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Cornus Arctic Fire® Zone: 2-7 Common name: Red Twig Dogwood; deciduous shrub- One of the most shade-tolerant ornamental shrub

- Tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions

- Bright red stems in winter add color to the landscape

Features: Produce berries, winter interest, deer resistant

Mature Size: 36-60” tall by 48-60” wideSpacing: 48-60”

NORTH AMERICAN NATIVE PLANTSAronia Low Scape® Mound Zone: 3-9 Common name: Chokeberry; deciduous shrub- Low-growing, mounded habit, perfect for edging and groundcover

- Tolerates a wide range of growing conditions

- White flowers in spring; dark purple fruit and brilliant red foliage in fall

Features: Heat & drought tolerant, salt tolerant, erosion control, bog plant

Mature Size: 12-24” tall by 18-24” wideSpacing: 18-26”

Clethra Sugartina® Zone: 4-9 Common name: Summersweet; deciduous shrub- Fragrant white flowers in mid-summer

- Yellow fall color

- Attracts butterflies

Features: Deer resistant, fall interest, fragrant flower, dwarf

Mature Size: 30-36” tall by 36-48” wideSpacing: 36-48”

Hydrangea Invincibelle Limetta® Zone: 3-9 Hydrangea arborescens; Common name: Smooth hydrangea; deciduous shrub- Blooms every year, even in cold climates

- Flowers are held up on strong stems, no flopping

- Lime-green flowers are perfect for the summer landscape

Features: Rebloomer, long blooming, no deadheading necessary

Mature Size: 30-36” tall by 30-36” wideSpacing: 36-48”

Coreopsis ‘Jethro Tull’ Zone: 5-8 Common name: Tickseed; perennial- Golden-yellow flowers with fluted petals

- Compact habit and continuous blooms

- Deadhead to promote continuous blooming

Features: Deer resistant, drought tolerant, full sun

Mature Size: 15-18” tall

Native plants from The Plant ParkElizabeth City, NC | (252) 338-2773 |


Locally Grown. Happily Served. Endless Value

Plant Park

NORTH AMERICAN NATIVE PLANTSItea ‘Henry’s Garnet’ Zone: 5-9 Common name: Sweetspire; deciduous shrub- Fragrant white spring flowers

- Burgundy red fall color

- Attracts butterflies

Features: Fragrant, deer resistant, sun or shade

Mature Size: 3-5’ tall

Muhlenbergia capillaris Zone: 6-10 Common name: Muhly Grass; ornamental grass- 3-foot tall clumps of narrow green leaves are topped with cloud-like pinkish-purple plumes in late summer

- Best in full sun and well-drained soil

Features: Deer resistant, drought tolerant, winter interest

Mature Size: 2-3’ tall

Viburnum All That Glitters® Zone: 4-8 Common name: Arrowwood Viburnum; deciduous shrub- Glossy foliage is topped with white flower clusters in early summer

- Plant with All That Glows® for best berry set

- Smaller than most viburnums

Features: Produces berries, foliage interest, deer resistant

Mature Size: 4-5’ tall by 4-6’ wideSpacing: 4-5’

Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ Zone: 7-9 Common name: American Wisteria; flowering vine- Fragrant purple blooms begin in late spring and continue through summer

- Fast-growing and non-invasive

Features: Attracts birds & butterflies, drought tolerant

Mature Size: 8-10’ with supportSpacing: 5-7’

Thuja Technito® Zone: 3-7 Common name: Arborvitae; evergreen shrub- Dark green color that holds equally well through winter

- Dense foliage forms a compact pyramidal outline

- Requires less shearing than other Arborvitae

Features: Upright, compact, evergreen, full sun

Mature Size: 8-10’ tall by 4-5’ wideSpacing: 4-5’

Native plants from The Plant ParkElizabeth City, NC | (252) 338-2773 |


Locally Grown. Happily Served. Endless Value

Plant Park
