


North Valley Bulletin

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Announcements __________________________________________________________________ Membership Transfer:

First reading for Brett Allen Young from the North Valley SDA Church to

the Buena Vista SDA church in Buena Vista VA.


The Social Committee is planning a game night and bake sale on March

24th. Bring your favorite game, or just come out and join in on someone

else’s. The bake sale will be raising funds for future social committee

events in 2013. Mark your calendars and plan to come.


Small Group Fellowship. If you are not currently involved with a small

group of believers for Bible study, prayer, and community, then consider

joining one. Or better yet, start a new one. Currently there are two small

groups meeting from North Valley. The Ewalds host a group in their home

on the 2nd

and 4th Sabbaths after church. The Pates host a group in their

home on Friday evenings. Call the Ewalds or Pates for more information.


The Three Angels Chorale will be doing a special concert for us here at

North Valley today at 4:00pm. Come out and be blessed by this talented

group from Hartland. Bring a friend


The time has come for VBS planning already! The VBS team is already

working on stories, crafts, games, and food ideas. If you would like to be a

part of this group please contact Summer or Edith. We are in need of

volunteers in most all areas. Also, if you would like to contribute in a

financial way just mark your tithe envelope with your donation “VBS”.


Bulletin information notice! Please submit all bulletin information to

Summer Pate no later than 10pm on Wednesday. Information not sent by

this time will unfortunately be too late for printing


Today’s offering goes to the Adventist World Budget, specifically radio

ministries. They offer broadcasts in 72 countries where often missionaries

are not allowed. What an awesome way to evangelize countries with strong

government restrictions, cultural opposition and illiteracy.


Thought for the Week:

“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the

hunger for bread.” ~ Mother Teresa

Intermission Service-

10:45-10:50 Announcements

10:50-11:05 Mission Sonlight

The Church at Worship 11:05 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Presiding Elder Rick Cooper

Invocation Pastor Ruben Ramos

Welcome Elder Rick Cooper

▲ Opening Hymn

“Come Christians Join to Sing” #10

Tithes and Offerings Elder Rick Cooper

▼ Garden of Prayer Sidney Cooper

Lamb’s Offering and Children’s Story

Special Music Deb Cobb

Scripture Reading Clint Moats

Ephesians 5:15-17

Sermon Pastor Ruben Ramos

“Stewardship 101: Time”

▲ Closing Hymn

“God Whose Giving Knows No Ending” #636

▲ Benediction Pastor Ruben Ramos ▲Indicates congregation is to stand ▼Indicates congregation is to kneel.

Organist: Judy Mullins Pianist: Denise Hollenbach

Mission Statement: The North Valley Seventh-Day

Adventist Church exists to grow healthy disciples for

Jesus Christ

Church Budget

Proposed Weekly $1,260.00

Proposed Monthly $5,040.00

Received March 2nd

$ 571.50

Received for Month $ 571.50

Contacts Pastor

Ruben Ramos (269) 697-3117 rubenr@pcsda.org

Local Elders James Pate (540) 483-9039 james_n_summer@juno.com

Rick Cooper (540) 580-3416 sidcoop@gmail.com

Fedly Prophete (540) 355-9075 mrmrsprophete2@yahoo.com

Martin Schneider (540) 334-2929 junemar58@gmail.com

Visit the North Valley updated website! We have a professionally designed site that includes church news, Bible study helps, our events calendar, and pages for the ministries and departments in our church. Go to: www.northvalleysdachurch.com

SUBMISSIONS TO THE BULLETIN Please send all submissions for the bulletin to Summer Pate no later than

10:00 p.m. on Wednesday prior to Sabbath. Send information to:

james_n_summer@juno.com, OR call 540-483-9039

North Valley

Seventh-Day Adventist Church

4700 North Ridge Lane Mail: P.O. Box 19098 Roanoke, VA 24019

(540)362-0200 www.northvalleysdachurch.com

March 9, 2013

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as

wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the

days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand

what the Lord's will is. Eph. 5:15-17 NIV

Sunset Times

Saturday, Mar. 9th

6:21 p.m.

Friday, Mar. 15th

6:26 p.m.

Saturday, Mar. 16th

6:27 p.m.