Newsletter Apr


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  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter Apr






    Dear Friend,

    Be a MAN. This three-word sentence was one of the most important elements

    of the Charles Atlas Dynamic Tension course. First assembled in the 1920s

    and sold through mail order, the course didnt just teach exercises. It

    talked about attitude and what it takes to be somebody.

    Atlas may have been the most famous person to use the M word ... but a

    quick gander through other old-time sports and fitness books will show

    that authors of the early 20th century actually thought about what a MANis ... or more importantly, what a MAN can be.

    Books on wrestling, boxing, jiu-jitsu and judo were often referred to as

    the manly arts. And each time the word MAN or MANLY is used, the

    reader gets an injected sense of possibility. The M word makes you

    imagine what you can become if you simply buckle down and follow a daily

    fitness regimen or combat-oriented art ... or devote yourself to any other

    worthwhile endeavor.

    Today we see the exact opposite approach being used. A number of martial

    arts are sold under the pretense that you do not need to be a Man or

    manly. You dont need to be tough. Strength, fitness and conditioning

    are not necessary. Technique is all you need. Funny, isnt it?

    Commercial successes of today appeal to the inadequacy of an individual

    but offer no internal solutions. Everything is external.

    You dont need to be A Man, just use our flashy technique.You dont

    need to be A Man, just take our supplements.You dont need to train hard

    , just take steroids.You dont need to be responsible for your life, its

    other peoples fault.

    In todays world, how often do we see the words MAN and MANLY used?


    Part of this may be that men of today are afraid of what women might

    think. And I understand this. But it is neither sexist nor chauvinistic

    for men to think of and work toward becoming an ideal MAN. I believe a man

    should be a MAN. It is only natural.

    Whether you are a man or woman, however, I believe it is a crime to dumb

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    down your skills and tarnish your dreams in order to be liked. It is a sad

    and pathetic waste of human life ... and all too common. As Thoreau wrote

    long ago, The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.

    Sure, it takes guts to run on your own gas. It also takes guts to admit

    that you want something more out of life. It takes guts to invest in

    yourself, to ask for help from those who can help you - and to model and

    emulate what other successful people have done. It takes absolutely noguts to live in quiet desperation. It does, however, take cowardice

    (another word we dont hear to much anymore).


    Whenever we are faced with an uncomfortable situation in life, we have a

    choice. We can act like a man or we can act like a coward. Let me give you

    some real life examples from my own past with the hope that these will

    stir your soul to rise above yourself and become more than you think you

    can be.

    Part of the reason why I got interested in fitness in the first place was

    because I was the sixth of seven children in an Irish Catholic family.

    Preceding me were four brothers and a sister. Given the Celtic love for

    fighting, you can imagine how many ass-kickings I got as a boy.

    At the age of 13, I decided I had had enough. I began exercising three

    times per week, doing nothing more than my best imitation of the old-time

    clean and push press. I had no books around to read about what I was

    doing. I merely imitated what I saw on the Olympics.

    Within six weeks I was not the same person. I had muscles all over the place

    and for the first time in my life, people complemented me for how I looked.

    But not my brothers. One of them used to say, Whatever you can lift with both

    hands I can put up with one. Another used to laugh at me and call me muscle

    bound. Even dear old mom used to come up with ways to get me to stop.

    I ignored them enough to keep doing what I was doing ... but also made a

    vocal commitment to one of my siblings. One afternoon, after he whooped me

    pretty good, I screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors, Just wait, in

    two more years, Im going to kick your ass.

    He laughed. But the eldest son, Sean, who had just returned from the army

    didnt. He took my mom to the side and said, Every young kid says this

    kind of thing to his older brothers. But there is something different

    about Matt. He MEANS IT.

    Yes, I did. But because bigger brother was off to college, it was three

    years before I had my chance.

    Each summer, Iowans in my part of the state do something for the big bucks

    that is downright insane. We go out into fields of seed corn and strip the

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    tassels off the female rows.

    Wed get up at five a.m., when it was still cool, pack a lunch and drive a

    half hour to find the field we were contracted to clean. The corn stalks

    would be wet with morning dew and our clothes would get soaked as we

    walked down half-mile rows and pulled on tassels. A half-mile row would

    usually take two hours. By that time the sun was blistering our skin and

    the mosquitos were chomping on our flesh.

    After a few minutes rest wed head back, pulling and walking ... and

    exchanging insults with the others in the pack.

    At the time the company paid about $110 per acre. Most people would

    contract 40 acres. Being that the entire job took two to three weeks, this

    was a pretty good chunk of change back then.

    I wanted to get my own contract and hire my own crew. My mother insisted

    that I needed to help my brother. My brother insisted that he would pay

    me, good money. At the time I didnt know the phrase, Could you please

    turn the alpha to numerics for me - and so I carried on with my unspoken

    dream of good money.

    Meanwhile my brother went back to college so he could party with his

    friends. I took the crew out each morning and we did all the work. And

    when it came time for me to receive my share of good money - imagine my

    surprise when I was paid only $350 - which was only $100 more than anyone

    else on the crew.

    Oh yeah ... I STILL remember.

    So one afternoon when my brother was dropping me off at home, he thoughtit would be fun to entertain his friends by saying, See you later penis

    breath. To this I replied ...... - well, lets leave that one out.

    Suffice it to say that his car door opened and he tore after me, thinking

    he was going to whoop me just like old times.

    As he approached from behind I turned around to meet him face to face. He

    crashed into me and instead of me getting bowled over, I locked him up in a

    tight bear hug and tossed him to the ground. From there I started throwing

    punches while heavy expletives rained upon him. He was in big trouble.

    Sensing my brothers inevitable destruction, his friend came running from

    the car to help out. My mom and our dog came running from the house, too.

    The dog starting biting on my leg and my mom and my brothers friend

    pulled me off.

    That was the last time the bastard ever tried to physically bully me.

    Sure, he still tries. Like a scorpion, its his nature to sting. But Im

    always loaded for bear when hes around.

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    Love, gratitude and forgiveness are fine and dandy - and Im all in favor

    of them. Yet, Im also in favor of fisticuffs, if need be.

    Im pretty certain that if my mother, my friends brother and our dog

    would have let me pummel the bastard into submission that afternoon, that

    all would be well between us. Knocking the living snot out of your worst

    enemy has a transforming effect on relationships. Most of the time you

    become good friends afterward.

    A case in point took place when I was a junior in high school. The

    schools toughest man followed me into the john after lunch. I was

    leaving the stall, which was made of brick and had no doors. But when I

    turned around the tough guy was staring at me.

    He began pushing me in the chest with his hand, saying, Come on. I told

    him to stop pushing. This made him even more determined to egg me on. He

    started using one finger. I gave him one more chance to stop.

    What are you going to do to me? he questioned.

    As his hand moved forward the next time, I timed it perfectly. My right

    foot punted him in the gonads. At the same time, I immediately crowded him

    so that he couldnt punch me. He was a fearsome striker and a week earlier

    had given his cousin 13 stitches inside and 14 stitches outside his mouth

    ... and from only two swings.

    Once I had my bear hug I wrestled him to the ground. I grapevined him with

    my left leg to keep him down and told him he should just give up now and

    go back to class. He insisted that I let him up so that he could beat the

    crap out of me. Realizing this conversation wasnt leading to an amicable

    resolution, I grabbed him by his thick curly hair and knocked his headinto the brick stall a few times. The hard surface delivered one helluva

    inrtoduction and the tough guy lay humbled. Still fearing for my life, I

    grabbed his hair again and turned his face toward the ceiling and popped

    him in the nose. Blood poured. He begged me to get off. I said I would so

    long as he never bothered me again. He promised.

    Now I know all the moralizing about how the bigger man walks away and all

    that gobbledegook. But the fact of the matter is this guy went home for

    three days to recover ... and during that time he came to the conclusion

    that I wasnt such a bad guy after all. A few weeks later, at a track

    meet, he told me he was sorry for picking the fight and we became friends.In fact, the last time I saw him, he asked if I had any t-shirts and other

    goodies ... and he bought everything I had with me... in triplicate.

    There are many other stories I can tell, but the point of all of them is

    simple: Be a MAN.

    You are going to be tested throughout your entire life. How you deal with

    each test is whats important.

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    You dont have to accept every test. There are so many that one of the

    tests in life is choosing what youll focus your energy on.

    My advice is simple:Whatever you want to do in life, work on doing it to

    the best of your ability.

    Having specific goals can be motivating, but it is also to your benefit to

    have less specific but highly empowering goals.

    Take trees for example. Every single tree in existence grows as high as it

    can. A California Redwood doesnt grow ten feet when it can grow 100. It

    doesnt stop at 50 feet because the other trees dont like him. It doesnt

    get to a certain point and say, This is pretty good, huh?

    Let yourself grow and become all that you can become. Not part.


    Over the years, a number of people have said to me, I love your style.

    You just dont care if anybody likes you or not. You just say what youthink. I wish I could be more like that.

    Well, you can ... but Im not necessarily suggesting you be that way.

    There are rewards for being straightforward and there are slings and

    arrows. I do believe, however, that part of being A MAN is saying and

    writing exactly what you think. Not everything, mind you. Sometimes it is

    prudent to keep your yap shut ... but youd be surprised how many people

    never say or write anything that they truly believe because theyre afraid

    that someone out there wont like it (or like them).

    Ive often told my students here in Tampa, If there were only a million

    people on this earth to hear what I have to say or to read my writings,

    and 510,000 of them approve, and the rest dont, I call that a landslide.

    We do in politics, right? Why not in real life?

    I sincerely hope that those who listen to me and read my words like what I

    have to say ... but if they dont ... should I become a chameleon and be

    what they want me to be? Naaahh. I dont think so.

    Being a person of character is most important. Being able to look in the

    mirror and know that Im on a never-ending journey toward the fulfillment

    of goals that make sense to me; goals that help me, that help others, and

    that are worthwhile and good - that is what Im all about.

    Let the naysayers squawk and flutter around in the chicken coop. Theyre

    never going to amount to much anyway, so why pay attention to them?

    Long ago I remember hearing the renowned business and motivational writer

    Brian Tracy saying, The reason why so many people are unhappy in life is

    because each day when they get up and look in the mirror, the person

    staring back is not particularly good at anything.

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    There are those today who dont feel it is important to become good at

    something. Sadly, they pass this philosophy on to young men and women and

    make them emotionally impotent.

    It IS IMPORTANT TO BECOME GOOD AT SOMETHING. If for no other reason than

    that it makes you feel good about yourself.

    But there are other reasons. Perhaps the most important is that successbreeds success. Knowing that you have succeeded in one endeavor gives you

    the CONFIDENCE to try other things. And if youve succeeded in one area of

    life, you can use that success as a springboard to success in other areas.

    When I started out in business at age 23, I had no idea what it took to

    succeed. But I DID KNOW how to succeed ... and that I could. I figured

    that applying the same principles to business that I applied to becoming a

    champion wrestler was the key. So I studied what I needed to know to

    succeed and I made it happen.

    In 1987 when I began a personal fitness business, I had in the back of my

    mind that I was only going to stay in that career for 10 years. My real

    goal was to be a writer.

    And so, while working on sustaining the business I was in, I practiced the

    craft of writing.

    In the fall of 1995, I wrote my first book, The Martial Art of Wrestling.

    I had it published in January of 1996. Financially speaking, 1996 was

    horrible. I was trying to balance two careers simultaneously and was

    unable to completely focus on one. I was being put to the test ... and in

    a big way. My wife and I really suffered during that time. Oftentimes I

    was an emotional mixture of fear and confidence. but because I hadsuffered through adversity before and come out on top, I had the

    confidence to carry a torch through the darkness.

    By 1998, I was no longer training people for a living. I worked with a

    few people here and there, but our publishing company was the major force.

    Today my books and videos are read and viewed all over the world.

    Sometimes I get orders from places like Darussalam; a country that I had

    never heard of.

    So when I ask myself, were the dark times worth it? - I nod.

    How does all of this tie into fitness and conditioning? It does, my

    friends, and it does in a big,big way.

    I have yet to meet the person who excelled at Combat Conditioningright from

    the start. There are no Instant Successes in this field. But those who

    apply themselves and give it all they have will eventually get good at it. A

    maximum of 10 Hindu squats can, through diligent effort, become 500, 1000 or

    more. A person who cannot touch his nose in a bridge, can learn how.

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    Each of these physical successes is also a mental breakthrough. Each

    success gives you that good feeling when you look at yourself in the

    mirror. And each success leads to another and another and another.

    Success in fitness and conditioning will transform a weakling into a MAN.

    And a MAN knows that he can accomplish whatever he sets his mind on.

    What will you set your mind on?

    I have confidence in you. Just get started and youre halfway there. Most

    people never even start.

    Youre not one of those people.

    Accomplish the most important of all goals, the building of your health

    ... and the rest is not far behind.

    Until next month ... Kick ASS - Take Names.

    Matt Furey

    P.S. Ill be in Dayton, Ohio, for a seminar on May 20. Hope to meet many of

    you there. For more information on the event, contact me at 813 994 8267.


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    I got your book, Combat Conditioning in the mail yesterday, WOW! I've worked

    out all my life and stay in fair shape. For the last month I have given up

    weights in favor of push ups, dips and pull ups. When I read about your

    book I thought I would start cranking those babies out. I'm not sure thatcrank is the right word, maybe pop and crackle because that's what my body

    was doing when I tried to bridge or do Hindu push ups. I've got a lot of

    work to do, but I'm already hooked. God Bless you for your fine book and

    your willingness to share your knowledge. When I can bridge for three min-

    utes I'll e-mail you a picture. Thanks again.

    Your friend,

    Bob Adams

    M.F.: Fantastic Bob. Look forward to hearing more good things from you.

    Hi Matt...

    Thanks for your letter. Now I'm practicing the Combat Conditioning exer-

    cises from your videos and as challenging as they are, I keep on exercis-

    ing. One thing I've noticed is that in just a short time, I feel very ener-

    gized and for the first time I did the back bridge touching my nose. I felt

    it's a great accomplishment for myself.

    I've been doing weight exercises for some time and have practiced grappling

    techniques (from videos of course), and always considered myself very ath-

    letic and strong. A friend of mine that practices ju-jitsu invited me to his

    school and I wanted to test my "video knowledge" against his black belt

    teacher. Making a large story short, I won all the matches against him by

    submission, three of them, the same day, and I got very confident, but also

    very sad that I could not find a good teacher to practice my grappling, and

    surpass my "video" skills.

    Lately I called the company E.A.S., to enter their challenge (maybe you

    have heard from them already), and honestly, after seeing the videos, read-

    ing the book and doing the exercises, I don't think I will enter the chal-

    lenge. What I always wanted was to be in a great "fighting - grappling"

    shape and I'm not going back to weights. THANKS......

    Yes. I'm considering (upon your invitation) going to your school and practice

    catch. It will be a very interesting opportunity to learn catch as Karl Gotch

    taught you. I'm going to order your videos.

    Thanks for answering my letter. It shows great interest on your part to

    help others.

    One last thing. I bought Frank Shamrock videos. One of the videos contains his

    exercises for fighting. As flattering as this may sound, I'll stick to yours.

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    Carlos Torrens - Banuchi.

    M.F.: Carlos, you must be one tough mother. Good job. Look forward to meet-

    ing you some day.


    I am 48 and have developed lower back pain, probably from running 10-15

    miles per week for 30 years. I figured I was beginning to suffer "runner's

    back" and did not think too much about it. Changing my sit-up routine gave

    a little relief, but standing for periods longer than 10 minutes would cause

    my lower back to tighten up and really be sore. I read some of the testimo-

    nials on your web site, ordered your "Combat Abs" book and received it this

    past Friday. I have done the "Magnificent Seven" exercises everyday since

    then. I went to a meeting last night and had to stand for over 30 minutes

    and did not realize my back was not hurting until I got home.


    Thanks for the help. I'll be substituting your stomach routines to my cal-


    Dean Soderstrom

    M.F.: Good job Dean


    I know you are busy, so I'm going to keep this brief. I MADE THE SWAT TEAM!

    and I have you to thank. Three years ago I tried out for the same position

    and made the sad mistake believing that weight lifting would carry me through.

    By the time I got done with the the obstacle courses, running, and pullups,

    i couldn't do the required number of situps. I was ashamed and I had no one

    to blame but myself.

    This time it was a different story. I smoked that friggin PT test! Guys that I

    thought were in shape couldn't cut it. When we all finished, I felt like doing

    the whole thing over again. My buddies thought I was a sadistic bastard! Gee

    Matt.....I wonder where I could have picked that up from.

    Just a word of encouragement to those starting the program. I am by no meansa fitness fanatic (At least not yet). When I started, I could only do 15

    Hindu pushups 50 Hindu squats, and I would shake like a monkey passing a

    peach seed when doing the back bridge. Keep working on it and don't listen

    to those so called fitness expert's comments on the calisthenics. If every-

    one was doing Combat Conditioning, you wouldn't have the edge!

    Thanks again Matt,

    Ted Epright

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    Naples Florida

    P.S. I'm spreading the word. Most of the guys on my shift are switching

    over to the Combat Conditioning and dropping the weights all together!

    M.F.: Ted, this is truly great. It just goes to show how much these exercises

    help people. Keep doing them and you'll eventually be in charge of the whole



    After having read your March 2001 Newsletter ("The Gift"), I have a few

    questions. A few weeks ago I decided to take a short break from Combat Con-

    ditioning and do a little weight training based on the protocol of a popu-

    lar writer espousing Soviet training methods. As it turns out, his side

    press drill has strained my rotator cuff. Needless to say, NO MORE WEIGHTS

    FOR ME!

    Anyway, I read the newsletter & read that you went through a similar prob-

    lem with your shoulder & rehabed it with the Power Pushup 2. From the pic-

    tures in the newsletter, the device shown in the Hindu pushups & Hindu squats

    look the same. What is the difference in the Power Pushup 2 & the Portable

    Power Jumper? Is it necessary to purchase both for squats & pushups? Also,

    I'm glad that you have given some bridging alternatives for those of us

    with cervical bone spurs. My copy of Combat Abs in on order, & I can't wait

    to get it! Keep up all the great work.


    Jay Setser

    M.F.: Jay, I use the Portable Power Jumper on the days when I want to add

    resistance to Hindu Squats, Hindu Pushups and bridging. I don't use it allthe time. Only when I want to kill myself. If you have a rotator problem, the

    Hindu Pushups can aggravate it so I recommend the Power Pushup 2 for rehab.

    You do normal pushups with it. Not Hindu pushups. I also recommend the rub-

    berized chest expander for shoulder rehab. They are only $20. If you want one

    let me know.

    Well Matt, you weren't kidding. You mentioned that when you first get the

    Power Wheel, to take it easy, even if it feels easy. 10 reps...and that's

    it, or else you'll be "sorer than sore". Stupid fool that I am, I thought

    you were just hyping the wheel...

    So I get the PW yesterday afternoon, open the box, and it's bigger than I

    expected. Right away, like a kid at Christmas, I go through 20 reps, from

    my knees. Not to bad, I say, but I want more. I strap the wheel to my feet,

    and try some pike pull ins. Ugh! Can hardly do five, but I suck it in and

    squeeze out five more. Then I flip over and do 10 reps of the hamstring

    curl. Whew! Then I try walking around on my hands; barely make it to the

    kitchen. Sweat's already pouring. Strap off the wheel and do 10 more reps

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    from my knees. Man, this ain't that hard I think. Take a shower, go to work,

    and while I'm standing, I feeling stiff in my lower back. And my upper back.

    And my hips. And my shoulders. Oh, AND my ABS! Three hours later I can barely

    move, and I'm walking like I had an accident in my underwear. Dude, my abs

    and back are so sore right now I think I'm dying...

    Sad part is, I can't wait to do it again! BRING IT ON MATT!!

    Thanks a whole lot for everything.

    Alan Gaa


    M.F.: Alan, I don't hype anything. I just tell the truth based on what I

    know. Sometimes it may sound like hype, but generally it's just a good story. I

    guess you found out the sore way. Good deal. Now get back to work my friend.

    Dear Mr. Furey,

    Just thought I'd let you know I took your advise from two weeks ago and started

    doing Hindu squats and Hindu pushups in sets. I am now doing 200 squats and

    100 pushups per day plus two minutes on the bridge. Before I got your tapes

    and started the Royal court I couldn't do 20 regular pushups. Thanks for

    the help.


    Scott Penning

    M.F.: The credit is all yours Scott. But thanks. I need a little now and



    I just received your book Combat Conditioning and I am very pleased. I have

    trained as a power lifter for 12 years now and I am as stiff as a board. While

    I squatted 940 ( I weigh 375) in the NY state meet last year I am in horrible

    shape. I am huge and have great one rep maxes, but I have no stamina. I used

    to do many of the exercises (minus the Hindu squats) when I was a wrestler in

    high school. I remeber thinking they were dumb at the time and that lifting

    weights would be a better way to get stronger. Funny that 500 lb bench didn't

    do shit on the mat! Boy! I was wrong and it is funny that here I am 10 years

    later doing a calisthenics workout again ( WHICH FEELS GREAT!). I got your

    name from reading Brook Kubik's stuff and just wanted to take a moment to

    thank you for your website and books. I will eventually as i gain stamina try

    to buy all that you sell and incorporate it into my workouts.

    Thank you for the motivation!

    John Nickless

    M.F.: John, glad to hear about your experiences. You're going to rule the


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    Dear Mr. Furey

    I wanted to give you a testimonial for Combat Conditioning. When I first

    became a believer, I was doing 100 Hindu Squats a day. Two weeks later I had

    put 30 lbs on my bottom rack squat. So I started doing the Royal Court and

    have been for about three months among other CC exercises. I work as a Police

    Officer in my Home Town and it is amazing the functional strength I have

    gathered from CC. I will relate to you some of the incidents in which Combat

    Conditioning has helped me in my job. A month ago I was in a foot pursuit of

    a car, not along one 40 yards after the car and 40 yards back to my Unit.

    Looking back that day to my amazement I was not even breathing hard. I have

    always prided myself in being physically fit running, martial arts, and weight

    lifting. Nothing cuts the cake like C.C. I have fought, man handled, and even

    carried people and I'm amazed at the condition C.C. has put me in. Just the

    short time I have been doing the exercise's my endurance, flexibility, and

    strength (especially my legs) have increased like never before. I have my

    partner hooked on C.C. We done the circuit routine with the jump rope except

    we alternated (Hindu squats, jump rope, Hindu pushups etc.). Half way through

    he was ready to give up. The funny thing is his max on the bench press is 440

    lbs. This is the best shape and the best I have felt in my life. Thank You.

    God Bless

    Tom Beall


    M.F.: Thanks Tom. And it's going to get better and better.

    Hello Matt

    I recently received Combat Conditioning ... Im really enjoying it and sur-

    prised how hard it is and how good I feel afterwards. I have added these to

    our class workout and we do a routine called Iron Monkey derived from these

    exercises. What I did was combine them to make a flow routine. The Hamster

    Dance...from wall walking kick legs up or have partner help you put feet on

    wall for hand stand, walk down wall stand and continue...can be done for-

    ward or backwards.

    Iron Monkey...start near wall-Squats(and variations to side and skating),

    bow, bear walk, Hindu push ups, finger tip push ups, grass hoppers, hillclimbers, one leg push ups, front bridge, bear walk back, front lunge, ham-

    ster dance forward and back with reverse push ups... repeat until nauseated.

    Crab walks...we did variations of these before let me share them with you..

    Crab...from push up position walk sideways

    Crazy crab...from table position walk side ways

    Cripple crab...same as crab but keep one leg up and hop on the other leg

    Crippled Crazy Crab...same as Crazy crab but with one leg up,

    hop on one leg

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    Spinning Crab...change from Crab to Crazy Crab starting positions

    Dancing Crab...from push up position lift hands and legs switching

    ...then 1 leg and 1 hand

    Happy Crab...from table position clap hand to opposite foot.

    Ill send you a video if you want(free. Thanks again...mostly for making me

    realize I have been road kill for a long time now, and bringing me back to

    the old school exercises I had stopped doing because so many people saythey are dangerous.Ill be ordering more stuff soon and recommending you to


    You say do some everyday...whats your opinion on working out when you are

    sore the next day? Should I out lightly...? When Im sore I

    usually just do some running...45 minutes with a heart rate monitor to make

    sure Im in a good cardiac zone.

    Best regards;

    Jeff Burger

    M.F.: Jeff, you are a bonafide stud. Thanks for giving all of us your tips.


    I just received Combat Abs today and finished reading scanning through it a

    few minutes ago. I must say that Pavel's book is far superior....what were

    you thinking putting 50 excercises instead of three? Also, I have yet to

    find the word bullet-proof anwhere in the text! Does this mean that I'll

    have to still wear a vest in a shoot out? What gives man??? I also don't

    understand this focus on health and functional strength....what does it

    matter? As long as one looks good on the beach and gets a tattoo saying

    "super hooker"...he'll have all the married chicks he wants to get. You

    didn't put enough redundant chapters on the anal-lock and tightening the

    buttocks while performing the excercises, plus you put way too much of a

    pro-American slant on things. Tsss tsss tssss.... you should know better

    than that! You're supposed to sell out your own country in the name of

    novelty....asthmatic breathing techniques and all!

    For real, I just finished reading it cover to cover and I'm psyched up as

    hell to get started. You did an awesome job putting it together, I'm more

    than pleased with the purchase. The pictures are cool as hell too, you

    don't see too many like them in glam magazines and other swamp guinnea pub-lications. Now all I'm waiting on is the Gotch issue (smile)...did you

    ever end out getting that to work? Thanks for putting together another

    excellent, and most important...USEFUL book.

    Zack Ostiguy

  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter Apr



    Matt Fu rey about to make his opponent cry Uncle wi th the Gotch Toe-Hold

    Imagine you're in a bar ... or at a party. You're just minding your

    own business. Then a big thug comes in and starts throwing

    his weight around.

    Everyone is scared. Everyone except you.

    All you feel is the surge of adrenaline coursing through your

    veins. Your heart begins to race. Your muscles surge with elec-

    tricity. At the same time, you keep calm and pretend to be just

    like everyone else.Deep down you know you're not.

    And so ... when the bully gets in your face, he is in for a sur-prise. In a flash he is on the ground pleading for you to let go.

    You put him in a Gotch toe-hold. A crippling hold that only a

    handful of men today know. It works every time.

    Whether you hurt the thug or not is up to you. If he agrees to

    leave the party, you'll let him go. If he doesn't ... well, he may

    have to do more than cryUncle."The Gotch toe-hold and many other combinations from sub-

    mission fighting were feared throughout the whole world in

    the early 1900's. World champion Frank Gotch and his teacher,

    the legendary "Farmer" Burns, perfected them. In fact, it wasBurns, who only weighed 165-pounds, that whooped monster

    type men on a regular basis.

    You can learn to do the same.

    I have the secrets. And I'll teach them to you.

    They were passed on to me from Karl

    Gotch, who just may be the greatest

    submission artist who ever lived.

    As a national collegiate

    wrestling champion

    and world kung fu champion ... let me assure you that these

    holds are far better than anything else you will ever see.

    These holds will give you the power to rule the roost. With them in

    your possession, you'll know what it is like to be a MAN.

    May 20

    On Sunday, May 20, I'll be conducting a four-hour seminar in

    Dayton, Ohio, on the Gotch and Burns toe-holds. And you

    don't want to miss it.

    Here is just some of what in store for you:

    How To Use "Bridging Gymnastics" to Turn Yourself

    Into an Explosive and Powerful Man

    How to Increase Strength, Endurance and Power

    The Gotch farside toe-hold, the Gotch nearside toe-holdand other variations.

    How to set up these toe-holds from different positions.

    How "the Guard" of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu plays right

    into the Gotch and Burns' toeholds.

    How your opponent will spin himself into a half-Bostoncrab toe-hold when you go for the Burns' toe-hold.

    Learn how to easily counter everyone else's leg locks. Itso simple you'll die laughing.

    And much more.

    The "Make 'Em Cry Uncle" seminar will be held at theNutter

    Center on the Wright State University campus in Dayton, Ohio.

    The seminar begins at 1 PM and ends at 5 PM.

    Only $65 when you pay by May 1, 2001.

    After that the fee goes to $85.

    CallMatt Furey at (813) 994-8267 today.

    or e-mail and

    enroll today.

    It's going to be a seminar you'll treasure for

    the rest of your life. See you there.

    Make 'em Cry UncleThe secret fighting techniques that make bigger, stronger men say "I Give."

    by Matt Furey

  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter Apr



    Matt Furey Books:

    Combat Conditioning: Functional Exercises forFitness & Combat Sports

    Combat Abs: 50 Fat Burning Exercises That Build

    Lean, Powerful & Punch-Proof Abs

    Farmer Burns 1914 Mail Order Course -

    "Lessons In Wrestling and Physical Culture"

    (with a foreword by Matt Furey)

    The Martial Art of Wrestling

    How To Achieve What You Want Without Positive Thinking

    Fitness Newsletter

    Matt Furey's Fitness & Conditioning Tips

    - a monthly newsletter

    Strength and Physical Conditioning Videos:

    Set of 3 Combat Conditioning Videos -

    "The Leg & Lung Workout", "The Pushup Workout",

    "The Ab & Back Workout" all by Matt Furey

    "Combat Training - The Road To China"

    (The Tape Matt Furey Made Before Winning

    The World Title in 1997)

    "Karl Gotch's Conditioning for Combat Athletes"

    "How To Cure Carpal Tunnel Syndrome"

    (and wrist and elbow pain)

    Matt Furey Special Reports

    "How To Cut Weight For Wrestling Without Losing Strength"

    Chinese & Mongolian Grappling Videos

    "Shuai-chiao Takedown Tactics for Grapplers" by Matt Furey

    "Mongolian Grappling Secrets Revealed"

    by Matt Furey - Two Videos

    "How To Use Your Feet To Score Takedowns" by Matt Furey


    $29.95 + $6 S&H

    $29.95 + $6 S&H.

    $50 + $6 S&H

    $39.95 + $6 S&H

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    $49 plus $6 S&H (U.S.)

    $59 (foreign)

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    Mail-In Order Form

















  • 7/30/2019 Newsletter Apr


    Catch Wrestling - Hooking (Submission) Videos

    "The All New - Totally Revised .... How To Hook A

    Heavyweight Without Flopping To The Guard "

    by Matt Furey

    "How To Escape Any Submission Hold - Vol. One"

    by Matt Furey

    "Neck Cranks" by Matt Furey

    "Street Grappling" by Matt Furey - Two Tapes

    Matt's Recommended Reading List

    The Way To Live by George Hackenschmidt

    Muscle Control by Maxick, Originally published in 1911

    The Development of Physical Power by Arthur Saxon

    Dinosaur Training: Lost Secrets of Strength & Development

    Matt's Recommended Fitness Equipment

    Power Wheel

    Power Pushup 2

    Portable Power Jumper


    $49 + $6 S&H

    $49 + $6 S&H

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    Florida residents please authorize the addition of 6.00% for sales tax.








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    MAIL TO:

    Matt Furey Enterprises

    10339 Birdwatch Drive

    Tampa, Florida, 33647

    Phone (813) 994-8267

    FAX (813) 994-4947