Objectives and Policies 1-12-1435




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To safeguard Islamic teachings and values, enhance national unity and

consolidate the Arab and Islamic identity of the Kingdom, through:

Maintaining Islamic teachings and values and consolidating the

Kingdom's identity:

1.1 Taking good care of the Holy Quran through printing and

publication, and promotion of the Quran memorization and


1.2 Consolidating efforts aimed at call to Allah and introduction of

Prophet Mohammed tradition (Sunnah) and Islamic values.

1.3 Taking good care of mosques and their maintenance.

1.4 Upgrading the standard of services provided to pilgrims, Umrah

performers and visitors.

1.5 Enhancing the Kingdom's role and position at the Arab, Islamic and

international levels.

1.6 Taking good care of classical Arabic language.

Consolidating national unity:

1.7 Enhancing comprehensive national security.

1.8 Inculcating values of citizenship and national belonging among all

segments of the society.

1.9 Deepening the concept of moderation and intellectual dialogue and

enhancing its role in addressing national issues.

1.10 Enhancing the principles of justice and equality and deepening

them among all groups of the society.

1.11 Protecting human rights and disseminating awareness about them in

the light of Islamic Sharia teachings and rules.




Enhancing economic diversification with its different dimensions,


Vertical Diversification:

2.1 Raising utilization rates of mineral resources, diversifying pertinent

activities and encouraging expansion in local production,

processing and manufacturing of mining raw materials.

2.2 Developing production and service activities, which have strong

linkages with oil and gas industries as well as upstream and

downstream activities that depend on oil and gas.

Horizontal Diversification:

2.3 Expanding production capacities of the industrial sector,

particularly in fields covered by the National Industrial Strategy.

2.4 Developing the services sector and increasing its contribution to

GDP with due emphasis on financial, tourism, transport,

engineering, communication and information technology (IT)


2.5 Diversifying economic activities in non-oil sectors with due

emphasis on high-productivity, and promising comparative

advantage activities.

2.6 Investing in projects related with diversification of energy sources.

2.7 Developing non-oil exports and increasing their contribution to the

total value of exports.

2.8 Encouraging local and foreign strategic partnerships to implement

investment projects which contribute to diversification of the

production base of the national economy.

2.9 Developing low-water-consuming agricultural products as well as

fishing activities.

Spatial Diversification:

2.10 Making use of the comparative advantages of the provinces in

boosting spatial diversification of economic activities along with


expansion in establishment of industrial zones and business and

technology incubators to improve utilization of these advantages.

THIRD OBJECTIVE: Transition to a knowledge-based economy and a knowledge society,


Dissemination of Knowledge:

3.1 expediting the approval of the national strategy for transition to a

knowledge society and its translation into five-year plans.

3.2 Disseminating the culture of a knowledge-based economy among

the society and enabling human resources to acquire and make use

of it.

3.3 Disseminating awareness of programs and mechanisms for building

a knowledge society through media and workshops.

3.4 Reducing knowledge gaps and digital divides among the Kingdom's

regions, and between the various segments of society.

Knowledge Utilization:

3.5 Utilizing the results of scientific research in addressing socio-

economic issues and transformation of knowledge into wealth.

3.6 Improving the knowledge content of goods and services produced

in the Kingdom.

3.7 Encouraging the private sector to invest in production of good and

services with high-knowledge content, and high-value added.

3.8 Enhancing the kingdom's regional and international standing with

respect to the knowledge-based economy and follow up its

performance indicators therein.

3.9 Encouraging the universities and companies to invest in research,

development and innovation fields along with ensuring

enforcement of intellectual property rights laws.

Knowledge Generation:

3.10 Enhancing science and technology system and strengthening its

linkage with all production and services sectors.

3.11 Encouraging applied studies and research, which contribute towards

knowledge society/economy.


3.12 Ensuring optimal utilization of communication and information

technology in all sectors particularly in education and training,

along with consolidating information infrastructure.

3.13 Developing knowledge capacities of national manpower in terms of

education, production and skills.

3.14 Arabization of science and technology and expansion of the Arabic

digital content.

Knowledge Management:

3.15 Preparing an adequate institutional and regulatory environment for

knowledge society and developing its management infrastructure.

3.16 Boosting the Kingdom's capacity in the management of knowledge

generation, its finance, transfer, investment and dissemination,

particularly in the government administrative apparatus.

3.17 Improving coordination between the various agencies and sectors in

completion of tasks related to transition to a knowledge society and

in addressing structural, organizational and institutional issues that

hinder joint integration and coordination.


To expand the absorptive capacity of the national economy and

enhance its growth, stability and competitiveness through:

Capital Absorption:

4.1 Developing a national strategy for Saudi and foreign investment

that ensures favorable and attractive environment.

4.2 Increasing funds allocated for infrastructure projects and directing

them towards removal of bottlenecks from the sectoral activities of

the economy.

4.3 Establishing venture capital funds to support investment in

emerging strategic projects.

4.4 Attracting and directing migrant capital to production sectors.


Market Absorptive Capacity and Regulation:

4.5 Enhancing and developing government procurement regulations to

contribute to supporting local products.

4.6 Finalizing implementation of the privatization strategy in

accordance with a specified schedule.

4.7 Enhancing the role of economic and industrial cities in investment

attraction and technology indigenization.

4.8 Developing capital market regulations and upgrading its efficiency

to attract national savings and direct them towards establishment of

new companies and elimination of speculation.

Technology Assimilation:

4.9 Directing national and foreign investments towards high

technology-content and high value-added sectors and encouraging

creativity and innovation.

4.10 Accelerating implementation of the National Industrial Strategy.


Raising the productivity of the national economy, through:

Human Resources (Labor) Productivity:

5.1 Developing internal and external efficiency of the education and

training system.

5.2 Upgrading the skills of human resources, and developing their

productive capacities, along with establishing positive work ethics,

and enabling them to deal efficiently with technological


5.3 Developing labor market mechanisms and regulations and wage

policies in a way that facilitates movement of labor between

companies and establishments, as well as between the public and

private sectors.

5.4 Reviewing expatriate labor recruitment policies, in line with the

objectives of the development plan, in a way that ensures their

integration with national labor both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Capital Productivity:


5.5 Supporting the companies to shift from non-skilled labor intensity to

capital and advanced technology intensity as well as skilled labor

intensity, and ensuring an environment that is conducive to this shift.

5.6 Facilitating the procedures for the establishment of companies and

their entry into the market, developing regulations for bankruptcy

and liquidation of insolvent companies in a way that ensures

consistency and smoothness of such processes, and safeguards the

rights of creditors.

Total Productivity:

5.7 Encouraging the SMEs to produce goods and services with high

knowledge content, and rely on national labor.

5.8 Encouraging the establishment of companies that can reap the

benefits of economies of scale and are capable of investing in

research, development and innovation activities and utilization of


5.9 Promoting the efficiency and capacity of legal and judicial

authorities to ensure accelerated settlement of disputes, enforcement

of rulings and commitment to concluded contracts and agreements.

5.10 Encouraging the SMEs to merge in order to increase their efficiency

and competitiveness at both internal and external levels.

5.11 Boosting competition in all economic activities through upgrading

efficiency of regulation and supervision agencies along with

developing their capabilities and supporting their autonomy.


Raising the value added of natural resources in the national economy,

diversifying their sources and ensuring their sustainability along with

protecting the environment and conserving the wildlife, through:

Oil and Mineral Resources:

6.1 Maximizing the value added of oil and gas resources in all uses and

production activities.

6.2 Enhancing mechanisms of conservation of oil resources and

rationalization of their use, including development and application

of criteria for programmed production from the oil fields as well as

efficient consumption of energy in all related sectors and activities.


6.3 Developing the use of renewable energy sources for production of

electricity, water desalination along with accelerating approval of

necessary regulations and mechanisms.

6.4 Encouraging manufacturing industries which depend on

hydrocarbon and mining raw materials.

Water Resources:

6.5 accelerating the approval of the National Water Strategy and

implementation of its comprehensive plan.

6.6 Increasing the use of reclaimed water for agricultural purposes.

6.7 Enhancing the mechanisms of rationalizing water consumption,

reducing the losses in production, transportation and distribution of

water; and enforcing the criteria pertaining to efficiency of water use

in all activities.

6.8 Protecting non-renewable water resources and ensuring their

availability in the long run to meet basic needs.

6.9 Enhancing renewable water resources through study of potentials

and developing additional surface and ground water storage


6.10 Developing an integrated desalination industry which uses

renewable energy sources and supporting it by advanced research


Resources Sustainability:

6.11 Reviewing the package of incentives provided by the state to ensure

their consistency with the objective of natural resources

conservation, elimination of their wastage and protection of

environment against pollution.

6.12 Expanding application of principles and standards related with

sustainable development in the management of natural resources.

6.13 Conducting a feasibility study for use of solid waste in generation of

thermal energy and electricity and water desalination.

Protection of the Environment:

6.14 Developing regulations related to the protection of the environment


against pollution, and enhancing pertinent mechanisms with a view

to improve waste management, reduce size of waste, raise recycling

rates and ensure safe disposal of waste.

6.15 Improving environmental health by reducing air pollutant emissions

from various transport sources, factories and other facilities.

6.16 Protecting the natural environment and wildlife, developing and

expanding the protected zones, enhancing mechanisms of protecting

land against desertification and overgrazing, and the coastal and

territorial water against pollution, as well as conserving bio-



Developing the SMEs Sector and increasing its contribution to GDP

and Saudization, through:

Organization and Management:

7.1 Accelerating the establishment of a specialized institutional entity to

take care of the SMEs, organize their activities, facilitate their

procedures, and follow up their performance.

7.2 Combating the phenomenon of concealment in the SMEs sector and

addressing its causes.

7.3 Encouraging the establishment of high knowledge-content SMEs

and ensuring their reliance on national labor.

7.4 Disseminating and enforcing governance criteria in the management

of SMEs.


7.5 Encouraging the establishment of specialized investment banks and

capital companies along with encouraging local banks and financial

institutions operating in the Kingdom to expand finance of SMEs.

7.6 Supporting SIDF's "Kafala" program and promoting its mechanisms

to realize its finance objectives.

7.7 Enhancing the level of coordination between specialized credit funds

and the various initiatives related to supporting SMEs.


Scientific and Technological Development:

7.8 Expanding the establishment of research centers and institutes

specialized in providing scientific, technological and administrative

support to SMEs.

7.9 Giving attention to education and training in the fields of SMEs

activities, and regulating their labor market.


Enhancing fiscal and monetary stability, through:

Fiscal and Monetary Dimension:

8.1 continuing with implementation of fiscal policies, which contribute

to fiscal stability, stimulate economic growth and support social


8.2 Improving efficiency of government expenditure and increasing the

portion allocated for enhancing capital assets.

8.3 Providing domestic liquidity in line with the real needs of the

national economy in a context free of inflationary pressures.

8.4 Increasing the non-oil revenues of the state.

8.5 Increasing private saving rates through creation of innovative

channels to attract and invest small savings in projects with high


8.6 Encouraging establishment of specialized investment banks and

prompting existing banks to expand financing for investment, and

employment-creating activities.

Structuring, Regulations and Legislations:

8.7 Restructuring government subsidies programs to improve their

efficiency of resource utilization and their efficacy in improving the

living standards of target groups.

8.8 developing, in a regular and smooth manner, legislations that

support financial stability.

8.9 Ensuring prompt enforcement of rulings in financial cases, in order

to enhance the credibility of financial transactions, and contribute to

reducing borrowing costs.



Increasing the contribution and productivity of the private sector in

order to achieve development objectives, through:

Achievement of Development Objectives:

9.1 Developing a regulatory framework to channel private sector

investments in line with development priorities.

9.2 establishing joint government and private sectors companies in areas

of national strategic priority with the aim of diversifying the

economic base.

9.3 Linking direct and indirect government support, provided to private

sector establishments, with the extent of their realization of

development objectives, particularly those related with employment,

diversification and technological content.

9.4 Increasing the level of local content in goods and services provided,

or implemented by the private sector for the government.

9.5 Enhancing the social responsibility of companies.


9.6 Enhancing the private sector's role in creating job opportunities for

the citizens.

9.7 allowing the private sector the necessary flexibility in selecting

national employees on the basis of efficiency and productivity


9.8 Encouraging the private sector to adopt a strategy for reduction of

expatriate labor.

9.9 Obliging private sector companies, which execute government

projects, to employ Saudi citizens while taking into account labor

efficiency criteria.

Investment Environment:

9.10 Removing the constraints impeding the private sector, particularly

SMEs, from investing in public services and utilities sector.


9.11 Continuing with improvement of investment climate and review of

regulations related with the private sector activities.

9.12 Establishing a national database on investment areas and

opportunities in various sectors, and making it accessible to the

private sector establishments.

9.13 Encouraging transformation of the family companies into joint stock




Ensuring optimal investment in population resources, raising the

standard of living and improving the quality of life of all segments of

society, through:

Standard of Living and Quality of Life:

10.1 Expediting the adoption of the National Social Development

Strategy and implementation of its programs and recommendations.

10.2 Upgrading efficiency of social services in line with international

standards, and facilitating access to such services.

10.3 Ensuring delivery of subsidies and assistance to eligible groups only.

10.4 Upgrading the level of services provided to persons with special

needs and facilitating their active participation in the various


10.5 Providing awareness programs regarding public health and proper

health practices.

10.6 Keeping inflation rates at lower levels to maintain incomes'

purchasing power.

10.7 Encouraging savings by citizens through adequate channels and


10.8 Encouraging voluntary work ethics and promoting social solidarity


Investment in Population Resources:


10.9 Expediting the approval and implementation of the "population

policy" and ensuring regular assessment thereof.

10.10 Achieving optimal population structure and minimizing internal

migration to cities.

10.11 Making optimal use of the "demographic window" to realize

development objectives.

10.12 Formulating adequate programs for development of the different

segments of society in light of the prevailing dependency rates.

10.13 Strengthening Saudi families ties and maintaining their values.

10.14 Developing the regulations and legislations that ensure the right of

the citizen and his family in case of disability and aging.

10.15 Encouraging research and studies related to demographic changes

and social phenomena.



Developing human resources, upgrading their productivity and

expanding their options in acquiring knowledge, skills and experience,


General Education:

11.1 Upgrading educational efficiency of teachers, especially their

knowledge capacities and skills.

11.2 Improving educational environment to become more attractive to the

young in a way that encourages them to pursue self-learning, critical

reading and acquiring different types of knowledge and skills.

11.3 Providing education and technology infrastructure in schools and

universities, expanding the use of modern means, and upgrading the

academic curricula in line with contemporary knowledge.

11.4 Expanding the programs of nursery and kindergarten and

encouraging the private sector to invest in this field.

11.5 Expanding the programs of adult education

11.6 Developing the curricula of science, mathematics, engineering and


11.7 Developing education and learning processes related to Arabic

language skills.

11.8 Developing school rules and regulations to ensure compliance with

the principles of fairness and competition, and to enhance internal


Higher Education:

11.9 Ensuring consistence between education outputs and the

requirements of the labor market.

11.10 Enhancing communication of scholarship students with the

government agencies and encouraging them to conduct research

and studies which address the developmental challenges in the

Kingdom and support them to transform the research findings

into applied projects and products.

11.11 Absorbing the graduates of scholarship programs and Saudi

universities into the labor market.

11.12 Enabling university students to acquire practical experience

through part-time work, cooperative training programs,


community service programs and voluntary projects.

11.13 Updating educational curricula to stimulate research and


11.14 Continuing the scholarship program, to the renowned

international universities, in specializations demanded by the

development plans and the labor market.

11.15 Granting administrative and financial autonomy to state-owned

universities and endorsing the new regulation of universities.

11.16 Enhancing the efficiency of higher education and expanding the

scope of academic assessment and accreditation.

11.17 Expanding graduate studies programs and establishing

specialized universities of science.

11.18 Enhancing the research role of universities in line with the future

needs of the society.

11.19 Developing programs to upgrade the capabilities of the faculty



11.20 Developing the national workforce training programs to keep

abreast of advanced knowledge and techniques and improving

their efficiency in different provinces.

11.21 Ensuring that trainees obtain certificates of practice from

industrial firms as a requirement for graduation from university

in order to reduce rates of dropout after graduation.

11.22 Expanding the programs of technical and vocational training to

cover all regions of the Kingdom.

11.23 Supporting and accelerating the specialized scientific and

professional centers and societies, and encouraging them to

participate in training and qualifying human resources.

TWELFTH OBJECTIVE: Improving the entrepreneurial, cognitive and physical capacities of the

youth to participate efficiently in the development process, through:

Planning and Guidance:

12.1 Speeding up the adoption of the "National Youth Strategy" and

converting it into five-year plans.


12.2 Conducting regular surveys to identify the needs and issues of

the youth, and ascertain the appropriateness of the services

provided to them.

12.3 Instilling the values of patriotism and citizenship in the youth to

motivate and encourage the spirit of volunteerism and

community participation.

12.4 Instilling the culture and ethics of work and excellence in the

youth to prepare them for leadership of the development process

in the future.

12.5 Enhancing the awareness of the youth and their families of the

importance of competitive entertainment and sport activities and

their positive impacts on the youth and society.

12.6 Enhancing the awareness of the youth of the dangers of drugs

and instilling the culture of addiction treatment and

psychological rehabilitation in the youth through developing

comprehensive solutions for the problem of drug abuse.

Science and Technology Pioneering:

12.7 Developing the pioneering capacities of the youth in scientific

applications and enhancing their effectiveness in knowledge

society by encouraging and expanding science and technology

clubs and competitions for the youth.

12.8 Establishing strategic partnerships with the business sector to

implement technical and vocational training programs for the


Physical Capacities:

12.9 Mainstreaming the culture of physical health among the youth.

12.10 Enhancing the capacities of the youth in athletic skills and

enabling them to compete at the local and international levels.

12.11 increasing the opportunities available for the youth to benefit

from athletic and entertainment facilities and services available

in schools, universities and clubs to ensure a safe, healthy life.



Empowering women and increasing their contribution to various

fields of development, through:

Social Empowerment:

13.1 Increasing the contribution of civil society institutions to the

efforts aimed at enhancing participation of women in the

development process.

13.2 Encouraging the establishment of female cooperative societies.

13.3 Increasing the participation of women in the specialized national

and international councils, organizations and committees.

Economic Empowerment:

13.4 Developing the supportive services and facilities required to

enable women play their economic and social roles.

13.5 Expanding the scope of women participation in economic

activities and providing more job opportunities for them in

various fields in order to absorb the large supply of female

workforce, and to ensure decent life for them.

13.6 Expanding the scope of suitable options available for women in

the scientific, technical and professional disciplines.

13.7 Retraining female graduates whose specializations do not match

with the needs of the labor market.

Administrative Empowerment:

13.8 Developing appropriate regulations to enhance the skills and

capacities of young Saudi women.

13.9 Reviewing and updating all rules and regulations pertaining to

working mothers.

13.10 Providing more care targeted to improving the health of women.

13.11 Providing the services which enable the woman to undertake her

work duties and responsibilities.

13.12 Providing opportunities to distinguished female cadres to occupy

managerial positions in government agencies and universities.



Enhancing the social safety networks and family and child care,


Social Safety:

14.1 Supporting social safety programs and activities and updating

relevant regulations.

14.2 Supporting and developing the programs and activities of the

social development centers.

14.3 Establishing an appropriate legislative and regulatory

environment to regulate the non-profit and charity sector (third

sector) and encourage its growth.

14.4 Supporting programs and activities of combatting domestic


14.5 Supporting volunteer and charitable works and enhancing their

efficiency to ensure more contribution to social development.

14.6 Enhancing the role of endowments in economic and social


Family and Childhood:

14.7 Providing more health services to mothers and children while

ensuring equitable distribution of such services among various


14.8 Improving the family environment for the residents of social care


14.9 Improving and expanding the coverage of family guidance.

14.10 Developing programs to address the issues of spinsterhood and

divorce and taking care of widows and divorcees.

14.11 Strengthening the values of family relationships.

14.12 Encouraging more foster families to take care of the orphans and

the disabled persons, and increasing the amount of support

provided to such families.

14.13 Providing high-quality home care for the sick and the elderly.

14.14 Encouraging private institutions to develop awareness programs,


combat domestic violence, and provide shelters for the affected



Providing adequate job opportunities for Saudis and reducing the rate

of unemployment, through:

Development of Workforce:

15.1 Deepening the culture and ethics of work and social values, and

promoting the concept of the citizen's participation in the

development process, and getting rid of the culture of shame in

doing work.

15.2 Developing the systems of education and training to provide the

practical skills required by the labor market.

15.3 Increasing the role of the private sector in the preparation and

implementation of training programs ending with employment.

15.4 Saudizing the jobs in all provinces, and developing mechanisms

for provision of job opportunities in line with the demographic

characteristics and academic qualifications, at the level of


15.5 Improving the efficiency of the mechanisms of identifying and

describing available jobs and the job seekers.

15.6 Effectuating the application of vocational test on expatriate labor.

Economic and Structural Development:

15.7 Taking the provision of jobs to Saudi citizens, into consideration,

in the process of structural reform of the economy.

15.8 Supporting the efforts of employing Saudi manpower in private

sector establishments.

15.9 Directing the support activities of the specialized credit funds

towards employment of Saudi citizens in the SMEs.

15.10 Encouraging free pioneering businesses, and facilitating their

establishment and funding.

15.11 Reviewing, on a regular basis, labor market mechanisms and

developing them to enhance the competitiveness of national



Organizational Development:

15.12 Establishing an integrated database on labor market at the

sectoral and provincial levels, and updating and publishing such

data on regular bases.

15.13 Developing the mechanisms of incentives and disincentives to

make the labor market more productive and capable of meeting

the requirements of a progressive economy.

15.14 Combating the phenomenon of concealment, addressing its

causes and enhancing coordination with the relevant agencies in

this regard.

15.15 Developing regulatory mechanisms to encourage telework


15.16 Developing the system of part-time work and mechanisms of its


15.17 Updating the regulations and rules which govern the relationship

between the employers and employees of the private sector.


Facilitating access of the citizens to suitable housing in accordance

with a variety of programs and options that meet demand, through:

Provision of Suitable Housing:

16.1 Expanding the government housing programs to cover all regions

of the Kingdom.

16.2 Increasing the supply of housing units and land plots and

developing regulations to control the phenomenon of vacant land

within the urban boundaries.

16.3 Encouraging construction of affordable housing units as well as

multi-story residential buildings.

16.4 Giving priority, in providing services and facilities, to the grant

land plans in all provinces.

16.5 Redeveloping the old neighborhoods and the slums.

16.6 Encouraging the private sector firms and the cooperative and

charitable societies, and the individual investors to participate in

supporting the activities of housing construction and market



16.7 Applying the Saudi Building Code on housing units.

16.8 Assuring the quality of building materials and ensuring their

compatibility to security and safety requirements.

Organization and Management:

16.9 Developing an integrated national housing system and preparing

the rules, regulations and policies related to the housing sector

and updating them on a regular basis.

16.10 Regulating the market of rental housing.

16.11 Developing regulations and mechanisms for the societies of

apartments and residential buildings owners.

16.12 Speeding up the adoption of real estate finance and mortgage

regulations to enable the citizens build housing units.

16.13 Establishing a housing information base for various regions of

the Kingdom.


Providing comprehensive, integrated, high-quality healthcare to all

people of the Kingdom, through:

Universality, Quality and Efficiency:

17.1 Improving the efficiency of emergency medical services and

bringing the response time to international standards.

17.2 Improving the control and supervisory services related to food,

medicines, and medical appliances.

17.3 Starting the application of cooperative health insurance in

accordance with the quality standards of the health services and

rationalization of costs.

17.4 Developing the skills of workforce and increasing the rate of

Saudization of health jobs.

17.5 Improving the performance efficiency of management and

operation systems and deepening the culture of institutional


17.6 Developing performance indicators for the health institutions and


workers to ensure optimal utilization of the available resources.

17.7 Supporting and improving the health services provided to the

special-needs groups.

17.8 Reviewing the regulations related with medical malfunctions and


17.9 Preparing a strategy to maintain safety in health facilities.

17.10 Enhancing the standards of licensing medical cadres.

17.11 Encouraging health establishments to obtain international


Provision and Accessibility:

17.12 Establishing more primary health care centers and specialized

curative services, and making them accessible to all.

17.13 Finding new sources of finance to support government finance

and contain costs.

17.14 Improving the quality of health services provided to children, the

aged and the disabled, and expanding home health care for the

aged and disabled persons.

17.15 Increasing the role of the private sector in provision of health

services and expanding the scope of medicines and medical

appliances manufacturing.

17.16 Enhancing the e-health system and the supporting information

systems, and expanding the scope of their use.

17.17 Developing the preventive and curative health services provided

to pilgrims and Omra performers and ensuring Haj seasons free

of diseases and epidemics.


Developing the cultural movement and upgrading the level of

information work, through:

Cultural Dimension:

18.1 Activating the cultural institutions in all fields.

18.2 Sponsoring creativity and creative individuals in the various

fields of science, literature and arts.

18.3 Supporting the activities of publishing, translation and


production of books, and enriching the public libraries with

various cultural outputs.

18.4 Adopting a comprehensive cultural policy that encourages the

habit of reading, and acquisition of books.

18.5 Establishing more public libraries and developing programs for

utilizing them more frequently.

18.6 Encouraging the private sector institutions to organize cultural

events and activities.

18.7 Organizing more cultural events, enhancing international

participation therein and promoting cultural exchange.

Information Dimension:

18.8 Designing a contemporary information strategy and developing a

media vision which is unique and creative.

18.9 Developing the information infrastructure in terms of facilities,

human resources and media production materials.

18.10 Producing high-quality, competitive audiovisual materials and

increasing the role of the private sector therein.

18.11 Keeping abreast of the developments in the audiovisual and new





Enhancing the process of institutional reform, supporting the civil

society institutions, and raising the efficiency and productivity of the

government bodies and employees, through:

Structural Reform:

19.1 Developing the work mechanisms of the government supervisory

agencies to enhance the development process.

19.2 Developing the organizational structures, and adopting quality

systems in government bodies.

19.3 Ensuring integration and coordination between the sectoral

strategies and the development directions.

19.4 Enhancing the mechanisms of regulations enforcement and


ensuring respect of such regulations at all levels.

19.5 Enhancing the efficacy of the role of civil society institutions in

the various fields of development.

Laws and Regulations:

19.6 Updating the civil service regulation to ensure efficiency of

employment process, assessing the performance of the

employees, and encouraging them to raise the level of


19.7 Reviewing the legislations, regulations and rules which enhance

the institutional reform.

19.8 Enhancing the use of e-transaction techniques in the public sector


Performance of Government Bodies:

19.9 Raising the efficiency and productivity levels of the government

employees by adopting performance indicators.

19.10 Improving the capacities of planning and follow up divisions at

government agencies.

19.11 Preparing manuals explaining the regulations and work

procedures of government agencies, and how to implement them


19.12 Enhancing the role of the "Government Agencies Performance

Measurement Center" to improve the quality of services provided

by the government agencies.


Improving the efficiency of implementing the development programs

and projects and developing the mechanisms of follow up of their

implementation and maintenance, through:

Quality of Implementation:

20.1 Developing appropriate criteria for measurement of progress in

achieving the objectives of the development plans.

20.2 Developing mechanisms to measure efficiency of performance of

the development programs and projects.

20.3 Reviewing and assessing the rules and regulations of government


tenders and procurements to ensure implementation of projects

according to the best specifications.

20.4 Reviewing the criteria of contractors classification to ensure

efficient implementation of projects.

Mechanisms of Implementation:

20.5 Linking budget allocations with the objectives and priorities

approved in the development plan.

20.6 Developing the mechanisms of projects awarding and


20.7 Enhancing the process of supervision and control on government


20.8 Developing the e-transactions systems to support the preparation

of development plans, and ensure good, quantitative and

qualitative, implementation of the programs and projects and

achievement of their intended developmental impacts.

Operation and Maintenance:

20.9 Developing the mechanisms and programs of operation and

maintenance to ensure the quality of goods and services and to

reduce costs.

20.10 Applying the "Project Life Cycle" approach when preparing the

government projects, which incorporates the requirements and

costs of operation and maintenance.

20.11 Improving the "operation and maintenance" contracts so they rely

on performance indicators without predetermination of the size

of required employment.


Improving the efficiency of public services and facilities provided to

people and increasing their availability in all regions, through:

Urban and Service Planning:

21.1 Developing and adopting an integrated set of urban planning.

21.2 Achieving universal coverage of public services and facilities in

the development corridors and centers in line with the National

Spatial Strategy.


21.3 Taking into consideration the requirements of the special-needs

groups in the public services and facilities.

21.4 Ensuring abidance of providers of the public services by the

quality and performance standards.

21.5 Developing the services which contribute to urban development,

including the judicial services, and improving their quality and

efficiency, and spreading them in all regions of the Kingdom.

Water and Electricity:

21.6 Implementing the strategy of "storm-water" drainage and

prevention of the dangers of flash flooding in accordance with

the priorities stated in the strategy.

21.7 Increasing the coverage of water and sanitation services and

improving their quality and efficiency.

21.8 Ensuring the requirements of dealing with disasters and

enhancing the capacities of related agencies.

21.9 Raising electricity energy efficiency, rationalizing its

consumption, and providing quality electricity services.

Transport and Communication:

21.10 Extending optical fiber and broadband networks to all regions of

the Kingdom.

21.11 Endorsing and implementing the National Traffic Safety


21.12 Speeding up the development of efficient intra-city and inter-city

public transport systems.

21.13 Improving the efficiency of transportation of pilgrims and Omra


21.14 Ensuring efficient operation of the intra-city public transport


21.15 Developing a multi-modal transport system and improving the

efficiency of the ports and logistic activities.

21.16 Expanding the railroad network to link all parts of the Kingdom

and accelerating the implementation of the planned railroad



21.17 Developing the airports and ensuring competitive air transport.

21.18 Expanding the scope of postal services to cover all parts of the



Achieving balanced development among the provinces of the

Kingdom, through:

Economic Development:

22.1 Enhancing the developmental role of the development centers

and corridors in different regions of the Kingdom.

22.2 Ensuring efficient distribution of development projects among

the various regions, and within each region, based on specific

developmental and planning priorities and criteria.

22.3 Providing more investment incentives and facilities to encourage

investment in the least developed regions and in small and

medium-size cities.

22.4 Preparing a map for the investment opportunities which enjoy

comparative advantages in each province.

22.5 Replicating the successful models of public-private sectors

partnerships in all provinces.

22.6 Surveying the current status of industrial and agricultural licenses

and loans, and of saving, credit and human resources to identify

the regions in which they are concentrated.

Science and Technology Development:

22.7 Establishing creativity and innovation clusters in the various

regions of the Kingdom through strengthening the relations

between the private sector, universities and research centers with

a view to promote efficiency and competitiveness of the regions.

22.8 Preparing, and periodically updating, provincial social and

economic studies.



22.9 Providing and improving the quality of production and services

infrastructure in various regions, particularly in small and

medium-size cities.

22.10 Completing the preparation of comprehensive plans for intra-city

and inter-city transport.

22.11 Urging civil society institutions to direct their activities towards

the least developed regions.

Organization and Management:

22.12 Enhancing the developmental role of provincial, municipal and

local councils.

22.13 Delegating more powers to branches of ministries in the regions

along with enhancing capacities of such branches, and ensuring

decentralization in granting licenses for economic and services


22.14 Developing a composite development index, and establishing

necessary databases, in order to evaluate the balanced

development process at the level of provinces and within each


22.15 Developing tools of coordination between sectoral plans and

provincial requirements with a view to achieving balanced

regional development.


Deepening the principles of accountability and transparency,

protecting integrity and combating corruption, through:

Accountability and Transparency:

23.1 Adopting the latest international standards of governance in

government agencies, funds and companies.

23.2 Enhancing interaction between the various government agencies

and citizens, and creating mechanisms for receiving, reviewing

and responding to citizens' complaints.

23.3 Ensuring that the government agencies provide all information

necessary to enable the citizens get acquainted with these

agencies' tasks, achievements, programs and services, and


evaluate their plans and activities and interact with them.

23.4 Exerting efforts to ensure efficiency, efficacy and good quality of

the products or services provided to citizens by government


23.5 Upgrading the quality of the data provided by the various

government agencies and have them published in line with the

latest international manuals and standards.

23.6 Communicating with international agencies and organizations

which publish reports on countries' performance in social and

economic fields along with providing such organizations with

updated data and information about the Kingdom in these fields.

Integrity and Combating Corruption:

23.7 Exerting efforts to realize the objectives of the national strategy

for protection of integrity and combating corruption.

23.8 Updating the regulations of agencies responsible for protecting

integrity and combating corruption.

23.9 Coordinating efforts of public and private sectors regarding

programs of protecting integrity and combating corruption.

23.10 Enhancing awareness on the concept of corruption,

demonstrating its dangers, and promoting self-control through

religious, ethical and educational values.

23.11 Conducting studies and research in areas related to protecting

integrity and combating corruption.

23.12 Implementing applications of e-transactions, particularly

financial transactions, in all agencies as a requirement to achieve



Deepening economic integration with GCC and Arab countries,

enhancing the Kingdom's relations with Islamic and friendly

countries, and promoting the role of the Kingdom at the international

level, through:

24.1 Moving gradually towards unity among GCC countries.

24.2 Preparing the organizational and regulatory framework for


implementation of the agreements and decisions issued in the

context of the Gulf and Arab economic integration.

24.3 Developing Gulf and Arab joint economic work bodies.

24.4 Promoting inter-trade between Arab and Islamic countries to

enhance integration of their economic systems.

24.5 Enhancing the Kingdom's role in the various international

organizations and groups, in a manner that ensures realization of

mutual economic interests and global economic stability.
