Neat Her Lands


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Netherlands CP

Counterplan: [Wording Exact Same as Plan, except replace the country with the Netherlands]

Observation One: Competition ± The plan and counterplan are mutually exclusive, any permutation would result in anintrinsic permutation since the plan, nor the counterplan specified any cooperation. It is either/or.

Observation Two: SolvencyThe Netherlands Provides Refugees with living and health necessities from the beginning, incorporating refugees into

society quickly and more efficiently, solving the case and takes them off [Insert Country¶s Name] handsUN Refugee Agency UNHCR ¶09 (, ³Resettled African Refugees Arrive in

 Amsterdam´, Accessed: August 21, 2010)

Refugees were shown a video on daily life in the Netherlands; many had practical questions about topics ranging from theweather to housing, from the use of washing machines to health care services, from cycling to access to work."It was

useful because we learned about life and our rights in the Netherlands," remembered teenage boy Malega, who attended

the course. At the end of the training ± now a standard component of the Dutch resettlement process ± each participantreceived a certificate. After their arrival at Amsterdam airport, the immediate destination for the refugees was AZCAmersfoort, a reception centre where resettled refugees live until housing is allocated in a Dutch municipality. As

residents of the centre, they receive additional cultural and language induction courses to help them prepare for integration

in the Netherlands. Dutch classes at various levels are available, including a specific course for illiterate resettledrefugees. In three months, the refugees will have a formal identity card, a bank account and a house in a Dutch

municipality. The Dutch government began placing refugees in groups based on two main criteria: the refugees have thesame nationality and come from the same camp, having been selected during the same resettlement mission. This benefitsthe refugees, who know each other before arrival. It is also appreciated by the receiving municipalities, which see

resettlement in groups helps integration. The Netherlands was one of the first European countries to implement a refugee

resettlement plan, starting in 1984. Since 1987, this country has welcomed 500 "invited refugees" each year.

SHELL (2/2)

Netherland¶s refugee resettlement program integrates and takes care of refugees much better than [Insert Plan Country¶Name], solving for the advantage

Honore ¶03 (Mette Honore, Danish Refugee Council, Migration Information Source,

Travel arrangements to the resettlement country are paid for by the Nordic states and are arranged in cooperationwith the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). The resettlement country's local embassy or missionundertakes the issuance of relevant and necessary travel documentation. At times the Nordic countries' embassieshelp each other when one state lacks a diplomatic presence in the specific country of asylum.

Upon arrival in a Nordic country, the refugees are normally settled in an apartment or house, and only in raresituations do local communities have to offer temporary housing in a reception facility.

None of the Nordic countries require that the refugees undergo medical check-ups before acceptance for resettlement,

or before departure from the country of asylum. Upon entering the country of resettlement, all refugees are offered athorough medical examination paid for by the state. All refugees are entitled to free health care on equal terms withthe rest of the population.

All refugees are offered the opportunity to participate in an introduction program. The lengths and contents of theseprograms vary from country to country, but commonly the introduction plans all offer language training, culturalprograms, vocational training, and other elements aimed at integrating the refugee into the society of his/her newcountry.

In Denmark, participation is mandatory for all (unemployed) refugees for the first three years. Failure to attend mayhave a negative effect on the amount of public relief received and the eventual acquisition of a permanent residencepermit and citizenship.

Refugees in all the Nordic countries have access to the regular education system, which for all students is paid for by

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the state. 

Refugees that Resettle in The Netherlands have full Government and Public Support to SucceedSelm ¶03 (Joanne van Selm, Migration Policy Institute (Washington DC) and Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies(University of Amsterdam), Report: ³Public-Private Partnerships in Refugee Resettlement: Europe and US, , accessed: 8/21/10).

 A refugee being resettled ... to begin their life in the Netherlands. 
