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Notifications: Processing Failure InformationJohn Harrison IBS ChemicalsNovember 2013

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• What went on before?

• What are Maintenance Notifications?

• Maintenance Notification: Malfunction Report

• Conclusion

What when on before?

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Business case for recoding failures

Increasing business support for Reliability for profitability

Changing regulatory environment

Industry Groups are becoming increasing active in this topic

A more graphical view

Social awareness

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Overview of Functional Locations, Equipment, Bills of Material

• Functional Locations

• Equipment

• Bills Of Material

• Measurement Points

• Work Centers

• Partners

• Serial Numbers

• Permits

• Warranties

+ Code Lists

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Representation: Example: Flow Loop I – PID DiagramFunctional Locations, Equipment, and Bill of Material


Electrical Signal

Solenoid Valve

Pneumatically Activated Control Flow Rate Valve

Pneumatic Signal

Flow Rate Indicating Transmitter

Flow Rate Control Valve

Flow Rate Sensor

Instrument Positioner


Pro Detail Reporting Capabilities functional location, equipment & assembly level

Pro Implementation history

Con Complicated to implement

Function Location

Floc 2 Equipment BOM

Flow Loop 1

Electrical Loop PLC Sensor

Flow Rate Transmitter

Instrument Positioner

Solenoid Valve

Pneumatic Loop Control Flow Rate Valve

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Reporting: How much detail is required?

Where are failures to be reported?• At an piece of equipment• At an assembly• By area• By process, sub process• By Tag

Are failures to be summarized?• By groups of like equipment• By area• By process

How much history is required?• Do you compare failures between equipment?

What are maintenance notifications?

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Maintenance Notifications

. Maintenance Notifications

• Describe the exceptional technical condition at an object

• Request the maintenance department to perform a necessary task

• Document work that has been performed

• Maintenance notifications document maintenance tasks completely, and make them available for analysis in the long term

• Can be used to perform preliminary planning and execution of tasks.

The following notification types are predefined in the standard system:• Problem notification• Notification of a malfunction or problem that has occurred• Maintenance request• Request for tasks to be performed• Activity report• Documentation of activities that have been performed

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Problem Notification / Malfunction report


• A malfunction report describes a malfunction at an object that affects its performance in some respect. For example, an employee from production would use a malfunction report to report that:

• A technical system is not functioning properly

• Performance has been reduced for a technical system, or that the system is not functioning at all

• A production system is producing goods of poor quality

• As a rule, a malfunction report requires the maintenance department to arrange for a specific repair task to be performed, for the ideal condition of the object to be restored (according to DIN norm 31051).

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Notification Life Cycle

1. Problem Reported / Notification Created

2. Transform Notification (s) to Work Order

3. Perform repair / Work

4. Update Notification with Causes, Tasks, Activities, Parts, Damages

5. Close / Complete Work Order & Notification

6. Reporting and Analysis

Work Order Cycle

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Notification Structure

Notification Header

Item Overview







Notification Header Level

Notification Item Level




General Information that applies to the

complete notification

Information that applies to the specific item

Maintenance Notification Malfunction Report

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Notification: Failure Reporting

Initial Report, by observer, basic information about the failure

After Investigation / repair. Detailed information about what was wrong and what was done to correct the problem

Breakdown Indicator Malfunction Start &

End Dates

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Notification: Header Priority

Priority, can influence dates

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Notification: Header: Impact

System Availability (Total/Partial Function Loss, Running, Start-Up, Testing,

Idle, …)

Effect of Malfunction (e.g. Critical failure, Degraded

Function, Incipient Failure

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Notification: Header (Activities, Tasks)

Activity Code Group

Task Code Group

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Notification: Header Items Overview

Multiple Items from the malfunction

Damage Code Group (Failure Mode)

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Notification: Item Information (Causes, Tasks, Activities)

Activity Code Group(Maintenance Activities)

Task Code Group

Cause Code Group(Failure Causes)

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Notification: Failure Reporting (Using Classification) By Item


• Allows for additional information to be collected on the Notification for each item

Note: Associated with catalog profile

Note: Use to capture the consequence severity from ISO 14224 table C 1

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Notification: Failure Reporting (Further Defining the Equipment Using Material BOM) By Item

From Material


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Notification (s) : link to Work Order

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Work Order: Data Copied from Notification

Note: changes to this information in the order will be propagated to the


Other Considerations

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General problems in recording failures using SAP EAM

Notification created against functional locations and not equipment

• Creating notifications at a functional level makes it hard to record and analyze information about failures on individual equipment. After all it is the equipment that usually fails, not the functional location.

Notifications created against incorrect equipment

• Upon further investigation the correct problem is identified. Without changing the information in the notification, you are adding false failure information to your analysis

Inconsistent use of the break down indicator (what is a breakdown?)

• Breakdown definition: ISO 14224: The termination or degradation of the ability of an item to perform its required function(s)…

• When this indicator set then the notification information is used for maintenance calculations (e.g. MTBF, Availability, etc.). Without this being set the failure will not be recorded in the standard analysis

Notifications are not updated with

• multiple items when multiple items / components are repaired

• Correct causes, items, damages

Incorrect dates in the notification

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Using SAP & Industry Standards to report failures

When establishing your codes / catalogs cross company agreement is difficult. One option is to use codes based on industry accepted standards and map the standard to SAP catalogs.

SAP Catalog StandardCoding (Coding D) ISO 14224 Failure Mode: Tables B.6 – B.12

(Failure Mode as observed by operator –RCM Functional Failure

Damage (Damage C) ISO 14224 Condition; Table B.2ISO 14224 Failure Mode: Tables B.6 – B.12 (Failure Mode as observed by operator –RCM Functional Failure

Causes (Causes 5) ISO 14224 Cause Table B.3Activities (Activities PM A) ISO 14224 Maintenance Activity Table B.5Object Parts (Object Part B) ISO 14224 Maintainable Item; Annex A

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Using SAP & Industry Standards to report failures

When establishing your codes / catalogs cross company agreement is difficult. One option is to use codes based on industry accepted standards and map the standard to SAP catalogs.

SAP Function StandardClassification – CharacteristicSeverity

ISO 14224 Table C.1 Failure Consequences

Functional Locations Norsk Z-002 DP – Norwegian Coding System

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Manual / Automated failure reporting

Possible methods of manual collection:

• Use Adobe Forms

• SAP GUI / SAP NWBC (Business Client)

• Use Syclo Work Manager (mobile)

Possible methods of automated collection:

• Connect to DCS, Data Historians, SCADA via SAP Manufacturing Integration & Intelligence (SAP MII)

• Trigger BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_CREATE from 3rd party application

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Work Flow - Thoughts

Does an automated created Notification have to be processed differently than a manually created one?If so, how to distinguish automated notifications from manual?• Notification Type, Person reporting?

Understand priorities (can automated reporting process set appropriate priorities)? Are all failures a breakdown?

Central body to investigate automated failure reports?

• To whom does the work flow to? Person, position, department, etc.

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Work Flow – template WS20000317 (use as a base)

In this scenario, the SAP Business Workflow component helps you to process, monitor and complete newly created maintenance notifications efficiently. This process is represented in a workflow template, which triggers and controls the execution of the following standard tasks:

• Notifying a person responsible (for example, the notification coordinator) that a new maintenance notification has been created or put in process, and that tasks must be defined for the notification

• Notifying a person responsible that tasks, which must be processed, have been created for the maintenance notification

• Notifying a person responsible (for example, the notification coordinator) that all the tasks for the maintenance notification have been completed, and the maintenance notification must either be completed or additional tasks must be defined for the notification

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Other Considerations:

• One Notification to One Work Order• Direct access to notification via header / change button

• Many Notifications to One Work Order• Access to notifications via Objects tab (select notification) / change button

• Reducing the number of tabs on the notification – do you need all the options?

• Adding new tabs to the notification – custom development / configuration

• Text changes• breakdown indicator to maintenance event, Item to Maintainable Item, Cause to Root

Cause, …

• Is the notification subject to approval?

• Use long text to further describe codes


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• Notifications are the reporting mechanism in SAP for reporting failures and corrections

• Catalogue codes should be common and understood

• Understand the definition of a breakdown and use the break down indicator

• Updating the notification with damages, causes, items, etc. enhances the analytical capabilities and should be part of the process

• Know the level / detail that you require to be reported.

• Use industry standards & groups where possible to provide guidance.

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Thank you

Contact information:

John HarrisonSenior Solution Specialist, Industry Business Solutions - ChemicalsSAP Labs | 4120 Yonge Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2P 2B8T +1 (416) 226-7057 I M: +1 (416) 505-5841 E

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