Nativity of Mary Church and School · Cody Ellis Juan/Mary Perez Kathleen Winbinger Mary Enyart...


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Nativity of Mary Church and School 10017 E 36th Terrace Independence, MO 64052

Parish: (816) 353-2184 Fax: (816) 358-4155 School: (816) 353-0284 Web:

“My attitude must be Christ’s.” - Philippians 2:5

Parish Staff Rev. Robert Stone, Pastor Melissa Clancy, Business Manager Paula Cassity, Administrative Assistant Maria Milazzo, Director of Music & Liturgy Becky Winbinger, Youth Minister Mary Singer, Sacristan Mary Jo Nafus, Secretary

School Staff Mrs. Mary Parrish, Principal Susie Addison, School Tours and Registration Info

New Parishioners If you are new to our parish and would like more information please contact the Parish Office.

Pastoral Care Sacraments for the Sick. Rev. Bob Stone, 353-2184, ext. 404

Pastoral visits to the Homebound and Hospitals. Paula Cassity, 353-2184, ext. 401

Emergency Assistance Contact St. Mary’s Food Pantry and Clothes Closet - 252-8649

Youth Ministry Becky Winbinger, 353-2184, ext. 408

Sacrament Preparation Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Adult Initiation (RCIA), and Matrimony Contact the parish office for information

Parish Ministry Council Danny Barnes, 816-507-5171,

Diocesan Victim’s Advocate Kathleen Chastain 816.392.0011 or

Ombudsman Joe Crayon, 816-812-2500

Visit us at nativityofmaryparish/

Mass Schedule Monday: 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Weekday: 8:30 a.m. Tuesday - Friday Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Holy Day: 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.

Confessions Saturday: 3:00 p.m. or by Appointment


MASS INTENTIONS WEEKLY READINGS - AUGUST 19 - 25, 2019 Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30


Gluten-free hosts are available. Talk to Fr. Bob before Mass.

Sat., Aug. 17 -Vigil of 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:00PM In Gratitude

Sunday, Aug. 18 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00AM + Mildred Draskovich

10:30AM + Carlos & Eva Pinon

Monday, August 19 - St. John Eudes

8:30AM Communion Service

Tuesday, August 20 - St. Bernard

8:30AM Nativity of Mary Parish & School

Wednesday, August 21 - St. Piux X, Pope

8:30AM + Al & Mary Flowers

Thursday, August 22 - The Queenship of Mary

8:30AM + Pierson Phillips

Friday, Aug. 23 - St. Rose of Lima

8:30AM + David Miller

Sat., Aug. 24 -Vigil of 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:00PM + Mildred Draskovich

Sunday, Aug. 25 - The 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00AM + Virginia McMenamy

10:30AM + Angelo Di Gaetano & Antonio Milazzo

Devotional candles are kept in the kiosk. If you would like to light one just ask an usher for assis-tance. There is a slot and envelopes available in the kiosk to place your $5 donation.

20th Sun in Ordinary Time-Music Outline (8/17&18)

Readings may be found beginning on G #1151

Gathering: #622, Canticle of the Turning Gloria: G #321 Psalm: G #1151, Psalm 40: Lord, come to my aid Offertory: G #841, Gathered As One Mass Setting: G #361-63, 388 Mass of Angels & Saints Communion: G 681, We Remember Song of Praise: G #744, As a Fire Is Meant for Burning

Margaret Ault Mary Gulick Susie Smith

Irene Black Marla Herbst Bernice/Norm Steffen

Steve Christensen Marlene Irwin John Tuccillo

John Edward Cianciolo Cynthia Jones Ben Van Bibber

John Clarke Dennis Jones Carol Byrd Weaver

Shelly Clemons Debbie Kubiak Daniel Wheeler

Bob DeSchepper Deanna Kunzweiler Katie Winbinger

Cody Ellis Juan/Mary Perez Kathleen Winbinger

Mary Enyart Alyssa Schell Lauren Winbinger

Ally/Shannon Fowler Mary Kay Seller Ayden Wright

Garry/Emily Gagnon Patrick Singleton Dave/Alice Zapien

New A/C Units We had to replace 3 a/c units in the school and 1 in the Ministry Center this summer. The total cost was $14,850. We received $6,930 from insurance leaving $7,920 the parish will have to

pay. While we do budget for repairs this was much more than we expected. Last weekend we had a sec-ond collection for anyone wishing to make a donation to help with this expense. If you were not here last week-end or were unprepared to make a donation last week-end and would like to contribute there are envelopes in the back of church. Thank you for your help.

AUGUST 18, 2019 - PARISH


Did You Know…

RCIA classes will begin in September. If you or someone you know is interested in joining

our church or wants more information on the Catholic faith please contact Becky Winbinger, 353-2184, to make and appointment.

Thank you for supporting our Parish Community and Catholic Education!

Since we had to remove our recycling bins from the property we are looking for a volunteer to take the recycling from the Ministry Center to a recycling center on a weekly basis. If you would like to volun-teer please contact the Ministry Center.

Attention Notice September 21st Wine Walk

The Altar Society Members will be having an Adult Out-side Wine, and Brew Walk on September 21st in the School Parking Lot. Members will be in the Narthex for your ticket donation of $15 for a single ticket or $25 for a couples ticket. Proceeds from this Event will go towards the West Church Parking Lot "Islands Project". We would love to have your purchase early for the planners we are!

Envelopes $ 10,050.00 Plate $ 553.00 Church Debt $ 607.50 Pisces Fund $ 582.50 Utility Fund $ 1.00 EFT $ 695.00 Credit Card $ 336.50 Online Giving $ 241.27 Poor Box $ 90.00 Total $ 13,156.77

18 8:00AM Mass 10:30AM Mass 9AM - Choir Baptism Classes Infants-7- 1:00pm Age 8-13- 2:00pm


19 8:30AM Communion Serv.

20 8:30AM Mass

9AM - Quilters 6PM - Liturgy Committee Mtg.

21 8:30AM Mass

22 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM - Choir

23 8:30AM Mass

24 3:00PM Confession 4:00PM Mass 10:00AM New Parishioner Welcome Brunch and Tour

25 8:00AM Mass 10:30AM Mass

9AM - Choir 11:30AM-2:00PM Open House for Justin McMenamy 90th Birthday

26 8:30AM Communion Serv.

27 8:30AM Mass

9AM - Quilters

28 8:30AM Mass

29 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM - Choir

30 8:30AM Mass

31 3:00PM Confession 4:00PM Mass

1 8:00AM Mass 10:30AM Mass 9AM - Choir

2 8:30AM Communion Serv.

Ministry Center Closed

3 8:30AM Mass

9AM - Quilters 6PM - Ministry Council Meeting

4 8:30AM Mass

5 8:30AM Mass 7PM - Altar Society Meeting

6 8:30AM Mass 9AM-Noon Eucharistic Adoration

7 3:00PM Confession 4:00PM Mass 5PM - Parish Social



Aug. 24 & 25 4:00 PM Mass 8:00 AM Mass 10:30 AM Mass

Lectors Donna Arnone Marilyn Fellows

Bridgette Kahmann Mike Fetters

Vanessa Wiegman Joe Harris

Eucharistic Ministers

Marilyn Mineart Loretta Bates Carol Deveney Sherri Eaton Mary Burns Mike Mosbauer Sarah Gonterman

Judy Seufert Ed Seufert Jeff Rosenberg Laura Rosenberg Joe Arnone Margaret Ruiz

Diane Locascio Sam Locascio Rosa Milazzo Becky Winbinger Susie Kenney Michelle Hix Carla Brewer

Ushers Danny Barnes Teresa Zaner Loretta Polzin Grace Arnone

Larry Nauser Rich West Nancy Ronan Larry Morris

Donnie Duffey Janet Duffey Mike Monldy Bob Murphy

Servers Gabe Gonterman Volunteer

Bella Rosenberg Sam Rosenberg

Vincent WIegman Matt Lakin

Cantor Naomi Gonterman Kathy Bishop Martha & Jean

Accompanist Michelle Proen Chris Rupprecht Susan Walker


You are cordially invited to celebrate the 90th birthday of

Deacon Justin McMenamy

Sunday, August 25th

Celebratory Mass at 10:30 a.m.

Open House 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Nativity of Mary Parish Hall 10021 East 36th Terrace South

Independence, Missouri

Justin has requested no gifts Contributions may be given to the

Justin & Virginia McMenamy Scholarship Fund

Please R.S.V.P. Mary Vitt


Are you a NEW PARISHIONER to Nativity of Mary? Are you NEEDING to register as a NEW MEMBER?

Have you registered since January 2018?

Do any of the above pertain to you? Fr. Bob Stone, Mary Parrish (school principal), our Wel-coming Committee and other parishioners would be happy to meet you and your family.

Please save this date: Saturday, August 24, 2019

10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Tour the campus, share a brunch meal, and hear about other Nativity Church and School Ministries, Organiza-tions and FUN events coming up for you to explore. RSVP by August 16th to: Carol Morris, or816-721-3409

Engineers make bridges. Artists make paintings.

Scientists make rockets. But teachers make them all.

AUGUST 18, 2019 - THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME We reflect upon the voice of the prophet in this Sunday’s readings. We hear of the suffering and the rescue of Jeremiah. We hear how Jesus anticipates his suffering and death. As with Jeremiah and Jesus, the prophets were sent by God to the leaders and people of Israel. A prophet is one who speaks truth to the powerful, exposing their darker hidden mo-tives and injustices. The prophet presents a way forward that aligns with God’s purposes. A prophet can force people away from a comfortable neutrality or indifference. The prophet creates an urgency to make a choice: Are we content with the status quo, or are we to change our ways and pursue a new and better path? Today, we may also ask, how do we identify and respond to prophets of our time? How might we provide a prophetic voice in our Church and in our world?

ON FIRE Jesus intentions to set the earth on fire and to cause division were disturbing to his listeners, and may be disturbing to us, too. In the Old Testament, fire was seen as the means of God’s purification and judgment, truly a gift to the people. The fire destroys our illusions about ourselves and our behaviors. It burns away obstacles to a loving relationship with God. God’s fire melts any institutions, beliefs, or practices that enable evil and injustice.

Jesus came to expose evil and thereby force decisions about God’s true nature and purposes. Divisions emerged be-cause of the diverse choices people made. Does Jesus represent some demonic power, or the true God? Do we fight to preserve current attitudes and behaviors, or do we enter the path offered by Jesus? In evoking fire, Jesus is certainly not suggesting violence or disrespect toward others. Jesus lights a fire, and then in his death, bears its results. It is a fire of sacrificial love, melting cold hearts and bringing light to a darkened world.

KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS The author of the Letter to the Hebrews places Jesus at the center of faith. The author uses the Greek word archegos, translated as leader. This rich word includes various meanings: pioneer, instigator, and captain. Jesus blazed the trail, showing us how to run the long-distance race of faith--with steadfastness and courage. To a community experiencing persecutions and discouragement, Jesus is known as the exemplar of faithful endurance.

In keeping our eyes on Jesus, we confront what often is the most persistent obstacle to our faith--discouragement. Our faith-filled focus on Jesus enables us to see reality as filled with the presence of God. God is neither distant nor indiffer-ent; God is close and passionately loves us. Discouragement results in part from seeing mostly sin and darkness in our world and in ourselves. Jesus, God and human, reminds us of the divine activity within us and among us. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company


In recent weeks, we have reviewed how the Churches of East and West have enriched one another, and this past Thursday’s solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was born in the Eastern Church. It is a gift from the ancient Church of Jerusalem, a commemoration of the death of Mary, and a feast charged with a deep sense of the Resurrection. Mary, the first disciple, is the first to share fully in Christ’s victory over death. In the tradition of the East, August 15 is the Dormition of the Theotokos, or the Falling Asleep of the God-bearer. There is no shadow of death or gloom in the theology, since this is seen as a transformation of Mary’s life into a heavenly and immortal existence. There is a sense in the tradition that she who made earth heavenly and exalted the human race by her faithfulness is glorified today.

A persistent legend among Orthodox Christians tells how all the disciples, except Thomas, who was preaching in India, were present at Mary’s death and burial, and sat by the tomb for three days. On the third day, Thomas saw Mary’s body rising to heaven. She greeted him as my friend, and he was escorted by angels to proclaim her assumption to the oth-ers, who then realized her tomb was empty. Thus Thomas, the one who expressed doubt at the resurrection of Christ, received a gift from Mary: the chance to proclaim resurrection faith to the disciples.

Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.

The Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is committed to combating sexual abuse in the Church. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or if you observe or suspect sexual abuse:

1. Call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline at 1.800.392.3738 (if the victim is currently under the age of 18), and 2. Contact your local law enforcement agency or call 911, and 3. After reporting to these civil and law enforcement authori-ties, report suspected sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult to the Diocesan Ombudsman, Joe Crayon, at 816.812.2500, if the abuse involves a priest, deacon, em-ployee or volunteer of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

The Diocese has a sincere commitment to providing care and healing resources to victims of sexual abuse and their families. Please contact Victim Advocate, Kathleen Chastain, at 816.392.0011 or for more information.


Knights of Columbus and FRA - 9 Pin No Tap Bowling League

Summit Lanes Bowling Center, 803 SW Oldham Parkway, Lee’s Summit

Every Other Sunday at 6:00pm

Starting August 25th Mix League – Cost is $12.00

Call Summit Lanes (816-524-3322) Or Bill Umstead (816-806-7458) For more information

The Novena is to Say one Rosary per day for our nation for 54 days.

Go to: for more information.

YouTube: Annual 54 day Rosary Novena

Hundreds of couples, of all ages, from both KC dioceses have joined us (and now re-join us) for Date Night! We want you to do the same! We kick off your date with a happy (half) hour, appetizers, & a brief talk on faith+marriage+family… then you go finish your date together alone. It’s a great & meaningful (& fun) way to kick-start your date. Join us on the Plaza at Classic Cup (Cellar) on Thursday, SEPTEM-BER 5th, 6:30-7:30pm to kick-off your Date Night! Date Night is a School of Love event. Check it out online: AND . . .

Family Adoration & Food Truck

"Face to Face" - presented by School of Love

We start your night with family adoration, silence (relative silence!), Scripture, brief talk, live praise music, & the one thing every Catholic parents wants: the whole family to-gether... with Christ! Then afterwards we bring in a food truck! You finish your night with a family dinner, hang out, and conversation together! (Adoration is free. Dinner is up to you; our food truck is DELICIOUS!!) All ages & parishes wel-come! Join us on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 12th, 2019 at 6-7 pm at The Stone Chapel at Holy Trinity in Lenexa AND . . .

Amore: A School of Love Benefit Join us for a great time with cocktails, dinner and ca-sino night!! Also silent and live auctions!! And. . . . School of Love co-founder Archbishop Naumann! All to benefit School of Love’s mission to support faith, mar-riage and family!! Take a look at every 2nd Thursday!!

BLUE MASS, SEPTEMBER 29TH The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception invites those in law enforcement, firefighters, and emer-gency responders throughout the diocese to a Blue Mass, 9:00 a.m., Sunday, September 29 – the traditional feast of their patron St. Michael.
