Numerical solution of ODEs - Budapest University of


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Numerical solution of ODEs

Péter Nagy, Csaba Hős


Table of contents

Numerical solution of ODEs


Introduction to Matlab programming

Solution of an initial value problem (IVP)

Solution of a boundary value problem (BVP)


Numerical solution of ODEs


The homework and these slides will be available on:


Only the source code and the plots have to be archived and submitted to as

The subject has to be „DENUM NC Name”.

The deadline is the end of 12th week.

Programming language:

Matlab preferred, otherwise personal submission with own laptop is necessary

Free alternatives: Octave, Freemat, Scilab

Introduction to Matlab programming

Numerical solution of ODEs

MATLAB (matrix laboratory) is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment

File explorer

Menu Command


Workspace Text editor

Current folder ! Errors,


Useful commands 1.

Numerical solution of ODEs

Type stg. + Tab key -> autocomplete

F1 key over a function -> Help+description+syntax

; at the end of a command -> the output is not written to the command window

clc -> Clear command window

clear all -> Delete variables

close all -> close figures

Avoid overwriting predefined functions and variables (F1 or Tab)!!!

Predefined variables: pi, i-imaginary unit, exp(1) – Euler number

function output = name(var1, var2)

global var1 var2 -> define global variables, subfunctions can read them

[x1, x2, x3] -> generates a row vector

[x1; x2; x3] -> generates a column vector

A’ -> the transpose of A (A can be a matrix or a vector)

Useful commands 2

Numerical solution of ODEs

{.+ .- .* ./} -> calculate {+ - * /} element by element

Defining vectors • linspace(a, b, n) -> generates linearly spaced vectors between a and b, n is the

number of elements

• a:b generates linearly spaced vectors between a and b, increment is 1

• a:deltax:b generates linearly spaced vectors between a and b, increment is deltax

v(i) -> the ith element of the vector

A(i,j) -> the element of a matrix in the row i and column j

A(i,:) -> the ith row of a matrix ; A(:,j) -> the jth column of a matrix


for i=1:num_steps

%code %comment


while (statement)

%code %comment


Useful commands 3

Numerical solution of ODEs

Define functions f(x,y) = Expression can be defined in Matlab

f=@(x,y) Expression; -> for simple expression (eg. ODES)


function output = f (x,y)

output=Expression; -> for longer, more complex calculation (eg. solver)


Important functions [t, y]=ode45(@(t,y) f(y,t) , t0, x0) -> solve ODE (f(y,t)); initial time: t0 ;initial condition x0

fminsearch=(@(y) f(y, var1, var2) , y0) -> minimize f(y), the initial guess is y0

Measure computation time (t)



toc (or t=toc)

Useful commands 4

Numerical solution of ODEs

Visualization figure(i) -> generates an empty figure, (i is an integer)

subplot(n, m, i) -> generates sub figures, n: number of rows, m: num. of columns,

i: is the active subplot

plot(x,y) -> plot points; x and y are vectors, further possibilities-> F1

in the case of multiple plots plot(x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3), where xi,yi are vectors

title('Title') -> generates title

legend('Title') -> generates title

xlabel('label of x axis'), ylabel('label of y axis'), xlim([xmin xmax]), ylim([ymin ymax])

saveas(figure(i), 'name.png') -> save figure(i) as name.png

Numerical solution of ODEs

Solution of an IVP

Transcript the differential equation

Numerical solution of ODEs

The ODE is given

1. If the ODE is higher order transform to first order ODE System


In matrix form:

0 0x t cx t s x t g x t 0 0, ; x =x ; x =x

1 2 2x : y x : y x : y; ;

2 2 1

2 2 1

y t c y t sy t g x t

y t cy t sy t g x t



1 2y x y=

0t (0)= , ; y f y y y



2 0

00 1t (0)

g y ts c

x= , ;

, x

y y + f y y y


1 2y y= ;y


Numerical solution of ODEs

In the case of Van der Pool oscillator

Implemented as „VdP_rhs(t,y)” in „ExpImplEu_VanDerPol_new.m”


0 0


2 1 2 1


2 1 2 1

1 2

x 1 x x x 0 0 0

y 1 y y y 0

y 1 y y y

y y

; x =x ; x =x

Explicit Euler method

Numerical solution of ODEs

2. Select a solver

– Explicit Euler method

Implemented as

n 1 n n ndt t, y y f y

Implicit Euler method

Numerical solution of ODEs

– Implicit Euler method

Try to minimize the expression

Implemented as

n 1 n n 1 n 1

n n 1 n 1 n 1

dt t

dt t 0



y y f y

y f y y

n 1 n n 1 n 1 n 1dt t 0r , y = y f y y

Numerical solution of ODEs


Adaptive timestep

Numerical solution of ODEs

Problem: Large timestep -> accuracy, stability problems

Small timestep -> computationally expensive (=slow)


1. Predict the local error -> 2. hold between given limits

1. Prediction of the local error

Calculate one step in two different ways with different accuracy

(but with the same scheme!)

The accuracy can be changed: – the order of the scheme is changed (ode45)

– Solve the problem with different stepsize. First, in one step with dt, then in two steps with dt/2

Adaptive timestep

Numerical solution of ODEs

The error:

Hold the error between limits

If the estimated error is too large do not store the results

decrease the timestep

Else store the results

If the est. error is too small increase the timestep


n 1


n 1

the less accurate result

the more accurate result



2 1

n 1 n 1e = y y

min max,


new olddt rdt r <1



Adaptive timestep

Numerical solution of ODEs

Implemented as:

Accuracy of solvers

Numerical solution of ODEs

The problem:

x t x t 3 2t 0 2 0 1sin ; x = ; x =

2 1y t y t 3 2tsin

1 2y x y=





Analytical solution:

x t t 2 t 2tsin cos sin

Accuracy of solvers

Numerical solution of ODEs

Accuracy of solvers

Numerical solution of ODEs

Boundary value problem

Numerical solution of ODEs

x t v

y t g

x t 0 0

y t 0 0

y x 1 0


x t vt 0

y t x v 0

y t 0



BVP-Shooting method

Numerical solution of ODEs

y t g

y t 0 0

y t 0

1D : y t x v/

D 0 Solve

Implemented as:

BVP-Finite differences

Numerical solution of ODEs

y t g

y t 0 0

y t 1 v 0/

i 1 i i 1


i 1 i i 1



i 1 i i 1

y 2y yy t


y 2y yg


y 2y y t g




n 2

n 1

y2 1 1

y1 2 1

t g

y1 2 1 1

y1 2 1

BVP-Finite differences

Numerical solution of ODEs

Numerical solution of ODEs

Thank you for your attention!
