Newfoundland & Labrador Conference July 2014.pdf · Newfoundland & Labrador Conference the...


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Getting to know your Conference President

ConnectorEast & West Districts

Newfoundland & Labrador Conference

the July 2014, Volume 23, No. 4

In this issue:

■ Conference President ■ GC42 ■ New Ministers ■ Settlement Reports■ Milestones in Ministry ■ What's Happening ■ Shoal Harbour ■ Bookstore

Rev. Paula Gale installed as President for 2014-2015

We are deeply grateful to the Rev. Wayne Blackwood, outgoing Newfoundland and Labrador Conference President, for his spiritual leadership over the past year as he diligently performed the duties of the Office of President. Thank you for your ministry.

On Sunday, June 1 at the Celebration of Min-istries service in Springdale, Rev. Paula Gale was installed as President of Newfoundland

and Labrador Conference for the 2014-2015 year.

Paula was raised in Lewisporte and was nurtured in the faith at St. Matthew’s United Church.

After graduating from Memorial University with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Sec-ondary) degrees and a Library Studies Certificate, she taught in Newfoundland & Labrador, South Ko-rea and Nova Scotia before answering the call to ordered ministry.

While studying for her Master of Divinity degree at the Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax, Paula completed supervised ministry at Grace UC, Dart-mouth, NS, Fenelon Falls UC, Ontario and Coverdale Courtwork Services for Women, Halifax, NS.

At ordination in 2002, Paula was settled to the Her-ring Neck Pastoral Charge in the West District of this Conference, where she still serves full time in min-istry to and with the wonderfully faithful people of

that active church family, which is an amalgamated congregation.

Paula has been involved in all courts of the church, as a young person in her home charge, currently serving as Chair of her local Ministerial Associa-tion, serving as Chair of the West District Division of Ministry Personnel and Education and currently as Chair of the Division of Church in the World.

She has served as Chair of the Conference Com-mittee on Internship and Educational Supervision and has attended General Council 1988 as a Youth

Continued on page 2

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2 the Connector, July 2014

Editor: Alison Piercey709-754-0392

Connector Editorial Board: Rev. Russell Small, Chair Rev. Larry Noseworthy

Deadline for September issue is:

July 15, 2014


Publisher: Newfoundland and Labrador Conference320 Elizabeth Avenue St. John’s, NL, A1B 1T9

Rev. Paula Gale (continued from cover)

■ President Elect will be elected at the spring 2015 meeting of West District

■ General Council Executive Representative (Lay) from East District: Jean Brown

■ General Council Executive Representative (Ministe-rial) from West District: Paula Gale

■ Three Ministry Personnel from West District: Wilson Gonese, Erasmus Madimbu and Stephanie McClellan

■ Lay Member from WestDistrict: Ralph Angel


Newfoundland and Labrador Conference

GC42 Commissioners

■ Lay Member from UCW, West District: Evelyn McDonald

■ Lay Member from Labrador, West District: Boyce Bessey

■ Three Ministry Personnel from East District: Grant Stuckless, Miriam Bowlby and Susan Sheppard

■ Three Lay Members from East District: Bob Bennett,Neil Hudson and Roy Johnson

■ Youth Commissioners from East and West Districts will be elected at the Youth Event hosted by the National Church in the winter of 2015

Forum Delegate and General Council 2003 as a Commis-sioner.

Paula was one of 15 group leaders from across the Na-tional Church facilitating in-terviews for the Comprehen-sive Review process last year and is a member of the Confer-ence Task Group on Models of Ministry.

Paula lives in Merritt’s Harbour, on New World Is-land, with her husband Danny Gidge, a professional fish har-vester, and four-year-old daughter Norah, who is now Paula’s spiritual guide.

Paula is both humbled and proud to be President of the Newfoundland & Labrador Conference. She looks forward to serving the church she loves in this capac-ity and representing Christ and his church in the wider world as she walks the Christian journey with all who claim The United Church of Canada in the Newfound-land & Labrador Conference as their spiritual home.

The East and West Districts have elected their Commission-ers to the 42nd General Council being held in Corner Brook from August 8-15, 2015. The 17 Commissioners will serve

a three-year term 2015-2018.

The elections took place at the spring meetings of East District at Cowan Heights United Church in St. John's and West District at Grace United Church in Springdale.

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the Connector, July 2014 3

238 Torbay Road, P.O. Box 1776St. John’s, Newfoundland, A1C 5P9

Tel: (709) 722-1532Fax: (709) 722-6612

O r d i n a t i o n A d m i s s i o nRev. Lisa Parmiter,

B.A., M.Div.

Lisa was born and raised in Labrador City, NL to Murray and Nancy Parmiter. She was baptized and grew up with the mem-bers of Carol United Church. Lisa was con-firmed with her sister

and dad by her side, and from there went on to her first General Council in Wolfville, NS. Overlooking the ocean, she felt God calling her to ministry.

Lisa graduated from Menihek High and went on to post secondary education at Memorial University: Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook, NL.

She became a member of Humber United Church and began helping with Sunday School. After gradu-ating from Grenfell College, Lisa spent the summer working at West Haven United Church Camp.

In the fall in 2009, she headed to Toronto to attend Emmanuel College. There she found St. Andrew's United and worked with the children and youth. In 2011, Lisa did her internship in Niagara Falls learning from and with the congregation of Stamford United. Then it was back to Emmanuel to finish up her M.Div. which lead her to Pool's Cove, NL to do a year of Stu-dent Minister Candidacy Supply. Lisa welcomes the joy of ordination as she continues her faith journey.

Rev. Erasmus Madimbu,


Erasmus Madimbu came to the New-foundland and Lab-rador Conference of The United Church of Canada after nearly twenty years of min-istry in the Reformed Church of Zimbabwe.

In Zimbabwe, he served on many Pastoral Charges and held many positions from Presby-tery Chair to being the Church’s Actuary. He also served as the Church’s Youth Director responsible for all youth programs from Sunday school to se-nior youth.

He is a holder of a Bachelor of Theology from the University of Zimbabwe Degree. After his twenty-year career in ministry in Zimbabwe, Rev. Erasmus Madimbu decided it was time for a change of scen-ery (and weather) and, heeding the call, moved to cold Canada settling in the Baie Verte Pastoral Charge in 2010.

He is active in a variety of civic and cultural or-ganizations such as the Baie Verte Peninsula Food Bank, etc. Outside of ministry interests, he loves travelling, reading, sailing, and enjoys living in Baie Verte with his family; lovely wife Sarah, son Kudzie and daughter Regina.

CongratulationsNewfoundland and Labrador Conference welcomes

its newest ministers to The United Church of Canada

July 2014.indd 3 6/6/2014 11:32:34 AM

4 the Connector, July 2014

328 Hamilton Ave. St. John’s, NL, A1E 1J9 (709) 579-6007

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Two Locations:

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Proud to be working with the Newfoundland and Labrador Conference for over 25 years

Settlement Report - East District (July 1, 2014)

Bay Roberts ....................................................................Pastoral Relations in Process........................................................................................Rev. Stephen Barbour, (OM), B.A., B.A.Sc., C.P.H.I.(C), M.Div. (2013)Bell Island-Portugal Cove ..............................................Rev. Mary A. Harris, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2012)Blackhead-Western Bay .................................................Mr. Glenn G. Jarvis, (DLM) (2013-15)Bloomfield-Musgravetown ...........................................Rev. Harry Templeman, (OM), B.A.(Ed.), B.A., M.Ed., M.Div. (2012)Bonavista ........................................................................Rev. Amanda M. Barnes, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2009)Brigus-Cupids ................................................................Rev. Donna Lovelace, (OM) (US), (2014-15) .....................................................................................Rev. Marion Davis, (OM) (RS) (IM), B.A.(Ed.), M.Div. (2014)Britannia .........................................................................Rev. Vera M. Abbott, (OM) M.Div. (2006)Burin ..............................................................................VacantCarbonear .......................................................................Rev. E. Brian Colbourne, (OM), B.A.(Ed.), M.Div. (2010)Catalina-Little Catalina ..................................................VacantClarenville-Deep Bight ..................................................Rev. Robert S. Mercer, (OM), B.A., B.Ed., M.Div. (2012)Clarke’s Beach ...............................................................Rev. Stephen Barbour, (OM), B.A., B.A.Sc., C.P.H.I.(C), M.Div. (2013)Creston-Red Harbour .....................................................VacantElliston-English Harbour (Learning Site) ......................Ms. Jocelyn Cook, (SS) (2014-15)Epworth ..........................................................................Rev. Dr. Japhet Ndhlovu, (Adm.) (OS), M.Phil., M.Th., D.Th. (2013-16) First United Mount Pearl ...............................................Rev. Ian M. March-MacCuish, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2005)Fortune ...........................................................................Rev. Marilyn Rees, (OM), B.A.(Ed.), B.A., M.Ed., M.Div. (2013)Garnish-Frenchman’s Cove ...........................................Ms. Joan Brinston, (DLM), B.A.(Ed.) (2014-15)Grand Bank ....................................................................Rev. Ricky Marsh, (OM), M.Div. (2011)Green’s Harbour .............................................................Rev. Nancy Mojica-Fisher, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2013)Hant’s Harbour ...............................................................Rev. Joan Conrad, (OM) (RS), B.A., M.Div. (2014-15)Harbour Grace ................................................................Rev. Linda D. Pike, (OM), B.S.W., M.S.W., M.Div. (2010)Heart’s Content ..............................................................Rev. Roscoe Cole, (OM) (RS), M.Div. (2014-15)Hillview ..........................................................................Rev. Gneid Walsh, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2014)Little Heart’s Ease ..........................................................Rev. Robert Tuck, (OM), M.Div. (2010)Lower Island Cove ........................................................Rev. Jim Von Riesen, (OM) (RS), B.Th. (2014-15)Norman’s Cove ..............................................................Rev. Lynda Goy-Flint, (OM), B.BA., JD., M.Div. (2012)Old Perlican ...................................................................Rev. Yvonne Hopkins, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2000)Port Blandford ................................................................VacantPouch Cove-Bauline ......................................................Rev. Grant Stuckless, (OM), B.Sc., M.Div. (2010)Salmon Cove ..................................................................Rev. Wayne Blackwood, (OM), M.Div. (2004)Shoal Harbour ................................................................Mr. Raymond Case, (DLM), B.A., B.A.(Ed.), M.Ed. (2014-15)St. John’s Cochrane Street ..........................................................Rev. Miriam Bowlby, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2011) Cowan Heights ...........................................................Rev. Denine Morgan, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2004) George Street..............................................................Rev. Susan White, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2009) Gower Street ..............................................................Rev. Guy D. Matthews, (OM), M.Div. (2011) St. James ....................................................................Rev. Terrie Burry, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2013) ....................................................................................Rev. Pamela Jones-Fitzgerald, (OM), B.Ed. (Primary), M.Div. (2006) ....................................................................................Ms. Susan Sheppard, (DLM), B.Sc., Cert. Y.M., M.T.S. (2013-16) Wesley ........................................................................Rev. William G. Mercer, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2005)Summerville ...................................................................Pastoral Relations in ProcessSwift Current ..................................................................Rev. Gordon Flint, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2012)Topsail ............................................................................Rev. Bruce S. Kearley, (OM), CD, B.A., M.Div., M.A. (2003)Victoria-Freshwater ........................................................Rev. Karen Thorne, (OM), B.Mus., Ed., Dip.CE., MTS, M.Div. (2012)Whitbourne ....................................................................Vacant

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the Connector, July 2014 5

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Settlement Report - West District (July 1, 2014)

Baie Verte .......................................................................Rev. Erasmus Madimbu, (OM), B.Th. (2014)Bishop’s Falls .................................................................Pastoral Relations in ProcessBonne Bay ......................................................................Rev. Larry Noseworthy, (OM), B.A., B.Ed., M.Div. (2011)Botwood .........................................................................VacantBuchans ..........................................................................VacantBurgeo ............................................................................VacantCampbellton ...................................................................Rev. Dianne Crewe, (OM), B.A.(Ed.), M.Div. (2011)Carmanville ....................................................................Rev. Sherpherd Munikwa, (Adm.) (OS), Dip.Th., B.Th., B.ScHc. (2013-16)Central Labrador ............................................................Pastoral Relations in ProcessChurchill Falls (Shared Min. Anglican-United) .............Rev. Julie Brace, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2006)Corner Brook Curling .......................................................................Ms. Wendy Lowden, (DLM) (2014) First United ................................................................Vacant Humber ......................................................................Pastoral Relations in Process Oakland ......................................................................Ms. Wendy Lowden, (DLM) (2014)Deer Lake .......................................................................Rev. Myles W. Vardy, (OM), B.A., B.Ed., M.Div. (2013)Englee ............................................................................VacantFogo Island.....................................................................Rev. Betty I.M. Parrell, (OM), B.F.A., M.Div. (2012)Gambo ............................................................................VacantGander ............................................................................Rev. Kathy J. Brett, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2014)Glovertown ....................................................................Rev. J. Paul Vardy, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2000)Grand Falls-Windsor ......................................................Rev. Kimberley Waite, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2012)Green Bay South (Learning Site) ...................................Mr. William Matchem, (DLM-NR) (2014-15)Herring Neck ..................................................................Rev. Paula M. Gale, (OM), B.A., B.Ed., M.Div. (2002)King’s Point ...................................................................Rev. Sharon Earle-Marshall, (OM), B.Ed., M.Div. (2011)La Scie ...........................................................................Rev. Bruce Rideout, (OM), M.Div. (2008)Labrador City .................................................................Rev. S. Dean Sellars, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2014)Lewisporte ......................................................................Rev. Stephanie McClellan, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2014)Little Bay Islands ...........................................................Pastoral Relations in ProcessMusgrave Harbour. ........................................................Pastoral Relations in ProcessNewtown-Lumsden ........................................................Rev. Desmond Jagger-Parsons, (OM), B.A., LL.B., M.Div. (2013) Nipper’s Harbour ...........................................................VacantNorthern Arm (Learning Site) ........................................Mr. James Martin-Carter, (DLM-NR) (2014-15)Pasadena-Howley ...........................................................Rev. Dr. Tony S. Newell, (OM), B.A., M.Div., D.Min. (2013)Pool’s Cove ....................................................................Rev. Lisa Parmiter, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2014)Port aux Basques ............................................................Rev. Kathleen Elizabeth Jones Anderson, (OM), B.S., Dip.HSA, B.A., M.A., M.Div. (2014) Raleigh-Griquet ..............................................................Rev. Charles L. (Gus) Pendleton, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2004)Red Bay (Learning Site) ................................................Ms. Alice Moores, (DLM-NR) (2014-15)Springdale ......................................................................Rev. Wilson Gonese, (OM), B.Th., M.A. (2013)St. Anthony ....................................................................VacantSt. George’s ....................................................................Rev. Kathryn Vance, (DM), CCS.Dip. (2007)Stoneville-Change Islands .............................................Mr. Raymond Clouter, (DLM-RS) (2014-15)Summerford-Moreton’s Harbour ...................................Mr. Karl Arnold, (DLM-RS), B.A.(Ed.) (2014-15)Twillingate .....................................................................Rev. George Stockley, (OM), B.A., B.Ed., M.Div. (2012)Wesleyville-Valleyfield ..................................................Rev. Brian Hannon, (OM), B.A., M.Div. (2010)

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6 the Connector, July 2014

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What’s Happening?Moderator's Visi t

O c t o b e r 1 7 - 2 5Stay tuned for the

Moderator's schedule for the Conference Visit.

A Rural Ministr y Consul tat ion

O c t o b e r 1 7 - 1 9 G a n d e r

A weekend event exploring models for ministry.

Clergy Retreat O c t o b e r 2 0 - 2 2More details to follow.

Conference Youth Forum O c t o b e r 2 0 1 4

C e n t r a l N LA weekend event for youth of

Jr. and Sr. High ages.

Ministr y of Supervision

N o v e m b e r 3 - 9This one-week training course for supervisors in the United Church is offered. Application

materials available.

Finance Workshop F a l l 2 0 1 4

Look for more details on the Conference website.

Milestones in Ministry



The Rev. Vera M. AbbottThe Rev. Graham Cook

The Rev. Ettie Gordon-MurrayThe Rev. Sheldon G.L. LeGrow

Mr. Hubert F. Tucker

The Rev. William R. Bowering, 55 YearsThe Rev. Joseph G. Burton, 55 Years

The Rev. William G. Bartlett, 40 YearsThe Rev. Lewis E. Crewe, 40 Years

The Rev. Royden R. Reynolds, 40 YearsThe Rev. Russell L. Small, 40 Years

The Rev. Lawrence C. Watkins, 40 YearsThe Rev. Calvin E. Ginn, 35 Years

The Rev. Charles L. (Gus) Pendleton, 30 YearsThe Rev. E.V. Faith March-MacCuish, 25 Years

The Rev. Ian M. March-MacCuish, 25 YearsThe Rev. Myles W. Vardy, 25 YearsThe Rev. Scott Worsfold, 25 Years

July 2014.indd 6 6/6/2014 11:32:34 AM

the Connector, July 2014 7

The Psalmist has said "Praise Him with the sound of trumpet; Praise Him with

the lute and harp."

Well at Shoal Harbour United Church, on Friday, May 2nd, none of these instruments made an appearance but we had piano, ac-cordions, tambourine and guitars. Lots and lots of guitars! And we did praise the Lord!

Recognizing the need for ongoing chaplaincy services, the Pastoral Charge gathered to sponsor an evening of Gospel Music in support of East District Chap-laincy.

We were honoured to have the Arnold’s Cove Fellowship Sing-ers, The Gospelairs, soloist Gary Hart, Boyd & Marilyn Jones, the Sou’West River Band and our own minister, Ray Case, in performance.

With lots of opportunity for the congregation to join in, it was in-deed an evening of praise.

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Shoal Harbour Pastoral Charge sings its support for East District Chaplaincy


Submitted by Ms. Carol Hall, Board Chair of the Shoal Harbour Pastoral Charge.

One of the highlights of the eve-ning was the presentation by the Shoal Harbour Pastoral Charge guitar group. This group of 12 guitarists, drawn from each of the two churches on the Charge, range in age from teens to 70 something.

The group came together when our minister suggested he would be available to assist if there were those in the congregations who would like to learn to play the guitar.

I don’t think he knew what he was getting into! There were those with some previous experi-

ence and others who had never played before.

Under Mr. Case’s tutelage and guidance, they quickly gained the skills and confidence to perform in our own churches and have

now reached out to perform at the retire-ment centres, nursing homes and at a recent ecumenical service.

So focussed has the group been in learn-ing that they have not had time to give them-selves a name; I think of them as The Sing-ing Strings, for not only do they play but they sing and are their own accompanists.

In every way, the evening was a win-win event. Not only was it an evening of fel-lowship, praise and good music, but the Pastoral Charge realized $1,000.00 for presentation to the East District Chaplaincy Fund.

The Shoal Harbour Pastoral Charge guitar group, along with other musicians, helped raise funds for East District Chaplaincy. Back row (l-r): Lindsay Duffitt, Boyd Jones, Wayne Martin, Doug Oldford, Austin Pelley, Raymond Case. Front row (l-r): Diane Butler, Ina Hayward, Jeannie Williams, Denise Martin. Missing from photo: Grace Maid-ment, Bradley Maidment and Carl Froude.

July 2014.indd 7 6/6/2014 11:32:35 AM

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