New Nation Common Assessment April 2014. First Secretary of the Treasury of the U.S. Answer:...


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New Nation Common Assessment

April 2014

First Secretary of theTreasury of the U.S.

Answer: Alexander Hamilton

First Secretary of War ofthe U.S.

Answer: Henry Knox

Spoke against PoliticalParties

Answer: George Washington

First Vice-President of theU.S.

Answer: John Adams

First Secretary of State ofthe U.S.

Answer: Thomas Jefferson

Created Judicial Review

Answer: John Marshall

Architect/Planner ofWashington, D.C.

Answer: Pierre L’Enfant

African American thathelped plan capital

Answer: Benjamin Banneker

Explored the LouisianaTerritory

Answer: William Clark

First Attorney General ofthe U.S.

Answer: Edmund Randolph

Hamilton or Jefferson?

wanted a STRONG federalgovernment (not so much state


Answer: Hamilton

Hamilton or Jefferson?

Wanted government to beguided by the MASSES (not

just the aristocrats)

Answer: Jefferson

Hamilton or Jefferson?

Thought government shouldENCOURAGE BUSINESS (not


Answer: Hamilton

Hamilton or Jefferson?

Thought the new governmentshould NOT pay old debt

Answer: Jefferson

Laws that made it a crime tocriticize the government or those

working in it under penalty of fines orimprisonment

Answer: Sedition Acts

Argument written byThomas Jefferson that the

Alien and Sedition Actswere unconstitutional

Answer: Kentucky Resolution

Argument written by JamesMadison that the Alien and

Sedition Acts wereunconstitutional

Answer: Virginia Resolution

Three laws that allowed the presidentto expel foreigners from the U.S. if he believed they were dangerous to the

nation's peace and security

Answer: Alien Acts

A political ideal that favors civilliberties, democratic reform, and the

use of government to solve socialproblems

Answer: Liberal

Term used to describe apolitical ideal that tends tosupport old institutions and

oppose change

Answer: Conservative

Person who buys at a lowprice to sell later at a

higher price

Answer: Speculator

Government takes a "handsoff" approach, littleeconomic regulation

Answer: Laissez-Faire

Economic system based onindividual or company

ownership of goods andservices in a free market

Answer: Capitalism

The right of the people tokeep and bear Arms, shall

not be infringed

Answer: 2nd Amendment

In suits at common law, wherethe value in controversy shall

exceed twenty dollars, the rightof trial by jury shall be


Answer: 7th Amendment

In all criminal prosecutions, theaccused shall enjoy the right to a

speedy and public trial, by animpartial jury of the State and

district wherein the crime shall havebeen committed.

Answer: 6th Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an

establishment of religion, or prohibiting

the free exercise thereof; or abridging the

freedom of speech, or of the press; or the

right of the people peaceably to assemble,

and to petition the Government for a

redress of grievances.Answer: 1st Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution,

of certain rights, not be construed to

deny or disparage others retained by

the people

Answer: 9th Amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a

capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless

on a presentment or indictment of a Grand

Jury. Nor shall any person be subject for the

same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of

life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any

criminal case to be a witness against himself.

Answer: 5th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the

United States by the Constitution,

nor prohibited by it to the States, are

reserved to the States respectively, orto the people.

Answer: 10th Amendment

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be

quartered in any house, without the

consent of the Owner, nor in time of

war, but in a manner to be prescribed

by lawAnswer: 3rd Amendment

Excessive bail shall not berequired, or excessive fines

imposed, nor cruel andunusual punishments


Answer: 8th Amendment

The right of the people to be secure in their

persons, houses, papers, and effects, against

unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be

violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon

probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,

and particularly describing the place to be

searched, and the persons or things to be seized

Answer: 4th Amendment

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

This branch makes the laws

Answer: Legislative

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

Terms of service can last no longer than

10 years

Answer: Executive

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

The branch can declare a law or

action as unconstitutional

Answer: Judicial

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

Has the ability to declare war

Answer: Legislative

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

There are no specifically mentioned

qualifications to serve in this branch

Answer: Judicial

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

Has the ability to impeachjudges or the President

Answer: Legislative

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

Has the ability to carry out, or enforce,the laws

Answer: Executive

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

Terms last a lifetime, as long as there

is no misbehavior

Answer: Judicial

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

This branch can veto laws

Answer: Executive

Legislative, Executive or Judicial?

The President is the head of this branch

Answer: Executive

a diplomatic disagreementbetween the French and the


A. Alien and Sedition ActsB. XYZ AffairC. ABC Affair

John Marshall was part ofthis branch of government

A. ExecutiveB. LegislativeC. Judicial

First President to live in ourcapital, Washington

A. Barack ObamaB. Thomas JeffersonC. John Adams

Believed in a strong stategovernment

A. Democratic-Republican PartyB. FederalistC. Republican

River President Washington chose as the new capital

A. AlleghanyB. PotomacC. York

Year of the LouisianaPurchase

A. 1803B. 1800C. 1804

The Constitution can onlybe changed by this

A. LawB. VetoC. Amendment

Known as the Father of theConstitution

A. James MadisonB. George WashingtonBenjamin Franklin

In this type of system, the power is divided between a

central government and state governments.

A. ConfederationB. FederationC. Monarchy

The _______ Plan said that the number of congressmen each

state would have shouldbe decided by


A. New YorkB. WashingtonC. Virginia

Year Articles ofConfederation were ratified

A. 1781B. 1776C. 1783

man that proposed theGreat Compromise

A. James MadisonB. Roger ShermanC. Benjamin Franklin

Who was the guide to Lewis and Clark?

Answer: Sacajawea

The 3/5 Compromisefocused on this group

A. WomenB. ChildrenC. Enslaved Persons

This is taken every 10 years in our country

A. pollB. censusC. survey
