November 2014 Monthly Newsletter



St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Wilmington NC, November 2014 Monthly Newsletter

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November 2014  


The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple November 21


608 SOUTH COLLEGE ROAD � WILMINGTON NC 28403 � (910) 392-4444 � FAX (910) 392-4905

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


Fr. Jon Emanuelson Parish Priest

Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9AM – 2PM

Office Phone: 910-392-4444 Office Fax: 910-392-4905 Fr. Jon’s Mobile Number: 910-685-0080

Office Email:

Fr. Jon’s Email:

Church Website: Find us on Facebook:


Officers Members Emanuel Miliotis, President Kim Dandulakis Maria Stasios Evangelos Fragos, Vice President Peter Malahias Tina Bostic Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis, Secretary Debra Rallis John Burgee Barbara Reynolds, Treasurer Nick Saffo


Angelique Skandalakis, Parish Office Administrator


Religious Education…Richard Reynolds, Ministry Chair Communications - Technology Ministries… Adult Education…Richard Reynolds Alexandros Theodorpoulos, Ministry Group Leader Youth Catechism…Courtney Malahias, Director Webmaster… Alexandros Theodorpoulos Bookstore/Library…Mary Ann Wall Publications…Angelique Skandalakis, Stella McTaggart Oratorical Festival…Courtney Malahias Technology… Alexandros Theodorpoulos Media/Community Relations…Beth Burgee, Debra Hellenic Culture…Kitsa Wiersteiner, Ministry Chair Rallis, Alexandros Theodorpoulos Hellenic School…Anestis Logothetis, Acting Director Romiosini Dance Group… Zaharoula Katsikis Parish Family Life…**Volunteer Needed** Zoyra Dance Group… Kitsa Wiersteiner Parish Family Night…**Volunteer Needed** Choral…Dr. Michael Rallis Men’s Group…Richard Reynolds Special Activities… Kitsa Wiersteiner Women’s Group…**Volunteer Needed** Forever Young…Stella Vallianos Youth Diakonia…Koula Katsikis, Ministry Chair LOVE…Stella McTaggart GOYA…Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic, Dr. David Snow, Irene Vogiatzis Outreach & Evangelism…Diane McGowan HOPE/JOY… Joyce Patsalos, Renée Psilos, Sophia OCF…Fr. Jon, Alexandros Theodoropolos Brewer, Connie Ronner, Jaime Saffo Hospitality…Ed and Kathleen Mayorga Community Service…Christina Mount Liturgical Life… Dr. Michael Rallis, Ministry Chair Parish Care…Pat Poulos, Tina Stamatakis Liturgical Music… Dr. Michael Rallis Acolytes…Doug Brown Philoptochos…Thalia Kefalas, Chapter President Neokoros/Sexton…T. Keith Anderson Stewardship…Debra Rallis

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


From the Desk of Father Jon

God rest the souls of all those who have recently fallen asleep in the Lord. May their memory be eternal! It very difficult to know all the blessings that God has given us through each and every soul that dwells with us here. In the funeral prayers we pray for their eternal repose, that they may dwell with the righteous until the second coming of Christ and the last judgment. We pray for the forgiveness of all their sins and that their faith and life may be accounted to them for righteousness sake. Memory eternal to Margaret C. Passaris (mother of Presbytera Barbara), Elizabeth Petrolias (mother of Stacy Constantinou), Fr. Nicolaos Spirakis (former pastor of St. Nicholas), Bebe Saffo (mother of Cathy, Dean and Marian), Christie Tsangarides Hendrickson (daughter of Archie and Wanda Tsangarides.) As we remember the departed in our prayers, we come to the forty day memorial remembering the forty days that Jesus spent with His apostles and disciples after the resurrection. We do this in beautiful manner with a tray of koliva and a memorial service. In an effort to have everyone participate more in the prayers, we have put together a memorial service booklet that explains the memorial service, prints a copy of the service for an average memorial and a copy of the service as we pray on the Saturday of Souls. In the back we include 1 recipe for koliva. The next time we have a memorial service please take the time to follow along and participate in the chanting of the prayers. God’s blessings upon our Ladies Philoptochos. The Ladies of the Philoptochos October 5th held a workshop that approved the feeding of homeless school children in our area. Bravo! They also hosted a workshop on October 26th with the President of the Atlanta Metropolis Philoptochos, Dee Nicolaou. May God continue to inspire the Ladies in their fulfillment of the mission to help the poor. Outreach that matters! This past month we had the blessing and opportunity to do a faith build with Habitat for Humanity. What a blessing! People from all different faiths come together to install the siding on a home that will give a family the chance to live and pay for their very own home, that otherwise may not be possible. Please look for pictures in this newsletter. It looks like we will be helping Habitat in the future as well! November – A Month to Remember! Each November we put forward a youth and an adult for the Archangel Michael awards. His Eminence asks that we put forward each year two people that exemplify a blessed service unto God in our Orthodox Christian way of life. This year we put forward Peter Vogiatzis and Evangelos Fragos. God bless them! Fall General Assembly and Stewardship Talks! Each year we ask several people to speak about the ministry of our beloved St. Nicholas parish. Be prepared to be inspired as we get ready for Stewardship Sunday and the Fall General Assembly. St. John the Almsgiver and the Nativity Fast One of the greatest inspirations in my life as an Orthodox Christian is the life of St. John the Almsgiver, remembered November 12th. He was a devout and pious Christian from Cyprus who came to Alexandria, Egypt and was elected patriarch of Alexandria. He considered the poor, the lame, the sick, the blind, the homeless and all in need to be his masters, because through obedience to the commands of Christ, he might see the kingdom of heaven. He truly believed in the gospel which teaches us to “Give and it will be given unto you” and “Give to those who ask of you.” Through his ministry which was spent among the people of Alexandria, he brought the people back to Orthodoxy and inspired many to give generously to the ministry of the Church. Here is the challenge, should you accept! During the Nativity Fast, which begins November 15th, make an effort to save some funds by fasting from the normal foods and fasting from eating out. Take these funds and put them to good use in an Orthodox Charity. Some good charitable causes include: OCPM – Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, OCMC – Orthodox Christian Mission Center, IOCC – International Orthodox Christian Charities, and the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at ground zero. God bless your efforts to love, serve and fast to the glory of the living God! – Fr. Jon

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


Save the Date – December 2014

November 15 - December 25 – Advent Fast

December 6 – Feast day for St. Nicholas

December 10 – Children’s Christmas Program for our Community

December 13 – Stop Hunger Now

December 21 – Youth Groups’ Caroling

December 24 – Eve of the Nativity

December 25 – Nativity of Christ

December 27 - 29 – Winter Youth Rally

December 31 – Pan-Icarian sponsored New Year’s Eve Dance

From the Parish Council President Emanuel Miliotis

Moment of Reflection: I am sure that everyone has heard of the passing of Fr. Nick Spirakis. He served the Lord as a priest in our Greek Orthodox churches for over 50 years. He served our St. Nicholas community back 30 years ago as a permanent priest and most recently he served us as an interim priest during the transition from Fr. Matthew to Fr. Jon. I want to thank him for all he did over the years for us in our own community as well what he did to reach God’s faithful throughout his life. May his memory be eternal. I would like to ask all to take a moment and lift up your prayers for his soul. November’s Schedule: November gets busy right from the start. Here are some things I want highlight specifically for our community:

• November 1: We have our annual St. Nicholas Golf Tournament at Echo farms on Saturday morning. For all those who have signed up to play in the tournament or who sponsored a hole thank you. Of course while all this goes to help our church, there will be no doubt great memories and a few funny stories that will transpire. Looking forward to this event.

• November 2: On Sunday after church we will be holding our fall general assembly. We encourage all our parishioners to stay and get caught up on various updates we have for our community. Additionally in our Fall assembly we do two important things. We present a draft of our 2015 Budget and we nominate parishioners who want to run for the parish council. We are always looking for able servants. If you are interested please let a parish council member know or the board of elections.

• Ministry Survey: If you haven’t had a chance to fill out our ministry surveys please pick up a slip in our community center and place them in the drop box. We want to hear from you.

• Thanksgiving season: Finally with Thanksgiving soon upon us, this is a great opportunity to thank God for all the things he has done for us, our families and our community. During this season we always look to help the less fortunate. The Philoptochos is collecting nonperishable items in the Hellenic center. Additionally they are collecting money to assembly Thanksgiving baskets that will go to the less fortunate.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


Outreach and Evangelism Diane Kastran McGowan

St. Nicholas made a great impression at the Habitat For Humanity, “Interfaith Build”. This was our first time invited to this event, and our new community service lead for O & E, Christina Mount, a counselor and carpenter by trade, coordinated our participation.

Says Christina, “We joined others from Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities with only a sense of adventure and “philoxenia”—love of a stranger”. However, our crew also offered expertise in construction work! (Yes, Father Jon, too.) They met in the early morning of October 11, and it began with prayer, and a house blessing by Father Jon.

Says, Christina, “By 2pm, the siding job was done, and we walked away with a sense of accomplishment, feelings of fellowship, and the reward of participating in a wonderful cause.”

Father Jon, Christina Mount and Alex Pathenos Habitat Interfaith Build Per Christina, Habitat for Humanity has built and repaired more than 150 homes in the area, providing interest free loans to low income families, who are willing to participate in the building of their home and others in the program, via a volunteer work force.

St. Nicholas made a positive impression with the Habitat for Humanity organization, and in the Wilmington community at large! This is the type of participation for which we will receive recognition and ongoing rewards as a church community. Thank you, Father Jon, Christina, Alex and Alexandros Theodoropoulos (who also participated) for representing us so well!! Eξαιρετική δουλειά!! And, don't forget to sign up for Stop Hunger Now! See the flyer later in this Newsletter for more information.

Stewardship Debra Rallis

We had a very informative presentation of our new stewardship theme at the home of Nick & Tia Saffo last month. Please join us for our next gathering at the Rallis home on Tuesday October 28th at 7 pm. The more participation of our family members, the better. All Parish Council members and those who have attended are encouraged to invite another member or couple to join us! We are discussing ways to “Lift up our Church” and ways to get everyone in our community to take part in one of our many ministries. We will have 3 stewardship talks in November and hope to have all pledge cards turned in on STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY, which is the Sunday before Thanksgiving, NOVEMBER 23RD. From God every family in heaven and on earth is named. Ephesians 3:15 Our greatest blessing is our family. As Orthodox Christians, we are called to be stewards of this great gift. If we are faithful to this calling, perhaps our Lord will say to us as he did to the

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


faithful steward, “Well done good and faithful servant” (Mt. 25:23)

Orthodox Christian Fellowship Alexandros Theodoropoulos

Please be reminded that our OCF group has informal Open Forum lunch meetings with Fr. Jon and Fr. Timothy (from St. Basil) at the Varsity Cafe in the UNCW Fisher Student Center starting at 12:00 pm and going on until at least 2:00pm on every Wednesday. All are welcome to join! In case you know of any students that would be interested, please encourage them to attend. We would further like to identify potential host families for our OCF students. The pertinent document/form can be found on our website at The following are suggested ways that host families could use to stay in touch with the student(s) they would be matched with: 1. Email the students weekly. (Be sure to mention that you have been appointed as a host family for the OCF for this year in your first email.) 2. Text (Most of the students cell phones are listed. You can do this after you establish email contact.) 3. Offer to help the students with rides to church and events. 4. Remind your host student of church services and events coming up in the near future. 5. Invite the students for a home cooked meal! Please see Fr. Jon for more information about our new OCF Host Family or Sponsorship program. Please consider becoming a host family for one of our OCF students.

Philoptochos Thalia Kefalas, President

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Philoptochos is off to a GREAT year! At our general meeting last month, we voted to support a program called NOURISH NC. This is a program that helps feed children. They get groceries in their backpacks on Fridays to provide their families meals on the weekend. We voted to support 10 children for this school year which equals $6,000! We would like to thank all the ladies who came out to our brunch and also a big thank you to Jeanne Tsingelis for providing the delicious food!!

Kick-off Philoptochos Event with a few of our members.

Beth Hollis, Executive Director NourishNC speaking about her organization. Our annual bake sale is coming up! Mark your calendars for November 15 and 16 from 12-3. We will be selling baklava, kourambiedes, koularakia , tsoureki and more! All homemade by our parish. Our diocese Philoptochos President Dee Nikolau will be here on October 25 for a workshop from 10-2. We hope to see all our ladies there! She

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


has a great presentation planned. Contact Thalia Kefalis for more details. Thank you for all you do! Our next general meeting is Sunday, November 9th after liturgy. Hope to see you all there!

Youth Catechism Courtney Malahias

“Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward and learning to enjoy whatever life has and this requires transforming greed into gratitude.”

St. John Chrysostom November is the month of gratitude. As the weather cools down and we spend more time indoors, I become more reflective and enjoy my time inside my home. I certainly work on more creative projects in my home which is very soothing to my soul. During creative bursts, I think a lot. When you shift your mind to a state of gratefulness, your life shifts as a whole in a more positive way. You start to perceive the world with different eyes. This is what I want to impart on my children. This is what we will focus on in our Sunday School classrooms this month.

GRATITUDE Our children have been decorating bags for the Good Shepherd Center. The center provides bagged lunches for their guests every weekend. The children have written inspiring words and drawn pictures on the bags to cheer their guests. Reaching out to others is a great way to nurture the spirit of gratitude. We will be making holiday centerpieces for their dining room soon. If you would like to help with this project, please contact me or your child’s Sunday School teacher.

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Our Christmas Program is coming up! We need your children to be a part of this beautiful

occasion!! Please contact Renée Karonis at rkaronis@hotmail for further details.

IMPORTANT DATES November 2: Youth Sermon - we DO have classes (also daylight savings) November 12: 5PM, Christmas Program Practice November 19: 5PM, Christmas Program Practice November 30: NO CLASS (Thanksgiving Week) December 3: 5PM, Christmas Program Practice December 10: CHRISTMAS PROGRAM


December 7: Youth sermon - we DO have classes December 28: NO CLASS January 4: NO CLASS January 11: Classes Resume Thank you for all you do! Keep bringing your children to church!!!! Grateful to be in His service

Communications/Technology Alexandros Theodoropoulos

We would like to have your photos and videos! In case any of you has photos and videos from our various parish life events, please consider sharing them with our Communications Chair and our church office using the email addresses listed at the end of this article. We are trying to collect all these items for our publications and online media. We would like to use this opportunity to extend special Thanks to all of you that have contributed media content so far! Also, please be reminded that our church has a pretty active facebook page that can be accessed at . We would appreciate very much any of your efforts to help us further promote our FB page now that such social networking media have been becoming more popular. Also, our church’s email list has been growing as well. If you know of any

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


parishioners or others that are not in our list and would like to receive our church’s email communications, like our weekly email bulletin and so on, please have them forward their email addresses to our church office. Finally, listed below are two more reminders regarding our new services: - The live streaming of our services at St. Nicholas has been set up and can be seen on our website directly at . In case you would like to view our services on your mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, iPads etc.), you could still use the afore-mentioned link however there is also an app available that is more suitable for this purpose. For information on how to set your device up with this app, you can contact Alexandros Theodoropoulos at . - Our special hearing aid system that we recently acquired is available to assist our older especially parishioners with hearing issues to better listen and follow our services. The system has, at this point, four receivers available that are simple in their use, feature volume controls and are carried by each parishioner individually. Please see one of the Pangari (candle stand) attendants on duty in the Narthex area, in case you feel you would like to try one of the receivers. In case you have any suggestions or feedback that could help us in our continuous effort communications publications/media please contact our church office at (910) 392-4444 or or our Communications Chair, at .

Romiosini and Zoyra Our dancers will continue their weekly Sunday practices, immediately following coffee hour. The Hellenic Dance Festival (HDF) will be held in Charlotte this year.

We thank everyone who supported our yard sale and who enjoyed a wonderful luncheon during our OHI day celebration. We thank everyone who made the luncheon possible.

Hellenic (Greek) Folk Dance group for Pre-K-1st H.O.P.E. Ages

Our Hellenic (Greek) folk dance group for Pre-K-1st /H.O.P.E. ages had its first practice on October 19th. It currently meets on Sundays right after the Divine Liturgy. We would like to ask all of our families that have children in these ages to join this group the goal of which is to teach the fundamentals of Hellenic folk dancing to these kids and better prepare them to advance in our other dance groups of older ages. For more information or to express your interest, please contact our office at 910-392-4444 or or Alexandros Theodoropoulos at For information on our Hellenic Culture & Education ministries in general please visit our website at . For information on our Youth ministries in general please visit our website at .

GOYA Koula Katsikis, Mary Beth Miliotis, Tina Bostic,

David Snow, Irene Vogiatzis Goya welcomes all youth in middle and high school grades. If you aren’t on our mailing list or email list, please contact one of our advisors: Koula Katsikis, Tina Bostic, Mary Beth Miliotis, David Snow or Irene Sotiriou Vogiatzis.

• The Goyans will have Wednesday night discussion group meetings with Fr. Jon. They meet at 6:45pm.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


For those not participating in the St Nicholas Gold tournament:

• On November 1st we will meet at 9:00am for breakfast at Hoggard High school and help support the Kiwanis pancake fundraiser. All you can eat for $6. For advanced ticket sales ($5 each), please see Jimmy Stasios. All money raised goes toward local youth agencies.

• On November 1st at noon, we will go

bowling at 10 Pin Alley. We will get a group rate, so let us know how many are interested, so we can book enough lanes. No charge for Goyan bowlers. All others, approximate cost is $10 for bowling/ shoe rental.

Forever Young

Stella Vallianos For their October meeting Florever Young took a trip to Duplin Winery. We were given a tour of their wine-making premises and tasted several of the wines they produce there. We also enjoyed lunch in their restaurant. We want to thank Father Jon for taking time from his busy schedule to drive himself there and join our outing. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 4, 11:00 a.m., at the church. Our own Jimmy Stasios will join us and will show Bob Ktrantz's new movie. Members, please bring a covered dish to share with everyone.

LOVE Stella McTaggart

When, as a child, the Theotokos entered into the Temple it fulfilled her parents’ wishes and was another major event leading to the birth of our Savior and the salvation of our souls.

Let your little child experience the Divine Liturgy on Friday, November 21 with the other little children of our community. Please join the LOVE families as we celebrate a Major Feast of our Church. Then, play can continue afterwards as we give thanks for all that we have by sharing a meal together. I am pleased to be a Ministry Leader for LOVE since its inception. I truly cherish getting to know the children and families in this group. If anyone is interested in joining me in Leadership, please feel free to contact me to learn more about what goes into preparing for events each month. The more the merrier is a great expression!!

LOVE October event where children were painting jar-o-lanterns and parents were enjoying fellowship.

Community News

Community Service Opportunity Volunteers are needed to help make sandwiches at the Good Shepherd Center each Friday from at 4-5 PM. We need at least 5 volunteers each week. Please see the sign-up sheets in the Hellenic Center or call the office to sign up in advance to help. Goyans and college students can get volunteer hours for school if needed.

May God grant you always… A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm

you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you.

And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


Congratulations For all the people celebrating their birthday, anniversary, and name day in the month of November may you have many happy years! Many Happy Years!

Congratulations to Evan Crandiotis, son of Chris and Joy Crandiotis, on becoming an Eagle Scout.

Sympathies and Memorials We extend our deepest sympathy to Archie and Wanda Tsangarides on the passing of their daughter, Christie Tsangarides Hendrickson, on September 13, 2014. Christie passed after a long battle with leukemia. May her memory be eternal.  Αιωνία του η µνήµη. We extend our deepest sympathy to Pres. Barbara and her family on the falling asleep of her mother, Margaret Passaris, on September 27, 2014. May her memory be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη. On October 5 we held a 3-year memorial for Constance Batounis. May her memory be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη. We extend our deepest sympathy to Stacey Constantinou and her family on the falling asleep of her mother, Elizabeth Petrolias, on October 5,

2014. May her memory be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Father Nick Spirakis. Fr. Nick fell asleep in the lord on October 15, 2014. May his memory be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη. On October 19 we held a memorial for Pete Poulos, Angelis Haralambous, and Ekaterini Haralambous. May their memories be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Beebee Saffo. Beebee fell asleep in the Lord on October 18, 2014. May her memory be eternal. Αιωνία του η µνήµη With the Saints, give rest to the souls of Your servants, where there is no pain, sorrow, or suffering, but life eternal.

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014



2014 STE








p to 2013 S







End of Last Yr

Updated with actual giving

Total Stewards as o f 10/14/2014


Total Stewards as of 12/31/2013

178Total $ P


101%Total $ P


2014 Budget (goal)


2013 Budget (goal)


vg $ pledge per steward


Avg $ pledge per stew


% P

arish participation to date66%


Parish participation to date


of total goal91%


of total goal106%

Total Giving to date


Total Giving to date

$231,101Total G

iving as %age of P


Total Giving as %

age of Pledges

104%Total G

iving as %age of G


Total Giving as %

age of Goal


ilies who didn't pledge in 2013


ilies who didn't pledge in 2012

43** Includes 20 new


** Includes 21 new stew


ledged in 2012 and not 201367

Pledged in 2011 and not 2012


ledged in 2013 and not 201447


ber of families pledging > 2013



ber of families pledging > 2012



ber of families pledging < 2013



ber of families pledging < 2012



ber of families pledging = 2013



ber of families pledging = 2012



pledgers to 2014 vs. 201328


ew pledgers to 2013 vs 2012


2014 Pledge breakdown

2013 Pledge breakdow




















The rich man is

not one who has

much but one

who gives m


For what he gives

away rem

ains his forever.

St.  John  Chrysostom



St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


2014 Stewards as of October 14, 2014

Anagnost, Dr. John & Dr. Kathleen Jewel Anderson, Keith & Sally Angeledes, Angelo & Evelyn Andrews, Chris Andrews, Louis & Roula Athens, Damon Batis, John & Emily Balourdos, Karla Batounis, John & Nancy Bostic, Michael & Tina Bouboulis, Nikolaos Brewer, Nevin & Sophia Saffo Brilakis, Antony & Shirley Brown, Doug & Argie Burgee, John & Beth Burke, Aaron & Maria Calhoun, Cameron & Pam Chantiles, Katarina-Maria Chantiles, Stravros Cranidiotis, Chris & Joy Faulk Dandulakis, Gregory & Kimberly Demas, Ronald & Sharon Demetriou, Angelo & Emilee Diakogiannis, Ifiynia Diakogiannis, Yiani Dimopoulos, Pete & Katherine Dimova, Stanislav & Diana Dukas, Nota Efstathiadis, Efstathios & Aphrodite Emanuelson, Fr. Jon & Presbytera Barbara Faraclas, Pearl Flowers, Larry & Helen Fokakis, George Fragakis, John & Sophia Fragos, Evangelos & Olympia Franck, John Argie Gerry, Despina Hale, Pamela Mavros Haralambous, Irene Heggler, Charles & Copes, Sophie Jefferies, Phil & Irene Johns, Chris & Shannon Kaprantzas, Christos & Eleni

Karafas, Steve & Sarah Karonis, Yianni & Evyenia Katsaros, Constantine & Sharon Katris, Angelo & Anastasis Katris, Gus Katsikis, Basile & Koula Kefalas, Thalia Kiliaris, Leonidas & Eleni Kiliaris, Theodoros King, Lee & Doris Kirkby, Matthew & Melissa Koklanaris, Dena Koklanaris, Emmanuel & Lambra Koumparakis-Botbol, Elaine Kratsa, Perry Caleb & Anita Nagy Kruczko, Andrew Mark Lawler, Jessica Lazaridis, Nick & Nena Lionikis, Emmanuel & Athanasia Logothetis, Anestis & Constance Loizides, Michael & Theodora Macris, Georgia Malahais, Peter & Courtney Manolukas, Dr. Peter & Joan Margoles, Jaqueline Markatos, Aristea Marmaras, Georgia Marmaras, Mary Matyushyn, Oleksandr & Dotsenko, Viktoriya Mayorga, Ed & Kathleen Mayorga, Sia McGowan, Calvin & Diane McGrath, Ronald & Mary Papagerogiou McTaggart, Micaiah & Stella Miliotis, Emanuel & Mary Beth Nashed, Neemat Omirly, Roubini Papakidis, Maria Papanicolaou, Lambros & Niki Pappamihiel, Ruth Pathenos, Alexios Patsalos, Jimmy & Anna Pinkston, Anne

Pittman, Brian & Benjalee Porzio, Andrew & Alexia Poulos, Dena Poulos, Emanuel (Mike) Poulos, Jack & Danielle Poulos, John & Athena Poulos, Patricia Proukou, Theodore & Katherine Rallis, Michael & Debra Bakalis Rallis Reynolds, Rick & Barbara Ronner, Tom & Connie Saffo, Marian & Marika Saffo, Nick & Tia Saffo, Tony & Jamie Schaefer, Robert & Rena Simotas, Spiro & Joanne Skandalakis, Angelique Skandalakis, Kay Skinner-Darby, Patricia Sljaka, Sophie Snow, David & Daphne Spyropoulos, Maria Stasios, James & Maria Stephanou, George & Peggy Theodorpoulos, Alexandros & Pappamihiel, Eleni Theophilos, Plato & Renee Thomas, Robert & Florence Tracy, Ernest & Sophia Tracy, Joshua Tsangarides, Arthur & Wanda Tsingelis, Chris & Angia Vallianos, Stella Vavalette, Mary Ann Verikios, Mary Ellen Vogiatzis, anastasios Vogiatzis, Vasilios & Sotirou, Irene Voneiff, George & Irene Wall, Mary Ann Whitley, John & Helen Wickersham, Donald Ross Wiersteiner, Sam & Kyriaki Woods, William & Eleni Zaharis, Jason & Julie Zezefellis, Effie Zondos, Angel

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014



25  Children    


We  plan  to  support  the  homeless  teenagers  and  their  siblings  again  this  year.    Last  year  was  a  huge  success.    Thank  you  to  all  who  supported  this  wonderful  GOYA  project.    

We  will  provide  the  list  of  the  children,  their  clothing  sizes  and  other  items  in  November.    Our  goal  is  to  purchase  every  item  listed  therefore  you  may  want  to  share  a  child  with  others  or  provide  a  monitory  donation.    The  GOYANs  will  shop  and  wrap  for  those  who  are  not  adopted  with  monitory  donations  collected.  


Please  see  Tina  Bostic,  Irene  Vogiatzis,  Koula  Katsikis,  David  Snow  or  Mary  Beth  Miliotis  to  adopt  

a  child,  family  or  provide  monetary  donation.    

All  wrapped  gifts  are  due  by  Dec.  14th  

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014



Meal-packaging Event Saturday, December 13, 2015 St. Nicholas Hellenic Center

Were you aware that 25,000 people died each day due to starvation and hunger-related illnesses? STOP HUNGER NOW’s Mission states: “To end hunger in our lifetime by providing food and life-saving aid to the world's most vulnerable and by creating a global commitment to mobilize the necessary resources.” On Saturday, December 13th, in our Parish’s Hellenic Center, we will gather volunteers to package meals for the world’s most vulnerable. Our goal is to package 25,000 meals and we need your help! At a cost of 25 cents per meal, we’ll need to raise $6,250. You may ask: “How can I help?” You can help in three ways:

1.) Volunteer to help package meals on December 13 by signing-up in the Hellenic Center after Divine Liturgy on Sundays or by calling the church office.

2.) Donate money to help us reach our goal of $6,250. $100 will cover the cost of 400 meals $ 50 will cover the cost of 200 meals $ 25 will cover the cost of 100 meals

3.) Tell a family member or friend and ask them to help us reach our goals. This will be the sixth annual SHN meal-packaging event that our parishioners have volunteered to help. Last year we worked in a community-wide SHN meal-packaging event on the UNCW campus where three shifts of volunteers packaged over 280,000 meals. This year, our Parish will be hosting its third SHN meal packaging event in our Hellenic Center. Volunteers of all ages will work side-by-side to assemble, weigh, seal and box meals. This is a joint effort of Parishioners from St. Basil the Great Orthodox Church, our St. Nicholas Outreach & Evangelism Ministry, GOYA, and AHEPA-Cape Fear Chapter No. 408. Will you join us in this worthy effort? Irene Sotiriou Jim Stasios

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014


St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church November 2014




608 S. College Road, Wilmington, NC 28403



