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Network Magazine

Huddersfield Parish Church

and the Methodist Mission

50p Recommended donation

Apr/May 2019


CONTENTS Page Your contacts ............................................................................ 3 A Word from the Editor ........................................................... 4 Simon Says ....................................................................... 5/6/7 Concerts in the Church ........................................................ 8/9 Good Friday Walk of Witness ................................................ 10 News from the PCC .................................................................11 Lent, Holy Week and Easter ......................................... 12 to 15 St Peter’s diary ................................................................ 18/19 Shirley & Marcy ...................................................................... 21 Pig Racing Social .................................................................... 23 Kids’ corner ............................................................................ 25 Puzzle pages ..................................................................... 26/27 Success ................................................................................... 29 Palm Sunday .......................................................................... 29 Huddersfield Parish prayer cycle .......................................... 30 Christian Aid .......................................................................... 33 Extracts fro The Guild ............................................................ 34 Easter Poster .......................................................................... 35

Prayer for growth O God who alone brings growth to your Church,

Send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions and power to our witness.

Help our church to grow in numbers, commitment to you, and in service to our local community,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Coffee Morning Plus on the first Saturday every month

10am to 2pm Pop in to St Peter’s for refreshments and a chat. Bring your friends and family. We have a cake stall and usually a bookstall outside, weather permitting.

The next ones: Sat 6 April and 4 May



Huddersfield Parish Church Registered Charity No 1134839

Byram Street, Huddersfield HD1 1BU Telephone: 01484 427 964

E-Mail: Website:

The Vicar: The Rev Canon Simon Moor Associate Priest: Rev Janet Sargent Curate Rev Carol Hawkins Wardens: Alan Eastwood Mike Bembridge Treasurer: Anne John Gift Aid Officer: Peter Chadwick Organist: Stephen Smith Choral Director: Richard Quarmby Church Administrator: Paula Yeadon 01484 427 964 Magazine Editor: Peter Chadwick Website Manager: Graeme Blackwell

Huddersfield Methodist Mission Registered Charity Number: 1129144

3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QA Deacon Gill Atkinson-Heck

Huddersfield Mission Registered Charity Number: 1156590

3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield HD1 1QA Tel: 01484 421 461

E-mail: Website: Mission Manager: Room Bookings:


A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Well! We have got it all this month haven’t we. We are still in Lent, then Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter; Wow! On Maundy Thursday I always remember Vivien Gill receiving the Queen’s Maundy Money. There was some talk of displaying this in the church’s new reception area. I hope so. We are looking for ideas for a permanent memorial of some kind in church in memory of Vivien who has left us a generous legacy. It will be nice to get to Easter after the solemn contemplation of Lent and the sadness of the Crucifixion. Simon’s last service will be on Sunday 2nd June so let’s all try to be there shall we to see him off. I am hoping I can extract one last input from him for the next magazine - after that, who knows from where my infeed will come during the interregnum. I may be asking for your personal stories again. The bring and share lunch on Sunday 10th March was a great success. I am always amazed that we get such a wide range of food from such a do. I always imagine we will get a mountain of pork pies and nothing else. The history talk was very interesting too. Note that members of the choir are giving several recitals in the church over the Summer and Autumn months. These are to take place on the second Saturday in every month from May to December starting at 11.30am, entrance free and refreshments provided. See Pages 8 and 9. The Spring Fayre is to be held on Saturday 15th June and we are hoping for another pop-up shop in town in September. Peter Chadwick


Simon Says

I remember a lecture at college given around Easter. I can’t remember which of the staff spoke, but I remember a quote. Fortunately I searched the internet and found the quote again and recalled it was by an American Old Testament theologian called Walter Brueggemann. The message was:

“The way to Easter is Good Friday. The victory of resurrection requires the vulnerability of crucifixion.”

In other words, the Easter message proclaims the triumph of resurrection over death. But, as Walter Brueggemann has noted, there can be no Easter Day without Good Friday; no resurrection without crucifixion. This is a truth that we all surely need to hear. As I write, the headlines are full of doom and gloom again. The media paints a picture of our nation imploding and disintegrating. On a personal note my Lent has revolved around the pressures of our individual journeys and that our progression is not guaranteed to be smooth because of our faith. There can be no Easter Day without Good Friday, no resurrection without crucifixion. Maybe all too often it feels as if we are never going to get from Friday to Sunday. How close have you and I come to Easter faith? Maybe you are still ‘struggling’? Very few come to faith so quickly as St John. Those first witnesses to the resurrection came to faith in different ways and at different speeds. Some slowly, some very slowly. Some demanding ‘proof’. Peter saw the clothes, but was bewildered; Mary Magdalene saw Jesus but mistook him for a gardener, until he spoke her name; Thomas made demands of proof. John at the time of the death and resurrection of Jesus would have been a young man, but was given a long earthly life, and it was in his latter years that he wrote his gospel. Very few, if any of the original eyewitnesses who had talked and walked with Jesus, before and after the resurrection, would have still been around. For this reason John was held in great honour by those in his community who had to come to belief without seeing the risen Lord. It was for them, and for us, that John records in his


Gospel the story of Thomas with Our Lord’s comment “Blessed are they who have not seen, yet have believed.” Perhaps this places us squarely between the crucifixion and the resurrection. Neither fish nor fowl. One of the sayings of Brueggemann is that as Christians we are 'in-betweeners.' We perpetually inhabit the space between the Cross and the empty tomb symbolized by Holy Saturday where we have neither completely escaped the pull of Good Friday nor reached the glory of Easter Day. Jesus and his people always live between the banishment of Friday and the gathering of Sunday, always between the exile of crucifixion and the new community of resurrection. Perhaps we can live the Easter liturgies and make that transition between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Let us be aware of this increasing need and encourage and assist more people to feel welcome and accepted within our congregations, and directed through prayer, Bible study and reflection and corporate sacramental worship, to catch glimpses of the glory of God. The Easter message is familiar to us, but surely it’s too important to keep to ourselves! There is an ever increasing number of people who have never heard it once! The beauty of the Lent, Holy Week and Easter liturgy provides us with such a good opportunity to invite a friend to join you to share the experience of the risen power of God; for the opportunity to ‘see’ and ‘believe’ and all sing:

“Alleluia, the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!” Simon

When Jesus came to HUDDERSFIELD

When Jesus came to Golgotha,

they hanged him on a tree, They drove great nails through hands

and made a Calvary, They crowned him with a crown of thorns,

Red were his wounds, and deep, For those were crude and cruel days, and human flesh was cheap.


When Jesus came to Birmingham, they simply passed him by,

They never hurt a hair of him, they only let him die, For men had grown more tender,

And they would not give him pain, They only just passed down the street, and left him in the rain.

Still Jesus cried, ''Forgive them, for they know not what they do,''

And still it rained a wintry rain that drenched him through and through, The crowds went home,

And left the streets without a soul to see, And Jesus crouched against a wall and cried for Calvary.''

Poem by Rev. G.A. Studdert Kennedy.

Studdert Kennedy had a distinguished ministry in London and was a King's Chaplain for a time, but he is remembered by many as ''Woodbine Willie!'' He gained this nick-name, as an Army padre in the 1st World War, when he not only gave comfort and spiritual help to the men on the front, but also distributed cigarettes. He was very much down-to-earth, literally, in that his shelter was not a safe billet away from the front, but a bunk-hole, with the men, at the front. He was readily available to all officers and men in his shell crater. He had put a notice above the crater, on an old shell case, with the scrawled words, ''Vicarage''. One day, two squaddies were strolling past, when one said, ''Ooh, look, there's a ruddy vicarage!'' Up popped the head of Studdert Kennedy and said, ''Aye, and here's the ruddy vicar!'' The language was actually rather more fruity, for he was completely at ease with the men he served, as they were with him . The poem, quoted above, was composed later, on a visit to Birmingham, where he was aware, not of a hostility to his Gospel message, but an indifference. The name ''Birmingham'' can be substituted with any other city, town or village, where apathy to Easter message is much more prevalent than outright opposition. Substituting the name ‘Birmingham’ for 'Huddersfield' is significant, for the challenge of Easter is as much to us as for any Brummie!


Concerts in the church

We are very fortunate to have a good number of very talented musicians within the church, and to showcase this, as well as helping to draw more visitors into the church, we have started a Saturday morning recital series. The concerts will be presented on the second Saturday of each month at 11.30 and will last for approximately 45 minutes to an hour. They will be free, although there will be a retiring collection towards the work of the music department, and refreshments will be available for a while before each recital. The first recital will be on Saturday 11th May, and will be given by Mitchell Wright. Mitch can be seen every Sunday singing bass in the choir, and sometimes acting as choir crucifer. He has chosen an interesting programme of music for solo voice, and will be accompanied on the piano and organ by Richard Quarmby. Elsewhere in the series we have more music for voice, trombone and organ, including a recital by the organist Scott Senogles, who is organist at the church of St Mary the Virgin, Mirfield. We are also taking advantage of the hard work and dedication shown by the choir and presenting two concerts featuring the choir with other ensembles from the local area. On Sunday April 7th at 3pm there will be a performance with Huddersfield Voices, where the programme will be Mozart ‘Solemn vespers for the feast of a confessor’, (featuring his famous setting of Laudate Dominum), Vivaldi ‘Gloria’, and Mendelssohn ‘Hear my prayer’, best known for the second part ‘O for the wings of a dove’. The whole concert is powerful and accessible choral music and it should be a lovely afternoon performance. Tickets are £8.00, and are available from Richard Quarmby in church, or on the door. Refreshments will be served during the interval. In June, the choir will be joined by Emley Brass Band, for a concert of vocal and brass music on the evening of Saturday 15th June (just after the Summer Fair…). Further details of this event will come at a later date.

Richard Quarmby, Choral Director





Interregnum. Plans are being discussed for providing clerical cover during the interregnum period. Work is starting on producing the church profile brochure. However, because of C of E rules, we cannot start to advertise for a new vicar until Simon has gone.

Building Work. By the time you read this most of the work on the building will have been completed. The panelling on the back of the wardens pews has also been completed and includes areas for notices so that the numerous notice boards in the narthex can be reduced to unclutter the area. The wardens are to organise a church clean-up day after all the dirty work on the building is over so they will be asking for volunteers to bring their dusters for a jolly day’s work.

Car Park. Plans have been drawn up for the new car park on the North side of the church and the associated works (eg drains) to enable work to start.

Finance. The year accounts have now been completed and successfully audited. The budget for the next year has been produced and accepted by the PCC. We have received a generous legacy from Vivien Gill and we are discussing what we can get as a permanent memory to her. Any ideas?

Social and Funding Events. On 7 April The choir and Huddersfield Voices are giving a concert. On 18 May we are holding the hilarious pig racing event. See Page 23 for more information. Future events include the Summer Fayre in June and a series of Saturday concerts by members of the choir throughout the Summer. See Pages 8 and 9.

Lent. Its still Lent and Lent resources are available in the church library. Watch the notices for more information.

Electoral Roll. Over the last few weeks we have had three forms to fill in: the Electoral Roll, A new Gift Aid Declaration for those who pay tax and a tick chart for volunteering for jobs within the church.

Choir Robes. New robes for the choir have been received and are now being worn.


Sun 14 April PASSION SUNDAY 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist and Dramatic Reading of the Gospel The ‘Passion Gospel’ read by different voices , the congregation taking the role of the crowd and then gathering within the story of Jesus’ last hours.

3.00pm Mozart’s Vespers and Vivaldi’s Gloria Huddersfield Parish Church Choir and Huddersfield Voices


Sun 14 April PALM SUNDAY

08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Procession of the Palms, Washing and Sung Eucharist

Weather permitting, we assemble in St. Peter’s Gardens, bless palm crosses and re-enact Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. We then mark Jesus’ Last Supper and the washing of the disciples’ feet.

3.00pm Evensong

Mon 15 April

6.30pm Stations of the Cross

Meditative following in the Footsteps of Jesus

Tues 16 April

7.30pm A Liturgy for Unity

A service of Holy Communion for our turbulent times, offering hope for unity, reconciliation, understanding and love.

Wed 17 April

12.35pm Holy Communion 6.30pm Taize Eucharist A simple and stark Eucharist using the music from the Taize Community.



7.30pm Foot-washing, Eucharist, Stripping of the Altar and Vigil.

The actions of Jesus’ last evening before his arrest and trial. Watch and wait with Him.

Fri 19 April GOOD FRIDAY

10.25am Churches Together Walk of Witness

Churches from around Huddersfield witness the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday.

12.00 noon Were you There? 2.00pm Liturgy of the Cross

Two meditations that focus on Jesus’ lasts hours and his experience on the cross.

Sat 20 April EASTER EVE

2.00pm – 4.00pm Formal Confessions Opportunity for personal preparation for Easter.



8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am The Easter Liturgies: The Lighting of the Easter Fire, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Sung Eucharist

An ancient service with symbols of the resurrection: the lighting of the Easter fire, then the Paschal, or Jesus, candle and the welcoming of the Easter morning. The renewal of baptismal vows and receiving of Easter Communion, in remembrance of Jesus’ death and rising. Alleluia!

3.00pm Evensong

Traditional words and music, reflecting the themes of Easter.


Yorkshire Jokes

Murgatroyd, the West Riding ‘great daft chump’, was seen early one morning as he tried to poke bits of stick under his front door. Someone asked him what was wrong. “Ivverything,” growled Joe. “Ah’m in a reet mess, t’wife’s i’bed and shoo told ma to put t’key through t’letterbox when I went to t’mill. Well, ah’ve done as sho said but, dang it, ah forgot to lock t’door furst. Now ah can’t reach t’key nohow.”

***** The school children had been singing their evening hymn before school closed. After they had chanted the ‘Amen’ and the teacher was preparing to dismiss the class, a thoughtful-looking child suddenly asked, “ Why do we always say ‘Amen’ and not ‘Awomen’?” Before the teacher could reply, the little girl next to her volunteered an explanation: “That’s because they’re ‘ims,” she said, “and not ‘ers.”

***** A vicar saw a boy smoking. He said “Do you know where little boys who smoke go to?” The boy replied “Aye, up t’ginnel.” The Dalesman


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APRIL Wed 3 12.35pm Holy Communion Sat 6 10.00am to 2.00pm Coffee Gathering Sun 7 PASSION SUNDAY 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist – Reading of the Passion Gospel 12.00 noon Holy Baptism 03.00pm HPC and Huddersfield Voices Concert Wed 10 12.35pm Holy Communion Sun14 PALM SUNDAY 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Procession, Foot Washing and Sung Eucharist 03.00pm Evensong Mon 15 06.30pm Stations of the Cross Tues 16 06.30pm Unity Eucharist Wed 17 12.35pm Holy Communion 06.30pm Taize Eucharist 07.30pm PCC in Church Thurs 18 MAUNDY THURSDAY 07.30pm Service of Foot-Washing and Eucharist 08.30pm Stripping of the Church and Vigil Fri 19 GOOD FRIDAY 10.00am Churches Together Walk of Witness (P 10) 12.00noon Characters at the Crucifixion 02.00pm Liturgy of the Cross Sat 20 EASTER EVE 02.00 - 04.00pm Formal Confession Sun 21 EASTER SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am The Easter Liturgies - The Lighting of the New Fire, Renewal of Baptismal Vows + Sung Eucharist 3.00pm Evensong


Wed 24 12.35pm Holy Communion Sat 27 10.00am Wedding Sun 28 EASTER 2 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist 03.00pm Evensong MAY Wed 1 12.35pm Holy Communion Sat 4 10.00am to 2.00pm Coffee Gathering Sun 5 EASTER 3 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist 3.00pm Evensong Mon 6 7.30pm Funding Group Wed 8 12.35pm Holy Communion Sun 12 EASTER 4 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist – Celebrant Bishop Jonathan 03.00pm Evensong Wed 15 12.35pm Holy Communion 07.30pm PCC in Crypt Thurs 16 10.00am Pastoral Group Sat 18 04.00pm Pig Race (P 23) Sun 19 EASTER 5 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist 03.00pm Evensong Wed 22 12.35pm Holy Communion Sun 26 EASTER 6 08.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Sung Eucharist 03.00pm Evensong Wed 29 12.35pm Holy Communion

Sun 2 June ** Next issue of the Network Magazine **









HUDDERSFIELD (01484) 428243



Shirley & Marcy A mother was concerned about her kindergarten son walking to school. He didn't want his mother to walk with him. She wanted to give him the feeling that he had some independence but yet know that he was safe. So she had an idea of how to handle it. She asked a neighbour if she would please follow him to school in the mornings, staying at a distance, so he probably wouldn't notice her. She said that since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise as well, so she agreed. The next school day, the neighbour and her little girl set out following behind Timmy as he walked to school with another neighbour girl he knew. She did this for the whole week. As the two walked and chatted, kicking stones and twigs, Timmy's little friend noticed the same lady was following them as she seemed to do every day all week. Finally she said to Timmy, “have you noticed that lady following us to school all week? Do you know her?” Timmy nonchalantly replied, “Yeah, I know who she is.” The little girl said, “Well, who is she?” “That's just Shirley Goodnest,” Timmy replied, “and her daughter Marcy.” “Shirley Goodnest? Who is she and why is she following us?” “Well,” Timmy explained, “every night my Mum makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers, ‘cuz she worries about me so much. And in the Psalm, it says, ‘Shirley Goodnest (surely goodness) and Marcy (mercy) shall follow me all the days of my life', so I guess I'll just have to get used to it!” The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the Lord lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace. May Shirley Goodnest and Marcy be with you today and always!




MAGAZINE/WEBSITE CONTRIBUTIONS All contributions to the church magazine and the website are welcome. The preferred method is by email, however any other means will be just as acceptable:

Email or for the website:


PLEASE NOTE: Contr ibutions please before the 15th of the month before to guarantee publishing in the next issue of the magazine.


Q. What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? A. Hot cross bunnies! Q. What do you call a rabbit with fleas? A. Bugs Bunny! Q. How did the soggy Easter Bunny dry himself? A. With a hare-dryer! Q. How does the Easter Bunny travel? A. By hare-plane! Q. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit? A. Eggs-ercise and hare-robics! Q. Why did the Easter egg hide? A. He was a little chicken!

I’m sure you can make this picture glow with colour



Sudoku Try this to keep your

brain alive while

waiting for Spring.

Try to fill in the missing numbers

Use the numbers 1 through 16 to complete the equations. Each number is only used once. Each row is a maths equation. Work from left to right. Each column is a maths equation. Work from top to bottom.

8 9 2 1

3 1 5 4


9 1 7

3 8 2 1

2 8 9

6 7 5 3

3 5

6 5 4 1


No. 012



WORD WHEEL How many words can you make

from the letters in the wheel? Each

word must contain the hub letter.

Can you find a 9-letter word and at

least 10 other words of four letters

or more avoiding proper nouns?








ACROSS 1 Tepid (8) 6 Baby's bed (3) 9 Aquatic mammal (5) 10 Liverpool racecourse (7) 11 Quick look (7) 13 Fit out (5) 14 Dismal (6) 15 Common, crude (6) 19 Forbidden (5) 21 Loss of memory (7) 22 Afternoon show (7) 23 Be of use (5) 24 Lair (3) 25 Fielding position (4-4) DOWN 2 Disentangle (7) 3 Go astray (3) 4 Astounded (6) 5 Fashion model (9) 6 Greek island (5) 7 Bind (3,2) 8 Counterfeit (6) 12 Staff (9) 16 Nazi police (7) 17 In truth (6) 18 Inn (6) 19 Faint-hearted (5) 20 Conductor's stick (5) 23 Dolt (3)

Answers to previous crossword Across: 7 At the double. 8 Freeze. 9 Adults. 10 Closer. 12 Preach. 13 Axe. 14 Animal. 16 Costly. 18 Quaint. 20 Leaves. 22 Sleepwalker. Down: 1 Pair. 2 Athens. 3 Deferral. 4 Toga. 5 Abjure 6 Vertical. 11 Languish. 12 Peculiar. 15 Mailed. 17 Snacks. 19 Type. 21 Eire.



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Success is speaking words of praise,

In cheering other people’s ways, In doing just the best you can,

With every task and every plan.

It’s silence when your speech would hurt, Politeness when your neighbour’s curt. It’s deafness when the scandal flows,

And sympathy with others’ woes

It’s loyalty when duty calls, It’s courage when disaster falls,

It’s patience when the hours are long, It’s found in laughter and in song.

It’s in the silent time of prayer, In happiness and in despair, In all of life and nothing less,

We find the thing we call success. From the late Sheila Brierley

Huddersfield Parish Church

Sunday 14th April at 10.00am

Palm Cross Procession, Foot Washing and Sung Eucharist


Huddersfield Parish Prayer Cycle Below is a prayer cycle, the left hand column for the streets, the activity and the people within the parish boundaries, whilst the right hand column are the street names of parishioners who are on the electoral role as well as addresses of friends, relatives and concerns. Please use each column during the two months of this magazine - there are 31 entries in each columns (one per day), please use the extras in the shorter months. . PARISH STREETS CHURCH ROLE AND CONCERNS

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

George Street Great Northern Street Greenhead Road Grove Road Half Moon Street Henry Street High Street Hillhouse Lane Ibbotson Flats Imperial Arcade John William Street King Street Kings Bridge Road Kirkgate Knight Street Learoyd Street Leeds Road Lincoln Street Little Brunswick Street Lockwood’s Yard Lonsbrough Flats Lord Street Lower Fitzwilliam Street Lower Viaduct Street Market Avenue Market Place Market Street Market Walk Merton Street Milford Street Myrtle Street

Church Tower View HD3 Clement Street HD1 Cleveland Road HD1 Cliff End Road HD3 Clough Drive HD8 Coniston Avenue HD5 Coronation Road NE16 Cowersley Lane HD4 Cross Church Street HD1 Cross Green Road HD5 Cross Lane HD4 Cumberland Avenue HD2 Daisy Lee Lane HD3 Dale Park Gardens LS16 Dalton Fold Road HD5 Dalton Green Lane HD5 Dalton HD1 Day Street HD1 Derwent Drive HD5 Derwent Drive HD5 Derwent Drive HD5 Derwent Way NG7 Dewsbury Road HD6 Dissington Place NE16 Dog Kennel Bank HD5 Draghton Road HD2 Dudley Avenue HD1 Edale Avenue HD4 Edgerton Road HD1 Eldon Crescent HD1 Elizabeth Street HX5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.


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Our Church Magazine, is published every 2 months. It is also published on our website: If you would like to advertise in it then contact us by email: Or through the parish office: Phone 0148 442 7964. Email: Our price for 12 months of advertising (6 inserts) Full page £45.00 Half page £30.00


Jebbeh’s story

Jebbeh Konneh is heavily pregnant. Her

sister recently died in childbirth and Jebbeh

fears she may be next: ‘I’m afraid. I pray,

when that day comes, God will help me to

deliver safely, so that I can have a bouncing

baby and I’ll be healthy.’

Christian Aid Week: ‘All mums should live’

Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. Every day

10 women die from giving birth. In Sawula district, the community struggle with

a clinic which has no electricity and only two delivery beds.

Jebbeh is heavily pregnant but as her baby grows, it’s not joy that fills her heart,

but fear. When Jebbeh’s sister Fatmata went in to labour, there were so few

ambulances that Fatmata had no choice but to walk for three hours under the

baking sun, to the nearest hospital. The journey was long and with every step

Fatmata struggled to keep walking.

Jebbeh told us: ‘My sister was crying out with hunger. She died on the side of

the road. She never gave birth.’

This Christian Aid Week, together, we can make childbirth safe for mums and

babies. Through our gifts and prayers, we can help give the world’s poorest

mums a chance to live. If our church raised £300, it could help provide a new

delivery bed so more mums like Jebbeh can deliver their babies safely.

Photo credit: Christian Aid/Tom Pilston


Extracts from The Guild What's in a Denomination … Some delegates to an ecumenical church conference in Scotland set off between sessions to explore the beautiful surrounding countryside. Presently they came to a stream spanned by a rickety bridge, and started to cross, ignoring the warning to keep off. A local inhabitant ran after them in protest. 'Don't worry,' they called. 'We won't do any harm, we are the Anglicans from the Conference.' 'I'm no caring about that,' was the reply. 'lf ye dinnae get off the bridge quick, ye'll all be Baptists.’ After church, the woman at the door was embarrassed before the vicar. "I hope you didn't take it personally when my husband walked out during your sermon." "I did find it rather disconcerting," he admitted. "It's not a reflection on you at all," she assured him. “Ralph has been walking in his sleep ever since he was a child.” Signing the register at a wedding, the groom had difficult in making his ball-point pen work. "Put your weight on it," said the vicar. So the groom complied: 'John Smith (eleven stone, four pounds)'

The Guild Collect Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, to us Thy servants, the spirit of holy fear, that we, following the example of Thy holy child Samuel, may faithfully minister before Thee in Thy Sanctuary; through Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever One God, world without end.

Amen Thanks David



Another of our superb floral displays