New Evaluation of Coal Seam Gas Drainability for Outburst-Prone...


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Research ArticleEvaluation of Coal Seam Gas Drainability for Outburst-Prone andHigh-CO2-Containing Coal Seam

Lei Zhang ,1 Ting Ren,2 Naj Aziz,2 and Cun Zhang 3

1Key Laboratory of Deep Coal Resource Mining (Ministry of Education of China), State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources andSafe Mining, School of Mines, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu 221116, China2School of Civil, Mining & Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong,NSW 2522, Australia3School of Resource and Safety Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, China University of Mining andTechnology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Lei Zhang;

Received 9 July 2018; Accepted 10 October 2018; Published 17 February 2019

Academic Editor: John A. Mavrogenes

Copyright © 2019 Lei Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper presents the results of an evaluation study of gas drainability in the Bulli seam in the Southern Coalfield of the SydneyBasin, NSW, Australia, where the coal seam gas (CSG) contains a high proportion of carbon dioxide (CO2). Historically the gasdrainability in some particular areas of this coal seam was found to be particularly poor, which posed a significant challenge togas predrainage. As a result, a large volume of greenhouse gases were released to the atmosphere during mining of the coalseam. Furthermore, the high gas content associated with the CO2-rich composition also increased the risks of coal and gasoutburst incidents, affecting the safety of mining. After systematic literature review of evaluation factors affecting gasdrainability, this evaluation study comprehensively analyzed the main critical factors, including the geology of the area, the coalcleat system, coal microstructure, coal permeability, coal sorption capacity, gas content, and gas composition. Field geologyanalysis showed geological variations that affected the variations of the coal cleat system and CO2 content in the coal seam.Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) tests showed the tight and less-porous features in hard-to-drain coal samples. The collierygas database analysis was carried out to assess the impact of gas content and gas composition on the drainability of the coalseam. Laboratory tests showed that the coal seam had a permeability of less than 1mD and also showed that the coal seam washighly undersaturated, especially with high CO2 content.

1. Introduction

Australia has the third largest coal reserves in the world, with144.8 billion tonnes (Bt) of proved coal resources, including68.3 Bt anthracite and bituminous coals and 76.5 Bt subbitu-minous and lignite coals [1]. The majority of Australia’s eco-nomic black coal resources exist in Queensland and NewSouth Wales (Figure 1(a)), which jointly produce 96% ofAustralian black coal [2]. Open-cut mining accounts forapproximately 75% of total saleable coal production, withthe balance coming from underground mines. The conditionwhere large volumes of CSG are entrained in the geologicalformations is common for coal seams in Australia, andmixedCO2 and CH4 CSG is often present. It is estimated that 40%

of Australian longwall mines require regular gas drainage tomanage coal seam gas emissions [3]. Due to the mixedCO2/CH4 gas, attention has been drawn to the impact onglobal climate change from coal seam gas emissions as coalproduction has powered Australian economic development[4]. Particularly in CO2 outburst coal seams, it is a prerequi-site to conduct gas predrainage to control emissions andensure the safety of coal production.

Coal with extremely complex pore structure can store alarge amount of CSG; CSG has also become an energyresource of global significance. In addition to USA, countriessuch as Canada, Australia, China, and India practice CSGdrainage activities [5–10]. In Australia, the CSG drainageindustry is growing rapidly and is becoming one of the

HindawiGeofluidsVolume 2019, Article ID 3481834, 14 pages

significant energy sources in both Queensland [6, 11] andNew South Wales [5]. Thus, an evaluation study of thegas drainability of coal seams in the Sydney Basin wasrequired to understand better the challenges of the lowpermeability, high geological stress, and various gas satura-tion degrees of this deposit in order to achieve efficientCSG recovery and capture.

Mining experience in Australia shows that CO2 contentcan vary significantly within short distances in the sameseam and within the same coal mine. Gas outbursts canoccur at lower gas contents for CO2 than for CH4, andthe presence of high CO2 content in coal seams has beenthe cause of numerous gas outbursts during undergroundcoal mining. During the last 50 years, many outburstsoccurred in Australian mines. In some instances wherethe dominant gas is CO2, outbursts happened more fre-quently. For instance, at Tahmoor, Metropolitan, and WestCliff collieries in the Illawarra coalfield in the southern partof the Sydney Basin, gas outbursts were caused mainly byCO2. Due to the common occurrence of CO2 in Australiancoal seams and its implications for coal mining, the mech-anism of CO2 storage and flow in coal has been investigatedduring the last two decades [3, 5, 6].

Geological structure variations and the mechanism ofthe coal cleat system were considered in detail and havebeen found to be related to gas flow by many researchers[12–14], who have reported that gas drainage efficiency isaffected by the porous microstructure and permeability ofcoal [6, 15–20].

Coal adsorption isotherms describe the maximum gasadsorption capacity of coal, which is one of the key character-istics that affect CSG drainage operations, outburst preven-tion, and CO2 storage [5, 21–23]. Under certain conditions,different types of coal exhibit different sorption behavior withvarious gases [24–27]. Gas content and gas composition aresome of the most important factors that affect coal mineoperation and safety and are highly significant in CSGresource assessment and recovery operations [3, 22, 28, 29].To prevent coal and gas outburst, the outburst thresholdlimit value (TLV), which stipulates the CSG limit for mining,has to be established for each mine. The capacity of the coalmatrix to absorb gas as a function of pressure is describedby the Langmuir sorption isotherm. Coals that are capableof holding the maximum amount of gas at a certain reservoirpressure and temperature condition generally are referred toas being “saturated” or, otherwise, “undersaturated.” Themost successful CSG drainage and production occurs in coalseams that are close to fully saturated [15, 22]. Therefore,the degree of gas saturation in a coal has an important impacton gas drainage and production rates. A critical examinationof the gas database from the Metropolitan Colliery also wascarried out to evaluate the impact of gas content and gascomposition on the drainability of the coal seam at this mine.

The Metropolitan Colliery, located at New South Wales(NSW) as shown in Figure 1(b), has exhibited problems inthat the absorbed gas is hard to drain in some longwall blocksof the Bulli seam. Even with additional drainage boreholes,gas contents at some locations have not dropped below the


0 750 km10º







40º 50


100 km0



Black coal basin

Black coal operating mine

Brown coal operating mineBlack coal mineral depositBrown coal mineral deposit

Brown coal basin

Figure 1: (a) Australia’s operating black and brown coal mines [2]; (b) extent of the Southern Coalfield of the Sydney Basin; the red dot showsthe location of the Metropolitan Colliery (modified after Ref. [5]).

2 Geofluids

TLV within the available drainage lead time. The researchwas carried out, therefore, to identify the main factors con-tributing to drainage problems, establishing the fingerprintsof coals that are able to give early warning of likely futuredrainage constraints. The present research program was asystematic study that included coal sorption capacity analy-ses and a fundamental study of sorption theory [23, 27, 30].Coal permeability and gas enhancement studies [18, 31]had already been carried out and the relevant results pub-lished. In order to identify the main factors that would indi-cate that a deposit would be “hard-to-drain” and give earlywarning signs of the issue, the methodology for laboratoryevaluation and investigation of CSG drainability and itsinfluencing factors are described in the present paper.

2. Geological Background

The Bulli seam, which is being mined at the MetropolitanColliery, is related to the Illawarra Coal Measures in the Syd-ney Basin. Faiz et al. [5] reported that the rank of SydneyBasin coal ranges from low to high volatile bituminous coal(vitrinite reflectance: 0.7-1.9%). The migration of gasesmainly occurs upwards in an aqueous solution, followingthe pressure gradient. During the upward migration ofgas-saturated solution, gas is released continually from thesolution due to the decreasing pressure. Due to the lower sol-ubility of CH4 relative to CO2, CH4 is desorbed within thedeeper strata, whereas increasing amounts of CO2 are des-orbed within the shallower strata. Therefore, in most partsof the Southern Coalfield, increasing volumes of CO2 gasare observed at shallower depths.

A typical area of difficult drainage in the MetropolitanColliery is shown in Figure 2. As shown from the geologicalsurvey, strike/slip faults and mylonite exist in typicalhard-to-drain locations, i.e., the 8-11 cut through (c/t) ofmain gate (MG) 22. The mylonite is a fine-grained meta-morphic rock, typically banded, resulting from the grind-ing or crushing of other rocks. It was reported that nostress-driven roof failures were observed in the MG 22panel. The faulting intersecting MG 22 panel was character-ized by vertical displacement (0.1m), a mylonite bandapproximately 20-30mm thick, slickensides, and jointing,parallel and subparallel to the main structure. The geologicalstructures can influence coal seam permeability and CSGvariation, and hence gas drainage. This faulting may becomethe source of cleat system variations, causing CO2 and CH4variations in this area, and thus a possible high concentrationof CO2.

The coal proximate analysis information is shown inTable 1.

3. The Evaluation of Gas Drainability from theCoal Seam

Many factors may affect CSG extraction, and the two mostimportant factors are the permeability and CSG saturationof the coal. CSG saturation determines the CSG reserves ofthe coal seam, and the ability of CSG to migrate dependson the permeability of the coal. Other factors, including

adsorption and desorption ability, coal seam gas type, geolog-ical variations, fractures, and stresses, can affect the twomajor factors mentioned above and also affect indirectly thedrainability of the CSG. Thus, the evaluation of CSG drain-ability from the coal seam focuses on the permeability ofthe coal seam and the coal seam gas saturation level.

For gassy and outburst risk coal seam [3, 5, 18], extremelylow permeability is the main factor causing poor gas drain-ability, as shown in Table 2. The permeability of the poorgas drainability areas typically was less than 1mD. However,due to the low economic benefit of CO2-rich coal seams, theevaluation of CSG gas drainability from the coal targetsmainly the CH4 component. Because of the different seepagecharacteristics of CO2 and CH4, the CH4 extraction evalua-tion index cannot be used to predict CO2 extraction. How-ever, other than the Sydney Basin described in this paper,other locations including China, Poland, and elsewhere havelarge CO2 outburst coal seams [32]. If there is poor drainagebefore coal seam mining, a large volume of greenhouse gasescan be released directly to the atmosphere during the processof coal seam mining. Due to the lack of an assessment stan-dard for CO2 drainability from coal seams, the extractionmethod is not ideal. An investigation of drainability evalua-tion methods was conducted during the present study, andthe influencing factors were determined in the laboratory. Itwas carried out to find the reasons for poor drainability inCO2 outburst coal seams and propose specific indicators toevaluate gas drainability from CO2 outburst coal seams.

4. The Evaluation of Gas Drainability forHard-to-Drain Areas

4.1. Cleat System Study. In general, coal can be characterizedas a rock with a natural cleat network [12]. Cleating consistsof two types: in one, the predominant cleat is called a facecleat, and in the other, it is a butt cleat, which often ends atintersections with face cleats [40]. King et al. [41] noted thatthe cleat space accounts for less than 2 percent of the bulkseam volume, and the mechanism of gas storage is the sameas in conventional reservoirs where the flow of gas is gov-erned by Darcy’s law.

Figures 3 shows the cleat system in the Metropolitanlump coal samples. Typically, the coal bedding directionand the face and butt cleats can be clearly identified. It canbe observed that this type of coal is “tight” with small cleatspacings and narrow apertures [12]. The Scanning ElectronMicroscope (SEM) micrographs that are presented later inthis report show the cleat characteristics at higher magnifica-tion. Optimal gas production usually is achieved from coalseams that are characterized by highly fractured coal andwide aperture cleat networks, high cleat density, and inter-mediate cleat spacing [42–44].

To understand the cleat system, field visits were carriedout to examine the coal seams and evaluate in situ stress con-ditions in relation to borehole drilling direction in the“hard-to-drain” area in the Metropolitan Colliery. Figure 4shows the drainage borehole layout and the residual gas con-tent after six months of drainage in a typical hard-to-drainarea (the red points are the “Fail” drainage samples, while


green points are the “Pass” drainage samples). The “Pass” or“Fail” classification was determined by the measured gas con-tent and composition, as compared to the outburst thresholdlimit, which is given in Section 4.5.

As is shown in Figure 4, some boreholes are relativelymore productive than are others drilled in different direc-tions in the same area. By relating this field observation withthe field-observed cleat system, some boreholes drilled per-pendicular to the major cleat system (from drilling stubtowards Mains or outbye) may be more productive, whileboreholes drilled inbye are likely to be less effective for degas-sing. Regarding the mapped orientation of the major hori-zontal stress, it seems that the major stress direction isperpendicular to the major cleat direction, thereby sealingthe major cleat and likely causing closure of boreholes thatare orientated inbye. This also may contribute to the lesseffective gas drainage of the hard-to-drain areas.

Variations in the geological structure can influence boththe coal seam cleat orientation and the permeability. Cleatorientation has been reported to be an important parameterfor the permeability of coal. It is generally accepted, therefore,that boreholes drilled perpendicular to the face cleat tend tobe more productive than boreholes drilled otherwise. Battinoand Hargraves [46] reported that when testing in the Castorseam at Cook Colliery, using 21m long, 43mm diameterboreholes, the measured gas flow rates ranged from 85 to175L/min from boreholes drilled perpendicular to the majorcleat. This was marginally higher than the flow rates fromboreholes drilled parallel to the major cleat, which was upto 75 L/min.

Thus, geological variation, mineralization, and coalseam cleat system variations can influence gas drainageborehole arrangements and especially the optimal direc-tion of the borehole for efficient gas drainage. Geologicalvariations could be the source of cleat system variations,

as well as permeability changes along different directionsin the strata.

4.2. Coal Microstructure Study. It has been reported that gasdrainage efficiency is related to the porous microstructureof coal [14, 17]. In order to better understand the CSG drain-age production characteristics, information about the coalstructure microstructure from the fracture and cleat systemis required. Poor gas drainage of the coal seam can be causedby a tight and low porosity microstructure. The coal micro-structures from both hard-to-drain and easy-to-drain areaswere examined using SEM. The SEM results from coal sam-ples taken from different drainability areas were obtainedusing a JSM-6490 LV instrument. SEM imaging technologycan provide a reliable visual record of the microstructuresof the coal. The secondary electron mode was adopted forthe SEM investigations [47].

4.2.1. SEM Analysis of Hard-to-Drain Coal Samples. Coalsamples collected from 9-10, 11-12 c/t in MG 22, in thehard-to-drain area of the Metropolitan Colliery were exam-ined during the present study. The piece samples were pre-pared, including the surface directions perpendicular to andparallel with the coal bed. The samples were prepared witha thickness of 10mm.

Zhang et al. [48] reported coal sample SEM images fromhard-to-drain areas. It was observed that the dominating fea-ture of these samples was that, in general, they exhibit a solidsurface, which was observed both perpendicular to and paral-lel with the coal bed (Figure 5(a)). The coals belonged to thecomparatively “tight” (i.e., relatively impermeable) coal typeaccording to the microstructural analyses.

The SEM examinations of coal samples from the 11-12c/t in MG 22 gave a pore size of ten microns parallel withthe coal bed direction. Pores in the coal were found to befilled with mineral matter and coal particles (Figure 5(b)).In general, coals with a more porous structure and fewermineral-filled pores have better gas flow characteristics. Theporosity of a coal can be decreased when the macroporesare filled with mineral matter, thereby reducing the

Table 1: Coal proximate analysis.

Mad% Aad% Vad% Fcad% Ad% Vd% Vdaf% Fcd%

1.35 12.53 17.98 68.14 12.7 18.23 20.88 69.07

11 c/


10 c/


LW 23B






12 c/










10LW 22B


/slip fa

ult and m




fault a

nd m



Hard-to-drain area

Figure 2: Metropolitan mine plan showing the “hard-to-drain” area 3. An evaluation of gas drainability from the coal seam.

4 Geofluids



































3 /t(CO2)



m3 /t(CH



m3 /t(CO2)













m3 /t(CH




3 /t(CO2)



3 /t(CH











m3 /t(CH














3 /t(CH



3 /t














3 /t
















3 /t


















3 /t



























3 /t(CH













3 /t(CH






permeability of the coal. The mineral matter also can influ-ence gas desorption and coal matrix shrinkage. Therefore,the cleats filled with minerals cause difficulties in drillingand gas drainage.

Additionally, according to the geological information,mylonite and intrusions were identified in the hard-to-drain

areas. Microstructural examinations of the samples showedthat it is possible for mylonite filling in microcleats to blockthe pores, with not much space left for gas flow, whichresults in low permeability and hard-to-drain coal. Intru-sions, such as one of the geological anomalies, can resultin the permeability in that region, and magmatic intrusions

Major cleat direction Major cleat directionMapped orientation ofmajor horizontal stress

Figure 4: Mine plan picture of typical hard-to-drain areas showing the gas drainage borehole layout (Ref. [45]).

09100 �휇mX2505kV 41 SEI


0950 �휇mX5005kV 41 SEI


Figure 5: (a) SEM images showing the relatively pore-free “solid” surface; (b) coal with a filled pore structure.


Butt cleat

Face cleat



Figure 3: Picture of the lump coal samples showing the cleat systems relative to the coal bedding direction (Ref. [45]).

6 Geofluids

play an important role in the generation of CO2 [49],which was confirmed by the high CO2 concentration inthe hard-to-drain areas.

4.2.2. SEM Analysis of Easy-to-Drain Coal Samples. Theeasy-to-drain coal samples were examined in the same condi-tions described previously, using the same apparatus that hadbeen used to examine the hard-to-drain coal samples. In gen-eral, the pore structure of these two samples was easilyobserved in the SEM, as is shown in Figures 6 and 7. Themicrocleat openings and mineral matter of the microstruc-ture play an important role in the productive gas drainageof coal seams.

The micron size pore system of coal from easy-to-drainareas was relatively prevalent parallel with the bed direction.Pores were observed from the 100μm and 10μm scales, andthe images are shown in Figure 6. The size of pores in the100μm scale images was larger than 25μm, and the size ofpores in the 10μm scale images was approximately 10μm.The pore density shown in the 10μm scale images was rela-tively higher than that of the 100μm scale images. Comparedto the sample shown in Figure 7, the sample from ahard-to-drain area seems to have less micron size pores thansample from easy-to-drain areas. Moreover, in easy-to-drainareas, the pores were mostly empty or were only partly

mineralized, which means that coal seams in easy-to-drainareas have high permeability. This slide was similar to thefeatures of the hard-to-drain area. Fracture structures alsocan be observed in this sample, as shown in Figure 7. In con-trast to the fracture structures of a hard-to-drain area(Figure 5), the fracture structures of easy-to-drain areas wereobviously well generated, and the fractures were mostlyempty. Thus, a low-porosity structure and mylonite fillingof the pore structure are factors that cause difficulty in gasdrainage.

4.3. Coal Permeability Study. The permeability of a coalcharacterizes its capacity to transmit gas if there is a pressureor concentration gradient across it. The complex flow pro-cesses in porous media depend on the complexity of themicrostructure of porous media [50], and permeability canvary significantly with stress condition [51–53], fluid pres-sure changes [42], and also according to gas type and gaspressure [54].

The primary methods of determining permeabilityinclude field measurement, laboratory experiments, andnumerical simulations. A laboratory permeability test pro-gram was conducted in this study using two different perme-ability tests, which were carried out using two types ofequipment. One type of permeability test was conducted


21.4 �휇m 2.7 �휇m


Figure 7: SEM images showing coal fracture in easy-to-drain areas.

(a) (b)


9.7 �휇m

46.7 �휇m

Figure 6: SEM images showing the porous structure of easy-to-drain areas.


along the radius of the coal sample using a multifunction out-burst research rig (MFORR), which was reported previously[55]. The other type of permeability test was carried outalong the axial direction of the coal sample and was carriedout using a standard triaxial coal permeability cell [56, 57].

Zhang et al. [48] reported that, for hard-to-drain areacoal samples, permeability starts to establish a stable level atless than 1mD, with higher gas pressure, and underhigh-stress conditions, although permeability values appeardifferent at lower gas pressures (Figure 8).

The permeability of coal has a significant influence on theentire process of gas drainage and CSG production in coalmines. Coalbeds are classified into four groups based on theirin situ permeability (Table 3) [45]. It can be obtained fromTable 3 that coalbed gas extraction can be carried out whenthe coal seam permeability is generally greater than 1mD.However, for Australian coals, according to Figure 9, it indi-cates that Australian coal seams that are suitable for drainage(medium radius drill method) should have a gas content ofmore than 6m3/t gas and a permeability greater than 2mDat a depth of 150 to 500m.

As the permeability test is carried out with N2 gas and drycoal samples, the in situ permeability should be lower thanthe lab-tested permeability result. Due to the MetropolitanColliery’s in situ conditions, the high rate of CO2 and CH4mixture gas, and the presence of water in the coal matrixand boreholes, the in situ permeability may be less than1mD. Hence, with a coal seam depth of more than 400mand a gas content of 7.76m3/t in the typical hard-to-drainarea, gas drainage in these areas will be poor if no enhance-ment techniques are employed.

4.4. Coal Sorption Capacity Study. The coal samples used inthe ash content test were from the core samples after the fast

desorption gas content test. Before the test, the coal sampleswere crushed to -212μm and dried in a vacuum desiccatorin an oven at 60°C. The ash content test of the coal followedthe Australian Standard AS 1038.3-1989 [58].

The test results showed that the ash content of Metropol-itan coal was around 12.53% (Aad), which can be regarded asa relatively low ash content coal. Generally speaking, low ashcontent coal has a larger gas adsorbing capacity than doeshigh ash content coal, which also explains why this type ofcoal has a strong gas adsorbing capacity and thereforerequires a longer drainage lead time to reduce the gas contentbelow the threshold limit for safe mining operations.

The sorption of samples from the typical hard-to-drainarea (from c/t 8-11 along MG 22) was tested (GME 2126,GME 2127, GME 2128, and GME 2130 sample test resultsare shown as the examples). The indirect gravimetric methodwas used to test the coal isotherm, and its test apparatus wasshown in detail in previous studies [23, 27, 30]. All sampleswere prepared by crushing the sample to a powder size of-212μm and then enclosing it in pressure bombs, which werecharged separately with CO2 and CH4 at a temperature of25°C. The first step used the helium expansion method todetermine the volume of the void space in the bomb for eachsample. Then, each of the bombs was charged with the test

Table 3: Classification of coalbeds based on their permeability (afterRef. [45]).

In situ permeability (K) Drainability

K≤ 1mD No drainage

1mD<K≤ 5mD Difficult drainage

5mD<K≤ 9mD Low drainage

9mD<K≤ 50mD Successful drainage








00.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Gas pressure (Mpa)

Permeability test comparison result (vertical stress 3 MPa)Pe



y (m


2.5 3.0 3.5

MFORR resultTriaxial-horizontal stress 2 MPaTriaxial-horizontal stress 2.5 MPa


Gas pressure (Mpa)

Permeability test comparison result (vertical stress 4 MPa)






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5









MFORR resultTriaxial-horizontal stress 2 MPaTriaxial-horizontal stress 2.5 MPa


Figure 8: MFORR permeability and triaxial permeability test results comparison (Ref. [45]).

8 Geofluids

gas. The level of charging gas pressure for the sorption testwas carried out systematically at 1000 kPa and then1500 kPa, 2000 kPa, 3000 kPa until 4000 kPa. Finally, the iso-therms were obtained for the equilibrium pressure point andadsorbed gas volume. Figure 10 shows four representativetest results from the hard-to-drain area, which exhibited amuch higher sorption capacity with CO2 than with CH4.

4.5. Gas Content and Gas Composition Study. The gas con-tent of the coal seam of the Illawarra Coal Measures variedfrom less than 1 to 20m3/t. The gas composition of theCSG included CH4, CO2, N2, C2H6, and other higher hydro-carbons [5]. The two main gases, CO2 and CH4, usuallyaccounted for greater than 90% of the total CSG. Faiz et al.[59] reported that the majority of the CSG was generated incoal from the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous period. Faizet al. [5] stated that, for the Illawarra Coal Measures, theCO2 was mainly from magmatic sources, and the CO2 wasgenerated mainly in the Tertiary period.

The gas content tests with the rapid desorption methodwere conducted according to the Australian StandardAS3980:1999 [58], and the gas composition tests were con-ducted using a Varian CP4900 Four Channel Micro GasChromatograph (GC). In total, 519 core samples were col-lected from underground for testing. For each test sample,the following information was recorded from the analysis:core sample reference; outburst threshold limit value; mea-sured total gas content QM; gas content components includ-ing Q1, Q2, and Q3 (m

3/t); gas composition of desorbed gasincluding CH4, CO2, and CH4/(CH4+CO2) (%).

The outburst threshold limit has to be established to pre-vent outburst fatalities. The outburst threshold limit value(TLV) varies linearly and is related to the gas composition,increasing from a minimum in the condition of pure CO2to a maximum in the condition of pure CH4. Many Austra-lian underground coal mines are mining in areas that requirethe use of gas drainage to reduce coal seam gas content tobelow a prescribed threshold limit value (TLV). Factors con-tributing to poor drainage problem may include high coalrank and in situ conditions resulting in high sorption capac-ity, low gas content, high CO2 gas composition, and high insitu gas pressure causing low coal saturation as well as coal

microstructure and permeability affecting gas transport. Invarious parts of the Bulli seam of the Sydney Basin, the mainseam gas is more of CO2 than CH4, thus high CO2 and mixedgas CH4 and CO2 have been found in a number of locationsin Tahmoor, Metropolitan, Appin, and West Cliff mines [3,22, 45]. In these gassy outburst-prone coal mines, mine oper-ators use intensive gas drainage drilling programs to collectcoal cores for gas content testing, identify structures aheadof the mine workings, and deal with the increasing problemsof gas drainage and drain gas to below the applicable TLV toensure safe mining operations.

According to the test results, the whole database of theMetropolitan Colliery, containing 519 sample results, wasstudied. From the mine level values in the database, thethreshold limits were generated. As shown in Figure 11, thegas content was 6.0m3/t for pure CO2 and 9.5m3/t for pureCH4. Thus, if the test gas content for a coal sample was underthe TLV limit, the sample was marked as a “Pass”, otherwise,it was marked as a “Fail”.

Figure 11 shows the scatter distribution of the whole gasdatabase and the database for a typical hard-to-drain area(8-11 c/t, MG 22). As shown in Figure 11(a), the scatter ofthe whole gas database for the 519 samples ranged fromCO2 rich to CH4 rich. As shown in Figure 11(b), unlike thescatter for the whole gas database, the scatter for a typicalhard-to-drain area (94 samples) was concentrated almostentirely in the CO2-rich area, with the highest CH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio being 0.21. Both of the results indicate that theseam is in a CO2-rich condition, and in the typicalhard-to-drain area, there is an especially high CO2 condition.

In the zone where the CH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio was lessthan 0.2, 171 samples were designated as a “Fail”, whichaccounted for 88.1% of the total number of “Fail” samples.Including the “Pass” samples, 41.0% of samples in the zonewith a CH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio of less than 0.2 were failed,compared to 22.5% of samples in the zone with aCH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio of more than 0.2. Comparing theseresults, in the zone with a CH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio of less than0.2, 60 samples were designated a “Fail”, which accounted for93.8% of the total number of “Fail” samples. Including the“Pass” samples, 65.9% of samples in the zone with aCH4/(CH4+CO2) ratio of less than 0.2 were failed. Both of

100 200 300 400 5000.








l Des


ble G


Gas contentPermeability

Suitable for drainage





Figure 9: Permeability and gas content relationship with depth (modified after Ref. [45]).








00 500 1000


1500 2000Pressure (kPa)

Adsorption isotherm at 25ºC (GME 2126)So



ume (


) (cc


2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


Adsorption isotherm at 25ºC (GME 2126)30








ed v


e (N

TP) (



0 500 1000


1500 2000Pressure (kPa)

2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


Adsorption isotherm at 25ºC (GME 2126)30








ed v


e (N

TP) (



0 500 1000


1500 2000Pressure (kPa)

2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


Adsorption isotherm at 25ºC (GME 2126)30








ed v


e (N

TP) (



0 500 1000


1500 2000Pressure (kPa)

2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


Figure 10: Coal adsorption isotherms at 25°C (a, b, c, and d are from typical hard-to-drain areas) (Ref. [45]).

y = 3.4951x + 6.0006R2 = 0.9998








0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Mea


d to

tal g

as co


t (m

3 /t)

Gas composition (CH4/(CH4+CO2))

Bulli seam outburst threshold limits(whole database, 519 total samples)


ThresholdLinear (threshold)

325 Pass samples194 Fail samples











d to

tal g

as co


t (m

3 /t)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Gas composition (CH4/(CH4+CO2))

Bulli seam outburst threshold limits(typical hard-to-drain area, 94 total samples)


ThresholdLinear (threshold)

y = 3.4929x + 6.0004R2 = 0.9954

31 Pass samples63 Fail samples


Figure 11: Bulli seam outburst threshold limits. (a) Whole database. (b) Typical hard-to-drain area.

10 Geofluids

these results indicate that coal samples with a higher CO2composition condition were more prone to “Fail”.

Table 4 shows the test results for the whole gas databaseand for the database of a typical hard-to-drain area. Theaccounting ratio for the “Fail” samples was much higher at67.0% in the typical “hard-to-drain” area, whereas the ratiofor the whole mining area was 37.4%. The difference in theaverage QM value between the “Pass” and “Fail” sampleswas smaller in the typical “hard-to-drain” area than for thewhole mining area. The average CO2 composition valuewas higher for both types of samples in the typicalhard-to-drain area, and CH4 composition value was compar-atively lower.

Table 5 shows the gas content of each gas componentwithin the total gas content. In the fast desorption method,the gas content of the Q3 component contributes the largestpercentage to the total gas content, followed by the Q2 andQ1 gas components. This principle was constant for theentire group of samples tested. It was found that the absolutegas content value of each gas component was larger for the“Fail” samples than for the “Pass” samples. The averageQ1 :QM and Q2 :QM ratios were smaller for the “Pass” sam-ples than for the “Fail” samples, while the Q3 :QM ratio waslarger for the “Pass” samples than for the “Fail” samples. Thisphenomenon also confirmed that in the sample tests withhigher gas contents, the gas was more prone to release duringthe Q1 and Q2 testing processes.

The CO2 isotherm, compared to CH4 isotherm, has amore significant role in the gas drainage behavior for theresearched coal seam. The critical desorption point of a typ-ical Bulli seam sample is based on isotherms representingthe adsorption capacity for both pure CH4 and CO2. Con-sidering the same initial in situ gas content and pressure,it can be concluded that a CO2-rich coal requires a far largerreduction in reservoir pressure to reach the critical desorp-tion point than does an equivalent CH4-rich sample [3]. Allthe above information demonstrate the important factors

that characterize why it is more difficult to drain gas fromthe CO2-rich Bulli seam gas than from the normalCH4-rich coal seams, and why the typical “hard-to-drain”area is especially hard-to-drain when it has an even higherCO2 gas composition.

5. Conclusions

An investigation of the drainability evaluation ofoutburst-prone and high-CO2-containing coal seam, and itsinfluencing factors, was carried out. In this study, coal cleatsystems were investigated both in the laboratory and thefield. The geological variations cause differences in coal per-meability and CO2 concentration. The SEM analysis showedthat tighter and lower porosity microstructures were foundfor coals from the “hard-to-drain” areas than was the casefor “easy-to-drain” areas.

Both the axial and radial permeability test results showedthat the permeability of the coal decreased with an increase instress and gas pressure. The permeability test results estab-lished a stable level of less than 1mD under higher gas pres-sure and higher stress, which could be another possiblereason that may explain the “hard-to-drain” behavior.

Compared to the CH4 isotherm, the CO2 isotherm ofhigher sorption value should have a greater significance inthe gas drainage behavior of the researched coal seam. Theresearched coal seam, which had a higher CO2 gas adsorptioncapacity and concentration, had a low gas saturation limit,which explained the “hard-to-drain” problem.

The results of the critical gas content and compositioninvestigation were applied to the whole colliery gas databaseand to the hard-to-drain database. It was established that coalsamples from CO2-rich areas had a higher risk of failure,especially in the case of typical hard-to-drain areas.

A direct warning index for the in situ “hard-to-drain”problem was proposed as guidance for future gas drainageoperations at the colliery, including areas with relatively

Table 4: Test results of the whole gas database and typical hard-to-drain area database.

CategoriesWhole gas database Typical hard-to-drain area database

“Pass” samples “Fail” samples “Pass” samples “Fail” samples

Number of samples 325 194 31 63

Accounting ratio 62.6% 37.4% 33.0% 67.0%

Average QM value 4.4m3/t 9.2m3/t 5.2m3/t 7.8m3/t

Average CH4 composition value 17.1% 14.0% 8.5% 12.5%

Average CO2 composition value 73.5% 82.6% 4.6% 4.5%

Table 5: The individual content of each gas component and the total gas content of each sample.

ClassificationAverage Q1 gascontent (m3/t)

Average Q1 :QMratio (%)

Average Q2 gascontent (m3/t)

Average Q2 :QMratio (%)

Average Q3 gascontent (m3/t)

Average Q3 :QMratio (%)

All samples 0.5 6.0 1.2 17.1 4.5 76.9


0.2 4.0 0.6 14.1 3.6 81.9

“Fail” samples 1.0 9.5 2.2 22.0 6.0 68.5


lower gas contents (6-10m3/t), areas with high CO2 compo-sitions (CO2> 80%, CH4< 20% or CH4/(CH4+CO2)< 0.2),and areas with geological variations.

In conclusion, a high gas storage capacity, relatively lowgas contents, and a high CO2 concentration results in lowgas saturation limit for a coal. Geological variations and geos-tresses affect the coal microstructure, geological variations,and geostresses, and a low porosity structure will cause lowpermeability in the coal. A low gas saturation limit and lowpermeability directly cause the coal to be hard to drain forCSG. Additionally, indirect factors that cause the difficultyin gas draining, such as high CO2 concentration, geologicalvariations, and geological stresses, also influence each otherand result in low permeability in the coal. The difficulty ingas draining and outburst risk are caused by a combinationof these factors, especially when most of the features appearwithin a particular coal seam area.

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study areavailable from the corresponding author upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


This research is supported by the Fundamental ResearchFunds for the Central Universities (2017XKZD06) and thePriority Academic Programme Development of HigherEducation Institutions in Jiangsu Province. The authorswish to thank the staff and management of MetropolitanColliery for providing coal samples and related data usedin this study. Thanks are also due to the technical staff atthe University of Wollongong especially Col Devenish forexperiment assistance.


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