New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ Unit 4 Section B: Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game


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New Horizon College English Book Ⅲ

Unit 4 Section B: Engelbreit’s the Name, Cute Is My Game


I. Reading skill

II. Fast reading

III. Structure

IV. Important Words

V. Detailed study of Text

VI. Exercises

I. Reading skill

-- Appreciating Figurative Language

PracticeDiscuss the literal meanings and contextual meanings of the following underlines words and phrases from Passage B.

1. crushed– To crush is to press something so hard that it is broken.– Here it means the harsh words from publishers made her heart

broken. 2. a come-down from her high expectations

– To come down is to move downward and lower.– Here it means drawing greeting cards was a fall in her life’s goal.

3. boasts– The car is personified. A car cannot boast; only the creator of the

card boasts. 4. acid

– acid means have a sour or bitter taste.– If a person has an acid tongue, she or he is very critical of others or

other things.

PracticeDiscuss the literal meanings and contextual meanings of the following underlines words and phrases from Passage B.

5. trademark– a trademark is a special name, sign, word, marked on a product.– Here it means being cute is Mary’s distinctive characteristic.

6. the core of Engelbreit’s life– A core is the central part of a certain fruit.– A core of one’s life means the important part of one’s life.

7. feet are planted firmly on the ground– When one puts his or her feet firmly on the ground, he or she is down-to-ea

rth. – In other words, he or she is very realistic or practical.

8. taking off– To take off is to leave the ground and begin to fly.– Here it means her work began to be successful.


II. Fast reading.

1.When she flew to New York, mary Engelbreit expected that ___ .

A. she would illustrate children’s books B. she would be better suited to greeting words C. she would give a try at drawing greeting cards 2.All the following are the results of that fateful, disappoint

ed trip to New York except___. A. selling an astonishing 14 million greeting cards a year B. annual retail sales amounting to $100 million C. one of her bolder cards showing a young girl in overall


3.You can tell Engelbreit’s cards from 20 paces away by___.

A. her eyes

B. their colors

C. their hearts

4.Which of the following characteristics is most important to Mary Engelbreit?

A. Cheerful

B. Down-to-earth

C. Cute

5.Accordint to Engelbreit, ___ could help people with the demands of modern life.

A. being humorous B. being cute C. old-fashioned things

6. All the following have some influence on Mary Engelbreit except___.

A. Jessie Willcox smith B. Raggedy Ann C. Johnny Gruelle

7.The birth of her son in 1980_____. A. helped to broaden her vision of art B. made her work become pictures of daily life C. made her interested in everyday life

8.According to the author, Mary Engelbreit finally realized her dream of illustrating a children’s book because_____.

A. she had enough money B. she was very successful in greeting cards C. she succeed in many ways


III. Structure :

How did Engelbreit realized her American dream? 1. from age four2. as soon as she could hold a


3. while she attended secondary school

4. two years after she met Phil Delano

5. after that ill-fated trip to New York

6. while she was eight months pregnant

7. after graduate 8. three years after she started

her company

A. impressed with illustrations from the children’s books

B. sold hand-drawn cards to a

local shopC. marriedD. worked for greeting-card co

mpaniesE. started her own companyF. worked in an art-supply sho

p and later as a designerG. licensed the copyright to th

e cardsH. started drawing

IV. Important Words


– verb [T] 使……惊讶– If something or someone astonishes you, they sur

prise you very much– e.g. She astonished everyone by announcing her

engagement.联想: astonished, astonishing


近义词: surprise, amaze, startle, shock 常用于以下句型中:

Sth. / Sb. surprises/ amazes/ startle / shocks sb.It surprises/ amazes/ startle / shocks sb. that…It surprise / amazes/ startle / shocks sb. to do…What surprises / amazes/ startle / shocks sb. is…


– (formal) (部分)组成(整体)– If you say that something comprises or is com

prised of a number of things or people, you mean it has them as its parts or members

– 常用结构: be comprised of (整体)由……(部分)组成

– e.g. The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students.


– 近义词或词组:– compose ; consist ; constitute ; be made up o

fcompose : be composed of (整体)由……

(部分)组成consist : consist of (整体)由……(部分)组

成constitute :(部分)组成(整体)be made up of (整体)由……(部分)组成


– 作名词: ① 特色,特征 a prominent aspect of something ② 相貌,面貌 the characteristic parts of a person’s

face ③ 故事片 the principal film in a program at a movie

theater ④ 专题报道,特写 a special or prominent article in a

newspaper or magazine– 作动词: (slightly formal)

以……为特征,为特色 have as a feature– e.g. This restaurant features the most famous chefs in F



– 注意: feature 有时易与 figure 弄混淆– figure 既可以作名词也可以作动词。

作名词: ① 图表 a diagram or picture illustrating textual mate

rial ② 体形,外形 the shape of the human body ③ 数字 digit ④ 名人,人物 a well-known or notable person ⑤ 金额,价格 a amount of money expressed numeri

cally作动词:猜想,估计 calculate, estimate, reckon


adjective– ① 无畏的,大胆的 fearless and daring– e.g. The little boy was bold enough to w

alk in the dark street.– ② 清晰的,醒目的 clear and distinct– ③ in bold type/print 用粗体字

gratitude 感激,感谢 

– altitude 海拔,高度 – attitude 态度

– solitude 孤独,独居

words derivation

– literature~ literary– influence~ influential– commerce~ commercial– myth~mythical– distinct~ distinctive~ distinction– imagine~ imaginary~ imagination– decorate~ decoration– distribute~ distribution– illustrate~ illustration

take off

phrasal verb to suddenly start to be successful or

populare.g. her singing career has just begun

to take off.

show up

phrasal verb, informalto arrive somewhere in order to join a g

roup of people, especially late or unexpectedly

e.g. We were expecting thirty people to come, but half of them never show up.

turn ( sb./ sth. ) down

phrasal verb [M] to refuse an offer or request

e.g. he turned down the job because ①it involved too much traveling.

② He offered her a trip to Australia but she turned him down.

with an eye to

注意,此短语不是短语动词 (phrasal verb) ,虽然中文翻译为“关注”,但在句子中不能直接作谓语。

e.g. He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there.

have one’s feet on the ground

– idiom have a sensible or realistic attitude to life

– e.g. He is always talking about his big plans to be a great actor. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground.

V. Detailed study of Text

1. Once you know Engelbreit's distinctive style,… (Para. 4)

distinctive: a.

that distinguishes sth. by making it different from others; clearly different from others and therefore easy to recognize

e.g. His voice was very distinctive. 他的声音很特别。

1.Once you know Engelbreit's distinctive style,… (Para. 4)

Compare: distinct: a. 1) different in kind; separate e.g. His hobbies are quite distinct from his work.


2) easily heard, seen, felt or understood; definite e.g. I had the distinct impression that she was lying.


2. Ann Estelle (named after her grandmother) is the imaginary representative of Mary's outlook. (Para. 4)

imaginary: a. existing only in the mind; not reale.g. In the novel the writer creates an imaginary world that is completely different from ours. 作家在小说中创造了一个完全不同的世界。

Compare: imaginable: a. that one can think ofe.g. His house was equipped with every luxury imaginable.


imaginative: a. having or showing imaginatione.g. His writing is highly imaginative. 他的写作极富想像力。

3. …children's literary classics… (Para. 7)

classic: n. a famous book, play, etc. which has a lasting value

e.g. As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly. 随着年龄的增长,我喜欢经常重读经典作品。

a. 1) (of a book, play, etc.) important and having a lasting value e.g. the classic children's film Huckleberry Finn

2) having a simple, traditional style which is always fashionable e.g. She wore a simple classic suit. 她穿着一套简朴的传统服装。

3) typicale.g. It was a classic case of bad management.

3. …children's literary classics… (Para. 7)

Compare: classical: a. 1) traditional, not modern e.g. classical ballet 古典芭蕾舞

2) (of music) serious and having a value that lasts e.g. I prefer classical music to pop or jazz.

3) relating to ancient Greece or Rome e.g. classical architecture 古典建筑

VI. Exercises

Finish the rest exercises on Book 3, page 118.

The End