Notice inviting Tender for supply of different ... - Tripura


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lh" Dated. Agartala. the b February' 2015.

SUBJECT: - Notice inviting Tender for supply of different feed ingredients for Livestock & Poultry birds for the year 2015· 2016.

1. Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of the Governor of Tripura, from the bonafide Indian contractors I suppliers for supply of Livestock & Poultry feed ingredients and Paddy husk for Departmental farms as per specification and conditions enclosed (Annexure-A) and as per paramet er referred to in Annexure-B.

2. The detailed terms and conditions, specifications, etc. can be obtained against a Bank Draft for Rs. 500/­(Rupees Five hundred) only (non-refundable) I in favour of the Director, ARDD, Govt. of Tripura, P.N. Complex, Agartala payable at S.B.I. T.L.A House Branch. Agoaafal from this Directorate of ARDD, from 11.00 AM to 1 PM on all working days from sm Februarv, 2015 to 4"' March. 2015. The form can olso be downloaded from website, but a Bank Draft for Rs. 500/· as above is to be attached with the form I tender documents. Rates inclusive of all taxes, loading & unloading charges for feed Ingredients F.O.R Gandhigram, R.K. Nagar, Oevipur farms and for Paddy husk, F.O.R at Gandhigram, R.K. Nagar, Panisagar and Udaipur farms may be quoted in figure & In word.

3. The tender documents must be submitted by "Registered Post/Courier Service" only In a strong double sealed cover dearly captioned as "Tender for different feed Ingredients of livestock & poultry birds" addressed to the Director of Animal Resources Development Department, Government of Tripura, P.N. Complex, Agartala, West Trlpura, PIN-799006. No Tenders will be received otherthan " Registered Post/Courier Service•. Tenders will be received up to 1 P.M on s'h March, 2015 and the same will be ooened at 2 PM an 61

h March. 2015 and the respective Tenderer(s) or their authorized representative(s), may remain present. If tenders received after the scheduled t ime & date due t o postal delay or any other reason whatsoever, will not be accepted.

The authority reserves the right to cancel/reject any/all the tenders w ithout assigning any reason thereof.

The details may be obtained from Website @ www.tri I I I

~s~'S Director

Animal Resources Develo;muont. Government of Trlpura .

.JO -



I) The Earnest Money is to be deposited in the form of'Depo.sit at Call' o r, 'Banker's cheque' payable on any Nationalized Bank at Aganala Branch, in f~vour of the Director o f Animal Resources Development Department, Government ofTripura, P. N . Complex, Agartata as shown in Anne&ure-' 0 ' enclosed, Except ' Deposit at C all' or, 'Banker's cheque' no other form of Deposit will be cntenained. Registered Co­Opaativc(s)/ Organization (s) I Societies and State /Central Government undertaking are exempted from depositing Eam.est Money.

2) The Tenderer should furnish a copy of PAN card along with the tender.

3) The Tenderer should furnish updated/ valid Sale Tax /VAT Clearance/ Professional Tax Clearance certificates along witb the tender.

4) Authentic documentary proof of enmpt:ion for non-depositing of Earnest Money I lacome Tax I Sale Tax I VAT, if any, should be submitted along w ith the tender.

5) The interested bidders/ teoderers shall s ubmit the bill~ in 2 parts, namely' Financial Bid' and 'Teclm.ical Bid' . The 2 bids should be put in 2 separate sealed envelopes, indicaring on the cover as "Technical bid" and "Financial bid". These 2 sea led envelopes shaU be placed inside n large scaled cover and the same may be submitted. The techniral Bjd: - shall contain aU documeniS except the rate offered. The financial b jd: • shall contain only the rate offered by the bidder. While processing, the technical bids will be opened first and eligible bidders meeting requirement will be shon-tisted. Thereafter, financial bids of only short listed bidders will be opened.

6) The Earnest money of the successful Teoderers will be released as soon as the S«Urity money is deposited along-with the Agreement Bond (as furnished by the Depar11Uent). For the unsuccessfu l Tenderers the earnest money will be returned as soon as possible on demand.

7) The lowest Tenderer shall have to deposit S% o f purchase value of the reqalred fted ingredientS as security deposit apart fro m Earnest money. If the suc:x:essful Tenderer fails co supply the feed ingredients/ items as per requisition of the Dep1. in specified time (after issuing of supply order from the concerned Officer), the Department may procure the ingredients from the 2"' lowest or, elsewhere and the difference of the cost of the rate if any is to be collected from the Tenderer, otherwise the Tenderer's security money will be forfeited and the Tenderu w ould be Black listed. The Earnest Money of the successful Tenle.ra(s) may be tre&ted as part of the Secarlty deposit on request ofTenderer.

8) The security money should be deposited a t the concern Office from where supply order would be issued.

9) After acoepcance of rates, if any Tenderer refuses co carry out the terms and conditions of the tender and not interested to supply ingredients, the e•mest money will be forfeited.

10) The Earnest money of the successful Tenderer will be returned, after the security money is deposited. In case the security mo ney is not deposited within the stipulated period by the successful Tendera {s), the Earnest Money wiU be liable to be forfeited.

II) Any erasing/ over writing made in the tender form shall be treated invalid.

12) If any prospective Tenducr is a partner of any Firm, each one of the parrners must sign tender, schedule, specification and condition<. If any panner is absent, authorized person constituted may sign the render on his behalf. The power of attorney muse be attached with the tender. l f any partner is unable to sign, he/ she musr affix his/ her thumb impression duly nttcstcd by the Notary or Magistrate; seals would not be accepted as signature.

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13) The quantities stated in Arutel<Ure- B are "approximate requirements" which may increase or, decrease.

14) This call for Tender forms also must be signed by the Tenderers and returned along with his/ their tender(s).

15) The Tenderer(s) should sign all pages of tender documents.

16) The terms and conditions mentioned in the prescribed agreement bond, should be duly signed by the Tenderer(s) as a token of acceptance.

17) The succes.~ful Tenderer(s) shall have to execute the agreement bond on Rs. 10.00 (Ten) non-judicial stamp paper as per prescribed form enclosed a nd submit at the concerned office.

18) The signatu re(s) o fTenderel(s) on the ANNEXURE 'A' and the agreement Bond must be attested by two reputed witnesses in the space provided for the purpose at the last page of the ANNEXURE-' A' and the Agreement Bond. Any Conditional tender will nnt be accepted.

19) The feed ingredients should be supplied (FOR) at Gandhigram, R.K. Nagar, Devipur farms and the Paddy husk should be supplied (FOR) at Gandhigram, R.K. Nagar, Panisagar and Udaipur farms. The rates will remain valid from the date of acceptance by the D epanmem. Successful Tenderer(s) shall be liable to supply feed ingredients within the prescribed date, as and when required by the lndenting Officer.

20) The s uccessful tenderer is liable co supply the item/ items that may be ordered from the i) the Dy. Director of ARDD (FC), R.K . Nagar, ii) the Dy. Director of ARDD (CLF), Dcvipur iii) the Asstt Director of ARDD, SPF, Gandhigram , iv) the Assn. Director of ARDD, DPF, Udaipur and v) !he Asstt Director of ARDD, DPF Panisagar, 30 (Thirty) days from the date of issue o f supply order issued by the concerned Officer In-Charges.

21) The jurisdiction of any settlement for any dispute arising o ut of tender will be limited within Aganala, Tripura (W).

22) The concerned Officer In-Charge I representative will receive the feed ingredients on the basis of eye estimation and there after a random sample of such consignment shall be carried o ut by the 0/C or o ther officer in presence of suppliers I representative of suppliers. The samples will be sent to the Feed Analytical laboratory (State Disease Investigation laboratory), ARDD, Abhoynagar, Govt. of Tripura. In case the analytical report is found below the standard specification limits as reflected in ANNEXURE "B" the payment of such consignment will be made on prorata basis from the bill of the Tender«. The prorata basis will be calculated specially on th.e basis of availability of percentage of Moistne/ Protein/ Crude Fibre/ Acid insoluble Ash in case of JUce Bran & Oil Cakes and availability of percentage of Moisnu:e/ Calcium I Total Ash in case of Oyster Shell.

23) The payment for the ingredients supplied wi ll be on the basis of quality a nd will be sen.led on pror.tta bltl>is. Quality Standard Criterion for acceptance may be seen in ANNEXURE -"B".

24) Rates I both in 6gurc and in word sh ould be quoted per metric ton.

25) Th e Department of ARD reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or to accept any tender in part or in full without showing any reason there to.

~~=~5 Director

Animal Resources Development. Government ofTripura.

ARP"P~'fcyd. l£nder for 2015~ 1 6



'Specification and condition' referred to in the tender relating to the supply of livestock and Poultry Feed ingredients ( FOR ) at SPF Gandhigram, Feed Mixing Plant at R.K. Nagar and CLF Devipur farms and the Paddy husk should be supplied ( FOR ) at Gandhigram, R.K. Nagar, Devlpur, Panisagar and Udaipur farms for the year 2015-16.

1. Any article stored /stocked by me I us (Tenderer(s) within the boundary of the state of Tripura prior to delivery to Government will be stored/ stocked at my I our (Tenderer(s) own risk.

2. I I we agree to deliver the articles as per specification mentioned in the Scheduled of tender (ANNEXURE - B). However, samples of the feed Ingredients will be taken from the stock when delivered by me/ us In the presence of Dy. Director, ARD (FC) or Asstt. Director, ARO, Feed Mixing Plant, R.K. Nagar or Asstt. Director, ARD {SPF), Gandhigram, or Dy. Director, ARD Composite Livestock Farm Oevipur or ASstt. Director, ARD DPF Panisagar or any of their authorized person in three separate sealed packets. Two such sealed packets will be delivered to the concerned Oy. Director of Animal Resources Development Department or Asstt. Director. ARD. Government of Tripura one for prP<Prv~tion in their off~ees and the other for analysis at feed Analytical laboratory of State Disease Investigation laboratory Abhoynagar, Govt. of Tripura. If the analyzed feed ingredients delivered by me/ us {Tenderer(s) is not according to the specification of schedule, 1/ We agree to take back the rejected ingredients within three days from the date of the notice of such rejection from the stores/ farm premises, at my own cost failing which Government may impose the clause in P~rn 5 (i) and (ii) of Agreement Bond for the supply of livestock and Poultry feed ingredients.

3. Indents for quantities of article(s) required in any month during the currency of this contract will be sent at me/ us as far as practicable 15 days advance of the date in which the quantities is /are required. 1/ We agree to supply the requirements within 30 (Thirty) days on receipt for the indent for the same and execute the required documents on top priority for such quantities within one day of receipt of indent.

4. I I We will give delivery of all article(s) by the Government Metric system of weights at the place that may be Indicated to me/ us by the Government or their authorized representative. If 1/ we am fare unable to attend weighing by own person, 1/ we shall depute my/ our Agent(s) for thi.s purpose.

5. I I We shall deliver materials for weigh men as per Government norms on full working days during office hours.

6. I I We agree that the empty bags in which I he materials are supplied will not be returned to me/ us. No payment is required to be made against empty bags and supply will be made on net weight basis of the goods.

7. In the case of the commodities, the prices of which are controlled or may be controlled hereafter during the currency of my/ our contract or which are purchased by me/ us from the local district authorit ies I I We agree to deliver such commodities if required at the rate charged by the local authorit ies plus commission at 7% to cover incidental and other charges and I I we shall have no objection if such commodities are purchased by the Govt.

8. Sales Tax or any other tax on the articles supplied under this contract shall be payable by me/ us and the Government shall not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect.

9. (i) I I We agree to supply that the feed ingredients as per the standard notified to me/us by the Department of Animal Resources Development vide ANNEXURE -'8'.

. ... Contd. P/2. ARDP.Feed-Tender 2015-16


(ii) I I We agree that the sample of such consignment to be drawn in my presence or in the presence of my I our representative and the sample to be sent to the State Feed Analytical Laboratory of State Disease Investigation laboratory Abhoynagar.

(Ill) In case my I our consignments found to be substandard quality as per the report of the State Feed Analytical Laboratory of State Disease Investigation laboratory, Govt. of Tripura regarding the quality of ingredients the report of the said Laboratory shall be final.

(iv) I I We shall accept prorata deduction in my I our bills.

(V) Prorata deduction in respect of moisture may be compensated with the higher protein percentage of supplied to feed item that of the standard.

Signature (sl of the Tenderer lsi

1" Witness

Address·······-······· .. ······-···········-···················-····················· ..

2nd Witness

Address .............................. ........................................................ .

ABPP·feed·Tender 2015·16





The materials shall be firm but not filthy in texture. It shall be free from rancidity, adulterant s InSect or fungus, fermented moist or other objectionable odor. It shall be free from extraneous matter such as dirt, stones, Iron or other metallic articles. The material shall also confi rm to the requirement specification as specified below:-


Ideal Specification (standard) Limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorata deduction on percentage basis.

Moisture (H20) 8.0 12.0 (Max) Crude protein (CP) 51.0 44.0 (Min)

Crude Fat (CF) 2.2 01.0 (Min) Crude Fiber (CF) 7.0 14.0 (Max) Actd insoluble Ash (AlA) 2.5 04.0 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M.T.(in Rs) in figure & words

period in question deposited G.N.C (D.O) = 296 MT Rs. 2,25,055/-


Ideal Specification (standard) Umlt of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as

recommended on prorate deduction on percentage basis. i) Moisture (H20 ) 8.5 12(Max)

ii). Crude Protein (CP) 40.9 37 (Min) ili).Crude Fiber (CF) 8.9 11(Max) iv).Crude Fat (CF) 7.9 06 (Min) v).Acid Insoluble Ash. (AlA) 2.0 04 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) in figure & words

period In quest.lon dePOsited G.N.C (Expeller) = 52 MT Rs. 42 597/-


Ideal Specification (standard) Limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorate deduction on percentage basis.

i). Moisture (H20) 10.0 12 (Max)

ii}.Crude Protein (CP) 35.1 30 (Min) iii).Crude Fiber (CF) 9.0 lO(Max) iv).Crude Fat (CF) 8.0 06 (Min) v).Acid insoluble Ash. {AlA) 1.0 04 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) In figure & words

period in question deposited M.O.C (Expeller) = 200 MT Rs. 95,796/-

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.... 59Kiflcatlon (standard) limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as

recommended on prorate deduction on percentage basis. 4- lllaisture (HzO} 9.0 12 (Max)

,.....-,: :::.e ProteinlCPl 39.0 35 (Min) .Crude Fiber (CF) 9.0 10 (Max) -.! .Crude Fat lcFI 1.5 01 (M in) ~).Add Inso luble Ash. (AlA) 2.0 04 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) In figure & words

oerlod In auestion deaoslted M .O.C ( D.O) = 26 M T Rs.ll 592/·

(2) PADDY HUSK (Bedding Material)

The material shall be free from adulterants lump, dirt and extraneous matter includ ing iron and other metallic pieces. The material is free from fungal or insect infection.

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(In Rs)ln figure & words

period in question dePOsited PADDY HUSK= 230 MT Rs. 18,032/·

3. SOY ABEAN CAKE (MEAL) De-OILED Heat-treated: Should be whole, shall not be contain extraneous materials such as dirt, iron or other metallic

article. The material shall also confirm to the requirement specification as specified below:·

Ideal Specification (standard) limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorata deduction on aercenta11e basis.

i). MolstureCHzOl 10.0 13 (Max) m. Crude ProteinlCP) 48.0 42 (Min) i ii). Crude Fiber (CF) 6.0 07 (Max) iv).Crude Fat (CF) . .

v} .Acid insoluble Ash. (AlA) 2.0 03 (M ax}

Item & approx. quantity for the period In Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) in figure question deaosited &words

Sova bean cake (Meal) De-oiled= 262 MT Rs. 2,30,518/-

4. DRY FISH:· The material shall have the characteristics odour and shall be free from any of flavour indicated

to spoilages. The material shall be free from adulterants, insect or mite infestation and free from visible fungal growth. The material shall also confirm to the requirement specification as specified below:-

Ideal Specification (standard) Limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorata deduction on aercentaee basis.

1!. Moisture ( H20) 15.0 20.0 (Max) fficrude ProteintCPl 55.0 45.0(Minl Ill}. Crude Fat (CF} 10.0 08.0 (M in) iv) . Acid insoluble Ash. (AlA) 5.0 10.0 (Max)

VI. Salt (NaCI) 5.0 08.0(Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M.T.(in Rs) in figure & words

oeriod in question deposited Drv Fish = 68 MT Rs 80,906/·

...... Contd. P-3 ARDil-Feed·Tender 2015-16

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The material shall be free from adulterants. Sour or rancid tendered and from lumps, dirt and extr.lneous matter including iron and other metallic pieces. The material is free from fungal or insect ir.fection. The material shall also confirm to the requirement specification as specified below:·


Ideal Specification (standard) limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorata deduction on basis.

i). Moisture (H, O}_ 10 12 (Max) -ii). Crude Protein (CP) 13 07 (Min)

iii). Crude Fiber (CF) 10 12 (Max) iv).Crude Fat (CF) 15 06 (Min)

v). Add insoluble Ash. (AlA) s 10 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the period Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) in figure & in question deposit ed words

Rice Bran = 160 MT Rs. 34,240/-


Ideal Specificat ion (standard) Umit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorate deduction on percentage basis.

1). M oisture (HzO) (M in) 12.5 14.0 (Max)

ii). Crude Protein (CP) 13.0 12.0 (Min) iii)Crude Fiber (CF) 12.0 14.0 (Max)

iv). Crude Fat (CF) . . v).Acld insoluble Ash. (AlAI 0.25 03.5 (M ax)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to Rate per M .T.(in Rs) in figure & words

period in question be deposited Wheat Bran= 393 MT Rs. 7B,600/·


The materials shall not be in affined power from and shall confirm to the following h h I h II I fi h n 'fi d bel c aracterist1cs. T e materia s a a so con .rm to t e requlfement speci cation as spec1 1e ow:-

Ideal Specification (standard) Limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on pro rata deduction on percentaae basis.

i). Moisture (HzOI 0.1 02 (Max)

ii). Total Ash 99.4 95 (Min) iii) . Calcium 35.23 33 (Min)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to Rate per M .T.(In Rs) In figure & words period in question be deposited

Oyst er shell grit = 37 MT Rs.l3,878/·


Should be as a whole. Shall not contain more than 4% extra materials. The material shall be sound, matured, free from adulterants likes as dirt, extraneous matter including iron & other metallic pieces. The material shall also confirm to the requirement specification as specified below:-

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Ideal Specification (standard) Limit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on erorata deduction on ~rcentage basis. . -

OJ. Moisture (H20 ) 10.5 14.0 (Max) iJ. Crude Protein (CP) 9.2 08.5(M inJ iil- Crude Fat (CF) 3.9 02.5 (M in) 0., Crude Fiber (CF) 2.4 04.0 (Max)

v). Add Insoluble Ash. (AlA) 1.25 03.0(Max)

Item & approx. quantity for Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(In Rs) In figure & words

the period In question deposited Yellow Maize = 1382 MT Rs. 4, 70 764/-


Ideal Specification (standard) Umit of Parameter on dry matter basis for acceptance as recommended on prorata deduction on percentage basis.

i). Moisture (HzO) 10.5 14.0 (Max) ii). Crude Protein CP) 10.3 08.5 (Min) iii).Crude Fat (CF) 3.9 02.5 (M in) iv). Crude Fiber (CF) 2.4 04.0 (Max)

v). Acid insoluble Ash. (AlA) 1.25 03.0 (Max)

Item & approx. quantity for the Earnest money to be Rate per M .T.(in Rs) in figure & period In question deposited words Wheat~ 170 MT Rs. 72,124/·

(Or. Dharmeswar Oas) ~. 15 Director Cc::,v

Animal Resources Development Oeptt. Government ofTripura.

ARP!Heed-Tender 2015-16





1. 1/ We the undersigned agree on the acceptance of this tender deliver to the Governor of Trlpura (here in after referred to as, Govt.) Which expression shall include those duly authorized to act of or /him in accordance with such acceptance may /must, many of the articles services specified In the schedule a attached here to as the Director of Animal Resources Development Department, Govt. of Tripura, may require during the year 2015~2016.

Letter dt.. .... ............ at the rates mentioned in the Annexure schedule and subject to the conditions and stipulated specifications and conditions contained therein and attached here to in the acceptance or in the "Call for Tender" all of which constitute and are herein after referred· to as the contract which constitute and are herein after referred as the contract. 2. The quantities stated in the schedule as 'Approximate Requirement' are only given as rough guide

and no claim for compensation will be made by me/us in case those quantities are overdrawn or under drawn therein be within or in excess or the 'Approximate Requirement' in case necessary.

3. 1/.We deliver the supply at my/our expense in such quantities as such time, In such manner, to such person and such place (within the area covered by the contractor as specified in the schedule) as the Government may direct. Further in consideration of your agree to take from me/us the entire amount as supplies which the Government may requires (Other than such as the Government may themselves supply) within the period of contact. 1/We bind me /our self not to revoke my/our tender during the above-mentioned period. 4. All money compensation payable by me/us to lhe Government under the terms of the contract may be deduct from the security deposit or from the interest arising from or any sum, which may be due or may become due to me/us by the Govt. under this or any other account. If insufficient, the balance shall pay on demand.

S.(i) 1/We agree to receive payment for the Ingredients supplies by me/us on prorata basis (proportionate payment on basis of units of approximate principles contained in t he sample) basis of the ingredients short /excess in analytical Composition be only to acceptance level, as decided by the Government.

(ii) The receiving authority on eye estimation may reject or receive the suppl ies in whole or in part. However, if the Item received in eye estimation and later on found on lab. Test to be below the prescribed limit of acceptance, 1/ We shall remove the said item w ithin 3 days of communication of the test result which is to be communicated within 7 days of provisional receipt of the goods. If such rejected supplies are not removed by me/us within the stipulated period the Govt. may cause the same to be removed or auctioned at my/our expense and risk. All expenses of sums !hereof due to the Govemment may be deducted from the security deposit or from any amount due to me/ us .

ARDD-feed-Tender 2015-16 ..... Contd. P /2

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6. 1/ We shall furnish the sum of Rs ................ . (Rupees .................. .............................................................. ) only as security within 10 days of the issue of the notice of the acceptance of this tender (In whole) towards the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.

7. In the event of rejection of my/ our supplies as desired in clause 5 (I) & (ii) above, of my/ our failing declining rejecting or delaying to comply w ith any demand or otherwise or requisition not executing the same in accordance In the terms of the contract. the Government shall be at liberty w ithout prejudice to any other remedy that may have no account of such breach non-performance of the contract to purchase or to procure or to arrange from Government stocks or otherwise of my or our expenses such may have been rejected or that 1/we have failed ,declined, neglected, delayed to supply and any excess cost so incurred over the contracted price together with all incidental charges and expenses incurred over the contract price together with all incidental charges and expenses incurred in purchasing or arranging from such supplies and in cases where issue in replacement or made from Govt. stocks of supplies, the cost of value of such stocks oo ~uppl ies together with all Incidenta l charges and expenses shall be recoverable from me/us on demand.

8. The government may resign thi s contract by two w eeks' notice to me/ us in writing.

I) If 1/we decline, neglect or delay to comply with any demand or requisition or in any other way failed to perform or observe any condition of the contract or are in the opinion of the Government which shall be final not likely to carry me/our contract satisfaction.

ii) If, I I We, assign or subject my/our contract without their written approval of 1/we attempt to do so. ill} If, 1/ we or any of our partner become insolvent of supply apply for relive as an insolvent debtors make any composition with my /our creditors are attempt to so.

iv) If, 1/ we or my/our agents servants shall be quilt or fraud in respect or the contract or any other contract entered into by me/ us with the Government or be directly or indirectly given promise or offer any bribe, gratuity, gift loan requisition regard on advantage pecuniary of otherwise to any way relating to such officer's/office or employment of attempt to do so.

v) It any such Officer or person mentioned clause (lv) become in any directly or indirectly interested in the contract, in such cases my/our security deposit shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at t he disposal of Govt with prejudice to any other remedy or action that the Government may have to take.

9. (i) Not withstanding anything therein before contained any without prejudice thereto, the Government may recover from me or our compensation such sum as they, at their direction which shall be final.

ii) If any Government property entrusted to me/us under the contract be lost. damaged or depreciated, unless such loss damage or depreciation be due to an act of nature or of the nation's enemies.

iii) If any damage to done to the Government other property from any cases whatsoever arising though the action of my-self or ourselves of either by me/our security deposit shall stand forfeited.

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' 10. Decision as to recovery of the money from me/us in respect of purchase or arrangement or at my/ our expenses or compensation by the Government under clause 7 and 9 above and any order for decision of the contract by the Govt. under clause 9 above shall be final and conclusive.

11. Receipts or supplies delivered w ill be supplied to me/us the Government at the time of delivery and 1/we shall submitted the bill on the first day of the following month in duplicate duly supported by those receipts as sub-vouchers my/our bill in English for all supplies duly accepted and payment will be mad~ to me/us as soon as possible at a Govt. Treasury or otherwise at the desecration of the Govt. after deduction of income Tax payable under section 191 C Under I.T. Act 1961, VAT etc.

12. My/our security deposit or the balance thereof, if any remaining at the end of the cont ract after the penalties imposed if any under clause 7, 8 above have been adjusted shall not be returned to me/us untiii/We have executed the usual " No Demand Certificate".

13. 1/wc acknowledge that 1/we have made myself /ourselves fully acquainted with all the conditions and circumstances under which the supplied under the contract will have to be made or furnished and with all the terms, clause conditions, specification and other details of the contract and 1/we shall not plea ignorance of any of these as excuse in case of complaint against or rejection of supplies tendered or any rate agreed to in the contract or to avoiding any of my/our obligation and'under the contract.

14. Any dispute of difference arising out of the contract including the interpretation of any clause of this contract, settlement of which is not herein specifically provided for shall be preferred to the arbitration of a person nominated by the Department of Animal Resources Development, Government of Tripura for the time whose decision shall be final and binding on both parties.

Full Residential Address :-

Contact No. (Mob): (Land):

1. Signature of the 1" Witness (Station and Date)

2. Signature of the 2nd Witness (Station and Date)

ARDIHe•d-Tender 2015-16

Signature of Tenderer's

Father's Name of Tenderer (s)
