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Christ the King SCHOOL 126 Dunrobin Road Warradale SA 5048 Phone 08 81983100

Out of School Hours Care

Phone: 1300 105 343 0452 247 971

Term 4 Issue 2 5th November 2021 IMPORTANT DATES

Dear Families and Friends of CTK,

CTK Pure Imagination

Last night’s concert was a joyous celebration of talent and happy

children. I am so proud of everyone and thoroughly enjoyed

watching the smiling faces and creative dance moves. It was so

wonderful to see so many of you and our community together

celebrating the children. The concert was a wonderful product

of organisation, team work and preparation. Our children were

shining stars. A big thank-you to Mr. Young and to all staff for

their dedication and preparation. Our staff act was so full of fun

and comradery. Thank-you to all parents who helped with

costumes and designs. Well done CTK, a wonderful night of

entertainment and fun for all.


Please note that the school is required to

comply with COVID safe practices and that school events may be cancelled at short notice

according to SA Health direction


15th –19th


Rec/1 Swimming Week

11th Nov Remembrance Day

17th Nov SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival

23rd Nov Feast Day Celebrations

24th Nov LTM Instrumental Concert 6pm

3rd Dec EOY MASS 9am

EOY Reports Go Home

6th Dec Whole School Transition

7th Dec Yr 6 Graduation Mass

8th Dec Last Day of Term 4 END OF YEAR

9th Dec Pupil free Day

10th Dec Pupil free Day


Athletics carnival

On Wednesday, we also had a group of students participate in the athletics carnival, they did very

well. A day like the Athletics Carnival can’t go ahead without the support of volunteers and helpers. I

thank all those who were involved in the carnival. Despite not running on time, the day was a success.

Well done to Mitchell Brook, Year 4 Age Champion. Also CTK, came Runner Up overall in the boys

section 6. The staff who attended have commended all the students on their teamwork, their man-

ners and their positive attitude to competition.

A special mention to Saoirse who volunteered to be one of the officials for the day . Saoirse was one

of the “results runner” while also participating in the day. One of the SACPSSA Officials mentioned

how well she represented Christ the King School.

An Inclusive Community

This week, we acknowledge that we are an inclusive community. We celebrated our first Friday of the

month mass at 9am in our Catholic Faith Tradition. Later in the day, we also acknowledged the festival

of Diwali. The students made Diyas and we acknowledged our families at CTK and others who

celebrate this festival.

COVID updates

I am pleased to let you know that we have easing of some COVID restrictions. Parents and Caregivers

will not need to wear masks while collecting or dropping off children. However, you will still need to

ensure that you socially distance in the yard and outside areas. Also, if you are entering any of our

school buildings you will need to wear a mask. Information regarding vaccination in primary schools

will be coming out in the near future and I will keep you posted with any information.

As we enter the busiest time of the year, let’s remember to look out for each other and think about

the words of Pope Francis: ‘’May his compassionate love touch our hearts and make us all true

missionary disciples”

Peace and Blessings to all of you.

Helena Card


Christ the King School To Flourish To Grow


This week we gather to share our gifts and talents in our biennial school concerts. On the following morning we will share our monthly mass together. At both events we will sing and sing loudly. Singing is an important tenant of Christian worship. Christians pray together or alone. The words may

be spoken out loud, whispered, or shared in thought. God always hears our prayers. When we sing songs, we give praise to God and thanks for the many blessings shared with us. When our voices are lifted in song, we are showing reverence and love for the Lord (Colossians 3:16). Perhaps you have favourite songs. Have you researched the story behind each song? Why did the author write those particular words? What was happening in the life of the author of the song? Some songs have different versions sung by different people. Have you ever been affected emotionally by listening to a song? The book of Psalms is filled with words of worship and praise. Also, there are words of lament. The Psalms are often referred to as a book of poetry written over many years. Music has also been known to have a positive effect on the brain. Listening to praise and worship songs can encourage and comfort and is often used to relax the mind and body. Think how a favourite song on the radio can ease a long day, hearing a Christmas carol can transport you back to childhood or a wonderful holiday spot. Also, a song can bring sadness or reflection as it reminds you of someone no longer here, a lost love or experience. As Christians we acknowledge the power of music and the sung word and incorporate it in our masses, liturgies and prayer. CHRISTMAS CAROLS The Brighton Catholic Parish is holding a Christmas Carols Sing Along on Sunday 5 December, from 5pm onwards, in the garden area outside the Activity hall. The Parish extends a warm invitation to the whole community to volunteer as a musician or singer. If you would like to participate in the Sing Along, please con-tact James directly at by November 5, 2021. Once we have our musicians and singers, we will have a couple of rehearsals. Please consider being part of this special event.



We shared some very special masses and prayer services at Christ the King and we warmly encourage family and friends to join us in these prayer. However due to current Social Distancing requirements we are unable to have any family and friends join us at this time. We will continue to hold monthly masses , weekly Advent prayer from Wk 6 and look forward to our upcoming Feast Day. However we will rely on our students to share with you their prayer and reflection when they return home. May we pray for the lifting of restrictions soon so we can gather in prayer again.


Sacred Heart Vigil Tickets December 24th 7pm

Does your family attend the Christmas Vigil at Sacred Heart Senior? Due to Social distancing restrictions the numbers able to attend are just over half the usual seats available. An online booking system will be used this year to book free tickets to help maintain numbers. Keep an eye out in future newsletters and the school’s Facebook site for the link to the online site.

Teresa Pascoe

(Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission)

END OF YEAR- Library Returns We have a wonderfully stocked Library but each year that stock needs a count, thinning and resort. To be able to do this we close the Library for borrowing at the end of Week 6 Term 4. The Library will still be open for before school and lunchtime reading and activities, we just

don’t have borrowing. We ask that all picture books, non-fiction books and novels are returned to school by the end of Week 6 (19th November). Teresa Pascoe Teacher/Librarian

Christ the King SCHOOL 126 Dunrobin Road Warradale SA 5048 Phone 08 81983100

Out of School Hours Care

Phone: 1300 105 343 0452 247 971



Wow what a magical night!! Our school was shining so bright on stage at the Capri theatre on Thursday night. How wonderful it is to celebrate as a community with music, dance, song and colour! What a performance from all our students who danced, sang and performed like real stars! Thank you to the concert committee for their hard work. A big thank you to CTK staff for getting right into

the spirit of the concert! How about the Shrekettes! Thank you to Kate Mainprize and Louise Durrans

for their choreography skills. Thank you to all our wonderful staff, volunteers and families for all your help, encouraging and preparing the children who made the night such a wonderful event. Matt Young Music Coordinator


Well done CTK stars!!!



The final issue for the year will be coming home soon and it is loaded with incredible Christmas Books,

gift ideas and summer reading for all ages and interests. Closing soon.

Our School Banking program was established in 1931 at a time when having a bank account was not commonplace, and since then we have helped more than 15

million Australians take their first financial steps.

For 90 years, our School Banking program has helped children learn about money, reinforced the importance of regular savings and provided structure for parents

to support their children to save.

Support is strong from schools, principals and volunteers who choose to run the program, however you may be aware that in past months, a number of state and

territory governments have announced bans on banks delivering programs in their schools, and the NSW Government announced a similar decision today, because

of a report from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

We are disappointed with the position taken by ASIC and subsequent decisions by some state and territory governments to take the choice to participate away from

individual schools and parents. Because of the ASIC review and these government decisions, we are unable to continue providing programs in schools and we have

had to make a difficult decision to close our School Banking program nationally.

As a result, the CommBank School Banking program will not be returning to schools beyond 2021.

While our in-school program will close, we are committed to supporting financial wellbeing, and will always provide financial education to young Australians. We

have launched a new CommBank Youth Hub, which brings together all our youth financial education resources for parents and teachers. This includes a range of

free resources including lesson plans, videos ad worksheets from our curriculum-aligned financial education program, Start Smart.

Thank you sincerely for your support of our program. It has been invaluable and has helped many Australian children learn the importance of saving.

Warm regards,

Veronica Howarth

Head of School Banking



Matilda ,Madi and Issy all started playing basketball at CTK in the Out of Hours School Program for two years.

This year they joined the Sturt District Basketball Club while still playing school basketball.

Congratulations and well done to Matilda, Madi , Issy and Chloe on winning their first Basketball SA U10 Grand final last Sunday.

Di Fulwood Out of Hours Sport Coordinator

Congratulations to Matthew and Christopher won the SA and National film in the Rocketeers Film Festival run by Camp Australia... out of 577 movies submitted nationally. They've won free movies for a year for their efforts.

You can watch their film "Bolt In One" in the recording of the festival - at 28min 40 sec mark here


A reminder that your 2021 school fees must be finalised by

15th November 2021 unless an agreed Direct Debit or Credit

Card payment plan is in place.

Fees not paid by the due date will be referred to our Debt

Collection Agency (Mercantile Credit Management) unless prior

arrangements have been made with the Principal.

Payment methods include:

• BPay – reference numbers are printed on the bottom of your statement

• EFT – bank details are on the bottom on your statement –

please use reference number quoted on your statement

• QKR! App – payments can be made either as one payment or regular payments throughout the year via the

school fees tab

Cash or EFTPOS at the front office.

A statement of your CTK school fees was sent home on 14th October 2021 with your eldest CTK child.


Fee Payment Agreement Forms along with Sibling Discount Forms for 2022 have been sent home this

week for completion. Please return these forms for processing prior to Friday, 26th November 2021.

If you have any queries in relation to your account or any of the above, please email me on or call 8198 3100.

Many thanks,

Niamh McKeough

Finance Officer

The Uniform Shop is now open for you to visit .

Opening hours:

Tuesday 2:30—3:30pm

Friday 8:30—9:30pm

You can also order uniforms outside of these hours online at:

A order form with the price list is available at the Front Office and on the website.


$1 Ice blocks in the Café

Tuesday Lunchtime

Seahorse Café online lunch or-ders via QKR every Monday &

School Banking

Every Tuesday morning until the end of 2021


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun

Week 1



1st Day of

Term 4

12 13


New Reception





2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—10.45am


Week 2


18 19 20 21


2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—10.45am


Week 3


25 26 27



2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—10.45am

P&F Crazy Sock Day—gold

coin donation


Week 4


1 2 3





Concert Rehearsal

1.30 pickup CTK

Concert Capri 6.30pm Start


2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—10.45am

MASS 9:00am


Week 5


8 9 10 11




2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—11.30am


Week 6


15 16 17




18 19

2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—11.30am


Week 7


22 23

Feast Day MASS

& Celebrations





25 26

2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—11.30am


Week 8



29 30 1 2 3

2022 Reception Transition

visit 8.45am—11.30am

MASS 9:00am

End of Year Reports Go



Week 9



Whole School



Graduation Mass


Last Day of

Term 4


Pupil Free Day


Pupil Free Day

