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Nehemiah 1 - 13

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Daniel 10

Daniel a Bible Study for preteens

Bible Studies for preteens are a great first in-depth Bible Study for this age-group. They take readers through a portion of the Bible, leaving them with a feeling of success and training them how to study their Bibles. The reading passages are divided into manageable and content appropriate chunks. Each Bible study includes word checks with definitions to aid in understanding. Each also includes relevant and thoughtful questions throughout. Short answer responses verses long writing assignments are utilized to make the study fun and not overwhelming.

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Copyright 2014

This study includes a cover designed for super hero fans!

Daniel and the Battling Angels This book belongs to ________________

Read Daniel 10:1. Daniel is referred to here as Belteshazzar. Read Daniel 1:7. Who gave him this name?

_____________________________________________ Belteshazzar means “lord of the straitened's treasure.” FYI Daniel means, “God is my judge.” Read Daniel 10:2. Word Check mourning - the act of showing sorrow or sadness. Wondering why Daniel was mourning? God had just given him a vision of what was to come…and it was bad news. Read Daniel 10:3. What are your 3 favorite foods? ________________________________, _______________________________ , ___________________________ Would it be hard to go without those foods for 3 weeks?

Write Yes or No - _____________ Draw a picture of your favorite foods if you’d like.

Day 1

Read Daniel 10:4-6. Label the image with a description of the angel Daniel saw.

face -

arms and legs-

words -

eyes -

belt -

Day 2

Read Revelation 1:13-14. How does the description in Daniel match the one found in Revelation? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Read Daniel 10:7-9. Write about your most scary moment. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ How did you react? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ How did the men in these verses react? ___________________________________________________

Day 3

Read Daniel 10:10-11. The angel called Daniel, “greatly loved.” Name some things God has done to show you that you are loved. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Read Daniel 10:12. What two things caused Daniel’s words to be heard? 1-___________________________________________________________ 2-___________________________________________________________ Daniel “set his heart” or made up his mind to do these things. How about you? Take a minute to think about that. Write any thoughts you have below.

Day 4

Re-read the last part of verse 12. Write what it says …and ______________________________________________________ God heard Daniel’s prayer and He responded. God hears our prayers. In fact, He can hear them instantly. Read 2 Kings 20:1-5. Where was Isaiah when God told him to go back to Hezekiah? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ List any prayer requests you may have here. Now take a moment to pray about them. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Day 5

Read Daniel 10:13-14. The “prince of the kingdom of Persia” mentioned here refers to an evil spirit (demon). The angel speaking in these verses has been battling this evil spirit for how many days? __________ What movie or game do you like to watch or play that depicts a battle scene?

_____________________________________________ Take a moment to imagine what that battle referred to in these verses might look like. (Picture swords drawn and swinging. Imagine the evil spirit being pushed back and kept at bay.) Who comes to help the angel speaking in these verses, so that he can go and deliver the message to Daniel?

_____________________________________________ Read more about Michael in these verses: Judges 1:9 Daniel 12:1 Revelation 12:7

Day 6

Read Daniel 10:15-18. How did Daniel react when he heard the words of the angel? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ What did the angel do to strengthen him? ___________________________________________________________ Re-read verses 8, 15, and 17. Daniel’s strength left him how many times? ___________ Read Daniel 10:19. What two words does the angel use to describe Daniel? ________________________ ________________________

What other verse in chapter 10 states this about Daniel.

Daniel 10: _______

God loves to encourage us. He called Daniel “greatly loved” and then when his strength was low, he reminded him again that he was “greatly loved.”

Day 7

Read Daniel 10:20-21. Where did the angel say he was going next? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Who will help him? _______________________________ Isn’t is wonderful to know that God sends angels to fight for us? What main points pop out in your mind when you think back about this study? List them here. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Day 8


Sources: The Holy Bible, English Standard Version copyright © 2001, 2007 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Blue Letter Bible. "Dictionary and Word Search for Beltĕsha'tstsar (Strong's 1095)". Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2013. 27 Jun 2013. < http:// Strongs=H1095&t=NASB > Blue Letter Bible. "Dictionary and Word Search for Daniye'l (Strong's 1840)". Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2013. 28 Jun 2013. < http:// Strongs=H1840&t=NASB > John MacArthur (1997). The MacArthur Study Bible. Nashville: Word Publishing. P.1245 Super Hero World graphics were purchased through Etsy and are from
