New Covenant Connection...New Covenant Connection New Covenant Presbyterian Church “A Church...


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New Covenant Connection New Covenant Presbyterian Church

“A Church Family – A Church Home”

May 2019 Volume 41

Page 1

Introducing NCPC New Pastor Reverend Dr. Carol C. Fisher

Rev. Dr. Carol Fisher has been unanimously approved by: the NCPC Pastor Nominating Committee; New Castle Presbytery COMC; the NCPC Session and now the New Covenant Presbyterian Church. The next step is for Rev. Fisher to be received into the New Castle Presbytery as a Minister of Word and Sacrament.

Meanwhile, Rev. Jeffrey Howard will continue as the Interim Pastor of our church. He is actively looking at other opportunities both within and without the local area. We will have a farewell event for Rev. Jeff and his wife Rev. Grace once they have located their future positions. New Covenant Presbyterian Church thanks them both for their help in the almost two-year long search for our second permanent pastor. God’s blessings to them both as they find their new call.

Ministers The Congregation

Assistant to the Ministers Interim Pastor Rev. Jeffrey Howard

Accompanist: Jenny Hugh Music Director: Ken Hudson

Session Skip Leeson, Clerk 449-1942 Clerk Barbara Montazella 845-893-1374 Worship Susan Pedersen 378-0902 Evangelism Carole A. McBride 378-5359 Christian Ed. Sandy Boyce 378-2902 Personnel Nancy Carol Willis 378-7274 Mission Ben Urban 376-1397 Stewardship John Hetterly 383-9263 Congregation Life

Deacons Ken Hudson 2022 376-0294 Melissa Padgett 2020 610-554-4488 Laura Pedersen 2021 378-0902 Don Bauer 2020 378-2317 Landa Lindgren 2021 378-0914 Kathy Henry 2021 832-5510

Trustees Alan Pedersen 2021 378-0902 Tom Kimble 2020 376-1770 Al Grimminger 2019 378-2252

Church Information Church Phone 378-4446 Pastor’s Home Phone 319-1511 CCLI license 649817 Treasurer, Cyndi Daniels 299-5373 Newsletter Editor: Alice Megonigal Worship Service 10 a.m. Sunday School 8:45 a.m.

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for her mercy endureth forever.” Psalm136:1

New Covenant Church

*Special Dates* * May 2, 2019 National Day of Prayer

* May 12, 2019 Mother’s Day

* May 20, 2019 Victoria Day (Canada)

* May 27, 2019 Memorial Day

* May 30, 2019 Ascension

There will be a pignic again this year but

details are not defined yet. Look for news in the

weekly Sunday bulletin and next month’s newsletter.

Submitted by John Hetterly, Congregation Life Elder

Our thanks to our guest pianist, Hyeyoung Kim, for

filling in for Jenny Hugh while she was traveling in

Hong Kong.

The Bell Choir played “We Welcome Glad Easter”

and the music was a wonderful addition to the service.

It is a delight to listen to the double row of bells! The

Bell Choir practice is on hold until September.

“On the Third Day” was the musical piece sung by

our choir. It was a solemn depiction of the Easter week

and the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The Praise Band will begin practice on Monday

evenings at 7:00 p.m. All are welcome!

Submitted by Barbara Montazella, Worship Elder

Website: Facebook: We are looking into creating new door tags with our

new logo. The plan is to request members of the youth

group to assist in distributing the hang tags in nearby


Submitted by Susan Pedersen, Evangelism Elder.

Page 2


Rev. Dr. Carol C. Fisher, after the April 28th

service, was voted by the congregation as our next

Pastor. Rev. Jeffrey Howard presided over the

presentation and voting process. He suggested we sing

the refrain of “Hear Me Lord” hymn number 525 in

our hymnal as Rev. Fisher entered the sanctuary. It was

a moving moment as Rev. Jeff reminded us this was

the first time that our congregation has voted on a

pastor. She will be the second full-time pastor for our

church. Rev. Burkley, our first pastor, was appointed

by the Presbytery and Rev. Howard was chosen by the

Session as our Interim Pastor. After Rev. Dr. Carol

Fisher is installed, the Pastor Nominating Committee

can be dissolved although Rev. Fisher always remind

us that God’s work is not done yet!


In Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus, to what two women

is Boaz connected?

A. Rahab and Ruth.

B. Tamar and Rahab.

C. Ruth and Bathsheba.

D. Bathsheba and Mary.

Answer from April: D. All of the above. (See John



A huge thank you! During the first quarter of 2019,

NCC donated: 3 cases canned vegetables; 18 bags non-

perishables groceries; and one bag of toiletries.

Thank you all for helping our community!

Donations for Neighborhood House for May and June

will be in honor of Mother’s Day - baby/infant items of

all types: Pampers; formula/food; bibs; booties;

pacifiers/ hats; rattles; toiletries etc. Thank you!

Submitted by Jane Adams, Neighborhood House


5/8 Stephanie Hollick 5/14 Jenny Hugh

5/18 Harry Kidd 5/19 James Casey

5/21 Scott Kirk 5/23 Kim Brent

5/20 Pam and Harry Kidd

5/22 Bill and Cheryl Shields

5/26 Al and Janet Grimminger

5/28 Melissa and Jason Padgett

The Deacons meeting for April was delayed to later in May due to the Congregational Meeting to vote on a new pastor. The Deacons continue to pray

for everyone on the prayer list. Please let a Deacon know if you to know of someone who needs special prayers or a home visit. Submitted by Laura Pedersen, Deacon Secretary


• A hug for no reason

• Belly laughs

• The light-bulb moment when you children

understand something you’ve been trying to

teach them

• Smiles and giggles

• Mud pies

• Arms raised in the air after a big


• Hearing scripture and prayers from your

child’s lips

• Quiet moments together on the couch

• A family meal filled with conversation and


• Reading aloud together

• Watching your child be kind to another

• Recognizing a moment in time you would like

to freeze

• A child’s look of surprise and joy

• The words “I love you” - and a sticky kiss

-Unknown Author

Page 3


By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Sleep, comrades, sleep and rest

On this Field of the Grounded Arms,

Where foes no more molest,

Nor sentry’s shot alarms!

Ye have slept on the ground before,

And started to your feet

At the cannon’s sudden roar,

Or the drum’s redoubling beat.

But in this camp of Death

No sound your slumber breaks;

Here is no fevered breath,

No wound that bleeds and aches.

All is repose and peace,

Untrampled lies the sod;

The shout of battles cease

It is the Truce of God!

Rest, comrades, rest and sleep!

The thoughts of men shall be

As sentinels to keep

Your rest from danger free

Your silent tents of green

We deck with fragrant flowers,

Yours the suffering has been,

The memory shall be ours.

Longfellow's "Decoration Day" may not rank among

his canonic Atlantic verse, but it imparts a burnished

poignancy all its own. In the solemn, hymn-like strains

that were a hallmark of the country's foremost

"Fireside Poet," the poem pays tribute to what was then

a new form of civic observance: a day set aside to

commemorate those who had perished in the Civil War

by placing flags and flowers on soldiers' graves, a

custom that gradually gave rise to our modern

Memorial Day honoring all who give their lives in

military service.


A Merry Heart Doeth Good

Like a Medicine

Proverbs 17:22

One day, a housework-challenged husband decided to

wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the

laundry room, he shouted to his wife, “What setting do

I use on the washing machine?” “It depends,” she

replied. “What does it say on your shirt?” He yelled

back, “Texas A&M.”

What’s the difference between a northern fairy tale and

a southern fairy tale? A northern fairy tale begins,

“Once upon a time…” A southern fairy tale begins,

“Y’all ain”t gonna believe this…”

Q. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the


A. Supplies!

My high school assignment was to ask a veteran about

World War II. Since my father had served in the

Philippines, I chose him. After a few questions, I

asked, “Did you ever kill anyone?” Dad got quiet.

Then, in a soft voice, he said, “Probably. I was the

cook.” -Marian Babula

Why does a person believe you when you say there are

4 billion stars but checks when you say the paint is


A mother is trying to get her son to eat carrots.

“Carrots are good for your eyes,” she says. “How do

you know,” he asks. The mother replies, “Have you

ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?”

Scientists say the universe is made up of protons,

neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention


Page 4

Q: Are you still lifting balloons to exercise?

A: Nah, I quit. It wasn’t really working out.

What’s going on? I have the leash but where’s the dog?

Oh! At home by the front door probably – waiting for

me to take him on a walk. Oh my. God, I do need your

help today.

Ryan: Why did you chop the joke book in half?

John: Mom said to cut the comedy.

Mother: One person who does the work of 20. For


My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I

think she enjoyed it. – Mark Twain

Timmy: What did the digital clock say to its mother?

Theresa: What?

Timmy: “Look, Ma. No hands!”

I tried skateboarding this weekend and nearly landed

on my bottom at the end of a hilly street. Thank you,

God, for rescuing me from a fast exit off the planet.

Let us remember as we fall asleep this Memorial Day

those who fight and the many that have died to protect

our freedom.

I’m not old enough to play baseball or football. I’m not

eight yet. My mom told me when you start baseball,

you aren’t going to be able to run that fast because you

had an operation. I told Mom I wouldn’t need to run

that fast. When I play baseball, I’ll just hit them out of

the park. Then I’ll be able to walk.

-Edward J. McGrath, Jr. “An Exceptional View of Life”

Ellen Boyer was a retired buyer of chemicals

and office supplies when she won a lump sum of $11.8

million in the New Jersey lottery. She never had a

moment’s doubt about what to do with the money. She

gave it all away; about half of it to the parish she

worshiped in all her life, and the rest to the town rescue

squad (erasing its deficit), the volunteer fire

department and some of the other groups that serve the

town she grew up in.

“No new car, no vacation,” she said. “My life

is no different. I’ve given it up to God. I live in God’s

presence and do God’s will, and I did that from the


“In an age when people are so driven by

material forces,” said Ron Czajowski, who was a vice

president of the New Jersey Hospital Association, “the

idea of somebody turning over all that sum of money

to the community and to the church is inspiring. It kind

of makes you step back and think what your priories


Rev. J. Kennedy, pastor of Ms. Boyer’s

church, said the church had invested some of her gift as

an endowment and was buying a new pipe organ. “I

suggested to Eleanor that the organ could be from her,

in memory of her parents, and she went along with

that,” he said. He said he did not know if she had

bought another car to replace the 1968 Chevrolet

Malibu she owned when she hit the jackpot. But if she

did, he said, she probably bought a used one.

Ms. Boyer, who was never married and whose

closest living relatives are three nephews, said the

church is her true home. She taught classes there,

worked at the church office for ten years and helped

count the collection money.

I speak of my time, but do so only with proper

understanding. Time belongs to God. God places it in

my charge and I have the responsibility of using all of

it wisely and well. Time is one of the most important

gifts given us by God. And we can do so by dedicating

some part of it to some apostolic activity; organized

with the framework of our own church.

(Reprinted with permission from Parish Publishing, LLC)

Page 5


Blue Rocks Game – June 21st. If you are

interested in attending please contact Carol McBride.

A minimum of 20 people is required to reserve space

and the special price. May 22nd is the last day to sign

up. This is a fun event for people of all ages...fireworks


Thank you to the volunteers who weeded and

mulched around the church just in time for Easter.

There is still some mulching to finish and we are very

grateful for their hard work!

VBS program “Roar! - Life is Wild and God is

Good” is available now for registration on the New

Covenant Presbyterian Church website. The program

runs July 15th through July 19th, from 9:00 a.m. through

noon. Children, ages 3 through 5th grade, are eligible to

attend. Participants can sign up on the website as well

as volunteers. Check out the photos from previous

years at

Judy Kimble is at home again and still needs

our prayers to help her recover.

Cyndi Daniels daughter, Kristin, is now

living in Delaware. Now Cyndi and her husband have

their family close by again.

Joyce Artysiewicz’s grandaughter, Samantha

and her fiance, have purchased their first house. He just

finished his medical training at the Nanticoke Hospital

and she is finishing college before going to medical

school as well.

Matthew Urban graduated from Ft. Jackson

on April 10th and is now at Ft. Lee. His new address:

Urban, Matthew

E. Co 16th OD BN 069 Bravo-19

210 Edgewood Rd Bldg 18024

Ft Lee, VA 23801

Mark Hetterly could not complete his section

of the Appalachian trail in Tennessee due to

encountering snow, sleet, overall poor weather and

health. He is determined to continue on his quest to

complete the entire trail!

Mark Urban attended the Military Ball on

April 27th at the Chase Center with his date Diana.

Lillie Volckmann had shoulder replacement

surgery. Please keep her in your prayers for healing.

Thanks to: Everyone who sent me cards and prayers while undergoing treatment for my broken wrist. It is greatly appreciated! Youth Club: Next Month’s Meeting is Friday, May 17, 2019, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at our church. We will have another games night so get ready for some fun. We also have reservations for the Blue Rocks baseball game on June 21st. Please confirm your attendance by May 22. RSVP To: Carol A. McBride Home Phone: 302-378-5359 Cell Phone: 267-994-1623 E-Mail:

Church Service: Sundays, 10:00 a.m.

Vocal Choir: Rehearsals on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Children’s Sunday School: Sunday School teachers for the summer program are needed. Please contact Carol A. McBride if you would like to share God with our younger members. Praise Band Rehearsals will be held on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. beginning May 6th. Bring your musical instrument and join us in this newly formed band. Singers are also welcome. Drama Troupe: Rehearsals will be scheduled for another program to be held early summer. Nursery: Sundays, 10:00 a.m. - We still need volunteers for Babysitting on an as need basis. Special thanks to all those who have signed up in the past.

VBS: Start Date, July 15, 2019 TO July 19, 2019. Keep watch for further details. Registration is available on church website. Over 20 children have signed up so far! Submitted by: Carol A. McBride, Christian Education Elder Page 6

Our Daily Bread Lunch

New Covenant Presbyterian Church will provide lunch

on Friday, May 3rd at Our Daily Bread. If you would

like to volunteer please contact Nancy Carol Willis.

There are also flyers in the sanctuary with more details.

846th Stated Meeting of the Presbytery the meeting

will be held at the First Presbyterian Church in

Smyrna, DE. See the Midweek Musings to see other

mission activities in the Presbytery.

Submitted by Nancy Carol Willis, Missions Elder

Graduation Day is tough for adults. They go to the ceremony as parents. They come home as contemporaries. After 22 years of child-raising, they are unemployed.

-Erma Bombeck


The last pages of the newsletter include photos of our

church members, the Easter services, the bell and vocal

choir, the Easter egg hunt and the Sunday breakfast.

Thanks to Al Grimminger for being our impromptu


Happy Mother’s Day to the mothers to be, the

mothers that are, the fathers that are mothers and

to the mothers no longer with us.
