NON-UNIFORM DAY- FRIDAY 12th JUNE 2014 - …...Year 9 PGL La Fosca Spain trip Departs on Saturday...


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Volume 3, Issue 33, 5 June 2015 Prayer for the Week

Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Rev Warner

From the Headmaster

I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful half-term break. The students have certainly returned with batteries recharged and eager to enjoy the remainder of the summer term. The public examinations are well past the half-way point and there seems to be a positive and buoyant mood amongst the students sitting the exams.

This week has been relatively quiet in terms of school events but we ended the week on a really high note thanks to the Sub-Prefects Day of Fun, commonly referred to as SPDOF. Thanks to a positive turn in the weather from the poor start on Friday morning, the planned old style school’s sports day was able to go ahead as planned with staff, instead of students competing to uphold the reputation of their respective Houses. The event is another example of the great community spirit that we have at St George’s and thanks to Mr Hollingsworth’s training of the Sub-prefects, the event was a great success with Watts House taking the plaudits. Either later this evening or early next week the Media Team will have photos and videos of the event available on the school’s Facebook page.

Next weekend is one of our major PSA events of the year, the PSA Fete, which I hope everyone will be able to attend at some point on Saturday afternoon. As always it promises to be an outstanding event and now that we have already had gale force winds for this summer I am hopeful that the weather will be equally outstanding.

Also next weekend 22 of our students will be confirmed at Our Lady of Lourdes. The following weekend three more will be confirmed at St Thomas More. Our thoughts and prayers go to those preparing for this important step in confirming their Christian faith.

This weekend, whilst many of us will be enjoying the delights of the 50th Harpenden Carnival or the Rutter Singing day, 70 of our Year 10 students will be out on the Chiltern Hills on their DofE practice expedition. The weather promises to be fine for them but we might want to spare a thought for them as they cultivate not only their map reading skills but some sizeable blisters. I wish them the very best of luck as well as a safe weekend. I would also like to thank Mrs Howard and all the other staff who have worked very hard to train the students and who will be giving up the whole of their weekend to supervise. We are very fortunate to have so many generous and dedicated staff. Have a great weekend.

Mr McGovern, Headmaster


Year 10 letter, Rugby Fundraising PSA Fete booklet


The provisional timetable for next summer's exams will be on the website by the end of term. Please be aware that the exam 'window' next year is later, from the 16th of May until the 29th of June. At the moment the last exams for St George's students are on the 28th of June, but as this is subject to change until December we strongly recommend that students in Years 11 and 13 next year should not book holidays or any other activities until the beginning of July.

Paul McGillivray Exams Officer and Educational Visits Co-ordinator


Apologies but there is an error in diary for this term and we have an additional Sunday morning chapel on 21st June at 10am this will be a Junior Chapel and lead by the Gideons.


Please could all parents be aware that the school is introducing a new PE kit as from September 2015. Stevensons our uniform suppliers will be stocking a sufficient number of the new Kit in a range of sizes from June onwards. The new kit will be compulsory for Year 7, and though other years are more

than welcome to wear the new kit please be aware that pupils may wear the

old kit until September 2016.


Reminder to all Year 9 students participating in the Paris trip

30th June to 3rd July 2015

Please bring parent(s), passport and EHIC card (in date!) to the Information Evening in the

Chapel, 7.30pm to 8.30pm next Tuesday 9th June. Non-uniform. Thank you.



In aid of the PSA SUMMER FETE, Saturday 13th June 12-4pm


Click here to view more information


UPDATING YOUR CHILD'S MEDICAL INFORMATION If your child has had any changes to their medical condition e.g. Asthma, could you please update the Parental Medication Information Form (SG7A), which can also be found on the school website and forward it to the First Responder/Mrs Jean Lambert. ASTHMA If your child suffers from Asthma and regularly uses an inhaler, could you please provide the school with a spare inhaler to be held in the Medical Centre and for use on school trips. If your child has had a medical review and no longer requires an inhaler, please inform the First Responder/Mrs Jean Lambert so that she can amend our records accordingly. HAYFEVER If your child suffers from Hayfever or any allergies could they please take their medication before they start school in the morning.

Please note, that the Medical Centre will NOT be holding supplies of Hayfever & Allergy Relief medication.



Do you want to find local community groups, voluntary organisations and services or find out what is happening in your local area or even advertise a club or service you run yourself?

Visit The Hertfordshire Directory:


For further information and to contact the FIS, follow this link

Promoting Healthy Minds Harpenden PARTNERSHIP Plus

Harpenden PARTNERSHIP plus are promoting healthy minds and emotional wellbeing in

families, click here for session dates or for more information contact

Nuffield Research Placement

Toby Hill, Year 12 Grant, has been offered a Nuffield Research Placement this summer. This is a fantastic achievement for Toby since only a small number of students have been offered placements in Hertfordshire. He will be working alongside professional scientists, engineers, technicians and mathematicians and will complete a real research project at a high level for 4 weeks.

Well done Toby

Year 9 PGL La Fosca Spain trip

Departs on Saturday 27th June at 12:50pm from the Goddard coach bay

(meet from 12:20pm)

Returns on Sunday 5th July at 2:00pm to the Goddard coach bay

John Rutter Singing Day Saturday 6 June 10.30am-5pm

St George's School Assembly Hall John Rutter, inspirational composer and choral conductor, is coming to Harpenden to lead one of his famous singing days. He will work with us on a range of music - English choral favourites and his own compositions. This is a rare chance to meet the UK's most successful composer and to sing with one of the most influential musicians of our time. John is known for his encouraging, engaging approach to choral singing. We hope that this event will appeal to multiple generations of singing families - young singers, parents and grandparents.

Call now to reserve your place at this extremely popular workshop.

Tickets £20 (£15 under-18s and students) Group bookings of 10 or more £15 per person (£10 under-18s and students)

Phone George Darley on 01707 377029 or email

Rugby Tour Fundraising collection bags coming home today

Thinking of having a big clear-out? Great news as we would like it! As part of the Rugby Tour fundraising events, we are organising a big collection of all of your unwanted clothes and shoes on Monday 6

th and Tuesday 7

thJuly. Just use any old bin bag to store your goods and

bring to school on one of these dates. Drop off details in letter coming home today. The ‘Bag2School’ Company will then pay us (by the tonne!) Wanted items: men’s, ladies and children’s clothing, paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around), handbags, hats, bags, scarves and ties, lingerie and belts.

Thank You Mrs Robertson, Head of Watts House


Year 11 Parents Forum- helping you to help your child

Year 11 can be a stressful time for students but can also be a challenging time for parents. The School Counsellor, Lucy Adamson, has set up a Parents' Forum on Moodle to provide support for Year 11 parents during the Study Leave/GCSE period.

If you would like access to the Forum please email for a password and access to it.


BOOK RETURN DAY Book Return Day will be on Tuesday 23rd of June 2015, P5

ALL Year 11 and Year 13 students will be expected

to attend school on this day.

The latest edition of the PSA newsletter is now available to view and download from the school website—please click here

You can contact the PSA at





WEEKEND 13th &14th June 2015

We look forward to seeing past Georgians at our reunion weekend

and joint event on the Saturday with the PSA Fete.

Visit the Georgians marquee at the Fete to book a school tour and buy tickets for the late afternoon BBQ.

Full details of the weekend which includes a Choral Concert,

Thanksgiving Service and AGM can be viewed by clicking here.

Is your dog better than my dog ? Well you might think so - but there is only one way to find out. Bring him to the School Fete by 2pm on Saturday 13th June, and I bet Jim the dog takes your beast downtown to Funky Town. Yet another great event at the fete, with cheap entry fee per dog, lots of not very serious categories and the joy of canine competition without having to go to the NEC in Birmingham and the risk of it being poisoned by a hit team of golden retrievers. There will also be a world record attempt at 2.30; and there should be lots to buy.... but only if you get your young person scouting the house over half term for stuff to bring in. Full details of what we need, when, and where to take it to, will come out in a letter when we are back, but for the moment can you please look out and have ready:

(Full) bottles of any kind; wines and spirits especially

DVDs, computer and console games. NOT videotapes.

Toys, board games, and books, bikes, scooters and rollerblades

‘Vintage’ items and unwanted gifts such as purses, handbags, ornaments, pictures,


Any other saleable items not covered above

We would also like any donations, large or small of crockery for the crockery smash stall, this was new last year and a huge success.

Thanks very much - and get Saturday 13th June in your diary

Paddy Storrie Deputy Headteacher


12 o’clock start—we look forward to seeing you there

CROCKERY SMASH We’re collecting crockery for the Crockery Smash stall at the school fete in June and we’d appreciate any surplus crockery you may have. If you have some it would be great if you drop it off at 26 Stewart Road (house diagonally opposite Grant Gardens cul-de-sac) when passing. Broken, chipped or cracked items are welcomed however, no glass please.

If the pieces are just plain ugly so much the better. Last year we raised over £300

and this year we hope to double the amount.

Thanks in anticipation, David Cantwell

“Never work with Children or Animals” That’s what they say. Well, we at Cecil Grant have decided to fly in the face of this advice. The trustees are very excited about the Founder’s Day celebrations on 13

th June because in celebration of our £2million milestone we are holding the

first ever “SCRUFTS!” Cecil Grant Fun Dog Show. You can register your dog on the day for £2.00. Categories are:

Obedience/Best Trick

Waggiest Tail

Dog the Headmaster would most like to take home

Dog that looks most like its owner The Headmaster will be our Judge and the Dog Show will take place on the tennis courts at 2pm. We very much hope that you and your faithful friends will be able to join in. On Sunday 14

th June at 10 am please join us for the Founder’s Thanksgiving

Service in the Chapel when we will read out the Cecil Grant Prayer. This prayer was left in Rev Grant’s Will with a request that it be read out on an annual basis, a tradition which we have recently resurrected. This is a service of thanksgiving for St George’s and the generous contributions made to the Trust and the school by St George’s families. You are also warmly invited to tea, coffee and cakes in the Old Library following the service.

Nicola Kirby Georgian, Chair and Trustee of the Cecil Grant Founder’s Trust

Would you like to help break a world record?

If so, come to the St George's School Fete

on Saturday 13th June, from 12-4pm.

They have loads of fantastic stalls and prizes to win, and…the world record attempt will be at 2:30!

We hope to see lots of people there

Year 9 Watts Sub-Prefects

Night of Music Charity Event Held on 21st May at Charlie's Restaurant Bar, Harpenden

Raised £1,159 for the Nepal Earthquake Victims

Well done to Emma McGrath and Georgina Phillips, two St George’s students who performed with others at the event.

The Sailing Club is Fundraising for new buildings at BLYM

Out with the Old In with the New The St. George’s School Sailing Club is joining in the fundraising effort for new buildings at Bury Lake Young Mariners (, which is where we sail in Rickmansworth. We hope that you will all join in with our effort to help this very worthwhile Hertfordshire youth chari-ty, which is entirely run by volunteers. As a special incentive, the two most generous donors / most successful fundraisers St. George’s giving via St. George’s will get the opportunity to drive a powerboat. You can give online at For more information, click here.




Wattonian Wondergirl!

Despite revising for her GCSE exams, Anna Patten, Year 11 has just played in the FA U17 Youth Cup for Arsenal who won!

Anna’s team also won their league (conceding 4 goals and scoring 95!). Anna has been training 4 nights a week all through May in the lead up to the finals and playing matches at the weekend.

What an absolute star!

Mrs Robertson (Head of Watts House)


Rugby Kit Donations for the South Africa Tour Do you have spare rugby kit hanging around that you would like to pass on? As part of the South Africa Rugby Tour next summer, we would like to collect some rugby kits that we could then donate to local schools who really need some rugby kit of their own. We are looking for St George’s School rugby shirts, rugby shorts, rugby socks and boots—all of which should be clean and in fairly good condition. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please could you drop any kit off to Goddard Reception with ‘Mrs Robertson’ written on the bag. Thank you.

Mrs Robertson, Head of Watts House

Fascination of Plants Day On Monday the 18th May, 20 of us Year 8 and 9 students attended an event at Rothamsted Research Centre to explore what soil had to offer. This was the first year that St George’s, Roundwood and Sir John Lawes Schools were all involved. We split into mixed groups and visited displays run by Rothamsted scientists. We learnt about plant science including, the variety and properties of soils around the UK, methods of soil testing, plant disease, as well as the history of Rothamsted which has been studying plants for over 170 years. After lunch we heard informative speeches from three PhD students studying plant biology. We then took part in a competition called ‘Design the perfect environment for your plant to grow’. We had to produce a poster and present our ideas to our fellow students and judges (scientist and PhD students). It gave us the opportunity to interact with people from other schools whilst learning about the signifi-cance of soil types. We thoroughly enjoyed our day of plant science and would really recommend it to the younger years.

Imi Whitehead, Becky Shott, Harriet Bell and Lucy Porter Year 9


Hertfordshire County Council

Renewal of Free School Meal Application for 2016 Click here for more


FORGOTTEN SCHOOL EQUIPMENT Please bring any article(s) that your child has forgotten (PE kit, Food Tech basket,

prep book etc.) to the Aim Higher Entrance Reception. DO NOT leave this items

with Goddard Reception, it is much easier for your child to collect article(s) from this

area within the school.

AIM HIGHER CAR PARK An authorised DROP OFF parking permit is required for Aim Higher Car park, please

use the drop off parking zone if necessary

Thank you for your help in both above matters

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook. It is a great way of keeping up with news and events at school and the more we have online presence, the more people will be aware of cyber communication and how to keep each other safe

STUDENT ABSENCE Call the absence telephone line 01582 765477 or email

Please state the pupil’s name, year group, tutor group and reason for absence.

School Website Click here

Finance Matters Click here

To Contact Us Click here

St George's School, Harpenden Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England and wales. Registered number: 08092358 Registered office: Sun Lane, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 4TD

Questions or comments about the e-newsletter? Email us at


See the news and events section on the school’s website: Latest news

Fundraising at St George’s Click here to view all supported charities

Sat 6 Herts County Athletics Championships – Hemel All day Year 7 and 9 Cricket v Verulam (Home) Year 8 (Away) Year 10 D of E weekend

Sun 7 Year 10 D of E weekend; Junior Praise Service, Non-Uniform, 6.30pm

Mon 8 Progress report period starts; Calendar coordination meeting 4pm Last day of admissions appeals; County League Athletics Yr8+10 @ Hemel 4.30pm start Year 9 Maths and Science exams in class this week

Tues 9 Last A1; Year 12 students restart classes 1115; Rounders v SJL Yr 8 and 10 (Away) Year 10 Paris Trip Info Eve, Chapel 7.30pm

Wed 10 Rounders v SJL Yr7 and 9 (home); Food Club; Brittany parents info eve Chapel 7pm Governors Curriculum Meeting 4pm

Thurs 11 District Sports, All Day, many students, Y7-10; Parent Info Eve, Applications and Exams, Y12, Chapel, 7.30pm

Fri 12 Some sports day field and distance events (lunch); House Quiz; Non-uniform day for the school fete

St George’s Summer Party

Saturday 4th July 2015

8pm till late……..

“Uh oh, those summers nights…..”

Join us at St George’s to celebrate the start of summer. Chill with good

friends over a glass of Pimms, delicious food and dance the night away to

great music by DJ Jay.

Tickets - £15 pp Cash or cheque payable to

St George’s PSA

Cash Bar, Casual Dress

Please note the change to payment method. Return cash or cheque to the School House.

Click here for application form.

Activate Sport Holiday Camp Coming soon…... Activate Sport holiday camps will be on our school site this summer. The camps are for children aged 5-16. You can keep the children active this summer with the sport specific and multi sport courses on offer with Activate Sport. For more information on the courses or to book your child’s place please

visit or call 01785 711572.

Childcare vouchers accepted. Group bookings can save Up to 40%!