Nepal...Nepal Country Brief FSC International Center GmbH · Charles-de-Gaulle-Strasse 5 · 53113...


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Nepal has already gained important experience in group certification for forest management, through certification projects with the FSC-accredited Rainforest Alliance/Smartwood Program. It is important that Nepal now explores the potential of enhancing the economic and environmental benefits of extended forest certification by incorporating additional Ecosystem Services (ES).

Scope of projectThe four-year project aims to make a significant contribution to building national capacity in certifying ecosystem services. Activities planned include technical and financial support for the project area and guidance to policymakers and stakeholders in drawing up rules, laws, regulations and policies.

Project partnersAsia Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Bioresources (ANSAB) - implementing partner for Nepal

ANSAB is a civil society organization working for biodiversity conservation and the improvement of livelihoods across South Asia. It places community empowerment and economic incentives at the heart of its approach. ANSAB implements a variety of innovative solutions, such as the creation of enterprises based on the sustainable use of natural resources, especially Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs), and the establishment of payment-schemes for ecosystem services. It has pioneered FSC certification in Nepal and introduced the concept of sub-groups to ensure that very poor and marginalized people benefit from the natural resources of their communities.

Federation of Community Forestry Users, Nepal (FECOFUN)

FECOFUN is a formal network of Forest User Groups from all over Nepal. It works to develop livelihoods and generate opportunities for poverty reduction through sustainable forest management and use of natural resources, using a collaborative approach.

Nepal Country Brief

FSC Internat ional Center GmbH · Char les-de-Gaul le-Strasse 5 · 53113 Bonn · GermanyPhone +49 (0) 228 367 66 0 · Fax +49 (0) 228 367 66 30 · ·

Nepali national standard/indicators developed for ES certification

Viable business model defined for marketing ES delivered at site level

System pilot tested at two sites: Charnawati and Gaurishankar

Monitoring system to address project and long-term impact

Increased awareness and capacity of stakeholders for ES certification



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National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC)

NTNC is a not-for-profit organization, working for nature conservation in Nepal. In over two decades, the Trust has successfully undertaken more than 200 projects for nature conservation, biodiversity and cultural heritage protection, ecotourism, and sustainable development. Strong emphasis is placed on addressing the needs and welfare of local people and actively involving communities in stewarding resources.

Relief International (RI)

US-based RI is a humanitarian non-profit agency that provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, development assistance, and program services to vulnerable communities worldwide. It is active in Africa, Asia, Middle East and North and South America.

Project sitesCharnawati Landscape

Is located at the lower part of Dolakha district. It covers about 45,500 ha and has nine ecological zones. The main ecosystem services are tourism, carbon enhancements, NTFPs, and hydrological services. Some areas, already popular with visitors and pilgrims, offer scope for certification and expansion to attract international tourists. A REDD+ pilot project is running, increasing the carbon enhancement potential of the area. There are also opportunities for hydrological services management. There are seven FSC certified forests in the area and many communities have a good understanding of forest certification.

Gaurisankar Landscape

Is located at the upper part of Dolakha district. It covers about 76,290 ha and takes in a small part of the Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA), under the management NTNC. There are 15 ecological zones. Ecotourism, hydrological services and NTFPs are the major ecological services in the area. Jiri, Rolwaling and Gaurishankar are major tourist destinations. The area hosts a number of hydropower projects. There are three FSC certified forests at this site and many communities have a good understanding of forest certification.

FSC Internat ional Center GmbH · Char les-de-Gaul le-Strasse 5 · 53113 Bonn · GermanyPhone +49 (0) 228 367 66 0 · Fax +49 (0) 228 367 66 30 · ·

Capacity enhancement of stakeholders

Development of scientific methods for valuation of ecosystem goods

Efficient payment and governance structures

Creation and compilation of adequate data and baseline for various contexts.









