NEWS FROM THE PEWS · NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016 1 Newsletter...


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NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Newsletter Publication of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church703 Heritage Dr. SW

Calgary, Alberta T2V 2W4403-255-0001


February Issue

In this Issue: • Lenten Season • Send-off Party for Ben Kroeker • Remembering our Friends • Birth Announcement • Annual Congregational Meeting • Heritage Seniors’ Christmas Project • Getting to Know Our Friends - Roxy • Coldest Night of the Year • Youth Group at Norquay


Editorial Team of NFTP: Rhonda Mullan, Brent Harding, Norah Finlay, Fran Koenders, Terry Zimmer, Douglas Henrichsen, Judie Coleman, Rev. Kevin Lee Articles may be submitted in the mailbox in the Karl English Lounge or emailed to NFTP Editorial Team may edit your submissions due to space limitations

Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 28, 2016. Pictured here are two of our Elders, Lynn Judd and Cathy Millar, at the Congregational Meeting in October.

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Remembering Our Friends…  

               Fred  Post                        1929  –  2015  

Fred  Post  grew  up  in  the  Netherlands,  the  oldest  son  and  the  middle  child  of  eight  siblings.  When  Fred  was  eight,  he  was  already  helping  his  father  look  aCer  the  windmill  close  by  their  home.  He  was  10  years  old  at  the  start  of  World  War  II.  The  family  went  through  many  hardships.  Later,  as  a  teenager,  Fred  carried  messages  for  the  underground.  He  would  play  up  the  fact  that  he  was  “just  a  kid”.  He  felt  that  his  blond  hair  and  blue  eyes  helped  him  to  stay  safe  and  under  the  radar.  In  1949,  Fred  immigrated  to  Canada.  Here  he  met  and  married  Audrey  van  der  Linden,  and  a  few  months  later  moved  to  Calgary,  where  they  worked  with  another  couple  in  a  doughnut  business  called  Sputniks.  He  also  worked  at  the  NaPonal  System  of  Baking,  the  Calgary  Co-­‐op  Bakery,  and  the  Empress/Lucerne  Bakery.  His  skills  and  work  ethic  were  well  known  and  respected  in  the  industry.  Fred  worked  hard,  but  he  was  also  very  fun-­‐loving.  He  loved  being  a  dad,  and  enjoyed  spending  Pme  with  his  children  growing  up.  He  made  them  a  skaPng  rink  in  their  back  yard,  and  was  always  ready  to  teach  new  skills,  somePmes  learning  alongside  them.        The  Post  family  were  among  those  who  came  from  the  St.  Andrew’s  Inglewood  congregaPon  to  the  Heritage  Drive  locaPon.  When  Audrey  and  daughter  Janie  led  an  “Explorers”  group  at  St.  Andrew’s,  Fred  was  always  there  supporPng  them  in  their  endeavours.  In  the  last  few  years,  Fred  found  joy  in  volunteering  at  the  Side  by  Side  fellowship.  He  found  ways  to  contribute,  and  he  had  deep  appreciaPon  for  the  kindness  and  caring  of  all  the  volunteers.  Fred  had  a  profound  capacity  for  appreciaPng  the  simple  joys  in  life.  He  was  a  gregarious  and  gentle  person  who  gathered  friends  around  him  wherever  he  went.  His  life  was  guided  by  a  quiet,  deep-­‐rooted  faith  and  a  strong  sense  of  integrity.  When  it  first  became  clear  that  the  doctors  did  not  have  an  answer  for  his  medical  concerns,  his  response  was  a  statement  of  faith:        “God’s  grace  is  sufficient.  It  always  has  been,  

and  it  always  will  be.”  

Lenten Season Journey to the Cross

Following  the  church  year,  somePmes  referred  to  as  the  ‘Liturgical  Calendar’,  is  a  way  that  ChrisPans  around  the  world  commit  themselves  to  le]ng  the  Christ-­‐story  shape  their  lives,  parPcularly  their  worship  -­‐  It  is  a  discipling  tool  for  ongoing  spiritual  formaPon.  

In  Lent,  we  journey  with  Christ  in  a  season  focused  around  the  way  of  the  cross  -­‐  It  begins  in  ashes  on  Ash  Wednesday  with  two  notable  symbols  of  “ashes”  and  “sackcloth”.  Ashes  reminds  us  that  we  are  ruined,  since  ashes  are  the  remains  of  a  process  where  something  is  burned  and  charred  beyond  recogniPon.  Wearing  sackcloth  reminds  us  of  our  humble  idenPty  and  an  expression  of  our  impoverished  state  and  sorrow.  

Lent  is  a  40-­‐day  journey  towards  Easter,  and  it  begins  with  these  symbols  to  remind  us  what  Jesus’  Death  and  ResurrecPon  means  for  us  —  Jesus  removes  the  ashes  of  our  own  ruin  by  removing  the  cause,  

our  sin.  In  the  ResurrecPon,  He  removes  our  sackcloth,  then  clothes  us  in  royal  robes  and  calls  us  as  His  own  -­‐  The  children  of  God.  

Come  and  join  us  for  Ash  Wednesday,  Good  Friday  and  Easter  Services;  

Pancake  Supper  Wednesday,  February  10,  5:45  pm  

Ash  Wednesday  Service  Wednesday,  February  10,  7:30  pm  

Maundy  Thursday  Service  Thursday,  March  24,  7:30  pm  

Good  Friday  Service  Friday,  March  25,  10:30  am  

Easter  Services  Sunday,  March  27,  9:30  &  11:15  am  

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Heritage Seniors’ Christmas Project… Christmas Gifts to the Children of Claire Building Heritage  Seniors  not  only  organize  programs  for  the  seniors,  they  are  acPvely  involved  in  serving  the  needs  of  others  our  community.  In  December  2015  was  no  excepPon  as  they,  in  partnership  with  the  Mission  Team,  collected  and  distributed  Christmas  presents  for  the  children  living  at  the  Claire  Building  just  a  few  blocks  away  from  our  church.  The  Mission  Team  collected  the  giCs  donated  by  the  Seniors  and  distributed  them  to  the  delighted  boys  and  girls  at  the  Christmas  Party  held  at  the  Claire  Building.  Santa  Clause  this  year  was  our  very  own  Roger  Cole,  and  the  children’s  story  was  read  by  Marlene  LaMontagne.  Christmas  hampers  were  also  prepared  by  the  Mission  Team  and  given  to  all  of  the  households  living  in  the  building.  The  children  sent  a  beauPful  thank  you  poster  to  the  Seniors.  (The  poster  is  pictured  below  in  the  center.  Top  leC,  Jan  Kozbial  and  John  Young.  Bojom  leC,  two  members  of  the  Heritage  Seniors.  Bojom  right,  Sheena  Barclay)  

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Birth Announcement

CongratulaPons  to  Anne  and  George  Thomson  who  became  proud  great  grand  parents  with  the  arrival  of  Ellyana  Hazel  Kemp  on  January  19th,  in  Farnham,  England.  

Remembering Our Friends…  

                       Bill  Inman                          1920  –  2015  

Bill  Inman  was  one  of  those  quiet  souls  who  preferred  not  to  call  ajenPon  to  themselves.  His  rePcence  belied  a  patrioPc  and  acPve  past.  Born  in  Milton,  Ontario  in  1920,  Bill  served  in  the  Royal  Canadian  Air  Force  in  WWII,  and  graduated  from  the  University  of  Toronto  in  1949,  going  on  to  an  engineering  and  management  career.  He  raised  his  family  in  Montreal  and  New  Jersey,  moving  to  Calgary  with  Horton  CBI  in  1981.  In  rePrement  Bill  remained  acPve  in  the  community,  starPng  a  support  group  for  unemployed  professionals  in  the  early  1980’s  and  volunteering  with  the  Aerospace  Museum  of  Calgary.  Bill  kept  up  his  Air  Force  exercise  regimen  almost  to  the  end,  passing  away  in  Calgary  on  November  18  at  the  age  of  95.  (Bill,  pictured  here  with  his  daughter,  

Annual Congregational Meeting Session to propose a reduced budget for 2016 With  the  annual  congregaPonal  meePng  drawing  near,  members  of  St.  Andrew’s  will  find  themselves  facing  some  of  the  most  interesPng  budgetary  challenges  the  church  has  faced  in  years.      Session’s  Stewardship  and  Planning  Team  has  been  working  on  the  2016  draC  budget  proposal,  recently  endorsed  by  Session  to  be  presented  for  approval  by  the  CongregaPon.  The  proposed  budget  is  consistent  with  a  financial  plan  introduced  during  the  meePng  last  October  that  forecasted  budget  requirements  for  operaPons  for  the  

next  five  years.  Most  significant  for  2016  is  the  launch  of  the  South  of  Fish  Creek  ministry,  coming  out  of  the  amalgamaPon  of  Trinity  Presbyterian  in  Midnapore  with  St.  Andrew’s.  Session  has  reviewed  two  budgets,  one  for  St.  Andrew’s  Heritage  Drive  operaPons  and  the  second  for  the  South  of  Fish  Creek  ministry.  SPpend,  benefits  and  related  expenses  of  the  South  of  Fish  Creek  ministry  will  be  allocated  to  its  fund  whereas  St.  Andrew’s  family  ministry  to  St.  Andrew’s  budget.  The  second  aspect  of  the  

challenge  is  all  around  us  —  the  state  of  the  local  economy.  In  what  may  be  a  first,  Session  reviewed  budget  reducPons  in  all  areas  of  the  budget.  Ministers  and  staff  salaries  will  not  be  increased.  The  Maintenance  and  OperaPons  budget  will  be  reduced  21.66%.  CongregaPonal  teams  will  see  a  10%  reducPon  in  2016.    Another  outcome  of  the  amalgamaPon  was  an  allocaPon  to  the  St.  Andrew’s  planned  giving  program,  the  Legacy  Fund.  In  2016,  interest  from  this  fund  along  with  the  Memorial  Fund  will  each  contribute  $15,000  to  church  operaPonal  expenses.    The  draC  proposed  budget  asks  for  a  2%  increase  in  general  offerings.  The  congregaPon  will  see  the  proposed  budget  in  advance  of  the  annual  congregaPonal  meePng  on  February  28  when  the  membership  will  finalize  the  2016  budget.  

Annual  CongregaIonal  MeeIng  February,  28,  2016  Following  Sunday  Service  at  10:30  am  

Soup  Lunch  will  be  served  aRer  the  Service

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Celebrating Youth Ministry… Big Send-off for Ben Kroeker

December  was  a  Pme  for  more  than  religious  celebraPon.  As  St.  Andrew’s  prepared  for  a  new  year,  it  was  Pme  for  a  big  send-­‐off  for  youth  director  Ben  Kroeker.  Some  20  young  people,  along  with  a  fair  share  of  adults,  gathered  for  fun  and  munchies;  oh,  and  to  wish  Ben  well  as  he  moves  on  to  new  challenges.  (One  suspects  that  some  of  those  adults  were  other  than  parents,  and  were  present  having  heard  about  the  good  Pmes  in  the  youth  group  during  Ben’s  ministry.)  

Ben  was  Youth  Director  at  St.  Andrew’s  for  five  years  beginning  in  August,  2010  aCer  graduaPng  from  Ambrose  University  College  in  Calgary.  Talent  spojer  Rev.  Peter  Coujs  became  aware  of  Ben,  and  he  was  recruited  to  take  over  the  youth  ministry  posiPon  at  St.  Andrew’s  aCer  several  years  of  turnover  among  program  directors.  

As  Ben  likes  to  say,  “one  of  my  favorite  acPviPes  is  laughing.”  Laughter  became  as  important  aspect  of  youth  group  gatherings  that  included  outdoor  acPviPes  such  as  expediPons  into  the  backcountry  of  the  Rocky  Mountains.  

With  young  people  a  considerable  

challenge  is  guiding  them  through  what  can  seem  like  a  spiritual  maze.  That  was  a  significant  aspect  of  Ben’s  ministry  and  included  events  like  a  hot-­‐seat  session  with  the  then  —-­‐newly  engaged  —  Rev.  Kevin  Lee.  

Ben  took  a  back-­‐seat  in  the  grilling;  then,  near  the  end  of  the  lively  session,  helped  to  put  the  discussion  into  a  context  the  young  people  understood.  

As  Ben  moves  on  to  other  challenges,  and  St.  Andrew’s  launches  its  youth  and  family  ministry  with  Rev.  Jared  Miller,  members  of  St.  Andrew’s,  young  and  adult,  can  look  back  at  

an  important  and  lively  Pme  for  an  important  segment  of  the  congregaPon.  Five  years  of  growth,  new  experiences,  learning,  and  oh,  the  laughter!       Submi&ed  by  Brent  Harding  

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Potluck Supper Dance the winter blues away…

"Fabulous  50's  to  the  Swingin'  70's"  Potluck  Supper  InvitaIon  

Saturday,  February  27th      Everyone,  young  and  old,  is  invited  to  the  Fabulous  50's  to  the  Swingin'  70's  Potluck  Supper  being  held  in  Trinity  Hall  on  Saturday  February  27th  from  5:00  pm  to  8:00  pm.  Bring  your  enPre  family  along  with  a  salad,  main  dish,  or  dessert  for  a  delicious  meal  and  an  entertaining  and  fun  evening.  A  delicious,  shared  supper  will  be  followed  by  a  Pme  of  humour,  a  50's  to  70's  trivia  challenge,  a  special  presentaPon  of  1950's  to  1970's  music  by  the  Noteables,  and  a  group  sing-­‐a-­‐long.  There  is  no  cost,  but  please  pre-­‐register  at  the  sign-­‐up  centre  in  the  Narthex.  Please  join  us  on  February  27th  for  an  entertaining  evening  of  food,  fellowship,  and  fun.  See  you  there!                                  Welcome  &  Fellowship  Team  

      Welcome  and  Fellowship  team…  would  like  to  recognize  and  thank  George  Amos,  Ed  Braun,  Brad  Chalmers,  Michael  Henry,  Ron  Horwood,  Don  Koch,  Loran  McVi]e,  and  Bob  Shaw  for  their  help  in  

se]ng  up  and/or  taking  down  the  naPvity  scene  and  angels  which  were  on  display  on  the  front  lawn  during  Advent.  Your  assistance  was  greatly  appreciated.  Thank  you!  

Rhonda  Mullan…  I  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who  took  a  moment  out  of  their  day  to  send  healing  wishes  to  me  during  my  Pme  away  from  St.  Andrew's.    Thank  you  so  much  for  the  cards,  calls,  flowers  and  especially  your  prayers.    They  were  very  much  appreciated.  Thank  you!      

Inn From The Cold St. Andrew’s volunteers…

St.  Andrew’s  volunteers  hosts  the  Inn  From  the  Cold  program  at  Southwood  United  Church  in  the  months  where  there  are  5  Sundays.  We  need  many  volunteers  to  host  15  clients  from  Sunday  evening  to  Monday  morning.  Here  are  some  of  the  ways  volunteers  help  to  make  this  vital  ministry  and  service  possible.  

• 6  people  to  prepare  supper  for  the  Clients  and  Volunteers  (3  hrs.)  

• 2  people  to  prepare  take  away  lunches  (2  Hrs.)  • 6  people  to  Set  up  the  Beds  and  Linens  (3hrs.)  • bake  two  dozen  cookies  and  squares    

• 2  people  for  overnight  supervision  (8:45  pm  -­‐  1  am)  • 2  people  for  overnight  supervision  (1:00  am  to  5  am)  • 5  people  to  prepare  breakfast  (5:00  am  -­‐  7:30  am)  

• 5  people  for  clean-­‐up  (6:00  am  -­‐  7:30  am)  • 8  people  to  do  two  bags  of  laundry  (2  hrs.)  Pictured  below  are  some  of  the  people  who  volunteered  on  January  31.  Our  next  opportunity  to  serve  is  on  Sunday,  May  29th  to  Monday,  May  30th.  If  you’d  like  to  serve  please  speak  to  Val  Hall  or  contact  the  office.

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Saturday, March 19th 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Trinity Hall Volunteers are needed:

Set-up/Table Setting - Baking/Cooking/Kitchen Prep Clean-up/Dishwashing

If you can help with any of these activities, please contact

Bob Fuenning.   Sign-up sheet in the Foyer.

Saying Goodbye…We  say  goodbye  to  our  long-­‐Pme  friends  here  at  St.  Andrew’s  who  passed  away  in  January.  We  will  have  their  stories  in  the  future  ediPons  of  the  News  From  the  Pews.  Grant  Huber  -­‐  January  21,  2016  Roy  Arrell  -­‐  January  22,  2016  Chris  Groundwater  -­‐  January  24,  2016  Bob  Merchant  -­‐  January  29,  2016  

Our  Prayers  and  Sympathy  also  go  out  to:  Merrill  Blenman,  on  the  passing  of  his  Mother,  Colleen  on  January  2,  2016.  Velda  Harris’  whose  Sister  died  on  January  5,  2016  Marlyn  Townsend,  who  lost  her  Father  on  January  6,  2016.    Our  thoughts  and  prayers  go  with  all  those  who’ve  lost  their  loved  ones.  

Getting to Know Our Friends Roxy Hope-Ross Winter  leC  late  in  the  Spring  of  1923  in  the  prairie  town  of  SwiC  Current,  Saskatchewan.  My  Mom,  Violet  Reid,  was  house-­‐bound,  barely  able  to  keep  things  together.  Both  daughters,  Annabelle  and  Nelda  were  very  ill  with  rheumaPc  fever.  Arnold,  a  young  boy  himself,  did  what  chores  he  could  to  help  his  Mom.  Her  husband,  Jim,  a  civil  engineer,  was  away  building  roads  to  feed  his  growing  family.  Vi  was  eight  months  pregnant  with  their  fourth  child.  There  came  a  knock  on  the  door  one  morning  just  before  noon.  Vi  answered  it.  There  stood  a  well-­‐dressed  and  coiffed  lady,  who  introduced  herself  as  Roxy  Grove.  She  was  an  American  musical  performer  on  tour,  singing  and  playing  piano.  She  had  heard  of  Mrs.  Reid’s  plight  and  offered  to  help.    She  stayed  a  fortnight  and  pitched  in  wherever  she  could.  She’d  perform  at  night  and  help  nurse  the  sick  girls  and  sit  with  Arnold  and  cook  and  clean  during  the  day.  Then,  as  the  weather  improved,  the  girls  were  much  bejer  and,  as  Easter  approached,  she  took  her  leave  —  almost  as  suddenly  as  she  had  arrived.  Upon  her  departure,  she  placed  a  small,  blue  velvet  box  in  Mrs.  Reid’s  hand.  It  contained  a  perfectly  formed  stone  cross  on  a  fine  gold  chain  —  a  giC  for  the  baby-­‐to-­‐come.  Miss  Grove  explained  the  history  of  the  stone.  It,  and  others  like  it,  had  been  quarried  in  the  hills  of  Virginia.  They  came  out  of  the  ground  just  as  this  one  was  —  a  perfect  crystal  of  rock  in  the  shape  of  the  cross.  Legend  had  it  that  the  crosses  were  tears  shed  by  the  angels  upon  the  crucifixion  of  Christ.  Mrs.  Reid  vowed  that  if  the  new  baby  were  a  girl,  she  would  name  her  aCer  her  “angel  of  mercy”,  Roxy.  Hence  my  name!  Roxy  Grove  returned  to  the  Southern  U.S.  and  went  on  to  a  highly  successful  musical  career  as  a  performer  and  as  a  teacher.  Roxy  Grove  Hall  at  Baylor  University  is  also  named  aCer  her.  Crystal  crosses  may  sPll  be  found  in  Virginia,  protected  in  a  designated  park.                   Roxy  Hope-­‐Ross  

NFTP Issue #7 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church February 2016


Coldest Night of the Year St.  Andrew’s  Team  -­‐  “Happy  Souls”  

Walk  in  solidarity  with  our  brothers  and  sisters  experiencing  homelessness  by  joining  CNOY  on  February  20,  2016.  We  are  walking  to  support  Acadia  Place,  Feed  the  Hungry  and  exciPng  new  partner  The  Mustard  Seed.  

Acadia  Place  is  an  affordable  housing  complex  with  57  units  housing  a  blend  of  single  adults,  couples  and  families  who  were  previously  homeless  or  at  risk  of  becoming  homeless.    

Feed  the  Hungry  is  a  Sunday  Night  dinner  program  offering  a  sit  down  meal  for  500  guests  in  St.  Mary’s  Hall  in  downtown  Calgary.    

The  Mustard  Seed  is  a  is  non-­‐denominaPonal  ChrisPan  charity  that  builds  community,  grows  hope  and  supports  change  The  organizaPon  provides  food,  clothing  and  shelter,  and  helps  clients  find  homes  and  jobs  and  improve  their  overall  health.  

JOIN  ST.  ANDREW’S  TEAM  “HAPPY  SOULS”  for  this  walk  adventure  in  support  of  these  great  programs.  

If  you’d  like  to  walk,  you  can  register  online  at  and  look  for  “Happy  Souls”  to  join  the  team.  

You  can  also  make  pledges  online,  or  pledge  sheets  will  be  available  to  make  your  contribuPons.  

For  informaPon  on  St.  Andrew’s  parPcipaPon  in  2016,  please  speak  with  Rev.  Lee  or  the  office.  

Youth Event Tubing at Norquay On  Sunday  aCernoon,  the  youth  had  the  opportunity  for  awesome  fellowship  and  recreaPonal  tubing  down  Alberta  mountain,  as  they  welcomed  Beth  and  Jared  to  St.  Andrew’s.  Pictured  above  are  Beth  Miller,  Lauren  Cole,  Rev.  Jared  Miller,  and  Shelby  Cole.  Pictured  below  are  Simon  TF  and  Carl  Murray.  Here  are  some  future  events;  

Feb  5  -­‐  Outdoor  Snow  Sports  Feb  12  -­‐  PYMC  City-­‐Wide  Event  

Feb  19  -­‐  Hot  Seat  with  Jared  Miller  Feb  26  -­‐  DVD  Study;  Book  of  James  

For  more  informaPon  about  the  youth  group,  please  speak  to  Shona  or  Carl  Murray,  or  one  of  the  ministers.  
