New Strategic Plan for the ·...


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Strategic Plan for the IATA




Valencia, May 2005




Brief historical review

The Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (IATA) (Institute of

Agrochemistry and Food Technology) was founded in 1957 within the Departament of

Plant Chemistry, then dependent on the “Alonso Barba” Institute of Chemistry which no

longer exists, under the Patronage of Juan de la Cierva Scientific and Technical

Research, in the heart of the School of Chemical Sciences of Valencia University. The

Departament of Plant Chemistry was located in the laboratories situated in the

semibasement of the School of Sciences up until 1966, at which point it was moved to

a new building in Jaime Roig street, Valencia, and adopted its current name Instituto de

Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos. During the early years of its scientific life, the

IATA focused its research on vegetable foodstuffs that were of economic importance in

the Valencian region, fundamentally citrus and rice, and in the following years its

research work became progessively more diversified, moving towards other lines and

products, adapting to the demands of the different agro-food sectors. As a result of the

important and dynamic research activity developed over a number of decades, the

IATA became a pioneering centre, point of national and international reference for

Food Science and Technology and was, at the same time, the cradle in which other

scientific research lines were promoted, related to agronomy, environment and natural

resources that, later on, gave rise to other independent research Institutes, like the

Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP) (Institute of Molecular and

Cellular Plant Biology) and the Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CIDE)

(Centre for Desrtification Research).

It is worth pointing out that for 35 years a post-graduate course in Food Technology

Specialization was imparted at the IATA, giving a Diploma granted by the Ministry of

Education and Science, which was an important reference point for Food Science

Training studies, both in Spain and in Latin-American countries. Likewise, the sixties

saw the first edition of the Review of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, which after

1995 became known as “Food Science and Technology International”, edited first of all

by Chapman & Hall and currently by SAGE Publications. The review’s Editorial

Commitee resides at the IATA and the review has a current impact index of 0,6 in the

Science Citation Index.



In the summer of 1995 the IATA moved to its present premises located in Paterna, 7

Km from Valencia. These installations were the first to be built on the lands that now

constitute the University Science Park, Parque Científico de la Universidad de Valencia

Estudi General (UVEG), where the headquarters of other reserach institutes belonging

to the UVEG are progressively being installed, as well as a joint centre of the UVEG-

CSIC. Therefore, the IATA is integrated in surroundings housing different research

institutes, currently sharing the plot, entrance and exit and other common facilities, like

the canteen.

Likewise, since 2003 the company BIOPOLIS S.L. has had its headquarters in the pilot

plant at the IATA, a joint company with participation of the CSIC and the companies

Natraceutical, Corporación Alimentaria Peñasanta (CAPSA) and Talde, dedicated to

research and development, as well as to small-scale production and the improvement

of production processes of food biotechnology products.

1.2. STRUCTURAL DATA AND RESOURCES 1.2.1. Organizational structures The IATA is centre belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

(CSIC) with an extended Faculty Board. This situation originated in 1995, when an

Agreement was signed with the UVEG by which different lecturers/professors of this

this University moved to the laboratories located at the IATA to carry out their research

work within the ambit of agro-foods, while maintaining their teaching commitments at

their respective Schools. Thus, coinciding with the move to the new installations in

Paterna, 9 teaching staff of the UVEG joined the Scientific Committee of the IATA and

after different withdrawls and new incorporations, at present there are 6 members of

the UVEG teaching staff belonging to the extended Faculty Board of the IATA (3 from

the Department of Preventive Medicine, 2 from the Departament of Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology and 1 from the Departament of Microbiology).

The current structure of the IATA was approved by the Executive Council of the CSIC

in February 1994 and is made up of three Departments and six Research Support and

Service Units. Figure 1 represents the organizational chart of the IATA.


Directorial Structure The Directorship of the IATA has been held by Dr. Lorenzo Zacarías García since

November 2004. Dependent on this, is the Vicedirector’s position, currently held by Dr.

Antonio Martínez López and that of Management, held by D. Ascensio Navarro

Alarcón, assisted by a Secretary, Dña. Mercedes Durá. Dependent on the Institute’s

Directive body are the heads of the three departments; Dra. Paloma Manzanares,

Head of the Department of Biotechnology; Dra. Cristina Molina, Head of the

Department of Food Science and Dr. Rafael Gavara, Head of the Department of Food

Preservation and Quality.

Governing Board of the Institute and Faculty Board

The Governing Board of IATA is composed of 9 members: the Director, who acts as

president of the Board; the Manager, without the right to vote, who acts as Secretary;

the Vicedirector; the three Heads of Departament and three representatives of the

IATA staff members.

The present Scientific staff of the IATA, currently awaiting the official appointment of

two new permanet scientists, is made up of a total of 45 members with full powers; 37

research professors/lecturers, research and scientists of the CSIC, 2 researchers

belonging to the OPIS and 6 professors/lectureres of the UVEG. Generally, the

postdoctoral scientists contracted by either the CSIC or by the UVEG, who carry out


Board of the Institute

Scientific Committee

Department of Food Science

Department of Food Biotecnology

Department of Food Preservation


Pilot Plant

Computer Science & Statistics

General services

Library & Scientific




Vice-director Management

Editorial office F.S.T.I.


research activities at the IATA, are invited to attend the sessiones of the Faculty Board,

but do not have the right to vote.


The management of the IATA carries out the administrative functions inherent to this

position. There are six dependent Research Support and Service Units descibed in

detail later on.

List of Departaments

As previously mentioned, the IATA is organized in the following Departaments:




List of Research Support and Service Units

The following Support and Service Units are dependent on IATA Management:

• Administration

• Pilot Plant

• Computer Science and Statistics

• Library and Documentation Service

• Maintenanace

• General Services

1.2.2. General infrastructure

The IATA has its own facilities with a total surface area of 11.230 m2. These facilities

are divided into three interconnecting buildings which are devoted to different activities,

with the following distribution:

• Building housing management and services: 4,072 m2

A three-storey building where one enters the Institute. On the ground floor

there is the reception desk, the administration service, the unit of computer

science and statistics, a lecture-room and a research laboratory. On the first


floor we find the library and the offices as well as the offices of Direction and

Management and the Board room. On the second floor there is the

conference/lecture theatre and the dining-hall. The semibasement of this

building houses the common services and facilities of the Institute, such as

environmental and refrigerated chambers, store-rooms, workshop, the

maintenance unit, the offices of the Editorial Secretary of the review “Food

Science and Tecnology International” and a laboratory for the demonstration

classes carried out as part of the teaching activities imparted by the IATA


• Central Research Building: 4,995 m2

The main block has four floors in which we find the research laboratories, the

rearcher’s offices, a meeting room and a laboratory for general use on each

floor, as well as some laboratories with special facilities (isotopes, sampling

room, and a laboratory for instrumental analyses). The semibasement

(measuring over 1000 m2) is open-plan, affording the possibility of future


• Pilot Plant building: 2,162 m2

The building housing the pilot plant is located 15 metres from the central

research building, connected by a covered glass passageway. The building is

made up of two blocks, the first of which houses a doule-height pilot plant of

general use, the purchases stock-room and adjoining offices. The second

block, lower in height, holds the facilities of the individual pilot plants

belonging to the different workgroups (cereals, meats, post-harvest,

microbiology) and the laboratories of the company Biopolis.

Table 1.1.A. details the distribution of surface area of the IATA facilities destined to

general services and to the different Research Support Units and where some private

facilities are located, such as the offices of the Editorial Secretary of the FSTI review

and the Biopolis laboratories, which together cover a total surface area of

approximately 3800 m2.

Regarding the surface area dedicated to research-related tasks, table 1.2.B. shows the

distribution of the Departaments, which includes the laboratories and offices used

specifically by each research group, both in the main building and in the pilot plant,

which together make up a total of around 3500 m2. Moreover, also included in this


table we find the surface covered by the different general laboratories and the seminar

rooms on each floor, and the equipment for general use by all the researchers, like the

refrigeration, freezing and environmental chambers and the common area of the

general pilot plant, which cover a surface area of 1364 m2. All together the total surface

used for the research activities can be considered as over 4800 m2. The percentual

distribution between the three departaments of the Institute in relation to the

percentage of research staff is shown in the following table.

Departament % Researchers % Surface

Biotecnology 36 30

Preservation & Quality 25 25

Food Science 39 45

The sum of the surface area destined to tasks of management and services, together

with that destined to research-related activities makes up a total of almost 8,700 m2.

The following table indicates the percentual distribution of the total surface area of the

IATA building and reflects that most of the space available is being used for research

activities (43%). Considering that the surface of corridors, stairs and halls is nearly

1500 m2, the percentage of the available space used for research is 50% of the total.

Use % Surface

Research 43

Services 34

corridors, stairs, etc. 13

Open-plan semibasement 10

Table showing equipment costing over 60.000 € of shared use (in last five years).

Descriptive name of equipment

Year of Purchase Cost

HPLC Chromatograph with different detectors 2001 120.202

High resolution capillary electrophoresis 2001 80.535

Radioactive and fluorescent image analyser 2002 101.316

Biomass & metabolite production Unit 2004 197.500

Technical support systems for DNA detection & analysis 2004 77,500

High hydrostatic pressure 2004 222.662


equipment Analyser of oxygen permeability 2004 118.600

Computer Infrastructure

The total number of personal computers in the IATA is 301, which are distributed

as follows:

Departament or service Number of PC’s

Biotecnology 103

Preservation and Quality 66

Food Science 70

Administration 14

Information science 22

Library 9

Review FSTI 3

Stockroom 3

Maintenance 1

Others (pilot plant, ect.) 10

The installation of the computer science network consists of 485 fixed connection

points (RJ45 level 5e) grouped together on patch panels in three network cabinets, with

a total of about 35000 m of fixed wiring. The network cabinets interconnect 24

multimode optic fibres (2400 m). Eight multimode optic fibres connect IATA to a

network panel of the University of Valencia and, through one of its fibres, to the

regional commutator of RedIris (100Mbps).

Network equipment: 12 commutators with 24 switching gates 10/100 and Gigabit optic

fibre modules. 1 similar commutator with 48 switching gates and 1 commutator with 8

Gigabit fibre/UTP gates. Trademarks Cisco and Intel. 5 back up repeaters with 10

switching gates of10Mbps.

Network servers: 3 main equipment sets (Intel board bi-processor, 2Gb ram, RAID-5

SCSI, Linux): Fire-resistant, Intrusions analyser and main server (mail, Web and users’

disc). 4 complementary sets of equipment (clone PC mono-processor, SCSI/IDE,

Linux): DNS, DHCP, Modems, regional Proxy-cache, video-conference and network



1.2.3. Human Resources

The total number of civil and contracted staff of the CSIC working at IATA is 101

people, to which one must add 6 professors/lecturers of the UVEG, making a total of

107 people (Table 1.2). The distribution of the personnel is as follows: 45 research staff

(42%), 50 civil employees to support research (47%) and 12 contracted support staff

(11%), which means that 58% of the personnel at the IATA have a research support

role. In this section the contracted post-doctoral staff have not been counted, nor have

the pre-doctoral scholarship holders, only the personnel, an analysis of which is made

in greater detail in point 2 of this memory.

Distribution by categories of the scientific personnel workforce (including the

professors/lecturers of the UVEG) in each Department.

Departament Research Professors/lecturers

Scientific Researcher Scientist

UVEG Teaching

staff Total

Biotecnology 0 22.2 42.8 83.3 36 Preservation

& Quality 42.8 33.3 19.1 16.7 25

Food Science 57.2 44.5 38.1 0 39

The distribution data of the scientific personnel among the three departments of the

IATA reveals that the Department of Preservation and Quality is less numerous (11

researchers), whereas the other two Departments have a similar number of scientists.

In the Department of Biotechnology the scientific distribution of personnel is clearly

unbalanced towards the Contracted Scientists, possibly due to the greater

incorporation of new scientists in recent years. This fact is also displayed by the lower

average age of the Department members, which is around 44 years, as opposed to 50

and 50.7 years in the Departments of Preservation and Quality and Food Science,

respectively (Table 1.3). The greater average age of these two Departments coincides

with a change in the distribution by categories, the number of Research

Professors/lecturers being greater than that of Scientific Researchers and also that of

Contracted Scientists. This imbalance is greater in the Department of Preservation and

Quality than in that of Food Science. The greater average age in this last Department

may justify the greater percentage of scientific personnel belonging to higher

categories, with respect to their own Department as well as in the comparison between



It is necessary to emphasize that the incorporation of UVEG professors/lecturers is

clearly concentrated in the Department of Biotechnology, in which 5 out of the 6 IATA

members are to be found.

In the Department of Biotechnology the gender distribution is exactly 50%, whereas in

the Department of Preservation and Quality the number of women is greater (54,5%)

and in the Department of Food Science men are more numerous (59%). In the three

Departments there is a repetition of the previously mentioned fact regarding the total of

scientific personnel, the percentage of women in higher categories is significantly lower

than that of men, whereas the tendency among the Scientific Collaborators is reversed,

and in the Departments of Food Science and Preservation and Quality the percentage

of women in this category duplicates and triplicates, respectively, that of men.

In table 1.3 the average age and gender distribution has been calculated of the

research support personnel, both civil employees and contracted staff. The distribution

of the personnel in this group is well balanced, since it is divides at almost 50%

between those who dedicate their main activity to research and those that work in the

Support Service Units. With respect to the first group of support personnel, the

distribution by Departments also reveals a clear imbalance (Table 1.2.A). 58.6% carry

out their activity in the Department of Food Science, whereas in the other two

departments 17.2% are distributed between Preservation and Quality and 24.2% in

Biotechnology. The main reason for this imbalance must be the high number of

laboratory assistants, probably through the inertia to maintain the linked to that of older

scientists. With respect to the distribution of the support staff in the Units and Services, the

greater allocation corresponds to general Administration, including the personnel

related to Direction, which represents approximately one third of the total. 19% of the

personnel work in the general services (telephonist/receptionist and purchases

warehouse), followed by the Computer science and Statistics service with a percentage

of over 15% (Table 1.2.B.)

The average age of the research support personnel who are civil employees exceeds

52 years and in the group of Research Assistants, which is the most numerous group

(35%), it reaches 58.5 years. With the exception of the University Graduates whose

average age exceeds 46 years, the gender percentage distribution is clearly higher for

women, reaching, in the case of Research Assistants, three times that of men. For the


contracted research support personnel the average age is lower (48.4 years) and the

gender distribution higher for men, who double the percentage of women.

The following table shows the global data of sexenios and quinquenniums distributed

between the different categories of scientific personnel, as well as the averages of

sexenios and quinquenniums per scientist

Categories Total sexenios

Sexenios/ Scientist

Total quinquenniums


Research Professors/lecturers 26 3,7 38 5,4

Scientific Researcher 22 2,4 36 4 Scientist 43 2,1 57 2,7 UVEG lecturer/professor 13 2,6 15 3

The number of sexenios per scientist is higher for the research professors/lecturers,

whereas in the other categories it is very similar. The number of quinquenniums per

scientist increases progressively in the administrative category, possibly in relation to

the age difference between each group. The quinquennium/professor relationship of

the UVEG is similar to the one of the contracted scientists the CSIC.

1.3. DEPARTMENTS As mentioned in the previous section, the IATA is organized in three departments,

which in their turn are structured in different groups according to the affinity and

complementariness of their research lines. The table below summarizes the different

work groups in each department, with the scientific personnel that integrates each one

and its respective scientific objectives:

DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECNOLOGY Head of Department: Dra. Paloma Manzanares

• Lactic and Probiotic Bacteria Research Group Vicente Monedero Gaspar Pérez

Physiology, genetics, compared genomics and metabolic engineering of lactic bacteria. Functional fermented foods by lactic bacteria and characterization of their probiotic effects. Development of biosensors for the detection of food polluting agents.

• Wine Enzymes Research Group


Paloma Manzanares Salvador Vallés

Application of enzymes, bio-preservatives and characterization of non-conventional yeasts in oenology. Evaluation of functional ingredients with anti-hypertensive capacity.

• Fungal Biotechnology Research Group José Vicente Gil Andrew McCabe Margarita Orejas Daniel Ramón

Biotechnological improvement of yeasts and filamentous fungi for the production of enzymes and metabolites of interest in oenology. Genomic and proteomic analysis of filamentous fungi of industrial interest.

• Bakers Yeast Research Group José Antonio Prieto Francisca Randez

Metabolic studies by means of high throughput technologies analysis of enzymes of interest in baking processes. Isolation and characterization of non-conventional raising agents of potential use in baking.

• Industrial Yeasts Molecular Microbiology Research Group Mª Teresa Fernández Emilia Matallana Amparo Querol

Identification, molecular and physiological characterization of yeast species of interest in foods. Characterization and improvement of stress response in wine yeasts. Molecular studies and virulence mechanisms of yeasts isolated in foods.

• Molecular Taxonomy Research Group Rosa Aznar Detection, identification and typification of pathogenic and

alterative bacteria, and ocratoxigenic fungi by means of molecular-genetic techniques.

• Protein Structure ad Fuction Research Group Julio Polaina Molecular engineering of enzymes. Biotecnology of

yeasts and fungi of interest in foods.

• Response to Pathogens Research Group Carmen González Defense inducers and molecular responses to pathogenic

fungal infection in foods.


Head of Department: Dr. Rafael Gavara

• Packaging Research Group Ramón Catalá Rafael Gavara José Mª Lagarón Mª José Ocio

Package-food interaction, modelling and simulation of shelf life. Packaging technologies. Development of biodegradable, edible and active materials and packages.

• Metallic Contamination Research Group


Rosa Montoro Dinoraz Vélez

Metallic pollutants in food processing and storage. Ingestion, bio-availability and development of methods to analyse toxic trace elements and their species.

• Preservation Processes Research Group Antonio Martínez Miguel Rodrigo

Establishing and optimizing preservation processes. Predictive microbiology and risk assesment.

• Physical and Sensorial Properties Research Group Elvira Costell Susana Fiszman

Effect of preservation technology on the structure and properties of food. Ingredient-matrix food interactions. Liberation and perception of flavour. Sensorial characteristics of foods and factors that determine their acceptance.


Head of Department: Dra. Cristina Molina

• Meat Science Research Group Margarita Aristoy Monica Flores José Flores José Luis Navarro Fidel Toldrá Yolanda Sanz

Mechanisms to generate the aroma and flavour of cured meat products. Development of functional foods of animal origin. Rapid techniques to detect the residues of veterinary medicines in foods of animal origin.

• Cereales Research Group Concepción Collar Mª Antonia Martínez Crsitina Molina

Improved cereal product design and development of biochemical, nutritional and technological evaluation. Determination of predictive functional and molecular parameters of the quality and stability of the finished product.

• Post-harvest Physiology and Biotechnology Research Group Luis González Mª Teresa Lafuente José Marcos Lorenzo Zacarías

Mechanisms and control of physiological and pathological alterations during post-harvest storage. Quality parameters. Phytopathogenic fungus-fruit interaction and development of control alternatives. Functional genomics of post-harvest processes in citrus fruits.

• Juice Research Group José Vicente Carbonell Luis Izquierdo Francisco Piñaga José Sendra

Obtention and functional characterization of fruit juices. Citrus variety juices.

Since February 2004, Yolanda Sanz initiated independent project on Bifidobacteria.



The scientific objectives described above define the specific lines of research

developed in the different work groups. These activities can be integrated into four

generic lines of research representative of the activity carried out in the Institute.

Table 1.4. The most representative research lines


Line 1 Food Biotechnology

Line 2 Food Safety

Line 3 Quality, nutrition and health

Line 4 Food preservation and processing


IATA has no services or platforms working for external or internal users. Activities or

services provided for different public or private entities are carried out by means of

specific research agreements or contracts. They are detailed in other sections of this

document. In the facilities of the pilot plant, mainly, and of other premises of the IATA,

there are general and common services to the different research groups where typical

activities of these facilities are carried out (scaling experiments, storage and

conservation, baking, fermentation, etc.) and which are offered in the joint ventures

developed with external entities.


IATA traditionally holds numerous and close external relations - institutional and

academic, as well as with entities in the industrial sector. These relations with public

and private entities have come about in different ways. The most relevant relationships

developed in the last few years by means of specific collaborative agreements and

contracts are shown below.

• Institutional Relations

After the collaborative framework agreement between CSIC and the Generalitat

Valenciana signed in 1995, different specific agreements on research and cooperation


have been developed with the following Consellerias , independently of the research

projects and fellowships obtained in the competitive Calls;

- The Council of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries pertaining to the Generalitat

Valenciana. Over the last few years close relations have been held with this Council

that has been made by means of specific agreements:

- During the last five years agreements have been signed for the completion, by

different groups from the IATA, of research works on subjects of interest for

the Conselleria.

- Agreement to carry out control analyses of waste from live animals for

slaughter (2001-2006).

- The IATA is one of the research Institutes that make up AGROALIMED. Its

participation in this organization is being carried out by the Associated Unit of

the UPV.

- The Council of Culture, Health and Sport. The relation with this Council has taken

place by means of:

- Agreement on training practices with Institutes of Vocational Training.

- Specific agreements at higher educational levels.

- Bancaixa. The IATA takes part in the research fellowship programme financed by

Bancaixa, within the agreement between CSIC and this financial institution.

- Others. Collaborative framework agreement with AINIA Technological centre, by

means of which different research and training activities are developed.

• Relations with academic institutions.

IATA maintains a close relation with the two public Universities of Valencia, taking

shape in different types of agreements and contracts.

Universitat of Valencia-Estudi General (UVEG)

As previously mentioned, the facilities of the IATA are located on lands belonging to the

UVEG Science Park in Paterna, together with three UVEG institutes of research and

another mixed UVEG-CSIC centre.


Since 1995, there has been a specific collaborative agreement by means of which

teachers of the UVEG belong to the enlarged faculty of the IATA. There are currently: 1

Professor/lecturer and 5 Permanent Professors/lecturers, who have their laboratories in

the IATA facilities. This agreement allows the incorporation of new professors/lecturers.

A strong point of the relationship maintained by IATA with these universities and one of

the most important activities in its relations with both the UVEG and the UPV

(Polytechnic University of Valencia) is the involvement of IATA researchers in

university graduate and post-grade teaching. In the last 5 years, an average of 6

researchers from IATA have worked as part-time associate lecturers in the same

number of subjects imparting the degree in Food Science and Technology, making an

average of approximately 25 annual credits. A subject in the Diploma in Human

Nutrition and Dietetics has also been imparted. At the same time, between 4 and 5

subjects in the third cycle of the programme for Food Science and Technology have

been taught, with an average of 14 annual credits, in which 14 researchers from the

IATA are involved.

Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)

As in the previous case, there is a close and long-standing ties with the UPV that is

reflected in several collaborative projects, coordinated among researchers from the two

institutions, in an associate unit and with important involvement in educational

activities. Four researchers from the IATA are part-time professors in the degree in

Food Technology and Science and two in Agricultural Engineering, imparting 18 and 10

credits, respectively. Besides, 4 subjects are imparted in the PhD programme in Food

Science and Engineering, 4 in the Master in Food Science and Engineering, 10 in the

Master in Packing and Packaging and one in the Master in New Technologies.

Cardenal Herrera University (CEU-San Pablo)

Educational collaborative agreement for the realization of training practices in the

facilities of the IATA pilot plant.

Jaume I University (UJI)

Educational collaborative agreement for the realization of training practices in the

facilities of the IATA pilot plant. A researcher from the IATA is a part-time associate

lecturer at this University.


Fundación Universidad-Empresa (University-Enterprise Foundation)

Educational collaborative agreement to carry out training practices in the facilities of the

IATA pilot plant.

Castilla–La Mancha University.

Two researchers from IATA do annual teaching as lecturers of the second-cycle

subjects in the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of this University.

Others. Apart from these relations outlined in specific agreements and contracts,

researchers from IATA have maintained other relations and scientific activities with

several national and international Universities, through joint participations in European

projects, integrated actions, researcher and lecturer exchange programmes, and other

programmes that are not mentioned in this section.

• Company Relations

IATA has a long tradition of collaboration and joint activities with important companies

from the agricultural sector, mainly, and from other industrial environments. The

following chart shows the main companies with which agreements and contracts have

been signed in the last 5 years:

Aceralia Industrias Afrasa

Alimentaria Adin, S.A. Industrias Cárnicas Vaquero, S.A.

Asociación de celíacos Induovo, S.L.

Asoc. Investig. Industr. Agroalimentarias Ingavasa

Asociación Ricardo Vicente Cantín Instit. Cient. y Tecnol. de Navarra

Bimbo, S.A. Iproma, S.L.

Biointegral, S.L. J. García Carrión, S.A.

Biopolis, S.L. La Bella Easo, S.A..

Biotartaricos Taguimi, S.A. Laboratorios Ordesa, S.L.

Bodegas González Byass, S.A. Lacteos Montesinos, S.L.

Bodegas Miguel Torres Larbus, S.A.

Bodegas Torre Oria Lesaffre development


B.P. Chemical Lys Alimentación, S.A.

Bulmers Manufacturas Ceylan, S.L..

Centro Tec. De la Conserva Mercadona, S.A.

Codiagro, S.L.. Natraceutical

Conservas artesanas del níspero Nipon synthetic chem. Indus.

Cooperativa Agrícola Puzol Norel, S.A.

Corp. Alimentaria Peñasanta, S..A. Nutrexpa, S.A.

Danstar ferment (Laleman) Omsa Alimentación, S.A.

Emilio Peña, S.A. Productos Pilarica

Fed. Asoc. Consumidores y Usuarios Schär gmbh (Italia)

Ford España Soreda-diet (Francia)

Frudesa, S.A. Stadtbäckerie engelbrecht (Alemania)

Frutas Camps, S.L. Sugemesa

Gastea, S.L. Sugeme, S.A.

Grupo el Prado Cervera, S.L.. Unilever r&d (Reino Unido)

Hero España, S.A. Vaasan and vaasan

Importaco, S.A. Vicorquimia

• Participation in collaborative networks:

- Founder and Officer of the Spanish Network for Food Safety (Sicura network)

(9 researchers from IATA).

- Group founder and participant in the Meat CECOC (IRTA of Monells, Gerona),

- Group founder of the Spanish Foundation of Cereals (FEC).

- Participation in the International Consortium of Citrus Genomics.

- Topic network “Colour in Foods”.

- Spanish network of Lactic Bacteria.

- National network of Bacterial Genomics.

- National network of Filamentous Fungi-MYCELIUM.

- National network of Yeasts.

- National network of Xylanase.

- Valencian network of Genomics and Proteomics.

• Participation in international organisms.


- Two researchers from the IATA take part as experts in the committees of

biological risks and preservatives of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

- A researcher from the IATA currently holds the presidency of International Cereal

Chemistry (ICC).

- Participation in the European committee of normalization (ISO, CEN)

• List of Associate Units.

Through IATA there exist four units associated to CSIC, in which different researchers

take part:

- Spanish Collection of Type Culture of Micro-organisms. University of Valencia

Estudi General. 4 researchers from IATA participate and 1 research assistant

from the CSIC carries out related tasks in the associated unit.

- Institute of Food Engineering for Development. Polytechnic University of Valencia.

17 researchers from IATA participate.

- Control and Systems research group. Department of Automatic and Systems

Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. 5 researchers from IATA

take part.

- Food Safety and Preservation research group. Superior Technical School of

Agricultural Engineers at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. 2 researchers

from IATA participate.



The evolution of the human resources existing at the IATA in the five-year period 2000-

2004 is shown in Chart 2.1. As mentioned in point 1.2.3 of the previous section, the

total number of people working in IATA by December 2004 was 184, and their

distribution was as follows:

- Scientific staff personnel. Amounting to a total of 45 people; 37 directly

belonging to CSIC (7 research Professors, 9 scientific Researchers and 21

contracted scientists), 2 researchers from OPIS and 6 professors/lecturers from

UVEG (1 head of department and 5 permanent professors/lecturers). In the

vacancies call for Contracted Scientists in year 2004, two Ramón y Cajal

fellowship holders from IATA passed the concurso oposición (competitive

examination) and they are waiting to take up the post, so two new

incorporations should be added to the previous number.

- Support staff personnel. Personnel in Research Support and Services totals 70,

of whom 50 have civil contracts (as civil servants), 12 have labour agreements

and 8 are under contract. This important group represents 38% of the total

number of personnel at the IATA and, as mentioned in the previous section,

54% carry out their activities directly in the research departments, while the rest

of the personnel is involved in general services to assist research.

- Post-doctoral Contracts. This group encompasses a total of 15 hired people, 8

of whom come from the Ramón y Cajal Programme. This last number includes

the 4 new contracted post-doctorates from the 2004 call and the 2 hired people

who have not yet taken up the post as permanent scientists. There are 3

doctors in the recruiting programme I3P and finally, 8 people supported by other

calls or projects.

- Pre-doctoral fellows. The total number of students working on their PhD thesis

was 54 in December 2004. This group represents nearly 30% of the total

personnel at the IATA and 47% of the scientific staff. 35% of the pre-doctoral

fellows are financed by a FPI or FPU fellowship, 13% by the I3P programme


and the remaining 52% are fellows supported by other national or local projects

or programmes.

Some comments should be made with respect to the evolution of the IATA personnel in

the five-year period 2000-2004. Firstly, it highlights that the number of tenured or

scientific personnel has remained practically stable, since it has only changed from 44

researchers in year 2000 to 45 in year 2004. This number includes UVEG

professors/lecturers who carry out their scientific activity at the IATA, with very few

changes during the last 5 years, between 5 and 6. Considering the reduction due to

retirement of scientific personnel and the incorporations of new scientists in CSIC calls

for examination, the net balance for the period 2000-2004 gives a deficit of 3 postitions.

If we bear in mind that imminently two new permanent scientists will be taking up posts,

the result is the loss of 1 in research personnel.

The following chart shows the annual distribution of the number of scientific and

support to the research personnel, who have joined or left the institution.

Annual distribution of scientific and support personnel who have joined or left IATA in

the last five years.

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 TOTAL Scientific personnel leaving

2 1 5 1 1 10

Scientific personnel joining

3 0 4 1 1 9

Support personnel leaving

1 1 0 2 1 5

Support personnel joining

1 1 2 0 1 5

Regarding the support to the research personnel, data in the previous chart show that it

has remained constant over the last 5 years, with an appropriate replacement of the

personnel lost by retirement or death. However, and as mentioned in the previous

section, the average age of this group is relatively high and highly concentrated at

specific periods of time, which will lead to an important number of retirements taking

place at the same time.

The distribution of support and service personnel in their different categories has

changed over the last few years. The number of people involved in administration


services has increased in a similar way to the descent in personnel dedicated to

supporting research.

On the other hand, the number of research personnel hired has undergone a gradual

descent (from 22 in the year 2000 to 8 in the year 2004). It must be said that the

researchers hired under the Ramón y Cajal programme are currently 8, 6 accountable

to CSIC and 2 to the UVEG and that the call for the year 2004 led to 4 people being

hired, all of them from CSIC. Besides, the last 4 permanent scientists joining IATA (2 in

year 2003 and 2 in 2004) were people who had been hired by this programme in a

previous call, and who already operated in this institute. This demonstrates the

competitiveness of such contracts.

The number of pre-doctoral fellows, most of whom are carrying out their doctoral

thesis, has experienced a considerable increase (42%), mainly FPI fellows. This is due

to the award of these fellowships to projects requested by IATA researchers and

financed by the National Plan, which demonstrates their quality. The fellows financed

by projects or by other national or local calls have remained relatively constant over the



Table 2.2 shows the equipments costing over 60.000 euros that has bee acquired in

the last 5 years by IATA researchers in the different calls, both national and autonomic.

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (over 60.000 euros) in the last 5 years.

Descriptive name of equipment

Year of Purchase Cost



USEFUL LIFE Observations

HPLC Chromatograph with different detectors 2001 120.202 10 years

High resolution capillary electrophoresis 2001 80.535 6 years

Radioactive and fluorescent image analyser 2002 101.316 10 years

Biomass & metabolite production Unit 2004 197.500 6 years

Technical support systems for DNA detection & analysis 2004 77,500 10 years

High hydrostatic pressure equipment 2004 222.662 6 years

Analyser of oxygen permeability 2004 118.600 10 years



Table 2.3 shows the evolution of the different concepts of the IATA budget between the

years 2000 and 2003. The total budget of the institute has undergone an increase of

6.23%, and was recorded last year at slightly over 7 million euros. The external

resources generated have undergone a decrease of around 22%, while the internal

ones increased by a similar percentage. The budget for personnel increased by 9%

and the ordinary budget by nearly 30%. Finally, investment capital has increased 4.5





The Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos shows signs, according to the

data for the last five years outlined in section 3 of this document, that its scientific and

technological activity can be considered good within its competitive surroundings. The

data concerning the generation of resources demonstrates that the institute has the

sufficient capacity to capture public and private financing. This is understood within the

context of performance in the agro-alimentary sector that, despite its importance and

repercussions on society, reaches limited levels of investment and resources for

research which are below other experimental sciences. Moreover, other indicators of

the scientific activity carried out at the IATA show that in certain research lines it

reaches an excellent level of competitiveness and holds a position of national

leadership, also seen at an international level.

4.1.1. Strengths

The IATA has three departments that, together, include a wide range of disciplines or

topic lines within the area of Food Science and Technology. This wide range of

disciplines is indeed one of the main strengths of the institute. The set of abilities and

resources in the different scientific disciplines within Food Science allows the institute

to undertake R+D+I projects from an integral and multidisciplinary approach, to deal

with basic aspects or to generate knowledge, as, for instance, from the perspective of

industrial application. At the same time, this strength makes it special among institutes

in the area of Food Science and Technology belonging to the CSIC, as well as other

national centres or university departments, and it is to this that the IATA owes the

prestige it has consolidated over its long scientific trajectory.

These aforementioned strengths can be detailed in the following sections:

1. An important strength of the IATA lies in its activities related to the application of

biotechnology to food science. These activities are driven mainly, although not

exclusively, by the research being carried out with micro-organisms of industrial

interest and in the bioprocesses in which they take part. The Department of

Biotechnology is the only one belonging to the CSIC that works with bacteria,


yeasts and filamentous fungi to be used in the food industry. Molecular

techniques and biotechnological strategies are also applied in other activities of

the Institute, like food safety, post-harvest processes and quality of vegetal

products, to mention two examples. This strength of the IATA singles it out from

the CSIC centres in the area of Food Science and Technology and is one of the

lines of investigation in which IATA has grown in recent years. Moreover, works

have been started in which the recent techniques of global analyses are to be

applied (denominated omic, genomic and proteomic). These activities are

supported in the Valencian environment with great potential and this can give

greater strength and singularity to the activities carried out by IATA in this line of


2. The activities in food safety constitute another of the IATA’s strengths. This

activity is of special relevance at the present time and at the IATA there is

experience and capacity in different aspects of safety, like predictive

microbiology and evaluation of microbiological risks, fast analytical methods of

detection and speciation of heavy metals, molecular methods to identify and

characterize alterative and pathogenic micro-organisms and the development of

immunological methods to detect chemical and biological polluting agents. This

diversity of experimental approaches and applications to guarantee food safety,

also, constitutes another distinguishing singularity of the IATA within the

national context, since centres with this potential and complementariness of

resources in the matter of food safety do not exist.

3. Another strength of the IATA is in the activities related to packaging and

processes, where it has a long tradition and distinguishing aspects at national

level. The packaging laboratory is the only one of this type in the CSIC applied

to Food Science and is carrying out important activities in packaging

technologies, and application of new materials to food packaging. The IATA has

been prestigious in the area of food processing for decades and currently has

equipment in the so-called emergent technologies (high pressure, electric

pulses, etc.), with numerous applications to different lines of work, which

continue to make it competitive and outstanding.

4. A strength in our scientific area of performance is sensorial analysis and

analysis of food properties, which together with the sampling-room at the IATA,

confer a distinguishing singularity. It is important to emphasize that the


availability of this installation and the experience of the consumer’s evaluation

and acceptance of foods, confer to the IATA capacities that are still essential in

new food technology, since we are able to evaluate the sensorial quality and

the acceptance of the new foods that are to be developed in the future.

5. Other strengths in the scientific prowess of the IATA constitute what we can call

sectorial groups, in particular those dedicating their activity to products derived

from cereals, meat science and post-harvest of fruits. These groups, specifically

the first two, have a long tradition and prestige at a national level and are a

reference point in these lines of work at the CSIC. The group working with

cereals and derivatives is unique in the CSIC and one of the few national

groups working on this topic, and currently it has an outstanding presence in

international institutions. The group working in meat science also has a long

tradition in the IATA and its activity in cured meat products has turned it into a

point of reference among the CSIC centres and also at a national level, as

demonstrated by its integration into the Meat CECOC as a founding member.

The post-harvest group concentrates on citrus fruits and has a strong potential

on combining physiological and biotechnological aspects on the post-harvest

quality, conservation and pathology, which distinguishes it at a national and

international level. Finally, the works being carried out on juice characterization

are strategic in the Comunidad Valenciana and fill an important gap at a

national level. The fact that the IATA is able to house groups of these

characteristics, working on important products for the Valencian and national

agro-food sector, confers a very significant strength that is not to be found in

other national centres.

6. Some of the aforementioned strengths can be developed adequately given the

availability of facilities and multipurpose pilot plants (meats, cereals, post-

harvest, emergent preservation technologies) and with the potential of future

expansion and improvement. In addition, this potential allows the Institute to

maintain good relationships of interaction with industries pertaining to different

agro-food sectors and to undertake technological support projects and joint

contracts of cooperation reaching the standards of present day needs.

7. The three IATA departments have strong ties with numerous companies in their

respective sectors, a fact which allows, besides collaboration in technological

development, to have a clear vision of the needs in the company setting.


8. The geographic location of the IATA in important productive agricultural and

industrial surroundings confers strategic advantages affording the possibility to

get to know and become involved in current problems of the agro-industrial


9. A strength derived from the external relations of the IATA is the link with the two

main Universities located in Valencia (UVEG and UPV). The relationship with

the UVEG allows its professors/lecturers to develop their research work using

the IATA facilities. Moreover, IATA researchers are directly involved in

university teaching, affording the possibility of attracting young researchers,

besides offering quality teaching. The existence of a unit associated with the

UPV allows the IATA to approach joint collaboration projects in a

multidisciplinary way, since the lines of work preferred by the researchers in the

two institutions can be complemented

4.1.2. Weaknesses

In the IATA, like in other national research centres, one can detect weaknesses

inherent to their own scientific activity and others derived from the general situation in

the national surroundings and from the CSIC in science and technology.

1. A general weakness is related to human resources. As one can seen in

previous sections, with the staff incorporations and discharges that have taken

place in IATA over the last five years, there has not been any increase in the

research personnel, just a turn-over or replacement. This situation makes it

difficult to approach new lines of work and to improve the competitiveness of

the existing ones, and in weaker research lines it can even jeopardize the

capacity to continue the scientific activity if new incorporations are attended to.

2. With respect to the research support personnel, several considerations can be

made. There have been very little incorporation of personnel in recent years

and an imbalance exists in the distribution between the three departments. On

the other hand, the average age of this group is very high and relatively

homogenous, which will lead to a great number of retirements in a relatively

short period of time. We should, therefore, try to replace and increase this


section of personnel and to improve their distribution among the different

groups in order to improve their research potential.

3. Certain weaknesses exist in some specific aspects of research lines in which

there is competitive capacity. In food safety, for example, subjects related to the

traceability, analyses of some polluting agents and allergenicity are not being

attended to.

4. In questions of functional foods and aspects related to nutrition, IATA does not

have an outstanding competitive position. In recent years important efforts have

been made and financing of competitive programs has been obtained, but

weaknesses still exist, overall related to functional compound analysis,

experimentation in vivo and preclinical tests, matters that we are trying to


5. In certain research groups one can detect that they are focussing or

concentrating too much on very sectorial subjects and, although at the moment

they are competitive and they demonstrate indicators of quality, they could be

exposed to greater risks on facing possible future events, in such a narrowly

focussed line of work. The same issue can be raised in groups that repeatedly

maintain their activity in a very specific line, where the lack of innovation and

originality can imply a threat.

6. An excessive fragmentation of research groups or groups with few research

personnel could become a weakness of the IATA and jeopardize obtaining

finance in competitive projects, in which greater human resources are required.

7. We still have not developed or established the conditions to efficiently approach

the new technologies of global analysis (proteomic, genomic, metabolomic, and

bioinformatic) that will be complementary to the research lines in biotechnology

and to other work groups.

8. At the moment there is a shortage of research service or support units in the

IATA (genomic and proteomic services, analytical techniques, bioinformatics,

nutrition, biotechnology plant pilot and facilities for experimentation en vivo).

The non-existence of this type of service, as well as of qualified personnel and


of support, could mean that some lines, which are competitive at present, will

not to be able to develop properly in the future.

9. It is difficult to acquire and renovate high-cost scientific equipment and the pilot

plant, which is hard to finance through competitive projects, since the

infrastructure programs are clearly insufficient to cover these needs.

10. Indirectly, but with effects on the way society envisages the research being

carried out, we should point out the absence of a good service for the diffusion

of results and the low profile of the OTT (Technology Transfer Service), making

it difficult to transfer technology and to gain opportunities in the sector.

11. Finally, the lack of flexibility in the management and administration systems put

the IATA, like other centres or institutes of the CSIC, in a position of inferiority

compared to national and international competitors with more dynamic


4.1.3. Opportunities

The research lines being developed at the IATA and their future projection can have

strategic opportunities in the external environment that improve their potential and

growth. In recent years there has been renewed interest and legislative changes in

numerous concepts related to food, nutrition and health, which can imply a change in

the works underway and in the more traditional lines of food research. The position of

the different work groups at the IATA in some of these sectors can provide strategic

opportunities that should be exploited.

1. The growing interest and the preoccupation of society regarding food safety,

means that the research lines being developed at the IATA have great

possibilities of growth if they adapt to the expectations and the new needs

demanded by the industrial sectors and society. In this respect, the new

European normative in the matters of safety (91/414/CEE and SANCO

directives 2004) mean that scientific and technological opportunities can open

up for the lines working in rapid identification of micro-organisms, organic and

inorganic polluting agents, evaluation of microbiological risk and predictive



2. Likewise, the national strategy programs for nutrition and prevention of obesity

(NAOS) and the demand for new foods with functional properties, offer

opportunities for the research lines at the IATA oriented towards these

activities. These would include, mentioning some of the most significant

examples, the studies of the properties and characterization of the effects of

functional foods or some of their components, healthier foods, pre and pro-

biotics. An example of the position of the IATA to take advantage of these

opportunities is the financing of several research projects for the mobilizing

projects on functional foods. Complementary to this, the interest in promoting

the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables implies a greater support to the

research lines in this context, in which the IATA could have opportunities.

3. The strategies directed towards consumer acceptance and perception of foods

(consumer sciences) within the concept "from the table to the farm" are

fundamental in the new European food programs. The IATA can participate in

these strategies since it has groups with the experience and capacity to

become involved in these studies and, especially, in sensorial quality and

consumer acceptance of new foods.

4. From an environmental perspective or that of "white" technologies,

opportunities can present themselves where IATA groups, with their

experience, are in a good position to help resolve problems. They could achieve

this by means of non-polluting technologies, use and revaluation of by-products

in the agro-food industry, non-polluting strategies to control pathogenic agents,

among others.

5. The multidisciplinary character of research carried out at the IATA can offer

different strategic opportunities in the face of external situations, like those that

demand the involvement of specialized groups to undertake a possible

emergency or problem, of interest for the central or autonomic administration.

Two significant examples of this, are the involvement of a group from the IATA

in the crisis of Aznarcollar and the incorporation of the IATA in the technological

platform Agrofoods of the “Conselleria d’Agricultura, Pesca i Alimentació de la

Generalitat Valenciana” to encourage research of interest in this sector in the

Comunitat Valenciana.


6. Collaboration activities between different research groups can generate

strategic opportunities in approaching lines of work that are of present interest,

like the application of biotechnology to improve aspects or specific components

in the food quality or in pathogen control systems, for example.

7. One opportunity derived from the genesis of Biopolis from the IATA and its

present location, is the possibility of increasing and encouraging scientific

relations with companies, so that it could also be a vehicle to establishing

relations with the companies from the sector of the applied developments

generated in the IATA.

4.1.4. Threats

The following are the main threats detected in our external environment:

1. A threat derived from weaknesses previously discussed is that certain

vacancies of scientific personnel in specific groups are not filled, since that

could seriously jeopardize their continuity and competitiveness. This situation

could take place in the line of sensorial analysis and in some groups related to

food safety.

2. As mentioned in previous sections, the shortage of staff to support research

and the failure to replace the current staff can pose a threat to the activities of

the IATA. If measures are not taken in the course of the five-year period

corresponding to this strategic plan, the situation will become a real threat in the

next five-year period, in which a huge number of retirements will take place.

3. Changes in legislation and the current perception on genetically modified

organisms could be a threat for the research groups in food biotechnology that

would jeopardize their strategies of genetic manipulation directed towards the

production and improvement of food.

4. The shortage of public resources allocated to research in agriculture and the

food industry is a serious threat. In this sense, the future disappearance of the

FEDER funds can imply significant cutbacks in those institutes that have

received financing in previous years. The national plans in agriculture and food

are not capable of covering all the current needs and on occasions they hinder


new commitments to less contrasted or risk topics. This problem is equally

evident in the renovation and acquisition of new scientific equipment.

5. The difficulty to access the financing from the 6º European Union Framework

Programme means a general threat for several national institutes. The new

guidelines of the 7º Programme would suggest better competitive conditions for

the IATA, as used to happen in previous programmes.

6. A threat derived from the Spanish managerial structure in agriculture and the

food industry is the scarce involvement of companies, with a small allocation of

resources to research. The majority of companies in this sector are small to

medium sized and their possibilities and tendencies towards research, as

opposed to other scientific areas, are limited.

7. The lack of connection between the technological centres and the research

institutes jeopardizes what should be the natural means of diffusion and transfer

of technology.

8. The difficult and bureaucratized administrative management of the research

carried out is an important threat in the research centres.

9. Another general threat to the Spanish system of Science and Technology is the

absence of a well defined career in research and its incentives. This dissuades

new personnel from incorporating.

4.1.5. Integrated analysis

The activities and scientific capacities of the working groups make IATA stand in a

favourable position in its close environment. At a local scale, IATA holds a distinctive

and strong position with respect to other centres and Universities in the Valencian

region. (Comunidad Valenciana). The basic orientation of the research carried out at

the IATA is complementary to that developed in other agricultural and food research

institutes, such as the Institute of Research in Foods for Development (IIAD-UPV), unit

associated to the CSIC - mostly orientated towards food processing and engineering,

the AINIA and the ITENE - technological centres and service providers, or the IVIA -

which is strongly agronomy-orientated. Besides, there are close working relations with


all of them, coordinated projects in some cases and a vocation to collaborate and

complement each other.

On a national scale, the important singularities and distinctive features of the IATA

cannot be found in other national centres from CSIC or from other institutions. One of

its most relevant characteristics is its multidisciplinary working lines, with singular and

highly specialized groups which can offer the CSIC a national reference in their

respective working lines. Most of the working lines that are being developed at the

IATA differ from those of other similar institutes (IG, IF, IFI, IPLA) or they approach

complementary aspects in common research lines.

At an international level, the presence of many of the researchers from IATA on

committees, editorial advisory bodies, international conferences, etc., proves that many

of the research groups and activities developed are clearly visible and relevant.

In the first chapter of this strategic plan, scientific activities developed in the IATA have

been integrated in four generic lines of research that can be a good reference of their

activities as a whole. In chart 4.1, each of these activities and their competitive position

are globally assessed.

Chart 4.1 Competitive Position of the Centre or Institute in the research lines

Line of research

Global assessment Capacity Quality Competitive

trend Relevance Suggested course of

action Food biotechnology 4 4 5 4 4 To be


Food Safety 4 3 4 3 4 To be improved

Quality, nutrition and health

3 3 4 3 4 To be improved

Food processing and preservation

4 4 4 4 4 To be improved


4.2.1. Mission


The main mission of IATA is to develop fundamental, multidisciplinary and applied

research to advance, generate knowledge and technological development in the area

of Food Technology and Science. This mission is carried out through the research in

microbiology and biotechnical applications in food, food safety and quality

improvement, food processing and preservation. This mission also seeks to contribute

to the corresponding technology transfer to the industrial sector and to facilitate the

immersion of science in the social fabric by means of complementary activities of

education, diffusion and personnel training.

4.2.2. Vision

The future projection of the mission and the aim of the activities of the Institute is to

become a reference at national and international levels, integrating multidisciplinary

studies that lead to obtaining better quality, safer food that satisfy the consumer’s

needs for well-being and health. To achieve this, IATA should direct its efforts to the

consolidation of the leading research groups and to promote or encourage new

research lines and groups so that their capacities are improved. In short, the aim is to

position the Institute in a vanguard situation in the national and international

competitive environment of Food Science research.

In accordance with this vision, the Institute must strengthen its tasks related to training

and diffusion of information. To stay in a competitive position it is necessary to

persevere in the educational activities and training of scientists and technologists in the

most necessary areas and in those areas for which a great social and industrial

demand exists. Finally, it is necessary to promote the technology transfer to industry

and improve the external image of the Institute in its ambit of work.


4.3.1. General objectives

The general aim of IATA is to promote and develop competitive research works that

generate knowledge and technological development in order to obtain better quality,

safer and more nutritional food, improving the production and preservation processes.

This general objective is developed through: a) the study of micro-organisms and the

alimentary bio-processes in which they take part, b) the study and application of

processing and preservation technologies which are less aggressive for the nutritional


and functional components of food, c) systems of evaluation and control of pollutants in

food to guarantee their safety, and d) improvement of the quality and nutritional

features of food.

4.3.2. Specific objectives

To achieve the general objectives that define the activity of the Institute, the following is

the suggested plan of action according to the specific objectives detailed in chart 4.3.2.

1. Potentiate the competitivity of the IATA in food safety. 2. Stimulate the development and application of food conservation and

processing technologies. 3. Stimulate research in biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology in foods. 4. Improve competitivity in food quality and stimulate activities in functional

foods and nutrition.

The actions proposed for the development of each of these objectives are

encompassed within two general strategies: horizontal activities, which concern

contributions from each research group to specific objectives of the Institute, and

vertical activities, which are those of a general nature to improve the competitive

capacity of research groups (improvement in laboratories and general services,

encouragement of new lines of research and increasing human resources in


The specific objectives of the Institute's activities will be pursued through the following

defined actions:

Objective 1. Potentiate the competitivity of the IATA in food safety

Action: Methods for the detection and characterisation of emerging pathogenic

micro-organisms and micro-organisms that cause food alterations, and stimulation of studies of mechanisms of virulence.

Responsible: Molecular taxonomy group

Industrial yeast molecular microbiology group Lactic and probiotic bacteria group


What to do:

• Encourage the development and validation of detection kits and stimulate their transfer to industry

• Increase researcher training to make more qualified research personnel available to industry

• Collaborate with clinical groups • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: A Ramón y Cajal contracted researcher is currently engaged in this work Period: 3 years Observations: This is the only Food Biotechnology Department working in this field with

in vivo models, Action: Maintain current studies in predictive microbiology and advance in risk

assessment Responsible: Preservation processes research group What to do:

• Increase the number of researchers trained in risk assessment

Conditions: Period: 4 years Observations: Contacts need to be established with the appropriate authorities on food

safety in order to define the range of the work Action: Metal contaminants and their chemical species Responsible: Metallic contamination group What to do:

• The development of rapid methods for detection of inorganic contaminants

• Bioavailability of metallic contaminants • Contract post-doctoral researchers • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: A postdoc is currently working abroad. Action: Consolidate immunoassay methods for the detection of chemical and

biological contaminants


Responsible: Analytical immunotechnology group What to do:

• Increase the number of researchers • Establish a cell culture laboratory

Conditions: Part of the infrastructure required is already available. Period: 3 years Observations: This is an area of research that was initiated by a Ramón y Cajal

contracted researcher who has since obtained a staff scientist position and currently has two projects financed

Action: Maintain work on the analysis of residues in meat products Responsible: Meat science research group What to do:

• Extend the agreement with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Valencian Community local government

Conditions: Period: 5 years Observations: This activity will allow the IATA to continue to be a centre of reference in

the analysis of residues in meat products, to maintain equipment and contracted personnel.

Action: Creation of a cell culture laboratory/unit and access to animal house

facilities Responsible: IATA What to do:

• Provision and appropriate conditioning of space for a general-use laboratory

• Complete the acquisition of equipment required by the IATA (request financing via infrastructure programmes)

• Reach agreement with the University of Valencia on the use of the animal house facilities in the Faculty of Pharmacy

Conditions: Part of the equipment required for this laboratory is already in place and

a staff scientist with the necessary experience has recently been appointed.

Period: 1-2 years Observations: This laboratory will also be used in activities related to functional foods

(Objective 4). The animal house in the Faculty of Pharmacy is a modern facility located close to the IATA, and agreements with the University of Valencia will permit its use.


Objective 2. Stimulate the development and application of food processing and preservation techniques

Action: Develop processes of food conservation using emerging technologies Responsible: Preservation process research group What to do:

• Study the effects of high pressures and electric pulses on pathogenic micro-organisms and nutritional components

• Train research personal in those areas suffering deficits • Contract post-doctoral researchers • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 3-4 years Observations: A post-doc is currently working abroad. Retirements of personnel will

affect this line of research during the quinquennial Action: Development of new packaging technologies and materials Responsible: Packaging research group What to do:

• Study food-packaging interactions • Active packaging technology and shelf-life modelling • Polymeric materials and nanotechnologies • Train research personal in those areas suffering deficits. • Contract post-doctoral researchers • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 3-4 years Observations: A Ramón y Cajal contracted researcher is currently working within the

group. Action: Development of processes for the obtention of high quality fruit juices Responsible: Juice research group What to do:

• Modification of methods of extraction and processing for mandarin juice

• Treatments to maintain fruit juice quality • Train research personnel


Conditions: Period: 2-3 years Observations: Action: Development of processes for the obtention of high quality meat

products Responsible: Meat science research group What to do:

• Modification and improvement of traditional processes • Train research personnel

Conditions: Period: 3-4 years Observations: Action: Design of processes for the obtention of new cereal-derived products Responsible: Cereals research group What to do:

• Modification of traditional processes • Design of new formulations and evaluation of their usefulness • Contract post-doctoral researchers

Conditions: Period: 3-4 years Observations: Action: Preservation technologies to maintain post-harvest fruit quality Responsible: Post-harvest physiology and biotechnology research group What to do:

• Preservation systems and alternative treatments to arrest physiological and pathological alterations during post-harvest fruit storage

• Effects of preservation systems on quality

Conditions: Period: 3-4 years Observations:


Objective 3. Potentiate research into the biochemistry, microbiology and biotechnology of foods

Action: Maintain studies on enzyme structure/function and molecular

engineering, and develop research on antibody engineering Responsible: Protein structure and function research group

Bakers yeast research group Immunotechnology group Fungal biotechnology group

What to do:

• Maintain collaborations with centres working on protein crystallization • Strengthen relations with PYMES for the production of 'a la carte'

enzymes. • Train research personnel. • Increase the number of researchers.

Conditions: Relations already exist with crystallography groups and industry Period: 2-5 years Observations: This is the only Food Biotechnology Department in the CSIC which is

applying protein engineering techniques Action: Production of proteins and their application in industrial agro-food

processes, and studies of peptides of food interest Responsible: Bakers yeast research group

Wine enzymes research group Post-harvest physiology and biotechnology research group Fungal biotechnology research group Response to pathogens research group Lactic and probiotic bacteria research group

What to do: • Design and production of peptides and antimicrobial proteins and the

study of their properties • Production systems for proteins of interest to the food industry • Provision of a Biotechnology Pilot Plant and associated staff • Strengthen relations with industry in the agrochemical production

sector • Train research personnel • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Financing of equipment and the installation of the pilot plant Period: 2-5 years Observations: Ability to produce proteins in the three principal groups of micro-

organisms: yeasts, fungi and bacteria. A Ramón y Cajal contracted


researcher and a Juan de la Cierva post-doc are currently working in this area

Action: Studies on the biochemistry, proteomics and immunology of meat

products Responsible: Meat science research group

What to do:

• Studies of biochemical mechanisms involved in quality • Application of proteomic and immunological techniques • Contract post-doctoral researchers • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 1-3 years Observations: A post-doc researcher is currently working in this area Action: Study of dough biopolymers Responsible: Cereals research group

What to do:

• The relationship between composition/structure and function • Interaction between ingredients • Train research personnel

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: Action: Metabolic engineering and studies on the molecular mechanisms of

adaptation of micro-organisms to agro-food processes Responsible: Lactic and probiotic bacteria research group

Bakers yeast research group Fungal biotechnology research group Industrial yeasts molecular microbiology research group

What to do: • Application of genomics and proteomics • Strengthen relations with industrial producers of culture starters and

PYTMES which require cultures having specific applications • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Financing of scientific equipment and a pilot plant


Period: 1-3 years Observations: Two Ramón y Cajal contracted researchers and a post-doc are working

in these areas Action: Biotechnological applications of non-conventional micro-organisms Responsible: Bakers yeats research group

Wine enzyme research group Industrial yeasts molecular microbiology research group Post-harvest physiology and biotechnology research group

What to do: • Characterise new strains and develop new starter cultures • The study and improvement of the biocontrol properties of yeast

antagonists • Train research personnel • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: A post-doc is currently working in this area Action: Biotechnological and functional genomics approaches to improve the

quality of fruit and vegetable products Responsible: Post-harvest physiology and biotechnology research group

What to do:

• Functional genomics of post-harvest citrus fruits • Components in fruit quality • Train research personnel • Increase the number of researchers

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: A Ramón y Cajal contracted researcher is working in one of these

research areas Action: Provide the IATA with the resources necessary for conducting high

throughput functional genomics Responsible: IATA

What to do:

• Provision and conditioning of the facilities required


• Complete the acquisition of equipment required (application for financing in infrastructure programmes)

• Appoint a suitably qualified research assistant to supervise, manage and maintain the facilities and equipment

Conditions: It will be necessary to refurbish general use laboratories in order to provide

the facilities demanded by these technologies Period: 3 years Observations: Part of the equipment to start genomics and proteomics is already

available. This activity is intended to provide a general service for various groups and research areas in the IATA

Objective 4. Improve competitivity in food quality and stimulate research lines on

functional foods and nutrition Action: Analysis of food properties Responsible: Physical and sensorial properties research group

What to do:

• Interactions between food ingredients • Studies on digestibility • Increase the number of research personnel

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: A Ramón y Cajal contracted researcher is currently working in the group Action: Sensorial analysis of foods and consumer perception Responsible: Physical and sensorial properties research group

What to do:

• Release and perception of food flavour and odour. Consumer psychology

• Contract post-doc researchers and stabilise the group’s position • Increase numbers of research personnel

Conditions: Period: 3 years Observations: The failure to appoint a staff scientist during the present quinquennial

could compromise this activity. A post-doc is currently working abroad


Action: Studies on the mechanism of action of both probiotics and functional food components

Responsible: Lactic and probiotic bacteria research group

Wine enzyme research group Protein structure and function research group Juice research group Bifidobacteria research group Physical and sensorial properties research group

What to do: • Actively search for researchers having competitive curricula and the

desire to join the group • Identify and mobilise scientific contacts with groups specialising in

pharmacology, medicine and pre-clinical trials • Strengthen relations with industries in the nutraceutical sector • Train research personnel.

Conditions: Several projects are currently underway in which clinical groups are participating which will ensure the multidisciplinary training of PhDs.

Period: 4 years Observations: Ramón y Cajal contracted researchers that complement the scientific

background of the IATA researchers must be appointed to staff positions.

Action: Development of new functional foods Responsible: Lactic and probiotic bacteria research group

Bakers yeast research group Meat science research group Cereals research group Bifidobacteria research group Physical and sensorial properties research group

What to do: • Development of foods intended for specific population groups • Strengthen relations with industries in the food sector • Train research personnel • Increase the number of research

Conditions: Financed studies have been started in this area Period: 4 years Observations: A Ramón y Cajal contracted researcher is currently working in this area. Action: Development of meat products of high sensorial and nutritive quality Responsible: Meat science research group

What to do:


• Study of the mechanisms of generation and perception of aroma and flavour in meat products

• Development of functional foods of animal origin • Training of research personnel

Conditions: Period: 1-3 years Observations: Action: Studies on the quality and functional properties of fruit and vegetable

products Responsible: Post-harvest physiology and biotechnology research group

Juice research group What to do:

• Characterisation of organoleptic quality and nutritional components in fruits

• Functional properties of fruit juice components • Train research personnel

Conditions: Period: 4 years Observations: These studies are currently focussed on citrus fruits. However, extension

of the work into other fruits with distinct characteristics is foreseen


The orientation of the activities carried out at the IATA, as in other research centres,

should be located within, and understood from, the national R+D+I environment in the

context of food and agriculture, with its determining factors and limitations. Therefore,

we consider that the same criteria should be used in the evaluation process as those

normally used in the selection and evaluation systems where competition is frequent,

and which also show the research quality. For this reason the following criteria are


4.4.1. Quality Research

- Publications in international reviews of prestige according to the specific lines of

research and with a higher impact index.


- Index mentioning the publications.

- Number of invitations to participate in round tables, symposia, organization of

Congresses and scientific meetings.

- Number of researchers applying to work in our laboratories.

- Invitations to participate in the writing of book reviews and chapters.

- Participation in panels of editors from prestigious international magazines.

- Number of contracts with companies.

- Number of transferred patents.

4.4.2. Impact of the research

- Exploited and licensed patents.

- Doctors and other personnel trained in IATA working now on the industry.

- Participation in committees of experts and editorial committees, selection and

evaluation of the research.

- Requests for scientific-technical consultancy by companies or other public


- Request for participation in activities to disseminate scientific culture to society.

- Request for participation in activities of scientific dissemination to the industry.

- Participation in activities to train technical personnel or other professionals.

4.4.3. Generation of income.

- To obtain public funding in competitive projects from local, national or

international administrations.

- To obtain research contracts with private entities.

- Exploitation of patents.

- Offer of external services properly marketed/promoted through correct

functioning of the OTT and new communication technologies (IATA website).

4.4.4. Added value

Apart from the previous indicators, IATA can offer an added value to the CSIC in

specific singularities of its activity and its environment:

- A consolidated relationship with the two main Universities in Valencia, regarding

both research and teaching. There is an important contribution of the


researchers from the IATA to the Degree in Food Science and Technology of

the UVEG and the Diploma in Nutrition. Besides, different professors from this

University have their research laboratories at the IATA. Regarding the UPV,

there is a unit associated to the main Institute of this University in Food

Science, where many researchers from IATA are involved, both in joint projects

and in educational activities. These activities prove the strong relationship with

these two entities, which must be encouraged in the future.

- Similarly, IATA is a link and a centre of reference for research in food and

agriculture in the institutions belonging to the Generalitat Valenciana. This

relationship is verified in different agreements, projects, activities and services

with the different Consellerias with competences in this industry. Therefore

IATA is an added value to the CSIC in its relationship with the Generalitat


- Ample contribution in International Cooperation, especially the collaboration

with Latin America in researcher training.

- Finally, and as mentioned in previous sections, IATA provides the CSIC with an

added value in different research lines of research in which its groups are

outstanding and distinctive with respect to other CSIC centres. Included in

these activities are: a) groups working on industrial topics that specialize in

issues which other centres do not deal with or do not deal with in depth; b) the

capacity to approach different aspects of food safety; c) uniqueness in

biotechnological applications to Food Science; d) strong points in packaging

and processes, and e) strong capabilities in topics related to sensorial analysis

of food. These lines of performance, in which the strengths of the IATA reside,

offer an added value to the research and technological development in Food

Science carried out by the CSIC.



In order to attain the specific scientific goals proposed in the previous section the

following steps are proposed:


The current organisational structure of the IATA is appropriate for the management of

its activities. The Goberning Board (Junta) and Scientific (Claustro) committees have

well-defined functions, and are the bodies in which decisions are made and within

which the personnel of the institute participate. Provided these bodies function correctly

there is no necessity for additional committees. The management structure of the

institute in which the director is supported by the vice-director is adequate for the tasks

they have to undertake. However, due to the numerous responsibilities of the institute's

administrator and the large volume of work continually undertaken it is necessary either

to make provision for a secretary or to redistribute some of the administrator's

responsibilities to other administrative staff.

A general comment concerning the administrative situation of the protectoral students

is that it will be convenient to define mechanics by which they may actively participate

in the life of the Institute, since they made significant contributions to the scientific

activity of the Institutes.

The structure, organisation and personnel involved in both general services and the

research support units is adequate for current work needs. Nevertheless, and as has

been pointed out in previous sections of this Strategic Plan, attention will have to be

paid to filling those vacancies that arise over the next few years in order to avoid

compromising the services that these units currently provide.

The IATA is organised into three departments and these in turn are composed of

different research groups linked by the nature and complementarity of their lines of

investigation (see Section 1). Experience over the years has shown that the

maintenance of this type of organisation is beneficial to the progress of research, being

synergetic and enhancing productivity. In addition, within the Spanish research,

development and innovation environment where the acquisition of project financing

through the National Plan requires a certain relative mass of researchers, a structure in

which groups work in similar or complimentary areas aids the possibility of obtaining


funding. It is not therefore currently considered necessary to change the organisation of

groups however, where scientifically justified, their modification or the creation of new

groups is not excluded. In this regard, and perhaps not so desirably, several groups

have arisen that comprise just a single researcher. The institute needs to encourage

the formation of stable groups of sufficient size to favour their competitiveness.

Although individual researchers can make distinct and independent project

applications, their integration within the structure of a group brings more benefits than

there solitary existence.

Over the last few years, the majority of new scientific personnel joining the IATA have

been incorporated into existing groups since this improves and increases the scientific

capacity of a given line of research. Whilst this has not been, nor should be in the

future, an impediment to the preparation of grant applications or the development of

new research projects, neither should it threaten group cohesion. In some cases new

scientific personnel have initiated lines of work in which there was either little or no

previous activity, and a new group has thus been established. In these situations

integration into a department and collaboration with other research teams should be

encouraged with the aim of facilitating the commencement of a new and competitive

line of research.


The current organisation and distribution of the IATA has evolved progressively from

the dynamics of work needs and no major reorganisation is considered necessary.

Nevertheless, concrete localised modifications to respond to specific situations can be

contemplated which would not affect the general organisation.

It should be borne in mind that in the not too distant future the incorporation of new

scientific personnel will necessitate the creation of new research laboratories. The

IATA currently has a total of 25 laboratories available each intended to be shared by

two researchers, but all of which are currently occupied by 44 scientists. Despite the

apparent surplus of space, the progressive increase in the number of researchers (two

per year over the last five years, see section 2.1) combined with the reduced number of

personnel retirements means that space will run out for conducting research under the

prevailing conditions. Considering the proposal for new contracts/personnel made in

section 5.4.2, this situation could arise within three to four years. The structure of the

building in which the institute is housed offers two possibilities in the event of a need for


expansion. The basement of the central building is currently unoccupied and used as a

storage area as a result of major flooding in 2001. This large space could be adapted

and used for services which in the event of a similar occurrence would not lead to

dramatic and irredeemable losses thus permitting the utilisation of freed areas. The

second and more desirable possibility would be the construction of a third block

annexed to the existing two, space for which is already reserved in the ground plan,

which would provide 16 new research laboratories.

In accordance with the activities proposed in the specific objectives (table 4.3.2), the

creation of new shared-use laboratories is considered which will make it necessary to

create or redistribute work areas. Firstly, the creation of a cell culture laboratory could

be achieved by combining and conditioning a number of small rooms in the pilot plant.

The creation of a laboratory to house apparatus and equipment for genomics and

proteomics requires the modification of an area with adequate space. This may require

the restructuring or reorganisation of other laboratories of general use such that

sufficient space is made available for this new infrastructure. The construction of a pilot

plant for the Biotechnology Department requires major construction work and

investment. Based on the financing available and the necessities of the Biotechnology

Department's researchers, efforts will be made to undertake this satisfactorily. Finally,

improvements need to be made to the cereals, meats and post-harvest pilot plants.


In order to undertake the activities detailed in the specific objectives (table 4.3.2) it is

necessary to renew old and outdated equipment as well as to acquire new equipment,

both in the research laboratories and in the pilot plant.

Equipment to be replaced:

Liquid scintillation counter

Wine multi-analyser


HPLC Dionex

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer and HPLC

Colourimeter and visible spectrum spectrophotometer

Vacuum packing system

Installation of air-conditioning in the meat, cereals and post-harvest pilot plants


CG-MS with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation interface

Rheometer with optical microscope incorporated

Laboratory microwave oven

New equipment required:

Laser diffraction particle size analyser


Fluorescence microscope with integrated image capture

Sterile packaging system

CO2 incubator and laminar flow hoods for the cell culture laboratory

Genomic and proteomic apparatus

Equipment for the biotechnology pilot plant


5.4.1. Retirements/vacancies

Over the course of the five-year period considered by this strategic plan a considerable

number of both voluntary and obligatory staff retirements will occur, some of which may

well compromise the work capacity of certain groups. The following table details the

personnel categories in which these retirements will occur.

Retirements of IATA staff during the five-year period 2005 to 2009

PERSONNEL 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TOTALObligatory 1 1 2

Scientific Voluntary 2 1 1 1 5

1 Adm. 1 Tech. 2 Ass. Support

1 Ass. 1 Adm.

2 Ass. 1 Lab. 9

The total number of personnel retirements may well reach sixteen, and of these seven

will be CSIC staff scientists. In the current year one Research Professor will reach the

age at which retirement is obligatory (70 years), and two other researchers will reach

the voluntary retirement age. In 2006 one researcher will reach the obligatory

retirement age, and between the years 2007 and 2009 one researcher per year will

reach the age of voluntary retirement.


As regards support personnel, during the years 2006 and 2007 nine staff will retire, two

of which are administrative staff and five of which are directly involved in research

activities. Although it is just beyond the scope of this five-year plan, it is particularly

relevant to draw attention to the likely dynamics of future staff losses. During 2010 and

2011 twelve members of the services and support staff will retire and four researchers

will reach the age of voluntary retirement. Measures will need to be taken, especially

with regard to the former group, to plan for their replacement.

5.4.2. New positions

In accordance with the specific objectives and each of their corresponding proposed

activities (Table 4.3.2), the following table details the scientific profiles of new staff

scientist positions/contracts that are deemed necessary to achieve those objectives:

Staff Category Scientific profile

Biotechnology of micro-organisms of relevance in the

food industry

Biotechnology of proteins of food technological relevance

Microbiological food safety

Application of molecular techniques to food quality and


Chemical contaminants in food

Physiological effects and development of functional foods

Evaluation of food allergenicity/toxicology

Quality and nutrition of cereal derivatives

Metabolic and nutritional studies of foods.

Biochemistry of meat products

Biotechnology of the quality and postharvest storage of

plant products

Food quality and sensorial analysis

New technologies and processes in food preservation

New packages and technologies in food packaging

High throughput technologies in plant products

16 research scientists

Functional genomics and proteomics in foods


The scientific profiles correspond principally with those activities proposed in the

specific objectives for the future lines of research in the institute. These activities and

the incorporation of competitive scientific staff will strengthen those research areas in

which the IATA currently has potential and which should thus be maintained, and also

support the work capacity in lines of research which would otherwise be weakened by

forthcoming retirements. In addition, particular attention has been paid to incorporating

researchers into new areas of investigation which the Institute needs to potentiate.

In order for the IATA to maintain and improve its research capacity it is equally

necessary to provide other human resources. Based on the research activities

proposed, the nature of services which should be created and improved, combined with

the need to replace personnel of various categories, the following table details the

proposed new human resources required for services and research support and their

associated functions:

Staff category Function 3 research assistants (upper grade) Genomic and proteomics laboratory,

bioinformatics, and isotope services. Extension and technology transfer.

3 research assistants (lower grade) Cell culture laboratory, animal house, and pre-clinical trials.

3 administrative staff Replacement of the financial manager; administration section, and storeman.

8 laboratory auxiliaries Replacement of retired staff and incorporation into research groups lacking auxiliaries.

3 general services staff To be distributed across general services.


The economic forecast for the next five years is detailed in table 5.5


5.6.1. Departments

The scientific and technological projects maintained by the departments in the IATA

have demonstrated their robustness over the course of the last quinquennial, and

based on this experience they are considered to be perfectly suitable for the activities

proposed in this strategic plan. The research areas to the developed in the institute

over the coming five years are defined in the specific objectives and activities proposed


in table 4.3.2. of the previous section. These activities can be undertaken within the

current departmental and research group structure and represent a reinforcement of

current scientific aims. However, the future creation of new research groups or the

restructuring of existing groups in order to maintain a coherent and rational scientific

structure cannot be excluded should this become necessary as a result of

developments arising from the research work. In this regard, and as commented

previously, the intention is to avoid the atomisation of workgroups or the creation of

groups with a reduced number of researchers. Organisation into departments and

research groups should be coherent with projects and research aims such that

scientific capacity and/or the utilisation of resources is enhanced, but at the same time

should not be an obstacle to the generation of new resources or the incorporation of

new scientific staff. In addition, researchers in the workgroups should be open-minded

and flexible towards group structure. Whilst not renouncing possible changes which

may be considered to be advantageous in the future, the current structure and scientific

organisation of the IATA is appropriate for undertaking the strategic actions proposed

in this document.

The creation of a laboratory for genomics, proteomics and metabolomics providing a

general service within the institute is desirable, as is a centralised cell culture facility.

Access to an animal house is also required.

5.6.2 Services

The general services of the IATA must be maintained and consolidated both as regards

infrastructure and human resources, and some of the activities proposed are

specifically directed towards this objective.

Facilities in the pilot plant need to be improved since they are one of the strengths of

the Institute and provide a general service for the majority of research groups. The

provision of a pilot plant facility for the Department of Biotechnology is one of the

activities which need to be undertaken. Due to the limited human resources available in

the general services, the personnel of the pilot plant need to be involved in the

maintenance and supervision of all the facilities and equipment which are currently

available in this service.

Two activities which are proposed in the Strategic Plan are the creation of a cell culture

laboratory, a facility now required by a number of research groups, and secondly a


laboratory to house high throughput technology equipment (genomics, proteomics, and

in the future, metabolomics) which will cover the requirements of various research

groups and constitute modern techniques of great potential which have begun to be

used within the institute. The incorporation of an upper grade research assistant to be

in charge of the latter service is highly desirable. In both cases, certain laboratory

equipment is already present thus it is necessary to make space available in these

laboratories, preparing them appropriately and completing their infrastructure. In

addition a similar upper grade research assistant post dedicated to the supervision of

the isotope laboratory is required, since its absence is a current problem in the


With regard to animal house facilities, the most convenient course of action at present

is the use of existing facilities in the Faculty of Pharmacy in the University of Valencia.

This facility is located close to the IATA and agreements with the University permit all

aspects of its use by researchers in the institute. This provides a solution to fulfil

current necessities since the creation of this service within the institute itself is not

feasible at present.

The services provided by the general store and the purchasing system are good and

their efficient function is essential to the well-being of the institute. The introduction of

improvements into the buying procedure and the maintenance of the personnel

involved are measures which should be borne in mind.

5.6.3. External relations

The IATA is in a good position with regard to its external relations but measures should

be continually taken to improve these. In this sense it is essential that the institute

improves its projection/visibility to the exterior. The institute's researchers are involved

in various important national and international commissions, however, the Institute and

the CSIC need to be more visible to those institutions, industries and consumer

organisations within their ambit. This may be tackled by various science-based means:

• As mentioned throughout this document, relations with the University of

Valencia are of mutual interest and benefit and should be improved in the

future. The position of the University of Valencia in teaching and research in the

field of Food Science and Technology places the institute in a strategic position

which should be capitalised on. The IATA should become a point of reference

for the University in this scientific area.


• As regards the Polytechnic University of Valencia, relations with the Associated

Unit IIAD should be reinforced given that this provides a channel for teaching in

this University and is also a major scientific resource complementary to many

research groups in the institute.

• Relations between other associated units and the IATA are important for a

number of research groups and should be maintained and consolidated.

• It is important to maintain and improve relations with those departments of the

Valencian Community local government concerned with the agro-food sector. In

this sense, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has the greatest

profile and financial involvement, and new possibilities for improvements exist

which should be grasped. By the same token, interaction with the Department

of Health offers possibilities in relation to food safety which so far have not been


• Stable links should be created with other research centres and universities both

at national and international levels. Relations with the IVIA are important for

certain groups in the institute and should be improved.

Agreements should be reached between regional, national and international


• Collaborations should be established with industrial associations, technological

centres and consumer associations. In this regard, improving relations with the

AINIA could be of mutual benefit to both institutes.


The following activities are proposed to promote dissemination of science:

• Open days. Whilst this has not been an habitual practice in the institute it should

be encouraged and could be undertaken every two years.

• Visits by secondary schools, technical colleges and universities. These visits

are frequent in the IATA and should continue to be encouraged in the future.

• Publicity for research lines undertaken by the departments in national and

international contexts. The presence of the institute in Agro-food Fairs could be

an interesting possibility.

• The creation of an interactive web page with information concerning activities,

achievements and services provided by the institute.


• Potentiate technology transfer and the visibility of the institute by creating a

service for relations with the OTRI, technological centres, public bodies and

other interested social sectors.

• Present research lines during undergraduate courses, attract potential PhD

students, publicise the research undertaken.


Based on indicators of results over the last five years, the expectations of the IATA

prepared by the different research groups and departments are summarized in Table



Tabla 1.1.A. Distribution of the surfece area dedicated to management and general services Centre/Institute Centre Code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUÍMICA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Unit/service Facilities Location Florr area (m2) Director and management Offices and meeting room Distribuidor 500 Administration Offices Distribuidor 125 Library Distribuidor 465 Shelves, desks, offices, etc.. Computing Distribuidor

offices and computer room


Maintenance Offices, store room and maintenace facility Distribuidor 200

Genral Services Conference room Distribuidor 210

Store room Distribuidor 190 Receptionción Distribuidor 25 Cafeteria Distribuidor 590 First aid room Distribuidor 15 Distribuidor 600

Machine rooms, electric generator, high tension cables, lift, cleaning room.

Planta Piloto 35

Compress air service and water heater

Planta Piloto 30

Pilot plan store room, Biopolis and laboratories

Store room Planta Piloto 110 Pilot Plant Biopolis Planta Piloto 250

Offices Distribuidor 250 Secretarial office F.S.T.I.

Distribuidor 100 Teaching laboratoty Laboratories


Tabla 1.1.B. Surface areas dediceted to investigation distributed by departments Centre / Institute

Centre Code

INSTITUTO DE AGROQUÍMICA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Department Instalations Number/m2 Surface(m2) Biotechnology Laboratories and offices 10 (92 ) 920 Lpilot Plant laboratoties 1 17 Total surface Biotechnology Dep. 937 Preservationa and quality Laboratories and offices 6 (92) 552 Testing room 1 92 1 92 LaboratoriosAnálsis Instrumental 1 100 Microbiology Pilot Plant 2 (17,5) 35 Store room and offices Total surface Preservation and quality Dept. 871 Food Science Laboratories and offices 9 (92) 828 Laboratory 1 80 Offices 1 70 Meat Science Pilot Plant 1 365 Ceral Pilot Plant 1 210 Postharvest Pilto Plant 1 100 Total surface Food Science Dept. 1653

General Area Pilot Plant 1 490 General scientific servcices Isotope Laboratory 1 92 Genral Laboratories 4 (92) 368 Seminar rooms 4 (26) 104 Lecture room 1 40 Photocoy room 4 (10) 40 Cold rooms 2 (75) 150

Controllled temperature room 4 (30) 120

Total surface area of general scientific services 1404

Tabla 1.1.B. Surface areas dediceted to investigation distributed by departments


Tabla 1.3. Total human resources Centre / Institute Centre Code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUÍMICA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Department TOTAL Total scientific staff 45 Nº Research Professors 7 Nº Scientific Investigators 9 Nº Staff Research Scientists 21 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 1 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 5 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 2 Nº Doctores vinculados Total Staff support personel 50 Nº Investigadores Titulares 1 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 3 "Titulados de grado medio" 11 Ayudantes diplomados 2 Laboratory assistants 19 Laboratory auxiliary 1 Administrative 7 Administrative auxiliary 6 Total Labour support personel 12 Labour 1 1 Labour 3 3 Labour 4 1 Labour 5 2 Labour 6 3 Labour 7 2 Total Personel 107

Tabla 1.3.A. Distribution of human resources by department and category Centre /Institute Código de CentroINUSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Department Biotechnology Pres.and quality Food Sci. TOTAL Total scientic staff 16 11 17 44 Nº Research Professors 3 4 7 Nº Scientific Investigators 2 3 4 9 Nº Staff Research Scientists 9 4 8 21 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 3 1 4 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 1 1 Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 1 1 Nº Doctores vinculados Total Personal de apoyo investigación funcionario 7 5 15 27 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 1 1 Titulados de grado medio 2 1 4 7 Laboratory assistants 4 3 10 17 Research auxiliaries 1 1 Administrative auxilaries 1 1 Total of support personel laboral 1 2 3 Total of support personel 7 6 17 30 Total Personeal 23 16 34 74

Tabla 1.3.B. Distribución de recursos humanos por Servicios, Unidades y categorías Centro o Instituto Código de Centro INSTITUTO DE AGROQUÍMICA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104

Unidad y Servicio Administ. Inform. Est. Biblioteca Planta Piloto Mantenim. Serv. Gen. Edit. FSTI TOTAL

Total Personal de apoyo funcionario 9 4 3 2 1 2 2 23 Investigadores Titulares 1 1

Titulados Superiores 1 1 2 Titulados de grado medio 1 1 1 1 4 Ayudantes de Investigación 1 1 1 1 4 Administrativos 4 1 1 1 7 Auxiliar Administrativo 4 1 5 Total Personal de apoyo laboral 1 1 1 2 4 9 Grupo Profesional 3 1 1 2 Grupo Profesional 5 1 1 2 Grupo Profesional 6 3 3 Grupo Profesional 7 1 1 2 Total de Personal 10 5 4 2 3 6 2 32

Tabla 1.3.C. Distribution of average age and gender of all staff

Centro o Instituto Código de Centro

INSTITUTO DE AGROQUÍMICA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Categories Average % Man % Women Nº Research Professors 61,4 83,3 17,7 Nº Scientific Investigators 53,5 66,7 33,3 Nº Staff Research Scientists 42,7 42,8 57,2 Scientic CSIC personel 48,9 56,8 43,2 University professors 42,2 33,3 66,7 Other research 45 0 100 Total Scientific personel 47,8 51,2 48,8 Titulados Superiores (University graduates) 46,7 66,7 33,3 Titulados d egrado medio 54,2 50 50 Laboratory assistants 58,5 23,8 76,2 Laboratory auxilary 52 0 100 Admsnistrative 54,8 28,6 71,4 Administrative auxilary 46,2 33,3 66,7 Support staff personel 52,1 47,6 52,4 Support labour personel 48,4 66,7 33,4 TOTAL PERSONAL 50,5 44,75 55,25

Tabla 1.3.D. Distribution of average age and gender by departments

Centre / Institute Centre Code


Biotechnology Dept. Average

age % Man % Women % total IATA

Nº Research Professors 0 0 0 Nº Scientific Investigators 49,5 50 50 22,3 Nº Staff Research Scientists 43,2 55,5 45,4 41 University professor 42,8 40 60 83,4 Total Department 43,9 50,0 50,0

Preservation and quality % total IATA

Nº Research Professors 62,3 66,7 33,3 42,8 Nº Scientific Investigators 52 66,7 33,3 33,3 Nº Staff Research Scientists 44 25 75 18 University professor 39 0 100 16,6 Total Department 50,7 45,5 54,4

Food Science Dept. % total IATA

Nº Research Professors 60,75 100 0 57,2 Nº Scientific Investigators 56,75 75 25 44,4 Nº Staff Research Scientists 42 33,3 66,7 41 University professor 0 0 0 Total Department 49,9 58,5 41,2

Table 1.4. Most representative lines of research (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Lines of research Line 1 FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY Line 2 FOOD SAFETY Line 3 QUALITY NUTRITION AND HEALTH Line 4 FOOD PRESERVATION AND PROCESSES

Table 2.1. Human resources (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 44 44 47 46 45 Nº Research Professors 9 10 7 7 7 Nº Scientific Investigators 10 6 9 9 9 Nº Staff Research Scientists 21 22 20 21 21 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 1 Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 5 5 6 6 4 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 1 Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 2 2 2 Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 22 21 18 15 15 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 2 2 4 8 Nº I3P doctors 1 5 3 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 33 29 22 14 8 Total predoctoral personnel 38 45 45 52 54 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 7 13 14 16 19 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 5 5 7 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 28 32 26 31 28 Total civil service research support personnel 31 29 29 28 27 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 0 0 1 1 1 "Titulados de grado medio" 8 6 6 6 7 Laboratory assistants 21 21 20 20 17 Research auxiliaries 2 2 2 1 2 Total research support personnel (permanent) 2 2 2 2 3 Total contracted research support personnel 6 11 9 12 8 Total general services personnel 27 29 30 32 32 Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104

Equipment Year of


cost (euros) Annual

maintenance cost

Date end of useful

life Observations HPLC 2001 120.202,00 10 años High resolution capilary electrophoresis 2001 80.535,00 6 años Imagen analyzer of radioactive, and fluorescene and chimiofluorescence 2002 101.316,00 10 años Biomass and metabolite unit 2004 197.500,00 6 años Ssytem for DNA detection and analysis 2004 77.500,00 6 años High hydrodtatic pressure system 2004 222.662,00 6 años Oxygen permeability analyzer 2004 118.600,00 10 años

Table 2.3. Evolution of budgets (in euros)* (Centre/ Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total budget 6.597.771,09 6.489.178,40 6.615.113,10 7.008.926,33 7.354.115,11 Total external resources 2.441.858,09 1.932.957,10 1.696.201,00 1.884.492,00 1.916.529,00 Total internal resources 4.155.913,00 4.556.221,30 4.918.912,10 5.124.434,33 5.437.586,11 Personnel budget 3.524.930,73 3.529.433,16 3.903.475,07 3.867.166,67 3.991.381,02 Ordinary budget 495.913,63 630.424,98 602.078,98 641.341,18 629.512,21 Investments 135.068,64 396.363,16 413.358,05 615.926,48 816.692,88 * This information will be provided for the Centre/Institute

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 13 9 7 13 13 55 Nº PROFIT projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº. FIS projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº INIA projects 0 1 1 1 3 6 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 2 1 1 2 7 Nº regional government projects 7 6 5 8 12 38 Nº private foundation projects 1 0 1 0 0 2 Other competitive projects 3 0 5 1 5 14 Total Nº competitive projects 25 18 20 24 35 122 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 26 25,16 30,5 34 36,5 152,16 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 1.090.209 678.441 762.672 1.293.673 1.074.486 4.899.481 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financing (euros) FIS projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Financing (euros) INIA projects 0 67.851 70.680 0 229.254 367.785 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 200.000 169.920 5.920 54.504 412.075 842.419 Financing (euros) regional government projects 315.350 83.245 146.197 280.680 233.706 1.059.178 Financing (euros) private foundation projects 120.827 0 16.860 0 0 137.687 Financing (euros) other competitive projects 183.758 0 160.415 15.715 235.068 594.956 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 1.910.144 999.456 1.162.744 1.644.572 2.184.589 7.901.505

Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 55 67 76 81 96 375

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Appl Environ Microbiol 3 3 7 4 2 19 European Food Research and Technology 3 7 2 6 8 26 Food Chemistry 2 1 1 0 5 9 Food Hydrocolloids 1 2 3 1 9 16 Food Science and Technology International 4 8 2 5 2 21 J Agr Food Chem 7 10 4 5 10 36 Int J Food Microbiol 2 6 3 6 0 17 Meat Science 1 3 0 0 4 8 Postharvest Biology and Technology 1 0 2 2 2 7 Syst Appl Microb 2 0 3 2 1 8 Yeast 1 0 2 3 1 7 J Food Sci 1 3 2 4 1 11 J Biol Chem 2 0 2 1 2 7 J Appl Microbiol 0 0 1 2 4 7 Polymer 0 2 1 0 1 4 Journal of Food Protection 0 2 0 2 1 5 Food Additives and Contaminants 0 2 2 1 0 5 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 0 0 2 0 1 3 Cereal Chemistry 0 0 1 2 1 4 Journal of Food Engineering 0 0 0 1 4 5

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 5 3 0 1 4 13Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 16 22 10 14 16 78 0Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 9 4 16 23 22 74Nº collective works edited/directed* 0 0 3 1 2 6Nº books 0 0 1 0 0 1* Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 12 11 12 7 7 49 Invited presentations at national congresses 16 12 10 6 6 50 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 0 1 3 2 1 7 Total presentations at international congresses 18 11 6 14 13 62 Invited presentations at international congresses 21 14 13 14 16 78 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 3 5 1 5 4 18 0 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 3 2 1 2 2 10 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 1 1 Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 0 Board members of ISI journals 8 9 8 9 9 43 Board members of international non-ISI journals 1 1 1 0 2 5 Board members of national non-ISI journals 3 3 3 2 4 15

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 4 3 1 4 1 13NATIONAL patents obtained 0 2 0 2 2 6EPO patents applied for 0 0 0 0 0 0EPO patents obtained 3 0 0 0 0 3PCT patents applied for 0 0 0 1 0 1PCT patents obtained 2 0 0 1 0 3USPTO patents applied for 0 0 0 1 0 1USPTO patents obtained 0 0 0 1 0 1Portfolio active national patents 0 1 0 2 1 4Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 0 1 2 2 6

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 3 1 1 1 1 7 Patentes in exploitation 1 0 0 0 1 2 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents 0 0 0 0 4,9 4,9 0 Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 0 0 0 1 1 2 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 0 0 0 2 6 8

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 7 6 8 10 7 38 Revenues from R&D contracts 138.994 141.320 284.279 386.796 191.421 1.142.809 Nº de technological or advisory services 0 0 0 1 0 1 Revenues from service or advisory contracts 0 0 0 3.500 0 3.500

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 3 1 2 0 1 7 Revenues from R&D contracts 39060 204344 238384 198334 150253 830375,03 Nº advisory services 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements 0 0 0 0 0 0 Associated R&D units 0 0 0 1 3 4

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant 0 0 1 1 1 3 Nº managers/assistant PN 5 5 4 4 4 22 Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 1 2 0 5 Nº regional government selection commission members 0 0 1 2 2 5 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 6 7 12 16 25 66 Other expert advisory committees 9 9 9 12 16 55

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGRQOUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 1 2 3 8 Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 4 3 2 4 14 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 0 1 0 0 2 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 2 0 0 2 1 5 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 3 1 4 6 4 18 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 6 3 2 7 2 20

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 15 10 14 15 16 70 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 4 5 2 3 4 18 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 2 2 1 2 3 10 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 4 2 2 0 2 10 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 6 0 1 7 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 0 1 4 3 9 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 11 4 4 7 6 32 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 19 23 22 21 24 109 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 4 6 7 12 14 43 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 5 6 7 8 10 36 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 0 2 1 3 5 11 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 0 0 0 0 1 1 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 0 0 1 1 0 2 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 0 0 3 1 2 6 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 5 4 3 4 3 19 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 7 8 8 7 8 38 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 6 2 2 3 1 14 Total technical I3P contracts granted 0 0 2 1 3 6 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 0 3 0 1 0 4 Other contracts for technical personnel 4 4 1 1 2 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 9 10 10 6 7 42 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 42 37 40 44 46 209 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 7 7 7 8 7 36 Total credits for doctoral courses 50 23,6 50 29,6 50 203,2 Total credits for postgraduate courses 21,5 14,5 14 20,5 22,5 93 Nº university associate professors 12 9 11 13 12 57 * In competitive calls for grants

Table 4.1. Competitive position of the Centre or Institute in the lines of research (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104

Line of research Overall evaluation Capacity Quality

Competitive tendency

Relevant observations Proposed action

FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY 4 4 5 4 4 To be improved FOOD SAFETY 4 3 4 3 4 To be improved QULITY, NUTRITION AND HEALTH 3 3 4 3 4 To be improved FOOD PRESERVATION AND PROCESSES 4 4 4 4 4 To be improved

Table 4.3.2. Specific objectives (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Objective Action Responsible What to do Conditions Period Observations See main text

Table 5.5. Evolution of the prospective budget (in euros) (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Years 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 2005-9 Total budget 7.847.205,43 7.998.129,57 8.217.465,01 8.811.691,81 9.659.038,27 42.533.530,09Total external resources 2.038.078,10 1.834.270,29 2.017.697,32 2.118.582,18 2.224.511,29 10.233.139,18Total internal resources 5.809.127,33 6.163.859,29 6.199.767,70 6.693.109,62 7.434.526,98 32.300.390,92Personnel budget 4.124.214,49 4.259.076,31 4.398.348,10 4.542.174,08 4.690.703,18 22.014.516,16Normal budget 669.213,87 685.944,21 704.464,71 724.894,18 747.365,90 3.531.882,87Investments 1.015.698,97 1.218.838,76 1.096.954,89 1.426.041,35 1.996.457,90 6.753.991,87

Table 5.8. Prospective values for general indicators (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre code INSTITUTO DE AGROQUIMICA Y TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS 110104 Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 2005/9 Total financing (euros) in competitive projects 3.753.500 2.627.000 3.655.500 2.720.000 2.912.000 15.138.000 Total nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 87 87 92 94 94 454 Nº articles in international non- ISI journals 9 9 8 6 9 41 Nº articles in national non- ISI journals 15 18 19 18 16 86 Nº books 12 12 11 11 10 56 Portfolio of active national patents 4 2 1 2 1 10 Portfolio of active EPO, USPTO, etc. patents 1 4 1 2 0 8 Patents licensed to companies 2 2 5 1 2 12 Start-ups initiated by Center/Institute personnel 1 0 0 0 0 1 Income from R&D contracts (private sector) 196.000 248.000 193.000 268.000 298.000 1.203.000 Income from contracts/consulting (public sector) 25.000 0 0 0 0 25.000 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 39 40 39 39 39 132 Total stock postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 15 14 14 17 21 68 Total PhD theses defended by C/I personnel 9 13 7 11 12 52 Total doctoral/postgraduate course credits 20 20 20 20 20 100

Department of

Food Biotechnology

Department of Food Biotechnology

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 17 18 19 16 16Nº Research Professors 3 3 2 Nº Scientific Investigators 3 3 3 2 2Nº Staff Research Scientists 7 8 8 8 9Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 1Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 4 4 5 5 3Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 1Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 12 12 8 11 9Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1 3 4 6Nº I3P doctors 1 3 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 12 11 4 4 3Total predoctoral personnel 12 17 15 16 18Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 3 4 4 7 6Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 2 3 4Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 9 13 9 6 8Total civil service research support personnel 8 8 8 7 7"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 1 1 2 2 2Laboratory assistants 5 5 4 4 4Research auxiliaries 1/1 1/1 1/1 1 1Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 2 5 6 7 5Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 5 4 3 5 9 26 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 1 1 3 5 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 2 Nº regional government projects 3 3 3 3 5 17 Nº private foundation projects 1 1 2 Other competitive projects 2 2 Total Nº competitive projects 12 9 8 8 18 55 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 14 13,66 19 11 19,5 77,16 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 478.793,00 € 297.371,00 € 358.250,00 € 366.004,00 € 820.660,00 € 2.321.078,00 € Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 67.851,00 € 70.680,00 € 229.254,00 € 367.785,00 € Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 200.000,00 € 164.000,00 € 131.275,00 € 495.275,00 € Financing (euros) regional government projects 66.171,00 € 70.028,00 € 96.497,00 € 140.479,00 € 91.974,00 € 465.149,00 € Financing (euros) private foundation projects 120.827,00 € 16.860,00 € 137.687,00 € Financing (euros) other competitive projects 145.204,00 € 145.204,00 € Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 1.010.995,00 € 599.250,00 € 542.287,00 € 506.483,00 € 1.273.163,00 € 3.932.178,00 €

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 26 26 37 34 26 149

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 J Biol Chem 2 2 1 2 7 Appl Environ Microbiol 3 2 5 3 2 15 J Bacteriol 1 2 1 4 Microbiol 1 2 2 1 6 Eur J Biochem 1 1 2 Int J Food Microbiol 2 5 2 3 12 J Agr Food Chem 3 2 4 9 Lett Appl Microbiol 2 2 J Food Sci 2 1 3 Anton v Leeuw 1 2 1 2 6 World J Microbiol Biot 1 1 Food Sci Technol Int 3 3 J Biotechnol 1 1 2 Trends in Biotechnol 1 1 Biotechnol Lett 1 1 J Appl Microbiol 1 2 4 7 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 1 1 Biochem J 1 1 2 Plant Physiology 1 1 Enzime and Microbial Technol 1 1 Arch Microb 1 2 1 4 Food Microb 1 1 2 FEMS Microbiology Lett. 1 1 3 5 FEMS Microb Rev 1 1

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) FEMS Yeast Res 2 2 4 Genome Res 1 1 Mol Biol Cell 1 1 Mol Cell 1 1 Mol Cell Biol 1 1 Mol Microbiology 1 1 2 Syst Appl Microb 2 3 2 1 8 Yeast 1 2 3 1 7 Int J Syst Evol Microb 1 1 1 3 J Inorg Biochem 1 1 Current Genetics 1 1 2 Biotechnology Bioengeneering 1 1 Lipids 1 1 Lait 1 1 Plasmid 1 1 Current Microbiology 1 1 J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 1 1 Mol. Phylogenetics 1 1 Microbiol. Ecology Health and Di... 1 1 J. Virol Methods 1 1 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 1 1 Nanotechnology 1 1 Planta 1 1 2 Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1 1 Plant Pathology 1 1 Physiol Mol Plant Pathol 1 1 J Invertebrate pathology 1 1 J Entomological Science 1 1 Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1 1 Plant Cell and Physiology 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 1 1 3 5 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 2 6 1 3 12 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 2 2 2 2 2 10 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110,104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 7 9 8 3 1 28 Invited presentations at national congresses 7 9 6 3 1 26 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 2 2 Total presentations at international congresses 8 4 1 7 3 23 Invited presentations at international congresses 8 4 1 6 3 22 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 1 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 1 1 Board members of international non-ISI journals 1 1 Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 2 2 3 1 8NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1 2EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained 3 3PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained 2 2USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents 1 1 2Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 1

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 3 3 Patentes in exploitation 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 1 1 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 2 2

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 3 3 Patentes in exploitation 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 1 1 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 2 2

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 1 3 Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 1 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 1 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 1 2 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 2 2 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 1 2 4

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Paloma Manzanares Mir Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 5 5 7 8 4 29 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 3 2 6 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 1 3 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 2 1 3 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 3 1 5 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 2 2 3 2 1 10 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 5 4 1 4 15 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 5 4 1 4 15 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 3 3 2 4 4 16 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 3 2 7 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 2 1 3 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 3 2 1 2 8 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 2 2 2 2 5 13 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 1 1 4 Total technical I3P contracts granted 2 3 5 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 2 1 3 Other contracts for technical personnel 1 1

Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 3 4 5 2 14 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 15 16 15 14 15 75 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses 5 4,6 5 8,6 4 27,2 Total credits for postgraduate courses 0,5 0,5 1 Nº university associate professors 2 2 2 2 2 10 * In competitive calls for grants

Table 5.8. Prospective values for general indicators (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre Code Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos 110.104 Department / Servicie / Reseacr Group Departamento de Biotecnología de los Alimentos Resposible Dra. Paloma Manzanares Mir Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 2005/9 Total financing (euros) in competitive projects 775.000 450.000 1.700.000 670.000 550.000 3.615.000Total nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 30 30 35 35 32 162Nº articles in international non- ISI journals 1 1 2 1 1 6Nº articles in national non- ISI journals 2 4 4 2 2 14Nº books 2 2 2 2 2 10Portfolio of active national patents Portfolio of active EPO, USPTO, etc. patents 1 1 1 3Patents licensed to companies 1 2 1 4Start-ups initiated by Center/Institute personnel Income from R&D contracts (private sector) 75.000 100.000 75.000 150.000 150.000 550.000Income from contracts/consulting (public sector) Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 20 20 20 20 20 100Total stock postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 11 10 9 11 13 54Total PhD theses defended by C/I personnel 5 7 3 6 7 28Total doctoral/postgraduate course credits 6 6 6 6 6 30

Department of Food Biotechnology

Baker's Yeasts

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 2 2 2 2 2 Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists 2 2 2 2 2 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 1 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 1 Total predoctoral personnel 1 2 1 1 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 1 1 1 Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1 1 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 1 1 Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 2 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 1 Total Nº competitive projects 1 2 1 4 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 2,66 3 5,66 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 144.844,00 185.650,00 330.494,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 28.609,00 28.609,00 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 139.194,00 139.194,00 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 139.194,00 173.453,00 185.650,00 498.297,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 1 1 3 4 2 11

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1 1 Current Genetics 1 1 Yeast 1 1 2 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1 1 Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1 1 FEMS Yeast Research 1 2 3 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 1 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 1 1 Invited presentations at national congresses 1 1 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses 1 1 2 Invited presentations at international congresses 1 1 2 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1 2 NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents 1 1 2 Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 1 1 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 2 2

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 2 Revenues from R&D contracts 47.667,00 144.647 192.314,00 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 1 Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 1 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 1

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Baker's Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. José Antonio Prieto Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 2 2 1 1 1 7 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 2 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 1 1 4 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 2 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 1 1 3 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted 1 1 2 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel 1 1 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 2 2 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 3 4 5 4 3 3 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses 1 1 4 1 7 Total credits for postgraduate courses 0,5 0,5 1 Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Food Analytical Immunotechnology

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 1 1Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1Nº I3P doctors 1 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship Total predoctoral personnel Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows Total civil service research support personnel "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 1 1 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº regional government projects 1 1 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 1 2 3 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects Financing (euros) National Plan projects Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 67.300 67.300 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 131.275 131.275 Financing (euros) regional government projects Financing (euros) private foundation projects 20.940 20.940 Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 20.940 198.575 219.515

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 2 1 3

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Biosensors & Bioelectronics 1 1 Nanotechnology 1 1 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Food Analytical Immunotechnology Responsible Ph. D. Antonio Abad Fuentes

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 1 1 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 6 7 6 5 6Nº Research Professors 2 2 1 Nº Scientific Investigators 2 2 1 1 1Nº Staff Research Scientists 2 3 3 3 3Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 1Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 1Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 3 1 1 4 3Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 2Nº I3P doctors 1 2 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 3 1 2 1Total predoctoral personnel 4 4 4 3 7Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 2 4Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 4 4 3 1 2Total civil service research support personnel 2 2 2 2 2"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 1 1 1Laboratory assistants 2 2 1 1 1Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 1 1 1Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 2 4 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 1 2 3 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº regional government projects 2 2 1 1 6 Nº private foundation projects 1 Other competitive projects 1 Total Nº competitive projects 4 1 3 2 5 15 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 3 1,5 2,5 7 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 187.600,00 18.000,00 195.700,00 401.300,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 67.851,26 161.954,00 229.805,26 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 200.000,00 200.000,00 Financing (euros) regional government projects 9.015,18 51.496,94 65.650,00 30.000,00 156.162,12 Financing (euros) private foundation projects 120.827,47 120.827,47 Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 329.842,65 67.851,26 239.096,94 83.650,00 387.650,00 1.108.094,85

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 6 13 8 8 6 41

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 J Biol Chem 1 1 2 Appl Environ Microbiol 1 2 3 J Bacteriol 1 1 Microbiol 1 1 Eur J Biochem 1 1 2 Int J Food Microbiol 2 3 1 1 7 J Agr Food Chem 2 1 1 4 Lett Appl Microbiol 2 2 J Food Sci 2 1 3 Anton v Leeuw 1 1 World J Microbiol Biot 1 1 Fodd Sci Technol Int 3 3 J Biotechnol 1 1 Trends in Biotechnol 1 1 Biotechnol Lett 1 1 J Appl Microbiol 1 2 3 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 1 1 Biochem J 1 1 2 Plant Physiology 1 1 Enzime and Microbial Technol 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 1 3 4 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 1 6 3 10 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 2 1 4 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 4 3 1 8 Invited presentations at national congresses 4 3 1 8 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses 4 3 1 1 9 Invited presentations at international congresses 4 3 1 1 9 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1 2NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 2 2 Revenues from R&D contracts 36.000 36.000 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members 1 1 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees 4 5 6 5 6 26

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 1 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology// Fungal Biotechnology/Wine Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Margarita Orejas/Paloma Manzanares

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 3 2 7 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 2 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 2 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 1 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 4 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 2 2 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 1 1 2 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 1 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel 1 1 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 2 3 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 3 2 2 3 5 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses 2 1 2 1 1 7 Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors 1 1 1 1 1 5 * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 1 1 2 2 2Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 2 2 2Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 3 3 2 3 3Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1 2 2Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 3 3 1 1 1Total predoctoral personnel 3 6 3 3 2Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 2 2 1 1 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 4 2 1 2Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1 1"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 1 1 1 1 1Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 3 5 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº regional government projects 1 2 3 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 1 Total Nº competitive projects 1 2 1 1 5 10 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 2 4 1 3 4 14 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 110.586,00 103.104,00 246.100,00 459.790,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 164.000,00 164.000,00 Financing (euros) regional government projects 24.000,00 33.756,36 57.756,00 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 6.010,00 6.010,00 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 6.010,00 274.586,00 24.000,00 103.104,00 279.856,36 687.556,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 5 3 7 5 5 25 List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Appl Environ Microb. 1 2 1 4 Arch Microbiol 1 1 Curr Microbiol 1 1 FEMS Microbiol Lett 1 2 3 Int J Syst Evol Microb 1 1 J Appl Microb 1 1 J Bacteriol 2 1 3 J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol 1 1 J Vivol Methods 1 1 Lait 1 1 Microbiol Ecology in Helath and Di. 1 1 Microbiology 2 1 1 4 Mol Microbiol 1 1 Mol Phyogenetics 1 1 Plasmid 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 3 4 7 Invited presentations at national congresses 3 3 6 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 1 1 Total presentations at international congresses 1 1 2 1 5 Invited presentations at international congresses 1 1 1 1 4 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 1 Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for 1 1PCT patents obtained 2 2USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 2 2 Revenues from R&D contracts Nº de technological or advisory services 181.035 181.035 Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN 1 1 Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 1 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 1 2

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics Responsible Ph. D. Gaspar Pérez Martínez

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 3 3 1 2 9 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 3 3 1 2 9 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 3 2 5 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 2 2 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 3 3 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 2 1 1 4 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 1 1 4 Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 2 1 3 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 3 4 2 2 1 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 4 4 4 4 3Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators 1 1 1Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 1Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 3 3 3 3 1Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 3 3 2 2 2Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1 2 2 1Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 3 2 1Total predoctoral personnel 3 5 5 8 7Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 2 2 4 4Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 2Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 2 3 2 3 1Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1 1"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 1 1Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 2 2Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 2 1 1 1 5 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 1 1 2 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 2 1 1 1 5 Nº private foundation projects 1 1 Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 5 3 2 2 1 13 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 6.5 (Grupo 6) 5.5 (grupo 4) 2 2.5 (grupo 1.5) 16.5 (grupo 13.5) Financing (euros) National Plan projects 223.483,71 35.941,00 167.650,00 129.300,00 556.374,71 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 67.851,26 70.680,00 138.531,26 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 57.156,18 20.419,23 53.888,72 13.219,00 144.683,13 Financing (euros) private foundation projects 120.827,47 120.827,47 Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 401.467,36 124.211,49 238.330,00 183.188,72 13.219,00 960.416,57

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 9 6 14 7 5 41 List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Anton v Leeuw 1 1 2 4 Appl Environ Microbiol 1 1 2 1 5 Arch Microb 1 2 3 Food Microb 1 1 2 FEMS Microb 1 1 FEMS Microb Rev 1 1 FEMS Yeast Res 1 1 Genome Res 1 1 Int J Food Microb 2 1 1 4 Int J Syst Evol Microb 1 1 J Appl Microb 1 1 2 J Biol Chem 1 1 J Inorg Biochem 1 1 Microb 1 1 Mol Biol Cell 1 1 Mol Cell 1 1 Mol Cell Biol 1 1 Mol Microb 1 1 Syst Appl Microb 1 2 1 1 5 Yeast 1 1 2 4

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 1 1 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 1 1 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 1 2 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 2 3 1 2 1 9 Invited presentations at national congresses 2 3 1 2 1 9 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses 2 1 3 1 7 Invited presentations at international congresses 2 1 3 1 7 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 2 1 3NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained 3 3PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 3 3 Patentes in exploitation 1 1 1 1 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 18.631 18.631 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees 1 1 1 2 2 7

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 2 2 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 1

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Microbiology of Industrial Yeasts Responsible Ph. D. Emilia Matallana Redondo

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 2 1 1 6 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 2 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 2 Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 1 2 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 1 3 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 2 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 1 1 3 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted 1 1 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 1 1 2 Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 2 2 1 1 6 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 5 4 3 5 5 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses 1 2,6 1 2,6 1 8,2 Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors 1 1 1 1 1 5 * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Molecular Taxonomy

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 1 1 1 1 1Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 1 1 1Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 1 3 1 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 1 3 1 Total predoctoral personnel 1 2 2Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 1Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 1Total civil service research support personnel "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 2 2 Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 2 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 1 2 3 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 2 5 7 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 94.239,00 60.960,00 155.199,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 30.000,00 30.000,00 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 94.239,00 90.960,00 185.199,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 2 1 1 3 2 9 List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Appl Environ microb 1 1 Int Microb 1 1 Int J Syst Evol Microb 1 1 J Agr Food Chem 2 2 J Appl Microb 1 1 Syst Appl Microb 1 1 1 3

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 1 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 1 1 Board members of international non-ISI journals 1 1 Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 54.092 54.092 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Molecular Taxonomy Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Aznar Novella

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 3 1 5 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 2 1 4 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 2 3 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 2 3 Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 2 2 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Response to Pathogens

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 3 3 1 1 1Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 2 2 1 1 1Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" 1 1 Total contracted postdoctoral personnel Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship Total predoctoral personnel 1 1 1 1Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 1 1 1Total civil service research support personnel "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 1 1 4 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 1 3 Nº private foundation projects 1 1 Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 1 2 3 1 1 8 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 4 7 11 3 5 30 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 15.000 3.000 3.000 94.900 115.900 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 21.000 21.000 14.999 56.999 Financing (euros) private foundation projects 16.860 16.860 Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 15.000 24.000 40.869 94.900 14.999 189.759

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 3 2 4 2 11

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 J. Agric. Food Chem 1 1 Planta 1 1 2 Biochem. Biophys Res Commun 1 1 Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 1 1 Plant Pathology 1 1 Applied and environmental microbiology 1 1 J. Invertebrate pathology 1 1 Journal of entomological science 1 1 Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 1 1 Plant Cell and Physiology 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Response to Pathogens Responsible Ph. D. Carmen González Bosch

Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 1 3 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 1 1 3 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 1 1 1 1 4 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses 1 1 1 1 4 Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Biotechnology

Structure and Function of Enzymes

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 1 1 1 1 1Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 1 1 1Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 2 2 2 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 2 2 2 Total predoctoral personnel 1 1 1 1Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 1 1Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries 1 1 1 Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 1Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 1 3 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 1 1 1 3 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 2 1.5 1.5 5 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 146.069,98 20.700,00 132.250,00 299.019,98 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 146.069,98 20.700,00 132.250,00 299.019,98

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 4 0 2 1 2 9

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Journal of Biological Chemistry 2 1 1 4 Current Genetics 1 1 Journal of Biotechnology 1 1 Lipids 1 1 FEMS Microbiology Letters 1 1 Yeast 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 1 1 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 1 2 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 3 3 Invited presentations at national congresses 2 2 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 1 1 Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents 2Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 2 Revenues from R&D contracts 7.212 7.212 14.424 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Biotechnology/ Structure and Function of Enzymes Responsible Ph. D. Julio Polaina Molina Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 2 2 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 2 2 Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted 1 1 2 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 1 1 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Food Science


Food Science Department

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 16 15 15 17 17 Nº Research Professors 2 3 3 4 4 Nº Scientific Investigators 4 3 2 4 4 Nº Staff Research Scientists 9 8 9 8 8 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 0 Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 0 0 0 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 0 Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 0 0 1 1 1 Nº "Doctores vinculados" 0 0 0 0 0 Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 5 6 6 5 3 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 0 0 0 0 1 Nº I3P doctors 0 0 0 2 2 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 6 7 6 3 0 Total predoctoral personnel 11 11 15 22 23 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 4 3 5 5 5 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 2 2 3 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 7 8 8 15 15 Total civil service research support personnel 17 16 15 15 15 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 1 1 0 0 0 "Titulados de grado medio" 9 8 8 8 8 Laboratory assistants 6 6 6 6 6 Research auxiliaries 1 1 1 1 1 Total research support personnel (permanent) 2 2 2 2 2 Total contracted research support personnel 0 1 1 1 1 Total general services personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Total support unit personnel 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 4 4 3 3 4 18Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 0 0 0 1 0 1Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0 1 1 1 1 5Nº regional government projects 3 1 0 2 4 10Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 0 0 0 1 1 2Total Nº competitive projects 7 6 4 8 11 35Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 8 9,5 9,5 14 17 27Financing (euros) National Plan projects 225.572 339.746 301.300 403.219 348.126 1.617.963Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 0 0 0 48.954 0 48.954Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0 5.920 5.920 54.504 39.800 106.144Financing (euros) regional government projects 241.366 5.109 0 51.528 81.528 379.531Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 0 0 0 15.715 27.715 43.430Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 430.688 199.605 434.400 536.890 297.232 1.898.816

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 20 25 17 29 38 129

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Annals of Botany 1 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1 2 1 4 Archives of Virology 1 1 1 3 Biochimica and Biophyica Acta-Biomembranes 1 1 Cereal Chemistry 1 2 1 4 European Food Research and Technology 2 5 1 4 7 19 FEMS Microbiol. Letters 1 1 Food Chemistry 2 1 1 0 5 9 Food Hydrocolloids 1 3 4 Food Research International 1 1 1 3 Food Science and Technology International 3 4 1 3 1 12 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 1 3 0 6 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 2 3 2 4 3 14 Journal of Applied Microbiology 1 1 Journal of Bacteriology 1 1 Journal of Biological Chemistry 1 1 2 Journal of Cereal Science 3 3 Journal of Experimental Botany 1 1 Journal of Food Biochemistry 1 1 2 Journal of Food Engineering 1 4 5 Journal of Food Science 1 1 2 4 Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 2 2 4 Journal of Sensory Studies 1 1

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Meat Science 1 3 4 8 Molecular and General Genomics 1 1 Molecular Plant Pathology 1 1 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 1 1 Physiologia Plantarum 2 2 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 1 1 Planta 1 1 2 Postharvest Biology and Technology 1 2 2 2 7 Proccedings of the National Academy of U.S.A. 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 2 3 0 1 0 6Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 12 11 9 8 4 44 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 4 3 7 19 14 48Nº collective works edited/directed* 0 0 1 1 1 3Nº books 0 0 1 0 0 1* Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 2 2 3 3 4 14 Invited presentations at national congresses 6 3 3 2 3 17 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 0 0 1 1 1 3 Total presentations at international congresses 3 5 1 3 7 19 Invited presentations at international congresses 6 8 8 4 10 36 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 3 0 2 2 8 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 2 1 0 1 1 5 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 0 Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 0 Board members of ISI journals 5 6 6 6 7 7 Board members of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 1 1 Board members of national non-ISI journals 2 2 2 2 4 8

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 2 1 0 1 0 4 NATIONAL patents obtained 0 1 0 1 1 3 EPO patents applied for 0 0 0 0 1 1 EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 1 1 1 1 1 Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 4 1 1 2 2 5 Revenues from R&D contracts 79.297 20.323 20.738 59.261 50.593 215.186 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 2 1 3 Revenues from R&D contracts 36.060 204.344 204.344 198.334 138.233 735.255 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant 0 0 1 1 1 3 Nº managers/assistant PN 0 1 0 0 0 1 Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 1 0 0 3 Nº regional government selection commission members 0 0 1 1 1 3 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 0 1 1 3 5 10 Other expert advisory committees 1 1 2 4 7 15

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0 0 1 2 1 4 Nº projects in other European or international programs 0 2 0 0 2 2 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 0 0 1 1 2 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 3 1 4 5 2 15 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 0 0 0 1 0 1

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science Responsible Ph. D. Cristina Molina Rosell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 9 5 7 6 7 32 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 2 1 2 1 2 8 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 0 0 1 0 2 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 2 2 1 0 1 6 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 2 0 0 2 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 0 0 1 0 1 2 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 4 2 1 2 2 11 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 2 2 3 4 5 16 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 0 1 6 5 13 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 2 2 5 4 4 17 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 0 0 0 0 2 2 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 0 0 0 0 1 1 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 0 0 1 1 0 2 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 0 0 1 0 1 2 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 2 2 3 3 0 10 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 3 3 4 3 1 14 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 0 0 0 0 2 Total technical I3P contracts granted 0 0 0 1 0 1 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 0 1 0 0 0 1 Other contracts for technical personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 3 1 2 2 4 12 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 8 7 12 16 16 20 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 4 4 4 4 3 19 Total credits for doctoral courses 37 11 37 11 34 130 Total credits for postgraduate courses 4 4 4 4 4 20 Nº university associate professors 6 5 5 6 5 19

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) * In competitive calls for grants

Table 5.8. Prospective values for general indicators (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre Code Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos 110.104 Department / Servicie / Reseacr Group Food Science Department Responsible Dra. Cristina Molina Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total 2005/9 Total financing (euros) in competitive projects 1.248.500 1.437.000 1.655.500 1.357.000 1.548.000 7.246.000Total nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 35 32 32 34 35 168Nº articles in international non- ISI journals 3 3 1 3 10Nº articles in national non- ISI journals 8 9 10 11 9 47Nº books 10 10 9 9 8 46Portfolio of active national patents 4 2 1 2 1 10Portfolio of active EPO, USPTO, etc. patents 3 1 1 5Patents licensed to companies 2 1 3 1 1 8Start-ups initiated by Center/Institute personnel 0Income from R&D contracts (private sector) 21.000 48.000 18.000 18.000 48.000 153.000Income from contracts/consulting (public sector) 25.000 25.000Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 3 4 3 3 3 16Total stock postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 1 1 1 7Total PhD theses defended by C/I personnel 1 2 1 1 1 6Total doctoral/postgraduate course credits 4 4 4 4 4 20

Food Science Department


Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 4 4 4 3 3 Nº Research Professors 1 1 1 0 0 Nº Scientific Investigators 0 1 1 1 1 Nº Staff Research Scientists 3 2 2 2 2 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 1 2 4 2 1 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1 Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 1 2 4 2 0 Total predoctoral personnel 1 2 4 4 4 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 1 1 1 1 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 2 2 2 Total civil service research support personnel 5 5 5 4 4 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 1 1 1 1 1 Laboratory assistants 4 4 4 3 3 Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) 1 1 1 1 1 Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 0 1 1 0 0 2 Nº PROFIT projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº. FIS projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº INIA projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0 0 0 0 0 1 Nº regional government projects 0 0 0 0 1 1 Nº private foundation projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other competitive projects 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Nº competitive projects 0 1 1 0 1 3 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 3,5 2,5 0 5 11 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 110.838 69.000 179.838 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 26.000 26.000 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 12.000 12.000 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 110.838 69.000 38.000 217.838

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 5 9 5 13 22 54

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Cereal Chemistry 1 2 1 4 European Food Research and Technology 2 3 1 4 7 17 Food Chemistry 1 1 2 Food Hydrocolloids 1 3 4 Food Research International 1 1 2 Food Science and Technology International 3 3 0 2 0 8 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 0 2 1 2 0 5 Journal of Cereal Science 3 3 Journal of Food Engineering 1 4 5 Journal of Food Science 1 1 Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 1 2 3

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 2 2 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 3 2 3 3 1 12 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 5 1 8 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 1 1 2 1 3 8 Invited presentations at national congresses 1 1 1 1 3 7 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 1 1 Total presentations at international congresses 5 3 1 9 Invited presentations at international congresses 3 2 1 6 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 2 1 3 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 1 1 4 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals 1 1 1 1 1 5

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1 NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1 EPO patents applied for 1 1 EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 2 1 1 4 Revenues from R&D contracts 44.355 38.100 29.000 111.455 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 2 2 Other expert advisory committees 1 4 5

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs 2 2 2 Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 1 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 1 3 1 5 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Cereals Responsible Ph. D. Concepción Collar Esteve Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 3 1 2 8 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 1 1 4 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 3 2 2 9 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 0 0 0 1 0 1 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 2 4 3 1 11 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 1 1 2 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 2 3 2 8 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 2 4 3 1 11 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted 1 1 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 2 1 1 4 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 1 1 3 4 5 14 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 2 2 2 2 1 9

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 5 5 5 5 2 22 Total credits for postgraduate courses 2 2 2 2 2 10 Nº university associate professors 3 3 3 2 2 13 * In competitive calls for grants

Food Science Department


Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 4 4 Nº Research Professors 2 2 Nº Scientific Investigators 2 2 Nº Staff Research Scientists Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship Total predoctoral personnel 2 2 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 2 1 Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 0 0 "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel Total general services personnel

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 1 2 Total Nº competitive projects 2 2 3 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 4 4 4 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 106.000 106.000 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 15.715 15.715 31.430 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 121.715 15.715 137.430

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Food Chemistry 1 1 Food Science and Technology International 1 1 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 1 1 Journal of Sensory Studies 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 1 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units 1 1

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 3 3 6 Other expert advisory committees 2 2 4

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Juices Responsible Ph. D. José Mª Sendra Sena Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 2 2 2 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 1 3 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Food Science Department

Meat Science

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 5 4 6 6 6 Nº Research Professors 1 2 2 2 2 Nº Scientific Investigators 2 1 1 Nº Staff Research Scientists 2 2 3 2 2 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 1 1 1 Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 1 1 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors 1 1 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 1 1 Total predoctoral personnel 8 8 9 10 10 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 2 2 4 3 2 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 6 6 4 6 7 Total civil service research support personnel 7 7 6 6 6 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 1 1 "Titulados de grado medio" 3 3 3 3 3 Laboratory assistants 2 2 2 2 2 Research auxiliaries 1 1 1 1 1 Total research support personnel (permanent) 1 1 1 1 1 Total contracted research support personnel Total general services personnel

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 3 3 2 8 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 1 1 4 Nº regional government projects 1 1 1 1 4 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 4 5 1 2 4 16 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 6 6 7 7 8 7 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 131.333,17 228.907,54 0,00 79.418,86 242.325,96 681.985,53 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 5.920,00 5.920,00 54.504,00 39.800,00 106.144,00 Financing (euros) regional government projects 8.414,17 5.108,60 24.914,86 17.525,96 55.963,59 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 103.497,06 88.766,76 133.100,18 121.808,23 99.715,33 546.887,56

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 7 11 5 6 8 37

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1 1 1 3 European Food Research and Technology 2 2 FEMS Microbiol. Letters 1 1 Food Chemistry 2 1 4 7 Food Research International 1 1 Food Science and Technology International 1 1 1 3 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 1 3 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 1 1 2 Journal of Applied Microbiology 1 1 Journal of Food Biochemistry 1 1 2 Journal of Food Science 1 1 1 3 Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 1 1 Meat Science 1 3 4 8

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 9 7 6 5 2 29 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 2 1 4 4 12 23 Nº collective works edited/directed* 1 1 1 3 Nº books 1 1 * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses 4 1 1 6 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses 4 5 7 2 4 22 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 1 1 3 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 5 6 6 6 7 7 Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals 1 1 1 1 1 1

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1 2 NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1 EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies 1 1 Patentes in exploitation 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 1 1 1 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 19.916,51 20.322,97 20.737,73 21.160,94 21.592,80 103.730,95 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 1 1 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 204.344,12 204.344,12 198.334,00 138.232,79 735.255,03 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN 1 1 Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 Nº regional government selection commission members 1 1 1 3 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 1 1 2 Other expert advisory committees 1 1 1 1 1 5

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 1 3 Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 1 1 1 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 3 2 5 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 1 1

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Meat Science Responsible Ph. D. Fidel Toldrá Vilardell Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 8 3 4 2 2 19 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 2 2 4 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 4 1 1 2 2 10 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 2 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 1 1 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 Total stock postdoctoral contracts Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 3 5 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 4 4 7 6 3 6 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 1 2 1 2 1 7

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 2 6 2 6 2 18 Total credits for postgraduate courses 2 2 2 2 2 10 Nº university associate professors 2 2 2 3 2 3 * In competitive calls for grants

Food Science Department

Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total scientific staff personnel 7 7 5 4 4 Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators 2 2 1 Nº Staff Research Scientists 4 4 4 4 4 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 1 1 Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 4 4 2 2 1 Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors 1 1 Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 4 4 2 1 Total predoctoral personnel 2 1 2 6 7 Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 1 2 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 1 2 5 5 Total civil service research support personnel 5 4 4 4 4 "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 5 4 4 4 4 Laboratory assistants Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1 Total general services personnel

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 2 2 2 7 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects 1 1 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 2 1 2 5 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 3 0 2 4 4 13 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects Financing (euros) National Plan projects 94.239 232.300 217.800 105.800 650.139 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects 48.954 48.954 Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 232.952 26.613 38.002 297.567 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 327.191 0 232.300 293.367 143.802 996.660

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 8 5 6 6 7 32

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Annals of Botany 1 1 Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1 1 Archives of Virology 1 1 Biochimica and Biophyica Acta-Biomembranes 1 1 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 2 Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 1 1 1 3 6 Journal of Bacteriology 1 1 Journal of Biological Chemistry 1 1 2 Journal of Experimental Botany 1 1 Molecular and General Genomics 1 1 Molecular Plant Pathology 1 1 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 1 1 Physiologia Plantarum 2 2 Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 1 1 Planta 1 1 2 Postharvest Biology and Technology 1 2 2 2 7 Proccedings of the National Academy of U.S.A. 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 3 1 4 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 2 1 3 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 2 2 2 10 1 17 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 1 1 1 2 1 6 Invited presentations at national congresses 1 1 1 1 4 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 1 1 2 Total presentations at international congresses 3 1 6 10 Invited presentations at international congresses 2 1 5 8 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 1 2 Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 1 1 Board members of international non-ISI journals 2 2 Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1 NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1 EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 Revenues from R&D contracts 15.025 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 2 Revenues from R&D contracts 36.060 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant 1 1 1 3 Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 2 Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees 1 1

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 1 2 2 5 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Science/ Post-Harvest Fisiology and Technology Responsible Ph. D. Mª Teresa Lafuente Rodríguez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 1 3 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 1 0 1 2 5 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 0,75 1 3 4 9 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 0 1 0 2 4 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 1 1 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 1 1 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 2 1 0 0 0 3 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 2 Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 1 1 Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 2 3 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 3 2 2 6 8 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 1 3

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 30 30 30 90 Total credits for postgraduate courses 0 Nº university associate professors 1 1 1 3 * In competitive calls for grants

Department of

Food Preservation and


Department of Food Preservation and Quality

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 9 9 10 10 10Nº Research Professors 3 3 3 3 3Nº Scientific Investigators 2 3 3 3 3Nº Staff Research Scientists 4 3 4 4 3Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 0Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 1Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) 0 0 0 0 0Nº "Investigadores Titulares" 0 0 0 0 0Nº "Doctores vinculados" 0 0 0 0 0Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 2 3 2 2 3Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 0 1 0 0 1Nº I3P doctors 0 0 0 0 1Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 2 2 2 2 1Total predoctoral personnel 15 17 15 14 13Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 3 6 5 4 8Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 1 0 0Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 12 11 9 10 5Total civil service research support personnel 4 4 4 3 5"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 0 0 0 0 1"Titulados de grado medio" 0 0 0 0 1Laboratory assistants 4 4 4 3 3Research auxiliaries 0 0 0 0 0Total research support personnel (permanent) 1 1 1 1 1Total contracted research support personnel 4 5 2 4 2Total general services personnel 0 0 0 0 0Total support unit personnel 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Oxygen permeability analyser (Oxtran 2/21) 2004 120000 -- 2009 -- Electric pulses food processor 2000 60000 -- 2005 -- High pressure food processor 2004 200000 -- 2009 --

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 4 1 1 5 0 11 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº regional government projects 1 2 2 3 3 11 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 5 4 10 Total Nº competitive projects 6 3 8 8 8 33 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 4 2 2 9 0 17 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 385.844,00 41.324,00 103.122,00 524.450,00 0,00 1.054.740,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 241.000,00 241.000,00 Financing (euros) regional government projects 7.813,00 8.108,00 49.700,00 88.673,00 60.204,00 214.498,00 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 38.554,00 0,00 160.415,00 0,00 207.353,00 406.322,00 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 432.211,00 49.432,00 313.237,00 613.123,00 508.557,00 1.916.560,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 13 20 26 20 34 113

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 1 1Analytical Chemistry 1 1Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2 1 3Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1 1Biomacromolecules 2 2Dairy Food and Environmental Sanitation 1 1European Food Research and Technology 1 2 1 2 1 7Food Additives and Contaminants 2 2 1 5Food Hydrocolloids 1 1 3 1 6 12Food Microbiology 1 1 2Food Quality and Preference 1 1Food Science and Technology International 1 1 1 2 1 6Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 1 1 2International Dairy Journal 1 1 2International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 1 1 4INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES 1 1Journal Food Engineerig 1 1 2Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2 5 3 2 3 15Journal of Americal Oil Chemist's Society 1 1Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 1 1 2Journal of Biotechnology 1 1Journal of Food Protection 2 2 1 5

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Journal of Food Science 2 1 1 4Journal of Texture Studies 2 1 1 4Macromolecular Symposia 1 1 1 3Macromolecules 1 1Polymer 2 1 1 4Polymer International 1 1 2Polymer Testing 1 1 2The Science of the Total Environment 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 2 0 0 0 1 3Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 2 5 1 5 9 22 4 1 7 4 6 22Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 0 0 2 0 1 3Nº collective works edited/directed* 0 0 0 0 0 0Nº books 0 0 0 0 0 0* Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses 3 0 1 1 2 7Invited presentations at national congresses 3 0 1 1 2 7Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 0 1 0 1 0 2Total presentations at international congresses 7 2 4 4 3 20Invited presentations at international congresses 7 2 4 4 3 20Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 2 2 1 2 2 9 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 1 1 0 4Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 1 1Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals 0 0 0 0 0 0Board members of ISI journals 3 3 2 2 2 12Board members of international non-ISI journals 1 1 1 0 0 3Board members of national non-ISI journals 1 1 1 0 0 3

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for 1 1PCT patents obtained 1 1USPTO patents applied for 1 1USPTO patents obtained 1 1Portfolio active national patents 1 1 2Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 2 2 5

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents 4,9 4,9 Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 1 1 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 6 6

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 3 6 4 4 18 Revenues from R&D contracts 4.818 95.154 118.894 110.500 86.736 416.102 Nº de technological or advisory services 1 1 Revenues from service or advisory contracts 3.500 3.500

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 0 2 0 1 4Revenues from R&D contracts 3.000 0 34.040 0 12.020 49.060 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units 2 2

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nº managers/assistant PN 4 4 4 4 4 20 Nº National Plan selection commission members 0 0 0 1 0 1 Nº regional government selection commission members 0 0 0 0 1 1 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 6 6 11 13 20 56 Other expert advisory committees 3 2 0 1 1 7

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 0 0 0 0 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 2 2 3 2 10 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 0 0 0 0 1 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 0 0 0 1 0 1 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 5 3 1 4 2 15

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 0 0 1 5 7 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 0 0 2 4 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 2 0 0 3 6 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 0 0 0 0 1 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 0 2 0 0 2 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 0 0 0 1 1 2 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 5 0 0 3 3 11 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 16 16 15 16 15 31 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 1 2 5 5 15 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 0 1 0 0 2 3 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 0 1 0 0 1 2 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 0 0 0 0 0 0 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 0 0 0 0 1 1 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 0 0 0 0 1 1 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 2 3 2 2 2 5 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 2 2 2 0 0 Total technical I3P contracts granted 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total MEC contracts for technical personnel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other contracts for technical personnel 4 4 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 3 5 3 4 1 16 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 19 14 13 14 15 32 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 3 3 3 4 4 17 Total credits for doctoral courses 8 8 8 10 12 46 Total credits for postgraduate courses 17 10 10 16,5 18,5 72 Nº university associate professors 4 2 4 5 5 6

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) * In competitive calls for grants

Table 5.8. Prospective values for general indicators (Centre / Institute) Centre or Institute Centre Code Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos 110.104 Department / Servicie / Reseacr Group Food Preservation and quality Responsible Dr. Rafael Gavara Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009Total 2005/9 Total financing (euros) in competitive projects 1730000 740000 300000 693000 814000 4277000Total nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 22 25 25 25 27 124Nº articles in international non- ISI journals 5 5 5 5 5 25Nº articles in national non- ISI journals 5 5 5 5 5 25Nº books 0Portfolio of active national patents 0Portfolio of active EPO, USPTO, etc. patents 0Patents licensed to companies 0Start-ups initiated by Center/Institute personnel 1 1Income from R&D contracts (private sector) 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 500000Income from contracts/consulting (public sector) 0Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 16 16 16 16 16 16Total stock postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 3 3 4 5 7 7Total PhD theses defended by C/I personnel 3 4 3 4 4 18Total doctoral/postgraduate course credits 10 10 10 10 10 50

Department of Food Preservation and Quality

Metallic Contamination

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 1 1 2 2 2Nº Research Professors Nº Scientific Investigators 1 1 1Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 1 1 1Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship Total predoctoral personnel 2 2 1 1 1Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 1 Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 1 1 1 1 1Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1 1"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 1 1Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 4 3 1 1 Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 2 1 3 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects Total Nº competitive projects 2 1 1 0 0 4 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 1 2 3 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 211.628 103.122 314.750 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 3.000 3.000 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 211.628 3.000 103.122 0 0 317.750

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 4 4 8 1 5 22

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2 3 3 1 1 10 Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 1 1 2 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 1 1 2 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2 1 3 Journal of Biotechnology 1 1 Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 1 1 The Science of the Total Environment 1 1 Analytical Chemistry 1 1 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1 1

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 2 3 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses 1 1 1 3 Invited presentations at international congresses 1 1 2 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 1 Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 1 3Revenues from R&D contracts 3000 24040 12020 39060 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members 1 1 Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 1 1 1 1 1 5 Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 3 3 1 2 1 10

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Metallic Contamination Responsible Ph. D. Rosa Montoro Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 1 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 1 Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 2 2 1 1 1 3 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 1 1 1 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts 4 3 1 1 9 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel 4 3 1 1 9 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 2 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 2 1 2 2 2 4 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel Total credits for doctoral courses Total credits for postgraduate courses

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Nº university associate professors * In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Preservation and Quality


Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 2 2 3 3 4Nº Research Professors 1 1 1 1 1Nº Scientific Investigators 1Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 2 2 1Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) 1Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 0 1 0 0 1Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1 Nº I3P doctors 1Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship Total predoctoral personnel 4 5 5 5 5Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 1 1 1 3Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 3 4 4 4 2Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1 2"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" 1Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 1 1Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel 1 1Total general services personnel

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Oxygen permeability analyser (Oxtran 2/21) 2004 120000 -- 2009 --

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 2 2 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº regional government projects 1 1 2 4 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 3 4 Total Nº competitive projects 2 3 6 11 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 4 4 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 176.000 176.000 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 241.000 241.000 Financing (euros) regional government projects 25.000 56.000 46.000 127.000 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 16.000 159.000 175.000 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 0 0 41.000 232.000 446.000 719.000

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 1 6 3 6 17 33

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Biomacromolecules 2 2 Food Additives and Contaminants 2 1 1 4 Food Hydrocolloids 2 2 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1 3 3 Macromolecular Symposia 1 1 1 3 Macromolecules 1 1 Polymer 2 1 1 4 Polymer International 1 1 2 Polymer Testing 1 1 2

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 4 3 3 10 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 6 2 9 Nº collective works edited/directed* 1 1 Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses 5 2 1 8 Invited presentations at international congresses 4 4 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 2 1 4 Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 1 1 2 Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 1 1 3

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel 1 1 Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups 6 6

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 2 2 1 6 Revenues from R&D contracts 75.000 69.500 59.000 50.000 253.500 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 1 2 4 6 13 Other expert advisory committees

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme 1 1 Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 1 1 3 Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Packaging Responsible Ph. D. Rafael Gavara Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted 1 0 0 1 5 7 Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 0 Predoctoral I3P fellowships 0 Postgraduate I3P fellowships 1 1 2 Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 2 2 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 4 5 5 6 6 8 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 1 2 2 7 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 0 1 0 0 1 2 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts 0 AC post-doctoral contracts granted* 0 Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted 1 1 Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 0 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 1 2 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 2 2 1 5 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 5 3 2 4 4 9 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 2 2 2 2 2 10

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 5 5 5 5 5 25 Total credits for postgraduate courses 10 10 10 10 10 50 Nº university associate professors 1 1 2 2 2 2

* In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Preservation and Quality

Preservation Processes

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 2 2 2 2 2Nº Research Professors 1 1 1 1 1Nº Scientific Investigators 1 1 1 1Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 1Total predoctoral personnel Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 1 2 2 1 2Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 3 2 1 3 1Total civil service research support personnel "Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) "Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 1 1Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) Total contracted research support personnel Total general services personnel Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Electric pulses food processor 2.000 60.000? 1.500? 2.015? High pressure food processor 2.004 200.000? 2.000? 2.019?

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 1 1 2 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 1 1 4 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 1 1 2 Total Nº competitive projects 2 2 1 2 1 8 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 2 2 4 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 41.324 148.350 189.674 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 7.813 5.108 18.148 14.204 45.273 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 38.554 44.475 83.029 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 46.367,00 46.432,00 44.475,00 274.548,00 14.204,00 317.976,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 2 5 5 7 3 22

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Dairy Food and Environmental Sanitation 1 1 European Food Research and Technology 1 1 Food Additives and Contaminants 1 1 Food Microbiology 1 1 2 Food Science and Technology International 1 1 International Journal of Food Microbiology 1 1 1 1 4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES 1 1 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2 2 Journal of Food Protection 2 2 1 5 Journal of Food Science 1 1 2

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 1 1 2 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 1 3 4 Nº collective works edited/directed* Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses Editors/Directors of ISI journals Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals Board members of international non-ISI journals Board members of national non-ISI journals

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for NATIONAL patents obtained EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for PCT patents obtained USPTO patents applied for USPTO patents obtained Portfolio active national patents Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc.

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation Revenues of licensed/exploited patents Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1 1 1 4 Revenues from R&D contracts 4.818 9.036 6.000 50.000 69.854 Nº de technological or advisory services Revenues from service or advisory contracts

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 1Revenues from R&D contracts 10.000 10.000 Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units 2 2

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN 4 4 4 4 4 20 Nº National Plan selection commission members Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU Other expert advisory committees 1 1 2

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 1 1 1 1 5 Non-Spanish staff research personnel 1 1 Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations 2 1 1 4

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Preservation Processes Responsible Ph. D. Miguel Rodrigo Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 1 3 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * Predoctoral I3P fellowships 1 Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 3 3 1 7 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 4 4 4 4 3 10 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 1 1 Total stock postdoctoral contracts 1 1 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 1 3 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 6 5 4 3 4 7 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel 1 1 1 2 2 7

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 3 3 3 5 5 19 Total credits for postgraduate courses 4.5 4.5 9 Nº university associate professors 2 1 1 4

* In competitive calls for grants

Department of Food Preservation and Quality

Physical and Sensorial Properties

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Departament / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004Total scientific staff personnel 4 4 3 3 2Nº Research Professors 1 1 1 1 1Nº Scientific Investigators 2 2 1 1 Nº Staff Research Scientists 1 1 1 1 1Nº University Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Associate Professors (joint C/I only) Nº Other Univ. Professors in other categories (joint C/I only) Nº "Investigadores Titulares" Nº "Doctores vinculados" Total contracted postdoctoral personnel 2 2 2 2 1Nº Ramón y Cajal contracts 1Nº I3P doctors Other contracted doctors/postdoctoral fellowship 2 2 2 2 Total predoctoral personnel 5 6 5 4 4Nº predoctoral FPI and FPU fellowships 2 2 2 3Nº predoctoral I3P fellowships Other contracted predoctorals/predoctoral fellows 5 4 3 2 1Total civil service research support personnel 1 1 1 1"Titulados Superiores" (University graduates) 1"Titulados de grado medio" Laboratory assistants 1 1 1 Research auxiliaries Total research support personnel (permanent) 1 1 1 1 1Total contracted research support personnel 2 1 2 1Total general services personnel

Table 2.1. Human resources (Department / Service / Research group) Total support unit personnel

Table 2.2. Acquisition of equipment (more than 60,000 euros) in the last 5 years (Department / Service / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez

Equipment Year of purchase

Purchase cost (euros)

Annual maintenance

cost Date end of useful life Observations

Table 3.1. Competitive financing obtained (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000/4 Nº National Plan projects 2 2 4 Nº PROFIT projects Nº. FIS projects Nº INIA projects Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº regional government projects 1 1 2 Nº private foundation projects Other competitive projects 3 1 4 Total Nº competitive projects 2 0 4 3 1 10 Nº of FTE involved in the approved projects 3 3 6 Financing (euros) National Plan projects 174.216,00 200.100,00 374.316,00 Financing (euros) PROFIT projects Financing (euros) FIS projects Financing (euros) INIA projects Financing (euros) projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Financing (euros) regional government projects 24.700,00 14.525,00 39.225,00 Financing (euros) private foundation projects Financing (euros) other competitive projects 99.940,00 48.353,00 148.293,00 Total Financing (euros) competitive projects 174.221,00 0,00 124.640,00 214.625,00 48.353,00 561.834,00

Table 3.2.1. ISI-indexed scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104 Department / Service / Research group

Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total Nº articles in SCI/SSCI/A&HIS-indexed journals 6 5 10 6 9 36

List of up to 20 ISI-indexed journals most relevant to the Centre/Institute’s activity and articles in them (indicate the nº of articles published in each) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 European Food Research and Technology 1 2 1 1 1 6 Food Hydrocolloids 1 1 3 1 4 10 Food Quality and Preference 1 1 Food Science and Technology International 1 1 1 1 1 5 International Dairy Journal 1 1 2 Journal Food Engineerig 1 1 2 Journal of Americal Oil Chemist's Society 1 1 Journal of Food Science 1 1 2 Journal of Texture Studies 2 1 1 4

Table 3.2.2. Non-ISI scientific production (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº articles in international NON-ISI journals 2 1 3 Nº articles in national NON-ISI journals 2 1 2 5 9 Nº chapters in books/Collective works* 3 2 1 6 Nº collective works edited/directed* 1 1 2 Nº books * Collective works do not include meeting proceedings

Table 3.2.3. Congresses and editorial activity (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total presentations at national congresses Invited presentations at national congresses 1 1 1 3 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for national congresses 1 2 Total presentations at international congresses Invited presentations at international congresses 1 1 3 2 7 Organizers/Members of scientific committees for international congresses 1 2 2 4 Editors/Directors of ISI journals 1 1 1 1 4 Editors/Directors of international non-ISI journals 1 1 Editors/Directors of national non-ISI journals Board members of ISI journals 3 3 2 1 1 10 Board members of international non-ISI journals 1 1 1 3 Board members of national non-ISI journals 1 1 1 3

Table 3.2.4. Patents (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 NATIONAL patents applied for 1 1NATIONAL patents obtained 1 1EPO patents applied for EPO patents obtained PCT patents applied for 1 1PCT patents obtained 1 1USPTO patents applied for 1 1USPTO patents obtained 1 1Portfolio active national patents 1 1 2Portfolio active patents EPO, USPTO, etc. 1 1 2

Table 3.2.5. Technology transfer (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Patents licensed to companies Patentes in exploitation 1 1 Revenues of licensed/exploited patents 4,9 4,9 Start-ups initiated by Centre/Institute personnel Nº persons del C/I related to Start-ups

Table 3.3.1. Contracts and services to companies (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements 1 3 1 3 8 Revenues from R&D contracts 11.118 43.394 1.500 36.736 92.748 Nº de technological or advisory services 1 1 Revenues from service or advisory contracts 3.500 3.500

Table 3.3.2. Contracts and agreements with the public sector (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº R&D contracts/agreements Revenues from R&D contracts Nº advisory services Revenues from advisory contracts/agreements Associated R&D units

Table 3.3.3 Assessment (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº ANEP coordinators/assistant Nº managers/assistant PN Nº National Plan selection commission members 1 1 Nº regional government selection commission members Nº evaluations as HLG en EU 4 4 8 8 13 37 Other expert advisory committees 3 2 5

Table 3.3.4. Internationalization (Department / Research group) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Nº projects/networks Framework R&D Programme Nº projects in other European or international programs 1 1 2 Non-Spanish staff research personnel Postdoctoral personnel contracted with non-Spanish funds Foreign researchers on sabbatical and visiting professors (minimum 6 months) 1 1 Integrated actions and other bi(multi)lateral collaborations

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Centre or Institute Centre code

Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology 110.104

Department / Service / Research group Department of Food Preservation and Quality/ Physical and Sensorial Properties Responsible Ph. D. Elvira Costell Ibáñez Years 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total 2000-4 Total predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted Predoctoral FPI fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral FPU fellowships granted 1 1 2 Predoctoral Regional Government fellowships/contracts granted * 1 1 Predoctoral I3P fellowships Postgraduate I3P fellowships Other predoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* 2 Total stock predoctoral fellowships/contracts 6 5 5 5 5 10 Total predoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 1 2 2 1 Total postdoctoral fellowships/contracts 1 Total Ramon y Cajal contracts granted 1 1 Total Juan de la Cierva contracts AC post-doctoral contracts granted* Total Postdoctoral I3P doctor granted Other postdoctoral fellowships/contracts granted* Total stock postdoctoral contracts 2 2 2 2 2 Total postdoctoral project fellowships/contracts granted (in equivalent/year) 2 2 2 2 Total technical I3P contracts granted Total MEC contracts for technical personnel Other contracts for technical personnel 1 1 2 Total doctoral theses directed by C/I personnel 1 2 2 1 6 Total theses under way directed by C/I personnel 6 5 5 5 5 12 Total doctoral courses directed by C/I personnel

Table 3.4. Formative activity (Departamento / Grupos de Investigación) Total credits for doctoral courses 2 2 Total credits for postgraduate courses 7 2 4 13 Nº university associate professors 1 1 2 2 2

* In competitive calls for grants
