NORTH NARRABEEN National Surfing Narrabeen NSR Booklet.pdf ·...


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NORTH NARRABEEN National Surfing Reserve


Since the Beach Boys’ mention, and into the future, Northie will always

be a travelling surfer’s target. When the world’s best come to ride their

performances become an asset for the younger surfers, leaving an impression on those watching, learning, emulating and advancing. As their fathers and the generations in between have done and

continue to do. Joel Fitzgerald


CONTENTSWhat is a National Surfing Reserve? ...................... 5

Why North Narrabeen? ......................................... 6

Why the waves break as they do? ......................... 8

North Narrabeen - The Breaks ............................. 10

2101................................................................... 13

North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club ................ 16

North Narrabeen Boardriders Club ...................... 19

Acknowledgements ............................................ 30

Warringah Council .............................................. 31



AUSTRALIAN beaches are renowned worldwide and thousands of Australians

spend time at the beach enjoying the great coastal outdoors and world class

surfing breaks.

Surfboard riding has grown into a multi-million dollar business and surfing

contests have extended from local events to world championships and major

tourist attractions.

In response to the world’s fascination with the coast, and surfing, National

Surfing Reserves (Australia), National Reference Group was formed in February

2005 to address, identify and process the dedication of surfing reserves and sites

in Australia.

National Surfing Reserves raise awareness of the importance of protecting

our precious coastal environment, recognise the quality and consistency of

surfing breaks and their environmental, cultural and historic significance.

The NSW Department of Lands supports the National Surfing Reserve initiative

and has moved to legally reserve the declared sites as Crown Reserves for the

public purpose of “surfing recreation” under the Crown Lands Act 1989. This offers

a statutory significance to the symbolic National Surfing Reserve Declaration

and identifies, the significance of the Crown estate in the surfing culture and

Australian lifestyle, and preserves the area for surfing generations to come.




NATIONAL Surfing Reserves recognises the very special place

North Narrabeen holds in Australian Surfing and the role it’s

surfers have played in surfing evolution. North Narrabeen is

both a national and international icon in workd surfing,

site of numerous local, state, national and international surfing

events. it has everything deserving recognition as a Natioinal

Surfing Reserve.

First it has waves – in abundance, the most consistent break

on the east coast and probably in Australia. And what waves

– the long classic alley lefts – world class when they are firing;

the walled up alley rights; the screaming hollow Carrie right; and

when it gets big the Bombie – both rights, then lefts. NN has it all,

it can handle from less than 1m to 5m plus, out of the northeast

and east preferably, and with the Bombie working in the big

south swells. NN gets a big tick for their first box to be an NSR

– consistent, quality waves.

Second, it has the surfers, quality world class surfers. What a

breeding ground these waves have provided for three generations

of North Narrabeen locals, five generations when you include the

surf club. North Narrabeen developed a fierce reputation early

on. Needless to say North Narrabeen Boardriders (one of the

oldest in Australia) has not only consistently been amongst the



most competitive board clubs in Australia, but also produced

a constant fl ow of highly ranked surfers including Australian

and World champions, together with some of the greatest

innovations in surfboard design.

Something about North Narrabeen - the waves and its locals

fosters fi erce competition and competitors and combine to push

the limits of both surfi ng and innovation. North Narrabeen is a

small tight knit surf tribe that has taken on the world and won.

The dedication of the North Narrabeen NSR recognizes all that is

North Narrabeen – a truly great Australian surfi ng location.

The North Narrabeen NSR Steering Committee has done an

outstanding job and getting North Narrabeen nominated and in

working with Warringah Council and the Department of Lands

in arranging this dedication ceremony. Thanks must also go to

the Chair of NSR Brad Farmer for his ongoing efforts to preserve

the best of our coast; to our great patron Wayne ’Rabbit’

Bartholomew (AM); and to the Hon Tony Kelly, the Minister for

Police, Lands and Rural Affairs for his continued support .


Deputy Chair

National Surfi ng Reserves


WHY THE WAVES BREAK AS THEY DO?THE North Narrabeen surf breaks are a product of waves, rocks and sand, assisted by the

inlet of the Narrabeen Lagoon.

Waves arrive all along the Sydney coast, so what’s special about North Narrabeen?

The Alley is located to the south of the headland and rock platform and, if you check out

the seafloor under the break, you will see the rock shelf continues seaward with a thin

covering of sand delivered by the Alley rip, created by the lagoon exit.

The big Alley Left first peaks on a rock/reef further offshore, then forms on the

rock shelf in line with the exposed rock platform. This is why it peaks much further

out than the beach breaks. The Alley breaks over rock and requires the right wave

from the east through northeast, which is why it is so consistent - the rock is always

there - just add swell.

The Alley Lefts follow the edge of the sloping rock shelf, only terminating or closing

out when it reaches the beach breaks.

The Alley Rights are assisted by the lagoon inlet and the permanent rip which flows out

next to the the pool, which provides easy access to the break. This flow of water scours

the sand to maintain a deeper channel into which the Alley Rights can break, sometimes

to the northern end of the beach.

Carpark Rights are a beach break assisted by a rip south of The Alley Left, which tends

to flow out at an angle across the surf zone in front of the surf club. This rip scours out

the channel into which the Carpark Rights break. The deeper the channel, the better the

Carpark Rights, with the best developed rips and channels usually forming during big

seas with the rights persisting for a few days following.

The Bombie is all rock reef. Located seaward from the Carpark Rights in deeper water,

it starts breaking with 3 metres of swell. Again, the Alley rip at the northern end of the

beach provides access to the Bombie during big seas.

When all is combined, this 400m long section of beach has two lefts and three rights

which can hold anything from south to northeast swell and from 1 to 5m of swell. The

Alley, being rock-based, works whenever the swell is right. The Bombie, also rock only,

works in occasional big swells. The Carpark Rights is more fickle.

Dune stabilisation has straightened the beach, but, on those first days

after a north swell, when an east or south comes through, and when rips

have re-formed the banks, on the right tide. Off the Wall-esque!


“This is where a quote goes and it will go here”

NORTH NARRABEEN - THE BREAKS SYDNEY is one of the great capital cities of the world. Situated on a beautiful

coastline, it is enclosed on both the north and south by large national parks and

on the west by larger, mountainous national parks of over 1,000,000 hectares.

But it is the northern coast of Sydney – the Northern Beaches – which

distinguish Sydney from all others. For over 20 kilometres, 16 great surfing

beaches extend north from the Harbour entrance to conclude at Palm Beach

at the entrance to Broken Bay. Each of the surfing beaches are enclosed by

headlands and boast quality surfing breaks, including beach and point breaks.

The most consistent of all being North Narrabeen.

The name Narrabeen is believed to be derived from an Aboriginal name, and

the original inhabitants thrived in an area rich in sea life from the Narrabeen

Lagoon, its creeks and the ocean. But they would have been unable to

appreciate, without today’s surfing equipment, the marvellous waves at the

lagoon entrance.

North Narrabeen is now a National Surfing Reserve, recognised to protect its

great surfing qualities.

There are five distinctive surfing breaks. A rock platform known as “The

Point” with a channel created by the North Narrabeen Lagoon entrance beside

it, “The Alley”, a sand covered rock shelf that extends south from The Point

and forms a relatively stable sand bank yielding the area’s famous lefts and

rights. “The Bombie” is situated a little further offshore to the south, yielding a

separate wave in big swells.



“This is where a quote goes and im happy that

it will go here”

The Alley LeftsThis is the main surf area and is considered

the most consistent break on the East Coast

of Australia.

There is both a left and right break.

Both of high quality, the left regarded as

world class. During east to north swells and

northeast to southwest winds the left forms

a long, hollow, powerful wave up to 250

metres long and holding up to 10 feet.

The Alley RightsThe Alley Rights, or Shark Alley,

works in south to east swells and

northeast to southwest winds. It also

forms long, hollow, powerful waves

that can either barrel or be a long,

walling right depending on the

banks and conditions.

Mark Bannister

Matt Cattle

Car Park Rights A little to the south of The Alley,

in front of the car park, is a good

quality right hand break working

in south to southeast swells and

northwest east to west winds.

On its day Car Park Rights, or

Carries, can be a long and intense

barrel or a hideous closeout. It

is famous in its own right with

many a cover shot having been

taken here over the years.

The Bombie The Bombie also breaks in front

of the car park, 200 to 300 metres

further out and in big southerly

swells. In 10 foot plus swells

it can be an awesome right,

capping and breaking slowly

before walling up and becoming

increasingly hollow and fast then

sectioning heavily.

The Point This is the most northerly breaks

of the North Narrabeen complex.

It breaks left beside the rock

platform, with an ultra-quick

take off followed by a short,

intense barrel, then a short wall

which fills up as it heads towards

the Lagoon channel.


Davey Vlug

Ben Short

2101What a good idea it is to dedicate North Narrabeen, and immediate land

tracts, to the future of surfing!

It is important that, as a Surfing Reserve, we maintain the present

topography in The Alley and the immediate sand belts. Equally important, is

to keep together our like-minded current and future surfing generations.

North Narrabeen is recognised as one of the great surfing breaks in the

world. The area had a significant impact during the genesis of international

contemporary surfing, together with places such as Malibu, Sunset, Bells,

Noosa and others. However, no other surfing location seemed to maintain

such a highly competitive edge than North Narrabeen, ultimately inspiring

many professional and world class board riders to excell on the world stage.

Since 1959, I have been influenced by “The Alley”. To live and surf North

Narrabeen has always been enough. In the 1960’s, during the the early

development of board riders events in the area, aspiring young grommets

wishing to compete in club events were rejected because their address was

not 2101. Many returned to surf in our club contests armed with one of their

local friend’s addresses, such was the enthusiasm to participate at North


In those early years I spent a lot of time organizing events, talking to

potential sponsors, arranging travel and accommodation and generally

making North Narrabeen a competitive force, particularly in teams events. Of

course, I was helped by many in the club who are still around. Sadly my best

friend, able helper and very proficient board rider John Payne, is no longer

with us. I miss you JP, the waves seemed much better when you were around.

For whatever time in the future I am able to spend here, I sincerely hope

all of my like-minded surfing friends will keep me company in the surf and

enjoy the therapy of North Narrabeen.




NARRABEEN is the most consistent surf break in Sydney and, when it’s on, is a world class

left. Not bad for a humble beach break.

With a history of ground-breaking surfing performance, surf industry and community

involvement and success in the board riders club and surfboard making, to say this

success is a direct result of the waves at Northy is no stretch of the imagination.

I grew up in the Golden era of Narrabeen, the Col Smith era, from late 1960’s through

to the 1980’s and in that time we were all lucky enough to be inspired by Col’s surfing.

We didn’t really know it at the time but Col was the

best surfer in the world and, pretty much, the father

of modern day radical surfing, completing impossible

maneuvers with poise and power. The beyond-vertical

back hand re-entry is a documented image that looms

large in Australian surfing folklore. We saw Col as the

yard stick and he defined Narrabeen surfing and attitudes

for the coming years. The end result was an incredible

hotbed of local talent with outside surfers drawn to the

area because of the wave and the high-level surfing

going down. This meant the North Narrabeen Board

Riders Club has been, and still is, a very strong club

dedicated to the ideals of nurturing and developing

talent for success, ultimately, on the world stage.

Local board makers have been able to support this.

Through the 1970’s and 1980’s it was normal to have a

job in a surfboard factory if you were a North Narrabeen

club member. Again, we were lucky to have a number

of high level people setting the pace in the industry.

Geoff McCoy and Terry Fitzgerald, were going head to

head in an intense but healthy rivalry that produced

ground breaking new surfboard designs, such as the

McCoy “no nose” and the “TF flyer”, innovations

that are book marks in a direct line to today’s high

performance surfboards.

As a board maker it is such an advantage to have a diverse testing ground like Northy,

with the top to bottom hollow waves of Car Park Rights and the softer small wave

Alley Rights, to the longer, more powerful Alley Lefts that wind down the famous sand

bank and can hold up to 10 feet. We are proud of our beach and community, we have

good relations with the Surf Life Saving Club and North Narrabeen Board Riders have

performed numerous surf rescues in The Alley rip, in the northern corner of the beach.

North Narrabeen beach is an Australian surf icon and Sacred Surfing Site.


Surfing Hall Of Fame: 1989



IN stripping surfing to the core of ‘why’, the answer can

be encapsulated in a simple phrase: “for the thrill of riding

a wave”! Similar simplicity applies to the North Narrabeen

Surfing Reserve in asking: “what does it mean to you?”

A whole gamut of responses range from the obvious

to personal, from poetic to commercial. There is, however,

one irrefutable constant: the waves.

It is those waves that are at the core of what is to be

preserved. The long shore drift sand that feeds the banks,

the lake that shapes, the constant interaction of swell,

wind, tides all working in tandem in creating the waves

that make this Reserve possible. Another highlight of

events, past and present.

Aboriginal middens were scattered in the lee of the

headlands, the lake provided shellfish and easy fishing

at it’s mouth. The marshes, birdlife and marsupial tucker.

Folklore has it that a young native girl swam the lake neck

to save white settlers from a cabin fire. In her honour the

area is named: Narrabeen.

The Northern Beaches were the focal point in

the 1950’s and 60’s of an innocent surfing fraternity

spread over more than 30 beaches, reefs and points.

In the formative years of professionalism through the 70’s and 80’s, this concentrate

of embryonic Modern Surfing included more board-riders clubs, surfboard factories,

magazines, film makers, photographers, surfboard shapers, pro surfers and surf

journalists than any 30 kilometre stretch on the planet… including the North Shore of

Oahu. Too many names, and too many to name. In the 70’s, Sydney’s northern beach

community was the meeting place for surfing’s multi-faceted men and women of

personality, character and conviction. And at the heart: North Narrabeen.

As with all passionate lifestyles, there exists underlying committed strength in those

who have built their lives around riding it’s waves. Many, unsung heroes and their mates,

on it, the moment it breaks.

North Narrabeen at it’s best is one of the world’s premier waves. The inspiration

and canvas for the foundation of modern surfing and the future. As a National Surfing

Reserve, the area will continue to launch careers on the world stage, and also be there to

provide the vehicle for that most simple of pleasures... that thrill of riding a wave.


Surfing Hall Of Fame: 1995



NORTH Narrabeen is one of the most challenging

of the 18 patrolled surf breaks in Sydney’s Northern

Beaches and one of the most challenging in New

South Wales.

The beach is fully exposed to huge southerly

swells generated in the Tasman Sea formed by

the southerly winds which sweep up the New

South Wales coast. The danger of the powerful

surf is magnified by the North Narrabeen “rip”,

formed by the southerly swells converging at the

northern end of the beach, flowing out beside

the rock headland for up to a kilometre or more

in heavy seas. As the tide falls, the dangers of the

rip are increased by outflows from the Narrabeen

Lagoon, the largest lagoon in Sydney covering many

hectares. Board riders often use the rip to get out

to the surfing break but, for the general public. it is

a danger and imposes a high standard of vigilance

and performance for surf life saving club patrolling


North east swells are more common in summer

and generate less dangerous conditions, but long

shore rips still provide challenging conditions for surf

club patrols.

The combination of being one of the finest

surfboard riding breaks in Australia and one of the

most challenging and dangerous surf areas to patrol

has led to the formation of two renowned clubs

– North Narrabeen Board Riders Club and North

Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club.


The Australian Championship winning crew taking to the waves


DURING the early 1900s there were few permanent local residents in North Narrabeen

but the weekends saw a regular influx of visitors. Due to the geographical isolation there

was the potential for a large number of drowning fatalities had a voluntary life saving

body not existed.

Research has shown that, although it was not formed until 1911 and affiliated with

the NSW Surf Bathers Association until the 1912-13 season, the foundation of the

present-day North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving Club began before 1907. The club is proud

to say “there has been no lives lost during patrol hours”, upholding Surf Life Saving

Australia’s motto, “Vigilance and Service”.

The challenging surfing conditions created by the combination of The Alley, lagoon,

rock shelf, rock pool and beach has contributed to North Narrabeen producing many

outstanding champions including swimmers Tassie & Jack King, both Australian

Champions in individual events and surf teams. Their skills in the surf enabled them

to bring North Narrabeen to the attention of the locals, Australia and the World. Jack

King has the honour of being the No.1 Representative Cap Holder for Surf Life Saving

Australia as the captain of the lifesaving team that toured New Zealand in 1937 and

represented his country in Water Polo at the 1948 Olympic Games in London. The North

Narrabeen break is even mentioned in the Beach Boys song Surfing USA.

The boat section of the club has a long list of champions, past and present. The first

boat crew to win an Australian Title was the juniors of 1919-20, followed in 1924-25 by

the open crew. The Proudfoot family played a major role in both successes. The following

years produced more victories at all levels of competition and age groups, be it local,


branch, State or Australian. North Narrabeen won the first three Under 21 Australian

Titles and have five wins in this division in the first eleven years of competition. This

consistency led to North Narrabeen ranking as one of the top boat clubs in Australia

during the 1990s. The Open Division boat crew of 1997-98 won the club’s second

Open Australian title. The boat crew of Sean Stacey, Brad Kaines, Michael Parkes,

Brenden Reedy and Grant Conran won three consecutive Northern Beaches Branch

Titles, two NSW State Titles and finished the decade with a third place in the World

Championships at Manly in 2000.

The craft section, which incorporates skis, boards and surfboards can boast

State, Australian and World champions among their ranks. At the 2005 Australian

Championships Chris Enever, Ben Dunsmore and Laura Enever each won individual gold

medals in surfboard riding. One deserving special mention is Laura Enever, now competing

on the women’s pro surfing circuit with some well-publicised victories over the past three


North Narrabeen is a haven for the surfing community, and the beach plays a large part

in the culture of the area. Whether it be surfboats, surf skis, board riders, surf swimmers

or visitors, this section of ocean has allowed us to appreciate the simple pleasures nature

provides and to marvel at the skill and grace with which

it is enjoyed.

Top row : North Narrabeen SLSC Under 21 Colt Crew - Australian & NSW Champions 2000Bottom Row : North Narrabeen’s Open Boat Crew - Australian Open Boat Champions 1998, Under 21 Australian Champions 1995, NSW Open Boat Champions 1999 & 2000

Boat crew catching a great wave after scattering the ashes of a member at sea.



Then there’s the lefts.Ranging from a mushy,flat-faced, frustrating,

windblown mess to gnashing, gnarly, ball tearing barrells of fun.

It can take two or three attempts at paddle-out only to be belted by a

clean-up set. There are still days, big days, when four or five are out alone and you can hook a Point to Carpark

left, headed for the next postcode. Craig ‘Tooky’ Stefan.


Mark Warren is one of North Narrabeen’s best, who took his surfing to the world stage. Combining ability with the effort required for surfing greatness, Mark set the benchmark for Narrabeen’s world travelling surfers.


Col Smith’s flamboyant backhand surfing

was matched by his outsized character.

His patented vertical back-hand re-entry

changed the way goofy footers

approached The Alley rights. And

competitive surfing.

With a tenacious approach to competitive surfing, Dappa was

in the vanguard building the hard won reputation of Narrabeen’s

mid - 70’s success as a Club. Grant Oliver


HOW lucky was I to grow up surfing North Narrabeen? The most consistent waves on

the east coast of Australia just happened to be down the road from where I lived at

South Narrabeen. I have surfed North Narrabeen just about every day now for the the

last 35 years, mixing it with the best, hardest and most ruthless surfers to be found

anywhere in the world and being a North Narrabeen surfer gave me the opportunity to

become a three-time World Kneeboard Surfing Champion.

I realised from an early age why the locals treated anyone they didn’t know, or of

dubious surfing ability, with a degree of contempt. North narrabeen is a wave that

doesn’t lend itself to inferior surfing. I watched and learned, from the toughest school of

the mid-70s, how to be there for the pick of the sets and the reality that I needed to be

an accomplished surfer before I could even think that one set wave was for me. That is

how “Northy” was and that is how it will remain, a continual testing ground for surfing


North Narrabeen is Australia’s premier, high performance surf break and is held in the

highest esteem by its dedicated locals and by surfing’s elite athletes worldwide.

In being declared a National Surfing Reserve North Narrabeen is now, deservedly, a

surfing icon that will remain untouched for future generations of surfers to enjoy.

Stay deeply tubed.


Behind the accolades earned by Narrabeen’s professional elite, stands the essence of Club strength. Whether in local contests or on the Pro-Tour, there are more stand-out performers readyto shine.Two of the best:Greg Anderson (left),Greg Black (below).


DAMIEN’S ice-cool, competitive drive is legend in professional surfing.

A four-time Australian Schoolboy Champion and 1984 Australian and World Junior

Champion, Damien was destined for surfing greatness and exceeded expectation with

his domination of opponents over 16 years on the ASP World Tour.

He claimed the ASP World Surfing Title in 1987 and 1991 and set a record for the

most contest victories in a single season, winning seven events in 1988. With 19 career

victories over 16 years on the Pro Tour he then served six years on the ASP Board as

a surfers’ representative and received the ASP’s Service to the Sport Award in 1998.

Inducted into the Australian Surfing Hall of Fame in 1999, he continued to succeed

against a new generation of pro surfers up to 15 years his junior.

Damien is currently the ambassador for his long-time sponsor Rip Curl, Contest

Director for the Rip Curl Pro events, joint owner of the Rip Curl Surf Stores at Manly and

Sydney and working as a Product Manager at Rip Curl Head Office in Torquay, Victoria.

Damien retired from full time competition surfing after the Quiksilver Pro in Fiji, May

2000 ranked 9th in the world. He plans to compete in specialty surfing events, the World

Surfing Masters, and surfs “Northy” at every opportunity.

DAMIEN “DOOMA” HARDMAN“IT is a great honour for North Narrabeen to be declared a Surfing Reserve and for the

surfers who have spent their lives surfing, and caring, for the local break.

Grommets dream about surfing North Narrabeen, and I was no different. The waves

are more powerful and consistent than any other break in Sydney and it is the most

competitive surf break in Australia. Not a place for average surfers, to get waves at

“Northy” you must be competent, one of the main reasons why it has produced more

great surfers than any other beach in Australia, if not the world.

I credit the waves, and the crew who surf at North Narrabeen, for the success I had as

a competitve surfer, preparing me to surf anywhere in the world, resulting in me winning

two ASP World Titles in 1987 and 1991.

The guys I surfed with regularly pushed me to another level, enabling me to compete

with anyone from anywhere. I am grateful I had the opportunity to call narrabeen home

and to grow up surfing in the Narrabeen community.

I am proud to be the first World Surfing Champion from this great area and am sure

there will be more great surfers to come.”



As a sand bottom break over rock Northie has more moods than most, affected by every element including the lake. That’s what makes it so interesting: a new day,

a new week, a new swell. From the famous Lefts

to Car Park Rights, it is a rare day when there is not

something to ride. Kye Fitzgerald

MAIN PHOTO: Dawn sessions are a mix of the committed and constrained. Then follow loose knitted brotherhoods of ‘after-the-workers and before-the-day-off’ers’. The advance guards for those training and shredding. Chris Davidson.

BELOW: The inside lefts, Kye Fitzgerald with his wave magnet swithed on. This day was folding back on itself. The Bombie was influencing the inside line-up so much that when the refraction was right, the only way out was with the spit!

TOP RIGHT: Carpark Rights are the stuff of legend. Butch Cooney was one of the first to paddle down from the lefts, to where the old clubhouse bent the offshore winds blowing sand into the wave zone and forming the banks. The Coke Surfabout held a round out the front. Greg ‘Big Cat’ Riley built his legendary status and every Narrabeen surfer remembers their magic Carrie days. Nathan Webster

“GROWING up surfing at North Narrabeen has definately shaped who I am, as a surfer

and as a person today.

It was the perfect place to learn how to surf. I was surfing the best waves on the

Northern Beaches, I was watching the best surfers in Australia, such as Simon Anderson,

Damien Hardman and Nathan Hedge, the board riders club taught me respect and how

to surf competitively.

As a community, it’s pretty tight-knit. I can rock up to the car park to check the surf

and there is always someone there to have a chat.

For a young person who is playing sports on the weekend, nothing beats a Sunday at

North Narrabeen surfing and mixing with the guys at the board riders club.”


NEW GENERATIONS Nathan Hedge.Off the lip cutback.Born of a long line of champion goofy footers like Col Smith, ‘Dooma’ Hardman, and matched by Matt Cattle, Joel Fitzgerald andThe ‘Tookster’.


Air came to Narrabeen during the Original HB/O&E Pro-Juniors and lead generational change that some still do not understand. Respect for ability, and flare, is a constant at NN, where ‘average’ is much more than anywhere. Alley Rights: what can be said? Playstation bred, action shred. Davey Vlug Laura Enever


Winter light accentuates NN’s colour signature, from the golden oversized sand granules to the deepest of blues and brightest of greens.Chris DavidsonChristo Hall


IT’S hard to quantify the impact North Narrabeen board riders have had on surfi ng. The

infl uence is identifi ed as a world-wide phenomenon, integral to the advancement of the

natural athletic art of riding surfboards on waves and the progression of modern surfboard

design. There has always been a certain recognized panache connected with the style of

North Narrabeen boardriders, an element that has produced many champion surfers.

The role North Narrabeen beach has played in the history of surfboard riding

cannot be discounted. Since the early 1960’s, board riders have been attracted to the

consistency of the long winding lefts, and more intense barreling rights, produced via

the outpouring of the Narrabeen Lake entrance. Even the faintest of swells mount and

traverse the beach’s sandy underwater eastern apex and, without doubt, is the best wave

on Sydney’s northern beaches.

It is this consistent, quality surf that has perpetually magnetized,

challenged, trained and sorted the assembled elite of Australia’s

surfi ng fraternity as they go about their daily wave riding ritual at the

North Narrabeen break. There is no doubt that the gathering of such

a talented group, men and women, girls and boys, has motivated

them to always strive towards the upper peak of surfi ng

performance and beyond. This level of excellence is

displayed in the ability of the youngest grommet to surfers

who compete at National and International level. Surfers of

senior, legendary status have set a beach benchmark of performance that is unequalled

at any other surfi ng locality.

In fact, Australia’s fi rst two World Surfi ng Champions – Midget Farrelly and Nat Young

both honed their skills and competitive abilities at the North Narrabeen break before,

during and after they went on to achieve their glory.

Other, unchallengeable evidence is the infi nite number of North Narrabeen

boardriders who have graduated from this surf board riding crucible over the past fi ve

decades to become celebrated and famous as champions, legends and/or idolized

wizards of the surfi ng world.

Established in the summer of 1964, North Narrabeen Boardriders Club is the second

oldest such organisation in Australia and has held monthly club contests ever since.

The club has an enviable, and unequalled, competition record. The reigning National

Surf League Champions, the Jim Beam Surf Tag National Open Division fi nalists 2007

and 2008 and the reigning Womens Division champions. The club’s juniors have won the

2007 and 2008 O’Neill Gromtag event.





The lake mouth berm is soimportant to an ecosystem fi ghting man-made change. The eternal question: “It’s better when the lake is open”. “No it’s not, it needs to be closed....!” Mark Bannister

Committee:Scott BeuzevilleRob KainesTom KirsopWade LazichSteve ReidBen ShortCraig Stefan

Special Thanks:Department of LandsNational Surfi ng ReservesNorth Narrabeen Boardriders ClubNorth Narrabeen Surf Life Saving ClubWarringah Council

Steve CooneyPete Meldrum

Photography: AitionnRob HazelwoodMark Onorati

Production: First Choice PrintingPikassos Colour



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRYWe acknowledge that we are here today on the land of the Guringai People.

The Guringai are the traditional owners of this land and are part of the oldest

surviving continuous culture in the world. We pay our respects to the spirits of

the Guringai People.

HISTORY OF WARRINGAHThe name ‘Warringah’ was taken from the Aboriginal word for Middle Harbour.

‘Warringah’ also has other meanings in various Aboriginal languages including

‘grey head’ and ‘signs of rain’. ‘Garigal’ is the name of the Aboriginal clan who

occupied the Manly Warringah Pittwater area on the coast. The Guringai lived in

large groups throughout the region because it was so rich in food supplies such

as fruit, nuts, seeds, leaves, roots, bulbs,

honey, nectar, insect grubs and fi sh.

BEACHESWarringah’s coastline is ten kilometres

long and includes ten beaches stretching

from North Narrabeen Beach at the

entrance of Narrabeen Lagoon to

Freshwater Beach in the south. The

present coastline of Warringah was

formed over many thousands of years as a

result of erosion and deposition that took

place as sea level fl uctuated.

Cr Michael ReganMayor Warringah Council

The Hon Tony Kelly Minister for Lands

National Surfing Reserves recognise iconic sites of cultural and historical significance in Australian surfing culture.









Prof Andrew ShortNational Surfing Reserves

National Surfing Reserves recognise iconic sites of cultural and historical significance in Australian surfing culture.









Prof Andrew ShortNational Surfing Reserves

Cr Michael ReganMayor Warringah Council

The Hon Tony Kelly Minister for Lands







North Narrabeen Board Riders Club North Narrabeen Surf Lif




North Narrabeen Board Riders Club North Narrabeen Surf



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...Where ugly men do beautiful things...

National Surfing Reserves recognises iconic sites of cultural and historical significance in Australian surfing culture.

DEDICATED ON 16th OCTOBER 2009Cr Zoop de Bloop The Hon Tony Kelly Mayor Minister for LandsWarringah Council Gregoire de Riles Da Cat






North Narrabeen Board Riders Club North Narrabeen Surf Lif



