microns).”

138. White, R.L., … Lauer, T.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 706, “An I-Band-selected Sample of Radio-emitting Quasars: Evidence for a Large Population of Red Quasars.”

139. Yuan, Q., Green, R.F., and Brotherton, M.S. 2003, ASP Conf. 289, eds. S. Ikeuchi, J. Hearnshaw, and T. Hanawa (ASP), 409, “Intrinsic Far-UV Absorbers in the Radio-Loud Quasar 3C 351.”

140. Zirm, A.W., Dickinson, M., and Dey, A. 2003, AJ, 585, 90, “Massive Elliptical Galaxies at High Redshift: NICMOS Imaging of z~1 Radio Galaxies.”

141. Zwaan, M.A., … Mould, J.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 2842, “The 1000 Brightest HIPASS Galaxies: The H I Mass Function and HI.”


142. Araujo-Betancor, S., Knigge, C, Long, K.S., Hoard, D.W., Szkody, P., Rodgers, B., Krisciunas, K., Dhillon, V.S., Hynes, R.I., Patterson, J., Kemp, J. 2003, ApJ, 583, p. 437, “The System Parameters of DW Ursae Majoris”

143. Balega, Y.Y., Tokovinin, A.A., Pluzhnik, E.A., Weigelt, G. 2002, AstL, 28, p. 773, “The Spectroscopic and Interferometric Orbit of Gliese 150.2”

144. Barbosa, C.L.D.R., Damineli, A., Blum, R.D., Conti, P.S. 2003, ASP Conf. 287, ed. J.M. De Buizer, N.S. van der Bliek (ASP), p. 225, “NGC 3576 IRS 1 in the Mid Infrared”

145. Bersier, D., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, ApJ, 584, L43, “The Unusual Optical Afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 021004: Color Changes and Short-Timescale Variability”


146. Blum, R.D., et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p. 283, “Massive Star Birth in the Inner Galaxy: Obscured Massive Star Clusters”

147. Blum, R.D. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C.Esteban, p. 458, “The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions”

148. Brocato, E., Castellani, V., Di Carlo, E., Raimondo, G., Walker A.R. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 3111, “The Luminosity Function of the Large Magellanic Cloud Globular Cluster NGC 1866”

149. Candia, P., Krisciunas, K., …Suntzeff, N.B., …Rest, A., …Smith, R.C. 2003, PASP, 115, p. 277, “Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Unusual Type Ia Supernova 2000cx”

150. Conti, P.S., Blum, R.D. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p. 297, “The Giant H II Region W49A: A Starbirth Cluster”

151. Covey, K.R., …Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2003, PASP, 115, p. 819, “A Reinvestigation of the Possible Metallicity Spread in NGC 3201”

152. Dall’Ora, M., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, p. 197, “The Carina Project. I. Bright Variable Stars”

153. Damineli, A., …Blum, R.D. et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p. 359, “The Stellar Population of NGC 3576”

154. De Buizer, J.M., et al. 2002, ApJ, 580, p. 305, “Mid-Infrared Imaging of NGC 6334 I”

155. De Buizer, J.M. 2003, MNRAS, 341, p. 277, “Testing the Circumstellar Disc Hypothesis: A Search for H2 Outflow Signatures from Massive Young Stellar Objects with Linearly Distributed Methanol Masers”

156. De Buizer, J.M. 2003, ASP Conf. 287, ed. J.M. De Buizer, N.S. van der Bliek (ASP), p. 230, “High Resolution 18 m Imaging of Hot Molecular Cores”

157. Figuerêdo, E., Blum, R.D., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2739, “The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions. IV. NGC 3576”

158. Garnavich, P.M., …Krisciunas, K., et al. 2003, ApJ, 582, p. 924, “Discovery of the Low Redshift Optical Afterglow of GRB 011121 and Its Progenitor Supernova SN 2001ke”

159. González Delgado, D., Olofsson, H., Schwarz, H.E., Eriksson, K., Gustavsson, B., Gledhill, T. 2003, A&A, 399, p. 1021, “Imaging Polarimetry of Stellar Light Scattered in detach shells around the Carbon Stars R Scl and U Ant”

160. Hamuy, M., Phillips, M.M., Suntzeff, N.B., Maza, J., González, L.E., Roth, M., Krisciunas, K., Morrel, N., Green, E.M., Persson, S.E., McCarthy, J.P. 2003, Nature, 424, p. 651, “An Asymptotic-Giant-Branch Star in the Progenitor System of a Type Ia Supernova”

161. Hiriart, R., Smith, C., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 295, ed. H.E. Payne, R.I. Jedrzejewski, R.N. Hook (ASP), p. 299, “The SuperMacho+SuperNova Survey Database Design: Supporting Time Domain Analysis of GB to TB Astronomical Datasets”

162. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, A&A, 397, p. 585, “A Near-Infrared Survey for Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars”

163. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C. Esteban, p. 555, “A Near-Infrared Survey for Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars”


164. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, A&A, 408, p. 153, “Results from a Near Infrared Search for Emission-line Stars in the Inner Galaxy: Spectra of New Wolf-Rayet Stars”

165. Krisciunas, K., Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 166, “Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Nearby Type Ia Supernova 2001el”

166. Laws, C., …Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2664, “Parent Stars of Extrasolar Planets. VII. New Abundance Analyses of 30 Systems”

167. Michael, E., McCray, R., Chevalier, R., Filippenko, A.V., Lundqvist, P., Challis, P., Sugerman, B., Lawrence, S., Pun, C.S.J., Garnavich, P., Kirshner, R., Crotts, A., Fransson, C., Li, W., Panagia, N., Phillips, M., Schmidt, B., Sonneborn, G., Suntzeff, N., Wang, L., Wheeler, J.C. 2003, ApJ, 593, p. 809, “Hubble Space Telescope Observations of High-Velocity Ly an H Emission from Supernova Remnant 1987A: The Structure and Development of the Reverse Shock”

168. Monelli, M., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, p. 218, “The Carina Project. II. Stellar Populations”

169. Monier, E.M., …Smith, M.G., …Green, R.F., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2971, “The BTC40 Survey for Quasars at 4.8 < z < 6”

170. Monteiro, H., Schwarz, H.E. 2003, Rev Mex AA, 15, p. 79, “Spectrophotometric Mapping of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6369”

171. Monteiro, H., Schwarz, H.E. 2003, RevMexAA, 15, p. 80, “Three-Dimensional Photoionization Modeling of the Planetary Nebula NGC 6369”

172. Nazé, Y., …Smith, R.C., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 3325, “Structure and Dynamics of Candidate O Star Bubbles in N44”

173. Nowotny, W., Kerschbaum, F., Olofsson, H., Schwarz, H.E. 2003, A&A, 403, p. 93, “A Census of AGB Stars in Local Group Galaxies II. NGC 185 and NGC 147”

174. Nowotny, W., Kerschbaum, F., Olofsson, H., Schwarz, H.E. 2003, ASP Conf. 274, ed. T. Lejeune, J. Fernandes (ASP), p. 472, “The AGB Populations of Local Group Galaxies”

175. Olsen, K.A.G., Salyk, C. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2045, “A Warp in the Large Magellanic Cloud Disk?”

176. Olsen, K., …Schommer, R., Suntzeff, N., et al. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 275, “The Globular Cluster Systems of the Sculptor Group”

177. Olsen, K.A.G., Blum, R.D., Rigaut, F. 2003, AJ, 126, p. 452, “Stellar Crowding and the Science Case for Extremely Large Telescopes”

178. Radomski, J.T., Piña, R.K., Packham, C., Telesco C.M., De Buizer, J.M., Fisher, R. S., Robinson, A. 2003, ApJ, 587, p. 117, “Resolved Mid-Infrared Emission in the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 4151”

179. Raimondo, G., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 274, ed. T. Lejeune, J. Fernandes (ASP), p. 425, “MS-Fitting Method: A New Determination of the Distance of the LMC Cluster NGC 1866”

180. Reipurth, B., …Bouchet, P., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2194, “Evolution of the FU Orionis Object BBW 76”

181. Salaris, M., Percival, S., Brocato, E., Raimondo, G., Walker A.R. 2003, ApJ, 588, p. 801, “The Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud Cluster NGC 1866 and the Surrounding Field”


182. Schwarz, H.E., Monteiro, H. 2003, RevMexAA, 15, p. 23, “Properties of Bipolar Planetary Nebulae”

183. Smith, V.V., Terndrup, D.M., Suntzeff, N.B. 2002, ApJ, 579, p. 832, “Carbon Isotopic Abundances in the Red Giants of Centauri (NGC 5139)”

184. Sollerman, J., …Smith, R.C., et al. 2003, A&A, 407, p. 249, “High Resolution Spectroscopy of Balmer-dominated Shocks in the RCW 86, Kepler and SN 1006 Supernova Remnants”

185. Stanek, K.Z., Matheson, T., Garnavich, P.M., Martini, P., Berlind, P., Caldwell, N., Challis, P., Brown, W.R., Schild, R., Krisciunas, K., Calkins, M.L., Lee, J.C., Hathi, N., Jansen, R.A., Windhorst, R., Echevarria, L., Eisenstein, D.J., Pindor, B., Olszewski, E.W., Harding, P., Holland, S.T., Bersier, D. 2003, ApJ, 591, L17, “Spectroscopic Discovery of the Supernova 2003dh Associated with GRB 030329”

186. Sterzik, M.F., Tokovinin, A.A., Shatsky, N. 2003, ASP Conf. 287, ed. J.M. De Buizer, N.S. van der Bliek (ASP), p. 403, “Orbit Orientations and Eccentricities in Triples: Implications on Their Formation and Evolution”

187. Stritzinger, M., …Suntzeff, N.B., …Smith, R.C., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2100, “Optical Photometry of the Type Ia Supernova 1999ee and the Type Ib/c Supernova 1999ex in IC 5179”

188. Strolger, L.-G, …Smith, R.C., …Suntzeff, N.B., …Schommer, R.A., …Krisciunas, K., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2905, “The Type Ia Supernova 1999aw: A Probable 1999aa-Like Event in a Low-Luminosity Host Galaxy”

189. Tokovinin, A. 2002, PASP, 114, p. 1156, “From Differential Image Motion to Seeing”

190. Tokovinin, A., Baumont, S., Vasquez, J. 2003, MNRAS, 340, p. 52, “Statistics of Turbulence Profile at Cerro Tololo”

191. Tokovinin, A. 2003, ASP Conf. 287, ed. J.M. De Buizer, N.S. van der Bliek, (ASP), p. 397, “Recipes for Making Short Period Binaries”

192. Tokovinin, A., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 343, p. 891, “Restoration of Turbulence Profile from Scintillation Indices”

193. Tonry, J.L., …Krisciunas, K., …Schommer, R., …Smith, R.C., …Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2003, ApJ., 594, p. 1, “Cosmological Results from High-z Supernovae”

194. Tylenda, R., Siódmiak, N., Górny, S.K., Corradi, R.L.M., Schwarz, H.E. 2003, A&A, 405, p. 627, “Angular Dimensions of Planetary Nebulae”

195. van der Marel, R.P., …Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2639, “New Understanding of Large Magellanic Cloud Structure, Dynamics, and Orbit from Carbon Star Kinematics”

196. Walker, A.R., Raimondo, G., Di Carlo, E. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 539, “Variable Stars in Clusters and the Distance Scale – Some Recent Results Concerning the LMC Cluster NGC 1866”

197. Wang, L., Wheeler, J.C., Höflich, P., Khokhlov, A., Baade, D., Branch, D., Challis, P., Filippenko, A.V., Franson, C., Garnavich, P., Kirshner, R.P., Lundqvist, P., McRay, R., Panagia, N., Pun, C.S.J., Phillips, M.M., Sonneborn, G., Suntzeff, N.B. 2002, ApJ, 579, p. 671, “The Axisymmetric Ejecta of Supernova 1987A”

198. Whiting, A.B. 2003, ApJ, 587, p. 186, “The Kinematic State of the Local Volume”


199. Wijnands, R., Nowak, M., Miller, J.M., Homan, J., Wachter, S., Lewin, W.H.G. 2003, ApJ, 594, p. 952, “A Chandra Observation of the Neutron Star X-Ray Transient and Eclipsing Binary MXB 1659-29 in Quiescense”


200. Pompea, S.M. 2002, November, SPIE’s OE magazine, “Learning By Doing, Immersive Summer Experience, Combined with Ongoing Education, Helps Teachers Bring Research Into the Classroom”

201. Pompea, S.M., Pfisterer, R. and Morgan, J. 2002, “Proceedings of the SPIE A Stray Light Analysis of the Apache Point Observatory 3.5-Meter Telescope System”, 2002

202. McGee, S., Dimitrov, D.M., Kirby, J., and Croft, S.K. 2002, American Educational Research Association Conference (New Orleans, LA) Publication, “Using Design Experiments to Investigate Long-term Program Success

203. McGee, S., Kirby, J., and Croft, S.K., 2002, American Educational Research Association Conference (New Orleans, LA) Publication, “Activity summaries as a Classroom Tool”

204. Pompea, S.M. and Gould, A. 2003 Invisible Universe: The Electromagnetic Spectrum from Radio Waves to Gamma Rays, Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) Book Series, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA

205. Glaser, D., Beals, K., Pompea, S.M. and Willard, C. 2003, Living with a Star, Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) Book Series, Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley, CA

206. Pompea, S.M., Spadaccini, J., Bergman, L., et al., Living with a Star Educational CD-ROM, Lawrence Hall of Science and Center for Science Education at the Space Sciences Lab, Berkeley, CA, 2003




Number of U.S. observing proposals awarded time via the NOAO TAC process (12 months ending July 31, 2003)


Number of U.S. investigators associated with successful observing proposals (excludes NOAO scientific staff)


Number of graduate thesis programs 77


A total of 95 U.S. proposals were awarded time on the Gemini telescopes in the two semesters ending July 31, 2003, of which 11 (12%) were thesis programs. The number of U.S. investigators associated with these proposals was 228. Approximately one-quarter of the U.S. investigators came from one of the following institutions: (1) University of California, Berkeley, (2) Space Telescope Science Institute, (3) University of Texas, Austin, (4) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (5) Johns Hopkins University.

The names of successful proposers, proposal titles, telescope scheduled, and number of nights awarded are specified in the following list. (** = Program allocated time in Band 4 of the observing queue (overfill time.) GEM NQ = Gemini N. Queue. GEM-SQ = Gemini S. Queue. )

NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

1. T. Armandroff (NOAO), N. Caldwell (Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs.), G. Da Costa (Australian National U.): “The Extended Star Formation Histories of M81 Group Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies”

GEM-NQ 1.38

2. S. Balachandran (U. of Maryland), J. Carr (Naval Research Lab.): “The 16O/17O Ratio in Halo Giants and the Oxygen Abundance in the Early Galaxy”


3. J. Bally (U. of Colorado), T. Hayward (Gemini Obs.), M. Morris, R. Shuping (UCLA): “Massive Star Formation in Orion: Direct Accretion or Cannibalism?”


4. M. Bergmann (G) (U. of Texas, Austin), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Obs.), K. Gebhardt (U. of Texas, Austin), A. Zabludoff (U. of Arizona): “Elliptical Galaxy Halo Dynamics & Stellar Populations”

GEM-NQ 3.13

5. J. De Buizer (CTIO): “Mid-Infrared Imaging of the G29.96-0.02 Hot Core” GEM-SQ 0.5

6. I. De Pater (UC Berkeley), M. Showalter (NASA Ames Research Ctr.), J. Burns (Cornell U.), D. Hamilton (U. of Maryland), B. Macintosh (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.): “Jovian Ring Plane Crossing”


7. M. Dietrich, F. Hamann (U. Florida): “Star Formation History and Quasars at z >~ 5” GEM-NQ 1

8. A. Gilbert (G), J. Graham (UC Berkeley): “The Gas-Phase Abundance Distribution of Super Star Clusters in the Antennae Galaxies”


9. J. Gizis (U. of Delaware), A. Schweitzer (U. of Georgia): “Phoenix High Resolution Observations of Ultracool Dwarfs”


10. J. Halpern (Columbia U.), P. Price (G) (Australian National U.), D. Fox (Calif. Inst. of Technology), B. Schmidt (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics), N. Mirabal (G) (Columbia U.), T. Axelrod (U. of Arizona): “Search for Small-Scale Structure in Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows”

GEM-SQ 0.5


NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

11. B. Hansen (UCLA), H. Richer (U. of British Columbia), G. Fahlman (CFHT), B. Gibson (Swinburne U.), J. Kalirai (G) (U. of British Columbia), T. Von Hippel (U. of Texas, Austin): “The White Dwarf Cooling Age and Initial-Final Mass Relationship–Constraints from Open Star Clusters.”

GEM-NQ 1.32

12. T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), S. Howell (PSI), H. Osborne (G), J. Johnson (New Mexico State U.): “NIRI Spectra of EF Eri: An Object that Transitions from an L-dwarf, to a T-dwarf, and Back Again”

GEM-NQ 0.12

13. P. Hartigan (Rice U.): “The Anatomy of Magnetic Precursors and C-Shocks” GEM-NQ 0.6

14. K. Hinkle (NOAO), T. Lebzelter (Universitat Wien), P. Wood (Australian National U.), V. Smith (U. Texas El Paso): “Abundances and Mass Loss on the 47 Tuc AGB”


15. S. Howell (PSI), C. Woodward (U. of Minnesota), M. Huber (PSI), B. Gansicke (U. of Southampton), S. Starrfield (Arizona State U.), R. Wagner (U. of Arizona), P. Szkody (U. of Washington), T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), V. Dhillon (U. of Sheffield), K. Long (STScI), E. Sion (Villanova U.): “The First Direct Measurement of the Intrinsic Properties and Chemical Abundances of the Mass Donor Stars in Cataclysmic Variables”


16. B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso U.), S. Kwok (U. of Calgary), K. Hinkle (NOAO), D. Kelly (U. of Arizona): “H2 Emission to Probe Small, Spatially-Resolved PPNs”


17. B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso U.), S. Kwok, K. Volk (U. of Calgary): “Mid-IR Imaging of Circumstellar Rings in PPNs”

GEM-SQ 0.15

18. E. Jensen (Swarthmore College), D. Koerner (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Whitaker (U) (Swarthmore College), B. Biller (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics): “Disks around the nearest young stars”


19. K. Lanzetta (SUNY, Stony Brook), H. Chen (Carnegie Observatories), J. Webb (U. of New South Wales): “The Relationship between Lyman-alpha Absorbers and Galaxies at z=1 to 2”


20. J. Lowenthal (U. Mass), D. Koo (UC Santa Cruz), N. Roche (U. of Edinburgh): “Internal Kinematics of Radio-Selected Starburst Galaxies”


21. K. Luhman, G. Fazio (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics): “Searching for the Bottom of the Initial Mass Function”

GEM-NQ 2.6

22. K. Luhman (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics), C. Briceno (Centro de Investigación de Astronomía), L. Hartmann (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics): “Spectroscopy of Brown Dwarf Candidates in Taurus”


23. L. Macri, D. Sasselov, K. Stanek (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics): “Improving the Cepheid Distance Scale”

GEM-NQ 0.6

24. P. Maloney (U. of Colorado), C. Dudley (Naval Research Lab.), M. Imanishi (National Astronomical Obs. of Japan), T. Geballe (Gemini Obs.): “Buried AGN in LINER-type Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies”

GEM-NQ 2.5

25. B. McCall (UC Berkeley), R. Jayawardhana (U. of Michigan), J. Graham (UC Berkeley): “Molecular Emission as a Diagnostic of Planet Formation in Herbig Ae/Be Disk Systems”


26. P. McCarthy (Carnegie Observatories), K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins U.), R. Abraham (U. of Toronto), I. Hook (U. of Oxford), H. Chen (MIT), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Obs.), D. Crampton (DRAO), K. Koviak (G): “The Gemini Deep Deep Survey”



NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

27. K. Olsen, R. Blum (NOAO), S. Ramirez (Calif. Inst. of Technology), K. Sellgren (Ohio State U.): “Do the LMC and Milky Way Globular Clusters Share a Common Origin?”


28. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi, M. Brown (NOAO): “A Census of z > 4 Galaxies”


29. R. Rich (UCLA), H. Richer (U. of British Columbia), B. Gibson (Swinburne U.), G. Fahlman (CFHT), B. Hansen (UCLA): “Terminating Messier 4”

GEM-SQ 1.4

30. M. Simon (SUNY, Stony Brook), L. Prato (UCLA), G. Torres (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics): “IR Detection of Low-Mass Secondaries in PMS Spectroscopic Binaries”


31. V. Smith (U. of Texas El Paso), K. Cunha (Obs. Nacional), N. Suntzeff, K. Hinkle (NOAO): “The Chemical Composition of the Small Magellanic Cloud from Infrared Spectroscopy of Red-Giant Stars”


32. K. Stassun, R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Newly Discovered Pre-Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binaries in Orion”


33. N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Schmidt (Australia Telescope National Facility), C. Stubbs (U. of Washington), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), A. Riess (STScI), J. Tonry (U. of Hawaii), R. Smith, K. Krisciunas (NOAO), M. Phillips (Las Campanas Obs.), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), B. Barris (U. of Hawaii), W. Li (UC Berkeley), C. Hogan, G. Miknaitis (U. of Washington), S. Holland (U. of Notre Dame), S. Jha, T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics), J. Sollerman (ESO), P. Challis (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics), S. Pompea (NOAO), A. Becker (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), A. Rest (U. of Washington): “The w Project: Measuring the Equation of State of the Universe”


34. S. Trager (Carnegie Observatories), J. Jensen (Gemini Obs.), A. Dressler (Carnegie Institution of Washington): “Surface Brightness Fluctutations in the Near Infrared: A Unique Tool for Stellar Population Studies”

GEM-NQ 1.7

35. J. Valenti (STScI), C. Johns-Krull (Rice U.): “Multi-Wavelength Analysis of Stellar Magnetic Flux Tubes”


36. L. Van Zee (Indiana U.), E. Skillman (U. of Minnesota), J. Salzer (Wesleyan U.): “Stellar Rotation Curves of Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies”


37. T. Von Hippel (U. of Texas, Austin), A. Sarajedini (U. of Florida), B. Chaboyer (Dartmouth College), J. Jensen (Gemini Obs.): “Testing stellar interiors & atmospheres at [Fe/H]=+0.4: Observations of faint main sequence stars in NGC 6791”

GEM-NQ 0.76

38. W. Waller (Tufts U.), J. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), E. Turner (Princeton U.), W. Colley (MIT): “Deep Near-IR Imaging of Gravitationally-Lensed High-Z Galaxies in the Field of the Cluster ZwCl0024+1654”


39. R. Windhorst, S. Odewahn, S. Cohen (Arizona State U.), S. Driver (Australian National U.), J. Liske (U. of St. Andrews): “Constraining Omega-Lambda and Omega-Matter from the redshift distribution of elliptical galaxies”


40. C. Woodward (U. of Minnesota), D. Wooden, D. Harker (NASA Ames Research Ctr.), B. Rodgers (Gemini Obs.): “Mid-IR Imaging the Enigmatic T Tauri Star DG Tau”



NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

41. S. Zepf, A. Kundu (Michigan State U.), K. Ashman (Baker College), T. Puzia (G) (Ludwig-Maximilian Universitat-Muchen), K. Rhode (G) (Yale U.): “Age-Dating the Major Formation Events in Elliptical Galaxies Through K-band Imaging of Their Globular Clusters”

GEM-SQ 0.4

42. D. Alves (Columbia U.), E. Wishnow, K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.): “Mass Loss from Red Giants in Second-Parameter Globular Clusters”


43. S. Balachandran (U. of Maryland), J. Carr (Naval Research Lab.), B. Carney (U. of North Carolina): “Oxygen in the Early Galaxy”

GEM-SQ 3.8

44. N. Calvet (Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs.): “Probing the elusive environment of the inner-disk regions of T Tauri stars via HeI 10830A line profiles”


45. J. Carr (Naval Research Lab.), S. Balachandran (U. of Maryland): “Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Center”

GEM-SQ 4.2

46. I. De Pater (UC Berkeley), M. Showalter (Stanford U.), J. Burns (Cornell U.), B. Macintosh (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.): “Jovian Ring Plane Crossing”


47. M. Dietrich, F. Hamann (U. of Florida): “High Redshift Quasars and early Star Formation” GEM-NQ 2.2

48. E. Ellingson (U. Colorado), H. Yee, K. Blindert, H. Hoekstra (U. Toronto): “Rich Optically-Selected Galaxy Clusters at z~1 from the RCS Survey”

GEM-NQ 1.38

49. X. Fan (U. of Arizona), M. Strauss (Princeton U.), L. Pentericci, H. Rix (Max-Planck Inst. fur extraterrestrische Physik): “Constraining the Age of a z=6.40 Quasar with FeII Emission”


50. L. Ferrarese (Rutgers U.), B. Peterson, R. Pogge (Ohio State U.), D. Merritt (Rutgers U.), A. Wandel (The Hebrew U.), C. Onken (G) (Ohio State U.): “Understanding Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies”


51. A. Fruchter (STScI), N. Tanvir (U. Hertfordshire), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), R. Wijers (SUNY, Stony Brook), J. Rhoads (STScI), S. Thorsett (UC Santa Cruz), E. Pian (Inst. di Radioastronomia), S. Wachter (SIRTF), K. Sahu (STScI), P. Vreeswijk (G) (U. Amsterdam), J. Gorosabel (LAEFF), J. Castro Ceron (G) (STScI), J. Hjorth (Copenhagen U.): “Quick Response to GRBs: probing underlying supernovae and rapid variability”

GEM-SQ 0.8

52. P. Garnavich (U. Notre Dame), H. Marion (G), P. Hoeflich (U. Texas, Austin): “SN Ia: The Collision of Theory and Observation”


53. T. Geballe (Gemini Obs.): “The abundance of CO in T-type (methane-dominated) brown dwarfs” GEM-NQ *

54. K. Gebhardt (U. Texas, Austin), T. Lauer (NOAO), R. Van Der Marel (STScI): “Black Holes in Brightest Cluster Galaxies”


55. K. Gebhardt (U. Texas, Austin), M. Beasley (Swinburne U.), D. Hanes (Queen’s U.), R. Sharples (U. Durham), J. Forte (IAFE), T. Bridges (Anglo-Australian Obs.), D. Forbes (Swinburne U.): “Multi-Object Spectroscopy of the GC Systems of Ellipticals”


56. K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins U.), P. McCarthy (Carnegie Obs.), R. Abraham (U. Toronto), H. Chen (MIT), I. Hook (U. Oxford), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Obs.), D. Crampton (DRAO): “The Gemini Deep Deep Survey”


57. B. Hrivnak (Valparaiso U.), S. Kwok (U. Calgary), K. Hinkle (NOAO), D. Kelly, K. Su (U. Arizona): “H2 Emission to Probe Small, Spatially-Resolved PPNs”

GEM-SQ 0.8


NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

58. R. Hynes, E. Robinson (U. Texas, Austin), P. Charles (U. Southampton), J. Casares, C. Zurita (G) (Inst. de Astrofisica de Canarias), M. Garcia, A. Kong (Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs.), C. Haswell (Open U.), R. Fender (U. Amsterdam), T. Shahbaz (Inst. de Astrofisica de Canarias), J. McClintock (Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs.): “Probing the Accretion Geometry of a Quiescent Black Hole”


59. R. Hynes, E. Robinson (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Haswell (Open U.), K. Horne (U. of St. Andrews), P. Charles (U. of Southampton), A. King, D. Rolfe (U. of Leicester): “Understanding Irradiation in Low-mass X-ray Binaries”


60. D. Jaffe (U. of Texas, Austin), G. Doppmann, T. Greene (NASA Ames Research Center): “Completing A Test of the Age-SED Relation”


61. D. Lambert (U. of Texas, Austin), K. Eriksson, B. Gustafsson (Uppsala U.), K. Hinkle (NOAO), N. Ryde (U. of Texas, Austin), R. Wahlin (G), B. Westerlund (Uppsala U.): “Carbon Stars in the Local Group - Detailed Abundance Analysis of Carbon Stars in the LMC”

GEM-SQ 0.8

62. D. Lambert (U. of Texas, Austin), K. Eriksson, B. Gustafsson (Uppsala U.), G. Harper (U. of Colorado), K. Hinkle (NOAO), N. Ryde (U. of Texas, Austin): “A CO Resonance Scattering Map of alpha Ori’s Circumstellar Shell”


63. C. Lang (U. of Iowa), K. Johnson (NRAO Headquarters): “Revealing the Hidden Stellar Content of the Quintuplet Cluster”

GEM-NQ 0.25

64. S. Majewski (U. of Virginia), M. Siegel (STScI), S. Sohn (G), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia): “Dark Matter or Tidal Disruption?: The Cases of the Distant Leo I and Leo II Dwarf Spheroidals”


65. M. Malkan (UCLA): “Direct Comparison of Optical and Infrared Searches for High-Redshift Galaxies: How Much of the Young Universe has been Obscured by Dust?”


66. M. Meixner (STScI), T. Ueta (Observatoire Royal de Belgique): “High-Resolution Mid-IR Imaging of Northern Proto-Planetary Nebula Candidates”

GEM-NQ 1.5

67. L. Moustakas (STScI), R. Metcalf (UC Santa Cruz): “Probing Dark Matter Halo Substructure with Strong Lenses”

GEM-SQ 1.5

68. M. Mumma (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), R. Novak (Iona College): “Search for Methane on Mars”


69. J. Najita (NOAO), J. Carr (Naval Research Lab.): “The Gas Dissipation Timescale in Protoplanetary Disks”


70. K. Noll, D. Stephens (STScI), S. Leggett (UKIRT), T. Geballe (Gemini Obs.), M. Marley (NASA Ames Research Center), D. Saumon (Los Alamos): “3-4 (micron) Spectra of L and T Dwarfs”


71. P. Nugent, G. Aldering (UC Berkeley), D. Howell (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), N. Suntzeff (NOAO), S. Perlmutter (UC Berkeley), C. Smith (CTIO): “Metallicity Effects in the Spectra and Light Curves of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae”


72. T. Oka (U. of Chicago), B. McCall (UC Berkeley), T. Geballe (Gemini Obs.), K. Hinkle (NOAO), M. Goto (U. of Hawaii): “Observation of H3

+ and CO toward the Galactic Center” GEM-SQ 2.5


NGSC Observing Programs (84) – Non-Thesis Telescope # Nights

73. M. Postman (STScI), W. Zheng, H. Ford, N. Benitez (Johns Hopkins U.), G. Illingworth (U. of Calif. Obs.), T. Broadhurst (The Hebrew U.), Z. Tsvetanov, K. Zekser (Johns Hopkins U.), C. Gronwall (Pennsylvania State U.): “Deep Infrared Imaging of ACS Fields: A Search for z > 7 Galaxies”


74. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI): “Constraining Reionization with Lyman-(alpha) Galaxies” GEM-NQ 1.7

75. P. Schechter (MIT): “The anomalous flux ratio in PG1115+080: millilensing or micro?” GEM-NQ 0.1

76. M. Simon (SUNY, Stony Brook), L. Prato (UCLA): “Mass Ratios in the Young Quadruple HD 98800”

GEM-SQ 0.3

77. V. Smith (U. of Texas El Paso), D. Terndrup (Ohio State U.), K. Cunha (Observatorio Nacional), N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Barbuy (IAGUSP), K. Hinkle (NOAO): “Chemical Evolution in the Galactic Bulge: Oxygen to Iron Ratios”


78. K. Stassun, R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Newly Discovered Pre-Main-Sequence Eclipsing Binaries in Orion”

GEM-SQ 1.25

79. J. Thorstensen, W. Fenton (G) (Dartmouth College), J. Patterson (Columbia U.): “The Enigmatic Cataclysmic Variable V485 Cen”


80. A. Tokovinin (CTIO), N. van der Bliek, K. Hinkle (NOAO): “Spectro-astrometry of Infrared companions”


81. T. Tripp, D. Bowen (Princeton U.), J. Prochaska (Carnegie Obs.), E. Jenkins (Princeton U.), B. Savage (U. of Wisconsin Madison), K. Sembach (STScI): “Probing the Nature of Low-Redshift O VI Absorbers with a Deep Galaxy Redshift Survey”

GEM-NQ 2.08

82. N. Vogt (New Mexico State U.), R. Abraham (U. of Toronto), A. Bunker (U. of Cambridge), R. Bower (U. of Durham), R. Ellis (CalTech-JPL), R. Johnson (ESO), R. McMahon, I. Parry, J. Smith (U. of Cambridge), M. Takamiya (Gemini Obs.): “Near-IR Integral Field Spectroscopy of z~1 Galaxies”

GEM-SQ 1.25

83. T. Von Hippel (U. of Texas, Austin), A. Sarajedini (U. of Florida), B. Chaboyer (Dartmouth College), J. Jensen (Gemini Obs.): “Testing stellar interiors & atmospheres at [Fe/H]=+0.4: Observations of faint main sequence stars in NGC 6791”

GEM-NQ 0.83

84. D. Weintraub (Vanderbilt U.), J. Kastner (Rochester Inst. of Technology), J. Bary (Vanderbilt U.): “Using Emission from Molecular Hydrogen Gas to Measure Masses of Circumstellar Disks of T Tauri Stars”


NGSC— U.S. Thesis Programs (11) Telescope #Nights

85. J. Bary (T), D. Weintraub (Vanderbilt U.), J. Kastner (Rochester Inst. of Technology): “Constraining Planet Formation Timescales: Spectroscopic Survey of Classical and Weak-lined T Tauri Stars”


86. S. Brittain (T), T. Rettig (U. of Notre Dame), C. Kulesa (U. of Arizona): “H3+ and H2 Line Emission in Pre-Planetary Disks around Young Stellar Objects”


87. P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), H. Marion (T), P. Hoeflich (U. of Texas, Austin): “SN Ia: The Collision of Theory and Observation”

GEM-NQ 1.5

88. J. Graham, A. Gilbert (T) (UC Berkeley): “Near-IR Imaging of Super Star Clusters in the Antennae”

GEM-NQ 0.6


NGSC— U.S. Thesis Programs (11) Telescope #Nights

89. R. Knop (Vanderbilt U.), I. Hook (U. of Oxford), S. Perlmutter, G. Aldering, P. Nugent (UC Berkeley), E. Smith (T) (Vanderbilt U.), M. Doi (U. of Tokyo), G. Goldhaber (UC Berkeley), S. Burns (Colorado College), R. Ortman (G) (Vanderbilt U.), E. Commins (UC Berkeley), D. Howell, L. Wang (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.), R. Gibbons (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.), A. Spadafora (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.), A. Conley (G), M. Wood-Vasey (G), D. Kasen (G), R. Vogel (G) (UC Berkeley), A. Goobar (Stockholm U.), N. Regnault (Lawrence Berkeley Lab.), D. Groom (UC Berkeley), S. Deustua (AAS): “Cosmology with High-Redshift Type Ia Supernovae”

GEM-NQ 2.33

90. J. Lowenthal, N. Bouche (T) (U. Mass): “Galaxies near Damped Ly(alpha) Clouds at z~3” GEM-NQ 2.75

91. P. Moth (T), R. Elston (U. of Florida): “Near-IR Spectroscopy of Lyman Break Galaxies in the Field of Q0000-2620”


92. J. Dalcanton, P. Yoachim (T) (U. of Washington), R. Bernstein (U. of Michigan): “The Dynamics of Thick Disks: Constraining the Early Evolution of Galaxies”


93. M. Geha (T) (UC Santa Cruz), P. Guhathakurta (Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics), R. Van Der Marel (STScI): “Two-Dimensional Internal Velocity Fields of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies”

GEM-NQ 0.6

94. T. Grav (T), M. Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Kavelaars (DRAO): “Near Infrared Broadband Colors of Irregular Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn”


95. J. Lowenthal (Smith College), N. Bouche (T) (U. Mass), S. Ellison (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), J. Schaye (Inst. for Advanced Study): “Multi-Object Spectroscopy of High Redshift Galaxies near Ly-Alpha Clouds”



In the12 months ending July 31, 2003, a total of 146 U.S. programs were awarded time on the KPNO telescopes, including 36 (25%) thesis programs. Excluding NOAO scientific staff members, the number of U.S. investigators associated with these programs was 366. Approximately one-quarter of the U.S. investigators came from one of the following institutions: (1) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (2) Space Telescope Science Institute, (3) University of California, Berkeley, (4) California Institute of Technology, (5) University of Arizona.

Observer names, program titles, number of nights awarded, and telescopes are specified in the following tables. (WIYN-SYN = Synoptic/Queue. **ToO = Target of Opportunity scheduling.)

02-B KPNO – U.S. Observing Programs (non-thesis) (54) Telescope Nights

1. P. Appleton (Calif. Inst. of Technology), M. Lacy (SIRTF), J. Condon (NRAO), G. Helou, L. Storrie-Lombardi, F. FLS Team Members (SIRTF), M. Im (UC Santa Cruz): “A Redshift Survey of Radio-selected Galaxies in the SIRTF First Look Survey”


2. D. Bersier (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), N. Tanvir : “Long Period Variables in NGC 3368” WIYN-SYN 0.5

3. H. Bond (STScI), O. De Marco (American Museum of Natural History), D. Harmer (NOAO), A. Fleming (G) (STScI): “Searching for Spectroscopic Binaries in Planetary Nebulae”


4. R. Chandar (STScI), A. Sarajedini (U. of Florida), L. Bianchi, H. Ford (Johns Hopkins U.): “The Formation and Evolution of M33 From Star Cluster Properties”


5. A. Crotts, R. Uglesich (Columbia U.), K. Kuijken (Kapteyn Astronomical Inst.), G. Gyuk (UC San Diego), A. Gould (Ohio State U.), W. Sutherland (U. of Oxford), L. Widrow (Queen’s U.), D. Alves, P. Cseresnjes (Columbia U.), T. De Jong, P. Sackett (Kapteyn Astronomical Inst.):

KP-4m 5


02-B KPNO – U.S. Observing Programs (non-thesis) (54) Telescope Nights“The MEGA Survey: Mapping Microlensing in M31”

6. I. Dell’Antonio (Brown U.), L. Guzzo, M. Longhetti (G), A. Moretti, S. Campana (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), D. Lazzati (G) (U. of Cambridge), M. Panzera, G. Tagliaferri (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), R. Bouwens (UC Santa Cruz), L. Infante (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), A. Fernandez-Soto (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera): “Distant Compact Clusters of Galaxies from the BMW Survey”

KP-2.1m 7

7. A. Dolphin, A. Saha (NOAO): “Dwarf Galaxy Histories: Breaking the Age-Metallicity Degeneracy” WIYN 3

8. L. Dundon (U), D. Katz (US Naval Academy), J. Larsen (U. of Arizona): “Studying the Physical Properties of a Sample of Near-Earth Objects”

KP-2.1m 2.5

9. P. Durrell, R. Ciardullo (Penn. State U.), G. Jacoby (WIYN), M. Laychak (U) (Penn. State U.), J. Feldmeier (Case Western Reserve U.): “The Velocity Dispersion of the M33 Disk”


10. M. Eracleous (Penn. State U.), J. Halpern (Columbia U.), T. Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS), S. Gallagher (G), K. Lewis (Pennsylvania State U.): “Long-Term Monitoring of Dynamical Motions in the Accretion Disks of AGNs”

KP-2.1m 3

11. N. Evans (U. of Texas, Austin), D. Koerner (U. of Pennsylvania), E. Jensen (Swarthmore College), N. Bonaventura (U) (Pennsylvania State U.), P. Allen , J. Keller (G) (U. of Pennsylvania): “From Molecular Cores to Planets”

KP-4m 3

12. J. Feldmeier, C. Mihos, H. Morrison, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.): “Observing the formation of cD envelopes and intracluster light”

KP-2.1m 7

13. D. Gelino (UC San Diego): “Measuring the Mass of the Black Hole in J1118+480” KP-2.1m 3

14. J. Grindlay, P. Edmonds, J. McClintock, P. Zhao, M. Garcia (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), A. Cool (San Francisco State U.), S. Wachter, D. Hoard (NOAO), P. Green, B. Wilkes, J. Drake, V. Kashyap (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. For Astrophysics), C. Bailyn (Yale U.), H. Cohn (Indiana U.): “ChaMPlane: Measuring the Faint X-ray Binary and Stellar X-ray Content of the Galaxy”

KP-4m 2

15. P. Hall (Princeton U.), M. Gladders (Carnegie Obs.), H. Yee (U. of Toronto), M. DeRobertis (York U.): “Infrared Confirmation of z>5.5 Quasar Candidates”

KP-4m 4

16. T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), S. Howell (PSI), H. Osborne (G), J. Johnson (New Mexico State U.), D. Gelino (UC San Diego): “The Unusual Infrared Light Curves of Cataclysmic Variables with Brown Dwarf Secondaries”

KP-2.1m 3

17. P. Hartigan (Rice U.), R. Pierson (U) : “Dust in Stellar Jets” KP-4m 4.5

18. S. Howell (PSI): “Interacting binaries with Brown Dwarf-like Mass Donors: EF Eri” KP-2.1m 0.5

19. D. Hurley-Keller, H. Morrison, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.), G. Jacoby (WIYN): “Planetary Nebulae in the Halo of M31”



20. S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Impey (U. of Arizona): “Faint Companions and LSB Extensions of S0 Galaxies: Clues to HSB Disk Formation”

KP-4m 2

21. S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), M. Bershady (U. of Wisconsin Madison), E. Gillespie (U. of Arizona): “Kinematic Tully-Fisher Offsets at z=0 and Beyond”


22. C. Kobulnicky (U. of Wisconsin Madison), K. Johnson (NRAO), D. Gibbs (U) , C. Rodgers (U) , J. Darnell (U) (U. of Wyoming), S. Anderson (U) , C. Paul (U) : “SQUID Imaging of Ultra-Young Radio-Selected Star Clusters in Nearby Galaxies”

KP-2.1m 6.5


02-B KPNO – U.S. Observing Programs (non-thesis) (54) Telescope Nights

23. P. Lowrance, J. Kirkpatrick (Calif. Inst. of Technology), I. Reid (STScI): “Confirmation of L and T dwarf Companions to Nearby Stars”

KP-4m 3.5

24. L. Macri, D. Sasselov, K. Stanek (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): “Improving the Cepheid Distance Scale”


25. G. Mallen-Ornelas (Princeton U.), S. Seager (Inst. for Advanced Study), H. Yee (U. of Toronto), T. Brown (HAO), M. Gladders (Carnegie Obs.), L. Eyer (Princeton U.), K. von Braun (G) (U. of Michigan), C. Blake (U) (Princeton U.), B. Lee (G) (U. of Toronto), S. Ellison (ESO), G. Mallen-Fullerton (Universidad Iberoamericana): “The EXPLORE Project: A Deep Search for Transiting Extrasolar Planets”

KP-4m 18

26. P. Massey (NOAO), P. Hodge (U. of Washington), G. Jacoby (NOAO), N. King (STScI), K. Olsen, A. Saha, C. Smith (NOAO): “The Resolved Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies Currently Forming Stars”

KP-4m 5

27. P. McCarthy (Carnegie Obs.), K. Glazebrook (Johns Hopkins U.), R. Abraham (U. of Toronto), I. Hook (U. of Oxford), H. Chen (MIT), I. Jorgensen (Gemini Obs.), D. Crampton (DRAO), K. Koviak (G) : “The Gemini Deep Deep Survey”

KP-4m 3

28. K. Mighell, M. Brown (NOAO), B. Henderson (U. of Washington), A. Heinrichs (Ohio State U.), S. Flynn (NRAO), K. Davis (College of Charleston), C. Thornton (Virginia Polytechnic Inst.), J. Chavez (U. of Houston), G. Telis (Columbia U.), S. Cull , W. Plick (Connecticut College), E. Duenas (NASA Goddard Inst. for Space Studies), J. Fogel (Harvard U.), A. Kraus (U. of Kansas): “REU”

KP-2.1m 1

29. K. Mighell, K. Davis, A. Heinrichs, M. Brotherton (NOAO), B. Henderson (U. of Washington), S. Flynn (NRAO), C. Thornton (Virginia Polytechnic Inst.), J. Chavez (U. of Houston), G. Telis (Columbia U.), S. Cull : “REU Summer Student Observing”

KP-2.1m 3

30. C. Mihos, J. Feldmeier, H. Morrison, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.), S. Hunsberger (Pennsylvania State U.), C. McBride (U) : “Testing dwarf galaxy formation models using compact groups”

KP-2.1m 3

31. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Obs.), E. Chiang (Inst. for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner , L. Wasserman (Lowell Obs.): “Deep Ecliptic Survey”

KP-4m 6

32. H. Morrison, D. Hurley-Keller, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.): “Halo Kinematics of Disk Galaxies at 10 Mpc without Keck”


33. J. Mould, A. Saha (NOAO): “Deciphering the M31 Star formation history from its Long Period Variables”

KP-2.1m 5

34. B. Mueller, N. Samarasinha (NOAO): “Color Observations of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs)” KP-2.1m 3

35. C. Nelson (Drake U.), R. Gelderman, T. Monroe (Western Kentucky U.), A. Thompson (U) (Drake U.): “Black Hole Masses from [OIII] Line Profiles in PG Quasars”

KP-4m 3.5

36. I. O’Dwyer (G), R. Gruendl, Y. Chu, M. Guerrero (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): “An Infrared Search for Binary Companions to White Dwarfs with Hard X-Ray Emission”

KP-2.1m 4

37. J. Parker (Southwest Research Inst.), L. Allen (G) (U. of Michigan), B. Gladman (L’Observatoire de Nice), C. Hergenrother (U. of Arizona), J. Kavelaars (McMaster U.): “The Kuiper Belt Recovery Program”





38. J. Prochaska (Carnegie Obs.), T. Tripp (Princeton U.), H. Chen, J. Mulchaey (Carnegie Obs.): “Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift”

KP-4m 3


02-B KPNO – U.S. Observing Programs (non-thesis) (54) Telescope Nights

39. L. Rebull (SIRTF), S. Strom (NOAO), J. Stauffer (SIRTF), S. Wolff (NOAO), D. Cole (CalTech-JPL): “Rotational Evolution of Young Low-Mass Stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster”


40. T. Rector (NRAO), G. Jacoby (WIYN), S. Jacoby (NOAO): “The Nova Rate in Galaxies of Different Hubble Type”

KP-0.9m 2

41. I. Reid (STScI), P. Allen (G), D. Koerner (U. of Pennsylvania): “A search for planetary-mass companions to ultracool dwarfs”


42. J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), T. Beers (Michigan State U.): “New Metal-Poor Giants and Horizontal-Branch Stars from the HK-II Survey”

KP-2.1m 6

43. J. Rhoads, A. Fruchter (STScI), M. Merrill (NOAO), I. Burud (STScI): “Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Host Environments”

KP-4m-TOO; KP-2.1m-TOO



44. J. Rhoads, S. Malhotra (STScI), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi, M. Brown (NOAO): “A Census of z > 4 Galaxies”

KP-4m 2

45. E. Schmidt, K. Lee, D. Johnston (G) (U. of Nebraska): “The Pulsational Properties of Type II Cepheid Variable Stars”

KP-2.1m 10

46. H. Schmitt (NRAO), R. Fernandes (UFSC), T. Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS): “The circumnuclear stellar population and black hole masses of Seyfert galaxies”

KP-2.1m 3

47. S. Stanford (UC Davis), P. Rosati (ESO), P. Eisenhardt (CalTech-JPL), R. De Propris (U. of New South Wales), B. Holden (UC Davis), M. Dickinson (STScI), B. Ellis (U) (UC Davis): “Masses of Galaxies and Clusters in an X-ray Selected Sample at 0.6 < z < 1.3”

KP-4m 9

48. N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Schmidt (Australia Telescope National Facility), C. Stubbs (U. of Washington), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), A. Riess (STScI), J. Tonry (U. of Hawaii), R. Smith (NOAO), K. Krisciunas (CTIO), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), B. Barris (U. of Hawaii), W. Li (UC Berkeley), C. Hogan, G. Miknaitis (U. of Washington), S. Holland (U. of Notre Dame), S. Jha, T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Sollerman (ESO), P. Challis (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), S. Pompea (NOAO), A. Becker (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), A. Rest (U. of Washington), J. Quinn (G) (U. of Notre Dame), J. Gallagher (G) : “The w Project: Measuring the Equation of State of the Universe”


49. R. Swaters (Johns Hopkins U.), D. Andersen (Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik), M. Bershady, M. Verheijen (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “The Distribution of Mass in Spiral Galaxies.”


50. D. Terndrup (Ohio State U.), L. Hobbs (U. of Chicago), N. Murray (CITA), M. Pinsonneault, D. DePoy, A. Hansen (G) (Ohio State U.): “Testing Stellar Pollution by Accretion of Planetesimals”

KP-4m 4

51. T. Thuan (U. of Virginia), Y. Izotov (Ukranian Academy of Sciences): “The dY/dZ slope from a new sample of metal-deficient blue compact dwarf galaxies from the SLOAN survey”

KP-4m 3

52. J. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), G. Bernstein (U. of Michigan), I. Dell Antonio (NOAO), D. Wittman, D. Kirkman, G. Kochanski (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), T. Lauer (NOAO), T. Broadhurst (UC Berkeley), R. Cen (Princeton U.), J. Cohen (Calif. Inst. of Technology), A. Gonzalez, R. Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz), W. Hu (Inst. for Advanced Study), N. Kaiser (U. of Hawaii), J. Miralda-Escude (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Schommer (NOAO), D. Spergel (Princeton U.), G. Squires (Calif. Inst. of Technology), C. Stubbs, A.

KP-4m 10.5


02-B KPNO – U.S. Observing Programs (non-thesis) (54) Telescope NightsBecker (U) (U. of Washington), D. Loomba (G) , J. Kubo (G) : “Deep Lens Survey”

53. S. Wolff, S. Strom (NOAO): “Role of Environment in Fixing the Angular Momentum of Intermediate Mass Stars”


54. N. Zacharias, T. Rafferty, M. Zacharias (U.S. Naval Obs.): “Extragalactic reference frame link of the UCAC project”

KP-0.9m 8

03-A KPNO U.S. Programs (56) (Non-thesis)

55. K. Aoki (Gemini Obs.), K. Ohta (U. of Kyoto), T. Kawaguchi (Observatoire de Paris): “The Black Hole Mass - Bulge Luminosity Relation of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies”

KP-2.1m 4

56. P. Appleton (Calif. Inst. of Technology), M. Lacy, M. Im, G. Helou (SIRTF), J. Condon (NRAO), D. Shupe (SIRTF): “Completion of a Redshift Survey of VLA-bright Galaxies in the SIRTF FLS Field”


57. J. Bechtold (U. of Arizona), B. Jannuzi (NOAO): “The IGM and the Distribution of Galaxies at z~1”

KP-4m 0.5

58. D. Bersier (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), N. Tanvir: “Long Period Variables in NGC 3368” WIYN-SYN 0.5

59. H. Bond (STScI), O. De Marco (American Museum of Natural History), D. Harmer (NOAO): “Searching for Spectroscopic Binaries in Planetary Nebulae”


60. B. Carney (U. of North Carolina), A. McWilliam (Carnegie Obs.), D. Latham (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), B. Chaboyer (Dartmouth College): “Halo Subgiants as Cosmological Probes”

KP-4m 5

61. P. Cote (Rutgers U.), J. Blakeslee (Johns Hopkins U.), L. Ferrarese, M. Hasegan (G), A. Jordan (G) (Rutgers U.), S. Mei (U. of Paris), D. Merritt (Rutgers U.), D. McLaughlin (STScI), M. Milosavljevic (Calif. Inst. of Technology), E. Peng (G) (Johns Hopkins U.), J. Tonry, M. West (U. of Hawaii): “The ACS Virgo Cluster Survey: Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Virgo Galaxies”





62. I. Dell’Antonio (Brown U.), L. Guzzo, M. Longhetti (G), A. Moretti, S. Campana (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), D. Lazzati (G) (U. of Cambridge), M. Panzera, G. Tagliaferri (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), R. Bouwens (UC Santa Cruz), L. Infante (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), A. Fernandez-Soto (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera): “Distant Compact Clusters of Galaxies from the BMW Survey”

KP-2.1m 5.5

63. M. Dickinson, C. Papovich (G) (STScI), P. Eisenhardt (U), D. Stern (Calif. Inst. of Technology), M. Giavalisco, B. Mobasher, K. Lee (G), C. Kretchmer (G) (STScI): “Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS)”

KP-4m 15

64. A. Dolphin, A. Saha (NOAO), E. Skillman (U. of Minnesota), F. Thim (NOAO): “Cepheids in the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy”


65. A. Dolphin, A. Saha (NOAO): “Leo I: The Dwarf Galaxy Evolutionary Link?” WIYN 2

66. P. Eisenhardt (Calif. Inst. of Technology), P. Barmby, J. Huang, M. Pahre (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Im (SIRTF), M. Davis (UC Berkeley), M. Rieke (U. of Arizona), E. Wright (UCLA), C. Papovich (U. of Arizona): “A Near-Infrared Survey of the SIRTF/DEEP Groth Strip Field”

KP-4m 5

67. R. Elston (U. of Florida), P. Eisenhardt, D. Stern (Calif. Inst. of Technology), S. Stanford (UC Davis), K. Wu (U. of Florida), M. Dickinson (STScI), H. Spinrad (UC Berkeley), A. Connolly (U. of Pittsburgh), A. Gonzales (G), S. Raines (U. of Florida): “Tracing The Star Formation History of Galaxies from Z=0.4 to 1.7”

KP-4m 6

68. X. Fan (U. of Arizona), M. Strauss (Princeton U.): “A Survey of z~ 6 Quasars from the SDSS” KP-4m 4


03-A KPNO U.S. Programs (56) (Non-thesis)

69. J. Feldmeier, C. Mihos, H. Morrison, P. Harding (Case Western Reserve U.): “Observing the formation of cD envelopes and intracluster light”

KP-2.1m 7.5

70. D. Gelino, J. Tomsick (UC San Diego): “Studying Low Mass X-Ray Binaries: Revealing the Optical Counterpart in 1747-214 and Measuring the Masses of the Black Holes in 1859+226 and 1009-45”

KP-4m 1.5

71. C. Gerardy, C. Wheeler, P. Hoflich, H. Marion (U. of Texas, Austin), K. Nomoto (U. of Tokyo), R. Fesen (G) (Dartmouth College), L. Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.): “Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Evolution of Type Ia & Stripped-Envelope Supernovae”


72. C. Grillmair (SIRTF), J. Bahcall (Inst. for Advanced Study), D. Geisler, W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), E. Grebel (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), M. Irwin (U. of Cambridge), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), S. Majewski, R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), I. Reid (STScI), D. Spergel, S. Tremaine (Princeton U.): “Mapping Globular Cluster Tidal Streams”

KP-4m 5

73. P. Hall (Princeton U.), M. Gladders (Carnegie Institution of Washington), H. Yee (U. of Toronto), M. DeRobertis (York U.): “Completing Infrared Confirmation of z>5.5 Quasar Candidates”

KP-4m 4

74. T. Heckman (Johns Hopkins U.), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi (NOAO), C. Martin (CalTech-JPL), R. Rich (UCLA), D. Schiminovich, T. Small, T. Wyder (CalTech-JPL): "Star Formation and Galaxy Building in the 'Middle Ages': z~1 to 3"

KP-4m 4

75. M. Holman, T. Grav (G) (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Kavelaars (DRAO): “Probing the small end of the size distribution of Jupiter’s irregular satellites”

KP-4m 4

76. D. Hunter (Lowell Obs.), V. Rubin (Carnegie Institution of Washington), L. Sparke (U. of Wisconsin Madison), R. Swaters (Johns Hopkins U.), S. Levine (US Naval Obs.): “The Stellar Velocity Dispersion in Irregular Galaxies: NGC 4449”

KP-4m 3

77. M. Im, G. Helou, T. Soifer, L. Storrie-Lombardi, L. Yan, P. Choi, D. Fadda (SIRTF): “J-band Imaging of the SIRTF First Look Survey Field.”

KP-2.1m 4

78. B. Jannuzi, A. Dey, T. Armandroff, E. Ajhar, R. Blum, T. Boroson, C. Claver, I. Dell’Antonio (NOAO), M. Dickinson (STScI), R. Elston (U. of Florida), R. Green (NOAO), P. Hall (U. of Toronto), G. Jacoby, R. Joyce, M. Keane, T. Lauer, R. Lynds, S. Malhotra, R. Mendez, M. Merrill, K. Mighell, J. Najita, E. O’Neil (NOAO), M. Postman (STScI), R. Probst, T. Rector, J. Rhoads, N. Samarasinha (NOAO), A. Sarajedini (Wesleyan U.), D. Hoard (NOAO): “The NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey”

KP-4m 5

79. S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Impey (U. of Arizona): "Faint Companions and LSB Extensions of S0 Galaxies: Clues to HSB Disk Formation"

KP-4m 3

80. S. Kannappan (U. of Texas, Austin), M. Bershady (U. of Wisconsin Madison), E. Gillespie (U. of Arizona): "Kinematic Tully-Fisher Offsets at z=0 and Beyond"


81. W. Keel (U. of Alabama), L. Frattare (STScI): “Star Clusters and H II Regions in Interacting Galaxies”

KP-2.1m 5

82. R. Kennicutt (U. of Arizona), D. Calzetti (STScI), D. Dale (G) (Calif. Inst. of Technology), C. Engelbracht, J. Smith (U. of Arizona): "SINGS: The SIRTF Nearby Galaxies Survey --Physics of the Star-Forming ISM and Galaxy Evolution"

KP-2.1m 3

83. C. Lonsdale (Calif. Inst. of Technology), H. Smith (UC San Diego), N. Gautier (U. of Calif. Observatories), B. Siana (G), A. Quirrenbach (UC San Diego), O. Pevunova (SIRTF), G. Morrison (G) (Calif. Inst. of Technology): “The SIRTF Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic

KP-4m 3.5


03-A KPNO U.S. Programs (56) (Non-thesis) Survey”

84. S. Majewski, M. Skrutskie (U. of Virginia), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), J. Crane (G), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Obs.), M. Weinberg (U. Mass): “Spectroscopy of Stars in the First All-Sky View of the Sagittarius Dwarf+Tail System”

KP-2.1m 9

85. A. Martel (Johns Hopkins U.): “Do the Most Powerful Radio Galaxies Host the MostMassive Black Holes?”

KP-4m 1

86. J. Milingo (Gettysburg College), R. Henry (U. of Oklahoma), K. Kwitter (Williams College): “Testing the ON cycle via Sulfur in Galactic Type I PNe”

KP-2.1m 5.5

87. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Obs.), E. Chiang (Inst. for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner (), L. Wasserman, A. Jordan (G) (Lowell Obs.): “Deep Ecliptic Survey”

KP-4m 6

88. B. Mobasher (STScI), P. Knezek (NOAO), D. Carter (Liverpool Johns Moores U.): “Fundamental Plane of Dwarf Galaxies in the Coma Cluster”


89. B. Mueller, N. Samarasinha (NOAO): “Color Observations of Large Trans-Neptunian Objects as a Function of Rotational Phase”

KP-2.1m 6

90. K. Nandra (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center): "The Sheep Survey: What kind of objects make thex-ray background?"

KP-4m 3

91. P. Nugent, G. Aldering (UC Berkeley), D. Howell (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), N. Suntzeff (NOAO), S. Perlmutter (UC Berkeley), C. Smith (CTIO): "Metallicity Effects in the Spectra and Light Curves of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae"

KP-4m KP-2.1m


92. J. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz), T. Tripp (Princeton U.), J. Mulchaey (Carnegie Observatories), H. Chen (MIT), B. Weiner (UC Santa Cruz): “Surveying the Origin of O VI Gas at Low Redshift”

KP-4m 3

93. T. Rector (NRAO), G. Jacoby (WIYN): “The Nova Rate in Galaxies of Different Hubble Type” KP-0.9m 3

94. I. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania), J. Liebert (U. of Arizona), P. Allen (U. of Pennsylvania): “Meeting the cool neighbours: covering the sky”

KP-4m KP-2.1m


95. J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), T. Beers (Michigan State U.): “New Metal-Poor Giants and Horizontal-Branch Stars from the HK-II Survey”

KP-2.1m 6

96. J. Rhoads, A. Fruchter (STScI), M. Merrill (NOAO), I. Burud, J. Castro Ceron (G) (STScI), J. Urkia (LAEFF), J. Hjorth (Copenhagen U.), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), A. Levan (G) (STScI), K. Nelson-Patel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), L. Strolger (U. of Michigan), N. Tanvir (U. of Hertfordshire): “Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Host Environments”

KP-4m-ToO; KP-



97. A. Rivkin, R. Binzel (MIT), D. Vokrouhlicky (Charles U., Prague), W. Bottke (Southwest Research Inst.): “Investigation of Yarkovsky drift upon asteroid families”

KP-4m 4

98. A. Saha (NOAO), B. Whitmore (STScI), A. Dolphin (NOAO), P. Stetson (Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics), S. Casertano, R. Bohlin (STScI), F. Thim (NOAO): "Faint Photometric Standard Fields for HST and Large Ground-Based Telescopes"


99. H. Schmitt (NRAO), R. Fernandes (UFSC), T. Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS): "The circumnuclear stellar population and black hole masses of Seyfert galaxies"

KP-2.1m 3


03-A KPNO U.S. Programs (56) (Non-thesis)

100. S. Stanford (UC Davis), P. Rosati (ESO), P. Eisenhardt (CalTech-JPL), R. De Propis (U. of New South Wales), B. Holden (UC Davis), M. Dickinson (STScI): “Masses of Galaxies and Clusters in an X-ray Selected Sample at 0.6 < z < 1.3”

KP-4m 7

101. J. Stocke, J. Rosenberg, B. Keeney (G) (U. of Colorado): “WIYN/Hydra Spectra Of The Virgo Cluster Between 3c 273 And Q1230+015”

WIYN-2hr 0.25

102. J. Stocke, J. Rosenberg, B. Keeney (G) (U. of Colorado): “Broad-band and H(alpha) Imaging of Galaxies with QSO Sightline Halo Probes”

KP-2.1m 6

103. R. Swaters (Johns Hopkins U.), D. Andersen (Max Planck Institut fur Astrophysik), M. Bershady, M. Verheijen (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “The Distribution of Mass in Spiral Galaxies.”


104. D. Turnshek, D. Vanden Berk, C. Hazard, S. Rao, S. Team (U. of Pittsburgh): "Identification of QSOs for Follow-up QSO Absorption-Line and QSO Clustering Studies"

KP-2.1m 7

105. J. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), G. Bernstein (U. of Michigan), I. Dell Antonio (Brown U.), D. Wittman, D. Kirkman, G. Kochanski (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), T. Lauer (NOAO), T. Broadhurst (UC Berkeley), R. Cen (Princeton U.), J. Cohen (Calif. Inst. of Technology), A. Gonzalez, R. Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz), W. Hu (Inst. for Advanced Study), N. Kaiser (U. of Hawaii), J. Miralda-Escude (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Schommer (NOAO), D. Spergel (Princeton U.), G. Squires (Calif. Inst. of Technology), C. Stubbs, A. Becker (U) (U. of Washington), D. Loomba (G), J. Kubo (G), H. Khiabanian (G) (Brown U.): “Deep Lens Survey”

KP-4m 4

106. A. Whiting (NOAO), M. Irwin (U. of Cambridge), G. Hau (ESO): “Imaging of Dwarf Galaxy Candidates”

KP-2.1m 5

107. L. Young (New Mexico Inst. of Mining & Technology), M. Bureau (Columbia U.), L. Van Zee (Indiana U.), T. Statler (Ohio U.): “The Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies: CO content vs. Dust and Isophote Shapes”

KP-2.1m 5

108. M. Yun (U. Mass), D. Sanders (U. of Hawaii), K. Kawara, S. Oyabu (G) (U. of Tokyo), Y. Taniguchi, T. Murayama (Tohoku U.), Y. Sato (U. of Tokyo): “Spectroscopic investigation of the ISO far-IR (175(micron) & 95(mu)m) sources”


109. N. Zacharias, T. Rafferty, M. Zacharias (US Naval Obs.): “Extragalactic reference frame link of the UCAC project”

KP-0.9m 8

110. L. van Zee (Indiana U.), D. Schade (Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics), J. Casperson (G) (Indiana U.): “SMUDGES: A Survey for Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Universe”

KP-0.9m 7

02-B KPNO — Thesis Programs (17)

111. E. Ambrose (T), J. Kormendy, S. Kannappan, E. Leass (G) (U. of Texas, Austin): “Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies”

KP-2.1m 12

112. T. Beers (Michigan State U.), N. Christlieb (Universitat Hamburg), J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), S. Ryan (Open U.), J. Norris (Australian National U.), S. Rossi (IAGUSP), T. Sevastyanenko (T), B. Marstellar (G) (Michigan State U.): “A"Quick Survey" for Halo Giants with [Fe/H] < -2.5”

KP-4m 5


02-B KPNO — Thesis Programs (17)

113. R. Elston (U. of Florida), S. Stanford (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), P. Eisenhardt (California Inst. of Technology), J. Mohr (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi (NOAO), D. Stern (California Inst. of Technology), K. Wu (U. of Florida), M. Dickinson (STScI), K. McFarland (T), E. McKenzie (T), S. Raines (U. of Florida): “The Evolution of Galaxy Clustering at 1<z<2”

KP-2.1m 17

114. L. Hebb (T), R. Wyse (Johns Hopkins U.), G. Gilmore (Univ. of Cambridge): “Eclipsing M Dwarfs and the Low Mass Stellar M/L Ratio”

KP-4m 9

115. E. Lada, R. Elston, D. Dahari (T), C. Roman (T) (U. of Florida), J. Alves (ESO), C. Lada, A. Muench (T) (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Najita (NOAO), J. Williams, J. Julian (O) (U. of Florida), R. Green (NOAO), D. Hon (O), S. Raines (U. of Florida), J. Elias, R. Joyce (NOAO), J. Levine (T) , Y. Lin (G) , N. Rashkind (U) (U. of Florida), B. Ferreira (U) , T. Huard , C. Foltz (U) , A. Gonzales : “Toward a Complete Near-Infrared Spectroscopic and Imaging Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds”





116. S. Margheim (T), C. Deliyannis (Indiana U.): “Abundance Signatures of Stars with Planets in the Praesepe Cluster”

KP-4m 2.5

117. S. Meibom (T), R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “The effect of binarity on stellar angular momentum evolution in solar- type stars”


118. J. Pipher (U. of Rochester), S. Megeath (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), D. Peterson (T), R. Gutermuth (G) (U. of Rochester), L. Allen, P. Myers (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): “Inventory and Distribution of Disks, Protostars, and Proto-Brown Dwarfs in Young Stellar Clusters: Imaging with SQIID and SIRTF”

KP-2.1m 5

119. I. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (T) (U. of Pennsylvania), J. Liebert, I. Moncheva (G) (U. of Arizona): “Meeting the Neighbours”

KP-4m 4

120. A. Sicilia-Aguilar (T), L. Hartmann (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Muzerolle (U. of Arizona), C. Briceno (Centro de Investigacion de Astronomia): “Cluster survey of protoplanetary disk evolution”


121. J. Silverman (T) (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), P. Green, B. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), P. Smith (U. of Arizona), B. Jannuzi (NOAO): “Is the dawn of the quasar epoch between 3<z<5?”





122. M. Stark (T), R. Wade (Pennsylvania State U.), K. Lewis (G) : “Determining the Properties of Hot Subdwarf Star Composite Binaries”

KP-2.1m 5

123. M. Tavarez (T), M. Mateo (U. of Michigan): “Dwarf Galaxies as probes of Dark Matter Halos” KP-4m 4

124. C. Taylor (U. Mass), L. Haberzettl (T) (Ruhr Universitat, Bochum): “The composition of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies”

KP-2.1m 8

125. S. Veilleux, D. Rupke (T) (U. of Maryland): “Superwinds in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The Fall Sample”

KP-4m 4

126. G. Wegner (Dartmouth College), G. Dalton (Univ. of Oxford), M. Hammell (T) (Dartmouth College), P. Allen (T), L. Moustakas, E. Macdonald (G) (Univ. of Oxford): “A Determination of the QSO Space Density at z~ 5”

KP-4m 3

127. A. Witt, U. Vijh (T) (U. of Toledo), K. Gordon (U. of Arizona): “Spectroscopy of Photoluminescence Emission by Interstellar Nanoparticles”

KP-2.1m 6.5


03-A KPNO — Thesis Programs (19)

128. T. Beers (Michigan State U.), N. Christlieb (Universitat Hamburg), J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), S. Ryan (Open U.), M. Bessell (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics), S. Rossi (IAGUSP), T. Sevastyanenko (T) (Michigan State U.): “A “Quick Survey” for Halo Giants with [Fe/H] -2.5”

KP-4m 4.5

129. T. Beers (Michigan State U.), N. Christlieb (Universitat Hamburg), S. Rossi (IAGUSP), J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), S. Ryan (Open U.), B. Marsteller (T) (Michigan State U.): “Indentification and Analysis of Metal-Poor Carbon-Enhanced Stars in the Halo of the Galaxy”

KP-2.1m 4

130. J. Cami, F. Salama (NASA Ames Research Center), T. Snow (U. of Colorado), P. Ehrenfreund, N. Cox (T) (U. of Amsterdam), N. Boudin (CFA, Palermo, ESTEC, MPE), L. Biennier, E. Peeters (NASA Ames Research Center): “A survey of broad Diffuse Interstellar Bands”

KP-2.1m 4

131. R. Elston (U. of Florida), S. Stanford (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.), P. Eisenhardt (Calif. Inst. of Technology), J. Mohr (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi (NOAO), D. Stern (Calif. Inst. of Technology), K. Wu (U. of Florida), M. Dickinson (STScI), K. McFarland (T), E. McKenzie (T), S. Raines (U. of Florida): “The Evolution of Galaxy Clustering at 1<z<2”

KP-2.1m 20.5

132. L. Hebb (T), R. Wyse (Johns Hopkins U.), G. Gilmore (U. of Cambridge): “Eclipsing Binary M dwarfs and the Low Mass Stellar M/L Ratio”

KP-4m 8

133. G. Hill (U. of Texas, Austin), S. Rawlings, E. Mitchell (T) (U. of Oxford), C. Willott (U. of Victoria), R. McClure (U. of Edinburgh): “The Dynamic Cluster Environments of Radio Galaxies”

KP-4m 5

134. A. Hopkins, A. Connolly, A. Conti, J. Gardner, S. Schmidt (T) (U. of Pittsburgh): “Infrared Glimpses of the High Redshift Universe”

KP-4m 4

135. M. Kilic (T), D. Winget, T. Von Hippel (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Claver (NOAO): “Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey: Finishing the Northern Field”

KP-4m 5

136. R. Knop (Vanderbilt U.), S. Perlmutter, G. Aldering (UC Berkeley), R. Ortman (T), E. Smith (T) (Vanderbilt U.), P. Nugent, G. Goldhaber (UC Berkeley), R. Gibbons (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.), B. Lee (UC Berkeley), V. Prasad (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.), A. Spadafora, L. Wang, A. Howell (UC Berkeley): “Host Galaxy Images for High Redshift Supernovae”


137. E. Lada, R. Elston, D. Dahari (T), C. Roman (T) (U. of Florida), J. Alves (ESO), C. Lada, A. Muench (T) (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Najita (NOAO), J. Williams, J. Julian (U. of Florida), R. Green (NOAO), D. Hon , S. Raines (U. of Florida), J. Elias, R. Joyce (NOAO), J. Levine (T) (), Y. Lin (G) (), N. Rashkind (U) (U. of Florida), B. Ferreira (T) (), T. Huard (), C. Foltz (U) (), A. Gonzales (), E. McKenzie (T) (): “Toward a Complete Near-Infrared Spectroscopic and Imaging Survey of Giant Molecular Clouds”

KP-2.1m 7.5

138. M. Lopez-Morales (T), J. Clemens, B. Carney (U. of North Carolina): “An accurate RV-curve for the new low-mass, double-lined, detached eclipsing binary ROTSEJ522155.16+335604.1”

KP-4m 1.5

139. A. Matkovic (T), R. Guzman (U. of Florida): “Testing The Galaxy Harassment Scenario for The Formation of Cluster Dwarf Ellipticals”


140. S. McGaugh, J. Kim (T) (U. of Maryland), E. De Blok (U. of Wales, Cardiff): “Surface photometry of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with Good Rotation Curves”

KP-2.1m 3

141. H. Osborne (T), T. Harrison (New Mexico State U.), S. Howell (PSI), B. McNamara (New Mexico State U.): “Determining CV Secondary Star Masses through Infrared Ellipsoidal Variations”

KP-2.1m 4


142. T. Rector (NRAO), D. Londish (T) (U. of Sydney): “The Discovery of a New Class of AGN?” KP-2.1m 4

143. J. Silverman (T) (Smithsonian Astrophysical Obs.), P. Green, B. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), P. Smith (U. of Arizona), B. Jannuzi (NOAO): “Is the dawn of the quasar epoch between 3<z<5?”



144. J. Simon (T), A. Leroy (T), A. Bolatto, L. Blitz (UC Berkeley): “A High-Resolution Kinematic Study of the Low Mass Spiral NGC 4605”


145. M. Stark (T), R. Wade (Pennsylvania State U.): “Determining the Properties of Hot Subdwarf Star Composite Binaries”

KP-2.1m 6

146. S. Veilleux, D. Rupke (T) (U. of Maryland): “Superwinds in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The Spring Sample”

KP-4m 4


In the 12 months ending July 31, 2003, 135 U.S. observing programs were awarded time on the CTIO telescopes; 25 of these (19%) were thesis programs. The total number of U.S. investigators associated with these proposals was 285. About one-third of the U.S. investigators came from one of the following research institutions: (1) California Institute of Technology, (2) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (3) Space Telescope Science Institute, (4) University of Arizona, (5) University of Virginia.

Telescope(s) scheduled and number of nights awarded are specified in the following tables. (CT = Curtis-Schmidt; TOO = Target of Opportunity program)

02-B CTIO Telescopes – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (61) Telescope Nights

1. D. Batuski (U. of Maine), C. Balkowski (Obs. de Paris), S. Krughoff (G) (U. of Maine): “Photometric Imaging of Abell Clusters in the Aquarius Supercluster ‘Knot’”

CT-1.5m 3

2. A. Burgasser, M. McElwain (G) (UCLA), J. Kirkpatrick (California Inst. of Technology): “Spectroscopic Identification of New 2MASS T Dwarfs in the Southern Hemisphere”

CT-4m 5

3. P. Candia (CTIO), R. Mennickent (Univ. de Concepcion): “V Photometry of Two Variable Stars” CT-0.9m 2

4. J. Chaname (G), C. Onken (G) (Ohio State U.): “Homogeneous Photometry of Galactic Post-AGB Stars”

CT-0.9m 7

5. M. Dickinson, M. Giavalisco (STScI), D. Stern (California Inst. of Technology), C. Cesarsky (ESO), T. Team (LAOG): “U- and I-band imaging of the CDF-S in support of the GOODS SIRTF Legacy and HST Treasury programs”

CT-4m 6

6. M. Eracleous (Pennsylvania State U.), J. Halpern (Columbia U.), T. Storchi-Bergmann (UFRGS), S. Gallagher (G), K. Lewis (Pennsylvania State U.): “Long-Term Monitoring of Dynamical Motions in the Accretion Disks of AGNs”

CT-1.5m 4

7. J. Feldmeier (Case Western Reserve U.), R. Ciardullo (Penn State U.), G. Jacoby (WIYN), P. Durrell (Penn State U.): “Searching for Intracluster Planetary Nebulae in the Dorado group”

CT-4m 3

8. A. Fruchter (STScI): “The Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts” CT-4m- ToO

9. J. Gizis, B. Riaz (G) (U. of Delaware): “New Nearby M Dwarfs from 2MASS and ROSAT” CT-1.5m 4

10. K. Gordon, K. Misselt (U. of Arizona), G. Clayton (Louisiana State U.), D. Zaritsky (U. of Arizona), J. Harris (STScI): “Spectral Classification of Reddened Hot Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud”

CT-4m 3


02-B CTIO Telescopes – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (61) Telescope Nights

11. R. Gray, M. McFadden (O) (Appalachian State U.): “Spectroscopy of Nearby Stars earlier than M0 south of -30° Dec”

CT-1.5m 6

12. P. Hall (Princeton U.), J. Willis (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), E. Treister, F. Castander (Yale U.), R. Athreya, F. Barrientos, G. Galaz, L. Infante, D. Minniti, R. Smith (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile): “A Rest-Frame Optical Survey for Galaxies at 1<z<3”

CT-4m 4

13. E. Hardy (NRAO), R. Carrera (G), C. Gallart (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias), R. Zinn (Yale U.): “The LMC Chemical Enrichment History and Its Gradients Via CaII-Triplet Spectroscopy”

CT-4m 3

14. T. Henry (Johns Hopkins U.), C. Anguita (Universidad de Chile), P. Ianna (U. of Virginia), R. Mendez (NOAO), M. Ruiz (Universidad de Chile), P. Seitzer (U. of Michigan): “In Search of Nearby Stars: A Parallax Program atCTIO”

CT-1.5m 12

15. D. Hoard, S. Wachter (U. of Washington): “Long-term Variability of the Unusual Double-lined Cataclysmic Variable CM Phe “

CT-1.0m 4.75

16. D. Hoard, S. Wachter (U. of Washington), T. Marsh (Univ. of Southampton): “Reflection Effect in the Double Degenerate Binary Star WD0957-666”

CT-1.5m 2

17. M. Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Kavelaars (McMaster U.), B. Gladman (L’Observatoirede Nice), J. Petit (Observatoire de Besancon), T. Grav (G) (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), P. Nicholson (Cornell U.): “A Search for Small Distant Moons of Neptune”

CT-4m 4

18. J. Huchra (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), S. Schneider (U. Mass), T. Jarrett, T. Chester, R. Cutri (California Inst. of Technology), J. Mader (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Skrutskie (U. Mass): “The 2MASS Redshift Survey”

CT-1.5m 7

19. J. Hughes, S. Molnar (Rutgers U.): “Finding X-ray Clusters in an SZ Survey” CT-1.5m 4

20. C. Impey, C. Petry (O) (U. of Arizona), D. McIntosh (U. Mass): “Large Scale Structure as Measured by Quasar Absorbers and Galaxies”

CT-4m 6

21. E. Jensen (Swarthmore College), D. Koerner (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Whitaker (U) (Swarthmore College), B. Biller (O) (Harvard-Smithsonian Cf A): “Disks around the nearest young stars”

CT-4m 2

22. S. Keller (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.), S. Baird (Benedictine College), H. Smith (Michigan State U.), K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.), A. Walker (NOAO): “RR Lyr & RCGs in the Magellanic Clouds - defining the role of metallicity”

CT-4m 3

23. R. Kennicutt (U. of Arizona), J. Funes (Vatican Observatory), S. Sakai (UCLA), J. Lee (G), S. Akiyama (O) (U. of Arizona): “Star Formation in the Local Universe”

CT-0.9m 5

24. K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (NOAO), M. Phillips (Las Campanas Observatory), M. Hamuy (G) (Carnegie Observatories), C. Smith (NOAO), D. DePoy (Ohio State U.): “Near-Infrared and Optical Light Curves of Bright Supernovae “

CT-1.0m 5

25. A. Landolt (Louisiana State U.), G. Preston (Carnegie Institution of Washington): “A Study of Variability Among the Blue Metal Poor Stars”

CT-1.5m 14

26. M. Ledlow (Gemini Obs.), G. Morrison (California Inst. of Technology), N. Miller (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), F. Owen (NRAO): “An Evolutionary Sequence of Cluster Evolution, Star Formation, and Galaxy Activity: An Optical/Radio/X-ray Study”

CT-1.5m 7

27. J. Lee (California Inst. of Technology), B. Carney (U. of North Carolina), Y. Lee (Yonsei University): “RR Lyrae Variables in the Metal-Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6723:An Ideal Template for Galactic Bulge RR Lyrae Populations”

CT-0.9m 4


02-B CTIO Telescopes – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (61) Telescope Nights

28. M. Liu (U. of Hawaii), R. Probst (NOAO): “A Methane-Break Imaging Survey in Southern Star-Forming Regions”

CT-4m 5

29. C. Lonsdale (California Inst. of Technology), H. Smith (UC San Diego), N. Gautier (U. of California Observatories), B. Siana (G), A. Quirrenbach (UC San Diego), O. Pevunova (O) (SIRTF), G. Morrison (G) (California Inst. of Technology): “The SIRTF Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey”

CT-4m 4

30. S. Majewski, J. Rhee, P. Frinchaboy (G), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Observatory), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), A. Polak (G) (Universitat Wien [U. of Vienna]), D. Geisler (Universidad de Concepcion), A. Kundu (Michigan State U.), I. Reid (U. of Pennsylvania), W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), F. Benedict (U. of Texas, Austin), J. Crane (G) (U. of Virginia): “Spectroscopic Survey of the Grid Giant Star Survey”

CT-4m 5

31. G. Meurer (Johns Hopkins U.), H. Ferguson (STScI), R. Webster (U. of Melbourne), R. Kennicutt (U. of Arizona), P. Knezek, S. Oey (STScI), C. Smith (NOAO), M. Drinkwater (U. of Melbourne), K. Freeman (Australian National U.), V. Kilborn (G) (U. of Melbourne), M. Putman (G) (Australian National U.), L. Staveley-Smith (Australia Telescope National Facility), M. Meyer (G), A. Karrick (G) (U. of Melbourne): “Star Formation in H i Selected Galaxies”

CT-1.5m 8

32. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Observatory), E. Chiang (Inst. for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner , L. Wasserman (Lowell Observatory): “Deep Ecliptic Survey”

CT-4m 4

33. B. Mobasher (O) (STScI), J. Afonso (O) (Imperial College of Science, Techonology and Medicine), M. Sullivan (O) (U. of Durham): “Comparison of Star-Formation Diagnostics”

CT-4m 2

34. H. Monteiro (CTIO): “Imaging of Halos” CT-0.9m 1

35. J. Muzerolle, E. Young (U. of Arizona): “Young Cluster Disk Survey: Characterizing the Stellar Populations”

CT-1.5m 3

36. D. Norman (NOAO): “Continuing photometric follow-up of DLS Transients” CT-1.5m 8

37. D. Norman (NOAO): “The Luminosity Function of Quasars in the Early Universe...” CT-4m 1

38. P. Nugent (UC Berkeley): “UV Observations of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae” CT-1.0m 3

39. K. Olsen (NOAO): “The Warp of the LMC” CT-0.9m 5

40. C. Palma (Pennsylvania State U.), M. Siegel (STScI), S. Majewski, R. Patterson, S. Sohn (G) (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Observatory): “Tracing the Spatial Distribution of Stars in the Phoenix Dwarf Galaxy Beyond the Tidal Radius”

CT-4m 2

41. J. Parker (Southwest Research Inst.), B. Elmegreen (IBM), J. Harris, N. King (STScI), P. Massey (Lowell Observatory), K. Olsen (NOAO): “The Magellanic Cloud Massive Star SpectroscopicSurvey: Field Stars and the IMF”

CT-4m 8

42. J. Patterson, J. Kemp (Columbia U.), W. Shook (O) (Gemini Obs.): “Last Rites for Binary Stars” CT-0.9m 14

43. J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), T. Beers (Michigan State U.): “New Metal-Poor Giants and Horizontal-Branch Stars from the HK-II Survey”

CT-1.5m 5


02-B CTIO Telescopes – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (61) Telescope Nights

44. J. Rhoads, A. Fruchter (STScI), M. Merrill (NOAO), I. Burud (STScI): “Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Host Environments”


45. K. Sahu (STScI), P. Sackett (Kapteyn Astronomical Inst.), M. Albrow (U. of Canterbury), J. Beaulieu (IAP), J. Menzies (South African Astronomical Observatory), J. Caldwell (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), K. Horne (U. of St. Andrews), J. Wambsganss (Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam), J. Greenhill (U. of Tasmania), A. Williams (Perth Observatory): “PLANET II: Search for Extra-Solar Planets through Microlensing using a Worldwide Network”

CT-0.9m 14

46. R. Samec (Bob Jones U.), D. Hube (U. of Alberta), D. Faulkner (U. of South Carolina), W. Van Hamme (Florida International U.): “Solar-Type Eclipsing Binary Systems with Impacting Gas Streams”

CT-0.9m 8

47. J. Schombert (U. of Oregon), K. Rakos (Universitat Wien [U. of Vienna]), H. Maitzen (Universitat Wien [U. of Vienna]): “Age/Metallicity Calibration for Old Stellar Populations”

CT-1.5m 7

48. H. Schwarz (CTIO), K. Exter, D. Pollacco (Queens U. Belfast): “Gravitational Redshift Masses for White Dwarfs”

CT-4m 4

49. H. Schwarz (CTIO), H. Monteiro (IAGUSP): “Deep Imaging of NGC 6369” CT-0.9m 1

50. J. Smith (U. of Michigan), D. Tucker (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign): “Southern Standard Stars for the u'g'r'i'z' System”

CT-0.9m 7

51. N. Smith, R. Gehrz, K. Davidson (U. of Minnesota): “Variability in the Near-IR Spectrum of Eta Carinae”

CT-4m 3

52. K. Stassun, R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Newly Discovered Pre-Main- Sequence Eclipsing Binaries in Orion”

CT-0.9m 10

53. N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Schmidt (Australia Telescope National Facility), C. Stubbs (U. of Washington), R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), A. Filippenko (UC Berkeley), P. Garnavich (U. of Notre Dame), A. Riess (STScI), J. Tonry (U. of Hawaii), R. Smith (NOAO), K. Krisciunas (CTIO), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), A. Clocchiatti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), B. Barris (U. of Hawaii), W. Li (UC Berkeley), C. Hogan, G. Miknaitis (U. of Washington), S. Holland (U. of Notre Dame), S.Jha, T. Matheson (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Sollerman (ESO), P. Challis (O) (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), S. Pompea (NOAO), A. Becker (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), A. Rest (U. of Washington), J. Quinn (G) (U. of Notre Dame), J. Gallagher (G) : “The w Project: Measuring the Equation of State of the Universe”





54. N. Suntzeff (NOAO), B. Schmidt (Australia Telescope National Facility), K. Krisciunas (CTIO): “Optical Spectrophotometry of Sirius”

CT-1.5m 3

55. J. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), G. Bernstein (U. of Michigan), I. Dell Antonio (NOAO), D. Wittman, D. Kirkman, G. Kochanski (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), T. Lauer (NOAO), T. Broadhurst (UC Berkeley), R. Cen (Princeton U.), J. Cohen (California Inst. of Technology), A. Gonzalez, R. Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz), W. Hu (Inst. for Advanced Study), N. Kaiser (U. of Hawaii), J. Miralda-Escude (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Schommer (NOAO), D. Spergel (Princeton U.), G. Squires (California Inst. of Technology), C. Stubbs, A. Becker (U) (U. of Washington), D. Loomba (G) , J. Kubo (G) : “Deep Lens Survey”

CT-4m 4


02-B CTIO Telescopes – U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (61) Telescope Nights

56. N. Van Der Bliek (NOAO), C. Student 1 2 & 3 (U), C. Student 4 & 5 (U), C. Student 1 & 2 (CTIO), A. Layden (Bowling Green State U.), A. Whiting (CTIO), R. Smith (U) (NOAO): “Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program: Observations of RR Lyrae Variables”

CT-0.9m 8

57. E. Verner, M. Sahu (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), F. Bruhweiler (Catholic U. of America): “Probing the Chemical History of the Early Universe through FeII lines”

CT-4m 2

58. S. Wachter, D. Hoard (U. of Washington): “X-ray Transients: Exploring the Physics of Accretion Disk Instabilities “

CT-1.0m 3

59. S. Wachter (U. of Washington), P. Kaaret (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), S. Corbel (CEA), D. Hoard (U. of Washington): “Optical Monitoring of the X-ray Transient X1608-52 “

CT-1.0m 2.8

60. A. Walker (NOAO), G. Bono (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma): “Calibration of Stromgren-Ca photometry for the HB and RGB stars in the Carina Dwarf Galaxy”

CT-0.9m 2

61. A. Whiting (CTIO), D. Norman (NOAO): “Surface Photometry of Extragalactic Light in Galaxy Clusters”

CT-1.5m 4

03-A CTIO — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (49) Telescope Nights

62. T. Corwin (U. of North Carolina, Charlotte), G. Bono (Oss. Astronomico di Roma), J. Storm (Astrophys. Inst. Potsdam): “Near-Infrared Photometry of RR Lyrae Variables in the Galatic Bulge”

CT-1.3m 6.1

63. P. Cote (Rutgers U.), J. Blakeslee (Johns Hopkins U.), L. Ferrarese, A. Jordan (G) (Rutgers U.), S. Mei (U. of Paris), D. Merritt (Rutgers U.), M. Milosavljevic (Calif. Inst. of Technology), E. Peng (G) (Johns Hopkins U.), J. Tonry, M. West (U. of Hawaii): “SDSS Photometry for Galactic Globular Clusters and an Empirical Calibration of the (g'-z')-[Fe/H] Relation for Old Stellar Populations”

CT-0.9m 5

64. D. DePoy, J. Marshall (G) (Ohio State U.): “Infrared Spectroscopy of 2MASS Selected Red AGN” CT-4m 3

65. L. French (Illinois Wesleyan U.): “BVRI Photometry of Jovian Trojan Asteroids” CT-0.9m 14

66. A. Fruchter (STScI): “The Origin of Gamma-Ray Bursts” CT-4m- ToO

67. D. Gelino, J. Tomsick (UC San Diego): “Studying Low Mass X-Ray Binaries: Revealing the Optical Counterpart in 1747-214 and Measuring the Masses of the Black Holes in 1859+226 and 1009-45”

CT-4m 3

68. E. Gillespie (U. of Arizona), L. Van Zee (Indiana U.), R. Dave (U. of Arizona), J. Fulbright (Carnegie Institution of Washington), P. Stetson (Herzberg Inst. of Astrophysics): “New ‘Local Groups’: Searching for Extremely Faint Dwarf Satellites Around Spiral Galaxies”

CT-4m 3

69. J. Gizis, B. Riaz (G) (U. of Delaware): “New Nearby M Dwarfs from 2MASS and ROSAT” CT-1.5m 5

70. A. Gonzalez (U. of Florida), A. Zabludoff, D. Zaritsky (U. of Arizona): “Extending the Fundamental Plane using Intracluster Light”

CT-4m 4

71. P. Goudfrooij (STScI), C. Maraston, D. Thomas, R. Bender (Max-Planck Inst. fur extraterrestrische Physik), R. Saglia (Ludwig-Maximilian Universitat-Muchen): “The Calibration of the CaII triplet with Bulge Globular Clusters”

CT-1.5m 4

72. C. Grillmair (SIRTF), J. Bahcall (Inst. for Advanced Study), D. Geisler, W. Gieren (Universidad de Concepcion), E. Grebel (Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie), M. Irwin (U. of Cambridge), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), S. Majewski, R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), I. Reid (STScI), D. Spergel, S. Tremaine (Princeton U.): “Mapping Globular Cluster Tidal Streams”

CT-4m 6


03-A CTIO — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (49) Telescope Nights

73. J. Grindlay, P. Edmonds, J. McClintock, P. Zhao, M. Garcia (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), A. Cool (San Francisco State U.), S. Wachter, D. Hoard (NOAO), P. Green, B. Wilkes, J. Drake, V. Kashyap (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), C. Bailyn (Yale U.), H. Cohn (Indiana U.): “ChaMPlane: Measuring the Faint X-ray Binary and Stellar X-ray Content of the Galaxy”

CT-4m 5

74. M. Holman (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), J. Kavelaars (DRAO), T. Grav (G) (Harvard-SmithsonianCfA), B. Gladman (U. of British Columbia), P. Nicholson (Cornell U.), J. Petit (Observatoire de Besancon): “A Wider Search for Small Distant Moons of Neptune”

CT-4m 4

75. J. Huchra (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), S. Schneider (U. Mass), T. Jarrett, T. Chester, R. Cutri (California Inst. of Technology), J. Mader (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), M. Skrutskie (U. Mass): “The 2MASS Redshift Survey”

CT-1.5m 7

76. J. Hughes (Everett Community College), G. Wallerstein (U. of Washington): “High-Metallicity Globular Clusters: Age Spreads and RR Lyrae Properties”

CT-0.9m 7

77. E. Jensen (Swarthmore College), D. Koerner (Northern Arizona U.), R. Whitaker (U) (Swarthmore College), B. Biller (G) (U. of Arizona): “The nearest young stars: expanding the sample”

CT-4m 3

78. P. Knezek (NOAO), M. Disney (U. of Wales, Cardiff), B. Pritzl (NOAO), K. Freeman (ANU), J. Gallagher (U. of Wisconsin Madison), M. Grossi (G) (U. of Wales, Cardiff): “Evolution of Extreme Gas-Rich Galaxies”

CT-1.3m 1.8

79. K. Krisciunas (CTIO), N. Suntzeff, P. Candia (O) (NOAO), M. Phillips (Las Campanas Observatory), D. DePoy (Ohio State U.), M. Hamuy (Carnegie Observatories), R. Smith (NOAO):“Light Curves and Spectrophotometry of Bright Supernovae”

CT-1.3m 4.5

80. A. Landolt (Louisiana State U.), G. Preston (Carnegie Institution of Washington): “A Study of Variability Among the Blue Metal Poor Stars”

CT-0.9m 14

81. S. Majewski, M. Skrutskie (U. of Virginia), K. Johnston (Wesleyan U.), J. Crane (G), R. Patterson (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Observatory), M. Weinberg (U. Mass): “Spectroscopy of Stars in the First All-Sky View of the Sagittarius Dwarf+Tail System”



82. G. Mallen-Ornelas (Princeton U.), S. Seager (Inst. for Advanced Study), H. Yee (U. of Toronto), T. Brown (HAO), M. Gladders (Carnegie Observatories), L. Eyer (Princeton U.), K. von Braun (G) (U. of Michigan), C. Blake (U) (Princeton U.), B. Lee (G) (U. of Toronto), S. Ellison (ESO), G. Mallen-Fullerton (O) (Universidad Iberoamericana): “The EXPLORE Project: A Deep Search for Transiting Extrasolar Planets”

CT-4m 18

83. B. McLean (STScI), J. Yus (O) (Gemini Observatory), B. Bucciarelli (O) (Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino), E. Costa (O) (Universidad de Chile), G. Massone (O) (Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino): “Photometric Calibrators for the Second Generation Guide Star Catalog”

CT-0.9m 3

84. G. Meurer (Johns Hopkins U.), H. Ferguson (STScI), R. Webster (U. of Melbourne), R. Kennicutt (U. of Arizona), P. Knezek, S. Oey (STScI), C. Smith (NOAO), M. Drinkwater (U. of Melbourne), K. Freeman (Australian National U.), V. Kilborn (G) (U. of Melbourne), M. Putman (G) (Australian National U.), L. Staveley-Smith (Australia Telescope National Facility), M. Meyer (G), A. Karrick (G) (U. of Melbourne): “Star Formation in H i Selected Galaxies”

CT-1.5m 9

85. R. Millis, M. Buie (Lowell Observatory), E. Chiang (Inst. for Advanced Study), J. Elliot, S. Kern (G) (MIT), D. Trilling (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Wagner, L. Wasserman, A. Jordan (G) (Lowell Observatory): “Deep Ecliptic Survey”

CT-4m 4

86. S. Mohanty, L. Hartmann (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): “Exploring the `Brown Dwarf Desert' in Upper Scorpius”

CT-4m 3

87. K. Nandra (NASA GSFC): “Sheep: The Search for the High-Energy Extragalactic Population” CT-1.5m 1


03-A CTIO — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (49) Telescope NightsCT-4m 1

88. D. Norman (CTIO), D. Wittman (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), N. Van Der Bliek (NOAO), D. Loomba (U. of New Mexico), M. Smith (NOAO): “A NIR Search for Quasars in the Deep Lens Survey”

CT-4m 2

89. P. Nugent, G. Aldering (UC Berkeley), D. Howell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), M. Phillips (Carnegie Institution of Washington), N. Suntzeff (NOAO), S. Perlmutter (UC Berkeley),C. Smith (CTIO): “Metallicity Effects in the Spectra and Light Curves of Nearby Type Ia Supernovae”

CT-1.5m 2

90. P. Nugent (UC Berkeley): “UV Observations of Hubble Flow Type Ia Supernovae” CT-1.3m 4.8

91. J. Orosz (San Diego State U.), M. Van Den Berg (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), F. Verbunt (U. of Utrecht): “Long-term variability in two remarkable members and X-ray sources of M 67”

CT-1.3m 1.53

92. B. Penprase (Pomona College), R. Quadri (G) (Yale U.), B. Brown (U) (Harvey Mudd College), A. Ates (G) (Pomona College): “Extinction and Abundances within HII regions of M83 and NGC 1313”



93. B. Peterson (Ohio State U.), L. Ferrarese (Rutgers U.), R. Pogge, C. Onken (G) (Ohio State U.): “Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies”

CT-4m 1

94. C. Pilachowski (Indiana U.), C. Sneden (U. Texas, Austin): “Carbon Isotope Ratios in Omega Centauri Giants”

CT-4m 2

95. C. Pilachowski (Indiana U.): “Infalling Planetesimals in Young Star Clusters” CT-4m 5

96. B. Pritzl (NOAO), H. Smith (Michigan State U.), M. Catelan (Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile), A. Sweigart (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center): “Variable Stars in the Second-Parameter Globular Cluster M62”

CT-1.3m 0.97

97. I. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania), J. Liebert (U. of Arizona), P. Allen (U. of Pennsylvania): “Meeting the cool neighbours: covering the sky”



98. J. Rhoads, A. Fruchter (STScI), M. Merrill (NOAO), I. Burud, J. Castro Ceron (G) (STScI), J. Urkia (LAEFF), J. Hjorth (Copenhagen U.), C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), A. Levan (G) (STScI), K. Nelson-Patel (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), L. Strolger (U. of Michigan), N. Tanvir (U. of Hertfordshire): “Gamma-Ray Bursts and their Host Environments”


99. B. Rodgers (Gemini Obs.): “Near-infrared observations of the young eclipsed star KH 15D and other HAEBEs”

CT-4m 2

100. R. Schiavon (UC Santa Cruz), J. Rose (U. of North Carolina), S. Courteau, L. MacArthur (G) (U. of British Columbia), B. Castilho (CNPq): “Spectroscopic Ages and Metal Abundances of Globular Clusters”

CT-4m 4

101. J. Smith (U. of Michigan), D. Tucker (FNAL): “Southern Standard Stars for the u'g'r'i'z' System” CT-0.9m 14

102. N. Smith (U. of Colorado), R. Gehrz, K. Davidson (U. of Minnesota): “Variability in the Near-IR Spectrum of Eta Carinae”

CT-4m 4

103. J. Stauffer (SIRTF), B. Jones (UC Santa Cruz), D. Navascues (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid), D. Backman (Franklin & Marshall College), A. Muench (SIRTF): “The Spectral Energy Distributions of Young K & M Dwarfs in Open Clusters”

CT-4m 3

104. B. Twarog, B. Anthony-Twarog (U. of Kansas): “Probing the Chemical Properties of Metal-Rich Globular Clusters”

CT-0.9m 7


03-A CTIO — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (49) Telescope Nights

105. J. Tyson (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), G. Bernstein (U. of Michigan), I. Dell Antonio (Brown U.), D. Wittman, D. Kirkman, G. Kochanski (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), T. Lauer (NOAO), T.Broadhurst (UC Berkeley), R. Cen (Princeton U.), J. Cohen (California Inst. of Technology), A. Gonzalez, R. Guhathakurta (UC Santa Cruz), W. Hu (Inst. for Advanced Study), N. Kaiser (U. of Hawaii), J. Miralda-Escude (U. of Pennsylvania), R. Schommer (NOAO), D. Spergel (Princeton U.), G. Squires (California Inst. of Technology), C. Stubbs, A. Becker (U) (U. of Washington), D. Loomba (G), J. Kubo (G), H. Khiabanian (G) (Brown U.): “Deep Lens Survey”

CT-4m 14

106. S. Wachter, L. Rebull, A. Muench, S. Fajardo-Acosta, W. Reach, A. Noriega-Crespo, M. Burgdorf,D. Hoard, D. Padgett, S. Stolovy, L. Cambresy, J. Rho (SIRTF), T. Jarrett (CalTech-JPL), S. Ramirez (SIRTF): “Characterizing the Young Stellar Population in Chamaeleon II with MOSAIC and SIRTF”

CT-4m 2

107. G. Wallerstein (U. of Washington), S. Adrievsky, V. Kovtyukh (Odessa State U.): “A high Resolution Abundance Study of NGC 6388”

CT-4m 4

108. A. Whiting (CTIO), K. Olsen (NOAO), N. Suntzeff (CTIO), B. Miller (Gemini Observatory): “Chasing the High Radial-Velocity Tail”

CT-1.3m 0.6

109. P. Winkler (Middlebury College), K. Long (STScI), P. Ghavamian (Rutgers U.), P. Student (U) (Middlebury College): “Probing Shocks in the SN 1006 Supernova Remnant”

CT-1.5m 7

110. P. Zhao, J. Grindlay (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA), T. Abbott (CTIO), H. Cohn, P. Lugger (Indiana U.), S. Laycock (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): “ChaMPlane Survey: Spectroscopy and Calibration Follow-up”



02-B CTIO — U.S. Thesis Programs (13)

111. K. Bjorkman, J. Wisniewski (T) (U. of Toledo), A. Magalhaes (IAGUSP), J. Bjorkman (U. of Toledo): “Search for Circumstellar Disks in LMC/SMC Clusters”



112. A. Crotts (Columbia U.), P. Bouchet (CTIO), S. Heathcote (NOAO), S. Lawrence (Hofstra University), B. Sugerman (T) (Columbia U.), N. Suntzeff (NOAO): “Evolution of SN 1987A into a Supernova Remnant”

CT-4m 2

113. K. Cruz (T) (U. of Pennsylvania), I. Reid (STScI), J. Kirkpatrick (California Institute of Technology): “Understanding Near-Infrared Spectra of L Dwarfs”

CT-4m 4

114. P. Gomez, K. Romer (Carnegie Mellon U.), M. Runyan (T) (California Institute of Technology), W. Holzapfel (UC Berkeley), J. Peterson (Carnegie Mellon U.), J. Ruhl (UC Santa Barbara): “Photometric Redshifts of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Clusters”

CT-4m 3

115. R. Grouchy (T), R. Buta (U. of Alabama): “Properties of Nonbarred Ringed Galaxies” CT-1.5m 5

116. T. Henry, W. Jao (T), J. Subasavage (T) (Georgia State U.), J. Bean (U) (Goergia Technology Research Institute), D. Koerner (U. of Pennsylvania), P. Ianna, J. Bartlett (T) (U. of Virginia), E. Costa (Universidad de Chile), R. Mendez (ESO), A. Miranda (O) (CTIO): “Perturbations in CTIOPI and Preparations for CTIOPI2”

CT-0.9m 21

117. M. Kilic (T), D. Winget, T. Von Hippel (U. of Texas, Austin), C. Claver (NOAO): “Identification of Cool White Dwarfs in the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey: Extension to the Equatorial Field”

CT-4m 4

118. C. Kouveliotou (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), S. Wachter (U. of Washington), J. Rhoads (STScI), E. Rol (T) (University of Amsterdam), R. Wijers (SUNY, Stony Brook), A. Fruchter (STScI), N. Tanvir (University of Hertfordshire), P. Vreeswijk (T) (University of Amsterdam): “ToO Gamma-Ray Burst Counterpart Observations”

CT-1.0m 1


02-B CTIO — U.S. Thesis Programs (13)

119. J. Pizagno (T), K. Sellgren (Ohio State U.): “2 (micron) Continuum and H2 1-0 S(1) Imaging of Reflection Nebulae”

CT-4m 3

120. A. Sarajedini, E. Lada (U. of Florida), D. Zaritsky (U. of Arizona), R. Probst, K. Olsen (NOAO), G. Tiede, A. Grocholski (T) (U. of Florida): “The LMC in Space and Time: An infrared reconnaissance”

CT-4m 3

121. J. Silverman (T) (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), P. Green, B. Wilkes (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), P. Smith (U. of Arizona), B. Jannuzi (NOAO): “Is the dawn of the quasar epoch between 3<z<5?”

CT-4m 2

122. C. Stubbs (U. of Washington), K. Cook (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), S. Hawley (U. of Washington), D. Welch (McMaster U.), C. Alcock (U. of Pennsylvania), K. Mighell (NOAO), A. Becker (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), C. Nelson (G) (UC Berkeley), A. Drake (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), A. Rest (T), G. Miknaitis (G) (U. of Washington), S. Keller (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory): “A Next Generation Microlensing Survey of the LMC”

CT-4m 15

123. J. Subasavage (T), W. Jao (T), T. Henry (Georgia State U.), J. Bean (U) (Goergia Technology Research Institute): “Proper Motion Stars for CTIOPI2”

CT-0.9m 7

03-A CTIO — U.S. Theses (12)

124. K. Allers (T), D. Jaffe (U. of Texas, Austin), N. Van Der Bliek (CTIO), F. Allard (CRAL): “Young Jupiter-Mass Objects in Nearby Molecular Clouds”

CT-4m 4

125. J. Bally, N. Smith, J. Walawender (T) (U. of Colorado): “A Census of Proplyds, Silhouette Disks, and Outflows in the Carina Nebula”

CT-4m 2

126. T. Beers (Michigan State U.), N. Christlieb (Universitat Hamburg), S. Rossi (IAGUSP), J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), S. Ryan (Open U.), B. Marsteller (T) (Michigan State U.): “Identification and Analysis of Metal-Poor Carbon-Enhanced Stars in the Halo of the Galaxy”

CT-1.5m 5

127. T. Beers (Michigan State U.), N. Christlieb (Universitat Hamburg), J. Rhee (U. of Virginia), S. Ryan (Open U.), M. Bessell (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics), S. Rossi (IAGUSP), T. Sevastyanenko (T) (Michigan State U.): “A “Quick Survey” for Halo Giants with [Fe/H] -2.5”

CT-4m 9

128. J. Cooke (T) (UC San Diego), E. Gawiser (Yale U.), A. Wolfe (UC San Diego), J. Prochaska (UC Santa Cruz): “Search for High Redshift Galaxies Associated with Damped Ly Absorbers”

CT-4m 2

129. P. Frinchaboy (T), S. Majewski (U. of Virginia), W. Kunkel (Las Campanas Observatory), R. Phelps (Cal State Sacramento), M. Skrutskie, H. Rocha-Pinto (U. of Virginia): “The Absolute Space Motions of Galactic Clusters”

CT-4m 6

130. P. Green (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), A. Lacluyze (T) (Michigan State U.), R. Cameron (Chandra X-ray Center), W. Barkhouse, A. Verma (T) (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), R. Smith, B. Jannuzi (NOAO), J. Baldwin (Michigan State U.), B. Wilkes, H. Tananbaum (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): “Evolution of Accretion Power from the ChaMP”

CT-4m 1

131. N. Homeier (T) (U. of Wisconsin Madison), R. Blum (NOAO), P. Conti (U. of Colorado), A. Pasquali (ESO), A. Damineli (IAGUSP): “Near-Infrared Discovery of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars”

CT-4m 2

132. P. Lira, J. Maza (Universidad de Chile), J. Woo (T), C. Urry (Yale U.), R. Van Der Marel (STScI): “The AGN-Galaxy Connection”

CT-4m 2


03-A CTIO — U.S. Theses (12)

133. H. Schwarz, A. Whiting, H. Monteiro (T) (NOAO): “Spectroscopy of old, interacting Planetary Nebulae”

CT-1.5m 2

134. J. Simmerer (T) (U. of Texas, Austin), T. Beers (Michigan State U.), C. Sneden (U. of Texas, Austin): “The Chemical History of the Galactic Thick Disk”

CT-4m 4

135. A. Witt, U. Vijh (T) (U. of Toledo): “Spectroscopy of Photoluminescence Emission by Interstellar Nanoparticles”

CT-1.5m 7


In the two semesters ending July 31, 2003, eight U.S. proposals were awarded time on the HET and 10 on the MMT telescope under the NSF-funded Facilities Instrumentation Program. The names of successful proposers, program titles, and number of nights awarded are specified in the following list. The number of U.S. investigators associated with these observing programs was 40.

02-B+ 03-A: HET — U.S. Programs (8) Nights

1. K. Krisciunas, N. Suntzeff (NOAO), M. Phillips (Las Campanas Obs.), M. Hamuy (G) (Carnegie Obs.), C. Smith (NOAO), D. DePoy (Ohio State U.): “Near-Infrared and Optical Light Curves of Bright Supernovae “


2. K. Stassun, R. Mathieu (U. of Wisconsin Madison): “A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of Newly Discovered Pre-Main- Sequence Eclipsing Binaries in Orion”


3. D. Turnshek, S. Rao (U. of Pittsburgh): “The Kinematics of the Neutral Gas in Low-Redshift Damped Lyman-Alpha Galaxies “


4. D. Bowen (Princeton U.), T. Heckman (Johns Hopkins U.), D. York (U. of Chicago): "Mg II QSO absorption systems: galaxy halos or metal enriched IGM?"


5. M. Giampapa (NOAO), J. Liebert (U. of Arizona), N. Reid (STScI), K. Cruz (G) (U. of Pennsylvania): "Emission line variability in a newly discovered 2MASS star"


6. M. Lemmon (Texas A&M U.): "Search for tropospheric absorbers on Titan" 0.4

7. F. Ma, M. Yuan (G), Z. Shang (G) (U. of Texas, Austin): "A Radio-Loud Quasar in Transition to a Broad Absorption Line Quasar?"


8. J. Orosz (San Diego State U.), M. Van Den Berg (Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera), F. Verbunt (University of Utrecht): "Long-term variability in two remarkable members and X-ray sources of M 67"


02-B + 03-A: MMT — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (6) Nights

1. V. Kulkarni (U. of South Carolina), D. York (U. of Chicago), J. Lauroesch (Northwestern U.), A. Crotts (Columbia U.), O. Nakamura (University of Tokyo), P. Khare (Utkal University): “The Evolution of Metals and Dust in Damped Lyman-alpha Quasar Absorbers”


2. P. Massey (Lowell Observatory), K. Degioia-Eastwood (NSF), N. King (STScI): “The Evolution and Physical Parameters of Massive Stars at High Metallicity: O Stars in the Andromeda Galaxy”


3. S. Schuler (G), J. King (UNLV): “Chromospheric Activity and Lithium Abundance Scatter in the Young OpenCluster M35”



02-B + 03-A: MMT — U.S. Programs (Non-Thesis) (6) Nights

4. T. Statler (Ohio U.), L. Young (New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology): “The Evolution of CO-Rich Elliptical Galaxies: Stellar and Ionized Gas Kinematics”


5. A. Dobrzycki (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics): "Chandra Observation of HS 1603+3820 - A Bright, High Redshift Quasar with Very Rich Associated Absorption"


6. V. Kulkarni (U. of South Carolina), D. York (U. of Chicago), P. Khare (Utkal University), J. Lauroesch (Northwestern U.), A. Crotts (Columbia U.), O. Nakamura (University of Tokyo): "The Evolution of Metals and Dust in Damped Lyman-alpha Quasar Absorbers"


MMT Theses (4)

7. D. Turnshek, S. Rao, D. Nestor (T) (U. of Pittsburgh): "A Survey for Low-Redshift High Column Density QSO Absorption Line Systems"


8. S. Veilleux, D. Rupke (T) (U. of Maryland): "Superwinds in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The Spring Sample"


9. W. Forrest (U. of Rochester), B. Hoffman (U. of Arizona), E. Furlan (T) (Cornell U.), D. Watson (U. of Rochester), K. Uchida (Cornell U.): “Mid-infrared Observations of Protostellar and Protoplanetary Disks in Taurus”


10. S. Veilleux, D. Rupke (T) (U. of Maryland): “Superwinds in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies: The Fall Sample”



Beginning with the 2003-A semester, public observing time was available on the two Keck telescopes under the Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP). For the six months ending July 31, 2003, six U.S. proposals—including one thesis program—won observing time on one of the Keck telescopes. The number of U.S. scientists associated with these programs was 15.

03-B Keck Observatory — U.S. Proposals (6) Tel. Nights

1. C. Deliyannis (Indiana U.), R. Jeffries (Keele U.), A. Steinhauer (G) (Indiana U.): “Beryllium Abundances in NGC 6633”

Keck-I 2

2. M. Dickinson (STScI), D. Elbaz (CEA Saclay), R. Chary (SIRTF Science Center), B. Mobasher (STScI), M. Giavalisco (STScI), D. Stern (CalTech-JPL): “Star forming galaxies at \mbox\boldmath z ~ 2 in the GOODS/HDF-N”

Keck-II 2

3. M. Giampapa (NOAO): “Rotational velocities of solar-type stars in M67” Keck-I 1

4. P. Hall (Princeton U.), D. Hutsemekers (Universite de Liege): “Redshifted Troughs in Broad Absorption Line Quasars: Testing the Rotating Disk Wind Model”

Keck-I 1

5. S. Malhotra, J. Rhoads (STScI), A. Dey, B. Jannuzi (NOAO): “Lyman Alpha Galaxies and Galaxy Formation Scenarios”

Keck-II 1

6. R. Mastrapa (T), J. Emery (G), R. Brown (U. of Arizona): “Mapping the distribution of crystalline water ice on the surface of Europa using high-resolution near infrared spectroscopy”

Keck-II 3




1. Close, L. M., Siegler, N., Freed, M., Biller, B. 2003 ApJ, 587, 407, “Detection of Nine M8.0-L0.5 Binaries: The Very Low Mass Binary Population and Its Implications for Brown Dwarf and Very Low Mass Star Formation”

2. Cunha, K., Smith, V. V., Lambert, D. L., Hinkle, K.H., 2003 AJ, 126, 1305, “Fluorine Abundances in the Large Magellanic Cloud and Centauri: Evidence for Neutrino Nucleosynthesis?”

3. Freed, M., Close, L. M., Siegler, N., 2003 ApJ, 584, 453, “Discovery of a Tight Brown Dwarf Companion to the Low-Mass Star LHS 2397a”

4. Radomski, J. T., Piña, R. K., Packham, C., Telesco, C. M., De Buizer, J.M., Fisher, R. S., Robinson, A. 2003 ApJ, 587, 117, “Resolved Mid-Infrared Emission in the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 4151”

5. Roe, H. G., de Pater, I., Macintosh, B. A., McKay, C. P. 2002 ApJ, 581, 1399, “Titan's Clouds from Gemini and Keck Adaptive Optics Imaging”

6. Smith, V. V., Hinkle, K.H., Cunha, K., Plez, B., Lambert, D. L., Pilachowski, C. A., Barbuy, B., Melendez, J., Balachandran, S., Bessell, M. S., Geisler, D. P., Hesser, J. E., Winge, C. 2002 AJ, 124, 3241, “Chemical Abundances in Twelve Red Giants of the Large Magellanic Cloud from High-Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy”

7. Stephens, A. W., and Frogel, J. A. 2002 AJ, 124, 2023, “The Structure and Stellar Content of the Central Region of M33”


1. Albacete Colombo, J.F., et al. 2002, MNRAS, 336, p. 1099, “Optical Spectroscopy of X-Mega Targets – IV. CPD – 59°2636: A New O-type Multiple System in the Carina Nebula”

2. Albert, L., Doyon, R., Nadeau, D. 2003, IAU Symp. 211, ed. E.L. Martín, p. 287, “Searching for Wide Binary Brown Dwarfs around Nearby Stars”

3. Alcalá, J.M., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 287, ed. J.M. De Buizer, N.S. van der Bliek (ASP), p. 140, “X-Ray and Optical Observationes of NGC 1788”

4. Alonso M.V., et al 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2307, “Redshift-Distance Survey of Early-Type Galaxies: Circular-Aperture Photometry”

5. Assafin, M., et al 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2728, “Optical Positions of ICRF Sources using UCAC Reference Stars”

6. Baldwin, J.A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 583, p. 649, “Chemical Abundances in Broad Emission Line Regions: The “Nitrogen-loud” Quasi-Stellar Object Q0353-383”

7. Barnes, S.A. 2003, ApJ, 586, p. 464, “On the Rational Evolution of Solar-and Late-Type Stars, Its Magnetic Origins, and the Possibility of Stellar Gyrochronology”

Author Name Visiting (non-NOAO) observer Author Name NOAO scientific staff member Author Name Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) student


8. Barrado y Navascués, D., Stauffer, J.R. 2003, IAU Symp. 211, ed. E.L. Martín, p. 155, “The Low Mass End of the Young Cluster IC2391”

9. Bassino, L.P., Cellone, S.A., Forte, J.C. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E. K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 345, “A Search for Globular Clusters in the Surroundings of Dwarf Galaxies in Fornax: Intracluster Globulars?”

10. Bassino, L.P., et al. 2003, A&A, 399, p. 489, “Globular Cluster Candidates within the Fornax Cluster: Intracluster Globulars?”

11. Bennet, D.P., et al. 2002, ApJ, 579, p.639, “Gravitational Microlensing Events Due to Stellar-Mass Black Holes”

12. Bersier, D., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, ApJ, 584, L43, “The Unusual Optical Afterglow of the Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 021004: Color Changes and Short-Timescale Variability”

13. Blum, R.D., et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p.283, “Massive Star Birth in the Inner Galaxy: Obscured Massive Star Clusters”

14. Blum, R.D. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C.Esteban, p. 458, “The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions”

15. Boeshaar, P.C., et al. 2003, IAU Symp. 211, ed. E.L. Martín, p. 203, “Ground-Based Optical Deep Pencil Beam Surveys”

16. Bond, H.E., et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 279, ed. C.A. Tout, W. Van Hamme (ASP), p. 239, “V471 Tauri and SuWt 2: The Exotic Descendants of Triple Systems?”

17. Bosch, G., et al 2003, MNRAS, 341, p. 169, “Ruprecht 55: An OB Association at the Edge of Our Galaxy”

18. Candia, P., Krisciunas, K., …Suntzeff, N.B., …Rest, A., …Smith, R.C. 2003, PASP, 115, p. 277, “Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Unusual Type Ia Supernova 2000cx”

19. Cappellari, M., et al. 2002, ApJ, 578, p. 787, “The Counterrotating Core and the Black Hole Mass of IC 1459”

20. Catelan, M., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 274, ed. T. Lejeune, J. Fernandes (ASP), p. 315, “The Trimodal Horizontal Branch of M75 (NGC 6864)”

21. Chen, A.B-C., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, p. 762, “Dark Matter: Local Volume Density Versus Total Surface Density”

22. Chu, Y-H, et al 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2098, “The Wind of the B[e] Supergiant Henize S22 Viewed Through a Reflection Nebula in DEM L106”

23. Clariá, J.J., et al. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 196, “Ages and Metallicities of Five Intermediate-Age Star Cluster Projected Towards the Small Magellanic Cloud”

24. Clariá, J.J., et al. 2003, A&A, 399, p. 543, “Multicolor Photometry and Coravel Observations of Stars in the Southern Open Cluster IC 2488”

25. Conti, P.S., Blum, R.D. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p. 297, “The Giant H II Region W49A: A Starbirth Cluster”

26. Corti, M., Niemela, V., Morrel, N. 2003, A&A, 405, p. 571, “LSS 1135: An O-type Spectroscopic Binary in the Galactic OB Association Bochum 7”


27. Corwin, T.M., et al 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2543, “M75, A Globular Cluster with a Trimodal Horizontal Branch. II. BV Photometry of the RR Lyrae Variables”

28. Costa, E., Méndez, R.A. 2003, A&A, 402, p. 541, “Photometric Parallaxes of Southern High Proper Motion Stars. I.”

29. Courteau, S., et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, p. 208, “The Tully-Fisher Relation of Barred Galaxies”

30. Covey, K.R., …Suntzeff, N.B., et al. 2003, PASP, 115, p. 819, “A Reinvestigation of the Possible Metallicity Spread in NGC 3201”

31. Cowley, A.P., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2233, “A New Orbital Ephemeris and Reinterpretation of Spectroscopic Data for the Supersoft X-Ray Binary RX J0513.9-6951”

32. Cowley, A.P., et al 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2163, “A Spectroscopic and Photometric Study of the Eclipsing Low-Mass X-Ray Binary 2A 1822-371 (V691 Coronae Australis)”

33. Dall’Ora, M., …Walker, A.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, p. 197, “The Carina Project. I. Bright Variable Stars”

34. Damineli, A., …Blum, R.D. et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 267, ed. P.A. Crowther (ASP), p. 359, “The Stellar Population of NGC 3576”

35. Danforth, C.W., et al 2003, ApJ, 586, p. 1179, “Far-Ultraviolet and H Spectroscopy of SNR 0057-7226 in the Small Magellanic Cloud H II Region N66”

36. De Buizer, J.M., et al. 2002, ApJ, 580, p. 305, “Mid-Infrared Imaging of NGC 6334 I”

37. De Buizer, J.M. 2003, MNRAS, 341, p. 277, “Testing the Circumstellar Disc Hypothesis: A Search for H2 Outflow Signatures from Massive Young Stellar Objects with Linearly Distributed Methanol Masers”

38. Dirsch, B., et al. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 324, “The Outer Halo Cluster System of NGC 1399”

39. Dirsch, B., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 1908, “The Globular Cluster System of NGC 1399. I. A Wide-Field Photometric Study”

40. Dirsch, B., Richtler, T., Bassino, L.P. 2003, A&A, 408, p.929, “The Globular Cluster Systems of NGC 3258 and NGC 3268 in the Antlia Cluster”

41. Eskridge, P.B., et al. 2002, ApJS, 143, p. 73, “Near-Infrared and Optical Morphology of Spiral Galaxies”

42. Figuerêdo, E., Blum, R.D., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2739, “The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions. IV. NGC 3576”

43. Fitzpatrick, E.L., et al. 2003, ApJ, 587, p. 685, “Fundamental Properties and Distances of Large Magellanic Cloud Eclipsing Binaries. IV. HV 5936”

44. Foellmi, C., Moffat, A.F.J., Guerrero, M.A. 2003, MNRAS, 338, p. 360, “Wolf-Rayet Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds and Implications for Massive-Star Evolution – I. Small Magellanic Cloud”

45. Foellmi, C., Moffat, A.F.J., Guerrero, M.A. 2003, MNRAS, 338, p. 1025, “Wolf-Rayet Binaries in the Magellanic Clouds and Implications for Massive-Star Evolution – II. Large Magellanic Cloud”

46. Foellmi, C., Moffat, A.F.J., Guerrero Roncel, M.A. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C. Esteban, p. 180, “Binaries Among the WN Population in the Magellanic Clouds”

47. Ford, H., Peng, E., Freeman, K. 2002, ASP Conf. 273, ed. G.S. Da Costa, H. Jerjen (ASP), p. 41, “Extragalactic Planetary Nebulae”


48. Forte, J.C., et al. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 251, “The Globular Cluster Specific Frequency in NGC 1399 and 4486: A Comparative Study”

49. Fraquelli, H.A., Storchi-Bergmann, T., Levenson, N.A. 2003, MNRAS, 341, p. 449, “Extended Gas in Seyfert 2 Galaxies: Implications for the Nuclear Source”

50. Friel, E.D., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, p. 2693, “Metallicities of Old Open Clusters”

51. Gallart, C., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 274, ed. T. Lejeune, J. Fernandes (ASP), p. 397, “Combining Wide-Field, Old Main-Sequence Turnoff, Color-Magnitude Diagrams and Spectroscopy to Derive Accurate Star Formation Histories: The LMC and Fornax”

52. Gamen, R.C., Niemela, V.S. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C. Esteban, p. 184, “The Massive Wolf-Rayet Binary WR 98 (WN7/WC+O8-9”

53. Garnavich, P.M., …Krisciunas, K., et al. 2003, ApJ, 582, p. 924, “Discovery of the Low Redshift Optical Afterglow of GRB 011121 and Its Progenitor Supernova SN 2001ke”

54. Geisler, D., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 341, p. 771, “Ages and Metallicities of Eight Star Clusters and Their Surrounding Fields in the Inner Disc of the Large Magellanic Cloud”

55. Ghavamian, P., et al 2003, ApJ, 590, p. 833, “The Physics of Supernova Blast Waves. I. Kinematics of DEM L71 in the Large Magellanic Cloud”

56. Gladders, M.D., et al. 2003, ApJ, 593, p. 48, “The Incidence of Strong-Lensing Clusters in the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey”

57. Gómez, M., Mardones, D. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 2134, “Near-Infrared Spectra of Chamaeleon I Stars”

58. Gordon, K.D., et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, p. 279, “A Quantitative Comparison of the Small Magellanic Cloud, Large Magellanic Cloud, and Milky Way Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Extinction Curves”

59. Harbeck, D., et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 285, ed. E.K. Grebel, W. Brandner (ASP), p. 230, “Wide-Field Imaging of the Local Group Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Sextans”

60. Hardy, E., 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 62, “The Globular Clusters of the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy: Properties, Environment”

61. Harris, G.L.H., et al. 2002, IAU Symp. 207, ed. D. Geisler, E.K. Grebel, D. Minniti, p. 309, “Deep Wide-Field Photometry of the NGC 5128 Globular Cluster System: A Progress Report”

62. Hiriart, R., Smith, C., et al. 2003, ASP Conf. 295, ed. H.E. Payne, R.I. Jedrzejewski, R.N. Hook (ASP), p. 299, “The SuperMacho+SuperNova Survey Database Design: Supporting Time Domain Analysis of GB to TB Astronomical Datasets”

63. Hoekstra, H., Yee, H.K.C., Gladders, M.D. 2002, ApJ, 577, p. 595, “Constraints on �m and �8 from Weak Lensing in Red-Sequence Cluster Survey Fields”

64. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, A&A, 397, p. 585, “A Near-Infrared Survey for Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars”

65. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, IAU Symp. 212, ed. K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero, C. Esteban, p. 555, “A Near-Infrared Survey for Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars”

66. Homeier, N.L., Blum, R.D., et al. 2003, A&A, 408, p. 153, “Results from a Near Infrared Search for Emission-line Stars in the Inner Galaxy: Spectra of New Wolf-Rayet Stars”

67. Howland, R., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, p. 801, “CCD Photometry of the Galactic Globular Cluster NGC 6235”


68. Hughes, J.P., et al. 2003, ApJ, 582, L95, “Iron-rich Ejecta in the Supernova Remnant DEM L71”

69. Hughes, J.P., et al. 2003, ApJ, 591, L139, “An X-Ray Pulsar in the Oxygen-Rich Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8”

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74. Lepine, S., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1598, “Spectroscopy of New High Proper Motion Stars in the Northern Sky. I. New Nearby Stars, New High-Velocity Stars, and an Enhanced Classification Scheme for M Dwarfs.”

75. Lewis, K.T., et al. 2003, ApJ, 593, 115, “Emission-Line Diagnostics of the Central Engines of Weak-Line Radio Galaxies.”

76. Lípari, S., et al. 2003, MNRAS, 340, 289, “Extreme Galactic Wind and Wolf-Rayet Features in Infrared Mergers and Infrared Quasi-stellar Objects.”

77. Lonsdale, C.J., et al. 2003, PASP, 115, 897, “SWIRE: The SIRTF Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey.”


78. Luhman, K.L., et al. 2003, ApJ, 590, 348, “New Low-Mass Members of the Taurus Star-forming Region.”

79. MacArthur, L.A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 582, 689, “Structure of Disk-dominated Galaxies. I. Bulge/Disk Parameters, Simulations, and Secular Evolution.”

80. Malhotra, S., et al. 2003, ApJ, 585, L25, “No X-Ray-bright Type II Quasars Among the Ly Emitters.”

81. Martin, J.C. 2003, PASP, 115, 49, “The Masses of the B Stars in the High Galactic Latitude Eclipsing Binary IT Librae.”

82. Massey, P., and Holmes, S. 2002, ApJ, 580, L35, “Wolf-Rayet Stars in IC 10: Probing the Nearest Starburst.”

83. Meyer, R., et al. 2003, ApJ, 585, 73, “Three Emission-Line Galaxies at z~2.4.”

84. Miller, N.A. and Owen, F.N. 2002, AJ, 124, 2453, “Evolution of Star-forming and Active Galaxies in Nearby Clusters.”

85. Miller, N.A., and Owen, F.N. 2003, AJ, 125, 2427, “Abell 2255: Increased Star Formation and AGN Activity in a Cluster-Cluster Merger.”

86. Miller, N.A., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 2393, “A Comprehensive Radio and Optical Study of Abell 2256: Activity from an Infalling Group.”

87. Miller, S.T., and Veilleux, S. 2003, ApJ, 592, 79, “Extraplanar Emission-Line Gas in Edge-on Spiral Galaxies. II. Optical Spectroscopy”

88. Morrison, et al. 2003, ApJS, 146, 267, “Radio-selected Galaxies in Very Rich Clusters at z = 0.25. I. Multiwavelength Observations and Data Reduction Techniques.”

89. Muench, A.A., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 2029, “A Study of the Luminosity and Mass Functions of the Young IC 348 Cluster Using FLAMINGOS Wide-Field Near-Infrared Images.”

90. Mukherjee, R., et al. 2003, 589, 487, “Search for a Point-Source Counterpart of the Unidentified Gamma-Ray Source TeV J2032+4130 in Cygnus.”

91. Odell, A.P., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 3061, “The Color-Magnitude Relation in Coma: Clues to the Age and Metallicity of Cluster Populations.”

92. Orio, M. and Tovmassian, G. 2002, AIP Conf. 637, eds. M. Hernanz and J. Jose (AIP), 360, “The Search for Extended Ionization and Reflection Nebulae.”

93. Palma, C., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1352, “Exploring Halo Substructure with Giant Stars. IV. The Extended Structure of the Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.”

94. Papaderos, P., … Green, R.F., et al. 2002, Astron. Astrophys., 393, 461, “The Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy I Zw 18: A Comparative Study of its Low-surface-brightness Component.”

95. Parker, J.E., et al. 2002, ASP Conf. 275, eds. E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, and R. Mujica (ASP), 136, “A Large Asymmetry in the Distribution of Faint Stars in the Inner Galaxy.”

96. Patnaude, D.J., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 2118, “An Isolated, Recently Shocked ISM Cloud in the Cygnus Loop Supernova Remnant.”

97. Pilachowski. C., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 794, “Carbon Isotope Ratios for Giants in Globular Cluster M3: The Unique Lithium-Rich Giant IV-101.”


98. Postman, M., Lauer, T.R., et al. 2002, ApJ, 579, 93, “The KPNO/Deeprange Distant Cluster Survey. I. The Catalog and the Space Density of Intermediate-Redshift Clusters.”

99. Rao, S.M., et al. 2003, ApJ, 595, 94, “Low-Redshift Damped Ly� Galaxies toward the Quasars B2 0827+243, PKS 0952+179, PKS 1127-145, and PKS 1629+120.”

100. Reid, I.N., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 354, “Meeting the Cool Neighbors. IV. 2MASS 1835+32, a Newly Discovered M8.5 Dwarf within 6 Parsecs of the Sun.”

101. Rhoads, J.E., Dey, A., … Jannuzi, B.T., … Brown, M.J., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 1006, “Spectroscopic Confirmation of Three Redshift z~5.7 Ly Emitters from the Large-Area Lyman Alpha Survey.”

102. Sabby, J.A., and Lacy, C.H.S. 2003, AJ, 125, 1448, “Absolute Properties of the Eclipsing Binary Star RT Coronae Borealis.”

103. Sakai, S., et al. 2002, ApJ, 578, 842, “Discovery of a Group of Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies in A1367.”

104. Schmidt, E.G., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 906, “The Spectra of Type II Cepheids. I. The H� Line in Short-Period Stars.”

105. Sharp, R.G., et al. 2002, MNRAS, 337, 1153, “Reddening-independent Quasar Selection From a Wide-field Optical and Near-infrared Imaging Survey.”

106. Sheth, K., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 2581, “Molecular Gas and Star Formation in Bars of Nearby Spiral Galaxies.”

107. Shields, G.A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 583, 124, “The Black Hole-Bulge Relationship in Quasars.”

108. Silverman, J., et al. 2003, ApJS, 324, 97, “Optical Spectroscopic Followup of Serendipitous Chandra Sources: The Chandra Multiwavelength Project (ChaMP).”

109. Smail, I., et al. 2002, ApJ, 581, 844, “The Diversity of Extremely Red Objects.”

110. Smith, N. 2002, MNRAS, 336, L22, “Infrared [FeII] Emission in the Circumstellar Nebulae of Luminous Blue Variables.”

111. Smith, N., et al. 2002, ApJ, 578, 464, “The WR+OB Progenitor RY Scuti: Intensive Spectroscopy of Its Compact Double-Ring Nebula.”

112. Snow, T.P., et al. 2002, ApJ, 578, 877, “The Intrinsic Profile of the 4428 Å Diffuse Interstellar Band.”

113. Speck, A.K., et al. 2003, PASP, 115, 804, “Molecular Hydrogen in the Ring Nebula: Clumpy Photodissociation Regions.”

114. Stanford, S.A., et al. 2002, ApJS, 142, 153, “Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Distant Galaxy Clusters.”

115. Steidel, C.C., et al. 2003, ApJ, 592, 728, “Lyman Break Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 3: Survey Description and Full Data Set.”

116. Strolger, L.-G., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 2905, “The Type Ia Supernova 1999aw: A Probable 1999aa-like Event in a Low-Luminosity Host Galaxy.”

117. Swaters, R.A., et al. 2003, ApJ, 587, L19, “The Kinematics in the Core of the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy DDO 39.”


118. Takamiya, M., et al. 2003, The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift. Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held in Venice, Italy, 24-26 October 2001, 117, “Masses of Nearby Galaxies from WIYN IFU Spectroscopy.”

119. Thilker, D.A., et al. 2002, AJ, 124, 3118, “H II Regions and Diffuse Ionized Gas in 11 Nearby Spiral Galaxies.”

120. Tonry, J.L., et al. 2003, ApJ, 594, 1, “Cosmological Results from High-z Supernovae.”

121. Tovmassian, G., et al. 2003, AIP Conf. 637, eds. M. Hernanz and J. Jose (AIP), 72, “Did EY Cyg Go Through a Nova explosion?”

122. Vaccaro, T.R., and Wilson, R.E. 2003, MNRAS, 342, 564,” Fluorescence in ultraviolet active binaries: the case of FF Aquarii.”

123. Wallace, L., and Hinkle, K. 2002, AJ, 124, 3393, “Medium-Resolution Stellar Spectra in the L Band from 2400 to 3000 cm-1 (3.3 to 4.2 Microns).”

124. Walter, F.M., et al. 2003, AJ, 125, 2123, “Deconstructing HD 28867.”

125. Welty, D.E., et al. 2003, ApJS, 147, 61, “High-Resolution Observations of Interstellar Ca I Absorption-Implications for Depletions and Electron Densities in Diffuse Clouds.”

126. White, R.L.,…Lauer, T.R., et al. 2003, AJ, 126, 706, “An I-Band-selected Sample of Radio-emitting Quasars: Evidence for a Large Population of Red Quasars.”

127. Wichmann, R., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 399, 983, “Nearby Young Stars.”

128. Wichmann, R., et al. 2003, Astron. Astrophys., 400, 293, “New Spectroscopic Binaries Among Nearby Stars.”

129. Williams, B.F. 2003, AJ, 126, 1312, “The Recent Star Formation History of the M31 Disk.”

130. Windhorst, R.A., et al. 2002, ApJS, 143, 113, “A Hubble Space Telescope Survey of the Mid-Ultraviolet Morphology of Nearby Galaxies.”

131. Wu, W., et al. 2002, ApJS, 143, 377, “A New Database of Observed Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Starburst Galaxies from the Ultraviolet to the Far-Infrared.”



During the 2003 fiscal year, NOAO initiated and/or facilitated numerous activities designed to foster, encourage, and increase geographic, gender, ethnic, and racial diversity. Examples of these activities are:

Hiring a diverse mix of 29 new staff members, including 13 women (nearly 45% of all hires), and seven minority group members (24% of all hires)

Promoting five women (23% of promotions), and three minority group members (14% of promotions)

Devising special arrangements to address the unique needs of a dual-career couple by opening up another position within the organization; and making arrangements for the spouse of a recently hired staff member to interview with area businesses through NOAO participation in the Tucson Dual-Career Network.

Human Resources staff attending Employment Immigration Visa Training programs to enhance our understanding of the unique needs of immigrants; two HR staff members presented a talk on this subject at a professional conference.

Hosting a guest speaker at the Tucson location presenting the topic of Valuing Diversity

Presenting a poster on “Women in Astronomy at NOAO” at the Women in Astronomy Conference in Pasadena, Calif.

Reviewing policies and procedures manual for language and content supporting increased diversity, and recommended changes to be implemented beginning in fiscal year 2004.

Participating in job fairs, career days, and public outreach programs specifically addressing the needs of minority group members, and disadvantaged students and community members.

Improving our video and telephone conferencing abilities to enhance communication across diverse geographic locations.

Adopting the practice of establishing diverse search committees, including appointing at least one woman for all scientific and high-level recruitments.

Making special accommodations for staff members with temporary or long-term disabilities.

Continuing our ongoing affirmative action, equal employment opportunity, and Native American preference programs as outlined in our annual Affirmative Action Plan documents.




In FY03, NOAO Tucson experienced two OSHA recordable injuries and Kitt Peak experienced one OSHA recordable injury. On July 2, 2003, an employee truck caught fire in the Tucson main parking lot due to a faulty fuel line. Thanks to CAS staff for quickly calling 911; the Tucson Fire Department responded in less than five minutes and extinguished the fire.

On July 28, 2003, the NOAO Employees Association reported that about $200.00 from the viewing telescope proceeds turned up missing from an employee’s office. Tucson police were notified and the police assigned a case number (0307290225). A new procedure has been developed for handling cash.

On July 28, 2003, the Sells commuter van was involved in a single car accident. During heavy rains, the van encountered pooling water on Highway 86 and began to hydroplane. The driver lost control of the van and went into the ditch. No one was injured. The Tohono O’Odham Nation Police Department responded to the accident and no citations were issued. The van has minor damage to the right sliding door.

NOAO risk management specialist assisted STScI’s Ms. Gene Bryant with the classification and reporting requirements of an industrial injury that occurred at their Maryland facility on August 1.

On September 26, 2003, an NOAO shuttle vehicle was involved in a two-car accident. The driver of the shuttle pulled out into the left lane to pass a slow moving vehicle near Coleman road on Highway 86. After passing the first vehicle, a second vehicle in front was indicating a right turn. As a result, he stayed in the left lane to pass the second vehicle. As the driver approached the second vehicle, the indicator light shifted to left turn and the second vehicle turned in front of the shuttle. The shuttle driver attempted to react but hit the turning vehicle, airbags went off, and the vehicle went to the side of the road. One employee claimed his head was hurting and was transported to the hospital and later released. The driver went to the hospital and was treated for neck strain and released. The driver received a citation for failure to control speed/accident and driving left of center within 100 feet of an intersection.


The risk management specialist provided assistance during the Mayall 4-m declination drive rebuild, 2.1-m cable replacement and the Mayall 4-m cleaning. The work included drafting the risk management plan and advising the project leadership during the shutdown periods. Specific topics included site access, lockout tag-out, fall protection, personal protective equipment, ladder safety, platforms, communications and leadership, industrial hygiene, environmental compliance, and others.

The Optics and Instrument shop elevators project continues. Through a number of conversations with Hotchkiss Elevator and the Arizona Industrial Commission, the Arizona state elevator inspectors have asserted that NOAO cannot modify the elevators to transport people. CFO engineers and the risk management specialist have been discussing elevator possibilities and accessibility issues for the Tucson facility and have proposed several possibilities to the organization for consideration.

The risk management specialist provided safety advisement during the demolition and construction of the Tucson M1 area office modifications for LSST.

The risk management specialist provided editing and risk management comments to Mario Gonzalez for the newly created English version of the Cerro Tololo and Cerro Pachon AURA-O Evacuation Plan.

Kitt Peak now has new emergency cell phones to replace old technology phones. The emergency cell phones are located at the administration building, the maintenance area phone room, and at the fire barn.


As part of a national program, the Arizona Department of Health Services has carried out a statewide surveillance for West Nile virus since 2000. Tohono O'odham Indian Health Services participates in this testing program for the tribal lands, in the course of which they took samples on Kitt Peak on August 26, 2003, and submitted the samples to the Arizona Department of Health Services. Kitt Peak management was informed that samples taken from mosquitoes at the Kitt Peak Horseshoe reservoir near mile marker nine tested positive through one technique for West Nile virus. The Kitt Peak Horseshoe reservoir is located about 1.3 miles below the summit. Access to the reservoir is limited to staff of KPNO of the VERITAS project. Information regarding the test results and West Nile virus was distributed to all Arizona employees, docents, Kitt Peak tenants, posted in the Kitt Peak visitor center and distributed to visiting astronomers and other guests.

The NOAO risk management specialist participated in the September 10 Solis demolition planning meeting. As a result of action items discussed in the meeting a Solis Demolition Work – Safety Action Plan was developed and is being followed during the work.

The NOAO risk management specialist provided an internal inspection, informal audit, and a management assessment of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile from September 22 to October 2, 2003. Written report is forthcoming.


Complete Landscaping has finished their work on Kitt Peak by creating 30 ft defensible spaces around critical structures. The T.O. Nation Fire Department is actively working on approval for the Fuel Reduction Resolution Plan, which is the long-term strategy for hazard fuel reduction on the T.O. Nation that includes Kitt Peak.

The NOAO risk management specialist accompanied Mark Grushka, U of A Risk Management and Janet Reeves, Pima County Risk Management during a visit to U of A’s Mount Bigelow and Mt. Lemmon for a half day on July 30. We met with Jim Grantham, Steward Observatory Supervisor and discussed their strategy for reducing the risk from wildfires. We learned that they have been working on a thirty-foot defensible space and a one hundred and fifty foot urban wild land interface. During the fire threat, soaker hoses and sprinklers were placed on critical structures, exterior vents were covered with aluminum sheets and taped, key staff possess wild land firefighting certifications, critical equipment was removed from the site, tenders with foam machines were readied, hotshot crews provided back burning and a good relationship with the fire department was maintained.

The Kitt Peak fast attack vehicle was modified to allow easy connection of fire hoses and portable foam fire fighting machines.


Goudy Engineering tested cathodic protection for the Kitt Peak underground fuel storage tanks with favorable results.
