Northern. Ranger Is Refloafe (PAGE...


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Northern. Ranger Is Refloafe (PAGE 3)

Vol. 64,


(Price 5 cents) "naries Hutton & Sons

Britain And U. S. Will Not Intervene In .Syria Canada-U. s. TradeiArab States Friendly To Economic Parley West Plan To· 'Shun Syria

OTTAWA (CPl-The joint Can-ada _ United Sta tes ministerial ty ARTHUR GAVSIION [nist - to guard themsellcs [ous neighbors. LONDON (AP) _ Arab states against new Suviet inspired at- I But the ring around the Syrians

committee on trade ar.d econo·. .. . . . b' h 11 f th b mlc problems will meet in Wash. fnendly, I() the West \\e~e rc., tempts to extend lefl1st m!lu·! may e tlg tened sll ur cr Y ington early In October for the ?orted r h. u rs da y planning to, enees. I the Turks. lraquis and Jordan· ., ." Ilsolate leftist SYria In an attempt I To that end Arah cOlllltries. ians who surround them.

flrst I1me since Ie Ul of 1955. to block the spread o[ Soviet in- frienrll yto the West already arc I Some of the counter·measures Prime Minister Diefenbaker fluence through the ~liddle East. rcported. ~onsu1ting cach other I· SFia's. ncighbors arc said to be

said Thursday the Canadian min· Informed diplomats said that' and Bntl~h and AmerICan envoys pondering mclude: isters will include Finance Min. was the real meaning behind the in the area. I ~tep~ing up the po?ical cam· ister Donald F',ming, Trade Min- flurry of diplomatic activity in I In[orman15 sa), these Arab. pal~n In the hope of mduclng the ister Gordon Churchill and Agri- the region _ activity climaxed lands already· appear to be gen- Syrian people to rid themsell'es culture :llinister Douglas Hark. Thursday b)' the sudden [light of, e~ally agre~d that the Syrians of tlleir Jloscow bonds. . . ness. He declined !{} say whether young King Hussein o[ Jordan to· s h 0 III d be quarantln~d el'en Cutling economIc relatIOns \\"Ith hc \l'lll attend as external aHairs Turkey. . I th8ugh this mal' serVe f~nally. to the Synans to a bare minimum minister. i At the same time, thesc_ in·! crack th faea,de .of ArabiC umty. RedUCing. all diplomatic ex-

. . . '[ormant s said, Britain and the, POLITICALL) ISOL,\T"n changes With the Damascus ~ov· The pnme minister spoke to United S tat e s have decided: To some extent the process RI· crr.ment as much as posslbie

reporters on the steps o[ the Suo against any open intervention, ready is undcr way .. The 3.5O<J,-1 InC,reaSing [r ant I cr secunty prcme ({Jurt bUII~ing ~ftcr twa that would seem to challenge lit. Ooo·s!rong Synan natIOn has bee.n I patro:, to ensure a~alll5t llle~al ncw m~mbers. of his ca~mcl w~re tic Syria's ming !{} the ieft. . pol1t1cally isolated b~' Its SUSPICI- I erossmgs. sworn mto o[~lce by_ ChIef Jusllce U:\,WILIING TO INTFRFERE d S PatrICk KerWIn, actIng .s admm.:' • . • I Nt t Vi· · t istrator in the absence of Gover-: The reason for th~ reported. 0 n e r 0 V Ie nor· General ~1. _Cy who is ~aca.· Brilish·AmerlCan d~clSlon IS .an tioning in Europe . unll·lllmgncs5 to mterfere Inth. '

. , ; what tlie Syrians-and olllcr 11<1- i C tiS -S · Chicf Justice Kcmin adminis-, lions-might consider I() be tlleir i on ro ays I vr La

tered oaths 01 office to .I. Waldo I intern"l affair!.' J . I rlll\1"r< Cllt ~!onteith, 54, minister '. health i British diplomats here l"id 10

11/' III ~ dr 1ct'll1inco bid to g<'( hncl, IIIl or n hig portion oC the R09 111i lion " 0 and wei[are, and Alvin I/,milton;hal'c concilided it .\loulrl he rJ.\~L\Sl"LS. Syri~ IAJ"I- The'lst, touk control o[ !lIe ~I'mr .L'lrr.-';.;;I ;';:11' l'r~"idcl1t E:-':nho-'-'-::I sent ~OIl1C of hb top Spokc~l1Iell to the Sennte recently, 145, miniskr of northern af/air.1 hettcr lor Syria'~ Arah nci~h·'furrign mini,try Tlllmrlay re·iThcn he .darled. pUlee o[ n;hl .. or h . . 1 • I '.- II tit· C l·rctcri Pre sid e n t 'EisrnllOlI'- isl offlce:-s.

herr Ifn'l1l Il'ft) ,Irc t\dmirnl Arthur Radfor I. formcl' chairman of t e ,Joint ChIefs 'If Staff; rctlring and natlOna resources. ,wn - a 5 ronsy an I· ommu· rr', conlention that Syria is fall· Tal'azi sairi a rrpnrl. 11,,1

Dirrrt',r ,lobll B. Hollister, General Nathan Twining, lIew chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in~ under S()viel co~,trol. Ecypt"~ Prr'lrirnl :-;",~er rll'· '-'1m of ~!at( .\ohl1 Foster Dulles, Seated IIrc Senntor Carl Hayden (D), of Arizona, chairman of the CONTEMPT '111e mini,tr.\"'s sPrtPt;uy . ~pn- a,rres witll Syria's [oreigo poliry >I" er,,1. Salah T;nazi. l"l<I R pre~s "is not trlle."

\ppr'opria:ir'II' L'olllllliUcc, and Sen. Le,'erctt SlIltonstall (right), of Massachusettcs, Secretasy Dulles c011ferrnce SyriR illte!1~' In s'cay, "\I')l"t is trllr, he explained.

.tht ~tI!I' l"ill»l1 d,Ollnr Cl1tv~n~~~!erS.~~he ~~)olOle foundaRtion of our 15et'Udty

'trudu"."-I.N. ph,t,. Western Teamsters Boss :fi~:'::i ':,d,,;:: ,~:::" F.:::::":: i~::;~':.:d 1;~~t::;::C:i;:,~;: m S lews n oya Y P M M A

" ,··is not aware o[ aclual condition! opinion o{ thc fyrian government,

IRC 13 .'.. .,'.' DUr~.S Ir G t ··0 . Year In J ill::i"~~ ~;id;';jdE~~\::::i':";:: :~~ ,;:,~r,":"'Ii" """I.

Be Toplle 'For' A Lo·ng Tllm' "e ,Crash Victims . e s· ne a l~i~~~;~~~~rLbt:~: :11::es:r:::f::: ~:i~~'~a~:~~~pre;~~~::;tsi~~Ji


. WASHINGTON (AP)-Frank W. [affairS 0, l~bor unions. I e'ncc Wednesday tilere is emcrg· final. He claimcr! that the agree . OITA.WA (CP) - Prime Mi~. i Brewster, western boss of the Brewster said he subscquently i ing in Syria a pattern o[ Sovict ment embodied le:ns, not aid.

i :s~er .ftlC[e~b~k~r lUt h.~~e b)O ar Teamsters Union. Thursday re·, turned over un:on records and an· penetration under tile cioak of The Moscow pact carried "no p"iaec reform. I a e urs al or ami on, t" celved the maximum penalty [or mered all questions put to 111m' economic and milltan aHi political strings." he s;!id. ann

The ~Iirror, I\hicll h'Hi pre-II() at ten d memorlai serv ces contempt .,e Congrcss-a year in by the Senate spccial rackctsl During tile \\cekcntl Ce~. AM Syria Ilill "ccept a Wc;tern een-\'lously splashed the .~lt;.ineham Thursday for -ident! of the Jail and a $1,000 fine. committee which was set up to I Biz~y, k nOlI· n t~ro'.I~lIout the [I nomic agreement if it \\ere of·

. s Despite defence protestations continue the inqUiry. lie also said I ~!.ddle East a' an extreme left- fered on Ihe same hasis. dCl'clort11 ent without ta,ing an Hamilton district' killed i an air editori"l stand, called the 33· cra,h at Issoudun, Ql~., Aug. II. that Brewster acted in [Jod faith he had testified fully before tl\O ------------------year.ald peer's language. "intern· He was accompanied by Mrs. in relusing to product records grand juries, hut did not indicate perate, cI'cn impolite." But It Dicfcnbakel', S tat e Secretary Rod al1Swer question! before the where theY sat or what tlley were added that such ".hock . troop Mrs. Ellen Fairclough and Jamcs Senate investigation! : ·,commit· investigating. tactics" were nece!sary thtaOt R. Nelson, press !ceretar)" tee last Januar", Tudge John Sir· Brewster, ':airman o[ Ihe ll-"stimulate the controversy t f of Ica laic!: state 1\'0 s ern con erencc Wa! long overdue:" "I think thls was deliberate Teamsters, was convi,ted by

,TilE DUST S!l:TTLES CP·\ FLYING TO ~IADnID contempt on the part o! the de· Judge Sir i c a June 26 on 31

Racket Probers Say; Hoffa's Memory _Weak

I VANCOUVER (CP)-Canadian fendant." charges of refusing to prod lice ,

The even blunter langllage of· P;lcific Airline, announced Wed· I, Brewster, 60. was allowed to re- record~ and answer questions bc·' the young ~Iarqucss 01 London- nesday it will begin flying into main free on $1,000 bond pending fore the !u·.:ommittee. Brewster; Il J '" n \\'IS r' ··11 .lh ' 11' d· i' r '-c b dcrrl' in support of Allrinch""""s ~I d'd S . S t 5 Til' d . t' I 1 y . • . leea, a, •. It n. c ... m rr ~' . a rI, pam, ep. . le new appea. wSBlve H

t JurY

h ria. h h· II'ASfIINGTON lAP) - Senate t1lat )lIs memory \\3S I'ague, on

position, which initiaUy appeared .Iervice will be an. extension .0C A.fter he~ring his pica 10r pro· . rews ~r, II" osc name .an een ra c k e t 5 invr,ti"ators a[,cllsed manoellnin·', 'f tire 1853 crior! .to stiffen the ranks of the, the ~Ilntreal wd 'Ioro.nto to LIS' batlOn demed, ljrcII,,_ter ~ald he linked "Ith ra~keteCfl.n~ m Port., Teamster Ji,mcs·n lIoffa Thurs· Tile COn1lltcc in weeks .~[ r~· Queen'~ defenders, has begun to' bon, Portugal. route maugurated II feels . the s\!h~nm.mlttep .lackcd il~nd, Or; ... by nUl?r \lltnesscs, de· ida)' of suddcniy' dc\'Clopin~ a Jimlnary \lork 'ann in three lay) have the opposite effect. June l. a\1th01lt.\· 10 mICstlgate mternal, "led ~n~ \lrongdOlng. ! wcak memory In the face of cI·i- of 'lucslionin" Hoffa, has berr

~ ~Iany Brilons, offended by Lon. I dence that he plot ted ann i try;ng to bulllark it.s char~e thai 'dbnderry's impetuous outburst, D -I · P · J d· schemed with ra~keteer Jolrnny. Hoffa buill LIP Dlo and then used have come to believe In the sin· Up· essis rom Ises 0 In ~Dio. ihim as a tool to enhance his own eerity of Altrlncham'l .sober find. ",\ most c!lnl"cnient for~ettcr)"_": union poller ill the East. ing~. was the comment of Republican Hoffa, president of tile JI1idwc,t

!,.:- ,I· cddence o[ a growing feeling " (If that the violence 01 the attack on

llir Queen had been supplied to a greater degree by the newspa- 01 V" Of

,Iil:[ pcrs than by Altrincham hlmseif. 1m lew •. ,1.1·, Thursday, the DaUy ~Urror be·

P b· I t G st · k Senator In'ing Tves 0; !IIew York. conference of teamsters, is thp

ro e n 0 a spe rl e Counsel Robert Y. KCTUlcdy o{ favorite to succeed DaVe Beck ~5 the Senate committee said Hoffa prcsidrnt of tl~c whole Teamster

. was busily trying to get Dio into brotherhood at its convenlion next tile Teamsters Union in 1~53 a t month .

QUEBEC (CP) _ Premier DU-Ifederal Labor ~L:lster Starr for 'USWA's application for certifica· tile same time that DiD 1\35 under -\ m· came thc first Lonllon paper to, F h : nr eomr out whoieheartedly in favor rene ',,110 o[ Altrineham's demands for

FI"nanee plessis has promised President an inl€rview in connection with' tion. an income· tax indictment invoiv. A flarcup came \\hen chairman Claude Jodoin of the Conadian the role played by immigrants Mr. Jodoin said he is convinced ing charges he took a payoff to John ~lcClc:ian (Derr .. Ark.) !a:d Labor Congress a full investiga. during Monday's violence. that if the company had not taken keep a union out of a Penns)'i- he has a report that Joe Louis,

t Awaits On Arms Pla,n

tion into the long and violent He said this was done aCter he the writ the board would have vania factory. the former heaV)'wcight cham-strike in Murdoehville. received a telegrl\m from Roger certified the USWA and negotia. Hoffa's explanation was that pion, was paid 52,500 to sit in at

A report on the situation would Provost, president of the .• ebec tions would have started. he knew ilio was f :ing an in- Ho[fa~s recent bri,bery trial. be ready by the end of this week Federation of Labor, asking him He said· the~e Is a trend to· come tax charge but knew ~oth- "If he was. he wasn't paid by Or early next week and Mr. Du· to appeal to Prime Minister Dief- wa:ds the takmg ~ such Writs, mg about .11' sums allegeo to! Hoffa." was the 'witness' instant pleSSis promised he would try to enbaker. whIch, though speclf:cally banned I have been paid to Dio for work response find a solution to the violence· In M .ntrcll. Mr. Provost asked by Quebec laws, are still awarded' against the union movement. i . scorred conflict. for an RCMP ,. vestigation into by judges 01 the Quebec Superior' The committee played another 1 And in Chicago Lois said: "I

Mr. Jodoin made the announce. the activities of immigrants - in ({Jurt because the validit)" of leg- round of rccordings, made of didn·t get twent)' fi"e nOlhin'." m~nt of the premier's decision Monday's outbreaks." Islation forbidding actions r,~.,inst· wire· tapped teleptone conversa- Louis stid he is an old friend Thursday after a closed, 45.min- He said ·he demonstration was the Quebec labor relations board i tions betll'cen Dio and Hoffa, dis- of Hoffa's and had dropped by the ute ml!1!ting at ~!r. Duplessis' stoned by 'mmigrants- shouting: has been under challenge. 'cussing a eapaing to organize trial to sec hoW he was gct·

\{.\nll)l\ , .. : ~r.:,tli, DI the eonferencf, ;',1\' Gaillard, in making hIs claim il\c·1 its fifth month.

,> . C(Jr,I,:em'r Under it tte Russians are alked hrller, gave credit for the' plus ~,." , balances to his" Ive the franc"

I: ." ;e,:orl\ a ,rru. ito Jloin the West In reducing the campaign, which resulted In a de· ~~jrlr' :."r·rn el'e s of armed force!, but con·

IU'P<'nSion o[ ventional arms d set up aerial valuation II! the franc for foreign tourlsh and foreign Importers,

Il:~I:r~ .', ,. and ground inspection systeml to 'I fc,"Cericl" guard against lurprlse .lhck He also sa)d that the halt In 'I Pm n I· , . , on tc't J I[[~.' 'I U.S !ources are reported to be credit drain! W85 the first since

, . 'on"l' hoppful ~ t today's meeting may 19S5 and that It was accomplished I I:,d ilnks It help remove some' <if Zoi'ln'l ob. "despite temporarily unfavorable

!I_ P.D,ram [or jectionr tchnlcHI conditlons."

government office. "Go home damn Canucks." II this trend continued the very New York t:1xi dri,·ers in 1953. ting aiong. He said he gave Mr. Duplessis Mr. Jodoin said the main survival of organized labor was I Repeatedly, Hoffa insisted that In the trial ~ prcdoinantly

Negro jury' acquitted Ho[fa of charges that he bribed a lawyer {or the Senate committee in ao effort to spy out its secrets.

It detailed account of what he saw stumbling block in the Murdoch- at stake. 'he wanted to get Pio's union­at Murdochvllle Monday when a vllle deadlock is the cOJl1ilany's What the CLC wanted was some ·loeai 102 of the old AFL-l:nitcd delegation of 450 labor representa' writ of prohibition whiCh has pre- way to get disputing par tic s : Auto Workers- into the Teams· tives picketing Gaspe Copper venl€d anY action by the Quebec around a discussion table, pos. ters Union but that this did not Mines LimiU!d clashed with non- Ifbor relations board. -:sihly with "'! government med· necessarily mean he wanted to strikers. The writ was taken shortly al· iator, to get negotiations under I get Dio too.

Mr, Jodoin said he ha~ .sked ter the b 0 If d received the way. . Hoffa frequently 5ai: he dirln't Cardinal O~es

Eases·'Ridgities In Tight Money Pohcy At The Vatican ,

t·-':!. ---.---------'---~---------t. ~.I. \' I .", . ~ merlin"

ottawa ~. \'alcrian By HAROLD MOR ISO~ expanding the C()unlry's money H1GHElt YIELD of course, borrow directly from ers. I would be an casing of the rigid i- VATICAN CITY (AP) - GiD'

.Plan came CaDadlan Prell Staff Writer supply, UndoubtedlY the ,average yield the Bank oC Canada. But the elt- NO INCREASE . tics of the tight·moncy policy, at vanni Cardinal Mereati, librarian P'l;bti~c _ but O'ffi'AWA (CP)-Some of the rl- Thus it appeared almost certain on the new Issue. to be launched perts consider tlll.5 would be in· The Interest rate on approved, least fOr housing, but no drastic of the Roman Catholic Church

t':t divined ~ . tt,,, _ .' In I' '. -. ',p' n(\'w ., rIll hnPe [or

from! proposed gidiUel II! federal tigbt ' money that when Finance '-Inilter Don- in October, will be higher. But to ftationary. National Housing Act ioans was i change in the jXlliey itself. and one o[ its oldest cardinals, 10 mOnlhl polIcy may be eased by the In. aid" Fleming announces the new dlscourage bon d hoi d e r s from As a further Indication of Ibe raised to a high of six per cent The $150000000 will be used by died of a heart attack Thursday

.IOsUr] ~ creased supply of money f9r haUl. ~erles of Can. la savin,s bonds switching I() the new Issue from heavy pressure in the demand for !r~m 5lf.z in ~anuary. Officials the gover~me~t's Central ~[ort· nig'nt in his vatican apartment. : bt:~ l~rC('. ing 10aDi but Intemt rates wlll next week be ~uld include a the old, tlle yield lor tbe first few funds, the central bank boosted Its md Ibere Is no lIugges.tlon. of any gage alld Housing Corporation to The prelate was raised I() the Iii 'II rrmol'ed, rem a III high, authorities said more attractive Interest rate to Iyears mny be unchanged, The Interest rafe to I new high of 4.33 further increaSe at thIS hme. invest in tbe construction o[ mod· rank of cardinal by Pope Pius

~ '~Il 'UI a II~·[). Thursday., . keep more and more Canadians In scale·up In the rate In later years per cent, UP from 4.28 last wl!1!k. :rhe add It Ion a I $l~O,O<JO,ooo erately-priced homes. It will be XI June 15, 1~36. to ~ . pen'lOn They could see no early let.up a savings mood, may be steeper. Ch,rtered bank lending rates which the government WIll make in addition to the $IO<J,O<JO.OOO ...

unrondi. in the belVJ CIII.dian demand Sale. 01 Ibe current 11th series It wUl be out of the proceeds of continued to move up. Their rates avaUable would therefore- come CMHC has already been author· Only two ~ardrnals lD the Col· ttr.t~ fOr Investment fuMI, The lIavern' elld Aug. ~- Maturing In 12 years, the new savings bond lIHue as on top·grade loans will be booste<j out of the current money market. Ized !{} use fo lending' purposes. lege of Cardihals were older than ~; I r>l~crs reo men! l!lelf would be a '_lg bor. they bear I graduated Interest well' as other Issues that the gov- by one·quarter II! one per cent That mea n s the government r I Cardlnal MercatJ when he cele-It I' ~r~tll1cnt to rower next lall to relinancr B lot rate, startind at 3\4 per cent and ernment will obtain funds for the Monday I() 5%, Rates on other WOUld. compete against other bor- The housing industry generally brated his 90th birthday last Dec. ~ ,r.. r'! to t t ". It I . 1 ~Ir 1 'elr of maturing IIsues. And In the !calcd up In later year' to four planned .$l~O,OOO,OOO outlay for grades of loans ·will follow the rowers for available funds. welcomed tIle move but observed 17. They were A es:andro CarOl' ~I ~I dilarm. mid;t of this heavier markcl [or per cent. The average yield to new mortgages and other need.!. rhe In the prIme rate. Broker- In' that· sense, authorities said. that It would be too late to aid nal Verde, now 92, a d Jose ~I. ~ •• thIn 1I~["ld, funds, the Bank of Canada would maturity Is 3.78 ..... r cent, up from Instead of /lolng 10 Ulp. publlc age firm I uld the Increase likely there will be no increase' in the builders this year. Benefits would Caro Cardinal Rodriguex 01 Chile.' ... '1 lilt two d"~ ,. The ilk I t 1 91 un aubl4!dly remain e autioUi In 3.25 In the 1955 luue. - for fUDdl, the 1I0vunrne.nt could, will be pamd alonl to atock buy- country's money IUPP.." re c"i be fel ear y In 1958. .

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Childrens' P T'WO.Sf afen~ . , . rap

Slyled b " Fl!aturin Y SaVage" N ' 9 POle t ,eol/ll!! . 50/ . n leather

S/ZI!S 81 I 1!5 . and rubb uPpers 'I 0 3 e; h ' • . . eels



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Back to 5<:hool Day~ 'mean ~Ienly of hard work for Mother~. o'ne important thing 10 consider is new School SHOES for your childrell. Vi~il our Children'~ Depar Iment and lee aur comelele seleclion of "Bock la Schaal" footwear for Boy' and Girls.



Little ~ Gents' Boots Calf leather uppers, leather soles and rubber heels. Black. 5ile~ 8 to 1012, ......................... : ... " ................ $3,60 Sizes 11 to 13 1 ~ ....... "" .. : .. , .............. , ................ , .. $3.9.5 Sizes 1 to .5 ...................................... , ........... $4,2.5

Boys' English I John White' Boots Size~ 11 to 13 1 ~ ................ , ................................ $.5.95 Sizes 1 to 51,~ ............ "." .... , .... , .. "" ............ " $6,50


. Available in a wide variety of styles in Suedl!!, Kid, Calfane Patenl Isather. Med ium, Cuba"" Illusior, and spike heels. Block, Navy, Beige,

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$4.7.5 to .$7.95


Styled wilh moccasin, brogue and plain toes and featuring calf leather uppers and long.wearing leath· er or composition soles and rub~er heels. Black or Brown.

YOUTHS', . """ .... ""."""" .. "" .............. $2.~5 to $4.50

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OVERSHOES Block ·Iight.wl!ight all·rubber OvreshoM. • CHILDRENS', sizes 3 10,1.2 ... , ... " ...... , .. "" ........ $1.35 • MISSES', sizes 121,2 10 3.· .......... ""' ...... " .. ",, .... $1 ,4,5

• YOUTHS', sizes 11 10 13,:.~ .. :"" ..... """ ...... " .. " .. $1.50 • BOYS' 1 . " . ~ ,Sizes to 5 ....... " .... " .. " ...... """ .. " .. ".~ .... 1.70 '. WOMENS', sizes 4 to 10 .... """ .. "" .. " ..... "" .... $1.70 ":' GENTS',. sizes 6 to·11 ... "" .... """""""" .. " ....... $1.8.5

tA,DIES' SAHARA BOOTS Styled with 50'ft suede uppers and Ipringy foam rubber sale, two eyelet bOot style, navy or beige. Size 4·9, .......... ,....... .. .. · ...... · .... · .. · .. ,$4.95




, , Styled 'with slurdy calf leathif' uJjpsrl, composition loles, popular raised mocollin vampi with rugged stitching and kicker at back, Black, Brawn or Red.

MISSSES', sizes 11 to 3· .... · .. , ... " .... ,,, .. ,,· .. ,,,,· ...... $3.75

LADIES', sizes .4 to 9 .... "" .. · .. "·",, .... $3,9.5-$4.30

• LADIES' SUEDE PENNY LOAFER Foom rubber sales. Black. Sizes.4 to "9· .. $4.95 • LADIES' CALF LEATHER PENNY LOAFERS

Styled by 'Savagl' Black or Brown ... " ........ "."" .. ,,,,, .... ,,,,·$6.95 pro


. Bo'ys' Canvas Boots Block with While trim, litfle.Genh', sizes 6 10 10 ...... "."."...... . ....... $1.68 Youths', sizes 11 to 13 ........ " .. "" .......... "" ...... · .. ·$1.7.5 Boys', sizes 1 to 5 ............. " .... " .. " ...... " .... ""·,, .. ·$1.9.5 Mens', sies 6 to 12 .... " .......... "" ............. " .. ·" ...... $1.9B

, Ladies' Canvas Oxfords • White. Assorted styles. Sizes .4 to 9, PRICED FROM ......................... $1,45 to $4.7.5

Children's Canv~ Oxfords • White, Sizes 8 to 2 "" .. · .... · ...... " .... · .. 8Sc pro '"


OXFORDS Styled by 'Savage'

Featuring calf leather upp&rs, Neplite sales cmd heels, Moccasin and plain toe styles. Sizes 4 to 9 (in a

range of widths) ..... """ .. :" .... " ..... """ .. $7 • 95


CalF leather uppers, composition sales and rubber heels. Sizes 1

, to_ 5.

PENNY LOAFER STYLE, Brown ......................... $4,.50

GORE LOAFER STLYES, Black or Brown $4.75 to $8,50

Milses' Patenf Sh o oes , fie Jtrap a d " n T'Hr atlJnt I h Op Jlylt~ !!ot er

"O,Ttion I UPP~J. ro",. 10 eJ Ond

hl!!l!/s S. rubb el . Izes 9 to 3

$3.25 ~r .

Children's Cowbo B Styled . Y oots c I WIth 5TA a f. lealh R decorol~d ,. er u ' at" soTes a :)ers. campoli·

a ac~ . With n . ubbcr heel~ rOwn with w.h,1e trim or

6 10 3 \whlte trim S' • . .. Izel

$4.95 pro

.' ..... . E ~ f. __ ~~~~-.:-~-~ .. ~.·~ .. -~·~··~~ ____ ~~~~~~~~~ __ -w~------~~:-----.-------------------------------------------------------~.. -.-........ _ .... -- ...... _ .... -.. ""- .. -. --- .. ~.,.."' r: ~ .----... , -0' ,.._ ...... j., ..... - _ .... 10 .... ~ ~ • .-----------------------_~ •• - __ -__:_ .. -- ___ - ._ ... _00 _._" ••


\ ... ,

ger R mage I Manager of the C

J. Cooke, told the Ranger was. '

to the ship Will •

towing job • Uccess of Wed

the 5 . b II'ith tow hnes a DB

feet. North~rn Ranger

BaV last Friday • ACCOUNT

G. Sl. JaIl n of ~Io~, . "'11 viSiting St. John 5 .

b' S S Northern, here ) I' t't to her'

I'l)'e a e cr I

~Ickie. who is here at; Air force Base •. _nd ' Ihis letter were given Y NEWS.

John writes: . really an expcnen?e

smiled to thmk I d ~ preferred my f\o~"

f was31il'e and )'nu d the IOI'ely oncs, SO I

If 'well I'l'e had my Il'lfSl .' . . .' hile I hl'ed an} \\ a~. ~ to be a hundred I'll ,te the darkness on that

16th and our cup~ table as .I·e ~&t in

.' three in the lea 10 keep our

few got panic slrd:en. 1;lce "'itll "'hich we " ruck

"r,e ,cel Ihe hOtll'll knocked ,'J' ,n no

':"fled Icrtl)I:,' ~." the '1~' "Ioout three o·clock."

John il now on Ihr S.S and reporl, Ihot "thl'

,'Jch nicer and Ihe meal<

a lilm of Ihe II'reck ;1I1r1

beacon and a ~rOUP of here at Inri ian Bay"

she wrote the letter I


about the rubble and around lhe streets of

apparenlly struck a hearts of many peoplr an'; many of lhem trlc·

y to say, "Keep work, try to get the to help clean up."

!vpr,hanl', unfortunately. attention to the reo going home yesterday

hundreds of ::ar· silting outside the t half of them were

, and the rr,1 were not srcurely

back of one of the res· which is between tll'O the cenlre of the cit\'

Bunrllcs of gar: papers, and bags open were ranged alonl: the

up in the lane. piece of string anrl a bag il hrllee than noth· . if there is no ~;If. In Ihe hOllse. put tll~

the garbagemon in !, securely lien or in

I carefully wrapperi . bl! a beginning.

larhagc pail on I'nur list and plco,e do ;'nnr htlp make SI. Johl;'s a

either \\'alkin~ or I person ean look with 11 Our 10l'ely cily,

. 0 \0 'l




PORT UNION ger Renoated Not Enough Fish To Keep : i' 1,1

Is U,nknown , l I


Plant At Full. ;Capacity ) :1 .

~;;,ager of the CN~ Services in Newfoundland, . . ""'e told Ihe Dally New! last night that the • lex"~ . "~l1CC:' \I'~' refloated at 6 p,m, The exten.t of "':~ tl:c <hip will not be known until she goes

"I;n: job Ic:'terday was timed for high tide , ';.;"~;; ()f \\'cdnesda~' when 'the "Nania" and , >.1 :l'lI "I'r~ aboard the stranded vessel moved


\"".C;:1 j\<1""l'i" ran ashore on Shag Rock in

,:/ .. " . 3,1 10': FlI(i~~' night, ,.., :"" \((()['\1 .' "_",. 1,1\1:1 III "nn· ~ I,· ' "I:,'nr,. ~~, .1nl111'-. :

., 'I ' .;, ~ \Ilrlhrl'n' 11'/' . "1 , Ir:'" 'n h,' ," ,,," "ho I' I',rrr ilt

1,,1. rl "i:: f"c" B .. "· ,n .! :~, 'r'~rr \' rrr ;:I\'rn

Strike Is Unsettled (_y \[',\~ I

;::~:::!~~ C'1'n:rnrc Although conciliation officer T, ,r.·' ,,' \ BI h d h ,~~ri. Ie I',".nk I'd \ .', , anc ar as contacted both '1"~irr:f.1 nn f~o\l": partlcs In the Unlon·Concrete

PORT UNIO:-.I - T\\'o ne\\' long· I be longlining Monday. liners no\\' are operating in this Fish catches here have slacked area and will land their catches off during the \\'eek with landing~ at Fishery Products new plant not sufficient to keep the plant here. They arc the "Shirley ~la· operating at full production. Fish donna" and (he "Joan and Allne presently being "reecived are of .­Byrne. A third longliner, the mixed type and the run is consid· "Biltha," owned by Fishery Prod· ered to be about the same as duro mts Ltd., is due to arril'e here to" in~ the summer, da)'. The small landings of recent

The "Shirley )1adonna" i~ own· days have been 'aitribut~d to the cd by Philip Donol'an of ~1elrose. close of the trapping sea,on and This boat lI'as built at Grand Bank the switch to other methods. A! anrl is considered to be of the a result the plant has had to bring most modern type in thc prol'incc. in fish b'.· truck from comm'unitie~ She is cquippec1 wilh all the latest across ihc peninsula including typc equipment lor long lining in" Newman's COl'e and Champneys. eluding a freezing compartment Blit it is beliel'ed that tM situa· which keeps (he fish chilled. The tion lI'il1 he relieved sh.orliy as "Joan ann Anne Byrne" i~ owned fi,hermen turn to handttnlng and b)' Bernard Byrnr. or SI. Bren· the longlincrs begin to·operate. rlan's, and was built there by ~!r. Eighteen women are at 'present Byrne himself l~st year. employed at the plant. These come

I .'

~'. ,;; 1:11 ,~rl ~ nu'd I Products dl,pute s,eparately, no ':'/ ::01() ,'~r', 'n I settlement :\'as In Sight last night. :' ',., " II f h,,1 nil Some Rcllon ma)' be forthcoming •. ~ .. If", , . todal' :~'f 1 ;1\(-1 .~n:\q~·· 0'

I" " I r,:lr,1,rct I'll --------,,,, ,1H:,nr-- nn Ih~t H' I Off' , I ~';.;. w:' Jro n,lf rllp' I g 1 lela

• '" • ~ k.', r ;. II (' .:, t 111

.. '.' .. :iI,rr :n Ihr ,Visits Peppel'rell ~('rp Oil:"

.,' cJ' ':II.I;(·~. PEPPEnnELL AFB-Brig. Gen, '

DURING the past six WeeHS, Mr, FredericH Steiger, who has ~t1ch a love Eor Newfoundland scenery that he comes back here for two years in succession, has heen skdching scenes around st. John's, and outlying places, even as fat as placentia, and has gone bael, to his room to paint tWl'.lIty picture~, Most of these paint­ings are semi.abstract, and several are abstract, but all of them tell a story of Newfoundland as Mr, Steiger sees it. He paints in bold colours with a paint Imife, and this year's collection i§ outstanding in many ways, The picture shows a section of the twenty pictnres, unframed, for Mr, Steiger did not hold an ex· hibition here but grouped his pictures together so that Mr, Frank I{cllnedy, the "Daily News" Photographer, could get a record of some of his work-(Daily Ncws Photo).

~!r. Byrne has tried out his from Catalina, Port Union, Mel· hoat a few times. but noll' has rose and Little Catalin·a.~· All the taken his traps and other gear back men employed also come from to his home at St. Brendan's and these communities withthc excep· will return soon to begin lon~· tion of key personnel:who have lining, ~1r. Dono\'an is expected to been brought in from outside. ----_ .. -

Good Fishin~ In , Elliston· Re1!10n


'ISea Cadets

\O~ S~:i~, ~~~~ 22 _ I ~ell'follndland Sea Cadets who The tr<1p fishin~ ,cason h.s end· hare been participating in summer, cd a~ Elliston hut f"hrrmcn lI;in~ training exerci,e, at Point Edllard "the hook and line. method He still :\a,al Base, Sydne)', lIill hoarrl ,'ecuring good calches \";hen the

.",', ,r "',IC~ Dalliel C. Doubleday, Deputy Com·

.. 'r '. '

"r h"", ).]) m,',Hler of Ihe r,s, Air Force Air· I ~, '" I,nr. I"o.'~ r.od ,\ir Communication~ •. ;,',r ;" ~el"l'icc ... \odrrll.1 .\F Ro,e, ~ld"

.,,',,('~" "od, party illcllllHn~ Ihe chiel, of IIIc major c1irectol'~lc~ of Ihe

':"," ,\,\l'S 'el.·licc \'i"ilcd Peppcrrcll ilrl efl ,I' 11m lIerk,

\ I' ':" ,11 'hr 1,1 :·('r~ ~Ilrl "' ',,',', H,' , :, "lIP nf ..' 1~,Olll1 RI.'"

.\fler a brielin~ in the Win,~ Ilr"d~""rlrr, here. Gellcral Dou· hleda.1 ~nd hi, part)' continlled Iheir lour Ihroll~llOlIt the :"orth·

Steiger Completes 20 Art Not liolding . Pieces,

'the c.:\.n. ste~mcr "('a bot Strait" I'.rather is ,suitable. Some of th .. 'here oni",ht (Thur;nay) to return Irap crell's hal'e been handlinin~

to their homo'. ,since the trapnin~ :!~a'nn ended . i The boys hill'e attendrd Ihe' IJut lIill soon abandop, this mrthod fourth perioo of summer Iraimog 10 be~in dryin~ (heir fish. At 0::1· at Sydney. There arc 118 Cadets liston Ihis ,lea:' fishin~ was con·

:;0 the party-54 fI'om Iln~wonrl, 7 sidered good. "::' ~ from Trinity'. 2 from Catalina, 91 ~!ean\\'hilc a number' of bOilt.'

"~ ""Clr Ihc :rllcr l r.'1 arc", ('nlonel Will I,m F:. Gr.l,cr, Com·

mander of ti,e IAIJ~th AIICS Win~ herr, orcompanirri the part\" on an in,pection'Rppr"i'RI tOllr ~f Cnll!'

""Iniratilln, and electronic rarlli· C;\ [ \1. ,nllf\FS I :ic, Rt GOOIC Air Bale, LRhardor, .~ '1'<"J: ::,r' ,,'hh':~ and Sondrestrom and Thule Air BaIP~

'("j 'r! -Iffell of In Gffenland: Frobl!her Aldielrl, 'I~';';"'i" "rulk R' Frnbisher BAY, Keflavlk Airport,

;;1::,";1' rr"OI pcople i I:eland Rnd Harmon AF Basc, . I 'h' I I :-';c\\foundland.

, j~ I ,.,ln~ l' I em r r· 'rnr~,,\ :('1 ~it', "I\rrp • --------

~: ",i. Ir~ :~ :rl .thc PIOneer Railway rei " ~,~p rlc?n liP,' I f'r.,~:il. unl"rlilo'lril".' Off' · 1 u, · , i:!~'I" I) Ii:e r~· lela l"etlrlnO'

(:.r.: .~()~,(, \r·~cTrl:H ~ bndleel, 01 ":\;. One of Newloundlancl'! pioneer

',1:1", "III',nr "the r:\ilroader" Superintendent or the t'::,l1 01 '\;{'111 lIere i l.ine William Fitzpatrick, Is to reo n~.w "nn ! r,~ rr,t tire from the ~erl'ice of C'NR on

'/:r , .. II 'rfllrel\' Augu"t 31. He ha~ had an alit· . "tanding carrer spannin~ half a

~j(' r! ,",r .. I 'hr' '·rs. (cntllr)' dming which he ro,e from 'I . I~ci :' hi." r,'n 111'0 I a jllnior tele~rnphcr to one or the

'.\I CH,:,r '.,1 II:r r::\, key executil'c po,itions on the , BJrci'.r. of ~~·r. :-\cwfounclland di,tricl.

ill:', ",0 hi,' orcn Born in Spaniard', Bay In 1882, In :1'-:" Ilnn~ Ihe '~1r. Fitl,patrick received hi! early . t; :n :~r il'lr. I edllcation there, and joined the ,"!! o! """: '11~ ~ :"cII'founrlland Railway In 1908, ~; ''<''er 'h,o "rolil' nnl lon~ aftcr the first train! opel"

. '. ,! il'ere I' n', t", atrrl nn the tran,·i,lanrl line. He : ~~~ h(\'i.r, t'ill 111,. '"pent two yC(lr~ ~~ ~n f\to;~;s\j\nl 'n ;'rh,~ror,_11 111 i Irlrcraph opcra(or, working at '''''He I., I"d 01' il1 I'UIOUS loc~tion~ on the ncwl,'"

o',IJ:I, ';'rrrrl. huill linr, Anll was thcn po~trll to ~ I "'nm,; ,SI. ,10lin',. a! a rlcspatcher, r,xcrp·

i tional ~ptitudr. [or railroHdin~ rn· "., 011 :,nlll' .'lIren ili~ rapid promotion, aorl he

~ ,~'.I~'/It::r dOl I.ollr \la.1 appointen chief rle~pRleher In ~r '"r ., .I"hn 5 a IRIB. assist"nt to the Superintend· 'I' .I'~" ";I~ln= or cnt in IR17, and Superintendenl /.: ': r~" lor,', ,11111. of thc ER5tCI"O Dil"l,ian in 1930. He

SHOWN ABOVE is !\fr, frederick Stci~er, \\'cll·lmo\\,l1 CRI1Rdian·l\unI:Rrian art· tist, standi'ng before his easel in Ilis room on Oronance Street, where he 'aint· ed twenty canvases of Newfoundland scenes during his six weeks stay in 'ew­Eoundland, Some of his paintings may be seen in the background of the pi ture,

t .. ,f"':' rill, I ha, been Superintendent of the I 'Line lince 1948. I HAPPY OCCASION I J N' I Cl h

rnn[ Illft"I\!; I In his long career with the I AZAILD, ant. (CP)-A pioneer azz 19 It u cp

' '. . railway, he has become wcll and I f h' 'I d '\ " '-Councillor: favourabll' known throu"hont thc coup eat I~ area, ., r. an "rs. I C °d d A (I! I'"" I I ! " ' Thomas Perras, celcbrated thel'r S onSI ere

The "News" Will Jssue Saturday

'I~ • ;,t, CI 11P len~th and hreadth of Ncr,·ounn· .. ~.~I ""'~l' II Ii r I I joth wedding anniversary with a ~;.,., :. ':. .' nnl anI throughout the entire D' P . ;: ,:, ,:" ,J. kepi In. c:-\a sy~trm, and he enjo) s a well. celebration. They werc Dlt resumptuous

. Following Its usual practice during the slimmer when Saturrlay is a whole holiday, the HAlLY NEWS will again be Ilsur~ lom.rrow,

~I" ~"": ('on:J:n l"'5'1 corned reputation as a complele reunl(ed with their tll'O sons and I ''', :;' /' )lllll.l\l:d :1I1t1lOrity on, rail transportation in rOllr dallghters ror the first time EDMONTON (CP) - The title,

• ,,'Ilil'ed. th~ prollnee, In 30 years. "Yardbird Sui(e- ¥,'eslcrn Can· ada's only jnz ni~ht clllb," Is

L M'B Th \.-t Decker ,- C new BRS1: COlllmander of PepJ1~rrell AFB, Col,\"cl htre 'rue ,right, is grcctetl al Torbay by Colonel Hall King upon hill ~ter nsday afternoon, With Colonel Decker are his wife, Louise and

,eLa 4 I· ' . ~lonel ni, I!l, Colone Decker take! over his new duties to~ay, Pillsbu h Klnl, The new Base Commander comes to Pepperrell 'trom

IIr. Firht r~ Airport, Pittsburgh, Pa., where he ~erved as Command~i" of er Group.-(OHicial USAF photo), --- -.. '_. . -- - --_ .. _.-.-_ ........ --

pl'l"huPI a trine pre,umptllous, The basement club appears as

one or those intlmate spots fre" quented by Jazz initiates in the world's big cities,

Light Is provided by s mall red and blue spotlights that rocu~ through the smoky haze on a tiny ,t~ge w}1erc musician, belt 0111 the latcst in jazz, usually !heir own arr~ngement~.

CLOSE QUARTERS Visitors sit on eheilrl'flc1rl"

!Urroundin~ the st~;:e, or at a \ dozen tahlc.~ filling the remainin~ ~pace in the cellar room. no lar~er than a good·sized living: room, j

The c1u boperates most nig\lt! of the week - frequcnUy until dawn. There the 'similarity to commercial establishments asso· elated with the term "night club" ends,

"No li~uor," read, a sl~n over ~h~ ding), staIrway' leading to the cellar, a l'igidly maintained rule, ~1~lObers ~nd I'isitors sl P 50ft drinks,

The c1uh, to ,whil'h the public is inl'ited on1;' for Sunday night con· cert~, grew from an Idea of Terry Hawkeye, a 19·ycar·old Edmon· Uln drummer end Jazz del'otee,

HawkeYe deciried 10 form a duh 'ror musicians where they could meet at night following commercial engagements to play for their own enjoyment and to exchange Ideas on Ihe In tcst Jazz trends. .

Early this )'Car, Terry rounder! up six young musician fricnds­their al'erage :l~e i! 22-and sug· , gested such a clljb. I

Among thr many features h the popular Baby Conten. Extra caples of the ~EWS will be a\'s\lable at the storel In the City and Braund Can· ception BIY to Carbonear,

FLASH! SEATTLE-AP - BI~ ret,. Radem~cher'~ wild dream of ~tepplng from th~ top run~ or amalelll' bodng to thr. cllampionshlp or the world wa~ b1a~ted and wrecked by Floyd Pallerson Int night II the king or the pro~ liCored I

knockout In the .llIh round of their leheduled lS·round fight.

Seven times the talented PattenoD,ln the lecond de· fence of the title, put I game but far·outclassed Rademac~er on the deck, and the last one, after two mlnules, 57 lecond~ of the fatal sldh, II'U the clincher,

WEATHER Moslly sunn)". High 65


Edmonton ........ 48 . 75 r~r.onto ... .,,,, ... . ,';4 74 Mlntreal ......... . 52 H Moncton , ....... . ~9 ·71

Halifax ....... .. 5J . tiu·

8ydney '7 6G ~t, JO:ln's .. ,., 49 63

No Sponsor. For I rrom Bona\, 2 fro ~tar.",to\\'n.' from Bonal'ista ue fishing on the ,4 from (;ranrl Bank anrl 40 from E!li,lon ground, and are securin~ . SI. ,John's, ~oorl catche, rI?il~'.

An Exhllb"lt"lon 'I --.------ While !i,llln~ thi, \Cu has heen

C 1 gno(1 alon~ the tip 'of tHe Rona·

I urtal ment "da Pcn;nsula.lrom BoJlj\'ista to

~Ir. Freuerick Steigcr, who was ~!rlrosc farther in the.. h:t}'s it has ~orn .in Hungilry, but has been IiI" ,Of Base Staff not hec'n .'0 ~OO(1. In" fad. fisher· Ing In Canada, IS a lllll.fledged men ;il) that tile fisheryha, been Canadian, and 101'C, to tell the almost a failure in UlI:"'" Birchy !tory of Canada'! tenth prol'ince PEI'PEHllELL AFR __ A small Covc·;';cwmar.'s COl e are;! on the with his paint. knire and brilliant! rec\uctinn in the number of Amer· sOllth side of Bonal'ist,,~·Bay. cololln, h~s just completed his six iean nnd C_nadian cirilian~ em·. But on Ihr north side-'of Bona \\'eek~ work of painting twenty pl~yrd at Pcpperrell Air Force \' I'i~t_ B~y fi~hermen now: have tak· ~cene! of Ba~e will result from a recent en ~shore their Irops afte; c?m·

Unfortunately thiS year the world.wide Cllt in Department of plrllll~ a su~ce"f\ll ,'rasen 5 fish· people of SI. John's did not, hal'e I Defen<r civilian ,trrn~th. necrssi· in~, Hepor!s sho'.I' that (he cod an opportuOlty to sec ~Ir, Steiger's, tated bv burloctul' limitations. f"hery nn Ihe north "dr of Bona· work for he needed a place to dis. A:1 e~tima(~d fiO C_nadians will ,ista J1ay \la' ~uod this year; in play so many picturc~ properly, be leaving Pepperre!l bet\leen now lac! it ha, heen considcI."cd a,l good and would have had to frame them and NOI'embcl" 1. The remainder' ~s tli?t of last ycar willch was reo to have a proper exhibition, A5 of ~hr reduction lI'ill be ansorhed i ~ardcd as an outstanding succes! no group of people or club~ came tbroll"h normal separations due to by all flshcrmen. ThiS summer : I forward to sponsor an exhibition resin;at ion,. crcws averaged from 500 to 600 of, his work he is packing up his A" studv i! nnll' being madc to: quintals with the result that. mosl pictures today without putting determin~ which po"ition; can be, IL;hrrmcn lIill qualify [or hl~hest them on display in SI. John's. al~oli,hed with the least cffect on pal'ments of unemployment lIIsur·

A "NEWS" reporter and photo., the o"erall Prpperrell mi"ion. lance benehts. according to are·

II I' ! I

graphc.r went to ~!r. St~iger's room 1 Approximately 1600 ci,iliam arc cent report. , ' ., to haH I look at hIS finished \' no\\' employen at pcpperrell. I fishermen nOli hal' ~ br·,un the work. ,Iask 01 dr)'In~ their fl~ll but h_v~ ! I

The cli!f~ around the coast are, "---""""- --- hrrn hinrlercd bCCHuse of poor lypfiried by one piclure which I thc ,ummer "ilh rel,tilc' IIc?,ther, TIle firm of B, anrl F sets O'.1t in bole! linr~ the ,tuk' DlIring hi~ <t,1' In "01:1 S('l)li,· \1",1' ,I ~c\\'to\\'n (rueked fl,h 1.0

I granneur o! our ruffcd coast ilne. lie will attcnd, I1Irctil1~ IIlth I \'"llc~flrlrl exprl'IIl1rntill plant l"t

The ieeherp which floated 10 ~!ahel D,I', , wcll knolln :'\QI,' 1\ crk. Th" fl.,1i \l'" II~ltt "lIee! ~raccluliy along ollr coastline lon~" ,Scotia p;intcr. Selcr,,1 <peeiol end bec",,;e nf Ihe h'1"_ IIT,lher er (his yea!" ~al'e ~\r. Stci~cr ,n: functions are plannen fnr th}:, ~el· ,hod to hr I 'Ken In Vane' [Iclrl In opportunity to paint a ,cene whkh, I to"ether .and tllry lIill ,1,1' in Illr procr'scd in the rlNCr therr. done in blues, yellolls, whites, ";1'0 Scoli, for about, IIreK he· I ~te"r.\I'hilc the Wa~' fir.m cxpcct,~ dark red, almost brown, and !om- fore leal'in,;! 10 rcturn to Ihcir homc III h:1IC thri,' nlln (11'l~.· rcady to bel' shades, gave a picture of the in Toronlo. be~in op~r,tin~ carll' ·lll. Scplem· cold blue ice, yet the painting i.s ~Ir. Stci~er is planning to ~i\P·. bel', one o[ the few abstract compOSI' an exhibilion of his lI'ol'k [or 195;: -----"----=.-,-

I tlOn~ 10 the collection. in ;';cw[ounnlanrt. This will be i YE.\1t rOR 1I0l1JlL"G ,. held in j(ontrc;d during Januar~' :-;~\\' l)ELHI meuters) - A ii'

His picture of a group of thffr men hal'ing their rest period is full of life and colour and one of

I the most delightful of the lot. Hi, painting of Flat Rock, sho\\'o

ing the strength, primitive forma· tion and brilliant colour i! excel· lent in it, simplicity. I ~1r, Steiger Iraves here tOIl\~r. roll' fa!' Yarmouth, Nova Scolla, w!Jere he will meet his wife and children, who hal'e Ilcen ~prnding

and February, but he has no sct mHn 11110 put a homb:under the !tlans for an exhibition this fall. statue of a British.' general in j I .

He hopes to return to "ell'· jladras la:~ month' was sen· I" foundland, but is not sure that he tenced" Wednesday to one year in 'i \ '! will come back here next sum·· prison by a ~!adra! 'court, A. P. : I mer. "It is too early to say yet," Kannan, :15, arrested in the act, I' i he said. and added th"t he enjoys sairl hp wanted only the removal I

his summer, herr, and has met 5n of fireignen' statues from thc ': Ii :',~ many friendly people til at he will rM. lile judge said people want to come back even if he can· shonlll not (ake the law inlo their II' not arran~e the trip for next year. 10ll"n hands.


Boys Cadet Cloth Long Pa,nts

SIZES 24· 32.



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•• f • - • , .. . - .. " .', . .

• ~--.. -----------------------------------------------------------I ' ~ The'. Case For Revision THE DAILY NEWS

aa ..r-r." .. I··,..,n"" ..... " -,......., ,..,-;....,- " Nawfoundland'5 Only MorninlJ Paper BOOK,TWO


Clnadl .... ,"'"." .... ,$10,00 per annum United Klnidom Ind III

rorel,D COllntJ:lei .... " $14,00 per annUIII Authoriud .. ItCond clul mall Pall OWct

Departmelt, OtLiwl.

The DAlLY NEWS' II • mornlnr P1~" e51~bllshed In 1894, and publilhed It til. r.;ewl Building, 3~~,35. Duc«worth StJ:eet, SL John'l Newfoundland, bi lIoblnloll .. Company, Limited.

MEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN PRESS 'Ihe Clnedlan Prm II exclusil'ely entitled

to tIle use for republlcltloD oI all newl dnpalchel In thll IlBp~r credited to It or to the Auoclaled Prell or Reulen Ind 1110 till lOCI I newl publlshe!! Ihereln. '

AU Press lervlce and fealure articlu I! Ihia p&per are copyright and their reproducllol illlrohlbited.

• 14eMber Audit Bureall Of

• ClreulaUol1J.

(2.7) Welfarll ServiCe!

Before Union, wdfare 5erl'ice5 were limited in scope and variety. In the past, they consisted principally of public mist­anee, a miuiscule Qld-age pension available only through a means tesl, and the maintenance of the institution long known as the saddest place in Newfoundland, During the Commission regime, certain youth welfare services were added, But w!"lfare bv the de£initi~n of the term in modern socinl practice did not be·come known to N ewfoundlanel lllltil 1949.

TIle first impact wa5 that of the family allowances and the federal contributions to old·age pensions on a scale that made the old Newfoundland rate take on the reality of ill pitifulness. The present provincial services noll' incorporate old age assistance for persons between


• 65 and 69 yearS' which is shared with Ottawa and sub· ject to means ,test; disabled per5ons' allowances; blind persons nllowances; 50cial assistance in CRih and kind which includes hclp to widows and dependents; able­bodied relief; child care and protection including the provision of trnining schools for delinquents, the care of infants awaiting adoption, and the maintenance of chil­dren in foster homes; and the operation of the trading posts on the northern Labrador coast. All these services were perfonned in 1956·57 at a cmt estimated to be $8,777,100.

Control Of Purchasing The fact~ of political liie mnl,e it

· !ogicnl that the opposition should call for 'a ('ornmis~lOn to inquire into the s,,'stcm : of ;;o\'el'l1ment purchasing Rnd that the 'go\ernmcnt ,hould ignore the demand, ~ On the other hane!. an issue has been rai:;­· cd t:;llt h(1~ all important heilring on , polic\, The pl'CI111Cr has said th3\ he '\\.ll1t, In I1I'C\'C:l\ a I'CCUl'I'Clice o[ the

least not to those \\'ho leave broken bottles on beaches and on the shores of ponds where children like to paddle or swim. We don't kno\\' the answer. Everv . , populilr picnic site cannot be policed. It is difficult to impose penalties for litter bCl':wse it is hurd to find the culprits, But we do know that if noUling can be dOlle, the time will come when the coun­tr~'side will be so despoiled that e\'ery citizen who likes cleanliness will bE' con­lent 10 stay at home on a summer da~' 3nel le<1ve their favourite boil-up places to the despoilers.

Able.bodied rrlief IIlram a wry high cost item but this iJ nol\' shared above It certain lel'el with the Fedcral Go\'ernmcnt. It involves many morc families proportionate Iv in r\cwfoundlallll than in olher prol'incrs because of thr srasonal natme of sn lllllch prodllctiYr al'lil'it~' and the fad that many jobs arc still ineligible lor uncmploymcnt insurance,

deplo:':lble Ji1l'ldcllt I'c\'e<llcd In the i,sue ~ t1[ lC'rl<1;1I (lrdl'l's [')1' the slipph' of the : ~c'\'ernmcnt's : radill!: posts 011 L~bJ'"clor, ; Hr h;1, ~'j'()p(l,'ecl C('r\~;11 ~ilfcguarcls, But : more lhiln thi~ iE required,

The Cnl11p! I'oller of the Trl'''Sllr~' and thE' .~'l1elitor CC'nera] ill'€' not in a positIOn to gh'p clet~ller! ,"IFf'l'I'l~i(111 tn purchases for hhich tender,; ine JllI'ited, The 01'-

More Money For Housing

A kcv rlll'lor in lhe administration of welfare is the RegiollRI· \\' rlfllrc Sen'ice whose officers tm\c1 COIl­

stHntly in their allotted spheres of supenision nne! en· neavour both to check all welfare problems and to encourage sdf-help, Prol'ision is made for eighty welfare officers nnd special efforts are mRde in the selection and trRining of personnel. Recruiting is made difficult hy 'the ahsence in m~n)' arcas of acceptable accommoda. tion Rnd HI'V fe\\' of the welfAre officen ha"e evcn an\' office space' .

, po,!tion cannot, if they wished. properly · sharr '" rei'ponsibil!l~' which J11w;1 be

bOI"le onl~' hy go\'ernmenl. The Board of Trade is in nO bel tel' position, In other wO:'ds, 50me other method of control mllst be de\'ised,

Prior 10 1 g:l~ and far back into the mist~' past of self-go\'ernment, go\'ern· ment purchases were an instrument of patronage, The Commission 'of GO\'ern­ment brought purchnsing uncler control .:nd ~et up the Department of Suppl~', An officer was brought from the office 0f the Cro\\'n Agents in London to e~tablish and manage the ne\\' i'~'stem, We are not prepared to sa~' that it functioned with one hundr ed pel' cent o[ efficiency, But it \\'as a good s,\','item alld it was inherited b\' the PI'csCllt go\'e1'l1menl. Parts of it still e:\i~t., The im1'ortdnt que~tion no\\' is \':hethel' iti's desired that it be com­pletE]:-' re~t()recl ,md full\' safeguarded against political Or other illterference,

The \,[ol\l:ne of ,'lI]lplie~ bought i5 sub­stantial. Hc:alth ancl \\'e!fale alone buy a grpat \'ariet~' of goods \\,Ith C! \'alue in ex(;e~s of ~2,500,OOIl 1\ yeilr, The grand to:al of anl1ual purchases can hardly be less than S3.000,OOO, That is big business, And if it is the poliey of go\·el'l1ment. as it should be. to ensure operation ('n the basi~ of gelting the best \'alue at the low­est ('ost, then a nel\' and permanent sys· tem of control must be established.

One' 1\'<1\' of ,ptting up the necE'ssar~' m~cbin('r,\' for this pllrpo~e might be to ~,k thp ('omptroller of the Tre~Slll'l' 31Hi the :\uditol' GenC1':l1 III m;ll,e a'il ex­l"'lI'llI'C ,tuti:,' Ilf tlie s~'s:ems ell1plo~'ed (·!.-e\\,heJe with 3 ,ie\,· to rel'llnll1H:'lllliIl O

, " to tn('~O\'rl'l1ll1ellt a method to be elll-pio,"ed in I\el\'foul1dland ullcler s\<ltutOJ\' ('ontro],; \\hirh will illsme against Iurth~r Illlto\\,ill'c1 in('idents iind l'('mO\'e pUl'chas­in~ !tom the politIcal orbit. This might hr (011(, Ihl'Clllgh :1n il1tel'ciepClrtmentaJ committee unclcr il purchasing ilgent. Bu~

~ there are man~' kinds of suitable and ef· ~ fec~;i'e s:':;tems, The importilnt thing is \ th~t it should become a vital part of ~ public policy that a satisfactory and ~ efficient control over purchasing 'should ~ be !'~tClblisherl on a pennanent basis; . .. r

~ Spoiling The Countryside , ~ There i,~ ;1 P~l'llclilarl,1' deli~htflll illld ~. porular spot in a lo\'cl\, ~Iade not much r m~l'e than 3n hOlll' by (;~r from Sl. John's, , Ill'> no longer <I ]11a('~ for the fastidious or ~ lhc squeami,h, Cnder a clump of trees : an ugly dump is growing; scallererl 0\'('1'

t Ihe grass is :l dreadful mis~cllanv of . ' paper. tOI'11 cart OilS, some hroken glilss and e\'en human cxcrement. It is only (Inc of man," heClutv spots Cllnnl: lhe

i countryside which is bcing spoiled by i the careless, the selfish and the un.tidy,

: ,Now litter i~\not a problem peculiar , to Newfoundland, We hear that it is

helping to wreck the English countryside. But even if it were a uni\'er~al failing, it is <In inexcusablc one in Newfoundland where We are a people who love the out· doors and ~ught, therefore, to respect the charm' of a pleasant picnic site.

The fIrst important action of \l1e Diefenbaker Go\'ernment will bring gen­eral applause, It has been RllI10unced that $150 million is to be made a\'ailable to supplement existing sources of funds for lo\\'·cost housing.

The situation has been bad every· where but the president of the organiza­tion of Canad~n house-builders has said that it has been at its worst in Newfound­land, Home construction has come almost to a halt, The additional funds will help a lot.

The original amount made available for federal housing mortgage loans was S250 million but the Liberal Government released only $100 million. The Conserv· ative GO\'ernment nOw intends to make the remainder of the sum voted accessible Io!' new house construction.

The immediate effect In St. John's cannot yet be appraised. There were to be ;oint housing operations to facilitate further slum clearance and these may now become pOSSIble, But in (lny e\'ent, it ma~' be assumed that the additional monry will allow many homes to be built which, for want of easy money, han had lately to be deferred.

Strength For The Day By EARL DOUGLAS


Wf' read in the olle h1lndred and third )1",dlll that God knows OLlr fl:lIme aile! renwlllbl'I'!t th"t \\,e are dllst.

Chilcl wclfare 1m ~f()\\'n into a verI' ~11 bstantial spn ice, .\t the end of Frbrn~ry of this :ear, for c'xample. there were 8111 foster homes in ",hiell abont 600 children were in care, In thfi orphana~es and the infants' home another 140 children have bren housed as wards of the ~Iinister of Welfare, It is estimated that there will he continuous neecl for prOl'ision for allout 9()(] chil. dren as charges of the Department and the problem of findin~ sliitable accommodation is difficult, It will not be contended that everv foster home provides adequately for the proper guid. ance, of the children who live in It. ,

The Department is comtantly handkapped by in· ability to find fund5 for the improvements in it! services that are essential. The Home for the Aged Bnd Infirm, for eXllmple. has long outlived its useful~ss. A new in­~titution hRs been provided for in the estimateJ and and some of the construction material is on the site but the means of pccx:eeding with the work do not exj~t. The prcsent wooden building is 108 years old and is re­garded not only as unsuitable for proper and efficient management but also as a fire hazard.

The Division of r\orthern Lahrador A,Hnirs \I'as sct up in the first instance b\' the Commission of Government as a substi· tde for the Huclm~'s Bay Company posts which had to be aban­doned with thr clrdinr of the fur trade. It has a special prohlem ari,in~ nut of the fad that unlike Indians and E,skimos pls!'whw~ in Cannda, these people arc a provincial chargr. in r\ewfoundlancl That is becausr :\cw[ol1ndland is thr onlv province in which thr~' arc rpgarded as citizens and permitted to ,'ote, It is a trad· ing as \\'ell as a wclfare operation.

It 5eems to have become I common belief that Sewfoundland has reached a high level in the drvclop. ment of welfAre s{'n'ices. This concept WB.! founded on the much that was done in a very snort time, In fact, howe\'er, it has been shown thllt the welfare services of Newfoundland are deficient In many· respect! when compared with those of the poorest provinces of main-land CanRda. ' , It is a fact also that the tendenc\' towards increasint: mhani­

zation is itself setting up a number of complex problel;ls whose burdens fall upon the welfare 5ervices of the province, Howe\er, it is difficult at Rny time to assess with complete accuracy the nreds of wclfare h('calisP of the many uncertainties that can plaglle ~rctions of the rcollom~' from y;'nr to year, If the phpical reql1irrments of tlip Department of Welfare on a hasis of abso­lnte ane! rstnhlishrd nerd were to 'hI' mrt, a capital snm of ,~'i,R[)[),f)()() WOld.! haw to hr ~prllt and ihis \l'oliid inC'rease all­Il1ml admilli~tratil e nnel mainlC'IlRllcrs costs by ,~B,1~,[)()(l,

, -----0-----Do ~·ou ever lose patience with the \\'orld Rbout "oU and wonder how God sliffers the il~famy of man to cont1l1ue?Auld This upsurge of resentment is natural. Lang Syne

25 Years Ago All of us have it at times, We have it, but very decidedly God does not have it. With his infinite love, with his full under. standing, and with his mercy that is wide as the sea. "he knoweth' our, frame; he remembereth that we are dust,"

And since this is true it should, when we think about it, fill us with a deep sense of gratitude to God for his mercy. Also It should make us tolerant of others and kinder and n;ore understanding in our c1c<1lings \\'ih them. Since God remem· bers that we ::Ire du~t, let LIS l'emerrfber 11lso. Let us not demand our pound of that those about \IS are weak and frail flesi1. Let us not cr~' for vengence on them, since God in his mercy so often re­fr<1ins from taking from taking vengence on us,

Tolerance does not me<1n toleration of evn, Toleration ilt its best means Rn un· cierst::lnding .of human weakness, a kindly attitude tow<1rd tho~e who have fallen as we so often ha vc fallen, . God in his mercy remembers us (111 in our low estale.


(Winnipeg Trlbunt)

Many a wife will complain that her husband wasted his years in the Boy

(From the "Daily News" File~)

SOLBERG AND PATTERSON, who hopped off from ~ew York al 7,30 A.M. Tuesday, and were due at Harbour Grace at 2 P,M, that day, made a forced landing on the waters of Paradis.e Sound, on thf! west' side of Placentia Bay, at 9,30 P,M, The, occupants were unhurt, but the plane was very badly dam­Aged .


West. the street car tril£fic' h;l,<; been discontinul"d, The Street Railway Ruthorities slale the service \I'ill be extenrled as soon a, concrete js set sufficiently to permit, but it is expected to be more or less dislocated for a fortnight or more.

• • • CANADA AND NE''''FOUNDLAND have reach­

ed a tentative understanding on which a trade i1gree­ment b~twcen the lwo dominions can be built up, The Department of Trade and Commerce is begin­nil1g immediately to draft a pact to that end, It is proposed that Canada should resume assistan~e to the steamer service between Newfoundland and Cape Breton, probably giving $30,000 yearly for this pur­pose. Canada will also give Newfoundland consid­erable preference in Canadian' marKets.

• • • But there are some who seem to Scouts learning to light a fire with two

n~~pcct.nothin~ and hr!\'e a complete in· sticks instead of studying something rhfference tn the puhlic convenience, useful, such as how to ,keep a cigarette

LEE AND BROCTON in their monoplane "Breen Mountain Bay" landed at Harbous Grace at 9,55 A,M, ~'esterday and plan to hop off at daylight to­day for Oslo, Norway . Even the public safety means nothing, at lighter in working condition. .. --.-~-

• ! •


Smoke-Filled Room

What Others Are Saying

Something New In P

BORDER FOR BIRDS (Peterborough Eraminer)

A DetrJ'il,owned parrot has been returned to its owner afler entering Canada illegally, Fine feathers won't get you past the bO)'1 in blue.

THE OLD SAD STORY (Kingslon Whig·Standard)

There was weeping and wailing at Couchichlng the other day, It was of thatvarielY of lamenta, tion to which Canadians have long since become used, Some war· ried gentlemen were tal¥;n~ about Canadian readers and II'rit· ers and the concensus was: Simp, I)' awful.

BILINGUAL MR. LA~IBERT t Edmonlon Journal)

Edmontonian! will be plea,erl witl! the appointment of Marcd Lambert, member for Edmontoll West, to the posititon of Parlia' mentary assistant to Defence Minister Pearke~,

In hil new post ~Ir Lamhert "'ill hale ample opporl'lni!), tl' prol'e his capabilities, As a mili, tar), veteran lawyer and Rhodes scholar, his 'qualifications 3re ex, cellenl; in addition, he is bilingu· al.


Speaking of zoos, it is interest, ing 10 note that while they ran be operatcd in a modest wa)" prices soar when the collectIon expands beyond native animals and moves into the import busi, ness, A pair f Siberian tigers, for instance, can run over $10,000, The popular elephant comei at around $3,000 to $4,000, Lions on the other hand, !ometime, sell for as liltle as $100. brgel), h('I'""'~ they breed easily HI CJ~III ill'.

IMPORTED SUUVE~IHS I Fort r:l'it Ltllef,He\'lm)

B:llllilig 10 tUIII'I'I~ trartlling In lhe ~Iarilime prc)\'lnc"~ i, Ihe l'xlenl 10 which lucal hand'cl'.:1 ,hops exhibil ~uuds made in Czechoslovakia. ,lapan, :-iiall1, France, SlI'itlcrl<lOlI and lIall', Label "imporlcd" is widell' u,~d <1S tourist lure, while d~mestic handicraft. of excellent qllalily and craftsmamhip are frequent, ly relegated to back shelves,

Situation must be distressmg to prOVincial governments which have made vigorous efforts In

recent years to encouraie home handicrafts .

NIAGARA POWER (New York Times)

The frustrations of (ongres· ~iol\al delay and disagreement lor "rHn years arc ended at last, ;md the New York power Au' thority will de\'elop 10 its fullest allowed polenlial the generalion of electricity from the Niagara niver,

The eslimated cost 01 the Niagara project has gone up to ~fiaO,OOa,oao from Ihe $385,000, 000 it mi~ht have CO!t in 1950, when I treaty with (ana ria dc, tcrminerl ollr share of walers 10 be u,cn far power,

This capital will be raiserl b) t he ,ale of bonds to private in I'estors.

By BRUCE BIOSS,\T , Politics is. a pretty old game a"rl ,0 SOl!

Imagme there s nc\·er anything nell in:t. 8';:' and the 1960 Republican contenders for Ir,e ma,\' be the ones to prove it.

For some time now a nominil~o:1 ;G(e hi.)' :haping up between Vice President ;i:xo" a:j mg Senalor William F, KnO\I'Ic.!:d of Knowland made the prospect n:ore cer:ai~

by telling friends among California l,,\':mok€;! definitely plans \0 run for gO\·ernor of that !\U

year. All along, the present Gov, GOoC\\ln J

indicated an inlention to run n,~a:n, \\'kh ',\ccJ California one of the hot test primal'\',ls J ~·ears,

Knight could, of coursE', Cli<111ge h m:d rj il:stead for tbe SCll,lte scat Kllo,,\la':d i< '.,:,::~

doe5n't particularh' I\'ant tr:e :-po:, but i:e m:,i,: mme circUrllsances decide that f'oi:l~ (11:' ,: \1',5'

thing, J '

Should he battle fo!' the erl', cr:lIIl,hi r, Ihen the big qucstir:1 ,','nllid hp \Ihele :::,01 rhro .. v his ,'en' substalll ICl: Irel~h:, , ~

Ann here's \\,here the r('1~d1' p nn'\pll\' ic night il]lreaJ'. Some ::;Oll!TPo in'I',',"(" i'p n:'" h~cking :0 Kn()ldClnri, \\'110 ccould 'W'! ,,,;t 10 'ct 196n rival if he \I'['nl on to \lln \ ho 1~j3

election, Seldom in political hi,t{)r~' I' n: I~ ,"cu 't/ ' '

find a parallel. PresidentJal I'OI1:,':<rr, are r.c: habit of helping :0 build each 0:>91' Jp, Tee:: instincts are all th", other \\'a\',

But Nixon has a problen;, lL ci:,;:ke d ',' personal as well as political. alld i' Ilel: kr,c'\:. behind the go\'ernor would look brtd, ,,:,ct ' against his grain. ,

There's no \\'ay to stay aloof [I'om :::e ~',~;~;l the Southern California Rep:I;J:;C,dl largely Nixon's and would lJa\'e to lakr a in an\' such contest,

Possibl,\' the \'ice-presidrlll L,.,lll'lf' b S',j~ re,"pel'l tll the 19fiO 1l0l1l11l31illii I' ,,' ,IIC:',,~ ::,,',

gi\'e sllcli aid ulld ~I ill not ~lIt 1,'1 lil"llIi:" B,,: ' there is a J'i~]( im'oll'ed alhl \!II:I:I'::"'~ J':i.' , fUll arollnd delilJel'alr,l,' tl'l'ill" I,) ii'"~ ,I':"e '"i::

It could be that l\i~on 'ill,; [i"("I,t liJ:~~: rlt;: other (,hoil'e in the ll1at:('r~ illld o',lIll,h \1':: [;',!

tlhe chips fall \l'h.ere the,· Jll~I', , ' '

calise of the great nuntller ot TI D 'S bo_ls usill~ alII' takes and mers, u'ce a,

Those who disre~ard the Ja\\' . J and thereby endangerlil'cs mllsl W'ilhollt Foou be brought to task a:ld pUlushed " for their foolhardiness, Sl,\(: \rc)~y, 1;1

I J'~II~" T'\'~nh .I1n! n1', -,

GE!liTLE LAUGHTER in, hn I,I'm~'~./'l , l Cape Breton Post) qlp \rp~ne,dl: ':'"

A sense of humor Is the means B,iti'h frri~hl!r I~t~! J of making 6upportable and bear· at lea ~:lho~1 f,~ ~'I able the embarrassments and The" were p!!,lcWI prickl of life. And'it is the token in~· sehionrr .... h'll '!I of the dil'ine in the human ani' in' ~ _'o~m ,~d, ,'1'1 mal. To he !ure, there are grad, eff I'n:lr,/ .",/ r:: ations in the sense 01 hllmor JOlin".' which can be bulh Cfllet and k:lld -and may reach a high dc~rce In () ff 11 the capacity of onf to ,1:,ugh at cr n himsell', perhaps rurtulty,

What is funny 10 some leal'e oLilers slaring hlankly, There "I'e some who laugh uproariously when a custard pie is thrown in Ihe face of an aclor in a film, -Ir" ' and possiblv it hits the funnl' haIr :rr rn'I"; i

.I • l'rpr'.. ' bone of their own experience, Il f,em ",' ,

I '" 'I 'n r simply is ~ubmitled here thal (,1nr'.' "rl \\'r;~r:-civilizcrl. sense 01 humor has \0 Rr,~riln ,~ ,: 1'0'" .' do with sympathy for the other Iilr hili \;of I,~";, ~ 11 f 11 rI h '''1 'old hrC''' P e ow, an t at anyone possess' ,,,. cd of a sense of humor nel'er

SAFETY ON :rHE WATER il1dul~es in Ihe maudlin luxury or (Cornwall Standard.Freeholder I sclf·pity. The dil'ine made mani,

It i& apparent that boat accid fcst in a sense f humor has to \\'1",nS0R enls would be reduced lubltanti do with man'. wonderful capacity '\'ind-or hro'her" ~ I

II I ... . 'I to sland aside, so to speak and 1.ln\('" (herrY, h:' a y f ",ere were more nglu ' ", I'Ilr enforcement of navigation Bufety took at himself from a detached Iinion IIhrn J ~

I ti U I f "oint of view, Al',t'p \\',tl"JJI1,',°t<lD I'" rBgu a ons and p enure era I r ~. t f 11 h I

' c r ,I,d opera ors 0 owed t e ru es can 11 IHI'.." , l; yllr'-

cernini IOlds for various type, GIVE ADVICE rir<i tH"~ of boats. HESPELER. Ont, (CP) - Mr, ~r.'DI'

Until this enforcempnt is made "nn \fn, George Deac{)nnrl ~:~I\r. r';",~, general, i,t is likely tkat accidenh hrated their 50th wedding anni, nF" \ ['I, " I ~"r' 'II . "t·' l' f1J 1\1 continue to \ncreue, Oper· \'ersar" with thi.. ~rll'ice 10 "oun' ,hi-•• ',0,':,1' , .. " alion of pleAsure craft today in, peop:e: "Co.opera~iQn" is the an~, '1,0" ' ", 31 Ilfl volve5 il"eat re!ponsibility be· Iwer for wedded bilil, I, )906 M Julr '

_____ ,_,. ____ '" _~.~ .~ • ..,... •• _ •. .--."..~._ --. ...... r:r ..... "'_ ... '-r .. rr'~.r::,..,. ... -,.~=IJ1III""~~?o,!·l"':-:"~''''""'?r.="·,,.J~·3:11

.---: .wt Ie 'plld' this

the week. called Salmon ablt many ot

h !till refer ..••• n .. "" Champne~s

dlocked, It IS Ian It hal alwaY5

fishing s~t· years when III I' other places

man. the younger !J l1ndd other occupa·

purJue Idcrly people lIloltly e ,

there toda) , er has been I

lurn"' lh~ trap fish· ~r ulmon it lived

name, a Salmon '!'be hlghliocr here

, 'ear was Henry t~ 6rothfr, 10 two

they l!Cured 1200 dlr l

S1~O:~plies itself ,Into IhI, the natural dll'ld·

11 Champney's East West. Good sat·

'ver and there are r~ Ol'er which Mr,

?faithfUl warden keeps

eye, 'd I heights by the 51 eo . IIId adjacent to the ublns. apprOPriately

Cabins", The and operated by ,

,/""rlJIog Randell brolh.: who started

last year when cabins and 8 can,

sign of progress I Ihe addition of anolher rear, making fll'C In all, /.let that Ihey were oc· t .... ice IS many patrons

11 1111.

~ Mrs, Arthur lilitlng Mrs, Cook's , Ern~st Ryan, -Da), is "i~iting her , julius Randell,

Norman are ~lr,

Cigarettes u:.tA.JT MIUTA


one of the man

of the many


doy more and



, , .- J


I ,'::; e (If


Days lut Food ,

q \ ,..~r-<,~

'r'~'Y Inaht ",-hIH Iftrr ::;out food p pJl'tniHI

_r ,,'hich .'11 ~ '1rl •• ,pt

.~ '.l'hilt' t'n •

H!WS, F~IOAY, AUGUST 23, 1957

-' "illt to ~., & , Ihl ",ck. Thll

• 0 1110 Salmon

~~~pb::~I;~:~~;~: I Complaints A Sportsman's Guides" Aunual A Comparative ~~,~:,"lilr.~II~~:da!I:~i: : Still Raging ,Stunt Camp' at Study I (. "' 1:.)lIn, ,rl '

"'00:.,1'11 . I t"",; ~tr' "htn ,.n TIlIr-;ITY-E~d v' I ,-- , ip R t TRINITY - We recently came' . <," ,:rr: pi_Ie" complaint I ry ~'It lie he~r 1 THINI rY-Mr. Hlrry Mlldment I ort ex on I across I 100'pa&e booklet issued ':,,',c' 1M" ~ lIlIn;:rr , 'I .5 rom VII on I\' 0 I In the Int days of hh holiday \ I • by the pauenler department of the "~;~ rlhr r Offllpa' I tr~\C oler tile new Princeton· here. made an attempt one day TRINITY-T~e pionBtl'1 arnved: Reld·:o.;awfoundland Company in :::;:~ rldrrh rroplc I ~~~I:~/oad. The complaints are 10 slock a pond with trot: It was on the camp, Ille It 10 a.m. Wed· I 190~. It's object was to attract tour. ~ lim IOr,AI, our c lut t~ \he last mile or 10. In Indian pond where al Iveryone I nesdlY, uly 26th. By eveninK tlI~ ists and Iportsmen to the country

~Ir hJ' hCCl". I f tt 0 es we called it the knows never a trout hu ever been I number amounted to 32. and to live them lome Idea of this ' ~.~ 1M :rJI' :I,ll' horll~ e~h raid. Since. we have seen or caught. Harry caught The Senior Guldea were Mrs. I "great sporting country" which it j \lnlOn II III en Rea~ 0 er epithets luch 15 the some small trout from 3 to 8: Health, of Bonavlsta, Division delcrlbu II "the i!m of the ~'"

" ~rnl, a ~3lmon f~~tra~f nAdv~nt~re, the Road of inches lona, 1~ In ali, In a pond Commluionerj Mrs. Dunne, Bona· I western world" and "the aports· ~ rer highltnrr hrre nowhereo an t e road that end. on King'. Cove raid, carefully vista Dlltrlct Commissioner, and man'a-paradlse."

• ,lIr ,m IIrnry mlldl e i d Those compialnts are handled them and put them In a Camp Commandant; Mrs. Jenkins I It il well written and profusely ~ ~'(':hlr, In iIIO get u~ ~uet' ~~d th;1 Wi!1 h never container of water. He motored of Bonavllla, Division Trainer, and illustrated with landlcapes and

Ihl~' Itcurrd 1200 And bumps a and e ~~ s /nh

umps back with them to God's Cove Mr!. Sullivan, Trinity District Com· leucapes, and many Icenic vlew5. , ~ to God's Cove 0 Tot e woods and parked hi! car at the foot of missioner, Quartermaster. and ,roupi of anglers and hunters ~'::Plill il,~I! Inlo: more official ~ eclry must be the hll! which bealnl the trail The Junior Guiders were Mimi with their trophies, and glv,lf all

(h.n:pnr~ , r:a~t u Indian patll. On shank' mare Hilda Abbott, Lily Sullivan and most fastidious tOUriSt would de· ,:)1 n&:ural, dl~ In· I to the power~ t~at b~c. and direct leading to Indian Pond knoll11 Sarah Ricketa, Sophie Blackmore, I the detailed Inform~tion that the

i 11',,1. G!l0d ,al, The only consolation we can give he carried his precious ponesslon HiUa Re~. Hilda Abbott acted &I sire. '.Ir: .n.i Ihrrc are II is what the Irishman gave to the 01 water·cum·trout for a distance camp nurse and Lily Sullivan wu I It gives the means of tr.vel,

~;! r,: rr "hlCh, ltr, man who once complained of the of nearly two miles to Indian pond In charge of waterfront activities. and various routes, longer 01' ~ :!IJI \larricn ~rrp5 I bad condition of the road over and aet them free. They darted The fint f,our days was a train· shorter,. that could be, taken by ,

I \\'hich he had iust travelled. "Do off quite lively. ing period.' This consisted of Pa· Ihe toumt around the Island. to· I h III!' ,Ide 01 ! you call that road bad?" said tile Anybody acquainted with Indian trol SYlcm" by Mrs. Jenkins; gelher with the price 01 the ticket. I, ~ldil'C:I: ,10 the ,Irishman. "Bedad you should have path knows It Is no easy trek and "Flag Ceremonials," ~!rl. Dunne; It gives he cost 01 board and lodg· I'

(l\l!l. IPprt1l'rtaicly 5c~n thi~ road .before 'tWBS made Harry had to take many spells. "Rim's Game and s~out Race," ini at all the reco~niud hotels ,it lJ~:n" The I and then you might nal'e had some But he I:ot there. It Wi! a corn· ~!rs. Heath: Camp Gadgets"; ~!r&. and boardIng houses In,the country, \ ' If,ri rprr1lrd by I C~UH for complaint". mendabl~ eff,ort and we look for· Sullivan; and "Pitching and Stick. tOi!ether ~'Ith the prl7e of cab

Raf,ddl brolh, , ware! WIth Interest 10 deveiop. A Tent" by Clarisn White and fares. ThIS det~i1ed ~nformat~on ):;:!: I, 'IMJ 'I.Hlen 1 ments. Elizabeth Mouland. mJkes the book tntere~tlOg reading .,::;r. :1': ,(,,1 \I hrn I \ Th T' On S d s m f the 'ounger today al a comparatll'e study of '.' rl~" ,,, ... r_n, i t e rllll'ty un ay, 0 eo> I then and no\\'. ;'"7{". ':." ,'I rrl'~~C~S .6. Th Ri 'd Guldc5lol~ed Ihe group for.gcncra TheN! \l'ere no highways Ihen 1

~: c,l,:r, I:' r In ~II a IllS • 101' the last wc~k was 48,. lonly a coupie of motor cars in the I':; ;~,::~": _IWlhrr!e b' ,'\t e verSI e camp rouhne. The number 10 camp such al we have today. There were~ I. 'fl,:: IbJl Ih!~ "m or' i C bm Tests for ~ar!o~1 \\oodcraft whoie illand and they were in 5t. :r<t I' ~Jn p,lron, I la S badges were organized by the John's. The horse and carriage,

, TRINITY-Recent \'istors at the 1 S~nior Guiders and carried . out what few of the latter then were, , ~ TRINITY-From SI. JOhn'l: Mr. Riverside Clblns were- I With the assistance of the JUniors. especially in the outports, were

,. , I ~nd ~Irs. l'. Hookc)" Mr. and Mrs. From 51 Jotm's: Mr. and Mrs. I Among the badges won It camp the acme of luxurious travel, Ol'er ISllo)'s ~. LittleJohn, Mr. and Mrs. Weare. Albert pe~ny. Guy and Donald,lwere Campers, Pioneers, Hikers rough roads. "ShRnks mars" waa

1 'Ir, and ~Irs. Frank Cnanning, BiU Joan Thistle, Bern Thistle, Boyd uwpdg meo actan, " the general means of trampor' _--- Phippard. Ralph Frampton, James I Pike Mr. and r.~rs. Ewen Henne· and Hostess. Testa passed for tation. ~ l-d II:' ,~rthllr I Steele, H. ~t. Delany. Mrs. H. I bury: E. Hennebury, Mr. and Mrs, Firat Clus Badges Included the 4· In those days the Reid Newfound·

"r£t:, \Ir' look! Delany. ~fiss Selma and Min Jean, I Wilfred Blackmore, C. A. Biack· mile expedition, Ill'lmmlng and land Company owned and operated tI [r:!': RIIO ~!lS! Eleanor Flight, Mr. and ~!r!. more. map making. Tests passed for the cross country railway and I

A. ~Ioone)', Gary Mooney, Mr. From Woody Island, P.B.: Betty Second CIa!! Badges were tracking Ihelr le,'en lleamers, called bay hrr ,1no ~Ir~. R. Percy, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Mra. Minnie Pardy, Eric Ind ltalklng, fire lighting, out· boats. made regular bi·wet!kly or

I \\" Pike. ~Irs. C. Miller, Mr. C. Mullett, Penl Mullett, Ronllnd door cooking, and nature. weekly trips around lome of the ~I!ncr. Sandra and Barbara. Mr. and wayne B. W. Williaml, Wayne. Outings included a hike to Trln· bays and along the coast. It had 32

\Cfman T. R, ~!iller and Miss C. G. ~mler. Kevin and Marylyn, Cyril Wlae· ity Ellt where motor boats took different tours via those steamen, m llr, From Topsail: Mr. and Mn. man, D01l!e Wiseman and Thom .. , the group to Trinity. Here they for tourists, at varying ratel Ie­

Phelan, KaYe and Jackie, Tubby Gordon Tavernor, L!lly Tavernor, were met at the wharf bv memo cording to distance covered. Coli ins. Eddie and Denis. bere of the Trinity Local Associa· Here are a few examples. From

From New Harbour: Charlie tlon and treated to ice cream. The St. John's to Bonavlsta Bay, tak· Thorne, Lucy Thome lnd Linden membera of the Association also Ing In intervening places enroute, Thome packed landwlches cookies, etc. the cost of the ticket was $26.BO.

11 Gori! Barnr- arr h.'w :1',~lh"" \Irs. From Placentia: Mr. and Mrs.

" I Ed. ~!urph)'.





.' ,eo •• nda 400

~tiutQe:l Swut C.porel, M"""It, Vic.....,

or WI1wllHlor.




~t:~ l , osl, culcmclie eleetrc cooking i,

WII~t f h Ole many advanlcge,-(lnly ~I of I'

nt many comfort, and conveni-

~ thOI lo ..... ·coll electric living has 10

"r, f.t.y cov

, I mOre end more people are !l!\1~ mo ~ !e and more pleasurll out of

~taul' Ihey cr- I' I b He ~ ~ IV ~g e r •• , 111C.4.ll Y I

Fro~ Clarenvll!e: Ro)' Leth· for toile Guides' tea ~hlch they had The tlcket included meah and the bridge and W. Stanley. lister, on the beach It Glen ('ove. lime occupied 9 days. ,

From ShOll Harbour: Thomas I Before going to Glen Cove thoy Similarly from St. Jo~n I to ~li1ls and Merlin MllIl. visited historic Fort Point and saw North Sydney vii Placentia and

From ~'oxtrap: Mr. Ind Mrs. N. I the old gunl, the relics of I fort Port lUX Basquel, the tickel. in·

P t I tl 'n 174B dudlng meah cost $32.0~, and tht I

or er. ' lere I, . d From (;aspc: ~!r. and Mrl. Ed,' On Wednc~da)' evening the camp· time wal 6 ays. .'

wiri Bond, i erl were the iuests of Mr. And ~hcre wa~ a cDmb.matl~n, trip rrom Monlreal: Paul Ganlher, ~!TI Jack Piercy at their Inaek bar II'hlCh occupied 6 weeks, d"hlltlng. t~

I I' • . 7 dlfferent steamerl an co\'enn~

and Paul DlI ranee. : It Porl Rex\o~. where IlOging, practically the whole islAnd. III I

d gamcs, Ind aClon Mngs were en· the bav5 and along the COllt Ind I

Mr. and Mrl. Granter an ,'Ion i joyed by all, 81 well u Iqu~r~ a. far 'n~rth AS Nain on the Lahrl' : are her~ from SI. John'!, l'u1I ni dancing. Ice cream ,waft lened d~r. The Hekel, inciudinl meal. j' ~!r. and Mrs. JOI Peddle. Ihortly after the arraval nf, tbe \\';;~ $100,00. I

Mr. and Mrs. crowell and chil·


dren returned on Thursday trom ,Ottawa where tbey Ipent their I'ac.tion.

~Ir. and ~!r!,' Haney Vokey o[ Spaniard's Bay are here. the iue!ts of Mrs. Barbour and ~lrs. Hunt. When Mr. Vokey WII here two

I years ago It \\,11 raining. It is st!1l raining.

• nq

gueltl and coffee and aandwlches The book lish ~II the aportl·1 befo~e Ihey left., Mrs. Cock, the mm'~ guides of that day with their I'

Prol'lncial Comml!!IOner, was a addresses and their pay from41.50 special gupst on thil occasion. She to S~.OO Per day. It lIla jlvel the wa~ welcomed by Ciara ~ilcock, I names ~f alI the hotels Ind boud·



A.PL. o[ the First Badger s Quay, in!: houses In Ihe I!\gnd. e.g. Co, Mrs. Cook fxpre!sed h~r! "MANUELS-Thp best hotels are thankl and Ipoke a few words 10 I kept by Thomas Brien, John But· the Guides, saying how pleased and ler, Mrs. S. Squim. L. 6n~w. The ~ happy Ihe WII to lee luch a well I general rate is $1.00 per day or I organized camp On behaU of alii $4.00 per week." the Guiders and Guiles, .he pre· TRINITY-'Royal Oak'. pr~prie. len ted a lold tenderfoot pin to I tress, Mrs. Jenklnl. 'Seaview pro- -Mra. Sullivan, D.C. of Trinity, in I prietress Mill Spence. Terml $1.00 : rocOllnition of' her lervicea .. per day. Quartermllter. The cab fanl were Ilso lilted,

After campfire which concluded e.C. !tn Ii Vesper and "Tilps" the From the wharves and the raU·.

" ~uidel, aang their waf homl to i lI'ay st~tion to any of the different I

'camp'lite and to bed. . hotels, 50 cenls.

I, Other 'treatl were an rvcnin~ I To Waterford Brld~e ~nd return' meal lerved on the camp·slt. by $1.00. To Signal Hili. ditto. I the port Reltton Local Alloelatlon, Octagon and return, 53.00. petty!

b ht I Harbour and return, $4,00. Bay! and ice cream WII roui n on B Ii d eturn $MO. $~.OO hired' two occasions by two of the iood u ~ ~n r 11 d gentlemen of the place. a ~hla °Jt~e b~'klet, apart from

Camp was atruck on Monday, being a comparative Itudy in the August ~th. So ended another an· way referred to II also provocative nual camp of recreational enloy· of thollght alo~i other lines. viz., menl, Ind profllabl. tninlni In the heritage of our natural reo hahltR InLi mania. sour~rs. In tholl daYI WI know

I that tile ~ountry abounded in!:J I p I fl'~shw&ter !lsh of trout and ul· I

el'SOna S lIIun, Ind birds. and partlClll,arl)' • TRIN IT\'-~Ir and Mrs. George the raribou. Have we who 111'ell , • . , ' , hit- "enl'n" years of an el'er ;3 W II of St John'. carne on Sat· i In 1 end.". d I.

I ur~/ and 'spent three d~)'s .. : Incre&!ing pop1llalion negl ecle tlip: 1 ~ucs[s of Mn. Weil'l cousins, Mrs. conservation of ll~t t~:t~feto~~~ ; Barbour and Mrl. Hunt. Mr. Wells call sed the lIame ~ or ~ I reat ~ i~ superintcndent of Newfoundland In thOle I eaJi~his a:o~ntrly in I

I Expresl, C.N.R. and although, on sportsfnen p. ac~ the "Sporlman 's .• \'Ication we obserl'cd he took lime the c~te~,on a olicY of con.,

I 01l~ of that precioul pcrfod ~o call par, a~I,le. ~t~S ~I~r t~e advertising I on the business,finnl here In the serv ,IOn'" rticular\y in internt at his department. Well, And Imon: y tent; t~o brou,IIt in

! & bit of business mixed witll I fhe ast era eo? ' ;~ holiday 18 lik' a drop 'of tea add· commensurate ,results. ., ed to a cup of water. to,give It 1-eolour. We know peopl. who Uke Hi t l'cal Note l It better that wIY-lometimea. S or !

TRINITY-Champney' I or Sal. )lr. and Mrl, Walter White of mon Cove al it was then known,

5t. John'a arrived on Saturday, was leltled at a comparatively nr· on vacation, Ind are .taylna at Iy date Fox Island, or Foxes Is· the aid ho~este,a~, "Lucas HOUle". land a~ some historians naml It Miss Mollie White, M.A., Prin· is an elevated extension of Cham· cipal of BI&hop Spencer College I pncy's West, and connected by B clme on Tuesday and ,spent a beach of scveral hundred feel. few days with lhem. The higillight This so.called Island has an area of Miss White's v15it was a hike of approximately one·tenth by one· tn the top of Gunhlll-within 24 tenth of I mile. It was garrison. houri of her arrivll-to least her ed by ttJe English In 1111 and eye! once Igaln on the panoramic manned by volunteer fllhennen. Icene. Her villi waa brief. Sbe Thll historic fact indicates th.t 11ft a.lin on Friday. Like Caenr there were transient or permanent of old, minul the belligerant part, lettler. there at that early date. she came, Ih. ow, lnd Ihl was An oUiclal celllUS IhoWI' there evIdently &atrlifled. were 8 r!ldent {amlliel at l"ox Is­

land In 1753 over 200 years Igo, In th' lime year families by the Dime of Tlbbl, Spurl (Spurrell) DJld Fowlel (Fow\ow) Ih'ed It Salmon COVI.

The fir.t road hoard member for Mr. and Mra. S. D. Grant of Salmon Cove wal appointed by the

Hlrbour Grice was here for a few 'first road commi&.'llonen at Trln· • days durln« the week. They rlt- lty!n 193~. His name was Tilomll

Mr. William Locke of Gander 11 here vlBiting his mother,lIri. Amy Locke and hia brother. Mr. Gordon Locke of Lock·leveb Hotel.

turned hotne on Mondty. Courtne yof Salmon Cove. ,The first seheel Wi8 opentd at

Jlriln's I. Salmon ~ove by tlu Colonial a~.d tlI. )diss" COl\tllltllul Churcb Society In

)(n. Layman 01 51. he~ l1Id ltayiar with rewl8111'. 1M3.

-- ~

,Oh So Lovely

Velvet HATS

See Our New Arrivals

Yes, ladies, come, '1111 and be thrilled with our show­ing of Mid-Season Hets. Fashioned from shiny vclvcl, you will find little hob _ , • big hots .•• bigger hol~ ••• giving you a wide choice and lop view second I"

none. Excitingly trimmed and daringly toned ... Ihry do your looking pretty for you. Here ore hols for Mid· S.oson drama, adorned with






If You Have A

WEDDING coming up soon •.. oneal our new velvet. hols is a must. The style revelation, are sure to dellghl every women wno nOlurally likes to look her besl on such on occasion. Shown in smart new shades of

• New Green • Dier Blue

o Royal Blue • Charocal

• Grey • Ice Blue

• Beige • Copper

, Aqua , Brown

• Coral • Mink


fROM 2.95 to 9.75





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,':PER$QljA4, CHIT-CHAT FJ--. O'IJl-----.~·----T-'H'-'---E~, -, --L---A----n------~-iv-~ RETURNED' 1iOME ' , VISITING GA,\'DER ' , • _ In ~

Miss Sandra Case)', daughter of I ~lis! Elcanor Berg, bcautidan I' Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Casey, 1~1 Le· from the House of Beauty. st. I: Mlrchant Road, returned ho!!,e last John's, left ,here on Sunday by _.-----------~~------ ----.-••• ---------------------------

, week from Toronto, where'spii; at: T.C.A. lor Gander, where ,ahe Is .------------";"1' ~ tended the summer school of the visiting her, motlJer., She I! th~ IF· t A ·

, I: National &lIet G14Ud ,Of Canad3. guest of her aiste", ~!rs. T. J.! 'Fashl'on Irs nnlversary MANNERS MAKE


:: Mlu Cu,y plans to ope~ a sthool' Ralph during her stay In Gander, ~ for balltinn St. Jolin's on Sept em· - ,

I '. ber 8Ih.:· , • ',','" ON BUSINESS I I ~ :. ,.;.........,.... Mr. Harry Walsh of Grand Bank I T f ' FRO,'I GRAND FALLS" Is Rt present vlsitl~g St. John's on I' ',' l·pS

,:' Mr. IndlIn. 'Rlchard Lacey 01, a business and, holiday trip. I

Grand ~ ... who werevlsitlnest.1 -- I'

i I

, : John's at:lbe euelts 'of Mr. 3nd' VISITING FROM GRIMSBY, ~ i.' : M George Norman Carpallan ,~!rs. L, E. Flood of Grlmsby,l . I Sal'i~g "You're II'rong," to a

: person who has made a' state· i ment with II h:['h you disagree is ha rdl)' thc way to win friends or

'I 'ell I'our own Idcas,

: R' r5d· I~""'h' t 'd 't Onario arrll'ed in St 'John's 'on I Corduroy prJnuses 10 be one I

. 01 "".' ere )'CI er ay ,_ 0 re·· . , [tl I ct' lb' f (II

I 'h" Thur,dal' hI' Ihe express Irom' 0 Ie ea mg a T1CS a ,<l" turn ome. Gr"nd Fall;. She I'lsited Corncr i nut only lor backto·school.llcar'

I ! VISITING FTl'"'Oi:iToim,IITO Brook ond Grand Falls on Ilcr II'ny ,far the j'oung thln~s but in top, ~Ir!. Blanche MIlicI', of Toronl". from the mainland and will leal'e f1ighl fashion collections, II makes I

, \' ,here tmlay for Carbonear Ilhere evenin;; II rails, hat~ And ~U:llC'1 I- Th~re arc more tadlul yays of I offering a different opinion.

, I has ~ec~, ijlcriulng' a holiday' in 5t. "he will 'spend 0 holiday Il'ith her limes entirc coslnmes. I : John S Iii thc gue~t of her brother, ,mother ~Irs. William H. Saun·, -- :

I American Menu , ,, 31r, g""E. Hillier, ,Carson I dc . I In spite uf lile ~I'cat amollnt A,'cnucr.and lell herc )'esttrday to I rl. of color ill lall cluthc,-or PCI·.' I'lsit )tr. and ~!r!, Richard Lacey'. LEFT OS \'.IC.HIO.\' I hups bccall~e of it-coslume jew· ~t Grand Falls before rclurnlng 10, ~Ii" Sandra Churchill Irft for, clr)' Is colorful ,,00, ~Iorc sloncs her home In Toronto, Corncr Brook Ihis aftCl'noon on in such tones a" sapphire, emcrald

: r I \'aeation to the second cil), and: deep gl'n),s,. amber ~nd, ~lnethnt I I • TTlA.\'SfEIlREfl TO GANDER GrJnd 1'0115. ,ore \lsed In comblni111011S II'ltll


IlY G'\Y:'I'OR ~IADIlOX ,I I ~1i5S Jo~n Dyke, oaul:hter o[ ~!r , I ~arl5 and rhlncitoncs.

and ~trs. liaac Dyke. 27 H"ll1el SI., W d b W I l' --Let', hol'e a de lu~c pcach des·

SCI', for Sund3Y - creme brulee with fres:l pCi1che" Despite its Frcnch name and French dcEcaey

, I I I

who has been working wit~ T.C,A , ar ro e OIl{ cr. i Walch Ihe .rail glol'CS. Glol'CS, .t ~!altoll Airport, Ontario, has: 1 alll'a),s an Import"nl PHt of a

;e~.~,tl~{f~ee:nat~~~~e:;ed to Ihe 1 ! PRINTED PA 1TIiN' II ~~~~t 11~°:O~~~~t cOJ~~~~' ~~~ e~~n and wlnler, The ncll' ~Iol'es will

: be long. They will be lon~ enough FRO.ll GA,\'DEII

~Ir. and )!rs Charles ~!ardcl and Ihelr ~'oung dau~hlers are I'lsltlng st. John's from Gander r>nd are the, !luesta of ~tr. and ~!rs, J, Cole,: Circular Road.

II{) meet three·quarter and for shoo

,rter slccl'es, thc glol'es will be e\'cn longer. No bare arms shnw· Ing this lall, so put )'our ~horties all'a)'. 'They'll be b~ck next spr.! ing, )10 doubt,

the reeipe comes from cooking ex·: Just a fel\' hours to cro~let each p€rts of the Fnited States Dcpnrt· ',quare-the perlet p:k·up hobby ment of Agricultclre in Washmgton 'for hat summer day,: Xli'\E squa· D,C'. res make a 21·inch TV cOl'er;

Cremc Ilrulee with Peachcs : EI(;IIT, a <carf:

I (r, servings), I Paltern 7060: Directions for 7· One cup ~ilk. 1 Clip light ,c,rea m, ! inch square in bedsprcad


2 eggs, slightly bealen,' cUP, smaller in No. 30 cotton. cranulatetl sugar. II, teaspoon salt

I : 0.\' HOLlD:! \' :, ~!r. ~nd ~Ir~, G. fisher of Cala· ,

-- I

Fall shoes will be decidedly nui·' ted of lex:, .more so, el'en, th"n

11 leaspoon nnilla. " cup brown I Send THIRTY· FIVE CE:'I'TS (in ,sugar, 12 peoch h~,lvc'. coins I for this pattero (stamps

:'lIn. AND 1\IRR. CYRIL YARD Heal the milk and nram in top cannot be accepted) to ST.

. , I !

lina He spending a holiday in 51. I .Inhn', And ~re rcgislercd at Ihe; BrOll'nsdalt Hotel.

L H'T \'I: sn: lW II )' ~Ir, Richard BllIll, )upHI'i'nr of '

C~nadi~n Rro;lGc;l,;tin= l'nrpnr· ~t,nn trammltter !tatinn ~t 'Iount I

Prorl. left herr ),cslcr!la,l' wilh his I

!nn Dou~las, 11'110 il a ~llIdcnl at: Ihe School I)f TlcnWtr)' of ~!cGill i

Lni\'CI'!lI~', They plan to go on • hnlid~l' tnur on lile .\\ainland ~nd "r. Dal1~la\ will finish up l1i! hoil· rial' in ~Iontreal.

l'ISITI~G OTTAII'A ~!r. W. f. Galgay, re-gional ~urrr·

"i!or of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, lell here on Sunday (In ~ husiness I~ip 10 Toronto and ntl'WR.


: the spring shue~ liTre, To-c!,I\' ~Tr. ,11](\ :'111'-, (nil \',;rcl 0: l~:; Circulat' ROClcl al'c of a doub:e boiler to scalding, ,,10Il:'l"S D,\ILY ~E\\,S, Household I c! Combine egg,<, sugar and ,all and ,Art, Dept. 60 FRO:'l'T STREET

~',ictlll C ~h()\\'s the j1"pp\' couplc all ti'cli' \\'cc1c .ng a\', ~I':lIlual:1' ,tir into tbe hot mix, WEST, TORO:'l'TO, O:,\,T. Print I Tl1il fall II'! the (rcrfnl'ln 'il,

l1ullelle 50ft an~ ca;), whelher it', Ceil Cilapl11an's "'clope" rlre" Ihat is al\ silllJllr folds and wraps thr f:;:urr II~rltly, nl' Origln"la" roals 01 lu~uriou! (ullne'.I.

:,flCI' ',llCII' ll~a:':'la,~c ;it the Basilica of St, .Jolll1 thc BClptlst ,t',lrc, C~ok in do,:llle boilcr Iintil plainly ~,\)H; A[)~~ESS, PAT· ~ 1 1 In-!' I 'pOOn coals, stJrrlng eonstantl\" TER:\' :"DIIlER.

Cli AlI,::!us t .. : rc. .,J L __ . _____ ~~ _~ .. _.- _~ __ ._ .\dd "'nilla and cnol, Pour into A honus for our reade~,\: h\'o ______ • ------ (I. ~h;llJn\\' h;1kiu:! ril:-J1. 1 "'Iler, r,lIS-, FHEE p;ttcrns, prin!('ri in nu:" _ t.1rd is tbirk and set. p,acc bakln~ ! nr\\' Ali['e Brooks "ecdlena:1

I J d S di,'h in a larger pa nand ,ur~olmd Book for lQ5i: rlu" a \'ariet)' of In matcriob . .irr,\e~' and rl'crr' D ' With Ice, Sprlnklr, l\'Ith hrown ric':gns tn onler - cI'ochet knit·

arc I'ery Il11porlanl ill <lre"c, al~d I actor or an ays :~II~a:' to Caler, ~l'()11 u~lll \u~a~ tin~. embroidery, huck IIcal'in~. ,rllr i~ u,en as a Irim on Clcr~· i 1\ hllbbl)' ,~n~1 m,e,tcd, hrrr cnlu. loy,. dolls, olhers, ,Send 2:i cenl.' Ihin~-from a \ill'Cr rox hnrlirc, ,Itntll scrlln~ tl,ne. OICI Ifnr .'our cop)' o[ thi! necdlecr;;rt on a slim blacl: hroadllnlh dinner; ,clnlled pea['h holl'"" hOOK-no\\,· ~oll'n b)' Pauline 'fri~rrr 10 lIer·; Bi' ED\\'(:'II P. JOR Il ,\:-.1 , ~1. 0 For Slinday dinner ~;liarl. trl i hcrl Sonheim·~ ,Ilim little hlark ... __ • Illis silllP:e Ullt plca;ant rel'lpr I 11'001 fres, II ilh ill ,llOrl filtc'l from Amalia. . jacKd trimmed wilh white mink. i GRI;,\T STRIDES )l\OE 1:-1 Ima)' III\'olle thc hr~IlIlI~. Ih" r~r· R~II['II fialatl I

I llllAI:'I' TnIOIl Sl'RGERY 1,lgllt, or muscular cool'dlnatlOn III 0:1(' lar~e hei1rt letlu('P. 2 lorna,

y-' ;fashions

~!r. C. n, III ;:sking (or a illS', Hcadache IS a falll) comma,s oniun. salt ann pepper to I~st.e.

knoll' Ilhether an operation for perSIStent 1'0nlltmg, but bolh mal piece" Arr"nge in bollom Of a ;:n

, :: ~!r'. Gorclon Ilihbs. ~B Empire I ; .!l1 rnue, enlerlained on Wednesda~' : : morning with a colfee part)' at her

..-___________ 1 -- lone PHt of the body. t:r another.; lors, 2 1l.1l'c·(,llokeri e;;gs, " I:1rge

B~auty Brloefs cusslon of bram hlmors. II ,shes to symptom of bram tumor anti So 1, CI,lt Or break lettUCe mto small

same is considered ~'.'rious, IIhat be absel .; lar~e serl'ing bawL Cut tomatoe,~ I 'are tile ~ymrt0ms and whether I Of course a person can llal e an) I into small wedges. Place in R

Vigorous massage 0/ the late brain g:mors can be discol'ered, of these symplom;. from some ring arOllnd edge of howl, rCler:'-1 and neck at home or any place bl' X.ra)'s. ! other cause,. 50 1 1I001Id c~utlOn in~ cnollgh for a smaller ring In

unless done by a real expert can' 'These are all important ques·' anyone agamst makmg a self· c~n(er of bowl. Pecl and slice do much more harm than good. I lions. Tht first can be ar,mered diagnosis. , j • cd ,1ggs. Arrange egg slices in cen-



: ,

1':, I

, '. "I

! i ' i'l

, i' I (~ :·1 d i :'.1 i


: ,home. 4605 "'--...--10-IS

. VISITISG TOROI\TO t,-IIWM.4J~ definitely and quickly: such op·, IF i\ BR:\J:"I ,urn or IS suspect : ter ring 0: tomaloes, Shce olllon I When using a cleansing cN'am; eration, are serious. 111e ner"~lh ),slem, musl be care:, and scparate 9iice~ inlo rings. I I rub it in gently and remove thc I It 11':1.1 not long ago that nol1l' I fully examined to find oUI exac,t!~ • Seattcr onion rings ol'cr lop of 1 crenm and dirt lI'itl1 tissucs, usillg ing could ~ dont' for a pcr,on 11'110 where tllc lumor IS hefore , a~ salad, Sprin~lc wilh salt and pcp· ,

E.\'G.-\GE.llE.\'T ro~~ak~r a 1;~nder~~1:-t1:~'O w~rd. ,a second lot nf crenm if neces\· de\'cloped a brain tUIll"r. In thc opcra~ion i,. Hen tl1ou~I'I, abu;.~,. per, then pour saiad dressing O\'or \i

The en~agci11ent wa! reeenll), - 0,111 ,'s " "t· ar),. A damp warm clotl1 uscil at i last 50 ~'ear,s, bowclcr, ~!'eat pro· Such tl'StS Include examllllng

" C I<J of sal:1d in~rcdient5 . announced 01 ~fiss Joyce Hiscock, ' tcrn· \ ar) the ncrklme from: this poinl lI'il1 remo\'e Ihe lasl grrss has been madc in ~urgery muscu['l r strcngti~. the \,1,lOn" Salad Drrssing

~!r~. F. ~1. ~lI\ley of 51. John's , I! l'lsiling Toronlo on holidny and, l! a guest at the Park Plaza Holcl. '

dau~htcr of the late ~Ir. and ~Irs, ~and~~ln I co:lur. to loll' .'qu:Hcd ,I'cstiges of crcam anti ~rill1e, ann of the ncn'olls ,~·s\(':n. including hcarin~ ~nd nen'r rr~elion:, 0:lr·1Ialf cUp ,abel dcesslng or William Hiscock of Chamberlains,; eaut), s.eeles.ln three ler~lOns, will make the skin mure rccept"the brain. T' ". in many in" Fhlid must be remol'er! f:ol11 t'1e :na~·o~~aise. I', tablespoom'

Concept'lon Bal' to ~!r :\orman L. Elas), to SCII', JO)' to \I'ear-pure, il'e to the lubricating cream which: stances highl1' skilll"i brain and' spinal ca~al or the openmg s In tne 1 ere.lml· Frrnch dressing, '. :ahlc'

. .' f alter), I )'0 r I " c. ." . ' .' C I' ehe . G Cuff of Bueham, son of ~!r. and or ur Igure. . . ; should follow. : nel'l'e surgeons car, remol'e hrain brain and e\amlneu. , cr am , " ,spoon calsup, ~irs. \V, J. Cuff of Humbermouth, I Printed Pattern 4605: Misses I -- : tumors succcssfltll)', I mical fluids may ~ Injected ~r.:o Combine all ingredlenls ann m·x

__ ISlzes10't12"H,16,.18. Slzc16N).1 .Pat Ihls oily ertam Inlo the:, :'1'0\\', TilE REPLY to ~!r. R,'s,l~le canal which 11'111 sholl' up,ln wcll, I u:rr FOR U,S.A. qu~e! 3" preis 3J·lneh. ~ skin but l! you want to massage I secon:1 question is difLcult. A' X·raYs and thus help III locatMlg I

~Ir, Peler DrOler Rnn hi! daugh. , rlnted dIrections on each pat· carelully, do It g~nt1l' using tllO i brain tumor rna)' Ec almost an)'.' the tumor. W01TE:'I' CRlCln~TERS I Irr. ~IlS! An::ela Ilro\'rr of Por. 'I tern part. Easler, ~ecurate. I fingers' wilh a rotary molion, tip :whcre inside the skull Rnn 111,1)'! Air can he injcclc~, into the L()"OO", F.n~l"n~ (Crl-The I ' 11I"at CnI'e, Irft fnr 111~ t:nltcn Scn~ FORT YCElIiTS (40 eenls) and out. Slap with the back! 01, I'ary greatly in ~izc, Consc~urnt. spaces in the braln-thl' ,,,unds to:'~ct o[ r:UO(1 sri. h\' til r Wom, " i r"' ,.~ ...... " \, .. -- I .l1, SI;tcI hy T,C,,\, nn Tllr~d:ly, :~/OIllS (~tamp,\ cannot be aeep· Ihe hands under the ehin and along: I)" the symptoms of R brain tumor, ratl1er fearsome hut I; not~so rr', ('m~rl ,\«omtlon [nr a ,. i: " , : AlI!;ust 20th, to spcnn ~ holiday / I~r thl~ .patt~rn. Please print the jawline. I arc by no me:!ns ;lill'ay, ;dike. thiS. 100. helps to locatc thr a:{'a 11~'n·l~ °llf"\'\'II,'rtr"'n'li"p".~,~~. ~rll' zr:l.


L·r'I'f':'·-'"~'""j)'--·"··''''' with rclati'~~ anrl [r:end,l, They ~~~~I.~ ~~~I'nE~O\~IE, ADDRESS, . I They depend on ,iust '.I:~crc the of the. tUlllor. In s~mp r,asr<, ,,"" " --,<I vr V phn to return home hI' Seplember I ••• " • ' Usc a rotary mollon 0/ massage • tumor is located, Ihe sir.e, ils rate, mcasurmg the electrIC;;l. ",:lI'PS ' a. Angrl:l will he r~lurnin~ 10 I Scnrl ;;d~Io 10" A:-.1i\8 An~~I~, along the horizontal lines on the, of growth and other faclors. ,which pas, .Ihrough tilE bralll 1\ al "l'll~E~' IImlE~ !chnn!. Thrlr man\' frienrls wl5h' ~~e ~f O· /1:'1 ~ DA.I!.y ~E\\S fore~ead or the perpenducular fro· i Oce:!sionally a hrain tumor may' ,S(l a help In locating the, Illmor. lIF.RTFnnll F.11~laliri r('p, -I them An rnlnl'ahle'holida' I ,tt rn cpt, ~o }RO~T STREET wn I1ne.1 between the broll'5 or the 'prodUce r!1f!lcl,llties:n SIl':llIo\\in~,1 THERE ARE ,sc,eral k,"ds of Hrrtfllrri'hirr 'rnlllll" "nlllll'il lIill us~a?'e~I~~i~~g!~;~m °l'o~l~ u~~ _____ . _ ,~. "EST, TORO:"lT~, ~:"IT. . I crow's leet ~L the c)'e~. 'In othcr eoses, the ~ymptoms tumors as wcll ~s m"nY Inratl,~n'. ',ncnr! £I:l.nnn on 1IIII'ng hOil;C' \\'ell to cOIlSlder thl! one. It II

. Some ore ;1011' ~rO\\'ln~ onrl hr· fM fOllr di,trirt n'lr-c', . • rr.ast unu,ual combination of nign," othcr~ "lift alld "1m h:·1 _________ ' t,rtan plaid and nylon lace and

Tty my wondet.furGlAZ~O p~CU PINW"~~l PUDDfNG! nanl." In ,Ipilr of ~11 these direi., RR.WE WO~!l::\' "If result Is oae of e~arm and cullic~, hO\l~l'rl' a greal m~r,y. Ln:-;DO\" E:donrl Il'P)- I-:i· la~hion InterrsL The Inu~ little tumors c~n be localed and remol'· ,teen Cox, a post oWcr assislanl jacket Is cut on classic tinder It ts a camIsole top 01 td. II'ho r~ised the alarm when a: tile plaid. A ,ell cummerbund

C.aIM end 'a'. 'YNP I,om 20.0""'. CO" Itlcod p",hOl

SUI teg.'." cnc., Ih.n Into bawl,

2,."fttd pa,!fyll.ur or 1'10 c. on,,·,lft.d all.

P""Pa .. flour 4 I,p" Magic Ba~ln.

Powd .. Ys t'p ... 11 'A c. grl""III.d lug",

Cui 1M . 'I. c. c.lll.d '~."lMln.

Me~1 Will In dry Ingrl·, edd

II. ,. milk and mi. IIghlly wlih a fork, adding mll~, If n.teucry, 1o ",okl a .rlll dOligh. Kneed

.. 10 .lCend. eM fleured bed rd. " Rollout 10 B •• 12·1o,h".

Spreed wllh y.. c. thl,k raopb • .,.,. tam

, :


Sprlnkll wil~ llb.pI.chapp.d almondS

Arrange .. over dou;Jn. hginrdng 01 a I~orl

edg., roll UPI cui Inlo 6 111,.,. PlcCl, CV! .Id, ~p, Irl gr.elld 7·. t t ·Irch pen. aok. In hot oy,n, .cOO", 2 ~ m'n.. Mllcnllm., bring

~ 10 boll, .tlrrlng, 1 Ib,p. r' grcnuicl.d ,ugar, 1 tI:up.

I:orn Ilarc.M, f.w graIn. 1011, lulce, t c.p.o,h SYNP (UI. waler,lfnlcl"ory, 10 brln; ",lalUrI up to I cl, 51', In

1 Ib,p. buHtr or mar· garln. and 'I. I., .• Imond .. " .. ,

Pour over partially cooked plnwhull. Bak. CI bovr 20 mlru. lOl1g.,. YI.ld-6 •• "lnglo

Protect all your Ing .. •

dl.,11 with d.p,ndeble

MAGICI G,t 0--_,

light end

lende, r.,ulll , , , I ,

: ..... gel MAGIC Baking

Powder 100,1

..11M' ,I j

Toda)', mo,t of the lar~r cities, guwman threatcned to "bioI\' her; and a very [emlnlne Fklrt o[ and some smaller ones. can claim brains out," was presented lI'ilh I nyton lace complete I very brain and ncrl'c surgeons IIho arc 15 gllineas and a wallet by post· ' pretty pIcture. cxtN'mel), ,killed. i master·general Erne,t ~Iarp!c;. I

I . ----~-~ - ~ - -- -~--~-

!,!~~I~~~~?!"(!" ~!~,~,~,:,,,' =B:t'~U~ to lI'<,ar dean canl'a~ glow', to p!"(,I'l'nt fingrrmarks or stains [lI!

unfinished 11'0011 sufraces. By RUTH MILLETT

Wnsh the gloves often, of course. PIlt\ISF. SO:"\'S WIFF. TO WI1\' So says one of my women readers. ':-;ICE ~IOTI!ER·I~·I.'\W' TITLE Of course, she'! right. And the

Take n rC,lt while (he erenm soaks in then remove and apply a skin freshener, All this routine, "The easiest way in H·.e world il indulged in I'Cgularly, will help for a molher·in·law to win the the complexion and dclay the I fricndship of her daughter·inlall· !ing~ of aging. , is to praise her in front of the son"

praise needn't be blaring or Beem : !orced, '

When s~ Is invited UJ dinner .• the motherin·law can ask fOr a recipe. That's just as cas), ~5 makinJ: R barbed remark like, "These ar~ w, _dcrlul steaks-hut they mllst hal'e cost ~n awful lot. Whc~ YOIl'I'e kept house as lon~ R,


I h",'e. you'll learn wa)'s of u5in~ 'cheapcr culs of meat,"

I Whcn the mother· in • I.,,· i~

shown a nell' piece cf furniture she will admire it extravanU,'. if she wants to be friends. Or' she ,





$26.20 per ton ,





$35.50 per ton



COAL Suitable for your furnace or range.


$27.80 per ton


, . ,


can make the mistake so man,:·law make by saying: I

I "I've rever cared for modern lur· I

,niture myscll-but I guess it is: • what most young Jl€Ople like." : ,- Easy To Be Nice I

! It's easy for the motherill·lall'.

kJ repeat compliments she ha~ i hpHd about her·la\l'

II Ann if she is wjse enou~h to rr peat them when her son is araunc"

',he is sure 10 leal'e her daughtE:' : in,l;m fcrlln;; apprcl"alrd, , It is iust as easy to repeat " , ~0mplimrnt as kJ rela\' a critici'~' i A mother·in·jall' cari either gil'e

I'r.e r daughlerin·law l! buildup or tear her down. '

I It rna)' he only human for a i molhrrin·law to want 10 sholl' her 'son that ~Iama Is still the smar· test woman in his life.

But if she Is really smart, the mother·in·la \I' will try to keep her son wid on thc idea that he mar·

I ried thc smarlcst. most charming I woman in the world.




RAG 20%










00/0 0

oW -The Complete Answer to Rural . Sanitatinn Problems.

L~!!-'tJl6 C04IU

, f

.r"" ---,------




"~ '\






Plan to Grow Lets Hobbyist . Finish Rooms

.By DAVID G, BAREUTHliR A HOUSE you can finish on a·

do'it.~'ourficl! basis-one you can be prout! of in allY neighborhood And that will have a good resale value at (·ny stage of completion­hal been selected as Design HW·33 for The Hobse of The Week,


" ,.'


This is a plnn to com hat high building costs and shortages in skilled lallor b~' providing a \'nri· cty of options for a homcowner who has thc inclination and time to take over eas)' phases of finish· inli, / At tM same time, this plnn orrers 'l1ewl)'w~d~ or r·~)' small fam· ill' space for expansion even If they ho\'e no liking for do,it·)'our·

TRADITIONAL STABILITY blmdl with modern living requirem erit~ in this picturesque de~ign, ~.

scI[ projects. , The co~t o[ having only one

mere room finished at a time, when and DR )'ou need it, iR not a

'great bruden. Of course, )·ou can contract for

the construction of the mere shell of uny house. But too olten that reKults In B long period of wailing until ),ou get all roum~ IInl!heu. It II not easy to finn 8 plan whOlly attradl\'e to families wanting a completed houie r'lel ~tlll rind il r.-JaptRble to part·time flni!hlnA­with untlnllhcd room~ kept con· craler! In Ih~ mCHnlime.

ThAt i~ nne renson De~iRn HW:l3 I~ ullusual. , STm KI:>iGLY attraetil'e In HP­peurance, thl' houlc Is thoroughl( American In !plrlt Rnd style. It rll­fh'ctl the trr·~ltlon of old colonial farmhouses that grew with wlnlls and additions as !uecreding gcner· atlon! brouRhl more affluence to the' lamlly, It mlghl be do~crlbed as a ranch hallie with I two·storey wing,

The two·store), po~tlon II a


BEa RIA.:3

al" ~~B": D-

/ " -" , '. 1

\, I .

F'.~n RM.2 16'O"JI~"O"



DINING ~M 14'-t~ 14'-0'

DEN 14'-0".12'-0·

••••• I

'--~"....--. . . . .. ' ..

LIVING RM. 24'-2" l 16'-2"



GARAGE 2 3'· 2" .23'· 0'


secret In Its economy. The firlt UO·IT·YOURSELF hobbyist could finish this den and upstair! bed rooms in hi~ spa'e lime.

floor provides 1.682 ~quRre feet of. \ lIvablc space, Thl~ I~ a medluni t1nctlle l"lInes, h~s dcslgned the in· dining room, kitchen and master bath for the master benrllnm-a ,-----------, alze, "rhe second floor adds 670 tcrlor aA Imarti)' as the facade. bedroom finished, close of! the den thou~htrul economy in M"i~n. :\ II BASDIE:'iT square fcet. combined, the~e give Rooms are !al'ge throughout. There, and the upstairs and occupy the HOUSE FI:\[SHJNG ha,< been I~ :>;En:;SS,\RY you 2,352 square feet, which would would be no crowding In this din. hOUse as a one·bedroom dwelling. aimpafled for amateurs b,' all Je~ct· nr:Str.:-\ H\\',31 c~n b~ hullt

,be quite a large and expensive Ing room by • family needing all Even the powder room lavatory ing mDnufacturers. You' can ~et un 8 concr"l~ ,I~h, nl'OI' :. rmd erell If all rooml were on one three or four bedrooms. A:5o, every could have plumbing lines rough· complete instructions from dealcrs space, or over 3 b3.\~mrnL level, room Is R dead.end room. A ccntral ed in, be used temporarily a~ a in knotty Western pine, hardwood The decorative c'h I m n c y

In lome WB)'S thl~ arrangement loyer guardA this privacy by eUm. closet, and finished later, plywoodl, gypsum wallboard, tn· houling on th~ roof of the two· ha! advantages over spllt.level Inallng any need for pnmge Option 3-The entire flrAt floor sulalion and Insulation boarns, storey win~ Indicates a place planning, You have no stair! to through room! This II the key to can be finished as a complete two· floor coverings, pre,trimmed and for a prefabricated chimney climb e~cept to rcach two second. optiOns lnr part' time flnl!hjn~. b~droom house with th~ second pre·pasterl wallpapers, qulck·drying which coulrl serve a heating or ~r)' bedrooms. These rooms meet HERE ARE major advantr-gcs in storey left as an ace·in·the·hole ex· and odorlcs! paint!, plastic tile, ~Ir cnnrlltioning plant in I uti!· prefcrencci of thOle who want bed. thl~ plan: ' panslon attic. aluminum or steel tile, ~vrn clay It)' room taking the place of the room! removed from the ground Option 1--Thi.1 hou~e can be Option 4-0ne upltalr! bedroom tile which can be pasted on the wall cellar stair!. Closet in kitchen level. anrl stili you are not compel: hullt fully finished with three brd· could be flni6hed at a time with the with new waterproof ;o.<ihesi\'C~, would ~ccommodate [Iue. led to hal'e half o! your house up .. rooms, I den lultahle for A !ourth other len'lng II attic ItorAge !pace. In fact. it would he tun to fini;h An r.lIcrnatil'~ "Quid be to !t3Ir~. The main part 01 thlB house bedroom, two bathrooms and • The upstair! br.throom Ihould have 3 neW house. A~ well as economical, Ille a cupola on the hiih roof il on the [Joor-luxury apartment powder room lavatory. plumbing line! roughed in when if j'OU have the will. A word to the and pl~ce heating plant in gar· style, Optln 2-You could build the the houle II built, ~Ince thl! bath. wiRe, however, is: Don't start some.. age storage space next to fire·

Derick B. Klpp, archllect of dlHhell, hal'e only the I1v.lng room, room I. directly above the private thing you can't complete. place chimney, Californl& st)'!!.

~/A 3S.CENT STUDY PLAN MAY SAVE YOU 35 YEARS. OF REGRET" • ,_ • ______ • __ -0 .-_"'

Send this coupon for your STUDY PLAN r----------------~



YOU CAN GET a study plan lor The House of The Week by lillin~ in your na me and ~d· dress on the coupon on this page and sending It with 35 cents to this ne\\';paper.

This 5tudy plan sho\l'5 rach floor of the house together with each of the four elevation5, f!'()l1t, re~T and sldcs of the house. It Is scaled at V,·inch p~r foot. It Includes. iuide on "HOT to Get Your HOUle Buill"



You can take this study plan to your bank or other mortp~e lender and to YOllr builder ,nrl grt rou~h e,timate! on thp eo't of construdion In thi, arp~, a~ Ilt!1 as an id~a of thr co,t in ~tnt~ion to )'OIIT bud~et.

With this informalrion )"11

will know whether you ,,~il want to proceed with con-Iruc· tion by ordering working hJll~· prints dIrect from ~e architect and asking for bids for the work,

, Building Editor: I I Ec,I:led i! 35 ce"h. Plpa<e ,~-d me ~ ccpy "I I~~;: '/ i I plan 0; Tlto th';:r ~1 T~e \,',~"'<, D':~~ :,,!!,', I I , I



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Remember: HYGEOSAN is the result of years· 'of . research and practical experience. It is not a new, untried experiment. Thousands of satisfied customers attest its worth-hundreds are in use in Newfoundland to-day.



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Yes, happy Harry, Pontiac's favorite owner has turned out to be Pontiac's favorite salesman.

Unusual? Not a hit. Every Pontiac owner turns into a Pontiac salesman .;;.-: . fast! No wonder,

either.,. Orice you pave ,anything to do with Pontiac .-.-. any Pontiac ,

its praises wherever you go."That's why P<;:mtiac ... -.. right now

price field. Try one .... you'll like it!

'j,'; •

.. w. 'J V

you just can't help singing

IS in the-low

n01A ~ .r--------.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ,'" TERRA NOVA ~10TORS, LIMITED


Cornelius Val from his pres to Hollyw'ood , 6' Heather, : , ,


, :


-, ..



ION II .The Daily News .SECTION II

~_----'----------------.:.:TH.:.;:E;...D:.:;A::.:.:ILY NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, ...;,1.;.;95;.;..7 _______________ ~ _________ _

.,' .,...:. ... • i

, . t '

'World Events In Pictures

\1l'ooD, (";,l-)Jrs. Mnry Hosford, actress mothrr of four chlhlren, r~ S110Wll witll her youngsters here. . Corndill~ "annel ::ilt Whitney, 58, announced recently that he wili we'd Mr5, Hosford when he is

irom hi, prc~cllt (3rd) wife, ,the former Eleallor Searle. Mrs, Hosford, an Arizona socialite, was to 1I(l1l~'\\I'o~ by Whitney to star in one of his movies. The children in the photo are Mary Lou,

IIiIb~ 6; IIcathcr, 2, and Hank, 5,-(I.N. Photo). ___ _

f RENDSBURG, Germany-ThIs !s, the first artificial nil drilling' island ever built in Europe. After ,dlUI

months of worl;, it was recently compl, :cd and is now Plldcr;. !ll~ tests ill Ii lake I!eal' l{l!d~h\!l g', Sthil'~"'\ ig­Holstein. Costing $3,300,000, the island will be tugged to the Persian Gulf bcginning this nlonth.-(I.N. Photo)

, . ,,).

ABOARD USS TICONDEROGA, Eastem Pncific- Photo left: at left, a 3D-2 Skywarrior twin jC\ "limber , is 9hoWll coming in for a landing on flight deck of the USS Ticonderoga during a test flight in the Eastern

Pacific. Arresting gear failed to holt!. Knowing that the next stop is the orean, the pilot (right) pulJs plane's nose up. An Instant later, the 23-ton craft sends sprl9' flying as it strikes the surf 60 feet below. Photo right: on hitting the surf, the nose section (circle) breaks free. Pilot and crewmcmber can be ~een bobbing in the foam beside the $2,000,000 craft. They were pickell up hy a helicopter four minutes after the crash.

Model illustrated Is also

available with high worming

closet instead of colour-tone

splash.back. The price Is

then $309.QO and this In­

cludes stand, and tonk.

with STAND

and "ANK



MODEL 02C56C24 •


This GURNEY model is the last word in kitchen economy and performance in oil ranges. The "Air·O·Matic" Cycl~s oil burner features one·dial precision control of both ~Ir

• and oil from low'flame to high, The stainless steel grids combin~d with stainless steel stabilizing rings and stainles,s steel pot give almost perfect combustin, This GURNEY, od range is the 1000t word in smart oppearance t~OI fe~tur:ng o colour.tone splosh.back panel with fu!l,wldth lighting and handy minute·minder. Visit our a~phonce _showr~am and see for yourself why this Gurney 011 range I~. a priZe­winner in' its'elf and can win prizes for YOU With better

baking. EASY TERMS


~ ! I


, ' ,

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i', I

, ,. I il;


I ,



! I

I , .'

I '

, I

I :

, I , I I ..

I • I I I'

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I" , " , ,

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i '.

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1 .



10 sa' »

. ~.~-----------------------------~~--------~~-----

-.... He Mar •

•• 70day ., I,

Capitol To-'morrow ••

~_~ __ ~~----------~i------~----------~·--·~·--------------~----------------------~-------------IO.OIJ-WEllel'h Hit Patad@. IU.30",:-Hymn5 for Ever)·one. 10.45--News. 1I.0lJ-SportcaBl.

---------_.------. ! "'. ~ ·~c ," 'tlll '.' , ~.-'!; :f1II 't .. : ,: ----'------~-----------

CJON~ tv ' 'CJOX-TV '.' " FRIDA V, Alllusl 23rd.

7~lgn 01'/; CBC Nlws. 7.~Tbp ·of tllt'Mornln~. : I.OO--CBC NeIV. and Weather. I.l~lIulleal Cluck. 1f.OO--Yornln\: Devotion,. '.l~progl'3m Preview. O.2D-Plano Playtlllle. 1I.30--Records at Random

10.CIO-CI'UJ1\ Dr Ihe Welt. 10.10-1I1t of the Day. : 10.18-11'11 Powtr. ID.l&-CBC News. lD.»-Mornlna lIIu_leale. 11.1I-!hoWtIl8~. ' lO . .a-Mullc.le Programm&. n.ta-Rt,lna M~Brld~. 12.00-Pmum~ R~sumt. l1.1&-rarJ1l Btoa(\cut. IU~-Mld Da1 !erenld •. l.oo-bo11e Bulletin.

. I. 11!-l.a1l 1'1 Limited. UO-(JBC N., .. tntl Wulliel'. l.ta-Mu.leal Progrlnlme. t..oo-Word. Inc! Mu.ic. U.--Domlnlon Obm\'alor),

Time SI,nll. UO .... Mu.lul Rendmou •. II.~Bc Nf\\·I. a.a' ..... Tran. Canada MRllnee. UO-CBC New •. u&-Tlmely Tune., U6 ... Clllltlren'. Siory. 5.1~FI.h.rlp! BroadcR!t. S.4II-!Ionaa for Summertime. II.OO-Int~rmmll, -'.30-8upper GuP~t. 8.46-MU!lcnl rr~Rrall1mr.

tOO-CBC New! Rnd Weather. 7.1~Curl.ln· Calls. '7.10-Top. TOday. '7.48--Doyl .. Bull@tln. •. 1S--Mu.lcal ProRrR m. 1I.30-Rawhl~~. I,U-Kllchen Corner. 1l,0000Plaln TRlk. 1I.lS--MRtI HRnllllnl ~:I\~~. a.3D-Don Qultntr

10.00-:'\'011' I A,k \'011,


t"RIDA V, AU~\I!\ 23td, ~.JO_Chllrl~n·s Pto~ram. 6.0G-Junlor Televi!lon Club. 6,31J-:\"ews an~ Weather. 6.45-Summcr Theortc. 8.00-0n Trio\.

, '


UO....::club O'Cobnor.

I g.o~64,OOO QIIUtion.

I 9.30-Country Hoedown,

IIO.oO-~. 'E .. Hickman Show. 1l.OO-:'>ir\\'s. 1I.10-Llle Show.

J __ , • ______ •• - • -------- -


: ,. lin., I,t' I.',,,,, \ ...

\' :JM/W\'~·~. ___

~ . "What ibout the 011 •• ybu put Inth. car'"


--~ ----_ .. _------_ ... --

lUG- ForecU\' 1I.15-Club .1&110." 12,D()..o..N~~s. 12,05-Club 590, t~,30",.NcW~, 1.0IJ-CIoscdown,

nOCK tWDSON IN "BATTLE IiY~IN" l'."o actor alive could have bcen

more pericclly cast than Bock Hun·' son as Col. Dean Hess. tile herol~ "flying parson" Ih "llnille Hynln". the ~~citlhg humnnltarian epic in T~chl\lcolur ;Hld ClnetnaSeope that opens tomorrow at the Capitol

---.. _.-._- Theatre, V 0 USA story of biliod. sweat. tears

and lau';lilter. there has nevrr been an)thlng like "Battle lI~'ml1"

I an the !Cl'CCIl. It tell! af an or-8.0tl-Natlflhlt AntheM ltld ~II!D I dained llllni!ter II'hli ~ale a far

FRIbA Y, August ~at'd.

on, I grcater nleRsAge to the I\'urld [rom 8,O~Sundlal. the Hlllhailieil sides and the orpllan ~,30-Wflrld N~ws ~nd Wp.llh~r . tents of KUlen Ihnll he coulrl ever 7,OIJ-~@w& illllhl!~hl! ~hd W~a nale gllen frllm his pld~it In

thllt. )lar:etla tlhlo. e,O()...llr~lIklast CIUn. The nulhentlelty af Inll picture

, tI,aO",-Mak~ Up Your ~lIhi1, rings Ilke n hug~ clr-al" bell. l!e~! a,4~Rex KoUtt, him sell. 11'110 lI\'@d the e~~ldll! so MIJ-II Hb~p~ne~ 'Lut ~Iflhl. faithfully porlrayed Ih this life

IO,oo.-..Col/H 'I'1fi1@. stan or Ille fl~hl~r ace o[ tll"O 1l,OO-Turn Back th~ Clock. war;. lI'a; t~chnlcal adl'l~er oil th~ 11.25-Sports be\ectll'e. film. Hudson, who had Ihe oppor· IlaO-Peppemll Juke Cillb, tunity to \\'ol'k \\'1\11 his hero, IUI .. h , ~--IUO-News and D,Il. ina hArtI·hllllng, pot~l1aht per· .~ __ ""' ... '".,. ......... "' IUtJ->.HlIlbllly Mlltln@~. forman~e \lhldt wlll ~o down In 'ur,ighaled ftldlnl'ltl Alter tnill'

1 Qh ... ~' ~ Th' k el'er.v hUlllon ellllp~l'lIr III II;"'

, lJ-lle"ltld the "tory, scrccn hi!lol'l'. • 1.16-:0rt~ MBh'~ rBmllr. Dan Dur)'~n. a' the FII'II Ser· I n In' 9 he Pl'eni dcelJr wllh n6 reslllt ~ 1,30-Mu!lcal E~~re!!. ,~eant who lallgh! his way throllU ll I~dn 10 ~rnl', \V~ hl'le fiir ~,otl-VOUs Mu!l~ R~bm 'Hu(\son'8 Iroubles. Don Derore Ilpernaillral miracle lil changr Ill:

3.0IJ-S~orl~ PlIg@. Jo~k ~lnh[1npl' Rl1n ,lamps EII- It 0 ve \I"",!lv 1'1J11'i'll'Jn ~,III-Match o[ EVent.. wards. lellolv" pilots of the "OI1~ r Allp~ thp

lillie' of tll'Rstpr hR. 3.M-'-BA!pblill. man Air Forl'e". all ~iI'e Rork n Il"!"Pti We flhrl 111"i lilli' Iltll~ II'!'

5.M~PuI8e. llla~ni!lcet1t ",.i,t. Marlha lIyl't. \ ht I~ ~Iill rHtlll'ing, 5rJlT1Plhll1~ B.O(}=Srarl~ Tntlay as Hudson', wifp. ~nrlrnys her rrlle Don'l lllep'P (;011 wilen your 113; h~b\J~npr! 1':1> If I wp t"tI w'! A,I~-'I'he NflII' Yotk~ri, of an elernalll' lInrl~rs\antlln~ prn),en otr hnt RlIsIIPi'prl in thr des;rer:i )·pt ~:e I life ~lill tlile

'A,~o..:....)( ~rlnu~ Dlle. woman II'llh lenllel'lles~ anti grpat ,way you lI'anl them tn be an'lI'er. ~n. ~ rn Ill' Ill( O\lr~p I'r' IjIlJi" ~,O(J--Peuplc Are rll 1\ 111'. compaoslun Ahna Kasltfl Inuta" ed. DIl not chide (Jill! ror alter- at

p I" t . . ' ~~O":"('ouill 1hl! n@You,slarw'hopiavjtherllleorthI'Ur-lngl"our time !Chetill:p, Frc'IllP'! 111'~1 Ihl:',h:III"PIl 11'lblne~::~ ",lih

lo!IU rl I Edltl . .' ,rtll' v ' k (" ,II lin ~ < mpo" P. nP' 'Jill , _ nn , 011. plianage dl\'ectl'~'~. IlI'play, an art· , ) _I e as ,od lu mrel deRllilne, I '. ,', ... " • I'., '. (. "I tl, '[[" IO.atI--Fr~ri Robhll\~ !;IIO\\', ing talent that. cnmhlnrll II'llh hcr for Ollt olVn conHnlpnce. We do blr' I .. I"ad [hi' I 11" I 'Iil ~llr1~lghl. \llljrlllP hrllutl' .,t~hll,!Ip! her es nat reBII,~ IhAt the,r mompnt' I r "In"," n. 0 R. rtI o~ .1111 I" 00 SI r ' . . . I "I tllil ,,, <. ~ Rn Of. a crllnluly for slAritonl ITl Hollt· are e" 81j!nlflcaol than \llPI' .rem ---- --- . --------

P 1I'0nd a, well a! I~ her nallve to bp. 111Prp \I'ill he man,' letin t,,"r·

aramount lnrlia, . ', (JccA;lnnall)' Wi>. think Ihal our' ile' 1ft n,r fall ['Iothic •. 'uch ii, A Onp of Ihp tlln,1 rnlrrr'iltlg ~llle· ,m~trn~1 lI'orid 11111 ctllmhlr ~nd; .atin helt oli i Irolh\' nl'I''' II"

light., o[ the film ['1lI"", 2n per· ! [ail apart If .omp !pePI[ic Inri·, 11'1' "r latin pllmp., h~~, atld 'PI-r"

To-day ,sunalitlr, tlCl'er h.plnre ,ern !l1 B, denl rlfle~ nol tAke pl~1'p h~' i; elol"P'.

1100-- ~hl!lc (rom \Ianh r,1. 11.31J-t·BC NatiMRI :'\'rll's. Srlls

Roundup Bnd Talk. R.20-Thr Bob trwi! ShUll.

I mOl'le Thr •• arp liltle II'Ar orphan. g,OO-1\'ew.I in ~ Mlnule, ---- 'i mo;t ~[ whom lies; himself res· P.OI-I:tcI! Wnrlng ShoW. W:,\"RY POShA IN : cued Itl Korea d\lrin~ en airllft,o! _____ . ____ ._ a.2ii-I(llldIC~ CIIIIIEr. 9.3IJ-NcII"s in R ~llnule. "]2 A.\'GRY MF.\'" ' 1,000 young,tm au'" of the bat:le

! I ~ 1

C JON B.:lO--:>:tJd. :\CII s. _----- __ .. ___ 1 8.30-("omplrle \\'r;rtllrr Forecast

nUO,\\'. AII~II\t 23rd. ~ 8.40-Tile Bub Lr,vi! ShUll'. • M-Bob Lewis Shull' BA~~I"rntng Merry·Go Round ~ 3Cl-N!ld. Npw, O,UO-PrOl'lllrlat News. 1.45--1\"-111'1 and \\'"ather g.U5-,lukc Box ncil'~\I',

< ,rare- 9.:JO-:'\'cv s. rast. 9:l0-~;CII, In a \Iinnlc.

700-!'/ell! and Sport!, , O.:JI-Juilr Box Heliell,

0.31-Tile Three Suns. . \\"1'1'11 LEE J. COBB 170ne. hroughl to America by t·) g.45-Ncws.' . to porlray' thelmeile •. Oul.tand· IO,llO-:-;I~'!.·, in A ~tinut!, .1 Som~ time a~o BIIthor l1c~in;lId: In~ alllonp thpse i~ th,e little fill.e . IIl.OI-NighL Bral. - IlIo!e ~el'lcn on I Jur.\'. The da"', ,I'ear·olrl riml n. .1. ung·K) 00 p. o. 10.;'II-:'\e\\s ' •• 'linul~. I b f It o[ Hud'on ,In,31-Strol!in' lom. Rft~I' hr \\'a, rcliel"~d he bi-gan t; III' 10 e.roll1~~ a alor e ".

, IITlte "12 Angry ~!eri". which ha; I and ~\Js~ KASIl!1 I, 111,4j--:'\~!I()n"1 :\CII sca~t, I P I "cd hI' Ro" Hunter and noll' rC;!l'hcd tile screpn, The film I ro~ u, . . . ," . I II,OO-:\rll's in a ~lll1ute, is nOli playing at the Paramount. directed by Douglas SIr" With IIl.Ol-Sports. Thr,ntr". I' ra,re sy'mpathy and unt!er5tan~1I1g.

they'd be cheaper by the gallon

111l.IO-Huus"natl )'. Ncll's. r h "h I (" "" The "ollcdul And Inten!A !tor"; 111!~ ~rreen ~Iory ). C ar e! ,r,a)," I.OO-Queen anu Sl~n orr. " c, d VI I B Evan, ~Olel! I _.___ _ of th~ drama behind th~ Icene! i~ son an . n~en .' d" b\' Col

B jury roon't dUring a murder the lame ~ncldents relale '.','

i.l'}-Canadlan :';PII! and Srwl! I 0.45-lI'lllllen·1 :\ell'A. j" I-Round tl,C \\'olld i\P\I'!. i IO,nO-Ne\l'.~ In a )Iinutp, j,~j-1I'ellhPr ForecR!!. "j,45--:-iells SUnlIllH)', lO.OIJ-~lartln·~ ('orner, Il00-Nrld. 1'\PII~. to,I;I-,\h Pcpper. "OS-Prol'lnclal "'eRth~, IO.31J-i\cll's. B.IS-Shlpplng Repurt. IO.4!l---Elclcn for thr ~Iortrl".

111.55"":',)IIK 0 Illlx ArlieII'.

V 0 C M t'.lal. "12 Angry M~n" starl Henry ltess In hI! o\;,n best·seller. ~ hlch I Fonda, with Le~ J. Cobb. Ed. Beg. I~ also lIt led Batll~ Hymn. I ley and, E. G. ~tar5hall And tlack --------


Sl!2 sends 400 ExpeRT

CIGARETTES II' any other Macdanald Brand

POlla;elncluded Man Did" and r.mlliuncl 101


MACDONAlD TOBACCO INC. P.o. It. 490. Piu. _'Alm",

M'''~''',QIJ'. TIll, ..., 10 1II~I .. t t, '"1 chl"_.

.. em"",,"", .... 1"'10" ..

I LOU-NcII' In a :lrilllll~, 11.01-Tilree Grnetalloll!. tl.Ju-lll'eakla~t Club. New" !1,:JU-~ell, In A ~[jl1\lle.· 7.:lO-!IIeW8. t 1.31-1\'CW5 from Cousl tb Coilt . '1,3~BreakrSAt Clllb. 12.00-New5 In· B Mlnule. 7.0O:-Ne\v!, 12,01-Tups Todny and 't'csterdl, . B.OO-Breakfa!t Club: 1~.;lO-~e\\'! tn a ~[jnule. ._ I ij,3IJ-HlI or, the DB)'. 1231- rUp! Todhy and Yesterda)'.lr 8,3IJ-Newt, BreakrUI ClUb. 1.00-~Qcnl. ami National Ne\\'s. 9.0fl.:-Daltw1th Deny •. I.OI-1ujl' flJllII)' and Yeslcrday, I lUr;.......Foxtlove Street.. I.Ol-Weatllel rorecul O.3IJ-A Dale With Deny •. I.15-Ne\\~, O.46-Hellrla In Harmony. 1.3:l-Edltorlal Cumment. lD.OD-News. 140-~porl~ !lel'rew: 10.05--A Dale With DenrL . I. 45-Art. Baker', Not~boo~ IO.30-Here Come! O·Malle7. 'l.GO-News 10,1a-A Date With DenyS. 2.01-The Story o! ,Inne IO,6~New~,

Arm1iage. . 11.0(}"·Burton·, Of Banner 81, 2.15-'\ I\'llman ronfc~~e5, I' 11.I~uke Bux Jamboree,

! 2,30-1'\rll' In a 'llnule. 12,OIJ-Ne\\'l. 2.~I-~lalinrr. ' t l.Uo-"!lllltons nf Bannrr St.'lI!fIlII'C' Cillh. i 12.0:1- ·Ramblin· WI!!! Record •. 4.lm-(;rn, !'rnl"illcial :\elli. : 12,3a--!'lcll'!. 4.05-Ranchtime. ~ 12,35-Ramblln' ~'Ith Record •. 4.3IJ-Ncw!. Ranch Part,. J.l5-Sportsc,1st. ~.OIJ-Ncws. The Rccllrrl Shop, 1.211-Ramblin' With Recor~S. 6,OO-:'iCII' and \I·calher. 1.311-News, 6,05-Bulietin Boa:'d, 1.4!l---Ramblln' with RClOrds. 5,IO-National :-.'ews. ~.R5-New!. 6.I!l---Spurts Parade, a.OD-Doliars on Parade. 6,2!l---National XCII'S, 4.0II--Ne\\'s. B.30-Top Tuncs of Our Time!. 4.05-R~inbo\\' Ranch. i.OO-Ncws in a ~Iinute. 4.55--Ncll'!, 7,DI-Right to Happlnen 5.00-Clseo Kid. 7,I5-Jim Amecile Storyleller. n.3lJ-Melody Man. 7,~0-Nc\\'s. . B.DO-New! nnd Weather. B.OO-Nc\V5. 6,05-~lclody Man . B,OI-XlId,'s BIg Top Ten. 6.15-SportlcBKt. B.30-Ne\\'~ in a \linute. 6.2D-Mclody Mall. 8,31-Nfld.'s Big Top Tcn. 6,45-NelVs. ==-____ 7.00-Dark God.

7.15--Hank !lh?!w Serenade. 7,30-Bargnln Hour,


B.OD-Top Tunel o[ the Da". . 9.45-New~.

Warden. ~artln. Balsam. John __ ~ __ '-''''6''''''''---Fiedler, .. Tack KlugmAn, Edward. _Iilhm •. Io!~ph Sw~cM)·. Georlie, V05Kovee hnd Ilobert W~hber head, Ihe !upportln~ cnst.

"12 'Angry Men" wa! alrected by Sidney Lumel, bn! o[ tele\'i!i~n's most highly praised young dlr~c·

I tors, and pholographed by Baril r----.---------! Kau[man, It I~ A joint presentation "1 PEEL yOU l\'EAR" i of Orion rroducllon~ (Fonda'! own I frel you near when I'm Ali


· Independent producing company) alone ... 'neath the pale moon's FatulA I~ making hl~ bow .~ an mellow light ... I can see )"ou In

. Ilnliependenl producer .!ler two de. ~ach tll'lnltlin!( ~tar .. , that hrlght· carles a! one of HollyWood's lop p~r- ~n~ up Ihe night .. , in the flowers formers. As an aclor in "12 Angry 1 ~an find your lip •... that I'd ~!en," Fonda Rrr~aled no ~peclal gil'e th. world to ki~! . , . since


pr!l'llege 10 hinlself on the ba,l~ of ,we've bepn apart. PI'cry dream 0,1 hi! bcing producer. So far A~ Ih~ : mine ... !e~ml to hAl'e gone ~mlsl director 'Ihe produclion manager i •• ' Itrangp how sometlling ol'er ami the cameraman wPre concern· with, .. lil'e! on in tillie thing!

led. he lI'a! JU!t anolher one of the I ••• I CRn el'en hertr your warm performers, mhject 10 the lame di!· i ""r.~1 I oice ... when ~ ~ay breel~


cipline and lirder~ as the olherl. I !ollly sln~j ... firr Ihi> mpmor~' ~f Reginald Rose. along with Paddy· lender IDle ... I~ ail"e WithIn

. Chaycfsky and Red Serling. is on~ 1 my heart. , , Illat il why I often of tile IIterarl' discol'eries 0/ the leel you near ," PI'cn 1I1ouAh lelHislon medium. The pa!t Iwo ,we're far apart. years has bcen, for him. one Q.I can· I

tinual lrlumph. lie won the !lD.OOO I rail !a,hion forecasts bear Robert E, Sherwood Award ror out l~e importance of prints, ~'Tr~gedy in a Temporary Town", I sometimes called winter ]irlnts. had his work put In hook form lIn dcep enlcrs. Ine)' look rich and (called "Six Television Plavs" and elledive, especially tones of brown published by Simon and Schu!l@r), dark ."lIble rp~! an~ ~eep blue~.

; and 50-d fnur o[ hi! plays to Holly· • • • wood ("Crime in Ihe Sireets" LOl'f has been .called I lot of "Dina". and "Three Empt): things but it always remain! just Rooms"). one silly thing aflcr another.

Sidney Lumel make! his bow II & !lIm director with "12 Angry Men," A former child actor, Lumet ha5 been in show business for 2B of his 32 years. It \\'as following

hi! army serl'ice that he cllanged from A~ting to directing. and after a dl~'itlruished record in tlie of!· Broadll'"~ ther,tre. Joined the CBC television network. In the pasl fcw years. r,e has clirecled no less than !ev~n 01 Ro~e·. television plays.

I "12 Ar,gry~len" lI'a! filmed en· tirely ill Xew York, lnct its ea!!

: (with the "de rxception 01 Lee I J. Cobb. who w~! flown in from , Hollywood lor hi! role as the for~e­

II rul, 6plnlonat@r. !~nistic Juror XO. ,3) wH l"l!cruit~d from the Broal1· : Iny mile And th~ tele"i~ion studio!. , "12 AnRry Mell" wa~ shot in " .. Iut -------- ._---' ---.,.-


·'ANaIii ' ••.• IT lXPLODlS LIkE 12 STltK5 OF DYNAMITII .


. w..I ... ~,*,m

__ ~-.l""L;,.,rlIII.I::, PlEASE .it tt tram!!! IM.lllnl",1


. TIMES OF SHOWS. . EVENING 8110WS: '1 P.M.--9 P~".


ADMIS~ioN PRICES FbR THIS ENGAGEMENT· F.\:F.NING-ADULTS .•.. ". 75c" l'I!ILDHEN. . ... J5~. M.\TISlmS-ADl.ILT8 •• ' '.' .80r, ClllLDRl~N .... ".2!1r.





TIMt:S OF 5HOWS EVENING SHOWS: , p,m ........ p.m.




the W.lcome Wagon

HOltess Will Knock On Your Door

wlth Gifts and Grestlngs trom Friendly Busin"' Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social Welfare Leaders

i On the occcuion of. I The Birth of a Baby,

I Arri,ol~ of Newcomers to City. call 2.503.·. .

Wa.nt to know why'? TOd~y everything cost!: more, including the Bcores ot things a growing family needs. , Gasoline costs more, too.


And wha.t's more-today'l regular gasolines are far superior to the premium gra.des sold

only ten years ago.

It oostIJ plenty to r~18e & ta.thi1y thfllle days.

But it youngsters,

like your Mr, ran on ft8,8oline you'd be

bC!tter ott.

But government figures show that ginee 1939

the cost of living has

gone up more th!lIl

120 percent while

wholesale gasoline prices risen about

40 percent-leBs than

a third. are much.



berg Bon's

berg, pitchlng. , Jed Gam

d 5t Bon's to ace .

bill, P b'ng over the .,hite"~S II game of the

th {Ina h e I'ening at t e la~t r:'s performa.nee ,

GIJII \ win was hr~h· I

ff home runs in lead dO ei -ht by Tony

an D. nd Billie Gillies, a

the bullpen. victory places

second place I slanding. two games. leaders. Holy Cr?5s. i with a shaky first,

the\, dropped . , five opening ~ames. I k strong to 1\'ln the

bac' noll' contenders and are nd Leo B. Sicad ' llird rou .

under coach H;:,ny produced poor ball

in fifteen games I'Ictory twice.

I'ictory gavc up an to Hughie Frascr In

the fifth. one run "dked ten. hit one batsman and struCkout nine.

Dougie Wool· gar back after an absence of one month took tbe lo.s in fivc inn· ing s as he scrvcd up tcn rUllS on <el'en hits. watk· ~d three and

tory otba t informatioo. this as' \oun~c5t of thc AII­. iI~~oclatioI1!ii, came-

in 19jO. whcn the [ir,t plr,yed in Sl. John's bc·

I' Cro~s. champions of Football Lcaguc. and

champions o[ thc Atilletic As;ocia­

;Hie,. The title in woo hy 51. John·s.

Ihe serics I\'a, r,~ain St. John·s. ann was a

serie, between thr .5 ill 1950 but l'I;t~.

of a tcaw [rom Corner SI. Lawrencc represen

the chc.mpions this year series 11'2; played .

and. oddly cnou~h as in /951 we o[ their res pee

, Lawrence sucec their ch"m

-UI It be a centre field

with the the

Off. and the offldally

o[ F b nol oot all are llJ th that the pr!~e CEN~ three game. ,

be per game. w InK extra

lIIEETING . ~eebtlllg of the

eld on Tow Of th -ben the repra

e three. centru' Officers arl u'




n on

,.. .







n about


,liS fRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1957 N~Yl '

, . ,\Gillies Offered Tryoutt:~:~:I~e /nbel'g Pllches One~Hltte,.; iWith N. Carlonia T earn I Played Saturday

, D G d 13 1 St, John's flashy hockey star, I

Bon S own ua ~ s ~ Ted Gillies, has receIved an offer , I I to tryout for the Ch"rlotte Clip,

. pers hockey team of the United _ ba. pllrhln~ ;t ruckout sIx, theIr one run In the eight as the)' State! Ea!tern Hockey League,

j": ~Im 'I non; 10 I Dr>l'e Ward relieving from the loaded the btoSeB with two away, I In conversation with the News I )11 Wf.\: all'f Ih~ I mth WBS tagged for three hits, in· but Gamberg got pinch hItter Max Ilast night the scoring star of the .tttWbll ~3mt 01 Ihe eluding ~Iannlngs and Gillies cir· Howell on !lrlk~!, to retire the ,t. John's hockey league lor many :it f:~' 'OW. ,I the cllit CIOllls, single runs In the sIde, I fen sons, Ted, said thut he has not

U': ~I: pI'rl,'rln:!l1er three innin~! pitched Bnn filnned 1 The Bluegolds picked up single i rcr.ched any deCision as )' e t ;.;.~t(r, 0 IIJ' hi 'h. time batsmen, tallies In the sIxth, seventh anrl whether he will accept the ofler

r.ipld" '~:'~1I' rlln~ -Ill Hnth le:1m~ were scoreless In the I eIght to round out their game 'or not. , ~Id ~f, "hi hI Tlln) I,r,t three Innings although the total, I The oHer to Ted came from I I~i",t"';'llit" and GlI~rdsmen threatened in the sec- Final !corr: St. Bon's 13, Guards, Dick Pierce, sco~t, offlel:lI scorer'

. jI: BI,I,' b Illrrl1 and \I" ithlhe bases loaded hut fall· 1. I ilnd public relations man for the I p;,:: I~' \'" plo,.c, cd to pllsh II run across. BOX ·SCORE ~hJrlottce Clippers of Charloltee I ;.,/,I'!! .":/ronll c'lore In the lourth Gamberg WDS Into St. Ron's: AR R H E I In North Carolina. Theoffer slated '* ' . ::'/:1;: n·; 1'1,1 _~nlr' Irou?lc again a5 he ~al'e liP ~IIC· Sparroll',2b " " "" 4 I 0 1 that II he woulct be Interested th~t: ~'" ' " . .1': .':;., 11,,11 l"r'''~ ce'm·e wal~' to the lead off bat· W, Gilllc!, If " " " ~ 2 ~ 0


tile tryout would take plfoCr In: ~ 11 ':.I"~:I~' ! ,h.,~1 flr,l, tl'f5 hut got the ne~t three battNs T., Gillie!, cf ,,",' ,,5 2 3 a October month, Ted told the "Iews' ." ._., :hCl rlr0cprC! to ~rounct 0111,. I B) rant, c ,. ,',. "" 4 1 a a, last nlght that he has not made / fI.I'

• , I, 1'1- ',lmc',' The BIllegllld, upnsln~ came In Redmond, Sl " ,,"" 3 1 I 0 an)' dcclslon as yet a~ he IS await· . . , ~M' ~~; 1,'/ :r~'; 1 -11:n I ile the fifth as they hatted around I he Hudson, 3b " " .,., 2 0 0 0' in~ a Ictter from the club giving ~ .. k.

p ~,(~ .Ir, n, : 111'. n.l,,< ordrr unrl ta~gcd \\'oolgar for lil'c Ho~an, rf ., .. ,,'" 2 2 0 0 I full details, i TED GILLIES .' H' ~~\\ , h f' ' 'I f • ~ 0 0 I' I C R ~'e,rl hits, whlc accounted or SClen "oorcs, r " """" - U "h h . I :.:: :.")' .' rUlls and the Guards coming up )fanning, 3b " " ,',' 3 2 1 0 The.C arlolle Cllppeors lIon. t, c sladium ~,ls9 houses bowling alleY5,

IIlth 10ltr misClles. i Brollne, Ib " ., .". 2 I a I championship In the E"stern L nit· 'tennis courts and all other sport· The Gllards II erc 'careless In Lille~ar, Ib " """ 1 0 0 1: cd States League last season, T~e 'in~ attractions,

Ihe fiflh, and it lIa, In this Inn. G"mberg, p "" 4 a 1 0 I team IS n:ade up ~ost!y 01 Ca· I The Charlotte team is .coachcd I lllg Ihat GRmberg lost his no.hitter ,nadlan pIa) ers mostl) from western by Andy Brownc who halls from, nil Fraser's singlc. Guardl AB RilE I CHnada, Ted hr's reeell'ed a )'~ar I Hamilton, Ontarie Ice hockey has'

an SI. Bon's and en an additional I Warr, 3h " """ 1 a a 11 book from the club and cheC~lng made big strides there ,nd dralls

Another late meeting 01 the elecutlve of the St,Jobn's Footblll League last night was called and shortly aller mid, nIght the NEWS was Informed Ihat the big game between Guards and Holy Cross for the Caribou trophy and third round honours will be played on Saturday nIght starting It slx·thlrty,

It lias previously under· stood th~t Ihe game would be held over until after the All, :-.'el\loundland rnotb~ll rillals, which Itart .t the A)re Atb· Ictic Ground~ on ~lonc!.l.I

night. The exccuth e 01 the SI.

10hn's LeagUe met late last night and the declslon 10 pIa} the game on Saturday nIght lIa~ reached,

The game, II a wIn Is regis· tered, will declde the third round and gI\'e the IIlnning squad a II in on the CarIbou trophy,

Saturday nIght's ~ame II ill be nnder Ihe control 01 rereree Jnhn Do) Ie and \'om start at 6,30 sharp,

thl ee runs in the bolt am o[ the' Fraser, 2b ",' " "., 2 0 0 0 through the li~eups he has nollc,ed : a ful! ho,use at e\'ery game, It filt h on onc hit and t"klng ad. Ward, rf " " " ",' 4 0 a a I thnt some of hiS former UniverSity can seat 12,000 fans, . ' S . 1 C I"antacc 01 Weol~ar's lIildness as Russcl1.lf" " ",,,,4 0 0 llc~lle,ngU~s ~f Ithe m~ll1lan~hare I An airforee lieuter..l'at statlOned nut t onnnents he free three b~tler!, one I White, If " " ... , .. 0 0 0 a Pha)lng 111 t te ea;Uj t ~~e'T ,/~e at Pepperrell AIr Force Base who pa __ ball and one Guarr.s error, Phillips, Ib " " ,,', 4 U 0 0 cops went a sc 00 WI C m hails from Charlotte while on II Gu:uds playIng manager,

The Guards only tall)' came In , Pr)'Jomskl, cf " " ,., 2 0 0 0 I ~fontre~lh a Ifer )'Ocabrs b,ack, \'lSit back to his home to\\n and I Gerry Smith, In com'Cfsatlon Ihe sixth "s rhllllps ~ot a free Wool~nr, c " " "" ~ a 0 0 The C ar a te sener, a nCI\s· \\ho was a constant Ian at the St.! with the NEWS at an early rille to first in the Icad off spot, A) re, e " "',., ",. 0 0 0 0 I paper there has reported that Tect John's ~Iemorlal StadIum tipped' hour this morning stated that aril"anrcn to scconrl on Browne's D. Wooigar, p ., " •• 2 0 0 1 has been ~ll'en an offcr and they the hometown scout about the i- the Guards wlll be making an err~r ann look thirn RS Pryjomskl Howell. ph ... ". 2 0 0 1 state "Iso tbat hc has not rcaehee abilities of Ted Gillies and <>s .: otrlc1al protest on the schedul, :I'ouncted out ann .camc on to Ihe Umpire,: Duff)', Wllliams, With· II any decision, result of further checks the oHer Ing or the game for Saturday platr on a 11'llct pitch, ers, Connors, I C~arlotte has reccntly erected a was made Tcd. . I night. Smith tolel the :-.'EWS

The Guards thrc,lIencd 10 arld to l Scorer Frank Ryan, nell' two mIllion dollar .sladium; Ted said last night that It may, that Ihe team, which will hc ___ .. __ ._ ----- and skatln~ is a year rounct attrac· I be somdime before he makes a rcnresentlng the City In the

sto ry Of Nfld. I" Official Standin!!s Ilion, Bcsides ICC hocke)" the new I decision on the offcr, All - I'o'ewfoundland Foothall u I ____ -- .--_. serie! ncxt lIeek I~ presently sufferIng due 10 the absence

,Sr Football LectO'. ue Baseball R' d ' ofscreraloftheirregularsdup I

!"I . n up to Injuries, Some of the bo~·<

O t b a II F-I n a I S I CIWlrlO:-.'S~~~;'7 STA~D1~GS ou ~I~~tt:r~d nolt3s

ltn nt';:t~oo~ai~

I (Official HeleR'c) shape, as they alsn are pro· I P '" L D F A PI. tecllng InJuries. The tram

hoi', Pre,i,lrnl, .lohn \'. Itahhils, Guards R 6 0 2 ~I ~ 14 Il~ Till; '\S~Ol'1.\TEI1 rJlI;~S I rrtNan SIan ~Iu\lal lufferer! a neeel. ~ long rest hclor~ the 'III' " Things IIcre almost bark 10 nor·' :r.II,cle spasm in hiS left shoulder ~, I rll d I' I

I 'II' \11 \·,re rrr,J(lrnt" ,Io,rph !" Ill'Rley I IInl,' ("ro', . n 4 I ~ 17 ,~Il "ell oun an Ina 5, and as 1St JlIhn·\I, Fred )!- Tc"ier' SI, Pal's, .. R 3 3 2 10 I~ R mal :n the Amcllean :n the filth mnJll~ and had to reo they are reprrsentin~ the

, , ,Thursri:1\,'. Ilire for the night, It was an· C It I th I I ld I I r:llrlll Penin,llla I, ",1(\ l'l1r,'·les i SI. Don'~ .. A 2 :l :l 7 10 7 ap a, e ca~lIr S 1011 no

I :O;ell' York Yankce, elided the nOllnccd that X·rays I' dl be taken h d h I If ' h 1\111' (I'orner Brooln' Secretan-. Frilrll"n' , 8 n 8 n 223 0 . h I .e c ule t r. p .1)'0 game Wit T"; H h B Il rllett 1St I 1.[O;1I1)/,\'G SCORERS 1957 : nonscn~e Rnd .llhacked KallSRS I toda)' to determmc II' ~ther t ~e Holy Cros~ until the City

rea.,uICr, c cr ,a, , I, CII), 11 4, rC~Jll1ll1" a R' '·~RmC InJur.I' \\OlllJ keep tile Icague 5 t tl 'th" ,Iohn ,1, anr! Ihese together Illth 8 Goals Each-Cec JenKins (G). I rl . tl II CI \l'h·t II 1111" hlttcr an<i th reprclcn a res In e "CII, I\\n representatll'es of each eelltre Jar. Gililil'cr (HC) lea oler lC I[ e 11cago 1 e, cal ~ , e Cards' loundland series hare tried to II III altcnd lor the bu',ne!s of the 7 Goal. Each-I"rank O'Kcrlc :Sox Tcd \\'illi"ms two hits pcnnant hopes, ,idcl!ned fOr long. rreorer the :\'cII'loundland comlllg ~rar, '(HC) ami nOl' ,lenkins (G), \.15 Roston, <idealed llel·clanrl I~. ~!uslal \18, hlllesl l~ three t~lPS crown fnr thr Capital,

'lOST \'ALt'ARLE !'LIH'En I ~ Gaals-Fred Nortll (G)' 3. An 1.1 rr"nk Lar.~, lahst ,Icars bcforle rct~ln~'hc!roP~I~~ It~ a~eril \ I I tl

· I A (' I t:' h n ,'" Ik· (G' top Wlnncr, I,on his t Ird ill a a~e 0 ,34 el~ t pam s a ea 0, III allarl or liS P .,)er I~ , ,oa' c,oe - Ol) 11 In~. ", 1'0\1' \lith a four.hit shutout as Dc· :-:CII York". Willie ~!~)'s. CI I I I

~l\ rn annllall), and I"ill a~ain be Go,~~,r.II'11 (Gsllpll)II'Cr (HC), ",llIRm I trOll beal Baltimore 4.0, PITTSBURGH 8 - CI!liCIN!IIATI ~ lamplOnS lip liP for this year's scries, Preriau! "e G AP P It I winnerl .how as 101101l'!: I 3 ('ani' Ea"1 n W' (G) Tile oilly t'nin~ Ollt of order IVas PITTSBUR H ( ) - I s· S S d


Guards- Holy Cross Fight' Scoreless For 60 Minutes

, 'I Arch ril'als the Holy Cross an.d ,The first hit of action around the

G d battled at a scoreless tie Holy Cross goal came at the I ,uar s ,. k·1 J k· . "ht ·n the battle for the I Nenty minute mar w len en inS, Ila~1 bn~" tro~hY emblcl1'.atic of the Garland, Windsor and North along ~;i~ld °round honours. I with sc\eral Holy Cross ~Iayers I' battle between champ· had the ball bounCing arol',ld the

. t ~a~h; Guaros copped the 1957 goal area but Jaek Phillpott clear­l?nlS a

l I enk and Holv Cross, I cd before damage resulted, Ray

Ilt e as \I L • ,. d t 'd . ht f cut .,'e )·car winners of, \\ Ilkms,· spee Y au Sl e rIg or

SCI·e n conse .' I I th , he city crown, were out for re· the Guords came e ose near e I t, to being topplcct from their close of the half but Sam PreILy I I cnge r moved fast to clear, Frank O'Keefe , th~o;ee. of the largest crowds for of the Crusaders had the best. op·

h a to \iew a regular leaguc portunity just before the. flnal ~ixetl:~:s t~rned out for the g~mc I Ilhistle but hiS shot went Wide 01

rl the' wcre not disaPPointed a5 the net. ~~e tea~s ga\"C their all and I,ept I In the start of the second half

! h I n their toes from ,v-: both teams IIcre more eonhned to I e f. a.nsh °A ,vln for cither leam nlld Ikld play II Ith the Crusaders

'to Ims. .. d Ih 'llouid hale 'gll·cn them the han·, helng marc actil'e. a.roun e ollrs hilt noW thr tltlr is .Iill at, Guards end. .Joe Gllhl'cr sent •

,. d t'l blO n'."'"e Will not, hard dme from clo!e range but it stahC an Ie,... :1"" i 'b· unlil after the All· went wldc 01 the net. Harry Enms ,nOlI C _ • II l" F k J a d : :\clI"foundland [ootb,ll s e riC ." II'as stl . Pll'O mg ran oy n , hi h starts at the Ayre grounui Jack Phillpott and the three 01 I.... ~l d I' moht. them kept the forwards well fed on B~t~n t:;ms hod to shift around but Smith, Staodley "nd Pike, their squads as inJuries. forced I along l\'lth Cce JenkIns were play· sever,,1 regular5 to the sldellnes 'lng a strong ddenslve ga,me and HI' Cross hact or,ly one shift to held off the attacks. It \las Had· m~~e to "~eplaec centre half AIf, dinolt in the second half that kept B Left half Ham' Enllls· tlte Holy Cross scoreless as he

reend, to centre fi~ld with I movcd out several times to knock

mOl'e In , I . . d b k Jack Phillpott taking ol'er Harr), s down high drlves;:.n rea up

I at For the Guard5 II was ,everal , plays. I ~~ifis as centre half CharlIe Snook I Des~ite thc cHarts of the Cru· I ann right half Bill Jackson were saders fOf\\arrls, wh.o kept the out of the ~ame. Llo:'d Stoonley! Icather mostly chonfmed n\O k th~

I took o'er fullback poslton Ilhlle' Guards zone, the camps s I , .~p 'Hobie Pike mOl cd up into n~ht, the score shed clean, hall el er 'I If ·t·,on II'hlle Ccc Jenkins, them camc rlo'c them5elvcs to

la POSI . h I I· th from t11C fOrllord lIne into ,scorln~ I e on Y goa In c,. gam. centre half Wllh GOlle Garlanrl when the Guards I.orll'.·rd, ,\ llkms, donning thc unilorm anr! fllling III marcel down the llcid fast and CUi


on thc fOfl' ard linc. lor the ;:oal and \\"a~ already tu 110". Cro's, altllllU~h held 'carr· bla7.e one when I dcran Sam Prell)

'Ies' ~ontrollcd most of the pia) mal ed acro" and forced the I and' it lias the \\ork of Stlrlln~, Ic.'lh~r ~ut. of play., flod!linott in Ihe nets which kept: B~lllscn In the Lr:I<adu.1 nel t!le lru,adrrs from rC~lsterlng. dldll thaI r a hlls~' night, .s the Hoddlnll~t bc,ic\cs halll\\ln~ m~n~·' (;uards IIcrC strictly dc!ens,,·p \ fr melD" rongr Irll hiS Ihroughoul Ihe contest, hut h~

, ~~'I~ C'sCI ~ral lime' to break up handled the SCI eral atlempt~ by

d I Ill· Ihe c·rusoclers' Ihe Guard, In the flnt half h~ ,t:!OO rllS lC!'o. .'. I h b II Bath Harl I Ennis and Cec .Jcnkin' dldn t ha\"e 10 hand e tea once holdll1~ cio\\ n cenlre half pO,I· ;lllhou~h a couple of times the lions pJa~ cn strong dcfemil e b;dl Glial ds managed to )Z~t In close. while Hobir Pike pl"ycd strung In, Hoddinott \\"a~ thc hus~ bo) last

! hI' new halfl1ne positIOn. ' 111~11l ann was In the pme all the I In the fir,t half Ihe Hoil Cross Ila). I controllcd the pia, for the flr,tl Thc lin~uP' II'Cle "' foll~115· '1IIenil minute; of the ~rtmc as I IIol) (ro's.-Bnlnldl, Prett), II ,- contlnual\j pre,'ed t:l e "·alsh. ,Io~. E1l1ll5: PIllllpoll, S~ars, e~~~nps, hOll"e\"cl", Ihr) II ere lln~hle O·Krde, G. Gullll·cr, J, Gullil'er, to gd an\ dangerous dmes on the. I C, ,10), net. II ~ouple of corner kicks: Gu"rds: _. HodC\~IIQlt, . S.mlth,

t k h 101· and ~cars looked ~loodle.l, PIKC, (. ,leIlKII1_, D. a cn I , . _. ,.. (' I d ~. th '\

dan,ero;ls hul Smith and Stood Icy 111,11,. \I 11";111': ,ar an , "or , ,1, 1930-Tam Turpin, SI. ' ... ,: '(l~r"a~'~IS~~ DI:U· nr Sc~r~ i lhe lart (,ICI'rIRnc!', ERrl\' \\')nn hllrgh's 101\1)' Pirates trounced llorts atur av

rencc; Harr,l· Ennis, Hol,I' ('ro,!, (TIC), Gordon· Goobi' (S/) lo~t hl~ Illth !Iralght 101' ~ 1~·15, C.lnelnnatl Red!eg~ 8·3 TIlII~sda) 0' e , record 11', th~ first tlmp thc I'el· nlghl tn gJ\'e the o~cr penn~nt'

JO~I-\\'r,lter Le~lessurier, Cur· <I, E~ch-Stall Brern (F)' " I II d o\"crworked hc· II contendin" team II'! loth consecu· I '111lrt·". "nacho" "n~ olflc"r' ncr Rrook. 'lIoiJir Pi~r (1;1, Terl Knopp (SP), cran rl~l la~ er: , " . 1\ ", "" n c I.~. n':' I, rI1,,"~i1 J9;'2-\\'aller Lc~ln!III'ler, Cor. l.Joe Brown (SP), Damien Rlan CMII'C. of 1'nbc IllJurl"', h~~ 10.I,tll'e rlefe,at,. longe't 10sll1~ streak nlll~t he at Cove hcJnre

cleared hrim damm r~~~d~,lr.::.k~n.: ~.'~~n5.,r ______ ._._

Gulliver-Jenkins High Scoring

Share "-I 1 Ilr k '(SB) - ,10. SlnCr 1948, 1IIIcn he \\RS 8. 19 1°1 the Nailonal League thl! ~ea- n A~! on Saturn;, in ,order to ,,1'10 ,"' I'elr lei 00 I' . . hi It 'th 'Y ~. ,.

, of Ihrll rr'pec I IO~.3 _ James Wcll!, Corner ,One Go~1 Each _ Dou~ Clane, ! :~n. s as le<l50n II I as, In~. I ~on. make pa!sage to Bell Island at , UOIrrr,.r 'Ilcce's. Bronk, I (SP) Cee Jo\' (HC)' Pat ~!mhalll" Y k G· t ·tl \" II' W h I that lime, The Champlon!hip , ' IMA CC IS" G.' ,. "ell' or lion' 11'1 I 11 ,e K . Sporh 11'111 commence at the Irm Ch:~'pl"n':1:p, "~. - "Of es noo., ranu (SP), Dal'~ Bmelt (SB). Tom ~!RI's and Hank Sau'er slill RI it.! 11lsmen· a ana Sport·s Field at 10 A.~!., when 1(1( 1 Bank, 1,'Iurphy (SB), Joe Slaney (SB). 'd l'hica Cub 62 I the

, '(roc' 'nllird 10 l05~Herbert Slane)" SI. Law, I Charlie Snook (GI, Steve Angel rap I ~\,. IgOL .,,! n 'S· . M t preliminaries In Irack meets will "),10 _: 1"lrence, rence. I (SP) Pat Whelan (SB1, Harr\' on'. "atlOna c~" .. e Rame, I 'VlmmlnO' ee be held as well as finals in AS I:.d. ': ("~n \ ,1I" 1956-Hubcrl Wakelln, Corner 'Enni; (HC). Len Cou~hlan (SB;, First - place ~llll\'aukec \I as ~t b man\" held el'ent! as can be run

to' :,Ie :'" II Ilh Brook, i Bern Thlstlc (F)' Brookl~·n, St. t~OIl'S TI' Aft off belare 12.30 P.~I., when recess \ 1957- ~ ~ GOAL KF:F:PERS CHAMPION. Jt Phllild~lphla and. CI.nna 1 at US ernoon i \l'ill be taken for lunch. Athletes

_______ SIHP 19-7 1'1:iladelpllla and CI~ellln"1l ai, I are reminded that their names will , . J I'ilt,li'.lrgl: in the ~L nl~h\ game" I -- ,be scratched if not on hand II'hen

r. Gil I.OST '1'11'0 ThiS afternoon at the Killsmen lheir .vent I~ called, so it is im· s. Hoddinott (G) " .• ,8 4 Th~ YJnkt'C', Ilho 10,1 Ihe flr,1 Boys' [·llIb s\llmnling pOlll at Dono· 'pprative Ihat thev are on han,l (', Hhn:st'h ()je) " '" 5 1 tll'o gamc, of· the ,HIC, al K"n'os lan, the annual K,n,men and Wa·: wilen tile 9 o'clock hoat ,ail. for, (;, Breen (Hl'1 ., " .. 1 1 Cil)' aHer t~king 16 nl Ii from ,.he! hana Bo,s Cluo !wlmm!ng meet Bell I'land. I S, Prett)' (HC) ,,' '" 1 I A", scored ,ix in :he thir!1 \lilh 'I \\lll tnke place witli the first elent, With 382 ~thle\e, lakln~ P"II i

FI'nals 1.. Butler (HC) ., " ,,1 2 ex.Athlelic Harr), Slmp,on llllting slartlng at 2.30, in oR event,. lncludln~ pre l ,·· .. I , I~~ (nrIlC.' BIOOK a grann.slammer, In the two de- I The meet IS opcn, to. all b~'s In les, the officials are gOlllg to be ' ,Co;-: T~c 1IIIe ",0 I Holy Cross Total " .. B 5 Ileats, it had been ex - Yankee Ilhe age gr~ups of Jumors (under kept on their toes to tlnalizc t~lc

,'r R'." I,,, II r f,r!1 I (iranll Bank has lIon the Bnrin : ,1, GRtherilll (SB) ~ pHcllCrs IIno did the Job, , II~ )'cars), ,lntcrmedlute (under 16 day's programme, The !"ntms .'1 «',t' ',I lll~l!~l! ,Prnln,ula Soccer ('hamplOnshlp F, Fardy (SB) " '::':: i I 10Wlidliill mis. poll'h,.n

Ot hlnadhl'sb~oe,nlr \~fpr; ,YC~~:~'f~~~~'~n(gl~;~~~r~v~~db~'~~ici I' show the following details:- 1

ilnil WIl! rcpresent Ihe South Coast ' a (Cl a , . . . . , '1.,' ' I. h I for a ,386 mark. while the ned lin the jumor and mtermcdlatc Senior I " '" 11 " J.illr. III t c AII·Nc\l'found and PIRIO!!, ~I. Bon's Tntal ,_" .. R 10 Sox tan"c" 14 Illls, one .Jackie "roups: 40 ),Rrds back strokc, 40 I Alhletcs

,I" I,,,,, crook, Srrie< with GUilrds RnO Corner ,. " h " , 11 k . ,lenscn's I:,lh homer, ~!lkc For- yards breast slroke, 400 yards Iree l'epprrrcll., ,',' 13 -' '''rrn'r IINr ron, J, Brollile (SP) ..... ,8 IG nlci •• \l'on his eighli1, stflkin~ out ,style. ,. ,. I Ar~enlla" ,- . 11

\'_ ,(,l'~'c "~no o{ Ihm Tile Iinal sl~nl1il1~s In lile I ~1. Hurt IV) ., " " "fi lfi I seven Rnd blanking the Indian! on I f~ the scnlor dl\'lsJOn tht 101.1

SI. Bon's, ... " " 15

Gl'Cmd Banli To

11 anours 1 , , ,

.. ,,; I,"rfnc' "err 'Championship ~eric~ Olre as 101.\B, Pennell (F) .. " ,,2 7 Ifl"e hl·ts far el'ght l·nnl·ngs. ,'IOWIll~ events Will be eontcsted:, RC" I "-'t" Inc ch,rnplon' '10 11 5.- • 0 " ., " " " ., ~., " 'r ' - Lan', who \I a! 21-13 I~st sea-, 8B yards frcc style, 80 ) ards hreast Canadian LegIon " I .:1'._.' rrr 11110' lor Pt~, I Feilclian Total " " ., 8 23· ~ k 8 d b k I k I

'" "r ," 10,;1 ~n", I Granrl R;mk, , " Q CARIBOU TROPHV ROUSD wn, gaincd R b7.15threcoTr? and tthfef I' slr~h~' op~/"~c: \I'~~ bes ;Zo e):ards BF'c)illdIianl s d" " " .. .. 15


S L 8 first shutoul )' e Iger s a r ' e san .. ,".


I Joe) Gullil'er 01 Hol~ Cro" and the last IlIa gam~', ~)' Fr~n~

Cee J enklllS of the Guards \I cnt O'Kede u1 thc Hoi) ;ro_'h and It ad scoreless last night in the gamc Jenkills of the Guar s .... a nc e

! I

':. ;;0101(, I ere in I \. a\\'rence P ~ L D F A Pts. since May 14, He lI'alked nonc. I \lith diving competition and club CI.B.",..... . 2 Ir.~ In COOlman I FOrlIlI1C., " 7 Guards,." 4 " a 1 1) 1 7 struck out three and faced only relay rnccs, JUl'enile

~ ('1/1 '!fIrl, ~ a' ~ BurIn." • 0 Hoi), Cross, 4 3 a 1 13 2 7 29 hailers while giving up noth- I Entries will be received at the I SI. Bon's " " 13 I" If" I - St, Bon's" 4 1 1 2 5 8 3 ing but singles, The Orioles jam- Ki.nsme,n Bo~s' Camp at Donovan's Feddians""" 15

, " ' , " • " med three of them into the ourtl, IS a ,ernoon, ' Burin 2

I 1 Id h I'e dwded top sel'en goals each, ~~~~~~g c~~nours aln senior football: .Cec JenkGinslll.n, shari~~r~~P pi~~~ ,

195- ,with Joe u II er s

lor /. h f t d and added "' .. co,. :arne!, I The winless Burin squad with· St Pat's A 1 I 2 • 9 3 f \ th f ,;, rnnduoed" drew from the series with two Felldians ,4 0 4 0 1 15 0 but Bob Nieman hit into an In- Bell Isi~nd' " -, 14

Ih:,~rp"t~~n,:nl\Pe'O~5 I gah~ehs left to Pfla)'1 ind

the Gserleds (A playoff will be necessary to ning.ending dO\lblepln~', " St, Pat', ., " " 1

, mPI ~1rp hroarl. I Bank and St, Lawrence respeet\\'c- SCORERS " , •• , Unaltachcd " " 'I ' " rk! II' IC were de au U! to ,ran decide the winner· of this troph)'), 'Ial's "n'l Saller both homermg I 3 I'd ~ h . for the second succesm'e day,

In" ,,00 S-" ,u \'er r, banged tll'O • rlll1 shols ort olrr " . . ' prf: p Ilr~t II)' and did not "ffect the fl'n"1 • G I I GIll ('IC) I I',", "rRIES

, h ~ , ,on s ac 1-, ee e 'Dick Droit and relie\"l'r Bou An- Spulor Contestauts "I IIr,p, hroadca't slandln"~, • G I ElF O'K I (HC) r~, IliMI n! the, The personnel of the Grand Fred North (G), tlerson, II wns Mays' 28th, Sail- 100 Yards ~o

"_ "~''''ng lear I Bank team Is: Gordon Gl'and", "r- I R I ,,'. (ro) I rl _"_"0 "\.--,rll·. 16 ~",', I~' I J ,1 "no'- "~n,,,n. ", er\ ~ls1 Ma) s also In t\l'O ," .,

.ll\I ' 110 game" "oal· Bruce Bullett ond Samm)' 2'" I ., h D S (I'C) I d· 1O\\'''~ ,n, , • . , ,. "OJ S' - , ,ear~ 1 , douules, lor a 3, or·4 d~y an B 440 Yard~ IH 1~lt~~n I h II~rc), hlllilncKs, Grorge E. HiCk, G, Goobie (SI'), C'. JenkIns (G), 3'12 nl'cra"e 11BO Yards """ 1'3

1:1;, ~~,I °l:r I If",al~ IlI1an, capt~in: Stnnley Grnnily and 1 Goal Each-J, Slaney (SB). ~lll'\\'AUKEj.: ~ - BROOl(LY:\' 11 One Nile " " ,. ,. ,0 A'J1U,1 2n I,:·~B . ~In\colm Osmonn, hall'es; Elt Lee, J, Browne (SP) T, ~Iurphy (SB). BROOKLY~ (AP) - Right· Six ~Illes " II I~e r 'ct-" -, Alfred White, Tommy Rose, Clar· C, Snook (G), G. Gullil'er (HC), hander Lew -urdette given a By THE CANADfAN PRESS One ~hJe Walk" II , ""ilr, reo B k d Th St SP " JOM'! Fon'lo Ii ence roo s an omas one, S, Angel (SP). T, Knopp ( ), p, quicK lead by Hank Anron s I AmerlcaR Lea~ue Broad Jump .. " " 16

Br&Ok .J, lorwards, With Newman Bartlett, Whalen (SB), H, Ennis (HC) R, three rlln 35th ho"r gained his IV L Pct. GBL' Hop Step & Jump. If> z;n,· r~rlrr!e~t. i Alister Buffelt, Richard Foote and WilkInS (G\. D, R)3n (SB),' 1.. first ·Ebbels Field ",',etory in t\\o: Nell' York 78 42 ",0 - High Jump" " 10

! h/l~i'r;pr'e:~n:e~ GrTahnd tRalPh, utll~C!d' h' Coughlan (SB), B. ThEi'Rtle (F). Iyeqrs Thll·rsdaY nlh~t as M1I·IChlca~0 71 4i\ . .\97 ~', role Vault ., Blr,lttlm i e ea,:" l~ coa."c . y leteran GOAL KEEP S waukce's Imt·place Rra\es WhiP' I Boston fi:l 5<i ,,29 14', Shot Put " 1111 U' , Gcorge "elsh and With GBAAA G G,I p'cl Brooklyn n·l. Detroit fiO fi~ .,\[)(\ lR DISCUS""

J 2 IIi 1fi 17 11

, .nr,rr I\B\' HI I '1 -It615pm .har. 0 Cl~S anrl ~llpp~rters Wlllleal'els, Hnonmott (G) 4 The loss, in the opencr of. rrulClclelanrl oj Iii .HI21'~ ,hlc1m" " Broo~ lea~ 11'I~i for SI. ,lohns Sunday morning C, Bhnlsch IHC) 2 n ,CiRI thrce· ~ame sems, P!llnked'IBalllmorr ;'7 li1 .41\320 Hammer" ,. " "

p,.,'nmla Ie 0 for the All,Newloundland Finals. G, Brccn (HC) 1 1 Ith Dod~crs 7'~ gamcs behintl. Kansas Cily 47 74 38!1 31'~ hill M!lhr ~m. nn, St. Lawrence, last year's cham, S, Pretty (He) ., .. '" I I h, LOUIS ~ - PUILLlES 1 I Washll1gton 4r H ,283 32 ~Ith! flrlt" 'liar!, pions, were the winners of the '11I\A111IIlWi PHILADELPHIA (APl-Rookie Natlon.l League


el I IIC thnt~, or. : Knockout Series which prece·ded Hal), Cross Tolal " ,,4 2 Billv Mllffctt savcd <I 6·5 victory ,W L Pcl. GBL I!I~ thc'fln,c

l "e~m I the Championship serle! defeating - lor ·S\. Louis Carclinals o\'er Phil, 1 Milwaukce. H 4.'i 622

Inn thr. ~~~~~ I the champions in the finals of that J, Gatherall (SB) .. '" 4 8 adelphia Thursday night,. shutting st. Lolll~ fiB.12 .567 n",

t' Sin Cooke has !erie~ on a t,otal goals basis, J, Browne (SP) " 4 9 out the Phillie. in the 11nal four BrooklYn fiB 54 ,557 7'" O! official releree B, Pennell (F) .' 2 7 Innin~s, Cincinnati 61 59 ,508 13'",

lib I) the ~.A,F,A" ~\, Burt (F) " ,. 2. B Philadelphia ·61 59 ,508 l3'.\1

I' .In~ rach night Practices 1~ S "mming Tests New York 58 66 ,468 18 ')" '\1,0 fUlrnllh one lines, Feildlan (otal .... 4 WI Chleago 48 71 .393 27

~'( ~'I r'~~rt to the I A B I P k Pittsblll',h 44 74 373 29')" h! ll,rt or Ihr The Cur!!! third divisIon fool· t ownng Hr

,_, f. I hall team will hold a practice Further Revision Challen!;!e :1-1'(· I ~ I rrr'lm,nary I thiS e\'cning at B.45 on the Upper SwImming lests 11'111 be held at u

':'" "I~! bE~~;~o~ha~ pitch of the A)'re Athletic Grounds, 3rd Div. Football Bownng Park toda)', both In the , /d, the ftnt h~1l The St. Ban'l senior b<l!!eball morning and afternoon,

The Mental Hosplt~1 softball team wishes to challenge any team to a game of softball,

,lUI enile (onltstants Ion Yards " ., " " 12 220 Yards., " .. .. .. 14 440 Yards " " 9 880 Yards " .... 12 One Mile " .... 11

, One Mile Walk , •. , 10 Broad Jump " " _ _ 14 Hop Step & Jump " 18 Hil:h ,lump ,,", " 11 Pole Vault " .. .. 9 ~hot Put " .. ".. 13 DISCUS " , , 10 Ja\'elm " " " " 13


Last nioht's gam~ I\'al the Inst ~oals III t e lr, roun I Jme 01 tile regular schedule lor two go~ls bolh In the second Ind ,

r957 und both Gullil er and Jenkins I hlrd I'ou~ds. GIIlhvcr collec~e~, each \Ill! receil'e a Squir,,; trophy. ,111'0 goals ill the Ilrst round, ad e , The donor of the Il"uphy, ~Ir. Ed· another In the. SCCOllU andt~auIgh: ~JI Sqlllfl", sl'er!'tal·) 01 lilP tire lor tlve UI~ gu~b In f ~s lea Ul' ,aid last nl hi Illll hc will loum!.. . ,'II';rO 'a·lrnph;· to bOlh pial ers 101', The prr,entatlo~ of ;~: t~~~~l:~ their ettol'b throu~lH1utllte ,e:Json. ,10 both plt)·ers \I::\.t t awards

Bolh Gullivcr and Jrllkll15 top Ihc annua presen 'h lOn I~ b held I the Ie~gue scormg eight gOJ!> , of the league whlc 1V1 e ! each while they \lere Iralled In' somctlme thiS fall. - ----- - -

i Junior All·Stars : Practitc Toni!!ht

I No Fight Results I


Cn.che, Hrlilk s\\""~ ann Ron Scali ad' ISC Ih~·1 all Important

I pracll: r for the JunlOr l"apII~15, i 11"111 bc held tl115 C' ellln~ lJc~lnl1ln~ : I at 6.45 and all playcrs arc re·, 'qucsted to be prCfC!lt. . I'

I At this workout hnal sclecllons ! will be made as to the Ime·up 10 face off r,gainst the strong Port au Port Western Div:sional champ· ions: and uniforms c will be dis· tributed following the workout. ·1

Th. timr element lell the SEWS lIitllo11t any rnnrept ~I to II hom the lIorld's hea\')"' 1I .• I~ht championship bOler II liP In pres~ hour,

The he3\'YIl eight litle bout "as ~chcduled to ~et undpr­wa\" at three o'clock this morn' ing ,\DT 1\hich is 3,30 a,m, !'\e\\foundland time, .

Up 10' the time the ~t;WS II as ready to roll there '11"15 no II ord if Patterson hal retained. hIs title or If Rademacher wu the new world's champion,

Odds, howe\'er. Ie em to la,'our Patterson,

Port au Port Vikings will be arril'ing In town Saturda) morning I and in all probab:llt)' will \lork·


alit around three o'clock prior to , ASATOMY CLASS the opemng of the be,t t\\O out I GRDlSBY, England

lof three g".me ,er:es lor the All· 'Gnn:sby Educahon Committee 1\r\l!oundland JunIOr title. I h3S bou.;ht 1'~ skeleton5 eoshnlt

O,!. anrl Ih 18"7 team will hold a workout thl! Because of the league! declslon The tests are sponsored by the ~lh(Ialh e J I 630 t th Sh k to have the Holy Cross·Guards Water Safety Commlltee of the

l~ ~oolblll ~~:n~~: ~~~~~~~, at a e amroc game .for Ihe C~rlbou trophy pial'- Red Crosl Society and Is open ttl ,It the prIce of The team will playa squad of ed on Saturda)' nIght, the follow· to beginners, Junior!, intermediates

Any team interested in accept· ing the challenge is requested to contact George Gnffin care of Rl',i:reatlon Dept. lit the Mental


St, John's Capitals 1V0n the, £55 lOs for biology lessons, crown last season when the)' tral'el· ed to Buchans and are set on NOT BIUNGUAL

Four Senior teams and Ill!"' , holding ,to. thm laurels" COATICOOK, QI.e, (CP)-Sev. JUI enile teams are In th~ relays, The \ Ikmgs, .Ilttle knolln I,n era I street signs - recently

three rames wlll Oldtlmen of St, Bon'. on Sunday Inlt' changea are necessary to the and len lars, bt' Pt! game, with morning and the namel'! the revIsed junior schedule, Tests will st&rt at 11 o'clock and

In~ utra personnel should be announced In SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, finish at 12.30 ·In the afternoon !(EETISG the Newl tomotrow, 10,30-CurtIs VB, Macpherson, and resume again at 2,30 and con, L 01 the AI' referee Albert EIsenberg, - tlnue unt!! 4.30,

'h~!nld on Tuesday, The Holy Cross junior basebcll \ 11,45 - C,L,B, VB, SI. Plt'l, All thOle Interested In laking illlh; the repre!en. team wlll hold a practice It Vic, referee Doull Brown, the tests are requestcd th be at

aU It t~ntres wlll toria Park this evenInll at sIx SEPTEMBER 2nd. Bowring Park between the hours IC!rl lie II fol. o'clock. 2,OO-St. Pat's VI, Holy CrOI!, mentioned above,


baseball for their prowess, halO I d fEr h to French KI{;L WEEDS come Illong under America,n coach· I change b rom d r;: Ited in recent

MONTREAL (CP) _ Almost Ing from Harmon Field Air Force -have been de] a d h b b II tow weeks Y van a s,

CLOSE THEATRE 1,000,000 square yards of weeds Base an II' en ase a ns, CP Th were sprayed this year by the such as Corner Brook and Grand

IPSWICH, H~ngl~nd ( t~- t e cIty in a campaign against pDison Falls are eliminated, SI. John's playoffs get underway sltur1~y 52.yea.r.old Ik'P(lOt rome ~a ~e iI'v ragll'eed neltlcs and ~'ild: baseball f.,ns arr In for a real I afternoon at -~,Illl/.P"ro. and e in thiS S\l!lo Olin, ownc Y p ., . ' I treat as the Ail.Newfoundland !econd game Su!ld .. y iiHernoon. the late Wii: Hammer. is to close, arsmp, .

I '

, , i

. l \

, I I I

.: I I





: " I : 1\ 1 . : ~ !

, I ! I ,;1

: I': :

. 1·:-' Il~ !: I, d I " ; '1 ' I : ,-', I 1


, \



A sleek, streamlined Walher, finl.h.ed in gleaming white porulain .namel.

LOCOMOTIVE/S 35 year record in the manufacture of quality WQlhlng Machines il your aliuranCI of a life· ti ma of troubl.·fret performance,

The simplicity of delign and rugg.d. ness of constrLlction have been proven by the most rigid test of all-the te.t of time,



$156.00 CA~H PRICE

Tile New



5249.50 FROM



5229.50 CA~H PRICE



Herl is 0 combination of qUCllIty f.lllur· Clnd mod.rn dl!~IBn that will wi" th. heart of any home maker, Thi5 factory built Range confarms 10 the ICitelt ,tandcrds of safllY and servlcel featuring a breeze pot typll Durner; durobll whit. e :1mltl finish end polish­ed stell top. Available with choice of .~ and modern design Ihat will win the or without forced draft.

, '

Buying (m hire pure hal. from Ih, Great !Clslnrn Oil dO'llJ not involvi a Ihlrd pClrty, You buy dir.~1 fr~m and pay direel te



NOIlTJI •. K 10 . • A 10743 .K02 .. J 9 7 ,

lAST .n3


WIST • AQ' ,62 • J B 75 .. Q 532

, QJB~ .93 ,fIAU4

BOUTH tn) .'J9U2 , Kg

• A Q 104 • K 10 No onr vulnerable

Seu\1\ Wul Norlb luI I • 1'.15 2 , Pus 2 N,T. Pm : N.T, flU PIli Pa ..

Openlnllead-t 5 , ::-:-:-:-____ ...J 'The·- false·card is a play of an

. cffor~ to confuse ~our opponent!. I Larceny Lou is m'ost adept at tllis play and here il one 01 hil hest.

West operml Ihl lil'e of dia, mondl against LOll'§ Olltimistie three no·trump contract. !.o~

.I\on the trkk with the ten §pnt _nrl wierl:: decided 10 ltt~ck his O\\~ sp;de wit. He l.d Ihe deuce 01 .p"des and whln West ducked

'!If wpnt '[IShl up with dumm~'s k;nR, II held and he rf'lilrnrd Iha

'lin: Writ lion with Ihe queen Hnd decided 10 Iliad, the, ~Iub

, I iUIt. I Hr lrrl the deuce 01 cluh!. Elit played the act and Lou dropped the kini' This false·card .al"

: him his only chance to make the i conlract. l! U11l had played the ten spot Ealt woulrl have lerl • ~eeond club Ind Ea~ and West

I would hal'e made three club tricks In addition to theIr I\\'~


, .parlel. ' Ealt should ftot ha\,l fallin for

Lou's fal!e·card, If Lou really • held the queen of clubs he was ! goinll to make his contract ill any event, but that king play had

I been mighty convincing, East de· · cided that maybe Lou held noth· : Ing at all In hearts and East lad I the live of hearh.

I Lou went right up with the king. He did not know that East

I held botll thl queen and jack

I and caNd lell, Another Ip"de I~ad cleared the suit. West led a low club in deiperat!nn and Lou made the resl of the tricks.

':91 Bu!tturtD Q __ The bidding has heen:

· rust SOlltll We"t Nortll I. Double Pa.. 2'

Pa,! You, 5011lh hold:

.2 '1\..1,8,6 .A,J,9.5.~ ,fIK,8,3 What do you do? A-Pasl, You are ple~,~d that

lour Pittner has bid heartl but · i'our double WA! Just about l mini·

mum, TOL'lH'S t:lVEST10N

Wc~t bid! two spade! and your : part ner doubl&!. East panes, : \\'hat do ~GU dQ?

AOSII'H T0morro\\',

Waterfront Directory

~--~O~N~' ~R~D~O~C~K~. ----­, The 5,S, Rllndom, the AI.V. Or. : nate, the M,V. Seabucen and the : dock tug Lalenla.

AT DOCI. I The M.V. Arlica, Marlnul, Ind

the tug Glenmont havinll further minor repalr~. HORWOOD LUMBER CO., LTD. The M,V. Westley and Ralph 01

whic\1 Capt., Steve (;oodyear II the I1IH~ter from norlhern pmt, l, dis·

I eilar~ln~ a ~6r~0 of lumber, ann .{ler the c,lI'go is diichngcd will ,hifl to '1', lIal\ell~ 1'\'Iud to take freight lor lile /ol\owinll portj, Seldom llrrrilig to.'eck. FOliO II:d

: ~l1ange \.lunds. The L)'dla ~Iarle In charge of

'. Capt., Spurrcll Is discharging a I cargo of I\lmher, and aller the 'lumber ia dilcharged will shift to : .oother 1\11arf to lake freight lor ,lbe USUij] northern Port, ' 1 T. HULETTS, LTD.

The M,V, C, and A. Brown, In : ch,r" of Cap!. Blackwood II dil-

l, abara!ng a cargo of lumblr and ,It,r dliclltrgld will Itke frei~l!t

! fOr Alpirin Cov, and parts II far U IH Kin'l Paint.

UBE AND SONS, LTD. The M.V. J~nnle EHzabetl!. ef

I whl~II Ca pI. Kean Is the muter leldld a lener"l cirgo for Rodin,·

I. Ion, Engl~e, Conche. Main Brook and Saint Anlhony, Anrl .. lied ytl'

• terrlay evening for th' Ibovi I portl. 1 The M.V. Milrjori. lnkpen In I charge O[CRP!. Genr~e Blackwood iloarhd II cnr~n lor, Wcsleyville, Saini Anthony, GOO~I Cove, Slint

I Lennard's· And Griguet and II~n aaillrl Yilierday for til. Ibove

! pori!, . I Th, nllhrrt ,J, I\nickle In ch~rie

or Capt. Sam Blatkwoorl. i! Itkini i IrfiBht lor \llt lollowin. pori!: I Il~y Vrrl~, Parquet, Fleur rie Ly!, , antl Coachman', Co\'~,


! char.e. of Cap!. Geor¥1I Bennett Is i new tikini frel~ht lor Eurin only . indo nplc\a 10 !til an TltursdlY· I The M.V, Miriam ~hy, In ellari­. of Capi. ROlerl Is MW tlKinl fre!\iht for Elliston, Bonavllll and Catalina.

The hI,V, M. and G, ROlleri 01 which Cupt. Hogcr~ Is the' maiter I~ takln~ lrclght lor the ulual

, northern ports. I STEERS F.AST END PREMISE~,

Thr M.V.' Loul~t Younl I! dl,· I BAllin'S COVE

_____ ..;... _____________ .:.. ______________ .l charalne - ~ar~o 0/ fi,h, 31 II IlaO th' ~f.V. Lindy BlrboW',



(;'1:.'\.:m.~~~~ ~ .... t-. ~ ~t-. '!>'C.'t<;. ~,~ '&>"t c:,ocItl

~ 'E.~~o~t. \

Parts (Whole)

Nlld. Armaturl

Worlu ~8

Bambrla Street

Dial 7191·2


ar,d PASTRIE! In Newfoundllnd

JIll! O'Chlp. IIIAL zm

~dalllts tn PER~A~E~TS.

111 PATRICK .T . DIAL 230Z


I ,"iIII (ID ALE 8T,

,W 8~J Blcycln Dril'e Tricyclu



Materials , D.\WE, LTD' I ST·l!td TOPSAIL RD.··

t.~U 'uur Bulld!n • ,""!uJrtm'al3 qU mil - "111

t-EWS, fRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1951

Welding Cleaning Compounds


Newfoundland'. Clun.II word. Obtainable at



Confectionery HElD'S ---------,

__ I CONFECTIONERY lIRF. I Ci,antln, Fruit, Ie. Creara

IO~ : I and Drinks. I We Ghe Goed Service. I :_~~I\'aD Street. Dial 910.~'

__ I Contractors ~---~ \\. BllllTO:\

'II~. .~r . .".I~'t

\I 011.1

38 I Blmbmk

S\ rtet 011' 7191·2

I\~[R' --­n.m1 JRL'D, I


I~I r.\STlllE5 1


idoriunilinll, "tmud,mo_, Rrplir ~or¥.

U I.eMarchanl RD." DIAL 6929




~-- -H.4.ROLD SNOW ----, I & SON, LTD.

• Indwtrlal .Electrlel,u 77 HlmllloD Sired.

Olfln Z~" lIu. U~7

: ,----------:

_--I Contractors Supplies L'SITED NAIL AND­


Hulin. and VenUlallon. Struclural and Re·inlMcinl

Steel. DIAL 18m ,----

I Customs Brokers'

D\IIE LI·D-, . I

Ilunors.lll RD.'

C 'LI> B I' ~ ~ 'Jloln, II! "lrlal! flU

" - 11111



DIAL 184B . '114'

-Delicatessens HELL'S I'.~STRY Rml -­, DELICATESSEN


OP~N 7 IlA YS A WEEK from 9.00 I.m. I, lUI p.m,

Drug Stores

THE.4.TRE PHAR~BCY I 3 LOCATIONS: . ~t. Clm Ihe '" IlIII .9n

lalli'. Rill 11111 QUleD'1 RDld .• Illa! 1m

T.A. Bulldlal, DllcinrOJth It. "DI al 11"

()OW~S DRY----­'CLEANI:"l('; LTD. I COlerinl St. Juhn', with

~·I.t, Efficient Sttvlct. 1& BAMILTON A\'I.

DIAL 8985

Electricians MANNE, DIESEL and ELECfIllCAL ENG.

M Hour Sery!CI for Kepatr. to Motoll, Generator. Ind

HoUJthold AppUI1\C" DIAL 1I1N

Electrical Appliances


"_lie!' Depan.ent US WI~er S, , DIaIIllZ



Wlrlnf Material., Wlr. Ind Clb ea, Motors, Startlll,

Lamp., swltchu, Lllhtinl FIxtures, etc.


Electrical Service' JONES ELECTRIC


Speellllil. la Moton, G'lleratou, Stllm Iron, Int! all Houuholl! AppUanlu.

Gift Shops LAMCY'S

UiMEfltlRANCE !lBO' GUll, Gam .. , To~"

Noyeltl.~, COllt'a Carda for all Qcculonl


Grocers B, WALSH ------,


You Choict of what ~'OIJ BH~ 1 DIAL 1168 I



.. PORTUGAL COVE .......... You can buy your ;rocerie. Ju.t II ch •• p II III SI. JDlln'. Illd lIavl th.m d,lIl'er.d to YDur door wlthou~ eh_re, •.

W. IIvt D.P.S.


JEWELLER\, Water Colour and Oil·Palnt· ~81 WATER IT. In~s! painted on reque~t by

When UlecllDr I DIamond Paul Parsons Rinl iee our pr yate UIIIllJlld DIAL 1005' Booti.


Photography GARLAND'S STUDIO ~ Matches

__________ ,. PLEASANT IT. I DIAL 2958

Wedd!n& PhbLol, Portraits BRY~iAY _____ _

SAFETY MATCHES J:lI.trlbulld by

flANK ~hNAMAIA L'l'I'. Qllun ~I, Dill 5~&3' 44

Meat Wholesale OAM ... LL'I MUT MAUlt


aad Commerel,l Phololl'aph,

CAME!tA SHOP ---...., ., LONG'S mLL

DIAL 1812L

Nlvd<lundlanrl views arllslic· .1Iy mounted and framed. Stt our selection.

Recruiting FLY WITH THE RoC.A.F.-,

For lull Information DIAL 7153


Recrvitlng UnIt: 177 WATER ST.




t23 WATER ST. DIAL 80m

. 13




Immediate Delivery DIAL 91711


3U2 WATE! ST. Manwacturers of



Taxicabs FRED V. CHES~t\:-.;r LTD.-! A.I TAXl------


Electric Meat Sawa DIAL 2535

CALVER AVE. DIAL 3150 . 6'78

Anywhere, An, piaCt, Any time.


IIIDEOUT'I !LEC1'lUEM.. ar age IIYGllAD5 roOll Pl\ODU~ . INC. c:OIlKEII HlI" TI ItXIOaT ,.lClO:U 1.111. 'OU1 .. rlI~ PIIODUC7'

Paper Products 24 HOUR SER\'ICI

i!ERVlCE Electrical Conluc\Or

US Waler Slreet, 81. JODn'" Nnrfoundlw.

~ Phl.1 '1"

Engines E. ud II. URBOUI LD, -J I DlltrlbutGr' of:

KelVin Marini DI, .. I. (elvin Riclrdo Ou balll",

Full Line of Spin Partl. m . m 'UTU 'T.

DIAL "11

Florists hOWSE OF n.OWE!.!

S~'lnl !!. Jllb.'. Irom 2 Icnllonl:

111 RAMILTON AnNUl Jn4L 1G859

102 "ATER 81. DIAL WO __ ....J

Fruit Stores E~[PIllE FRUIT STORES -­

yo~ Ihe n'lbut li'rult In Town call ...

EMrlRE FRUIT STOll 14' Palrlck Sirut, DIal ZliJ

L ~78 Duekwel1ll II" Dial stll I LOCIUOlII: _____ _----I

Fire Insurance CROSBIE CO., LTD. --...,

AI'llli for UNDt:RWRITEI. AI



Fish Stores CITY Fl~ IBOP ---.

II 'I!lCOft IT. DIAL uti, QualllJ, VartltJ


,!;ORIIA Y 1I0AD Packl ns. Crlun/' Sh!ppln,

Ascoll for AlU, V,a Lilt .. T. C. BIBBS, .... 'er

Rei. mSj Offlet 88011·:1


IN· DUCI.oan rr. 1M1l IJId 1 ••• dJm~.. mMUo po.~." •• ol!ll, ·llId aIIlpp!q. "'.m",,_ 01 C.W.A .... IUU.A.

.... II 10: UlII",d V.i ~ D.' It, lADI£W, lIumr

Ollie. ~15, •• Uhn .. HQI

GMmAGE----------· DISPOSAL Do you. have I iarbage Dis· p01l1 problem in lour bu. Olen! or garden? I )'ou hive, .aU 7571 Ind ,eur wGrrlu au oun.

Hardware Stores C.\LLAN.~1'i~ co.



0". C.N.I'!.. IlIAL ....


!1.lzlhl/tm for Su.~ ••• !:ltctrIR,1 AplIllajle.,.

lportl.. Cioodl In4 ipon. 'IJ'" fir an eCI.-I,.... I I)J"L me

Healino D, C, BISHOP -----.


Meat Wholesale H. C. SPARKE~----

Whole nIl Pre-Pair Meats, 101'1 Hun, IDd Bacona Por~ C~ls Ind CarcIIi lI,uU~1I Ind ]Iud din ••


Meat Markets J1M SHIELD§ ----.

elii'. n~~V41'EJ ud PINN LL ROAJ)

DLU 3489 C&mlll,tl ui·lo·d.1I

HI.t M~¥ct

Oils, Lubricating "

rnELAWRENCE : NFLD. co., LTD~ , ! New ~ation: 1 %09·211 DUCKWORTH n. I

Paper Ind Paper Product!. WHOLESALE ONLY

DIAL 6283 . 153.


Commercial Publishing and-I AOI·ertlsing. I

H.,ninel. Pimphilla. I Bro~hurel, Com p~ny

Service Stations PADlER'S -----­



DIAL 3518


I Greale and all Chanlea. Auln Accr)~orIP~. Newspaperl, Progr~ m! I

DIAL am P.O. 1101 r;·5«2 I • OPEN 18 HOURS DAILY

DIAL mOl ~----------------'

Radio-TV Repairs EL!crnONIC CENTRE--,


All work Cu~anteed for . fut Service.

CALL m~ or 84012 1(1 CA."PBELL A \'E.


Service Stations ~[AR5HALL MOTORS --­

'181. TIRI'!!! Guaranleld I~ainsl Cull, I

Blowollts, llrllisc~. Under [nflition. CaU !

MARSHAL.L. MOTORS i L ~ater ~L Dial 80031.

SHEPPAlill S ------


ACE and ST...TPER EX! --


ACE or SUP~R TAXI llIA.L ~5S9 . 87JQ

Tile Floors NO OU\\'1\ _____ _

P.\DIENT E,\SY Tr:n~[S

CALL ,m CAnOl CO~~Tn l ('nON



Distributed b7 Fll"NK McNA~L\nA

LTD. Dial HU·«

I m NEW GOWEll 51. J. H, BOBER'rS LTD.-­$ole Aieotl 11

~,\yfoll~d140~ for CASTBOL Oil .. ' (CANADA)







BATTERY CIL\ltGING 'I: rue Ing r. R CA S \.'1 G DIAL 2109

DIAL SOOI to 300a ---------' WHE:,\ YOU WANT A TImer..



~18 W UP.ft ST, PIAl. '111

laid III our Np\rioun4lald DUL,..


JACK'S RADIO SHOP 1 Sh R .. • LONG'S BILL, I oe epamng


Iptclll1;l~ In ALrto Itadlu •. DIU W8 ~lODER:,\ SHOE

!------'----. IIOSPI'l':\ I. .'.R,\NKLYN P.~INT STORE I WEST END Now Is Ihe lime to nlve yUur I P.lINTS FOR EVElY I TELEVISION SHOES R~;P.~IRED· I

C. A. HUBLEY, L 'I'D. --~I 1 'UIU'OS" I THE MOilER:\, no A Y PLUMIING ... DATING D. I TV·Radio·C'ar Jl.adJo IleNln T,m l..ocation~:

.\!lylc, for Ivery paint Job.', 115 WATEI STREET I CONTJAt10!' COlllpl,ta u,.tCl:d.t~ ~llICk. ' , C.lLL 1865 . I ON IYATERST.

rClr flat I,rvlee ell! 801". I At NI,ht, DIY, HolllhJI or j' tlpp. ·IID'liTIn.~ IDd steer •. ! 'e,. G"I.I',I 1IIIIrla 111 PENNYWELL IO~ I Sunday for ,.,t ,slrviellDd

.. EI.~.. .... Bla11111 Gumnl .. d work e,ll m7 .



Home Industries WHOSE BmTHQAY? _-,

c.rtaiJU, a lIanUlada article trOll! NON IA If ,.1,. tilt lut

trill 40.

Pianos 8"d Organs Real Est~te Snack B~rs

A, L. COLLIS ----~ PlaDn 4nd Orun ShowreoDl:

TOPI!AJL ·1I0AD Dial &lOlA

'aclery: IVlttr St, Ht Gr~ce P.O. Box 338

Photo Sup~ies


~~a Canmal Inc! Film.. I ljIpoaure Metm, Fl,lh GIIDI,

InllllBr Acce,lort,i. DIAL Ion

A. w. BROWN ----I













With Free Tricolour flasbUte I CALL 58'5

ALLIED AGENCIES 217 New Gower 51.


SprIngdale St. 'Phone 3Z1' Furniture and Piano Movial I ! Specially; 111o Cran. TrIIek for HIre. '----

U ph'llstering SHND .... RD BEDDING-­Cm.lPANY, LTD.


Tallor·mad. SUp COYI1l

DrAL .".





DIAL 1144

We GIVe the Fastest Servieo In Sl. Jobn'.

DesigJled For Our Readers'· Convenience

.1 1.1 I •

, / I


' ' "

I .

I ,


. , I

1 i

. I


I I' I I I

~ !

I' I' '


I 'I' I I I~

i I ~ r


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t ~ I .

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L , '

'r, I ; I

j "

I' '. ,'.

, I


t \ ,


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, , I

, I

. ,

• I

I' , . " I I

I f

, .' , . I , , . ~

, :

, I

, I

, r


, I I I


I I .:

I i ,

, I,

l ' . '



I· ,

, ,

QUEER FISH '.---------: VA..'1COlJVEH (CP) - Twa 10' IFF· T . '. GREAT EASTERN OIL ~ally.caught rate fish on display I or ast aXI & IMPORT CO" LTD. it the Aquarium have the eyes 01 \ I cat, teeth of a bea\'er, nose 01 i I rabbit and lau of a rat. They' pre related to rhe shork family.' I •. GC~N, RVATIOSMINDED



pial 2424 • 2410 . \,lcti>Jt1'A· (CP )-Rlai1s to add; the subject 01 conscr~'atlon to the I

:toursc of locial studies in Brili~h, Itolumbia sen 0011 are being· jtudie.d.'"b), the departmcnt of cd. ucation. . ' i Open 6.30 a.m. !o 2 a.m.

T.\G ALL i ~~~~~~~~~~~ \,A~COUVER tCPI-Some city' ~ ___ -, --,-

Radio, Telel'ision, Washer!, Refri ~crDtors, lleep Freezers.

, Eleetrtlc Rances, Floor poli~hera. Gramophones,

Public Addres, Systems, Tapo Rccorders.


DIAL 3001 to 3005



~~~ce~~~n \"i:San~liciri1 c~~~:rgc~;~ \' STAD I'U M I FOR SAL E par kin g re~ulatlons. Parking tickcts to li5 constables loro\'cr 1.3 Storey Dwelll· ng , pa rking were handed ouL


casional~teep inclines oJ! the FRIDAY Augusl 23rd· Containing fil'e bedrooms, bath· d;e of We road to ftoP cars ROLLE'R SKATI:-'. 'G 8 t'o 10 p,m. when brakes fali on the Hope I ,rODm, dining. and living rooms, Princeton part 01 the IransCan SATURDAY, Au~u't 241h: kltchcn and pantry. Leaschold ada hi~h\\'ay is bring consillercd: ROLLER SKATING, ground $10,00 per annum, by thc provincial hi~hllay de· I 2 to t and 8 to 10 [l.m, A bargain for quick sale 1m· departmcnt.. I -----. --' ' ,- ,-- mediate pos~cssion. For further

BOTIIERSO~IEIlE.\RS SAD '\D~\1SSIOS I particular apply to KITDIAT. B.C. ICPI _ Blnek! LO;>;DO;>; (Reuters) - The Rus·, 5

hrn" 1\ hich hal'~ be:n ehnsed, ;ian Federatlon-Iar~cst statc in J h D 0'0' 11 0\11 01 tile lo\\'n dump by thrce the Soviet Union-Wednesday ad· 0 n. risco. ~riZllic" nrc raidin~ ~arb~ge prod,lccs its share of tramps. Real Estate "~ent I can- In. 1:111 nortilcrn alllnlln11m i be~~ars and confidcnce. men, T:l~ Dial 90:11~ 1 Bldelord Placc cenlrc and' othcnrisr making' portc(l that a IcdcratlO nparlia· all~21,3i.ctort . nui;ance, 01 Illcm.clr"- : Sovict nell, a~cnc~' Tnss re· ----~IEET ,\(;.\IS ! mcnlary eomnlit:cc 1'3, drafted EXETER, Eng, (CPI - Allolli i

r.\LG,\f1Y ([PI-The \'all~h"n: a iilI\ prnridin: 101' (011l11l115flr), 300 pNson, in Ihe E~rlrr HeR I brr\'.lcn-\'ilt~r, iO. of Cardiff. lahor 0,' b;!ni,l1fllenl ror prrsons lI;!nt thcir tclcpllOnc, removclll Wale.: .\Ihprt. i2, (Or Ci1I~~r)' "Icailin: an anti·socinl i1nd para· hccalisP 01 propolcd tncrra,cd and \\')·nn, ~2. or L'I':1c~· rr~irto. ,itic 1110" cliar~c!, I B.C.-mrt herc for tllC rint time' --"

Executive Secretary i" j~ .'"~~ r .. , WlI.\T "EXT

Ilrrkrr ~":. hi, luck 1111,,1 hOlT

run oul. ~r\'enl d_,I'~ ,ficr he hrokc IiL. lOIlt In ~ I~II. he 't'1111 h!rd Ililli hi.1 crulche', ~Ol\' he h8~ bOlh Icc I in ei1!!'.

~lnTII'LE IIIRTHS BLrESKY, Alia. (CP) - ~Ir~,

J. ~Ie:-;cil 01 thi, Ilorllmcstern Alb~rta dlslrlct is pr~ud 01 a co\\' flat ~al'e birth tD its third ~Et of t\\'ln call'es in three yearl,


(Male or Femalo)


Apply in wriling to MR. ERIC E. EWING,

clo Honorary Treasurer,

The Canadian Bank of Commerce, P,O, Box 960, St. John's

ag22,23 -"- ------------


en!on, 12. ~hould hal'~ enough! luck to last .• el·eral ,·cnrl. In 8' lipid nPilr hcr home' .he found lour, leal clol'ers, i1 fiVe • leaf dOHr and ;a 9ix·leal clol'er.


(Cr I - A Vancoul'cr motorist lI'ho stopped his on the Akamina highway to watch a mother bear and 111'0 cubs on t:le , roadside nceded sel'cral ltitches: 10 close a tear on his cheek \\'hen I the'mother bear reached through tile car wwdol\' and took a swipe \t him with its rakin~ claws.

We are looking lor a young graduate In pharmacy

or an allied field for appoinlment to our Sales S!aft

Interested young men wi!h fhe ambilien end energy required lor success in Inis field arll invited 10 apply

B. W. & CO.


Car provided, 1922.3i


ateur fruit • grollers here are complaining that squirr~ls are Ganging up on their fruit trees and stripping them 01 fruit,


Sl. -.!ohn Ambulnncc olficiah re· ported th~t ,rlcrnl boys ,ot into the tran~\tRnrl frrr or Cllnr,€ ~t ~n ~hxibition herr rrf'~llth' bl' I'lnin~ ~ fRill1. Amhlltilnre' orri. rJaI~ toOk lhrnl Inlidr lor tre~t· mrbt bdore they ('nu,hl on.



' •...



3 Big Bouts







versus I '


Stadium, Mon. Aug. 26th



COI~ fRACTOR InstaIL,t!:on and Repalrl

to el1 typr~ systems,

'Phone 5S78.F 48 FOREST ROAD



Roo m S With use of bathroom.

HoI end cold weter,

ba!h and shower.

'Phone 4548H Or epply





CLOSED SATURDAY uce!'t when there II a Statutory Holiday during the week




------ .. _" -: a 22,23


Free for




i ~

~g) -------------------------.----------------------------------

~ , ,

-, - "" ' "."". R~DDY KILOWATI ®

Better Living ~osts Less when you go ALL·ELECTRIC

I ,

A Mate Is Required Preferably wilh cerlificate for the Diesel Tug "SANDY LAKE" operating on Ihe Easl Coast of Newfoundland.

Duties to commence Seplember firs!. Apply slaling

experience to




.~~~~~~~~.. Cheap, Reliable Electricity ~ , In end Around SI. John's

\) \ ~\; SQO 'lw.~\!~ltJ, ~~l \ t--l\-:-e--l~-I-{~-Il-II(-l-h-' ;-l'~-l-· Services



Rr~ulRr 8 ;!.nl, train lcavin~ SI. , .iolin·s 'londa)·, Augnst 2fJ1 h, \\'i'1! 1n;!Ke cnnnection at Argenti;! wi!h' ,T.V. BUl'in for rCbllllar ports Bay I Run PI;;centi:l B;!y.


Reg\llar fl a,m. train ICn\'in~ st. . .Tohn·s \\·pcinesdoj", August 28th, will make connection At Ar,cntia with ~I.v. Burin for the Wcst Run Placentia Bay.

"'h'rr·;,flll I~~~HP;

arrrr"~nc< d tn! \;L Th p I"" "I tr 1{)

nrcp""il), !mpt~

J, n. Jr. ~~Isas. , "n, 4 Temp, ~Id" II

o tim, OallJl


CONNECTIOS GREES BAY' I SEn VI eEl F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::;;;;;::=====~;";;;;;;';"';;"""';;~';;;;

Train "The Caribou" Icaving 51.



John's 5 p.m. to·du)" Frid~y, witl make connection at Uwisportr

I with ~I.V, Nania for regular ports (;rcen B31' Sonier instead of,

• I

Thur,day al was previollsl), en·

Bal"rd Motors Ltd nlliliwed. !;OFfII ('(UST SERVICE

I DIAL 80378·9


s.s, [lal'('r,lieu rur rt'.c:ular pr:rl, . South Coast Serl'ice will ~ail from Dock Coastal Wilarf Noon Wed·

. ne.lday, August 28th,


Train "The Caribou" leal'in~ SI. John's 5 p.m. ~Ionday, AugU51 26th, ! will make conncction Rt Lcwisporte with M.V, Conroy lor rrl:1i1ar ports· Katre DlImp. B~y Sefl'ice. I


Train "The Cnribou" lcol'ing St. John',1 Mor,nay, August 26th, wdl make connection at Corner Brook with ~!.V. Bonavista replacing S.S, Northern Ranger for rcgular ports' St. John·s· Corner Brook Serl'ice, '


Train "The Caribou" leaving st. ' John's ~ p~m. Sund~y, August 25th, wilt make connection at Lewisporte with S,S, Springdale for regular portl Lewisporte . Corner Brook Service.



Freight Is accepted DAILY at the Dock CODstal Shed for all ports' South Coast Service but in urd~r to , guarantee movement by this 'trip o[ the S,S. Baccalicu Freight must; be £>t the Dock Coastal Shed not

linter than ~ p,m. ~!ond"y, August 26th. '


Fflight for regular ports St. John's. Lcwisporte Serl'ice for forwarding via Lewisporte and

',~!.V. Clarcnl'ille will be accepted .ot the RRilway Frci~ht Sheri ~!on· I day, Augu!t 26th, 9 ".m. to ~ p.m.


Freight for parIs Northern Lab· ranor Service for furtherance via 5.S. Kyle for transfer to ~I.V. Trepassey at Goose Bay wllJ be accepted at the Coastal Freight Shed Wednesday, August 28th, 9 I'.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday, August 20th, 9 a,m. to noon,


Freight for ports Southern Lab· rador Serdce regular ports 51., John's 10 Goose Bay for forwarding I

via S.S. Kyle will be accepted at the Coastal FreIght Shed Wednes·

: day, August 28th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Thursd"y, August 28th, 9 a,m. to Noon.

~DWf"" I NiTIONAI. :

The Newfoundland Transportation Co.,

Special Weekend Schedule August 24th & August 25th





8.00 9.30


a .. m a.m. a.m.

12.30 p.m. 2.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 9.00 p.m.


10,30 p.m. 12,00 Midnight


8.45 a.m. 10,15 a.m. 11.45 a.m.

1.15 p.m. 2.45 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 6.45 p,m. 8.15 p,m. 9.45 p.m.

11.45 p.m. *12.45 a.m.

1t 12.45 {l.m. Trip positively los!




10.00 a,m. 12.00 noon

3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m, 7.00 p.m,

h d I d '1' Iii ~,r,dl! Sc e u e SOlIng un • '


No special trips for !his night excepting emergencies reque!ted by Medical Practitioner.





12,00 noon 2.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 6.00 p,m. S.OO p.m.


1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m.




9.00 11.00

a.m. a.m.

1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 5,00 p.m. 7.00 p.m.

The Newfoundland Transportation Co" ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAN~ P.O. BOX 425

IELEPHON ES:-:~~T~~:~ D C~~E ..•... : ...... :......................92~, ~------------------~--------~


Been of winners will




, lns~er to targe arc" c" proven and it ~ells a:

, nearest dealer to·da,



460 W

DAN recently tomplete National Ballet will be teaching

IN Pupils interested




BOX 23




Wagel, Three

Apply in writi,

p. ,0. E ST.,

for Ta




, \ ,


~dule 25th

'AWA" 'fS


l ' ' " o:J .A y..,


8.00 II,

10.00 CI

12.00 2.00 4.00 p, 6.00

Co., UNDlAND I 92202.A I·· .... · 293R



AUGUST 23, 1957




~as Seen C~a(med will oppear to·morrow.


OlD!MOBILE ...................... $1500.00


• 1:'1 ' I 'I ! J Ill, l ;--. f· ~ j , • \

,i"'~ TliL .111. I)II'OI;-[ .. \\·j . !TI 1111:11'- • ~l'lI rJ.OOnl:"/J • ~IIE'\TIII:"i(i

:,\1 IIT\T :\ 1,1 ITS lO:,\STlll:CTlO:'\.

OUR EXTER'OR BOND PLYWOOD I~'t' '., I,,·;, ;))) .• (·"\l·r~;c. II, "dlrr)1rlJlll qllnlltlc, r:lI~ ann I: ,ell. 31 an o:\Irrl1\el) economical price. tWf;: ~l',IH I,'f''') or II'rile (llrect for further in·




O:-iE TIlIP"

460 WATER ST. DIAL 7840

DANCING .lliss Sandra Casey' ~'.ntly complr.tE'd CJ Dnncing Cot1rse C1~ NOllonal Ballrt Guild of CanaclCJ, Toron­\,11 be leaching

~~~CING IN SEPTEMBE~ 'upill interested please call at







Fe'N . j_. m'nulel' walk from TCA. ~N MINUTES' DRIVE FROM CITY



~lEXFor full particulars apply



110; A !I, Three adulll In family, References ppiy in writing ta



(~)h) Q~OhHll! (flub Il~' "

TO·NIGHT Chris Andrews'


Mu!ic by "The Blue Notes"

DIAL 90069



,LOST D11 ThurRday afternoon, I MI II . Ladles' Wrist Watch between . __ _ Ite Meau,

Dr. Curtis' Surgery a~d Par· \'I'yp~WnlTII.JIS FOR RIlST, 4.00 lIer'~ on Lc~larchBnt Road. per month. Also Typewriter~ Finder Dial 5704L. Reward of· I ahtl A~dlnl! Ms~hlnes l"br Sale. fered. (Trftdc,lnk accepted). Termn

..... __ __ _ arrangeU. All mAchines In good CAl\' accommodal~ O~nth!rt1i1f1 co.ldltion. ~ial llaB2F.

: boarders. l'imllent location on ,,,,~·~iND--Ub.-SErlllIC.E Rrnnle's ~!I11 Roarl.· Please I "V Sh '''1 ,t, ~ 00 b·· call 5954L ". C. ,.Ja. ,1 8&, D

,_ . _. _ bags tr'l ~~ 1'" ~ ~ags for

H I W d M I I

$150: P bR~~ tUI ~H 15 For , e p ante - a, 4ulck dellv.:·~ diAl 92b~9·A WILL YOU accept nil yOllr cloth· 2R I'~nl('r ",'.1'111" IonIUm

ling FRF:E, ann agree 10 sholl' your' -' -. .. . ... : --friends? You cah mF·!te liP 10'30 ~'OI>DWORKIN.r. MACHINES In a dn)'. ~\'en in ~pare time with· ot el'ery d~!mptlorn', Fasl feed out canl'asslng. :'>0 experience matchers, ~Ioulders, Band Re· necrssarl'. Slli Silles OutflL sup. saws, Blower! Electric or Die·

_ I' d - 1 sel motors, Generators, V pul· ~-..-t~I!!I~~--•• - pie. at abso utel), no cost to you,. levs ahd bell. E\'eri'thin~ in

f shOWing .over 250, Items for tile en·; ~1111 SUppl\'.-Eastern Ma~hln· I tire ramlly. Dnn I rnlss this on~e·: cry & ~qulp!l1enl Ltd., 5100 ,In·a.lifetlme offer. Make real big I Hoclll·lhga. ~l., ~!Imlreal 4. ,mone),. Wrltc to·r1r.y.-Blakc·\Val·· jy19,lrh 'ker Co" Dept. 189, !l.O. !lox B~7, ----''---'-~­

SIB!tl ... ~UITARS - 110' .lIr 8uttoh !'Ilnp (\ccordeonn. and H,armonlcak. Rlchmnnd SaKi).

i Montreal. Canada. I -_._-. ------.----~-------

PRIVATt DI':TEl"1'IVE .. ·WhU dO

I )'ou want to know? What do )'ou want to lind out about!? All Informntlotl conllnentlal.

~h' ones. Bbosey CIArln~h.­hllrleR f.lUlton & !lon~. p.O. e~3.~"" ••

fl,"rln •• n~ ,llnfn. Nl,hllT In unlQul A modest lee chargetl [or all nnd Intlmat" Ilrn<llphrt. r.nt"IRI'"1Onl llnhdiy, W.dh"d~r, 5~rv!ces. Write 10 P.O. Box


Fr!di'l~'. !"alurcb,y. E '400 S J h ' fi b O.,..n l p . .,. Brooltl.ld nail. ',J t. 0 n s, or care rU . TF.Ll:ph(J~E tlO! i lic Burrnu.

~~~~~~~~~~ \ ---''15Urarica

Velvet Horn Club


N<;URANCE-,owrlnll Broth· I If Lltnlled Int\Jrance Oeppn. . menl-F\re. I\Lltotnoblle. Mar. ! Ine and RI1 Cs!Ua1t" linn. i

TelephnM ~IH~ or 5167. f

comfortahly We specialize In rcpalring and recondition· Inft all t!·\ler. Sprlnll! and ~lattre~sls. G I' a I a n lee d work. ~lRtttess!>s fot back Allh1ent~ a s1cclalty. 'Phonr 6449 dr "~Ol, Standard Bcdd:n~ Comp~ny., Flower 11.". feb20,tf


110 RENT •


'Bungalow Churchill Park area.


Box 46 !'

c '0 The Dolly New~

FOR SALE 3 Storey Building I

No. 3 HOLDSWORTH 5T. . immediately qff Water St.

Gus Winter Ltd. 332 WATER ST.

~ugR,t/ ------~- ------

FOR SALE At Bell Island six roam BUNGALOW or

Merc@r'! Street. Also 1 Build·

ing lat, 50' x 20(}'. I For further particulor~ appl:

MRS. MARY Eo MERCER, P.O. Box 109, Boy Roberf~ DANCE SATUR{}AY


CEPIiNDABLE FIRE INSUR· .NCI! .... Don'l "l!k yOllr vahi· abies to "~al't''' • rew lIolla~. OUr 'alt·ral!. r~lIstll~ poll~' -'V~S Il'I\medlBt~ crolectibrl. 'Phone 6921 or write i J.

We need A marl to ,en ice 400 customer~ on ejt~bli~hed Wat· kins route In SI. John·s. No experience necessary. No cf~h required. lien earning S3.00

_____ . __ . __ -----.----' I

MUlic by Commanders. Cover $1.00 f,~~~Y. PO !lox ft06


Waterford Bridge Road







per hour, fuJI or part·tlmp. I Bonus Plan. Apply in wrilink to F. Granger, 350 St. Roch, I MOhtre~i, Que. ~g9flAf23,30 5T"'" FOWLU, A .. 110uf bu:ldthll, fOr "Ire AutO. mobile !1M Plale O!U~ (n~ur· .nee. Cl;ItJ19 prom~!l:v settl· ed. 'Phone ft531-P.O. Bbl 83

. \O-{TNGDRlVERS are-.h';bYA I-Female-;ie~~-Wante~-I NEED elttra money? Work Bpare·

time at home I We ,1ced worn· en to sew. do halldiwork or address envelopes. ~Iany ~thcr interesting niorley mulng ('p portunltl~!I 0 r t ere d. Send !tamfled !leif addtessed en­velope. Write Sftow Han(\!· craft!!, Box 400 Care DRily

welcome In my Off!te, and appllc' tions favourably reeel·· ved, based on merit, covcrin« Public Llablltty, Propcrty DRm· age Razards. Dbn't turn the wheel of your car unless you have this 3rd party coverage.­W. F. Caldw~ll, Fir! & Casualty Insurance . Agent, Tern pie Building, Duckworth Street, St. John's, 'Phone 24es.

, NO\\'8. ag22,12i f --- -- ------ .-. -- ---


FOR SALE Weill Washing I

. WALL WASHING-w;ii. clll" ,5 Room Bungalow ~tI b, new merhlne. Re!uth I ON PORTUGAL COVE ROAr perfect: I8ve~ palnt.~Ne'll'· I Method Rug I.nd Wan Clean· I er!, Fre!hwatpi Road, 'Phone Q1033. ag26,1 m

,-----~-.----- --NIIW METHOt) RUG CL.EAN, I'

lRS. Rugs and Car pet, made to Inn~ !Iii- new Von I


Gus Winter Ltd. I 332 WATER ST.

'Phone 2148 Schrader Dr~r.eh8 adds vear. to life of rUiS Cleaned In ' ag20,~1 home or at OUT plant Phon. ---- .. ---.- -----91033. Nrw M~thod Rug Cleaner!, P'r~8~wat.r Road.



Commercial School



'Phone 3781.H or tall at 8~ LONO'S HltL

----_._---_._- ... --_.-

A REWARD is offered for the return of c

Blue Budgie missing since August 3rd. !

Dial 91004



276 Water Street OceLipancy october ht.

Will :'\OT rent ft! II> re~taurant.

Milly rHI CENTRAL BARIIER SHOP' in goad condition, Engines,

r,'d A . 23 We are now operating ~Ilt cars, track and acc!!!!Ories. .' I'! ay, ug ust I eMirs. You can b& mured Will aell leperately if desired.

73 ~fonkstown Road, on W. & G, ReNDELl ?O, BOX M8 ST. JOHN'!!

I Itt 11 i of the be!t ponlblp sel'\'lcl "5 ., R I,m, I pM th~ I !Asl P~B8Ibl~ flalt· 'Phone 7759 Notice Of

Public Sale 1 IRrge combination safe. 1 I Inl. 24 New Clour Street,

modern Imperial typewriter. 1·4: opp. A,lelata. M~tou. [f ,ou tlrnll'cr filing cabinet, 2 nteel stat·, ~ef~r app~ll'Ilment .ervte.

after 1 p.m. ar call at 8 EMPIRE AVENUE. loner), cabinets, 2·7 drawer oak I 1\"3\ A

flat tOIl desks, 1 oak !wlvel chRir, __ o_n_e __ ~_· ____ _ 2 Ira\h~r upholstered prm chatrs, 3 raining chalrn. 3 arm chalr~.

In~prctlon 9 1m. morntng of sale

John D. O/riscoll Auctlonrrr

; a~21~1 ., . ~-.-. _ .. __ . -----




. MONA Rt AN Beanty Salon, T.A. BlIlldlnll, Duckworth Street, ~peclallzlng In all method! permanent waving, tinting and cutlng. Open Tuesday and Thursday nights. six operitora Dial 5477 for &ppolntrllent.

CA~H PAID for comlcl, mill' tlhes, pocket bOOHI, accordJ· ons, guitars, gun!, typewriters, sewing machlne8, men'.. clothes and footw@at. John D, I

Snow, 9 New Gb.@r lit.

.. _---"""---_._------f Bf virtue Of a Distraint made : by me U 1!alllll on the 13th day of Jul)' A.D. 1957 I wltt· !ell on the

,premlles No. 44 Gower !itreet, St. ; John'S, by public aucttM on ~Ion· i rlny, the 26th no)' 01 AUgIlR! A.D. ! IHii7 at Noon the following gooct~: : 1 CASH HIWI!i'ff:fl, ! IU'. Allhn Comb. Sct

. 1 (0(',\ cOI.A ClJUI.I~H 1 Qll,\KER IIlL CABI:-'ET

IIEATER , Dated &t st. Jolm's this 21l( day : nf Augu~t A.D. 1957.

i JOIlS GOODLAND, Bailiff .. _______ .. I n~2a,26

Corner Patrick and pleasonl i 1m,iune20.

I Str:::s'infarmotion \ --- --_ ..

'Phone 4712·H ---~~---

FOR SALE OSE 1948 BUICK SEDAN Full)' equipped with heater nd defroster, air condltlon

lng and new radio. Body motor and tires In splendid condition, A good buy for lomeon@ for only ,,95,011.

For demonstration

Dial 3889L a 22,23


Now 11 tt.~ time for your new .

TILl ", 1.1!>.tOL.EUM flLOORS.


Cabot Construction and Supplies Ltd.

01.1 565B Duckfjlrth 51, "ft'l h~Url din






Should the weather be unfavourabl .. •


)Vould IhDIf ItLendlns pl~Blie don.te •• generously II po!slble 10 the collecllOn at the varlou! ,atu whlellis for th~ I1pkeeplng of Ihe Cemetery. Plot holden are eJ:pedd 10 have therr places attended 10 early II ponlble. No work will be per· mltted on ploh aftior Thursday, Augu!t 22nd.





AUGUST 23rd ~ROM 1 P.M.

Woodstock Sales & Service GORDON PERRY


NOTICE The 36-hold Medal Ploy Championship lor both 5'.!nlcr . and Sec:>nd 'Division will take place on SATU2['J.~ Y, Augu!t 24th. Player! wi!hing to enter must be pr.!s'nt at the Coddy House for the draw which tokes plac.

et 10 o,m. she.rp.

J. J. RENOUF, Coplo;n,




'PHoNE 2986 or CALL at 6S MONROE St.


"~23.24 _ •. ____ ._. ___ • __ .1 ___ . ___ ._._. ___ _


(make up man preferred)








Duties will include: Sales, Training SoleI Per;onnel, Advertising ond Product Conlrol administration, elc

Sutcl!ssful candidate will b~ trained at Ihe HeCJd Office of th@ Company and in the Field. Hs will ultimately make his headquarlw at St. John'),'

Wrile giving full details regmding age, educa· tion, bU5iness experience, merital status, approxlmtlll!

salary required, etc., to:




Apply In writinlil or 'Pnon8 for cppointtunt.

,John Clouston Ltdi 112 DUCKWORTH ST. DIAL 9·0341

ABBon's Commercial -School RE.OPENING SEPTEMBER 3rd

private lessons in Shorthand (Gregg, Pitman end Sloan), Typewriting, Filing, Bookkeeping and AccountoncYI 0110 Stenotypy. Day or' Nignt LeSIons. Puplll prepared far examinations, .

For appolntmllnt or further particulars apply to J41 LeMARCHANT ROAD or 'PHONE 3401


CLOTHES make the men it CHAF! makes the clothel

WM. L.CHAFE, Tailo~ .. . .,' I •


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1 j:===============~====~~--~~~--~----------------~--~ :'i like ru~lJer burning, He ~xamlned I , the car and found that the front



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s EACH •




left tire was very hot. He asked what happened and the driver said that the accelerator had be· come stuck down, an~ the brake! had given out. I .

. He examined the car and found that the brake was not working I but the gal pedal was working 1

smoothly, and when he drove the: car. few feet he had no difficulty In controlling the engine, The hand brake was In good condition,

.,.......~l~lIIL...""tt SIGN tI.~ 'OF P!dMI THE ANnCQ LI~'np OOK

Limited Quantity Nitrate Of Soda


Four young people who were driving can on ,the road at the time said that the accused must have been driving at I speed from 6~ to 70 miles per hour, and the car kept to this speed even around the curves,

One of the witr.esses said that he saw three cars going west go over on the shoulder of the road

On The Beach Nevil Shute .............. $4.SG

Monsieur Yankee Leslie Turner While .. 4.5G

Wing l~ader Johnnie Johnson ....... 3.7 5

The Return Of

We fully realize the Season is well advanced and th FERTILIZERS is limited but at the request of man e Ule cl Farmer Friends whose Crops are a little backward ~ 01 CUr

purchased a small lot of this "Magic Grower". ~ hOYt

expecting arrival end of this week and sugsest bookiTl earl fa avoid disappointment. 'lordet\

to avoid collidin!: with the' car Gunner Asch ' driven by the accused almost down Hans Hel/mu~ Kirs~ ... ,. 3.50 I the middle of the pavement. M A k' d' I

The accu~ed said in his evldencc' r. r a \ n ' thut he tried to pass one of the I ,0, n Welles ......... 3.9~ 1

cars In the line and his. acctlera· Don't Go Nea The Water 1

tor got stuck, He put hiS foot on i r I the hrake pedal and it we~t to I William Brinklf.y ....... 3.95' the floor. and the brake cylinder Bedouin Command broke, He .lUQnenly could not stop . his car. which seemed to spurt The Arab legion 1953-56. ahead. He claimed that the spring Lt. Col. Pe~er Young .. 4.25 under the accelerator was broken, R" h h

He got cxcited hc said and lost mgmg T e C anges hl~ heed. "If I could hal'~ stopped Mazo De La Rarhe .... 5.00

~rew~~:g t~~v~';:g~:tr~~~d ~t:~t~~~~~ The last Parallel when he put the car in second Mnrtin RU5s .. , ............ 3.95 sear and turned off the ignition. Th 0 . . M C ° k t R ]t I Roy Gitchri,t. AlC \'"Ienline and'

Passing sentence. Magistrate Mul- e rganlzatlon an rIC e esu s Denis ,\lkin;ol1 tlirougll illne', cilhy. told the aceuscd, "your car William H. Why~e, Jr. 6.00 LONDON (R t \ Ct' i and injuries, lias belm\" lop bllll I· . eu crs ,- en unes . "'I "tl :\. was driven in the most reckless A Stude;lts Diary by Petcr Richardson and Tom! 111M s ren, L • clcrt:lelc.s.', the and foolhardy manncr. and you, Gravene\, put En land in a "ood i ,pI~ners mIght ha\'e been ex· lI'ere not only risking your oll'n' Budapest October 16 - position' at the ;nd of the lir;t pecled ,to put liP a bettcr dlspla, life but those of the other five in November 1, 1956. . d' th f' I . k t on a p,tch lhat falorcd them ay In c Ina erIc ct cst . . . , the car." LIB k 1 95 match against the West Indies at .. taplaln John took one ~

asz a e e .... , ........ .... thc 0 I h IIICket for 43 rons. wllh a couple

Probable PIOtchers Broadway in a Barn Eng~aand, ~l~~adY tllO up in the I~lor~ c:i~nc~s be~ng r:li"c~" Col. Charlolle Harmon and fil·e.match series. scored 283 for Ie n~' '. \\'0 or ,)2, c almco

NEW YORK (AP) _ Probabl~ Ros a T I 395 fiv'e on I pitch which gave ~igns ~Dt,h h~, 1:lctlms. i1lchnrri,on and pitchers for today's major league m ry ayar ........... of helping spinncrs Tony Lock. .1:1). In a ~oort -,pe:l. after

k and Jim Lakcr lalcr in the ,ea \\he nile wos rtroppJn~ JIll off·

games with won and lost records D'ie 5 & Co LtJ spinner. menacingl.\". in parentheses: ., ':1. malch,

National L~ague Richardson (107) and Gravcne)' Milwaukee a t Brooklyn (:-,')_ The Booksellers' (113 not out) put on 146 for the

Conley (8.6) vs Koufax (5.31 second wicket. which fell ill 238. Chical:o at New York (N) _ "PHONES 2008 _ 3191 .4425 Three more wickels feU while 18

Rush (4.12) \.s Worthinglon (8.8)' __ ~' ________ I runs were auucd. But the baSIS SI. Louis at Philadelphia (N)- Shantz (10·3) VS :\'arleski ~~·3) I of ~ s?und Icore already had

'PHONES 5143 - 5144 au EEN STREET

Wehmeier (5.6) or Mixell (5.9) \'5 I Boston al Chicago (:\")- Sulli· been lal~. .

C.\LAIS, FranCe (Reuter, l-A nipl :-I a \")' oificer, Lle'.It. ~\ich· acl Jeneid. cros;cd the Engli,h' Channel in a Cilnoc II"rdnc.,dal·. aftcr paddling down the rhame's Ril'cr to Dover.

l.l. 'c French, who I\'as on duty there. found guilty of rrlmlnal negligence Haddix (9.10). 'I vBn, (l0·8) vs Pierce (16·9) i The_~ e.lt_!ndles,. depril'ed or l' a (Jb

lstr ate s ourt :lnd he said in his EI'idence that in dril'in!! on the Topsail High. Clnclnnah at Pittsburgh (N)-, \\ ashlngton at Dctrolt (N) -. ~~~;;.;..;;;;..;.;.......;.;;;.;..;;......;;;...;.........;;;;....;..;;.......;.;.;.......;;;.;..-;;,;;;;;;;.;.;;--- ----..;....:

the Rccused was in an adl'anced way without regard for the silfety I Nuxhall (6·7) or Fowlcj (3·0) vs i Ramos (9·11) vs ~Iass (8·9),

A man charged with driving hi~ st"t:e of Intoxication. of others on July 8th and was fined Purkey 00·101. I BaltImore at Kansas CIty (N)-ru while under the Infiuence of After this Cl'idence lIas taken S60 or 21 days and ~O!t5 of $20 or Am~rlcan League Johnson (l0·8) 1'5 Kellner (5·5),

~kohol on Aucust 17th was be. hefore ~!agistrate ~Iulcah)' the 1 7 days. Ncll' York at Clevelan" (N) - Sign Treaty fore the ~Ia~islrate'! Court yester· accused askcd for a postponement I Comtable Cook of tht ROIP da.\" mornin~. until Aucust 29th,. . ' said in el'idence that a 9.30 p.m,

L'<lllst"ulc\ Foole allrl Rigg~ !Ain A m~n charged Illth hAVing a on July Bth he was proceeding


BELGRADE (Reutersl-Y'JgO'\ sla\'ia and Hungary have signed a ncll' agreement on the demar­ea tion of their common frontier the Yugoslal' neil's agency Tan:

'0 cI'i", "ce II,at they were on boltle 01 li~uor in his posscsslon west on the Topsail Ro.d bctween WHITTEN-Die? suddenly early dillY al1.l';111 the flefendant sit· I which elid no\ a Boarel of Li· Cowan Avenue and the Brookfield Wedncsday mormn6 •. August 21st. :in~ In ',;, car on Circular Road, qllor Ihnt.rol label. The Cl'ldence Road, The trallic was fairly heavy a~ the Gcneral ~osPI~al, ,.Elfreda 1 hr r~r wa.' pukc,l Anel he WAS of the pollce s;lld thai there were nnd the visibility was good, \I hlten, age ~7. years. \\I~OW .of ~rlllnll the whecl. '[(1~lr l11('n dl"inkillg out 01 the bot· When he reached the junction Albert E, WhItten. to Jug !Ald \l'ednesday night.


There WilS a ~tro11~ .Imel! of tic and the four of them were takcn of the Brookfield Road he saw a mourn two sons, Roland and Ste­, tlquor on the nlim'S hrealh. Anrt hy the police, Three or them said long line of cars going east from phcn; tll'O daughters, Nor;na (Mr~.

oe \\~< Icry uIHcmly II'hcli he got thcy elld nol uu)' tile holt Ie and around a bend III the road. As he N, Ellasko 01 Toronto), Ph)lll! ~ ,: ~ul ottl:e car. They' hoth said that' the "ceuscd told the police it WAS drew ncar the lirst car in the line Olrs,. Aubrey Haml)'n of the city);

In !IlClr opinion the man \la~ 1 j\,st as well for him to take the he obscrved another vehicle driv. Ion; ;I,ter andthree brothers; also .CONNOnS - MURPHY-The mar· n(1IJ,'eahly drunk.. . il,,llllP fOI" haVing the liquor, He rn by the accused, which li'as in I cl~h. grandchildren. The funeral nage of Florencc Mary, daughter


T3ken 10 the pol1cr statIOn the wa~ l1ncfl 520, the process of passing this com .• II Iii take plaCe on Friday at 2.15 , of ~[rs, and the late ~!r. Frank D, I, ICCU'CO II"7IS eX<lollneri liy Scr~e"nt: A ~'nllllg Ill"" of ninelren W;1< plcte line of can, He hAd two i p,m. by., motor hearse from her I Murphy. to William Joseph. son!

____ _ alternatives. to get off Ihe road or i ~~tc ~[:~I.~cnC;'g~7 Su~br\ SI. to,' of the tate Capt. and Mrs, Thomas


• CEMENT BRICK (grey in colour)


(for walks and palios)

Immediate Defivery

Eastern.Building Su~·pUes Ltd. KENMOUNT ROAD' DIAL 92489

mret thl~ car head on, He gol olf' P' E' RR)Ys P n cdan ufrlc1 · Connors took place at the Basilici . I Rsse peace u Y a lI'a\"· r s . the road, .: at her residence at 7 p,;"!., Wed .. a I. John the Bapllst on ~!onday :

The car passed on, he ~ald, anu 'nesdav August 21st Phoebe Jan at 9.30 a,m., July Bth, 1957, with appeared to be tra,I'riling at ~ high i beiovcd wife of Fr'ederick perr~: n.up~al mass, Rev. J. Hanton of· rate of s?ecd. whIch he estImated, age 77 years, Leaving \() mourn flcatmg, to be no. less than e~ mlle! per I husband one daughter V'olet 1 --~ ••• -•••••••• hour I' 1 . (~!rs, Leonard J. Peet); fil'e sons: i

He lurn~d the police car around Roy, Gordon, C::ric, Nelson and! and gRve .chase. As he approached Lcslie: tll'O sisters: ~!rs. Maryi the Junc:lun 01 Cowan Avenue he Pottle of thc City and ~!rs, Annie i

~all' !he car again as he rounded ~Iercer of Toronto' and eight' I the c~~ \'e. which branches olf the grandchildren, Fune'ral will take ~

I Tops~J! Road. the tighis were off place to·day, Friday. at 3.30 p.m. !

,lad II c~me to a stop by the most ~ from her late residence, 2.54 Ham· 'c,l~lerI1 house all the road. 1 ilton Avcnue by motor hearse to :

lie d,'ove the police car up and 1 the .General Protestant cemetery: stopped by Ihe car driven bl' the for mutermenl. accu'erl.· and Us he !topped thc --., .-----. -.--.--other car began to back out again FUNERAL ~~r.~CE ___ _

i when he requested the drirer to The funeral of the late ?lIn. sto~, I ~!argaret Martin, 12 Graves' St..


Co lars far all

City Schools

49c. AI the

! , 11~ere ~I'ere six people In the I will take place on Saturday after· I C;J~ ",no II hen he went (0 the lIriv· noon at 2.30 to SI. Thomas' Church, .

____________________________ er, (,oar he could 5meil somelhing : Inerment at the Anglican cemetery on Forest Road. '



1(, Qucillty.bullt of thick. aaphalt. impre<JIlQtod cov • ...! with MautihU mlnercl ;rQJ\ul .. for utrO wlOth ... pI'Otoetion QJ\d fire .-latQJ\c •. Can M oppllod ril1ht our your old roofin",. Rich .oUd colOJ'l and riyle-perfect bl.rld.. Call or drop In for fulI.eclar bookllt and IJIfcnnQt!o",

A. H. MURRAY & CO., Ltd. , !. '.


, 'r \

.' I


.50 up




Here's a smart new style Sttrfire, that's tapered two w 'luggage for Milady .•• Me· Brinet Starflre ,iliat's tapered tlVO ways. Features all-plywood cOnstruction ... DuraBle cover· ing that's scuff resistant, water­rel?cUent and colour-fast ... tough, vinyl binding . . • rich

. Celanese rayon linings and care· fully planned Interlor5 and

,accessorlel~ Seven smart pi&­ces, 8vaUaole' as open stock.

Easy Terms



WARM AIR • • •


STEAM· • •


Nfld. Coal & Oil Co., Ltd.

'Phone 6077 • 5863 • 5871


FOIII.arra, uri Do ......••• ..".,. -







GEORGE NEAL Ltd. TELEPHONE 2264· 3420 ·4440

r 51

STRIKE HAS .e· nOW almost th

ltnk '1 Concrete produ old, a motil"ated by

I\;nion. is ha.l'lng , on constructIOn.

consequences are

Iran t of concrete the company. for

continue \\'or, customs House Office apart on

from ele'aning up debris,

• OVln

PURP AUgUlt 27th o\~r lil'c Anglicans will dClcen

of SI. John's is one 1 gatherin~s,

the Church In t'clcr bclorc ha

togdhcr wil h of purpose: the pu

oiog and impcr Diocesc For


Ion H h Pia

Andrews fish drying Roberts. which was

the past two reopj!r.ed this year, report giren by Mr.

, pr, ident of the F Union of Bay

plant closcd dow" ago and fishermen

that Ihe plan lor thp. usual ~e'

all the old fl' an~ sold and

ready lor drying.

Fines Breaches Life Act
