Numer fort osteo ornith polis fus ego spir dia acr acro culp derm zo per Pac brev necro urb pugn...


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Coronado Elementary SchoolWord Stems List 8aGrade 6Numer fort osteo ornith polis fus

ego spir dia acr acro culp derm zo perPac brev necro urb pugn ecto plasto

Agog cle il

Some people play the lottery playing their favorite numbers.

Jay Leno owns numerous cars.

Numerology – the study of numbers and how they effect people’s lives.

Numer = Number

Do you build forts out of blankets?

Cereal is usually fortified with vitamins & minerals.

Someone has fortitude if they are persistent and show strength in difficult times.


OSTEO = BONEOsteopathy focuses on treating & strengthening the muscular skeletal framework.

Osteoarthritis – the most common form of arthritis that causes the bones to rub together.

Osteoporosis – makes people’s bones brittle and fragile.

Ornithology – The study of birds

Ichthyornis A prehistoric toothed bird, similar to a gull, that lived during the Cretaceous period; literally, a “fish-bird”



Polis – a city-state in ancient Greece

Megalopolis – a chain of roughly adjacent metropolitan areas.

There is a policy of no fighting in school


Have you ever had a blood transfusion.

My nephew, Zack, uses an infusion pump for insulin.

Fusillade - a series of shots fired or missiles thrown all at the same time or in quick succession


EGO = IAn egomaniac is narcissistic or Has an obsessive preoccupation With one’s self.

Egotistical – People who are egotistical often alienate those around them.

Egocentric and Egotist

The respiratory system is responsible for our breathing.

Dogs can’t perspire but people can.

Do you inspire people?


Draw a diagonal line in the square.

Do you write dialogue in your stories?

How do you determine the diameter of a circle?


ACR = SHARPAn acrid smell is a sharp, stinging & biting

The speaker attacked his enemy with great acrimony.(sharpness / harshness)

The Hatfield’s & McCoy’s were involvedin an acrimonious feud.

ACRO = HIGHI could never be an acrobat sinceI don’t like heights!

Acrophobia is a fear of heights

ACROPOLIS - The citadel or high fortified area of an ancient Greek city.

CULP = BLAMEDid the police capture the culprit?

If you are culpable , then you are responsible or able to be blamed.

Exculpate – to declare someone is not guilty of wrongdoing.

DERM = SKINWhat is your body’s largest organ?The epidermis

A dermatologist might remove suspicious moles from your


A hypodermic needle goesunder the skin.

ZO = ANIMALHave you been to the Phoenix Zoo?

Protozoa is unicellular protist with animal-like behavior.

The Mesozoic Period is known as the reptile era.

PER = THROUGHPerception is reality.

Perforation - a hole made by boring or piercing

Percolate – A coffee machine will percolate when the water starts going through the filter.

PAC = PEACEA pacifist would say, “Make Peace not War.”

The Pacific Ocean is a calm, peaceful ocean.

All three of our children used a pacifieras babies to calm them when they wereupset.

BREV = SHORTWhen mailing letters, all statesare abbreviated w/ two letters.

If you are curt, then you are brief to the point of being rude.

Several famous poets have discussed the brevity of human life in their works.

NECRO = DEATHIf you have necrophobia thenyou are afraid of death.

Necropolis is the city of the dead; a name given by the ancients to their cemeteries.

Necrology - a register of deaths; a collection of obituary notices

Gilbert is a suburb of Phoenix.

Have you ever gone to Urban Outfitters?

When I grew up, I lived in a rural part of Virginia not an urban area of the state.


PUGN = FIGHTAn aggressive person might bepugnacious or inclined to fight.

If something is repugnant, it is offensive.

To impugn means to attack by words or arguments

Ecto = outerEctoderm is the outer skin.

The outer layer of protoplasm in a vegetable cell is ectoplasm.

Ectopic is out of place.

Common items made out of plastic include: shampoo bottles, video game controllers, & your telephone

Rhinoplasty is surgery to reshape the nose.

Artists use plaster for molding their artistic works.

Plasto = molded

Agog = leaderA demagogue is a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

A pedagogue is a teacher

Synagogue the building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious worship and instruction

Cle = small

A molecule can only be seen with aspecialized microscope since it is so


Corpuscles are small circumscribed multicellular bodies

Grains of sands are miniscule.

It is illegal to speed.

If someone is illiterate, then they can not read and write.

If something is illogical, it doesn’t make sense.

