Novel architecture for a borehole management system - SUPSIMarcus Hoffmann*, Massimiliano Cannata*,...


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Novel architecture for a borehole management system

Marcus Hoffmann*, Massimiliano Cannata*, Milan Antonovic*

* Division of Geomatics, Institute of Earth Science, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Campus Trevano 32, CH-6952 Canobbio (

24 novembre 2014


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1. Introduction

2. Database - current situation

3. New architecture: Borehole

model (Swisstopo)

4. Model and data migration

5. Outlook

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1. Introduction

• The Institute of Earth Science (IST) currently manages

the database (DB) of water concessions and resources in


• This Relational DB (Oracle), born in the 1960s* called GESPOS (Gestione pozzi, sondaggi e

sorgenti) contains 3 main objects: wells, surveys and springs

• Each object linked to:1. basic information, such as coordinates, depth, location, register number and owner

2. information related to environmental measurements like water temperature, groundwater levels and geological properties (stratigraphy)

3. diverse sample analyses like chemical properties

*1. VSAM IBM, 2. File system on OpenVMS (DIGITAL Inc.). 3. DB on server VAX - VMS (DIGITAL Inc.). 4. ORACLE v.9.2

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1. Introduction

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2. Database - current situation

Section Wells Surveys Sources

Catalog IST Information yes yes yesGeographic information yes yes yesCadaster information yes yes yesTechnical information optional yes noHydrological information yes no noStatistical information

yes no yes

Legal information yes no yesGeneral information yes no noThermal information optional no noFilters installed optional optional noHydrogeological information yes no yesPump testing optional no no

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2. Database - current situation

Database structure for wells (36 tables), similar structure exists for surveys and springs

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3. New architecture: Borehole model

• Non Relational Document Base for base

(meta) data

• IstSOS for insitu measurements, equivalent to

rainfall monitoring network in TI

• Speciemen for sample measurements

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3. New architecture: Borehole model

Why this structure?

• A Non Relational Document Base (NRDB) is a good solution if you have objects

with common and diverse attributes all mapped in ONE object

• SOS structure already used for hydrological data new version of IstSOS v.3

will be implemented in same NRDB

• Swisstopo borehole model can be integrated

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4. Model and data migration

• NRDB: Mongo ( with JSON objects

• IstSOS:

• Model: Swisstopo borehole model

• Scripting language: Python v. 3+

• Webserver: Tornado – Python Web framework (

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4. Model and data migrationBoreCodeIbor101



1.1.2 –1.1.11

001 Sondaggio Bohrung m002 Sondaggio a percussione Rammsondierung m003 Trincea Sondierschlitz m004 Altri tipi di sondaggio Andere Sondierart* m

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4. Model and data migration

Purpose" : "001","HydrologyData" : {

"first_concession_date" : null,"concession_deadline" : ISODate("2011-05-18T00:00:00.000Z"),"water_quantity_granted" : 170,"permit_type" : "CONCESSIONE","concession_approval_date" : ISODate("2001-05-18T00:00:00.000Z"),"exhaust_type" : "ACQUE NERE","concession_duration" : 10

},"GeneralData" : {

"terrain_elevation" : 200.55,"hem_level" : 198.77,"well_type" : "Pozzo a pareti filtranti","underground_basin" : "VERZASCA ","excavation_depth" : 20,"diameter" : 250

},"CadasterData" : {

"cadaster_number" : 901,"surname_owner" : null,"name_location" : null,"name_owner" : "SWISS JEWEL CO SA "

}},"Inner_Core" : {

"Location_E" : 708874,"Length" : 21.78,"Bore_Inc_Dir" : -1111,"Elevation_Z" : 200.55,"HRS" : "001","Location_N" : 114868,"Bore_Inc" : -1111,"SRS" : "001","Restricted_until" : Date(-27107481600000),"Contact" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f2"),"Restriction" : "001","Kind" : "001","BoreID" : {

"Code_Contact" : "021","BoreID_Contact" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f5")

},"Date" : Date(-27107481600000)


/* 26* /{

"_id" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f4"),"ido_gespos" : 2441074,"Extended_Core" : {

"TopBedrock" : -9999,"FilterData" : [

{"FROM_LEVEL" : 186.77,"TO_LEVEL" : 180.77,"DIAMETER" : 153

}],"Groundwater" : true,"Status" : "001","Bore_Method" : "001","TechnicalData" : [

{"NOME" : "Pompa sommersa","POTENZA" : 3,"MARCA" : "HAENY ","NUM" : 1,"PORTATA" : 170

}],"CatalogIST" : {

"attendibility" : "IST-SUPSI","ido_number" : 74,"previous_reference" : null,"last_control_date" : ISODate("1994-11-22T00:00:00.000Z"),"microfiche_number" : 1807,"zone_raster_number" : null

},"LegalData" : {

"res_cds_date" : null,"name_author_zone" : "non definito","res_cds" : null,"zone_approval_date" : null

},"Original_Name" : "","StatisticData" : {

"number_installations" : null,"purpose" : "INDUSTRIALE ","power_RTO" : null,"monthly_water_flow" : null,"surface_irrigated" : null,"annual_water_flow" : null,"power_RTO_part" : null

},"ThermalData" : {},"GeographicData" : {

"locality" : "TENERO-CONTRA ","sheet_number" : 1313



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4. Model and data migration

/* 0 */{

"_id" : ObjectId("545d0bb635121b09bcc23569"),"Contact_Kind" : {

"006" : {"fr" : "Autres auteurs du projet","de" : "Andere Projektverfasser","it" : "Altri autori di progetto"

},"004" : {

"fr" : "Comune","de" : "Gemeinde","it" : "Comune"

},"005" : {

"fr" : "Secteur privé","de" : "Privatwirtschaft","it" : "Settore privato"

},"002" : {

"fr" : "Centre informations géologiques","de" : "Geologische Informationsstelle","it" : "Centro di informazioni geologiche"

},"003" : {

"fr" : "Autorité cantonale","de" : "Kantonale Bewilligungsbehörde","it" : "Autorità cantonale di approvazione"

},"001" : {

"fr" : "Autorité fédérale","de" : "Bundesbehörde","it" : "Autorità federale"


... "

Inner_Core::Contact Codelist Kind

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4. Model and data migration

Features of a NRDB:db.Borehole.find( {ido_gespos: {$eq: 2441074}})

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4. Model and data migration

Challenge: many mandatory attributes of the Swisstopo model do not exist in GESPOS:

{"_id" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f4"),"ido_gespos" : 2441074,"Extended_Core" : {

"TopBedrock" : -9999,"Groundwater" : true,"Status" : "001","Bore_Method" : "001","Original_Name" : «»Purpose" : "001",

},"Inner_Core" : {

"Location_E" : 708874,"Length" : 21.78,"Bore_Inc_Dir" : -1111,"Elevation_Z" : 200.55,"HRS" : "001","Location_N" : 114868,"Bore_Inc" : -1111,"SRS" : "001","Restricted_until" : Date(-27107481600000),"Contact" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f2"),"Restriction" : "001","Kind" : "001","BoreID" : {

"Code_Contact" : "021","BoreID_Contact" : ObjectId("5461e80435121b06ec04d3f5")

},"Date" : Date(-27107481600000)



Kind: Codelist(Tabelle)

Location_E: Coordinate

Location_N: Coordinate

Elevation_Z: Float

SRS: Codelist(Tabelle)

HRS: Codelist

Length: Float

Bore_Inc_Dir: Codelist(Tabelle)

Bore_Inc Codelist(Tabelle)

Date: date

Restriction: Codelist(Tabelle)

Restricted_until: Date


TopBedrock: Float

Groundwater: Boolean

Status: Codelist(Tabelle)

Method: Codelist(Tabelle)

Original_Name: String

Purpose: Codelist(Tabelle)

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4. Model and data migration

SOS: Sensor Observation Service

• world is full of disconnected sensors• lack of search engines• lack of standard format

Idea: Connect to sensors using the Web for:• Sensor management• Collecting data• Open Source Software

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4. Model and data migrationPossible SOS requests:

(core profile)1. GetCapabilities2. DescribeSensor3. GetObservation


optional optional

(transactional profile)4. RegisterSensor5. InsertObservation

(enhanced profile)6. GetFeatureOfInterest7. GetResult8. GetObservationByID9. GetFeatureOfInterestTime10. DescribeFeatureType11. DescribeObservationType12. DescribeResultModel

SOS request

istSOS responder




SOS response

Converts requests in python objects








88Recuperates requestedRecuperates requested

information and executes transactional


Converts information in SOS format

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4. Model and data migration

Mapping of SOS elements with those of the new structure

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5. Outlook

New applications with new model, written in Python

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Thank you….