No Cost Home Sales


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No Cost Home Sales







OC Housing News and Akason Realty Consulting

Changing the way people sell homes

    No  Cost  Home  Sales     949.769.1599      

Sell  your  home  with  full-­‐service  agent  representation  at  NO  COST!  .....................................................................  3  How  agent  commissions  work  ............................................................................................................................................................  3  Discount  listing  services  ........................................................................................................................................................................  3  No  Cost  Home  Sales  .................................................................................................................................................................................  3  What  about  a  full-­‐service  marketing  program  and  listing  on  the  MLS?  ...........................................................................  4  Sell  in  45  Days  or  we'll  pay  you  $2500!  ..........................................................................................................................................  4  Guaranteed  Maximum  Exposure  Marketing  Plan  ......................................................................................................................  4  What  we  offer  .............................................................................................................................................................................................  5  

Selling  for  top  dollar  is  an  art  (and  most  agents  aren’t  artists…)  ...........................................................................  6  The  ABC’s  of  Real  estate  marketing  (what  most  agents  do)  ..................................................................................................  6  Staffing  real  estate  teams  of  the  future  ...........................................................................................................................................  8  Key  Personnel  ............................................................................................................................................................................................  8  

Shevy  Akason  –  ARC  team  lead  a  division  of  Evergreen  Realty  ..............................................................  8  Larry  Roberts  –  ARC  a  division  of  Evergreen  Realty  ....................................................................................  8  Randy  Rector  –  CEO  of  Evergreen  Realty  ..........................................................................................................  9  Rana  Swedan  –  Transaction  Coordinator  and  assistant  to  Shevy  Akason  for  ARC  Group  ..........  9  George  Ross-­‐  Buyers  agent  and  commercial  specialist  ...............................................................................  9  

Case  Studies  ..............................................................................................................................................................................  9  Example  1;  Finance  and  market  expertise  ....................................................................................................................................  9  Example  2;  Superior  Presentation  .................................................................................................................................................  10  Example  3;  Proper  pricing  and  negotiation  strategy  .............................................................................................................  12  

Feedback  response  system  ...............................................................................................................................................  13  Instantaneous  showing  notification  ..............................................................................................................................................  13  Sample  feedback  questionnaire  ......................................................................................................................................................  14  

The  Key  to  selling  your  home  faster  and  for  more  money  ....................................................................................  15  The  OC  Housing  News  .........................................................................................................................................................  15  

The  ARC  blogs  and  connected  systems  technology  attracts  buyers  ...............................................................................  15  Internet  exposure  ..................................................................................................................................................................................  16  Online  Marketing  Experts  ..................................................................................................................................................................  17  ARC  Group  Premier  agents  on  Zillow  and  Trulia  .....................................................................................................................  17  Custom  property  web  site  .................................................................................................................................................................  18  

Why  work  with  Akason  Realty  Consulting?  ................................................................................................................  18  What  our  clients  have  to  say  ............................................................................................................................................  19  

Ashley  and  Anthony  (Huntington  Beach)  -­‐  April  20th,  2011  .............................................................................................  19  Masoud  (Laguna  Niguel)  -­‐  April  9th,  2011  .................................................................................................................................  19  John  and  Sharon  (Laguna  Woods)  -­‐  April  4th,  2011  ..............................................................................................................  19  Kevin  and  Monica  (Irvine,  CA  )  -­‐  December  23rd,  2010  .......................................................................................................  19  Ron  -­‐  cash  investor  (North  Tustin)  -­‐  October  8th,  2010  .......................................................................................................  20  Irvine  seller  (Irvine)  -­‐  October  1st,  2010  ....................................................................................................................................  20  Lindsey  E.  (Santa  Ana)  -­‐  August  12th,  2010  ..............................................................................................................................  20  Eric  and  Margaret  (Tustin  Ranch)  -­‐  August  2nd,  2010  .........................................................................................................  21  John  B.  (Orange  County)  -­‐  June  24th,  2010  ................................................................................................................................  21  Chiaki  R.  (Irvine)  -­‐  June  22nd,  2010  ..............................................................................................................................................  21  Ed  H.  (Crystal  Cove)  -­‐  May  21st,  2010  ..........................................................................................................................................  21  Danny  &  Elan  (Irvine)  -­‐  April  24th,  2010  ....................................................................................................................................  21  Gerard  B.  (Irvine)  -­‐  April  13th,  2010  ............................................................................................................................................  22  Beverly  K.  (Irvine)  -­‐  September  29th,  2009  ...............................................................................................................................  22  Tamer  K  (Laguna  Niguel)  -­‐  May  21st,  2009  ...............................................................................................................................  22  Andrew  P.  (Corona)  -­‐  October  15th,  2008  ..................................................................................................................................  23  Hong  (Corona)  -­‐  September  15th,  2008  ......................................................................................................................................  23  Jill  and  Erik  (Ladera  Ranch)  -­‐  August  1st,  2008  .......................................................................................................................  23  

ARC  Cancellation  Guarantee  ............................................................................................................................................  24    

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Sell  your  home  with  full-­‐service  agent  representation  at  NO  COST!  OC  Housing  News  and  Akason  Realty  Consulting  is  changing  the  way  people  sell  homes  forever!  

We  provide  full-­‐service  agent  representation  with  no  listing-­‐side  fee!    


When  a  property  is  marketed  for  sale  on  the  MLS,  a  fee  is  offered  to  agents  if  they  bring  buyers  and  part  of  the  fee  is  paid  to  the  agent  marketing  the  home  and  representing  the  seller.  Typically  real  estate  fees  range  from  5-­‐6%  and  are  always  negotiable,  generally  speaking  2.5%-­‐  3%  is  offered  to  cooperating  buyers  agents  with  2.5%-­‐3%  paid  to  the  seller's  agent  for  marketing,  negotiating,  and  representing  the  seller.  

Some  people  try  to  sell  their  home  without  an  agent  to  avoid  the  commission  altogether.  We've  even  developed  a  guide  detailing  how  you  can  do  this.  It's  tempting,  but  most  people  come  to  realize  they  don't  have  the  time  or  the  expertise  to  handle  the  paperwork  and  manage  the  process  from  marketing,  sales  negotiations,  to  closing.  Often  after  expending  considerable  effort,  they  end  up  with  less  favorable  terms,  conditions,  or  price,  and  in  worst  case  scenarios  leave  themselves  open  to  huge  liability  from  failing  to  execute  the  proper  paperwork.  Plus,  most  buyers  who  approach  those  selling  without  an  agent  expect  a  discount,  often  in  line  with  the  saved  fee,  and  they  bid  accordingly.  For  these  reasons,  most  sellers  seek  out  the  help  of  an  agent  to  sell  their  home  -­‐-­‐  and  pay  a  fee  for  all  of  the  services  provided.  


In  an  effort  to  reduce  their  costs,  many  sellers  approach  discount  brokerages  to  'list'  their  property.  They  immediately  discover  that  in  order  to  get  any  attention  on  the  MLS,  they  must  offer  a  fee  of  2.5%-­‐3%  to  buyer's  agents  plus  a  fee  to  the  listing  agent.  Even  those  who  list  with  discount  brokerages  find  they  end  up  spending  4.5%  (often  3%  buyers  and  1.5%  listing)  in  order  to  sell  their  property.  

Some  brokerages  have  adopted  a  flat-­‐fee  listing  charging  as  little  as  $295  to  put  a  property  on  the  MLS.  The  seller  still  pays  a  buyer's  agent  commission,  but  they  are  enticed  by  the  low  cost  of  the  listing.  Unfortunately,  these  agreements  are  loaded  hidden  costs  and  fees.  The  listing  agent  provides  no  support  for  the  $295.  Any  property  photographs,  marketing,  and  transaction  document  handling  carry  extra  fees  -­‐-­‐  usually  several  thousand  dollars.  By  the  time  all  these  costs  are  added  up,  the  seller  has  paid  nearly  4.5%,  and  they've  gotten  no  help  whatsoever  from  an  experienced  agent.  

We  have  a  better  way.  


The  only  way  to  avoid  all  sales  transaction  costs  is  to  sell  the  property  on  your  own  with  no  outside  assistance.  If  a  buyer's  agent  is  involved,  the  typical  fee  that  a  seller  will  pay  is  around  3%  to  the  buyer's  agent.  Many  people  who  try  to  sell  without  an  agent  often  find  they  end  up  paying  a  buyer's  agent  fee  anyway.  The  buyer  that  makes  an  offer  often  has  an  agent  representing  them,  and  the  buyer  insists  on  paying  their  agent  from  escrow.  In  addition,  the  buyer  often  expects  to  share  in  the  discount.  The  seller  never  really  knows  what  maximum  exposure  would  have  allowed  them  to  net  on  their  property.  So  even  what  appears  to  be  a  commission-­‐free  sale  often  has  a  3%  fee  embedded  within  it,  and  many  times  the  seller  is  leaving  much  more  on  the  table  and  may  not  realize  their  liability  until  it's  too  late.  

OC  Housing  News  and  Akason  Realty  Consultants  are  one  of  the  most  active  buyer's  agent  teams  in  Southern  California.  We  have  over  6,000  buyers  in  our  system  looking  to  purchase  a  home  in  Orange  County,  and  we  receive  an  additional  250-­‐300  requests  every  month.  This  gives  our  sellers  far  greater  exposure  than  other  agents  in  our  market.  We  allow  our  sellers  to  leverage  this  advantage  by  offering  them  the  opportunity  to  hook  up  with  one  of  our  buyers  at  no  cost  on  the  sell-­‐side  of  the  transaction.  

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If  you  decide  to  sell  your  property  through  Akason  Realty  Consultants,  we  will  search  our  extensive  database  of  buyers  and  find  those  who  are  looking  for  a  home  just  like  yours.  One  of  our  agents  will  represent  you,  and  another  agent  on  our  team  will  represent  the  buyer.  In  that  way,  we  avoid  the  conflict  of  interest  of  dual  agency  and  represent  your  interests  when  selling  your  home.  If  we  can  negotiate  a  deal  with  one  of  our  buyers  without  utilizing  our  full-­‐service  marketing  program,  we  will  handle  all  the  transaction  paperwork  with  no  fee  on  the  sell-­‐side  of  the  transaction.  Except  for  the  3%  commission  on  the  buy  side,  it's  a  no-­‐cost  sale.  It's  the  lowest  cost  of  sales  in  the  marketplace  today  where  representation  is  involved.  


Many  people  will  want  to  list  the  property  on  the  MLS  to  gain  additional  exposure.  Using  our  full-­‐service  marketing  program  often  brings  out  competing  bids  and  fetches  a  higher  price.  If  we  complete  a  full-­‐service  marketing  program  for  your  property,  our  fee  is  negotiable,  and  we  will  help  to  determine  the  best  fee  structure  to  offer  to  the  buy  side  to  motivate  buyer’s  agents  while  maximizing  your  net  proceeds.    

Once  a  property  is  in  our  full-­‐service  marketing  program,  we  may  still  find  the  buyer.  Some  sellers  don't  want  to  negotiate  directly  with  our  buyers  without  a  full-­‐service  marketing  program  so  they  can  have  advantage  of  competing  bids.  And  many  buyers  approach  us  that  aren't  currently  in  our  system  because  they  find  the  property  through  our  marketing  program.  We  offer  a  lower  marketing  fee  if  you  sell  to  one  of  our  buyers.  This  normally  puts  your  listing  cost  a  4%  to  4.5%,  which  is  the  same  cost  as  most  discount  brokerages.  

SELL  IN  45  DAYS  OR  WE'LL  PAY  YOU  $2500!  

We  have  so  much  confidence  in  our  ability  to  sell  your  home  under  any  market  conditions  that  we  will  guarantee  we  will  sell  your  home  in  45  days  or  we  will  pay  you  $2500  at  the  close  of  escrow.  To  qualify  for  this  program,  we  must  agree  on  a  reasonable  sales  price  near  values  set  by  recent  comparable  sales.  If  priced  properly,  we  can  utilize  our  massive  buyer  database  and  superior  marketing  techniques  to  find  a  motivated  buyer  for  your  property.  If  we  can't  find  a  buyer  for  the  price  we  agree  on,  we  will  pay  you  $2500!  Guaranteed!  


We  are  not  a  discount  listing  service.  We  are  full-­‐service  marketing  and  sales  professionals.  We  work  with  each  seller  to  establish  a  marketing  program  unique  to  their  property  and  desires.  Our  marketing  efforts  include  the  following:  

• Consultation  with  Shevy  Akason  on  improvements  and  options  to  give  the  seller  a  return  on  the  money  spent  by  maximizing  sales  price  and  minimizing  time  on  the  market.    

• Advice  regarding  a  mini-­‐stage,  full  staging,  or  not  to  stage  a  home  from  Shevy  Akason.    

• Shevy  Akason  will  work  directly  with  the  seller  to  develop  a  marketing  strategy  that  may  include  numerous  traditional  and  non-­‐traditional  marketing  and  pricing  strategies  and  advise  on  counter-­‐offers  and  negotiations  of  the  sale.    

• Shevy  will  advise  the  seller  on  price  and  terms  for  counter  offers  including  possible  lease  backs,  inspections,  contingencies,  and  warranty  options.    

• A  custom  property  web  site  is  developed  for  the  home.    

• Professional  photographs  will  be  taken  of  the  property.    

• Akason  Realty  Consulting  and  Evergreen  Realty  carry  errors  and  omissions  insurance  protecting  you  from  any  liability  if  there’s  a  problem  with  the  transaction.  

• We  always  fully  cooperate  with  all  real  estate  agents  and  brokerages  to  assure  that  the  property  get's  maximum  exposure.    

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• Access  to  Shevy  Akason's  network  of  advisers  including  contractors,  title  and  escrow  services,  lenders  to  cross  qualify  buyers  and  other  professionals  with  a  proven  track  record  of  performance.    

• The  property  will  be  featured  on  Zillow  and  Trulia,  and  because  we  are  premier  agents  for  both  Zillow  and  Trulia,  our  clients  properties  are  featured  and  get  maximum  exposure.    

• The  home  will  be  equipped  with  immediate  feedback  request  technology  that  creates  a  log  in  and  password  for  our  sellers  and  notifies  them  when  showings  occur  while  instantaneously  sending  out  a  survey  request  to  the  agents  for  buyers  that  have  seen  the  home.    

• The  property  may  be  featured  in  the  Orange  County  Register,  pending,  seller's  desired  marketing  plan.    

• The  property  may  be  featured  on  Radio  programs  such  as  Nelson  Radio,  pending  seller's  desired  marketing  plan.    

• The  property  may  be  featured  in  local  neighborhood  real  estate  publications.    

• And,  of  course,  the  property  will  be  featured  on  the  OC  Housing  News,  the  mostly  widely  read  real  estate  site  focusing  on  Orange  County.  

With  a  properly  executed  marketing  plan  designed  and  executed  by  our  professional  staff,  we  will  sell  your  home  in  the  shortest  time  for  the  highest  price.  


• We  deliver  superior  marketing  service.    

• We  provide  a  guarantee  of  performance  or  fees  are  credited.  And  we  offer  the  most  competitive  fee  structure  in  the  area.    

• We  enable  sellers  to  maximize  their  net  proceeds.  

If  you  sell  your  home  through  us,  we  can  sell  directly  to  one  of  our  buyers,  without  completing  our  Guaranteed  Maximum  Exposure  Marketing  Plan,  for  a  3%  total  fee.  If  you  want  your  property  marketed  with  our  fall  marketing  plan,  and  if  we  sell  to  one  of  our  buyers,  the  total  fee  is  4%  to  4.5%  which  is  competitive  with  the  lowest-­‐cost  listing  agents  in  the  marketplace.  If  you  sell  with  us  and  don't  contract  with  one  of  our  buyers,  your  total  fee  is  negotiable.  We  provide  full-­‐service  agent  representation  regardless  of  the  fee  charged.  

List  with  us,  save  money,  and  get  the  best  representation  in  the  market  today!  

Please  help  family,  friends,  colleagues  and  anyone  that  you  know  that's  considering  selling  by  sharing  our  unique  and  innovative  program  today!  



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Selling  for  top  dollar  is  an  art  (and  most  agents  aren’t  artists…)  


Advertise  themselves  

Bang  a  sign  in  your  lawn  

Create  an  ad  

Download  your  listing  to  the  MLS  

Encourage  their  office  to  show  it  

Figure  they  might  try  and  Open  House-­‐  open  houses  don’t  sell  listings,  they  are  used  to  generate  business  for  agents.    

Get  on  their  knees  and  pray  it  will  sell  

72%  of  homeowners  are  dissatisfied  with  their  agent’s  performance,  the  major  reason;  Poor  communication  



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How  Most  Agents  Operate  


How  We  Operate  The  ultimate  home  selling  system  



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Each  member  of  our  team  has  a  specific  role  to  play  in  the  selling  of  your  home.  


 Akason  Realty  Consultants  are  the  number  1  team  out  of  over  1000  agents  at  Evergreen  Realty  for  sales  volume  in  2009,  2010,  2011,  and  2012.    


Shevy  Akason  –  ARC  team  lead  a  division  of  Evergreen  Realty  Credentials:  

• Number  one  agent  at  Evergreen  Realty  in  2009,  2010,  2011,  and  2012  

• Chosen  to  represent  to  trustee  sale  buyer  in  Orange  County  

• Bachelor  of  Arts-­‐  Claremont  McKenna  College  2003  

• Academic  All  American-­‐  NDSCS  2001  

• Associates  Degree-­‐  NDSCS-­‐  Business  Administration  2001  

Larry  Roberts  –  ARC  a  division  of  Evergreen  Realty  Credentials:  

• Twenty  years  work  experience  in  real  estate  development  and  market  analysis  

• Master  of  Science  in  Land  Development  -­‐  Texas  A&M  University  1994  

• Bachelors  of  Science  -­‐  University  of  Wisconsin  at  Stevens  Point  1992  

• Primary  writer  for  the  OC  Housing  News  

• Author  of  The  Great  Housing  Bubble  

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Randy  Rector  –  CEO  of  Evergreen  Realty    Credentials:  

• Licensed  California  Real  Estate  broker  and  CPA    

• CEO  of  Escrow  Options  Group,  Inc.,  and  Evergreen  Realty  and  Associates,  Southern  California’s  third  largest  brokerage.    

• Board  of  directors  for  the  Orange  County  Association  of  Realtors,  and  Trustee  for  the  board  of  Realtors  political  action  committee.    

• After  graduating  from  California  State  University  Fullerton  Mr.  Rector  worked  for  KPMG  Peat  Warwick  as  a  CPA  and  led  their  auditing  management  teams  throughout  various  Orange  County  businesses  in  an  effort  to  streamline  their  business  and  financial  operations.    

• Mr.  Rector  officially  joined  Evergreen  Realty  in  the  summer  of  2005  as  its  CEO  and  has  helped  to  streamline  operations  and  grow  the  company  and  agent  base  to  over  850  agents.    

Rana  Swedan  –  Transaction  Coordinator  and  assistant  to  Shevy  Akason  for  ARC  Group      Credentials:  

• Top  listing  agent  at  Martin  Levy  and  Associated  in  the  Bay  area  3  months  in  a  row  

• Has  coordinated  over  100+  transactions  

• Licensed  real  estate  agent  since  2003  

George  Ross-­‐  Buyers  agent  and  commercial  specialist  Credentials:  

• Director  of  Land/asset  disposition  and  asset  management  2006-­‐2009  

• Principal/Owner  of  Ross  Real  Estate  1992-­‐2006  

• Director  of  Real  Estate  La  Mancha  Development  1987-­‐1992    

• B.S.  Business  Administration  Finance/  Real  Estate  from  the  University  of  Southern  California    

Case  Studies  


  Case  Study;  23047  Via  Pimiento  B4,  Mission  Viejo,  CA  MLS#  S602289  

1) This  property  was  foreclose  on  by  JP  Morgan  Chase  On  06/29/2009    2) Listed  it  as  an  REO  on  9/4/2009  at  $173,300  with  Coldwell  Banker.    3) The  property  fell     out   of   escrow   twice   because   high   HOA   delinquency   prevented   buyers   from  

obtaining  financing.    4) Shevy   Akason,   found   a   lender   that   could   finance   property   in   the   community   despite   high  

delinquency   and   instructed   his   cash   investor   to   buy   the   property   closed   on   11/24/2009   for  $157,000.  

5) The   investor,   per   the   instruction   of   Shevy   Akason   put   circa   $6000   into   the   property   and   Shevy  relisted  it  on  1/11/2010  and  sold  it  for  $200,000  with  a  close  of  escrow  less  than  60  days  after  the  list  date  on  3/1/2010.    

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Case  Study  2:  28095  Padrino,  Laguna  Niguel  MLS  #  S626972        

               ARC’s  Family  room  photo       Competition’s  family  room  photo    


ARC’s  Living  room  Photo    Competition’s  living  room  photo  


ARC’s  Kitchen  Picture             Competition’s  Kitchen  Photo  

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             ARC  Master  Bath  photo   ARC  photo  of  the  guest  bath  


• 28095  Padrino,  ARC  Groups  client  originally  approached  the  agent  that  listed  it  as  a  short  sale  who  insisted  that  they  could  not  get  more  than  $270,000  for  the  property.  

• Shevy  believed  that  with  new  paint,  baseboard  and  casing  upstairs,  one  new  fixture,  and  with  the  ARC  Groups  “mini-­‐stage”  that  he  could  sell  it  for  $300,000  or  more  in  less  than  30  days.    

• With  the  help  of  Shevy  Akason  and  ARC  group,  the  trustee  sale  investor  who  purchases  this  property  via  trustee  sale  at  the  courthouse  steps  for  $242,500  put  under  $4,000  into  the  property  and  resold  it  for  $310,000  in  less  than  10  days.    

• Shevy  took  the  listing  on  7/29/2010,  made  improvement  recommendations,  used  17  professional  grade  photographs  compared  to  the  previous  agents  6  and  escrow  closed  on  8/7/2010  to  a  cash  buyer  for  more  than  20%  of  what  it  was  acquired  for  weeks  earlier.  



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Akason  Realty  Consulting  Group  worked  with  a  qualified  buyer  looking  to  purchase  in  Northwood  Point  for  under  $1,000,000  in  January  of  2010,  frustration  begin  to  set  in  because  nice  properties  that  were  priced  right  in  this  area  were  selling  quickly  and  often  had  multiple  offers.    

Shevy  recommended  visiting  a  property  listed  at  $1,070,000,  $70,000  over  the  buyer  budget.  Shevy’s  experience  has  proven  over  and  over  again  that  properties  listed  too  high  often  end  up  as  the  best  deal  for  his  buyers  if  not  marketed  and  negotiated  properly  because  many  people  will  overlook  the  property  or  choose  not  to  offer  of  the  price  they  are  willing  to  pay  is  too  far  below  the  list  price.  Moreover,  with  few  showings  and  little  to  no  offers  sellers  become  more  motivated  and  desperate  and  are  often  willing  to  take  less,  if  not  given  the  proper  advice  this  can  cost  them  thousands  of  dollars.    

 Shevy  recommended  an  offer  price  of  $950,000.  After  submitting  this  offer  the  seller  immediately  countered  at  $995,000.  At  which  point  the  buyers  countered  at  $960,000  and  the  negotiations  stopped  because  the  sellers  did  not  respond.  Shevy  explained  to  his  clients  that  as  long  as  the  listing  is  priced  too  high,  it’s  unlikely  it  will  get  many  showings  and  highly  unlikely  it  will  sell.  However,  that  they  needed  to  watch  it  closely  because  if  they  lowered  the  price  to  $999,999,  they  would  likely  have  multiple  offers  and  sell  quickly,  Shevy  estimated  that  with  his  sales,  marketing,  and  negotiation  strategies,  it  would  likely  sell  for  around  $1,030,000.    

A  couple  of  weeks  went  by  and  the  property  remained  listed  at  $1,070,000,  getting  very  little  attention.  Shevy  followed  up  weekly  and  after  two  weeks  went  by  the  listing  agent  indicated  that  her  sellers  were  motivated  and  ready  to  come  even  lower  than  $995,000.  A  final  price  of  $985,000  was  reached  without  the  property  ever  being  marketed  at  $999,999.    

Shevy’s  team  likely  saved  his  buyers  $45,000+.  It’s  likely  that  if  the  seller  would  have  marketed  the  property  with  the  ARC  group  and  followed  the  pricing  and  marketing  strategy  recommended  by  Shevy  and  his  team  that  the  property  would  have  sold  for  $1,030,000,  an  extra  $45,000.    








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Feedback  response  system  

The  Problem   Most  buyers  see  3  or  more  properties  per  tour  

Buyers  often  begin  to  confuse  properties  and  details  

If  the  buyer  does  not  write  an  offer  within  24  hours  the  buyer’s  agent  and  often  the  buyer  forget  about  the  property  

Most  listing  agents  do  not  request  feedback  within  24  hours  

Even  when  feedback  is  requested  with  a  phone  call  buyers  agents’  often  try  to  rush  through  the  phone  call  

The  feedback  system  allows  for  a  quicker  and  more  thoughtful  response  

The  Solution   Standard  SoCal  Supra  lock  box  is  connected  to  our  showing  feedback  system  

Automatically  notifies  seller  and  the  ARC  Group  of  a  showing  

Sends  out  survey  so  we  can  immediate  feedback  

The  survey  is  completely  customizable  

The  quickest  and  most  effective  way  to  gain  useful  buyer  feedback  and  adjust  to  the  market  if  necessary  

Allows  us  to  know  interest  level  of  buyers  and  evolve  our  strategy,  presentation,  and  marketing  to  sell  the  home  faster  and  for  more  money  



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We  can  use  our  standard  feedback  questionnaire  or  tailor  one  to  your  property  and  needs  


***************  Feedback  Response  Details  ******************  

 Did  your  buyers  like  the  property?  Maybe  

Compared  to  the  condition  and  features/benefits  of  the  homes  your  buyer  has  seen,  is  the  price...  Priced  to  Sell  

Rate  the  Exterior?  Nice  but  a  bit  close  to  the  road  

Rate  the  Interior?  Nice,  some  areas  were  dated                                            

Rate  the  Location?  Average  

Are  they  considering  a  second  showing?  Maybe  

Are  they  considering  making  an  offer?  Maybe...    Home  made  short  list  

Have  your  buyers  made  an  offer  on  another  home?  Yes  

Your  Buyer's  Response?  Home  showed  well,  a  bit  dated  though  

As  a  professional,  do  you  feel  that  there  is  anything  about  the  home  that  needs  to  be  addressed  that  could  hold  back  the  sale  of  the  home?  Home  showed  well,  they  are  not  sure  about  the  location,  floor  plan,  and  the  kitchen  could  use  updating.    

Any  additional  information  that  you  feel  would  benefit  the  seller?    No  

If  this  home  is  not  on  your  client's  short  list,  is  there  anything  that  we  can  do  to  bring  your  clients  attention  back  to  this  home?      No      





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The  Key  to  selling  your  home  faster  and  for  more  money  Exposure!  

Akason  Realty  Consulting  Group  has  over  6000  buyers  interested  in  purchasing  in  Orange  County  in  the  next  30  days  to  48  months  and  at  any  given  time  is  actively  working  with  over  two-­‐dozen  qualified  buyers.    

Homes  that  are  priced  right,  show  well,  and  are  exposed  to  the  broadest  pool  of  qualified  buyers  sell  faster  and  for  more  money.    

Accommodating  to  buyers  so  that  they  can  see  the  home  during  their  free  time.  Most  people  work  during  the  day  and  accommodating  buyers  on  evenings  and  weekends  is  important.    

The  MLS  syndicates  it’s  listing  out  to  numerous  web  sites  

We  create  a  custom  web  site  for  your  property  

Exposure,  Your  listing  is  featured  on  the  ARC  group  has  numerous  web  sites  and  top  SEO  to  attract  buyers  

Communicating  and  reacting  to  what  the  market  tells  us  about  the  subject  property  

Avoid  the  common  mistakes  that  sellers  and  listing  agents  make  

The  OC  Housing  News  No  broker  in  Orange  County  has  the  online  presence  of  the  ARC  Group.  Most  of  the  1,500  daily  readers  of  the  are  buyers  looking  to  purchase  in  Southern  California.  By  projecting  the  bubble  in  2006,  the  original  blog,  was  a  refuge  for  renters  that  sat  out  the  housing  bubble  –  the  demographic  most  likely  to  be  purchasing.  In  addition,  it  built  credibility  for  Larry  Roberts,  the  main  writer  and  Shevy  Akason  and  his  team.    

No  medium  outside  of  the  MLS  has  the  promise  to  deliver  listings  to  more  potential  buyers  than  ARC.  The  online  reach  ensures  massive  market  coverage.  

Mini-­‐site;  ARC  gets  more  traffic  than  any  other  local  Orange  County  Real  estate  broker.  ARC  leverages  this  traffic  to  create  more  exposure  for  it’s  clients  listings  by  use  of  technology,  adding  content,  and  SEO.  This  means  that  ARC  comes  up  on  top  for  many  search  engines  and  puts  the  marketing  that  you  want  presented  to  the  public  for  your  property  on  the  first  page  of  Google  and  many  other  search  engines.    


o On  average  we  get  over  250  buyer  inquiries  per  month  

o We  are  close  on  average  more  than  10  transactions  per  month  

o We  show  2000  homes  per  year  

o We  work  with  over  100  other  listing  agents  per  year  

o The  average  active  agent  does  4  transactions  per  year  

o How  does  this  help  you?  

As  active  agents  we  have  our  pulse  on  the  market  and  relationships  that  make  a  difference  

Our  knowledge  can  help  create  leverage  

No  two  transactions  are  exactly  the  same,  having  an  agent  on  your  team  that  is  growing  and  active  and  gaining  more  knowledge  and  in-­‐site  leads  to  more  success  

Greater  exposure  =  faster  sale  for  top  dollar  

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INTERNET  EXPOSURE                                           (Exclusive)                           (Exclusive)             (Exclusive)     (Exclusive)       (Exclusive)     (Exclusive)       (Exclusive)       (Premier)  

Trulia         (Premier)  

Google  Base  


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ARC  Group  listings  become  Featured  Zillow  listings  

ARC  Group  has  a  5  star  service  rating  

This  drives  over  65,000  customer  views  to  our  listings  every  2  weeks  



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Why  work  with  Akason  Realty  Consulting?  

• Specialized  knowledge  

• Track  record  

• Top  of  mind  consciousness  

• Better  systems  

• More  exposure  

In  Summary  Specialized  knowledge;  Get  the  right  information  and  advice  

Strong  team  support;  Receive  better  service  

Aggressive  marketing,  innovative  consumer  programs,  and  leading  edge  technology  equals  better  results  and  less  hassle  


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What  our  clients  have  to  say  


“It was refreshing to work with someone as timely & professional as Shevy. He always did what he said he was going to do. We loved working with Shevy and his team!” Ashley and Anthony (Huntington Beach) - April 20th, 2011

MASOUD  (LAGUNA  NIGUEL)  -­‐  APRIL  9TH,  2011    

“While I have been skeptical of the value that real estate agents provide, Shevy proved me wrong. He not only gave me good advice during the search, but also did an excellent job during he negotiation. I look forward to working with him again.” Masoud (Laguna Niguel) - April 9th, 2011


“From the beginning, Shevy was easy to get to know and easy to work with. He was knowledgeable and offered astute insights and analysis with regard to pricing in different areas. Once we had identified our area, he worked our way through viewing available inventory. Finally, when we began making offers, we discovered that he was not only solidly in our corner with grounded financial analysis, but also with the negotiation process. He does his homework- always- and is simply a tenacious negotiator. By far, he is the best realtor either of us have ever worked with- smart knowledgeable, hard working, and honest. He has great integrity and was our advocate from start to finish. ” John and Sharon (Laguna Woods) - April 4th, 2011

KEVIN  AND  MONICA  (IRVINE,  CA  )  -­‐  DECEMBER  23RD,  2010  

“Like most first time homebuyers, my wife and I had our fair share of questions and concerns about the arduous process of acquiring a new home. Despite our reservations about purchasing a home during these challenging times, we knew that the current state of the housing market presented a unique opportunity to not only capitalize on the steep decline in home prices but also seize the opportunity to lock in historically low interest rates being offered to creditworthy borrowers like ourselves. My wife and I were frequent readers of the Irvine Housing Blog because we believed it to be a credible resource to keep a pulse on the housing market in the area. We knew we needed to find a strong real estate agent to assist us in making our dreams of becoming homeowners a reality. After interviewing a number of real estate agents, it became rather clear that finding an agent that truly had our best interest at heart was few and far between. Although they were very personable, many of them lacked the knowledge and insight we needed to successfully navigate the uncertain landscape of the Orange County real estate market. More importantly, the qualities that we looked for in an agent centered around two of our core values, which are honesty and integrity. Frankly speaking, we were not looking for someone to simply tell us what we wanted to hear but

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rather someone who could assist us in setting realistic expectations for ourselves given the uniqueness of our financial profile and the neighborhoods we were interested in. We knew Shevy was the right agent for us is when he said, “If you are not looking to stay in the home you are seeking to purchase for at least seven to ten years, then I suggest you continue renting.” It was apparent to us at that moment that he was not just looking to help us buy a home so he could make a commission but rather wanted to help us make smart financial decisions. There are very few individuals that we have found to be trustworthy to partner with us during the purchasing a home. With that said, over the course of buying our first home, we found ourselves confidently deferring some critical decisions to Shevy because his knowledge and experience gave us confidence that he was representing us as if he was representing his own family. He referred excellent resources to us such as bank lenders and home inspectors which we were extremely pleased with their services. While we were in escrow we experienced a couple hurdles regarding issues that needed to be fixed in the home before the escrow closed. Shevy was persistent in communicating with the appropriate parties and played a major role in getting it done in a timely manner. Bottom line, we were extremely impressed with Shevy’s service. We highly recommend him to anyone who is interested in purchasing a home in the near future. ” Kevin and Monica (Irvine, CA ) - December 23rd, 2010


“Shevy was very responsive & helpful and immediately set up a showing. We called on Monday - Shevy set up a showing that afternoon - we wrote the offer then and there (he had everything ready). It is now Friday (4 days later) and the deal is done as in through escrow, paid and papered. A world record? Awesome!!” Ron - cash investor (North Tustin) - October 8th, 2010


“It was a great experience working with Shevy and Rana. If I have to do this again (sell my house) I will ask for their help.” Irvine seller (Irvine) - October 1st, 2010

LINDSEY  E.  (SANTA  ANA)  -­‐  AUGUST  12TH,  2010  

“Shevy and Rana are a winning team - I'm a first time home buyer buying a short sale property and they made it look easy in a market that was 95% short sales for my price range. Shevy and Rana helped get the house of my dreams. Within just a few days we got in to see the house (by appointment only) made an offer, and the offer had other offers to beat out. The seller accepted our offer. Their lender then approved it within a couple of weeks and Shevy and Rana helped me to close escrow in a mere 21 days.Thank you so much. I will be sending more business your way. Oh, did I mention they showed me about 30 houses in 1 month?” Lindsey E. (Santa Ana) - August 12th, 2010

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“Shevy was knowledgeable about every step of the process. His timeliness was fantastic. We are first time home buyers and he was patient and understanding of our concerns. He was good about setting reasonable expectations and provided "reality checks" during the emotional negotiation process and kept us grounded. (I) would recommend without hesitation.” Eric and Margaret (Tustin Ranch) - August 2nd, 2010

JOHN  B.  (ORANGE  COUNTY)  -­‐  JUNE  24TH,  2010  

“Shevy, Thanks for your work on Eastview. I've worked with a lot of agents and you are the best. ” John B. (Orange County) - June 24th, 2010

CHIAKI  R.  (IRVINE)  -­‐  JUNE  22ND,  2010  

“Hi Shevy, Thanks for sticking with us for a long time. As you know I almost gave up finding a house due to lack of selections. Both Rick and I enjoyed working with you through-out the process and appreciate all you have done for us. Sincerely,” Chiaki R. (Irvine) - June 22nd, 2010

ED  H.  (CRYSTAL  COVE)  -­‐  MAY  21ST,  2010  

“Shevy & Rana are the best! We could not have hoped for better agents to work with!” Ed H. (Crystal Cove) - May 21st, 2010

DANNY  &  ELAN  (IRVINE)  -­‐  APRIL  24TH,  2010  

“Rana, Thank you for showing us those homes today. You were friendly, professional, and extremely knowledgeable and helpful. Elan and I are happy that we stumbled upon you guys on the internet. We look forward to continue working with you now and in the near future, when we decide to purchase our permanent home. Thank you! And thanks for the cup of iced coffee!

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Elan” Danny & Elan (Irvine) - April 24th, 2010

GERARD  B.  (IRVINE)  -­‐  APRIL  13TH,  2010  

“As my wife and I decided to buy our first home in Orange County, we quickly learned it’s a jungle out there. Irrational pricing, agents who care more about themselves than their clients, and the list goes on. In the jungle of Orange County real estate, Shevy Akason is Tarzan. He’s a trusted guide who strives to represent your best interests while maintaining the highest standards of integrity. But he’s not naïve. He has the experience, intellect and intuition to understand the laws of the jungle. And he always sees the forest in the trees by maintaining a strategic perspective on each potential transaction. After 6+ months of searching, we just purchased a home in Irvine. Whether buying or selling in Orange County, I can’t imagine working with any other realtor.” Gerard B. (Irvine) - April 13th, 2010

BEVERLY  K.  (IRVINE)  -­‐  SEPTEMBER  29TH,  2009  

“As an immigrant from South Africa in 2001 my dream was to purchase a home. In 2008, with a dip in the market and rates still low I saw a good time and opportunity to purchase. After working with an agent for a couple of months that didn't have a great understanding of the area and my price range I met Shevy at an open house. He asked me what my budget was, what areas I liked, and what my goals were. He assisted me by arranging for Ameri-dream down payment assistance and seller assistance for closing costs which allowed me to purchase the home I was looking for in Irvine. Without his assistance and his understanding of what my needs and goals were, I'm not sure that I could have purchased such a great home.” Beverly K. (Irvine) - September 29th, 2009

TAMER  K  (LAGUNA  NIGUEL)  -­‐  MAY  21ST,  2009  

“Dear Brother, I thank you. I consider my self being lucky to have known you not only because you found me this awesome house that everyone is envying me about but also because I know now that I have a new brother in OC. You are a wonderful person and an excellent Realtor whose professionalism shows in every aspect. I hope I can make more money so I can buy more houses through you. I hope and I know this one is not far fetched to see you running your own agency one day. You make me proud to say that you are a dear friend/brother and I can tell you that you will have enormous success in your future. The qualities personal and professional that you have are genuine and a rare currency in today's world. so keep up the good work and God speed. Best Regards,” Tamer K (Laguna Niguel) - May 21st, 2009

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ANDREW  P.  (CORONA)  -­‐  OCTOBER  15TH,  2008  

“I was relocated from Australia and my wife, daughter, and I were unfamiliar with many areas of Southern California. We wanted a large home and we preferred to have a pool. Working for Kone elevators I'm responsible for the western region of the United States including Hawaii. As a result I can live anywhere in Southern California. After spending some time with an agent that did not understand our needs we found Shevy through internet advertising he was doing for a home in Huntington Beach. We spent the next few months looking at different areas and finally found the exact home we were looking for. It was over 4000 square feet, with a pool, spa, rock waterfall, and gorgeous views. It had previously been in escrow for $675,000 and we negotiated the final price down to $600,000. We highly recommend Shevy for his ability to listen to needs, his patience, and his real estate knowledge.” Andrew P. (Corona) - October 15th, 2008

HONG  (CORONA)  -­‐  SEPTEMBER  15TH,  2008  

“We would like to thank you for helping us to sell our home. Your knowledge of the short sale process was comforting. We would recommend you to anyone.” Hong (Corona) - September 15th, 2008


“Erik and I found Shevy when looking for a lease or purchase for my parents who were relocating from Arizona. He was extremely helpful and a valuable resource. We had recently sold our home in Coto De Caza and were looking to purchase in Ladera Ranch. However, Shevy advised us that there would be much better deals in Ladera Ranch in 12-18 months. That was almost 6 months ago and we are glad that we have waited. We are still leasing and waiting until we find the right time to buy. We have saved so much money. It's rare and refreshing to work with an agent like Shevy, we would recommend him to anyone. In fact, since we first met him he assisted my parents to purchase in Coto De Caza for over $100,000 under market value and assisted my sister and husband on a purchase in Fullerton.” Jill and Erik (Ladera Ranch) - August 1st, 2008  








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ARC  Cancellation  Guarantee  

I’m so confident that our real estate system will work for you, that I guarantee you the right to cancel our listing agreement at any time prior to accepting an offer to purchase your home, with no penalties or obligations, if you feel my service does not live up to my promise.

____ Entering into a listing agreement with a real estate agent can be a risky business. Many sales representatives will promise the world when it comes to effectively marketing your home, but how many of them can back it up with solid performance? According to a survey, 72% of home sellers were dissatisfied with the performance of their agent, even if that agent had sold their property. However, most listing agreements lock you into long-term commitments and lengthy broker protection periods with heavy cancellation fees. In other words, it’s an agreement your agent can get out of, but you can’t.

We are offering you a way to list your home that is totally risk-free

Listing agent success in real estate is selling houses fast and for top dollar. I’m confident that I can do this for you because our team has already helped

hundreds of families like you to get their home sold.

My pledge is to provide you with the highest level of service in the real estate industry, and my commitment to this pledge is 100%. Your right is to evaluate whether I live up to this standard, and to cancel your listing agreement with me at any point, with no penalties or obligations, if I fail to deliver the service I promised. _____________________________ ________ _____________________________ The ARC Group Representative Date Seller Date _____________________________ Seller Date  

