Next Meeting...Scroll Saw Show to be in Cedar Rapids The Scroll Saw Alliance of the World (SSAW) is...


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Scroll Saw Show tobe in Cedar Rapids

The Scroll Saw Alliance of theWorld (SSAW) is going to pre-

sent a two-day show at the HawkeyeDowns Center April 8 & 9, 2000.SSAW president, Joan West is orga-nizing the event and is looking forsome assistance from our club.

Emil has been in contact with Joanand we, as a club, are preparing tooffer help in the area of security. Atthis writing we assume our responsi-bility will ensue keeping order andwatching for irregular activity. Wewill probably need some shirts with“security” blazon on the front or atleast a name tag to that effect.

Wayne Hanson has offered his help toJoan by interfacing with some of theshow and seminar speakers.

Larry Tjaden is looking to help with asite sign that will be placed at theHawkeye Downs entrance.

Anyone else that would like to getinvolved with, what is sure to be, a lotof fun should get in contact with Joan.Call her at 390-5468. She is going tohave a planning meeting on February5th at her home.Joan has tasks for anyone of you!

Ever attempt to photograph yourwoodworking masterpiece but

can’t get the results you wanted? Doyou wonder how they get those“perfect” furniture catalog photos?

Make plans to attend the January18th meeting where Guild memberJohn Cox will share some of hisphotography knowledge with us.John has been a company photogra-pher for over thirty-five years andhas a lot of experience to share withus.

Don’t miss John’s presentation.

Volume 5, Issue 4January 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, January 18th 5:00 p.m.

in the 35th Street Cafeteria

Photography Techniques

Bessey ClampsGroup Purchase

Facilitator:Wayne Hanson

Did you take advantage of thegroup purchase of Bessey

Clamps last year? Lots of folks did- as a group, we purchased 75clamps for a significant discount offregular prices. Bessey clamps aren’tcheap but folks that have them (meincluded) swear by them. PuckettTools & Fasteners has agreed to giveus a discount almost as good as lastyear’s.

♦ 12” - $27.30♦ 24” - $30.20♦ 31” - $33.35♦ 40” - $34.15♦ 50” - $34.40♦ 60” - $40.45

There is an order form elsewhere inthe newsletter. Fill it out and returnit to me beforeFriday, Jan-uary 28th

(including acheck madeout to me). Iexpect to be atthe regular Jan-uary meeting totake orders andanswer ques-tions. If you have any questions inthe mean time, give me or any of theclub executive board a call (see thebox with names, phones and addresselsewhere in the newsletter).

Woodcarvers Show

The Cedar Valley WoodcarversClub is presenting their 9th An-

nual Woodcarvers Show and Demon-stration.

Saturday, January 29, 200010:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Lindale Mall · Cedar Rapids, IA

Knot Knews January 2000


Future Meetings:February

President Emil Krepcik is assem-bling a presentation for the

February 15th meeting on basicrouter jigs and techniques. He isgoing to bring the Guild’s door framejigs. Wayne Hanson is going tobring his new Woodhaven RouterFence. Anyone else that would wishto contribute a router jig or fixture,call Emil and tell him of what youhave in mind.Some of our best meetings have beenwhen we share our woodworkingknowledge in a show-and-tell format.

MarchLarry Lacy is working on a woodenpen and pencil making presentation.

Woodworkers GuildContributes to the

Nature Center

At the planning committee meet-ing January 11th, it was decided

that the Club should make a donationto the Indian Creak Nature Centerwith some of the funds remainingfrom the Marc Adams Seminar. Wewanted to extend our appreciation forthe use of their meeting room andhospitality by contributing one hun-dred dollars. It was noted that theNature Center’s meeting room wouldmake an excellent place to hold sev-eral hands-on dust making meetingsin the future.Several of our members are quiteinvolved with the Center and volun-teer their talents.

Bessey K-Body Clamp Order Form

Name: ____________________________

Work Phone Number: ________________

Home PhoneNumber: ________________

Size: Qty: Cost Each: Total:12 Inch ____ $27.30 _______24 Inch ____ $30.20 _______31 Inch ____ $33.35 _______40 Inch ____ $34.15 _______50 Inch ____ $34.40 _______60 Inch ____ $40.45 _______

Total: _______

Make check payable to Wayne Hanson MS 138-159 Work: 295-5893 Home: 366-0345Orders due January 28, 2000


We are searching to find a subjectfor a regular column in the KnotKnews. We could probably gleansome material from the national pub-lications. It’s fairly easy for a non-profit newsletter to get permissionfor reprints - as long as you identifythe source. How about just a regularcolumn about wood sources in east-ern Iowa? Or maybe a continuinglist of the membership’s on-goingprojects?The newsletter should have morethan news ... send in your Ideas.

Puckett Tools & Fasteners Collins Woodworkers Guild


Knot Knews January 2000

Future Meeting Topics

January 18, John Cox - PhotographyFebruary 15, Emil Krepcik - Router JigsMarch 21, OpenSuggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IASharpening Plane Irons, Chisels, etc.

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planning


Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 5-6869

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hansen.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits

♦ Access to our Extensive Library andTool Collection

♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews January 2000


Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon FitchEd Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 105-152Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Steve Geurts 137-141Frank Gonzales 105-195Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-146Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 105-191Cindy Huovinen 137-157Jim Irvine 137-111Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175Scott Knotts 138-149

Ron Kositzky 164-100Melvin Krause 105-191Emil Krepcik 106-181Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Randy Lepsch 105-197William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim McCollum 124-300Pat Mc Dowell 108-165W. Karl Miller 137-125Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191Steven Robertson 106-132Dean Robison 137-132Paul Salamon 105-151

Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-125Rod Simonson 106-176Ed Sokoloski 106-176Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Floyd Wesselink 127-150Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140

Last Meeting

The January meeting wasbrought to order by president

Krepcik – 31 members and guestspresent.The topic for the evening was apresentation on furniture photog-raphy by John Cox. John hadprepared a series of color view-cells to accent his presentation ongeneral photography techniques.The selection of background andlighting are among the most im-portant element to have controlover.John used a small clock with inter-esting recessions on the front asthe test subject to augment lightplacement and filling problems.John say’s he doesn’t like to use adirect flash if natural light is avail-able. Bouncing your strobe’s lightoff of the ceiling or wall will re-duce bright reflections from glassand shiny surfaces. He alsodemonstrated how to reduce paral-lax when photographing a largescene (his kitchen) by cameraplacement. Holding the cameratoo high or low will add curve tothe horizontal lines of a large ob-ject. Just positioning the cameraabout half way will keep the hori-

(Continued on page 2, Last Meeting)

Future Meeting Topics

Your planning committee has abunch topic ideas to toss around

with the membership. We are look-ing for your feedback on some of thefollowing topics.

Emil has been thinking about thesemeeting subjects: “Building a smallwooden boat”, “Home-made bladesfor the Stanley #45”, “Woodworkersbenches”, and “Bending wood withsteam”.

We also thought of a few nice placesto visit: “Bacon Veneer Company”,“Pella Window Co.”, “AmericanWoodworking Show (19-21 May)”,and “WoodHaven” in Durrant.

We do have the next couple ofmonths scheduled.

(Continued on page 2, Future Topics)

Scroll Saw Show tobe in Cedar Rapids

The Scroll Saw Alliance of theWorld (SSAW) is going to pre-

sent a two-day show at the HawkeyeDowns Center April 8 & 9, 2000.SSAW president, Joan West is orga-nizing the event and is looking forsome assistance from our club.

Emil has been in contact with Joanand we, as a club, are preparing tooffer help in the area of security. Atthis writing we assume our responsi-bility will ensue keeping order andwatching for irregular activity. Wewill probably need some shirts with“security” blazon on the front or atleast a name tag to that effect.Anyone else that would like to getinvolved with, what is sure to be, alot of fun should get in contact withJoan.

Call her at 390-5468. She has tasksfor anyone of you!

Next Tuesday, Emil Krepcik willshare his volumeous knowledge

with his fellow Guild members onrouters, their accessories, methodsuseing them, and helpful fixtures.Our favorite president will dig intohis experience data base and producean interesting , home-spun, presenta-tion we will all be sure to enjoy.Want to help our main-man? Bring arouter story or fixture of your own toadd to the evening.Be there ... or miss out!

Volume 5, Issue 5February 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, February 15th 5:00 p.m.

in the 35th Street Cafeteria

Router Techniques

Bessey Clamp GroupPurchase

By: Wayne Hanson

The group purchase of BesseyClamps has come and gone. The

purchase was significantly smallerthan our first purchase (20 clampsvs. 75) but those that took advantageof the deal saved themselves a fewdollars. Compared to Tool Crib ofthe North prices, the savingsamounted to an average of 20% offsingle quantity prices (before S&H)and 10% off the >10 quantity prices.

Knot Knews February 2000


Next month (March) will be a MarkClark Special featuring Quite Toolsand how to use them. Learn how touse Planes, Spokeshaves, Scrapers,

and Scratchstocks. Bringyour own hand-poweredwoodworking tool.For April we have LarryLacy giving a presentationon Making Wooden Pen andPencil Sets.If we get things arranged,May would be a tour of the“Amana Furniture Com-pany” … and maybe ahealthy Amana Dinner too.June’s meeting might beBob Flood’s “Tips & Tech-

niques – Methods & Materials”.Take a moment to contact one of theplanning committee members and ex-press your interests.

(Continued from page 1, Future Topics)

zontal lines straight. John an-swered many questions aboutlight, film speed, and processingto a very interested audience.

John has been employed as one ofthe company photographers forover 31 years. Thanks John, for ainformative and useful presenta-tion!Winners of the door prizes were:Micro Plane, Gerry Showman;Coping Saw, Duane Weber; and aGift Certificate, Bill Fitzpatrick.

(Continued from page 1, Last Meeting)

Pocket-Hole ScrewsBy: Wayne Hansonwhile I was at Payless Lumber,

I also found screws like thosesold for use with the Kreg Jigs. Wehave two Kreg Jigs in the tool librarybut won’t be providing the screws.These screws are made for a squaredrive to minimize “cam-out” commonto Phillips head screws and they havethe flat-washer type of head to workwith the Kreg Jig cutout. They areavailable in the lengths recommendedby the Kreg Company (1.25” and1.5”) and are sold by the piece (9¢and 10¢) or by the 100-CT box($5.09 and $5.65). For those withunusual requirements, larger sizes(2.5” and 3”) are also stocked. Allscrews have a “bright finish” (zinccoat, I assume).

Baltic BirchPlywood

By: Wayne Hanson

At the January meeting, a questionwas fielded about Baltic Birch

plywood. For those that aren’t famil-iar with Baltic Birch Plywood, it’s avery distinctive looking plywood withabout twice as many layers comparedto the usual plywood you buy atMenard’s. Baltic Birch plywood is

often used for drawer constructionand shops jigs since it is more stable.Advantages of Baltic Birch includebetter stability because of the manylayers, fewer voids and better outsidelaminates (birch rather than pine orfir). Disadvantages are that it is di-mensioned in metric (mm) rather thanthe usual english system (inches) andis more expensive that standard ply-wood. Not too many places in CedarRapids stock Baltic Birch but I havefound it at Payless Cashways Lum-ber and another member indicated itwas also stocked at Koffron’s inCoralville.

I checked out the stock at PaylessLumber and can report they stock thefollowing sizes: 0.125” (actually 3mm or 0.118”), 0.25” (actually 5 mmor 0.197”), 0.5” (actually 12 mm or0.472”). These sizes are available invarious sheet sizes (4’x4’, 2’x4’,1’x4’, 1’x3’, 1’x2’) but not all thick-nesses are stocked in all sheet sizes.0.75” (18 mm or 0.709”) is availablebut not stocked. Larger sized sheets(5’x5’) are also available but notstocked. I suspect if we asked, wecould get a quantity discount fromPayless Lumber. If anyone is inter-ested, give me a call or drop me ane-mail.

Bill Barvinek waskind enough to

bring this exquisitelydetailed woodenmodel Ford to theJanuary meeting. Hemade four of themduring the ChristmasHolidays.Ain’t she a beauty?


Knot Knews February 2000

Future Meeting Topics

March 21, Mark Clark - “Quite Tools”April 18, Larry Lacy - Making woodenpen and pencil sets.May 16, Building Boats that FloatsSuggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IASharpening Plane Irons, Chisels, etc.Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planning

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 5-6869

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hansen.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits

♦ Access to our Extensive Library andTool Collection

♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews February 2000


Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Emil Krepcik 106-181Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Jim Mc Collum 124-300Pat Mc Dowell 108-165W. Karl Miller 137-125Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136

Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-125Rod Simonson 106-176Glenn Snider 137-143Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 137-145Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 153-260Floyd Wesselink 127-150Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 600 Ashton Place NE #202, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-146Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 105-152Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141Frank Gonzales 105-195Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Jim Irvine 137-111Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140

2000 Paid Mem-bership is 116.

February Meeting

Our February meeting was held inthe 35th Street Cafeteria, presi-

dent Emil Krepscik presiding. Themain topic of the evening was apresentation on Router Techniquesand Methods by President Emil. Thenewsletter editor wasn’t there, butour club photographer was ... seeJohn’s photos on page 3.

WoodShop Skills2000

By: Wayne Hanson

The Des Moines WoodworkersAssociation has organized sev-

eral seminars that might be of interestto our club. I have blatantly copiedsome of the material from the DMWhomepage and you will find the high-lights below. As of this writing, allseminars have openings. I’ll havebrochures at the meeting for anyoneinterest and if your interested, youmay go to their homepage ( for all the details.WoodShop Skills 2000 is a locallydeveloped woodworking seminar de-signed to advance the average wood-workers skill in a variety of disci-plines. It will be held on Saturday,March 25, 2000 at the Best Western-Starlite Village hotel located justnorth of Vets Auditorium at 929 3rdSt. in downtown Des Moines. Theseminars are geared to all those inter-ested in woodworking, from beginnersto advanced skill levels who want tolearn the techniques the professionaluse. All levels will learn there is moreto technique than there is to the cal-iber and quantity of tools you own.

(Continued on page 2, WoodShop Skills)

This month’s meeting will includea presentation by Mark Clark

featuring Quite Tools and how to usethem. Learn how to use Planes,Spokeshaves, Scrapers, and Scratch-stocks.

Bring your own hand-poweredwoodworking tool.

Volume 5, Issue 6March 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, March 21st 5:00 the 35th Street Cafeteria

Quite ToolsBy: Mark Clark


of the WorldBy: Wayne Hanson

SAW presents The first everScrollsaw Conference, April 8 &

9, 2000 at Hawkeye Downs ExpoCenter, Cedar Rapids, Iowa featur-ing:• FREE Seminars• Several "Mini" Instructional

Demonstrations - These will bemany short (10 to 15 minute)seminar/demonstrations avail-able. Schedule will be posted inHawkeye Downs.

• Seminar (Fee) taught by JohnNelson geared for the Beginner/Intermediate Scroller. There willbe a 6 hour course offered onceeach day. Limited Enrollment !!!Register early to be sure to se-cure a place in the class.

• JUDGED Show - Contest is opento everyone, whether or not youcan attend the conference.Judged Show Entry Form print-able from the net.

• Scroller 'sC h o i c eAward inJ u d g e dShow

• Tips/Tech-n i q u e sContest

• D o o rPrizes

• Raffle information

(Continued on page 4, SAW Show)

Don’t miss thisone-of-a-kindlocally orga-nized show!

Remember ...April 8 & 9, atHawkeyeDowns

Knot Knews March 2000


Tools, Demo or InformationRouter WorkshopComputerized Scroll SawPantographs, How workFinishing & Staining (2)Carving Tools& TechniquesSharpening (3)Dust Collector Design (2)Electrical Requirements for shop(2)Hand ToolsBand Saw Setup , Use (2)Hand Planes/Chisels/sawsTable Saw JigsRouter Jigs (3)Router ComparisonTable SawsDremel ToolsTool EvaluationDovetail Fixtures (2)Controlling SnipeJig SawPlate Joiners (2)Thickness PlanersHand Planes/Chisels/saws

Projects / Want to SeeCabinet Making (5)Biscuit JoiningWork Benches (2)Curio Cabinet JointsCutting/beveling/etching glassCarving/Intarsia (3)Raised-Panel DoorsHand-Cut DovetailsWood LocksLayout & Planning projectsFurniture (2)Traditional JointsEntertainment CenterJoineryPicture Frames (2)Display ShelvesSpraying FinishCoffee TablesCarving Queen Anne LegsMember shops/layoutGlass-Front Book CasesBook CasesBoxesOutdoor FurnitureBandsawn BoxesGun Stocks

Places to visitNational WoodShowDes Moines Publisher visitGood Cabinet ShopAmana Wood Shop(7)Cedar BrewerySawmillWoodHaven (2)WoodSmith (3)Wood SuppliersOmega Cabinets (waterloo)Furniture ShopStrawberry Point ?Spring Green Wis.

PresentationsDesk makingHand Tools M. ClarkBoat Design M. ClarkDisplay Case D. HouvinenQuilt Frame R. Simonson

Books, Topics to AddCabinet PlansEntertainment CenterDining Hutch PlansDesigning Woodshop (2)Plate JoinersCarvingLathe UseAntique Tools

Results from the Poll of Membership InterestsThanks to our membership for the input. The Planning Committee appreciates the interest in the pro-grams that have been assembled for our monthly meeting. However, we can always use some help inorganizing the presentations and trips.

Current registration fees are $80 forthe full day Cabinetmaking seminarand $40 for either of the 1/2 dayseminars on Lathe Turning andRouter Techniques.

(Continued from page 1, WoodShop Skills) For the Birds...

Its almost spring ....time to build a coupleof birdhouses formembers of the localflying community.Soon there will bewrens stopping by toscope-out your neigh-borhood for a niceplace to raise a fam-ily. Purple Martinsare a variety that are happy to in-habit a condo-style home - right in

your back yard.The Guild Libaray has several books

on building birdhouses and feedersand they are availablefor your use. TheLacy Collection has afew nice ones too.Check ‘em out, buysome lumber, andbuild your own hous-ing development. Thelittle guys will love

you for it - and you’ll enjoy a sum-mer of bird song!


Knot Knews March 2000


John Cox

February 2000 Meeting PhotosRouter workshop by Emil Krepsik

Knot Knews March 2000


More on Pocket-Hole screws...e-mail from Greg to Wayne

Gregory E Davis02/10/2000 11:39

To: Wayne G Hanson/Cedar Rapids/Collins/Rockwell@Rockwellcc:Subject: pocket hole screws.

Relative to your article in the Knotnews

Boxes of 1000 square drive screws can be procured via Cabinet Creations inMarion for about $12 per THOUSAND.

This is for the 1.25" fine or coarse thread screws.

This beats Payless Cashway's price significantly.


FOR SALERockwell/Delta 12” Gap Bed Wood Lathe

Variable speed model.

Don say’s the doorunder the controlarea is missing but itdoes have the stan-dard model shield inplace.Asking $750.00.

Call Don Eiler at377-2825.

• Win an RBI Scroll Saw or a PSWoods Scroll Saw or otherprizes to be named later!

• Raffle Ticket printable from thenet.

• Meet your favorite Scroll SawAuthors

• Antique Scroll Saw Display• Wood Carving Demonstration• Save Money on Entry Fee by

Pre-registering for the Confer-ence.

Pre-Register for the John NelsonSeminar...Although, pre-registration endsMarch 15, 2000 SAW will still ac-cept registration at a higher cost. Anentry form is available on the SAWhomepage. Your registration for thisseminar will also include a two-dayticket to SAW Conference 2000. Youwill also be supplied with all thematerials needed in this "Hands On"class. This includes a copy of JohnNelson's new book, "Scroll SawWorkbook" (I have a copy if anyonewould like to review it.) In addition,you will receive a FREE RaffleTicket, one FREE entry to the JudgedShow - Making the price of the semi-nar a "True Bargain"!• The normal cost for this seminar is$150.• Pre-Registration Price: $75 .... for Scrollsaw Association ofthe World members. $95 .... for all others.You may attain a place in the seminaron the day of the Conference only ifspace is available.• There is a limited enrollment.• Price on the day of the seminar (IFspace is available): $90 .... for Scrollsaw Association ofthe World members. $110 .. for all others

(Continued from page 1, SAW Show) For anyone interested, you can getfurther details on the SAW home-page at:

A Year Ago This MonthDan Ortz served as facilitator for asuccessful Show-and-Tell. DanOrtz, Scott Nesseler, Ken Boden-steiner, Dave Wetzel, Larry Lacy,Lee Johnson, Greg Davis, JohnWheeler, Kelley Kirtz, John Cox,and Roger Thompson brought theirtreasures to share with the club.


Knot Knews March 2000

Future Meeting Topics

April 18, Larry Lacy - Making woodenpen and pencil sets.May 16, Building Boats that FloatsJune 20,Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 5-6869

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hansen.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews March 2000


Kevin Klimes 108-175Jeffrey P. Kline 106-184Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Emil Krepcik 106-181Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim Mc Collum 124-300Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Pat Mc Dowell 108-165*Bill Meredith 107-150W. Karl Miller 137-125Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136

Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-124Rod Simonson 106-176Lloydene Smock 137-142Glenn Snider 137-143Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 192-124Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 153-260Floyd Wesselink 127-150Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 600 Ashton Place NE #202, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-154Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110*Alan Boone 108-101Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 137-141Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104*June Cook 153-120John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141Frank Gonzales 105-195*Mark Goodsmith 105-186Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181

Dave’sBat House Project

Guild member, Dave Huovinen,constructed eight bat houses for

the Linn Count Conservation Com-mission. Dave presented one of themto Chuck at the March meeting.Photo on page 3. Read more on page3 about bats and their value to ourneighborhoods.



The first Scrollsaw Conferenceand Workshop was held at

Hawkeye Downs Convention CenterApril 8 and 9. Both presenters andattendees came from all over NorthAmerica to discuss their craft andlearn more about this very impressiveart form. Everywhere one lookedthere were examples of world-classMargery, Intarsia, Fretwork, andhand-carved items - some for saleand some personal favorites. Theamount of talent at hand was as-tounding. Best-selling woodworkingauthor, Patrick Spielman presentedworkshops on the subject and notedscrollsawer, John Nelson taught be-ginner seminars. The show was or-ganized by Scrollsaw Alliance of theWorld (SAW) president, Joan West.Collins Woodworkers werepresent too. Emil Krepcik,Barry Olson, Dave Wetzel,and Larry Tjaden served as theSecurity Personnel for bothdays. Wayne Hanson sup-ported John Nelson’s seminarsby preparing wooden blanksand assembling the saws usedby the students. Puckett Tools& Fasteners provided all of thesaws for the seminars. Thesaws were placed on sale dur-ing the show at a price lowerthan most stores can get themwholesale! Several weregrabbed at this price – how-ever, a few are still available.See ad on page 2. Photos on page 2.

April’s meeting will include a pre-sentation on making wooden

pen and pencil sets by our own ex-pert, Larry Lacy. Come and join us!

Volume 5, Issue 7April 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, April 18th 5:00 the 35th Street Cafeteria

Making Pen & Pencil SetsBy: Larry Lacy

Habitatfor Humanities

By: Ray Heng

Last year, Cedar Valley Habitatfor Humanity built six new

homes in Cedar Rapids. This year,the goal is to complete nine morehomes, so your help is sorely needed.Since all of you enjoy woodworking,volunteering to help Habit for Hu-manity is a way to give somethingback to our community and, and atthe same time, spend some time do-ing what you love to do.My name is Ray Heng, and I havebeen a volunteer with Habitat for thelast thirteen years. Iwill attend your nextmeeting on April 18th

to answer any ques-tions you have regard-ing Habitat, and tolineup a crew to help.I plan to have a crew working onSaturday, May 6th and hope to havea bunch of you guys helping. If youare unable to attend the meeting, andwould like to help, please feel free tocall me at 393-5071.Patrick Speilman and Joan West

March Meeting

Read all about the last meeting onpage 4.

Knot Knews April 2000


May’s MeetingEmil Krepcik, Facilitator

Let’s have an “out of cafeteriaexperience”. A couple of Emil’s

friends are building sail boats andwe’re going to visit them. We willmeet at their assembly shop on 29th

Street - just east of 1st Avenue - nextto the In Tolerance Company. Therewill be a map and parking sugges-tions in the next newsletter. We hopelearn a lot about the tools, materials,plans, assembly techniques, and costof such an adventure. The craftunder construction is a Weekender.Read more about it at

Great Price on Scrollsaws!

Pucket Tools and Fasteners has a few of the Delta scrollsaws used at theSAW workshop on April 8 & 9. These saws are brand new - used two

days. As of April 9th, they had one 16” #40-540, three 18” 40-650, andtwo 20” 40-680. During the show these babies were placed on sale at a re-ally break-even price - and that included the stand! Stop in or call PucketTools and Fasteners to inquire about one of these units. Phone 363-2211

The example at theright is an 18” 40-650.

Kirt Curtis carves a bison

SAW Show 2000


Knot Knews April 2000

More on Bats

The following was copied from theBat Conservation International


Criteria for Successful Bat Houses

DesignAll bat houses should be at least twofeet tall, 14 inches or more wide, andhave a 3-6-inch landing area extend-ing below the entrance. Most houseshave 1-4 roosting chambers. Roostpartitions should be carefully spaced3/4 to 1 inch apart. All partitions andlanding areas should be roughened.Wood surfaces can be scratched orcovered with durable plastic screen-ing (1/8 or 1/4-inch mesh, availablefrom companies such as Internet, 1-800-328-8456). Include ventssix inches from the bottoms of allhouses to be used where average Julyhigh temperatures are 85 F, or above.Front vents are as long as a house iswide, side vents 6 inches tall by 1/2inch wide.

ConstructionA combination of exterior plywoodand cedar is best. Do not usepressure-treated wood. Any staplesused must be exterior grade or galva-nized. Caulk all seams, especiallyaround the roof.

Wood TreatmentPaint the exterior with three coats ofoutdoor paint. Available observa-tions suggest that color should beblack where average high tempera-tures in July are 80-85 F, dark colors(such as dark brown or gray) wherethey are 85-95 F, medium or lightcolors where they are 95-100 F, andwhite where they exceed 100 F.Much depends upon amount of sunexposure; adjust to darker colors for

ings or high up on poles provide thebest protection from predators. Thismay be a key factor in determiningbat choice. Locations at least 20-25feet from the nearest tree are best.However, houses may be found morequickly if located along forest or wa-ter edges where bats tend to fly.

Avoiding Uninvited GuestsWasps can be a problem before batsfully occupy a house. Use of 3/4-inchroosting spaces reduces wasp use. Ifnests accumulate, they should be re-moved in late winter or early springbefore either wasps or bats return.Open-bottom houses greatly reduceproblems with birds, mice, squirrels,or parasites, and guano does not ac-cumulate inside.

TimingBat houses can be installed at anytime of the year, but are more likelyto be used their first summer if in-stalled before the bats return inspring. When using bat houses inconjunction with excluding a colonyfrom a building, install the bat houses2-6 weeks before the actual eviction.

Excerpted and summarized from TheBat House Builder's Handbook.

less sun.

Sun ExposureHouses where high temperatures inJuly average 80 F, or less, shouldreceive at least 10 hours of sun; moreis better. At least six hours of directdaily sun are recommended for all bathouses where daily high temperaturesin July average less than 100 F.

HabitatMost nursery colonies of bats chooseroosts within 1/4 mile of water,preferably a stream, river, or lake.Greatest bat house success has beenachieved in ar-eas of diversehabitat, espe-cially wherethere is a mix-ture of differ-ing agricul-tural use andnatural vegetation. Bat houses aremost likely to succeed in regionswhere bats are already attempting tolive in buildings.

MountingBats find houses mounted on poles orbuildings more than twice as fast ason trees, which are also less pre-ferred. Houses mounted on metal sid-ing have not been used. Wood orstone buildings with proper solar ex-posure are ideal, and locations underthe eaves often have been successful.Mounting two bat houses back toback, 3/4 inch apart on poles, bothcovered by a tin roof, helps protectfrom overheating in hot climates. Allbat houses should be mounted at least10 feet above ground; 15-20 feet isbetter. Bat houses should not be lit bybright lights.

Protection from PredatorsHouses mounted on sides of build-

Photo by John Cox

Knot Knews April 2000


2000 PaidMembership is


March Meeting

After our regular business meet-ing, Guild member, Mark Clark

gave a first-class presentation on hisfavorite subject … Quite Tools.Mark used a video camera and pro-jector to allow the audience a close-up view of his demonstration. Hebegan his show by noting, “first weneed to make a board.” That state-ment inspired this writer to appreci-ate the talent used by thousands ofwoodworkers before us - simply tostart with a flat piece of lumber.Mark brought an array of tools re-quired to cut, plane, shave, measure,shape, and smooth. He noted thathand tools – like power tools – needto be accurately tuned and properlysharpened. Mark mentioned that heis not an antique tool collector, heonly buys equipment that he can beput back to work in his shop. Theattending members enjoyed the pre-sentation and wish to express theirthanks for a great time.Thanks Mark!Darrell Cushman, Larry Scott, andLarry Tjaden won the door prizes.


Knot Knews April 2000

Future Meeting Topics

May 16, Building Boats that FloatsJune 20, Tips and TechniquesJuly 18, Steam BendingSuggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 5-6869

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews April 2000


Jeffrey P. Kline 106-184Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Emil Krepcik 106-181Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim Mc Collum 124-300Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Pat Mc Dowell 108-165*Bill Meredith 107-150W. Karl Miller 137-125Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191

Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-124Rod Simonson 106-176Lloydene Smock 137-142Glenn Snider 137-143Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 192-124Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102*Joleen Von Spreecken 137-126Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 153-260Floyd Wesselink 127-150*John West 107-140Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 600 Ashton Place NE #202, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-154Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110*Alan Boone 108-101Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 137-141Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104*June Cook 153-120John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141Frank Gonzales 105-195*Mark Goodsmith 105-186Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175


Knot Knews May 2000

Two fellow employees working inEmil’s area are building boats. MikeMieher, and Chris Cataudella havesecured space in the building next tothe In Tolerance company on 29thStreet Drive. Mike and Chris willwalk us through some of the moreinteresting aspects of building yourown boat. Emil has received hisplans in the mail and will soon bebuilding a 12 foot dingy himself. Hewill bring as many of the materialsthat can be fit into his truck. Join usTuesday for another out of cafeteriaexperience. Map on page 2.

For those not attending the Aprilmeeting, there is a copy of the

Cedar Valley Habitat for HumanityVolunteer Data Sheet included in thisnewsletter.

June Meeting

Get ready for a another popular“Tips & Techniques” meeting.

At one of these meetings, memberspresent mini demonstrations on howthey solved problems or discuss theirfavourite new woodworking tool.Bring a project, tool, or a shop tech-nique to the June meeting.

April MeetingIn Review

The April meeting was attended by23 members and guests - presi-

dent Emil Krepcik presiding. Guest,Ray Heng gave a brief presentationon his involvement with Habitat forHumanities and how members of ourGuild can contribute. Ray noted thathe is assembling a crew starting onMay 6th to begin work on anotherhome. He passed around forms formembers to use if they wish to volun-teer their time - be it just a few hoursor many. Ray said that although theorganization supplies all of the tools,it is best if each volunteer brings theirown tape measure and hammer.Generally, volunteers will be workingwith the future owner in that he, orshe, has to contribute at least 100hours in the construction of theirhome and at least 400 hours in otherhomes. If you missed-out on the firstday orientation give Ray a call at393-5071.

Larry Lacy took the floor with hispresentation on Making Pen & Pencilsets. Larry’s presentation was themost professional yet in that he pho-tographed all of the woodworkingstage, edited them into a PowerPointPresentation and presented the mate-rial with a digital overhead projector.Larry noted that after volunteering tomake a presentation back in Novem-ber, he decided that Pen & Pencil setsMaking would be the subject. Hepurchased a basic kit that provided

(Continued on page 2, April meeting)

Volume 5, Issue 8May 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, May 16th 5:00 p.m.

Next to the “In Tolerance” Building223 29th Street Drive, Cedar Rapids

Boat BuildingEmil Krepcik, Facilitator

Knot Knews May 2000


most of the required tooling. Adapt-ing the mandrel to his Rockwell lathewas the hardest part. This hobby isbest done with a real lathe, howeverthe supply houses have a mini latheavailable - for a price. Larry’s alsobrought an impressive array of com-pleted products that he cranked-outas he developed the presentation.Anyone that missed the presentationcan view his PowerPoint presentationon the Guild’s home page. Thanks alot Larry for a real knockout show -you’re going to be hard to follow.The Editor is going to present inJuly on Steam Bending...

Emil closed the meeting remindingthe members that the May meetingwill be held in the “In Tolerance”building on 29th Street Drive next toBuresh Rental.

(Continued from page 1, April meeting)

A Year Ago This Month

Joan West gave an impressivedemonstration on Intarsia. She

spoke and answered questions formore than an hour on tools, wood,patterns, grain-alignment, and gen-eral cutting techniques. A very infor-mative meeting.

Map to the May Meeting

July MeetingBy: Larry Tjaden

If everything goes well I will begiving a demonstration on Steam

Bending in July. In the past, therehas been an occasional need for bent-wood components at my son’s cabi-net shop. We’re going to build achamber ten foot long and eightinches in diameter with a heavy-dutyboiler etc. It’s going to be pretty hardfollowing Larry Lacy’s excellent pre-sentation last month ... so wish meluck.

Tour of the AmanaFurniture Company

At one of our planning committeemeetings we thought a Tuesday

evening tour of the Amana FurnitureCompany would be nice outing forthe membership. We imagine a tourlasting for probably an hour or sothen dinner at one of the fine restau-rants ... we’ll be in Amana ... andvery hungry!

Historically, our outings have beenenjoyed very much by those partici-pating.

If there is enough interest in thisouting we will find a facilitrator tolook into the arrangements and startmaking plans.

Let your interest be known!


Knot Knews May 2000

Future Meeting Topics

June 20, Tips and TechniquesJuly 18, Steam BendingAugust 15, Open ...

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA - Amana Furniture Company

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 5-6869

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews May 2000


John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Emil Krepcik 106-181Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim Mc Collum 124-300Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Pat Mc Dowell 108-165W. Karl Miller 137-125Tim Mott 106-176Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151

Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-124Rod Simonson 106-176Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 192-124Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 143-100Floyd Wesselink 127-150John West 107-140Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 600 Ashton Place NE #202, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Towne House Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233Dave Yeoman 3410 St. Peter’s Road, MArion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-154Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110*Doug Beeks 108-205Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 137-140Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104*June Cook 153-120John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141*Joel Gillett 137-146Frank Gonzales 105-195*Mark Goodsmith 105-186Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175Jeffrey P. Kline 106-184Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100


Knot Knews June 2000

Web OverhaulBy: Larry Tjaden

Acouple of years ago when weassembled the Woodworkers

Guild web pages, someone suggested- I think it was Wayne, “How aboutsome interactive database softwarefor a library checkout page?” Well,it’s been three years now and theCollins RWEB has matured to wheresomething like that is pos-sible. The last few weeksI have been developingsome new pages to allowmembers to view the real-time availability of all ofthe books, videos, andtools in the Guild’s li-brary.

Here is our basic plan. All memberswill be issued a new membership cardwith a Library Key (kind of like apassword). When the member re-moves an item from the library theylog-on to our website and, using theirname and Library Key, check out theitem. The date and appropriate two-week check out period is noted andrecorded in a database. Herein is thesecret to Active Server Pages (ASP).The web pages you see on yourscreen are actually assembled intobrowser language using Visual Basicinstructions from information in adatabase. The work all happens at

the server side. To make this allpossible the contents of the libraryand the membership list will beloaded into a web database. LarryLacy and his library team and KelleyKirtz will have special access to webpages where they can use forms toedit and add to their respective datafiles. When completely functional,our librarian will be able to monitorthe usage of the collection and moni-

tor statistics on the usageof each item.

In the coming weeks I willbe placing some testpages on the website forall that are interested toexperiment with. I hopeto be getting some feed-back and fresh ideas. I’ll

put a couple of crash test dummynames in the membership to experi-ment with. For these tests my officePC will be the acting as the ASPserver … so I’ll be sure to leave itrunning overnight.

Using a similar database and forms, Iwill next create a Favorite Linkspage that can be serviced by anyGuild member. This will allow me todistribute the maintenance of thewebsite with several of our members.

Using ASP a lot of really cool thingsare possible …

Amana Trip

The planning Committee is lookingfor a member that would volun-

teer to facilitate a Tuesday eveningtrip to the Amana Furniture Shop.This could be a outing for later in theyear when the weather is getting kindof chilly and Woodworkers aredreaming about winter projects. Wewould probably have dinner theretoo...

July MeetingBy: Larry Tjaden

If everything goes well I will begiving a demonstration on Steam

Bending in July. This is a new sub-ject for me so I’ve been busy prepar-ing a demonstration and reading up.In the past, there has been an occa-sional need for bent-wood compo-nents at my son’s cabinet shop. I’mworking on a larger that normalsteam chamber and hope everythingworks out well before July eigh-teenth.

Get ready for a another popular“Tips & Techniques” meeting.

At one of these meetings, membersshare mini demonstrations on howthey solved woodshop problems ordiscuss their favorite new woodwork-ing tool.

Bring a project, tool, or a shop tech-nique to the June meeting.

Volume 5, Issue 9June 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Next MeetingTuesday, June 20th 5:00 p.m.

35th Street Cafeteria

Woodshop Tips andTechniques

Knot Knews June 2000


A Year Ago This Month

Dave Huovinen arranged a trip to By The Food Sawmill. Allen, and hiswife Linda, gave about forty-one of our members an excellent demon-

stration of their Log-Mizer® saw and kiling operation. Several memberspurchased lumber from their new showroom and storage area.Remember - Allen keeps his price list up-to-date and available on ourwebsite.

For Sale

Sears 1.5 hp Router with additionalVermont American base and bushingkit, $40;Sears Router Guide, $10;Sears Aluminum Router Table (18"wx13"d x11"h), $25;Dremel, 2 speed, 16 inch scroll sawwith stand, $65

Wayne Hanson, work x5893, home366-0345

Working withPlywood

By: Wayne Hanson

For the projects I do, I often usehardwood plywood. Unfortu-

nately, cutting 4x8 foot sheets ofplywood down to size is a real pain inthe basement. I don’t have a big sawtable so I’ve had to improvise overthe years. Until recently, I’ve used apair of sawhorses and a circular saw.I sense all of you out there are nod-ding your head knowing what I’mtalking about. Every cut down thelength of the plywood results in an-other slice out of the sawhorses. Acut across the sheet results in tryingto simultaneously push the saw withone hand and catch the cutoff withthe other hand.

One of the slickest ideas I’ve comeacross for cutting up plywood is thesawing rack shown in the photo in-cluded with this article. I found therack pictured below in the June 2000issue of the American Woodworker.The full article is also detailed attheir homepage http:// cur- rent_issue/index.html (the articlewill only be there until the July issueis released).

The big advantage of the sawing rackis that your sawhorses will never becut up and most of the sheet is sup-ported during cutting. Assuming thepicture copies ok, you can see thatwith the way the runners are dadoedtogether, you can crosscut or lengthcut the plywood by flipping the rackover.

I made the rack a bit lighter thansuggested in the article to make iteasier to handle and store (½-inchplywood and 2-inch wide runners

rather than ¾-inch plywood and 3-inch wide runners). I built one lastmonth and just had the opportunity touse it. I think it works a lot betterthan my old method.

If you invented a great way to dosomething in the shop (or just copiedone from a magazine, like me) writeit up and send it to Larry Tjaden forthe newsletter. Larry’s email andphone are listed elsewhere in thenewsletter.


Knot Knews June 2000

Future Meeting Topics

July 18, Steam BendingAugust 15, Open ...September 19, Open ...

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA - Amana Furniture Company

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 5-6869

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses, retirees,

and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews June 2000


John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 192-111Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim Mc Collum 124-300Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Pat Mc Dowell 108-165W. Karl Miller 137-125Tim Mott 106-176Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191

Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-124Rod Simonson 106-176Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 192-124Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 143-100Floyd Wesselink 127-150John West 107-140Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 600 Ashton Place NE #202, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Emil Krepcik 17281 Newport Road, Anamosa, IA 52205Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Towne House Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233Dave Yeoman 3410 St. Peter’s Road, Marion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-154Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110*Doug Beeks 108-205Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 137-140Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104*June Cook 153-120John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141*Joel Gillett 137-146Frank Gonzales 105-195*Mark Goodsmith 105-186Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175Jeffrey P. Kline 106-184Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100


Knot Knews July 2000

to help pay, for the site. Don’tworry, we will still be able to vieweverything through the company’sRWEB.Some of the contents of the externalsite will be members-only by placingit behind a password-accessed gate-way. By doing so, the membershiplist, library check out, and other in-ternal pages will not be available tothe rest of the world wide web users.I have developed an administrativeaccess section for Kelley, Larry, andLee etc. to maintain the library andmembership database.This thing will take me a few weeksto get assembled and tested, but youcan be sure I’ll inform the club whenit’s ready to GO LIVE.

Website OverhaulBy Larry Tjaden

(part II)

Last month I noted some changeswe can make to the club’s web-

site to make it easy to check items inand out of the library and to allow allmembers an opportunity to contributeto the maintenance of the website.I have developed the baseline pagesfor the new Library check out func-tions and have an example page run-ning now. I also have a new Linkspage for presenting a site descriptionalong with the URL. It has a formthat any member can fill in to add tothe link collection. I might add aactivity counter to indicate site usageor maybe a star rating system judgedby our members. Presently, thesepages are running on my office PCthat is operating as the server.After publishing last month’snewsletter, Larry Wood asked if wecould somehow make the pages avail-able for the retired members, and forall employees, at home.Larry had a good idea there… Atthis writing, it looks like we are goingto host the entire website outside ofthe company therefor satisfying allconcerned. Soon you will be able toaccess www.CollinsClubs.Com fromyour home computer and read allabout our club … and others. Wechoose a generic domain name toallow other Collins clubs to use, and

Amana FurnitureShop Tour

Vern Mc CormickFacilitator

Vern has agreed to take the lead inorganizing a trip to the Amana

Furniture Store. He has learned thatthe store has regular tours at 11:00and 1:00 on Saturdays – likewise onweekdays – but it may be a little hardto arrange an evening tour in that thenormal staff will not be available.Luckily, Holtzfest is coming up Au-gust 18, 19, and 20 at Little Amana.We could probably work a specialtour at 3:00 Saturday the 19th whichwill allow some time at Holtzfest -down by Interstate 80, the tour, andhopefully a meal at one of the restau-rants. Vern will gladly accept opin-ions about the trip and the timingthereof. Give him a call or send ane-mail.

Next MeetingTuesday, July 18th 5:0035th Street Cafeteria

Steam BendingBy: Larry Tjaden

Larry will give a presentation onBending Wood with Steam. He

will bring a steamer and some exam-ple pieces he has been working on.We’ll be “Cookin’ in the Cafeteria”.Also, we’re going to have Pizza &Pop so bring your appetite.

Volume 5, Issue 10July 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Last Month’sMeeting

The June meeting was attended by19 members and guests the topic

was Jigs and Fixtures - Show & Tell.President Krepcik brought the meet-ing to order with discussion on futuremeetings and invited all members toattend the planning committee meet-ings that are now being held in the35th street cafeteria. Fourth Tues-days at 5:00 o-clock. Larry Tjadendescribed some new features that arebeing planned for the website to al-low an interactive library check outfeature as well as member contribu-tion to the contents of the site usingweb-forms.John West, Floyd Wesselink, andJerry Showman won the door prizes.Emil started the show & tell with asuper-modified hobby horse he sal-vaged. Mark brought several home-made tools including a bench hook, acentering jig, a cross-measuring tool,and a circle fixture for a router.Larry Lacy brought three boxes thatWayne built to house the Library’sdoor frame router guide sets. Waynebrought a nice box he built for hischisel set. Photos on page 2.

Knot Knews July 2000


For Sale

Sears 1.5 hp Router with additionalVermont American base and bushingkit, $40;Sears Router Guide, $10;Sears Aluminum Router Table (18"wx13"d x11"h), $25;Dremel, 2 speed, 16 inch scroll sawwith stand, $65

Wayne Hanson, work x5893, home366-0345

Net HumorBy Mark Clark

USENET news groups, the Internet’spublic bulletin board facility, containsome discussions of woodworkingand tools. When a participant hasfound a great deal or come across anespecially rare old tool, they sharethat information in the form of a“gloat.” Recently a “newbie,” think-ing he’d really impress everyone,posted a note bragging about havingfound a piece of stationary wood-working equipment at a great price.Rather than the usual oohs and aahs,what he got in response were a lot ofsnide remarks and posts belittling histreasure. It turned out he had vio-lated the etiquette of the gloat. Fi-nally, someone came to his rescuewith the following post.

Examples of a gloat and how todo it:

1) My next door neighbor, MissSeptember 1998 recently losther father. She offered mehis complete collection ofpre-WWII Stanley planes inexchange for the use of mypool during the summer. Ihave a question on the bestway to sharpen the irons.(this would be two gloats)

2) While at the sawmill, I raninto an old man with a pickuptruck full of kiln-driedquilted cherry. He was goingto give it to the sawmilloperator but took my offer of$20 for all 300 b.f. Would itbe best to store this in theattic or basement?

3) A buddy of mine who worksat the Post gave me a heads upon a lady who called theclassifieds with a 30 year oldUnisaw for $100 I called herand went over to look at thesaw. After viewing the saw inPRISTINE condition, my con-science got the better of meand I told her the price wasWAY to low and she should at

least ask $500 for it. Shetold me it was her husband'sidea to list it for that priceand find out if there were anyhonest people left in theworld. He only wanted histools to go to an honestperson and then gave me theentire workshop in exchangefor keeping up her yard forthe summer. Her single daugh-ter, the corporate attorney/Hooter's waitress would comeover later to give me all thepaper work. Now my questionis what would be the best wayto wire the shop for the saw.

Notice that you never comeright out and say "I've gotthis great gloat" and thatnone of these involve aircompressors or nailers...

Wayne Hansonbrought this finechisel box.

Mark Clark demonstratesa home-make extendablemeasuring jig.

June Meeting Photos


Knot Knews July 2000

Think Christmas ...

There may not be any snow inthe forecast but in just a couple

of short months we’ll be thinkingabout Toys-For-Tots and our ownfamily’s home-crafted wood gifts.The Planning Committee will bemeeting in the 35th street cafeteriafor a while to allow more partici-pation.All future meetings have to bearranged in advance ... so stop byand help dream-up a meeting topicor two. Remember, we meet on thefourth Tuesday starting at 5:00.

A Year Ago This Month

Paul Trantor gave a presentationon operating the Guild’s Drill

Doctor drillbit sharpener. EmilKrepcik gave a follow-on demon-stration on how to use the Guild’sMakita sharpener. Twenty-onemembers and guests were present.

Relative HumidityBy Wayne Hanson

Every spring I start a humidifier inmy basement to keep my wood

from soaking up moisture as all thatsummer heat and humidity arrive. Myhumidifier has a very nice control with10 hacks with the center marked as“Normal”. This all seems prettystraightforward and works just fine –as far as it goes. It occurred to me thisspring that “Normal” didn’t meanmuch or at least didn’t give me verymuch information. To get a better ideawhat the humidity really was, I went tomy local Radio Shack store and boughta handy dandy LCD temperature/hu-midity meters. I left the meter in thebasement for a while and found that therelative humidity was 42%. Now I hadmore information but not what themoisture content of the wood would bein that environment. For My next step,I turned to one of my references – Fine Woodworking on Wood and How To Dry It . The last piece of the puzzlecame from the chart reproduced withthis article. According to the chart, thewood in my basement should stabilizeat approximately 8%, which is nicely inthe range for good woodworking.Without a dehumidifier, basements area pretty lousy place tostore wood. Dependingon the house, basementhumidity can easily riseinto the 90% range inthe summer. If thatwere the case, your finekiln dried wood would absorb enoughmoisture to qualify as constructionlumber for the Menard’s lot. Moistureis pretty hard on cast iron tools too.Humidifiers are like miniature air con-ditioners so they will raise your electricbill a bit but the benefits will comeback as stable wood projects and re-duced maintenance on your tools.


Steve Lutterell made a good sugges-tion the other day. He noted that nowthat the Knot Knews is being pub-lished on the website there are proba-bly members that don’t really need aprinted copy. Sound sgood to theeditor. Maybe we could save a tree ortwo in the process. The new member-ship database has a newsletter deliv-ery option that can be set to home,work, or none. For the time being wewill assume everyone wants paper andthink up a way to poll the membershipfor their individual opinions. We willadd a box to next year’s sign-upsheet. Thanks Steve.

Knot Knews July 2000


Next Knot Knews

Mark Clark has been working with a softwareprogram that helps layout a cut list based

upon the required piece-parts and the material youhave on hand. He is writing an article for theAugust issue of Knot Knews.

Example of thenew “Links” page

The first figure shows the “Links” page. Eachline contains a brief description about the subjectwebsite on the left and the site’s URL on the right.There are seven basic category headers: Catalogs,Clubs, Manufacturers, Magazines, Wood-related,and Miscellaneous. All of the information yousee is extracted from a database stored on the hostcomputer. When you request the page it is buildjust for you each time.

The list can grow to be any length … and thecontents can be updated you. If you click on theinvitation to contribute you will be taken to aform with areas for the URL, a brief description,and the site category. When you press “Submit”,the information is added to the database for all tosee. If you make a mistake, don’t worry. Click-ing on the edit invitation line will display theentire database with a numbered hyperlink on theleft side to pull-up another form for editing thedata.

A couple of notes.1. Be sure to check your link when you’re fin-ished. 2. In the description area you can jump tothe next line by ending a line with <br> for break.You can press the enter button to the make theform go to the next line.3. You can edit any of the fields.

This is the first example of member-edited webpages. One of the next areas that is in need ofhelp is the local lumber and hardwood supplierspages. Soon we will be looking for a member tokeep the contents up to date and accurate. Theediting tools for these pages will need to behindthe password-protected firewall to keep the publicfrom messing with our data.


Knot Knews July 2000

Future Meeting Topics

August 15, Amana Holtzfest, FurnitureShop TourSeptember 19, Membership DriveOctober 17, Getting ready for Toys-For-Tots

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,

retirees, and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website Collins Woodworkers Guild website

is now available for viewing on theworld wide web at pages (ie. membership list) are

restricted from view

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews July 2000


John Kraemer 106-183Melvin Krause 105-191Larry Lacy 105-191Terry Lamb 108-275Curt Larson 108-102Thomas Lasecki 105-191Del Lawrence 137-132Randy Lepsch 105-197Gregg Lind 108-166William Logan 108-137Steve Luttrell 108-104Gary Mayberry 139-142Jim Mc Collum 124-300Vern Mc Cormick 138-159Pat Mc Dowell 108-165W. Karl Miller 137-125Tim Mott 106-176Randy Moyer 137-141Scott Nesseler 105-191Robert Newgard 108-207Barry Olson 124-217Dan Ortz 106-132Loras Overmann 108-136Andy Pettifor 106-193Matt Poellet 105-191

Steven Robertson 106-132Paul Salamon 105-151Dave Sampson 124-313George Saul 137-156William I. Schultz 105-101Gary Schwab 107-151Larry J. Scott 108-165Gerald Showman 139-124Rod Simonson 106-176Ed Sokoloski 106-176John Stewart 192-124Mike Tanner 108-236Roger Thompson 124-100Larry Tjaden 192-101Paul Tranter 137-125Mike Vagher 108-102Kenneth Watson 106-181John Wauer 124-210Bryan Wesner 143-100Floyd Wesselink 127-150John West 107-140Dave Wetzel 105-101Jim Wright 124-111Jim B. Young 107-140Robert Zapf 106-176

Knot Knews Distribution

Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich Desimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Don Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 1175 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Ed Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Emil Krepcik 17281 Newport Road, Anamosa, IA 52205Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Towne House Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 Kings Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Boulevard, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233Dave Yeoman 3410 St. Peter’s Road, Marion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution

Steve Ackerman 137-125Norm Anderson 105-151Roger D. Anderson 124-224Don Barrett 137-154Chuck Bassett 106-176Dennis Beaman 137-132Rich Beckett 120-110*Doug Beeks 108-205Ken Bodensteiner 137-125Christy Brandt 105-101Curtis Brown 139-132James Burtin 137-140Mark Clark 106-124Kelly P. Collins 111-100Ray Collins 108-104*June Cook 153-120John Cox 105-150Darrell Cushman 137-152Greg Davis 124-217Steve Erwin 192-124John Faurote 137-134Floyd Fischer 106-176Bill Fitzpatrick 139-142Bob Flood 107-140Thomas Foster 108-166Bob Frolik 108-237Steve Geurts 137-141*Joel Gillett 137-146Frank Gonzales 105-195*Mark Goodsmith 105-186Joseph Gorman 106-133Larry Hanson 137-124Wayne Hanson 138-159Kate Harmening 108-175Steve Harmening 137-145Bill Hart 137-137Ken Hartman 155-100Bill Heineman 108-165Theodore Hess 108-136John Hobbs 137-141Al Huneke 767-200Cindy Huovinen 137-157Lee Johnson 105-151James Jones 138-159Dan Kaspari 105-151Jaye Kearley 124-222Larry Kerns 107-140Kelley Kirtz 106-181Kevin Klimes 108-175Jeffrey P. Kline 106-184Scott Knotts 138-149Ron Kositzky 164-100


Knot Knews August 2000


Our favorite membership coordi-nator has been assigned to an

intense program at work and will nothave time to serve the Guild nextyear. On the other hand, Kelley hasvolunteered in this role for severalyears and we all appreciated her con-tribution. The 2001 membershipdrive will begin soon and we need areplacement right away!

We are scheduled to tour thefurniture factory at 3:00 p.m.

on Saturday August 19th.I've made arrangements for dinner at5:00 p.m. at the Brick Haus Restau-rant (right across the street withinwalking distance). The only waythey would do a large group (thirtyor so) is to serve their Three-meatEntree Banquet Special that includesthe following: Fried Chicken,Amana Ham, and Swiss Steakserved family style - Bread, cottagecheese, lettuce salad, sauerkrautsalad, and Amana Pickled ham fol-lowed by sauerkraut, potatoes andgravy, corn, and beans. They offer achoice of beverage of coffee, tea,milk, and lemonade. Dessert is achoice of fruit, pie a la mode,cheesecake, strawberry shortcake, orice cream. Total cost is $16.88 perperson and includes meal, tax, and15 % tip. We can pay individuallybut we should try to have the correctchange ($17.00) to make it easier onthe waitress if using cash.I hope the above is OK. If it's toopricey for anyone I guess they eat ata different table. I think the price isOK considering all you get. Theywanted to know if anyone has aproblem with stairs. If not, they willput us downstairs in our own room.I told them I didn't think so …

I need to give the restaurant an ideahow many will be eating - which Iwill do at the start of the factorytour.

Remember to invite your spouse,significant other, or friend along tothe meeting. If that person isn’tinterested in the tour, they can jointogether and visit the many shops inthe area.Also keep in mind that August 18-20is Holtzfest in Little Amana (by In-terstate 80) where many venders willbe showing their woodworking prod-ucts and materials.

Last Meeting

The July meeting was held in the35th Street cafeteria with 32

members and guests present. LarryLacy opened the meeting while pres-ident Krepcik fetched pizza and popto feed the attendees. The topic ofthe evening was Steam Bending pre-sented by Larry Tjaden. He broughthis steaming assembly and severalpractice boards for demonstration.The equipment was setup an hour orso earlier to allow fully-heatedboards to be bent. A view-cell pre-sentation outlined some of the back-ground and fundamentals of bendingwood with steam. Larry based hisdemonstration on preparing bentchair backs. The three boards bentat the meeting basically matchedthose prepared earlier. Larry wasgetting about ¾ inch bend-back us-ing kiln dried lumber. It was notedthat air-dried lumber is best forbending because the lignin has notbeen cured yet.

On a follow up --- Dave Huovinenloaned Larry a couple of air-driedboards (Oak and Ash) and when bentunder the same heat and cool-downtime had less that ¼ inch bend-back.Air-dried is best! Photos on page 2.In other business: The Amana Furni-ture Factory tour will start at 3:00Saturday August 19th – Dinner at5:00.

Ed Kalous, Scott Knotts, SteveHarmining, and John West won theDoor prizes.

August MeetingTour of the

Amana Furniture CompanySaturday, August 19, 2000 - 3:00 p.m.

Facilitated by Vern Mc Cormick

Volume 5, Issue 11August 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

In This Issue:Indian Creek Nature Center projecthas potential ... Page 2Mark Clark reviews Sheet Layoutversion 7.0.3 ... Page 3.

Knot Knews August 2000


Left, Larry’s boiler is made from plastic pipe fittiings with anelectric heater element. The steam chamber is a length of 8” di-ameter plastic well casing. The two are coupled with a radiatorhose.Below, One of the demonstration boards is clamped firmly into

Photos by John Cox

Indian CreekNature Center

Dave Huovinen, and the Guild,has been searching for projects

where we can contribute to the com-munity. As we know, the IndianCreek Nature Center is one ofDave’s favorites. It turns out thatthe Center has a cabinetry projectthat fits the talents of most of ourmembers. What is needed is a glass-paneled display case for a naturalscience diorama. A professionalmuseum exhibit designer is undercontract to build the diorama anddesign the case. The budget for theproject is pretty small and warrants avolunteer group to build the displaycase. The club will need to completethe blueprints, compute the materiallist, and prepare an estimate firat. Ifwe take on the job, Dave hopes todistribute the construction tasks toshare the work with several mem-bers. Ask Dave for the details…

Photo by John Cox

July Meeting


Knot Knews August 2000

sively larger projects at progres-sively higher cost. I decided to li-cense both Sheet Layout and LinealLayout at the Hobbyist level.The Hobbyist level limits a layoutproject to no more than 20 uniquepart types and no part type may havea quantity greater than 10. At first Ithought that would be too restrictivebut then I realized that layout opti-mization could not involve morethan one type of material at a time inany case and it might be reasonableto create a separate project to holdall the parts to be cut from the samematerial. This strategy proved suc-cessful and I was able to set up theprojects so that each material layoutwas optimized without running intothe limits built into my version of theprogram.As you define parts to be laid out onsheets of material, you can tell theprogram which way the grain mustrun on the finished part or, if youdon't care, that grain direction is notimportant. Each item is automati-cally numbered as you enter it andyou may specify dimensions in frac-tional or decimal units as you prefer.Once you have the parts defined,simply open the layout window andclick the run button. The parts willbe laid out using as many sheets ofthe designated resources as areneeded. Look over the result to besure everything is there and turnedthe right way and you're done. Younow have the information needed tooptimize the use of material youhave on hand or the informationneeded to buy the right amount ofmaterial at your local lumber yard.Another feature of the program thatI found very useful was the ability toprint labels for each part to be cut.The program is all set to print sheetsof Avery labels available at officesupply stores. Just load the labels in

(Continued on page 4, Sheet Layout)

I decided to take a look to seewhether it fit my needs so I down-loaded the free version for evalua-tion. The free version has all thesame features as the licensed ver-sions but it won't store very manyparts in a project. Still, it wasenough to let me evaluate the func-tionality. I installed Sheet Layoutand set up a project. This seemedeasy enough and soon I had open theparts list window and was addingsome parts to be harvested from ply-wood panels. The material to use foreach part is selected from a dropdown list which in my case wasempty. I looked around and soonrealized that I had not defined anyresources.Resources (materials) are added in aseparate window. They can be sheetmaterials, lineal materials, items/components, volumetric materials orlabor types. You can keep track ofeach standard and odd-sized piece ofmaterial you have on hand or expectto buy. You may also keep track ofthe grain direction on each piece andwhether that is important in calculat-ing layouts. You also define theusual tool you use to cut each type ofmaterial. Each tool has a kerf widththat may be modified to match yourparticular situation and a margin ofsafety may be specified around theedge of the material if you need tocontend with damaged edges.I quickly became convinced thatSheet Layout would save me a lot ofwork over time and would probablypay for itself in my current project. Idecided I would license the product,but at what level? There are twoseparately-licensed componentsavailable, Sheet Layout and LinealLayout, and each has four differentlicense categories, Hobbyist, SmallShop, Commercial and E-Commercial. Each license categorywill manage and optimize progres-

Using Sheet Layout7.0.3

By: mark Clark

I've taken the plunge. I've decidedto add power tools to my shop and

include manufactured boards in myarsenal of project materials. I'mcurrently working on a project thatincludes three separate plywoodcabinets with drawers and doors,large flat work surfaces to sit on topof the them and a couple of torsionboxes. The project calls for 113separate plywood parts, in ¾ in., ½in. and ¼ in. thicknesses.I'd been thinking about this projectfor a while and one of the things thatkept worrying me was the problemof figuring out how much plywoodto buy. At around $60 a sheet for ¾in. birch plywood, I'd rather notwaste very much or buy more sheetsthan I actually need. But howwould I figure the needed stock?I knew there were computer pro-grams that could calculate the bestway to cut linear materials such aslengths of pipe or structural steelbut what about two dimensional op-timization? I turned to the Internetand the World Wide Web for theanswer and before long I had dis-covered Sheet Layout.Sheet Layout is a program that runson a PC under Microsoft Windows.According to the developers, SheetLayout will:• calculate the optimum use of

your materials;• generate and print cut lists and

diagrams for each piece of ma-terial;

• generate and print labels foreach part; and,

• generate and print complete ma-terials lists, including finishingmaterials, hardware, labor, andcost reports.

Knot Knews August 2000


your printer and start the print labelfunction. Then keep the labels be-side you as you cut out your partsaccording to the printed layout dia-grams. As each piece is cut, youplace the proper label on the newlycut piece. This makes it easy to cuta large number of odd sized partsduring one working session withoutlosing track of their identity andwithout having to make pencilmarks on your work.The program is still being steadilyimproved with each new release butthere are still a few quirks. Thelayout diagrams are not capable ofrotating the part descriptions to cor-respond to the way the part is posi-tioned. No matter what the layout,the text is always horizontal. Ifound that in some cases there wasnot room on the layout for a part'sdescription and I had to deduce theidentity of the part from its appar-ent dimensions and its relativegrouping on the layout.My experience with Sheet Layouthas convinced me it is a program Idon't want to be without. The ef-fortless layoutand optimizationcombined withthe label printingfeature mean itsaves me realmoney in materi-als and a lot oftime and hassle aswell. If and when I need to lay outmaterials for larger projects, I'llvery likely license Sheet Layout ata higher level to ease the burden ofmanaging the project. If you cut alot of plywood and have an IBMcompatible computer at home, Irecommend this product. You cantry it out at their Web site:

(Continued from page 3, Sheet Layout) Free to good home:

Delta bench-mount plate joinermodel 32-100. Like new, worksgood. I don't ever use it and haverun out of room. The only require-ment is that the taker also takes agood 30" aluminum self-storingstorm door. Same price, free.Contact Larry Wood at 395-9348 ore-mail .

On the WebBy: Larry Tjaden

The club website is now up andrunning on the outside world.

We registered the domain to allow otherclubs within the company to join uson the outside … and maybe paysome of the cost. Our club’s URL woodwork- ers . I have most of the old stufftransferred to the site and hope tocomplete the library check out sys-tem soon. The power of ActiveServer Pages will allow me to addfeatures like placing a book or toolin reservation and be sent an auto-matic email when the present userchecks the item back in. I will beable to monitor the time a user hasan item checked out and alert thelibrarian if it gets too long. I can,and did, make the newsletter distri-bution list automatically from themembership database. This is socool!

I’ve been asked to look into a Buy-Sell-Trade page. After a quick lookaround the net I noted that an open-to-the-word page needs a managerto review the content of an adver-tisement, and if it is clean, “release”it. I can imagine a feature where apassword is issued to each customerso they can remove their own ad …before the timer clears it.

I do need a member to help meservice the links page, and later, thelocal lumber source page. Bothpages will be editable over the inter-net using special forms on the ad-ministrator’s pages.

If any of you have an idea for a coolfeature you’ve seen elsewhere, letme know, I’m always open to achallenge.

September Meeting

Next month will be membershipdrive and election of officers.

If you wish to contribute to the clubhere is a place to do so. In that theclub is a subsidized RockwellCollins, Inc. club, we are required toelect a president, vice-president,and secretary/treasure. In the pastwe wait until the last minute of theSeptember meeting to determine ourleaders. The task of president basi-cally involves arranging the topic ofthe twelve meetings and presiding atthem. Keep in mind the vice-president is ready to fill-in if youcannot. With enough membershiphelp the twelve, or less, topics arecovered and panic is kept to a mini-mum. Our secretary/treasure(mostly treasurer) keeps the books,does the banking, and retrievesfunds from the Collins system topay invoices. This person alsohelps the membership coordinatorby helping with and receiving regis-tration forms. The vice-president isin charge of vice.

Several members, along with theabove-mentioned staff form an adhoc planning committee where themeetings and activities are dis-cussed. These meetings are beingheld in the 35th Street cafeteria sothat ALL members can participatein the administration of their club.


Knot Knews August 2000

Future Meeting Topics

September 19, Membership Drive &election of officersOctober 17, Getting ready for Toys-For-TotsNovember 21, Turn in the toysDecember 19, ???

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins WoodworkersGuild is open to all

Rockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,retirees, and contract employees.

Everyone is welcome at our meetings!Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) ad-

Check out the Guild’s website

The Collins Woodworkers Guild websiteis now available for viewing on the

world wide web

and on the RWEB at:

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presenta-

tions♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews August 2000


105-101 Dave Wetzel105-101 Roger Thompson105-101 William I. Schultz105-101 Christy Brandt105-150 John Cox105-151 Lee Johnson105-151 Norm Anderson105-151 Dan Kaspari105-191 Matt Poellet105-191 Thomas Lasecki105-191 Scott Nesseler105-191 Larry Lacy105-191 Melvin Krause105-195 Frank Gonzales105-197 Randy Lepsch106-124 Mark Clark106-132 Dan Ortz106-132 Steven Robertson106-133 Joseph Gorman106-176 Timothy Mott106-176 Robert Zapf106-176 Ed Sokoloski106-176 Floyd Fischer106-176 Chuck Bassett106-181 Kenneth Watson106-181 Kelley Kirtz106-183 John Kraemer106-184 Jeffrey P. Kline106-193 Andy Pettifor107-140 Larry Kerns107-140 Bob Flood107-140 Jim B. Young107-140 John West107-151 Gary Schwab108-102 Curt Larson108-102 Mike Vagher108-104 Ray Collins108-104 Steve Luttrell108-136 Loras Overmann108-136 Theodore Hess108-137 William Logan108-165 Larry J. Scott108-165 Bill Heineman108-165 Pat McDowell108-166 Thomas Foster108-166 Gregg Lind108-175 Kate Harmening108-175 Kevin Klimes108-205 Doug Beeks*

108-207 Robert Newgard108-236 Mike Tanner108-237 Bob Frolik108-275 Terry Lamb111-100 Kelly P. Collins112-110 Manfred Zehr120-110 Rich Beckett124-111 Jim Wright124-210 John Wauer124-217 Barry Olson124-217 Greg Davis124-222 Jaye Kearley124-300 Jim McCollum124-300 Stephen Buol*124-313 Dave Sampson127-150 Floyd Wesselink137-124 Larry P. Hanson137-125 Steve Ackerman137-125 Ken Bodensteiner137-125 Paul Tranter137-125 W. Karl Miller137-126 Joleen Von Spreecken137-132 Dennis Beaman137-132 Dell Lawrence137-134 John Faurote137-137 Bill Hart137-141 George Saul137-141 James Burtin

137-141 John Hobbs137-141 Randy Moyer137-141 Steve Geurts137-145 Steve Harmening137-146 John Stewart137-146 Joel Gillett137-152 Darrell Cushman137-154 Don Barrett137-157 Cindy Huovinen138-149 Scott Knotts138-159 Vernon McCormick138-159 Wayne Hanson138-159 James Jones139-125 Gerald Showman139-132 Curtis Brown139-142 Bill Fitzpatrick139-142 Gary Mayberry143-100 Bryan Wesner146-100 June Cook*153-225 Lloyd Plume*155-100 Ken Hartman164-100 Ron Kositzky192-101 Larry Tjaden192-111 Ronnie Manthe192-124 Steve Erwin767-200 Al Huneke

Knot Knews Distribution

Roger D. Anderson 1198 KK Ave, Marengo, IA 52301Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich DeSimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Donald Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Steet, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 1175 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Jim Irvine 1460 25th Steet, Marion, IA 52302Edward Kalous 2525 2nd Ave, Marion, IA 52302Emil Krepcik 17281 Newport Road, Anamosa, IA 5220Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Paul Salamon 2052 Eastern Blvd SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Roman Schuh 3005 18th Ave, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Townhouse NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 King's Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-2113John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Blvd, Hiawatha, IA 52233R.Don Whited 3836 Vine Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233David C. Yeoman 3410 St. Peters Rd, Marion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution


Knot Knews September 2000

This club is for you! If you enjoyworking with wood and making

your own furniture, toys, cabinetry,turnings, or simply solving home re-pairs ... this is your club. We have awealth of talented members withmany many years of experience com-bined. And, as you can imagine,ready to share that wealth with fellowmembers. Woodworkers make amess of sawdust and chips to find apersonal work of a art inside a simplepile of lumber. Join our club andlet’s make some dust!This month will be membership driveand election of officers. If you wishto contribute to the club here is aplace to do so. In that the club is asubsidized Rockwell Collins,, we are required to elect a presi-dent, vice-president, and secretary/treasure. See you at the meeting.

Previous Meeting

At the August meeting some 26members, spouses, and guests

enjoyed a tour of the Amana Furni-ture Company. Vern Mc Cormickmade the arrangements for a threeo-clock tour of the factory shops andthen dinner at the Brick Haus Restau-rant at five. Our guide, who hap-pened to be the Shop Manger, gaveour group a special tour of the fac-tory starting from the lumber receiv-ing area to the finishing rooms. Thisattendee was surprised to see theamount of floor-space hidden insidethe menagerie of rooms and buildingsnext to the familiar store area. Wesaw an interesting mix of old andmodern professional-level wood-working machinery all attached to avery large dust collecting system. Aswe walked, our host showed us sev-eral Amana products at variousstages of completion - basically smallproduction batches of hand-crafteditems. We got to see our guidespersonal work area containing an old-world woodworking bench coveredwith his private collection of hand-tools and specialized jigs and tem-plates. At the end of the tour we allthanked our host and headed over tothe Brick Haus for a big family-styledinner. It was fortunate that Vernmade reservations because the placewas packed ... likewise were our tum-mies at the end of an excellentevening in Amana.

September MeetingMembership Drive & Election of Officers

Show & TellTuesday, September 19, 2000 - 5:00 p.m. 35th Street Cafeteria

Volume 5, Issue 12September 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Porter-Cable Model 9876 14.4Volt 3/8" Cordless Drill Driver

Kit. 2 Amp/hour 14.4 volt batteries formore power & longer run time; 3/8"keyless chuck with 360 inch/poundsmaximum torque 20-position clutchincluding solid lock-up; 2-speed gearbox (0-475 & 0-1,450 rpm) (0-18,850 bpm)Includes two high-capacity batterypacks, advanced diagnostic charger,carrying case, double ended bit; Tip,and operating manual.

Special Door Prize!

Members present at the Septem-ber 19 meeting who have paid

their fy2001 dues are eligible for thisspecial door prize drawing.

Thanks to thefy2000 Officers

Members of the Guild wish toexpress their thanks to last

year’s president, Emil Krepcik; vice-president, Mark Clark; andSecretary-Treasurer, Rich Beckett.We appreciate the time you havedonated to our club during the lasttwelve months. Clubs like ours re-quire volunteers that are willing tospend some of their valuable time tomake the organization successful -and you have done your part!

Nature Center Project ................ Page 2Amana Tour Photos .................. Page 3New Store in West Des Moines . Page 4Registration Form (paper issue) . Page 5

Knot Knews September 2000


Club Project Takes Shape

The Indian Creek Nature Center is remodeling theirdisplay area and has a cabinet-making project suitable

for our club's talents. In a meeting at the Nature Center,Dave Huovinen indicated the club will look into helpingwith the construction of the fixture. Dave and RonnieManthe have developed a set of drawings to work from.

They well be making an estimate for the Nature Centeras to the material costs and hopefully soon will get thego-ahead to start construction. Dave is reviewing howthe assembly can broken down and distributed to sev-eral club members. He will be looking for cabinet-maker club members to contribute real soon.Call Dave at 5-7283.

Drawing by: Ronnie Man-

The project is a glass-enclosed corner fixture that will contain a diorama depicting wetlands and prairie in a natural setting.The fixture will be broken in two or more sections for ease of handling. The lower section will have drawers for materialstorage. The top section is covered and has glass on basically five sides. The diorama floor will be completed by aprofessional museum display company.

Another Community Projectdonated by members of the

Collins Woodworkers Guild!


Knot Knews September 2000

Photos by: Bill Barvinek & Larry Tjaden

Amana Furniture Company Tour

Knot Knews September 2000


Next MonthToys for TotsBy: Larry Tjaden

October is when we kick off ourannual Toys for Tots project.

Every year, several of our membersconstruct hand-made wooden toys todonate to needy families in the com-munity. This season we will againbe working with the RockwellCollins Christmas Family Programto help distribute the toys. Last year,at the October meeting, Bob Floodbrought a bunch of toy trains hebuild that needed final assembly. Heinvited the members at the meeting topitch in with the finishing touches ...which we did. Wayne and I noted thefun the crew was having and thoughtnext year we need to gather at some-body’s shop and run-off a big batchof toys.This year I’m thinking of schedulinga Saturday at my kids cabinet shopand inviting some friend from theWoodworkers Guild with the intentof making a big batch of toys. Wewill need to set our plans, study theblueprints, get the lumber and piece-p a r t s ,and divein. Witht h ep r o p e rmater i -als onh a n d ,and theright talent gathered, we should get alot done and have some fun doing it.Let me know if you wish to join in.The club has a substantial supply ofwheels and small components in theLibrary Cabinet left over from lastyear. The club now has a brandingiron to mark our products with atoasty “Collins WoodworkersGuild”.

West Des MoniesWoodcraft Store

Opens Sept 11th

By: Wayne Hanson

(This article was blatantly plagiarized fromthe Des Moines Woodworkers Associationnewsletter – Thanks Dick)

Pat Lowry and Paul Schneiderhave announced the new Wood-

craft Store in West Des Moines willopen Monday September 11th.Hours will be 9a.m. - 7p.m. M, Tu,W, & F, 9a.m.–9p.m. Thursday,9a.m.–6p.m. Saturday, and noon to5p.m. on Sunday. The store will belocated at 1500 22nd Street in WestDes Moines. It’s in the shoppingcenter right off I-235 betweenMichael’s and Office Depot.Pat and Paul have announced theywill be sponsors of [the Des Moinesclub] and provide members with a10% dis-count onitems otherthan powertools andother lowprofit items.See theirnew listing on [The Des MoinesClub homepage] for their phonenumber.A Grand Opening celebration willbe held Saturday, September 23rd.TV Woodworking personality ScottPhillips, host of the AmericanWoodshop (SAT afternoon on PBS)will be on-hand along with manufac-turers reps to do demonstrations.Workshops by Phillips include thefollowing: 10a.m. - TurningWooden Stem Glass Goblets,11:15a.m. - What’s New in Tools,12:45p.m. - Band Saw PuzzleBoxes, 2:00p.m. – Turning WoodenBoxes, 3:30p.m. Hand Plane Tipsand 4:00p.m. – Drawing for DoorPrize.

For sale:Universal Wet-Dry Grinder.

Delta model 23-700.

Very good condition. $50/obo.

Larry Wood395-9348


Help Wanted

Our friends at Puckett Tools andFasteners mentioned to Wayne

Hanson the other day that they are inneed of part-time and full-time helpat their Cedar Rapids store. Thiscould be an opportunity for a fellowwoodworker, or someone you know,that has experience with tools andretail sales. Make a buck and helppay for your habit (tools that is).Call Puckett’s store at 363-2211.Remember, Puckett’s offers CollinsWoodworkers Guild members a dis-count on many items.

Join the CollinsWoodworkers Guild

Ten dollars buys youtwelve meetings packedwith home-spun wood-working presentations,field trips, a really nicenewsletter, a cool web-site for data exchange,

and priceless fellowship.

Visitors are alwayswelcome!


Knot Knews September 2000

Future Meeting Topics

October 17, Getting ready for Toys-For-TotsNovember 21, Turn in the toysDecember 19, ???

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Vice President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Secretary/Treasurer:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Membership:Kelley Kirtz 5-3554

Library Staff:Larry Lacy 5-8471 ldlacy@collins.rockwell.comLee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netScott Nesseler 5-2278 shnessel@collins.rockwell.comTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,

retirees, and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Kelley Kirtz at and give her your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website

The Collins Woodworkers Guild websiteis now available for viewing on the

World Wide Web

and on the RWEB

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews September 2000


105-101 Christy Brandt105-101 Dave Wetzel105-101 Roger Thompson105-101 William I. Schultz105-150 John Cox105-151 Lee Johnson105-151 Norm Anderson105-151 Dan Kaspari105-191 Scott Nesseler105-191 Thomas Lasecki105-191 Larry Lacy105-191 Melvin Krause105-191 Matt Poellet105-195 Frank Gonzales105-197 Randy Lepsch106-124 Mark Clark106-132 Dan Ortz106-132 Steven Robertson106-133 Joseph Gorman106-176 Ed Sokoloski106-176 Robert Zapf106-176 Floyd Fischer106-176 Timothy Mott106-176 Chuck Bassett106-181 Kelley Kirtz106-181 Kenneth Watson106-183 John Kraemer106-184 Jeffrey P. Kline107-140 Jim B. Young107-140 Larry Kerns107-140 Bob Flood107-151 Gary Schwab108-102 Curt Larson108-102 Mike Vagher108-104 Steve Luttrell108-104 Ray Collins108-136 Theodore Hess108-137 William Logan108-165 Pat Mc Dowell108-165 Bill Heineman108-165 Larry J. Scott108-166 Gregg Lind108-166 Thomas Foster108-175 Kate Harmening108-175 Kevin Klimes108-205 Doug Beeks*108-207 Andy Pettifor108-207 Robert Newgard

108-236 Mike Tanner108-237 Bob Frolik108-237 Loras Overmann108-275 Terry Lamb111-100 Kelly P. Collins112-110 Fred Zehr120-110 Rich Beckett124-111 Jim Wright124-210 John Wauer124-217 Barry Olson124-217 Greg Davis124-222 Jaye Kearley124-300 Jim Mc Collum124-300 Stephen Buol*124-313 Dave Sampson127-150 Floyd Wesselink137-124 Larry P. Hanson137-125 Karl Miller137-125 Paul Tranter137-125 Steve Ackerman137-125 Ken Bodensteiner137-125 John West137-126 Joleen Von Spreecken137-132 Dell Lawrence137-132 Dennis Beaman137-134 John Faurote137-137 Bill Hart137-141 Steve Geurts

137-141 Randy Moyer137-141 James Burtin137-141 George Saul137-141 John Hobbs137-145 Steve Harmening137-146 Joel Gillett137-146 John Stewart137-152 Darrell Cushman137-154 Don Barrett137-157 Cindy Huovinen138-149 Scott Knotts138-159 Wayne Hanson138-159 Vernon Mc Cormick138-159 James Jones139-125 Gerald Showman139-132 Curtis Brown139-142 Bill Fitzpatrick139-142 Gary Mayberry143-100 Bryan Wesner146-100 June Cook*153-225 Lloyd Plume*155-100 Ken Hartman164-100 Ron Kositzky192-101 Larry Tjaden192-111 Ronnie Manthe192-124 Steve Erwin767-200 Al Huneke

Knot Knews Distribution

Roger D. Anderson 1198 KK Avenue, Marengo, IA 52301Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich DeSimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Donald Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 1175 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Edward Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Emil Krepcik 17281 Newport Road, Anamosa, IA 5220Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Paul Salamon 2052 Eastern Blvd SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Townhouse NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 King's Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-2113John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Blvd, Hiawatha, IA 52233R.Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233David C. Yeoman 3410 St. Peters Road, Marion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution


Knot Knews October 2000

October is when we kick off ourannual Toys for Tots project.

Every year, several of our membersconstruct hand-made wooden toys todonate to needy families in the com-munity. This season we will again beworking with the Rockwell CollinsChristmas Family Program to helpdistribute the toys.This year Larry Tjaden will be host-ing a toy-building day, Saturday, Oc-tober 21 at his kids cabinet shop inMarion. The plan, at this writing,will be to build: 20 of Wayne's cellphones, 20 Crayon trucks, and 20each of Emil's cars, trucks, and trac-tors. That's 100 items for the day.At the planning committee meetingwe talked about running-off a bunch

Previous Meeting

The September meeting was heldin the Main Plant Cafeteria,

forty-nine members in attendance.We began the Fiscal Year 2001 mem-bership kickoff meeting with a coupleof Show and Tell items by JohnStewart and Lee Johnson. Johnbrought a quite versatile homemaderouter sled and Lee brought a chessset he turned as his first lathe pro-ject..A report was given by Dave Houvi-nen on the on-going Indian CreakNature Center cabinetry project.Soon Dave will be calling for volun-teers to help assemble components ofthe project display fixture. LarryTjaden gave a brief overview of thewebpage and newsletter asking forcontribution of material to fill thenewsletter pages.The second topic of the meeting waselection of officers. Nominationswere taken from the membership. Ina unanimous vote; Mark Clark, RichBeckett, and Larry Lacy were electedpresident, vice-president and secre-tary/treasurer for the upcoming year.Larry Lacy has agreed to also serveas our membership coordinator, JohnCox continues as club photographer,and Larry Tjaden will do the newslet-ter and the website. Wayne Hansonand Emil Krepcik will remain asvaluable contributors to the planningcommittee.Greg Davis, Steve Ackerman, andDave Samson won the door prizes -gift certificates for Puckett Tools andFasteners. The special drawing waswon by Scott Knotts - a Porter-Cablecordless drill.

October MeetingToys for Tots

Tuesday, October 17, 2000 - 5:00 p.m. 35th Street Cafeteria

+ Video Tape - Pizza & Pop

Volume 6, Issue 1October 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

of trains like Bob Flood built lastyear. We'll see what happens whenwe get into production.The club has a substantial supply ofwheels and small components lefto v e rf r o ml a s ty e a r .If therei s n ' tenoughwheelsto goaroundwe may have to wait until theNovember meeting to do final assem-bly.More on the subject at the meeting.

Knot Knews October 2000


Photos byJohn Cox


Knot Knews October 2000

Future Meeting Topics

November 21, Turn in the toysDecember 19, ???January

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planning

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Vice President:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Secretary/Treasurer:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Membership:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Library Staff:Lee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netJoseph Gorman 5-3030

Steering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)Wayne Hanson 5-5893

hanson.wayne@mcleod.netEmil Krepcik 484-2435 krepcik@netins.netTed Hess 5-4476

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,

retirees, and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Larry Lacy at and give him your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website

The Collins Woodworkers Guild websiteis now available for viewing on the

World Wide Web

and on the RWEB

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-For-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners

Knot Knews October 2000


137-134 John Faurote*137-137 Bill Hart137-141 Steve Geurts137-141 George Saul137-141 John Hobbs*137-141 Randy Moyer*137-141 James Burtin*137-145 John Stewart137-145 Steve Harmening*137-146 Joel Gillett137-152 Darrell Cushman*137-154 Don Barrett*137-156 Jim B. Young137-157 Cindy Huovinen*138-159 Vernon Mc Cormick138-159 Wayne Hanson138-159 James Jones139-132 Curtis Brown*139-142 Bill Fitzpatrick*139-142 Gary Mayberry*143-100 Bryan Wesner*146-100 June Cook*147-100 Scott Knotts153-225 Lloyd Plume*155-100 Ken Hartman*164-100 Ron Kositzky179-111 George Crosheck

105-101 Roger Thompson*105-101 Dave Wetzel105-101 Christy Brandt*105-101 William I. Schultz*105-150 John Cox105-151 Lee Johnson105-151 Dan Kaspari*105-151 Norm Anderson*105-191 Scott Nesseler105-191 Matt Poellet105-191 Melvin Krause*105-191 Ken Liske105-191 Larry Lacy105-191 Thomas Lasecki105-195 Frank Gonzales105-197 Randy Lepsch*106-124 Mark Clark106-132 Steven Robertson106-132 Dan Ortz106-133 Joseph Gorman*106-176 Robert Zapf*106-176 Ed Sokoloski106-176 Floyd Fischer*106-176 Timothy Mott106-181 Kenneth Watson*106-181 Kelley Kirtz*106-183 John Kraemer*106-184 Jeffrey P. Kline*106-187 Chuck Bassett107-140 Bob Flood*107-140 Larry Kerns*107-151 Gary Schwab*108-102 Curt Larson*108-102 Mike Vagher*108-104 Steve Luttrell*108-104 Ray Collins108-105 Jim Rettig108-136 Theodore Hess*108-137 William Logan*108-165 Pat Mc Dowell*108-165 Bill Heineman*108-165 Larry J. Scott108-166 Thomas Foster108-166 Gregg Lind*108-175 Kate Harmening*108-175 Kevin Klimes108-205 Doug Beeks*108-207 Andy Pettifor

108-207 Robert Newgard*108-236 Mike Tanner108-237 Loras Overmann*108-237 Jerry Logan108-275 Terry Lamb*111-100 Kelly P. Collins112-110 Fred Zehr120-110 Rich Beckett120-142 Ken Bodensteiner123-100 Gerald Showman124-111 Jim Wright*124-210 John Wauer*124-217 Barry Olson124-217 Greg Davis124-222 Jaye Kearley*124-300 Stephen Buol124-300 Jim Mc Collum*124-313 Dave Sampson127-150 Floyd Wesselink137-124 Larry P. Hanson*137-125 Steve Ackerman137-125 John West137-125 Karl Miller*137-125 Paul Tranter*137-126 Joleen Von Spreecken*137-132 Dennis Beaman*137-132 Dell Lawrence

Knot Knews Distribution

Roger D. Anderson 1198 KK Avenue, Marengo, IA 52301Bill Barvinek 288 28th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404Rich DeSimone 725 Newberry Drive, Batavia, IL 60510Donald Eiler 1098 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Doug Emerson 2060 27th Street, Marion, IA 52302Jon Fitch 1175 Valley Park Street, Marion, IA 52302Bob Frolik 5214 Oak Creek Drive NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52411John Havlik 3525 North Center Point Road, Toddville, IA 52341Jim Irvine 1460 25th Street, Marion, IA 52302Edward Kalous 2525 2nd Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Emil Krepcik 17281 Newport Road, Anamosa, IA 5220Dick Meuler 10050 NE 12th Avenue, Runnells, IA 50237-1067Dean Robison 2505 Northview Drive, Marion, IA 52302Paul Salamon 2052 Eastern Blvd SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Roman Schuh 3005 18th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302Glenn Snider 2721 Townhouse NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402Clarence Van Englehoven 2390 King's Court, Marion, IA 52302Wayne Walter 1315 14th Street, Marion, IA 52302Duane Weber 4435 F Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-2113John Wheeler 1213 Rainbow Blvd, Hiawatha, IA 52233Don Whited 3836 Vine Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403Larry Wood 140 Northwood Drive, Hiawatha, IA 52233David C. Yeoman 3410 St. Peters Road, Marion, IA 52302

Home Delivery, Distribution


Knot Knews November 2000

CWG Library

To better accommodate our mem-bers, items in the Woodworkers

Guild library may now be checked outfor up to three weeks at a time. Tohelp you remember - when you checkout something from the library theweb-based librarian will create a infor-mation sheet that you may print andkeep with the item.As always ... when you are done withthe item, bring it back for others to use.

The topic of the Novem-ber meeting will be to do

the final assembly of abunch of toys several of ushave prepared. We have 20crayon truck that need theirwheels, Wayne has somefinish work on a couple ofbatches of cell phones, andEmil has about forty carsand trucks that need somehelp. The toys are built inconjunction with the Rock-well Adopt a Family forChristmas Program.A flyer, sent to all employ-ees, has invited us to “Adopta Family for Christmas.”The flyer notes that our clubhas constructed woodentoys for including with theirdonation and that they canview samples of the toys anddates on our website.Roger Thompson has agreedto distribute the toys for us again thisyear. He will conduct the distributionfrom the 124-South entrance on De-cember 5th, 6th, and 7th.

October Meeting

Our pres. and vice were bothbusy so treasurer, Larry Lacy

stood in and ran the meeting. Thesubject of the meeting was a briefkickoff of our annual Toys forTots program. We discussed thetype and quantity of toys that weneed this year. Last year we hadno trouble moving a hundred itemsso we assume that a few more thisyear would be better. Severalmembers suggested we build moreitems of interest to little girls.Emil said he will be making a fewof his sewing machines, a doll cribwas mentioned, and Wayne has anice cell phone he makes. Asalways, we will run off a bunch ofcars, tractors, and trucks. At thePlanning Committee meetingRich Beckett mentioned seeing awooden truck with a bed that wasdrilled to accept individualcrayons. Larry Tjaden built asample as a possible item to massproduce. Larry also announced hewas hosting a Toy Building Work-shop at his kids cabinet shop inMarion on the 24th. See articleon page two.While discussing the club's newweb page, a member noted that hecould not access the external web-site from his factory floor com-puter station. Larry will checkwith the IT folks to see if this canbe resolved. After all, we want allof our members to use the site.

Greg Davis and John Cox won thedoor prizes.

November MeetingToys for Tots Continues

Tuesday, November 21, 2000 - 5:00 p.m. 35th Street Cafeteria

Toy Assembly

Volume 6, Issue 2November 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Knot Knews November 2000


December MeetingCoordinator,Wayne Hanson

We are looking into a tour of The Ar-JayCenter for our December 19th meeting. We

have contacted Ar-Jay's owner, Ralph Palmerwho says our club is always welcome to a tour oftheir company. Several years ago our club visitedAr-Jay's and it was very well attended. Ar-Jay'sspecializes in kitchen installations but also pro-vide lighting, fireplaces, heating & cooling, andentertainment centers. See you in December for aenjoyable pre-Christmas outing.

For SaleI have an old Rockwell-Delta table saw for sale.It's a three horsepower ten-incher. It has servedme well and is good and heavy. I bought it froma guy in Cedar Rapids about four years ago andprior to that it was owned by the University ofIowa art department. It could use a better fencebut is a good solid saw. I'm asking $350. The onlyreason I am selling it is because I bought aleft-hand tilt Xacta saw.Dave Behrens5-3633 or 319-472-3896

Toy Workshop

Larry Tjaden hosted a Toy Building Day onOctober the 21st. Eight club members joined

in building a bunch of wooden toys for the Toysfor Tots project. We built ten cell phones, eightdoll cribs, twenty crayon trucks, and about fiftycars, trucks, and lawn tractors. Thanks to every-one for making it a fun day.

November 1999 Meeting

Photos by John Cox


Knot Knews November 2000

Future Meeting TopicsDecember 19, The Ar-Jay CenterJanuary 16, -February 20, -March 20, -

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Vice President:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Secretary/Treasurer:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Membership:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Library Staff:Lee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netSteering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)

Wayne Hanson 5-5893

Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,

retirees, and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Larry Lacy at and give him your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website

The Collins Woodworkers Guild websiteis now available for viewing on the

World Wide Web

and on the RWEB

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-for-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presentations♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners


Knot Knews December 2000

Toys Update

On December 8, 9, and 10 companyguard, Roger Thompson dis-

tributed the toys from building 124-south entrance. The toys were pro-vided to fellow Rockwell Collins em-ployees to include with their gift tothe "Adopt a Family" program.With over 110 toys delivered, the toybuilders thought it was another suc-cessful year! Many thanks to every-one who contributed!

This month's meeting will be anouting to The Ar-Jay Center.

Owner, Ralph Palmer has agreed togive our club a tour of their facilitiesand store. Ar-Jay's, a locally-ownedhome furnishings store, specialize infireplaces, kitchen cabinetry, countertops, and custom entertainment cen-ters. They also have home lightingand heating & cooling products. Joinus at five o' clock December nine-teenth and we'll get to see behind thescenes where the custom products aremanufactured.

December MeetingTour of The Ar-Jay Center

Corner, Blairs Ferry Road & Council Street NETuesday, December 19, 2000 - 5:00 p.m.

Volume 6, Issue 3December 2000Knot Knews

Monthly Club Newsletter Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Informal TripPlanned

Wayne Hanson is planningan informal tour of the

Woodhaven company in Durant,Iowa. The Woodhaven Companyis a maker and seller of routertable accessories and routing bits.At this writing he is consideringeither December 28 or 29 for theone-day outing. Wayne is inter-ested if any other members wishto join him on this trip. You maycontact him at work: 295-8593 orhome: 366-0345.

January Meeting

Larry Tjaden is planning a pre-sentation of the club's new

website. He is looking for ameeting location that has a built-in video projector to aid in thepresentation. The presentationwill serve as a training sessionand review the operation of thelibrary check in and check outfunctions along with themembership-only area. Themeeting will be held on January16th at 5:00 p.m., and as men-tioned, we do not yet know theexact location at this writing.

Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season !

Knot Knews December 2000


November Meeting

Our November meeting washeld in the Main Plant cafete-

ria, the topic of the hour was finalassembly of Toys for Tots. Abunch of us worked together in-stalling wheels and applying thelast details to prepare for an earlyDecember distribution deadline.At final count, our members pro-duced over 110 toys for theChristmas season.Wayne Hanson and Mark Clarkwon the door prizes - gift certifi-cates from Puckett Tools and Fas-teners.

Photos by John Cox


Knot Knews December 2000

Future Meeting Topics

January 16, - Website PresentationFebruary 20, - Shop SafetyMarch 20, - Visit R&R Dudak??

Suggestions:Visit: Woodhaven Company - Durant,IA, Pella Window Company - Pella, IA,Bacon Veneer Company - Grundy Cen-ter, IA

Have any Ideas for a Meeting Topic?Share them with anyone on the planningcommittee.

Collins Woodworkers GuildOfficers and Executive Committee

President:Mark Clark 5-3872

Vice President:Rich Beckett 5-5192

Secretary/Treasurer:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Membership:Larry Lacy 5-8471

Library Staff:Lee Johnson 5-3014

Toys For Tots Committee:Bob Flood 5-0341 rlflood@collins.rockwell.comEmil Krepcik 484-2435

Guild Photographer:John Cox 5-3198

Newsletter & Website:Larry Tjaden 5-8024

larry@tjaden.netSteering Committee: (in addition to above mentioned)

Wayne Hanson 5-5893

Emil Krepcik 484-2435

Membership in the Collins Woodworkers Guild is open to allRockwell Collins, Inc. employees, spouses,

retirees, and contract employees.Everyone is welcome at our meetings!

Yearly dues, renewed in September, are $10.

Keep in touch! Don’t miss a copy of the newsletter.Send an e-mail to our membership person Larry Lacy at and give him your new (home) address.

Check out the Guild’s website

The Collins Woodworkers Guild websiteis now available for viewing on the

World Wide Web

and on the RWEB

Knot KnewsIs published monthly by theCollins Woodworkers Guild

400 Collins Road NECedar Rapids, IA 52498

Attn: Larry Tjaden MS 192-101

Guild Benefits♦ Access to our Extensive Library and

Tool Collection♦ Open Exchange of Ideas♦ Social Activities♦ Workshops♦ Opportunity to Help our Community

through Toys-for-Tots Program♦ Educational & Informative Presenta-

tions♦ Open Houses♦ Tours♦ Discounts at:− Eastern Iowa Supply− Woodsmith Store - Des Moines− Puckett Tools & Fasteners