Nelson Mandela's final Step towards Freedom (Punjabi Translation)



Punjabi Translation of Part XI [Final Part] of Nelson Mandela's autobiography “Long walk to freedom.” by Prof. Parminder S. Bhogal (Complete text has been published by the publication bureau Punjabi University Patiala

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Nelson Mandela’s Final leap towards “Freedom” (Punjabi Translation of Part XI [Final Part] of Nelson Mandela’s

autobiography “Long walk to freedom.” By Prof. Parminder S. Bhogal (Complete text has been published by the publication bureau Punjabi University Patiala)

Long Walk to Freedom


. . . . .

Part 11 (Last Part)



(Cape Flats)

(Bishop’s Court)







(Mangosuthu Buthelezi)




(Groot Schoor)

(Groot Schoor)



"Black by Nature Proud by Choice"




(Convention for Democratic South Africa - CODESA)





(Checks and balances)




(Allegory of metals)



(United Democratic Front)





( Knobkerries)




(Ball Room)



(Union Buildings)






