Nursing January 2019 1401 19th St. President'sNewsletter ... newsletter 3-01.pdfseven-day trip...


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Volume 3, NO. 1-Jan 10th, 2019

Denver College of Nursing 1401 19th St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 292-0015

January 2019

President's NewsletterWelcome to the Winter Term 2019! I hope everyone enjoyed their break over the holidays. We have 98 new students who have started classes with us this term. Best wishes for a great 2019!

As a result of students expressing their desire for healthier food options from our vending machines we have looked into several choices to find healthier alternatives. We have identified a new vendor but need your input before moving forward.

Currently we are putting together a survey to find out your opinions on the possible new options. Please keep a look out for an email that will include information about the new vendor and a link to take the short survey thru Survey Monkey. Your feedback is important because the new vending system will allow for healthier selections such as sandwiches and breakfast foods, but particular items such as beverages and candy will increase slightly in price while other items like chips will decrease in price.

Further detailed information will be made available at SNA meetings and posted near the current vending machines. This is a big change that we only want to make if students will be satisfied with the new alternatives so please take the time to complete the survey and provide your feedback.


Students it is required that you please have your badge on you at

all times while on campus. If you do not have your badge you

will have to sign in with the front desk.

Winter 2019 SNA Meeting Schedule

Week 3- Jan. 15th 11:00 AM- Class A Week 4- Jan. 22nd 11:00 AM- Class A

Jan. 24th 11:00 AM-Class A Week 6- Feb 6th 11:00 AM- Class A Feb. 7th 11:00 AM- Class A Week 8- Feb. 20th 11:00 AM- Class A Week 10- March 4th 11:00 AM- LRC

All Students, Staff and Faculty Welcome!

Visit to sign up for SNA!

Want to Join SNA?

You only need 6 hours of service, 6 social credits, 6

meeting credits before graduation!

Contact Mike Ruschival, SNA Staff Support

MRuschival@denverschoolofnursing. edu


Denver College of Nursing has some fantastic student tutors

available to help get you closer to your goals!

Free Tutoring is Available in the Following Courses:

Pathophysiology: Kevin Milner

Health Assessment: Lorna Hill Med Surg I: Laura Arndt Med Surg II: Lisa Dodge

To set up a tutoring session contact the tutor via the

email address listed above.

NEED A JOB? DCN is currently hiring for a tutor

in Pharmacology/Dosage Calc. through the federal work study

program. As a tutor you can work up to 20 hours per week

and earn $13 an hour. This service is provided on campus only and begins Winter 2018

Quarter. Eligible applicants must qualify for through the Financial

Aid Office. If you are interested in the positon, please contact the

Geri Reichmuth at: GReichmuth@denvercollegeofnursing.


Career Services:

Denver College of Nursing (DCN) has award-winning staff to help you throughout your experience as a student, and beyond. As the Director of Career Services, Melissa Espinoza, constantly strive to create opportunities for DCN students. Swing by her office in the annex for help with your resume, cover letter, interview skills, and the newest opportunities available to students and graduates all over the state! This spring there are several SNA meetings to help you connect with Centura Health, UCHealth and more! Watch for e-mails via your student account for more information. Capitalize on this spring career fair (see below) to network in Denver!

Global Health Perspective Program & Peru

Denver College of Nursing (DCN) students and a DCN faculty member traveled to Peru over the most recent break to provide healthcare and education to several communities. Sue Hammerton led students Carla Garcia, Janae Hixson, Michelle Nguyen, and Taylor Rockaway on a seven-day trip to Huancayo, Aco, Uñas and other neighboring communities.

The school’s Global Health Perspectives program (GHP) partnered with the Foundation of International Medical Relief for Children (FIMRC), a non-profit organization committed to bringing improved healthcare to communities in the developing world. FIMRC has roots in the area and provides services, education, and support aimed to serve the greatest needs of the communities. They also empower local individuals who have participated, and benefited from previous projects to reach out from inside their own community to recruit others who may also benefit from services. Members from prior groups also become leaders for the future to ensure program sustainability.

The students assisted with anemia screening, baby showers, growth charting, blood glucose screening, blood pressure education, rapid syphilis and HIV testing. Students, and faculty sponsor Sue Hammerton, also provided valuable education concerning partner violence as well as mother-baby bonding and postpartum care. DCN students demonstrated positive interactions with new babies and educated new mothers who are breastfeeding about techniques and nutrition. In conjunction with rapid HIV and syphilis testing, there was also education regarding the prevention of pregnancy, and disease transmission. In addition to serving the needs of the local communities, the students had rotations in a local operating room, a suture clinic, and attended educational sessions regarding traditional Peruvian medicine.

Students describe the trip as an "incredible learning experience”. “I was able to interact with the children without being caught up in the specific steps of the procedure that I was doing." (Carla Garcia). Michelle Nguyen observed the importance of learning the local culture and healthcare systems in order to provide the best care. Janae Hixson appreciated "working side by side with people that were passionate about helping others". The volunteer hours accumulated on these trips can suffice for certain clinical credits, but the experience may be one of even greater depth of learning and understanding.

Denver College of Nursing's Global Health Perspective program focuses on student development in global health settings around the world by combining classroom training with in-field service learning internships. GHP partners with non-profits to promote its mission of healthcare education and sustainability in challenging national and international environments.

Want to Join GHP?

BSN students need two quarters of full participation to travel abroad and earn clinical credit, and three quarters to get cords at graduation. ADN students need two quarters of full participation to travel abroad and two quarters to graduate

with cords. Full participation is six hours of community service divided between two

different locations and one meeting per quarter.

Contact THaskell@

Attention Quarter 3, 4 or 5 students!!

It is that time again to apply for Global Health Internships for June 2019. If you have 2 active quarters as a GHP member you can apply if you are in quarter 3, 4 or 5 for the trip

to be completed after either your 4, 5 or 6 quarters. The internships being offered during the June Break are to Cambodia and Ecuador! Please do not let the price be intimidating as tools are offered to help you fundraise. These internships are life changing! They offer

exposure to cultures you do not get in a normal school clinical.

Please email: with any questions about applications. Tara can work with you on how to make it happen! Chat with her if you are

interested but not sure.