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Andrew Strickland

Business Manager

Catherine Rogerson


Wendy Elson

Classroom Teachers

Sigrid Tucker

Lesley O’Donohue

Caroline Blakely

Marc Ibrhaim

Wendy Nicol

Saskia Schmidt

Claire Robinson

Specialist Teachers

Helen Matthews

Emma Marston

Saskia Schmidt

Tomoko Gross

Integration Aides

David Macdonald

Sarah Mullins

Michelle Peters

Katrina Stuteley


Marg Schmidt

IT Guy

Berend Jensen


Caroline & Chanel Mayall



Industrial Action Tomorrow

All of our teaching staff are supporting this action and as a result NO CLASSES will be running on Thursday 14th February. Parents are asked to make alternative arrangements for the supervision of their children for the day. If you would like to discuss this further please don’t hesitate to contact me.

District Swimming Sports: Monday 18th February.

Following on from our House Swimming sports last Friday we will have a team representing our school at the District Swimming sports next Monday at the Cowes swimming pool. Can all notes relating to this be returned as soon as possible to ensure our team (especially for the relays) can be confirmed.

House Captain Presentations

Due to the majority of our House Captains representing our school at the District Swimming (which we are all proud of) we will be making the badge presentations at our assembly on Monday 25th February.

School Council Meeting

The last meeting of the 2012 School Council will take place on Monday 18th February at 6pm. The Finance Committee will meet at 5:30pm on the same date.

School Council Membership

Nomination forms for those people interested in being a member of School Council will be available at the office from next Tuesday 12th February and will be accepted up until 4pm on Tuesday 19th February. At this stage we have three vacancies. If you want any further information regarding School Council please come and see me.

Friendly reminders for all students

Student Supervision: We have a staff member on duty from 8:40am until school starts and then again after school until 3:20pm. The school cannot supervise students that are in attendance outside these times. Our classrooms will not be opened before this time. Before school is a very busy time for staff preparing for the day ahead and it would be appreciated if any student discussions are required a meeting time is arranged with the staff member involved. After school there is generally more flexibility for staff. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Andrew Strickland





12-22 School Avenue

Newhaven VIC 3925

03 5956 7326

03 5956 7386

BSB 633 000

ACC 137 208 443









Welcome to another school year. With term one

approaching it is time to get your children ready

for their return to school or attendance at a

children’s service. While their asthma is just one

of the many things to get ready, this checklist

will hopefully make the process easier.

Throughout the year there are significant

increases, or ‘spikes’, in asthma presentations to

hospitals and emergency departments1.

Approximately 1 in 10 children and adolescents

in Australia have asthma, and for children and

adolescents with asthma these ‘spikes’ usually

occur towards the end of holiday periods as they

return to school or preschool1. A significant

‘spike’ in asthma presentations and admissions

to hospital, of children and adolescents

experiencing severe asthma exacerbations,

occurs throughout the first few weeks of

February1. For this reason, we have compiled a

quick checklist for parents and carers to go

through to prepare their child for the school


Is your child ready for new school year?

My child has had an annual asthma

management review with their doctor

and has had their Asthma Action Plan


My child has up to date ambulance


My child knows how to recognise early

symptoms of asthma and knows when to

seek help from staff if they experience

asthma symptoms

My child understands the importance of

taking reliever medication when necessary

and knows how to use their puffer and

spacer, either independently or with


An updated Asthma Action Plan has been

provided to my child’s school/children’s

service. Even if their Asthma Action Plan

has not changed from last year it is

important that a letter is provided to the

school/children’s service informing staff of

this. It is vital that staff know what to do for

your child in an asthma emergency

A reliever puffer and spacer (and mask for

children under 5 years old) has been

provided to the school/children’s service for

my child. With the change in infection

control guidelines, spacers can no longer be

shared between children and it is vital that

each child has their own equipment

I have read and understood the school/

children’s services asthma policy

For more information, resources or assistance

completing this checklist please contact The

Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 ASTHMA

(278 462) or visit

Prep/1 awards for Assembly from Ms

Tucker and Mrs O’Donohue

All preps: Well done on a great start to

school! All grade ones: Thank you for

being a great role model.


Walking Group for Parents

We are considering organising a walking

group for parents, immediately after

assembly every Monday morning. We

would anticipate walking for

approximately 30 minutes. We are

inviting expressions of interest, so if you

think you may like to be involved, please

let Wendy Elson or Saskia Schmidt

know, or leave a message at the office.

Science Quiz!!

Yes, that’s right! Mrs Marston will be

holding a science quiz every school


What do I do you might ask?

Well read the newsletter and you will

find a new question every week. Find the

answer to that question and then write it

on the special “science quiz” paper

located at the office window. Put your

name, grade and answer on the paper

and place it inside the box marked

SCIENCE QUIZ by Monday 9:00am. A

lucky student will be drawn every

Monday at assembly and will win a prize.

Stay tuned for the first question next

week (20th February, 2013).

Hats must be worn by all students in Terms 1 and 4. Please make sure that your child’s hat is named. All school clothing items need to be named clearly.

School Photos will take place on Thursday 7th March. Envelopes will go home soon.

Breakfast Club will resume on Tuesday 19th February. Everyone invited!!

Fundraising Meeting Monday 18th February in the staffroom, immediately following assembly. Everyone welcome—new families and old, come along and join in!

Lost Property is located in the Junior Foyer. If items are clearly named, they can make their way back to their owner, but if there is no name we have no way of finding an owner. Please check the lost property tub, or the hooks in your child’s classroom, if you are missing anything, and encourage your child to keep track of their jumpers etc.

Outside School Hours Care is being provided by Camp Australia now. You will need to register for an account at to use this service. Registering is quick and easy. You can do this at school if you don’t have access to a computer at home. Information brochures, pricing etc. are available at the office, or see their website. Please note that the after hours mobile number used last year is no longer active. The new number for late bookings in 0450 776 973.

Preps are now attending full days (8.55am to 3.10pm). Wednesdays are still a day of rest for the Preps, with full weeks beginning on Wednesday 13th March.

Monday 11th March is the Public Holiday for Labour Day. There will be no school on this day.

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 28th February during the afternoon and evening. Please come to the office, or phone, to book a time with your child’s teacher.

Would you like to volunteer at Newhaven Primary School? We love volunteers, and would encourage you to get a Working With Children Check. Forms are available at the office or at Australia Post, and the check is free for volunteers.

Yellow Iron-On logos have arrived in the uniform shop. Wednesdays 3.00-3.15pm with Leanne, Fridays 8.45-9.00am with Karen. Thank you both for being available at these times for our school families.

Please make sure that you have returned the information forms that you collected with your child’s book pack. Throughout the year permission forms will be sent home. Please ensure that these are returned before the day of the event, so that we can be sure that your child is participating.

Forms for District Swimming, which will be held next Monday, need to be returned by Friday of this week.

Sports Report

Congratulations to Red House for winning the

Swimming House Sports on Friday. It was a

wonderful day and it was fantastic to see so

many people participating and having fun!

As a result of the day’s events, 25 students have

been chosen to represent our school at District

Swimming in Cowes on Monday. We wish all

these swimmers the best of luck!

Our Grade 5/6s are currently working hard in PE

with fitness testing. It is very interesting to see

how our students are performing.

Community Notices

Phillip Island Soccer Club Registration

days at Newhaven Reserve: Sunday 24th

February 10am-1pm , Thursday 28th

February4-6pm . Teams 7s, 9s, 11s, 13s,

Mixed Teams. Training starts Thursday

7th March at 4.30pm. Enquiries contact

Daren 0412 349 893 .

Employment Opportunity An active

person is required to join the cleaning

team for a Holiday Rental property in

Cowes. The work is regular and the pay

is very good. Experience is not essential

but would be helpful. Common sense, a

good attitude to work and a sense of

humour is essential. For further

information and enquiries please contact

Robin on 0412 545 002.

The Winged Dragon Karate in Cowes

4yrs to adult. For a free introductory

lesson bring along this ad. Contact

Lucky on 0419 333 992.

Social Fitness Wednesdays 9am right

next to the school on the soccer oval.

$10 casual, $8 package, $5 first class. Go

hard or work at your own pace… Meet

new mums and socialize while you get

fit! Contact Amber 0439 020 032

Wonthaggi & District Netball

Association 2013 Saturday Competition.

All Grades from NetSetGo to Open.

Season commences Saturday April 20th

for 15 weeks. Registration Nights:

Wednesday March 6th and Wednesday

March 13th, 4-5pm at Wonthaggi Netball

Courts. Registration forms also available

at Cargill's Sports Store, Wonthaggi.

Enquiries Anna 0407 822 694. Netball

meeting 7pm Monday 18th February at

Wonthaggi Courts, parent help is essential

(coaching and umpiring), all welcome.

Wonthaggi Power Football Club Under

11 & Under 13’s Training Wednesday

nights: 4:30 to 5:45pm (Commencing:

Wed, 27th February 2013). Coaches:

Brett Forsyth (Under 13’s)Darren Brown

(Under 11’s) New members most

welcome! For further details please

phone: Brett Forsyth on 0409 962 747

(U13) or Darren on 0418 379 301 (U11).

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club has changed to Tuesdays!

We will recommence on Tuesday 19th February

and again have the support of Phillip Island Rotary

Club and Beachside Bakehouse at San Remo.

Our thanks to both parties for their assistance and

support which allows us to run our Breakfast Club

at no cost to students.

We serve toast and fruit, juice and milo/milk. So

come to the canteen on Tuesday mornings from

19th February for brekkie.

Police Reminder

School speed zones are in operation again, and

police will be patrolling and enforcing speed limits.

Please always drive carefully near the school

crossing, and along the streets bordering our

school grounds.

Devontae & Marco

will be receiving an

award at assembly for

Courage at Swimming

Well done!