Newsletter Nº30 GB Store



Newsletter Nº30 GB Store

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    Newsletter N30

    May is here! Its unbelievable how fast this year is going. It seemed like only yesterday we

    were ringing in the New Year and now were almost halfway through 2015. May 1, also

    called May Day comes charged with a lot of festivities celebrating both spring and workers.

    May also marks the halfway point between the first day of spring and the summer solstice.

    In honor of this month, when the weather starts clearing up, the last traces of winter

    completely fade, and nature is in full bloom.

    also known as Labour Day or Dia do Trabalhador commemorates the struggle for fair labor practices and the Haymarket Affair of 1886, when US Labor Unions gathered in a general nationwide strike supporting an eight-hour work day. More than a dozen people were killed after a three-day strike and rally. This event is observed on May 1st each year. Some countries celebrate this day on other dates significant to them, such as the United

    States which celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

    Mothers Day First Sunday in MayMay 3, 2015 Portugal, Spain, Romania, Mozambique, etc Second Sunday of MayMay 10, 2015 Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, United States, etc.

    Mother's Day is a day dedicated to honoring and recognizing the sacrifices and accomplishments of mothers. Mother's are recognized by family and friends; regardless of whether they are biological or perceived maternal figures. It is a day to honor and respect mothers for their many sacrifices; a day to show them how important they are to us. Say it with a card and a little something.

    Lemony crab & cucumber clubs

    White crabmeat, mayo and chives make a delicious afternoon tea sandwich filling that's special

    enough for a Mother's Day treat Ingredients 200g white crabmeat 6 tbsp mayonnaise zest 1 lemon, plus a squeeze of juice small handful chives, finely snipped 9 slices wholemeal or granary bread a little butter, softened cucumber, very finely sliced Method Mix the crab, mayo, lemon zest, a little juice, the chives and a good grind of black pepper in a bowl. Butter one side of each slice of bread. Divide the crab mayo between 3 slices of bread, top each with another slice, butter-side up, then arrange the

    cucumber slices on top, season, and finally sandwich with the final pieces of bread, butter-side down. Cut off the

    crusts, then cut into little triangles.

    Avenida das Comunidades Europeias, 415

    2750-661 Cascais

    Tel: 214 662 453

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    The Top 10 Alternative Uses Of Tea Bags Most people know that drinking tea is extremely beneficial for our health. However, very few people know how

    to make it also benefit their pocket. The secret lies in the reuse that tea bags have!

    1. Sooth puffy and tired eyes the most common use of tea bags.

    Staring at a computer, reading, watching, almost everything we do daily challenges our

    eyes. Tea helps relieve redness and swelling and refreshes tired eyes. Put the tea bags

    in ice-cold water or simply pour on water and leave in the refrigerator. We suggest you

    use them at bedtime, while resting your eyes. This is pretty much all you need, with

    absolutely no cost.

    2. Tea bags help with sweaty feet.

    Soak your feet in luke warm tea, prepared with used tea bags, before bedtime

    for 15 minutes and wipe with a clean towel.

    3. Minimize the effect of bruising.

    Tannic acid, contained mostly in black tea, has the ability to restrict swelling by constricting the blood

    vessels. Apply a fresh, cooled bag of black tea on your trauma and leave for 20 minutes. For better results

    repeat once more during the day.

    4. Tea bags are a remedy for minor sunburn.

    Wet tea bags ease the pain of sunburns. If bigger areas of your body are affected, try to take a cool bath

    adding several tea bags to the water.

    5. Tea bags help with razor cuts.

    Wet tea bags sooth pain from razor cuts. Use a cooled tea bag to stop the bleeding and reduce skin damage

    with the helpful antioxidants found in tea.

    6. Tea bags help with acne.

    Wipe your face with used green tea bag. Before you rub a tea bag on your skin, wash and rinse the skin with a

    hypoallergenic cleanser. Apply the cooled tea bag on the skin and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Rooibos tea is

    one of the best options for acne treatment. Rooibos, also known as Red Bush, is a plant native to South Africa

    and has been used in the local traditional medicine for centuries.

    7. Tea bags help with oral hygiene and freshens your breath.

    Speed up the healing process of painful sores in your mouth by slightly biting onto a tea bag soaked in water.

    Bad breath usually is due to a number of reasons such as eating smoking, dry mouth or other medical conditions.

    Bad breath is caused primarily by the bacteria on the back of your tongue or between your teeth. Both green

    and black tea can stop the growth of the bacteria. Rinsing with strong brewed tea reduces the unpleasant smell

    from the mouth. Use 2 or more used tea bags to prepare a new cup of tea. Let it come to room temperature and

    the use to clean your mouth. For better result repeat daily after meals.

    8. Tea bags effectively absorb unpleasant odors.

    Tea can help reduce unpleasant smell of hands such as fish or garlic. In addition, tea bags can be used inside

    the fridge or you can stick them in the trash can. You can also use them in ashtrays to reduce smell. Another

    idea is to stick dry tea bags with lavender flavor or other herbal tea of your choice in the seat covers of your

    car to get a natural air freshener.

    9. Fertilize Your Plants

    Here's a great way to reuse all the old tea bags you have around the house: use them for your plants. Tea bags

    can be used as an organic fertilizer for potted house plants, with many stimulant benefits from the nutrients in

    the ingredients. You can even remove the bags and mix the tea leaves inside with your soil, helping absorb water

    and retaining moisture. If your problem is leaking bottom holes in the plant containers, you can use teabags to

    prevent the leakage. This also works well for hanging planters.

    10. Tea bags could be used for washing dishes, especially if you are allergic to soaps or other


    No matter how strange it sounds, tea does have cleaning properties. Using a bunch of re-brewed tea bags, you

    can easily remove dirt or grease from mirrors, windows, floors, kitchen counters or other wooden furniture.

    Remember that after cleaning; make sure to dry the surface, because tea is also a good natural dye!

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    Easy one-pot chicken casserole

    A light and quick spring chicken and vegetable stew that can be whipped up in less than an hour

    Ingredients 8 bone-in chicken thighs, skin pulled off and discarded 1 tbsp oil 5 spring onions, sliced 2 tbsp plain flour 2 chicken stock cubes 2 large carrots cut into batons (no need to peel) 400g new potatoes, halved if large 200g frozen peas 1 tbsp grainy mustard Small handful fresh soft herbs, like parsley, chives, dill or tarragon, chopped Method Put the kettle on. Fry the thighs in the oil in a casserole or wide pan with a lid to quickly brown. Stir in the whites of the spring onion with the flour and stock cubes until the flour disappears, then gradually stir in 750ml hot water from the kettle. Throw in the carrots and potatoes, bring to a simmer. Cover and cook for 20 mins. Take off the lid and simmer for 15 mins more, then throw in the peas for another 5 mins. Season, stir in the mustard, green spring onion bits, herbs and some seasoning.

    Your guide to herbs and spices Whether youre looking for a subtle hint of fennel or a fiery kick of mustard, theres a whole world of herbs

    and spices available to help you add fantastic flavours to your cooking.


    The whole sticks are milder than the ground version, so theyre great for giving a

    subtle sweet, smoky flavour to dishes. Try adding one stick to hot drinks,

    casseroles, when poaching fruit, or even rice (while boiling), for an extra infusion

    of flavour. Remove before serving.

    Bay leaves

    This aromatic herb adds a subtle fragrance to dishes. The dried leaves are

    best used in slow-cooked recipes such as casseroles or stews, to give the

    flavour time to develop. Theyre usually removed from dishes before serving, but

    are good for decorating plates. Thread on lamb or pork kebab skewers for

    added aroma and an attractive finish.


    Cardamom belongs to the ginger family, and has an enticing aroma with a

    warm, spicy-sweet flavour. You can add whole pods to dishes, or the seeds can

    be ground and stirred in. Use in curries and soups, or in sweet treats such as

    biscuits, crumble toppings or even ice cream, for a tasty and exotic twist.

    Star anise

    These star-shaped pods are the dried fruit of a tree native to China. The pods

    contain seeds with a strong aniseed flavour that works well in Asian dishes

    in fact; its a vital ingredient in Chinese 5 spice mixes. Use in both savoury

    dishes and desserts, such as rice pudding or stewed fruits.

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    Clever ways with spice

    Toasting Buying spices whole means you can toast and grind just as much as you need to use straight away, so

    you get a fresher flavour. Heating the spices gives them an added depth of taste and texture.

    Crushing Crushing or grinding whole spices releases fragrant aromas and flavour. You can do it yourself using

    a pestle and mortar. Or put them in a plastic bag and crush with the end of a rolling pin. You could also use a

    clean coffee grinder. Its great to crush your own spices for curries, as you can toast them first. To make a curry

    paste, simply mix with chopped onion and tomato puree.

    Smart swaps Using spices instead of salt is a healthier way to flavour dishes.

    Beetroot, sweet potato & feta cheese salad

    Roasting the beetroot gives it a lovely sweet flavour that goes beautifully with the saltiness of the feta.


    3 tbsp olive oil50g walnut halves

    2 level tsp clear honey 1 tbsp red wine vinegar

    500g small sweet potatoes cut into thick slices 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

    2 small red onions, sliced into rounds 70g pack rocket

    300g cooked beetroot, cut into thick slices 100g feta cheese, broken into small pieces


    Preheat the oven to 190C/170C/Gas 5. Line two baking trays with baking paper. Put 1 tbsp of the oil and 1 tsp

    of the honey in a bowl and season. Whisk to combine, add the sweet potato and onion. Toss to coat well and

    put on one of the trays. Cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

    Add the beetroot to the tray and return to the oven for another 15 minutes. Leave to cool for 10 minutes so

    that they are warm but not hot.

    Put the walnut halves on the other baking tray and cook in the oven for 5 minutes.

    Whisk the rest of the oil with the vinegar, mustard and 1 tsp honey, toss with the cooked vegetables.

    Arrange on the plates with the rockets, walnuts and cheese.


    Cloves are the unopened flower buds of a tropical tree. Used in both sweet and

    savoury dishes, they have an intense sweet, spicy and slightly peppery taste,

    and a strong aroma, so use in moderation. Stud hams, fruit and onions with

    whole cloves to add flavour. Remove before serving.

    Mustard seeds

    The perfect choice to give dishes a fiery kick, these pungent seeds can be

    black, yellow or brown (mustard powder contains a mixture of all three). Add the

    whole seeds to stir-fries, or for a slightly nuttier, extra-intense taste, toast and

    use in curry pastes.

    Fennel seeds

    More versatile than fresh fennel, the seeds taste similar to licorice and add a

    lovely crunch to dishes. Try them whole in breads and chutneys, too. To

    really bring out the flavour, dry fry the seeds before using. They can also be

    toasted or ground, to add to curries

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    Changing bed sheets is boring, tiring, and always seems to go wrong, no matter how many

    times you've done it.

    Here's how to master the 'Burrito' technique:

    Step 1: Turn your duvet cover inside out and lay it flat on your bed so that the opening is at the foot of your bed.

    Step 2: Next, lay your comforter or blanket on top of your duvet cover and make sure that the corners are all matched

    up and aligned. Safety pin the two bottom corners of the duvet cover to the duvet (or just hold it tight)

    Step 3: Start at the head of the bed and roll the duvet into a sausage (or you know, a burritto) up to the foot of the


    Step 4: When you get to the foot of your bed, reach into the opening of your duvet cover and flip it over one end of your

    burrito, exposing the right-side-out, side of your duvet cover. Do the same for the other side. Once you have both

    sides flipped over, flip over the middle of the duvet cover as well.

    Step 5: Last, unroll your burrito back up to the top of your bed and VOILA you're done, the bed is made!


    A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist,

    looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I would like to buy some cyanide."

    The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big and he exclaimed, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have

    any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription."

    Are you having visitors arriving soon and you want to organise a day trip, talk to Eva Sanches.

    She is fully qualified tour guide with over 40 years experience in the tourism and hospitality industry and

    speaks English, German and Portuguese fluently.

    Her tours are aimed at people who want to learn more about Portugal, without being overloaded with too many

    names and dates. Check her website and pick a tour what suits you and your visitors best. or call (351) 917 300 345

    Lets go and have A GREAT DAY OUT!
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    Her husband wanted to be buried with his Fortune

    There was a man who had worked all of his life and had saved all of his money. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money more than just about anything, and just before he died, he said to his wife, Now listen, when I die I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me. I want to take all my money to the afterlife. So he got his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died, she would put all the money in the casket with him. Well, one day he died. He was stretched out in the casket, the wife was sitting there in black next to their best friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, Wait a minute! She had a shoebox with her. She came over with the box and placed it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket and rolled it away. Her friend said, I hope you werent crazy enough to put all that money in there with that stingy old man. She said, Yes, I promised. Im a good Christian, I cant lie. I promised him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him. You mean to tell me you put every cent of his money in the casket with him? I sure did, said the wife. I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote him a check.

    Wishing you all

    a Very Happy Mothers Day.

    Words are never enough to thank your


    WRVS Car Boot Sale Saturday 9th May 2015

    Carcavelos Clothes Market 10:00 to 14:00 (on seaside of train station)

    12.00 per car, 20.00 per van (Payable on the day)

    100% of your rental price goes to charity!

    Browse for treasures such as toys, books, baby items, clothing, household goods, furniture

    and much more and indulge in our delicious snack, sandwiches and fabulous cakes!

    Sellers: Gates open 8:30 to 14:30 To reserve a place contact Simon (

    To donate items bring on the day or contact