Newsletter - The Web Console · 2019. 4. 3. · St. Patrick’s Feast Day – Monday March 18. As a...


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We acknowledge that our school is on Kaurna country. We recognise and respect the Kaurna people as

the continuing custodians of the Adelaide Plains and pay our respect to Elders past and present.

In All Things Love

Issue 3 6 March 2019

10 Ina Avenue, Ottoway S A 5013

Telephone: (08) 8447 4969

Facsimile: (08) 8241 0380



St Joseph’s


Uniform Shop

Open on Monday and Fridays

8.30 am to 9.30 am


Friday - 10.00 am to 11.30 am

Out of School Hours Care


7.30 am to 8.30 am

and 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm

Tuesday 2.45 pm to 6.00 pm

Bookings essential

Mobile: 0437 863 067

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish

Priest - Fr Marek Ptak CR

Phone: (08) 8447 3223

Mass Times

Saturday 6.30 pm

Sunday 8.30 am English &

10.30 am Polish

Weekday 6.30 pm English & Polish

Except Tuesday

Principal News

School Life

As I have been moving around the school each day it has been pleasing to see that children have settled well into the new school year. In

classrooms children are busy engaged in the learning opportunities presented to them, enjoying each other’s company and learning

together. I currently have the pleasure of working with our Year 3 children as part of their Numeracy block. I have also been busy learning

the names of all of our children. I must confess that I am not quite there yet but getting close.

Curriculum News

As a follow up to our February 18 Catholic North Western Community (CNWC) of schools Professional Learning day which focused on STEM

(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), teaching staff this week met in their CNWC region cluster groups to build on our new

learning, exploring ways to incorporate STEM teaching into their classroom curriculum. In addition, as a school staff we have been working

on developing a Vision Statement and Action Plan for STEM teaching across the school.

It is great to see the engagement of children across the school in our Targeted Teaching Program. Classroom teachers, School Leadership

and Curriculum Co-educators are involved in working with groups of children with specific learning intentions and outcomes to be

achieved based on a range of Literacy and Numeracy data collected on each child across the school throughout the first 3 weeks of this

term. Our Targeted Teaching Literacy and Numeracy blocks have contributed to improved NAPLAN Reading and Numeracy results in

recent years. If you would like to know more about our Targeted Teaching Literacy and Numeracy blocks feel free to come and chat to

either myself or your child’s classroom teacher.

In this newsletter edition I have included two mathematical tasks which you might like to have a go at with your child/children at home.

This week’s Mathematical tasks:

Reception to Year 3

You see a sign in a shop window . Record what this means to you in as many different ways as possible.

Years 4-7

Two fractions add to give ¾. List as many possibilities as you can as to what those two fractions might be. Happy inquiry.

Catholic Identity: The Church Season of Lent

Yesterday, Ash Wednesday marked the beginning of the Church season of Lent. To begin Lent we are marked with a cross on our forehead

using ash from the burning of palm branches used on Palm Sunday last year. The cross reminds us of Jesus’ love for us. The season of Lent

lasts for forty days and is a reflective time of fasting, prayer, and penance in the lead up to Easter. The official liturgical colour for the season

of Lent is violet.

I would like to draw your attention to the following upcoming events:

St. Patrick’s Feast Day – Monday March 18. As a whole school we will join the parish community in celebrating

St. Patrick’s Day mass in St. Maximilian Kolbe Church. Parents are very welcome to join us during this mass.

St. Joseph’s Feast Day – Tuesday March 19. As a whole school we will join the parish community in celebrating St. Joseph’s Day mass in

St. Maximilian Kolbe Church. Parents are very welcome to join us during this mass. Following Mass, children will take part in a range of fun

activities organised by our Student Representative Council (SRC) and APRIM Simon McCullough.

Parent-Teacher Learning Conversations – Week Beginning Monday March 25. Parents will be invited to book a time with their child/

children’s teacher to discuss wellbeing, support currently in place and learning. Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions, seek

clarification and have input into the conversation.

Sports Day – Friday April 5. Sports Day this year will be held at Semaphore Beach. It promises to be a great day full of fun for all our children.

Further details will be forwarded to you closer to the time.

Whole School Assemblies – Friday Weeks 1, 5 and 10.

Another of our community activities at St Joseph’s is our school assemblies. Whole School assemblies will take place in weeks 1, 5 and 10 of

each term on Friday at 8:45am. Parents are warmly invited to attend assemblies where we celebrate learning and working together.

School Board AGM

On Monday February 25 we held our School Board Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting was an opportunity to present the

achievements of 2018 to the school community. Thank you to all within the school community who contributed to the success of 2018.

Copies of the AGM Report are available from the front office and can also be found on our school website.

Safety Message

Students and families are reminded

to be wary of approaches from

strangers, especially when they are

unaccompanied or travelling to

and from school. If they are

approached, students should not

respond and should not accept

offers of rides or gifts. Students should seek the assistance of other

nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a

trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible.

SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police

can deter the offender and they recommend the student making a

formal report to their closest police station.

St Joseph’s Feast Day

Tuesday March 19 is the feast day of St. Joseph which provides us

with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the life of St. Joseph

whom our school is named after. St. Joseph is regarded as the

patron saint of workers. Pope Pius IX declared him to be both the

patron and the protector of the Catholic Church, in addition to his

patronage of the sick. Joseph is regarded as a model for fathers

and has also become patron of many dioceses around the world.

School Uniform

This year marks the first year

of children wearing our unisex

active wear uniform (formerly

our sports uniform) all year

round. It is great to see that

the majority of our children

are coming to school dressed

in the correct school uniform.

A friendly reminder to ensure

sport shoes are

predominantly white or black

as per our uniform policy



Principal News continued

Our Feast Day celebrations will begin with a whole school Mass at 10:00am in the St. Maximilian Kolbe Church. Following Mass, children will take

part in a range of fun activities organised by our SRC and APRIM Simon McCullough. Children will also be treated to a free ice block during the

day. Children will be able to wear casual clothes to school on the day for a gold coin donation which will go to Caritas Australia to assist their

work in supporting vulnerable communities around the world during the Church season of Lent.

Term 3 Reception Intake

St. Joseph’s School will have a Reception intake at the start of Term 3 this year. Our Term 3 new Receptions will join our current R/1 classes.

Places are limited, therefore if you would like your child to start Reception in Term 3 please make a time to have an enrolment interview with

me. Alternatively you may know other families interested in enrolling their child/ren at our school.

Just a reminder that the criteria for starting Reception on the first day of school in Term 3 is that a child will have turned 5 between May 1 and

October 31 in that year. The criteria for starting Reception on the first day of school in Term 1 continues to be that a child will have turned 5 on

or before April 30 in that year. Children whose birthday falls between November 1 and December 31 are not eligible to commence school

before the following year.

Volunteer Induction and RAN Training Workshop—Thursday 7 March

St. Joseph’s School will be conducting a Volunteer Induction Workshop on Thursday March 7, 9am-10am in the school hall for those new to the

school and those who have not completed the training in the past.

The workshop aims to equip our school volunteers with the necessary background knowledge of the school and workplace safety protocols to

ensure the safety of volunteers, children and staff while engaging in volunteer activities and in the event of an emergency. We are very keen

to ensure all our volunteers receive this valuable training.

Parents, caregivers and family members who have volunteered their time within the school would benefit from being a part of the workshop.

Those wishing to attend can do so by informing the front office staff of their planned attendance.

Safety In and Around School Pick Up/Drop Off Points

Just a reminder of our drop off and pick up times each day. Children are supervised by a yard duty teacher 8:25am-8:45am each morning and

3pm-3:20pm each afternoon except Tuesday (2:45pm-3:05pm). For safety reasons children are not to be in the school grounds before 8:25am

(unless attending OSHC) or after 3:20pm (unless attending OSHC). Children who arrive at school before 8:25am or who are still at school after

3:20pm (3:05pm on Tuesdays) will be placed in the care of OSHC and parents will be invoiced for the service provided. Please feel free to

phone the school if you find yourself on any given day in extenuating circumstances which are out of your control. Thank you for your

anticipated understanding in this important Duty of Care matter.

May God’s love continue to be with us during this season of Lent.

working in partnership with you.

Shaun O’Leary

Easter Raffle. We are looking for donations for the Easter Raffle. Please send in a small Easter treat to be

included in a prize basket to the office. Raffle books will be sent home very

soon. Thank you for your support.

Some Important dates –

Monday 18 March – St Patrick’s Mass 10am

Tuesday 19 March – St Joseph’s Mass 10am

Monday 25 March Parent Teacher Learning Conversations week

Monday 25 March – Annunciation Mass 10am

Friday 5 April – Sports Day @ Semaphore Beach

Monday 8 April – Holy Week Celebrations and Liturgies.

Vinnies and 40 Days of Lent

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter.

By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and

withdrawal into the desert for 40 days.

We begin Lent on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the first day of the season of Lent.

We know that Lent is a special time to prepare ourselves for Easter. By thinking about our

lives and making changes with God’s help, we can become better people. In the time

leading up to Easter we will be supporting Vinnie’s and their initiative. Each day of lent,

remove one item from your cupboard or room that you no longer use, wear or need

and put it in a box or garbage bag. At the end of the 40 days donate the bag to Vinnies

so we can give your items to someone who truly needs them.

Stop for a chat – please join us each Tuesday for a tea or coffee

from 8.30am. We meet at the barrels under the shelter and would

love to see you.

Working in Partnership

Simon McCullough

Wednesday 6 March is the first day of lent.

I have a challenge for you!

Each day of lent, remove one item from your

cupboard or room that you no longer use,

wear or need and put it in a

box or garbage bag.

At the end of the 40 days donate the bag

to Vinnies so we can give your items to

someone who truly needs them.

Notice Board

Semester 1 SRC Members

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Please remember the no hat no play policy in the school and OSHC. Parents please supply

a hat for your child to use in OSHC. Children can leave this hat in their bag for use when

they attend. I will not be letting children into their classrooms to retrieve their school hats.

Please feel welcome to visit OSHC, where children are in a safe supervised environment.

Where learning happens while children play, have fun and make new friends.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great week.


OSHC Coordinator


Check your OSHC Statements.

Parents may not be receiving CCS (Child

Care Subsidy). This is due to the Christmas

break and/or no activity on your OSHC

account. You will need to visit myGov

website to check messages. Follow the

prompts in this message to go onto

Centrelink website. Follow prompts to

reactivate - that you are using the OSHC


Congratulations to the members of our SRC.

EXECUTIVE Amy & Xanthus

Jessica & Lincoln Also meet Thursdays on Odd weeks at 2.00 pm in library

Year 2/3

Cindy & Sony

Year 3/4

Elly & Harry Year 4/5

Lumai & Lucas

Year 6

Jessica & Lincoln School Leaders

Amy & Xanthus

Generally, meet Thursday, Even weeks at

2.00 pm in library
