Newsletter 13 09 2013




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Friday 13th September 2013

Home Mission Sunday - Prayers of the Faithful For the Church: that the witness of our good works may be a sign of the compassion and love of God. Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

For the Catholic Agency to Support Evangelisation and all mission agencies: that their work may foster in each of us a greater discernment of the ways to evangelise – to share the faith that is in us. Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

For the leaders of the nations: that they will work tirelessly for peace and justice throughout the world. Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

For all those who are searching for meaning in their lives: that they will find a welcome and acceptance here in All Hallows and in our parishes and communities. Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

For all who suffer: that they may experience God’s healing presence through our prayers and service. Lord in your mercy: Hear our prayer

In the silence of our hearts, we pray for ourselves and all those who have asked us to pray for them.

Michaelmas Term

Parents as Partners: HOMEWORK POLICY

Homework is considered to be a vital aspect of learning at All Hallows Catholic College. All students receive a homework timetable at the start of each academic year and homework will be given in all subjects in accordance with the timetable. All students also receive a planner at the start of the academic year. Form tutors check student planners on a weekly basis, parents are asked to check and sign their child’s planner, which form tutors will countersign. Students will be expected to complete two pieces of homework per night on average and sometimes three at the weekend. The guideline for time spent on homework is 40 minutes per night (20 minutes per homework) and 1 hour at the weekend in Year 7, rising to 1½ hours per night (45 minutes per homework) and 2-2½ hours at the weekend in Years 10/11. The type of homework set varies according to the skills being developed and the nature of the subject. Examples could be: problem solving, project work, research, creative writing or skills based work. We consider the home/college partnership to be central to successful homework, and parents are encouraged to support their chil-dren in providing a suitable place and atmosphere in which to work. Half termly homework programs are published for parental and student viewing on the college website.

Alumni News Congratulations to James Gillan who has

been awarded a 2:1 Honours in History at the

University of York and Alice Fitton who has

been awarded a 2:1 Honours in Geography at

Lancaster University.

Principal’s Surgery Parents / carers are invited to attend a Principal’s Surgery on the following dates

Thursday 19 September, 9am -10am

Thursday 3 October, 4pm - 5.30pm

There is no appointment system so please be prepared to wait

Two Principal’s Surgeries will take place each term

Student Arrivals and Departures

Will parents please note the following:-

- All students should enter and leave via the 'bus turning circle', or the Westbury gate

- If you are collecting your child by car, please arrange to meet them away from the College in a side street and not in the 'bus

turning circle'.

- Please do not arrange to collect your child from the Brooklands Avenue carpark.


- Students who are collected by taxi should follow the same procedure i.e. at the 'bus turning circle' unless approved differently

by the SENCO, Mr. Diamond.

Sixth Form Bursary Applications

Letters have been issued to all Sixth Form students regarding the 16-19

Bursary Scheme. If you are eligible please make your application direct

to Mrs Stirling in the Finance Office by 11th October 2013

Uniform Matters Following announcements made last term College jumpers have become compulsory. This policy was working its way through the year groups and this year marks the first year when the expectation is that all students in Y7-11 will wear the appropriate colour jumper for the Key Stage to which they belong. Thank you to a small group of parents/carers who have sought clarification on this issue – your comments and feedback have been helpful in determining the best way forward and helped us to a produce a Question-Answer sheet for everyone. This is available under ‘Principal’s Letters’ on our website. Boys in Year 9 have been issued with the old school tie with stripes - free of charge - thanks to a donation by Finesse, our uniform supplier. The ties are back by popular demand and are of a better length for older boys. We are delighted with the way our students have returned very smartly for the new College year, clearly following the 'dress for success' principle.

Attendance Matters at All Hallows Year 7 - 98.9%

Year 8 - 96.2%

Year 9 - 96.6%

Year 10 - 97.6.

Year 11 - 95.7%

The average for the week is 97.1%. We aim for 97%. Parents/carers are politely reminded to avoid absence unless it is absolutely necessary. Holidays will not be authorised from 1st September 2013 under new legislation on all English schools. Requests for holidays must still be made in writing to the appropriate Key Stage leader (Mrs Garvey KS5, Mr Blades KS4 and Mr Diamond KS3), but in the vast majority of cases they will be unauthorised. Medical absence will continue to require medical proof and appointments should be made, where possible, outside of the College day. Please consider whether a whole day of absence is absolutely necessary for medical appointments, or whether part of the day could be missed instead?


The following are the dates for training days in 2013-14. Students are not required to attend on these days.

Monday 24 February 2014

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Friday 23 May 2014

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Term College Opens to Students College Closes to


Michaelmas Tuesday 3 September 2013 (Year 7, 12 and 13 in only)

Wednesday 4 September 2013 (All students in)

Friday 18 October


Christmas Monday 28 October 2013 Thursday 19

December 2013

Epiphany Monday 6 January 2014 Friday 14 February


Easter Wednesday 26 February 2014 Friday 4 April 2014

Whitsun Wednesday 23 April 2014 Thursday 22 May


Trinity Monday 2 June 2014 Tuesday 22 July 2014









Parental Gateway

User names passwords were mailed out during the summer. The Gateway provides real time information about your child and parents/carers are encouraged to use it regularly. Student reports can be viewed on the Gateway and the College is considering phasing out paper reports at some point in the future. Your views on this would be welcome.

Flight Paths and Student Progress

Students in years 8-10 have been issued with new target setting sheets called "Flight Paths". Year 7 will follow in October. These target setting and tracking sheets are stapled into the front of each exercise book and parents/carers are encouraged to discuss them with their child or children. More information about Flight Paths and student progress will appear on the website presently. There will also be an information evening on this topic so please look out for that date.

Campus Building Update

A new waste water tank is being sunk into the Y7-8 Recreation Area. We are hoping this work will be finished very quickly so the students can have their play area back! In the meantime students must stay away from the designated area. Students in Y7-8 have the Quad areas and the area adjacent to the restaurant/ADT to use until the work is completed. Temporary boys’ changing rooms have been installed in the College pending completion of the new changing pavilion and all weather pitch. The Outdoor Gym now has all-weather covering and we are waiting for some tarmac-patching before re-opening. The German Style Market Enterprise Area is being completed for opening very soon.


‘Scoil Rince Fraser’

‘Fraser School of Irish Dance’

Céad Mile Fáilte

‘One hundred thousand welcomes’



All Hallows Catholic College

Tuesdays in the Dance Studio 3.30pm—4.30pm

Come along and learn Traditional Irish Step Dancing in both light and hard shoe.

Also Ceili Team Dancing, even have a go at River Dance…..
