Notifi cationsReminders · 2015. 11. 19. · Board of Directors Meeting Minutes MARCH 14 MEEtINg...


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APRIL1000 Lake Wildwood Drive 2015 Volume 45 // Issue 05Varna, Illinois 61375-9323 www

the Association will be inspecting the dam on Friday, April 24th beginning at 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in helping, please meet at the dam by 9:00 a.m.

In the coming months we plan on updating the 2015 Lake Wildwood phone-books, however we are currently unable to do so as a lot of telephone numbers are no longer any good. Please take a moment to get in touch with us, either by telephone or email, and provide us with an updated contact number. You can email it to jpatt or call the offi ce at (309) 463-2047, ext. 1. thank you!

A large amount of beer cans, specifi cally Bud Light and Keystone Ice, along with yogurt containers and other garbage have been discarded around the As-sociation’s roads. Litt ering is strictly prohibited within Lake Wildwood Asso-ciation and violators are subject to Class II and Class III citations. Litt ering of pollutants around the Development is an automatic $500 fi ne. Please keep our Association clean, do not litt er!

Volunteers Needed for Dam Inspection

Update Information Litt ering

the current year’s decals (2015 are yellow) must be applied to automobiles and recreational vehicles by May 1st, 2015 before being operated within the Asso-ciation. Vehicle decals are issued at the front gate, and recreational decals are available (for a $10.00 fee) at the front gate or offi ce. In order to prevent crowd-ing and back-ups at the front gate, please try and avoid waiting until busy holi-day weekends, if at all possible, to obtain decals.

Another way to speed up the registration process is to send your paperwork early, by email, to Justin at jpatt

Automobile and Recreational Vehicle DecalsDumpsters will be available May 15th, 16th, and 17th for member-use only. Curbside metal pick-up will be available the morning of Saturday, May 16th (if you have questions on what can or can not be put out, please contact LaRose Disposal at (309) 208-7582.

Spring Cleanup

INSIDE APRIL 2015New Rules6

Around the Lake7

Classifi ed Ads12

Delinquent Lots8

Notifi cations Reminders&



Board of Directors Meeting MinutesMARCH


board of directors

Contact Informationthe Sunbeam is published monthly by Lake Wild-wood Association, located in Varna, Illinois.

Periodical postage paid at Varna, IL & additional mailing offices. $2.00/year for members. $30.00/year for non-members.

the Sunbeam shall serve as the official source of information and communication; to all its mem-bers including notice of meetings, rules, by-law changes, Board and Committee actions and any other pertinent subject matter related to functions and responsibilities of Lake Wildwood Association.

Postmaster send changes of address forms to:Lake Wildwood Association, Inc.1000 Lake Wildwood DriveVarna, Illinois 61375-9323

Publication USPS 986-200

Board of Directors

Association Office


Telephone309-463-2047, Extension 1


EmailGeneral Manager: Joan

Secretary/Accounting: Adrienne

Sunbeam/Website Designer: Justin

Campground CommitteeChairperson: Nancy

Common Properties & Amenities CommitteeChairperson: Bob Hamilton309-463-2490 //

Community Relations CommitteeChairperson: Joe

Environmental Control CommitteeChairperson: Paul Halvorsen309-261-4741 //

Finance & Administration CommitteeChairperson: todd Bertrand

Lakes & Dams CommitteeChairperson: Pete Mesha630-918-8257 //

Natural Resources CommitteeChairperson: trinedad

Recreation CommitteeChairperson: Adrienne Houk309-463-2564

Sunbeam CommitteeChairperson: Jackie Zohfeld815-993-5445 //

Welcome CommitteeChairperson: gwen Wassilak309-463-2645

Board President Christopher Martel312-718-0056 //

Board Director/Secretary Manny Singh312-420-2538 //

Board Director/Treasurer Joseph F. Kot, Jr.309-463-2003 //

Board Director Anton

Board Director Craig

Information for the BoardWritten communication for board consideration must be submitted to the Association office no lat-er than the 1st of the month to be included in the packet for the current months board meeting.

Arrowhead LodgeCalled to Order: 9:02 a.m.

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Roll CallPresent: Director Anton Bommersbach, Direc-tor Craig Klatzco, Director Joe Kot, Director Chris Martel and Director Manny Singh. Also Present: general Manager Joan Boyer and Recording Sec-retary Sharon teason.

Members Present: John Coles, Lot 510; Jack tea-son, Lot 713; Joe Donnelly, Lot 1714; Marcie Myers, Lot 249; Kay Blonski, Lot 295; A.J. Querciagrossa, Lots 845/1456; Lillian Saxton, Lots 1128/1218; Mar-garet Jackson, Lot 372; Judith Davis, Lot 1144; Eli Korn, Lot 170; Kevin Kaveney, Lots 693/692 and Art Catrambone, Lot 97.

III. Approval of AgendaDirector Klatzco moved to accept the Agenda as amended. Add B. Mower Bids and C. Security Poli-cy under V. New Business. Pull Committee Reports from Consent Agenda and place under VI. Commit-tee Resignations & Appointments as B. Committee Reports. Director Kot seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection.

IV. Consent AgendaA. Minutes of February 14, 2015 Regular Board MeetingB. February 2015 Financial Reports

1. Expenditures over $1002. Budget vs. Actual - Operations3. Budget vs. Actual - Capital Improvement4. Budget vs. Actual - Replacement Reserves5. Balance Sheet - Cash Basis 6. Delinquent List

C. Committee Reports1. Sunbeam Committee - February2. Lakes & Dams Committee - February3. Finance Committee - February4. Recreation Committee - March

D. Other Reports1. Security Report2. Lot Activity Report3. Maintenance Report

Director Kot moved to approve Consent Agenda. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot, Singh and Martel voted yes. Motion passed.

V. New BusinessA. Pool ArchitectDirector Martel stated there was a Pool Commit-tee meeting at 8:00 a.m. this morning to review the qualifications of the companies that submitted and to make a recommendation to the Board. there were three companies that submitted qualification statements. the committee reviewed and ranked them in order for the Board to move forward and the general Manager to procure their services. the highest ranked was Prairie Forge group out of St. Charles. Next step is for the general Manager to get a proposal from them to do concept develop-ment; they will develop two or three concepts and prepare cost estimates so the Board and member-ship can see these options and decide how to move forward and then in the end take it to some form of bidding document that we bid out.

Director Klatzco moved to direct the general Man-ager to get a price, to negotiate scope and fee with Prairie Forge group. Director Kot seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection.

B. Mower Bidsthe general Manager stated that we received two bids for a diesel mower and rotary broom. We are suggesting to go with Bill's Small Engine & Repair of Lacon for the diesel mower and Streator Farm Mart for the rotary broom.

Director Kot moved to accept the bid from Streator Farm Mart, Inc. for a rotary broom for $1,597.50 and to accept the bid from Bill's Small Engine & Re-pair in Lacon for a diesel mower model 725Dt for $10,694.06. Director Bommersbach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Klatzco, Kot, Singh, Bommersbach and Martel voted yes.

Motion passed.

C. Security PolicyDirector Bommersbach gave a summary and presented a two-page Security Policy draft that stemmed from the Special Board meeting in Feb-ruary on Security.

Director Bommersbach read to those present the final paragraph of the policy: "Each member of Lake Wildwood has a responsibility to comply with the governing documents of the Association and to take steps to ensure that their family member, invited guests and contractors do the same. Fur-thermore, each member has an obligation to the general membership to report known or suspect-ed violations to security or office personnel in a timely manner. By working together and adopting a 'community watch' mentality, the security of the entire Association is strengthened and all mem-bers benefit."

Director Singh moved to approve the Security Poli-cy and to incorporate it into the Board of Directors policies. Director Kot seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection.

VI. Committee Resignations & AppointmentsA. Matt BumberDirector Kot moved to approve Matt Bumber as a member of the Natural Resources Committee. Di-rector Klatzco seconded the motion. Motion passed by unanimous consent without objection.

B. Committee Reports1. Sunbeam Committee - Board Liaison Kot - noth-ing to report at this time.2. Finance Committee - Board Liaison Singh stated that he had received a call from our CPA that to do our segregated collections in Quicken would be difficult.3. Recreation Committee - Board Liaison Bom-mersbach reported that the Easter Egg Hunt is coming up; we are adding a Hog Roast on July 25; no St. Patrick's Dinner this year, possibly next year and a band was selected to perform at the dance after the fireworks in July.4. ECC - Board Liaison Kot reported that they dis-cussed contiguous status, must have continuous

the Board of Directors meet on the second Satur-day of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the lodge. the next meeting is:

11APRIL 2015

Board Meeting



footing and foundation. three homes are currently under construction.5. CRC - general Manager Boyer stated that there were no appeals.6. CP&A - general Manager Boyer stated they met last weekend and the minutes will be available for next month's Board meeting.7. Campground Committee - Board Liaison Bom-mersbach reported that they did not meet.8. Natural Resources Committee - Board Liaison Klatzco reported that there is some really cool looking cribs on the lake. Committee member Art Catrambone spoke about the cribs and Christmas trees that had been put in the lake several years ago and most are gone. He attended a seminar and learned some new techniques for constructing cribs. Also, it is very important that you get permis-sion in order to put a crib or Christmas trees in the lake and would like an article put in the Sunbeam.9. Lakes & Dams Committee - Board Liaison Martel reported that Pete Mesha has taken over as Chair-person of the committee. general Manager Boyer also stated that the committee reviewed the com-mittee handbook, are working on a 3-5 year plan, beginning their budget process and the 319 grant - are looking at ways to improve the dredging pro-cess - speeding it up.

general Manager Boyer reported about the 319 grant - in the process of taking down trees, we were able to negotiate with a local contractor to take the trees down. the contractor that is removing the trees is taking down the trees at no cost to the As-sociation and additionally paying the Association $500 for the trees. We had to have the trees taken down because of the Indiana Bat Endangered Spe-cies. IDNR has a permit requirement that must be done by April 1st.

VII. Unfinished BusinessA. Reserve Studythe Board was in agreement with going forward. the cost is $7,950.00, paying half up front.

Director Singh moved to approve the proposal from Reserve Advisors to do a reserve study for $7,950.00 total contract cost with an upfront re-tainer cost of $3,975.00. Director Kot seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Kot, Singh, Bom-mersbach, Klatzco and Martel voted yes. Motion passed.

B. ECC Recommendation for Rule Establishing Contiguous Status ApprovalDirector Martel stated that this came about after the past year of trying to have specific guidance for ECC and the Board in terms of contiguous status approval and what's needed. the Board of Direc-tors will no longer need to consider the granting of Contiguous Status. Per the Lake Wildwood As-sociation Covenants, the ECC approves Contiguous Status.

Director Kot moved to approve the rules for grant-ing of contiguous status to be submitted as a final rule to the Rules & Regulations (Red Book). Direc-tor Klatzco seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Singh, Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot and Martel voted yes. Motion passed.

C. 319 grant Updatethe general Manager stated this should be bid out in April. We had to make a minor revision of taking out 500 sq. ft. that was in the path to the creek and it would have required another permit delaying the project 60-90 days.

D. Rule Establishing Requirements for Boat & Dock OwnersWill be placed under Section L. Miscellaneous Regulations 16. tethering & Lot Identification. Af-ter the Board made some changes to the proposed rule, Director Klatzco moved to adopt the tether-ing & Lot Identification rule to the Rules & Regu-lations (Red Book) to be effective June 1, 2015. Director Kot seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Directors Bommersbach, Klatzco, Kot, Singh and Martel voted yes. Motion passed.

VIII. General Manager's ReportA. Boat Flag Lawthe general Manager explained that new laws have been passed applicable to all bodies of water in

Illinois. the new law requires that a bright orange flag that is a minimum of 12" x 12" is to be displayed around the helm at the highest visible point on the vessel so as to be visible with a 360˚ view the entire time that a person(s) is being towed and at no oth-er time. A fine of $120 can be issued for not having the flag up when required or for having the flag up when it should not be displayed.

the Board instructed the general Manager to start updating the Rules & Regulations (Red Book).

B. Boat Operator Certification Law - we are exempt

C. Life Jacket Law - we are exempt

D. Dam Inspection Contractthe general Manager stated that Midwest Engi-neering Associates, Inc. will conduct the 2015 dam safety inspection work with a not-to-exceed-with-out-prior-authorization limit of $4,300.00. the in-spection will take place April 24, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. at the dam and any member is welcome to join in the inspection.

general Information from general Manager's Re-port: Delinquents - As of 3/10/15 - 88.5% of the dues has been collected. In 2014 - 87.4%, 2013 - 80.8% and 2012 - 77.1%.

IX. CommunicationsA. From the FloorJudith Davis, Lot 1144 - Mrs. Davis stated that her grandson has lived with her since he was 5 years old, how can he get a decal on his vehicle?the general Manager told her to come in the office, there is a form for Associate members.

Marcie Myers, Lot 249 - the CRC usually does the Red Book.the general Manager replied the CRC would make recommendations to the Board.Director Martel replied that at some point the CRC would be asked for their recommendation.

Marcie Myers, Lot 249 - Regarding tethering - do you have a clarification on the distance from the lake?Director Martel said it is a matter of height.

Marcie Myers, Lot 249 - Did you notify the members of the Pool Committee workshop that was held at 8:00 a.m., she would of liked to attend?Director Martel responded that the Pool Committee is a special committee without a designated time to meet. Notice could be put up at the Front gate.

Lillian Saxton, Lots 1128/1218 - Would like to sug-gest that Security be a little more member friendly. Regarding notifying the gate when we see things - the last time she called the gate it was about a car that was parked on the outside of the gate. the guard told her there was no law about a car park-ing on the County Road. Mrs. Saxton replied she was sure it was not a County Road. the guard said he would look into it and then hung up on her. She added that she sees a lot of abuse at the back gate. Recently she saw a man walking back there and he went out under the gate and a car came in and picked him up.Director Martel asked if the car was on the outside of gate. Mrs. Saxton said the car was between the County Road and the back gate.Director Singh responded to the way Mrs. Saxton was treated by Security, perhaps it was a training issue.Director Klatzco stated if you call the gate and are treated disrespectfully, call the general Manager and give her the date and time the incident oc-curred.

Kay Blonski, Lot 295 - Can Security do anything outside the back gate?general Manager replied yes, our property is to the County Road.

Director Martel gave an update on Back & Front gate. We are working on a fix for both gates. there also is a budget item for cameras at the back gate.

Director Klatzco asked is there a form that mem-bers can fill out regarding complaints?

the general Manager replied yes there is, call the office.

X. Board Member Items - noneDirector Kot moved to adjourn from Regular Ses-sion to Executive Session at 11:37 a.m. Director Singh seconded the motion. Voice vote - all ayes.

XI. Executive SessionA. Litigation Updates

XII. AdjournmentDirector Kot moved to adjourn from Executive Ses-sion and adjourn the meeting at 12:34 p.m. Director Klatzco seconded the motion. Voice vote - all ayes.

Respectfully submitted,Manny Singh, Corporate Secretary



LaKes daMs&

February 28, 2015 at the LWA Office

Committee members present:Pete Mesha, ChairmanBrad LindstromRon Webster

Others Present: Joan Boyer, general Manager

Committee members absent:Keith WilliamsChris MartelDave Dunagan

Chairman Mesha called the meeting to order at 8:11 AM.

Approve minutes of January 31, 2015 meeting as corrected. Motion by Brad Lindstrom, second by Ron Webster. Motion passed.

Old Business: Dam Emergency Action Plan (EAP) – the EAP was passed by the BOD. It will be sent to the State af-ter checking validity of names of downstream resi-dents and other stakeholders.

tethering rule was passed by the BOD.

319 grant Update – We have the US Army Corps of Engineers permit – project is on schedule – Hey & Associates to send an update schedule. Joan is put-ting together a bidders list.

New Business: Feb 19/20/21 Lake Management Association Con-ference – Pete reported out.

three Year Planning Kick-off Discussion: Moved by Ron Webster, seconded by Brad Lind-strom – to adopt the LWA Committee Description (as corrected) as the Mission Statement for the Lakes & Dams Committee.

the Committee discussed possible goals for the next three years. Watershed Planning will be one of the goals the Committee asked Joan to set up an introductory meeting with the NRCS/SCS office in Henry to discuss future programs and partner-ships for this purpose. Other Business: the Dam Inspection has been scheduled for 9:00 am on April 24th. Volunteers are needed.

Next meeting is a combined meeting with the Natu-ral Resources Committee at 8:00 AM at the Lodge on March 28.

Motion to adjourn was made Brand Lindstrom and seconded by Ron Webster. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:11 AM

Dated February 28, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Pete Mesha - Chair



Reports Committee Meeting Minutes&

Date Payment Issued To Payment For AmountFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 10thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thFebruary 24thTOTAL

All Season trucking, Inc.Capital One CommercialChase Cardmember ServicesCorn Belt Energy CorporationDouble R-Hicks gasKovitz Shifrin Nesbit, P.C.Mid State CartageStevens Publishingtoedter Oil Co.University of IllinoisUtility Services of IllinoisVisaAmerenChase Cardmember ServicesCoventry Health CareCrawford & BrinkmanDearborn Life InsuranceIllinois Assoc. of Lake CommunitiesMerchants CapitalRathje & Woodward, LLCRathje & Woodward, LLCRichmond FisheriesStaplesWilcoxson & Associates, LtD

saltshop repairsmembershipelectricinlet seawall projectinsurance reimbursementpropanemonthly retainercindersFebruary Sunbeamdiesel fuel, oil319 grantwaterrepairs, remodel, etc.electricoffice supplieshealth insuranceshop remodellife insurancemembership renewalbackhoe paymentcollection feeslegal feesfishoffice suppliesending December report












expenditures over $100




CALL TO ORDER: 1:35 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Chair Jackie Zohfeld, Phyllis Duna-gan, Sharon Friedman, terry Kaveney and Donna Sarna. Also present were Joseph Kot, our Board of Directors Liaison, and Justin Pattelli from the office.

OLD BUSINESS:Sharon moved that the January 12th minutes as emailed be approved. Donna seconded. Motion


the February issue was pronounced very well printed. Received late in the month AgAIN due to circumstances out of the committee’s control. Once the paper is sent to the post office from our print-ers, the delivery date to our members depends on the swiftness of the United States Postal Service.

NEW BUSINESS: March Issuethere were no Letters to review. there were sev-eral articles for inclusion:

• The Department of Natural Resources encour-ages discarded Christmas trees be used for ani-mal habitat.• There are new tethering rules for docks so that refuse doesn't accumulate at the spillway.• Electrical shock warnings.• Note to members to encourage they attend and enjoy the 1st Wednesday Coffees and 3rd Wednesday Potlucks at the Lodge.• Notice that Permanent Home Pass Program and Member Home Key Sign-out Program are being discontinued.• Photos and article about Jerry Savage illustrat-ing a presentation he made of Indian customs and herb use at the Illinois Valley Herb guild.

the cover suggestions given to Justin were a St. Patrick theme including a cold commentary! Proofing date was set for Monday, February 23 at 1:30 p.m. Photo Contest alerts will start in the Sunbeam -- an entry form will be included in the April paper. Jackie has contacted Jen to judge again this year. Another judge will be sought.

Donna moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:30 p.m. terry seconded. Motion carried. Monday, March 16, 2015 - Meeting 1:30 p.m. and Deadline

Monday, April 13, 2015 - Meeting 1:30 p.m. and Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Deadline

Monday, May 18, 2015 - Meeting 1:30 p.m. and Deadline Respectfully submitted,Phyllis Dunagan



generaL Manager

New Laws: the following laws have been passed by the State of Illinois and will or could affect Lake Wildwood.

A. Boater Flags - New IDNR Boating Regulations (Applicable to ALL bodies of water in Illinois in-cluding Lake Wildwood and Lake tanglewood): the new law requires that a bright orange flag a minimum or 12” x 12” be displayed around the helm at the highest visible point on the vessel so as to be visible with a 360⁰ view the entire time that a person(s) is being towed and at no other time. the law does not specify the height of the flag. A fine of $120 can be issued for not having the flag up when required or for having the flag up when it should not be displayed.

He suggested that all Associations could partner with IDNR and instruct their members in the new law by putting the law in the Association’s newslet-ter and posting the law at all boat ramps and ma-rinas. A source for these flags was not yet readily available; however, Holiday Flags may be a good source. Additionally, there is presently no means for attaching these flags permanently to a jet ski.

the issue being raised by many is that the new law provides no way to identify a downed skier or tu-ber. Whereas previously, a downed skier was iden-tified by raising the orange flag. IDNR said that on very congested bodies of water the new law pro-vides other boater much more time to identify and avoid boats pulling skiers.

the Board of Directors has decided that Lake Wild-wood should maintain our Association Rule that requires a spotter to waive an orange flag when a skier or tuber is down along with the new IDNR Rule described above.

B. IDNR’s boating law is silent regarding the defi-nition of a competent spotter. However, it is the department’s perspective that the spotter should be physically able to assist someone into the vessel and/or able to operate the vessel while the original operator assists the person in need.

C. As of January 1, 2016, anyone born after Janu-ary 1, 1998 will generally have to have a Boater Safety Certificate in order to operate a boat with an engine of 10 horsepower or greater.

D. As of January 1, 2015, anyone 13 years of age or younger must wear a Life Jacket Law while in or on any type of boat or water craft or being towed.

Private lakes are exempt from B, C and D above unlike the Flag Law unless the Private Lake De-velopments make them part of their Rules & Regu-lations. Lake Wildwood’s current Rules & Regu-lations specify that members must follow DNR Regulations. therefore, they do not have to follow B, C and D above. this may be something that the Board would wish to address and make a perma-nent part of the Rules & Regulations.

E. Boating accidents with injuries must be report-ed to DNR not just Lake Wildwood. In such cases, there is implied consent to be tested for UI. Ad-ditionally, the State can tow and hold the boat. In all cases of accidents with injuries, the operator’s driver’s license is suspended. the unfortunate side note is that it is legal in the State of Illinois to drink while operating a boat.

• Illinois Senate Bill 3434 Operating Under the Influence (OUI): the bill allows for the seizure of a watercraft used in the commission of certain offenses related to operating under the influence. the new rules bring penalties for boating under the influence more in line with those for operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs or alco-hol.• Illinois Senate Bill 3433 Mandatory Boater's Education: the Bill requires all persons born af-ter Jan. 1, 1998 to take and pass a boating safety course validated by the Illinois Department of Nat-ural Resources and hold a valid boating safety

certificate before they can operate a motorboat with an engine over 10 horsepower.• Illinois Senate Bill 2731 New Skier Tow Rules: the Bill mandates that the operator of any water-craft that is towing a person, such as a water skier or tuber, must display a bright orange flag measur-ing not less than 12 inches per side. the flag must be displayed from the time the person to be towed leaves the boat until that person returns to the boat at the conclusion of the activity.

Dam Inspection Contract: the date of the inspec-tion is April 24 at 9:00 a.m. Please gather as many of your friends and join in the inspection. It is very insightful.

Maintenance Building Repairs: If you get a chance, please stop by the Maintenance Building to see the repairs etc. Chris, Dan and Wayne did all the work. Excellent Job!

Delinquents: the past due fee invoices have been mailed. It appears as though to date (3-10-15) we have collected 88.5% of the dues. In comparison:

a. 2015 – 88.5%b. 2014 – 87.4%c. 2013 – 80.8%d. 2012 – 77.1%

MEMBERS: Please make arrangements to pay all delinquent accounts in order to avoid additional legal fees.






pooL steering






finance adMin.&


finance adMin.&



coMMittee corner

CampgroundCP&AE.C.C.FinanceLakes & DamsN.R.C.RecreationSunbeam

Saturday, April 25thSaturday, April 18thSaturday, April 4th

Saturday, April 18thSaturday, April 25thSaturday, April 25th

Monday, April 6thMonday, April 13th




Meeting called to order at 4:40 p.m.

Members Present: Kay Blonski, Millie Kot, Sue Boness (guest), Anton Bommersbach (Board Liai-son), and Adrienne Houk (Chair).Members Absent: Betty Clevenger.

Quorum established.

Motion made to accept the February minutes by Kay Blonski, seconded by Millie Kot — motion carried.

Easter Egg Hunt - plans are in motion, registrations are coming in. Still looking for volunteers to han-dle inside and outside at the hunt. Still need 3-4, 7-8, and 9-10 as of this meeting. Supplies are start-ing to be purchased and the treats will be plenty for this years event. Contacting the Easter Bunny to make sure he will be here once again for all of the children. Kay will contact volunteers for filling eggs and the balance for age groups still needed.

the Hog Roast was discussed. Looking for a theme such as a ‘Family Fun Day Hog Roast.’ It was sug-gested to contact Bradley University to seek out talented students who may be able to help with entertainment. Also discussed were activities for the children and adults. We will discuss other food items and possible selling of beer in cans dis-cussed, more to come at the next meeting. Adri-enne will be checking into children activities such as pony rides, clowns, etc. It was discussed to have possible bags tournament and horseshoes or some other adult activities.

In open discussion looking toward next year,

possibly adding a St. Patty’s Day dinner to the bud-get; more to be discussed at budget time.

We hear one of our member’s bands and are look-ing into them for the 4th of July dance. NoMoMojo could possibly be playing this event. Finalization will be at the next meeting. the next meeting date will be Monday, April 6, 2015 in the office.

Motion was made by Kay Blonski to adjourned and was seconded by Millie Kot.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,Adrienne Houk - Chairperson

Call to Order: 8:05 a.m.

Members Present: Chairperson todd Bertrand, Marcie Myers, A.J. Querciagrossa, Joanne girard - Craig Klatzco arrived at 8:20 a.m.Members Absent: Dan DeSanti.Also Present: treasurer Joe Kot, Director Manny Singh - President Chris Martel arrived at 8:20 a.m.

Addition of delinquent lots report to the agenda. Agenda approved as amended.

Minutes of February 21, 2015 meeting approved without objection.

Treasurer’s Report:Out of about 1,600 billed lots only approximately 200 have not paid 2015 dues. Joe also brought to our attention the difficulty in getting good CD or money market rates. A.J. asked what our actual operating budget is for a year. According to our re-ports - about one million dollars.

Reviewed February financials Over $100 Report. Marcie questioned collection fees vs. amounts col-lected. She also questioned “litigation” fees. todd tabled the questions until our next meeting when Joan will be present.

Discussed what is 5280.01 and 5390.02 on the P&L Operations report. Marcie requested clarification on Replacement Reserve report 5280.02 - why is it a negative amount? Balance sheet - Marcie ques-tioned why we still do not have dates on CD’s and when they come due.

Marcie presented a report on delinquent lots. Lengthy discussion followed. Marcie motioned to have the delinquent list from October 2014 to Feb-ruary 2015 be addressed by the general Manager - seconded by Joanne. Roll call vote: Craig - no, A.J. - no, Joanne - yes, Marcie - yes, todd voted no - motion failed. A.J. motioned that we follow the money and the transactions on a single owner of multiple lots to see how the payments are recorded that may cross a billing period - seconded by Craig. Roll call vote: Craig - yes, A.J. - yes, Joanne - yes, Marcie - no, motion passed.

Discussed Collection Flowchart Draft. A.J. motioned to send this procedure to the board for acceptance and implementation. Revisions were suggested. Motion seconded as revised by Craig. Roll call vote: Craig - yes, A.J. - yes, Joanne - yes, Marcie - abstain, motion passed. Collection discussion continued. A.J. said he would like to eventually know the com-plete cost - fees vs. results - of collections at a later date. He feels this will give us a better idea of the end result of an aggressive collection period.

Marcie presented her report on collections with re-gard to running totals carried over from previous owners. Discussion followed. these fees carried on “01” accounts are accruing from collection costs and interest - not new dues. More discussion followed.

Adjourned at 10:35 a.m. by unanimous consent. Next meeting: April 18, 2015, 8:00 a.m. - office.

Respectfully submitted,Joanne girard

Call to Order: 8:05 a.m.

Members Present: Chairperson todd Bertrand, Craig Klatzco, Joanne girard, Marcie Myers, Dan DeSanti, and AJ Querciagrossa (by phone).Also Present: treasurer Joe Kot, Directors Chris Martel and Manny Singh, and general Manager Joan Boyer.

Agenda approved by unanimous consent. Minutes approved without objection.

Treasurer ReportLooking for better interest for our investments - none available. Discussion followed.

General Manager’s UpdatePast due collections doing well. Regular dues also doing well. Maintenance bay repair on schedule and budget.

Reviewed January financials. Joe questioned ex-penses on Expenditures over $100.00 report. Joan explained. Discussion followed. Marcie ques-tioned misc. income on P & L. Money was moved to Capital account. Marcie questioned legal fees for collections and where money was accounted for. Joan explained a judgement is solid and does not always show estimated fee. Discussion followed.

Discussed collection process. Joan submitted a written process report for discussion and ex-plained steps 1-7. Process needs to be expanded and more detailed. Joan will put a flow chart re-port and send to the Finance Committee for review and input. todd suggested option for quit-claim deed. Discussion followed and it was pointed out that Board approval is needed for any ‘take-back’ or purchase agreement.

Motion to adjourn at 9:10 a.m. by unanimous con-sent.

Next meeting is March 21, 2015 at 8:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,Joanne girard

• Roll Call • Committee Members present: Bertrand, Gor-don, Querciagrossa, Lucente, • Officio Members present: Boyer, Martel• Others preset: Singh, Bommersbach, Klatzco

• Agenda: Approved• January Minutes: Approved• Review of Proposals:

• Prairie Forge: Design and Build, St. Charles, IL• Uses Innovative Aquatic Design - Sub-Contractor

• QKP: Design and Build; Morton, IL• FGM: Design only; Oak Brook, IL

• Uses Innovative Aquatic Design - Sub-Contractor

• Committee discussion occurred. • QKP was removed due to lack of information provided for the Schematic Design phase one.• Both Prairie Forge and FGM were discussed. Both are reputable organizations with signifi-cant experience in Schematic Design.• The Prairie Forge proposal was discussed in depth. Proposal included comprehensive in-formation on how process and scope of project would occur.

• Project to include the following phases:• Schematic design phase one; to include up to 2-3 detailed proposals• Design and Build phase two: Occurs after Sche-matic and Design Phase one complete; after phase one is complete and approved then bids would be completed. • Construction phase three:

• Recommendation to the Board: Querciagrossa motioned to accept Prairie Forge proposal; gordon seconded: Roll call vote taken:

• Lucente: Yes• Gordon: Yes• Querciagrossa: Yes• Motion approved

• Next Meeting: TBD based on Board approval and Prairie Forge Availability. • Adjourn: 8:45am

Respectfully submitted,AJ Querciagrossa, secretary

AMENITY PASSESguest Passes Issuedtotal guest Headcount




HOME PASSESguest Passes Issuedtotal guest Headcount

REAL ESTATE PASSEDReal Estate Passes Issued

INCIDENTS & CITATIONSSecurity Assisted by an Outside AgencyAssociation Property DamagePersonal Property DamageFormal Members ComplaintsCitations Issued







RULE ADDITIONPurpose:to establish the conditions that Lake Wildwood As-sociation members must meet before the Environ-mental Control Committee will consider granting Contiguous Status.

ADD TO: Lake Wildwood Rules & Regulations Booklet (Red Book)

N. RULES FOR GRANTING OF CONTIGUOUS STATUS – Passed 3-14-15 Effective Immediately1. Contiguous Status may be granted only when :

a. the exterior plan as presented to the Environ-mental Control Committee (ECC) for permitting is complete as determined by an ECC inspection including:

• Siding• Roof• Windows• Doors• Decks if part of the plan for which a permit was granted

b. A Plat of Survey completed and stamped by a licensed surveyor is presented to the ECC show-ing that the single family residential structure is at least two feet (2’) over the lot being considered for contiguous statusc. the single family dwelling structure or in the case of an addition to the already existing sin-gle family dwelling structure is constructed as a continuous foundation trenched or formed.d. the addition, in the case of an already exist-ing single family dwelling structure, must be attached to the already existing single family dwelling and must be fully enclosed living space or garage space

2. An Addition, for the purpose of this rule, is de-fined as a structure consisting of walls and a roof that is used as living space or garage space so that a breezeway, walkway, hallway or bridge used only

as passage between the main dwelling unit and an-other structure will not qualify as a structure in order to approve contiguous status.3. the elimination of one or more dues owed per lot as a result of the ECC approval of Contiguous Status will only be granted for structures com-pleted by March 1 and approved by the ECC prior to March 1. Structures completed after March 1 of any Lake Wildwood Fiscal Year will not receive dues credit for Contiguous Status until the follow-ing Fiscal Year.

RULE ADDITION Purpose:to assure that watercraft, which are not in use, or floatable docks, swim platforms, ramps and walk-ways, cannot drift away and become lodged in the spillways of either Lake Wildwood or Lake tangle-wood. Obstruction of either spillway could result in endangering downstream homeowners and their property, as well as the structural integrity of the affected dam.

ADD TO: Lake Wildwood Rules & Regulations Booklet (Red Book)

Section L. MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS16. Tethering and Lot Identification: passed March 14, 2015 and EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2015

(a) Requirements: All watercraft, when not in use, and floatable docks, swim platforms, ramps and walkways must be securely tethered to either the lake shoreline or to a structure which is attached to the shoreline. Floatable docks, ramps and walk-ways that are securely attached to the lake bottom and to the shoreline by means of pipe, posts or pil-ings driven or otherwise securely anchored into the bottom of the lake and shoreline are exempt.(b) types of Acceptable tethering

• An earth anchor, or post (metal or treated wood), set at least three feet into the ground, which is located at least three feet from water's edge (when measured at normal pool).• The trunk of a well-rooted tree, with the trunk being at least twelve inches in diameter.• An existing structure, which is securely at-tached to the ground.• Any other means that are approved in writing, by the Association Manager.• A tether may be galvanized steel chain, plas-tic coated multiple strand steel cable, or marine grade rope of sufficient thickness to secure the floatable to which it is attached. Where appli-cable, sufficient slack in the tether should be al-lowed for variations in lake level.• It is the responsibility of the owner to main-tain secure tethering of all affected items.

(c) Lot Identification:Floatable docks, swim platforms, ramps and walk-ways must also have the appropriate lot number prominently displayed in at least 4 inch tall num-bers which can be readily verified by inspection from the lake.(d) PenaltiesFailure to comply with these requirements will

result in a Class II violation. Owners of watercraft and/or floatable docks, swim platforms, ramps and walkways found adrift in Lake Wildwood or Lake tanglewood will also be subject to an addi-tional fine per incident plus any cost related to or as a result of the adrift watercraft, floatable dock, swim platform, ramp or walkway.

NOtE: the additional fine per incident described in (d) above has been set for 2015 at $250 and will be added to the list of fees and fines that is reviewed annually by the Board of Directors for revision and incorporation into the Annual Budget.

Redbook Rule Additions

We are currently looking for volunteers for this event. If you would like to help out, contact Adrienne Houk at 309-463-2047, ext. 1, during regular office hours or email her at

tickets and registration will be available in the May paper (and online).

No more tickets will be sold after July 1st.

tickets are limited and issues on a first come, first served basis!

save the date

AF LI Yfun day

July 25th, 2015Get

Jiggy with the Piggy!




• Installed new windows in the center bay of the maintenance shop.• Plowed snow several times.• Washed all of the trucks.• Changed lightbulbs in the C/G bathhouse.• Repaired pass box at the front gate.• Put tin ceiling up, and tin walls, in the center bay of the maintenance shop.• Blew in insulation in the center bay of the shop.• Repaired hydraulic hose on 350.• Put up chicken wire to keep out animals.• Checked heat in all areas during cold spells.• Removed old sheet piling from inlet.• Started removing trees at inlet.• Picked up limbs in the mow area.• Installed new electric in center bay.• Cleaned up grasshopper for trade inspections.• Brought some signs to the shop for repairs.• Replaced the cutting edge on the 350.• Installed new lights outside maintenance shop.• Put new trim around the outside of new windows.• Cleaned snow off all walks and steps.• Put new fuel filters on the 410k.

February 2nd

February 2nd

February 13th

February 17th

February 18th

February 26th







Foristall, Larry & Kathy

McDermott, John & Lola

Alexander, John & Selina

Menzel, Mike & Marsha

Shearer, Scott & Pamela

Adams, James & Maria



Lot activity



• Bait - only use minnows which have been pur-chased from a reputable bait shop. Never put any unused minnows back into the lake.• Bait - never use any minnows which have been netted from an outside body of water on the LWW lakes as you could be introducing unwanted and dangerous species of fish into the lake.• Power wash the underside of your boat and mo-tor anytime you have used it on an outside body of water before returning to the lake to be sure that you are not introducing any unwanted fish or veg-etation into the lake.• Do not introduce any vegetation or fish from any outside body of water into either of our lakes. Both lakes are balanced ecosystems and you can cause great harm to the lakes. Do not take fish from ei-ther tanglewood or Wildwood and put them in the other lakes as well.• Become familiar with the creel limits as well as how to identify each species of fish.• Remove any carp caught on either lakes. They can produce more than one million eggs and can cause severe problems on our lakes.

Largemouth BassSmallmouth BassWhite BassHybrid Striped BassWalleyeMuskieNorthern PikeFlathead CatfishAll Other CatfishBluegill & SunfishCrappieBullheadCarp

15" - 18"15" - 18"

16" 16"18"48"24"




Catch & Release

6 None


Fish Type Min. Size Daily LimitCreel Limits

Vehicle Decals

CodeRED Announcement

Lifeguards - 2015 Season

Around the Lake

Lifeguards may now begin applying for the 2015 season. First aid certification, CPR certification, and life guard training certification are all re-quired.

Employment applications are available in the As-sociation office or on our website at:

Vehicle decals for 2015 are now available at the front gate. Members must have their dues paid in order to obtain the decal (due date for membership dues was March 1st, 2015. If you've not yet paid your dues, please contact the Association office for an updated invoice).

When stopping at the front gate for your vehicle decal, please have your car registration ready to show the guard. the guards will verify member-ship and vehicle ownership via the registration.

Beginning May 1st, member-owned vehicles within the Development must display the current year’s decal (2015 decals are yellow). this rule also ap-plies to recreational vehicles.

Marshall County is pleased to announce and in-troduce the CodeRED Mass Notification System, which is available to all Marshall County residents at no cost to those who sign up. CodeRED can be used in a variety of different capacities, most nota-bly severe or hazardous weather announcements, chemical spills, road closures, fire and evacua-tion scenarios, public works for power outages, or planned outages and boil orders. Law enforcement can utilize CodeRED for any kid of public safety notification, bomb threat, missing children, or el-derly and any other situation where public safety could be at risk.

CodeRED has the capability to limit notifications by regions of the county as well, depending on the alert or notification. CodeRED is a web based no-tification system where sign-up is easy and user friendly. to sign up for CodeRED, go to the Mar-shall County government page online and go to the Marshall County Sheriff ’s page. Simply click on the link for CodeRED and follow the simple in-structions to get singed up. Residents can choose to be notified by landline, cellphone, text message, email, or all of the above. CodeRED can also be accessed through the Marshall County Sheriff ’s Department’s Facebook page, following the same instructions and link.

Residents may also choose what type of announce-ments they want or just simple weather warnings. Not all residents have computers or access to a com-puter to sign up, particularly the elderly, so please make sure loved ones and the elderly around you are aware of this and get them signed up so they can receive important notifications. Any questions contact Sheriff Rob Russell at (309) 246-2115 or EMA Director Rich Koch at (309) 246-2295.

For more information you can call (866) 939-0911 or go to the following website:

NOTE: All (309) 463 telephone numbers are already in the system, you do not need to add them in manually. You are still able to register your cellphone num-ber and email address in addition to your home telephone number.

Lake Wildwood Association is now accepting appli-cations for part time summer help for security and maintenance positions. Employment applications can found online at Contact the Association office at 309-463-2047, ext. for more information.

All times are approximately 15 minutes before sun-rise. Please be at the marina launch 30min. before the above posted times to check in, pay fees, and discuss any issues/rules.

Same rules as last year apply. I have copies if you need. Entry is $50 per team. Please let me know if you're fishing big bass pot ($10/person) or split 50/50 large/small mouth bass.

Questions?Contact Jim LaBee at (630)

MARCH 15, 2015

the Varna Women's Club Members met on Wednes-day, March 11th at the Fire Station in Varna for the first time since last November. the treasurer re-ported contributions were made to the Varna Fire Department and the food pantries in Lacon and Henry.

In spite of icy and snowy weather March 1st for the Lacon Expo, two of our members maintained a booth featuring the doings of the Varna Women's Club and distributed homemade cookies to visi-tors.

this year the Club is offering two Scholarship Awards: to a Midland senior student who com-petes for it and as well as to a student from Henry-Senachwine High School.

Our scheduled program was cancelled, so the standby activity is a game of Bingo!

One of our guests had the luckiest card!

the second and final installment of the Same Site Camping payment is due by April 1st, 2015. Contact the Association office if you have any questions.

All water payments must be paid and mailed to Utilities Services of Illinois (Utilities, Inc.) and NOT Lake Wildwood Association. If you have any questions about your bill, or any general ques-tions, please contact Utilities Services of Illinois at (800) 831-2359 or

Security & Maintenance Positions

Varna Women's Club Meeting

Same Site Camping Payment

Utilities Inc. Water Payment

the 6 ton road limit for Lake Wildwood Associa-tion begins February 1st and runs through May 1st.

DATEMay 9th

May 30th

June 20th

July 18th

August 15th

September 26th














Earth Day, April 25th, 2015, Lacon will be holding an electronic pick-up day at the Highway depart-ment (Route 26, south of Lacon). A list of items allowed will be printed in the Lacon Home Journal and posted on our website at

Road Limits in Effect

Bass Tournament Schedule 2015

Electronic Pick-up in Lacon

the Board of Directors discontinued the Perma-nent Home Pass and the Member Home Key Sign-Out program on March 30th, 2015.

1. Permanent Home Pass ProgramA system previously in place created permanent home pass cards (white plastic cards) for member's guests. this program has been discontinued and all guests must now stop at the front gate and ob-tain an home pass. If your guest has one of these cards, please mail it to Lake Wildwood or drop it off at the front gate.

2. Member Home Key Sign-out Programthis program has been discontinued as of March 30th, 2015 and all remaining keys that were not picked up have been destroyed. In place of this pro-gram, we suggest members search for alternative solutions (such as mounting a keyed lock box on their home, or install a keyed door lock).

For more information on these discontinued ser-vices, please see the March 2015 edition of the Sun-beam (front page).

Discontinued Services

Cut this out and save it for future reference!




Circuit Court ClerkSheriffs DepartmentRecycling Center

Utilities, Inc. (water)FrontierAmerenCorn BeltJULIE

Front gateOffice

(309) 246-6435(309) 246-2115(309) 246-6401

(800) 831-2359(877) 462-8188(888) 672-5252(800) 654-1088(800) 892-0123

(309) 463-2047 ext. 2(309) 463-2047 ext. 1






deLinQuent Lots MARCH




$691.00 $5,514.06

$766.00 $766.00 $766.00 $938.29 $816.00 $766.00 $691.00 $766.00

$1,017.30 $691.00 $716.00 $691.00 $766.00

$2,094.43 $1,407.55

$691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00 $829.36 $691.00 $686.29 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00

$1,402.03 $4,542.65

$766.00 $766.00 $766.00

$1,533.46 $1,349.07

$691.00 $766.00 $691.00

$2,545.09 $766.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00

$8,531.33 $55.98

$962.90 $691.00 $766.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00

$1,058.81 $691.00 $691.00

$5,855.61 $2,662.07

$691.00 $5,323.41

$691.00 $2,261.99 $2,133.53

$572.68 $691.00 $766.00 $766.00

$1,405.39 $766.00 $691.00 $691.00

Enderle, Joseph & Ann Asheville, NC 28806Izienicki, Konrad & Maria Bolingbrook, IL 60490Dunn, Richard Lacon, IL 61540Krol, Andrzej Summit, IL 60501Napolitano Knapp, Mary Varna, IL 61375Zachary Malmgren Peoria, IL 61604Becker, Crystal Lacon, IL 61540Baele, Jacob Lostant, IL 61334Austin, Jr., Kenny DeKalb, IL 60115Schaack, Mark & Elizabeth Joliet, IL 60432Maher, William & Kimberly Roanoke, IL 61561Cheli, John & Zhanna Streator, IL 61364Murer, Matthew & Holly Chicago, IL 60613-1915Maka, Jan & Maria Justice, IL 60458Kuklo, Andrzez, Agnieszka Hoffman Estates, IL 60169Malloy, Helen Danville, IL 61832Vitale, Dean & Catherine Naperville, IL 60564gabrys, Mieczyslaw & Stanislawa Burbank, IL 60459Burleson, gloria Midlothian, IL 60445Vilberg, Beverly Peoria, IL 61615Drobny, Roman Omaha, NE 68114Massino, Anthony & Mary Lou Streator, IL 61364Loven, Lawrence & Janice Mokena, IL 60448Ujwary, Mieczyslaw & Zofia Bensenville, IL 60106Loven, Lawrence Mokena, IL 60448Anderson, William & Christine Lynwood, IL 60411greathouse, Melvin & gloria Varna, IL 61375Blonski, Felix & Kay Varna, IL 61375Blonski, Felix & Kay Varna, IL 61375Blonski, Felix & Kay Varna, IL 61375Sierra, Izzy & Kathy Mt. Prospect, IL 60056Skupien, Michal & Renata Elk grove, IL 60007Filian, Ronald Stuart, FL 34997-2801Ulrich, Matt & Jennifer Metamora, IL 61548-8351Zavodny, John glendale Heights, IL 60139-3242Christ, Kelly Jo Minonk, IL 61760Barthel, Jennifer Lockport, IL 60441Kenig, Edmund & Bennadeta Plainfield, IL 60586Naines, Edward & Joan Morris, IL 60450Fudala, tomasz Homer glen, IL 60491Driscoll, Stephen Evergreen Park, IL 60805Edwards Dianne Peoria, IL 61603Connelly, thomas & Linda Mokena, IL 60448Pratt, Scott & Wanda Zion, IL 60099Walters, Brent & Sally galena, OH 43021-7036Czaja, Stanislaw Palos Hills, IL 60465Krupa, Agnieszka Elmwood Park, IL 60707Crowley, Carol Peru, IL 61354-2030Hardecki, Jan Piotr Chicago, IL 60638-4515Skrandzius, William & Alicia Joliet, IL 60432Petrak, Mark Frankfort, IL 60423O'Donovan, Louise Naperville, IL 60540Warner, Mike & Maria Metamora, IL 61548Wilkinson, Debbie Street Lacon, IL 61540J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Deerfield Beach, FL 33442J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 gallego, Reinaldo & teresa Lockport, IL 60441Zarebczan, Jacek Hickory Hills, IL 60457Husemann, David Princeton, IL 61356Echols, William & Carrie Ottawa, IL 61350Jaros, Monika Albuquerque, NM 87112-4156Jaros, Monika Albuquerque, NM 87112-4156Williams, Lawrence & Rosemary Cedar Point, IL 61316Hemza, Jeffrey & Mary Channahon, IL 60410-0426talowski, Mark & Beata Frankfort, IL 60423gonciarczyk, tadeusz Orland Park, IL 60462gonciarczyk, tadeusz & Aleksandra Orland Park, Il 60462Pence, Paul & Judith Park Ridge, IL 60068Wilder, Michael & Anne Arlington Heights, IL 60004Motsinger/Adcock, Michael & Bridget New Lenox, IL 60451Motsinger/Adcock, Michael & Bridget New Lenox, IL 60451Dawidowicz, Adam & Harriet t Justice, IL 60458Belc, Dmitrij Joliet, IL 60435-6743Miller, William & Laurie Chillicothe, IL 61523Wahlen, Frank Bourbonnais, IL 60914


$691.00 $721.00

$2,717.50 $2,734.78 $2,734.78

$766.00 $691.00

$1,034.24 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00

$1,328.87 $741.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00

$7,478.77 $766.00

$1,634.95 $4,236.83

$926.58 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00 $691.00

$11,505.11 $874.60 $766.00

$1,025.93 $766.00

$1,331.55 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00 $766.00

$1,152.37 $766.00 $691.00

$4,143.37 $691.00 $769.34 $691.00 $766.00 $766.00 $769.36 $766.00

$1,195.70 $766.00 $766.00

$4,075.33 $691.00 $766.00 $156.48 $766.00

$1,328.87 $1,328.87 $1,328.87

$816.00 $1,950.00 $1,344.56

$747.48 $766.00 $769.34 $816.00 $797.20 $721.00 $787.48

Coronado, Felix & Kendra Aurora, IL 60506Smith, Raymond & Margaret Orland Park, IL 60467Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer glen, IL 60491Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer glen, IL 60491Zubek, Ludwik & Janina Homer glen, IL 60491Burleson, gloria Midlothian, IL 60445Lukanus, Andrzej & Anna Chicago, IL 60638Droira, Diego Chicago, IL 60630Solarz, Jan Dandridge, tN 37725-4673Brown, theresa tinley Park, IL 60477Stanczak, Peter Hickory Hills, IL 60457-2086Nichols, Randy Kilpatrick, Kathleen Varna, IL 61375Nickols, Randy, Kilpatrick, Kathleen Varna, IL 61375Hugh toner-Higgins Peoria, IL 61602toner/Higgins, Hugh & Nancy Peoria, IL 61602Obrochta, Jan & Amela Burbank, IL 60459Peters, Jeff & Jen Pekin, IL 61554Piszczor, Andrzej Burbank, IL 60459Koscichiak, Krzyztof Hickory Hills, IL 60457Koscielniak, Peter & Edyta Palos Hills, IL 60465Widmer, David North Aurora, IL 60542-4601graben, thomas & Lisa Jo Dyer, IN 46311Sproul, Marilyn Wyanet, IL 61379-9625Sanchez, Jose Lombard, IL 60148Sipe, Corey Lostant, IL 61334Aussieker, Mark Wenona, IL 61377Isadore, Michael, Lacina, Anthony Somonauk, IL 60552Makuch, Andrew V. Justice, IL 60458Steven Jesse Varna, IL 61375Nocun, Marcin Bridgeview, IL 60455Freundt, geraldine Aurora, IL 60504-5517Curico, Carlotta Oswego, IL 60543Casper, Kathy Kettering, Oh 45409Rataj, Joseph Lockport, IL 60441Romano, Linda Wheaton, IL 60189Rog, Michael Burr Ridge, IL 60527England, Micheal & Collette Heyworth, IL 61745Wenzlaff, Duane & Lora Magnolia, IL 61336Wenzlaff, Duane & Lora Magnolia, IL 61336goskusky, Robert & Vicki Peru, IL 61354-2716toovey, Kevin & Deena granville, IL 61326Witowski, Katarzyna Burbank, IL 60459Winston, Daniel & Louise Chicago, IL 60615-3065Lisewski, Steven & Jackie Palos Park, IL 60464Skinner, Richard Varna, IL 61375Skinner, Richard Varna, IL 61375Lupinski, Lidia Mount Prospect, IL 60056Vitale, Michael & Karen Metamora, IL 61548Rog, tomasz Chicago, Il 60634Carranza, Jesus & Susanne Bourbonnais, IL 60914Carranza, Fernando Bloomington, IL 61701Barlog, John Mokena, IL 60448Arndt, Michael & Pamela Bolingbrook, IL 60440Arndt, Michael & Pamela Bolingbrook, IL 60440Heim, Richard Crown Point, IN 46307-7077Slawomir, Frania Chicago, IL 60630Schlueter, Scott & Beth Washington, IL 61571Koslab, Vladimir e Burbank, IL 60459Crabbe, Edward J. & Cathy Chicago, IL 60626grela, Matt & theresa Ingleside, IL 60041Cison, Danuta & Marek Palos Hills, IL 60465tyrrell, John & Kristen Essex, IL 60935Latka, Zygmunt & Lucja Homer glen, IL 60491Latka, Zygmunt & Lucja Homer glen, IL 60491Latka, Zygmunt & Lucja Homer glen, IL 60491Machroli, thomas & Linda Varna, IL 61375Walker, Robert & Mary Ann Morton, IL 61550Lavazza, Elizabeth Joliet, IL 60435Yarbrough, Jeremiah Mossville, IL 61552Barseth, Roy & Lisa tinley Park, IL 60477Bridges, Steve & Maura Woodstock, IL 60098Augustyniak, Nicholas granville, IL 61326Brown, James Minonk, IL 61760Chickerillo, Michael & Carmela tinley Park, IL 60477Balicki, Jr. Donald & Dawn Varna, IL 61375





deLinQuent Lots MARCH


$295,713.16 TOTAL DELINQUENTAS OF MARCH 16, 2015








$2,692.79 $766.00

$1,430.65 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $842.00

$2,414.46 $691.00 $816.00 $691.00 $687.75

$4,540.13 $766.00 $766.00

$2,357.25 $766.00

$3,336.56 $766.00 $766.00 $791.00 $434.85 $22.50

$691.00 $841.00 $822.48 $481.68 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $765.15

$4,660.44 $3,360.76

$691.00 $690.90 $691.00 $691.00

$2,083.70 $1,935.87

$197.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $745.62 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $766.00 $691.00 $741.00 $691.00 $713.50 $713.50 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00 $691.00

$5,027.09 $691.00 $691.00

$3,527.46 $3,610.88

$614.33 $969.33


Nowaski, tom & Mari Aurora, IL 60504Dababneh, Salam Orland Park, IL 60462Fasano, geraldine Elmhurst, IL 60126Bakouris, Christopher & Marta Romeoville, IL 60446Madsen, terence & Deborah Princeton, IL 61356Ernat, David & Debra Oglesby, IL 61348Hart, Ray & Naomi Hopedale, IL 61747DiFiori, Lisa Boca Raton, FL 33434-2611Baranski, Anthony & terri Channahon, IL 60410-5347Mitts, Jonathan & Elizabeth Bourbonnais, IL 60914Fannie Mae Chicago, IL 60606Bliznick, Fred & Maria Plainfield, IL 60544Signorella, John c/o Robert Signorella Oak Brook, IL 60523Landeck, Joseph & Kelly Munster, IN 46321Bean, Robert & Michele Yorkville, IL 60560Zabawa, Dariusz Wood Dale, IL 60191Martinez, Rafael & guadalupe Bolingbrook, IL 60490Szkodon, Czeslaw & Marta Lockport, IL 60441Stege, Wayne & Christine Castle Rock, CO 80109-3579tazelaar, Frederick Varna, IL 61375Abraham, geoffrey Peoria, IL 61604-1265Slayton, Phyllis Wilmington, IL 60481Slayton, Dick & Phyllis Wilmington, IL 60481tjaden, L. Mildred C/O Faith Youngs Normal, IL 61761Maubach, Brian & tammy Lacon, IL 61540-8908grivetti, tazio & Katie Chillicothe, IL 61523-1709Parsons, Dale & Kristie Spring Valley, IL 61362Beau Brugger Peoria Heights, IL 61616-7701Szypowska, Piotr & Joanna Romeoville, IL 60446Szypowska, Piotr & Joanna Romeoville, IL 60446Condie, Anthony Peru, IL 61354treest, Mark & Christy Ransom, IL 60470-0113tillman, Mark & Violet Justice, IL 60458Szczepanski, Steve & Elizabeth toluca, IL 61369Parhas, george & teresa Clarksville, tN 37043-6208Stork, Dana Varna, IL 61375Kawala, Miroslaw & teresa Chicago, IL 60634Medema, Jeff Streator, IL 61364Joniak, Stanislaw Chicago, IL 60638Keyser, Jeffrey & Mary Barrington, IL 60010Riggs/Huber, Ross & Joan Urbana, IL 61802Riggs/Huber, Ross & Joan Urbana, IL 61802Ramlot, Linda Shorewood, IL 60431Karkoszka, Jozef e Bolingbrook, IL 60490gathman, Dale & Robin Wheaton, IL 60187gathman, Dale & Robin Wheaton, IL 60187Jarog, Jozef c/o Schaumburg, IL 60193Jarog, Sylwester Harwood Heights, IL 60706Jarog, Sylwester Harwood Heights, IL 60706Joniak, Stanislaw Chicago, IL 60638Bouxsein, James & gloria Hennepin, IL 61327taylor, James . Lacon, IL 61540Zbela, Jaroslav & Betty New Lenox, IL 60451Ujda, Pawel Lockport, IL 60441Ujda, Pawel Lockport, IL 60441Shah, Dr. K.g. & Jenny Peoria, IL 61615Braun, Donald & theresa Metamora, IL 61548Caroline glennon-goodman glenview, IL 60025Zukowski, Abigail Peru, IL 61354Alberts, tom Streator, IL 61364-8968Alberts, tom Streator, IL 61364-8968Fieri, Brian & gail Roselle, IL 60172Forbes, thomas A. griswold, Ct 06351Forbes, thomas A. griswold, Ct 06351Zamora, White Robin & Dale Varna, IL 61375Zamora-White, Robin & Dale Varna, IL 61375Zamora-White, Robin & Dale Varna, IL 61375Repelin,Carlos & Magdaly Cape Coral, FL 33901Phillips, David & Carol Yorkville, IL 60560Phillips, David & Carol Yorkville, IL 60560Fierke, Kerry & Kristine Shorewood, IL 60431Deuter, Mary Anne Harriett Dr. Channahon, IL 60410gridziuska, Marijus Cape Coral, FL 33904-9424gridziuska, Marijus Cape Coral, FL 33904-9424Zdanowski, Wojciech & Angelika Orland Park, IL 60462

Murphy, Anthony Lemont, IL 60438Krupa,Agnieszka Elmwood Park, IL 60707Hemza, Richard St. Anne, IL 60964Jurevis, Adam Chicago, IL 60638

$4,846.01 $6,311.83 $2,871.19


LOT0000 (example)

Lot numbers shown on the Delinquent Lots listing in bold italics represent lots that have judgements against them.

All materials for the Sunbeam must be submitted by the 15th of each month. Handwritten information and printed pictures are accepted, however digital images and documents (sent via email) are preferred.

Supported formats are:Photographs - .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .pngDocuments - .doc, .rtf, .docx, .txtgeneral Files - .pdf works best.

Email materials


Recreational VehicleDecals

May 1st, 2015Automobile decals and recreational vehicle decals for the 2015 season must be applied by:



Escape2 Varnas only boat and ministorage is under new management. Please welcome Teryl Holocker of Varna's Gone to the Dogs at 309-463-2700 (after hours 309-253-2070)

Escape 2Escape 2 Varna Boat & Ministorage

Passed March 14, 2015 (to be incorporated into the Board Policies)

Scope and IntentFor purposes of this policy, the Lake Wildwood Association (LWA) security program shall be de-fined as all measures taken to safeguard the Asso-ciation; to include its employees, property, struc-tures, amenities, equipment and other tangible assets. these measures shall consist of physical security systems and equipment, dedicated secu-rity personnel and associated procedures intended to enforce the established covenants, bylaws and rules of the Association. As the security risks and threats to the Association change over time or as its governing documents are modified, the security measures implemented by the Board of Directors may be adjusted accordingly.

Furthermore, this policy is intended to outline the roles and accountabilities of personnel given re-sponsibility for various aspects of security at Lake Wildwood, to include the Board of Directors, the general Manager, the Security Supervisor, and the general membership.

Purpose of Securitythe primary purpose of maintaining an effective level of security at Lake Wildwood is to safeguard the Association by restricting access to unauthor-ized personnel and to enforce the established rules of conduct throughout the LWA property and fa-cilities. Additionally, security personnel may be called upon to assist with other situations as outlined within the LWA Security Manual or as deemed necessary by the general Manager.

While overt and effective security clearly provides benefits to the members of Lake Wildwood, the protection of Lake Wildwood members or mem-bers’ homes, assets and other personal belongings is not the responsibility of the Association. Local law enforcement shall be called upon to handle matters of any known or suspected illegal or crimi-nal conduct. As a convenience, members may re-quest that Lake Wildwood Security contact local law enforcement on their behalf, however, security personnel shall assist only within their assigned authority, level of training and ability.

Responsibilitiesthe elected LWA Board of Directors shall have re-sponsibility for maintaining all existing covenants, by-laws, policies, rules and other such require-ments as they relate to the security of Lake Wild-wood employees, assets and amenities. No changes to the security program shall be made by the gov-erning Board of Directors if doing so conflicts with the language or intent of these aforementioned governing documents. Identified conflicts must be resolved per the established process before

adopting a change to the security program.

If no such conflict exists and when conditions re-quire that modifications be made to the security program, the Board of Directors shall have the au-thority to make these changes with majority con-sent. Examples include changes to security sys-tems and equipment, adjustments to staffing levels or security budget, and the modification of docu-mented procedures.

the General Manager (GM) shall have responsi-bility to uphold all existing covenants, by-laws, policies, rules and other such requirements as they relate to the security of Lake Wildwood employees, assets and amenities. the gM also has responsibil-ity for the overall management of the established security program to include but not limited to: (1) the administration of security services as stipulat-ed in LWA’s governing documents; (2) recruitment, hiring, screening, discipline and termination of as-signed security staff; (3) tracking of security inci-dents as categorized within the Security Manual; (4) timely escalation of known or perceived secu-rity threats to law enforcement and the Board of Directors, and; (5) routine updating of all security forms and resource documents used for the pur-pose of maintaining effective security throughout the Association. In the absence of a gM, these re-sponsibilities shall be assigned to an appointed member of the Board of Directors until such time as a gM is hired and capable of accepting this role.

the Security Supervisor has responsibility for the general effectiveness of the uniformed security staff, to include training, scheduling and regular monitoring of officers’ performance. the Security Supervisor must also be familiar with the LWA Security Manual, every aspect of the entry gate and patrol operations, and working knowledge of LWA’s covenants, bylaws, rules and regulations. the Security Supervisor shall also take steps to ensure that all security equipment, to include but not limited to vehicles, boats, system electronics, radios and keys are regularly inspected and main-tained in good working order. In the absence of an assigned Security Supervisor, these responsi-bilities shall be assigned to the general Manager or their designee.

Each member of Lake Wildwood has a responsibil-ity to comply with the governing documents of the Association and to take steps to ensure that their family members, invited guests and contractors do the same. Furthermore, each member has an obli-gation to the general membership to report known or suspected violations to security or office person-nel in a timely manner. By working together and adopting a ‘community watch’ mentality, the secu-rity of the entire Association is strengthened and all members benefit.

Lake Wildwood Association Security Policy


9341 Taylor Rd., Magnolia, IL 61336




Opening 6am on:

Look for the menu inthe May Sunbeam

and online onour website.





19 Aztec CirclePutnam, IL 61560

• Drywall - Painting• Texturing• Plaster Repair• All Types Remodeling


1555 Key CourtVarna, IL 61375Mobile: 815-878-KOHN (5646)Home: 309-463-2331

Residential and Commercial Electric15 years experience

Free Estimates

Standring Roofing& Construction


Cedar Decks | Room AdditionsNew Construction | Roofing & Garages

Fully Licensed & Insured

Cell: 630-726-6466162 Beachview Ct., Varna, IL 61375email:

Lake Wildwood Homeowner







Located at Lacon’s East Edge1218 Ninth Street(Just off Route 17)


Toliver and SonsElectric

Rich ToliverJourneyman Electrician

Washburn, IL

Cell: 309-238-7102Phone: 309-248-7101Fax: 309-248-7101


Quality Work at the Best PricesFully Insured

EstimatesSenior Discount

New construction service, service upgrades, new in-stallations, rewire, repair, phone line and CATV jack installation, emergency service, generator repairs and installation, farm repair and grain bin work.



Lower YourUtility Costs

Call TodayFor A FreeEstimate

• Heating• Air Conditioning• Plumbing• Electrical• Indoor Air Quality

224 N. MainToluca, IL 613691-800-782-7491Lic 055-019970

24 HourService

McNabb Motorsports

Sales & Service on all Makes and ModelsCustom Services Available

112 Railroad St. McNabb, IL 61335-0114815-882-2500

Cl� sifi ed Ads

PLACING A CLASSIFIED AD• Contact Justin at jpatt for more information.• $5 per 20 words ($.10/word over 20).• Available only to Association members.• Looking for a larger ad? Try our business card size for only $16.00 per month!

For Sale: EZ Port 3 Jet DockStyle fl oat - best off er over $300.Can see it at 493 Fair Haven.Call 309-253-1197

River City Septic& Excavating

The Most Complete Septic Contractors

Septic Tank Pumping & Cleaning

Get The ServiceYou Deserve!

Aqua Safe Aerobics with Industry Leading 5 yr. Warranty

• Lots Cleared• Complete Septic & Sewer Repair & Liscensed Septic Inspections• Sand fi lter & Seepage Bed Installation & Repair• Camera & Tank Locating• Basements Dug/All Type Excavating

Licensed & Insured - Lic 049019425

Email: cliff@rivercityseptic.com309-463-2772 or 309-251-2020

Locally owned & operated


HENRY STATE BANKVisit our four ATM locations

PHONE (309) 364-2302PO Box 207 Henry, IL 61537

Henry State BankCaseys in HenryRoute 17 & 29, SparlandHenry Fast Stop


Lakefront Lot 701 for sale (PRICE DROPPED)On main lake. Beautifully wooded with gradual slope.Does not require building stairs down to water. Excellent for building your dream home.Could support walk-out basement.Best value on the main lake at $69,000.Call Brian at 331-588-0725

For Sale: Lakefront Lot 700Price reduced. Must sell.Possible trade for anything, anywhere.Possible terms/fi nancing.Contact 847-823-0808

For Sale: Cherrywood China Cabinetby thomasville. Like new, 2 piece 51” wide by 86.5” high.Contact (815) 467-8448

Tree Trimming & Removal // Stump GrindingLot & Land Clearing // Fully Insured


For A Job Well Done Call:

Free Estimates24 Hour Service

Rys Tree Service

Daniel Rys

Handyman available for projects.Contact Mike or John at 309-238-0758


the Lake Wildwood Association Rules and Regulations (Redbook) section C. 3. (a) states “No vehicle shall be driven on any street within the Development at a speed in excess of the posted limits. the speed limit throughout the Develop-ment is 30mph, unless posted otherwise.”

Note that guest violations of the speed limit will be issued to your account as the member and your account will no lon-ger be “in good standing” until the citation is paid-in-full. Please drive safe!



815-882-2111404 W. Main St. • McNabb, IL

Plumbing • Heating • Air ConditioningAppliances • Fireplaces • Generators

Water Softeners • Geo-Thermal

For all of your New Construction & Remodeling needs.

Grasser’s services include:

We also service & install everything we sell!




General Contractors

Ken Baum815/257-3700 309/463-2736

Todd Baum Bill Baum

New Construction & Remodeling


Carpet and Flooring (carpet-vinyl-wood-ceramic-area rugs)Fran Szott's Carpet and Flooring - (815) 220-0411

ConcreteB&M Concrete - (815) 488-7210 or (815) 488-7212Kuypers Brothers, Inc - (708) 516-6320 or (708) 479-0500

Construction - Marine (dock/lift/shorewall)Double R (Steel Shorewalls & Boathouses) - (217) 454-5656g&H Marine, Inc. - (217) 423-6684Willie Martin - (309) 275-9036

ElectricalESCO-Energy Specialists - (815) 452-2332Kohn’s Electrical Service - (309) 463-2331toliver & Sons - (309) 248-7101

Excavating and TruckingCS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860Edward D. Hartwig - (309) 364-3672James Maupin trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-0720 or (309) 364-2472John Maubach trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228

General ContractorBaum Construction - (815) 257-3700CS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860Standring Roofing & Construction - (630) 726-6466Winkler Construction - (309) 248-7597

Heating/PlumbingESCO-Energy Specialists - (815) 452-2332grassers Plumbing - (815) 882-2111Kroeschen Plumbing & Heating - (815) 452-2312

HousekeepingLaurie's Cleaning Service - (815) 481-1554

Landscaping and Lawn CareChris McFadden the Yard Butler - (309) 463-2514 or (815) 481-9273CS Construction - (309) 246-2284 or (309) 303-4860Danchris Nursery - (815) 672-8135JMB Lawn Care - (309) 432-3200Rick Jesse - (309) 463-2728Steve Rock - (309) 463-2176Ulrich Lawn Care - (309) 248-7450

Lot MowingJoe's Lawncare - (309) 238-1084Lake Wildwood Association (vacant lots only) - (309) 463-2047 (ext. 1)Rick Jesse - (309) 463-2728Ron Franklin (Mowing Lawns & Meadow Lots) - (815) 252-5882

Miscellaneous BuildingCustom Canvas Company (Awning & Boat Cover) - (815) 869-3070

PaintingBaldwin Painting - (815) 257-2823 or (815) 452-2677

Sand & GravelJames Maupin trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-0720 or (309) 364-2472John Maubach trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228

SepticEdward D. Hartwig - (309) 364-3672James Maupin trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-0720 or (309) 364-2472John Maubach trucking & Excavating - (309) 238-8785 or (309) 364-2956River City & Dunlap Septic & Excavating - (309) 463-2772 or (309) 274-3228

SurveyingIllinois Valley Surveying & Consultants, Inc - (815) 925-7511McClure Engineering Associates, Inc - (815) 433-2080

Water Softeners, Filtration and Bottled Water DeliveryKanive Soft Water Supply (John Bayler) - (309) 246-7015

We are continuing a Contractor List in our paper for contractors who wish to advertise. the listing does not imply workmanship.


Contractor List

Why Drive?We have what you need here!

Stop in and see what we have: dry goods, package food, etc.

(Located outside the main gate, to the north)

Open again for the season on May 1st!

s Convenient Quarter StoreTed’

Phone: 309-857-CORK

Look to your right just before you enter the front gate, and there we are!

Open for the season in mid-May!Getting the Lake Wildwood fun in the sun season started off right with “Old as Dirt” performing Memorial day weekend on Saturday the 23rd from 7pm-10pm! Come kick off your summer.

Remember no outside beer or liquor allowed. We need you to purchase that from us so the concerts can remain free. Come in for a wine or beer tasting.

When life gets tangled come unwind with a glass of wine from Tangled Vines, Inc. We can’t wait to see all of you again!

LO tfound

& If you have lost oran item please contact the LakeWildwood Association office at 309-463-2047 (ext. 1).

thank you!



Photo Contest2015

Fees and FinesChart

Vehicle DecalsMay 1, 2015

Lake WildwoodMarina Concession

MarinaGas Keys

Recycling inLacon

ECCBuilding Permits

Lake WildwoodWebsite

It is never too early tobegin snapping pictures

for the 2015Sunbeam Photo Contest.

Reception date:Friday, Sept. 4, 2015

the fees and fines chartcan be found online at

Navigate to:Documents → Fees & Fines

Vehicle decals must bedisplayed by May 1, 2015.

Accounts in good standingmay pick up their

vehicle decal at thefront guardhouse.

the Marina Concession Stand will be opening on:

April 29th, 2015 (6am)

Look for the menu in theMay Sunbeam!

Marina gas keys needto be reprogrammed.

If you currently own a gaskey, please contact the

Association office.

Electronic recycling isno longer available

in Lacon. Please do notbring any more electronics

as they are monitoringthe premise for violators.

Paperwork must besubmitted at least

5 days prior to the ECC meeting.

Stop by our website

Important updates andinformation can be found

on our website.


Bulletin Board

Lake Wildwood Association offers free recycling located next to the main-tenance shop and office. A list of accept recyclables is located below. We ask you please adhere to this list and refrain from depositing any other items (not on the list) into the bins. No electronics are to be dumped in any of the bins (garbage or recycle).

PLASTICSoda bottle, water bottle, clear or green flavored beverage bottle.Milk and juice jugs.Detergent and fabric softener.Margarine tubes, frozen dessert cups, 6 and 12-pack rings.Syrup and ketchup bottles.Plastic buckets (kitty litter, etc. - 5 gal. max).

GLASSClear, brown, and green bottles and jars only.

PAPERNewspaper and inserts.Paper cardboard.Brown Kraft bags.Magazines, catalogs, and telephone books.Notebook and printer paper.Paperback books.Junk mail and envelopes.Carrier containers (soda or beer cases).

ALUMINUMCans, trays and foil (cleaned).

STEELSmall cans and tins only.

Ryan Rauch, OwnerDouble R

Steel Shorewalls, Boathouses, Docks, Retaining Walls

Spring Has SprungSpring is the perfect time to move forward with your projects or to begin the permitting process (once a month, due to the length of the process).

Get in touch with us and we’ll be glad to assist you or answer any questions you may have. Hope to hear from you soon!

Cell: 217-454-5656


Address: 110 N. 1100 E. Herrick, IL 62431

Illegal Disposal

Redbook Reminder

K. 1. (c)

(c) Pollutants (including but not limited to gasoline, oil, human or animal waste, trash, hazardous materials)

MUSt NOt be dumped in the lakes or within the de-velopment. First offense: $100, second offense: $500.






Hosts: M. Querciagrossa & B. Dubeck

Hosts: Jim & Marge McElroy

Hosts: M. Querciagrossa & B. Dubeck

Hosts: Jim & Marge McElroy


























































































Board of DirectorsCampgroundCP&AECCFinanceLakes & DamsNRCRecreationSunbeam

Board of DirectorsCampgroundCP&AECCFinanceLakes & DamsNRCRecreationSunbeam





9:30 a.m.

6:00 p.m.

9:30 a.m.

6:00 p.m.





9:00 a.m.1:00 p.m.10:00 a.m.9:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.10:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.1:30 p.m.

9:00 a.m.1:00 p.m.10:00 a.m.9:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.8:00 a.m.10:30 a.m.4:30 p.m.1:30 p.m.

LodgeCg Pav.OfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice

LodgeCg Pav.OfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOfficeOffice

Welcome to Lake Wildwood Association!

Feel free to use the resources provided below to better acquaint yourself with all Lake Wildwood has to offer.

Visit our

Follow us on

Join our email newsletter list:Sign-up online from our website.

Contact the Welcome Committee:gwen Wassilak (309) 463-2645Christine Webster (309) 463-2587

Contact the Association New Lake Wildwood Members Stay in TouchOffice Hours of OperationMonday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Telephone Number(309) 463-2047 Extensions:

Office Fax Number(309) 463-2085



1 - Association Office2 - Front gate guardhouse3 - Maintenance Office

If you would like to change or update your tele-phone number or mailing address, please forward that information to the Lake Wildwood office or email it to:

Notes & Reminders

Notes & Reminders

"Chicks w/ Sticks" - First Wed. at 6:30 p.m., third Wed. at 1:30 p.m. (held in the lodge).

Bass Tournament - Saturday, May 9th starting at 5:30 a.m.

Pool & Beach Opening - the swimming pool, Beach I, and Beach II open for the season on Friday, May 22nd. Have a great summer!

"Chicks w/ Sticks" - First Wed. at 6:30 p.m., third Wed. at 1:30 p.m. (held in the lodge).

Marina Concession Stand - Opening for the season on Wednesday, April 29th at 6am! the menu will be published in the May Sunbeam, and available online by mid-April.

Key Issuance PolicyKeys may be signed out to members for access to the following facilities: West Beach Restrooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, East Beach Rest-rooms and Emergency Equipment Cabinet, tennis Courts, Lodge, Fish Cleaning Disposal and Camp-ground Equipment Shed.

Members signing out keys are responsible for use and re-securing the area.

Keys must be returned the same day as sign out.









Sunbeam Deadline




Bass Tourney5:30am

Sunbeam Deadline



Memorial Day

Pool, Beach I,Beach II Open


EasterEgg Hunt



Lakes & DamsNRC

Lakes & DamsNRC

Board ofDirectors

Board ofDirectors

"Chicks w/ Sticks"

"Chicks w/ Sticks"

"Chicks w/ Sticks"

"Chicks w/ Sticks"

Helpful Information
