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December 10, 2010, at the Papal University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome,an international scholarly-practical conference "Ukraine--Vatican ofChristian Europe" was held with the participation of diplomats; represen-

tatives of the Roman Curia; Ukrainian government; academic world; Ukrainianclergy and student community of Rome. The event was organized by the Embassyof Ukraine in the Vatican in cooperation with the Department of Social Sciences ofthe mentioned university and was aimed to consider in general the relations betweenUkraine and the Apostolic See and to stress the importance of the preservation byEurope of its Christian roots and to mark the role of Ukraine in that process.

According to Radio Vatican, before the beginning of the conference, the adviserof the Ukrainian Embassy in the Vatican, Dmytro Volovnikov read a greetingaddress to the participants on behalf of the Secretary of State of the Apostolic See,Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone; Patriarch LUBOMYR (Husar); Metropolitan VOLODYMYRof the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; the Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Ukraine,Kostiantyn Hryshchenko.

As she was opening the conference, the Dean of the Department of SocialSciences of the Papal University, Sister Helen Alford noted that her institution

closely monitors the developments in the post-Soviet territo-ry. Earlier, a conference "Countries of the Post-Soviet Ter-ritory and the Holy See" was held in this context.

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, Prefect of the Congregation ofthe Eastern Churches, made a report on the history of Christi-anity in Ukraine, particularly, the period of persecution of theChurch and its revival after gaining independence. He notedthat great figures of the history and culture the country drewtheir inspiration from Christianity, and that the geographic lo-cation of Ukraine at the crossroads of the East and West con-ditioned the meeting between the Latin and ByzantineChristian traditions, which found their reflection in the soci-ety. Cardinal Sandri noticed the achievements of Ukraine inthe development of the society after the period of totalitari-anism and that the international community cannot underesti-mate the success achieved in the area of reconciliation andovercoming regional tensions.

Yurii Bohutskyi, who headed the recently-liquidated StateCommittee on Matters of Nationalities and Religions, sentgreetings from Ukraine's President and Government. In hisreport, he presented actual statistics reflecting the increase ofthe number of communities and registered religious organi-zations. He noted that the Ukrainian law guarantees equal

treatment by the state of religious organizations and noticed thepositive role played in the society by the All-Ukrainian Council ofChurches and Religious Organizations as well as the social activi-ty of Churches. He also pointed to existing problems, particularly,politicization of religious organizations since the Churches enjoythe highest level of trust in the Ukrainian society and politicianstry to abuse it.

The present status of Christianity in Ukraine and challengesfaced by the Christian Churches in the context of the new evange-lization in Europe were discussed at the round table by the Head

of the Conference of the Roman Catholic Bishops in Ukraine, ArchbishopMieczyslav Mokrzytsk; the Secretary of the Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Cath-olic Church (UGCC), Bishop BOHDAN (Dziurakh); the Secretary of the AcademicCouncil of the Kyivan Spiritual Academy and Seminary, who presented a report ofthe Vicar of Metropolitan VOLODYMYR and Rector of the Kyiv Spiritual Academy,Archbishop ANTONII (Pakanych); and the Secretary of the Congregation of theEastern Churches, Archbishop VASYL (Cyril) who told the participants of the activ-ity of that institution in relation to the Church in Ukraine.


Ukraine--Vatican of Christian Europe

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Heeding the call for a show of solidarity with theeparchial mother church throughout the entire"Jubilee Year," priests of the parishes of the

Chicago Deanery decided to give visible evidence of thespecial occasion and affection for the solicitude of the

heavenly patron of the cathedral and the entire eparchy. Included here are photos of four of the parishes in the

deanery where the icon of St Nicholas is given specialprominence commencing on the Feast of St Nicholas,2010--through the observance of the same feast in 2011.

Anticipating the eventual arrival of the Pilgrim Icon,each parish has pledged to recite the Prayer for Protec-tion for the same time period.

Wherever possible, local pilgrimages between parish-es are planned to emphasize the need for divine inter-vention in the life of eachparish and parishioner, andthe realization of the closebond that exists with othersbeyond parochial bound-aries and interests.

11NEW STARJanuary, 2011

Chicago Deanery Parishes Prepare for Visit of Jubilee IconProgram includes activities before and after the icon visits

Mitred Archpriest John Lazar Falls Asleep in the Lord, at Age 92

The Right Rev. Mitred ArchpriestJohn Lazar died December 6,2010 in Dearborn Heights, Mich-

igan, where he had served as pastor ofOur Lady of Perpetual Help Churchsince 1967.

Born September 28, 1918, in Scran-ton, Pennsylvania, he was the son of thelate John and Helen (Panyszak) Lazar.He was graduated from the Propagationof the Faith College in Rome, where heearned bachelor's degrees in Philosophyand Theology in 1938 and 1942, respec-tively. Upon completion of studies inRome, he was ordained a priest thereMarch 22, 1942. He returned to theUnited States and served as a professorat St. Basil College in Stamford, Conn-ecticut. After a year teaching, he movedon to serve various churches.

Some tenures were only a few months--others for perhaps a few years. Duringthe first 25 of his 68 years as a priest, hisparishes were in Newark, New Jersey;then to St Joseph, Missouri; Philadel-phia, Pennsylvania; Syracuse, then Wa-tervliet, in New York; Shamokin, Penn-sylvania; Detroit, Michigan; then Oma-ha and Lincoln, Nebraska. Father Johnwent on to serve in St Joseph, SugarCreek and St Louis,Missouri, followedby Madison, Illinois.In 1967, he wasassigned to Our Ladyof Perpetual Help inDearborn Heights,

and remained until hisretirement several yearsago. He also served asan eparchial consultorand protopresbyter, andwas elevated as a MiredArchpriest and Canon.

Surviving are hisbrother Nicholas andnieces and nephews. Hewas also preceded in death by three sis-ters, Mary Kostige, Kathryn Chemerysand Ann Lazar; and two brothers:George, who was killed in action onGuadalcanal in World War II; and Mi-chael.

The first part of the priest's funeralwas held in his former parish in Dear-born Heights on Sunday evening, De-cember 12, and on Monday morning.

The body of Canon John Lazar wasflown to Scranton for the concludingservices Wednesday, December 15, at St.Vladimir's Ukrainian Catholic Church.On Thursday the funeral was conductedat St Vladimir's, with burial at St. Cath-erine Cemetery, Moscow, Pennsylvania.

May the memory of the MitredArchpriest, Canon John Lazar, be eter-nal!

Bishop Richard's Homily for Fr John LazarInasmuch as Bishop Richard was away on Eparchial business,

the homily was read by Very Rev Wayne Ruchgy.

''Well done, my good and faithful servant. …Come, share your master's joy.''

(MT. 25: 21)

This quote from the Gospel according to St. Matthew comes to mind aswe come together to commend Father John Lazar to God. In many ways,Father Lazar was like the good and faithful servant of whom Jesus spoke inthe Gospel.

Father John was indeed good. Way down deep, down beneath the exteri-or which he allowed people to see, there beat a kind heart whose tendernesshe kept hidden from many, a heart whose generosity helped just as many.That heart has given out after a long life; it is still now, and the emptinesswhich Fr. John's passing leaves is not limited to the house which he leavesbehind as a constant reminder of his years here..

Father John was also faithful. This was obvious wherever he went--fromthe cathedral in Philadelphia to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in DearbornHeights and everywhere in between. Wherever he was sent, he went. Hedidn't always end up where he wanted to be, but that didn't matter: he wentwhere he was sent, and he did what he was asked to do. End of story. Heprayed the words which we also so often repeat, "Thy will be done", and hemeant those words. He prayed these words as we all must, realizing that thevocation of the Christian--and especially the vocation of the priest--is likethat of his namesake John the Baptist: like John, we do not focus on our-selves; rather, we must point to another, to Christ, and we must serve Him.

We entrust Father John Lazar to God, trusting that God in His mercy willreceive him with words of welcome: "Well done, my good and faithful ser-vant. … Come, share your master's joy." May Father John now pray for uswhose lives have been touched by his, so that we may hear those samewords of welcome when our time comes..

Younger parishioners atSt. Michael Parish inTucson gather weekly

for faith formation, fellowship,some liturgical singing andplanning of service projects.

There are currently fiveparishioners who are studentsat the University of Arizona, aswell as a group of teens in this

small but vibrant parish. Theseyouth and young adults havedecided that Tuesday nightswill be their time to grow in thefaith as well as to get to knoweach other. Mrs. Halia Chirov-sky is helping them to learn tosing the Divine Liturgy and Fr.Andriy Chirovsky leads themin discussions of the faith.

They hope to reach out inservice both to meet certainneeds of their own parishcommunity and to serve thepoor beyond the parish.

Fr. Andriy Chirovsky andsome of the youth and youngadults of St. Michael Parish

in Tucson.

Tuesdays in Tucson

The icon of St Nicholas in St Michael Church,Mishawaka, Indiana, was decorated with parishioner

participation after the Divine Liturgy, Sunday,December 5, 2010. Afterward, all sang " O Kto, Kto" ;recited the Prayer for Protection; and adjourned to theparish social center where St Nicholas distributed gold

(chololate-filled) coins.

Even when the church is not fullof worshippers, candles areavailable as sentinels and

prayerful reminders of devotionto St Nicholas--seen here draped

with a ruchnyk at St JosaphatChurch, Munster, Indiana.

The special attention paid to St Nicholas, patron of the

eparchy, is evidenced at theNativity of the BVM, Palos

Park, Illinois, with a view thatemphasizes the focus directed

to the Miracle-worker set apartwith the decorative rushnyk.

The icon of St Nicholas in StMichael Church, Chicago,

has the first of several seasonal garlands plannedto adorn the image of the

eparchial patron. Ivy vines,pine boughs and branches

of deep green leaves and redholly berries were used. Parishioners sang "O Kto, Kto"

after the Liturgy on the Feast of St Nicholas before reciting the Prayer of Protection.

Afterward all went to the parish hall for coffee andsweets--and each received a bag of varied candies, trinkets and mementoes delivered by St Nicholas.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SIGNS AGREEMENTWITH UKRAINIAN SCHOOL IN BRUSSELS: In Kyivan Agreement of Intent was signed between theInternational Ukrainian School (IUS) of the Ministry ofEducation and Science of Ukraine, and the PrinceYaroslav the Wise Ukrainian School in Brussels, of theBrussels UGCC pastoral center.

The agreement in the field of education foresees theimplentation of relevant provisions of the Constitutionof Ukraine, the laws "On Education" and "On PublicAssociations," State Program of Cooperation withForeign Ukrainian, and norms of international law.

Director of the school in Brussels and UGCC pastorin Brussels hieromonk Oleh Zymak expressed his grat-itude to the director of the IUS L. Ivanova for the atten-tion and professionalism of the IUS in preparing for thesigning of this agreement. The priest stressed theimportance of the Ukrainian school children inBrussels obtaining an annual certificate recognized bythe Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

Secretariat of Ministry of Brussels of UGCC

PATRIARCH LUBOMYR AT LATIN RITE EPISCO-PAL ORDINATION: Patriarch LUBOMYR and BishopJOSEPH (Milian), Auxiliary Bishop of Kyivan Arch-eparchy, attended the episcopal ordination of Msgr. JanSobilo of the Roman Catholic Church on December 8,2010, in Kharkiv, in the Cathedral of Dormition of theBlessed Virgin Mary of the Roman Catholic Church.Pope Benedict XVI appointed the newly-ordainedbishop as auxiliary bishop of Kharkiv-Zaporizhia Dio-cese, the website of Vatican Radio reported.

Clergy of other churches, local officials and guestsfrom Poland attended the ceremony.

Bishop. Jan Sobilo chose the words Deus Pater Mis-ericors (God the Merciful Father) as his episcopalmotto, and used the icon of God the Merciful Father,the patron of the pro-cathedral in Zaporizhia, in hisepiscopal coat of arms.

Information Department of the UGCC

NEW NATIONAL ADMINISTRATOR OF UKRAINIANGREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH IN BRITAIN: FatherAndriy Khoma has worked with the Ukrainian commu-nity in Bolton as well as Leigh, Preston, and Blackburnfor the last 22 years, having previously been a priest inCoventry and Bradford.

But now the 49-year-old priest, who is originallyfrom Nottingham, has accepted a request from theeparch for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain, BishopHLIB (Lonchyna), to become the national administratorof the church.

"It is a great honor. After the bishop, in effect, he willbe second in command," said Yaroslaw Tymchyshyn, aspokesperson for the Bolton branch of the Associationof Ukrainians in Britain.

"Fr. Andriy has been a wonderful priest. People arereally upset that he is going," said Mr. Tymchyshyn.

ORTHODOX CHURCH OF AMERICA TO HAVENEW BISHOP: During a session of the Synod ofBishops of the Orthodox Church in USA, HieromonachMatthias (Moriak) was elected bishop of the vacantEpiscopal See of Chicago and the Midwest. On No-vember 18, the Bishop-Elect of Chicago and the Mid-west was appointed archimandrite by the head of theOrthodox Church of America, Metropolitan JONAH ofthe United States and Canada, reported

Hieromonach Matthias was first elected out of threedelegates of the Council of the Diocese of the Midwest,which was held on October 6, 2010, in the Church ofthe Virgin Mary in Minneapolis. After the election, hewas presented to the Synod for canonical approval.

Bishop Matthias was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in1949 to a family of emigrants from Galicia. He studiedin the Seminary of Christ the Savior in Johnstown andgraduated from it in 1972. He further studied in St.Tykhon's Seminary (Pennsylvania). In 1972, he mar-

ried Peni Jennet. He was ordained a priest on June 18,1972. He served in several parishes of the AmericanCarpatho-Russian Orthodox Eparchy (ConstantinoplePatriarchate). In 1997, he became a widower. From2004, he served in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior inJohnstown and simultaneously was a prefect of theSeminary of Christ the Savior. From 2006, he was aclergyman of the Church of St. Gregory of Nyssa inSeaford, New York. He has two children and threegrandchildren. On October 13, 2003, he became a rya-sophore monk on Mount of Athos. He transferred to theJurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of America onSeptember 1, 2010.

PARISH IN LLAVALLOL, ARGENTINA; 40THANNIVERSARY: On December 5, 2010, the UkrainianGreek Catholics of Llavallol, Argentina, celebrated the40th anniversary of their parish. Also on this day a newpriest, Fr. Taras Havryshko, was appointed.

A hierarchal liturgy was celebrated to mark the occa-sion in the local Church of the Holy Spirit. The liturgywas celebrated by Bishop SVYATOSLAV (Shevchuk) ofthe Eparchy of the Protection of the Holy Mother ofGod in Argentina.

Bishop Svyatoslav spoke about the history andachievements of this Greek Catholic community andabout its life and needs.

Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate, who have con-tributed a great deal to the spiritual growth of theparish, sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great, andrepresentatives of the Prosvita association were alsopresent at the liturgy.

The celebration ended with the festive dinner andconcert performed by Ukrainian Greek Catholics fromthe province of Buenos Aires.

Press Service of the Eparchy of the Protection ofHoly Mother of God in Argentina

THREE ORTHODOX PAR-ISHES IN AUSTRALIA JOINKYIVAN PATRIARCHATE: Avicariate of the UkrainianOrthodox Church-Kyivan Patri-archate (UOC-KP) was estab-lished in Australia, MetropolitanDYMYTRII (Rudiuk) of Lviv andSokal of the UOC-KP reportedto journalists at a press confer-ence.

According to him, the reasonfor the establishment of the vicariate was that three ofthe seven Orthodox parishes in Australia declared theirintention to transfer to the jurisdiction of the UOC-KP.

"Some faithful wanted to be in unity with the KyivanOrthodox Church; therefore, these three parishes cameunder the umbrella of Patriarch Philaret," explainedMetropolitan Dymytrii.

The vicariate was established during MetropolitanDymytrii's November visit to Australia.

UKRAINE’S CATHOLIC BISHOPS INVITE POPEBENEDICT XVI TO EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS IN2012: The 36th Conference of Catholic Bishops ofUkraine was held in the seminary of the Lviv archdio-cese.

The bishops approved a Eucharistic Congress inUkraine, which will start in September 2011 with a pas-toral training. The congress itself will begin May 26,2012, with a solemn celebration in Kyiv, and will endin September in Lviv. As stated in the notice, PopeBenedict XVI is invited.

Each diocese will hold its celebration of the con-gress. Responsible for organizing the congress isBishop Markiyan Trofimjak. The bishops also encour-aged the faithful to participate in a competition to writea hymn text and melody and create a logo for the con-gress.

WORLD YOUTH DAY OFFICIAL WEBSITE NOWIN UKRAINIAN: Due to the initiative of the YouthCommission of the UkrainianGreek Catholic Church, there isnow a Ukrainian version of the offi-cial website of World Youth Day.Ukrainian youth will easily find outhow to join the meeting with PopeBenedict XVI in Madrid in 2011.The WYD program includes prayer,catechesis, festivals, concerts, per-formances, tours and more. Pre-viously, this information was only available in Spanish,English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, andPolish.

PATRIARCH WANTS TO GO INTO SPACE: PatriarchKIRILL, speaking with cos-monauts at the Russianmanned space flight controlcenter has expressed a desireto fly to space. To see theearth from the window of aspace ship is not just a child'sdream of the mentor of theRussian Orthodox Church,says priest Georgy Roshin.Patriarch KIRILL's desire tofly into space is evidence of his support for cosmonautsin their difficult work in space and in the space flightcontrol center. The Patriarch expresses support for thegovernment and all those connected with space flightsin Russia--a hard and energy-sapping work.

POLAND AND UKRAINE APPLY FOR UNESCOWORLD HERITAGE STATUS FOR WOODENCHURCHES: Sixteen Polish and Ukrainian woodenchurches may be added to UNESCO's World HeritageList, report representatives of the Ukrainian and Polishsides of the seminar "The Experience of Protecting theCultural Heritage of Poland and Possibilities of its Usein Ukraine". The subject of the seminar was the protec-tion of sacred architectural monuments.

Volodymyr Herych, the director of the ZhovkvaHistorical and Cultural Reserve, said: "Polish-Ukrainian cooperation is developing. During the threeyears of activity of the International Center ofProtection of Cultural Heritage in Zhovkva, about 200people from Ukraineworked at seminarsin Ukraine and Po-land. These eventsare financed by theLviv Oblast and thePolish Ministry ofCulture."

Ukraine and Po-land jointly appliedfor UNESCO WorldHeritage status. Ukraine's application includes eightobjects. Next year, the wooden churches will be exam-ined by a UNESCO expert. In 2012, the final decisionregarding this question will be announced at the congress.

"Most of the architectural monuments are sacred build-ings. And it became clear to Poland long ago that withouta serious discussion with the churches' priests nothinggood will be achieved. Serious substantial discussions arebeing held with the clergy regarding the preservation ofthe invaluable monuments," explained Mr. Herych dur-ing the press conference.

All sixteen objects are sacred monuments of the East-ern tradition. The inventory of the shrines has alreadybeen completed. The Ukrainian monuments are locatedin the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and TranscarpathianOblasts.

12 NEW STAR January, 2011

13NEW STARJanuary, 2011

A Philosopher's Dilemma

Anumber of years ago, I was living in Philadel-phia--more precisely, in Fox Chase, at themotherhouse of the Sisters of St. Basil the

Great, who taught me in grade school back when I wasstill well-behaved. Weekdays, I made the trek down tothe archieparchial chancery where I disturbed theMetropolitan's peace with my boisterous ways. The restof the time, I served as chaplain at the motherhouse,inflicting my ministry on the sisters--some of whomscratched their veiled heads in puzzlement. (What canI say? The grace which God provides is not alwayswhat we would choose!)

While I was there, His Beatitude Lubomyr came toPhiladelphia for eye surgery. I was honored to cede thealtar to him one Sunday so that he could celebrateDivine Liturgy with the sisters. I tried to do two seem-ingly contradictory things: 1) be helpful, and 2) stayout of the way; it must have worked, because+Lubomyr seemed pleased. Later that week, HisBeatitude came down to the chancery for a visit. Seeingme there, he said, "Do you work here too?" I answered"That depends what you mean by work", to which hequipped, "A true Dominican, always a philosopher!"

Whether I am a true Dominican or not (you'll need toconsult with the friars on that!), my mind nonethelessturns to the ancient philosophical problem of the oneand the many. This problem surfaces in civil society:how can fifty states--plus the District of Columbia andvarious territories--form one country? Another prob-lem: how can the multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-confessional mix which is the United States produce aunited, unified people? The mind boggles! Given theshrill, accusatory screams which we hear emanating

from partisans in the government and in the media, itwould seem that we have not yet come upon a satisfac-tory, lasting solution. (So much for E Pluribus Unum,alas!)

Theologically, the problem surfaces in one of thefundamental truths of our faith: how can the one Godbe three Persons? Inquiring minds what to know!Theologians have spilled much ink over this questionover the past two millennia, but seem unable to con-vince all the atheists who seem to be popping up every-where these days, attacking our beliefs and theologicalformulations.

It seems to this poor philosopher that no argumentswill be convincing. Arguments, by definition, pit oppo-nents against one another until "clarity" emerges--thatis, until victor emerges over vanquished. Is this the wayreligion works? If so, is it the only option? My novice-master would ask the crucial question, "Is it helpful?" Iwould answer, "Methinks not." Permit me to repeatwhat I have certainly written before: at every DivineLiturgy, before the creed, we say, "Let us love one an-other so that we may profess … the Father, the Son, andthe Holy Spirit, the consubstantial and undividedTrinity." First comes love; everything else is secondary.An embrace is more convincing than any argument. Inthe early Church, pagans marveled saying, "See howthe Christians love one another!" People saw and wereconverted. These conversions were not primarily due tothe "arguments" of the Christians; rather, they wereaccomplished thanks to the witness of their lives,which people found very convincing.

What about us? Is our Christian life convincing?During the Divine Liturgy, the priest offers this silentprayer: "You have given us the grace to pray togetherin harmony, and have promised to grant the requests of

two or three who join their voices in Your Name." Isour Church life always so harmonious? If God blessesthose who unite in prayer, why do our actions so oftenbetray an underlying selfishness and a lack of concernfor others, attitudes which lead to divisiveness?

This month, the Church offers us the Week of Prayerfor Christian Unity. The fact that we need to pray forlost unity is an indictment of Christians who have, rightfrom the beginning, been very fractious. The fact thatwe choose to pray for unity is a sign of hope. We pray,as Jesus did, that all might be one. As EparchialEcumenical Officer, I am convinced that our prayerbears fruit: in my collaboration with Christians of otherChurches, I have experienced an outpouring of loveand support which I can only attribute to grace. Whenwe pray and work and struggle, we set aside the argu-ments which have persisted over the centuries, and weembrace one another in love as Christ would have usdo.

Everywhere, there are gaps waiting to be bridged,wounds needing to be healed, strangers longing toreceive and offer friendship. I beg to differ with thephilosophers: they find a problem with the one and themany, but God's grace turns that problem into possibil-ities and richness which are out of this world.Especially during this month, I encourage you to prayfor the unity which God desires--forour country, for the CatholicChurch, and for all the Churcheswhere Christians seek the TriuneGod. As the three Persons of theTrinity are united in love, so maywe all be--with God and with oneanother.

Fr. Jim Karepin, OP

How carefully do we pray?Do we mean every word wesay? Does prayer as a "hab-

it" get in the way?One phrase we all know from

repeating it over and over again isa line from the Cherubicon: "layaside all earthly care"--or "cares of[this] life".

This precept is brought to mindthis month as we commemoratethe Feast of the Three Holy Hier-archs Sunday, January 30: Basilthe Great; John Chrysostom; andGregory Nazianzus. Each of themhas a separate Feast day in Janu-ary--and each had a contingent ofstaunch supporters trying todecide which of the three was thegreatest in the Heavenly Kingdom.

Basil's adherents suggested thathe was most prominent because ofhis clear explanation of Christiandoctrine and monastic life-style.

Chrysostom's followers counteredthat he was a superior orator whoseeloquence brought sinners to re-pentance, and should have top hon-ors.. Gregory the Theologian (not tobe confused with another JanuaryGregory--of Nyssa--brother of StBasil) was deemed "best" of thethree bishops because of his pro-found homilies and effective de-fense of the orthodox faith in oppo-sition to the Arian heresy.

Six hundred years after the deathsof these holy men, people were vic-ariously vying for favored status inthe ranks of saints. People--lay andcleric alike--fought, argued and pit-ted factions of citizens of Constan-tinople against one another, causingdivision among often hostilegroups.

In the year 1084 the monk JohnMauropus ("black-foot"), Metropol-itan of Euchaita, was visited in a

dream by the trio. They had a mes-sage: "The three of us are with Godand no discord or rivalry dividesus." They instructed him to com-pose a common service for a feasthonoring the three holy men to-gether "according to the skill andknowledge God has given you."

The "earthly trinity" as some ofthe troparia profess, exhort all to ashared sense of unity in faith, buoy-ed by the lessons learned from themodels of evangelical perfection theHoly Spirit raises up from age to ageas new Apostles and Prophets.Guiding souls heavenward, eachilluminator can teach us to "layaside all cares of life" especiallyjealousy, envy, power struggles,pride and vain ambition.

Perhaps it is not a coincidence the"Week of Christian Unity" falls inthe time frame of this feast.

What do we learn from it?

"Lay Aside All Cares of Life"

In my later adult years I “discovered” the ByzantineUkrainian Church and came to love its traditionalways. I became involved in the parish, and helpedaround with whatever needed to be done. Whilecleaning cupboards I found an old, tarnished andneglected monstrance. I volunteered to clean it up--but the pastor said “no” as “we do not use it.” I lovethe Lord in the Blessed Sacrament--and when I wantto adore Him, I must find one of the few Roman par-ishes that have adoration services. Why doesn’t theUkrainian Church, otherwise so traditional, do this?

I can understand your search for some meaningfulexpression in your prayer life--and appreciate that youfound and find solace in our Church.

You are not alone in this. As you noted, traditionsattracted you. For many people these are the things thatbring meaning to their religious experience.

What you are familiar with in the Roman Church willnot necessarily be found in any other Church, as eachhas its own “traditions” as you have probably seen.

Your priest was correct, and following the PastoralGuide for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the UnitedStates [article 452] which states: “use of vessels of anytype or form other than those specified in to be discontinued.” The item you found wasonce considered to be a part of “Catholic” ways. It is,in some part of the Catholic Church--but not properlyin Eastern Churches because understanding of the Eu-chaist differs East and West. It’s a different tradition.

Some of this may be attributed to history and manyevents that developed in the political world that spilledover into the ecclesiastical sphere. There was a timewhen a misperceived notion considered the West to besuperior to the East, when in fact they are equal in dig-

nity, even if or when they differ from one another.Copying the ways of the more numerous West seem-

ed to be the thing to do, even when it came to adoptingsome externals that at first glance appeared to be appro-priate. Doing so distracted from the real message of theEast, because “adopting” did not transfer to “adapting”to the situation. The pieces did not really fit.

In the West, Eucharistic adoration was implementedto combat heresies that denied the Real Presence ofChrist in the Eucharist. So, to emphasize this reality,ways were devised to bring attention to the truth thatJesus is alive in the bread and wine that becomes HisBody and Blood. The solution? Kneel and pray to it.

Eastern Churches did not suffer from the same de-nials of the fact. This is partly due to the way Liturgy iscelebrated in the East with full participation of all in ameaningful conversation between the celebrants--clericand lay. Unlike the Medieval-influenced Latin Mass thatbecame quiet so as to preserve the “mystery” of the Eu-

Why?/Why: By Fr Denny Molitvy

continued page 17

As the priest goes to transfer the prepared breadand wine for the Eucharist to the Holy Table,the community of the Church sings: Let us who

mystically represent the cherubim and sing the Thriceholy Hymn to the life-giving Trinity, now lay aside allcares of life. The hymn is sung three times in praise ofthe Holy Trinity; and after the Great Entrance we con-tinue: That we may receive the King of all, escortedinvisibly by ranks of angels.

The Divine Liturgy raises us up to the level of godli-ness as we proceed: singing Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord ofSabaoth, heaven and earth are full of Your glory!Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He who comes in the

name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest! Filled withand sanctified by the Mysteries of Initiation and Re-generation, we are made worthy by the gift of the HolySpirit to celebrate the most holy Mystery of the Eu-charist.

In the midst of the offering prayer the priest asks thatwe may be able to offer the Lord gifts and spiritual sac-rifices for [his] sins and for the sins of ignorance of thepeople. The priest prays that we may find favor withGod so that our sacrifice may be acceptable to Him sothat the Spirit may rest upon us. In the Divine Liturgy,we celebrate the dignity that God has given us--we aresanctified by His grace. St Symeon the New Theo-logian in The Mystical Life teaches our Triune God isnot limited by the human dimensions of space andtime, but He exists in the ever-present. This shapes our"understanding" of the Divine focus of our Liturgy.

Again and again we are reminded that at the momentof creation we are made in the image and likeness ofGod, (Genesis 1, 27). God created us to be like Him.Indeed God proclaimed all creation "Good." We be-lieve that we are dignified by God in that He not onlycreated us, but made us in His image and likeness.Certainly the Liturgy teaches us about the divine digni-ty offered to those who have faith in the Triune God.

Like Adam, we have a choice. We approach the life-giving cross. The poor man who loves God deeply; thejanitor in a hospital;, the teacher who is a scholar ofrenown at a great university; the ascetic; those who aresingle; the priest and deacon; the couple and their chil-dren who come to celebrate Liturgy; no person isexcluded from the love of God. In one of the Anaphora

prayers found in the very early documents of theChurch is The Didache [9:4[ "As this broken bread wasscattered upon the mountains and being gatheredtogether became one, so may Thy Church be gatheredtogether from the ends of the earth into Thy kingdom;for Thine is the glory and the power through JesusChrist for ever and ever. Amen" This document of theEarly Church celebrates the sanctity of all creation, thegathering together of the people of God, the Churchand the holiness of the bread that we use in theEucharist.

Each person is invited to come to be illumined by thelight of Christ. The Church in its worship of God is alight to the world. It is in the Church that we not onlyreceive the dignity of God, but we gather togetheraround the Mystical Altar to offer bread and wine andgive thanks to our God the Trinity.

No person is whole without others. It takes many dif-ferent people to form Church. This is why the disciplescame to follow Jesus; the Spirit draws us together asone People of God. We are called to a way of holinessthat the world needs. When we live our faith we pro-claim to the world our belief in God, His love formankind, and the Hope for the world. Evangelizingmeans sharing the Good News of God so that othersmay become the grains of wheat that form the onebread of the Eucharist. The priest calls upon the HolySpirit to sanctify us and the bread and wine that areoffered and presented for our food, the Body and Bloodof the Lord.

Fr Deacon Michael Cook

14 NEW STAR January, 2011

You may have heard or read about some recentnews pertaining to the "new evangelization."On October 24, at the concluding Mass of the

special assembly for the Middle East Synod ofBishops, Pope Benedict XVI announced the theme forthe next general assembly of the Synod of Bishops,which is a meeting of select bishops who represent allthe dioceses/eparchies for all of the Catholic Churchesthroughout the world. The theme will be the "NewEvangelization."

You might have also heard that October 12, PopeBenedict established a Pontifical Council for NewEvangelization. This council has been given the man-date to renew the vigor of our faith around the worldwhere it was once dominant, but recently has lostground to the forces of secularism, i.e., Europe andNorth America.

In late 2009, I was appointed by Bishop David Zubikas secretary for the newly-created Secretariat forEvangelization and Social Concerns, adding on to theformer Secretariat for Social Concerns the mandate ofevangelization.

So what is all the buzz these days about evangeliza-tion, and the new evangelization in particular?

Insight can be found in the words of Pope John PaulII's encyclical, Catechesi Tradendae, where he alludesto a post-Christian era (cf. no. 57). That's right folks, apost-Christian era.

The spiritual and religious heritage that was and isthe foundational pillar and ethos of every modernEuropean nation and culture--as well as many nationsbeyond Europe's frontiers--a faith that has spreadthroughout the world has passed into a new era whereit is now a postscript in history.

This is a unique moment in the history of Christen-dom because it is a new experience. Nations and peo-ples that were previously evangelized and acceptedChrist have seen a majority of their people walk awayfrom or completely repudiate the Christian truth.

The Church is responding to this moment at thebeginning of the third millennium by embarking upona new time of mission and evangelization. For roughly1,700 years the Church has understood evangelizationin terms of missionary outreach to the people andnations who have not heard or accepted Christ, and thepastoral care and ongoing formation to those who haveaccepted him.

But now we are called to a new evangelization, tocultivate the initial evangelization with a renewedvigor and approach of peoples who have heard Christ,perhaps accepted him in baptism, but who have fallenaway for whatever reason. This is essentially what con-stitutes the three-fold aspect of the new evangelization:to those who have never heard Christ preached, to thefaithful and to those who are no longer Christian.

This is a new time and a new opportunity. That iswhy Pope John Paul II wrote in Redemptoris Missio: "Isense the moment has come to commit all of theChurch's energies to a new evangelization and missionto all nations. No believer in Christ, no institution ofthe Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaimChrist to all peoples."

This moment is critical, it is decisive, it is the time ofnow!

The Greek Fathers of the Church had two conceptsof time: chronos, which was the static measurement oftime through history, and kairos, which signified a crit-ical time, a decisive moment in history that required

action. Kairos came to be understood as the decisivemoment of the Christian life for repentance and salva-tion, our time now. And I believe that we can under-stand the "moment" that John Paul II speaks about interms of kairos. This is a critical time, and the Church(you and me) is being called and calling us to awakenfrom our own complacency.

That the Pope announced the theme of the new evan-gelization for the next Synod of Bishops is significant.This general assembly will include representativesfrom all of the Catholic Churches, both East and West.

Whether we are Roman, Byzantine, Maronite orChaldean Catholics, we are being summoned to engagein a renewed effort at evangelization because of thecontext of the third millennium.

If we identify ourselves as big "C" Catholics, then ingood conscience we cannot dismiss this summons, es-pecially if we are reading the signs of times that we livein. The new evangelization is timely, relevant and ur-gently needed to reclaim our souls and the soul of ournation.

The giant that is the Catholic Church is being sum-moned to awake, to be a Church Alive!, as our BishopZubik so often speaks, to a renewal and sharing of her-self, as she truly is, with the world. "And do thisbecause you know the time; it is the hour now for youto awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer nowthan when we first believed; the night is advanced, theday is at hand" (Romans 13:11).

Deacon Alex Wroblicky

[Fr Deacon Alex is a cleric of St Nicholas Eparchy,serving as Diocesan Secretary for Evangelization andSocial Concerns (Roman Diocese of Pittsburgh, Penn-sylvania) Reprinted from P ittsburgh Catholic. ed.]

New Evangelization: Sign of the Times

Pope Benedict asks, "Are we ready to commit ourentire self--intellect and will, mind and heart--toGod? Do we accept the truth that Christ

reveals?" We are presented with the challenge to beDisciples of Christ in our Church.

This challenge needs to be taken up at present as wesee opportunities to strengthen our faith in truth andaction. Discipleship is a way of life that inspires oth-ers.

The Eparchial Office of Religious Education offersguidance for studies and parish involvement in ourUkrainian Catholic Church. Talk with Fr. Leonard

Korchinski to determine a level of preparation thatwill be challenging to you. Phone (773) 276-5080.

At the beginning of this year we celebrate the Feastof the Baptism of Christ, revealing Him as Son ofGod, a time when Christ started proclaiming the GoodNews and calling apostles to follow him. Pray that youmay take the challenge of God's call to discipleship inthis season in order to be ready to announce the GoodNews by committing your entire self as a witness toChrist's teachings.

You could be a leader--a teacher--by example andcommitment to your role as a disciple!

The Challengesof Discipleship

15NEW STARJanuary, 2011

“Five years ago, in 2005, I did not come toKyiv, I returned. After two hundred years,"said the leader of Ukrainian Greek Catholic

Church Patriarch LUBOMYR in an interview to the Rus-sian on-line religious resource Portal-Credo.Ru.

His Beatitude noted that when western Ukrainecame under the Austro-Hungarian Empire after thePartition of Poland in the 18th century, the Greek Cath-olic Church was able to develop freely, while thechurch on the territory that came under the control ofthe Russian Empire was slowly liquidated: "Since itwas forbidden to choose a Greek Catholic Metropol-itan at the beginning of 19th century, his residence wasmoved to Lviv," said Patriarch Lubomyr.

When asked where Greek Catholics in eastern andsouthern Ukraine come from, His Beatitude said thatin Soviet times the people from Galicia who wereexiled to Siberia were forbidden to return to Galicia so

they settled in the east. According to the Patriarch,"people went there to work because incomes weregood, mainly in Donbas, and they entered universitiesbecause they were not admitted into those of Galicia.People escaped from Galicia, from the control. Also,they married here. So many Greek Catholics came todifferent parts of Ukraine that we don't even knowexactly how many, but we continue to find more andare surprised by their number," said the Patriarch.

Another reason for the presence of Greek Catholicsin eastern and southern regions, he attributes to thedeportation of villages. As an example, he describedhow in the 1950s a few dozen villages were movedfrom the Ivano-Frankivsk region to the Mykolayivregion to make room for a military site.

The publication also asked His Beatitude whetherthere are plans to construct new churches in the capitalof Ukraine in addition to the Patriarchal Cathedral.Patriarch Lubomyr said that churches would be builtwhere there are communities, but likely not anotherone such as the Patriarchal Cathedral.

"The church here onthe Left Bank of theDnipro is special. It isnot only a church forKyiv. This church isthe symbol of unityfor our Church. Weare all over Ukraine,in every region, butwe are also in WesternEurope, Canada, theUnited States, Brazil,Argentina, and Aus-tralia. Many of ourpeople are now inItaly, Greece, Portu-gal, and Spain."

The Patriarch addedthat Ukrainian Greek Catholics from around the worldcollect money for the construction of the church and assuch the church is for all them.

Patriarch LUBOMYR: "I did notcome to Kyiv, I have returned"

December 14, 2010 was the 10th anniver-sary of death of Patriarch MYROSLAV(Lubachivsky) who lead the church

after JOSEF (Slipyj). The celebratory academydedicated to the Patri-arch was held in St.George's Cathedral inLviv.

After the death ofPatriarch JOSEF (Slip-yj) on September 7,1984, Bishop MYRO-SLAV (Lubachivsky)became Major Arch-bishop of Lviv. OnMarch 31, 1991, afterthe legalization of theUGCC in Ukraine, hereturned to Lviv.

Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky (June 24, 1914 -December 14, 2000), was Bishop of the Ukrain-ian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia andfrom 1984, Major Archbishop of Lviv.

He was ordained a priest of the Archeparchyof Lviv in 1938 by Metropolitan ANDREY (Shep-tytsky) and continued his doctoral studies in the-ology in Austria. After World War II, he wasunable to return to Ukraine and emigrated to theUnited States, where he continued his pastoralwork, first as a priest at St. Peter and PaulChurch in Cleveland, Ohio, beginning in 1949,and then from 1968 as a teacher at the St.Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Seminary in Wash-ington. He also taught at St. Basil's College inPhiladelphia and St. Basil's Academy in Stam-ford, Connecticut, before being ordained Arch-bishop of Philadelphia in 1979.

Pope John Paul II appointed Lubachivskycoadjutor to Patriarch Josyf in 1979. Upon Slip-yj's death in 1984, he became the spiritual leaderof the UGCC. In 1985, Pope John Paul II gavehim the title of Cardinal Priest of S. Sofia a ViaBoccea.

Soviet authorities lifted the ban against theChurch in 1989, and Lubachivsky along withother leaders of the UGCC officially returned toLviv from exile on March 30, 1991.

Lubachivsky is buried in St. George's Cath-edral in Lviv.

On November 10, a meeting of theCommission on Matters of Monasticismand heads of monastic orders and con-

gregations of the UGCC with His BeatitudePatriatch Lubomyr was held. The meeting wasattended by Bishop TARAS (Senkiv), apostolicadministrator of the Stryj Eparchy responsiblefor the UGCC's monasticism, the Most Rev.BENEDICT (Aleksiychuk), bishop of the archep-archy of Lviv, and Fr. Petro Rak, the head of thecommissions department of the UGCC. Themeeting took place as part of the Year ofChristian Vocation with the special emphasis onthe vocations to consecrated life. The purpose ofthe meeting was for monastics to understandtheir vocation and identity and witness for thechurch.

In his address to the monastics, PatriarchLubomyr stressed that the church after 45 yearsof persecution emerged from the catacombsthanks the witness of the martyrs of Christ.These hard times produced ways for the churchto survive for they generated new vocations tothe Christian and consecrated life. "For a longtime monasticism was considered bloodless mar-tyring. The understanding of this by today'smonastics is very important for both religiouscommunities and the Church in general. Our taskis to accept this precious gift of vocation to con-secrated life and to live it and share it with ourbrothers and sisters," he said.

According to Patriarch Lubomyr, consecratedpersons should be witnesses of the Christianlife, something very authentic and genuine. It isnecessary to look for ways to encourage eachother to better bear witness. "A monk is some-one who is specially and radically committed toGod. The better consecrated persons live thisradicalism, the more truthful and expressivewitnesses they will be," said His Beatitude.

Living by the Gospel's values, the monasticsare that which gives growth not only to religiouscommunities, but also to the society which foryears lived in an anti-Christian environment andwhich requires care and healing.

According to participants, the meeting provid-ed them with the great strength of parental sup-port and encouragement.

Information Department of the UGCC

Patriarch MYROSLAVHonored in Lviv

Patriarch LUBOMYR on theRole of Monasticism in the

Life of the Church

"Stop Blaming Greek Catholics"Patriarch LUBOMYR

In his address at the All-Ukrainian Scholarly-practical conference"Inter-confessional relations in their essence and manifestationsin Ukraine," which was held in Kyiv on November 30-

December 1, Patriarch Lubomyr touched upon the subject of GreekCatholics and called to overcome stereotypical ideas that it is GreekCatholics that are the problem for reaching agreements between theMoscow Patriarchate and Roman Pope.

"A mention was made of those wretched Greek Catholics, Uniates[sic] who are to blame for everything. If they did not exist, therewould be peace and quiet. But as you know, the Pope and Patriarchof Moscow cannot reach agreement in many other things," stressedPatriarch Lubomyr.

His Beatitude explained that he, personally, does not know theanswer to the question "What is "uniatism?" and asked to prove thefault of the Greek Catholics.

"What wrong have we done and continue to do and to whom?Please, prove it by documents, even in court, if you wish. Anothervery important thing about the relations between the Catholic andOrthodox Churches (arises). Let me make a somewhat dramaticstatement: for some reason, I suspect that we do not desire real unityenough. If we wanted unity very much, we would have got it already.We are not ready to sacrifice a great lot for the sake of real unitybetween Christians from all sides and without excluding anyone. Allof us, Christians, do not want it enough," he concluded.

According to him, the inter-church committee including theCatholics and all the Orthodox Churches, who, from 1970s, haveworked with interruptions but returned to the round table, functionsonly at the level of theologians and bishops whereas it should all bedone at the level of people.

"We have also bad experiences. Take for instance the Union ofFlorence. The bishops reached agreement. So what? There was noresult. It may happen again. The fact that bishops and theologiansgather and sign several documents will not make a substantial dif-ference. The difference is that people should aspire. And peopleshould be taught for that," stressed the Patriarch.

His Beatitude added that today, Greek Catholics are faced with atask to present the position of the Eastern Christians in the west andto be a bridge between the East and West: "You see, we are the unfor-tunate Greek Catholics on the border between the two great cultures:the Byzantine and Latin ones, between the Roman Catholicism andthe confessional Orthodoxy, as we consider ourselves the Orthodoxin unity with the Apostolic See. Let me assure you that we make con-crete steps in Rome to present the position of the Eastern Christians.Not long ago a session of the Pontifical Council for Promotion ofUnity between Christians was held, which was headed by CardinalCasper and is now headed by Cardinal Koch. I was present at the ses-sion and was one of the representatives of the Eastern Church, whospoke of the problems which really hinder us to prevent the theolog-ical difficulties from being real difficulties. In short, let me assureyou that we are doing what we can. And if you can, support us byprayer, please."

As RISU reported earlier, the conference was organized by theState Committee of Ukraine on Matters of Nationalities andReligions, Religious Studies Department of Skovoroda's Institute ofPhilosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, M.Drahomanov's National Pedagogical [Teacher Training] Universityand Ukrainian Association of Religious Study Experts.

Patriarch Lubomyr makesan emphatic point in his


"For a long time monasticismwas considered bloodless


January, 2011

A national conference on "The Essence andManifestations of Interdenominational Rela-tions in Ukraine" took place in Kyiv from

November 30 and December 1, 2010. The conferencewas organized by the State Committee on Nationalitiesand Religions, the Religious Studies Department of theInstitute of Philosophy of Skovoroda National Acad-emy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Drahomanov National

Pedagogical University, and Ukrainian Association ofReligions Experts.

At the conference Patriarch Lubomyr stressed theneed of such meetings but expressed reservations aboutthe subject. In his view, it should focus on a particularissue.

Speaking about the establishment of relationsbetween the state and the church, the Patriarch said that

it should be based on con-cept that would normalizeall the relationships be-tween the state andchurches. "The conceptshould be designed so thatthe parliament will adoptit and regulate these rela-tions."

In addition, PatriarchLubomyr expressed hisregret for the unequaltreatment of churches andreligious organizations in

Ukraine. His Beatitude also commented on restitution.

According to him, the discussion restitution is limitedto sacred buildings. "But so much more was taken fromthe churches. It should be noted that we no longer havethe financial means that we once had, which wereforcefully taken away by the state. The state shouldconsider this issue (but I'm not saying that this shouldhappen over the next year)."

He positively assessed the relationship between dif-ferent faiths and religious organizations in Ukraine, cit-ing the example of the All-Ukrainian Council ofChurches and Religious Organizations.

The Patriarch also spoke about the relationship of theCatholic Church with the Orthodox Churches. "I thinkthat our desire to unify is too weak. We are not pre-pared to sacrifice much in order to reach that realChristian unity. This applies to all sides. We know thatthere is a working committee for unity between Catho-lics and Orthodox, but all conversations are takingplace between priests and bishops. I think the main tasktoday for all of us--Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants--isto awaken the desire of unity in the nation."

Information Department of the UGCC


STRASBOURG, France, ( Adelegation of Iraqi bishops addressed theEuropean Parliament in Strasbourg aboutthe situation of Christians in their country.

"We want Europe and the West to putpressure on the Iraqi government to guaran-tee the rights of Christians and of religiousminorities," explained Syrian CatholicArchbishop GEORGES (Casmoussa) ofMosul.

The delegation includes Archbishop Cas-moussa, Syrian Catholic Archbishop AT-ANASE (Matti Shaba Matoka) of Baghdad,and Auxiliary Bishop SHELMON (Warduni)of the Patriarchate of Babylon ofthe Chaldeans, L'Osservatore Ro-mano reported.

Archbishop Casmoussa affirm-ed, "We don't want to flee andabandon Iraq; we want to continueliving here, but in peace."

"We are grateful to all the coun-tries prepared to accept IraqiChristians who are fleeing, but thisisn't the solution," he added.

The prelate asserted that this situation ofviolence the country is going through "isunacceptable."

"To help Christians in Iraq it is necessaryto guarantee security, to be able to professone's beliefs freely and to frequent places ofworship without fear," he said.

The bishops' initiative to go toStrasbourg is part of a series ofactions geared to making the pub-lic and international institutionsaware of the anti-Christian vio-lence in Iraq.

Chaldean Archbishop LOUIS (Sa-ko) of Kirkuk, Iraq was awardedthe 2010 International Prize forPeace, promoted by Pax Christi Inter-national, for his efforts to defend religiousminorities in that country.

A communiqué from the organizationnoted that the prelate "is one of the mostprominent defenders of minorities in dangerin Iraq and a firm advocate of the difficultdemocratization and process of reconcilia-tion in Iraq."

Archbishop Sako received the prize inParis at the headquarters of the Bishops'Conference of France not as something per-

sonal but on behalf of the Christians of Iraq.In statements on Vatican Radio, the

prelate said that "without dialogue, withoutthis culture and opening to peace andrespect of the other, there are no solutions,only barriers."

He also pointed out that this prize comesbefore Christmas and after the Muslim cel-ebration of the feast of sacrifice.

In this sense, the archbishop explained"for us, Christmas is the feast of peace andthe message of heaven is 'peace on earth.'"

"Peace is an indispensable need of ourlife, a necessity," he affirmed. "We are all

called to be builders of peace." Archbishop Sako said that "the

prize invites all Christians and allIraqis to bring about peace, topromote stability."

He added, "Without peacethere is no life, no liberty, no dig-nity!"

Meanwhile Christians of Iraqare receiving spiritual and mate-

rial aid from various organizations andinstitutions such as Aid to the Church inNeed, which will allocate $20,000 to vic-tims of the October 31 massacre in theSyrian Catholic cathedral of Baghdad.

This aid agency will send an additional$13,000 to Christians of Baghdad who have

fled to the Iraqi cities of Kirkukand Sulaymaniyah.

Moreover, $30,000 will begiven to the Diocese of Zakho,in northern Iraq, to provide foodfor hundreds of Christian fami-lies.

The Chaldean Sisters of theCongregation of Daughters ofMary Immaculate will distribute

this aid. Archbishop BASHAR (Warda) of Erbil ex-

pressed gratitude for the aid, and told theagency that Christians are living in fear,afraid to go to Liturgy on Sunday and evenstay at home.

"People would leave immediately if theycould," he said. "The only thing that is stop-ping them is that in many cases they arepoor and if they left they would struggle tofind a job, schools for their children and ahome to live in."

Iraqi Bishops Address European ParliamentArchbishop LOUIS (Sako) Awarded for Peace Work

Religious Leaders Unite toDefend Marriage

Protection Act Goes on TrialWASHINGTON, D.C., (, Orthodox, Anglican, Luth-eran, Baptist, Evangelical and Pen-tecostal Christian religious leadersalong with several non-Christianclergy of Jewish, Mormon and Sikhcommunities in the United States,united to publicize a letter affirmingtheir commitment to protect mar-riage.

In the open letter they underlinedmarriage as "the permanent andfaithful union of one man and onewoman."

The publica-tion of this letteron "The Protec-tion of Marriage:A Shared Com-mitment" is time-ly as a federalcourt of appealsin San Franciscobegan hearingarguments on thecase of Proposit-ion 8.

Proposition 8,known as the California MarriageProtection Act, was approved by amajority of voters in that state in2008. Thus it was added as a consti-tutional amendment that "only mar-riage between a man and a woman isvalid and recognized in California."

However, last August, JudgeVaughn Walker ruled that the provi-sion was unconstitutional, and thusthe case passed to the federal courtof appeals.

Archbishop Timothy Dolan ofNew York, newly-elected presidentof the U.S. Conference of CatholicBishops, and a signer of the open

letter, stated, "Today is the momentto stand for marriage and its un-changeable meaning."

"We hope this letter will encour-age just that," he added.

The prelate affirmed that "thebroad consensus reflected in this let-ter--across great religious divides--isclear: The law of marriage is notabout imposing the religion of any-one, but about protecting the com-mon good of everyone."

"People of any faith or no faith atall can recognizethat when the lawdefines marriageas between oneman and one wo-man, it legallybinds a motherand a father toeach other andtheir children, re-inforcing thefoundational cellof human socie-ty," he said.

In fact, the reli-gious leaders emphasized this pointin the letter, noting that "marriage isan institution fundamental to thewell-being of all of society, not justreligious communities."

They continued: "The preserva-tion of the unique meaning of mar-riage is not a special or limited inter-est but serves the good of all.

"Therefore, we invite and encour-age all people, both within andbeyond our faith communities, tostand with us in promoting and pro-tecting marriage as the union of oneman and one woman."

Patriarch Lubomyr on Steps to Achieve Christian Unity


Archbishop Sako

Crowning in Marriage is an apt expression of the sacred bondbetween a man and a woman.

17NEW STARJanuary, 2011

KIEV, Ukraine, ( The Churchin Ukraine was supposed to disappear.Communists tried to liquidate it in 1946,but believers took the faith underground,maintaining it as a catacomb Church formore than 40 years.

Lubomyr Husar, a future leader of theChurch in Ukraine, was born in Kiev in1933 but amid the communist uproar, hisfamily fled the country, first findingrefuge in Austria and then settling in theUnited States in 1949. They lived in theStates for 20 years and young Lubomyrwould pursue his priestly vocation there,becoming a priest of the UkrainianEparchy of Stamford, Connecticut, in1958.

He went on to live in Italy for more thantwo decades, and then, after a 46-yearabsence, returned to his native Ukraine.

Today, at age 77, he is the major arch-bishop of Kiev.

In this interview given to the televisionprogram "Where God Weeps" of theCatholic Radio and Television Network(CRTN) in cooperation with Aid to theChurch in Need, he reflects on the hand ofDivine Providence in his Church that was"supposed to disappear."

Q: Your parents must have been theexample for you. Did you always have adesire or sense of a vocation?

Husar: It came about very early as amatter of fact. I think it was before I was10 years old that I somehow had thisdesire to become a priest. Now of courseduring the war it was very difficult--onecould only dream about it--but when thewar ended and then when we came to theUnited States in 1949, it was possible torealize that dream and I entered the semi-nary within three weeks after our arrival inthe United States.

Q: At a tender age of 10 years old, wasthere a person or an event that triggeredthis desire for the priesthood?

Husar:: I think it was the good exampleof the priest of the church to which myfamily usually went. The church wasunder the care of the Redemptorist Fathersand they worked very zealously, theypreached very well, they took care of thefaithful who came to their church. As ayoung boy I was a member of the com-munity dedicated to the Blessed Motherinto which the Redemptorist Fathers gath-ered and sort of guided us; I'm sure thissomehow had something to do with myvocation.

Q:: You are now responsible for theGreek Catholics, not only in Ukraine, butalso [elsewhere] and many of them are inthe United States. Do you see thatProvidence brought you to the United

States early so that you could learn theculture and the people there?

Husar: I'm personally convinced thatthe history of our Church for the last, letus say 130 years, from the time when thefirst wave of immigrants came to the U.S--this would be from the 1880s to the1890s--that this whole movement, whichwas then repeated after the First and theSecond World Wars, was somehowProvidential. That our Church couldestablish herself in North and SouthAmerica and was able to survive the try-ing years when the Church in theMotherland was persecuted helped usvery, very much. I think today there isanother fourth wave coming into the U.S.and Canada and they are now finding anew home for themselves in the churchesthat have existed for a hundred years.

I somehow also feel that it is Provi-den-tial that we can serve the community --notonly our own community helping to main-tain the faith and tradition--but that we canalso witness to others about the truecatholicity of the Church, the broadness ofthe Church, her capability of existing invarious cultures and languages and I feelthat somehow this is also an act of DivineProvidence.

Q: You first went back to Ukraine at theend of Communism. What was your firstimpression when you came back toUkraine?

Husar: I visited Ukraine for the firsttime in 1990 and it was very short, onlyfor 10 days. I met some priests andlaypeople. The impression was, I wouldsay, somewhat mixed, because on the onehand I was facing the reality of those peo-ple who had gone through a very, veryhard period and on the other hand I real-ized that these people, because of whatthey had gone through, had been alsogreatly damaged. I have been in Ukrainefor almost 15 years permanently now andI am amazed; not every day, but almostevery day, I discover something newabout that reality which was and whateffect, what consequences it left in thehearts of the people.

The communist party, supported by thecommunist state, tried very assiduouslyand in a very refined way to change peo-ple, to make them forget that they arecreatures of God and to really convincethem that they are creatures of the state--that they are completely de-pendent on thestate. In other words, trying to make themassume a different nature and morality.This is still with us today although peoplehave, thanks be to God, in good numbers,maintained their faith and go to church ingreat numbers. But living a Christian life

daily doesn't come easy for them becausethey have been educated in a differentway, contrary to the principles ofChristian mor-ality.

Q:: What would be the deepest, linger-ing scar that communism left on the heartsor spirituality of the people?

Husar: I do not know if I would be ableto identify any one particular--the worstscar so to say--but generally it is the lackof trust in people, in neighbors and evenmembers of one's own family, because thewhole system was set up on a system offear and that fear consisted of not trustinganyone.

Q: You once said: "The problem is theEast--that is the Byzantine tradition--doesnot know the West, the Latin Church, andthe West does not know the East." Whatdid you mean by this?

Husar: I meant this almost literally. Inthis sense that Western Europe, which isof Latin culture, and Eastern Europe,which basically is of Byzantine culture, donot know one another simply by the factof historical circumstances; there has notbeen a sufficient exchange.

There may be two reasons for it. Onemay be an external reason, the politicalsituation, the political division betweenWestern and Eastern Europe, which wasvery obvious during the Cold War, theIron Curtain. Such mentalities of an "IronCurtain" have been there for manydecades maybe even centuries. The sec-ond aspect is that Western Europe, mainlya Latin culture, has also been a Cath-olicculture while in Eastern Europe, due tocircumstances that have developed overthe years and centuries, the Byzan-tineculture has been primarily identified withwhat is generally called the Ortho-dox tra-ditions. I speak here of the Orth-odox in aconfessional way, which has prevented aneasy exchange between these two cul-tures, which we consequently know todayas East and West.

Q: Pope John Paul II spoke of Europewith two lungs: The Byzantine or Ortho-dox and the Catholic. What gifts can theLatin Church bring to the Byzantine andwhat can the Byzantine, or Orthodox tra-dition, bring to the Catholic Church?

Husar: A little clarification is necessaryhere because the Eastern and Westernaspect--or both lungs as you say--shouldnot be so totally identified betweenCatholics and Orthodox. The majority ofthose in the East are Ortho-dox and themajority of those in the West areCatholics, however, there are Catho-lics inthe Eastern traditions so we shouldn'texclusively identify it this way.

But what the Holy Father spoke of was

an exchange of gifts--spiritually speaking.I think there are certain aspects in the Westand in the East, which if both sides knowthem, would enrich the East with the Westand the West with the East. I will not beable to identify them precisely at themoment but in general one of them isfaith. And I think that we should be veryconscious of the fact that although wehave two lungs there is always one heartbehind it, and that one heart is Jesus Christwho is recognized by the different culturesin somewhat different ways, but is funda-mentally the same Jesus Christ in the Westand in the East. However, there are certainaccents and I think these accents shouldbe studied and should be made to be theexpression of this exchange of gifts.

Q: You knew Father Werenfried, theFounder of Aid to the Church in Need.Can you tell me: What was the importanceof Aid to the Church in Need in the storyof the Greek Catholic Church and what isits continuing importance today?

Husar: In the 60s, 70s and 80s, thework of Father Werenfried and Aid to theChurch in Need, the organization that hefounded--I would say very frank-ly, thathe loved our Church and helped ourChurch when it was not popular to do so.We were supposed to disappear. We hadbeen liquidated. Officially we should nothave been mentioned and yet at that time,Father Werenfried was willing to help asmuch as could be done in those days ofpersecution. So I think in this sense--apartfrom the material help that was offered--the moral help that was given, this faith inour Church, in its existence and its even-tual revival, I think this has been of capi-tal importance for us.

Today, of course the situation is differ-ent. Today Aid to the Church in Need, forexample helps us still very much with cer-tain projects. One of the bigger projects isthe Ukrainian Catholic University, theonly Catholic university in the formerSoviet Union. When the Holy Father JohnPaul II came to Ukraine in 2001, hepassed along the side where the seminaryand the faculty of theology were andwhere the representatives of the universi-ty were present. Among them was FatherWerenfried and the Holy Father thankedhim specifically for what he has done forus. So I think in this sense, in the new con-ditions when our Church is free and candevelop, the work of Father Werenfriedstill carries on.

***This interview was conducted by Mark

Riedemann for "Where God Weeps," aweekly television and radio show producedby Catholic Radio and Television Networkin conjunction with the international Catho-lic charity Aid to the Church in Need.

A Church that Was Supposed to DisappearInterview with Patriarch Lubomyr

charist, the Eastern practice of celebratingLiturgy with sung-aloud prayers allowedall present to hear: “This is My Body”and “this is My Blood” announce theMystery. Additionally, to combat anydoubt, some Eastern Churches formulat-ed a “prayer before communion” to berecited. It explicitly affirms: “what I amabout to receive is truly Your MostPrecious Body and Life-giving Blood.”

Lacking that, the Western Church in-troduced practices meant to counteractdoubt--and made kneeling a prerequisiteposture whenever the Sacred Gifts werepresent. Standing, however, is a prayerposture for Easterners. But that did notseem to prohibit some from importingWestern-influenced ways into certainEastern Churches, including ours.

With the providential influence of Vati-can II and its decrees professing theequality of all the Catholic Churches (not

“rites”) and an appreciation for the un-broken chain of Eastern Churches’ prac-tices kept since the Apostolic era--called“venerable antiquity” in papal docu-ments--we Easterners came to betterknow and observe our proper traditions. Itmeant having to do away with some ofthe misappropriated trappings of Romaninfluence. That was not always easy to do.

The “traditions” that attraced you havebasis in a “Tradition” that can furthernourish you and the rest of the Church.

Finding Christ Alive in the Eucharistfollows His exhortation: “Take, eat.” In-gest It--make It part of you and your ev-eryday existence. That seems, to me, apractical “adoration” of the Body andBlood, if it is true that “you are what youeat.” You bring the Lordto others. by what you do--with Him a part of you!

Your body and spirit arenourished by His Bodyand Blood. Live that way!

continued from page 13

18 NEW STAR January, 2011

ORTHODOX LEADER STRESSES UNITY IN TRUTHEncourages Dialogue on the Dividing Issues

ISTANBUL, Turkey, ( Ecumenical Patri-arch Bartholomew I of Constantinople is underliningthe value of unity with the Catholic Church, but ispointing out that truth must be its foundation.

"Unity in love is of no benefit if it is not as the sametime unity in faith and truth," the Patriarch said duringthe celebrations for the feast of St. Andrew, patron ofthat patriarchate.

The Orthodox leader gave an address to the presidentof the Pontifical Council for Promoting ChristianUnity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, who took part, in represen-tation of Benedict XVI at the head of a Holy See dele-gation, in the Divine Liturgy and other celebrations inIstanbul.

Quoting St. Paul, the Patriarch pointed out that"'being sincere in love,' according to the Apostle'sexhortation, we maintain this theological dialogue bythe unanimous decision of all the autocephalousOrthodox Churches to examine, in love and sincerity,both the theological questions that unite as well asthose that divide, 'until we all arrive at the unity offaith.'"

Bartholomew I explained that the Ecumenical Patri-archate follows "with growing interest the develop-ment of this theological dialogue."

"We pray for its success," he said, "especially duringthis present phase in which controversial topics arebeing debated that in the past were the cause of acuteconflict between our Churches."

In this regard, the Patriarch referred to the recentplenary session of the International Mixed Commissionfor Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Churchand the Orthodox Church held in Vienna in Septemberunder the joint presidency of Cardinal Koch andMetropolitan IOANNIS (Zizioulas) of Pergamum. Themeeting participants discussed the role of the Bishop ofRome in the communion of the Church in the first mil-

lennium. Bartholomew I pointed out that this meeting "revealed

the existence of difficulties but also the willingness anddecision of the members of the commission to overcomethose difficulties with love as well as with fidelity to thedoctrine and to the life of the Church transmitted to ussince the first millennium to advance in its resolution."

The Patriarch told Cardinal Koch, "We yearn for yourcooperation with our Ecumenical Patriarchate for thefuture improvement of the fraternal relations betweenour Churches for the benefit of promoting unity, forwhich our Lord prayed to his Father immediately beforehis passion."

Bartholomew I noted the 50th anniversary that thePontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity is cel-ebrating this year.

In this regard, he affirmed, "Our thought goes to PopeJohn XXIII, who founded this council in 1960 original-ly in the form of a secretariat."

The Patriarch also expressed appreciation for the con-vocation of the Second Vatican Council and asserted thatthe "audacious historic decisions" of this Pontiff "pre-pared the way for the participation of the RomanCatholic Church in the effort for the reconciliation ofChristian unity."

"Among the fruits of this historic initiative of thedeceased Pope, the development of fraternal relationsbetween the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churchesoccupies a preeminent place," he said.

The Patriarch expressed his gratitude to the ecclesias-tical leaders who worked in that task, concretely PopePaul VI and Pope John Paul II, the ecumenical PatriarchsAthenagoras and Dimitrios, the presidents of thePontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity,Cardinal Augustine Bea, Cardinal Johannes Wille-brands, Cardinal Edward Cassidy and Cardinal WalterKasper, and their collaborators, among them Bishop

Pierre Duprey and Monsignor Eleuterio Fortino. Through their work, the Patriarch affirmed, "relations

between our Churches were cultivated even morethrough mutual respect and fraternal love."

Bartholomew I affirmed that the patron saints of theCatholic and Orthodox Churches, the brothers Peter andAndrew "not only were related by blood but especiallyby the infinitely more significant bond with Christ andcommunion in Christ."

"They kept this bond of communion in Christ irre-proachable during a whole millennium, so that theChurches that derived from the preaching and martyr-dom of those Apostles, called the Churches of Rome andConstantinople, are obliged once again to recover thisbond of communion to show themselves worthy succes-sors of its deposit," he said.

Quoting Saint John's Gospel, the Patriarch added that"the Church of Christ shows herself 'apostolic' transmit-ting Christ from generation to generation and from placeto place 'so that the world may believe' in him asRedeemer and Savior."

In this connection he said that "also today, faced withmany dead ends, the world seeks redemption and salva-tion."

Bartholomew I warned that "those who preach Christseparated from one another cannot convince the worldthat 'we have found the Messiah'--which means 'Christ'."

He stressed that "faithful to the authentic and authori-tative message of the Apostles, we are called to transmitthis message to the contemporary world 'with one voiceand one heart,' aware of the concerns and embracing theproblems of the world."

Cardinal Koch delivered in return a message fromBenedict XVI to Bartholomew I, in which the Pope alsoaffirmed the need to continue progressing toward fullcommunion between Catholics and Orthodox.

Atraditional Christmas concert by pupils of theImmaculate Conception Ukrainian CatholicSchool was presented Sunday December 12,

2010, in thanksgiving for support and assistance to ourschools.

The concert consisted of several parts. The programof carols and songs was in Ukrainian and English, by

both choirs and soloists. The concert began a strong traditional carol "God

Eternal". Between Christmas carols there were variousgreetings given by the different age groups.

The most popular and beloved hymn sung is heardaround the world, translated into all languages--"Si-lent Night".

Christmas Concert at Hamtramck Church Staff PraysBishop BENEDICT (Aleksiychuk) has blessed a new

tradition at Lviv's St. George Cathedral--a daily prayerfor all employees of the Church's staff.

The hierarchical address begins with the words ofthe Holy Scripture: "Unless the Lord builds the house,its builders build in vain." Thus Bishop Benedict says:"The basis, the beginning and the end of our lives isGod. We are His creation, called to be like the Creator.And to know God better, we must consciously allowHim to sanctify us at every moment of our lives."

As Auxiliary Bishop of the LvivArcheparchy, he is convinced thatthe work in church institutions is agreat privilege. Employees of theLord's Vineyard should cultivate aspiritual strength to make rightdecisions and find the wisdom ofGod to overcome difficulties inperforming their duties.

"We must be aware that we arenot just another administrativeoffice but the people of God calledto holiness," underlines the hierar-ch. In his view, such a prayer is agood way for the church commu-nity to build up the body of Christ.

Upon watching a marching bandparade right past him, little Jason'seyes opened wide in amazement.

He focused on the trombone player glid-ing by, sliding his arm back and forth, whileplaying the lively tune. He was fascinated.

After a few repetitions he turned to hisfather, pointing to the man and asked: "Howdoes he swallow that whole thing?"

Bishop BENEDICTencourages Church

staff to pray together.

Over thirty parishioners of St. Michael Parish in Tucson decidedto have their Thanksgiving Day meal together in the churchhall after Divine Liturgy that day. The atmosphere was warm

and familial. participants agreed that this is something that they wantto do again next year.

19NEW STARJanuary, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010 the Feast of the Presentation ofthe Most Holy Mother of God in the Temple an event tookplace at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in

Palos Park, Illinois. At the end of the Divine Liturgy all members of the Sisterhood

came out of the pews as the pastor Father Varcilio Basil Salkovski, OSBM began aritual. Every year on the Sunday closest to the Feast of the Presentation of Mary intothe Temple the Sisterhood renews their annual pledge. Since the founding of theSisterhood two years ago it has 54 and growing.

It was written in the statutes, that after, some time, when the organization is alreadyactive, they would choose their own banner After consulting with one another theyunanimously chose the Icon of the Mother of God of Zhyrovytsia..

All members received best wishes from the pastor and the congregation sangMnohaya Lita! To conclude this memorable day for the parish the Sister-hood along with the rest of the congregation moved on to the Social Hallfor a festive luncheon and an afternoon of enjoyment. The Sisterhood vis-its the sick and shut in, had days of prayer and spiritual renewal, they helpwith the Sunday Catechism, they made varenyky, prepared the ChristmasProsphora, or Easter Sviachene, cleaned altar cloth, vestments and muchmore. Submitted by Fr. Varcilio Basil Salkovski

A cartoon series "Spiritual Neck-lace" is about the legendaryshrines of Ukraine: churches,

chapels, monasteries and other religiousbuildings. First editions of the seriesdeal with the churches of Lviv whichconstitutes probably the largest architec-tural heritage of Ukraine.

"In the future, we plan to extend thelist of the churches and monasteries: wewill draw the viewers' attention to theremaining wooden churches of the west-ern region of Ukraine, the spiritualshrines of Kyiv, the southern and easternregions of our state. The series is de-signed for schoolchildren but it is also

watched by their mothers, grandmoth-ers, teachers who write positive respons-es in their letters. Students studyingarchitecture and design also take interestin the series," said the producer of theCompany "Art-Video," Zoriana Zaniuk.

The new animation product combines2D and 3D animation. The main charac-ters were created in 3D and all the rest in2D. "The idea to create such a cartoonwas conceived during the work on theseries "Legends of Ukraine." We felt thatthe subject of the Ukrainian shrinesdeserves a separate thematic line. Thefairy-tale pictures, used as the back-ground, and the movements of the char-

acters are created by ani-mators not only from Lvivbut also from other citiesof Ukraine. As we retoldthe known historic factswe tried to visually repro-duce the events andprocess of formation ofsacred objects. Our chil-dren now watch cartoonscreated for Russian profitsand showing Ukraine's for-mation, development, cul-ture and traditions fromthe Russian viewpoint. For

the many years of inde-pendence of Ukraine,nothing has been doneto raise the national spir-it by means of anima-tion. We have only thefamous Cossacks play-ing football and foreigncartoons translated intoUkrainian (Russian).Meanwhile, Ukrainiananimation specialists areappreciated by foreigncountries more than bytheir own one…"

The main charactersof the cartoon, a painter boy with a magicpencil and his faithful friend, nightingaletravel to the ancient times, everythingaround returns to life and the charactersbecome participants of the events whichinfluenced the fate of the sacral objects.The painter and his bird friend, whospeaks in a human language, not onlyadmire the beauty and majesty of theUkrainian shrines but also defend mona-stery walls from attackers, rebuild ruinedchurches and chapels.

"I watched the first editions of the car-toon about our shrines. I told my friendsabout them and they support the idea of

the "Spiritual Necklace". It is our childrenwho need such cartoons the most.Ukrainian television has not broadcastanything good, educational, spiritual. Thechildren watch foreign cartoons aboutvarious monsters and are frightened bythem. The parents bring them to priests tosprinkle holy water over them and readspecial prayers. As they watch cartoons,children are to receive something posi-tive, learn something new and interesting.What we sow in their hearts today, wewill reap tomorrow," said the senior priestof the Church of Birth of the Holy Motherof God (UGCC) in Sokilnyky, Fr. Volod-ymyr Pavlyk.

Instructional Cartoon about Ukrainian Churches

On a visit to St Sophia Parish, in The Col-ony, Texas, Bishop Richard had the oppor-tunity to join the parishioners as they cel-

ebrated their tenth anniversary, and to have thisphoto taken with them to mark the occasion.

SAVE THE DATE: September 25, 2011Eparchial 50th Anniversary celebration

in Chicago!


Heavenin 2011!

20 NEW STAR January, 2011

Published monthly with the permission and author-ity of His Grace, Bishop RICHARD (Seminack), by StNicholas Publications, official publisher of the:

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We have just celebrated the Nativity of Our Lord--preceded by a period ofpreparation--the St Philip Fast. We soon will begin the Great Fast of Lentto prepare for the Resurrection of Christ at Pascha.

Whenever we attend a momentous event we prepare ourselves and make our-selves ready so that we may fully experience it. It is that way in our life. It is like-wise that way in our Church.

Maybe you have noticed that as the Divine Liturgy begins (with the deaconsinging: "Give the blessing" or) with the priest singing "Blessed is the Kingdom…"

that there has already been some activity in theAltar (the place behind the iconostas).

You might notice this especially if you arriveearly enough to get yourself ready. After enteringthe church, venerating the icon on the tetrapod--perhaps lighting a candle--and saying a silentprayer that the priest and deacon may have gonethrough a preparation ritual.

Just as you take the time to get dressed andravel to arrive in time to "collect your thoughts"the celebrants and other ministers--the altarservers--have done their own preparation for theevent all have come to participate in.

An instruction in the book that the priest usesfor the Divine Liturgy says: The priest who isabout to celebrate the divine mysteries must bereconciled with all and have nothing against anyone. As much as possible, he must have kept hisheart free from all evil thoughts; he must havefasted according to ecclesiastical law.

"When the time is come, the priest bows in theusual manner before the throne and stands beforethe icon screen.. He makes three bows towardsthe East before the holy doors."

Here the priest [and deacon] face the icon ofChrist to ask God for forgiveness of any sins--andacknowledge Christ as "our Savior, [who] havefilled all things with joy when You came to savethe world."

They kiss the icon of Christ, and turning towardthe icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, say: "Mother of God, since you becamea fountain of mercy, count us worthy of your compassion; look upon a people thathas sinned, show forth your power as you always do."

Looking towards the altar, they bow their heads and say: "Lord, stretch forth yourhand from your dwelling place on high, and strengthen me for your ministry nowforthcoming, so that I may stand without condemnation before your awesome judg-ment seat and complete the unbloody sacrifice. For yours is the power and the gloryfor ever and ever. Amen."

Both priest and deacon make three reverences before the holy doors, then bow tothe people, and only then enter the Holy Place, saying: "I shall enter into yourdwelling place; before your holy temple I shall bow in fear of You."

In some places there is a table in the Holy Place with the vestments set out for thepriest and deacon to wear. Otherwise, thus made ready to serve the sacred function,the clergy step into a side room to not only put on the vestments, but recite a specialprayer for each part of their liturgical clothing.

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