Observation Campaigns Public Talks Exhibits Material for Distribution: Pedagogical Posters, Rullers,...


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Observation CampaignsObservation Campaigns

Public TalksPublic Talks


Material for Distribution:Material for Distribution:

Pedagogical Posters, Rullers, Eternal Calendars, Pedagogical Posters, Rullers, Eternal Calendars, Pens, etcPens, etc

International ExibitionInternational Exibition

The Best Opportunity to promote Astronomy The Best Opportunity to promote Astronomy ICT ICT


Knowledge & Creativity

Multicultural Dialogue

European and Global Neighboarhoad

Climate Security

Stories behind science/Scientists

How Scjence ins done

Language and Arts components





50 Schools in each participant nation

Each school must collaborate with 3 different coutnries chosen aleatoryly

Journalists : Reports National/ International (Local + 3 nations)

Galileo/ Darwin Appearance in each country (How/when)

How is celebrated in your country

Cosmology in your culture

How ideas on life on Earth / SS / Universe evolved in your nation

Future of Space Expl. and the participation of your country

History / Science/ Language/ English Teachers

Scientists : Reproduce Galileo Observations and its consequences for a different cosmological model

Build World Sun Map (Altitude, Activity x climate)

Stick Shadow World Map

Crescent Moon Map

X-Solar planets monitoring and modelling:

Planetary Climate x Different Stars

Habitable zone (life in the Universe)

Sky Map design (Define Constellations) Science Teachers / Amateur Astronomers

Artists: Colour Images (Acquired / Data base)

Galileo Observations Drawing

Alien Van Gogh

ICT / Arts Teachers

Enquiries: What people in your culture think about life on the Universe

What people know about the current model of our Universe

Is Earth at the center of the Universe

Is the Sun at the center of the Universe

Are we unique

What people think about the future of space exploration

Your Ideas and Help is very very important

Material for distribution with pedagogical content

Prizes for all participants schools

Production of pedagogical content for the resources platforms

Itinerary Exhibition
