NEXT Section 1 Growing Tensions Between North and South Disagreements between the North and the...


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Section 1

Growing Tensions Between North and South Disagreements between the North and the South, especially over the issue of slavery, led to political conflict.

North and South Take Different Paths


Growing Tensions Between North and South

• In the North, industrial growth leads to rapid growth of cities


• Many immigrants, Easterners move to Northwest Territory

• Immigrants are large part of northern population

• South controlled by a few wealthy planters • Make profit from slave labor, trade; South

develops little industry A working cotton plantation, as depicted (1883) by W. A. Walker.

Antislavery and Racism



• Many Northerners are against slavery

• Most Northerners refuse to associate with African Americans

• Includes abolitionists, free workers who fear loss of jobs to slaves

• Claim white people superior, slaves are provided with food, clothes

• Many Southerners determined to defend slavery

The Wilmot Proviso



• Wilmot Proviso—outlaws slavery in area U.S. gets from war with Mexico

• Southerners prevent Wilmot Proviso from passing the Senate

• Southerners view slaves as property, Wilmot Proviso unconstitutional

• U.S. Constitution protects property rights

• Proviso leads to creation of political party called Free-Soil Party: - wants to stop the expansion of slavery

Controversy over Territories



• President Zachary Taylor proposes California apply for statehood

• President Taylor proposes a strategy for California (1849)

• South: divide California into 2 sections: free north, slave south

• Adding a free state would tip balance of power in favor of the North

• Apply for statehood without going through territory stage

• California applies to be admitted as a free state (1850)

The Compromise of 1850



• Senator Henry Clay proposes the Compromise of 1850

• Pass stronger laws to help slaveholders recapture runaway slaves

• No laws would abolish slavery in territories won from Mexico

• Admit California as a free state, abolish slavery in Washington D.C.

• Senator Stephen A. Douglas succeeds in winning passage of plan

• Compromise of 1850 becomes law, sectional tensions continue to rise


Section 2

The Crisis DeepensTurmoil over slavery led to acts of violence.

The Fugitive Slave Act



• Fugitive Slave Act helps slaveholders recapture runaway slaves

• Fugitives can be held without arrest warrant, no right to jury trial

The Crisis Deepens

• Southerners feel the act justified, slaves considered property

• Northerners resent the act because it requires them to support slavery

• Face moral choice, support law, slavery or oppose law, slavery The Fugitive Slave Act being enforced.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin



• Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)

• Southerners feel book falsely criticizes the South, slavery

• Stowe’s book is popular in North • Expresses moral issues about slavery

The Kansas-Nebraska Act



• Stephen A. Douglas drafts bill for governing the Nebraska Territory

• Slavery issue to be decided by residents’ vote—popular sovereignty

• Divides territory into two territories: Nebraska, Kansas

• Allows vote for slavery in area where Missouri Compromise banned it

• South supports bill, becomes law known as Kansas-Nebraska Act

“Bleeding Kansas”



• Proslavery, antislavery settlers rush into Kansas Territory

• At time of election, more proslavery than anti-slavery settlers

• Want vote for territorial legislation in the election of March, 1855

• 5,000 proslavery Missourians vote in election illegally

• Kansas legislature packed with proslavery representatives

Continued . . .



• Antislavery settlers boycott official government, form own government

• Abolitionist John Brown retaliates by murdering 5 proslavery people

• Attack known as Sack of Lawrence

• Proslavery mob attacks Lawrence, Kansas, destroys:- antislavery offices- house of antislavery governor

Continued “Bleeding Kansas”

• Civil war breaks out in Kansas, territory called “Bleeding Kansas”

• Attack known as Pottawatomie Massacre

The sacking of the Free Soil capital of Lawrence, Kansas, by proslavery men on May 21, 1856 (19th century).

Violence in Congress



• Senator Charles Sumner’s speech attacks proslavery forces in Kansas

• A relative of Butler, Preston Brooks, attacks Sumner in the Senate

• Speech makes fun of A. P. Butler, senator from South Carolina

• Southerners cheer Brooks’s defense of the South

• Northerners shocked at the violence in the Senate Representative Preston S. Brooks

assaulting Charles Sumner in the Senate Chamber on May 22, 1856 (19th century).


Section 3

Slavery Dominates PoliticsDisagreements over slavery lead to the formation of the Republican Party and heightened sectional tensions.

The Republican Party Forms



• Whig party splits over slavery, Northern Whigs form Republican Party

Slavery Dominates Politics

• Republicans join with other opponents of slavery, gain strength in North

• Nominate John C. Frémont as their presidential candidate (1856)

An 1856 campaign poster of John Charles Frémont and William L. Dayton as presidential and vice-presidential candidates of the new Republican party.

The Election of 1856



• Democrats nominate James Buchanan to run for the U.S. presidency

• In North, presidential race is Buchanan against Frémont

• American, or Know-Nothing Party, nominates Millard Fillmore

• Buchanan wants to maintain the Union, appeals to Southerners

• In South, race is Buchanan against Fillmore • Buchanan wins election, but Frémont wins 11

Northern states

The Case of Dred Scott



• Dred Scott is a slave in Missouri

• Argues he is a free man, he lived in region where slavery is illegal

• Owner, Scott return to Missouri, owner dies, Scott sues for freedom

• Owner takes Scott to territory where slavery is illegal

• His case, Dred Scott v. Sandford, reaches Supreme Court (1856)

Continued . . .

Dred Scott, American slave. Portrait, after a photograph (about 1858).



• Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, Supreme Court rule against Scott stating:- Scott is not a U.S. citizen, cannot sue in U.S. courts- is bound by Missouri’s slave code because

he lived in Missouri

• Southerners cheer Court’s decision, Northerners are outraged

• Taney argues that Congress cannot ban slavery in the territories

Continued The Case of Dred Scott

Lincoln and Douglas Debate



• Republicans charge Democrats want to legalize slavery in all of U.S.

• Use charge, attack Stephen A. Douglas, sponsor of Kansas-Nebraska Act

• Illinois Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln for U.S. Senate (1858)

Continued . . .

Abraham Lincoln (1858).



• Lincoln challenges Douglas for U.S. Senate, hold formal debates

• Douglas argues popular sovereignty should decide slavery issue

• Lincoln argues U.S. government should prevent expansion of slavery

Continued Lincoln and Douglas Debate

• Douglas wins reelection, Lincoln becomes a national figure

Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas debating the issue of slavery in the 1858 Senate campaign in Illinois.

John Brown Attacks Harpers Ferry



• John Brown, followers capture U.S. arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

• Brown sends out word to rally, arm local slaves

• Brown is tried for murder, treason and is hung

• No slaves join fight, U.S. Marines capture Brown, 6 others

• Southerners outraged by Northern reactions to Brown’s death

• Many Northerners, abolitionists salute Brown as a hero

John Brown stands over the bodies of Civil War soldiers. The Tragic Prelude (1937–1942), John S. Curry.


Section 4

Lincoln’s Election and Southern Secession The election of Lincoln leads the Southern states to secede from the Union.

Political Parties Splinter



• Northern, Southern Democrats disagree about slavery in party’s platform

• Platform—statement of beliefs

Lincoln’s Election and Southern Secession

• Southern Democrats want platform to defend slavery

• Northern Democrats want platform to support popular sovereignty

• Northerners win platform, 50 Southerners walk out of convention

Continued . . .



• Northern democrats nominate Stephen A. Douglas for president

• Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln

• Southern democrats nominate John Breckinridge

• Constitutional Union Party nominates John Bell

Continued Political Parties Splinter

The Election of 1860



• 1860 election turns into 2 races: one in the North, other in the South

• Lincoln receives the most electoral, popular votes, wins election

• John Breckinridge defeats John Bell in the South

• Abraham Lincoln defeats Stephen A. Douglas in the North

• Southerners view Republican victory as a threat to their way of life

Southern States Secede



• South Carolina secedes—withdraws from the Union (1860)

• Name Jefferson Davis president of the Confederacy

• Form the Confederate States of America (1861)

• 6 more Southern states soon join South Carolina in secession

• Draft Confederate Constitution which: - supports states’ rights- protects slavery in Confederacy, territories it

might acquire Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederate States of America (c. 1860), Mathew Brady studio.

The Union Responds to Secession



• Northerners consider secession of Southern states unconstitutional

• North claims South does not want to live by the rules of democracy

• South claims North will use their majority to abolish slavery

• President James Buchanan believes states do not have right to secede

Efforts to Compromise Fail



• Senator John J. Crittenden develops compromise, the Crittenden Plan

• Union forts in South, including Fort Sumter, need to be resupplied

• Lincoln is against secession but does not want to invade the South

• Plan does not pass; Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated (March 4, 1861)

Inauguration (March 4, 1861) of Abraham Lincoln as 16th president of the United States, on steps of unfinished Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
