Nicholas Nickleby



Done by my students 2011/12

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Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to present:

Liceo Scientifico Statale Bruno Touschek – 5° A

Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

Published in 1839

I remember those sad moments… my mother was wipping and my sister was praying the Lord. I was in the room, grabbing the hand of my father. He was sick. It all started with my father’s death.

My father’s friends brought to his tomb flowers and candles. After we paid the debts, we found ourselves with little money so we prayed our uncle Ralph, my father’s brother, to help us.

My uncle Ralph was a well London business man, wearing the finest clothes, eating the finest meat and talking in the finest way that a business man can. And so, we went to the City. He met us and talked to me that he was sorry for my loss but I had to go to the work that he found for me.

I packed my stuff and the next morning I left the City. After a long, boring journey, finally I got to Mr. Squeers school. But I was shocked of what I found.

The boys in the school were mistreated, but in particular one of them: Smike. He was beaten all the days by Squeers, a stupid man, a foolish. Squeers was shouting and spitting on him.

Finally we run away from Mr. Squeers’ school. Smike grabbed my hand. His breath was so loud, and his hands were shaking. We were running, running away from the misery, running away from being hungry, from being mistreated. We were free. He watched at me and I smiled. We were free.

The City was near, the time was glad and so we walked.

We arrived in London where I decided to go to the Employment Office. Two, kind and polite twins, dressing expensive clothes, saw me, they were smiling, after a long conversation, I was employed. That was a good day.

Smike was getting better. He wasn’t even sick than in Squeers’ school. But our troubles weren’t ended yet. One day suddenly someone knocked on the door.

We guessed who it was. It was Squeers followed by My uncle, Ralph. They were angry. I remembered that Squeers shouted that he wanted Smike back because he didn’t belong to us but to him. He walked near Smike.

Fortunately , Browdie was with us. He jumped up and punched Squeers in the face. I was ready for the worst too, but I let Browdie do the work.

The two gentlemen, business men were knocked down. We were laughing so much and so they were ran away. We thought that was a funny day. But finally, yes finally, the troubles ended.


Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)


Thank You for watching!

Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

