No Down No New Loan


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In our business—that of creative real estate acquisition and financing—there are

several stages one must go through to be successful. None of them are particularly difficult or time consuming, but the natural inclination of most people is to avoid taking the first step, much less taking on the entire step-by-step process, and therein lays the reason for most “Lack of Success” stories in this business. THE STEPS:

1. Want it 2. Learn methods for obtaining it 3. Become convinced of your right to have it 4. Vow to disregard the well-intended counter-advice of those around you who

sincerely wish you were more like them and that you would stay that way 5. Convert your Wants, Wishes and Prayers to dire Needs (i.e., “burning desire”) Sixty-percent wash out at this juncture while waiting for the free manna to drop from Heaven. The water’s just not cold enough or hot enough yet to trigger an escape response. 6. Identify and relinquish those self-serving needs that rely upon your lack and scarcity

for their fulfillment (e.g., over indulgence, over consumption, over sleeping, over couch-potatoing, procrastination, fear of change, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, etc.)

7. Begin at once (i.e., that is immediately…don’t wait to be ready, or your never will be: procrastination is the worst of the insidious wasting diseases)

Here we lose another fifteen percent who must read just one more book, or attend just one more seminar, or buy just one more course before taking any chances. 8. Anticipate and make your mistakes 9. Acknowledge discouragement (and it’ll happen, it always does), accept it as part of

the game, shake it off and start over again (realizing that mistakes are your best teacher, and the number one facilitator of your future financial success)

There goes another fifteen percent of the formerly well-intentioned. 10. For the ten-percent or so who remain…congratulations! You’re on your way to true

financial freedom. Merely repeat these steps as often as needed. And celebrate your well-deserved success by running to the top of the stairs at City Hall, thrust your arms high into the air, and declare yourself as officially within that upper crust 90th percentile of the population who make and live by their own rules, control their own destinies, make their own secure futures—and who are free and absolutely UNSTOPPABLE!

It is no secret in the “guru business” (the hawking of books, tapes, course and

seminars on real estate investing), that without coaching and hand-holding, no more than a small few who read a book, take the course or attend the seminar will ever make an attempt to use it.

Most, after paying for the knowledge, substitute good intentions for direct action and feel secure in knowing that they now have the key to incredible riches…and that they can open that door anytime they feel like it…later on…someday…when the time is right. They then put off feeling like it until they’ve completely forgotten what prompted them to buy the now worthless materials in the first place.

And of course, this is a very good thing…for the guru him/herself. They make their money without needing to report to, or be responsible to (or for), anyone. The guru’s attitude is often…“Well, gee, I led them to the water: it’s they who must drink, so lets see here…where’s my next seminar going to be held?” This concept is, by the way, is accepted by the general population. It’s the manner in which virtually all health clubs operate. It all sounds great for the moment, while writing the check: until the realization come…that one must actually do something that will be, at least minimally, strenuous in order to gain a muscle or lose a fat globule.

If everyone who signed up for a health club membership would actually implement their good intentions, the club couldn’t hold them all and would go flat broke when forced to stop selling memberships. Well, unfortunately, this is how a lot of the real estate investing training and coaching programs work as well: “Give me your money, then be a part of the eighty or ninety percent who will never require anything of me.”

This disappointing “fact” was borne out when tested by one of the nation’s foremost authorities on creative real estate investing (A.D. Kessler) decided to hide a fifty-dollar cashier’s check in every course he sold over a certain period of time. Amazingly, only three percent of those checks were ever cashed. He then decided that the only way to get the success numbers up where they ought to be was to institute a program of direct, one-one-one training and coaching…and that’s exactly what we at North American Realty Services do as well. We know that to get to that ten percent of the people who do ninety percent of the work, we have to get some of them out of bed by blowing bugles in their ears; we have to give them direct reporting responsibilities; we have to monitor them daily to be assured that they don’t let their good intentions evaporate, and we have to be as positively certain of their ultimate success as we want them to be. We know that for the majority of average folks, we have to ride shotgun right beside them…until they, themselves, make an overt decision to dismiss us to either go it alone, or to remain in their present circumstance. OCS’ – LIFETIME 100% MONEY BACK SUCCESS GUARANTY

At NARS we give all of our folks (newbies and oldies alike) the opportunity to avail

themselves, without additional charge, of our unique 100% Money-Back Guaranteed OCS Program (i.e., OCS=Our Commitment to your Success). By becoming a part of OCS, you sign a contract that allows our training department to contact you at least two to three times per-week and keep their nose in your business. You also promise in the contract to miss no more than two Saturday morning Tele Coaching workshops per-month. The agreement also includes your personal avowal to create and maintain your written goals and objectives; to make a minimum number of calls per week; speak with a minimum number

of FSBO’s, landlords, lease optionors, Realtors®, mortgage brokers and auction prospects per-week. You will also be encouraged to join at least one related professional organization (e.g., tip club, investor club, networking group, service club, etc.)…and to allow us monitor your progress and stay in touch with you at all times.

Application for the OCS program is available only to our Network Membership and is wholly voluntary and without additional cost. To apply, one must have been a fully paid Network Member for a minimum of one full month. After joining the Network, you can wait as long as you like before signing up for OCS, and you may drop your participation anytime you would desire to do so…and re-join again later (as many times as you want to). Should we [internally] be forced to drop you from the program for non-adherence or non-performance, your Network Membership remains fully in tact (see membership benefits below) and you need merely wait six months to re-join OCS and the one-year guaranty is fully reinstated (i.e., you start all over again). Our absolute promise to you is that if you are an OCS member and you haven’t made a minimum of ten times the cost of your NARS Membership in a given year, after having followed all of our directions, we will happily refund 100% of your membership fee (the Important Note inset below).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The OCS program is a trick. There be no secret about that. It is only designed to make you succeed. We are virtually certain that, though we will always honor the 100% guaranty, we will never need to refund anyone’s money (subsequent to our standard seven-day return period) because we know with all but absolute certainty that if you follow the program, you cannot fail. And…we know that if you don’t follow the program, you will be dropped from it until you can better arrange your priorities. But, again, understand that being dropped or quitting the OCS program does not in any way negatively affect or diminish your Network Membership and its myriad benefits. And you can always re-enroll in OCS again in six months.


The NARS Nationwide Network is comprised of many hundreds of real estate professionals (90% investors, with the rest being Realtors® and mortgage representatives) across the U.S. Each one of the members is prepared by NARS to be the best; to know the most; and to achieve highest income and financial security through the most modern techniques of creative real estate investing, ownership and management. Many of our members are brand new in the business; some are old-timers with many years of experience; others are virtually broke; while others are quite wealthy and getting wealthier. The binding factor among all of us is our sincere desire to it all better, quicker, easier and more safely…without the necessity of cash credit, or undue risk.

An understanding of the system taught by NARS and Bill Gatten, coupled with the ability to network with those who use the system regularly affords today’s real estate entrepreneur an invaluable opportunity wholly unavailable until now.

Just imagine achieving maximum financial success, security and freedom with the simplest and safest methods available, without the need for down payments, mortgage loans, lender credit qualifications or title transfers…all without credit risk, undue legal risk,

monthly payments, management, maintenance, vacancies or violation of the lender’s dreaded Due-on-Sale Clause (when another’s payments are taken over). Through you, the myriad benefits of home ownership can be made available to virtually anyone, irrespective of limited employment history, credit, or cash. As well, the system allows you to personally acquire control of unlimited amounts of real property without the standard costs, downsides and pitfalls of creative real estate financing.

The NARS Quick Start Success Pack™ (Sold separately or included in the NARS Network Membership)

• Full 24-Hour Audio Cassette (and on CD) Workshop with Massive Workbook • 4 ea. 3-hour Audio Training Sessions with Workbooks • Audio Recordings of Recent Radio and TV Shows • The Best-Of (Saturday Morning Training Sessions) • Table-Top Flip Chart Presentation with Audio Narrative • Laptop Presentation Chart with full Audio • The Book – A Fortune in Free Real Estate, Bill Gatten • The Book – No Down! No New Loan! Bill Gatten (Out of print internet download) • The Book – Making it BIG in Creative RE Financing and Keeping It…This Time,

Bill Gatten • Ten-Step Instructional ‘Process of Documentation’ Manual • Full Documentation Manual • Fully Editable Documentation Manual on 3.5” Documents Disk

Total Price - $529.95

Master Card/Visa/American Express

The NARS Professional Network


• One-on-One Lifetime Personal Mentoring and Coaching (not one year or six

month, but for a lifetime) • 3-Way Buyer/Seller Client Conferencing (we consult with you and your clients

and their attorneys, accountants, know-it-all brothers-in-law, agents, etc.) • Weekly Saturday AM TeleCoaching Workshops (1-1.5 hrs p/week…every week) • On-going “Ground Partnering” opportunities with NARS Members Nationwide

(if you have the property another member has the cash, or visa versa) • Access to Our Ever-Expanding Investor-Base: Unlimited Funds for your deals • Access to all NARS Buyer and Seller Leads throughout the US • Initially Free Toll-Free Ad-Tracking Service (Your prospects respond to your add

and call toll-free to hear your recorded message and are electronically referred to your own phone).

• Initially Free MarketTouch Media Ad-Blasting Service (Your pre-recorded message goes out as often as you wish, to as many numbers as you can input with a report of you through-calls, hang ups and disconnects)

• Free Access To Our Various Home Auction Resources – (E.g., Auction Broker, LLC (You Receive Forty-Percent of the Auction Fee Upon Sale (The Fee is Typically 10% of the Property’s Sale Price)

• Open Access to the NARS Members-Only Website and Discussion Groups

o Special articles o Downloadable forms o Cash investor lists o Create-it-Yourself land trust and Equity Holding Trust™ set up

documentation data base o National Network Member list with phone #s and e-mail addresses

(searchable by name, location or area code) for the U.S. o Downloadable TeleCoaching Workshop Audio Archives o List of land trust-knowledgeable attorneys in most states

• Free Attendance at All Future NARS 1-Day and 2.5-Day Workshops (The First Week-Long Boot Camp…Half-Price: All Others Free)

• Automatic Documentation and Training Manual Updates • Automatic Legal and Accounting Updates • 24-Hour Buyer, Seller, Investor Q&A Hotline • Buyer/Seller Tele-Conferencing Seminar Services (With NARS Speaker) • Fifty-Percent (50%) Discount or Rebate on all Published NARS Trustee

Acceptance, Facilitation and Documentation Fees. • Continuing Network Buyer/Seller Lead-Referrals • Free OCS Intensified Coaching (100% Money-Back Success Guarantee) • Subscription to NARS Motivational and Technical Training Newsletter • Official Recognition as a “Certified Equity Holding Trust™ Specialist” • Limited Free Comparative Market Analysis Data (Comps) • Free Access To NARS’ Staff Accountants and Legal Advisors

The Cost – Full NARS Professional Network Membership $ 2,495.00

Shipping and Handling……. $ 24.75

Sales Tax…………………… Educational

Grand Total 2,519.75

For full membership, pay with check or credit card (fax copy of credit card) with a signed and dated copy of this form… FAX 818 831 9912



OR ORDER BY PHONE TODAY 1 8001 207 4273

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Credit Card Type: (Circle One) M/C / VISA / AmEx Check Ck # * DO NOT MAIL CASH

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