Newsletter 2014 Term 4 Week 6




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T E R M 4 W E E K 6

1 1 t h N o ve m b e r

2 0 1 4

Wed 12th


Thurs 13th

Cricket trials Ganmain

Fri 14th

Mrs Moore- Principal’s Meeting


Outstanding Notes

Scripture Notes

Yr 7 Selective High School placement

Swimming School

5649 Canola Way Matong NSW 2652

P h o n e : 0 2 6 9 2 7 7 8 2 4 F a x : 0 2 6 9 2 7 7 8 7 7 E ma i l : ma t o n g - p . s c h o o l @ d e t . n s w . e d u . a u We b : w w w . ma t o n g - p . s c h o o l s . n s w . e d u . a u


Remembrance Day

Students have certainly enjoyed their visit to Healthy Harold today in the Life Education Van. Please talk to your child about what they learnt in their session today. We all enjoyed a very healthy chicken wrap, kindly prepared by the Soroptimist ladies. Everyone got to choose their own filling and some even came back for seconds. Great to see such healthy appetites! As a visitor to our school, Mrs Knox our school counsellor was most impressed with the respect in which all students and staff participated in our very touching Remembrance Day Ceremony. Thank you to Miss M for her organisation. Thank you to all parents and carers who are working really closely with their child’s classroom teacher in supporting their child’s learning. Your interest and feedback really does make a difference to your child’s learning outcomes. We hope you all got to hear about how your child went in their recent testing. All of our students were really excited about finding out where they did really well and also how they can improve for next time using the “3 stars and a wish” reflective activity. With the hot weather upon us it is great to see everyone in their hats in the playground. Please consider applying sunscreen in the morning on their way to school. School bucket hats are part of our uniform and available for sale through the P&C. I am pretty certain all our students are really looking forward to swimming school in Week 8 and 9!! Anne-Moore, Principal


We have been learning about orang-utans and about their habitats. So orang-utans don’t die, we have been reading about saving them and their rainforests. We have been learning about online shopping and looking at muffin recipes so we can make money for WIRES. We have been learning how to read expressively by doing a readers’ theatre script. We are going to see Healthy Harold today and we are going to have some fun!

Principal’s Report


Stage One would like to borrow the following items. If you are able to assist please send in by Thursday, with your name clearly labelled. Thank you.

Scales Spatulas

Muffin pans Bowls

Sifter Wire rack

Wooden spoons Grater


In Stage 2/3 this week we have been continuing to design our new classroom with many awesome ideas being shared. We have been determining the area and perimeters of the rooms, as well as practising finding the areas of irregular shapes and triangles. Students are then applying the new knowledge to calculate the costs of painting and flooring using online tools.

We completed testing last week with the majority of students improving their results over the year, which is fantastic. Today in Maths, Stage 3 explored Microsoft Excel and used this program to plot the student’s test results, creating graphs that show the growth in their learning since May.

Students have been enjoying the Creative Art lessons that Miss Crouch has been conducting and we now have some lovely new wall displays in the hallway.

On a final note please test your children’s knowledge of the states and territories of Australia and their relevant capital cities.

is here! This we week are participating in Q4:H2O which encourages children to choose water for thirst, and to drink milk, especially reduced fat milk. Your child may bring home a Q4:H2O card to record their drinks over one week. Please support this initiative and your child’s health.


Stage 2/3 Monday Stage 1 Tuesday


Stage One

Digby Currie – Exciting progress in Literacy

Tegan Hatty – All-round positive application

Stage 2

Tyler Smith – improved reading results

Ted Hatty – Always offering to help

Jalylene McFarlane – Excellent behaviour in Maths

RFF & Library

David Beard, Brodie Rudder

Special Awards

Gus Richardson, Julia Walsh, Jessica Rudder, Charlotte McGuiness

Principal’s Award

George Hatty

How did you help somebody today?

◄ Oct 2014 ~ November 2014 ~ Dec 2014 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 9

WEEK 6 10 Finance Meeting – Mrs Moore & Mrs Evans Library Stage 2/3

11 Life Education & Healthy Lunch Library Stage 1


13 Cricket trials Ganmain

14 Mrs Moore – Principals Meeting


16 WEEK 7

17 Kidsmatter – Mrs Moore & Miss M Library Stage 2/3

18 Library Stage 1

19 Mobile Library

20 Year 6 CCS Transition



23 WEEK 8

24 Swim School Library Stage 2/3

25 Swim School Library Stage 1

26 Swim School Captains votes

27 Swim School

28 Swim School


FRIDAY LUNCHES Lunch orders need to be at school by Thursday if students want a Bakery lunch on Friday

◄ ~ December 2014 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 30

WEEK 9 1 Swim School Library Stage 2/3

2 Swim School Library Stage 1

3 Swim School Mobile Library Year 6 NHS Transition

4 Swim School Year 6 NHS Transition

5 Swim School

6 Ganmain Twilight Markets

7 WEEK 10




11 Year 6 Farewell



14 WEEK 11

15 Concert & Presentation Night


17 Mobile Library

18 Staff Dev Day

19 Staff Dev Day




The Library is hosting an author visit on Wednesday, 19th November @ 10.30am. Author Bronwyn Hope presents her book “The Breast is History : an intimate memoir of breast cancer. This book is an autobiography filled with humour and philosophy. It is a powerful resource for women dealing with breast cancer, their families and supporters. Everyone is most welcomed to attend with morning tea provided.

Our next Storytime will be held Friday 21st November @ 10.30am. The theme is “Fire Engines. Come along to this very special storytime – everyone most welcomed.

Our “Food for Fines” campaign has started again at the Coolamon Library. This is a great opportunity to clear all outstanding fines by donating non-perishable food in lieu of money. All collected food will be donated to St Vincent de Paul in Coolamon. They will then distribute the food to our local families within our shire.