NEC Finance Document With Ssr Comments-2




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I found this overview for you on financial literacy for the Berklee graduate.  (Its from NEC) and you are probably more entrepreneurial ...  Look at its back pages for information on budget categories. Think of what categories will be added (or removed) when you graduate Berklee.  Will you have less disposable income? More debt? 

WHAT I WANT FOR THE PORTFOLIO is Budget Categories ONLY.  No need to do numbers (if you feel that plugging in estimates will help you for this exercise do so, but the most important thing is that you get all relevant categories.)Add categories that you feel should be in your budget. 

Tag categories as  Short Term (ST) and Long Term(LT) Categories  ... Organize them according to One-time costs, Moving, Taxes, /  Fixed/ and Variable Costs.

When you are a free lance self employed business person, you will be paying taxes. Realize this.. the benefit of being poor is a low tax obligation.  Also, find a  tax prep person who knows about the business deductions you can take for your music making business. 

There is a lot in this attached NEC document that is not necessarily relevant to you now, and I think much was written before the egregious bloating of loan debt over other life priorities.   how realistic is it for a young graduate to start thinking about a Roth fund, when the private loans are due and rent increases?   My answer is 'remotely realistic'...but at least know about the savings structures available to you.

YOU SHOULD SAVE SOMETHING SMALL RIGHT AWAY!! Here's a goal that is not as remote as you think. Establish a separate bank savings account maybe where you have your checking account,  where you put no more than $80 a month minimum (which is 20$ a week or 3$ daily) for your poorest 6 months you ever experienced, gives you  $500.00 that didn't disappear! It's simply been moved from your holey pockets.... And then you have that 500 to put into a higher yielding savings account and maybe the next six months even up your monthly 'add' to  $100.00 (because you can find 20 bucks somewhere), add that and now you are talking in 1k language in only one year's time!!! and now with 1k you can actually do some  401K thinking and all in your first year out.  

More ways to make your money work while you work to make money

If your car is taking you to the repair shop for a regular date, then break up with it. A city has other options and cars don't belong here; they are like unwanted relatives. Ditch car think and  do a joint uber with your band mates. Better yet, become an uber band...transport and entertainment.  And charge!!!

budget variable costs diet suggestions...

give up ready made food and  eat out only 2x week and with friends. At home make a lot of pasta or rice and veggies. you'll stay slim.  

walk across the street from Guitar City.  That is a nasty cruel expensive place.  Walk by the Reflecting Pool instead. Inspiration is free.

check out what you want/need on ProArts Consortium announcements ..they are more quality controlled than craig's list.

 You might have to go on a netflix diet ; you can read a book instead and watch youtube. Just by doing that you make yourself money by your changing a non-essential go-to viewing habit. Notice how I'm not tackling other bad much is one pack of cigs these days???  

MOst entrepreneurs (Trump excluded..)figure out ways to make money at the times when they don't have it. Ben Franklin's quote "necessity is the mother of invention" and I will add "innovation and a new sensation"    you are  paying the cost for opportunity now. Position yourself to be doing something innovative.  And do it daily.  
